wulvercazz · 8 months
omg now i'm so curious to know what grimmjow's heats and ichigo's ruts would be like!!
(sorry for the late reply anon~!)
It depends a lot on the au I’m drawing/writing for tbh, bc I use omegaverse tropes a lot—- AlthouGh i do have a few constants that I use more than others;
For Grimm I lovE the ‘omegas going violent during heats’ trope 🤭💕 specially if we’re going with a canon universe setting 👀
Starts up by getting hungrier, hunting and eating more, getting restless and more protective of his perceived territory— in an established ichigrimm, I can see that as Grimmjow pretty much barricading the Kurosaki home, or Ichigo’s apartment after he moves out.— Hoarding whatever pillows, blankets and clothes he can find and burying himself on top or right next to Ichigo’s bed.
Then sleeping too much the day right before he’s due, grumpy and dazed the few hours he’s awake— and when Ichigo finds him sleeping soundly in the middle of the day, he knows he’s got a long day ahead of him.
And then it does happen, and it’s like the area has become a battlefield. Ichigo’s never left unscathed; scratches and bites covering his soul body —he’s not about to get mawled in his human body, again— that end on Grimmjow squirming and howling and taking and taking and taking. Riding Ichigo and going again and again even when the poor hollow hybrid can’t even think straight anymore.
Then his heat is over and it’s like the caged predator becomes a happy little house cat; messy and sweaty and sticky and tangled in pieces of a ramshackled nest. Purring loud and curling himself around Ichigo for as long as the alpha will take being sticky.
For Ichigo I think there’s less of a process and more of a sudden explosion of hormones; put a distressed enough Omega close and a sympathetic rut might easily take place. So much so that it took Ichigo a long time to learn and understand the cues his body gave him when he was about to go into rut. A day or so before Ichigo’s just restless; a foggy brain making concentrating on much near impossible, and a hightened reactiveness a bit of a hazard to be around.
I usually headcanon omegaverse only applying to hollows, so I imagine it’s specially hard for him being surrounded by humans and shinigami all the time that don’t know much about any of this. Although, with time, his friends come to learn how to identify an incoming rut faster than he does; make excuses for him at school and get him home before he can do something he may regret.
Very soon after, with the realization of a rut finally dawning on him, all Ichigo feels is hot. Rip all your clothes right off, hot. And hard. Uncomfortably so. If he’s to spend it alone, it’s followed by mostly unsatisfactory masturbation, and orgasms that don’t seem to help unless there’s some sort of tight pressure around his knot… and god forbid he ever buy a sex toy— as much as Lisa and Shinji insist it would help.—
When Grimmjow is around to help, though, all Ichigo can do is follow his instincts and not think much at all for however long his rut takes. It’s— liberating— somehow. Waking up finally, thoughts clear and his whole body the best kind of tired; perhaps sore in some places. Surrounded by ripped up sheets and bits and pieces of his bedding strewn across the messy room, Grimmjow always welcomes him into sanity with the grin of a cat and an amused look to his eyes that say Ichigo’s about to learn things about himself he wished he didn’t.
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saltysatellite804 · 6 months
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weird-dere-writes · 5 months
The face of a man who has had enough. Who has had everything taken from him. Whose normally clear vision has warped because of how far he's been pushed. A man who is ready to do anything to fix it all. A man so used to carrying the world on his shoulders but cannot at this time do so in the way he could before. Please pick your head up, King.
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gallusrostromegalus · 8 months
what is the relationship of grimmy and the karakura gang in aeiwam? in general and also some specifics mayhaps?
...I vegeta'd his ass so hard lol.
Grimmjow goes from being a terrifying nemesis to "this is our idiot and if you so much as look at him funny we'll destroy you. Even though he's perfectly capable of doing that himself."
He and tatsuki end up being besties, actually, mostly because she's used to dealing with animals she found in the garbage (Her own former cat, Ichigo), and he enjoys having a friendship dynamic that involves kicking each other in the face as a greeting.
He is however, only the third most dominant cat in the group, because a lot of so-called "Alpha" dudes consistently underestimate the importance of Reliability and Chillness in social dynamics, so he frequently ends up flustered and having to ask everyone else for hep.
He's also the Youngest of the cats (actually only 26- Most are the Espada are relative infants) after Yushiro (94) and Kon (154)
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utah1me · 11 months
Satoru Gojo - Classmate Suguru Geto - Roommate Toji Fushiguro - Husband Suguru Geto - Playboy Satoru Gojo - Arranged Marriage Utahime Iori - Classmate Yuta Okkotsu - Clingy Boyfriend Megumi Fushiguro - Jealous BF Yuji Itadori / Sukuna Satoru Gojo - Adult Film Costar Toji Fushiguro - Adult Film Costar Sanemi Shinazugawa - Mission Suguru Geto - Adult Film Costar Satoru Gojo - Comfort Akaza - Protector Satoru Gojo - Parents Together Tengen Uzui - Oiran Nanami Kento - HS Sweetheart Choso Kamo - Tattoo Artist Satoru Gojo - Actor AU Eren Jaeger - Prisoner Yuta Okkotsu - OnlyFans Megumi Fushiguro - Caring for You Kento Nanami - Malaysia Suguru Geto - Dad Toji Fushiguro - Dad Satoru Gojo - Dad Yuki Tsukumo - Mission Partner Suguru + Satoru - Frat Party Toji Zen'in - Shibuya Satoru Gojo - Frat Boy Ex Kirara Hoshi - Fight Club Invite Choso Kamo - Shibuya Suguru Geto - Frat Boy Ex Suguru Geto - Trainer Toji Fushiguro - Sugar Baby Hiromi Higuruma - Law Partner Satoru Gojo - Prison Realm Kinji Hakari - Ex Boyfriend Kakashi Hatake - Icha Icha Editor Takuma Ino - Boyfriend Osamu Dazai - Ex Boyfriend Choso Kamo - Babysit Yuji Choso Kamo - Aphrodisiac Suguru Geto - Needs You Shoko Ieiri - Fixing You Noritoshi Kamo - Betrothed Toji Zen'in - Betrothed to Brother Satoru Gojo - Alpha Satoru Gojo - Celebrating Birthday Kento Nanami - Professor Kento Nanami - Shibuya Link - Your Sworn Knight Choso Kamo - Vampire Satoru Gojo - Yandere Kento Nanami - Pregnant w/ His Baby Hajime Kashimo - Culling Games Eren Jaeger - Band Satoru + Suguru - Truth or Dare Angel Devil - Roommate Satoru Gojo - Cheating Boyfriend Suguru Geto - Nurse Satoru Gojo - Doctor
Choso Kamo - Phone Sex Yuta Okkotsu - Reunion Denji - New Recruit Nagito Komaeda - Funhouse Satoru Gojo - Bar Hookup Suguru Geto - Talking Him Down Nobara Kugisaki - Shopping Loid Forger - Daddy-cember Shinjuro Rengoku - Daddy-cember Toji Zen'in - Daddy-cember Erwin Smith - Daddy-cember Takuma Ino - Daddy-cember Minato Namikaze - Daddy-cember Levi Ackerman - Daddy-cember Ichigo Kurosaki - Daddy-cember Aoi Todo - Daddy-cember Jean Kirstein - Daddy-cember Eren Jaeger - Daddy-cember Chrollo Lucilfer - Daddy-cember Kokushibo - Daddy-cember Satoru Gojo - Daddy-cember Suguru Geto - Daddy-cember Shilah Hatahle - Daddy-cember
Mikasa Ackerman - Daddy-cember Choso Kamo - Daddy-cember Aspen Rhodes - Daddy-cember Satoru and Suguru - Daddy-cember Yuki Tsukumo - Daddy-cember Toji Fushiguro - Daddy-cember Neji Hyuga - Daddy-cember Jasper Riven - Daddy-cember Zeppelin Everly - Daddy-cember Utahime Iori - Actress AU Reza Azimi - Persian Commander
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reallyromealone · 10 months
Vampire knight chapter 3
Warnings: sakamakis are in this now, omegaverse , reader doesn't feel safe a few times, it's a whole thing
(name) woke with a headache, whenever he went more Omegan he was always tired and dizzy but he wasn't hungry, far from it actually.
Looking around he recognized the room as Kanames, everything perfectly placed and polished.
Stretching (name) moved to slip out of bed only for a pair of arms to keep him on the bed and turned to see Kaname asleep shirtless "are you present with us again?" Kanames voice gravelly and low and (name) tilted his head slightly before booking Kanames nose "I want cake..." (Name) said simply and paid no mind to how Kaname was acting after all, all the alphas in the night class treated him like this.
He had weird friends.
"You dropped this, thankfully it wasn't damaged" Kaname sat up and reached around (name) to the bedside table and practically held him in his arms as he showed him the forgotten bite collar "if you want to interact with humans you need to keep it on" Kaname instructs and (name) nodded and went to put it on but Kaname was faster, gently moving so he could fasten it around, the collar expensive and sturdy.
"(Name), are you excited for the club?" Ichigo asked the Omega who looked excited in his own (name) way, a sparkle in his eye and a small smile, nodding as he drank his psuedo-blood and some food, (name) was very interested in human food further than sweets these days.
"You must keep your grades up if you wish to continue, Kain will accompany you" (name) nodded and the smell of a happy Omega filled the room.
Toga was surprised (name) was actually awake during class even if he looked like he was ready to pass out, scribbling things on his notebook.
(Name) was excited as he went to the culinary club with Kain, the Alpha holding him close, hand resting comfortably at the small of the omegas back "(name)! Great to see you! Glad you're feeling better!" The president said and (name) nodded in return as the club members noticed Kain him "I have to accompany him" Kain said simply as he sat down in a corner, pulling out a book.
Kain was amused at how much fun was having, the Omega was expressionless but he knew the tells of when he was happy and the omega always got excited about human things.
And being around other omegas would be good for him, the Omega population at the school much higher due to it being recogized as an Omega safe place, most public schools segregating omegas but Cross Academy made a point to include omegas in all functions and classes.
