#Alpha & Omega
ao3feeddestiel · 22 hours
Alpha & Omega
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/iMjBCEb by Destiel_Girlie Castiel comes to seek comfort from his neighbor, Dean, after a bad break-up and something happens between the two... Words: 1794, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Alpha/Omega, Omega Castiel/Alpha Dean Winchester, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Porn With Plot, Recreational Drug Use, Drinking, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, True Mates, Castiel Has a Crush on Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Has a Crush on Castiel read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/iMjBCEb
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manuelamordhorst · 19 days
Montagsgedicht: Kathrin Schmidt
Alpha & Omega | Manuela Mordhorst | 70x70cm | 2012 | Acryl, Bergkristalle, Blattgold | SOLD mitotisch in der mitte treibt es mich auseinander, schnürt einen gürtel, teilt mich in nabelhöhe, macht die gewohnten vermehrungsrelikte entbehrlich. der zungenschlinge entrutscht auch das übliche zähneklappern, das nun an der wand seinen klang sucht, während die körperfragmente noch zueinander drängen.…
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quirkycatsfatstacks · 2 months
Review: The Fake Mate by Lana Ferguson
Author: Lana FergusonPublisher: BerkleyReleased: December 5, 2023Received: Own (Aardvark)Find it on Goodreads | Aardvark | More Aardvark Reviews Book Summary: Mackenzie Carter would do just about anything to get her grandmother off her back. To be fair – her grandma wants her to be happy, but she keeps equating happiness with a relationship. But Mackenzie can’t take any more of these awful…
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elgallinero · 11 months
Practice English
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atthequillsmercy · 5 months
Lenni Reviews: "Megumi & Tsugumi" Vol. 4, by Mitsuru Si
(Image Source) *This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review and is rated 18+ After Tsugumi is nearly bitten on the nape by Inami, who lied about being a beta, Megumi is determined to keep his mate safe by getting formally married and claiming Tsugumi’s nape for himself. The biggest hurdle is Megumi’s father who does not want his son messing with omegas. There is also a side story…
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Changement d'adresse ...
l'Alpha & l'Omega migre vers https://sereveillerpoursetransformer.com ✅ Une nouvelle adresse à laquelle je vous recommande de vous abonner ...
Ce blog a vu le jour il y a 3 ans et comme tout projet il va évoluer et se transformer … Après 180 publications chaque dimanche matin, L’Alpha & l’Omega va tirer sa révérence dans les jours à venir … Cependant l’idée de rassembler des premières et dernières phrases de livres ne s’éteint pas … c’est juste un changement d’adresse pour migrer vers le blog Se réveiller pour Se…
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dirtyvulture · 9 months
Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x Omega!Fem!Reader
18+ only, read at your own risk
Requested by 🦥 anon: What about alpha!Nat who is anatomically female so she can't knot or mate with omega!Reader like Alpha!g!pNat can so she has her best pal beta!Bruce or alpha!Tony invent a knotting strap on 🫣 now alpha!Nat can Knott her little omega anytime she pleases. Bonus if omega!Wanda enchants the strap so alpha!nat can actually feel it 🤤
AN: This was a good one. Thanks, 🦥!
"What's wrong, Nat?" you ask when you feel your alpha's arm squeeze your torso tighter than normal. She exhales into your hair, and you know it's not from exhaustion from your earlier activities, but frustration.
"Um, nothing," Natasha says, that is obviously a lie, but if she won't tell you what's on her mind, you won't push it.
"Okay, well, good night," you respond, cringing at the awkwardness but not wanting to dwell on it.
While you fall asleep in record time, Natasha lies awake, holding you tightly as she stares at the back of your head. The thought that she can' t be a proper alpha to you, simply because she is not equipped with the right body parts, is infuriating and saddening to her. Not that you had ever complained once or saw her as any less than the male alphas, but Natasha had an internal struggle every time you begged to be knotted and she simply...couldn't.
She didn't know what to do, but she had thought about enlisting the help of some of her colleagues. As awkward as the request would be, maybe it would help her self-esteem and you would be so pleased with the result.
So the next morning, Natasha goes off to have the most awkward conversation of her life with Tony Stark.
Natasha is practically vibrating with excitement as she carries you to your bedroom. Even you can sense her amped up emotions as you wrap your arms around her, kissing her hard and sloppily.
"Are you okay, babe?" you ask, breaking away for a breath while pulling your clothes off at the same time.
"Yeah, I'm just happy I get to be with you," she says, taking off her shirt, then her sweatpants. When she drops her pants, you gasp at the sight of her new strap. The color matches her skin tone exactly, almost looking like an actual extension of her body and you can't help but lick your lips at the thought of it being inside of you. It's a little smaller than the one she normally uses, but thicker to make up for it. Your core aches around nothing.
"Like what you see, baby?" Natasha says, grasping her cock and stroking it. "I had it specially made..." She debates on whether or not to tell you the truth of the toy's origins, but feels like it might ruin the mood now.
"It looks so good on you," you pant, hooking your hands around her thighs and pulling her onto the bed with you.
"It'll look better inside you," Natasha responds with a smirk, trying to contain a moan when her hand reaches her tip. It was a little strange and first to be able to "feel" with the faux cock, but now she's eager to stick it inside of you and experience you in a way she never has before.
As Natasha hovers over you, you instinctively reach for her cock and she gasps so loud when you touch it, you recoil your hand as if you've hurt her.
"Nat?" you ask.
"No, it's okay, baby. Touch me again," Natasha says, and you wrap your hand around her cock, causing her whole body to shudder. "I can feel it," she admits, dropping her head to press her forehead against yours. "I'll finally be able to feel you, baby. And properly knot you."
A thousand thoughts of curiosity fill your head, like where in the world she managed to get a strap like this, but now your only concern is getting her inside you. Although Natasha had never disappointed you in bed, your heart rate skyrockets at the thought of her getting to feel you and knot you. It seemed almost too good to even be real.
"Does this feel good?" you ask, jerking her cock off a little awkwardly, mostly because you don't have much experience. Maybe that would change soon.
"Yes," she whispers, her hips moving jerkily every time your thumb swipes over the tip of her cock. "Keep going, baby."
Even though you're stroking a silicone toy, you swear it feels like it's throbbing in your hand. Maybe it wasn't such a gimmick after all.
"Okay, stop, stop," Natasha says suddenly, afraid she's going to burst. She swats your hand away, her stomach clenching almost uncomfortably to hold herself back. She pushes you to lay down fully, carefully positioning her cock at your entrance. "Ready, baby?"
"I need you, Nat," you whine. "I need my alpha."
Natasha holds her breath as she slides into you with ease, almost collapsing on your chest when your hot walls wrap around her, holding her in a tight grip like she's never been before. "Oh, God. Oh fuck, Y/N..."
It feels different having her inside of you like this, almost like you can feel her throbbing.
"I want you to knot me, Nat," you beg, reaching up to lock your hands around her back to hold her close.
"I will, baby. Hold on." Natasha starts jerking her hips in broad strokes, obsessed with the way you clench and squeeze around her. She pushes in until she can't see any of her cock anymore, but the subtle bulge of your stomach, and the fire of arousal burns through her veins. She leans over to lick and nip at the mating mark on your neck, slamming into you with powerful thrusts.
You moan at the sensation of being filled so deeply, Natasha soothing the ache of emptiness in your loins with each thrust.
"Knot me, Nat, please," you whimper, scratching down her back. You can sense her desperation and need, feel her desire as she twitches inside of you, her size seemingly growing as the knot at the base of her cock starts to inflate.
You can't believe this is about to happen, as Natasha grunts and groans into your ear, promising to fill you with her pups and knot you properly for the first time in your life. You're awash with bliss as she thrusts into you strongly, holding you down as her body starts to tremble as she empties her seed into you. There is an almost painful stretch in your core and you look down to see the base of her cock fit snugly into your pussy, preventing any of her cum from spilling out of you like it normally does.
The pressure in your stomach is too much and you are too aroused to hold back anymore, tipping your head back into the pillows and moaning as you gush around her cock. It feels like a lifetime of pure ecstasy as you lay there, Natasha fully connected with you. You don't ever want it to end.
