#Also I only compared S1 Alicent anyway
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If Catelyn was anything like Alicent she would’ve been trying to have sex with Jon Snow and prioritised him over her own kids.
No because Alicent never tried to sleep with Jace 😭.
#house of the dragon#team green#hotd#alicent hightower#Also I only compared S1 Alicent anyway#anon aks
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what are your overall opinions on the greens and blacks, as characters and as factions?
your favorite and least favorite things, the changes you would make? All that jazz.
To simplify things I’ll mostly address the show’s portrayal, and sometimes how it relates to the book. Some of the following is drawn from earlier posts of mine too.
Rhaenyra: I like her willfulness and pride and what you could even call hauteur. I do think Milly!Nyra was often better written, to the extent where she and Emma!Nyra sometimes seem like different characters altogether, and her Season 2 storyline in particular felt stagnant at times. I thought it was completely fine to portray her as a reasonable person who had doubts about plunging the realm into war (it’s straight from the book even) but it got repetitive. However, the people who are angry about her interest in women are the weakest link and it’s also not even a departure from the books sorry xo
Daemon: What if the archetypal gothic uncle were a morally dubious deuteragonist and explicit love interest for the heroine instead of an all-out villain. Well I am thrilled that HOTD supplied the answer. Obviously I also appreciated his weirwood dream of Bloodraven and Dany in Season 2 but the aftermath with his sudden pivot to unequivocally supporting Rhaenyra was incredibly abrupt, which I mostly attribute to the fact that the episode count was cut down last minute by WB. I also think they should have let him be bisexual
Rhaenys: She has some good scenes (I liked her conversation with Alicent in “The Green Council”) but I think the show struggled to write her coherently around the events of the books, i.e. having her burst into Aegon’s coronation and do…nothing, since the story had to go on, and it was a similar situation when she refused to go with Daemon to jump Aemond. I’ve harped on this before but I also think it’s kind of bizarre that the show acknowledged her Baratheon heritage and gave her silver hair anyway given that the entirety of GoT S1 hinged on “the seed is strong,” and furthermore it creates an odd narrative of “ONLY bastard Targs have different hair colors,” when all of the trueborn Dance-era Targs also have Andal (Rhaenys’s mother Jocelyn Baratheon, Rhaenyra’s mother Aemma Arryn) and/or First Men (Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s grandmother Alarra Massey) ancestry.
Jace: I think HOTD often leans into a “show-don’t tell” sensibility in regard to characterization and motivation and this is sometimes very fun for me as a viewer with the room it leaves for analysis and interpretation but other times the characters just come across as under-written. I don’t have much of a sense of who Jace IS outside of his insecurity and his relationship with Rhaenyra (which is admittedly interesting and neat to compare and contrast with Aemond and Alicent). The massive scaling-down of his relationship with Cregan Stark in the show is also a bit of a shame, and another reason I suspect the show won’t progress much past Rhaenyra’s death, because Cregan going SO hard for her faction in the book even after her death and Jace’s has more emotional impact if it goes beyond the whole “Starks are loyal” thing. I get how it wouldn’t have worked with the time constraints for the show though, and I did like the implication that the Starks also knew about the Song of Ice and Fire and were tithing people to the Wall in preparation.
Baela: Much of what I said about Jace applies to her too. I like the little she DOES get to do but I wish the show gave her more opportunities to display her personality. I like the fact that she’s named after Daemon’s father per the books and I wish the show would work that in somehow; I like how hard she and Rhaena tried to protect their brother Aegon during his predatory regency and I hope the show adapts at least a little of that too
Rhaena: I suppose I can see why HOTD combined her storyline with Nettles’ because otherwise she would have been offscreen until the end of the show, plus the cast is already quite large and hard to balance as it is. That being said the amount of time spent on Ulf and especially Hugh was pretty over-the-top, and it took a lot of the suspense out of the Red Sowing bc you KNOW they’re going to be successful even if you haven’t read the book. Anyway I wouldn’t be surprised if this substitution was planned from the beginning since the show set up Rhaena’s sense of neglect from Daemon (which she seems to link to her lack of a dragon) back in Season 1 and now they’re going to be flying around together during the war. I’m quite curious to see it, honestly
Alicent: I can see why the decision to age her down in the show was controversial but she did start reading to Jaehaerys in the book when she was 15 and was rumored to have slept with him as well which tracks with the route the show took. I do appreciate a good ruthless and conniving matriarch but I think HOTD would have had a hard time distinguishing her from Cersei if they’d leaned more in that direction
Aegon: I think he’s pretty well-written in the show and as we’ve discussed before the idea that he was shortchanged and there’s this amazing book characterization that was overlooked is just completely unfounded. The show even made him more sympathetic with the way Alicent and Otto treated him as a teen and by having him reflect on the emotional neglect from Viserys
Aemond: Whenever I start to think about Aemond I realize that I do actually find him quite intriguing. There’s a striking parallel between his relationship with Alicent and Jace’s relationship with Rhaenyra—the responsibility, the need to prove themselves, and in contrast, Jace’s affirmation of Rhaenyra as his mother AND monarch versus Aemond telling Alicent to go back to the kitchen as soon as he’s made regent. The suggestion of romantic feelings for Helaena which seem inextricable from his desire to be their family’s scion in place of Aegon, the abundance of early trauma with which he is absolutely not dealing well…lots of good material
Helaena: The almost exclusive association of dragons with warfare on the show is unsurprising on several levels but it could have been nice to see her with her dragon in a peaceful context. This isn’t readily apparent on the show but Dreamfyre was fully-grown when Helaena claimed her and thus she would have risked her life to do so which makes it odd that she doesn’t seem to care about flying even for the joy of it
Criston: I do think the show probably chose the most interesting option and I like his messed-up Lancelotism

I don’t have anything too novel to say about the factions as a whole but I’ll add to this if I think of anything
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i agree with most of things that previous anan said but the one thing i find amusing is how this person said it's bullshit they adapted daeron into aemond. like read the book and then speak of it. maybe you'll find secret pages of aemond being more than one dimensional villain on the pages. and send me photos if you find it. i often find it amusing that people who are happy that aemond isn't like in the books tend to turn around and say hey, they never gave ANY daeron's personality traits to him even after there were leaks of scripts where Sapochnik clearly cut him out of the show and how George stepped in just after Sapochnik was fired and reassured fans daeron will be included. it's clear they wanted to cut him out and any person who is fine with daeron being out of the show is no green stan at all. daeron is too important to toss him aside but how could people who haven't read the books know it, they needed to see George behaviour and then they finally understood that maybe daeron is someone essential to greens and not Sapochnik weird fantasies
i do agree that aemond was humanized, i don't know if they did it with daeron on their minds and, frankly anon, im tired of not any concrete proof that miguel is THE ONLY evil behind all decisions greens don't like. want something that's hard to swallow? unlike the majority of team black stans, at least half of green stans are rhaenicents. personally i am not interested in this ship at all beyond episode 7, but ryan likes it. he said about rhaenicent:
“I think there’s actually still hope, even with Luke’s death,” Condal said on the House of the Dragon podcast. “The problem moving forward is it’s only so much in Alicent and Rhaenyra’s control anymore. Now we’re dealing with their sons and what we know from history is that war is often fought by the young 16-22 year old angry, testosterone loaded sons of the people that are trying to hold onto their power.”
it is my solid belief that while there have definitely been things that have set ryan and miguel apart, that ryan is not you friend as a green stan and neither is grrm. grrm said he liked the show, he said he liked show viserys better, he is a daemon fan first and foremost. he's not here to save the greens lol and i don't think he's here to save anyone
also... about daeron: ryan announced before miguel left or grrm was gonna be involved that daeron exists and that there just wasn't space for him in s1. could this be a lie madeup on the spot bc people were calling it out? maybe. but how much of the fandom do you think are greens compared to team black and how much of those greens have read the books that they'd make such noise that somehow it was actually them that reminded the showmakers of daeron?
anyway yeah aemond WAS humanized and that's good. that's what you want from a weird, one dimensional history told by 3 sources. whether that means that they consciously took from daeron or not, it's not something we can know for sure. but imo the point of the show is to make all of the characters more nuanced and give them depth so imo there shouldn't be just one character that gets to play a role that's the "good one" as daeron is in the books, and i hope they do it with aegon too. however, to your credit, and i understand the frustration, aemond has been given some of aegon's stuff so it's possible.
this is what i'm saying though. i also don't agree with everything the prev anon said in terms of characters, but this type of talk is also what has started some division in the fandom of aegon vs aemond vs daeron vs whatever. like that one anon i had who called me gross names and were calling aemond "wallmart daeron" bc they were somehow both mad that i shipped helaemond and mad at aemond and helaena separately iirc.
