#Also I did this while in an online meeting so time very well spent :3
cawe-sama · 1 year
@hetalia-rarepairweek day 5! I can't believe I like it so much!!
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The prompt is historical, but very recent :) getting your gf into this mess you're making all over Europe <3
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sanjisboyfie · 10 months
rockstar ! trafalgar law headcanons
trafalgar law x male reader ; he might seem ooc but he isn't, trust me. this is how law is supposed to be perceived, i talked to oda himself and sorted this all out with him before publishing.
-> listened to brooklyn baby by lana while writing this...hehehehheheehhehehehehe ps. i think that is my favorite photo of manga law ever oh my fuking godhes so hot.
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rockstar ! law . . . did not get famous overnight, but also did not get famous on purpose...if that makes sense. like his ass was up posting his guitar covers on youtube for years before someone reached out to him on joining a proper band. but also he wasn't posting those guitar covers with the intent of getting noticed. he just wanted people to see how SICK he was on guitar (he's a not-so-secret narcisst). but also another reason he posted them was because of you, his boyfriend who he had been in a relationship for a year at that point, was encouraging him to do so. your support for him and his talent was really assuring and fuelled him to be confident enough to post them online. (he was kind of against the idea at first, probably saying romantic shit like, "i want only you to hear the songs i play," but eventually was swayed when you spent many minutes convincing him to)
rockstar ! law . . . when he finally goes on tour with his band, he is pretty insistent and headstrong in allowing you to come with. he doesn't care if he needs to pay out of pocket money to fund your stay with him and his bandmates, he will if he has to. because he's not leaving you for months on end, pursuing the dream that was only possible because of how you supported him through it. there's absolutely no way he's going on tour without his boyfriend.
law's tattooed arms were crossed over his wide chest as he listened to their manager and a team of people tell him and his band about their upcoming plan for their first ever tour.
after the end, when it was about time for everything to wrap up, law calmly asked, "what about bringing significant others?" this makes the executives share looks with one another before apologetically smiling at him.
"sorry, another person added onto the travel, boarding, and all that will not be able to fit into out budg-"
"then i'm not going," law says simply, already getting ready to storm out of the room. but the manager stops him by his wrist.
"n-now, let's not get hasty! this was not something we accounted for-"
"well you should've, i'm not going anywhere without him. i'm not gonna leave him." law states stubbornly, glaring down at the man that was much shorter than him, "he's either coming with us or i'm not going at all."
a silence passed over the room and his bandmates were internally praising law for having the balls to stand up to these powerful guys so carefree like that.
maybe that's what had made him such a good rockstar.
his passions that he was not willing to back down for, he'd settle for his desires being fulfilled or nothing at all.
what they didn't know was that all of those passions were singlehandedly fuelled by his immense love for you.
"a portion of it will have to come out of your pocket, then. we really don't have the funds to bring on another person. so if you can't-"
"i can manage. if that's all, and we're all good. me and [name] will be ready by the designated time and meet you all at the location with all of our things," law easily says, walking out of the room with his broad shoulders being the last thing the executives saw.
"wow, law is so cool!" a memeber, stage-named penguin, said with stars in his eyes.
"don't get any ideas." the manager immediately cuts them off before they can gush further.
rockstar ! law . . . is very openly gay for you <3 doesn't really care that people are expecting him to act a certain way because he is a rockstar, he could care less. he's said time and time again that the only reason these fans of his have the oppurtunity to appreciate him to such an extent is because of you. had it not been you encouraging him to post his covers, he would not be standing on that stage for them to admire. so he can be as shameless as he wants in displaying his affection for you. naturally, law isn't the most into pda, but when he hears annoying people batter him for being so into you, his boyfriend, he feels the need to piss them off even further.
law's calloused fingers were playing with the flesh of your waist as he held you close. it was dark in the after party room so he made sure to keep you secure to his side so that he wouldn't lose you in the crowd.
there were a bunch of celebrities that attended their recent show scattered around the room, but he didn't care for them. not when he had you on his arm. plus, he didn't really like these after parties that much - he'd much prefer to be on the tour bus cuddling with you.
feeling unimpressed with the party, he turned to you to feel some comfort. when he saw how you were just taking in the view of everyone, he leaned down to kiss you, surprising you at the sudden affection. but soon, the both of you were just pressed against the wall of the room and blatantly making out with each other. his raven hair was messy by the time you two pulled away from each other and that knowing smirk of his was proudly plastered on his face.
the next morning, the internet were ripping law into pieces for still being in a relationship with you despite having access to as many beautiful women, handsome men, and alluring people that he could have wanted. he was a talented, well-known name in the scene with a handsome face and charming demeanor. he could have had anyone. and some were frustrated, for some reason, that he was still with you.
five years going strong in your relationship wasn't enough for the press to believe he was satisfied and completely settled down with you, for some reason...
he groans the moment he sees the headlines, throwing his phone to the mattress and turning into your side to be comforted by you once again. the only person capable of calming him down still remains to be only you.
"love you," he says against your skin, making you laugh at the sleepy confession.
"love you, too, law. you know i don't care about the stupid shit they say," you comment, making note of how tight his arms were around your waist.
he doesn't acknowledge what you say, only peppering more kisses to your bare skin.
rockstar ! law . . . kinda perfectly fits the rockstar bf aesthetic to a T. he's wearing the leather jackets and the other staple fashion pieces that scream "rockstar boyfriend." it doesn't help the way the clothes so perfectly fall into place on his body. he enjoys matching with you too, even if your aesthetics may not match. if he's wearing a heavy jewlery piece, like a necklace, ring, or bracelet, he buys a matching one that you would like and would be able to style. he doesn't mind discarding his iconic leather jacket for you if you are feeling cold. and of course, he's attentive, protective, and caring for you (and only you) - perfectly fuelling the fantasies many people have of that "rockstar boyfriend persona"
law was not known for being hot-headed. there were never any stories of him giving customer service people a hardtime, or of him trashing hotel rooms like many others in the same genre as him were guilty of doing. his overall attitude was off standish, but polite.
with a slight difference whenever he was seen with you. still off standish and polite, but specially doting and careful when he is with you.
his arm is always slithered around your waist or shoulders and he is always seen attentively listening to whatever it is you're rambling about. his eyes focused in on you, and only you, show that he is blocking out the rest of the world and listening to you intently.
the way he almost, kind of, definitely glares at people that interrupt your time together before he softens his gaze the moment you catch him making faces and scold him. he's completely wrapped around your finger, despite his seemingly intimidating and threatening persona, he's complete mush with you.
his leather jacket was thrown over your shoulders as he protectively stood behind you. tonight, the two of you were at the bar and watching the live performance of the local band of the town you were in. due to your begging, he agreed to get off of the counter stool and dance and sway to the music with you.
his arms are resting in front of you as he holds your hands in his, completely engulfing them with the size difference. the jacket around you is practically drowning you as well.
he's rocking you back and forth, occasionally leaning down and pressing a kiss to your cheek and whispering sweet nothings to you. your cute moment unfortunately comes to an end though. some drunkard knocks into the two of you and spills their entire pint of beer on you and your clothing.
your first reaction is to take off law's jacket to spare it from reeking of the beverage, but law's first reaction is to push you behind him and size up the guy that knocked into you.
"the hell is your problem, man?! it was an accident!" the man defends himself when he feels threatened by your boyfriend.
law's one hand is holding your own, wanting to make sure you stay close to him some way, while the other is clenched at his side to form a fist. noticing how he was very close to landing a hit on the idiot's face, you pull him back by his shirt, "c'mon, people are staring,"
"don't care, this guy has got his head so far up his ass," law simply says, genuinely not caring at all that people were looking at him as if he were crazy.
"law, let's just go," he turns his head to you, his gaze softening as he turns.
he waits a couple seconds before speaking in whispers, "do you really want to go? i can just take care of him-"
"i do, really. let's just go, babe, it's alright, it was an accident," you continued trying to convince him.
"he could've done it on purpose, he could be a complete, total asshole,"
you laughed at his reasoning of giving the guy a lesson, shaking your head, "let's just go and get out of here."
law doesn't seem satisfied with having to let the guy go without any reprecussions, but if law is anything: he's a boyfriend that listens to his boyfriend.
so he walks away with you close by, tight grip on your hand, and silently cursing the asshole the entire ride home.
rockstar ! law . . . very casually dedicates the most romantic, sensual, loving, etc. songs to you when he is on stage.
"this one is for the man standing at side stage, waiting for me,"
"i've been with the same idiot for 5 years now and this song is for him,"
"this is [name]'s favorite, by the way. so if you don't like it, you can fuck off,"
rockstar ! law . . . who doesn't understand the way some fans really idolize your relationship. he loves you a lot and he's glad that they're accepting of that fact, but why are people on the internet asking him and you to adopt them...? or why are they calling the both of you their "daddies"? he's confused. he at least pieces together that they're being supportive, but he doesn't truly understand what they mean when they say stuff like "i wanna go to paris" underneath his posts of you and him on his instagram.
rockstar ! law . . . whose favorite audience is still you. he loves playing his guitar for you, just in the quiet of your room (when you're finally home for tour) and with you on the bed with his strumming as background noise to your reading, or whatever hobby you commit to.
his fingers move with such familiarity he can easily take his eyes off of the neck of the guitar. he looks at you with such love and care that it would make any onlookers vomit at how sweet he was being.
the song that he was playing was faintly resembling "can't help falling in love" by elvis, with his own personal twist. the moment you recognize the chords and notes, though, you look at him with a deadpan expression on your face.
he smirks, tilting his head, "what?" he'll ask with that annoying knowing look on his face.
"you're so cheesy," you comment with an eye roll.
"oh, don't be an asshole now,"
"not being an asshole, just being honest!"
law puts down the acoustic guitar, walking over to where you were and planting a kiss to the top of your head. clearing his throat, he begins to mimic the singer with exaggeration. it spurs you into laughter at his impression, which he only grins wider at. your laugh still remains his favorite sound in the whole world.
this soft side was only shown behind closed doors with you. and you liked it that way. no one else got to see your usually intimidating boyfriend with his walls completely down. how sweet and doting he actually was. polar opposite to that persona he put on whenever he walked onto those grand stages.
he was just yours right now.
and as he leans down to press a passionate kiss to your lips, you can smile against his with comfortability. and warmness spreads throughout both of your chests as he smiles back.
and finally, rockstar ! law who definitely gets your name tattooed somewhere on his body. probably on his hands or arms tbh because that is the most visible body part of his that gets photographed and noticed due to how he plays the guitar. that way if anyone wants to take photos of him in his element, they'll see a small part of you that he carries with him everywhere.
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starker-raving-mads · 5 months
For You: Part IX
im so sorry this took so long but everyone can thank @madeforstarker for kicking me in the ass to get it done. Thank you, princess <3
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX
Peter didn't see Tony for three days.
This was partially his fault. His initial reaction to The Bedroom Incident, as he was calling it, was to flee the entire building, his feet scurrying him to May's apartment early the following morning. He spent a good few hours with his aunt - something he didn't actually regret, though the reason for the new time together soured it a little for him - and when she left for work he left for patrol. It was probably his longest patrol yet, capping off at 6 hours, and while it felt good to stretch his muscles and help the people of Queens, his mind constantly drifted back to The Bedroom Incident.
He couldn't face Tony after that.
And yet he couldn't not.
After weeks of living in the penthouse, it felt like home. It was the only place he felt well and truly free and comfortable, and Tony being there just made it even better. Even with the - awkwardness that now surrounded them, surely they could get over that right? It's not like he'd said Tony's name. Out loud, at least.
So, exhausted and starving, he swung by a 24/7 deli and grabbed two sandwiches. They wouldn't be as good as Mr. Delmar's but Peter was starving so he'd take what he could get. He ate one of them on the walk home in his street wear, taking his time by taking a circuitous route back to Stark Tower. It was just delaying the inevitable but Peter couldn't bring himself to speed up the awkward conversation he was no doubt gonna have once he got home.
And yet, once the elevator doors opened and revealed the penthouse, no one was there.
"Fri?" he called.
"Yes, mom?"
"Where's, uh - where's Tony at?"
"Boss has been dematerialized and operating within the bounds of his cognitive digital space, which I am unable to access. Would you like me to get him for you?" she asked, tone colored with curiosity. Peter had to wonder what she thought of the situation, but also did not want to know. He could only imagine the leaps in logic she would make that would hit too close to home.
He dawdled around the living room for a little while before heading down to the labs, half expecting Tony to be there, blue and glowing and insubstantial but present and, for lack of better words, alive.
This was not the case.
Tony was nowhere in the confines of the lab. Peter sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, slowly making his way toward the elevator. He stopped before he entered it and turned around, speaking aloud, "I, uh, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I - yeah. I'll be around." He felt like an idiot speaking to an empty room but he wasn't sure what else to do.
He spent the rest of the night in the penthouse doing his online course work in silence. When he went to bed, he had Friday tell Tony just in case he wanted to know where Peter was, and then fell into a very tense and restless sleep.
The following two days were much like the first. Peter woke up, had Friday tell Tony what he was doing or where he was, visited his friends or May, patrolled, and did his online coursework. He'd come home, have Friday update Tony - not that she ever got an affirmative response - and he went to bed. He slept like shit, he felt like shit, and it was really starting to drain him.
On the fourth day, when he'd about lost his patience and his nerve, Tony finally popped into existence in the middle of the living room. It scared the hell out of him but he didn't do much more than look at the older man, dumbfounded and slightly stupefied.
