#Also happened in 03 w the time they all got brainwashed
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awzominator · 5 months ago
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@traumas-tmntober-2024 day 19: identity crisis
“Who is that girl I see Staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know?“
I love me some brainwashed arcs that leave lasting impressions
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slugtranslation-hypmic · 3 years ago
hihi slug!! what are your thoughts on the shuffle drama track now that its out? i had a lot of fun listening to it and liked most of the dynamics a lot ^^
I haven't listened to it yet, but I have some free time tonight, so I guess it's time for a Live Slug Reaction. (Under a cut for length)
You can follow along with a detailed summary here. I'll put time stamps to show where I'm at too.
(1:03) Wait, so - this is considered canon, right? And it's taking place after the second DRB? I'm guessing Freestyle Gladiator is some sort of promotional program Chuuouku is at least partially involved with, and that's all fine and dandy, but has the rest of the plot just stood still while this has happened? Like... is Ramuda not still deathly ill? Is Jakurai still supposed to be working for Chuuouku even though Honobono reneged on Jakurai's terms? Are the Buster Bros still at odds with Rei? What's going on with the whole Juuto's job thing? I guess this is probably supposed to be a funny bit so the plot doesn't apply, but I have a few questions about the logistics of it.
(1:07) I already laughed about this when the preview came out, but it's STILL hilarious to me that the first thing Ramuda ever says to Sasara that's not related to the brainwashing is, "lol your jokes suck ass"
(2:07) Here come the baddies of the day. I can feel it.
(2:24) Wait, is this Juushi? Huh, I don't think I've heard his speaking voice much before. I almost didn't recognize him except for his speech style.
(2:27) Me: Is this Juushi? Ichirou literally a second later: Quit crying, Aimono
(2:33) LMAO Juushi says Ichirou sounds like Kuukou... that's cute.
(2:38) Ichirou's laugh is making me having affectionate feelings. Disgusting. At any rate, it's good to hear him sound happy about Kuukou and not just sad anymore! Hell yeah! I missed the IchiKuu interactions in a major way. Hope we get more of them in present day canon.
(2:52) In my predictions for this track, I said something to the effect of this being the good boy team who go around doing community service. Well, apparently they're helping Ichirou work a takoyaki stand. So there's a bit more capitalism than I expected, but yeah, this is really a good boy team thing to do.
(3:22) I love how Juushi's voice actor makes those very emotional wails. He's really talented. Also, what a working in retail/restaurant/customer service mood.
(3:59) Juushi's VA going OFF (also another customer service mood)
(4:14) lol did Roshou just... burn the takoyaki because he likes it better that way? Okay, I do have to say, maybe this is what Ichirou gets for assuming Roshou knew how to cook takoyaki just because he's Osakan. Regional profiling much, Ichirou?
(4:40) I feel like I'm listening to a Dice mukbang. I wonder how these kinds of scenes are recorded. Do the voice actors really just go "HAMP OMP HARF SHLARF" into the mic and call it a day?
(5:03) Juushi: Black takoyaki? I bet we can make a cooler name for it somehow. .... Okay, but the conventional definition of cooler or Juushi's definition of cooler?
(5:08) Yup. Definitely Juushi's definition of cooler.
(5:11) Roshou: Bla- infe- wha- huh? Me too, Roshou.
(5:22) Thank you, Kimusuba, for your enunciation, because I had no clue what Juushi said until you repeated it. Roshou is probably thanking you too.
(6:01) It's hella cute to me that Roshou makes an effort to play along with Juushi, even though he clearly thinks this is some BS. He probably does the same for his students.
(6:18) Oh are you fucking kidding me - Doppo got mugged AGAIN? This poor man. Why do these things keep happening to him?
(6:23) Rei: Well... I mean, he just looks like a sucker. LMFAO
(6:44) Took me a minute to understand what Samatoki's saying. I don't think his voice agrees with me all that well. I do have to say, this is very funny (re: "You're a part of my crew now, and anyone who fucks w/ you fucks w/ me") not in the sense of Samatoki's protective streak - love that - but in the sense of Samatoki being so willing to throw hands. Can we set him on Doppo's employers while we're at it?
(6:50) Come to think of it, I think Doppo is genuinely the only person who ever calls Samatoki "Aohitsugi-san" despite all of Samatoki's demands for respect.
(7:19) Rei sending Doppo out to buy him a tea is such a dad thing. This feels like an episode of Old Enough, the show about sending toddlers to run their first errand.
(7:55) AGAIN?
(8:19) The way Rei goes, "I'm just an ordinary, sake-loving middle-aged man" is so fucking funny. He's not even trying to sound believable.
(9:01) Fuck 'im up, Doppo! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!
(9:53) The way Samatoki offers to pay for everything is heart-warming. The older brother instinct. The issue is that certain people (Sasara and later Ramuda) have been known to take advantage of this, and judging by how excited Rei sounds, Rei's about to join them on the list.
(10:05) Oh fuck me, I wasn't ready for Riou's voice to come immediately after Ramuda's high-pitched humming. I also momentarily parsed his line of "A flea market..." as "The free market..." and was instantaneously transported into a world where Riou is an off-the-grid, libertarian crypto bro.
(10:15) RIOU-CCHI
(10:19) Oh, he's the grandma who goes with the grandkids to the flea market to sell her homemade wares... Here's a 1000 yen bill, Ramuda-kun and Hifumi-kun, now go buy yourselves candy and be good boys while Riou-baachan sells his home cooking. Has anyone ever given Riou knitting needles before? I think Riou would love knitting needles. This man is one rocking chair away from being 85 years old, and I love him for it.
(10:38) Horribly, horribly pleased that Ramuda and Hifumi are impressed and interested as opposed to my worst fears of "Eww, you're a gross, sweaty dude who lives in the woods!" My crops are watered. My will to live is restored.
(11:16) He just has a bag of perfectly-sized clothes with him (??)
(11:24) A suit made of manga panels................ okay, but is it good manga? Or did Ramuda give him the """""classy""""" version of an ahegao sweater? Hey, would it be fucked up or what if it was the Hypmic manga on the suit? Hifumi comes back to Matenrou being like, "Damn, Jakurai! What'd you keep making that face at Ramuda for?" and Jakurai goes ???
(11:28) PINK CAMO
(11:30) Ramuda: That's what fashion's all about! IS IT?!!! Man, I don't know SHIT about fashion.
(11:41) Riou ended up saying the same thing I just did (albeit more politely) so this is a sign that I, too, could be tricked into wearing something garish if Ramuda presented it to me. Also, what was that changing sound? Did they just have a magical girl transformation? Sailor Riou! In the name of survival, I'll punish you!
(12:00) I love that Riou doesn't like it (well, he's complaining about it, rather), but he still wears it anyway. He's known Ramuda for two minutes and is already like, "I must treat him with ultimate respect and care." This is why Riou is the best. Perfect. Everything I could have ever wanted is in this drama track.
(12:39) Riou.................................................... (That sales pitch would work on me, tbh.)
(13:52) Riou.................................... It's no surprise that Ramuda dislikes this, come to think of it, given that he hates smelly nattou. (I call this good taste. I detest nattou haha.)
(13:58) Hifumi sounds like a chain smoker here. His voice actor is killing it.
(14:25) Hitoya "I detest bullying" Amaguni bullying a middle schooler. Classic. I also enjoy Saburou being like, "Well, if SOME people here would actually TALK to one another, we wouldn't have to do this!" Welcome to Saburou Yamada's relationship counseling, where the 14-year-old is more emotionally mature than the 35-year-olds. Maybe he inherited this skill from Rei.
(15:01) LMFAO SABUROU STRAIGHT SAVAGE "You seem pretty stuffy, so I bet you never had any friends in middle school."
(15:18) It's a bit past when he said it, but I'm still thinking about Jakurai going "I had many friends." Considering how differently he viewed his relationship with Hitoya as compared to how Hitoya viewed it, I wonder if those other people he's talking about likewise saw him as a friend... Jakurai... :(
(15:56) Saburou: Aren't you an adult?! (implying that he should act like one) Good for this kid, he is DRAGGING them. I knew he'd somehow be the winner of this unlikely match-up.
(16:22) LMAOO. Okay, this is funny as hell, but theory time. Hitoya's older brother (Sora)'s name means "heaven", as does the Amaguni last name. Hitoya's name, meanwhile, means "prison" on its own but is also used in the word "hell" so much that for me, at least, the first thought upon seeing it is hell. I've always wondered if he might have resented that naming scheme, and I wonder if choosing the name Heaven here is intentional. Perhaps he's copying Sora? Or perhaps he's naming himself Heaven Heaven, the Hypmic version of Moon Moon.
(16:43) LMAO of course Saburou likes it. Know your audience, Hitoya.
(17:13) The way Saburou swears is so funny to me. He sounds like he's trying to act more adult than he is around these older guys he's probably trying to impress, at least a little.
(17:44) Yup, he's definitely trying to impress them. What do adults like? Alcohol! Whisky bonbons it is! Actually, out of curiosity - is bonbon a false cognate? I have a feeling it might be... Yeah, it looks like the Japanese definition might be a bit broader than the English definition. (I may also not know exactly what a bon bon might be. That's one of the things about translation - you realize how ignorant you actually are constantly when you figure out you can't precisely define or explain certain everyday objects maybe out of your sphere of expertise.)
(17:50) Too late, Hitoya.