"My perfect omega," Natasha whispers, stroking your hair as she tries to calm down from her own high. "I love you so much." Today was a complete success in her book, and she can't wait to knot you over and over again in the future.
AN: Please like, reblog, and comment! Follow for more content. 🥰
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 23 hours
alpha Eddie playing the guitar so loud to the point that his amp normally makes half the trailer vibrate. When omega Steve finds himself in the room, forced to put on ear protection because “the louder I play the better it sounds, but I don’t want to make you deaf Stevie.” It’s pretty much his way of playing his music the way he wants while accommodating Steve. Though Eddie is so used to how much his room vibrates that he barely reacts when it starts. Steve on the other hand has to cross his legs as the amp is sitting right next to the bed and pretty much making the bed vibrate intensely. Eddie only stops when he smells Steve, who is completely embarrassed. Though it does end up with Eddie placing his amp on the bed for better vibrations and he’ll never be more proud then when he makes Steve cum with the talent of his fingers but never touching him.
When Eddie goes off on tour for the first time he decides to buy himself a new amp. Though before leaving he has Steve sit on it and marinate it with good luck a few times.
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Happy pheromone Friday 😉I did post this a bit earlier in a community and after much thought this is the post I want to kick my first pheromone Friday with. If you want to participate here’s my ask box send away! (I haven’t gotten any yet, but if I don’t i’ll post another Drabble I’ve written :)
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alien-magnolia · 8 months
His Little Grace
Prince Sidon x Hylian hyperfem! reader
Fic description: As Ganon’s minions infiltrate the Zora Domain, you, a weary, small, gentle traveler, are caught in a rut, on the brink of death, not being able to face creatures corrupted by the calamity on your own. The kind prince of Zora, Sidon, accompanies you, protecting you from the monsters. The two of you eventually are drawn into something more…
Tw: 18+ MINORS DNI, shark anatomy, omegaverse biology, breeding kink, sub-coded/super bottom hyperfeminine reader, SIZE kink, kind of non-canon breath of the wild, protective sidon, damsel in distress trope, rough sex, shark love bites, some sidon x link as well, pls reblog and help a writer out!!
Omegaverse rules:
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It was a rainy morning in the Zora Domain, 7 o’clock to be exact. The rain battered alongside the icy pathways, the waves crashed below. The King, Dorephan, sat on his throne, concerned due to the noises heard outside the domain. The King has summoned some of his attendants and soldiers, including Link, the Hylian Champion. The King voiced his concerns to the group, saying that the noises sound like an attack on the kingdom; possibly Vah Ruta and guardians back under Ganon’s control. Link volunteers to go inspect the area outside the domain, in Upland Zorana. Sidon burst through the archway.
Father! What horrible news! I have heard that Ganon is possibly attacking the kingdom again! It is preposterous! Let me know what I can do to protect the kingdom!,” the shark smiles, winking and flexing his bicep, his signature look. “My son. Perhaps you can swim down the river, and see what is in the Lananryu Wetlands, closer to Central Hyrule, near the entrance to our domain,” the King suggests. “Of course,” Sidon agrees, and bids a goodbye to Link, whom he did have relations with. Sidon would never admit due to his pride, that he had a soft spot for Hylians. They were so tiny, so soft. The opposite of him. Link was his best friend, and sometimes lover. Link was a beta, however. Sidon, as an alpha, really yearned for a Hylian that was an omega. He wanted to feel one, experience being with one. As biology said, alphas and omegas were made for each other, regardless of race in Hyrule. Same or interspecies, it did not matter. Yet, Sidon failed to find a female, omega, counterpart to his sweet Link’s beauty.
He waved to Link, telling him to be safe, before watching him use Revali’s Gale to fly up into Upland Zorana. Sidon swam down the river, watching as electric Lizalfos, electric chu-chus, and golden bokoblins prowled around the plains, at the side of the river. “So many monsters…,” he thought to himself, swimming faster, hoping not to run into them. He swam to the bridge at the outskirts of Tabahl Woods. He saw a crowd of Black moblins, shrieking, with Dragonbone weapons, attacking something on the ground. He looked a little closely, barely visible to the monsters. He saw that they were attacking a Hylian. A very small one at that. He growled, jumping onto the bridge, facing the moblins, and took a few of them out swiftly, using his muscles and sharp teeth.
After throwing the last moblin down into the waterfall, Sidon comes closer to inspect the Hylain, to see if they were okay. A sickeningly sweet smell has hit him. He crouched down, taking a closer look. A very small Hylian woman, laying on the bridge, gravely wounded. Her blood, her body, smelled so good to him… could it be? An omega?
He stops his dirty mind from trampling him, and gently picks up the Hylian. Placing her in his arms, he swims up the river as fast as he could, eager to get her into the domain, so she could be properly healed and taken care of.
He reaches the domain, swimming up the waterfall, careful not to drown the woman. “Somebody! Please help! I have found an injured Hylian!!,” he shouts, and at instant, a few other Zora take her away to heal with herbs, in the lower chambers of the kingdom. Sidon meets back with Link, glad that he is okay, giving him a few kisses as well.
“My Link. I think I have found an omega. What should I do?! I am a bit worried!!,” Sidon shouts at him, the little man looking at the shark with a smirk.
“See if the chemistry is right, when she wakes up. If it is, perhaps then you could mate with her, for real, unlike you and I,” Link sheepishly tells him.
“Yes! Link! You are amazing! A genius! An absolute marvel!!,” Sidon shouts at him, giving Link his signature smirk and wink, and hugging him before running off to check on the Hylian he just rescued.
“My dear. Are you okay?,” he leans over the woman, his large shadow covering her small one. She moans in pain, looking up at him. “I think I’m okay now, yes. Who are you?,” her voice was small and shy, quiet. She meekly looked at him with her beautiful green eyes. Sidon blushed, loving how soft her voice was.
“Quickly, young one. Tell me your name.” The woman tells him. “Lily.” “Ah. What a beautiful name that is. I am Sidon, Prince of the Zora. I was making my round down the Zora River, when I saw you being beaten by monsters on Inogo Bridge!!,” he exclaimed, clearly worried for the young woman.
“I should have been more careful,” the woman replied, slightly blushing.
You had been beaten by Moblins, and were about to meet your end, when you feltl a strong presence lift you up, carrying you up the Zora River, up a waterfall. You did not know who that was, yet you were extremely grateful. You awoke to a beautiful Zorana leaning over you. His smile, his voice, his muscles. You loved it.
Best of all, it seemed like he was an alpha. You could tell right away. This is who you had been searching for.
You had been born in a Hylian village off the coast, Luteno Village, full of Betas. The only other Alpha in the village was already mated — to a Beta. They did not have heats, ruts, pheromones. Sometimes, you wished to be one of them. Oh how easier it would be. Omegas were weaker than most, softer. This did not do you any good, especially in the calamity — so many monsters around. What options did you have?
Therefore, you left your small, coastal fishing village in hopes of finding a mate, a lover. You traveled up the Zora River, into Shatterback Point, up mountains, in the rain, in a thunderstorm. The time could have finally come. You were positive that whoever saved you, this ‘Prince Sidon’, was an Alpha. Further, he was royalty.
The size difference between you two was massive. You nervously watched as his clawed hand rested near your body. His palm was the size of your entire arm.
“My dear. Are you alright? You look positively out of it,” the handsome prince spoke to you. You replied that you were, which then coincided with him asking what you were doing in the area.
“Well, you see, Prince Sidon, I came here to find a mate. In Luteno Village, most of the people are Betas — normal. I’m a little helpless on my own, you see, with the calamity and all. I’m not strong enough to fight these monsters. I don’t even think that Omegas and Alphas are common in all of the kingdom of Hyrule…,” you trail off, a bit sad.
The shark grinned back at you, with a knowing yet gentle smile. “My dear. You see, they aren’t that common in the land of Zora either. Alpha and Omega pairs used to be more common before the calamity. All of our Zorai, they are mated pairs, since we usually have very long life spans. Except for me, of course.”
You nod, starting to realize what he was implying. You were sure that he was able to sense the tension between you. You had read, in an old book your grandmother owned, written before the calamity, that just each other’s presence can indicate true love between an Alpha and Omega. You hoped that your late grandmother’s book was right.