"Yeah, uh," the simulation ran a hand through his hair, messing it up in an impossibly cute way, "hi."
"Hi," Peter replied, lame as fuck.
They stared at each other in silence, brown eyes meeting blue ones, before Tony finally broke the tension.
It was only Peter's enhanced senses that made the jumble of words make sense and he blushed immediately, grimacing and trying to hide it.
"It - uh, it's okay."
"It's really not, this is your place and I should give you privacy and I didn't and - " Tony paused, looking at Peter again. " - and I really should not know you have a daddy kink, kid."
"Oh god," Peter groaned, grabbing a pillow and shoving it over his face. "You heard that?"
Tony chuckled and it somehow broke the tension in the room despite the topic. "Kinda hard not to when you're all breathy and moaning. Plus," he shrugged, still grinning, "I have this kickass new memory since it all gets stored and fragmented and saved now."
"Please, please let's change topics before I pass out from blood loss," Peter begged. And, suddenly, everything felt right with the world again. This was their thing. Teasing and being teased, having fun and making jokes between all the serious stuff. It felt good, like a breath of fresh air after three very long, very lonely days.
Peter tried not to analyze what that meant for the future of his sex life.
Long and lonely, he sighed.
But, they moved topics like Peter had wanted, only to something he had not really expected.
"You what?" he asked, perplexed.
"I sent Pepper a Cease & Desist," Tony said as if it made any sense at all.
"How? Did you tell her you were - "
"Oh no, no way," the older man shook his head. "I figured neither of us were ready to pop open that can of worms. I sent it through Friday on your behalf - which," he grimaced, "I probably should've asked first, but what's done is done."
"It's fine, I guess, just - why?" That was what Peter couldn't understand. Why would Tony be sending C&Ds to his wife of all people? And on Peter's behalf no less.
"Listen, kid, I fucked up when I made my will - and before you start thinking it was about your part, it wasn't that," he cut Peter off when he saw the protest in his eyes. With a firm glare, he continued, "She had no right doing a lot of the things she did and is still doing. I had plenty of time in the last three days to think about it, analyze data, check on sources - it's amazing what having all that extra time I'd normally be sleeping can do - and I'm very unhappy with her, Pete."
"Just, why?" Peter asked again, feeling like a parrot or an NPC who had no other dialogue.
"She shouldn't have taken your blanket," the older man glared. "And she shouldn't have said what she did in that meeting room, or any of the tactics she's employed since. I know Pepper, kid, like I know the back of my hand," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand. "That means all the good and the bad. I know that I loved her, or something like that - I must have, to have gotten married and had a kid and everything," he waved his hand like this was not a tremendous thing to be admitting. Might have loved his wife. Oh boy. "But she's taking my decisions out on you and it's not right and it's not fair."
"I don't - "
"If you say you don't mind, kid, I'm gonna figure out a way to kick your ass," Tony swore. "You matter, your persona matters to the public and the shareholders, your favorite things matter even when they're just blankets, and you matter enough to me to be able to see your own god daughter."
"I - thank you," Peter replied softly, curling into the couch with a not-as-cozy blanket draped over him. "I don't know what to say to that."
"Just accept it."
Peter chuckled. "I can do that."
A sweet smile was spread across the space between them, warm and something. After a moment, Peter asked, "So what exactly did your C&D say?"
"The majority of it was just getting her to stop her public and private attacks on you," Tony started. He sat on one of the couch cushions and it was weird seeing it not sink in with his weight. "There was a second petition as well, to get visiting hours with Morgan. I hope, uh," he looked truly nervous here. "I hope you don't mind. I really think you'll love her, Pete." His eyes were earnest as he said this, not really looking for acceptance to an apology that wasn't given. Tony wanted Peter to know his daughter and Peter wanted that too.
"Of course I will," Peter smiled. "She's part you, remember?"
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wyrm-in-a-closet · 2 years
And HERE is WHY!
(TW: spiders)
first: personality. sparkle is SILLY and STUPID. she does things like FIGHT PEOPLE and get herself INJURED. and she does those VERY OFTEN. she is also very traumatized and doesn't know it which just makes her weirder and more awkward. she is HORRIBLE at social interaction and would rather look at COOL BUGS in the forest. or maybe COOL ROCKS in the forest. or maybe COOL PLANTS in the forest. sparkle like looking at cool things in the forest more than she likes talking to you. thinking about it now maybe this girl also has a bit of autism in her. this happens to all my characters god dammit.
second: just look at her. sparkle is a thing known as a shifter- basically a magical person who can transform between a human form, an animal form, and a "half" form, which part human and part animal, as seen below (Shifters are created by my friend @magicsmischiefs.) Sparkle's particular animal is a SPARKLEMUFFIN SPIDER. aka. the best spider to ever exist.
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I mean just LOOK at this FUCKING FELLOW. sparklemuffin spiders are a type of jumping spider, and can jump over 50 times their body length! this applies to sparkle as well, and since her half form is closer to human size, she can cover a lot more distance than a tiny spider. however, she's still super fucking short in half form, at 3'6". tiny bastard woman. in her human form she's taller though. just over 5 foot. barely. anyways here's what the bitch actually looks like, art also by @magicsmischiefs. look at the fucked up spider lady <3333
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third: backstory. Sparkle is from Miami- no not that miami. which miami? the tiny ass one in oklahoma. there are like, 8 (okay there's like 12877 more people than that but you get the point) people there. instead of using THE INTERNET or ELECTRONICS sparkle instead spent all her time in the FOREST. because of this sparkle is literally the opposite of terminally online she has used THREE websites ever and those are GOOGLE WIKIPEDIA and COOLMATHGAMES. maybe others for school but who knows miami is a tiny ass town who knows if their school has that shit. her parents also never really gave any attention to her because they're shitty ass parents. that's why shes traumatized and doesnt know it. despite this sparkle STAYS SILLY. :3.
fourth: other random FUN FACTS: -sparkle taught herself how to use a SCYTHE as a weapon. nobody is quite sure where she got it or how she learned to use it but she has it and it is her BEST FRIEND. -Sparkle's parents honestly can't remember Sparkle's assigned gender at birth one day they were just like. did we always have a girl or is that a new thing. and then never brought it up again. this is canon and that's just how shit of parents they are. -sparkle plays ELECTRIC GUITAR. again nobody is sure where she got it and there's a decent chance it's stolen but she rocks out on it. also fun fact the species name for jumping spiders is latin for "rocking" because of the dances they do while mating, but that also means sparkle is ROCKING OUT all the time just be being alive. -sparkle does WRESTLING at her school and CAN and WILL beat eveyrone in her weight class up. i have no idea if her school would even be big enough to have wrestling but there's tulsa like an hour away she can wrestle there. it works. -sparkle would probably use NEOPRONOUNS except that she literally doesn't know what those are so she just uses she/her. that might change at some point (she may meet another of my characters who *is* a canonical tumblr user) but for now that's how it is. -she couldn't be fucked to think of a new name for herself so just took SPARKLE from her being a sparklemuffin spider. (this is definitely not because that's just what i named her and only later thought of a good explanation).
everyone can and should ask questions about her if you want
sorry this is so long but #SPARKLESWEEP
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I dunno why, but I came up with the idea "Why not create versions of Jacob, whose one of the parents died?". So at first I had approximate interpretations of these two versions (in the first, where Frown dies and in the second, where Brock dies), and then it turned into maybe really potential two AUs in AU. Meet the next alternative versions of Jacob.
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1) If Alan is no more:
It will happen very tragically. Alan will feel severe pain in the scar area, ask Brock to quickly video the farewell words, where he said that on the occasion of Brock's death, he must fulfill his promises recorded on other videos and in a sketchbook at their home. Jacob spent quite a bit in the arms of Papa Frown and began to panic after he felt the cold of an already dead body. Brock became depressed and asked the Unigang not to come to visit him or on business, as he needed to survive the loss. The most unpleasant thing was that the employees of the TV studio did not care about Brock's depression, since they believe that either women or nannies are engaged in raising very young ones, but Brock did not want to hire any nannies. It took 3-4 full days to calm down and deal with the baby, who very often calms down only if he lies/hugs Frown's turtleneck. Brock took photos with Frown for a while, but not for himself, but for Jacob, to whom he would only show pictures with the second dad and tell everything about him. Jacob has never seen the second dad and generally thought for a long time that he either has one parent, or he is completely different and is called mom, but after learning the truth about his fate, he cried because he could not see him live (at least, he is no longer able to remember this, since he is no longer at that age), but Papa Brock showed him a lot and Jacob promised that he would not be a bad guy like Papa Frown and that he would be in his heart.
Growing up, he was able to start a relationship with friends, not very confident in himself, compared to the original, but wants to prove his capabilities. Partly a skeptic, likes to take pictures, use social networks and the attention of others.
2) If Brock is no more:
It will happen accidentally and also tragically. Brock will die in an accident and he will fall into a long coma for four years (Alan brought his son to see Papa Brock sleeping in the ward) When Brock dies, Frown will fall into a much deeper depression, since Brock's money was what they lived on very well at that time, and Frown was only trying to earn, given his reputation. None of Brock's colleagues knew about the fact that Jacob was born, so it was easier for Frown to prove that this was his child. Later, the President will be arrested and Frown can safely raise her son. Unlike Brock, Alan would not take photos, because even though they were not perfect, they meant a lot to him, because they depict the one for whom he practically lived. He showed his son many places, videos, photos, after which Jacob decided to become like His Cool Chilly Gamer Dad.
Jacob grew up a little rude, but apologized, maybe he has a small social circle, but he likes to communicate with those three children more online than in real life, where they play Terraria or something else. This version of Jacob doesn't wear outerwear, just headphones and computer glasses.
On the one hand, I want to do more content on other characters, but since Frock is gaining more fame, I will have to do content related to Jacob's dads or the Unigang a little more often. But on the other hand, I finally have a little more time for this blog, so wait for more content.
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fyeahsterek72 · 2 years
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I posted 847 times in 2022
13 posts created (2%)
834 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 45 of my posts in 2022
#sterek - 23 posts
#stiles stilinski - 12 posts
#derek hale - 11 posts
#teen wolf - 9 posts
#chaos event - 4 posts
#sterek big bang 2022 - 4 posts
#tyler hoechlin - 3 posts
#fanart - 3 posts
#seanchaidh7 is so ridiculously talented - 3 posts
#human au - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 53 characters
#have to read capturef derek fic but again amazing art
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Food for thought
35 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Chapter 33 of The Great Bi Awakening is up
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After the Bite.
In which: Stiles wants to claim Derek. Derek melts. He's also very horny. Peter shows up at the loft. He and Stiles scheme.
41 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
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Published today as part of @sterekreversechallenges 2022 Reverse Bang
Read it here
Based on Art and a prompt by @d0gbite (CreationMyth on AO3) with additional moodboards and playlist by @d0gbite in the fic
Fic by @fyeahsterek72 (HisBeloved on AO3)
When it began, it was subtle. Dreams within dreams that felt real, his awake moments less real than the time spent asleep. Dreams where he was with Lydia - sleeping, sitting at lunch, driving somewhere vitally important.
Why was he with Lydia? Were they together? When and how did it happen? When he asked himself these questions, the answers simply came and that felt like enough, even if the answers were nonsensical.
After a while, he didn’t feel the need to question the why anymore.
This is a pre-slash, canon divergent story that looks at Stiles' possession by the Nogitsune from his point of view with a moment before the confrontation at the loft in which Derek agrees to host the Nogitsune in exchange for Stiles' life.
Rated Explicit for Graphic Depictions of Violence and Major Character Death. This one has All The Angst.
41 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
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The Curse of the Love Sweater
Coming July 23
Written by: HisBeloved (fyeahsterek72/droppedstitches72
With Art by: delete-risks
Rating: E (56K, human au, yarn store au, knitting au, YouTuber Stiles, knitwear designer Derek, so much fluff, explicit sexual content, prepare to get diabetes it’s so sweet)
“Welcome to Lucky Ewe! On Lucky Ewe, my best friends Scott and Erica and I talk about yarn, knitting, crochet, and all other things yarnie!  Lucky Ewe is a community yarn shop in Beacon Hills, California and we like to think of ourselves as the neighborhood hangout for the crafty types.  We do online orders, too; you can find our web address below and in the show notes!” 
“I'm Stiles, this is my best friend in the entire world, stepbrother, and co-owner, Scott McCall - Scottie, I’m so happy you could join us today!  Scott’s a veterinarian, too, so he doesn’t have all the time in the world, and we’re so happy when he can join us!  And to my left is my sister-from-another-mister Erica Reyes, fellow shopkeeper, fellow knitter, Super Friend!”
Taking a deep breath, Stiles turned to Scott and said, “So, what did you do this weekend Scott?"
For just a moment, Scott looked like he’d been caught doing something that he wasn’t supposed to do. “Um, yeah, Ali and I went out again.  She’s amazing.  And I met her dad, who is terrifying, and his husband, who sort of looked like he wanted to eat me?”
“Well, you are sexy in a lifetime friends sort of way,” Stiles commented, Erica nodding her head in agreement.  “So why the look that you’d been caught?  We love Ali!  She’s been coming here for years; it’s about time you two started dating.”
Looking at the camera, Erica said, “They’ve been mooning disgustingly over each other forever.”
“Like you’re not naming our sale codes after Boyd,” Scott countered, smiling with affection.
“Don’t avoid the question, Scottie.  You know I’ll drag it out of you eventually,” Stiles said.