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"Better" this, "better" that, you better watch your tongue, pow, if you know what's best for you! Years of Namori's masterful character design, wasted. the compacity and beauty of the thin braids, reduced to shambles. Sakurako's opinion too, blown to smithereens by you. yes, you. an agent of chaos, going around spreading the propaganda that himawari's fat clunky braids are "better." what "better"?? anyways, I've obviously been mostly joking.. MOSTLY... but you gotta understand the newer is better! well, not even newer, because she's been like that for SO long. longer than I've known you, longer than you've known me, and longer than we've known yuruyuri! in fact, if you track the dates, she's had her hair like that for LONGER THAN HIMAWARI'S CANONICALLY BEEN ALIVE, that being, over thirteen years! and that's a hell of alot of time. and, I know what you'd probably been thinking, "Moon, just cuz it's been there a while doesn't mean it's good. my closet's had dust atop it for years, but that doesn't make it a better closet," and I know! just because she's had the thin braids for longer doesn't mean they're good... but they proof they're good. also, may I just denote that they're part of himawari's identity now? because, I don't know about you, but when I picture himawari's face, her braids and alice band are some of the first things that come to mind. they're iconic. they're just as much of a part of himawari as her love for sakurako, or her sunflower aesthetic. pow, no offense, but you and katie's doings are like shipping himawari and akari. sure, it may be entertaining, but come on. that's not himawari. that's a totally blatant disregard for her. and that's what this is about! Himawari! It's about her! anyways, let's actually get IN to character design, shall we? Himawari is a small girl! Sure, she's taller than sakurako, but she's pretty small! or, compact, dare I say! let's look at something here
this here is my least favourite himawari album art. can you tell why? I don't think it applies to everyone, but the posing here is sorta off! also, if you look, she has significantly larger braids than usual here!! anyways, it makes her design too topheavy! what do I mean? well, although I don't usually like to mention it, a big part of himawari's design was her boobs! and I say "was" because we've thankfully moved away from that nowadays, but do you see the problem here? big boobs + big braids = big problems!!! now, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend to be a character artist, nuh-uh-uh! but you may see one of my issues now? and that's that himawari's small, and there's not much surface area! not much space to add STUFF. when your design has just a few notable features, it's really difficult when they're intermixing like that!
(unrelated well sorta related but I just got a reblog)
(Yes!! I am implying that!!! no, I'm OUTRIGHT saying it!! katie, you've only watched season 1 (and one episode of season2,) and you haven't read the manga! himawari gets SO little screentime in s1!! and most her screentime is just boob jokes!! smh!!!)
anyways, namori actually gave himawari much bigger braids in s1, case in point:
compared to modern himawari, they're quite different. but namori's overall style has also changed over the years, so wahtever. amyways, himawari's alice band and hair vents(??) were also often overshadowed by her big braids back then! she had a really unbalanced design, and NAMORI KNEW THAT! you know who else does, SAKURAKO.
lookie here. a more modern himawari design, do you see what's changed? there's more attention at the BACK of her hair rather than the FRONT. it's tied properly! what does this mean? MOBILITY. himawari physically cannot do stuff when her braids are big. animators struggle, namori needs weird poses, and they get in the way of everything. oh ALSO ALSO HOLD ON I NEED TO GUSH OVER HER NEWEST DESIGN
LOOK at that oh my god LOOK at that!! they got her hair perfectly tied here, as in, the place before the braids is perfect! and her hair "vents" and alice band are placed as they should!! "moon what the heck are you talking about-" HER ALICE BAND IS ACTUALLY WHERE A NORMAL PERSON'S ONE WOULD BE OMG IT'S NOT JUST A RANDOM ACCESSORY IN HER HAIR!!! Himawari actually has alot of hair, an excess, one may say. but you never really realize! something I like about this hairstyle is how it showcases her personality.
she is kempt. she clearly has a bunch of hair, she likes it, but she neatened it, she tied it, she controlled it. it's all so cordial. she's a coward who'll just cut their hair to make it more managable, no. she's managing hard. it sorta feels representative of her actual personality. she's super respectful and cordial and proper, but she has fun! she gets mad at sakurako! she crushes, she gushes, she braids neat as can be. it's not out for the world to see, it's here for himawari to see.
you guys are so mean are you saying she's inadequate :( himawawri doesn't need more hair to prove to you guys she's amazing... smh...
this is a callout post on my tumblr.com to @powwuten and @saturn-amanogawa btw
#spoke more with my heart than my brain#lost alot of key points#but it's well past midnight I think I deserve a pass#I valiantly defended himawari#woohoo!#daily himawari
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sooooo, yesterday i watched hotd s1 finale. here are my (semi-coherent) thoughts:
i've had one (1) day to simmer down my instinctive "wtf??" reaction and ponder on some writing choices - actually, two notable writing choices. first, this is no got s8 levels of disaster, but i'd already noticed a couple of red flags in ep9 and so i was - i am - guarded, though my emotional investment is nowhere near as high as my peak asoiaf/got era. i'm way more detached, and if i came off as pissed in some prev posts it was more of a general 🤷🤷 feeling concerning old disappointments in correlated or different media. (having said that, the larys/alicent feet thing is atrocious.)
i see they're still going strong with the childbirth from hell saga - i've already written about it in an older post, and i quite liked it, however gory and heartbreaking it was.
i don't buy the daemyra choking (not in a kinky way) scene. there's nowhere near enough build up for that. yes, daemon killed his first wife (which btw wasn't in the book) but they hated each other and she wasn't a targ. from d. pov's that's quite an important detail. (not that i’m excusing it, you know.) i don't even buy that "he's grieving that's why he acts (more) irrationally and with 0 impulse control (than usual)" because while he's ready for war and legitimately angry at the thought of his brother being murdered (tho viserys had been rotting away for years, last time they saw each other he could barely stand/talk, it was only a matter of weeks, maybe a couple of months at best before he died, they should have been prepared for this & the greens response) he doesn't act that out of control. let's be honest here: daemyra was always problematic and people shouting ~grooming! weren't completely wrong, but the writers also sold it as High Romance. the Stupid Fangirls weren't that blinded by their silly girly brains: d&r were framed as being genuinely in love despite the painfully obvious problematic elements. (& the incest is the least problematic thing here, since this is westeros and they're targs.) i think one of the directors even compared their love to what she feels for her own husband. so no, we weren't dreaming it up, they just couldn't find a balance between Toxic Incest Couple & Soulmates Being Soulmates, and obv they had to put a ~Bad Man is Very Bad, Girlies, Don't Try At Home~ bs Morality Play that seems so damn popular in this day and age. mind you, we all knew shit was going to hit the fan with nettles' appearance (i'm still worried about her portrayal, she's just a young girl and daemon is so much older than her, and i have no idea how they’re going to develop/frame their relationship) but somehow i had not foreseen him being physically abusive to his wife (who just gave birth to their stillborn daughter and lost her father btw). i was expecting him to lash out but... not like this. after their (fabulous ngl) wedding i haven't been much invested in daemyra anyway (i thought their decades long budding romance was much more appealing) but despite what i said above, one thing d/r fans were wrong about was expecting that hbo could actually make a medieval fantasy wuthering heights 2.0 and deliver lmao. no mainstream media would do that, not in the current ~think of the girls!!! climate. this is like believing that the star wars sequels were a gothic female-gazey romance that featured rey's sexual awakening + happy ending with the local parricidal ex darksider - the romance was there, don't get me wrong, but no hollywood-made pop culture piece of media could ever deliver. we also know d/r history from f&b, it's not all sunshine and rainbows... tho it's not comparable to jaime&cersei either. this is no valonqar situation - if and when that happens in asoiaf, motives and characters can't be compared only because d. and jaime share a love for poor impulse control and incest; the framing for their ~love affair and the choking act is also radically different. this feels like a punishment for the girls who tend to romanticize daemon and his feelings for his niece, as a "sharp reminder" of who he is and what is capable of (and that women, even dragon queens who are more than mere consorts and childbearers, can be victimized and have shitty husbands ig). except that however awful and poor little meow meow he may be, he didn't do any of this marital abuse bs in the book as far as we know. which brings me to:
i have a small problem with the people who say "f&b is no real account of the dance, these characters can't be written as ooc because we basically don't know them! it's all headcanons and bias!". theoretically i agree: there are at least 3 different versions of any major event, and what intrigued me the most about this show was the premise of Unreliable Narrator Extraordinaire. which path would these writers follow? because logically one should also say: "is this what really happened in the dance?" like, aren't these people (hired by hbo, paid a shitton of money, apparently asoiaf fans themselves) also writing down their own interpretations? unless grrm himself is behind everything (foot fetish and wife-choking included) who are these people to say this is what actually happened? they didn't create the characters and the plot etc., we're seeing them through their eyes and bias as well. why are the Poor Naive Girls who romanticized the Bad Dark Prince (aka they knew he was a big asshole but didn't think he had it in him to actually assault the woman he loves) the ones to be so awfully biased and affected by media illiteracy, to the point i’ve already seen the usual crowd online gloating over it like ��ha ha the bitches had it coming”? one could say this is just another version of the dance... which would actually be more compelling imo. this also brings me to:
grandma vhagar being nostalgic of her war crimes era and gnam gnam lucerys to the oblivion. i have... very mixed feelings about this. i agree that making aemond more than an evil cackling anime villain is a good choice but idk about this tbh. idk how they could have spin it differently either tho, so i give up. people say "at least he doesn't actively seek war out so he doesn't look like an idiot" except he looks like an even bigger idiot because no one in their right mind would chase down their four-and-ten nephew and his dragon (said to be “five times smaller” than vhagar) through the sky while they're riding a huge ass fucking beast that could dwarf a mountain and actually fought in the conquest just to pick out his eye, and not expect it to horribly escalate. like, if you make two dragons face each other (especially if one of them is as powerful and ancient as vhagar is) what do you think is going to happen? realistically, i mean? maybe aemond didn't want to go that far but omg he should have foreseen this from a mile. like, sweetie maybe you didn't study your history and lore so well. and for the "he's just a teenager he doesn't know what he's doing" crowd: in a short span of time this ~poor baby~ is going to burn down the riverlands, hundreds of people will die. the incident that sparks the dance being an actual accident, tho... lmao sorry but that sounds like a joke. like, no matter how you spin it, if you like or love or hate it, it still robs the character of his agency, and therefore the story of poignancy. and i'm not even 100% sold on ~the dragons randomly eating people alive even when their riders strictly forbid them too~ because yeah, i can see that, a dragon is no slave and of course they're not mindless beasts but actually quite intelligent etc. but on the other hand i for one can't wait for drogon to fire up kl of his own free will - maybe he'll just hate that fugly city, who knows - so that ~dany (aka an actual 16 year old victim of rape and abuse who liberated thousands of slaves in a continent she was exiled to as an infant) is going to burn children alive and be put down like a mad bitch because that's somehow comparable to lotr shire chapter!!1~ disk horse can finally die its miserable death.