“Lily. I want to ask you something, sweet pearl,” Sidon starts. Perhaps, once you feel better, I can show you around the village?,” his yellow eyes look hopeful, bashful, even. A prince, paying attention to you. You were over the moon, and so, you obliged.
Just in a few days, the Zora had healed you. You spent more and more time with the Prince every day, whom you now called Sidon. After a week, Sidon had asked you to accompany him for a nightly swim. The two of you had started doing that ever since you had healed.
You loved how fast he was in the water, how gentle he was with you on his back. Most of all, you loved how big he was. <3
Sidon took you into the lake next to the domain, and up the Veiled Falls. The two of you sat on the luminous stone filled dock, tension between the two of you rising. Sidon tapped his sharp nails upon the dock, nervous on what to say.
“What is it?,” you asked, putting a concerned hand on his shoulder, which made him flinch. “My Pearl. Lily. I have gotten to know you over the past week or so. You are truly amazing! I have never met a Hylian such as yourself before! This is a personal question to ask..yet.. are you possibly looking for something more than safety , here in the Zora Domain?”
You wince, deciding to tell him the truth. “I came here to look for a mate, Sidon. I’m an omega. They aren’t very common after the calamity,” you look down as you say it. Perhaps he has an arranged marriage already.
“My Lily. I am so glad to hear you say that!” He looked enthusiastic suddenly. “You see, I am one of the only other Alphas in this town myself! Everyone else is male or female, just a Beta. You are right, sweet Pearl! How clever you are,” he praises you.
You blush as he compliments you. He moves a bit closer to you. His clawed hand gently holds your head. “You and I, my pearl. I think you’re the most adorable little Hylian I’ve ever seen. The fact that you’re an omega — that is just even more precious and intriguing to me. Be my mate, sweet pearl,” he gently asks of you, yellow eyes full of passion.
You agree, giggling as he brings you in for a kiss. He was gentle with you, although you could feel his sharp teeth grazing your lips. You kiss him back with passion, you feel your lip start to bleed because of his sharp teeth. The two of you are inextricably close now, and his two hands easily grip your hips, almost as long as your whole torso. He gently moves you closer to him, although you can feel his sharp claws pierce your soft tummy.
His smell, his lips, his eyes, all of it was intoxicating. In your grandmother’s book, you have read that those with ‘sexual variance’ (gender classified as omega or alpha — instead of male or female (what Betas had) have greater chances for passionate and intricate sexual and romantic relations. It was biology, after all.
You press your smaller body closer to him, your softness against his rougher skin. You traced your small hands over his torso, his wide shoulders <3 as you could feel him moan into your mouth. He pulls away for a second, manhandling you onto his lap, where you felt a rather big bulge forming already..<3
“You know, sweet one…I have always hoped to find someone with sexual variance… a little omega I could have all for myself, to love, to breed…,” his voice seemed much lower now, you swore you could hear a growl behind it. “Make me yours then,” you softly reply back, gazing into his yellow eyes.
He smirks, and then uses those strong muscles of his to pin you onto the ground. A trail of wet kisses is left all over your face, your neck, your breasts, which he cups so gently, mindful of his claws, your hips. He asks if he can take off your clothes. You nod, and he does so, careful not to rip them with his claws.
“My little grace smells so good for me,” he chuckles darkly. “That’s all you wanted, hmm? A strong alpha to come breed you, claim you…,” he whispers, his sharp teeth grazing your lips. You nod. “Please, Sidon. Want it, please…,” you beg him, doe eyes meeting his.
“You know, my little love…Zora actually have two cocks. I wonder how they’ll fit inside my Pearl…,” he chuckles, bringing you in for another kiss. There you were, caged in his arms, your small hands around his large, bulging biceps, and you can feel him start to grind into you for a bit, before his cocks spring up, all hard, veiny. You almost drool, yet you stop yourself.
You have read in your grandmother’s book that alphas have bigger cocks than betas, than omegas. They have superior strength too…
You stare in awe as the Zora runs his clawed hand over his cocks, over his ball sack, all full and ready to burst!! “Sidon. Please, want it in me,” you beg of him, pathetically reaching up to him like a little girl would to her father.
“I’ll give you anything you ask for, little Pearl. So sweet…,” he moans, and with that, you see him gently line up his two cocks to your already soaking, wet, pussy. You wonder how his sharp teeth would feel on it … <3
“Sidon. I’ve never.. never had this before…,” you tell him shyly. He reassures you with a few kisses. “I will be gentle, little love. You will get used to it, you will want more. Don’t know how long I have been waiting for an omega, all to myself,” his grin showcased his row of sharp teeth, scaring and making you want him more at the same time.
You were ready. He gently began to push his pulsating cocks into you. The stretch hurt, yet since you were wet, you were ready for him. You could take it. He pushed in little by little, and the deeper he went, the more delirious you got. His cocks just stuffed you up so perfectly!! <3
Your eyes met his, your soft hands ran alongside his cheeks, his fins on his head. He has you in a mating press, and you could swear you were seeing doubles from how nicely his cocks filled you. Your eyes began to roll back into your head, as you drift away from the world, and solely focused on the moment: him.
“My sweet Pearl. Doing so well, my love. Taking these big cocks so nicely, can’t wait to breed you, my Pearl, have you carry my heir…,” he moaned out, just as delirious as you were. You were his prey, to be caught, bred, owned by him!! “Please, my prince, Sidon, please!!,” you squealed, eager to agree to everything he was saying, due to how earth shatteringly amazing you felt right now.
“Mate me. Claim me. Please, sir,” you beg him, a moment of clarity in your delirium. He smirks in response, giving you a little (sharp) love bite on your shoulder. “My pleasure, my little love.”
He starts rutting into you, faster, your little body shakes and you have to hold onto him as tightly as you could muster, burying yourself in the crook of his neck. You see stars, with his throbbing cocks inside you, you’ve never felt something be so right. You feel them twitch, and with screams from the both of you, you come at the same time.
You feel his hot seed spill into you, filling you.
You fall asleep in his arms after a bit of cuddling, and he gently takes you back to the Domain, to the palace, into his private chambers. You were his now. His mate, his little grace.
Author's note: Enjoy everyone! Let me know if I should make a part two, or maybe a sidlink fic!! Pls reblog and help a writer out!! <3
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evansbby · 2 years
𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐞𝐬 {𝐩𝐨𝐲𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞}
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dark alpha!Steve Rogers x naive omega!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut, noncon, dubcon, daddy!kink, hardcore misogyny, degradation, possessive Steve, inebriation, mentions of alcohol. MINORS, DNI.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Steve throws a Halloween party and you try your hardest to be the perfect little host. {happy spooky szn, everyone!! this poyt drabble is a halloween special, set after Steve mated with Omega, and has no effect to the plot/main story of preying on you tonight}
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“What the fuck is this?”
The abrupt sound of Steve’s voice makes your blood run cold, the orange and black crepe paper slipping from your hands and dropping to the floor.
“Steve, I… uh.” Daring to meet his heated gaze, your heart pitter-patters pathetically and you immediately avert your eyes, staring at the ground and fingers fidgeting nervously.
“Hi, Steve!” Natasha says brightly, giving the alpha a huge smile. She’s sat cross-legged next to you, sorting through a bunch of sparkly jack-o-lantern wall stickers that she’d brought over with her. You’re both on the floor in Steve’s and your bedroom, sorting through various party decorations.
He glowers at her before turning back to you, “What’s she doing here?”
“She’s… she’s just…” It’s not an ideal moment for your stutter to flare up, but Steve looks so annoyed. And you knew he’d be like this the moment Natasha showed up at your doorstep with a peppy smile and a bunch of Halloween decorations in her arms, matching the ones you’d bought just this morning.
Steve, Bucky and Sam were hosting a Halloween party tonight. Steve had only just informed you yesterday, and in the early hours of the morning, while Steve was at football practice, you’d gone to the nearby party shop to stock up on decorations. Because parties needed decorations, right? And the three alphas hadn’t really done much to spruce up the place. In fact, you’d spent the majority of the afternoon vacuuming and cleaning the downstairs area before Natasha had shown up to help you.
“We’re making streamers, duh.” Natasha blinks up at Steve innocently, but her nonchalance seems to wind him up even more.