“Well, the easiest way to meet both her dad and stepdad was - well, see, Peter, her stepdad ..”
“Peter Hale, folks, famous vintner behind Wolf’s Head Wines and SUUUUPER loaded,” Stiles supplied.
“Yeah, him.  He hangs out at his nephew’s store a lot.” Scott replied, looking at his hands, which he was wringing underneath the table.
“His nephew being Derek Hale?  The same Derek Hale who runs The Hale Yarn Company?” Erica challenged, looking aghast.
“It’s not like you haven’t been there a hundred times, what with Boyd working there,” Scott argued back.
“Yes, but you said, and I quote, ‘I will never step foot in The Hale Yarn Company,’ and then Stiles said that was ridiculous, that you could go wherever you wanted, and then you said that Claudia had a good reason for not liking them even though no one knows what that reason was and also that it was in Cottonwood Valley and Cottonwood Valley makes you feel like you should buy a better car and they only have Whole Foods for groceries which is way too expensive and no good fast food...”
“Which, folks, means that they don’t have Panda Express,” Stiles interrupted.
“Panda Express is the bomb,” Scott mused with a smile.
“It’s all about the orange chicken,” Stiles contributed.
Coming Soon to the @twsterekbigbang!
163 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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For my birthday in September an anonymous gifter bought me a commission from @seanchaidh7!  Here it is! (I couldn’t be more thrilled with it - look at how beautiful they are!  Look at the lighting in the hall!  Look at their beautiful expressions! Ashley is AMAZING in every way!!)
This art is based on Chapter 15 of my ongoing Sterek COVID roommates fic, The Great Bi Awakening:
And Derek was now fully facing Stiles and they'd stepped closer to each other.
"Yeah?" breathed Stiles as Derek looked at his lips again and then looked Stiles in the eyes.
Derek nodded.
Stiles - he just couldn't think.  Because Derek Hale was beautiful.  The most beautiful person to have ever been created.  And Derek Hale opened up to him and would rip his soul out for Stiles if he thought that was what it took to help Stiles.  And Stiles would do the same in a second.   Immediately.
And that's when Stiles realized it, fully and completely and without a doubt.  That's when he knew that this is what it feels like - this, here, with Derek - this is what it feels like to love someone.  Wholly and completely and without reservation. The opening up and the vulnerability and the trust and the safety, it was love.  And having a past with a person, and being best friends with them.  And picking out their furniture and them holding you when you cry and then wiping  the snot off of your face in the still of the night.   This was love.
He was in love with Derek Hale.  And he was pretty damn sure that Derek Hale was in love with him.
His lips were so close, and when Stiles looked up, Derek was staring in his eyes.  He looked so impassioned and open and  ready .  Like he wanted to move in closer but he just couldn't move those last few inches.
So Stiles did it for him.
611 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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darthva4517 · 1 year
New Toy...
It's always so fun and exciting to meet new people. It's also quite hard for me, which makes it that much nicer when I do. With that said, I've spent the last month or so visiting with and playing online with a new, to me, toy (I say to me, because they are well established online). And they've been very fun to play with and tease online.
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During this month of visiting, and playing, I learned that this toy was much more then a simple sub to play with. They displayed Switch tendencies, and they wanted to explore those as well. THAT part was left out of all of their blog posts and profile to protect their inbox from blowing up with "please drop me" messages, and I totally get and respect that. (Also, don't do this, get to know who's getting in your head first. So much better with a connection there). Long story short we've spent the last month talking with, and teasing each other. Which leads us to yesterday...
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We decided it was time to try a call together. This would be their first time going under hypnosis during a live call, and I hadn't been on a double switch call in over 3 years, so to say we were both excited would be an understatement.
It wasn't all play. We visited for a while, continuing to get to know each other. Then we started light teasing using/trading some of our pleasure trigger phrases on each other. Toy, never having heard these phrases out loud, found themselves feeling very fuzzy and drifty. With permission, I guided them the rest of the way down.
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Keeping the details between us, for it take us their story to tell-if they wish, they dropped, and woke, and dropped some more. After a while of this, I brought them back, and we decided together that we would listen to a file together. And then it was my turn to be empty and blank for a while. I'm going to keep those details between us for now, but it was AMAZING.
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When I was alert again, I did toss a spiral their way, simply to see their reaction (as best I can in an audio call anyway), and they were indeed captivated by it, as we both suspected they would be.
Now we were almost 2 hours into playing, so I brought Toy back up and cleared their head, leaving only one or two post hypnotic suggestions in there. And eventually sent them about their day.
Long story short, yesterday was a very fun filled, exciting, amazing, sensual, erotica filled day, and I loved every minute of it.
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I didn't get to go to the botanic garden or visit the Fairytale Farm a second time, despite booking both online, because I hit my injured knee. Again. So spent the day before leaving resting, mostly. It was still a lovely vacation and I'm very happy with how much I did in just one week... alhamdulilLah, lovely, despite the injuries, fff.
Back at my apartment and very sleepy. ^^;
I watched two movies on the flight!
[Major spoilers for both Follow That Bird and Soul]
Soul and Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird. Follow That Bird is definitely from an earlier era of Sesame Street, I didn't grow up with most of these human characters and the acting (soooo corny, fff) and writing isn't on the level of later Sesame Street, but the characters still have a ton of charm, and I wish we kept seeing more of these human characters. I got really happy recognizing signs Linda uses and those Gordon uses to speak with her (like "bird" and "sleep" when he was explaining to her that Olivia was singing Big Bird a lullaby, while they're apart...) it also has more depth when you consider Sesame Street was made for inner city kids who didn't often get as good an education, the mixed neighborhood... Sesame Street's so warm and inclusive. ;3;
Big Bird felt like someone adopted out of his culture. I felt so bad for him when he wanted to talk to a migratory bird, disappointed they weren't moving in, because he was worried he'd forget how to speak bird... but I really wound up disliking Ms. Finch for a lot of it, because of her insistence birds should be "with their own kind," it gave off "racial purity" vibes. The Dodos didn't get Big Bird at all, his kids mocked his love of playing pretend, his parents went right away to changing his name, and they wouldn't even kiss him good night! It was all about what they wanted to do. No attempt to meet him halfway.
"I should be happy... what's wrong with me?"
Nothing, baby, this place isn't for you. ;_;
They even forbid him from seeing his old friend, Snuffy, and that was the last straw!
Finch came around when she saw how happy and loved he was in Sesame Street, then took credit for finding him a happy home... all's well that ends well!
I thought Soul was going to be one of the less impressive, more forgettable Pixar entries, but it was like the opposite of Up (Up had that amazing introduction, then just a cute and okay movie)—the first ten minutes or so feel like a by the numbers Pixar movie and then, it really gets special and there's a ton of heart. I think the message might hit harder for adults. I was moved to tears several times. I loved 22, just the sheer genuineness and fresh-eyed wonder about the world once she was finally in it... how bad she felt about possibly never finding something she's really talented at or good at or which gives her life meaning...
Joe matured a lot over the movie and I adore that it left what the true nature of the spark was up to the imagination. It was so sad when she became a lost soul and we saw that Joe said in frustration became something so much bigger and crushed her, literally. Maybe a love of life really is her spark, it doesn't have to be something as grand as being a great musician or whatever. Too few people appreciate the little things in life. If she keeps that for the rest of her days, every day will be magical!
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sleepyburito · 2 months
Venting about my father
Tw! mental issues not being addressed/someone refusing to medicate and for... I guess weird dad? and a parent seemingly living through their kid? Idk how to explain this one, parents yelling at their child and general bad parenting
So... Imma just start with the usual thanking god I don't live with my dad and I haven't meet with him in person since the year before covid and yeah I am very grateful
But I have a once a week skype call with him I literally can only get out of if I'm really sick, have a social event or play up my exhaustion to make it seem like I'm sick
So my dad is a fucking ping pong ball of emotions when it comes to these calls. Sometimes the call is nice and sweet while other times I feel like fucking crying afterwards
I don't ever tell a lotta people how bad things get even my mom doesn't know the full extent of things. Like she's seen some of the worst of it cause it usually results in me crying and needing a hug but there's a lotta little things.
a prime incident that makes me so fucking mad looking back on it now is when I was 13. It was my dads birthday and I had managed to send his birthday present but it was going to be a bit late. I let him know this but then he doesn't show up for our Skype call. Then he sends this message.
'I'm very disappointed in you ***' (not saying my legal name here)
and it turns out he's upset I 'forgot' his birthday and it takes him hours to answer and in that time I have a full on meltdown crying session while me and my mom try figure out wtf?
Then there was the time he got on my ass about studying (which yes I was not doing) in a way that made my stubborn self snap and so he got mad and I got so mad I started crying and next thing I know we're ending the call and I'm crying to myself in the kitchen.
I now offer last weeks call. I mentioned I hadn't gone out and socialised much but I had managed to go on some walks and get some nice time to myself (I hadn't I just wanted him to shut up with asking me what I did) and I mentioned I wasn't the most energetic and also mentioned I was unwell. He got... idk offended?? that I said two 'different' things and was still pissed even when I explained I was exhausted cuz I was unwell cuz I didn't wanna explain to him I was having a terrible period that left me curled up behind my mom on the sofa to help with cramps
now, here comes my 'living through me' theory
I'm a lot more introverted than my dad, me and my mom rarely leave the house for social events because it's not our thing and we just rarely have the energy for it. My dad however, would rather I go out like every other day which is a massive no for me as I once had social plans for a solid 4 days straight and ended up exhausted and barely able to function afterwards
He got a bit annoyed when I mentioned I hadn't done much over the week and had mainly spent time for myself and talking with friends online
then he asks if I'm going to start dating my platonic partner again (long story short, we dated romantically for nearly 3 years but then we both realised we were on the aro spectrum and now we're just something undefined just... us). And previously when we were dating ... he would ask really weird questions that made me extremely uncomfortable about us kissing, having sex etc and I just... did my best to joke my way out of it or change the topic but he'd continue on even when I tried to stop him.
Then he asks about my week plans and gets pissy again! when I say my plans just include more walks because I wanna get more fresh air and not be trapped in my warm house all day.
He got so pissed he ended the call for once and I am just so done.
This is from a man who stopped taking his very important meds several years ago (around the time of the birthday incident) and it now and then hits me that this is the result.
He is well and truly a stubborn asshole and I'm considering just lying half the time that I met up with friends so he can shut the fuck up. He doesn't even pay fucking child support, closest thing he does is send me money for holidays and birthdays
I just.... really really wish I could cut him out but I can't rn and it fucking sucks so badly and I just... I really wish I could tell him to fuck off
this is without including him trying to make me his 'perfect lil princess' and when he got me, a gender blob of a person he kept trying to make me a sports fan which also! didn't work. Also his weirdness about me cursing when jesus fuck he knows how teenagers are and that I'm on the internet and around people my age?
I can also add him thinking it's 'funny' to imply I have feelings for literally any of my friends which is just a fuck no (not just cuz of the aro thing but because I'm also a lesbian with a lot of guy friends-)
Oh and the period of time where he kept 'joking' about me becoming a nun and working for god (I'm agnostic now) and him getting pissed when he learned I stopped going to church because it just wasn't for me
Then there's the time he yelled at me for something my mom did and now I cry when I'm stressed and yelled at while also having bad financial guilt when people spend money on me
Oh and for basic clarification? my dad doesn't have any custody or guardianship over me as my parents were never married but broke up when my mom was pregnant with me. My mom got complete guardianship over me and my dad (when he lived in my country) would visit and when he moved I'd go over there and stay with him for a week.
I don't know how I feel about him but I do know I really wish I could cut him out of my life for good.
sorry for the random vent I just needed to get this off my chest
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digiblueslush · 2 months
Hi yall here’s some more art lolz (not me forgetting that my name is Rory’s ART and stuff… and then only posting “stuff” lmao)
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This is another one I did with crayons, I went to the aquarium (that I used to volunteer at) with a friend, and if you didn’t know STINGRAYS ARE MY LIFE so I was just inspired by that, I used to draw stingrays all the time and it had been a while. I tried experimenting more with the textures in the background and I really like I it turned out :3
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And I did these ones yesterday! These are with oil pastels and they get a backstory yippee! So a while ago I was in this online IOP program (I left it after 2 weeks cuz it was awful and did nothing for me) and they have a 3 month and a 6 month discharge survey, so after 3 months I did the survey because it said if you did it you got a $10 gift card, and then I didn’t get a gift card -___- so when they sent me the 6 month one I was like well if I don’t get a gift card I don’t wanna do it lolz, but then they sent it again so I was like ok fine I don’t have anything better to do anyways and then I got the gift card! Apparently the gift card was for both surveys, not just the one. And since I had been messing around with crayons, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to look at oil pastels, and the ones we used in elementary school were only 6 dollars so I got them!! Very long way to say I have oil pastels but whatever.
These were both me just messing around re-learning the medium. The rat is based off of someone else’s art I saw on Pinterest (I wish I could credit but there wasn’t anybody credited on the picture T^T, if it was you THANK YOU FOR THE INSPO) and then the portrait is based off of a photo of a person. I initially didn’t like how it turned out since it didn’t look like the photo/realistic, but looking at it now I think the less realistic version I made looks cool, especially with the color scheme it’s got going on
I also started on a digital on that one “I’m not calling you good boy *insert name* this meeting was SHIT” with my OC’s Royal and Karla, but after I spent like 30 mins trying to get Karla’s side profile right I just gave up. I’d really like to get it done sometime cuz it’s SO funny but Im really unmotivated to do digital stuff for some reason. I think it’s just I have a more perfectionist mind when it comes to digital and it’s just not as fun sensory wise.