so, yeah, mixed feelings about these two (2) plot points, particularly the ~daemon is physically abusive now~ thing. also dk about whitewashing the blacks anymore, rhaenys killed a fuck ton of civilians in ep9 for no conceivable reason (something that in the books and in peaceful times only the worst of the worst are willing to do, no matter how much these elite assholes don’t care about the smallfolk) and now daemon is even more evil than he was in the book. aegon ii may be... well, aegon ii, but with aemond being somehow more humane and whatever they're doing to alicent the blacks are the ones that actually wreak more havoc - and i’m not even touching the blood and cheese thing. at least aemond's fuck-up kinslaying was accidental lol. jokes aside i overall liked this ep more than i did ep9 and while it’s not bad bad... no mistake, this is no high television either. i’ve seen what great tv can do (it’s exceptionally rare tho, more than people think) and this doesn’t look like it except for some acting choices + scenes.
#1#2#3#4#5#the real hero here is ramin djawadi#the coronation scene was also very good tho it still doesn't hold a candle to got s1 finale with dany birthing the dragons#(i felt like it somehow echoed that scene with everyone kneeling etc.)#ah and matt smith voice sounds much nicer when he sings#his speaking voice is somehow high and nasal (which doesn't fit daemon's character imo) but his singing is lovely#val speaks#hotd spoilers#house of the dragon#txt
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Loving your theories! And the charts! So delicious! Forgive me, I obviously haven’t done as in-depth of a rewatch as you, but I’m not completely sold yet on ALL the kids within a family having the maternally inherited powers. I’m here for Max, Will & Joyce, and Holly & Karen for sure. Thank you for reminding me how baffled I was that Karen got a s4 poster. 😂 I hope you’re right, but it still seems just as possible that the power inheritance is so irregular that only one kid could get ‘em.
I do think that Will could sense the empty glowy space where the light bulb was via “true sight” or because of your theory about Joyce and the two-way electricity street. I just want to see a demonstration of Jonathan having powers because, although he does get drooled on by the s1 demogorgon, it sure seems like he’s going to get mauled. A hungry demogorgon could have come for Joyce and stayed/was lured by three regular-blood-bleeding teens for a convenience triple-yoink. The light show at the Wheelers could’ve been for just Karen and Holly. And it seemed like the possessed-flayed in s3 just wanted to normal-kill Nancy and Jonathan and have them regular-dead/absorbed. The s3 flesh monster at the hospital also drooled on Nancy, but it’s such a horror/sci-fi trope at this point. I also think the Lite Brite would’ve worked for any of the four older teens, not just Nancy. I just hope we see unquestionable demonstrations of Jonathan, Nancy and Mike powers, because one can even argue that both Victor and Alice were normies. Buuuuut if Nancy DOES have powers, and Vecna was using her as a messenger, was he inadvertently charging her with fear and guilt and anger as well with the taunting and visions of Barb? Not even half a charge because Nancy didn’t levitate, but if we see evidence of a little jolt in s5 I will squeal! Also, because Nancy survived a connection with Henry, wouldn’t she have the same spidey sense like Will (and Max)?
I wonder if people can age out of latent powers unless they’re given training at a very young age, and if they stay untapped into adulthood, maybe the most they can do is cause occasional electrical weirdness. Anyway, teens really are a perfect intersection of the most potential and the most vulnerable, and therefore the perfect target for Vecna to surge and consume.
During the glimpse of Vecna’s Cerebro, the audience is kind of led to assume he’s able to make a connection with anyone he wants and chooses to prey upon people with significant emotional damage. But now you’ve got me thinking that maybe the people shown are also just the portion of Hawkins that has latent powers.
Sorry this was so all over the place. 🤣 I appreciate your work!
Yeah definitely could be that not every kid in a family actually inherits it, or could get equally strong if they all tried to develop it. Just that they have a higher likelihood genetically than the average person if that makes sense, or at least Henry thinks they do? like I can't think of anything distinctly powersy that Mike has ever done (although I have yet to do a rewatch with all of this in mind). one thing I actually don't like about my own logic is how common it makes the powers, lol. I was excited about Max and then once I started listing everyone I was like.. hm that's fun but also somehow it isn't, lol. if as many characters have potential as I think they do, I bet they won't all become active, because then it's just kinda.. A Lot.
I am with you about the Nancy-Jon-Steve possibly being a regular blood convenience yoink, it's just Holly, not bleeding and being targeted individually, that makes me look again at all the Wheelers. and if that demogorgon really wanted to kill/eat Jonathan it had more than enough time (compare to the Russian one killing dudes faster than you could blink).
You could very well be right about the meat flayer parts, I'm fairly undecided on all that stuff with regards to what victims have powers. and great question about spidey Nancy? I assume Henry can trance normies and that's how I envisioned Nancy's tbh, like possibly trancing someone isn't the same thing as Making A Connection? Will and Max both definitely having The Connection because he took/meant to take their powers, but he wasn't doing exactly the same thing to Nancy (wasn't trying to take powers, open a gate, or kill her)(I don't think he would even want her powers activated yet if he wasn't also going to kill her, or else that's just another person who could fight him). but hey who knows. she sure doesn't seem to get a spidey sense about the last scene in 4x9.
V interesting idea about aging out and teens being most vulnerable, I bet there is a lot to that, because yeah why choose all teens. I think with the cerebro thing they definitely wanted us to think he could choose any depressed normie, but since I don't think he stands to gain anything from killing normies I bet he has it filtered to just latent powers people.
thanks for reading and I appreciate the in depth ask! :)
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S1 01 | The Tell
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 2159
Warnings: Injuries, blood, swearing (always).
This chapter will be in 3rd point of view as it is the first one and introduction.
↪ Please respect my work. Don’t copy, translate or claim them as yours. Not on this website or another. All Rights Are Reserved. Otherwise, legal actions will be taken.
"What?" Scott stared at his mother. His eyes were full of pain, anger, and confusion. "I don't understand anything. Are you crazy!?" The tone of his voice was gathering strength. Stiles flinched knowing that Ms. McCall had a remarkably bad temper. He couldn't believe that his friend had spoken to his mom like that. "Mom, do you understand?" His hands grasped his dark hair. "This is crazy."
Melissa McCall rubbed her forehead. "Scott, I can't stay home and argue with you right now. I have to go to work." She grabbed her coat and car keys. "We will talk tonight." She looked at Stiles. "Alone."
Stiles placed a hand on his chest as he felt wounded by Melissa's words when he saw her exit the McCall house. "Did you hear that?" He pouted. "She has known me since I was in diapers." He instantly lost his pout and threw himself on the couch, sighing. "You didn't tell me you had a sister! I can't believe you ARE my friend."
"She is not my sister." Scott sat down next to Stiles, his anger bubbling up even more than before.
"Even if you don't like it, she is your sister." He looked at his friend. "Oh my god, imagine her being just like you. It is already hard having to hear you complain. What about another McCall??" The hazel-eyed boy took gum out of his pocket, placing it inside of his mouth and chewing loudly. "So when are we going to meet her?"
"She isn't my sister, okay?" Scott got up from the couch, trying to calm himself while his fists were tightly clenched. "We just have the same stupid father who ran away and who didn't take care of any of us. We just have the same sperm donor."