Though he wasn't impressed with the Alpha who was blatantly flirting with (name), the sleepy vamp learning to make a cake and the human alpha was "helping" him and showing the Omega pictures of his pets on his phone "yeah back home I hace two dogs!" Another student spoke up "did you have pets (name)?" The Alpha asked and (name) shook his head, vampires didn't really have pets after all.
"Maybe one day I could show you mine?" The human said and (name) didn't reply as the cake finished cooling off "time to decorate!" Another member said happily.
Kain watched (name) try and decorate a cake and honestly? It was ugly as hell but the effort was adorable.
(Name) wandered towards his pack mate, a plate with a slice of cake sitting on it and Kain normally didn't care for human food, accepted it and took a bite "it's good" he said simply and (name) seemed pleased at the answer and accepted the forkful of cake from Kain, an indirect kiss not missed by the humans.
After the club ended Kain was ready to walk (name) back to the dorms as the Omega held cake for the others, Kain watching (name) drool over it.
"Hey!" A voice called out and the human alpha waved them down as he lightly jogged to them and Kain gave a slight glare at the human "I was wondering if possible you would want to go out on a date sometime?" (Name) looked confused at this, vampiric culture never used these terms "why would we stand on a date?"
Kain kept a straight face but found the confusion adorable but sadly so did the human "I mean like going out to dinner together"
"Oh... But I just had cake?"
"Then how about this weekend?"
"He can't" Kain shut this down immediately and the Alpha glared "what? You two together?"
Kain fucking wished.
"He already has pre arranged plans"
The Alpha deflated but didn't give up "maybe I could get your number?"
(Name) was confused, did he mean his student number?
Kain led (name) away and the Alpha reached to grab (name) who in turn grabbed his wrist, the Omega having a blank expression on his face before seeming to snap out and look at his hands "please don't touch me" he said unsure what to do as Kain walked him back to the night dorms.
(Name) let Kain scent him, a form of comfort as the Omega was rather uncomfortable with the interaction that had just transpired, the cake slightly smushed in the container.
"Exchange students?" Toga asked his mate who nodded, Cross hesitant as he spoke "new night class students, all brothers..." Toga could feel a headache bloom at these new students, he didn't even like the current night class.
"Well we're going to have to inform the current bloodsuckers"
(Name) watched everyone eat the cake curiously, the cake was honestly very very sweet but they are it because they didn't want to be sad about something he made.
"Are the day students treating you well?" Ichigo asked (name) who perked up "I learned to bake cookies and cakes... Tomorrow they want to teach me how to make Taiyaki and possibly rice balls..." (Name) said, clearly excited as he explained his day, Kain already informing Kaname about the incident.
(Name)s clear happiness was the only thing keeping him from pulling him from the club.
Maybe he would have to pay the club a visit with (name)...
(Name) managed to get his homework done with the help of the others and returned to his nest, a few of his pack mates clothes in hand for comfort.
"My my~ what a quant place" a voice rang from down stairs and (name) didn't understand why the voice filled him with an ice cold fear but he no longer felt safe as he closed the closet door.
He frankly wasn't interested in who was downstairs.
Shu closed his eyes as he smelt the air.
"He's here"
The others also smelt the air and Laito grinned and went to stop forward but was stopped by kaname who looked less than impressed "I can assure you whatever you're looking for isn't here"
"Our Omega is here, kindly remove yourself from us retrieving him" Reiji hissed out and the night class realized who they were talking about (name), the night class instantly getting extremely protective of their pack Omega.
"Ah! I see you all met!" Cross said with Toga who was armed and ready for anything to happen "students these will be your new night class dorm mates!"
Cross could feel the tension as he continued "and I did explain with your father but I will remind you gentlemen that biting any student will lead to immediate expulsion" And possibly getting shot but Cross had to keep it professional of course, didn't need anymore tension as the vampires death stared each other "is there an issue"
"Not at all" both parties said stiffly, this was vampire shit... They didn't need hunters getting in the way.
Besides the night class could protect their Omega fine.
Cross showed the newest...guests their rooms and explained some things "this is the heat room, since (name) is the only Omega in the night class it's primarily for him, there is a rut room on the other side of the building, during heats and ruts there will be security to make sure no one harasses students during a delicate time"
"Saturday's are a half day and Sundays are a full day off, after classes on Saturday you may dress in casual clothes that follow the dress code"
Cross explained things before leaving "and fighting will lead to suspension, we have ways of finding out"
When they were alone again, the Sakamakis realized one of the new vampires were missing "where's the short blond one" Subaru grunted out but the night class was quiet "I believe we have matters to discuss" Kaname changed the subject and the sakamakis looked at him hesitantly, they knew who he was and he knew who they were.
On levels they were equal.
"(Name)?" Aido said softly as (name) opened the door by just a crack to see his friend and let him in his nest "you smelt the new people" he asked and (name) snuggled into him "they smell... Wrong.." (name) couldn't figure it out, why they freaked him out so much... But he wanted to avoid them at all costs.
"They brought a human with them, Cross made her stay in the day class as to avoid any problems" (name) listened carefully as he clung to him "lord kaname is talking to him, you don't have to worry about a thing" he could smell distress from the Omega who just closed his eyes and let the blond talk.
(Name) stood with kaname today, the day students screaming as they saw the new students who enjoyed the attention "you will sit with me today, am I clear?" Kaname instructs the Omega who nodded quietly, ignoring the stares from his new classmates who stared at him in a way that made him wanna borrow zeros gun.
He especially tried to ignore the Omega girls stare, venom clear in her eyes as she looked at him with distain, Despite Yui being in the day class technically, she was on paper a night class student.
Clearly she was also used to being the only Omega as well.
Yui didn't like /her/ alphas paying attention to this omega, so what that she was human? She was way cuter than him!
The sakamaki brothers tried getting to (name) throughout class, kaname tried to keep (name) away from them as much as possible and even indulged his little whims to make sure he didn't stray off.
It was mid day when (name) woke, thirsty as he held his tablets in his hand as everyone else slept.
Or so he thought.
There was the blond, sleeping on the couch with headphones in...Shu he thought his name was... He was just getting a drink in and out.
Carefully he filled a glass and dropped a tablet "those things taste like shit" Shu spoke out lowly from behind (name) "you smell good..." He rumbled out his voice sleepy and calm as he tried to go near the omegas neck.
(Name) felt anxiety rush through him, a feeling he wasn't used to as he pushed the Alpha away violently, Shu in turn stared coldly "behave Omega" he said with venom in his tone, (name) hissing back "what's going on?" (Name) rushed to ichigo as rukia comforted him "attacking omegas is forbidden" kaname said coldly and Shuu glared at him "we were talking, nothing more" Shuu looked at (name) in a way that made him sick, he didn't like not feeling in a place he once felt safe in.
"(Name)?" Cross was confused as he saw the Omega with a pillow and blanket "I no longer wish to be in the night dorms, could I seek refuge here?" (Name) held a bag of candy as bribery and cross sighed.
"Come in"
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i am a trans man and i have a carnal need for urahara do something about that please i dont give a fuck what you write, it could be monster sex i dont even care bro
i really wanna monster sex bcs same boo same (even down to the trans man part im a trans man and he drives me just absolutely positively rabid)
~ kitty cat
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alpha(?)!kisuke urahara x werecat!male reader / fluff, smut in pt.2 content werecat!reader, werecats can shift into CAT cats [ wc ] 1422 (ps: read this!) please reblog fanfictions when you read one you like! likes do not help writers' algorithms!
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kisuke urahara was a simple man... in legal terms.
he had never been to jail, had never been to prison, hell- he'd never even gotten a parking ticket, let alone a speeding ticket.
but when he met you, that all changed.
when yoruichi, urahara's dearest childhood friend (and also werecat), brought home the scruffy black stray, kisuke was immediately infatuated. he had another werecat, ichigo, who he was very close to, and ichigo immediately took a liking to you, which wasn't common (orange cats are very odd creatures.).
there was one part of the ordeal that kisuke was very fond of: yoruichi quickly began to think of you as a brother. she even shared her milk with you whenever kisuke gave it to her... that was the oddest part about the whole situation: she refused to share her milk with even ichigo.
now, werecats used to be a predominantly wild species. when humans discovered the cat-human hybrids, certain people (who yoruichi thought shouldn't be called humans) quickly realized they could manipulate the species' genes for a very specific use: sex.
the modifications eliminated many issues: romantic barriers between human partners, sexual lines that could be crossed between partners, and most notably (because most werecats seemed to be male), the ancient-standing issue of tension between hetero and homosexual individuals.
soon after their discovery, a system spawned that was very similar to what social media called the cat distribution system. a similar "system" cropped up in which encounters with werecats commonly ended in either a fuck or in most cases, someone bringing home a cute new friend.
additionally, most werecats tended to like being called things like "kitten," "good kitty," "pretty kitty," and similar affectionate little pet names. most werecats also either couldn't speak very well, or they simply chose not to- so there was usually very little communication involved with them.
kisuke learned very quickly, however, that this was not the case with all werecats- yoruichi and ichigo were rare cases, yes, but looking back on early memories with you, kisuke quickly formed a theory that sentient werecats gravitated towards handsome, perverted candy shop owners.
was it the candy? ichigo liked candy.
was it the milk? yoruichi liked milk.
or... was it the handsome, perverted candy shop owners themselves?
kisuke urahara was very fond of that idea... he had always liked cats, and cats had always seemed to like him.
kisuke groaned and rolled over onto his back on his futon, slowly opening his tired, storm-grey eyes. he yawned loudly, stretching his arms up int the air and making grabby hands for the ceiling. he heard a very slight sound of fur shifting against fabric, and his eyes immediately looked to the right, towards the sound.
"oh, hello yoruichi!" said kisuke, grinning. he sat up and threaded a hand into his messy blonde hair and ruffled it, yawning again.