“Omega.” Steve gives you a stern look, and immediately you stand up, scurrying over to him. He puts a heavy arm around your shoulders, crushing you into his chest. “You know you’re not allowed to have people over.”
You’re about to apologise before Natasha pipes up.
“Relax, Steve. I came over unannounced. Thor told me about the party and I thought she could use some help since I doubt that you’ll be doing any decorating.”
Steve doesn’t even look at her, but you can see his eyes flashing with annoyance. And you know why he’s mad too. Steve likes to have you ready and waiting for him on his bed when he comes home all riled up from football practice. Carnal, sweaty, amped up and filled with testosterone and pent-up aggression, he usually fucks you hard and fast when he gets home, before dragging you to the shower for more sex. But he can’t quite do any of that with Natasha here.
“I’m sorry.” You say quietly.
“You don’t have anything to apologise for.” Natasha says from across the room, making Steve glare at her with blazing eyes. If looks could kill…
“Maybe you should keep your mouth shut and just observe.” He jeers, “Learn how a well-trained omega is supposed to act around an alpha.” He tightens his grip on you, making a show of reaching down to squeeze your ass. You yelp helplessly, wishing he wouldn’t do that in front of her.
“Congratulations, Steve. You run such a strict regime that she’s literally afraid of you.” Natasha rolls her eyes, her voice dripping in sarcasm. But she bites her lip and shoots you an apologetic look when she sees you wince.
You know Natasha’s dynamic with Thor – her alpha boyfriend – is a lot different from you and Steve. You’ve seen her make fun of him, roll her eyes at him, and even raise her voice at him. You could never do any of that with Steve – but was it that obvious that you were afraid of him?
“I’m gonna go put the streamers up downstairs.” Natasha says, quickly getting to her feet and skipping over to the door. She turns back to pointedly look at you, ignoring Steve, “You can join me later and help me with the balloons.”
The door has only just closed behind her and Steve’s already dragging you to the bed, sitting down with his muscular thighs spread, and pulling you onto his lap.
“What is all this?” He gestures at the decorations strewn about on the floor.
You squirm, “I just thought that we’d need some decorations for your party. But I can tell Natasha to take them down if you don’t like them.”
He frowns, “Did you buy all this yourself?”
“How many times have I told you to use my card when you’re buying things?” He grips your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tugging upwards till you’re looking at him.
“I…I have my own money, Steve.” Well, not much of it ever since he made you quite your job. But your bank balance never decreased, seeing as Steve paid for literally everything for you; from your food to your clothes to your shoes and everything in between.
He doesn’t answer, instead reaching into his pocket for his phone and tapping away. Not ten seconds later, you feel your own phone vibrate.
Steve R. transferred you $200
Your eyes widen, “The decorations didn’t cost that much–”
You’re interrupted by his lips pressing down on yours, large hands cradling your face gently as he kisses you. And if you could replay it every time he kissed you, just replay it in slow-motion, you would do it a hundred times over. It’s insane how the butterflies erupt in the depths of your tummy as he draws you closer still, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip.
“An omega is not meant to pay for anything – it’s the responsibility of her alpha to take care of her.” He says against your lips before pecking you a few more times, “But it’s pretty cute, you know. You going on a little grocery run for the party.”
You nod, “I tried to think of everything we’d need. I’ve never hosted a party before so I wasn’t sure.” You pause, “Sorry, I know I’m not hosting this party. It’s your party.” You shake your head, averting your gaze from his because looking at him too long makes you all nervous and squirmy.
“I – uh – I got all kinds of decorations from the Halloween section – like streamers and balloons and whatnot. Natasha got some too.” You try not to get distracted by his finger sensually tracing shapes on your thigh. “I also got snacks. Like chips and popcorn and soda. I was also going to bake cupcakes with orange and black frosting but I didn’t have time. I’m sorry. But I got store-bought ones that look pretty good.”
Steve stares at you for a prolonged period of time during which about a million concerns surface inside your head. Had you done too much? Had you not done enough? But you breathe a sigh of relief when he leans down to cover your face in kisses, his lips sponging from the corner of your mouth before dipping down to nip at your jaw and finally finding their place on his mark on your neck.
“Look at you, running errands like a perfect little housewife.” Steve pinches your cheek condescendingly, “I always knew you were such a good little omega, baby. I’m proud of you.”
Proud. You glow at his praise, subconsciously nuzzling your cheek against the warm palm of his hand, chirping happily when he strokes you. It’s insane how much his praise and approval means to you, with the omega inside of you bursting with joy at the fact that you’ve pleased your alpha. You always want to please him. You want to make him even more proud.
“I also bought some party games,” You add shyly, hoping he’ll approve. “There’s a pin-the-hat-on-the-witch and there’s also bobbing for apples, and–”
Your voice cuts off when you hear what sounds like a suppressed laugh. Glancing up at Steve, you see the corner of his mouth quirk upward, and a sparkle in his eye. Immediately, you shut your mouth, heat rising in your cheeks and heart wilting. Was he laughing at you?
“On second thought, the games sound babyish. I’m sorry.” You mumble, mentally kicking yourself at even bringing it up. It didn’t help that the last time you’d been to a Halloween party was back when you were in elementary school.
“I’d like to see you bob for apples,” He teases, reaching down to squeeze your ass. But he says nothing more about it, continuing to make out with you until you’re both unceremoniously interrupted by Natasha’s bellowing voice carrying from downstairs.
“She’s a fucking pain in the ass,” Steve says darkly, “Nothing but trouble. If I gave more of a fuck, I’d speak to Thor about keeping her in check. But it’s a good thing he hasn’t marked her – she’s a cheap whore anyways. Nothing like you, baby. And I don’t want you getting influenced by her bullshit.”
“She was just helping me.” You say softly, wanting to add that Natasha’s the first and only person at this university who’s actually been nice to you and treated you like an equal.
“I don’t care, omega. She’s not setting a good example for you and you’re not allowed to hang out with her anymore, do I make myself clear?”
It’s horrifically unfair, but Steve’s scent is so overpowering, so persuading in making you listen to him. And so you nod, hoping that maybe later he’d come around. You don’t want to lose Natasha as a friend. As pathetic as it sounds, she’s kind of your only friend.
“Good girl. Now get on your knees. I’ve had a long day and it’d be good to unwind before the party tonight.”
“But Steve, I gotta decorate–”
The look on his face is enough to get you scrambling down to your knees in record time. And it’s a little later, when he’s got a death grip in your hair and your mouth suckling on his balls while his heavy dick rests on your face, that he asks you casually, “What’s your costume going to be?”
You come up for air, breathing hard and trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs. “Oh, it’s – uh – it’s a surprise.” Even you don’t know what your costume is yet because Natasha had taken it upon herself to provide one for you. She’d said all would be revealed tonight, and a costume was the least of your worries.
Steve – surprisingly – doesn’t question this, instead guiding your head back down on his cock, bobbing it up and down and throwing his head back, a low hiss escaping his lips.
“Whatever. Just remember to check with me beforehand. I need to approve of whatever you’re wearing before anyone else sees it, you got that?”
“Yes, daddy.”
The party is in full swing, and it’s wilder than you anticipated. Thor walks in with about a dozen sixpacks in tow, with Natasha squealing and jumping on him as soon as he enters. Bucky and Sam have invited what looks to be more than half of the female population at the university, all of them scantily-clad and surrounding the two alphas, hanging off their arms in costumes ranging from sexy kittens to sexy cowgirls to sexy nurses.
Your own costume is prettier than you anticipated; a light pink satin slip dress – almost like lingerie – that flows yet clings to your body in a flattering way. Glittery pink fairy wings are attached to your back, small enough to not get in the way of anything but big enough that one could appreciate the swirling design. See-through nude stockings adorn your legs, complete with lacy trimmed tops accented with ribbons. Dainty glass heels cover your feet, and your makeup’s minimal and glowy, with a lot of body glitter added everywhere. You don’t know how Natasha’s managed to create such a pretty costume for you – but she’s a fashion major after all.
“Steve doesn’t deserve you in this outfit.” Natasha had commented earlier when you’d tried it on, “But that doesn’t mean he won’t go crazy over it.”