(18:11) LMAO the way it cut out so quickly
(18:28) Sasara: And today's interesting guest - Yeah, Gentarou's interesting all right.
(18:41) This Jirou impression is really good. I didn't realize it was Gentarou's VA for a moment.
(19:02) Wait, it just hit me - so does Gentarou dead-ass act like this in public? Like when he goes to talk about his books to the press, is he his usual unhinged self, or does he at least pretend to have a sense of decorum? His editors must be scared to let him go anywhere. Working as his PR agent could earn you millions.
(19:54) I just realized what Sasara reminds me of. A Youtuber. He acts like a Youtuber. He's literally trying to film a reaction video. Teens (and Best-Selling Authors) React to Croquette Sandwiches!
(20:04) While the boys continue their "HAMP AMP MURMP" fest, I'll take the time to mention something I forgot earlier. I wish we'd gotten Guy Fieri to eat Roshou's takoyaki. "But Guy Fieri isn't in Hypmic" Well, not with that kind of attitude.
(21:02) Oh, he's his own PR agent. Everything makes sense now. He probably runs his Twitter like Kojima (ft. Dice as Mads Mikkelsen).
(21:18) Rip Sasara's Yotube vid
(22:19) Juuto: Is this ramen? It's pure black. Wait, did Roshou make it?
(22:24) hey does anyone here know Japanese. because I guess you could say now Kuukou's a 食うkou. *booed offstage*
(22:28) The way Dice eats is............. effervescent.............
(23:02) Dice sounds so offended. "You don't mess with food, man!"
(23:44) It's a good thing Juuto's a competitive bitch, or else this would never have happened.
(23:49) YES, SHAKKU IS HERE!! Ft. 5 second long "KUUUKOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!"
(24:18) God, I aspire to be like Kuukou. If only we could all do this to our parents.
(24:37) Somehow, I don't think telling Dice and Juuto that Shakku is more of a fierce beast than a human being is going to help convince them to go toe-to-toe with him.
(24:48) Honestly, I understand how Kuukou turned out this way when considering Shakku.
(25:09) I have to say, I'm not super fond of the Kuukou/Dice/Juuto line-up if only because Kuukou's kind of overpowering the other two. It's not that I think Kuukou should be less extra. I love every part of the Kuukouness here. It's more that I wish we'd gotten more of Dice and Juuto's particular nonsenses as opposed to having them be the sensible-seeming tsukkomis. FP is def. a lot more balanced, because one character is always playing straight man to the other two bozos, but who the bozos are is constantly rotating. Likewise, MTC is more balanced because every single one of them is, at all times, thinking, "Let me, the mature and reasonable adult, humor these children I'm with." But here there's not enough trade-off. I guess BAT works well because Juushi and Hitoya are so bombastic on their own that they basically shove Kuukou out of the way for screen-time, but here he's kind of hogging it. And that's a bit of a shame.
(25:40) Love how excited Juushi is for taking a selfie.
(25:52) LMAO I wonder what social media Juushi has. He seems like a Pinterest mood boards kind of dude. I bet the word aesthetic is a part of his voca- well, I guess it is now, because I distinctly remember writing him with that word, for whatever that's worth.
(26:12) Ichirou: Are you ready to fight your own teammates? Roshou, remembering the time Sasara ate his pudding: Of COURSE.
(26:36) For a very weird moment, I thought Doppo was the one smoking (I think it's Samatoki and Rei) and so I thought the other two had indoctrinated him. Doppo comes back to Matenrou reeking of nicotine, and Hifumi won't let him into the house. Jakurai immediately tries to force him to join a quitting smoking program at his clinic.
(27:15) I love how Rei and Samatoki say p. much the same thing as Jakurai does before every battle, but their deliveries could not be more different.
(27:17) Doppo: I'll despair with CONFIDENCE. <- felt that
(27:36) *whacking Ramuda with a rolled up newspaper* No talking with your mouth full.
(28:12) I appreciate how seriously Riou takes this. That's one of the biggest things I like about Riou. For all of his pride in being a soldier, he understands the weight of conflict and doesn't seek it out lightly.
(28:42) *head in hands* RiOUUUUUUU IS THE BEST. He never once belittles anyone for their interests and always, always, ALWAYS considers things with weight if anyone else cares about them. He’s! Such! A! Good! Person! FUCK!
(29:00) LMAO Saburou sounds so young...
(29:37) There goes straight savage Saburou again. God bless this kid.
(30:09) This is Hitoya speak for, “God, I’d love to have an excuse to kick Kuukou’s ass.”
(30:37) The way his suit keeps flapping around him as he exercises is really something else.
(30:52) I wonder if Sasara used to do this back when he worked with Roshou too. Group exercises, maybe? Except Roshou was kind of jacked back then (or he looked like it, at any rate), so maybe the exercises were simply Roshou benchpressing Sasara.
(31:00) Gentarou must be bored. He’s finding a way to entertain himself.
(31:23) I think Gentarou’s spent so long around Fling Posse that he’s forgotten how to behave in polite society, or rather that most people won’t humor him by falling for his tricks. (Do I think Dice truly believes Gentarou most of the time? Not really. Does it amuse Gentarou? Yeah, so that’s why Dice does it. He does the same thing for Ramuda, and Ramuda likewise plays up falling for Gentarou’s tricks, so I think it’s safe to assume that Dice isn’t as much of a dweeb around Gen as he pretends to be.) Dice and Ramuda aren’t noticing this as much on their end because Dice isn’t really in a good environment for letting out some of his particular goofiness, and Ramuda accidentally ended up with another two enablers. Hahaha. Gentarou might be homesick for them.
(31:40) Ah.... only Dice could eat with such.... passion.......
(31:45) I have to say, it’s a lot easier to understand Dice with food in his mouth than Ramuda. Kudos to Nozuyama. (?)
I’m actually going to stop here (at the part where the alarm goes off) because I’ve been doing this for several hours, and I want to sleep, but I hope that this has been entertaining for anyone brave enough to read the whole thing. 
Final takeaway: Hell yeah, Riou time.
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alternativewinxcontinuity · 4 years ago
Well, I read the ‘sneak peak’. God I hope they cut a lot out because there were places where the pacing felt like they cut something out.
The was... a general level of ‘I think I’d have more fun beating my head against the wall’, but there were a few places where I had some things that needed to be said.
Under the cut because I’ve included the full available text in addition to my b*tchy little notes.
So I’ve just realised the whole thing +sneak peak is 14,232 words, that’s a bit excessive for a single post.
I might leave just the snark here (I chucked the +sneak peak chapters up on AO3, it’s just for more contexts.)
Under her list of ideas, she’d written the results of her experiments.
July 6th—candles—no burns.
July 8th—camping stove—no burns.
July 10th—blowtorch—no burns.
Experimenting on herself had been scary, but not as scary as the memory of her home burning.
You set shit on fire and your only experiments thus far are: “does this burn me? How about this?” CHILD! Start with a candle, a lighter and a f*cking FIRE EXTINGUISHER and practice putting out a single flame!!!! Then: light a single candle!
Stop putting your hand in fire if it scares you! “I am this many kinds of fire proof” does not equal “control of fire so I don't hurt anyone else”!!!!
Also, the wall behind the woman had opened into a shimmering portal of light. Just another clue that something unusual was going on.
Bloom waved this off. “Is this the part where you tell me I’m magic now?”
“You always were, Bloom,” said Headmistress Dowling. “You just didn’t know it yet.”
That was enough. She might have mysterious powers that were out of control, the world might be going mad, but her parents hadn’t raised her to listen to strange adults who approached in the dead of night with what sounded like a cult recruitment speech. Bloom snorted, abandoned her sleeping bag, and made for the door.
The woman’s voice stopped her at the mouth of the warehouse.
“I know about the fire, Bloom.”
Bloom trembled like a candle flame in a gust of wind. Slowly, she turned around. The woman was watching her with a steady gaze, keen but not unkind.
“Where are you going? You can’t go home. You’re too afraid you’ll hurt your parents again.”
Headmistress Dowling was right.
Kay, so obvious magic goes unremarked upon, not even a “nice trick with the lights, is that suppose to convince me”.
Also, either someone's been stalking Bloom, or Dowling is some kind of Mind Fairy.
Once upon a time, it was my favorite possession, the fanciest book I owned, with golden swirls on the cover. But I’d grown up and packed the book into my old toy chest along with my teddy bears. I’d thought I was long past fairy tales.
That was before I used magic to burn down my house. My toy chest and my fairy-tale book had burned, too.
Creators kick my nostalgia for the lulz: 01
My book of fairy tales hadn’t included a swarm of kids around my age. One long-legged, capable-looking African American chick strode by, wearing a denim jacket and carrying a bag full of athletic gear. Wait, she wasn’t African American. Fairies didn’t have Africa or America. I didn’t know the name of the fairy realm I was currently in. Also, I hadn’t pictured fairies being into extreme sports.
Another girl, pale with a cloud of brown hair, was clutching several plants to her bosom as she hurried across the courtyard. A third sauntered by, vaguely punk rock and olive-skinned and wearing enormous headphones that buzzed faintly on her ears. I hadn’t pictured fairies rocking out, either.
Oh look, this Bloom also subscribes to the: “it's not whitewashing if they're aliens” theory
There was a rangy guy with skinny jeans, overly sardonic eyebrows, and a knife-bridge nose. California had plenty of white boy edgelords, but this edgelord had an actual knife. Oh no, actual knife! I wasn’t interested in getting to know Knife Boy better.