New art supplies always make me more motivated to ✨do the art stuff✨, so hopefully I’ll be more active in that sense, especially since I’m back to not being able to walk properly. Toodles :3
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a-spell-a-rebel-yell · 4 months
hello friends! sorry i am late because i had so much going on by the end of May/start of June including end of semester exams that i completely forgot to write a post in time (typical me lol) but worry not, May post is gonna be filled with so many stories!!!
so for this May i'd like to nickname it as Full of Friends May Mayhem because i felt so happy throughout the entire May as i spent lots of quality time with my best friends and experienced many exciting new things 🥺💙
first up, watching How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies หลานม่า with soon-to-be doctor, Chintia! it's been long since i saw her because we were both very busy, me with school and her with finishing med school national competency exams... we had lunch together and spent literal hours chatting about anything and life updates. then we watched หลานม่า to see Billkin and Tu in action - they were amazing actors! the film itself was great, it made me miss my grandma so much, but i'm familiar with grief that i only cried a bit at the ending. the scores are heavenly but i still can't find it anywhere online huhu
next is Ortho Ul's social charity and gathering at Bali! this will be my second time joining a department event but first time to have it in such big scale (every resident from every active year, all lecturers, staffs, and even alumni joined the trip!) and it was awesome!!! 3 days and 2 nights filled with fun, really! day one we had the social charity at a junior high school in Kuta and then a 4-hour bus ride to Menjangan (where our resort is located!) day two was for snorkeling session (that i bailed out because i was worried my thalassophobia would be triggered) and i spent time island hopping instead! day three was our journey back to Denpasar and then flight to Jakarta. our schedule was sooo packed and we lacked sleep but enjoying the time together was priceless experience. on day 2 we got to showcase our 'talent' and did a short musical as an introduction of us the new recruits 😂 i remember eleven of us still making time to rehearse for the musical between so many assignments and projects and other duties... as the gathering has pirate as the theme, i made sure to incorporate Petualangan Sherina soundtracks and also pirate themed film scores, i wrote the screenplay, and designed some of the choreos. and it all came together nicely with our lecturers praising our performance 🥺
third is Ortho Ul 2018-2019 graduates' farewell lunch! this one was so enjoyable as well, our recently graduated orthodontists seniors treated us lunch at Park Hyatt hotel, i tried and loved all the food 🤭 there were also game and photo sessions, i feel so welcomed into this huge family 🥺 honestly getting into postgrad feels like entering a whole new world, so many new people, new connections, unexpected but still pleasant surprises!
these days i find it extremely easy to find happiness wherever i go, in whatever i do, and with whoever i'm with... no matter how trivial things can always find its way to put a smile on my face 😂 getting consecutive green lights on the way to school, arriving on time at the MRT platform as the train came, finding cool shades under the trees, spending time with my classmates even though while being under so much pressure, finding new film scores albums with 10/10 tracks, the feel of the wind on my face every time i ride back home, days filled with laughter and tranquility and calmness, discovering my old passion for kdrama (you all NEED to watch Lovely Runner, and meet my daughter Kim Hyeyoon and my son Byun Wooseok the loveliest people ever), interacting with my international mutuals, my fav songs came on shuffle, trying good food at new places, coldplay new era is coming!!! life is full of wonder, alhamdulillah...
things i've never dared to dream are approaching, and i'm super excited of what's to come (lots!!!) the best is yet to come insyaAllah 🤩 i hope life is also as beautiful as it is to you, my friends. see you on the next post! 💙
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hlmowrer · 6 months
Week 52: "Beanie rationing"
Okie dokie, artichokies.  Another week of Michigan winter has passed me by.  It's actually been a solid week!  One of the things that tends to get me down is the constant need to find productive things to do, and that was no worry this week.  The beginning of the week was very preparatory, as we would be traveling a lot and teaching a handful of what we knew would be very key lessons.
Wednesday I went on an exchange to Grand Rapids, with my former companion Elder Lewit!  It was a great time reconnecting with him and seeing what difference a year in the field has made for each of us.  Our day serving in GR was also a wild ride...the snow is still everywhere and the City of Grand Rapids has never heard of snowplows so there was much sliding around all over the city.  We had a stack of lessons for the day, all of which were very spirit led and good for my soul...and then there was Marilyn.  We were on the phone with Marilyn and she was not a happy camper with us...mostly just shouting random things into the phone and not listening when we said the phone was about to die...which it immediately did.  Cue frantically pulling into a gas station and begging the employees for a charger...only to find out that we had missed our exit on the freeway while trying to help her calm down.  We showed up at her place 35 minutes late, having no idea what to expect, only to find her exactly how she was on the phone  She invited us in but did not talk directly to us for at least the first 10 minutes because she was still upset.  My hopes were not terribly high, but after she began to calm down she shared why she was upset and we were able to calm her worries a bit and the Spirit was with us by the end.  She's a loving soul, and she's still willing to give church a shot even if it's hard.  Sometimes people just need a little bit of love.
Thursday I stayed in Grand Rapids so that I could have my interview with President Peckham.  It's been a long time since I had an opportunity to do that so I was very grateful.  It was good to see him and hear his stories and counsel.  He gave me a little sneak peak of what will be shared at tomorrow's zone conference, but I'll save that for next week.
Friday one of our lessons that we spent so much time planning for cancelled, but the other one happened and it went really well!  We were able to share some really cool truths about our purpose in life and everything just seemed a little bit smoother with that particular friend.  Bit by bit hearts are softened!
Saturday presented an opportunity to go on exchange with Elder Hilton in Big Rapids.  Elder Hilton is a trainee that came out with Elder Baird, and he is being trained by my good friend Elder Burrill.  It was a pretty standard day, nothing too crazy in the work but I was able to really connect with Elder Hilton and we had some conversations that really needed to be had.  It's always nice to connect with someone you don't know quite as well, and I was happy to help.  Sometimes I feel that my service here in the mission field has just as much to do with supporting my fellow missionaries as it does the people of Michigan.
And on Sunday we had Dylan.  Dylan just showed up to church out of nowhere, and when I went to go introduce myself he shared that he had been talking to missionaries online and they told him to come to church with us!  He loved sacrament meeting and we're going to be doing a cooperative lesson with his other missionaries this week.  He's a great guy, really turning his life around, and we're so grateful for him.  Sometimes God really does send a straight up miracle if we're ready for one.  I'm glad the Lord trusted me enough to send Dylan my way.
This is one of those where there's so much left to say and I'm sure what's been said could have been more organized, but I hope there was something there that may have brought you some light today.  Until next time <3
-Elder Beren Mowrer
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You made it to the end!  Congratz, you get to know where the quote came from.  I left my beanie in Grand Rapids like a fool, and Elder Baird offered to implement "beanie rationing" with his one remaining beanie.  This is something we were inclined to consider, since door knocking at 9°F in the dark isn't exactly that fun of a time without a beanie.
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goodlives-mitansh · 1 year
Is Zoom Fatigue Real? 4 Helpful Tips to Follow
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“Ouch! My back hurts!” “I’m so done for the day!” “Oh, I can’t sit and stare anymore!”Have you experienced this on a daily basis while attending various online meetings for a prolonged period?  Most of you are going to say, YES!
Zoom fatigue refers to the feeling of getting drained and exhausted after attending meetings every day. We might think that sitting for long meetings does not have any impact on us, as we just have to sit and not do anything physically, but, it affects us, both physically and mentally, and has strong implications on our psychological well-being.
So, yes! Zoom Fatigue is real!
Going to school, college and work were normal, until, covid-19 hit us. We, as humans, tried to find an alternative, and with the technological developments, came to the conclusion of shifting to an online mode of functioning. The first 3-4 months were absolute bliss as most people got the time to relax and gather their thoughts by staying home.
Time passed and the pandemic did not come to an end. That’s when small changes started taking place due to the time spent attending meetings. That is where zoom fatigue comes in.
Zoom fatigue affects us in several negative ways and there is a possibility that we don’t even notice it or blame it for some other reason. 80% of U.S. workers experience ‘Zoom Fatigue.
What does Zoom Fatigue do to us?
Long working hours and high dependence on technology have an undeniable impact on our physical and mental well-being. Constantly spending time looking at screens and attending various kinds of meetings drains us too much.
Zoom fatigue results in us feeling exhausted and burnt out to the core, which further results in distraction and boredom after a certain period. At the end of the day, we feel so restless which contributes to us being unproductive.
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The physical impact on health because of Zoom fatigue is rather subtle. Our back might get stiffer which can result in chronic back pain, as we tend to sit for long hours in one place.
Zoom fatigue results in a feeling of being stuck. It can also make a person feel very helpless and hopeless. We might feel like our head is getting heavier or lighter. We might feel irritation and pain in our eyes which results in excessive tearing, blurriness, increased blinking, and double vision.
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Humans are social creatures. We always look up to something which acts as a driving force. That particular event motivates us to do things that we like, or may not like. We need human interactions but by evolution, we are not designed to look at screens for these interactions.
With the advancement of technology, there is a significant growth in zoom fatigue. But this doesn’t mean that there are no ways to manage Zoom fatigue.
Here are quick tips in which we can reduce the impact of zoom fatigue and that will help us remain fit.
4 Tips to Reduce Zoom Fatigue
1. Take a Break
Taking a break in between online meetings is very important. The break may not be long. It can be just a short 5-10 minutes break, but it should be a quality break. The break can include resting, lying on the bed for some time, going to the balcony and having a look outside, taking a short walk, etc.
You can also read self-help books. Check out our blog on Self-Help Books.
2. 5-4-3-2-1 Coping Technique
Focus on the “here and now”. Sit down, relax and observe.
(i) Observe 5 things that you can see.
(ii) Observe 4 things you can touch.
(iii) Observe 3 things you can hear.
(iv) Observe 2 things you can smell
(v) Observe 1 thing you can taste.
This technique is very helpful when it comes to calming and relaxing our running thoughts. It also helps us feel relaxed physically which results in mental relaxation.
3. Let's Disconnect to Connect
Attending meetings is inevitable. Therefore, try to distance and disconnect yourself from technology at other times. Most of us use social media, watch movies, or play video games during our free time.
Disconnect from technology and connect with yourself by taking out time for things that you love to do to enjoy and feel good about yourself and your day. Connecting with ourselves is as important as connecting with others through zoom. Zoom fatigue results in us being restless and tired, which does not allow us to take care of ourselves.
Therefore, try to engage with activities that you love, to connect with your true self, which would help you to reduce the effects of zoom fatigue.
4. Optimize Your Meetings
Invite only those on call who are required to be present. The aim should be to keep the calls smaller. We at GoodLives follow this technique to reduce video call fatigue. In our meetings, we try to talk to our employees as and when required. When the required conversation with one is complete, people can leave the meeting. This reduces zoom exhaustion and lessens screen time.
Zoom fatigue might feel inescapable, but what we need to believe is that we have the power to make a difference in how we think, and following the above 5 tips would help us reduce zoom fatigue.
If zoom fatigue is affecting you too much then try talking to a professional about it. Book your session here.
For more visit Goodlives
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shotorozu · 3 years
BABE , i saw a hc ( i think it was urs) where the boys’s s/o was really fashionable, ( as somebody that’s gone viral on pinterest a little too many times ) I WAS WONDERING , what if you did a todobakudeku ( separately please omg) with somebody that’s like the emma chamberlain of fashion and they own everybody’s pinterest boards and stuff AHAHA IDK , the amount of times somebody has said ‘ wait ur that one pinterest girl right?? ‘ ANYWHAHEEIE I LOVE YOU N HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! 💗💗
pinterest famous s/o
character(s) : midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, they/them pronouns (at the request of anon) strong quirk hinted; not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (x reader)
note(s) : thank you anon!! so ok, i still used they/them pronouns even though the reader is afab (again at the request of anon) and whdjwkd sorry for the inactivity :,) also im gonna post more later so— sorry for the delay
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midoriya izuku
when middle school midoriya finally got a phone, he downloaded pinterest for the sole purpose of looking at screencaps of heroes
but then, he hasn’t touched it a few months, because he’s been training with all might
then, when he finally had enough free time again— he decided to go on pinterest
but instead of finding any heroes he could look at, he found the prettiest human being he has ever seen in his entire life 💀
that person was a different type of beauty, y’know— they weren’t just fashionable, but their beauty was,,
timeless? that’s how he’d describe it. yeah. that person lived in his head rent free for a while
sadly, he feels like you’re that person he sees once in his life, and never again 😔 which isn’t the case
when he finally meets you, midoriya realizes that you look VERY familiar— someone on pinterest, that he unfortunately, didn’t know the name of
but then wait! he realizes that you’re that person. that one person that blew up on pinterest, and ended up in all of the fashion boards.
okay, you’ve been recognized a few times in the past, just because you were pinterest famous— but you didn’t expect him to recognize you
“wait,, you know me?” you asked him when you saw the realization sink in
and you were honestly,, flattered when he went on a tangent on how you were on all of the pinterest boards, and how your sense of fashion was timeless
but you know what’s the best thing of it all? when izuku developed a crush on you (and not because he thought you were just an attractive face)
it was very easy to find pictures of you online! he says it’s for research but,, he tends to look at them for a long time
probably has 3-4 pages dedicated to your hero costume— since fashion icon = fashionable, yet a very practical hero costume!
does he get jealous whenever people fawn over your looks, or whenever he sees comments in pinterest comment sections just asking for your socials in such desperation?
hmm,, yes? he does occasionally feel like someone like you, should be with someone as equally beautiful as you
he thought he was always plain looking, but you wholeheartedly disagree! in fact, you fell in love with his ability to pay attention to detail.
to the random creeps in the comments section, he just contacts the uploader and asks them to delete any malicious comments and it works 100% of them time.
on the brighter side, he helps a lot with taking your pictures (if you ask him to) and sometimes! he’ll even appear in them
izuku will always be your #1 fan!