The other boy chuckled. "Which makes you two siblings. You are her half-brother and she is your half-sister." He made a bubble with the gum, his eyes concentrating on it to the point where they ended up being crossed. "Who do you think is the evil one of you?" He referred to all the films he had watched where there was always an evil sibling.
"I can stay with you!" The girl answered while she tried to hide how her voice was cracking. She was terrified of what she didn't know. She was scared of the unknown. Beacon Hills was unknown to her.
The woman that was driving sighed. Her dark hair was now enhanced by grey hair. "You know you can't. Your father still has your custody." The woman didn't let the teenager answer, knowing that she would get ironic and ask why her father wasn't doing his job as a father. He never did anyway.
"So the best option out there is for me to live with strangers who are my father's other family? Tell me, Miriam. Did he leave them to be with us? Or did he leave us to be with them? Oh wait, was he changing lives every week?"
The woman sighed, parking the car on one of the streets of Beacon Hills. "Y/N, please. I was also a stranger when you came to live with me." She smiled softly. The teenager deserved better. Her mother didn't act like one and left Y/N on Miriam's doorstep when she was 8 years old. Later than everyone thought. Nobody saw Y/N's mother capable of taking care of a child for eight years. But at the same time, she didn't take care of Y/N. The young girl took care of her mother.
"I just don't understand what's the purpose of all this."
"It's for you to be with your family." Her rust-colored eyes examined the teenager. She was almost a woman, a beautiful one that had taken care of herself since day one. "Look." She grabbed her cold hands. "Your mom did terrible stuff. I did too. How did you think we met?"
"But you changed. People change." She peered out of the window for a couple of seconds. "You can't compare what you did with what Alice did." She muttered. Alice was her mom, but she didn't deserve that title. "You never abandoned me. We don't share the same blood, but you took care of me." She tried to argue back.
"But taking care of you isn't my decision anymore. You are still a minor and your father is the one deciding over you." She rubbed their hands together, trying to warm Y/N's hands. "When you are old enough, you will be able to live wherever you want. You can even contact me and I will come for you if you want me to."
Y/N got out of the car, and she slowly moved to the back, taking her suitcase out of it. Maybe if she was slow, Miriam would change her mind and let her go with her. But it didn't seem like that would happen when she found herself waving at the car. It was disappearing down the road, leaving her in a strange town with only directions to Melissa Mccall's house.
On her way to her 'new' house, she saw a video club and her love for films didn't let her walk away from it without checking it out. A bell sounded when she opened the door, her hand still clutching her suitcase. She started looking around when she saw and heard the voice of a boy. "Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" He started looking around. "Hello? Is anybody working here? You gotta be kidding me."
Y/N thought that was rare. There was a phone ringing, and the place was quite dim.
The boy went closer to her. "Uhm, excuse me." She looked at him again, forgetting the films she was checking out. "Do you maybe know where in this whole place can I find The Notebook?"
"Are you asking me because I'm a girl?" She chuckled, making the boy smile a little. "Because I'm more into action movies and I'm new here so I can't help you." She glanced around, finally deciding that her suitcase was safe and she didn't have to grip it so hard. "It is strange that there is no one here though." Her eyes stopped behind the boy, seeing something on the ground.
Jackson turned around and then looked back at her. Both of them stared at each other quietly, without exchanging words. They slowly walked to whatever that was.
When they got closer, Y/N could tell that what she had noticed were shoes. When they cornered one of the shelves, there was a dead body. A man was laying on the floor, his eyes wide open and a terrified expression decorating his face. His neck looked like it had been sliced, and blood was coming out of it.
"Oh my god." The boy whispered, pushing a hand out so Y/N wouldn't walk closer to the dead man. But of course, she wasn't going to do that. No fucking way.
Jackson walked backwards. Y/N who was behind him was pushed against some stairs, making them fall. The stairs hit a lamp that seemed to be in the process of being repaired, making the light of the shop go out.
"Are you okay?" Jackson asked the girl.
"I'm not sure if I can be okay after seeing a dead body." She replied, not being able to take her eyes out of the body. "Are you?"
"I don't think I can be okay after seeing a dead body." He replied similarly.
Y/N wanted to chuckle, but she was sure that it wasn't the best moment to do so. They heard a vicious noise. Turning around, at the end of the corridor there were two shiny red eyes. It seemed like those eyes were examining both of them.
Jackson was petrified, gawking at whatever that monstrosity was. Y/N grasped his arm, pushing him behind a shelf, covering his mouth with her hand. "Don't scream, please." She whispered. But she was as scared as him. Maybe even more.
Without looking back, Y/N knew that thing was running around. She concluded that it was something quite big when the shelves fell in a domino motion, trapping her and Jackson under the shelf that they used to hide. The boy was luckier because only his legs were trapped, making it a little bit easier for him to escape when he felt strong enough, while Y/N's entire half body was trapped, making her hiss in pain.
Both of them heard the beast coming closer to them, breathing hard. She felt it scratch her neck, and she couldn't contain a wail of pain. It seemed like the boy had also been scratched when she heard him breathe even harder. Are there bears in Beacon Hills?
The next thing they heard was a window crash and a couple of minutes later, sirens.
Y/N was sitting in the back of an ambulance while Jackson was next to her, an arm around his girlfriend, Lydia Martin. She had learnt their names, but she wished that it would have been in another situation.
"Why the hell can't I just go home? I'm fine." Jackson asked desperately. She thought that he should have more respect towards the man, but at the same time, she was also desperate to leave that place.
"I hear ya, but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion." The sheriff replied. Y/N took her time to look at Lydia. She looked shocked, and Y/N was confused because Lydia wasn't inside the store. Did she see something?
"What part of 'I'm fine' are you having a problem grasping? Okay, I wanna go home." He got closer to the sheriff while the man answered more calmly.
Jackson began to raise his voice, and Y/N was going to tell him to shut the fuck up when she was interrupted. "Oh, whoa, is that a dead body?" She looked at the boy who had yelled but instantly, got distracted by a doctor who asked to look at her neck and take care of her wound. That was another thing she didn't understand.
Why didn't Jackson have a wound like her? She was sure that he had been scratched too.
"Starting to get it?"
A voice made Stiles jump around, seeing Derek and Scott behind him. "What the fuck! Oh gosh, I think I just peed my pants." He replied while placing his hand on his chest.
"Uh, I get that he's killing people, but I don't get why. I mean, this isn't standard practice, right? We don't go out in the middle of the night murdering everyone, do we?" Scott answered Derek while ignoring his friend. His eyes scanning everywhere, analyzing everything, and trying to understand the situation.
"No. We're predators. We don't have to be killers."
"Then why is he a killer?"
"That's what we're gonna find out." Derek hit Scott's arm, making him rub it. His pupils grew, looking over at one of the girls sitting in the back of the ambulance. "I will let you take care of her first."
Scott observed how Derek walked away and was confused by his last words. Stiles hit him in the same place where Derek had punched him before. Stiles was pointing at the girl's suitcase.
"It says McCall, on the suitcase." His friend let him know and that was when he noticed that one of the girls in the back of the ambulance he had never seen before. "I think that is your-sister-not-sister."
Scott ignored him and walked towards her, but he was stopped by Stiles’ father.
"Guys, you know you can't be here." He said, mostly looking at his son.
"Why is she here?" Scott asked while pointing at the girl.
The Sheriff sighed, deciding to give them a little information, hoping that they would feel satisfied and leave the crime scene. "She was inside. A minor concussion and a deep wound on the back of her neck."
"What type of wound?" Stiles asked. His father felt stupid for believing that his son would be satisfied with just a little information. "An animal wound?" Scott hit his ribs.
"Yes. We believe so." He looked at the girl. "She asked us if there were bears in Beacon Hills."
"Bears?" Both boys looked at each other.
"Seemed like a big beast. Jackson had said that he thought he saw claws, but she affirmed that she felt the claws on her neck." He coughed. "Now, go home." He referred to Scott. "And you, wait inside the car."
"Actually." Stiles decided to talk. "That is Scott's sister." The hazel-eyed boy decided to modify what he had said when he felt Scott's gaze on him. "Well, half-sister. You know. Same dad. Same sperm donor."
The sheriff stared at his son, not surprised by his attitude. Melissa had told him about the new McCall, so he let both boys get close to her.
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards - @cas-loves-pizza - @used-avocado - @mvrylee - @bilesxbilinskixlahey - @honeydoll-stark - @arieltheworldisamess - @softpeteparker - @kit-kat-katie99 - @thatsuperherosidekick - @bexbetterxthanxwords - @big-galaxy-chaos - @littlemiss-forgotten -
People in black means it doesn’t let me tag them.