And Steve had gone crazy over it, inspecting each and every angle while you stood in the middle of the room like a piece of meat at the butcher’s shop. He couldn’t help but squeeze your ass, fondle your breasts, tug your dress up to “check what panties you were wearing” as well as a lot of other things. Finally, he’d resorted to dragging you to the bed, pushing you down on your hands and knees, flipping your dress up and fucking you right then and there.
“M-My costume– it’s gonna get ruined!” You’d cried, but to no avail.
“Fuck, my little baby omega, think you can dress up like some sexy fucking fairy and your daddy won’t fuck you in your little costume, huh?” He’d said through gritted teeth, grabbing your flimsy little wings and pushing them to the side so he could press down on your back. “The only way you can be seen in this outfit is if you looked freshly fucked – so everyone knows exactly who your daddy is, you got that?”
Now your wings were permanently crooked and you had a slight limp in your step, but at least Steve had allowed you to wear the fairy outfit to the party downstairs. Granted, he had his arm around you the whole time, showing you off obnoxiously like you were some kind of shiny object.
“Isn’t she cute, Barber? You should’ve seen her earlier, trying to put up the decorations but she was too little to reach.”
“She cooks, she cleans, and she looks like a million bucks. Can’t say the same about your omega, huh, Curtis?”
“Don’t fucking look at my girlfriend, Jensen. Who even invited you, anyways? Get the fuck out of my sight. Go bob for apples or some shit.”
You sigh, watching poor Jake Jensen’s face fall as he retreats to the corner of the room where the crate of apples is situated all on its lonesome. No one else is really indulging in your party games; in fact, you’d seen someone rip the pin-the-hat-on-the-witch clean in half – which wasn’t nice at all.
On top of that, your Halloween cupcakes were currently mush on the ground, someone had stepped and trodden on them, which made you sad. Even your punch – which you had so painstakingly mixed until it was perfect – tasted kind of funny. You were on your second cup, hoping that you were just imagining the bitter taste of the drink.
“Steve, this tastes funny,” You mumble softly, tugging at your boyfriend’s sleeve. For his Halloween costume, he was just wearing his football jersey and claiming to be a “football player.” Less than minimum effort, but a bunch of girls had gushed and squealed, telling him how good he looked. Steve had ignored them, but that didn’t stop the omega inside of you going green with a strong sense of jealous territorialism.
Even Steve Junior’s costume was more creative than Steve’s. You’d had a black and white striped shirt that had shrank in the wash, and to your glee, it fit your stuffed teddy perfectly.
“He’s a convict!” You’d told Steve proudly, earlier after he’d finished fucking you and you were sitting there trying to catch your breath and straighten your fairy wings, and the alpha had snorted, grabbing the teddy by the neck.
“Oh yeah? What’d he get arrested for? Watching us fuck?”
“No!” You’d answered, completely appalled.
Steve had laughed, easily keeping the stuffie out of your reach when you’d lunged to grab it, “You’re a little pervert, aren’t you, Steve Junior?” And Steve Junior’s coal black eyes had only stared blankly at Steve before you’d snatched him back.
At least now, the stuffie was safe upstairs in the bedroom. The same couldn’t be said about you, however, downstairs in the midst of a party that only seemed to be getting wilder. You’re on Steve’s lap, his hand laid down on your bare thigh possessively as he downs a beer and laughs at whatever he and his friends are talking about. How they can talk when the music is so pulsating and loud is beyond you.
“Shhh, baby, just drink your punch.” He says, pressing a kiss on your lips before continuing his conversation.
You pout, “But it doesn’t taste right–”
Your quiet complaint is drowned out by the noise of the party and you sigh, feeling slightly dizzy as you try to reposition yourself on Steve’s lap. But that only makes your alpha growl lowly, gripping you tighter and thrusting his hips up against your ass – right in front of everyone, no less! Normally, you would’ve begged him not to do that but right now you feel weirdly slow and sluggish… and kind of horny. Wait, what?
“Stop fidgeting or else I’m gonna have to fuck you right here in front of everyone.” Steve whispers in your ear through gritted teeth.
“Sorry, daddy, didn’t mean to!” You cry not-so-softly, trying to grab on to his leg to steady yourself before realisation hits you like a bucket of icy cold water dumped unceremoniously onto your head. Did you just call him “daddy” right here? Out in the open? In front of everyone?
There’s a moment of silence, and then…
“Oh, so you’re daddy huh?” Andy barks out a laugh, nudging Steve.
Sam rolls his eyes, “I’ve heard worse. I keep telling him the walls are thin.”
“Look at her now, trying to hide under her daddy’s jersey!” Ransom hoots with laughter, making you freeze in the middle of trying to tug the sleeve of Steve’s jersey over your face.
“Stop looking at my girlfriend, Drysdale.” Steve shoots back, but he looks smugger than ever, clearly unperturbed by your little slip-up as he smooths your hair back condescendingly. You feel absolutely mortified – what the hell is wrong with you? Why do you feel so disoriented and less in control of yourself??
You take another large gulp of your punch before standing up.
“Bathroom.” You tell Steve before stumbling off, thanking your lucky stars when he doesn’t pull you back.
All around you, there’s bodies dancing to the pulsating music, and you try to dodge them but it proves to be difficult in your disoriented state. Suddenly, the bathroom seems so far away, when you remember it being only about a few steps outside of the living room. There are too many people, too much noise, too much chaos. You can’t even hear your heartbeat thanks to the thumping music, and you feel the sudden need to go back to Steve and his protective warmth.
Turning back, you see Natasha and Thor have joined Steve’s group. Thor’s wearing some kind of Norse God costume (as he’d excitedly told you when he’d first walked in) and Natasha looks amazing in her cheerleading outfit, the colours of her costume matching Steve’s football jersey.
“They’ve fucked, you know.”
You jump at the voice in your ear and the hand that presses down against the small of your back. A flash of light blue eyes and the flurry of a black cape. It’s Bucky, dressed up as Count Dracula, complete with fake blood dripping down the side of his mouth. For a split-second, you’re reminded of the night Steve had marked you; his bite, the blood, the pain…
You blink stupidly, “What?”
“Steve and Natasha. He’s fucked her.” Bucky smirks, his hand still on your back, stroking up and down but you’ve yet to register it, “What, Steve didn’t tell you? I thought he or Nat would have… seeing as she’s now your friend and all…”
Now it feels like your head is spinning, and you sway slightly in your heels, unwittingly gripping Bucky’s arm to steady yourself. You glance back at Steve, who’s too busy laughing with his friends while Natasha looks at him in disgust, shaking her head and grabbing Thor’s hand.
You know it shouldn’t affect you, that it must have been from before you and Steve had got together… But why hadn’t Steve told you? Why hadn’t Natasha told you? Face crumpling, you back away even further, feeling like the world’s biggest idiot.
“Hey, you don’t look too good. Why don’t you come into my room and lie down for a second. Steve won’t mind.” Bucky tries to grab your wrist but you slip out of his grip, turning on your heel and stumbling towards the bathroom, trying not to get swallowed up by the sea of writhing bodies.
You don’t know how long you sit in the bathroom, on the toilet seat with your head in your hands. But Steve finds you there after a while, coming in and locking the door behind him.
“Did you die in here? It’s been twenty minutes.”
You sigh, but say nothing else. Steve doesn’t seem to like that, however, grabbing your wrist and yanking you up to your feet and tapping your cheek lightly, “I expect you to answer me when I’m talking to you.”
“I’m not having fun.” You say softly, wanting Steve Junior except he’s upstairs and going upstairs right now seems like an impossible feat of physical and mental strength.
“Oh yeah?” Steve eyes you up and down, licking his lips when his gaze zeroes in on one of your dress straps slipping down your shoulder. “You wanna fuck?”
“All the decorations are torn and ruined, my fairy wings are crooked, nobody’s playing bob for apples or pin-the-tale-on-the-bitch – I mean witch – and no one ate the cupcakes and…and…and,” you hiccup, choking back a sob, “and my punch tasted weird! I hate this party an’ I hate Halloween!”
Steve cups your face between his hands, tipping it upwards and surveying you carefully before a smirk spreads across his features. “You’re drunk.”
“Mmhm, I think someone might have spiked the punch. Your pupils are completely dilated.”
Cold terror courses through you, and you grip his hands which are holding your face, “D-Don’t wanna be drunk, Steve! Don’t like being drunk!”
