Paint the future in Red
84 posts
A blog for updates on the fanfic "What Makes a Hero?" and stuff related! (Please, read the "About this blog" page for a little bit more information) My Ao3 Profile Buy Me a Coffee Patreon Page
Last active 60 minutes ago
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theredherosaga · 6 years ago
are you ever gonna post on ao3 again or is that a lost cause
I’m going to be honest with you: it’s not that I don’t want to post on Ao3, it’s that I just can’t, as in, I don’t have anything to post. 
I’ve been stuck with the next chapter for literal ages by now. I open the chapter document at least 5 times a week and I end up closing it 5 times having only written 2 or 3 words max if I even write anything.
I don’t think I can call this a writer’s block or a creativity hibernation because it only happens with What Makes a Hero?. Like, I have produced other stuff, including other longer stuff in this meantime, and I even have a full big masterpiece on the making (for now it’s a patreon exclusive, but the idea is to release the “first season” so to speak on Ao3 as soon as I can).
On top of this weird specific block, add a lot of stuff happening in my personal life, a lot of changes that I really needed to do in my life for a long time and that I finally did. 
Like, I dropped med school, went all the way back and started college again, now as a journalist in training, that is one of the two things I want for my life (the other is being a professional writer). It’s challenging but very rewarding in a mental, emotional and spiritual level, but it also demands more time. And, with the time I have to write fanfics in this new configuration of my life system, I’m stuck with WMaH as I already mentioned. 
I sometimes entertained the idea of just dropping WMaH and moving on, but I also can’t do that. I really LOVE it. That hasn’t changed. I still open the document and I still try to keep going. I’m not giving up and I even keep having new ideas to add to the story, stuff that I want to change and repurpose and solutions to old problems on my own plotting. That’s why I keep saying that it’s still going on.
Yet, I just can’t write it OTLIt’s absolutely infuriating and frustrating. Really makes me feel like a failure sometimes since I know exactly what has to happen in the chapter next, and yet the words don’t come out. At all. 
So, I wouldn’t call it a lost cause since I still very much love this child of mine, but it’s a hard situation for me that I can’t seem to find a solution ._.
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
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Did you guys know that drawing the Star Wars Rebel symbol is so simple? I didn't knew until now (I don't have creativity for logos and symbols. Fight me)
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
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respondeu seu post
“¦I created way too many dragons OTL” didn’t...... create..... enough!
too... many... dragons... x_x
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a draft of the full family tree (the original is for my eyes only for now). You can see some already known names, some new, and wayy to many dragons OTL
EDIT: ok, not all of those are dragons... like... seven people there aren’t dragons, and four are the other animals. The rest... too many dragons x_x
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
...I created way too many dragons OTL
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
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My Patreon is open!
Hello! I’m here to announce my patreon being open! There’s a lot of other stuff that you can have by becoming a patron. Here are the tiers I have so far:
1$ = Stardust
- access to the Patreon exclusive stuff 3 days after the original publication
5$ = Shooting Star
- can participate on the Patreon polls - access to the author’s notes - reading the next chapter 5 days before the others (if the story is being published on Ao3) - reading the Patreon exclusive stuff
10$ = Star
- a 500 words commission per month (delivered on the next month. Only 10 request slots per month) - discussions on unused ideas and concepts - can participate on the Patreon polls - access to the author’s notes - reading the next chapter 6 days before the others (if the story is being published on Ao3) - reading the Patreon exclusive stuff
20$ = Blue Moon
- a 1000 words commission per month (delivered on the next month. Only 5 request slots per month) - exclusive previews on unfinished stuff - discussions on unused ideas and concepts - can participate on the Patreon polls - access to the author’s notes - reading the next chapter 7 days before the others (if the story is being published on Ao3) - reading the Patreon exclusive stuff
(I’ll give more information about the commisions soon)
For now it’s only Sheith, but this might change depending on the comissions. 
Hopefully, you might already have seen the teasers for the two patreon exclusive fanfics that I uploaded, The Auction and The Amazing Spider Keith. If not, here are the links to the teasers:
The Auction
The Amazing Spider Keith
If you’re interested, please consider becoming a patron! =D
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
About the new chapter of “The Broken Pride” and the brand new Patreon
So, Ao3 has this rule that it’s strictly forbidden for me to talk about making any money there with the fanfictions. That’s why I redirected you from there to here, so I can talk freely.
The Red Hero Saga with all it’s stories started as a free story and will remain that way. However, I really really really need money for myself in order to pay for education to get to a good college (this time, in a course/major that I really want). Thus, I’m starting the Patreon project, and I’m putting the chapters of The Saga there first AND exclusive stuff. 