"you're ridiculous." said a falsely deep voice next to the futon. kisuke grinned like a teenage dumbass, reaching over and ruffling the fur on the sleek, black british short-haired cat's head. she growled warningly, but of course kisuke didn't listen, and if you asked about this moment later on, yoruichi would say she probably should have scratched his eyes out.
yoruichi hissed, growling from deep in the back of her throat as she reached up and pawed aggressively at his hand. she backed up, her puffed up tail swishing violently back and forth and slamming sporadically against the wooden floor. she shook herself in a quarrelsome manner and hissed again, turning and burrowing under the waist opening of a black kimono, poking her head out of the top.
"stuff it, old man." she spat, shifting into her werecat form.
"no you stuff it, kitty." he playfully spat back, fake-flinching and chuckling when she hissed again and projectile-chucked a pillow at him violently.
"why've you woken me up, hm?" kisuke asks as he stands up and reaches for his striped green and white hat. he stretched again, slipping into a matching green and white-striped shawl-thing (hada doesn't know what theyre called heh), looking over at yoruichi expectantly, his eyebrows raised and his signature stupid grin starting to sneak onto his face.
yoruichi groaned, flopping backward onto the futon dramatically.
"ugh fine, i'll tell you," she says, "i found a stray werecat and i may or may not have brought him home."
kisuke grins, getting visibly excited at the idea of meeting another were.
"oh?" he asks, "where is he? i don't see him~"
"he's hiding somewhere in here but he's here."
"you should go get him! tell him i promise i won't bite~"
yoruichi rolls her eyes, getting up and stretching like a cat and starting lazily toward the door.
"i dunno if he's sentient but ok."
she did, however, go and fetch the new fluffball- you. she had to pick you and carry you, you were that shy. when she brought you into the room with kisuke, you fluffed up and hissed, scrambling onto yoruichi's shoulders and growling defensively.
"you didn't tell him, did you~" kisuke said in fake drama, rolling his eyes. but he didn't bother to smother the grin that accompanied the eye roll. he approached slowly, slipping out of his loud-ass japapese clogs in the process so as to attempt to make himself sound less like a threat. he relaxed the muscles in his right arm and hand, reaching his hand up to let the cat have a sniff.
(reader pov)
you hissed quietly, but still carefully extended your neck nonetheless. you risked a cautious sniff, recoiling defensively. you looked up and stared at the blonde man with calculating, clearly intelligent eyes for more than one moment, eventually shifting all four tiny little paws onto one shoulder of the cocoa-colored woman who had rescued you, carefully leaning out and touching your nose to the man's fingers, finally getting an good scent.
no threat... not now, at least.
you looked up at him again and made a short, quiet trilling sound. it was something similar to the noise house cats make when an idiot human wakes them up from a sun nap, and it made the man smile. you stared at him for a few seconds, thinking. then you poised for a pounce, jumping the one or two-foot distance between the man and the woman. you landed on the man's shoulder and butted your head against his temple, then sneezed and sniffed at his hat.
the man smiled again, reaching up and making a gentle, cautious attempt to scratch behind your ear. you butted your head into his fingertips and his smile turned into a joyous grin, and he started to scratch at that one spot, eliciting a completely unwarranted purr from the back of your throat. the man chuckled, gently cupping your small, feline head in his hand and rubbing your face, neck and ear in soothing motions.
your heart slowed down a bit and the purr you were producing got deeper, indicating to the man that you were becoming more comfortable with him. you reached around with your face and licked the palm of his hand, then hopped down onto the floor and burrowed under a blanket on a futon you had seen earlier, then quickly shifted into your werecat form, wrapping the blanket around yourself. you turned and looked curiously at him, tilting your head to the side, having decided to chance at asking him a question.
"what's your name?" you asked cautiously, your voice so quiet it was nearly a whisper.
(urahara pov)
kisuke smiled, walking over and sitting down next on the futon next to you. "i'm urahara kisuke." he introduced himself, making sure to keep his voice calm and quiet so as to refrain from startling you.
you looked at him and he looked back at you, a soft, gentle smile on his face as he watched you closely, waiting for you to respond. after a moment of thought, you carefully scoot closer to him, shifting onto your calves before giving a cautious, playful bat at his hand. he smiled- and all of a sudden the action seemed to be infectious, and you fell ill with it. a small smile inched its way into existence, slithering in small bits onto your face and making his heart soar for some reason.
interesting... he thought, he likes to play. ichigo and yoruichi just seem to want to be left alone, but this one is coming out of its shell... the thought made him smile again, and your smile widened into a grin.
fell victim to writers block but had to post and so theres gna b a pt.2~
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© uraharasfavoriteexperiment.
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~*Accidental Mate: chapter 6*~
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You had left your home earlier than needed this morning, wanting to enjoy the warm summer sun on your way to work. Your report was secure in an envelope in your hand, swaying lightly at your side as you walked. The breeze was refreshing, teasing through your hair you had to keep down in order to hide the teethmarks bruising your neck. You felt surprisingly refreshed considering the nights sleep you had. It was plagued with vivid dreams, sensual lovemaking that had lingered with you this morning when you had woken. You felt light, carefree as you headed to your Captains office, looking forward to getting back into your routine. Today was going to be a good day, you could feel it.
A flash of orange caught your attention in the distance, standing out drastically in the sea of black uniforms and dark hair. You'd notice that floppy mess of bright orange hair anywhere. Ichigo was weaving in between the forming crowd of people on their way to work, trade mark frown on his young face. "Ichigo" you greeted him with a friendly wave as he neared you, stopping him short
His face relaxed upon seeing you, offering a half smile "YN, hey. How you doing?" He had stopped to chat with you, nodding to the side of the path where you wouldn't be in the way of the mornings traffic "heard you were the one Kyoraku lumbered Grimmjow with " 
You chuckle at the pained look on his face, at least someone knew the right amount of sympathy you deserved, unlike Renji. "Better now that I'm home" you grin at him before sighing, you had a feeling many people would have questions over the trip you would rather forget "It wasn't that bad, you seeing Renji today?"  Anything to change the subject
"yeah, I'll catch up with him and Byakuya later, promised Rukia I'd help train her new squad members" Ichigo explained while rubbing at his nose, seemed awfully itchy all of a sudden. You held back a laugh at the familiar way Ichigo addressed your Captain, knowing full well it aggravated him to be addressed so informally . He leaned in closer to you, giving you a strange look.
Leaning back slightly you raised a confused eyebrow "what are you doing?" He wasn't usually one to invade personal space like this, at least you've never witnessed it. You weren't actually opposed to physical contact and closeness, it was, however, unexpected from the young man.
"sorry, it's just.."  he leaned in a little closer despite your obvious discomfort, sniffing at you curiously as his brows furrowed in confusion"you smell strange" 
"I smell? Like what?" You ask flabbergasted, raising your arm to sniff at your uniform. It smelt fine to you, you had showered this morning and the subtle smell of vanilla still lingered on your skin "is it bad?"
"no" he shook his head, leaning in even closer trying to associate the smell with the memory refusing to come to the forefront of his mind "it kinda smells like.." the rest of Ichigo's sentence was abruptly cut off by a fist swinging in from nowhere, clocking Ichigo in the chin and sending him tumbling to the ground. You gasped, startled by the unexpected turn of events.
Grimmjow was suddenly standing in front of you, chest heaving with rapid breaths as he glared down at Ichigo rubbing at his darkening chin "what the fuck is wrong with you!" Ichigo snapped at the Espada from the floor, returning an icy glare. Grimmjow usually at least gave him the courtesy of a threat before he attempted to fight him.
Grimmjow had seen red when he saw Ichigo leaning in towards you. Invading your space, getting to close to what was his. He would be damned if he would just roll over and let that bastard try to steal away what was his. He thinks he could be a better mate? Give you what you needed. That weak ass bitch couldn't provide for you the way Grimmjow could, couldn't protect you as well, could please you as well. His alpha pride was screaming at him to annihilate the threat, take on the challenge Ichigo unknowingly laid down
His hands curled into fists, pupils thinning into slits as he regarded the other male angrily getting to his feet. Big mistake. "What the hell is your problem?!" Ichigo seethed through clenched teeth, shoving Grimmjow roughly in the chest, before ducking another lightening fast fist aiming for his nose. Grimmjow snarled back, animalistic and dangerous, sending all your hairs on edge
You had seen enough, finally getting over the shock you rushed in between them, laying a hand on each of their chests to try and diffuse the situation "stop!" You told them both sternly, eyeing first Ichigo then Grimmjow. Both their chests were heaving with unexplained anger. Well, Ichigo's anger was explainable, considering he had just been sucker punched for no apparent reason. "What's going on?"
"Ask him! Crazy bastard" Ichigo exclaimed angrily, though at least taking a step back. Grimmjow growled in response, trying to advance closer. He didn't even look at you as you pathetically tried to keep him in place, staring daggers over your head at his intended target. A small crowd had gathered around, curiously watching the spectacle unfold in the middle of the street
"You think your better than me?!" Grimmjow snapped to the orange haired man, pushing you away effortlessly. Not thinking clearly, he hadn't thought to adjust his strength as he pushed you. He knocked you away harder than he intended, not even glancing your way as you tripped over your own feet at the sudden force and landing on your ass with a huff. That was the second time that asshole shoved you over, and you were just about finished with it . "Think you can take what's mine?!"
"Don't shove her!" Ichigo ignored Grimmjow's shouting, reaching down to offer you a hand up with muttered concern . You were about to gratefully accept the hand when Grimmjow lunged at him, tackling them both to the ground in a frenzy of trading blows and spited insults. You jumped to your feet yourself, at a loss of what to do. You needed to stop the fight before it got out of hand and weapons were involved, but you weren't stupid enough to risk getting close when they were wresting around on the floor like that
"stay away from her" you heard Grimmjow threaten before throwing a punch to Ichigo's face, getting blocked by said man's crossing arms "the hell are you on about? You're the one who hit her asshole!" They seriously couldn't be scrapping because you got knocked over. There was a deeper meaning behind this scuffle, which you couldn't care less about at this point, you just wanted them to stop fighting.
"cut it out!" You tried calling to them, your plea washing over both their heads as they grappled in the dirt. Ichigo got his foot between them, planting it on Grimmjows stomach and kicking him off as hard as he could. Grimmjow landed in a crouch, feet and hands skidding across the floor with the level of power he was kicked with. With both men springing to their feet you took the opportunity to dart in between them. You trusted Ichigo enough to not accidentally attack you when your back was turned to him, so chose to fully face a pissed off Grimmjow, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.