Called out Riven.
A stunning blonde girl with porcelain skin was taking a selfie with a group of overawed younger students. A luminous wisp floated in the air, making her glossy hair shine. Talk about a beauty angle. Seemingly, fairies could create their own beauty lighting.
Bloom is gay for Stella count: 01
I sneaked a look at him and grinned. His hair had coiffed peaks like a gold helmet and his shirt was pink, which I liked because gender stereotypes were for the weak. He even had a summer tan that fishbelly-pale redheaded me could only dream of. But no matter how cute he was, I wasn’t going to encourage him.
“I guess that means we have to do this forever. There are worse things, but—”
I stopped and turned to him. “I don’t need help, but thanks.”
Now I was looking at him properly, Some Guy was very cute, with a hero jawline and a confident air. Some Guy might be cute, but I was the independent type.
By the way, it's very important you all know that Bloom is a strong independent woman™  who scoff at gender roles, because she's hip and edgy, but she's like, totes not an edgelord(!) She's cool(!) Even if she hates her super pale skin.
Some of the chandeliers in this place were so dainty and delicate, they looked like stars suspended on gilt ribbons. The rooms were large and bright, with sunbeams dyed by stained-glass windows that were as intricate as the embroidery on a princess’s hem. Much of the stained glass was different shades of green, subtly coloring the air around us as though we were in a world made of jade and emerald.
Welcome to the Emerald City of Oz?
She continued talking, full of ennui about the fairy-tale castle, while I sneaked another look at her ring. “If you ever want to go back,” Stella said as she deliberately flashed it at me. She was making some kind of power play, and I didn’t know why.
Stella might be a bitch now, but I'm pretty sure It's only because Stella is also Diaspro in this reality?
There was a realm called Eraklyon, which sounded like a dragon clearing its throat.
I mean... that's one way to pronounce it? I guess?
I’d do anything for my parents, including lie to them about my new boarding school in Definitely Switzerland. 
Your parents didn't ask about any paper work? They just accepted that you were moving overseas without warning? Who's paying for this alleged boarding school? Actually how are you paying for school?
We’d get dressed up and she’d play me cheerleader-type music. I remembered one chant that went Close your eyes and open your heart! The cheesy brainwashing hadn’t worked. I never much cared about frilly princess gowns, but I liked the idea of being at home in my princess castle.
Creators kick my nostalgia for the lulz: 02
In what beautiful blonde Stella had called the Winx suite—a bright series of rooms with tall windows and a view I couldn’t allow my parents to see—only one person got a room of their own. To my total lack of surprise, that person was Stella.
Bloom is gay for Stella count: 02
Creators kick my nostalgia for the lulz: 03
Really? That's how you're chosing to shoe-horn the Winx brand in? It just happens to be the name of their dorm. Sorry, their 'suite'.
When Mom, always waiting for my transformation into Ms. Popular, asked about the other girls, I shrugged. “Honestly, it’s five girls in an enclosed space, so … it’s only a matter of time before we descend into a Lord of the Flies situation and kill one another.”
So... no. Lord of the Flies is an extension of a study in relation to a very specific mono-ethnic (white), male and privileged group. It is literally young rich white boys, and the break down in community and sense of ethics that results in their single bias attitudes in the face of adversity.
The Winx are firstly female, multi-ethnic (not as much as they should be) and from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. If it devolves into murder, it will be vicious but it will not be “Lord of the Flies.” Find a better reference.
I busied myself with unpacking to hide my discomfort. “Ms. Dowling said there’s a fairy somewhere in my family tree? A long-dormant magical bloodline?” I sighed. “One day I will get used to how ridiculous all this sounds.”
Aisha’s surprise became wry amusement. “Oh my God. Have I just met the one person in the universe who’s never read Harry Potter?”
… why is that your conclusion? Long lost princess/prince/hero/magical heir swept up for adventure is a common trope. It doesn't make it feel any less ridiculous.
I wondered if any of my new suitemates ever felt that way. Happy bustling Terra, cool girl Musa, glamorous Stella, and Aisha who seemed so grounded.
It is so amazing how the girls that Bloom just happened to notice outside, you know, the only girls Bloom noticed outside, are all her roommates.
Terra’s super sweet voice revved into overdrive, picking up speed and frantic pleasantness on the way. “She’s just having fun. And I know it’s a lot. Shocker, Earth Fairy named Terra likes plants. It’s a family thing. I’ve got a cousin named Flora. My mom’s name is Rose, and my dad works in the greenhouse here. That’s why I know a lot of the second years. I grew up around Alfea, and—”
ohp, there it is
Creators kick my nostalgia for the lulz:04
“Stella’s a second year? Why is she in a suite full of first years?”
“Oh yeah. Actually … I don’t know. Some administrative thing last year? I mean, I think …”
I think you’re lying, thought Musa. She turned her back and dipped her power toward Terra, getting a faint sense that …
Somehow I doubt it was blowing up a potions lab in pursuit of a new shade of pink.
Less cool was Sky, Riven’s super annoying best friend in the whole world, who was rattling on about the ginger girl from the human world he’d met yesterday. Riven was sure she was crazy. He knew this because crazy was what Sky looked for in a woman.
So Riven is Riven and Brandon, okay.
I hate these assholes.
Riven bared his teeth. “Correction: I got high this summer.”
… : /
There was no real point trying to beat Sky. He was the best. Anyone in Alfea could tell you that … right after they told you Riven was the worst.
There was no real point, but Riven kept trying to beat Sky, anyway. Hey, nobody ever said Riven was smart.
… >:(
Sky’s dad was Andreas of Eraklyon, the dead legendary hero, slayer of the Burned Ones. Sky’s dad-substitute was Specialist Headmaster Silva, their fearless leader with the cold blue eyes and passion for early morning runs.
So many dead parents suddenly
He passed the blue, shimmering Barrier and went into the deep, dark woods. He could almost hear Silva’s voice now, telling the first years that the Barrier was their magical shield against the Burned Ones. Beware those merciless monsters with their inhuman strength and speed, never mind that nobody’s seen one in sixteen years, woo woo, so scary.
And Bloom is how old? Also: guess who’s about to start showing up suddenly! Trick question, it’s the Burned Ones, the ones we’ve already been told are the new series’ enemy.
Their suite was called the Winx suite, which was such a cool name. Maybe they could call themselves the Winx Club?
Yep, they're going with that, okay. 
You couldn’t even name the suit Wings in the kind of obnoxious cursive that makes it look like Winx and have Bloom misread it and become a running joke amongst the girls?!?!?!
Terra nervously eyed the food laid out on the tables before them. Sometimes she felt as if food might bite her before she bit into it. She couldn’t take cookies. All the other girls in the Winx suite were so skinny and pretty. If Terra ate a bunch of cookies, people would say, “No wonder she looks like that.” But if Terra got a plate full of carrots, people would say, “Who does she think she’s kidding, when she looks like that?” It was hard to know what to do.
Wow, just, wow. Terra honey, they do you so dirty. Fat girls don't have to hate themselves, just a note for the creators. And Terra, baby, if people gonna talk shit either way, you eat whatever the f*ck you want.
(If this is not the set up for a personal growth arc in which Terra learns to not-hate-her-body and that she is worth loving regardless, and the creators really think plus sized folks just hate themselves as a constant state of being, I'mma be so unbelievably pissed off.)
She wasn’t going to hunt for her annoying brother.
Hold up, Terra has a brother?
I still needed a breather. “Where can I go that’s the opposite of this? What’s outside?”
Cute Guy looked alarmed. “Past the Barrier? Depending on the rumors, bears or wolves or something much scarier.”
Did you not hear about the dead body? The very mutilated dead body? Sky, buddy? You're not going to bring up the very murdered and mutilated dead body in order to prevent the new girl from a foreign world (that you want to bang) from going into actual and legitimate danger? No?
I thought about Stella saying once she knew me, she’d find something to love about me.
It made me smile.
Bloom is gay for Stella count: 03
As if I’d conjured her by thinking about her, Stella’s voice rang out. “Hey, Sky. Can we talk?”
Stella was wearing her flawless new outfit and holding two drinks. Every twinkly light in the courtyard caught gold in her hair. She was looking right at Cute Guy, whose name was apparently Sky. From Sky’s expression, he knew Stella pretty well.
Yeah, Stella is Diaspro now
Oh, for the love of … Riven was menace-flirting at some poor Specialist boy. This was Riven’s typical behavior when he felt off balance. Terra had once witnessed Riven looming at a fern in a way that suggested he either wanted to prune viciously or make out.
I... what???
“Really? Bullying the new kid? Be more obvious.”
Riven smirked, because of course he did. “Can’t bully the willing. Right?”
There was something loaded about Riven’s tone.
“I don’t know what that means!” the new boy said sharply.
The new boy was clearly feeling uncomfortable. Terra sympathized. The poor thing mustn’t take Riven’s terrible personality personally.
Well, someone belongs on a sex offenders registry. What the f*ck Terra, don't excuse this shit, it's not okay.
“But sometimes we’ve had a bad day, and a scrawny little twerp says the wrong thing at the wrong time,” Terra purred. “And all of a sudden, we’re not happy you’re talking to us. And we’re not nice. And most of all, we’re not harmless.”
“purred”, really? You gonna make it sound sensual? Let the girl Snarl! Damnit!
The vines were suffocating him so he couldn’t even talk. It was so nice and peaceful.
Terra smiled sweetly. “What’s that, Riv? I’m sure it’s clever. I just can’t hear you.”