There’s a lot of other stuff that you can have by becoming a patron. Here are the tiers I have so far:
1$ = Stardust
- access to the Patreon exclusive stuff 3 days after the original publication
 5$ = Shooting Star
- can participate on the Patreon polls - access to the author’s notes - reading the next chapter 5 days before the others (if the story is being published on Ao3) - reading the Patreon exclusive stuff
 10$ = Star
- a 500 words commission per month (delivered on the next month. Only 10 requests per month) - discussions on unused ideas and concepts - can participate on the Patreon polls - access to the author’s notes - reading the next chapter 6 days before the others (if the story is being published on Ao3) - reading the Patreon exclusive stuff
 20$ = Blue Moon
- a 1000 words commission per month (delivered on the next month. Only 5 requests per month) - exclusive previews on unfinished stuff - discussions on unused ideas and concepts - can participate on the Patreon polls - access to the author’s notes - reading the next chapter 7 days before the others (if the story is being published on Ao3) - reading the Patreon exclusive stuff
(I’ll give more information about the commisions soon)
I’ll publish chapter 5 of TBP on Ao3 eventually (I still don’t have the date yet). But for now, it’s on Patreon! =D
There’s also two Patreon Exclusive fanfics there, if that sweetens the pot for you hahaha xD All just waiting for you to become a Patron ;D
Link to the Patreon
If you don’t want to become a Patron, but still wants to help, here’s the Ko-fi page!
Link to the Ko-fi
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
Another Patreon Exclusive
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Patreon Exclusive
Sheith, Spider-Man AU, PG13, Around 2.5K words
“I should get going. I’m sure you want me out of your hair by now.” He gently put Pawladin back on the couch before standing up. He still felt a little wobbly, but he was ok. He literally had worse before. Shiro looked at him disappointed. “So, you really don’t remember me?” The cat was now at his feet, rubbing herself on his legs affectionately while Keith adjusted his uniform again. “I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met.” “Yes, we did.” he smiled again “It was before I moved here. I was surrounded by four thugs and one of them had a knife. I thought I was already as good as dead. Then you came out of nowhere and Psh! Psh! Psh!” Shiro made excited movements mimicking Keith shooting his webs. He looked like a child. It was unfairly adorable.
Read on Patreon
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
One of my Patreon Exclusive stuff!
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Patreon Exclusive
Sheith, BDSM, Mature, Around 4K words 
Like any other untamed slave, he was dragged there with his wrists and ankles handcuffed with two sets of leather and chains shackles, and gagged with a red ballgag. He was putting some resistance, so he had to be restrained by the “security”. However, he fulfilled all of Shiro’s preferences and more. He was lean, with well defined muscles. He had fair skin and dark hair, making a lovely contrast. He was wearing nothing but a red rabbit mask and the slacks from the auction. However, it were his eyes that caught Shiro’s attention. Blue. Dark blue, deep as the night sky to the point that it was almost purple. Blue. Shining in defiance and strength like a neutron star. The kind of strong gaze he would love to have in a person kneeling at his feet.
Read on Patreon
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
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What Makes a Hero
Author: wonderland-s-angel (LadyDestineeZara)
Rating: Mature/Explicit
consensual explicit sex, 
emetophobia, urination, vomiting, 
mentions to rape, 
suicide intrusive thoughts, 
mentions to torture, 
some mild blasphemy,  
some racist stereotypes (made by some of the “bad guys”)
A psychic once said to Keith that he had tragedy running through his veins. He paid that “prophecy” no mind. Why should he? He finally have a family for the very first time in his life and he have the universe to defend as a Paladin of Voltron. Why should he care for such a weird prophecy? (But maybe he should have).
Or: Keith didn’t know he was half Galra. And that may cause some serious problems to him.
Link to chapter 21 (Rogue One) on Ao3
New to the fanfic?
Link to Chapter 1 on Ao3
Do you want to give your support?
Link to the Ko-fi
Link to the Patreon
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
WMaH Chpt 21 (Author’s Notes)
As always, I have a lot to ramble about the new chapters xD (This will probably become public later, so this is more of a exclusivity on this begining of patreon)
First of all, sorry it took so long >.< a ton of stuff happened in my life since last chapter. I'm  not here to cry out, so let's get into the notes!
1) Keith and Ethan
I really loved to write their interactions. How Ethan went from "urgh, I hate you, you fucking mutt" to "OMG! I LOVE YOU, MAN!". They have a lot in common: both were forced to grow too fast (Keith lost his mom pretty earlier and then he had to fight a war that wasn't his. Ethan lost his whole family in one go and had to organize a resistance from scrat). Thus, it seems natural that after some initial hostility, after they talked with each other, they would become very good friends.