He snorts, “Relax. A little buzz won’t hurt you. And anyways,” He shoots you a devilish smirk, backing you up until your back hits the marble sink, and he picks you up and places you on top of it, stepping between your spread legs. “Baby omegas like you tend to get horny when they’re drunk. Good thing your daddy’s here to help you out with that…”
“No!” You cry, and it’s something you never would’ve done if you were sober, “don’t want to, Steve! You slept with Natasha!”
Steve, who’s in the middle of pushing your straps down your arms and kissing up your neck, stops short, regarding you carefully, “Who told you that?”
For the life of you, you can’t seem to remember. Who had told you? Everything seems foggy, but Steve hasn’t denied it, so you soldier on: “Don’t remember who told me, but...but…but, you–”
“Yeah, I did.” Steve cuts you off, before flipping your dress up and bunching it around your waist, his hand going straight between your legs as his lips return to your neck, lapping against your jagged mark. You gasp – either at what he’s said or the feel of his fingers ripping your panties in half, you’re not sure.
“Mm, you’re so fucking hot, baby,” Steve murmurs against your skin, almost as if he hasn’t just confessed to doing exactly what you accused him of. His thumb and forefinger pinch your clit and you jump, “My little baby fairy, all drunk and innocent, waiting for daddy to take care of you, huh?”
“Steve,” you whine, not wanting to fall victim to his expert touch, how he knows your body so well. Pushing your dress down and exposing your breasts, his mouth immediately latches on to your nipple, and you resist the urge to moan, “Steve, please! You… you and Nat… you–”
Steve groans in exasperation, giving your nipple a hearty suck before lifting his head back up, looking half bored and half annoyed. “It’s not that serious, omega. It happened years ago, just forget it.”
You pout and he sighs.
“It was freshman year, okay? I barely remember fucking her. Bucky fucked her too. And Sam. In fact, she’s gone through the entire football team. I told you she’s a cheap whore – nothing like you – and this is why.”
Your mouth drops open, even in your drunken state, you don’t like how he’s talking about her.
“You’re my perfect little baby, all pure and innocent,” Steve coos, pinching your cheek before kissing you, pressing his leg between your thighs and grinding it forward, making you gasp and grab hold of his strong arms. “This is why you’re different from them, omega. In your cute little fairy dress while the rest of those sluts out there are dressed like trashy whores.”
You hate how he’s talking, hate how horrifically misogynistic him and his friends all are. Because your dress is practically lingerie – you’re just as scantily clad as the other girls at the party. But his scent is distracting you, as is the alcohol pumping in your system, making you needy, making your carnal want for him amplify times ten.
“Gonna fuck you in your little fairy dress again, baby.” Steve informs you, turning you around abruptly and giving your bare ass a harsh slap. Your poor panties lie ripped up somewhere on the floor, but that’s the least of your concerns as Steve pushes you down till you’re lying flat on the sink top, your ass in the air and Steve’s dick in his hand.
“Can’t get enough of you in this little get-up. And I just know all the guys are so fucking jealous. They all wanna fuck you, but they can’t. Only I get to see you like this. My baby omega, bent over and getting fucked like it’s your job.” He gives your ass another harsh slap before entering you, and you gasp, gripping onto the counter, all the drunken worries slowly dissipating as your head goes empty when you feel his fat dick against your tight walls.
“Look at you, head’s already going empty, huh?”
“Mm, daddy,” you mewl.
“That’s right, forget about everything else. You did so good, omega, planning your first Halloween party. You made me so proud, baby, so you can stop thinking now. Daddy’s gonna take good care of you.”
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THE END! I know that was kind of an abrupt ending but trust me, i had to end it somewhere otherwise i would’ve kept going! i was just in the mood to write something on theme for october for this pairing, so there we go! PLEASE, please, please do let me know what you think! Feedback is so so SO appreciated!! Also, POYT 4 is coming very soon, i’m almost done with it! i just love writing poyt drabbles sometimes too! Please let me know what you think, and i hope you enjoyed! thank you!
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Steve Harrington, when he was a kid, was always told off by his parents for being a bad Alpha - too kind, caring, nurturing, soft.
So he learned to hide that part of himself away, to only show the parts that were “good Alpha”. After all, he was also confident and charismatic, he was competitive, others flocked to him, he easily took charge and he was naturally protective.
But it felt hollow, empty, because he was still hiding away such a big part of himself. Unconsciously, he amped up what was allowed, to fill the holes of what wasn’t allowed. Confidence became cockiness, competition became aggression, taking charge became domineering, and before he knew it, he was in over his head at the top of the social food chain with a vicious pair of Alphas by his side.
But his parents approved, and Carol and Tommy praised him, and he felt accepted by them, even if it came with the unease of knowing that it wasn’t all of him that they accepted.
And then came Nancy. With Nancy he was allowed to be soft, kind. And though Tommy and Carol mocked her uptight personality and nerdy ways, they didn’t turn on him for his softness with her.
So Steve found the one place an Alpha was allowed to be gentle and caring - with a prospective mate. And finally, allowed to express all of himself, he could scale back the overcompensation in other areas. He finally felt balanced, whole, even if the times where he was allowed to be his authentic self were relegated to when he was with Nancy. It was the most he’d ever had, and he was the happiest he’d ever been.
Then it all fell apart. The world ripped apart and took away Nancy, his relationship, his happiness with it. Steve was left reeling, grieving his relationship, his love, his safe space.
Faced again with the expectation of only showing strength, assertiveness, leadership, and never sweetness, caring, or kindness, Steve felt lost. He needed to get his relationship back if he was to have any hope of being happy.
That plan also went to shit, and suddenly Steve found himself in charge of a pack of pups. And protecting them felt good, but afterwards Steve also felt the urge to care for them. And to his surprise, they let him. They didn’t tell him off for acting like an omega, not even Nancys little brother.
Back at school, Steve felt like he’d been thrown into cold water. He was disillusioned with the social role he played, with the emptiness he felt in his life after the joy and affirmation of his relationship and then the same given to him from the pups. The acceptance he got from his parents and friends now rang hollow, empty.
And for the first time, he started to think that maybe it was all bullshit. Maybe his parents’ idea of what made a ‘good Alpha’ was bullshit, what his peers thought was acceptable Alpha behaviour was bullshit, the idea that he could only truly be himself with his mate was bullshit.
Steve decided he needed a different perspective. So one day, he wanted confidently into the cafeteria and sat himself down at the table of the one person that was scorned and derided by the entire school, most of the town even, for his refusal to play along with the bullshit. The one he has spent the past few years hearing Tommy and Carol, and others, deriding as a ‘bad Omega’. Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson had never been a ‘good Omega’. He was too brash, too bold, loud, annoying, and confrontational. That on top of being ‘low-class trailer trash’… well, he never stood a chance.
When he was younger, it hurt. Never being enough, never measuring up. Not to his parents, not to his peers, not to strangers he met in the street.
Every thing wrong with him was met with derision, and every glimpse of what the world deemed he should be was held against him.
Eventually, Eddie learnt to protect himself, to lean into his “freak” persona. If they were going to reject him anyway, better it be on his terms, because he only presented a self that went against the grain and demanded to be rejected.
So Eddie put away his softer sides, the sweetness and nurturing, anything that society said an Omega should be, and leaned harder into his louder, brusquer, more combative side.
It helped, facing the rejection from the town and knowing that of course they would respond that way to him - it was only to be expected. But it was still hard, not being able to fully be himself. It would bleed out sometimes, leaving him feeling raw and exposed.
He channeled it the best way he knew how. His impulses to nurture and care were turned to leading and protecting instead. Not the same, not giving him everything he needed, but giving him enough to scrape by.
Still, he didn’t feel fulfilled, didn’t feel real, and it chafed. He grew bitter, more combative, particularly toward those that could seamlessly fit into the role deemed for them. It wasn’t fair that some were rewarded simply for existing while he and his ilk were scorned for the very same, and he made sure everyone knew it.
He’d kind of figured he was screaming to the void, until one day the unthinkable happened. Steve Harrington, King of Hawkins High and Alpha of Alphas, sat down at his lunch table and said “So…what’s this about forced conformity?”