His face turned red. He was about to pass out, Terra noted, still with that feeling of cheery distance. She shouldn’t actually let him faint. Riven would hate that.
Uhhh, so Terra might have psychopathic tendencies and maybe a dissociative disorder.
She shouldn’t actually let him faint. Riven would hate that.
Yeah, and his victim would have hated being assaulted, choke this douche.
Gods above I cannot stress how much I hate this Riven in comparison to OG Riven, and I was not OG Riven's biggest fan.
Bloom continues to be a dumbass.
Aisha wasn’t used to Alfea, but she was used to being part of a team. 
Well someone hasn't watched the show.
How her mother and Bloom had been fighting about her social life, and how Bloom would rather fix old lamps than cheerlead.
Who is this woman, where is Vanessa? And Bloom's art thing? The lamps sounds interesting, but I've never seen sign of it yet, was it cut for time?
“It was almost like the fire had a life of its own,” Bloom went on. “I don’t remember how long I let it burn. I just remember their screams.”
When Bloom finished the story, she was clearly fighting back tears. A subtle, weary tremor went through her frame, like a runner past her endurance. It seemed like Bloom had been fighting for a long time.
“My mom was covered in third-degree burns,” Bloom said. “Because of me. And if I hadn’t gone in there to stop it? To stop what I started?” She looked completely burned out.
“Every night after that, I sneaked out. I was so scared I’d hurt them again that I slept in this creepy-ass warehouse near home. Until Ms. Dowling found me and …”
Given the Tragic Backstory™ , I'm actually a little surprised Bloom didn't straight up run away from home completely, the fact that she went back at all...
“I’ve heard the story of my birth a million times.” Bloom’s tone brooked no argument. “Miracle baby. There was a problem with my heart in the womb, but the day after I was born, it was gone.”
Aisha went cold. “Oh God,” she breathed. “You’re a changeling.”
Because Bloom needs to be even more Special™, this is doing nothing to ruin my theory Bloom is a Burned One, by the way. (Actually starting to think Burned Ones are Fire Fairies whose powers pretty much consumed them or cursed that way or something along those lines.)
So where's the “real” Bloom Peters? Was the fetus even real, or just a simulacrum to have something to switch MC Bloom with?
Stella’s tone gave Musa pause. Plus, Musa could tell Aisha was really upset. Deliberately, she let her powers turn on, and faced Stella with her eyes glowing.
I'm sorry, I thought Musa couldn't control her powers and that’s why she “has to wear her headphones at all times to block out the noise of other peoples emotions”, now she can 'deliberately turn them on'? When did this happen? Did I miss some Implications?
“You’re a Mind Fairy,” Aisha observed, but there was no other judgment.
Aisha turned to Stella just as Terra came out of her and Musa’s room.
“A Mind Fairy?” Terra repeated sharply. “What’s your connection? Memories, thoughts—”
Okay, so now we learn there are different types of mind fairies. Explain to me why Musa is an Empath with Synthetic input? ('hearing' feelings, or experiencing them in a way that registers as audio.) Is this a “Song of their Hearts” reference, because I don't feel like that was done on purpose if it is.
Only Terra was moving toward Stella, and the way she moved wasn’t Terra’s usual going-nowhere happy bustle. The way Terra moved was that of a woman on the warpath.
Musa was almost impressed.
“She was talking to Sky, wasn’t she?” Terra demanded.
“And?” Stella demanded haughtily in return.
Terra pursued: “And I know what happened to the last person who talked to Sky. I was here last year, remember?”
A crack appeared in Stella’s veneer as she shot back, “You don’t know the full story!”
Didn’t seem like Terra cared. “Ricki was your best friend, then she talked to Sky. Now she’s not here anymore. Why is that again?”
Yeah, definitely getting the feeling DiaStella isn't being held back for a Pursuit of Pink Potions accident.
There was even more rustling than usual in the detritus piled in the warehouse corners, but I didn’t care.
Why teleport there? Is there a Rule about where Portals can go? Or is is just Because Bloom felt this was the best place to pop in?
“You don’t have to be okay,” Mom assured me. “You’re only sixteen. Being that far away is a huge deal.”
Dad said gently, “I couldn’t have done it when I was your age. Be thankful you got your mom’s bravery.”
But now I knew that wasn’t true. I didn’t get anything from my mom. No wonder I was always such a disappointment to her.
Osmosis [noun] Def. 2. the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc..
You have some damn decent parents by the sounds of this scene, even if your mother is sure you're a likeable human being who will have friends one day, why are you this way?! For the Angst points?!
Only I could see Mom through the kitchen window. She didn’t seem disappointed. She looked so happy just to be talking to me. How could I ever tell her what I did to her? How could I ever tell her what I was?
Okay, so this line is bringing back the “they deserve to know what I am” line from the trailer, and now I'm torn between “The Winx deserve to know Bloom is a Burned One” and “my parents deserve to know I'm a Magical Fire Fairy (who burned down our house) and maybe a Changeling and thus not their biological daughter technically, maybe.”
My parents told me they loved me. I knew I loved them. And I knew I didn’t belong here. Maybe I never had.
May I advise you: remove your angst blanket, turn on a light and clean the room to remove the Dark and Gritty filters of your life.
I heard faint whispers. Sibilant. Strange.
Sibilant means hissing by the way. In case anyone was wondering.
The monster was on the grate above me.
I crawled as fast as I could. The ring was on the other side of the mesh, but there was a hole just big enough for my hand to get through. I reached for the ring, almost had it.
But in the crawl space in front of me, past the barrier, the shadow of the creature passed on top of the grate. The monster bashed frantically at the grate. Once. Twice. Until with a ringing metallic crash, the monster fell into the claustrophobic space with me.
I made one last grab for the ring, but the monster slammed its hand down on it.
Oh man, if only telekinesis was one of the most basic of Fairy abilities Bloom might have been able to do something, but no, it's basic bitch elements or nothing.
I really freaking hate this version of Sky, just, so much.
Terra has her suspicions about the Stella-Sky dynamic and she just, 'oh they's in love at first sigh nothing could possibly go wrong here' hand the number over? Really?
Diaspro!Stella confirmed?
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writersrealmbts · 5 years ago
Con Amore: Part 13
Bulletproof Melody Sequel
Description: Con Amore– A directive to a musician to perform a selected passage of a composition tenderly, with affectionate emotion, or in a loving manner; an instruction to the player of an instrument meaning ‘with love’ or ‘lovingly’. Three years with all seven of your loves, three years of relative peace. But now everything is threatened as darkness surges from the horizon.
Originally Posted: 04/03/2020
Tags: Superheroes, Ot7
Fluff/Angst: 2,470 words
A/N: One month until my birthday! I’m trying to finish this series. any guesses on the gender of the baby?
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Previous Part.
That was as far as you’d gotten, the words seizing in your mouth as you tried to think of how to explain it all and Namjoon’s power wore off.
You were sitting partially against the wall and partially in Hoseok’s lap, trying to think of how to explain it all to them.
They were all gathered around you with pillows and blankets, cozy next to the fireplace you hummed into existence.
Hoseok was braiding lavender into your hair, and Jimin was singing softly as all of you relaxed from the stress of the ‘mission’.
Taehyung was sprawled across the floor and Yoongi, muttering about missing Yeontan.
Jungkook was curled in Seokjin’s lap, wrapped in his arms.
Namjoon was sitting against the wall beside you and Hoseok, waiting for you to be ready to talk.
“I went to the conservatory after my parents…well, after my mother was killed. I needed a distraction, a way to move forward. The conservatory offered training in hand-to-hand and other skills that I saw as useful. I’d only ever been trained in artifact retrieval and care, and self-defense. I thought learning something would help distract me. Everything was fine until about a week after I’d arrived. Every time I tried to just…go outside, to even just go to the gardens, I couldn’t. I asked the dean if I could and he said no. He wouldn’t give me a reason why, and he made it clear I wasn’t allowed to ask anymore.”
“So you went searching,” Yoongi said, smirking.
You nodded, looking to Jin. “You can imagine the secrets I found.”
“The testing,” He whispered, his grip on Jungkook getting taut and causing the younger to glance up at him in worry.
“Among other things. They were testing ways of stealing the students powers, brainwashing, hypnosis…bionic replacements.”
Taehyung sat up, looking worried. “Like Heuning’s wings?”
You nodded. “The man who did that was driven out when they realized it was hurting them, but he wasn’t stopped for quite some time after.” You fidgeted with Hoseok’s hand.
His other hand rested on your stomach, warm and comforting.
“But that didn’t stop the other testing. Or the abuse of the students. Manipulation and hypnosis, brainwashing them into their little soldiers. Maybe if I hadn’t been hiding who I was, I might not have had the backbone to resist their testing, but I was stronger than they knew. The students were prisoners. Test subjects. And they still are.” You let your gaze drop to the floor, thinking about the things you had to listen to, avoid, and endure. “If I hadn’t been able to sneak away to even just my little living-space pocket, I might have gone insane. I would also have been in trouble if I hadn’t been able to keep up with my hair dye. I was using a constant melody to keep my visage hazy, but a change in hair color would have been too noticeable. But getting away was difficult. I actually had to go to restricted areas just to find enough privacy.”
“You two weren’t there at the same time?” Yoongi asked, looking between yourself and Jin, holding hands with Taehyung.