"Grimmjow, stop" your plea came out strained with the exuberance you needed to attempt to hold him back, shoulder shoved into his midsection, arms wrapped around him. He felt hot to the touch, whole body vibrating with adrenaline as he glared at his rival, standing a few feat away watching intently, ready to react if he were to turn on you. That only enraged him further. Like he was some rabid beast who couldn't control himself around his own mate. His mate who was annoyingly trying to hold him back from defending his claim. Not mate, Grimmjow mentally corrected himself.
"woman" Grimmjow lowly warned you, attempting to get around you without shoving you again. You stubbornly followed his movements, not letting up the pressure you had on his middle. Grimmjows eyes flicked down to yours. You looked mad, confused. A little scared. That bastard had scared you, and he was going to pay "move" 
"no"  you stubbornly refused, tilting your chin up to meet his eye. Trying to get him to see you were serious, if he was going to try and get at Ichigo, he was going to have to go through you first. You couldn't tell in that moment if you were being brave or stupid "not until you calm down" 
"My my, isn't it wonderful to see you children all playing nicely together" A new voice interrupted the moronic display, musical lilt indicating thick amusement in the deep voice. Relief flooded you at the new appearance, someone to help talk sense into this idiot. Urahara had walked over to investigate the commotion, amused grey eyes peering over the fan he had in his hand, loftily wafting it over his face. His usual hat was tilted back enough to allow his eyes to be visible as he watched the chaotic scene, sharp vision taking note of all the visible damage between the two parties
"You!" Grimmjow growled, turning away from you so suddenly your arms lost their grip, to stomp over to the eccentric exile. Urahara pointed at himself in a over exaggerated "who, me?" kind of way, lowering his fan to reveal the ever present smirk on his face "come with me" Grimmjow growled a moment before he grabbed Urahara by the face, muffling an unmanly squeak before dragging him away with the help of his sonido technique. The quick departure knocked up an angry cloud of dust where you had last seen Urahara standing
You stared amazed in the space where they had disappeared, waiting for your brain to catch up and make sense of what had just happened. The crowd of nosy onlookers started to disperse, gossiping between themselves at the spectacle they had just witnessed. Your mouth opened and closed a few time as you struggled to form a coherent sentence. Well, Grimmjow was Urahara's problem now. Or depending on how you looked at it, Urahara was Grimmjow's problem.
A heavy hand on your shoulder embarrassingly made you jump in fright, adrenaline wearing off made you a little wary. Ichigo had that frown back on his face as he looked down at you. "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you?" He asked softly. Like Renji, he didn't agree with violence of any kind against woman and seeing you get shoved to the ground irked him. Not to mention he knew how important you were to Renji, he would look out for you the same way he would want Renji to look out for his own sisters, how Renji had already looked after his sisters
"Im fine"  you promised. You really were, you didn't hit the ground hard, and your ass cushioned your fall. Ichigo let his hand slip from your shoulder as you turned to face him "are YOU okay?  That's one hell of a bruise forming on your chin" you nodded the the rapidly blackening mark across his jaw. Ichigo rubbed it gently with a shrug
"lucky shot" 
"Do you know what got him so mad?" You couldn't for the life of you what could've sent Grimmjow into such a fit of rage. Neither of you had even noticed him until he started swinging. There was nothing he could've overheard you two say that would warrant a reaction like that. Ichigo shrugged, seemingly Unphased by the altercation now that it was over
"It's Grimmjow, does he need a reason?" Fair point well made. In your very limited experience of Grimmjow, no, he didn't need an excuse to become unhinged. Just another part of his radiant personality
"You know, I would of happily followed you back here if you had asked. You didn't need to drag me across the Seireitei by my face" Urahara happily told Grimmjow when they came to a stop outside of his own small lab on the outskirts of the twelfth. Kyoraku had gifted him the space after his help during the Quincy war, along with the option to return to soul society at his pleasure. While he had decided to split his time between here and the world of the living, the gesture was appreciated.
Grimmjow ignored the overly happy quip, all but ripping the door from its hinges and walking into the lab. Grimmjow restlessly paced the little free floor space, waiting for that idiot to follow him in. Urahara leaned against one of the desks, watching Grimmjow pace like a caged animal.
"what can I do for you Mr. Jaegerjaquez?"Urahara questioned in a light tone. While he found it better to be direct with Grimmjow, he couldn't always pass up the opportunity to tease him. Perhaps this wasn't the time for that though.
"there's something wrong with me, you need to fix it" Grimmjow spat the words, unrelenting in his pacing, refusing to look him in the eye. He hated asking for help, loathed feeling weak. Urahara had proved himself to be a genius, even if he was a childish asshole. If anyone knew how to fix him, it was this guy.
"Yes, I'm leaning towards anger management issues with psychotic tendencies myself, but without the proper examinations I wouldn't like to diagnose.." Okay, there was always time to tease the explosive Espada. Urahara stopped his comical, yet accurate assessment of Grimmjow's mental state when said lunatic whipped around to bare his teeth. Urahara held up in hands in mock surrender, trying hard to remove any evidence of amusement from his face "What are your symptoms?"
"I think someone used one of those shinigami spells on me" Uraharas eyebrows shot up under his messy hair, he hadn't expected that. He waved his hand in a 'elaborate' motion, interested in the unusual claim  "I keep getting feelings , thoughts that ain't my own. It's like I can't control my own damn thoughts or actions "
That didn't sound like any "shinigami spell" Urahara had ever heard of. Being someone who had mastered nearly all of them, and created a few of his own, he very much doubted there was one like that, that would escape his notice. Grimmjow was being vague for some reason, very uncharacteristic for the blunt man. "I'm going to need you to tell me everything Grimmjow, if you'd like for me to help you. I cannot fix what I do not know" 
Grimmjow growled frustrated. Of course the nosy bastard would want to know every little detail. Gritting his teeth, Grimmjow saw very little choice in the matter "I fucked someone. Now I can't get the bitch out of my head. She's making me feel things I don't fucking feel. My instincts are overpowering my head, I feel like I'm going out of my damn mind." Grimmjow dragged his hands down his face, mentally exhausted battling with his instincts and intrusive thoughts. Already they were creeping in, demanding he go back and finish off that punk Ichigo, take that woman back to her den and fuck her to cement his claim.
Urahara studied Grimmjow for a moment. The dark circles under his eyes, his restless moving around. He did look like he was fighting some internal battle, and that he wasn't necessarily coming out victorious. The idea that Grimmjow had gotten feelings for this mystery woman flashed through his mind briefly, before comparing the notion to what Grimmjow had said.
While Grimmjow may not have experienced caring for someone before, let alone love, it really wouldn't explain his instincts going haywire. Nor feeling like he wasn't in control of his own thoughts or feelings. Love could make one do crazy things, it didn't actually turn them crazy. He was concerned for Grimmjows sanity as it was.. Urahara concluded it had to be a hollow thing, not human. He had studied hollows for decades, everything from their special abilities, their eating habits, to sleeping habits to..
"Grimmjow, when you slept with this woman, was it by chance your mating season?" Urahara had a suspicion he knew what had happened, though if it had happened without Grimmjows knowledge or this woman's consent... oh boy
"Rutting season" Grimmjow automatically corrected, nodding the affirmative yet waving a dismissive arm. The fuck had that got to do with anything? He had halted his pacing to watch the hat wearing idiot come up with a solution to his problem
" I see, and did you, per chance, happen to claim her?" Urahara asked as evenly as he could, pressing his fingertip together over his chest
"I fucked her?" Why did this idiot always have to speak in riddles. Fucking is fucking. What more was he getting at
"You misunderstand. Did you claim her? Mark her? Bite her hard enough to draw blood?"  It was scary how accurate he described what had happened that night. Grimmjow remembered the taste of your blood on his tongue as he sunk his teeth into your neck. How you moaned like a bitch, writhing beneath him as he marked you as his own,ah shit. Grimmjow reluctantly nodded, seeing where this fool was heading
"Congratulations ! It appears you have successfully mated!"Urahara proclaimed animatedly, clapping his hands together as though it was a joyous revelation. Impossible. You were a shinigami, not a hollow. He couldn't of ACTUALLY mated with you , despite his inner alpha taking over his instincts and treating you as such.
"bullshit" Grimmjow snapped, kicking over a small table, sending paper flying all over the floor. A just reaction to the nonsense he was being presented with, He needed a solution, not some crazy story this crackpot had cooked up "She ain't a hollow" 
"No, I agree, it is quite unusual that you had mated with someone who could not reciprocate" Urahara absentmindedly rubbed over his scruff on his chin, thinking over all he knew about hollows and their matings. No studies were ever conducted between Hollows and humans, however. This was completely unprecedented. "But it seems to be the likely cause of your distress. You've formed a bond, it's understandable how it could be effecting your instincts, it's a big change" 
Grimmjow looked like he was about to throw up. His eyes were wide with shock, staring at the floor hardly believing the words he heard. He couldn't be bonded to you. You drove him fucking insane. He didn't want a mate, didn't want to be bonded. You were a weak shinigami bitch, you couldn't even mate! How could he have mated with someone who couldn't mate!
"How can I break it?" Grimmjow asked almost desperately. There had to be something he could do to undo what happened. He'd be willing to try just about anything. He couldn't stay like this, couldn't be bonded to you. To someone who wasn't even bonded to him
"Im afraid you can't, hollows mate for life as far as our research has revealed " Urahara watched silently as Grimmjow struggled to wrap his mind around the surreal reality Kisuke just delivered. It was a lot to take in, granted. Grimmjow leaned heavily on the wall, sliding down the cool surface to sit on the floor, legs suddenly feeling weak. He propped up one leg, using his knee to support his elbow as he raked his fingers through his hair, internally imploding
"So..." Urahara's teasing voice made a reappearance, curiosity getting the better of him. He hated half stories and questions left unanswered, he honestly waited as long as he could before asking, admittedly, it wasn't that long. "who's the lucky lady?" 