And then Eddie helps Steve become more comfortable with the ‘nonconforming’ parts of himself, and Steve helps Eddie accept the more ‘conforming’ parts of himself, and they fall in love kiss kiss the end
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nightynightghoul · 3 months
Pebble has POTS
How Pebble finds out they have POTS and sort of learn to accept it.
This is just a little something I wanted to share, if it does well I may share other ideas. Thank you to @sister-nyx for encouraging me and giving it a read :)
Warnings: Pebble faints, there's talk about medical tests, not much more.
When Pebble was summoned, the rest of the ghouls thought nothing special of it. Yes, they were smaller than the rest, but their summoning had been hard and not as much energy went into it as it did for the past ghouls. They all had seen ghouls of all sizes during their lives back in hell. Many of the smaller ones being doubly as fierce to compensate for their size. No one thought anything could be wrong with them. 
Neither did Pebble. At least not for their first few months topside. They learned what they had to in order to become their new drummer, they were good at it too. Enjoying the feeling of getting lost in the music alongside the rest of their new pack.
Pebble started noticing they weren’t like the rest of the ghouls. Not as strong, not as agile, not as resilient. The first time they felt it was when they were moving instruments around the practice room. They had to clear the floor for the siblings to come in for a deep clean. Ifrit had easily lifted and carried stands, amps, boxes, and instruments. Aether had no trouble helping Zephyr with their Keyboard. Hell, even Dewdrop was helping haul up equipment, and he was smaller than them!
But here they were struggling to catch their breath and feeling their heart in their throat just because they were trying to drag one box across the stage. Emphasis on the word “trying”. By the time Ifrit was done, Pebble was only just getting the damned box to where they were supposed to stack it with the others. The fire ghoul just smiled at them and lifted the box to stack in on the others. 
Pebble could not catch their breath and their vision was spotty. But they just ignored it, muttered a thank you and went back to the den. 
The second time, was stupid if you asked them. It was a very early and cold morning, they just wanted to have a nice hot shower before breakfast. Yes, they took longer than usual. The water felt great, they had to wash their hair, and maybe they wanted some time for themselves. The problem appeared when they stepped out into the colder air of the bathroom. As they were drying off, they started feeling like they ran a marathon. Heart beating quickly, spotty vision, and they couldn’t catch their breath. Nothing new, but it was getting worse. 
A splitting headache started right behind their ears and their vision became tunnelled. Suddenly the effort to just stand was just too much and against their will they crumpled to the floor half conscious, dragging with them several items from the counter that clattered loudly on the floor and on top of them. They spent a few minutes on the floor, floating in that space between. After getting ready, only Aether asked why they took so long. Even years later, they could not tell if they fainted that time or not. 
The third time was when they started to get worried. It was a sunny, warm day, fairly humid too. Most of the ghouls were spending their time outside. Even Zephyr felt well enough to go on a little stroll with Dew. They were sat on the grass with Omega and Alpha. Playful chatter, became playful banter which in a few minutes became playfighting. Pebble wrestled Alpha but was quickly pinned under the bigger ghoul. 
But Pebble wasn’t laughing any more, the heat, the humidity, the exertion and now Alpha on top of them had their vision swimming. Just like before they felt that headache, the tunneled vision and the breathlessness. But this time it all came so quick, they had no time to tell Alpha that they wanted out. With a pathetic whine they breathed out and then everything became black. 
When they next opened their eyes, they were laying on their back. Omega was looking at them alarmed, as if they had grown a second head. Alpha was agitated too, the usually stoic ghoul looked close to tears. Omega insisted on carrying them to the infirmary even as Pebble protested that they were fine and could walk themselves.
While in there, Omega took his sweet time noting their blood pressure and heartbeat. Pebble insisted time and time again that this was normal, that it just had gone a little further than it usually does. Omega made quite a few notes and kept asking more questions. As if every ghoul didn’t feel the same as them. -
Do you have a hard time breathing?
Do you usually struggle to catch your breath after exerting yourself?
Are high temperatures usually a problem?
Do you get dizzy when you sit up? When you stand up?
Pebble quickly became frustrated and ended up leaving the infirmary before Omega could finish his long list of questions or tell them much of anything really.
The quint did ask them to come back for some tests the next day but Pebble in their eternal stubbornness didn’t go. They were fine, and this was normal for all ghouls. Right?
The subject was forgotten with time but right now, this very minute. They kinda wish they had gone for those extra tests with Omega. Maybe there was something wrong with them.
This was their third ritual, the past two had gone very well. Only getting somewhat dizzy with the heat of the stage lights and the effort of playing the drums. They had managed to stand up without fainting by taking deep breaths. But right now, in this damned venue and its non-existent ventilation, Pebble found themselves sweating bullets. Their skin felt clammy and cold, their breath getting quicker, same as their heartbeat. 
This was more than the adrenaline from rituals, Pebble was in trouble. 
By the last song of the set, their vision was becoming spotty, but they did their best to keep playing. If Dewdrop, Aether and Ifrit could jump around the stage and play at the same time, surely they could keep playing while sat down. 
The alarm bells really rang in their head when that last song ended. The crowd was cheering, and they cursed the damn mask for not letting them breathe properly. They had to stand up, go to the front with the others, go to their place for final bows. But just as they stood up, they realised just how bad they had let it become. The headache came in so hard they had to close their eyes and grasp their head. They may have been glamoured, but the loud whine they let out sounded like that of a wounded animal. 
They tried to walk down the steps of their stage, but their vision went all black and unlike that time after that hot shower, this time they crumpled to the floor like a wet napkin. Aether looked back at his stage as he saw several people in the crowd pointing behind him.
He saw Pebble, unconscious, sliding down the steps of their stage. He ran to catch the smaller ghoul before they could reach the bottom. Ifrit and Dew turned to look at Aether, confused as to why he would be heading backstage in a rush before final bows. Then rushed to help him as they saw him removing Pebble’s mask.
Papa grumbled his disapproval to Zephyr, but quickly changed his demeanour as Ifrit ran back to him. - Pebble is out cold, Aether is taking them back to the greenroom -. They bowed and quickly headed back.
When he opened the door to the green room, Papa found Pebble laying on the couch, Dewdrop holding their legs high and Aether sat on the floor taking vitals. The quint assured them all that Pebble would be fine, even if they had some nasty bruises from their fall. 
When Pebble woke up, they groaned and tried to sit up. But with a gentle hand on their chest, Aether kept them on their back. 
Don’t move just yet love. Your heartbeat just went through the roof.
No, you’re not. You just passed out on stage, and I need to get Omega on the phone now.
Terzo fumbled with his robe to take his phone out and call the older ghoul. Pacing around the room while waiting for his lover to answer.
Hi Amore, Aether needs to talk to you. Now.
Wait, aren’t you in the middle of a ritual right now?
No, just finished. But Pebble fainted.
What? Ok, let me talk to Aether please.
He handed his phone to the quint. Sitting by Pebble’s head, petting their head and around their horns. Hoping to comfort one of his smallest ghouls.
Aether immediately got to work, narrating all the important details to Omega. All Terzo could glean from what was said was that this was not the first time Pebble had fainted, and that more tests were needed to have an answer as to why they were passing out. 
The rest of that leg of the tour went surprisingly well. Pebble didn't faint, although there were a few close calls, but much to Pebble’s annoyance, Aether was on top of them, all the time. Just as they got back to the abbey, Omega practically kidnapped them and got them to the infirmary. 
A full week of tests got them their answer. There was something wrong and other ghouls definitely did not feel like this every day of their lives topside. Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Stupid Human thing to have. 
They walked back to their room after Omega was done with indications. There was nothing that could be done to get rid of the problem. They would always be smaller, lesser, defective. The feeling of being lesser invaded them. They’re supposed to be a demon straight from hell, strong, fast, agile. Not a runt that has to be watched over all the time. 
What made it truly worse was the news they were given before the next leg of the tour. They would be summoning another Earth ghoul, Omega and Terzo had decided touring would be too much on their body. Straight up salt in the wound. No only that, they would be training them in the time remaining.
Their out of control heart rate and quick breaths didn’t help at all when they asked for the decision to be reconsidered. Pebble walked back to their room, to calm down on their own, to mope for weeks and isolate from their pack. 