Jin waffled a bit. “There was a little bit of overlap. About three months, actually, but we were always in different places. Or if we were in the same place, neither of us took notice of it. I was trying to escape already, after having exposed the man that did the bionic replacements. He called himself Daedalus. His test subjects had their memories wiped, and most were kept at the school, giving them new identities. After that the youngest kids disappeared before I could rescue them. I’m assuming that was you?” He rested his cheek on Jungkook’s head.
You nodded. “Yeah. After they were brainwashed. I had their files from the lab and I put them in a time-frozen room until I escaped. I met Nadya on my way out. They had been trying to find a way in to investigate. She knew that I was an Archivist, she’d been told she would meet one and that I was the answer. But when we returned to the temple and got the kids settled in with their former identities to help them recover, the time super also told us that the time for her to return to the Conservatory had yet to come.”
“I don’t understand,” Hoseok murmured.
You took a deep breath. “The conservatory fights, but they don’t value the lives of those they send to fight. They’re like toy soldiers. Fighting for whatever cause the conservatory’s dean determines worthy of their attention. Sometimes that means whoever is the highest bidder.”
“Or the fight against super-powered people,” Jin added quietly.
It hung heavily in the air.
“And you and Nadya want to put an end to it,” Yoongi said, nodding slowly. “Make it into a real school for heroes, a safe place for them instead of a nest of evil. But what about your connection to the current dean?”
The boys looked to Jin when you hemmed and hawed a bit, struggling to find a way to explain it.
He shrugged and shook his head. “I don’t remember her at all.”
“Ryoko…she’s…” You sighed. “She was a student. One of the ones that was in charge of keeping me in line after they realized I was an escape artist.”
“And?” Namjoon asked, one of his hands encasing yours.
You stared at the floor. “She found out about me. And I had to use a memory spell on her. But when I did it…I had a lot of ideas. So I gave her an artifact that puts her in the good favor of those above her, one that earns you promotions…but that also let me know what happened at the conservatory.”
“W-what?” Jungkook’s eyes were huge.
Jimin’s mouth was open.
“You…used an artifact on her?” Jin asked, sounding like he couldn’t believe it. “What if someone had taken it from her?”
You shook your head. “It was a rare one, one that can only be used once.”
“So when Nadya asked if ‘She’ remembered you, she was talking about the dean?” Yoongi asked, frowning.
You nodded.
“What happens if she remembers you?” Jimin asked in a small voice.
You shook your head. “Nothing good. She’s always been power-hungry, that’s why she was the perfect choice to become the next dean and be my unwitting spy.”
“I still don’t understand,” Taehyung said. “I mean, I’m getting the feeling that there’s still brainwashing and experimentation being done…but I feel like there’s something else you haven’t told us.”
You met Jin’s gaze and could see he knew what you were going to say.
“None of you have asked about what happens to the students who don’t end up working for the Conservatory,” You said quietly. “Or why none of the students appear to be over the age of eighteen.”
The atmosphere of the room plummeted.
“Oh,” Hoseok breathed, hold on you just a little tighter.
Taehyung looked scared. “What happens to them?”
Jin cleared his throat, taking over. “If they reach the age of 18—”
“If?” Jimin asked, sounding distressed.
“They’re still used as soldiers, Jimin,” You told him, then gestured for Jin to continue.
“If they reach the age of 18, they’re given a choice: stay and work for the conservatory, or go out into the world. If they choose to go out into the world…they’re stripped of their powers, their identity…they become zombie-like. Eventually they can recover a little, but they will never notice supers or anything having to do with powers. They usually die from having their powers stripped from them, though. Or become addicts. I’ve heard of very few leading real lives.” Jin was holding onto Jungkook, like the kid might disappear at any moment. “The only reason I escaped was because I was a teacher, and I managed to leave during the turnover of staff. I wanted…I wanted to help them, but I didn’t know how. The conservatory is strong.”
“But you and Nadya think that this is the chance to change everything, to get the upper hand on the conservatory,” Yoongi said, putting it all together.
“Except I can’t be there.”
“What if we made sure the fight was drawn out, until after you’ve had the baby?” Namjoon asked, slowly and carefully.
You shuddered. “How many might die because of that?”
“Why do you need to be there?” Jungkook asked, frowning.
You looked around at all of them. “Because I can reverse the brainwashing. I’ve had the song for that school figured out for years.”
“Our first time back there you threatened to destroy the school,” Jin said softly.
“Yes. But more than anything else, I threatened to bring Ryoko harm, because it wasn’t the artifact that corrupted her. All of us lost count of how many young supers she has gotten killed.” You shuddered. “And Soobin is actually a former student.”
“What?” Taehyung yelped.
“He caught me as I was escaping and I brought him with me, took him to the home. That’s why he wanted to be closer to us instead of the people from the home. That’s why I didn’t want the boys staying there.”
“What are his powers?” Namjoon asked, frowning.
“Sonic senses, transmutation and peace inducement,” You answered, shifting and resting more on Hoseok. You felt insecure. You wanted them to assure you that they loved you, even if you did break your own rules. Your sacred rules of archives.
Hoseok’s hold tightened slightly, both hands on your stomach. “That is a dangerous power.”
“Which one?” Jungkook asked, frowning.
“Peace inducement,” Seokjin answered. “Under the control of any sort of villain or person with ill-intentions, he could induce everyone to peacefully accept a tyrant to reign over the country.”
Taehyung shuddered and pressed closer to Yoongi
“And the other boys? What are their powers?” Jimin asked, coming over to essentially sit on Namjoon so he could be close to you.
You chewed on your cheek for a moment. “Well, Beomgyu, you know has healing. Soobin told me he would keep the others safe if we made the wrong call about sending him with them. But I think it was the right choice. Heuning Kai has light, photokinesis, and the wings, but he also has air manipulation. Taehyun…I’m still not entirely certain about his powers, but I think…it’s largely psychometry, maybe enhanced memory reliving. Either way, it’s an extremely potent weapon. Especially since he also wears the badge of the high priest, meaning he trains directly with the high priest of time—not with one of the bishops or normal priests like other acolytes. That means he probable has prophetic visions or dreams.”
It was quiet after that.
Finally Seokjin forced in a breath, then forced it out. “And the last?”
“Yeonjun, he had the green robes of a nature acolyte, and his appearance…it’s definitely evidence of it….” You tried to remember what powers you’d sensed from him, working to pinpoint the exact name for them. “He was powerful too. Very powerful, but I was so overwhelmed by Taehyun’s power that I…I couldn’t really focus on his. But he was aware of Jimin, and there was some sort of…nature to him.”
“That would explain the horns,” Jimin whispered. “And the way…I didn’t really say anything but I felt like he was connected to me the moment we reached the archives and were away from the noise.”
You nodded. “I think…don’t quote me because I’m guessing here, but I think he has Ecological empathy…and maybe…something strong that has to do with the elements.” You tangled your fingers with Hoseok’s and vines quickly bound the two of you together by the wrists.
Jimin placed his hand over both of yours, smiling slightly when the vines wrapped around him too. “And are they okay right now?”
You nodded. “They’re fine. I have a song placed on Soobin, he knows how to let me know if something is wrong. I checked in this morning too, through the note-dropping system. He said they’re fine. Yeonjun is completely healed now, and they’re getting along, and apparently Huening Kai is very excitable and screams when he’s excited.”
“I wondered if he was okay, he seemed so uncomfortable and stiff,” Hoseok murmured.
“He’s young and had to go through a lot.” You let your eyes close.
You could hear them all moving closer, joining the pile.
Someone pressed a kiss your temple.
“You did so well today, baby,” Namjoon whispered. “I know it wasn’t easy telling us about what’s been going on, for you or for Seokjin-hyung. I know you probably downplayed a lot—”
“Probably?” Yoongi objected.
“Everything,” Seokjin said at the same time, sounding so heartbroken that it silenced the room again.
You opened your eyes to check on him.
Taehyung pressed a kiss to his lips. “I wish I could say I was sorry you went through that hyung.”
“Tae—” JImin hissed.
“But I’m not. I’m not sorry that you went through it because it’s what brought us together. It’s what brought you to me. You knew how to save me because of your time there, you knew how to help all of us become better people because of your time there. I’m only sorry that this place still haunts you, and that we didn’t realize how much trouble it was before now. You saved me, hyung. I know that might not be enough to you, but it means the world to me.” Taehyung pressed his face into the crook of Jin’s neck as he hugged him from behind.
Jin leaned back into the embrace, one arm still firmly planted around Jungkook, but his free hand going back to rest on Tae’s leg.
“He’s right. Your knowledge is what kept us from getting our butts kicked, now it’s you and y/n keeping us from getting our butts kicked and frankly…I think it’s because you both attended this school. So, we’re going to take it down. We’re going to find a way. Maybe not during this threat, but we’ll find a way,” Namjoon said, voice firm. “After. After our baby is born, and y/n has recovered. Until then, we build up our arsenal of allies. Or, if this fight takes longer than we think, maybe you come back in time for us to take down the school at the same time. Okay?”
There were murmurs of consent from everyone, including you.
Then all of you were just laying there, cuddling.
Because you would have to leave them once the conversation truly ended, and none of you were ready for that.
Part 12.   Part 14.
Masterlist.  ~  Series Masterpost.  
Tagging: @ephemeral-mindset​, @alex–awesome–22​, @bryvada​, @missmoxxiesworld​, @knjhe, @i-dont-even-know-fck​
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yoosungiib · 7 years ago
Ray Route Guide 🌸
After having finished Ray Route today, I want to try and help those who are struggling to get to his route or through his route. Here you’ll find tips for getting to his route, each branch, emails and chatrooms.