#stiles#stiles stilinski#stiles stilinski x reader#stiles stilinksi imagine#stiles stilinksi x reader#teen wolf stiles#stiles stilinski x y/n#fanfic#stiles stilisnki x you#stiles stilisnki fanfic#stiles stilinski x you#stiles stilisnki x y/n#scott mccall#Reader!mccall#mccall!reader#teen wolf#teen wolf imagines#teen wolf imagine#teen wolf rewrite#melissa mccall#lydia martin#peter hale#derek hale#noah stilisnki#dylan o'brien#stiles fluff#stiles stilisnki fluff#stiles stilisnki smut#dylan o'brian imagine#dylan o'brien scenarios
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this is maybe a weird ip combination, but i was talking to a friend yesterday about grief in tms5 compared to w*nd*v*sion bc the most recent ep got me thinking (this is a pretty long post about the former, sorry).
So Vision says “What is grief, if not love persevering?”, which is such a great line, and really resonated with a lot of people, including myself, and it’s really maybe the crux of this series that has been imo a really great exploration of grief. The whole ep was so impactful for me, and I had a moment after where I just went. Huh. In an entire season, tm never said that once. I think there are moments where they come close- Alice and Hamish’s conversation about his wife maybe, or that one fleeting genuine moment between Eliot and Fen in 5.11, or we could rope in the mountain of ghosts if you really stretch, but I think all of those still miss that mark.
So like, they frame the whole season around grief, but they don’t really say anything about it, or tell a valuable story about it. It feels honestly like they spend most of their time treating it like an obstacle that needs to be overcome and like, what are they trying to say with that? That it sucks? Because I would say that in general, people know that! Or was it that people who DON’T get over it have some sort of pity-worthy-but-ultimately-condemnable character defect? Like I’m sure they were aiming more to show how different people process things in different ways, and that wallowing forever can destroy you, which is...true, and maybe half executed well, but it also doesn’t feel valuable (especially when their queer characters are disproportionately targeted by it), and seems like it tries to put an acceptable timeline on Getting Over It Completely which just kinda Sucks. It probably wouldn’t harp on it this much if they hadn’t been so up their own asses at sdcc trying to explain how important and worthwhile this kind of story was.
It’s also part of why where Eliot ends up at the end of the season feels so heinous, because he really is in pretty much the same place he started; he’s the only character who really ISN’T given the opportunity to ‘overcome’ grief. Again I don’t even feel like that’s a valuable story, but he just feel so singled out and it fucking Sucks that even within their shitty framework he ends up kind of damned. I think the stuff with Charlton was supposed to counteract it a little- I maintain that he says some good things that sort of recognize why tdk stuff was maybe not great, and as much as I Hate this I do actually think those little mosaic parallels were Intentional as part of that. The way Eliot actually reacts though is so not indicative of growth or any actual healing- it feels more regressive, like s1 Eliot just kind of taking what’s being offered to him to cope, and it’s Weird and Sad, besides the whole thing just being laughable.
And like, for the record, I’ve said this a few times, but I am someone who is really glad they watched s5, and really didn’t agree with a lot of the issues people on here took with it. But that also doesn’t mean that it was actually good on the whole, and one of it’s main failures was...kind of the exact thing they apparently felt so strongly about they had to make a whole season for which just. ugh.
My main reaction after 5.03 aired (which I love, and am grateful for) was just. AGONY. I could not fathom why this story about so much pain (and specifically queer pain) was the one that they wanted to tell, and unfortunately by the end there just isn’t really enough pay off for it to be worth it.
Anyways idk if any of this makes sense lol, I’m kind of rambling at this point and I don’t know if anyone who follows me even Watched season 5 besides like One (1) person lmao. I have more to say Always, even like a year after the fact.
#it speaks#apologies to anyone who read all of this with their eyeballs#i can't get myself to shut up apparently! this is my version of journaling#also fwiw i'm mooching off my sister's d+ account lol; i'm not gonna pay disney to watch the Singular show i was interested in#edit like 2 weeks later: i'm pretty sure no one will try to pick this bone w me but. i did go rewatch that fen and eliot scene in 5.11#bc that's the scene that cames closest to this in my memory#gonna be as brief as i can bc this is really for me#so el does say you can love something even after it's gone BUT there's a nuance that separates it from the vision line which i think#is important#bc the reason that line really really resonated with me is bc it recognizes that the grief itself is a part of that love#if that makes sense- like the being in pain etc that's all just. a continuation of that love; that you aren't loving them still in Spite of#grief or loss etc#it's the merging of the two that felt significant to me; and it really felt like that was missing from tm (if not being pushed against)#blah blah blah#sorry to sound fake deep in my defense i didn't write the line#but u know. it was a little bit deep for me#pretty simple but also just something i needed to hear. got my gears grinding
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mind sharing your riverdale top 5 ships and top 5 characters?
Ok this was hard! Sorry for the delay, anonymous friend. Also, I haven't seen season 4 though I'm aware of spoilers. So:
Ships, in no particular order:
Jughead x Sweet Pea - unsure if this is just a rarepair or what people used to call a crackship, idk. Anyway after they got off on the wrong foot in early s2, I was hoping to see them get closer, at least become better friends, but this show forgets about my son Sweet Pea!!! I also enjoyed their clashes over Serpent stuff and was hoping to see more of them (+ Toni) making decisions together
FP x Alice early on in the show, when it was hinted that they had a history and season 1 kept using FP's appearances to surprise us (first he's Jughead's dad, now he's a figure from Alice's past? Alice???). I loved the mystery there! Everyone in this town has secrets!
Reggie × Veronica in season 3, I was rooting for them even though I knew the show wouldn't make it long term because Reggie isn't a ~core four~
Toni x Jughead because I liked their dynamic when they first met, and because if Serpent leadership HAS to be a monarchy, wtf? Toni is right there? Yes it's weird that Jughead the new kid got named leader at the end of the season, but someone young and brand new won't be stubborn when co-leader Toni wants to get rid of ingrained traditions like that silly dance. 2x11 also shows that Jughead can screw up but listen to Toni's criticism eventually
Betty x Veronica because Veronica was SO COMMITTED to Betty immediately. In episode 1, I kind of hoped when Betty moved on from Archie she might be into Veronica. She was so hurt and angry when Archie and Veronica kissed! Veronica was so desperate to fix their friendship which was 5 minutes old! This could have been such a great slow-ish burn!
(Speaking of slow burns, is it just me or should Toni and Cheryl have gotten more time to have that? S2 had 22 episodes, they could have spent a few more scenes on the getting-together part. Right?)
Honorable mention to Sweet Pea & Josie because I thought they were cute and hoped their fling would stick, but I respect a girl who knows her priorities + a boy who knows his emotional needs and sets boundaries. Also to Joaquín & Kevin because they were cute and my heart broke for Joaquín during his conversation with FP (another FP surprise, at least for me, because I didn't suspect Joaquín of being a spy when he seemed so genuinely into Kevin). Finally, Betty & Jughead because I found their getting-together arc in s1 sweet even though I kind of? Wasn't expecting it? I thought you guys were bros? Oh well. The show spent a lot of time on them and I ended up caring a lot.
Toni: loved her immediately and was kind of disappointed that she and Jughead weren't able to restart the Red & Black because the teacher got arrested then their school got shut down. That would have been great for college applications lol but I also would have liked to see the paper come back as season 2 unfolded (how would their stories compare with Blue & Gold articles?).
Her being into true crime is something that I wish had come up more, instead of a thing she and Jughead bonded over for 5 minutes while it was relevant to the Black Hood plot and then???? Then what?
This show makes me worry about Toni so much! In s3 when she was living with Cheryl and they argued? And Cheryl threatened to kick her out? No!
Sweet Pea: a couple of times in s2 it was implied he was a hothead who always wanted to fight, but these are kids. Most of them are ready to fight someone. And I wouldn't have minded in season 2. Sweet Pea can stab a Northsider, as a treat.
Anyway, he was interesting as one of the main teen Serpents, bc he had enough influence to confidently say things like, "you're not getting the Serpent vote." Despite how inconvenient his anger was for the lead characters, he was looking out for his friends and tbh, he was right. (He was also kind of right about Jughead using them for information but holding himself separately. Jughead wasn't obligated to hang out with and like everyone, but he made friends quickly w Toni and this was her main friend group; he was going to be required to meet them sooner or later.)
Despite being the first person to WANT to fight, he mostly listens when his friends try to stop him. His friend-telepathy with Fangs is the best.
I LOVED his conversation with Josie, when he said he liked her and couldn't be casual with her anymore. That's so healthy and honest! I love him
I'm sad he disappeared, but at least I can't complain about how people treat him.
Jughead: his narration is occasionally a but much for me but that's the show, right? I loved his little aside/daydream in 1x04 about how maybe the town would rebuild the old drive-in in 100 years and wonder about them. And his narration about there being only 3 teens sitting in the booth at Pop's, the first time the main 4 all sit together.
I ID'ed so hard with him being technically part of a larger friend group even though he really only considers 2 of them his friends, also that bit early on in s1 where he's sitting in the bleachers w his laptop, alone in a crowd and unimpressed? Lol
He seems like a kid who holds a lot back to protect himself, but he keeps forgiving his dad and he was initially happy that his mom and JB came back to Riverdale. Like, he's so cynical but he just wants to belong somewhere and be accepted!