Well, for now, Ethan is also kinda trying to compensate for his previous mistakes by having Keith in a very highly account. Right now, if Keith said that they were having a trip to hell, Ethan wouldn't even question, he'd just follow. But he'll get over it and they'll work very well together. Just like it's not ok to think of other people as inferior, it's not that fine to think of them as demi-gods. Ethan will grow, just wait for it =3
2) Peter/Pidge
You guys have NO IDEA of how much I was just waiting for this moment to rise! xD Just to make this comparison even more clear.
In case you didn't notice, I was already making a connection between Pidge and Peter (not because their names start with the letter P, mind you). Peter selected a color of ribbon for each of their friends memories: Blue for RPR-76, Red for MCHZ-0 and Yellow for GNC-Y.  They picked up the Green ribbon for themselves AND gave a Black ribbon for Keith to tie up his hair.
The connection was already there and I'll probably explore it more in the future 83c don't forget that Peter said that coding was one of his passions.
Speaking of that...
3) Hedy Lamarr, creator of the Wi-Fi
The producers made a reference to Allan Turin on the VLD series when Pidge was rambling about the code on the Olkari fungus. I used the same principle to make a reference to Hedy Lamarr,  Austrian-born American film actress and inventor who helped creating the Wi-Fi =D Peter mentions her as " Hed Lan Amar" xD I tried to keep a similar name.
Isn't that awesome? =D
4) Firenze and Istanbul
The references I tried to use for Esidarap and Leic were, respectively, Firenze and Istanbul. The problem is that I've never been to any of those cities, I'm afraid. Thus I filled it with a lot of imagination. I hope you guys don't mind.
Like, it's pretty damn hard to keep creating new worlds, so sometimes I'll use some references, even if they are... well... more of my imagination than real.
Nede will be inspired on Cairo, by the way.
5) “Caw, caw, motherfuckers.”
I just had to say that I was imagining that phrase every single time I wrote the phoenix rising from Keith's sword xD
Anyways, we always knew our boy is special <3
Speaking of that...
6) Magic in the universe
I know that the original series wants to make Voltron be all unique and nothing else compare, blah-blah-blah, yadda yadda, but I kinda find that really unfair to the rest of the universe.
Why can't they have their own magic/science and defend themselves using that? Why wait for Voltron?
Hence, the Phoenix Sword.
Of course, since the fanfic is still inspired by VLD, Voltron will be the strongest of them all. Like, Nevaeh has only the magical sword. It's not as powerful as a giant robot. However, I really like the concept of more magic around the universe that it's not Altean or Galra.
I'll probably make more of it in the future (but Keith probably won't be the chosen one again LOL enough is enough... is it? 83c)
7) Keith = King Arthur
Keith literally took the sword out of the stone hahahaha xD
"But DZ! He's no king!" you might say.
Hum... we shall see about that 83c
7) Star wars LOL
As always, I just couldn't help myself but make as many Star Wars references as possible xD
ESPECIALLY from Rogue One, my favourite move of them all <3 <3 <3
Those quotes were prepared since I watched the movie. The title of the Chapter came later (I had other thing prepared. I just can't remember anymore what it was LOL).
It's almost a drinking game by now LOL
9) Tracer 2.0
By this time, you probably already know that I love to make references to Overwatch, even if I don't play it (and I have yet to read the whole comics). Thus, I couldn't resist but make yet another character similar to Tracer xD
"Wait, what? What do you mean by 'another'?" you might be wondering.
Well, I kinda forgot to mention (and I'm sorry for that >.<) but I had already used Tracer's concept on The Broken Pride, when I created the character Hailyn (Chpt 3, the pilot they wanted to ride Red).
For Vien, I just refined her better =3
Just some silly easter egg hahaha
I guess this is all for now, folks!
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
About the new chapter of “The Broken Pride” and the brand new Patreon
So, Ao3 has this rule that it’s strictly forbidden for me to talk about making any money there with the fanfictions. That’s why I redirected you from there to here, so I can talk freely.
The Red Hero Saga with all it’s stories started as a free story and will remain that way. However, I really really really need money for myself in order to pay for education to get to a good college (this time, in a course/major that I really want). Thus, I’m starting the Patreon project, and I’m putting the chapters of The Saga there first AND exclusive stuff. 