I hope this can be beneficial for those who needed or wanted help. This may or may not contain spoilers, depending on what you considered to be actual spoilers. Tips tell you kinda what is in the branch, on a general line, but not the story line.
General things to know before starting:
To get the good ending, you need at least 17 guests invited and confirmed.
Need to have Another Story Unlocked (250 for Ray, 500? for both)
If you miss a chatroom, they’re 15 hourglasses.
To go ahead 24 hours, it ranges from 165-190 hourglasses. 
To make a phone call if you don’t have a calling card, it is 10 hourglasses. You do not get a refund if they don’t answer
Before playing this route: If you are younger than 15, please be mindful of the disclaimer and be aware that this route is not like the other routes — there is violence, abuse, and TW’s. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, please do not play.
For getting to his route:
Be kind to Ray -- that is a given.
Be mean to V -- I know, I know, it’s hard but you have to. I’m sorry!
Treat the RFA as AI’s
Hunt for secrets -- any chance you get to talk about secrets with V or the RFA, take those chances. 
If you are going to take/make any calls, take Ray’s
Tips for day 5 to day 6:
Branch #1.
Personally, I think this was the easiest branch to pass, but incase you are struggling to get past this branch, here are some tips for getting to the second branch.
Be kind to Ray — still be kind and supporting to him.
Don’t let him criticize himself — whenever he criticizes himself, which is sadly a lot, always tell him that it’s not true, that he is worth it, and that you care for him. Do not tell him he is pathetic, do not constantly tell him to get back to work.
No stress, don’t over work — During chats with the RFA, you get chances to talk about stress and overworking. Tell the members not to overwork themselves, that it’s ok to take breaks.
Don’t tell Ray or the RFA to only focus on work — encourage breaks and hobbies. This kinda goes with the tip above but I thought I would make it a separate one. 
Be kind to the RFA, V, and Seven — You do not have to be mean to them. Yes, Ray still dislikes them at this moment, but what you want is peace.
Peace — Be a peace maker. Don’t choose a specific size. Don’t tell Seven that he can’t beat the hacker, don’t encourage any attacks on the hacker. Encourage peace and tell the RFA and Ray when you can that you want this whole thing to end in peace. 
Be suspicious of the prime minister — if you have played Seven’s route and done the secret ending, you know the prime minister is Seven and Saeran’s father. BE SUSPICIOUS. Don’t be excited about it.
Tips for day 7 to day 9:
Branch #2.
Some of what you need to do for this branch is the same as the first one, so the first four are copy and pasted from the one below — this is mainly for day 7.
The parts added on for day 8 and 9 are kinda tricky! Saeran is going to be a massive ass to you during this time — he will be rude, mean, borderline… abusive, but don’t worry, it’s only two days of angst! It’s painful, but if I can get through it, then I know you can!! ;)
Be kind to Ray — still be kind and supporting to him.
Don’t let him criticize himself — whenever he criticizes himself, which is sadly a lot, always tell him that it’s not true, that he is worth it, and that you care for him. Do not tell him he is pathetic, do not constantly tell him to get back to work.
Be kind to the RFA, V, and Seven — You do not have to be mean to them. Yes, Ray still dislikes them at this moment, but what you want is peace.
Peace — Be a peace maker. Don’t choose a specific size. Don’t tell Seven that he can’t beat the hacker, don’t encourage any attacks on the hacker. Encourage peace and tell the RFA and Ray when you can that you want this whole thing to end in peace. 
Be assertive — Saeran is going to be mean to you. Very. There is no going around it. And as much as you are going to be kind to him, whenever he says something mean to you, you must disagree with it. 
Disobey him — don’t do what he says. Point blank. 
Remain kind — still stay kind to him, but like I said above, don’t let him treat you disrespectfully. Though there is no getting around it, just don’t agree with any of the mean things he says. 
Care for Saeran — You have options to say you miss Ray. Take those options, but when you get the options to say you care about Saeran and his well being, TAKE THOSE. This is really important, especially after something happens to Saeran that leads to you getting options to care and worry for Saeran. (rationally, you are worrying for both, but you want to focus on Saeran)
Understanding — understand why he is doing this to you. He is under the influence of the elixir. He is confused, he is scared, he is being manipulated, brainwashed and he is scared of others hurting him. Be aware and say that.
Tips for day 9 to day 10:
Branch #3
You’re so close! You’ve got this! This is one of the easier branches with the less heartbreaking stuff, although, there are some heart wrenching scenes too.
Encourage him to leave Mint Eye — You are given an amount of options to tell him to not betray Rika, to stay with her, and to remain in “paradise”. Do not take any of those options. Encourage him to leave.
Don’t ask him about Ray — don’t keep asking him where Ray is and if he can come back. Tell him you care for Saeran as much as you care for Ray. Also tell him when you can that you understand and realize they are the same person. 
Be worried about Seven — something happens to Seven and Vanderwood during day 9. Be concerned for him, as well as Saeran when you have the chance.
Don’t say you want to be part of Mint Eye — I think this is self explanatory. You have a lot of options to side with Mint Eye and what they are doing. Do not take those options. 
Don’t blame V — Encourage him to not blame himself and to have trust in the rest of the RFA. Encourage him to tell his secrets, but not in away that is accusing. 
Be loving! — be loving and kind to Saeran. You guys love each other!
Chatroom Times
Day 5
00:21 —> Building of Dream w/ Story Mode
02:44 —> Poem of Dawn
06:03 —> Regrets
09:12 —> Crisp Crisp
12:21 —> Unforeseeable Life w/ Story Mode
14:37 —> What’s Wrong? w/ Story Mode
16:13 —> Is it True!?
17:45 —> Seven, finally? w/ Story Mode
19:23 —> Small Coincidene w/ Story Mode
21:13 —> Importance of Patience
23:09 —> Congratulated Workaholic
Day 6
00:55 —> Swamp of Emptiness w/ Story Mode
03:17 —> If I was Stronger
07:40 —> Busy on a Fine Day w/ Story Mode
10:23 —> Stabilization of Body and Soul w/ Story Mode
13:10 —> Evaluation w/ Story Mode
14:50 —> Always New w/ Story Mode
16:37 —> Daffodil
18:52 —> Evil Within Me
20:49 —> Suddenly Afraid w/ Story Mode
21:21 —> Need Dark Energy! w/ Story Mode
23:19 —> At the top of the work pile w/ Story Mode
Day 7
00:58 —> To become the child of… w/ Story Mode
03:01 —> At This Night
06:17 —> Mr. Han w/ Story Mode
08:43 —> Continuously Thinking w/ Story Mode
12:03 —> Cooperation
14:44 —> Art of Efficiency
16:27 —> Power Save Made Today
18:31 —> The Roots of Pathetic w/ Story Mode
20:06 —> Window of Truth w/ Story Mode
21:43 —> My True Identity is
23:59 —> Strange w/ Story Mode
Day 8
01:37 —> Rapid Contact w/ Story Mode
03:46 —> What Should I Do With You? w/ Story Mode
07:21 —> In My Opinion
09:03 —> FINALLY! w/ Story Mode
11:16 —> I Really Want To Know w/ Story Mode
13:58 —> Very Shocking w/ Story Mode
16:04 —> V’s Decision w/ Story Mode
18:31 —> Sorry. This is all my fault.
20:48 —> Cornered
22:14 —> My Treasure w/ Story Mode
23:39 —> Survival of the Fittest w/ Story Mode
Day 9
01:29 —> Don’t you want to try this? w/ Story Mode
03:37 —> What have you done to me?
06:18 —> Self Inflicted w/ Story Mode
09:11 —> Now Alone w/ Story Mode
12:16 —> Don’t Need You Anymore w/ Story Mode
14: 31 —> How Does It Feel? w/ Story Mode
16: 56 —> Get Right Into It! w/ Story Mode
17: 39 —> It’s not too late w/ Story Mode
19: 47 —> Empty Shell
21: 31 —> An Okay Suggestion w/ Story Mode
23: 13 —> Are You Okay? w/ Story Mode
Day 10
01:46 —> Want to Think Positively 
03:18 —> Thought it was a joke w/ Story Mode
06:21 —> What happened last night w/ Story Mode
08:36 —> I’ll Tell Everything
11:49 —> Best Present w/ Story Mode
13:56 —> Unexplainable Situation
16:13 —> Return of Jumin w/ Story Mode
18:37 —> Please Tell w/ Story Mode
20:22 —> Contact w/ Story Mode
21:39 —> Unfolding Clues w/ Story Mode
23:48 —> Only One Way
Day 11
08:00 —> {I forgot to record the chat name, sorry!}
12:00 —> Party!
Betago: Behind the Cheerleaders Waiting List Go to an Idol Concert
Bodyguard: Check names and invitations Play with Elizabeth 3rd Be next to Mr. Han
Database: MC (your name) Yoosung Kim Not Yet Finalized
Eyeglasses: Long Sighted Glasses Blue light blocking glasses Heart Shaped Glasses
Housekeeper: Agency Silence is Gold Don’t use a fake name - I cannot remember what the option was. I just know you are not suppose to say  “Choose a fake name!” haha
Insurance: Terms Marriage Cochlea Insurance
Legendary Poet: Rice Cake in the shape of cakes And undone If ind the Mass of he Plate We also have Bowls of Rice!