Anyway once he decides you're his people this kid does shit like: Have meals with Alice. Help set up baby showers and school dances. Get blackmailed into delivering a mysterious box for a shady lawyer. Meet with a rival gang so they can beat him to death
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Fuck, Marry Kill: Jarvis, Captain Barnes and post chemical Joker + general unpopular opinions :)
oh, that’s an easy one
i’d definitely marry barnes (if he wasn’t the same age as my parents, you know)
i’d say that i’d fuck tetch, but actually in real life i wanna keep a mile long distance from him
post-chemical, not post-chemical, whatever - i’d kill that ugly ass motherfucker without hesitation
with general gotham opinions is harder, since i have a lot of them, so i’m gonna stick to unpopular opinions on characters whom i care the most
i actually don’t like his first episode. not that much as 3x09 or 3x19, but still. it’s so ooc-y, comparing to what his character is gonna be later. i have no idea why writers decided to give such an awful first impression of him. the idea that barnes doesn’t care about his people or young cadets dying is dismissed in very next episode. in general he is not that level of jerk-ass as he in 2x04 (at least in later eps his douchbagness in some way is justifiable by the fact that we are aware of his beliefs)
the popular fandom idea that “barnes is always angry lololol” is not only played for laughs in show itself, but also simply.... not true. people see his every negative emotion as anger just because he rarely shows some positive emotion. he’s not even pissed off in most scenes people claim he is, he’s either annoyed or says things very loudly (which is, you know, not the same thing as being angry)
barnes’ virus plot shouldn’t have been about his “anger at the guilty” (it should have been about anything expect this stupid judge dredd parody), it should have been about his desire for violence, which is what by his beliefs in law he tried to suppress. the main reason why he became by-the-book cop is that his urge to hurt is what lead to a murder of a child, and could have been the reason of other brutal killings; he realize how fucked up he is and that he need to control himself. that’s why he is so obsessed with law, that’s why he’s ignoring his own and other people’s needs, his common sense, because he can’t let himself slipp not even for a moment. eventually, law became his sense of self, and alice’s blood destroyed that completely, leaving barnes with his bloodlust, which he, of course, couldn’t fight. imho, that is what barnes’ main conflict about: not anger - violence, and in a context of his character, that’s completely different things. tl,dr; it’s not the law created his anger, it’s anger and desire for violence created his beliefs in law
nathaniel barnes is a two-face. no, i’m not gonna explain that one because i’m tired of thinking at this point
anyone who says that gordon made bullock a better man clearly wasn’t watching s1. “spirit of the goat” show us that harvey always was a good man, with desire for justice, but after years and years of fighting it was harder and harder for him to find a motivation to fight back, and, eventually, he forgot about his white knight persona (but not abandon completely). i’m not gonna deny that gordon had some influence on harvey, but saying that gordon “reformed” bullock is saying that you don’t know the character you talking about
speaking of influence - imho, barnes had a lot of this on bullock. from laughing at barnes behind his back and not following his orders in s2 to being very loyal to cap to the point where harvey tells gordon to fuck off and stop interfering into their job multiple times in s3. all of this was forgotten after 3a of course (because god forbid bullock is gonna have connection to someone who is not gordon), but still
(if you love bullock/gordon don’t read next paragraph) if you following me for a long time you already know this, but anyway - g*rdlock is NOT an example of a good friendship. it’s a ffity shades of gordon being an unbearable peace of shit in general and to his “””friend”””. s1 is the only season in which they had some sort of friendship, but everything after that? g a r b a g e
my fav seasons with harvey is season 1 and 3a because these have the most bullock moments outside of his relationship with gordon
despite being my favourite gotham villain, i enjoy only his 3a plot, every scene with him after 3x08 is not that enjoyable at best or makes you cringe because of how poorly they waste such a good villain at worst. and even his “mad city” storyline is mostly him fucking with gordon’s brain in not really original for this show way
this one is also about barnes, but i’m gonna write it here: virus storyline was actually good when it was about tetch and barnes only, because it‘s obvious that this plot (inner darkness, forbidden desires, bloodlust in every meaning of this word - you get my point) was written for them and them only. the moment alice’s blood became to be about gordon, lee, mario, bruce, penguin and etc. it started to be really boring
why everyone losing their mind around tetch/scarecrow or j squad? am i missing something?
#gothamstreetcat#thanks for ask!#and sorry for answering late#i was busy with being tired and sleeping#mytext#honestly i cant say that barnes opninons are unpopular because there isnt much opinions about him at all but anyway#long post for ts
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Riverdale S4 Ep11 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- I’m excited about the quiz show but I wish it wasn’t just to show off how smart Betty is. I know she’s smart, all the girls are, but if they dumb them down to make Betty look good…
- Archie has such a good heart ugh the greatest boy in Riverdale and nobody can compare to him!!! 🥺❤️
- Jughead mentioning Bret after him and Betty have sex. We love Bret x Jughead lmao
- Betty looks so good though can she please have her hair down all the time pLEASE 👀❤️
- Betty looks like Lili way too much and I don’t like that… Bughead is basically just Sprousehart and that’s not a good thing
- NOT CHERONICA ASKING ABOUT ALCOHOL TO AN ADULT AT THEIR SCHOOL NO LESS??? Whatever, they look good so I’ll let it slide for the best girls in Riverdale
- “Boy in the river” is too soft but serial killers, which has probably been done so many times, isn’t…? The desperation to cling to the black hood is potent
- TOM’S BEEN WORKING CONSTRUCTION??? SINCE WHEN??? Also not Archie replacing Tom with Frank?? And with NO warning??
- Veronica is such a cutie we love!!! And finally solid proof that Toni is smart!!! Betty taking Cheryl’s answer though smh isn’t there usually a rule against that??
- Betty talking about Bret to Charles gives off enemies to lovers vibes. I don’t genuinely ship it but the idea of it though is interesting. Anything to shake things up. Also, is she really trying to get Charles to help her cheat just because she feels entitled to getting into Yale??
- “Brown Hood” ew… also none of those other interesting stories were good enough but we’re going to STILL have to hear about the dumb black hood? LET IT GO
- It’s kinda funny how much Betty is like Bret, Like, entitled, selfish, pretends to be higher than everybody else, etc… anyways enemies to lovers 😜😜😜
- Of course Bret bought his way into everything, wasn’t it obvious?? Also how exactly did Charles get information on that if the dad wouldn’t have wrote it down??? Like, the only way Charles would have been able to get that would be if he snooped around. It wouldn’t be official (or hidden and official) paperwork...
- So Betty can milk her father being the black hood but jughead can’t use it as a story despite technically being a victim of it himself? I mean I get it but like… is it really THAT BIG of a deal?
- NO THE SPEAKEASY?!!!?!!? Hate that Veronica never wanted to be a criminal but now she’s illegally going to sell alcohol and knowing her annoying ass father and how much the writers love this boring rivalry, he’s going to find out and ruin it.
- Fangs 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 It’s good to see that he’s still alive smh. But, damn, they really had to ruin any possibility of Kangs like they never even got a true chance to be good :(
- THIS DUDE LOOKS LIKE HE’S IN HIS 20′S??!?!?? KEVIN???!?!?! SIR?!?!?!? BE CAREFUL?!?!!?!?
- Betty hounding Jughead for lying when she constantly lies to him I—
- This “make Tom a second father to Archie” is so weird like—other than Harv getting into a fight with one of the writers on Twitter (which made my thoughts on it more negative lol) it’s just… he has his own son that he never talks to (especially after being in a CULT) and it rubs me the wrong way… it’s nice for Archie to have a father figure but they were kinda setting FP up to do that and now suddenly out of NOWHERE it’s Tom?
- Betty not getting into Yale because of who her father is and not her grades :( That would such. But it makes sense...
- Jughead, you act like Bret would care if Betty found out that you’re using her father for a story without her permission.
- YESSSS BETTY DESTROYING HAL’S GRAVE EVEN THOUGH IT WON’T DO SHIT AND SHE WAS LIKE HIS BEST FRIEND A LITTLE BIT AGO BUT WHATEVER. See, people, this is a badass scene. THIS. Her actually being angry and venting, not destroying others for no reason. This.
- Tickled…..?????? 5 GRAND??? SHIT THAT’S... mmhm, Sounds kinda creepy but 👀
- I feel like Bughead is doomed because suddenly they’re actually being kinda cute and like 1% interesting and usually when that happens the person or couple I don’t like ends up either dead or something
- So how the fuck can Betty get into Yale considering she said in the flash forward she’s in Yale?
- CHERONICA DANCING WE LOVE TO SEE ANOTHER DANCING SCENE!!! We love the best dressed and most beautiful girls in Riverdale!!!!
- See, this is why you don’t tell Hiram SHIT but the writers insist to make them seem dumb (so Veronica can come up with a plan and make it perfect but she tells her enemy/father what she’s doing so he can stop her? Sure… makes TOTAL sense…) so that Hiram can come in and fuck everything up. I get that it can’t come easy because this is a TV show but for the love of God Hiram will never fucking leave will he???