Grimmjow sent Urahara a murderous look at the return of his teasing tone. Funny, Urahara mused, he was well aware of the old proverb "curiosity killed the cat", turns out, the cat was about the kill the curiosity.
Grimmjow was just about ready to make him eat that hat. The fake innocent look he got in return wasn't fooling him. Bastard was enjoying this. Well fuck, Grimmjow thought, amazingly considering answering the question before it dawned on him. The fuck was your name again? He racked his brain trying to remember what the old drunk had called you when he introduced you. He couldn't remember, his annoyance dominated the memory, too pissed at being lumbered with her to pay attention to what they had said. His face must have show his confusion
"Grimmjow! Don't tell me you don't know her name!" If he didn't get that stupid look off his face, Grimmjow was going to punch him. It wasn't like he had planned any of this, why would he bother to remember your damn name!
"I didn't fucking listen when she told me! We didn't talk so I didn't fucking ask. I was never going to see her again! She's not in the 11th!"  Grimmjow angrily defended himself. He felt like he was going insane. This had to be some kind of joke. Mated to someone who wasn't mated to him, mated to someone he didn't even know the name of.
"well there's a start, do you know what division she's in?" Urahara tried to help narrow it down, his own selfish curiosity getting the better of him. Though he thought it best to find out her identity, he'd have to have a chat with her, explain everything that was going on. Grimmjow didn't seem stable enough to adequately explain the situation. He barely seemed to grasp it himself.
"No" Grimmjow hadn't asked and she didn't offer up the information. Not that he would've listened if she had. The whole thing was a damn mess.He couldn't concentrate enough to seriously try and remember her name, not with the tormenting thought of Ichigo getting close to you dominating his thoughts. "That damn Ichigo knows her"
"Ichigo knows a lot of people Grimmjow, that doesn't exactly narrow it down" Urahara explained gently. The Espada seemed one distasteful joke away from loosing his mind, perhaps it best to save his teasing where Ichigo is concerned. He'd already stumbled upon their fight this morning, before nine am no less. He didn't want to add fuel to that particular fire
"The old drunk knows her, made me go on a mission with her" That was useful information at least, seemed a visit to the head captain was in order. He should be made aware of the situation, considering what Urahara knew about hollows and how protective they could be with their mates, that's not even fracturing in the influx of testosterone and other chemicals when in mating season. Thankfully, hollows only had two mating seasons a year. 
"The fuck am I supposed to do now?" Grimmjow grumbled from the floor, forming and releasing a fist in his lap, absentmindedly flexing his bruised knuckles. Ichigo's jaw was tough, he hated to admit. Not so tough that he couldn't break his jaw though.. that was an appealing thought.
"These feelings aren't going to go away. If anything I imagine they'll get stronger as they progress and solidify. Perhaps it best for you to try to get to know this woman, see if you can't get her to fall in love with you"  Grimmjow bristled at the word, head snapping up to stare at Urahara as though he had suddenly sprouted another head. Why the fuck would he want to do that?
"why the fuck would I do that?" 
"Because, Grimmjow, your feelings aren't going to go away. I'm not confident in saying what will happen if they're not reciprocated. Your instincts are going to want to be around your mate. Wouldn't it be better if she also wanted to be around you?" Urahara Sincerely hoped Grimmjow would take his advice seriously, he had a few theories of what could happen if you didn't accept his advances. From his experience, nothing good ever came from denying your instincts.
"How the fuck do I do that?"  He asked carefully, not wanting to seem suddenly eager to win you over. He was still debating running away, finding himself a den in the Forrest and living off the land away from everyone. Would be a damn sight easier than trying to prove himself as a mate. Sure, he could easily kill any man that chose to challenge him, could hunt and kill to provide you with food. He had no problem satisfying you, if your previous encounters were anything to go by
"Romance, Grimmjow. Romance. Women appreciate a sensitive man who'll talk about their feelings. Now I'm not one to brag, but I've been quite successful with the ladies myself" there was that urge to vomit again. Grimmjow felt like his whole world had been pulled from under his feet, dumping him mercilessly into the dark unknown. He hardly heard the blonde man prattle on about romance, flowers and chocolates. Didn't absorb the recommendation for candle lit dinners and moonlit walks. The whole idea made his stomach churn, he felt suffocated in the room, walls closing in on him.
Grimmjow jumped to his feet, ignoring the call of his own name as he marched himself out the room, looking for the salvation of wide open spaces. Grimmjow ripped the door open, not stopping when he roughly bumped into someone trying to enter, unhearing the muffled call from Urahara and the annoyed remark from whom he had body checked. As soon as he was free of the walls he ran, sprinted as fast and as hard as he could to the tree line. Pushing himself further, easily weaving between the dense trees, running as far away from his problems as he could
"Captain Hirako, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Urahara finally addressed his new guest after they had lost sight of Grimmjow in the trees. A problem to deal with at a later date. Unprompted visits from his long time friend weren't uncommon, though it was quite early in the day for Shinji to be avoiding work.
"how many times do I gotta tell ya to stop with all that Captain nonsense" the usual greeting from over one hundred years ago fell as easily from his lips as breathing did. He breezed into the room as if he owned it, looking down at the array of papers strewn out on the floor, raising a questioning eyebrow to his companion
Urahara just shook his head. He'd deal with the mess later. He indicated to the empty chair in-front of him, smiling when his friend stubbornly chose to stand leaning against the same wall previously propping up Grimmjow
"you look stupid in that hat". Shinji couldn't help but add the tease. They struggled to have a conversation without at least one jab each, which delighted him to no end. At least he didn't have that same stupid look on his face as he used to have when Kisuke first became Captain. The years had given him a confidence he didn't possess back then.
"almost as stupid as that wonky hair cut your sporting" Urahara grinned from behind his fan, unable to hide the amusement from his eyes. He enjoyed their back and forth, Shinji's dry wit hadn't changed much over the years.
"so, what the hell is his problem?" Shinji Hirako asked of his friend, nodding to the door Grimmjow just ran through. Urahara sighed, Grimmjow wasn't going to make this easy on himself. But that was a problem for later. He instead, smiled at his new guest, pulling his fan from the folds of his top to fan his face.
"Grimmjow just received some very difficult news" was the simple explanation offered. Shinji nodded, he already had a pretty good idea what that news was, it was actually what he had came to speak to Kisuke about. Shinji went on to explain what he needed to explain, getting a similar solution to the one he had thought of himself. A very awkward meeting was needed, and soon.
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asukaskerian · 1 year
bleach - same verse as Howling Outside Your Door
ABO universe, worldbuilding + fallout from the main body of a grimmichi fic (in between fic and epilogue) : ichigo makes his way back home.
(it used to be that attempt at epilogue that stumped me for like six months.)
i'm not posting it on AO3 yet because the flow bothers me, idk about the ending lines, and also i want to put it inside a collection fic for that 'verse but i don't wanna start a collection when it's the only thing i can put in it. so like, i'll probably post it there if/when i manage another fic but for now, it's here.
So Ichigo did the walk of shame back to town in archaic underwear and what amounted to a mid-thigh bathrobe.
Fair enough, he told himself (and Hollow Zangetsu, who replied with nothing but snickering in the back of his head and a sensation of a door closing with a firm and definitive snap between them.)
Or... Maybe fair was the wrong word, but -- whatever. He didn't actually... mind. It would be embarrassing when he finally reached town, but --
No matter. Never mind. He would deal. It was just weird, being alone again.
He hopped over a tree trunk with casual disregard, and promptly caught his toe on it and tripped when his sleeve started ringing out of nowhere. His foot landed with a wet squelch in something unidentifiable; he plunged his hand down his sleeve to grab the spirit flip phone Urahara had somehow managed to inflict on him.
"Yeah? -- oh, gross."
"Who are you calling gross, little boy?"
-- Oh. He stopped walking, phone pressed to his ear and one foot still up, trying to flick the weird mush out from between his toes. "Rukia? They called you in?"
Just hearing her voice made his shoulders relax, his back straighten. 
"I came with the Captain-Commander." Her voice was all no-nonsense, extra-professional; Kyōraku was probably in the room with her. Ichigo tried not to feel too disappointed. He'd hoped... "Now Urahara-san tells us a garganta just opened and closed, can you confirm?"
"Yeah, they just left. Peacefully and with half of my house's entire stock of pillows."
He was rewarded with a little 'heh.' "And your estimated time of arrival at the shop?"
"Oh, uh." Ugh. Five minutes if he flew, but he didn't want to fly. "Fifte... thirty minutes. I gotta... stuff."
"Very well." She turned away from the phone, voice gone muffled as she relayed his words. Sigh.
"Alright," she said all at once, in such a different tone he almost startled. "I'm in the ladies' room. Tell me why you're coming back on foot. Are you brooding?"
Ichigo spluttered, and shoved a branch out of his face with a little more -- enthusiasm. (Relief.) "What the hell makes you think that?!"
"If you were injured you'd say so. You wouldn't make poor Inoue cry thinking of you limping back through rough terrain on your lonesome."
"Also... Ichigo, I'm an alpha too. Do you think I don't understand how it might feel to devote a couple nights slaking a lover's lust and shielding their most intimate vulnerabilities only for them to disappear in the morning?"
He swallowed. Cleared his throat. "... I keep forgetting you're an alpha."
"Bullshit you do, you're just a deviant."
"Ugh, shut up. Nobody still goes by Sengoku era rules for friend groups."
Fewer and fewer people even still held onto it for actual packs in the Living World, but Soul Society, he knew, held firmly to that rule at least. A household might have several omegas, and definitely several betas, but more than one, unrelated alpha? Too shocking for their old-timey sensibilities. Kind of... queer. 
Rukia's voice went teasingly cloying. "There, there, it's okay if you consider me a senior alpha, a patriarch of sorts, a mentor in the ways of--"
"I really, really don't."
"Hmph. Upstart."
"You really missed an occasion to call me a whippersnapper there."
She clicked her tongue. "Drat, I really did. Lout?"
"Lout's a good one."