Pillow Love: Munch Take your blanket We have a thin blanket
Politics: Voting National Sovereignty Antartica the Lang of the Penguins
Prorhythmist: Slick, Dope Lit Music Nail Art to Train Racing Games
Reviewer: Credibility Because you are lazy Cosmetic Reviews
White Hacker: Strike First! Unknown Anonymous
Youth: Night Owl Read for Self-Improvement Health Management
Please feel free to reblog this to help others! Reblogs and comments much appreciated -- Good luck!!! <3
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allofthisnonsenseplease · 8 years ago
We are aware of certain discrepancies. XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 our Jack is fucking dumb as hell I love it so muxh *much
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 XD he is amusing in an OH GOD WHY CAN'T YOU GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER sort of way X'D
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 . . . that is a REALLY GOOD question =/ like there is NO WAY our Jack should have been made SC
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AHAHAHA I just had a thought idiot Jack and canon Jack swap
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 OH NO XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 idiot Jack wakes up and realized he is fuckin strike commander canon Jack wakes up and everyone is treating him w kid gloves XDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 XD oh god he would be SO MAD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 THIS WOULD BE SO BAD IDIOT JACK WOULD FUCK EVERYTHING UP Gabe hates that he still loves him even in idiot form
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 what if they only got swapped for a day and idiot!Jack is the one that caused the entirety of the zurich fuck up and explosion. ALL IN ONE DAY
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 holyyyy shit canon Jack gets back and is like WOW IF I DIDN'T HATE MYSELF BEFORE HOW DO YOU EVEN FUCK UP THAT BAD idiot Jack gets back and he's like damn everything is better
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 XD WHY DOES HE ALWAYS COME OUT ON TOP
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 well not always ;3
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 but yeah idiot Jack has mad luck lmaooo canon Jack wakes up and gabe is like "hold on babe just gonna brush my teeth I'll fuck u in a sec" and Jack is like wha... I have work to do what makes you think I have time for that Gabe is instantly worried
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 XD oh noes Gabe starts thinking maybe jack hit his head a bit harder than they'd thought against the headboard last night
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 Ahahahaha oh my god Jack is appalled when Gabe is like "holy shit you don't want sex like every second of the day" Jack is like "HOW WOULD I EVEN LIVE"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 Gabe: is...is this some sort of test?
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 AHAHA Gabe: ANGELA, JACK IS SICK Angela: what's the matter? Jack: Gabe is crazy Angie, he thinks something's wrong with me because I don't want to have sex right n- Angela: OH GOD Gabe: SEE????
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 X'''D Jack is just 'okay, okay, whatever joke you two are playing, you've had your fun. now, i need to get to work. there's at least five situations ready to go critical, and I don't have time to be playing around!'
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 omg who's gonna tell him
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 oh god, canon jack opening up his desk drawers and finding idiot!Jack's stash of toys and stuff XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 AHAHAHA who am i
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 he throws it all away, genuinely angry that someone put it there, and Gabe is like okay, that's it guns are coming out 'cause you aren't jack
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY HUSBAND" "J-Jesus Gabe a shotgun? Really-" "ANSWER ME SPY"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 Jack: wait...WHAT DO YOU MEAN, HUSBAND???
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 AHAHAHAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 Gabe notices that Jack no longer has the ring. He takes a closer look. There's not too much difference--hair going a bit white at his temples, more wrinkles than he'd thought Jack had. It's a good disguise, but this guy didn't do his homework.
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 NASKSJXNSXK Jack finds himself in a fucking cell of all things HE HAS SHIT TO DO, WHAT IS GOING ON
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 He knows some of the passcodes and things--the ones auto-generated, but none of his own work. They think there must be a bug in the main systems that let him get some of his intel, but sweeps are coming up clean, and this guy knows WAY too much about people and stuff going on in overwatch to be an outsider...although some of the things he knows aren't quite right
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 Jack is Extremely Pissed Off the entire time and keeps growling about how he's going to fire everyone once this stupid charade is over
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 lol Gabe is like '...i recognize the anger. that's definitely jack. but how come he hasn't made a single pass at me?'
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 Acavfnfmfksb so wait are canon Jack and gabe not together or DDDD: Sadness Or do they just have a healthy fuckin relationship XDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 um...dunno. i sorta ran with not married, but i hadn't picked anything else. XD knee jerk reaction was pining, or came close to being together once or twice on a lonely night or after a bad mission, but never really settled into anything long term, then the sc&blackwatch commander jobs got between them
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 Awwwww beeee I was thinking they're probably at "occasionally sleeping together bc we like each other but too busy for a real reaction" .... *relationship almost the same thing
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 hehe but then you don't have the 'we slept together a couple of times out of need, but never talked about underlying feeings and now the time never seems right to admit how much i love him/how many nights i stay up thinking about him/how badly i want him/how the memories of those nights are years old and no where near enough' sort of pining
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 :D I DO TRY
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 now we get to pile on Jack being pissed about Gabe thinking they're married
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 Jack being bewildered about it, but Gabe catches him glancing at the wedding ring, and he's certain that he sees longing on Jack's face. It's painful, somehow, even though he knows that this can't be Jack.
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 QOQ During gabe's questioning of him Jack interrupts to ask about the wedding
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 ; ;
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 Gabe is in the middle of trying to grill him about the pass codes when Jack asks "which of us proposed first?" Gabe pauses and is like "is... Is that a trick question?"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 ;-;
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 Jack looks away skittishly but says "no. Just wondering." meanwhile in the other world, canon Gabe is pleasantly surprised by idiot Jack XDDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 ((it occurs to me that they could do fingerprints, retnal scans, dna checks and realize that he def is jack)) omg
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 jack being all 'you haven't fucked me in forever' and gabe is thinking 'yeah it's been years since either of us asked for that' but what jack means is 'since last night' XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 AHAHAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 idiot!Jack is insatiable and passionate and affectionate and keeps up a running commentary on how good Gabe feels inside him and how lucky he is and how all he wants is Gabe. The whole thing feels almost like a dream. it's so unlike how Jack usually is, that Gabe feels guilty for giving in to it, because he's worried that maybe Jack is sick or something. Then, as they're curled up in each others arms during a lull in between, Jack sleepily asks where Gabe's ring is. He holds up his own hand when Gabe asks what ring, and Gabe's blood goes cold. Jack isn't married, not to anyone and certainly not to him. If it's a joke, it's a bad one. He says as much as he pulls away. Jack calls after him 'never mind the ring, then. all i need is you.' but the spell is broken and now Gabe wants to know why Jack's acting so weird, what happened to make him skip out on work when he's always got such a stick up his ass about it. Jack doesn't know what to say to him.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 X'D RIGHT?? We seem to have an odd way of turning crack fics into feels-y nonsense
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 The best superpower
Gabe sneaks away to call Ana because Jesus Christ he needs to spill his heart out for just a sec
He asks if anything suspicious has happened to Jack or if she's noticed anything lately and when she says no and asks why he wants to know, he isn't sure where to start
Because essentially this boils down to "i think there's something wrong with Jack bc he insists he's in love with me." Instead he goes with "Jack doesn't want to work I'm worried. Also he may have hit his head or something because he's spouting nonsense."
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 Poor grumpy Gabe. This has to be weighing on him. ; ;
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 He finally gets what he wants, but there's something wrong. It's as if he made his wish, but the genie just brainwashed Jack. It's not right. That feeling keeps nagging at him even as all the scratches and bruises and love bites burn on his skin. Something isn't right.
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 boy QOQ Idiot Jack is still lounging in bed complaining about how Gabe should just come back over here and fuck him again
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 ((it occurred to me tho, once they get switched back, Gabe can confront canon Jack [before realizing things are back to normal] and just flat out ask him: 'You said you love me. Is that true?' and Jack, certain that he said no such thing, is too tired of pining quietly to lie about it. He looks Gabe straight in the eye, as if it's a challenge, and just says 'Yes. I do.' And Gabe manages to hold his serious face long enough to judge that Jack is telling hte truth and to get a sense that this is his Jack, the one he's been thinking of for so long, and he grins--this huge, bright expression of joy that lights up his face and leaves Jack looking a little amazed, but only for a moment, only until Gabe pulls him close and kisses him))
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 QOQ AHHHHHH qoq I'm dying
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 yay! :D ((don't die tho)) <3
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 <3333 in the meantime tho Gabe has to juggle figuring out what's wrong w Jack while also fending off his advances XDDDD It takes. A long time for idiot Jack to realize everything is weird(edited)
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 X''''''D he doesn't even go to his office. phones are ringing off the hook. codes are going red. alarms are beginning to ring. meanwhile,  jack can't find his goddamn stash of sex toys! there's, like, ONE. And it's BORING!
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 SMDJANXNA THE TRUE CRISIS
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 he did nothing wrong to deserve this
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 XDDDDDD He huffs something petty about how, on top of everything else, his husband isn't paying enough attention to him and gabe snaps "we're not married, okay?" And that's what finally tips Jack off
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 jack's voice shakes a little bit as he laughs shortly and asks if gabe finally made good on all those threats to divorce him. Gabe doesn't look like he's joking, though. 'Gabe...come on.' he tries to smile, but it flickers across his face and dies almost immediately. 'What's going on?'
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 noooooo qoq
Jack runs his fingers through his hair, suddenly shifty and nervous. Gabe doesn't know what to make of it. The reaction seems genuine enough...
"You're the one who's acting strange, you tell me," he says.