- He really has to destroy it???? What a fucking loser lmao he’s such a baby
- Ooh Veronica is pissed! She looks hot when she has that angry look I say that’s my baby she’s gonna retaliate!!
- I’m low-key scared for Kevin… like he’s always used by his dates.
- Cheryl being the smart bitch she is we loveeeee!!!
- YES REVAMP THE BROTHEL. There’s nothing that says female empowerment about Penelope but um whatever this is actually a really good idea… WE LOVE A CHERONICA TEAM UP
- I know Cheryl’s gonna ask Toni but Toni’s a part of—wait… PENELOPE?? No. JUST FUCKING LET HER DIE OFF PLEASE. Lmao but just imagine if someone decided to go have sex in the bunker and Penelope is just like “oh hey”
- FRANK JUST FUCKING ATTACKED TOM??? So the ex-sheriff isn’t gonna press charges?? Umm okay
- Frank literally stfu don’t guilt him into not feeling bad for you, you’re a fucking thief
- I legit just cringed when Betty said she was Jughead’s cheerleader that was… ew
- Mmhm… would Betty cheat?? Maybe. Also WHY would Alice fucking do that? I mean I guess it matches season 1 Alice but it’s still dumb that her s1 personality came out of nowhere and was villainized
- Oh Betty totally cheated didn’t she………… “THE LIMIT DOES NOT EXIST” MEAN GIRLS!!!
- WHY IS VERONICA GIVING IT TO BETTY WHEN SHE’S THE ONE WHO’S ANSWERED ALL OF THE FUCKING ANSWERS? But lemme guess they’re making it seem like she cheated but suddenly she’s smart enough to answer all of the questions
- Yup, Betty was suddenly a fucking genius mmhm I knew they were gonna pander to her smhhhhhhhh
- YES ARCHIE STAND UP TO FRANK!!!!!!!!!! And please apologize to Tom 🥺🥺
- So how does she get into Yale if they think she cheated?
- WAIT KEVIN IS HELPING FANGS GET MONEY WE FUCKING LOVEEEEEE?!???!!?!?!? HE CAN PAY FOR HIS MOM’S SURGERIES!!! Fangs family background info coinciding with Toni’s here we go!!! Also Fangs stop being a cutie challenge!!!
- The camera making Bret look monstrously huge lmao
- Jesus not a fucking duel….
- So is this scene before or after Betty “hits Jughead”
- BARCHIE HOLDING HANDS. In the gif shown before the episode there was nothing platonic about that look. Of course with context… it’s kinda… inappropriate but YESSS BARCHIE RISE!!!!!
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do you listen to a lot of podcasts? which ones do you recommend? i'm just finishing listening to ars paradoxica and i need something to fill the gape it'll leave lmao thanks!
Hey you!!! I probably don’t listen to all that much compared to the more hardcore listeners, but I did manage to find a bunch of cool stories relevant to my interests if I do say so myself :P
I actually made a podcast page listing them all out, and I also put links in the pictures to each of their official sites. I would probably recommend any of those, but I’ll also try to give a quick rundown on each, just because I love talking about them.
(Also, please hit me up if you’re looking for some specific content or filter options relating to these or some other podcasts I may be familiar with enough to answer ;) )
Now, since aP is the reference point you gave me (my kind of anon ;) ), I’ll start with some ensemble sci-fis right out of the gate, from the plot heavy to the character-centric:
Marsfall - intense space drama about a Mars expedition crew. There’s only one season out yet, but it’s real strong right out the gate, and I’m already in love with Jacki and ANDI (the commander and the AI of the ship, respectively).
Wolf 359 - starts off more as a space sitcom, but then shit eventually gets pretty real and intense. Already finished with over 60 episodes and all sort of additional content available, so the perfect binge material. (Also, bonus cameo by the ars crew at some point.)
The Strange Case of Starship Iris - this one had a long hiatus after its first 5 episodes, but it’s coming back, so now is the perfect time to start. It has a bit of Firefly vibe to it (bunch of misfit smugglers in space on the run from a totalitarian government), but a lot more diverse.
Station to Station - leaving space for a bit, S2S is taking place on a research ship, where our scientist protagonist is looking for her missing lab partner. Weird shenanigans and memory problems ensue. (Season 1 is complete as of now.)
What’s the Frequency - aptly titled, WTF is a period detective noir story with some pretty weird shit going on connected to radio dramas, which I still don’t quite understand? Is it the devil? Is it even sci-fi? Who knows, not me.
The Bridge - there are sea monsters, a Transcontinental bridge, and watchtowers to keep an eye on things. The show follows the crew of one such watchtower. This is also where my plot-heavy -> character-centric concept kind of falls apart, because the show does a slightly different thing. In every episode, there’s a separate story narrated by one of the characters (usually Etta, the protagonist) about the lore of the Bridge, while the plot slowly moves along. Some of these stories of course involve the characters themselves, but you often don’t actually know for sure. Also, a pretty dope intro (ta-da-dam-ta ta-ta-da-damm ta-da-dam-dam ta-ta-da-dam DAM DAM TA-DAM TA DA DAM TA DAM TA DA DA TA-DA DAM DAM TA DA DA DAM DAM TA TASJGFKADFJ;DAL - anyway, it’s great :P).
The Bright Sessions - a show about people with abilities in therapy. There’s an overarching plot, but even once that unfolds, it still relies much more heavily on the characters, and what they’re going through in each episode. An excellent gateway podcast altogether, that is soon coming to an end.
Non sci-fi ensemble shows:
Under Pressure - also featuring ships and sea monsters like some of our previous entries, but now it’s a drama about a scholar joining a submarine science expedition to write a philosophy paper... but in reality, is there to deal with her grief.
Homecoming - about a program that’s supposed to re-integrate veterans back into society with some shady methods. Overall, this story wasn’t really in my wheelhouse, but it’s one of those high profile podcasts that have people like Oscar Isaac and David Schwimmer voicing characters, so that’s nice.
Okay, so I left shows relying on one or two people’s narration for last, but these are actually some of my faves, so I hope you got this far. Pretty much all of these have some sort of fantastic elements, but I will try to put them in an order of plot-reliance:
Alice isn’t Dead - a truck driver is looking for her missing wife who isn’t dead. There’s also a conspiracy and serial killer monsters lurking on the roads. Podcasts in general have a lot of good horror to offer, but I just... can’t do them. AiD is my exception, and it’s narrated by Jasika Nicole, so... how could i say no?
The Far Meridian - an agoraphobic young woman wakes up every day to find that her home (a lighthouse) turns up at a different place. There may also be additional mysteries. Lots of magical realism, and shit getting weirder and weirder as the episodes progress. Created by one of the ars writers, it’s a gentle balm for your soul. Season 1 is already out in full.
Girl In Space - this one is about a girl in space. Shocking, right? She loves cheese and Jurassic Park, and is totally alone on her space station... until she’s not. Technically might qualify more as an ensemble at this point but... eh.
Mabel - haunted house, mythical creatures, and a caretaker leaving voice messages for her charge’s missing(?) granddaughter. Gets gradually weirder, gayer and more poetic as it progresses.
Within the Wires - I LOVE THIS SHOW SO MUCH!!! I’ll start with that, because I should probably also confess that after listening to the first episode, I was convinced that it wouldn’t be my thing. The first season is told through these weird relaxation tapes, that you’re probably only half-listening to at the beginning. But things do become much clearer by the 3rd-4th episode or so, and by then it’s much easier to follow. It also has an anthology structure, where each season tells a different story with a different narrator, but it’s still connected and takes place in the same universe. Anyway, let’s just say that it’s probably my second favorite show after ars at this point.
Investigative fiction podcasts, which is sort of a very specific subgenre with plenty of content, I’m guessing:
Limetown - 10 years ago the people of Limetown disappeared overnight, and now a radio host is set to solve the mystery. Season 2 is coming this year, which is great, because S1 ended on a cliffhanger in fucking 2015.
Rabbits - a radio host is looking for her missing best friend, who disappeared playing a weird, ancient game, probably. Also by the same people who did popular shows like Tanis or The Black Tapes - but overall I heard mixed things about those, especially in the long run. I liked Rabbits though.
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If you had been in charge of rebooting/rewriting Bakugan S1 and S2, what changes would you have made? Personally, I would have focused more on the Bakugan, and treated them as actual characters rather than just props. And I would have given Mira a more consistent character arc while still making sure she acted like a resistance leader, in addition to giving the Vestal characters actual motivations, interests, and backstories. Also: Make!!!the Vexos!!! Actually!!! Threatening!!!
TBH, Season 1 (aka Battle Brawlers) did a fairly decent job of treating the Bakugan like actual characters. Well, at least compared to later seasons where only Drago seemed to really matter.
Also, BB wasn’t all that bad and is the best written season of the lot of them. It managed its large cast fairly well, and managed to give detail and back story to almost all of the main characters. The only thing I’d remove completely would be the Runo/Dan subtext because honestly that was unnecessary. The writing for that pairing in canon makes me kind of uncomfortable, but I suppose that’s just my personal opinion. (I can go into a little more detail about this in another post if you want me to.)