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bakugou katsuki
at first, you’d be like “katsuki owning pinterest? naaah.” but! i think he would
being an all might fan, he liked looking at all might screen caps— and while katsuki would be on the discreet side, he’d find himself looking at them whenever he has extra minutes to burn
not to mention, the cooking recipes on there aren’t the worst, so he doesn’t just use pinterest to look at screen caps of heroes doing their work
and, how could he forget that you’ve been bugging him to search for rare screen caps? he says that it’s useless— but he finds himself digging for you anyway,
which is whyyy
he finds an entirely different rabbit hole, and it’s way past 10pm, 3 more minutes wouldn’t wound him.
the blond doesn’t know how he even stumbled on.. this side of pinterest. the one that kind of hurts his eyes.
the more well known side of pinterest, that is covered in pictures of fashion boards, and the standard pretty person.
the ‘aesthetic’ side, kaminari calls it— it makes bakugou cringe, and he was just about to refresh his page
when he spots something familiar, it’s you‼️ well it wasn’t just you but, you were dressed in something,, nice.
like sure! you’re attractive. but that’s not why he’s dating you, there’s a lot of reasons as to why
but, he’s baffled. seeing you in a different light, and in such nice clothing, what more, when he sees that you’re actually everywhere. he hasn’t seen this much of you and your attractive ass before
katsuki told himself that he was going to sleep a few minutes ago, but now? he’s left admiring all of your pictures.
how did he not know that his s/o’s pinterest famous? you’re practically in every single board!
he confronts you the next day in an oddly weird manner, “you didn’t tell me you were famous on that stupid pinterest app.”
you’re sheepish, “welll, i didn’t know that you were going to stumble on that side of pinterest!”
he doesn’t say anything, and really! it looks like he doesn’t care about the newest discovery of his s/o
but he shows his feelings in his own way.
like, how katsuki insists that he finds a new outfit that you’d absolutely love— one that’ll fit with your aesthetic
and that he insists that he does your graphic liner, because you’re going to ‘poke your eyes out’
makes an entirely different account to reply to those simps and creeps in the comment section, sort of like
random pinterest user : “the things i’ll do to be crushed by them 💦”
pinterestuser461903 : “go touch some fucking grass.”
also would’ve commented “your art sucks” at the poorly done drawings of you in the comments, but knows you appreciated the art— so he doesn’t
(still thinks the fanart doesn’t do you enough justice)
he’ll be super proud when someone notices you in person like “yeah that’s fucking right, but too bad they’re super attractive and way out of your league.”
in short, it looks like katsuki doesn’t care at all about your pinterest famous life, but he’s your #1 supporter
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todoroki shouto
i am certain for this one— he doesn’t have pinterest
well, he didn’t have pinterest, until midoriya convinced him to create an account, but it kinda just ended at that
but the person that actually made him use pinterest was sero, because he kept bugging him to give it a try
todoroki finds the app very practical— he can find screen caps of heroes in action, and he can also find oddly helpful tips in cooking (and in anything)
but sero was like “todoroki, what about the aesthetic value??” and todoroki didn’t really get that part to be honest 💀
todoroki, being clueless didn’t know what to search for— so sero being the wonderful friend he is, helped him search for it
and that’s when it happened. it didn’t take that long, but they eventually found an entire section just full of pictures of you; their classmate and crush
“is that Y/N?” mina notices what they’re looking at, and she observes the picture “oh wow— it is her! no wonder why she looked familiar.”
“it’s impressive! our classmate is pinterest famous!” they continue to look at every single post in each board, and todoroki’s left to observe in silence
he has definitely taken a liking to you, even if he didn’t realize it at first— he liked you because of your hard work when it came to training, personality and patience, not because of your looks
obviously, todoroki thinks that you look good in anything, trashbag style or not. but seeing you in this light was interesting.
so after training, todoroki would spent a good portion of his time scavenging for more pictures— not because he was obsessed or anything
but because,, he really liked your pictures. maybe it was because without you in those pictures, it would feel incomplete
he didn’t know how to approach you after this discovery, which is why he’s glad that you approached him first
“todoroki! what are you looking at?” you took a peak at his screen, and you’re baffled to see yourself, and that very famous picture of you
he’s quiet for a second when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring at your pictures, but he explains calmly, “sero accidentally discovered your pictures,, and i just wanted to take a peak at them, if it was okay,,”
and he’s relieved— well, you’re also relieved. you didn’t know how your crush would react if he ever saw those pictures, but your heart skipped a beat knowing that he enjoyed looking at them
“it’s alright todoroki,” you smile, honestly over the moon as you spoke “i’m really glad that you like them.”
sometimes you’d get shy whenever he’d go on pinterest just to look at your pictures, “todoroki, not that one! that one was really old,,” is what you’d say whenever he’d look at your older photos but he’d still look at them anyway 💀
at first, todoroki helped you in his own subtle way. since he’s quite the fashion icon— he’d recommend you clothes to wear for future pictures
he eventually confessed— and it was because you were talking to him while he was really tired, and he blurted out that he really, really liked you and you almost passed away because of his words
so yeah— it was a case of secretly admiring their beautiful best friend to lovers scenario
he’d go the full mile when it came to taking your pictures. he’d check the weather forecast just in case if it was going to rain for that date, and impromptu picnic photoshoot
that boyfriend that has pictures of you in his photo gallery, and has a backstory for each photo if anyone were to ask
also that boyfriend that knows how to take pictures, will probably even lay down to take them, even if you didn’t kindly ask him to
when you asked him to join the picture, he didn’t really know how to— but he made it work! and the both of you guys went viral
but this isn’t all one sided, no— whenever you guys would cuddle, shouto would simply stare at you with HEARTS in his eyes,
and even before he leans in for a kiss, he’ll stare at you with so much love in his eyes, while he traces his thumb across your cheekbones. man’s in love— you’re gorgeous.
he knows that you know that he’s not with you because of any ulterior motive, you both have mutual trust in each other— so it’s not something you guys will bother on questioning because you’re both hot asf lets be real
he’s not uncomfortable whenever people gawk at you in public— i mean, you two get stares on the regular. and how could they not stare at you? you’re very attractive, and he’s glad that people recognize that
but he’ll get protective if they’ll try to be a threat to your loving relationship with him, he won’t be afraid to be blunt
regarding the comments on each pinterest post— he hates it when people say things out of the line
always tries to hide them from you so you don’t feel bothered by them, but if you knew about them— he’ll be sad :,(
but he’ll end up mass reporting those nasty comments— and they always get taken down, because of the shouto todoroki luck
in short? man’s whipped, and the both of you guys are SO attractive together— what more if people knew about the om chemistry?
really— you being pinterest famous was just a nice plus, he fell in love with you for you
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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just little old me
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pairing: harry styles x reader
summary: after releasing his second album, and the music video to his hit “watermelon sugar”, the response from his fans is overwhelmingly positive. and while you’re not surprised, harry on the other hand is very grateful, but just a little confused. but you’re more than happy to help clear some things up for him.
warnings: smut (hints of sub! and dom!harry––we love a switch) + unprotected sex but y’all know not to do that! be safe <3
word count: 3k
notes: this is my first ever harry fic! (also based on the summary u can see how long ago i started this sfjkdhgs) i’m so scared to post this i feel like all the harry writers are so talented––
[i’ve been reading harry fics for so long and these are just some of the blogs that you could say pushed my love for harry and inspired me to write a fic of my own: @majorharry​ @harryforvogue​​ @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy​​ @sunflowervolvimp3​​ @haroldloverboy​​​ @songbirdstyles​ if you haven’t read their stuff yet, you should! i reread them all the time!]
You and Harry had been friends for the longest time, since before he was the Harry Styles. You’d watched him grow up in the spotlight while you supported and loved him from the sidelines. He’d bring you everywhere with him when he could, or rather when you allowed him to––you didn’t like the idea of him spending his money on you, but he always waved you off, saying nothing was too much if it was for you.
You were so proud of what he’d achieved and what he’d become but he was still the same Harry you grew up with and you couldn’t be more grateful to have him in your life all this time.
While he rarely spent his time on social media, you spent a majority of your time checking your phone and refreshing your feeds––you just liked to be informed and up to date. Harry didn’t interact that frequently with his fans online, instead preferring the connection when you meet face to face. However, although he wouldn’t respond to people, he would often let you show him what people were saying––after all, he was human too and sometimes he would get a little curious.
You and Harry had been sitting on his couch for an hour now, him messaging Jeff to deal with work related things while you scrolled through twitter, looking at the fans reactions to Harry’s latest music video. It made you smile seeing how happy he made people, you’d seen several people had said that this was “exactly what we needed during this time” and honestly, you couldn’t agree more.
You scrolled down some more and genuinely laughed out loud at the next tweet you read. “I’d sell both my legs and arms just to be the watermelon slice between Harry’s teeth.”
You caught Harry’s attention and he looked over at you, raising a brow, a small smile on his lips. “What’s up?”
You settled down from your laughing fit and showed him the tweet and both his eyebrows raised.
He laughed sheepishly, “You know I really don’t get the ‘hype’”, he put the last word in air quotes. He was always trying to keep up with the latest “slang” as he would put it. He shrugged, a small smirk on his face “I’m just little old me.”
Though his face showed humor, after all the these years, you could tell from the look in his eyes that there was some truth behind his words.
You looked at him incredulously before rolling your eyes and putting your phone aside, unable to stop yourself from going off. “It’s because you’re so genuinely kindhearted, talented and incredibly attractive.” You said as a matter off factly, looking him right in the eye, before looking down at your hands and leaning further back into the couch. “And you have this aura about you––Literally anyone would get down on their knees for you if you asked––actually, no, you wouldn’t even have to ask. You could just look at them and they’d do it, no questions asked. They’d know what to do.”
You had no idea where the courage for you to say all that came from, but you have to admit something about seeing him biting into those watermelons and looking right in the camera three minutes straight while he sang about eating someone out put you on edge. You had been there for him through all his relationships and you loved having him as a friend...but being that close to Harry and not falling in love with him was practically impossible and you weren’t blind. I mean come on.
After a few moments had passed and he still hadn’t said anything, you looked up at him. He was sitting there, a serious look on his face as he stared you down, completely silent. He put his phone down on the table and leaned back, spreading his legs.
You quickly glanced down at his lap then back up to meet his eyes. “What––What are you doing?”
He looked you up and down. “Well according to you,” he tilted his head cheekily, “all I need to do is look at you, and you’ll know what to do.”
Your breath hitched, your brain malfunctioning.“I––You?” You shook your head, knowing that Harry wouldn’t be doing or saying anything if he didn’t mean it. You decided you’d ask questions later. After all, it’d been a while since you got with anybody and you were more than a little horny. You snapped out of your daze and made your way over to him, sliding down onto your knees right in front of him.
You pushed down the thought of how there were literally millions of other people who would kill to be in your position right now and focused on the task at hand. You looked up at him, silently asking for some direction but he shook his head slightly, “This is all you, love. You call the shots.”
You nodded to yourself, taking a deep breath as you calmed yourself down. “Can you take these off for me?” You asked, pulling on his shirt and his sweats.
He quickly got up and stripped himself of his shirt and his bottoms, but you stopped his hands before he could reach for his briefs. You cleared your throat, looking up at him, “I––I can do it.”
He smiled at you before dropping his hands at his sides, letting you do your thing.
You slowly brought the material down, letting his member spring free, trying not to stare too much because wow. You left a trail of soft kisses down his thighs as you pushed the underwear down his legs and you could feel him taking sharp breaths as you did so. He quickly stepped out of them and waited for you to tell him his next move. 
You looked up at him, your eyes wide and innocently sinful and he swore he felt himself swell up a little more. Your voice was small yet firm when you spoke up. “Can you sit down for me, please?”
He eagerly took a seat and placed his hands on his thighs, his ringed fingers spread out, anxiously tapping against his legs. You grabbed his member and he let out a shaky breath, eyes flitting between your hands on him and your face––both views entrancing him. 
“Is this okay, H?” You asked softly and he almost choked on his breath.
He nodded, “Y––Yeah, f’course it is lovie, shit.” 
You hummed, smiling as you leaned forward and swirled your tongue around his tip. You left open mouthed kisses along his shaft and licked along his cock, from the base to the top before spitting on it, spreading it with you hand and getting it nice and wet. His fingers were digging into his thighs and you couldn’t help but notice. 
You took your hand off of him and ignored the whine that escaped him as you did so. You took his hands in yours and placed them on your head, “You can.” You smiled gently and he nodded, his fingers grasping your strands firmly but not harsh enough to hurt you. 
You put your mouth back on him, stroking him as you took him into your mouth, bobbing your head, relishing in the small whimpers and moans of your name he let out. You were completely focused on him, tuning into what made him react the loudest and doing it over and over again just to hear those pretty sounds again. 
His fingers gripped your hair harder, his hips unwillingly bucking into you softly as he got closer. “M’gonna cum, love. Don’t––” He was mumbling, biting his lips as he looked down at you. When you sucked on his tip, looking him in the eyes, he cursed softly and let his head rest on the cushion, deciding it was too much to feel you and look at you if he wanted to last. “Don’t wanna cum just yet.” 