A moment of quiet fell between them. Ichigo tried to swallow back the choking feeling making its way up his throat.
He wished she were here, walking in the woods with him. Her and Chad and Renji. Ishida and Inoue and Tatsuki too, while he was at it, though he and Tatsuki were guaranteed to get into a brawl as long as he was still this choked up on hormones. Just thinking of his childhood friend even close enough to smell his omega on his skin made him bite back a growl. 
He'd probably still growl at Rukia, but not... Not the same way.
Not now that Grimmjow was gone, and his pack with him.
"Ow, fuck."
"Stubbed my toe. Listen, Rukia..."
It's just stupid hormones, right? he wanted to ask. Nothing else. It's hormones and discovering so much all at once about a man who made such a strong impression on me back then, and I'm a bit shaken, and it will pass. Can you please tell me that? But he couldn't push out any of that. 
"Can you bring me clothes?" he asked instead. "Or my body, I should probably--"
He probably shouldn't get his body yet, actually. Kyōraku was here. 
Kyōraku was here about Mayuri.
"... Am I getting arrested?"
He didn't even have time to brace for the answer; Rukia immediately dismissed it with a snort. "Don't be ridiculous. They don't have the funds to repair the prison break damages."
"... Uh. Maybe I would... not escape..."
"You wouldn't have the time to turn around in your jail cell before all your friends rose up to break you out and you know it." A sigh. "I'm not saying there won't be... complications... but -- just get home, Ichigo. It'll be okay."
He sped up a little, in the end. 
Rukia met him at the edge of the woods with a new shihakusho, and the smile she pinched down was only a little bit teasing and a lot more sympathetic. He didn't want to growl at all.
He wanted to growl later on when he walked through the front of Urahara's shop past a double row of rank-and-file shinigami all side-eyeing him to find, in the tatami room behind it, the captain-commander sprawled out with a cup of "tea" in hand.
Inoue and Ishida and Chad were sitting there in front of him, in polite seiza, and for a second all Ichigo could see was 'a strange alpha around my pack' and 'a threat'.
Then Rukia whacked him between the shoulder blades, propelling him past the threshold, and Kyōraku -- quick shrewd glance, genial smile -- reclined some more, and waved. "Kurosaki-kun! Hello."
"... I'm not so close to losing control that you need to show me your belly, Kyōraku-san." Mostly because taking that opening to attack would be a mistake that would cost Ichigo his life, he was pretty sure. But still.
The man laughed. "Ah, but it helps, doesn't it."
Grumbling, Ichigo looked away. None of his pack looked rattled or unsure or scrunched-down; Ishida was on the cool side of reserved, but he always was around high-ranking shinigami, and Inoue and Chad looked like they'd been having a nice little talk before he came in. Ichigo made his way to the cushion they'd left empty in the middle and sat with a grumble, ignoring Ishida's pointed sniff.
"I don't suppose you could have taken a shower first," Ishida muttered. 
"Shut up. No."
Kyōraku straightened up a bit, leaning back on his hand but mostly vertical, legs crossed. Ichigo busied himself taking the bigger Zangetsu off his back to rest it on the floor beside him with the blade turned inwards, since Kyōraku had done the same with his sabers and they were apparently playing the antique version of the 'everybody is friendly here' game really insistently. 
(The shorter blade across the small of his back stayed put, though.)
"Ahh, does any of you need a little bit to reestablish scent mar--"
"No," Ishida and Ichigo chorused with disgust, and Inoue echoed with flailing hands when the man's eyes turned to her. 
Chad chuckled, looking away. In the middle of gracefully kneeling to sit at the side of the table, Rukia snorted, and then coughed delicately to try to cover it up.
"Hoo. Are you not a pack, then?"
"Yes we are."
"But you don't --"
The man was toying with his tea cup and looking pleasantly friendly. Ichigo's eyes narrowed. 
"Ah -- Tatskuki-chan agreed to be my designated heat partner before I met -- she's my best friend, you know?"
"Mnh. And in a traumatizing turn of events," Ishida added, "it turns out Kurosaki and I are related. Distantly, but I don't know of any distance that would be far enough, so--" 
"That's not what you're here to talk about," Ichigo interrupted, and only moderately felt bad. 
Mayuri had acted very certain that his little side trips were going to be met with a rap on his knuckles at the very worst. 
Ichigo should have been thinking of Nemu-san, who would probably mourn the bastard. Of all the important miracles the man had probably accomplished in the name of Soul Society, or was still in the middle of bringing forth.
All he could think was, 'he made Grimmjow's packmates turn on him and was smug about it', and try as he may to bury it, the thought just kept echoing with what he had felt back when Tsukishima took the people he loved. That raw despair, that powerlessness.
Ichigo was a very civilized alpha, from one of the most restrained and polite countries in the world. He liked Kyōraku. He respected Kyōraku. He still growled. 
Kyōraku watched him without saying anything for a moment, head tilted. 
"I don't suppose an official mutual apology to soothe ruffled feathers is in the cards then."
Ichigo's jaw ached. "I'll apologize to Nemu-san."
Rukia inhaled slowly between her teeth, hands fisted on her knees. "... Ah. The Central 46..." 
Kyōraku hummed, watching him. Ichigo stared back. At his side his friends didn't know why he had taken this hard tone, but they still straightened up, hardening their resolve to match, to shore him up. 
"Well! You're a very young human startled in a very delicate, very irrational moment. Kurotsuchi-taicho should have known better."
"Kurosaki-san is extremely regretful, I'm sure," Rukia lied with her 'Nobles don't have emotions, only prissiness' face on. "Emotional. Terrible for all involved."
And Ichigo knew what they were doing, knew this was saving face and nothing else, agreeing on a half-assed lie to sell those other guys, knew that shoving their noses in the truth would only be annoying for everyone, but he -- but.
Grimmjow. Ed. Di Roy.
Not a single one of them mattered one whit to the Central 46. Just vermin. 
"I don't understand why you kept him," he said.
"Ah... Kurosaki-kun." And now Kyōraku looked sad. Pitying. Ichigo liked him, he reminded himself again.
"I understand he was really useful. And you lost Urahara, so it was him or nothing."
"Mmh." Kyōraku rolled the cup in his hand slowly. "That and we sometimes needed someone who could make the hard decisions fast. Ruthless."
"The problem was that he also made easy decisions fast -- as long as they were easy for him." Ichigo speared him with a look. "You are ruthless. He was a sociopath."
Kyōraku paused, hand gone still, gaze briefly turned inwards. "...Ah."
"If we could go and find his secret labs. How many of his projects would be useful, even if they're horrible, and how many would be something the council in charge would close their eyes on in order to keep him happy? Who approved him torturing arrancar, when Harribel-san asked to get them back? Was it just because she hadn't heard about those ones, so hey, great, a loophole? What else was he doing?!" 
... Ah. Rukia's hand was on his hand, which was clenched in a fist on the table. Ichigo was halfway out of his seat. Okay. Alright. Breathe. 
... Breathe.
Ichigo was just a normal human young adult. Lecturing a military leader of hundreds, thousands of people felt -- wrong. Disrespectful. They had centuries of tradition he knew nothing about, political and social pressure from places he had no idea about. As an outsider, it was easy to be idealistic. 
It wasn't his job to sort them out, so why was it his job?! He tilted his head back, breathing deeply as he stared at the ceiling, and turned his hand in Rukia's grasp so he could grasp her back. Tight pressure, anchoring. Chad's hand on his other shoulder, gentle and warm.
He'd killed Mayuri out of hand, and that part terrified him. That he had decided, 'this man brings nothing to the world that would pay for who he is,' and erased him. That he was able to do that.
It hadn't felt like righteous anger at all. Or like self-defense. It had felt like handing down judgment. 
"Ichigo?" Rukia asked.
'Was it the wrong judgment call to make, though?' he thought, or old man Zangetsu thought, or something murkier in between the two of them. Something cold and old and remote, that asked of his choice, 'Would you unmake it?', and the answer was no.
"Queasy," he managed to answer. Inoue immediately went rummaging in her backpack for a bottle of water, presenting it with a worried frown. He somehow managed a smile. The water was on the tepid side but still helped distract him, bring him back down. 
"Hormone hangover?" Ishida asked, sounding only vaguely interested in the way he did when he didn't want to betray any worry. "It's not actually an uncommon side effect."
"Ah... Maybe. What do you do to get over it?"
"Just sit in a room alone until it passes, honestly. I'm told it happens more often when there's several omegas at once," he added, and looked away, and Ichigo arched an eyebrow. The tip of Ishida's visible ear was a little red. Hm.
... Inoue was rummaging in her bag with twice the enthusiasm suddenly, and her face was pinkening rapidly.
Dang. Apparently he owed Tatsuki a fistbump.
Shaking his head, an amused smile on his lips, Ichigo turned back to Kyōraku. "Sorry, sorry. Just..."
The man chuckled quietly. "I understand." 
He drank his probably-doctored tea. Ichigo drank his water. Everyone concentrated on their cup for a little while. 
"... Anyways. What's going to happen now?"
"About Captain Kurotsuchi or about your arrancar?
"Or about Kurosaki," Ishida added waspishly. 
"Yes, yes. Well -- the Central 46 are going to have a meeting, and they're going to yell a lot about wanting a dangerously feral part-hollow with a track record of going against Soul Society contained somehow--"
It did not escape Ichigo's notice that the description matched him better than Grimmjow.
"And then I will regretfully explain to them that we don't have the manpower or the social capital for that. Nowadays Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez is almost as powerful as Tier Harribel and five times as lethal. She's not about to allow us to take away her strongest invasion deterrent, and she commands a good third of all hollows -- mostly the smarter ones."
"And the fact that he wouldn't have invaded if you guys weren't keeping his friends in a 'torture basement'?"
Kyōraku gave him such an empty smile Ichigo almost shuddered. "Ah, Kurosaki-kun, it's sweet that you can still be so innocent. It's entirely fair not to respect the word you gave to a hollow! Especially in the name of gaining better intelligence on our ancestral enemy. Greater good, and all that."
... Ugh.