Season 2 (aka New Vestroia) tried to introduce way too many new characters at once and then focus entirely on pushing it’s story forward. We had histories for Dan, Shun, Marucho, and Drago, but we knew NOTHING about any of the Vestals or the newly introduced Bakugan. We got bare minimum backstory for some of the main characters, but anything more than that would only by shown if it were immediately important. BB did way better at building up and characterizing the antagonists of the season, where as we didn’t get nearly as much in NV when it came to Hydron, Zenoheld, and the other Vexos. It would be way better to take out some of the Generic Fight episodes that had minor characterization in exchange for ones that went more in depth.
For example: in BB we got a bunch of episodes that exposed the main protags’ insecurities and showed how they felt about their lives thanks to those trials (I can’t remember what they were called, but it’s when the crew jumped into the Doom Dimension). NV really really needed something like that!
On the subject of make the Vexos more threatening, I want to draw attention to Lync in particular. He doesn’t win a single match by himself despite being a Vexos. The only matches he is ever shown winning are ones where he’s paired up with someone else. Like... what? The only reason we have to believe that he could possibly be a threat is when Mira comments very very early on in NV that he’s a Vexos so he’s dangerous. Like, this 14 year old kid is a Vexos, which is really impressive when you think about it, but the show never let us see that side of Lync.
I also wish the relationships between different Vexos had been explored more, especially the connections of Volt and Lync, Hydron and his Dad, the Clay family in general (it honestly feels like so much of this is skirted around), and how Shadow fits into anything.
Also where the fuck did Baron come from? He’s 12? Why is he here? How did he get so buff and tall??? Please tell me more about my puppy child.
Anyways, that’s enough for tonight, I gotta get to bed. Feel free to send me more messages about this though and I’ll answer them when I get the chance.
(as a side note, my qualms with NV’s lack of character writing is a major reason I created my Hydron Gehabich AU, lol, because that AU delves real deep into Vexos stuff)
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The Author’s notes about chapter 19 of “What Makes a Hero?”
OKEY! I told about the general stuff of the chapter on the Ao3 notes.
Here are some small stuff that would have took too much space, but that maybe it could be interesting (I hope).
Under a cut to not bother people too much
The first thing I want to comment is about the Red/Crimson/Scarlet Hero. I mean, the reason why I’m using different names. The reason is kinda stupid, but it is because I really LOVE how English has different words to describe the colour red. It is silly, but I really love the different names. I also happens to love red, so that might be another reason hahaha.
I know that this fanfic is already canon divergent from S2 and that I could ignore EVERYTHING that comes after S1, but the Blade of Marmora is just a SO COOL CONCETP! <3 <3 <3 I wouldn’t be honest to myself if I didn’t include that. I really LOVE rebel organizations <3 So, this is the first, but not the last, mention of the BOM on the Red Hero Saga ;D
In this Chapter, I tried to exorcise a stupid idea that I had on my mind: the idea that I couldn’t use “human” names to aliens, and that I have to make up a new name every time. That is why I used the name “Anisha”, that is from India if I’m not mistaken, and that is why I’m going to use the name “Ethan” on the next chapter, and maybe even other “human” names that I like on future chapters! (I like both Anisha and Ethan, that is why I picked both). YOU CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS ONE! I’LL USE HUMAN NAMES AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!!
Ok, about the necklace with the stone that Peter gave to Keith, I might have inspired myself on some stone necklaces that I have done to myself. I really LOVE DIY things, and considering that Keith had a terrible childhood, I think he would appreciate things that he could do himself. That is how the necklace was created. It is a very minor detail, but I like it xD
Peter was ALWAYS intended to be a small ball of sunshine and sass. Just like R2D2 or BB-8 from Star Wars hahaha xD That explain why Keith called him “Artoo”
The rest of the Star Wars references are because I’m a HUGE nerd hahaha
Goddess... I LOVE Star Wars... I just can’t wait until I can start to reference to “Rogue One”, my favourite movie from the SW universe EVER
Speaking of references, I might have referenced to Overwatch again hahahahaah xD I mean, Hanzo and Kenji? I’m not even sutil about it hahahahah I should start writing fanfics for the Overwatch fandom, just to placate my hunger hahahaha
A small REALLY silly detail: I really LOVE tentacles NSFW stories haahahaha And that might or might not have played a part when I create the blood-worms hahaaha By the way, I decided to put the full explanation about them on the next chapter. Because this one was already too big @_@
OK! Now I REALLY have to talk a little bit about the concept idea for this chapter. Originally, the idea of Keith facing a ilusion of Shiro would happen LATER on the story. Keith would be hiding on a borthel and he would be offered the opportunity to enjoy a full night for free. That borthel was runned by only one sex worker that used their powers to infiltrate on the minds of people to create a perfect illusion for them to enjoy for a limited time (for money and for a little bit of their blood, because this being feeds on blood. Since they have a lot of customers, it would cost Keith only, like, 10 ml of blood. Very smal amount). On the original concept, the most important song would be “We will meet again”, and Keith would dance with ilusion!Shiro in a bittersweet moment (right after fucking him). I decided against it because it didn’t fit the story quite right. But the idea of a ilusion!Shiro was too good for me to not use it. Hence, this chapter 8D Would you like to see this idea? =3 (unrelated to The Red Hero Saga, of course, since it won’t fit)
For a while I thought abou setting a Panteon account and only show the original concept to the people who contributed. This mean that I would write the discarted story and show to people. But my father is a judge. Among with a lot of traumas that I’m trying to solve with therapy, father also make me really fear to be caught in a judicial strife. That is why I gave up the panteon idea (since I don’t have the copyrights to Voltron). Maybe if people want (and interact), I may wright a small thing and publish here.
Speaking of songs, I’M AN OLD SCHOOL FANFIC WRITER. That means that back in my day, in 2005, WE USED TO PUT THE LYRICS OF THE SONG ON THE SONGFICS! That might or might not have played a part on me putting the lyrics on the fanfic hahaaha xD (I’m 25, and I’ve been writing fanfics since I was 13. I know, I’m old).
Another minor details: I tried to copy George R.R. Martin Style while describing the food that was served to Keith. I can’t help but compare Keith with Sansa haha Both were being fooled by an illusion. Also, THEY ARE BOTH MY CHILDREM AND I’LL FIGHT ANYONE THAT TRIES TO HURT THEM. (Only I can traumatize my fake children hahaha xD)
On this chapter, I introduced some of my Lior concept ideas. I think I’ll talk about these ideas if people show interest. Otherwise, you will have to keep guessing *evil laugh*
Twice on the chapter, Keith mention how the sex with Shiro feels like a deja vu, AND THAT IS BECAUSE I COPYED SOME OLD SEX MOMENT FROM OLD CHAPTERS. Because I’m lazy Just kidding, because the baby Blood-worms could only use old memories to create the illusion. Adult Blood-worms would have been the end of Keith, because they would create a REALLY perfect Illusion that he wouldn’t be able to see deffects.
What do you people thought about Yukiko? =D I tried to make her NOT FIT into the “Lady Dragon” trope, that is why she is mysterious, but also caring and angry and sassy. As any of my OCs, I tried to give her dept and history. I tried to give her the same life I give to Keith. So, what do you think of her?
Also, she and her children and grandchildren will show up from time to time ;D I tried to construct a mystery with them. Was I successful? =3 Please, tell me what you think =D
With Yukiko on What Makes a Hero? and Hanzo on The Broken Pride I tried to use some of Alice in Wonderland references since THIS IS MY FAVOURITE STORY OF ALL TIME! I LOVE EVERYTHING RELATED TO IT (unless it is some edgelord telling that it was all because of drugs e_e seriously, stop. that was not it and it is an insult for such rich story) Yukiko and Hanzo were my white rabbits <3 among other stuff related to that =3
Now I have to talk about the main reason of this chapter.
I REALLY needed to show Keith breaking down, because this break down is his start to face his own demons (hence the name of the chapter). To heal, a person has to look at those demons and understand them, or, at least, understand why they still exist. That is what 4 therapists had always told me, and that is what I’m trying to do with Keith. The best solution to him would have been therapy. However, that is not possible because of the plot. So I had to improvise
I panicked.
Also, Keith’s behaviour after he left the illusion are depression symptoms.
He has depression.
And anxiety, like Torian pointed out.
He need help.
At least he started to do some self care =3
He will be a little bit better next chapter. Not healed, but not in that pit of despair that he was. (this part I’m kinda basing on my own depression, that sometimes comes and goes. Like, some days I can’t even leave the bed, even with the medication and therapy. Keith is not as deep as me, even if he had gone through more tha myself. He is more resilient I guess. That is why he will recover a bit next chapter. He will still be depressed, but he will be “functional”).
I guess this it is =D
Also, it might make me want to publish more on this blog 83
So, give me some attention, and I’ll reribute <3
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