With time, they learn to live with it instead of against it. Accepting their body just as it was, flaws and all. It doesn’t come quick, and they still miss the little time they had with their Papa on stage. 
But yes, with time, the bitterness subsides. They still get frustrated sometimes, and some days are impossible. They still faint all over the abbey, but they’re fine at least.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
Ignore this if this makes you uncomfortable. Although I'm not into a/b/o content, I've read some (including yours, lmao) works. I've read in some fanfics that in rare cases, some betas can get pregnant from alpha seed but unlike omega pregnancy, its just like normal human pregnancy and no nesting like that. Well what if that happened to alpha duo darling, for some miraculous reason- he gets pregnant, would the protectiveness be amp up? And would they even let him walk lol at least Desmond have a new sibling to play lmao
I imagine the constant flood of alpha semen, being fed like an omega, and being perpetually covered in alpha musk and pheromones could possibly allow a beta's body to get confused and even get preggo.
If it somehow happened to their darling they would dote on him constantly. Just constant love and affection. Probably not allowed to do anything alone.
They would probably be extremely protective. And he can forget about washing their scent off. After he gets out of the shower they will itch with anxiety until their darling is properly scented again.
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loverboy-havocboy · 3 months
Hi! From the WIP ask game, would you elaborate on / gives us a share of the "omegaverse pack" ? :D
i gave the gist of this one here - but i'm happy to expand on it (with what little i have haha)
~ 1 hour later ~
you sent me on a spiral, bestie. i opened this ask to answer it an hour ago and have been ironing out a real outline/first draft since then. so now you get more.
also, i think i forgot to mention on the first post that this was born in @babygirlbridger's dms and fed by her freak brain <3
outline snippet:
Boost sequesters them away, but Wolffe comes to their quarters to check on them and what he finds is the three of them curled up in one bunk in just their lower blacks. Boost is holding both of them against himself because the only thing he can really offer is skin-on-skin contact. There’s nothing he can do for their heats. But they’re in a shitty nest Boost made for them with their combined three pillows and blankets. Comet and Sinker look like hell - their skin is flushed and shining with sweat, their curls stick to their foreheads, and the strength of the omega scent in the air nearly knocks Wolffe on his ass as soon as he steps into the room.   The situation he walks into has Wolffe’s scent flaring, his own hormones and instincts rushing to take over, but he holds himself back because as soon as Boost sees him he’s out from under his batchmates - standing between them and Wolffe.  Wolffe is like a shark smelling blood in the water and Comet and Sinker immediately whimper when they hear him growling, "What's going on here?” Boost tries to block his view of them, but with the scent in the air it’s painfully obvious what’s going on - not to mention, as soon as Wolffe’s scent thickens, the omegas are whining and weakly pulling at their lowers, begging for the alpha to help them. Boost is cycling back and forth rapidly between snarling at Wolffe (“I’ve worked so hard to protect them and I’ve lost everything, I’m not losing them too. You’ll turn them in over my dead fucking body.”) and trying to calm Comet and SInker, telling them to be quiet and lay still.  Boost’s protectiveness is in overdrive - he’s never felt this amped up in his life. He’s going to protect his batchmates even if it means fighting Wolffe off with his bare hands. He’s shaking with the effort of it. It’s engineered into his DNA to back down in the face of an alpha AND a commanding officer, and Wolffe is both, but Comet and Sinker are also written into his DNA and they’ll always win out over any other instinct, even if Wolffe’s scent flaring threatens to bring him to his knees.
He steps further into the room, but doesn’t go for Comet or Sinker. He stops at Boost - comes up so close he’s almost chest to chest, nose to nose with the man, and brings a hand up to his cheek. Boost can’t help but push into the touch with a choked whimper.  Wolffe murmurs to him, “It’s alright. You can rest now, pup. I’m here, I’ll take care of you - all of you. Please trust me, Boost.” The thing is - Boost does trust Wolffe. He kept a level head while they were sitting ducks in a field of debris and bodies, he calmed all of them and helped them keep focused. He believes Wolffe will take care of them. That’s all it takes for him to finally fall to his knees, head on Wolffe’s thigh. Wolffe runs his fingers through Boost’s curls and shushes him gently, then looks over the two omegas whose eyes are glued to him.  His instincts scream at him to take them - to fuck them and fill them and make them his. But he fights the urge because he knows they’re out of their minds with need. They can’t really know what they want - if they really want him to touch them or if they’re just desperate to be touched.  But then Sinker finally manages to get his lowers off and fucking presents for him, thighs shining with an abundance of slick and shaking with the effort of holding himself up and fuck, that’s a sight.  Pressure on his codpiece - torturous against his already hard cock - draws his attention downward, to where Boost is nosing at it tentatively.  “Help them, sir, please,” he beseeches mournfully, “I can’t help them.” Comet and Sinker whimper in agreement.
draft snippet:
so. yeah. :)
@brokenphoenix99 @insertmeaningfulusername @babygirlbridger pspspsps
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Histoire du Juif errant (Jean d’Ormesson) - Première et Dernière phrases
✅ Découvrez la première et la dernière phrase du livre “Histoire du Juif errant“ - de Jean d'Ormesson ➽ L'Alpha & L'Omega publié tous les dimanches matin sur www.primaluxes.com 😎
Il n’y avait pas d’Afrique profonde, il n’y avait pas d’Amérique, il n’y avait pas d’Australie, ni de Nouvelle-Zélande, ni de Fidji, ni de Tonga, ni de Tibet, ni de Mongolie. … Je me promène à travers le monde sur les traces de celui à qui je pense sans cesse, dont j’ai recueilli les récits, au pied de la Douane de mer, la tête de Marie sur mes genoux, et qui se disait le Juif errant. Histoire…
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ghostisun · 3 months
tweaking rn so do ignore me but. but. alpha x dew powerplay
cw: smut - minors dni; dew has a pussy; alpha being a tease; D/s
unedited as hell but pls this rare pair has been in my mind for a while now
Thinking about how, even when he's no longer an active ghoul in the ministry, Alpha still has the privilege of breaking the new fire ghoul. And this one—this little thing that’s hissing and sparking on his bed—Alpha has looked forward to with such burning giddiness.
Omega had told him to be gentle; to take his sweet time preparing this one because, "He's well treasured. Do remember that." Alpha's sure Omega only said this to appease his own little protege, that fucking tank of a ghoul who’s too smitten with the little imp that’s glaring at Alpha right now.
Thinking about how Alpha pushes at Dew’s leg to spread it open, his keen senses picking up the gentle scent of Dewdrop’s wetness. It makes him pause, his body racked with tremors. He feels his tongue go heavy in his mouth, his throat parched with the amping desire coursing through him, before meeting Dew’s eyes, some taunt already on the tip of his tongue.
Only, Dew’s looking at him with bright shame, his cheeks burning so prettily, his bottom lip all spit-slicked from all his nervous nibbling. He is beautiful like this, all docile and shy.
Alpha’s words pass through the gaps of his teeth jaggedly, the weight of his lust thrumming from his constricted throat.
“Such a treat f’me, little nymph.” He grins. “Gotta love water ghouls, huh?”
Thinking about the deep plunge of Alpha’s cock in Dew’s cunt. 
It’s all so wet, so messy. Dew is sobbing, hiccupping, his claws digging into the mass of Alpha’s muscles but Alpha doesn’t even care, too delirious with the razing pleasure. Dew’s cunt is a warm vice, so greedy as it sucks him sloppily, the slick press of his walls making room for Alpha’s size.
“-Pha! Alpha!” Dew screams, warbled moans spilling into the miasmic fog between the two of them. 
“That’s right, kitten,” Alpha rumbles, his voice ripped out from the base of his throat. He sounds winded. Primal. “Scream louder, firefly. Be a good boy.”
Dew’s body locks, his head thrashing against the pillow. Alpha grins, a bite too mean because of course. Of course Copia’s little lamb loves being praised. Being adored.
Maybe this is why Dew was the only one fit for the ritual—the only one who can ever fall.
Well now, he thinks to himself, swiping his forked tongue on his lips. One taste is no longer enough.
Thinking about Alpha being so pussy-whipped he mentors Dew …. Of course that’s the excuse he throws out when he’s pulling Dew away from his packmates and into his room.
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