There’s a lot of other stuff that you can have by becoming a patron. Here are the tiers I have so far:
1$ = Stardust
- access to the Patreon exclusive stuff 3 days after the original publication
 5$ = Shooting Star
- can participate on the Patreon polls - access to the author's notes - reading the next chapter 5 days before the others (if the story is being published on Ao3) - reading the Patreon exclusive stuff
 10$ = Star
- a 500 words commission per month (delivered on the next month. Only 10 requests per month) - discussions on unused ideas and concepts - can participate on the Patreon polls - access to the author's notes - reading the next chapter 6 days before the others (if the story is being published on Ao3) - reading the Patreon exclusive stuff
 20$ = Blue Moon
- a 1000 words commission per month (delivered on the next month. Only 5 requests per month) - exclusive previews on unfinished stuff - discussions on unused ideas and concepts - can participate on the Patreon polls - access to the author's notes - reading the next chapter 7 days before the others (if the story is being published on Ao3) - reading the Patreon exclusive stuff
(I’ll give more information about the commisions soon)
I’ll publish chapter 5 of TBP on Ao3 eventually (I still don’t have the date yet). But for now, it’s on Patreon! =D
There’s also two Patreon Exclusive fanfics there, if that sweetens the pot for you hahaha xD All just waiting for you to become a Patron ;D
Link to the Patreon
If you don’t want to become a Patron, but still wants to help, here’s the Ko-fi page!
Link to the Ko-fi
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
I swear that I'm working on the Red Hero Saga too >w<
I just... made a thing? ^^’
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Not even death do us apart
Author: wonderland-s-angel (LadyDestineeZara)
Minor Lotura
Rating: Mature
Period-Typical Homophobia
Past Medical Torture
Two major characters are already dead when the story starts (does this counts as “Major Character Death”?)
Dealing with spirits wasn’t something new to Hunk. It was his job after all. He might not like it so much sometimes (ok, a lot of times), but he was used to it.  However, this case was different from all others before. There was something off with the fire that destroyed that old asylum.  Who started it? Why? Who was the spirit that stayed behind? Hunk was determined to get at the bottom of it.
(A Sheith ghost love story. Updates every Saturday)
Link to the fanfic on Ao3
Do you want to read Chapter two before next Saturday?
Then become a patron on my Patreon =D
Link to the Patreon
Do you want to give your support?
Link to the Ko-fi
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
@keithsblackknight I got the song you sent =D
Within Temptation has kinda an epic vibe and it looked great on that part you menioned xD (no spoiler hahaha). 
I was actually listening to the Black Panther soundtrack while writing and some more epics songs from my playlist. hahaha but yeah, Paradise (what about us?) would fit too =D
I’m glad you liked it =3
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
YAY! <3
the patreon is up and running!
I have 3 basic tiers right now, but I’ll probably change that in the future, especially when I make the advetizing for the big public
Tier1 (the “Hobbits” tier) 5$: right now you can read Chapter 21: Rogue One of What Makes a Hero?
Tier2 (the “Elves” tier) 10$: you can read the new chapter + read the author’s notes (they will be avaliable once I publish the chapter on AO3). Also, this will have some random ideas for stories here.
Tier3 (the “GANDALF, THE WHITE” tier) 20$: for now, there’s nothing special about this one. You have the same benefits as the Elves tier. However, I plan to post small tibbits of the new chapter of The Broken Pride here before the official release. 
Here’s the link!
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
the patreon is up and running!
I have 3 basic tiers right now, but I’ll probably change that in the future, especially when I make the advetizing for the big public
Tier1 (the “Hobbits” tier) 5$: right now you can read Chapter 21: Rogue One of What Makes a Hero?
Tier2 (the “Elves” tier) 10$: you can read the new chapter + read the author’s notes (they will be avaliable once I publish the chapter on AO3). Also, this will have some random ideas for stories here.
Tier3 (the “GANDALF, THE WHITE” tier) 20$: for now, there’s nothing special about this one. You have the same benefits as the Elves tier. However, I plan to post small tibbits of the new chapter of The Broken Pride here before the official release. 
Here’s the link!
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
Text guys know that you can read chapter 21 of WMaH for only 5 dollars, right? ._.
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theredherosaga · 7 years ago
the patreon is up and running!
I have 3 basic tiers right now, but I’ll probably change that in the future, especially when I make the advetizing for the big public
Tier1 (the “Hobbits” tier) 5$: right now you can read Chapter 21: Rogue One of What Makes a Hero?
Tier2 (the “Elves” tier) 10$: you can read the new chapter + read the author’s notes (they will be avaliable once I publish the chapter on AO3). Also, this will have some random ideas for stories here.
Tier3 (the “GANDALF, THE WHITE” tier) 20$: for now, there’s nothing special about this one. You have the same benefits as the Elves tier. However, I plan to post small tibbits of the new chapter of The Broken Pride here before the official release. 
Here’s the link!
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