You hummed and pulled off of him, your hand still stroking him. “No?” You pouted playfully. He could hear it in your voice and it only made him twitch in your hand. 
“N––No.” He swallowed thickly and looked down at you, his eyes blown with lust. He reached down and pulled you up to stand between his legs. “Wanna make you feel good too.” You couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face. “Not fair for me to be the only one getting what I want, is it?” He tilted his head, licking his lips as he looked up at you, his hands rubbing up and down the backs of your thighs teasingly. 
When you didn’t respond, his hands squeezed you. “Asked you a question, lovie.” 
You gasped lightly. “N––No it’s––not fair...” 
He smirked, reaching for your shorts. “Let’s take these off, yeah?” You nodded and let out a small yeah, and only then did his fingers slip into the waistband and pull the material down your legs. You placed your hands on his shoulders while he helped you step out of your bottoms. He looked up at you, a glint in his eyes as he reached for your panties, again, only pulling them down after you gave your verbal consent. He kept his eyes trained on yours the whole time he slipped them down, and if anything that made you feel more vulnerable––more open. 
When you stepped out of them, he trailed his hands up your thighs and along your hips before raising your shirt a bit. “Can you take this off for me?” You nodded and pulled the shirt over your head, letting it fall to the floor with the rest of your clothes as his hands splayed across your abdomen, his cold rings contrasting with the warm pressure of his fingertips. 
His hands slid up, and he smiled when you let out a breathless please when he asked for permission to touch your newly exposed skin. His eyes finally trailed down past your eyes, widening with arousal when they settled on your soft skin, your pebbled nipples, straining for attention. He rubbed his thumbs over the numbs ever so lightly, looking back up at you when you sighed and arched your back, leaning further into his touch, almost as if he wanted to commit it to memory. 
“Look at you, pet.” You whined softly at the nickname and the feeling of his hands on your skin. “So beautiful.” He grasped your breasts and now it was your turn to let out a shaky breath. 
He let his hands slide back down to your waist and you pouted, making him furrow his brows playfully. “Hey, none of that now.” He brought a hand up to hold your jaw. “Just realized we haven’t even had a proper kiss yet and you had me down your throat.” You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment but his thumb caressed your cheek soothingly, sliding over to run over your lips gently. “C’mere.”
You stepped into his embrace and pressed your lips against his, your hands coming to hold the side of his face and play with his hair, making him moan into you. His hand stayed at your jaw, the other sliding down your body to grab your ass firmly. Your lips slotted together perfectly as you pulled away and reconnected them softly every few seconds, thoroughly enjoying each other. He licked into your mouth and quickly took control of the kiss, not that you had any complaints, sucking on your tongue and pulling you in closer. He bit your lip and pulled away, smiling when you subconsciously tried to get more of his lips. 
His eyes trailed down to between your legs and they stayed there for a moment, distracted. “Gonna let me have a taste?” He licked his lips teasingly, looking back up at you. “I just wanna taste it.” He referenced his song, a small smile on his lips. 
You rolled your eyes, a smile on your face as well. “Harry.”
“What?” He shrugged innocently. “M’just being honest.” 
“You actually want to? You don’t have––”
“Been dying to, pet. You don’t know how long I’ve been aching to get my mouth on you.” He got down on his knees and the sight of him looking up at you from that position made your whole body shiver. 
He placed his hands on your thighs. “What do you say? Gonna let me have my dessert?” 
You nodded, letting out a small okay. When you tried to sit down where he had just been seated, he shook his head and stopped you, taking one hand and lifting your leg to place it on his shoulder. Your eyes widened, your mouth dropping open as he placed your hands in his hair to steady you. 
He had the audacity to ask, “You good?” 
You nodded, dazed. “Uh, yeah.”
“Good.” He smiled and with that he leaned forward and licked through your folds, immediately kissing your clit, holding you as your head tipped back in surprise.
“Shit, Harry––” Your fingers gripped his curls, pulling him into you as he moaned. Of course he was enjoying himself as he pleased you. His tongue was moving with purpose as he lapped up your wetness, spreading it around your clit. He really knew how to use his mouth.
You moaned loudly when he sucked on your clit, and even louder when he used the tip of his tongue to trace on it, realizing what he was spelling out–– H A R R Y. He grinned when he realized you caught on and his fingers were digging into you as he held you up, letting you desperately grind onto his face. 
You looked down to make sure he was still okay with all of this, shocked to see him looking up at you, watching your reactions, clearly pleased. You cursed softly. “Feels really good, Harry. Fuck––” 
He hummed blissfully, properly burying himself in you, his eyes stuck on your body as he brought you to the edge rather quickly. “Gonna cum in my mouth, baby?” 
You whined, nodding your head as you held onto him for dear life. “M’so close.”
“Cum for me, pet. I want it.” He wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked hard, holding you upright as your body shivered and convulsed in his hands and on his tongue. He didn’t let up, fully making love to your clit with his tongue as he kissed your lower lips passionately, getting his light stubble wet. He was making a proper mess but neither of you cared. 
When your legs stopped trembling, he pressed a kiss to your clit, then to the thigh over his shoulder before placing your leg back on the ground. He looked up at you, a smug grin on his face as you looked at him, breathless. He stood up, his hands finding their place on your hips and he licked the rest of your juices that were still on his lips, his chin still slick with your arousal. 
“Care to clean me up, love?” He leaned closer. “Is your mess after all.” 
You smirked before leaning in and licking up your wetness from his chin and up his lips before bringing him in for a messy, passionate kiss. Without disconnecting your lips your turned him around and pushed him onto the couch, taking your seat on his lap, his arms wrapping around you instinctively. 
You wrapped your hand around his base, smiling down at him when he pulled away to whine. You lifted yourself up a bit and swiped him through the mess he made between your thighs. “Can I ride you, H?” You asked him, teasingly sweet. 
He threw his head back, “Christ, y’can do whatever you want to me, love.”
You kissed his neck and slid him into you, and his fingers dug into you as he let out a long moan. 
“God, you feel even better than I’d imagined.”
You tilted your head, starting to bounce and grind on him, “You’ve thought about this?” 
“Of course I have. Have you seen yourself?” You were about to push further when he slid a hand down to rub at your clit, making you gasp and grind down on him harder.
“Oh fuck, H.”
He grinned, thrusting into you. “That feel good?”
You nodded. “So good.” 
His hand was holding your hip as he bucked his hips into you. How he found your spot so quickly, you have no idea. You tilted your head back and he grabbed your neck gently, making your eyes widen as you looked down at him, noticing the dark look in his eyes as he watched you come undone on his cock.
When he noticed you getting close, he pulled you in to rest on him and your wrapped your arms around his shoulders, whimpering into his neck as he started to fuck you harder, his hips finding a smooth rhythm easily. 
You kissed his skin, marking it up as you sat there and took everything he was giving you. He was still sensitive from before, but he didn’t want to finish before you did, again. “Come on, pet. Give it to me. Just one more so I can fill you up.”
You groaned, your lips grazing his skin as your legs started to tremble, your walls clenching around him, coaxing him to tip over the edge with you. Your body shook as you whimpered, your body tensing.
“That’s it, just like that.” He grunted, thrusting a few more times before he released inside of you, the both of you moaning together.  
He wrapped his arms around you tight, holding you close as he thrusted slowly, making sure to empty himself out inside of you. You both sighed softly and you sat up. He looked up at you, pure adoration and awe in his eyes, his arms still holding you. You placed your hands on his shoulders. 
“Hi.” You smiled sheepishly.
He smiled back, kissing you softly before pulling back to look at you again, his head resting against the couch. “Hi.” 
You looked down, deciding to focus on his tattoos, suddenly nervous. “I’ve uh––sort of wanted to do that for a while.”
He unwound his arms to caress your back with his hands. “Mm me too.” He smiled when you looked up at him. 
“I really like you, H.” 
“Well I guess it’s a good thing that I like you too, then.” He squeezed you playfully. “Would you like to go out on a date this week?”
You smiled, leaning forward to kiss him again. “I’d love to.” 
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sleepysnk · 4 years
hey y'all! i decided to make a fic for our lovely Jean boy. i got this idea after Sunday's episode :(, he deserves so much love right now. this is the longest fic i've written, so i hope you all enjoy! ♡
Close the Gap
Pairings: Jean Kirstein x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 6.8k
Warnings: None just fluff
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Long distances relationships were always something many people tended to avoid. 
The idea of a long distance relationship made (Y/N) feel queasy, her stomach would always churn at the idea of dating somebody who was miles away from her. She heard the many scary stories from her friends about these people not being who they said they were, or the horror stories of girls going missing after meeting with these people. 
Not to mention she always binged watched MTV'S Catfish the TV Show at 3 A.M. watching how people would get catfished. The show was another reason why she tended to avoid dating anyone who was pretty far away. Her worst fear was to find that the person she trusted wasn't who they said they were. 
That all changed seven months ago when she met him. 
More specifically, Jean Kirstein.
(Y/N) was feeling pretty lonely, she was desperate for a relationship at the time and her best friend Sasha told her about some dating apps she could use. She wasn't exactly down to set her up with one of her friends. (Y/N) took the offer on the dating app and set up a profile. 
She met a few decent guys, but they always ended up sending the usual "send me some pics" or "u down to hook up?" texts. Most of the guys on the apps were idiots who were looking just for a quick fuck or something short term, which isn't something (Y/N) wanted. 
She complained to Sasha about it and even considered just deleting the apps, but she told her to just give it one more shot. 
She was glad she did. 
(Y/N) was swiping through the different guys on the app. Some caught her eye or some made her face scrunch with disgust. 
Her swiping stopped when her eyes landed on him. She was instantly attracted to him, his sharp jawline, shaggy light brown hair which was a bit long, his golden brown eyes, toned chest and that goddamn smile. He had a sly smile that made her feel butterflies. 
After she looked at his profile she was hooked. He seemed like a really sweet guy based on his description. He knew how to cook, draw, he played sports, worked out, etc. He also seemed really sweet as well. 
She was tempted to text him first, but she decided not to. The few times she did message a guy first it ended with the guy being dry, or sending some gross messages complimenting her body rather than her face. 
She totally forgot that day that she added him until she got the notification. 
Jean: hey! i saw your profile and let me just say you are gorgeous ❤
From that day forward the two talked every night, they spent many nights texting until they both felt tired, exchanging social media as well. She learned a lot about him, Jean was a fitness major at his university and he wanted to be a personal trainer. They connected on a lot of things, they had a lot of the same likes and dislikes which made the conversations they had even greater. 
She told Jean about the many shitty experiences she had with guys and how she was very hesitant to even give him a chance. Jean shared a lot of the same stories, he had gotten cheated on about a year prior before getting the app. (Y/N) felt bad for him, why cheat on a nice guy like Jean?
Facetiming him was definitely one of her favorite things to do, she told him about how freaked out she was about trying online dating due to how easy it was to fake an online personality. Jean assured her that was not the case and he wasn't a fake person at all. 
Seeing his face on facetime made her heart swell, he was 10x more attractive on facetime than his photos. He had this amazing smile that made her feel weak, and whenever he laughed she found herself having butterflies. Jean thought the same about (Y/N), he thought she was absolutely gorgeous and he wanted to see her face a lot more. 
He always threw a flirt her way whenever he could, Jean was smooth like that. He told her if she was ever unsure of an outfit that she was to send him a picture, and when she did, he was absolutely speechless. Sending the usual heart eyes and telling her how beautiful she was. His words always made her smile. 
While things were perfect for them, there was one small issue. 
They both lived very far from each other. 
Opposite coasts to be exact. 
Jean lived on the East coast while (Y/N) lived on the west. They lived miles away from each other, and although it wasn't a huge bother, it always made her feel lonely. 
Jean felt the same way, he felt lonely being so far away from her. Parts of him wished he lived closer so he could just drive and see her, but with how far it is, he knew it would probably be a very long drive and he just didn't have the time for that. Nor did (Y/N).
They spent many nights talking about dates they'd go on, things they'd do, etc. Jean told her how he would so make a meal for her and he'd take her to meet his mom. All those things sounded so nice, she wanted it to happen so bad.
But they just lived too far from one another.
Plus they both had very busy schedules, both were too caught up with assignments and their own personal lives that flying out wouldn't be exactly a good idea. 
It was unfortunate, but that was the reality of the situation. 
Even with all of that, they still held onto one another. For some reason, Jean didn't want to let her slip by. For the first time, she made him genuinely happy. (Y/N) felt the same way towards Jean, she always found herself being excited to see his name pop up in her phone or when he asked to facetime. There was just something about this boy she didn't want to let go of. He was the only guy who saw her for who she was, and not just her body. 
Neither of them wanted to let this opportunity slip by.
Here they were, seven months later. They still kept up with each other every day, though having not met yet, the feelings they both had never changed. 
They weren't dating, but they only talked to each other. Neither had wandering eyes. 
It was a usual night for the two of them, (Y/N) and Jean were on facetime while she did homework and Jean sat playing video games. She didn't mind the gaming, it was something he liked to do so why dislike it?
She was copying notes when her eyes averted upwards towards her phone screen which was propped up. Jean was shirtless sitting in his chair, he had his headset on his head with one of the earmuffs behind his ear. He was focused on the game, his brows pinching together a few times as he played. 
A giggle escaped her lips, making Jean look down at his phone with a smile. 