So Grimmjow wasn't a person and his government was only respected for now because 'not enough manpower' and 'so far they're staying out of the way'. Then again the more Ichigo thought about the Court of Pure Souls and the more he wondered if they'd ever picked up the words "human rights violation" while passing by in the last century, because they sure didn't treat powerless human souls or even the members of their own military much better.
"So it's going to be brushed under the rug," Ishida concluded grimly.
"That part of it at least. The Central 46 might attempt to issue you a summons to explain yourself before their court."
"Huh." Not his idea of a great time, getting yelled at by self-important blowhards, but if it kept the peace, kept his good relations with the 13 Divisions intact...
He wasn't sure, though. The asshole council might take it as him agreeing that he was under their authority. He'd have to ask Urahara about how to proceed.
"Haa!" Kyōraku put his cup down with a little thwack. "Replacing him is going to be such a pain."
Ichigo grimaced, a pinch of irritation mixed with guilt. 
"Perhaps not," came from the other door, a panel sliding open to unveil Urahara himself, carrying a little plate with store-brand senbei artistically arranged on it. He looked ridiculously pleased with it.
(Nobody looked especially surprised at his sudden entrance, but then again they were all used to him by now.)
Ichigo stared at Urahara. Surely the man couldn't mean he would replace Mayuri. After everything Soul Society had done to him, how they'd thrown him out -- and he liked it here, he had a whole life with Yoruichi and Tessai and the kids and no oversight --
Ichigo was still in the middle of catching himself (no oversight -- that was the problem with Mayuri too--) when Urahara grinned brightly and went, "For a price, of course!"
"... You're going to make them pay through their noses, aren't you."
His smile turned sharper-edged. "Good. They might hold back unless it really matters, then."
Rukia stayed behind, afterwards -- nominally to supervise the Tenth Division squad who was going to stay on site for cleanup, but after she was done saluting Kyōraku as he left and giving quick directions to her subordinates she followed Ichigo and his pack right back inside the shop.
Then they took over one of the tatami side rooms -- not the one that still smelled like Kyōraku -- and when Ichigo slumped down in the middle they kind of all sat with him. 
Not on him, the way Grimmjow's pack had done with each other, not languid and close, all nonchalant and uncaring about an ankle draped over another ankle or a friendly punch to the nearest shoulder just passing by. But near enough. Nobody was in heat or anything, and besides they weren't Europeans. 
Right now he was kind of butthurt about that. PDAs were so embarrassing but a side-hug might be ... not entirely horrible today.
"How's the hangover?" Chad asked, a big paw on his shoulder. It wasn't as big as Ed's hands, or as fever-warm -- the guy had a fire shikai or the equivalent, he was almost sure -- but it was good. Ichigo sighed.
"Meh." He flicked him a smile. "Better now."
Quiet for a little while. Inoue had found another water bottle in her bottomless bag. Ichigo sipped at it, talking himself down.
It was all fine now. It was over.
"Your house is fixed, by the way! Ah -- it's still very dusty, Ishida-kun didn't let me--"
"I can handle a broom, Inoue-san!" Ishida protested. "I can't let you do everything and exhaust yourself like this. Also the drapes needed an upgrade, when's the last time they were changed?"
"Probably when mom was still around," Ichigo said thoughtlessly, and shrugged through the familiar pinch of pain. "I don't mind if you add frills, but you should ask Yuzu and Karin. They probably have a whole binder of decoration stuff..."
... Actually he kinda minded a little. Were Ishida's embellishments ridiculous? Yeah, yeah they were. But he still didn't want--
"Ichigo?" Rukia asked, sinking down into seiza at his side, head tilted to watch his face. "Bad thought?"
"No, no. Just woolgathering." What a weird train of thought. 
He didn't want Ishida to decorate his dad's home.
He wouldn't mind if it were his own place with the lace doilies for drapes, though. And Inoue could bring a huge plushie or strange fridge art, and Chad band posters, or hell, he could do his own room the way he wanted, and Rukia --
Well, she could do her own closet the way she liked it, too, he didn't judge, though he'd have to procure one big enough to fold Renji into first. Tatsuki could have the house next door with a room each for their two pack omegas and put a little gate between their yards, and he would piss her off by leaving his nerdy books all over her living room.
"... You're aware that you're whining, right?"
Ichigo was, in fact, whining. Very quietly in his throat, while having the stupidest domestic fantasy out of nowhere--
"So!" Rukia interrupted his idiocy, slapping her hands on her thighs. "The guy who put an arm through my guts that one time."
"Also put his arm through other people around Inoue, as far as I heard. Also some Quincy. And... also promised to kill you? Gruesomely?"
Groaning, Ichigo sank into himself, both hands on his face. "He also put his hand halfway through me one or two times," he admitted, hoping it was muffled enough that nobody would understand him.
"... Well."
Ichigo groaned again. Yeah, uh. Okay. His tastes were apparently shit --
"Don't make that face," Rukia said, a little awkwardly, and elbowed him in the side as she sat next to him. "If you didn't blow through troops of assholes and came back out with three new best friends, would you even be Ichigo?"
Chad laughed, quiet and deep. Ichigo growl-whined some more. 
"I was just saying! That I feel like, I don't even need to ask you what he's like in bed."
Ichigo spluttered.
"Well, I do!" Inoue declared, earnest and blushing even as she met his eyes. "H-how was the sex, Kurosaki-kun?"
... She still said 'sex' like it was a super forbidden extra-shocking word their schoolteacher was gonna whack them over the head with, with an edge of earnest 'did you have fun with your new friend, sweetie?'. He deflated all over again, his whine acquiring an edge of despairing laughter.
"... He asked me to be there for his next heat."
"I'm already planning the nest."
"Well! You're fucked," Ishida said with a tone that almost passed for sympathy, and they all took turns patting his back until the flustered misery had been beaten all the way out of him.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Tired eldest here
So, I'm very picky with the ABO I read because a lot of the tropes just really squick me out.
I recently read this wonderful fic by Williamcipher (https://archiveofourown.org/works/45951466/chapters/115660609) with A!Ichi and O!Kisuke and I got reminded of your plans to make one yourself.
I am so excited to read your take on it!
Like I am imagining this hella mature Ichigo being a prime alpha who everyone wants to pair with. Long hair, deeper voice, taller, and more powerful than ever.
But people keep pursuing him even though he's with Kisuke because A/A pairs usually don't last or something. Then Kisuke does his thing and stakes his claim.
Woo! I am so looking forward to it!
(Also, I can't write ABO for shit hahahhah)
I'm glad you got faith in me!
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lilacwriter07 · 10 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Bleach (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kurosaki Ichigo/Urahara Kisuke Characters: Urahara Kisuke, Kurosaki Ichigo Additional Tags: Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Beta Urahara Kisuke, Alpha Kurosaki Ichigo, Anal Fingering, Prostate Milking, Dom Urahara Kisuke, Sub Kurosaki Ichigo, Jealousy, Jealous Urahara Kisuke Summary:
As a Beta it is already hard to prove yourself to many, not that he cared about it in the first place . But now he has mark his place, next to this sweet adorable Alpha .
If he has to taint his hands so be it .
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grimmichi-ao3-feed · 7 months
[New AO3 Fic!] How to Repay Your Shinigami-- A gift thrice its value
by Thesebitchesgay
Grimmjow tries to figure out how to navigate White Day as both a hollow and a human. Things get spicy. Set after LoveyourflyingV's How to Care for Your Arrancar on Valentine's Day (which is canon because I say so).
All smut is in the last chapter you gorgeous degenerates.
Happy early White Day!
Words: 3309, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of How To Care for your Arrancar. . .
Fandoms: Bleach (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo, Grimmjow Jaegerjaques, Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu, Inoue Orihime, Nelliel Tu Oderschvank, Tia Harribel, Tres Bestias Ensemble (Bleach)
Relationships: Grimmjow Jaegerjaques/Kurosaki Ichigo, Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu/Grimmjow Jaegerjaques, Hollow Ichigo | Zangetsu/Grimmjow Jaegerjaques/Kurosaki Ichigo
Additional Tags: Power Bottom, Top Grimmjow Jaegerjaques, Switching, Uke Hollow Ichigo, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, BDSM, Bondage, Grimmjow is a good boy, Training Montage, hollow ichigo is a little shit, off-screen negotiated kink, White Day, Breeding, tiny bit of monsterfuckers inc., Rough Sex, Fighting Kink, Grimmjow as lube, Ayon makes an appearance
Read it now on AO3!
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rarepears · 1 year
Hey, you know the Alpha/Beta/Omega idea - no, wait, come back and hear me out.
Imagine A/B/O in bleach, but its a hollow only thing and its all about the pack dynamics. And so the Visored also end up with A/B/O genders and dynamics.
And Ichigo? He's not even 100 yet. He's only a juvenile. He hasn't presented yet at all. And sure, the visored like to mess with each other and with him, and they want to help him get stronger because that's what you do, but at the end of the day they're a pack and he's the baby.
And then Ichigo loses all his powers defeating Aizen, the visored and all his other friends disappear.
Now imagine that its then he presents as an omega. All those visored instincts demand is for his pack to cuddle with him until he feels more like himself, but they never come. They left, he doesn't have his powers anymore even if he still has the instincts. They're not his pack anymore.
give me more
[More in #bleach abo - Ichigo presents as an omega after losing his powers AU]
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aetherose · 5 months
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Being an Agent is Suffering In which Luna has a terrible time because of a tuna.
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Cast: Rose as Luna Solis (@stalwartembers) as Kiana, Alpha, Roland, and Ichigo
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reallyromealone · 1 year
Vampire knight 2
Male reader - fluff - angst - omegaverse
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(name) was a wanderer.
So that's why the night class made a form of buddy system when they went to town, the Omega currently holding hands with Ruka and looking at all the shops, many of the alphas getting (name) gifts in an attempt to court him but the Omega just thought they were being good friends and accepted the gifts.
(Name) made his weekly stop at the candy store, the owners used to the night class at this point and greeted them politely as they watched (name) grab multiple bags and stock up on candy, he didn't like different candies touching.