Jack isn't looking at him. He's fidgeting with the ring. "This isn't funny," he says angrily and Gabe kind of wants to laugh.
"Just what I was thinking."
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 "Knock off the jokes about us being married. This was only a quick fuck to let off steam, right? Save your dreaming for when you're asleep."
Jack looks straight at him, and Gabe realizes that he's made a mistake. There's genuine pain in Jack's eyes. He only sees it for a second before anger drowns it out and Jack orders him out of his room. Gabe can deal with anger, though.
"Finish up your day off, and then get back to your job. You were happy enough to take it. I don't want to see you shirking again unless all this--" He waves his hand, indicating the bed with its rumpled sheets and the ring on Jack's finger. "--is a problem big enough to warrant a psych eval and some sanctioned time off."
He turns away and leaves, furious because he's the only one of them with any right to look so betrayed.
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 GABRIELLLLL QOQ Jack doesn't even know what to do with that. His husband doesn't want him anymore for seemingly no reason.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;__;
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 let's just say canon Jack will be returning to a thoroughly destroyed room
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 haha idiot!Jack is bad for himself in SO many ways XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 YEP XDDDDD canon Jack meanwhile is ACTUALLY GETTING SHIT DONE and trying to figure out wtf happened
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 They let him take over?? XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 He's pretty charismatic XDDDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 Just got tired of him trying to boss everyone around from teh cell, and realized some of his suggestions were really good ones?
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 yep lollll
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 I bet he was holding court from a holding cell before someone was finally like ffs just put him in the strike commander's office it's not like he's gonna go anywhere else
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 XDDDDDDD Jack is finally like "okay I think. this isn't my universe" and everyone is like WHAT Idk how he would even figure that out But canon Jack is a smart dude apparently
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 maybe he used to put on science documentaries in the bg while he worked, and the concepts would make their way into his brain and there was one on parallell worlds
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 Gabe is upset that there's a world where they aren't together Lmao Jack is just upset that WTF THERE'S A VERSION OF ME THIS STUPID
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 What if he tells Jack to ask teh other him. What if he says that he must love Jack, he's certain of it.
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 QoQ
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 That's why Jack doesn't evade or lie when canon Gabe asks him about what idiot!Jack said.
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 qoq Gabe tries to engage Jack in conversation about it but Jack evades by going on about what kind of dumb fuck is he in this universe
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 oh god how would gabe even defend idiot!Jack?? XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 XDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 his only good quality in our joint discussions is HASN'T ACTUALLY GONE BACK IN TIME TO MURDER HIMSELF
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 AHAHAHAHAHA Gabe probably laughs and says with a stupid smile "yeah he's kind of an idiot. But he's my idiot." Canon Jack stares for a second and then hurriedly busies himself with something else
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 ; ; Gabe: We love each other. [with a sad, knowing look at jack] It's the same for you, isn't it?
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 QOQ
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 He insists again that Jack speak up once they get this fixed. He says that Jack deserves to be happy. That he wants to know Jack will be happy.
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 CRIES Jack tries to make excuses about how it's not that simple, they're different people, but Gabe keeps insisting
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 'I think I know my own heart better than you.' He asks Jack if the Gabe he knows is much different, and Jack has to admit that, no, aside from being a bit more grumpy and reserved, he's not that different at all. Gabe nods. 'Talk to him.'
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 QOQ Jack laughs quietly and buries his face in his hands. "I might be stuck here. I don't even know if I can get back."
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 Gabe reaches automatically to comfort him. He's reminded again that this isnt' his Jack when the man in his arms flinches from the contact before slowly relaxing.
Jack doesn't let it go on. He takes a couple deep breaths, then sits up straighter and pushes Gabe away. 'Sorry. Moment of weakness. It won't happen again.'
Gabe tells him that they'll figure this out, trying to be reassuring. jack only nods and finds himself more work to get lost in.
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 Gabe starts to see why they haven't gotten together yet in Jack's world qoq He also starts to worry about how his own Jack is doing ((Spoiler alert not well))
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 heehee wouldn't it be kinda funny if him and idiot!Jakc found, like, a single terminal that connected the two realities and ended up having some intense video call sex and the alt Gabe and/or Jack walked in on them?
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 Jack scrutinizes the toy collection like "do I. do I really. use all of these." Gabe confirms "yep all of them" "ALL of them?" "Yep" ",,,,,,,"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 X''''''D omg Jack mentally catalogs them for future reference
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 LOLLL oh goddd I really hope that doesn't have horrible consequences bc repressed Jack = touch-starved jack and once he's been Awakened that's bad news XDDDD TURNS OUT THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN IDIOT AND CANON JACK IS THAT CANON JACK REPRESSES EVERYTHING OH NO
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 X''''''''''D omg maybe not. maybe canon Jack...i dunno...isn't insane? XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 XDDDDD that's fair He only has a few kinks instead of All of Them
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 XD i'm sure he could work on that
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 I guess the next day it just. Swaps back mysteriously
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 SOUNDS GOOD ENOUGH TO ME XD srsly tho, that would have been my suggestion ^^;;;
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 XDD should we have idiot Jack and canon Gabe come to some sort of resolution before that or
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 canon!Gabe could apologize for being an ass. lol
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 yayyy
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 Um...idiot!Jack could give him similar sort of advice.
Be all 'Gabe...you're the best thing that ever happened to me. My version of you, anyway. I love you. So much. Too much for me to be the only Jack Morrison who feels that way about Gabriel Reyes. If you love him--' He sneaks a look, but Gabe isn't giving anything away. '--then tell him. If he's anything at all like me, then he should hear it.' His smile when he said if he's anything at all like me doesn't have a drop of happiness in it. He's miserable in this world where he can't fit into the shoes of a better version of himself, and Gabe hates to see him miserable...even though he isn't the Jack that Gabe loves.
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 SHRIEKS SOFTLY awww now I feel bad for idiot Jack finally realizing he's an idiot
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 XDDDDDD TRU WHAT'S WRONG W YOU NON-IDIOTS
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 lol too grumpy XD
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 XDDD "I do," Gabe finally admits. "I do... love him." It feels good to say it out loud. He glances up at Jack uncertainly but Jack is smiling for real now.
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 ;u; bbys
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 Idiot Jack can't help giving Gabe a quick kiss (unusually chaste for him). "I'm not the one you should be saying that to."
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 well, not exactly the one lol
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 XDDD Idiot Jack convinces Gabe to sleep with him that night - like literally sleep in the same bed as him - because he can't possibly sleep well without Gabe there. Which makes canon Jack very confused when he wakes up the next morning He thinks he's still in the alternate universe at first
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/03/2017 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3 ouob and Gabe's all curled up right against him, an arm slung over his waist
firesonic152 - 06/03/2017 QOQ His heart squeezes painfully and he wishes he could have this Then he notices that Gabe doesn't have the ring
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 "Gabriel...?" He speaks softly, hesitantly. behind him, he feels Gabe start to shift, and knows he's come fully awake by the way he goes tense.
"Jack?" The other Jack had insisted on calling him 'Gabe' the whole time. It feels like a strange dream now, and he isn't sure if it's over. He grabs Jack's shoulder, turning him onto his back so that he can get a good look at his face. The differences are missing. A quick glance tells him that there's no ring on his finger. "It's you, right? You're back?"
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 jhbjhbmhxbskjcsnscd Jack nods cautiously. Gabe hesitates and then blurts out his "do you love me"'question Immediately after he asks it he knows he should have been more tactful and there are a million other things he should have asked first, but it's all he can think about
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 Without his having noticed, his arm had gone back around Jack. His hand is gripping Jack's waist, and once Gabe realizes this, he can't move even though he wants to pull Jack closer. He feels like he ought to let go, but he's afraid that if he does, the chance to change things between them will slip through his fingers.
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 QOQ Jack lets out a small breath. "Yes." He's trying desperately to strangle the hope inside him out of instinct more than reason at this point. Gabe wants to cry all of a sudden
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 "We're both idiots," he murmurs.
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 HA HAHAHAHA
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 Jack freezes up for a moment when Gabe kisses him. But only for a moment. Soon enough, they're pulling at each other's clothes, and it looks like Overwatch is going to have to do without its Strike Commander for one more day.
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 YAYYYY idiot jack is happily getting dicked too lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 going at it like caffenated rabbits XD
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 XDDDDD oh awks canon gabe slept w idiot jack and idiot jack was Very Vocal about what he liked
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 o_o X''''''D
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 so canon jack is taken aback when gabe already knows exactly what he wants even JACK didn't know
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 XD omg well, at least he can't be mad. it was an innocent mistake (mostly) and it's not like they were together lol
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 yeah XDD he's just mostly confused "HOW DID YOU KNOW I LIKE THAT" "what?" "EVEN I DIDN'T KNOW I LIKE THAT, HOW DID YOU KNOW" "uh"
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 X'D Jack is introduced to a thrilling new world of sensual pleasures thanks in large part to his idiot alt self
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 thank u idiot jack you fixed one (1) thing
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 lol it was a big thing tho
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 oh noo but then zurich ruins everything :((
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 OR the fact that they admitted they were in love will be what saves them afterward, instead of htem having nothing but bitterness to fall into
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 YAY :DDD idiots save the day
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 hooray!! :D
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 damn what a wild ride lollll
firesonic152 - 06/04/2017 YAYYYY HIGH FIVE
SuspiciousPopsicle - 06/04/2017 HIGH FIVE XD
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