"What are you giggling about?" he asked, bringing his face close to the camera. 
She smiled. "Oh nothin' you just look really cute playing your game," she replied and set her pen down on the desk. 
He licked his lips and leaned back against his chair, eyeing the screen. "I'd say you look pretty damn fine doing homework," he replied, raising his brows.
Heat rushed to her cheeks, rolling her eyes in the process. "Ugh shush! I look like a total mess," she said and looked away from the screen. 
Jean chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair. "Nah.. you look like the girl who's gonna have my last name," he replied, smirking. 
Her jaw dropped from his comment, a smile grew onto her lips as her cheeks felt hot. He was smooth like that. 
"You are quite smooth," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. 
Another chuckle escaped his throat. "Yeah I'm smooth.. only for you though," he said, winking at the camera. 
"You're adorable.. I wish you were here so I could squeeze your cheeks," she said and played with her pen. 
Jean nodded. "I wish I was there with you too.." he said, looking down at the ground. "I'd like my cheeks squeezed but I'd want to squeeze yours.. if you know what I mean," he added. 
She started laughing a bit. "Ugh Jean I never get tired of you," she replied, looking at her phone screen. "Will you ever be here?" she asked.
Jean fell silent and leaned back against the chair. A sigh escaping his lips. "I have no idea (Y/N).. my schedule has been busy lately, plus I don't really have the funds to fly out anytime soon." he replied, his voice filled with disappointment.
She felt a slight tug at her heart, she knew they probably wouldn't meet for a long time. Many of her friends told her that Jean wasn't worth her time at all and that she needed someone who could come see her. Her friends also said it's not worth it at all and that he'd probably end up hooking up with some girl, and totally forgetting about her. That's something she absolutely didn't want to think about.
"(Y/N)? You alright?" Jean asked, breaking her out of her thoughts.
She shook her head, blinking a few times. "Y-Yeah! Sorry, I zoned out.." she replied and smiled a bit.
He put his controller on his desk, he stared at the screen for a few moments. "You know (Y/N) I really want to meet you, trust me I do. I know how much it bothers you that we can't at the moment, but I promise you, we will meet some day." he said with a serious expression. 
She felt her heart swell at his words, Jean always knew what to say to make her feel like a princess. Jean always said from day one that they would meet, it was a promise he had yet to fulfill, but he told her to never worry and that he'll make it happen. She just has to believe him. 
"I trust your words Jean," she said, smiling a bit.
A grin grew onto his face. "Ugh.. this is why I want to meet you so bad. I wanna see that pretty smile in person," he said and leaned against his desk. 
Her cheeks felt hot from his words. "You're too sweet," she replied, rolling her eyes playfully. 
Jean chuckled. "Sweet enough for you,"
Suddenly, (Y/N) heard her bedroom door fly open. 
"Hey (Y/N)!- Oh crap.. did I interrupt something?" 
Her head snapped back to see her best friend Sasha standing in the doorway. 
"Oh not at all Sash, I was just talking to Jean." (Y/N) replied, looking back at the camera. 
Sasha grinned widely, she knew who he was ever since they started talking. Jean was cool with her, he felt like first impressions with friends are always important. 
"Hey Jean!" Sasha yelled, coming down to her phone. "Ooo.. (Y/N) he's shirtless for you," she teased, elbowing her side. 
Her jaw dropped as her cheeks grew hot again. "Can you not! Why are you even here anyway?" she asked, looking up at her friend. 
"Uh duh, I'm here to discuss Valentine's Day plans! You know.. Connie and stuff," she replied in a whisper. 
(Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully. "Ugh fine! Hey Jean, is it cool if I call you back later? Sash here needs boy advice," she asked, grabbing her phone. 
Jean smiled. "Yeah totally.. text me okay? Be safe." he replied. 
She felt a wide smile grow onto her cheeks. "I most definitely will!" she said, hanging up the call. 
Sasha leaned against the wall with a giant smirk on her face. (Y/N) looked up, her head nodding as she was confused as to why she was acting like that. 
"What?" she asked, furrowing her brows. 
A giggle escaped Sasha's lips. "Oh nothing! Ugh (Y/N)! When are you finally going to meet Jean? Have you guys even made it official yet?" she asked. 
She looked down. "No.. we haven't made it official. We aren't dating Sasha, we're just talking and stuff." she replied, shrugging her shoulders. 
Sasha crossed her arms over her chest. "Maybe it's time you do it! You've been talking for months, and I feel like it's a good time. Especially with Valentine's Day and all," she said. 
(Y/N) wasn't sure if what Sasha was saying was a good idea. How the hell would she even ask out Jean? Over a facetime call? That sounded boring. It also sounded too cliche and not special at all. 
"I would Sash but asking him out over a phone just sounds so.. middle school," she replied and stood up. "It's not like I can fly out and ask him out or whatever," she added. 
A grin was displayed onto Sasha's face. "I guess you're right," she said and shrugged her shoulders. 
"Now come on… let's go discuss things for Connie," (Y/N) said, pushing past her. 
Sasha grinned again, following her friend. 
(Y/N) spent most of the week helping Sasha with her Valentine's Day gift for Connie. Sasha had some odd ideas, but eventually they came to an agreement on a decent idea. 
For some reason, things felt off with Jean.
The past few days she noticed a change in his behavior, he became a little less interested in their conversations and his replies were a bit dry. Of course she blamed it on him maybe being tired from classes or working out, but she wasn't exactly sure if that was the reason. She questioned it a few times, but Jean usually replied with a 'wym?'.
"(Y/N)!? Hello? Come on help me finish this," 
Sasha's voice broke her out of the thoughts she was having. "Sorry! What's up?" she asked, blinking a bit. 
Sasha put the bag of snacks down. "Are you sure you're alright? You've been acting weird all day," she said and crossed her arms. 
(Y/N) sighed. "Yes I'm fine Sasha," she replied and leaned back in her chair.
She nodded her head and sat back down in front of her. "Alright.. can you just organize this for me?" she asked, tossing the bag towards her. 
(Y/N) grabbed the stuff and began to sort through the items Sasha bought Connie. She wasn't exactly alright, she was feeling lonely the past few days. She saw all of her friends getting ready for Valentine's Day with their significant others, while she didn't have anybody. The pink and red boxes of chocolates, the teddy bears, roses, everything! It made her feel lonely and with Jean's behavior… it didn't exactly make it better.
She looked at her phone which displayed no messages from Jean. For some reason he hasn't been messaging her a lot lately. 
2:31 P.M.<- (Y/N): hey :)) 
4:23 P.M.<- (Y/N): i hope your day is going well! ♡
She sighed and went back to the gift for Connie. 
"What are you doing for Valentine's Day, (Y/N)?" Sasha asked and looked up at her. 
She shrugged her shoulders. "Probably just watching Netflix movies," she replied with disappointment in her voice. 
She nodded her head. "What!? No! You're not gonna do that on my watch. Why don't you come hangout with Connie and I?" she asked. 
A laugh escaped her lips. "Yeah I so wanna do that. Watching you two make out and eat is so much fun," she replied in a teasing voice. 
Sasha blushed. "Oh shut up! Come on.. I know you won't have anyone to hang with," she said and pouted a bit. 
She rolled her eyes playfully. "I can always call up Eren or something," she said and laughed a bit. 
Sasha hit her arm. "No! You're hanging with me and that's final! Plus why would you wanna hangout with Eren? He'd probably take you to some party," she said. 
"Yeah you're probably right," (Y/N) replied, chewing her lip. 
She threw her a smile. "Exactly!" she said and went to go look at her phone. 
(Y/N) looked on her own phone as she felt disappointed seeing no messages from Jean. She hated double texting him, she felt like she was a bother and that she was annoying him. Maybe he just didn't have his phone on him. 
A sudden squeal came from Sasha, which made (Y/N) look up in surprise.
"Uh.. are you okay?" she asked and blinked a bit. 
Sasha looked at her, composing herself. "Oh- u-um! Yeah totally, Connie was just telling me something. That's all," she replied and looked down at her phone. 
She rolled her eyes playfully. "Ugh Connie.." she said, shaking her head. 
The next two days were kind of difficult for (Y/N). Jean had totally changed his behavior, he was more dry, took longer to respond, and even on their facetime call he didn't seem very interested. If she did want to facetime, he would claim he was busy or he didn't exactly seem to pay attention. 
Her mind raced with different thoughts about the situation. What if Jean was getting tired of her? What if this was the situation all of her friends told her about? How guys who live far end up leaving you for someone who lives near them. It hurt to think about. 
"I don't know his behavior just changed!" 
She was currently ranting to Sasha who came over for a bit. "He's been dry? I mean.. Connie can be dry," she replied, playing with her pillow. 
"No like overly dry, Jean is never dry! He always keeps the conversation going, he doesn't even send me good morning texts anymore either!" she said and sat up. 
Sasha nodded as she listened to her words. "Have you tried asking at all?" she asked. 
(Y/N) sighed. "I did on facetime and he sort of dodged the question," she replied. 
"I dunno (Y/N).. maybe just see what happens? Maybe he's got some personal stuff going on" Sasha said. 
(Y/N) shrugged. "Couldn't say.." 
A sudden ping from Sasha's phone made her ears chirp, she reached over and looked at her phone. She started jumping around excitedly. 
"What? What happened?" (Y/N) asked, furrowing her brows. 
Sasha looked at her. "I gotta go! Connie texted me about something.. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" she said, shoving her phone in her pocket. 
She felt confused as to why Sasha was leaving. "Uh.. yeah, okay. See you later," she replied and watched as Sasha exited her room and out the front door. 
She flopped onto her bed, staring up at the ceiling as her mind clouded with thoughts about Jean. Her mind was playing scenarios she didn't want to see, Jean finding someone else would absolutely crush her. In a way, it would be for the best, considering they haven't even met, but she was in too deep with feelings. She didn't want anybody else. 
She grabbed her phone, she opened their messages and scrolled to see if there was anything she could have said to make him upset. Jean was always one to communicate with her, he'd always tell her if he was having a bad day or someone pissed him off. Why wasn't he doing that now? Her eyes scanned over the most recent message she sent.
7:21 P.M.<- (Y/N): did you go working out? i bet you're getting those gains! <3 lol.
Another sigh escaped her lips reading the words 'delivered'. What was going with him? 
It was Valentine's Day. 
(Y/N) wasn't exactly in the best mood today, that feeling of loneliness lingered in her mind as she scrolled through different couples getting gifts and going on special dates. All the things she yearned for. 
She sent Jean a message that morning and of course, he didn't respond. He read her messages from the previous night, but he never sent a genuine response. It made her heart feel heavy, maybe this was it. Maybe Jean just got tired of waiting around for her and found someone better. 
She shoved her phone into her pocket as she knocked on the door of Sasha's apartment. She looked around as many people exited their apartments. 
"Hey! You made it! We have all kinds of snacks!" Sasha yelled, opening the door so she could come inside. 
(Y/N) smiled and stepped in. The aroma of food filled her nose. "Wow Sasha.. this smells great," she said, taking off her shoes. 
Connie came in from the living room holding a plate. "Hey (Y/N)! Good to see you," he said and waved at her. 
She smiled as she plopped down at the kitchen table, she grabbed a few pieces of candy and tossed them into her mouth. She tried to forget the upsetting thoughts for the night. 
"You want something to eat?" Sasha asked as she came over with a plate of food. 
(Y/N) shook her head. "I'm fine.. thank you Sasha," she replied, looking down at the table. 
Connie came over and set a cup of soda in front of her. "Have something to drink at least," he said and sat next to Sasha. 
She swirled around the soda that bubbled towards the top. "Thanks.." she replied and took a sip of the lemon flavored soda. 
The two started eating and (Y/N) sat there looking at her phone, she silently hoped that Jean would message her back. It had been a few hours since she sent her last message, she felt disappointment going through her veins. She guessed that Jean was ghosting her, it hurt a ton, but there wasn't much she could do. 
"(Y/N)! Connie loved the gift!" Sasha said and wiped her mouth with the napkin. 
She nodded and gave a small smile. "Oh that's cool! I'm glad you liked it," she replied and looked towards Connie. 
He smiled. "Yeah it was dope! It had all my favorite snacks," he said, looking at Sasha with a grin.
(Y/N) felt the heaviness in her heart, she wished someone would look at her the way Connie looked at Sasha. 
"Hey what about that Jean guy you were talking to? I meant to ask," Connie asked and looked at her. 
She laughed a bit. "Uh.. well I don't know what's going on with that. He's been kind of distant lately so I guess he's getting tired of me. It's understandable I guess.." she replied, looking down at the floor. 
They could hear the sorrow in her voice. "I'm sorry (Y/N).. you'll find someone, I know you will." Sasha said.
She shrugged and leaned back in her chair. "I don't know guys.. I feel like after this I just wanna focus on me," she said, taking out her phone.
Connie looked over at her. "Don't say that now.. come on, have some hope." he said and gave a playful smile. 
She rolled her eyes playfully. "I'll try," she replied. 
Sasha and Connie finished up their food and cleaned the dishes, (Y/N) sat on the couch as the movie played on the tv. It was some romantic movie which she didn't even bother to pay attention to, she didn't exactly want to watch one at the moment. 
Sasha appeared in the living room, she had her phone in her hand. "Hey whatcha doing?" she asked, leaning over to look at her phone. 
"Oh nothing, just scrolling through Instagram," (Y/N) replied and clicked her phone off. 
A ping went off as Sasha got a notification, she looked at her phone as a grin displayed on her features making (Y/N) curious. 