The night class got a few things, nowhere on the scale of (name) who had six full bags of candy totalling to 208.13 dollars but the Omega was happy none the less as he was transferred to Ichigo who let the Omega drag him around.
It happened again.
Though this time he was indoors.
The smell of sweets caught his attention as he wandered into a room, seeing day students making baked goods "oh? Hello!" One of the students said happily, a fellow Omega and (name) looked at the cake she held in her hands with an intensely one would not expect "would you like some?" She asked as the other students cooed at the night student who nodded "please and thank you"
The baking/cooking club got him a slice and something to drink and even joined him "So what's the night class like? I couldn't imagine being up all night" one of them asked, a beta with a short bob (name) noted to himself "I'm used to it..." (Name) mumbled "what is this?"
"This is the culinary club!"
"Culinary club?"
"Yeah we make food and stuff!" Another said and (name)s looked interested "are you interested in joining?"
(Name) wasn't sure if he could but accepted an application none the less.
"Culinary club?" Kaname read the club application with an unreadable expression and (name) held a to-go container with cake "is this just so you can get sweets?" Ichigo asked with a sweet smile and (name) thought "they were nice..." He said simply and the others smiled at this but also... (Name) was precious cargo.
He was a vampire yes and could hold himself but the alphas of the night class were incredibly protective and territorial of the Omega.
And they didn't need someone like (name) being contaminated with... humans.
He wasn't a pureblood but he was a male Omega so he was held to the same regard.
"No" Kaname said simply and (name) deflated visibly, he liked the nice humans in the culinary club; they made nice conversation and fed him.
(Name) was silent as he nodded and left with his cake, he wanted to talk to his new friends more...
(Name) returned to the culinary club.
Kaname never said he couldn't visit.
"It sucks you can't join but we love having you here!" They said as they put cookies on a plate and let (name) eat the treats.
The club never really knew much about the night class, they kind of avoided the club centered around them though they did find them pretty.
(Name) was cute but in a "I want to protect you" sense as his cheeks puffed from the amount of food he was eating.
"He went to the club" Kaname said with a tone unrecognizable and the room was cold "Senri"
"Of course Lord Kaname"
Shiki hated that he had to take (name) away from this, he was clearly enjoying himself and making friends but Lord Kanames word was final.
"(Name)" (name) halted and tilted his head in confusion "guess it's time for you to go" one of the members said saidly and (name) stood and bid his goodbyes "he's quite upset with you"
"But I didn't join the club?"
"But you went back"
The night class dorms were quiet as Kaname sat at on an ornate couch "leave us" Kaname instructs before standing and walking to the Omega "I said you couldn't join" Kaname said calmly, an icy undertone to it and (name) looked frustrated "but you didn't say I couldn't go back" (name) argued and Kaname tilted his head "if you go back you will be punished"
"But I enjoyed it" (name) rarely spoke this much and Kaname wished it wasn't because he was arguing with him and Kaname could see the sleepy vampire grow frustrated "What if I asked Yuuki to join me?"
"Don't inconvenience her"
(Name) felt frustrated and unheard, he didn't understand why this was such an issue.
They all got to do what they desired so why couldn't (name) have this?
(Name) was silent for the rest of the night, fuming and the others (excluding Kaname) could understand his frustrations but they also knew how risky it could be having their pack Omega out by himself.
(Name) ripped apart his closet as he began making a nest in it, his Omega sensing the distress and deciding that he needed to be somewhere safe as his collar was thrown somewhere.
The sensation was frustrating him further.
When his nest was complete he crawled in, snuggling in a blanket and got comfortable as he began zoning out, the anger exhausting him further.
"He's nesting" Rima said after checking on (name), holding his collar "his heat isn't for another three weeks though?" Aido asked confused as (name) only remade his nest before his heat "I think I know why" Ruka sighed, Lord Kaname stepped out for a meeting with the headmaster and thus they were left to handle what he did "his Omega is distressed" she said worried on (name)s behalf as the two were quite close.
Kaname raised an eyebrow as a group of day students walked to the night dorms with containers "oh! Kuran!" One of the girls said politely "we haven't seen (name) in a while and Aido said he had a cold so we brought him some things to make him feel better, could you give these to him?" One of them asked and Kaname put on a smile "I will, thank you for being so considerate" though he didn't particularly care for them or their gestures.
He didn't like how close they seemed to think they were to (name).
(Name) hadn't eaten in two days (snacks not included) nor had he left his room, missing classes in the process.
Kaname stood in front of the closet annoyed, he was tired of the omegas tantrums and childish behaviour "it's time for this to stop" Kaname commanded only to get no reply, the brunette opening the door to find it... Empty?
Zero wasn't sure what to do.
Yes this was a vampire but this was also a feral distressed Omega.
(Name) clung to the silver haired alpha for safety, deeming the night dorms unsafe due to stress.
So now Zero had an Omega without a collar in a night gown holding him in a death grip as he walked to the headmasters office.
"Oh shut up" his mentor, Yuuki and Cross all giggled at the sight as he now sat with (name) and VERY begrudgingly let the Omega play with his hair.
"I think he think your his pup" Toga said taking a sip from his drink "how do we fix... This?"
"Well normally we would get the omegas alpha or family involved but seeing as he has neither we would get whomever is currently watching over him"
And that was technically Ruka at this moment and when word got out on (name)s whereabouts, the others followed.
See Zero wasn't normally petty but seeing Kaname and the other alphas in the night class seethe at the fact (name) was cuddling zero to his chest and playing with his hair and all but hissing at them was fucking hilarious to him. If looks could kill Zero would be dead.
"(Name) come here" Kaname instructs the Omega "he's not a dog asshole" Zero didn't know why he was defending (name) but Kaname was treating (name) like he was some dog misbehaving and not a stressed out Omega "why is (name) like this?" Yuuki asked and Aido sighed "he wanted to join the culinary club or at least visit"
"And why couldn't he?"
Toga hated vampires but during his time teaching the night class he had come to understand that (name) was harmless, he really just wanted to sleep and occasionally steal pens.
"It's dangerous for an Omega like himself to be out like that"
"And you guys couldn't go with him? It's a pretty fucking reasonable request" Zero said and Cross scolded him for swearing "what about the fangirls? They literally tried attacking him"
"We could arrange him an escort" Cross said simply and Kaname was frustrated "he's not joining"
"God you're insufferable, no wonder he left"
Kanames eyes shifted and the room went cold as he took Zero as a challenge for (name) "you treat him like he's property to you when he's not, he belongs to no one"
It shocked the others at the fact that someone like zero, someone whose been so hurt by vampire's would be defending one but he couldn't help it, out of all of them (name) was the least threatening.
Did he want a vampire near humans? No absolutely not.
But did he want to piss off Kaname? Oh most definitely.
Kaname didn't want to harm (name).
He couldn't.
He couldn't and wouldn't hurt his future mate.
"(Name) is a student here and it's his right if he wants to join a club under supervision he's welcome to"
Kaname seethed silently and (name) recognized in his lizard brain that Kaname was a pack mate and seeing him so upset made him whine and Kaname snapped his attention back to him and decided to take this from another approach.
Kaname pumped out pharamones that got (name)s attention, using the omegas subconscious need to mediate and calm their packmates to his advantage.
Everyone watched as (name) got up and walked into Kanames arms to try and calm the pack alpha down and Kaname lifted him and walked out.
"Well that happened" Cross said simply and the night class bid their farewells to the headmaster and others before following the two, (name) still feral but at least letting Kaname remotely near him, Kaname passive as he let (name) scent him as they returned to the dorms.
He supposed he could let (name)... Occasionally visit this club if it meant he didn't do whatever this was.
Kaname abused this time with (name), bringing him to his room and holding him close and felt (name) nip at his neck, (name) hadn't eaten in days after all.
'he will be my mate after all...' Kaname was deadset on romancing (name) as he tilted his neck and guided (name) who nosed at his neck before biting, clearly hungry as he clung to him.
Shame (name) probably wouldn't remember this , the omegas memory was always hazy after he went feral.
When (name) finished there was blood staining his lips and be looked not unlike when he ate that birthday cake.
"Messy..." Kaname said cleaning (name) up with his shirt, (name) was ready to sleep and practically out cold in his arms.
Getting up Kaname changed in his clothes and pretended they were in the grand bed back home mated and expecting.
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~ ficsforgaza project !
other note: ficsforgaza currently only reblogs anime + manga-centric fics!
#1 ; donation amounts : $1.50 per 100 words note: do not make donations to US (rhykar + spade), we haven't started commissions yet and we haven't anyplace to put your gaza donations! palestinecharitycommissionassoc ; gazafunds ** when you click on either website and start the donation process, they will randomly select a vetted gofundme that you can donate to. send @uraharasfavoriteexperiment a screenshot of the donation, then send us your request in separate asks! be specific with details; we'll write whatever we see fit based solely on the info you give us!
#2 ; will + won't write (kinks, themes, etc.) - reader male, trans!male. character occasional genderqueer character - yes : genres fluff, smut, romance, angst, suggestive, horror, hurt/comfort *there's a difference between angst and hurt/comfort, send an ask if you wanna know! - no action scenes, we're both so bad at them it makes us uncomfortable - yes : kinks/fetishes most of them honestly - no : -18 x +18 smut (pedophilia), abusive alpha (omegaverse), incest, rape scenes*, waste philias, necrophilia, graphic explicit physical abuse scenes* (abuse trauma is character development; trauma is not a stigma.)
#3 ; fandoms we write for ! currently only writing for bleach + occasionally jjk characters! full bleach list ; full jjk list bleach ; ichigo kurosaki, sosuke aizen, grimmjow, kisuke urahara, toshiro hitsugaya, byakuya kuchiki, renji abarai, shuuhei hisagi, shinji hirako, gin ichimaru, nnoitra gilga, tesla lindocruz, oc character(s) jjk ; yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, toge inumaki, yuta okkotsu, choso kamo, toji fushiguro, hiromi higuruma, nanami kento, sukuna sillylastname, mahito (bite me slut)
© uraharasfavoriteexperiment.
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