"Did Connie send you nudes in the bathroom or something?" she asked and began to laugh.
A blush crept onto Sasha's cheeks. "What!? Absolutely not! You're so gross (Y/N)!" she yelled, hitting her arm. "Let's play a game, I'm bored." she added and stood up.
(Y/N) nodded. "A game? Sasha I'm not twelve.." she said and leaned against the couch. 
Sasha came in with what seemed to be a blindfold. "Come on! It's fun okay? You just have to feel something and guess what it is," she said, crossing her arms. 
"A blindfold? Jeez Sash.. didn't know you and Connie were into blindfolds," she said, starting to laugh. 
Sasha hit her arm playfully. "Shut up! No I'm not into blindfolds.. you're gross! Just come here," she said and waved her over.
(Y/N) stood up and tossed her phone onto the couch. She walked over to Sasha who seemed excited to play, she hoped that this game wouldn't be weird.
"Alright.. let's get started," Sasha said, going behind her to tie the blindfold over her eyes. 
She faintly heard the sound of the front door opening, she was confused as to who came in. Then she remembered Connie went to go throw out the garbage, so she figured it was Connie coming back in. 
"Okay first thing!" Sasha said and held out the item for her to touch. 
(Y/N)'s fingers brushed over the item, it felt cold. It felt like plastic too, was it a box? It felt smooth.
"Is this like.. a box or something?" she asked, looking around with the blindfold on. 
She heard giggles and laughs coming from Connie and Sasha. "Yeah it's a box! Here's the next item," Sasha said.
Her fingers brushed over the soft material, it felt velvety and smooth. It felt like petals from a flower. 
"Are these flowers?" she asked. 
"Damn (Y/N)! You're good at this! Here's the last thing," Connie said, his voice sounding faded. 
She furrowed her brows as she heard whispering and shuffling, she was tempted to remove the blindfold to see if they were playing a prank.
"Okay here," Sasha said. 
She reached out feeling something hard, it felt like.. a chest? Her brows furrowed again as she ran her fingers along it. 
"Sasha is this your chest? Connie is definitely not this muscular," (Y/N) asked, looking around for their voices. 
Sasha giggled. "No it's not me! You can take your blindfold off in a sec," she said, taking out her phone. 
(Y/N) felt nervous as she kept her hands on the person's chest, they felt warm and she could feel their heart racing against her skin. 
"Okay now!" Sasha yelled. 
(Y/N) removed her blindfold, letting her eyes adjust. When she looked up she was faced with the honey eyes of the person she least expected. 
It was Jean.
Her jaw dropped as her hands slapped over her mouth, she couldn't believe it. He held in his hands flowers and a box of chocolate, the flowers being her favorite. Roses. He stood there smiling at her reaction, she looked back seeing Sasha recording and Connie laughing.
"You're real.." (Y/N) said, looking at Jean with wide eyes. 
He smiled. "I'm real," he replied, opening his arms for her. 
She tackled him with a bone crushing hug, his arms wrapping around her waist surrounding her in his embrace. She inhaled his scent and let his warmth engulf her. 
Tears welled in her hues as she put her hands onto his face. "Pinch me please.." she said and laughed a bit. 
Jean chuckled, cupping her cheek. "I don't think you're dreaming," he replied, pulling her closer. 
"This is so cute I feel like a proud mom," Sasha said as she kept recording. 
(Y/N) looked back. "H-How? How did you get him here?" she asked and nodded. 
Connie rubbed the back of his neck. "We actually were both in on it, we paid for his ticket and everything. He's staying at my place actually," he said, smiling at her. 
"Sasha planned the game too," Jean added and looked towards the brunette. 
(Y/N) pulled Sasha into a tight hug. "I literally love you right now," she said as a few tears escaped down her cheeks. 
"Uh (Y/N)! I think you should be the one telling him that," Sasha said, pointing at Jean. 
She came back over to Jean who handed her the flowers. "Someone as beautiful as you are deserves these in person. Happy Valentine's Day beautiful," he said, smiling down at her. 
She laughed as she took the flowers, her heart swelling. "Thank you really.." she replied, pulling him into another hug. 
He put his arms around her, he felt his heart flutter as he felt her touch. "Do you want to..?" 
"Get out of here?" she asked, nodding. 
The two looked back at Sasha and Connie. "Knock yourselves out! Don't have too much fun (Y/N).." Connie said and smirked devilishly.
Heat rushed onto her cheeks. "I'd like to say the same to you both," Jean said, putting his arm around her shoulder. 
Connie and Sasha both turned red. "Okay! Bye Jean and (Y/N)! Have fun!" Sasha said and ran out of the room. 
They both turned to one another, laughs escaping both of their lips. "Let's go," she said, fishing around her pockets for her car keys. 
Jean followed her out of Sasha's apartment building to her car, his hands brushing over her fingers a few times making her cheeks hot. 
Once in the car, she began the drive back to her apartment. She couldn't keep her eyes off Jean, he looked so much better in person. All of his features stood out, his jawline, his hair, and his amazing eyes. 
"You know.. you're 100x more beautiful in person," Jean said, breaking the silence between them. 
She smiled. "Thank you… you're 100x more handsome," she replied and looked over at the passenger side. 
Jean felt his cheeks grow red from her words. "I never thought in a million years I'd meet you this soon," he said and leaned back in his seat. 
She laughed a bit. "I could say the same.. Sasha told me nothing about this," she replied, turning the steering wheel.
A chuckle erupted in his throat. "It was meant to be kept secret. Connie and Sasha both messaged me about it and I was in," he said.
"I thought you were ghosting me at first.. I was so bummed at her house,"
Jean looked over at her. "Oh never.. I'd never ghost you. Connie told me to just put distance so it wouldn't seem weird," he said, brushing his fingers over her arm.
Tingles ran around her body as he touched her. "I should have known something was up," she said and shook her head. "Anyway, we're here." she added, taking off her seatbelt. 
Jean exited the car with her. He followed her up the stairs to her apartment. She opened the door and removed her shoes, Jean stepped in and eyed the room. She kept it clean and organized. 
"Nice place," Jean said and smiled at her. 
She looked back at him. "Oh thank you.. it means a lot," she replied, placing his gifts on the counter. 
The two stood there for a moment just taking in their appearances. She felt her heart racing as Jean stood there eyeing her. 
"So um.. what do you wanna do?" Jean asked, looking down at her. 
She leaned against the wall. "I dunno.. maybe we can watch a movie in bed?" she asked, nodding.
"Sounds like a plan.. I gotta call Connie. He needs to drop my shit off in the morning if I'm sleeping here," he said and took out his phone. 
(Y/N) rocked on her heels. "Sounds good! Um.. I'll be right back, I'm gonna change." she replied and made her way to her room.
Jean texted Connie and within seconds he responded with an 'ok'. He walked towards the room where (Y/N) was, her room was decorated nicely. She knew how to keep it clean. He noticed the familiar sights he used to see on facetime. 
She came from the bathroom wearing shorts and a t-shirt. "Come sit," she said and hopped on her bed. 
Jean felt stiff, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable or make any moves that were too quick. 
"So uh… what kind of movie do you wanna watch?" he asked, looking at her nervously. 
"Hmm.. horror?" she replied, looking back at him as she turned on the tv. 
He nodded. "Sounds like a plan," he said and leaned back against the pillows on her bed. 
She put on one of the horror movies and lied down next to him, her hands brushed over his arm veins. She traced lines where his muscles were. Goosebumps littered onto his skin feeling her touch. 
"Don't be so stiff.. you aren't going to hurt me," (Y/N) said leaning up a bit. 
He felt his nerves loosen up at her words. "Sorry.. I just don't wanna come off as a creep," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. 
She giggled, moving his arm so it was now around her waist. "You aren't a creep to me at all," she said, laying her head on his chest. 
Jean's grip on her waist tightened as he brought her body closer to his. He imagined nights like these for so long, his arms around her holding her close so she never slips away. 
She felt so warm next to him. 
As the night went on, (Y/N) felt her eyes become droopy. She started to snooze against his chest, Jean smiled hearing her small snores and the way she twitched. He turned off the lamp and pulled the covers over the two of them. 
The next morning Jean was awoken by (Y/N) moving out of his embrace. Her eyes trying to get used to the light that shone into her room, she grabbed her phone, the time reading 10:12 A.M. 
She turned over to look at Jean who was awake. A giggle escaped her lips as she cuddled back into him. 
"I didn't mean to fall asleep," she said and traced his muscles with her fingers. 
He squeezed the flesh of her waist. "Don't worry about it," he replied and lied his chin onto her head. "What do you wanna do today, beautiful?" he asked.
She sighed. "Do you wanna just relax and chill? We don't have to go anywhere," she replied, looking up at him. 
"Sounds fine by me," Jean said, staring up at the ceiling. 
The two lied there for a few minutes before deciding to get dressed and ready for the day, Jean noticed his suitcases were at the front door. (Y/N) told him that Sasha had a spare key so she most likely stopped by while they were asleep. It made him laugh but also a little weirded out. 
They both changed and lied around (Y/N)'s place, they took many photos together and goofed off. She never felt happier than she did in those moments, Jean didn't want to stop touching her. He loved feeling her smooth skin against his, he held her hand or brushed against her arm. Not in a creepy way of course. 
It was around 6:30 in the afternoon, Jean and (Y/N) messed around in her apartment for most of the day. Watching movies, ordering food, taking photos, etc. It had been an amazing day. 
"Hey Jean.." (Y/N) said, reaching up to play with the strands of his hair. 
He looked down at her. "What's up?" he asked. 
She smiled. "Do you wanna go to the pier near my house? We can watch the sunset," she asked, nodding her head. 
His face lit up with excitement. "Hell yes! Let's go right now," he replied. 
The two rushed out of the apartment and went to her car, the sun was going to set pretty soon, so they wanted to get to the pier at a decent time to see it all. 
The car ride was fun, the two blasted music and sang along with the words. 
Eventually, the two arrived at the pier. Many people walked along the sidewalks with each other, the summer air felt nice. Jean held her hand as they made their way up to the dock, some people leaned along the sides talking with one another. 
The sun shined onto their faces, Jean's honey eyes looked like pure gold as the sun passed through them. 
The tide from the waves crashed below them the seagulls flew in the sky or onto the ground. 
"It's so pretty.." (Y/N) said, smiling as she leaned against the railing staring at the setting sun.
Jean admired the sky as it was painted with purples and oranges. "Yeah.. but not as pretty as you are," he said and held her hand in his. 
She looked absolutely stunning to him. The way the sun shined over her skin and the way the wind lightly blew along her hair made his heart swell. 
She was truly the most beautiful girl he ever laid his eyes on. 
"I always imagined coming here with you.. it was my dream date," she said and smiled.
Jean took her hand into his. "Can I ask you something?" he asked. 
She looked up at him. "Of course Jean," she replied and brushed a few strands of hair out of his face. 
He let out a shaky breath. "(Y/N)... I never thought I'd ever get to meet you, but now that I have I realized how amazing you are. You're so beautiful.. don't even get me started on your smile either. You've made today so great and I've been meaning to ask you this question for so long. My feelings for you are strong and I can't imagine my life without you by my side," he said. "Will you be my girlfriend?" 
She felt her heart burst at his words, she couldn't deny what she felt for Jean. "Yes! Yes!" she replied, putting her arms around his neck. 
He smiled as he put his arms around her waist. "I love you.." he whispered. 
Her eyes went wide. "I love you too.." she said, leaning into his face and pressing her lips onto his. 
The kiss was passionate, his lips felt smooth and soft. It took her breath away. 
"I promise I'll make you feel like a princess," Jean said and cupped her cheek. "I'll never let you go," he added. 
She felt small tears form into her eyes. "I'll never let you go either," she said and smiled at him.
They stood there for awhile watching as the sun slowly disappeared behind the clouds, the sky painted in bright oranges and dark blues. 
Arriving back home they both rushed up the stairs to her apartment. She unlocked it and pulled him into a heated kiss, the kiss feeling hot.
Jean made his way to the couch, his hands on her hips. "I didn't know you were this good of a kisser.." he whispered, smirking as he kissed her. 
"I guess we're both full of surprises," she replied and put her arms around his neck.
He sat down on the couch, her thighs on either side of his legs. "Wait.." Jean said, breaking the kiss between them. "I need to mention one more thing," he added, looking up at her. 
She nodded. "What's up?" she asked. 
He felt a smile grow onto his lips. "I know I leave in two days but.. I wanted to let you know that I was pricing apartments around here as well as schooling.. and I found out I got accepted," he said. 
Her jaw dropped hearing the news. "What!? No way! You're lying! Does that mean.." she said. 
"I won't be far away anymore my love," he replied, cupping her cheek. "It's gonna take awhile for me to move in, but I should be here by the end of next month." 
She felt excitement coursing through her. "That's great!" she said. 
"I mean it when I say it that I do love you (Y/N).. it's not me saying that to impress you, I truly do." he said, smiling at her. "I can't imagine myself with anyone else. I want a future with you," he added. 
She felt a smile grow onto her cheeks. "I love you too Jean… I want you with me forever," she said, running her fingers along his face. 
He smiled and leaned in to kiss her lips. "Your wish is granted baby," he said and pressed his lips against hers. 
She giggled, leaning down towards him. "What do you say we celebrate?" she asked, smirking. 
He eyed her hungrily. "Oh you wanna be like that huh? Consider it your special Valentine's Day treat," he replied, bringing her body close to his.
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