#Aloysia virgata
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Dryas iulia on Aloysia virgata / Julia Heliconian on Sweet Almond Bush at the Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens in Punta Gorda, FL
#Dryas iulia#Dryas#Nymphalidae#Aloysia virgata#Aloysia#Verbenaceae#Julia Heliconian#Julia butterfly#Flame#Flambeau#Sweet Almond Bush#Sweet Almond Verbena#butterflies#Native insects#Native pollinators#Insects#Pollinators#Plants#Foliage#Nature photography#photography#photographers on tumblr#Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens#Peace River#Punta Gorda#Punta Gorda FL#Florida#🌺🌻
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In The Fields Of Boaz by @aloysiavirgata
Read by @red2007
Please leave the author a comment if you enjoyed their story 😘
#crinolynne#aloysia virgata#audiofanficpod#audio fanfic#audio fiction#audio fanfiction#the x files fanfic#xfiles#xfiles fanfic#xf fanfic#the x files#podfic#SoundCloud
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Even having expected it, the surprise of seeing this email causes an instant, visceral response.
#gmail never gives me serotonin like this#fangirling like a mofo#i just adore my favs#aloysia virgata
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🥏 TXF Fic Rec #30: "Petrichor" by Aloysia Virgata
Today’s fic is a perfect blend of the most X-Filey casefile I’ve ever read and a burgeoning, tentative MSR, set right after episode 7x02 “Amor Fati”. It’s rare to come across a casefile that is so imaginative and well-written, fitting the vibe of the show that it could easily be a great MOTW episode (the mystery is partially unexplained in the end!). The M/S part is just beautiful. Their banter, flirting, and complicated feelings toward each other are so spot on for early season 7. The writing is top-tier, featuring vivid, gorgeous world-building and amazing dialogue. So freaking good!
🥏 on AO3 🥏 audio version on @audiofanficpod read by @red2007
author: @aloysiavirgata length: novella, 25,000+ words season: season 7, 7x02 Amor Fati pairing(s): M/S UST to RST tags: casefile, episode-related, angst, fluff, humor, good OCs, Diana Fowley rating: explicit/NC-17
#x files#nephrit's fic rec#favorite#len: novella#season: 7#7x02 amor fati#ship: m/s ust to rst#genre: casefile#genre: episode related#genre: angst#genre: fluff#genre: humor#good oc(s)#diana fowley#rating: nc17#by: aloysia virgata
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Mr. Virgata and I have been married for 23 years. I met him when I was 16, a freshman in college. He was a customer at the coffee shop where I worked and we were friends for a few years. Some of them friends with benefits once I turned 18.
His mother has never liked me. I have long since made my peace with this as he has always been clear about his expectations. I have never felt abandoned or like I come second. For old school Fic Fans - They are Iolokus Mulder and Teena.
Mr. Virgata’s parents are 20 years older than mine. He has a sister roughly my mother’s age. I encourage him to check in on them when he can and today he was in their area and stopped by.
He brought home an absolutely shocking surprise. In all of these years his mother has never ONCE gotten me a present that wasn’t essentially something she loved that had nothing to do with me.
Today she said, “It’s so funny you came by! I was out shopping and I saw a mug that made me think of Aloysia!”
Mr. Virgata started laughing when she passed it to him.
It’s my favorite mug that I already have.
She got all flustered like oh, if she already has it…
He was like no, no, she’ll love it!
I do. Every quarter-century or so people will surprise you.

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What if — what if — we all just went to the Twin Cities and low-key got some suites and a conference room and did some big round-tables (as opposed to exclusive pay-to-get-in panels) and got some wine and pizza and just prattled about fic and what philedom has meant to us all, and how we are happy to celebrate 30 years of the X-Files by thinking about frog ecology or waiting patiently for Aloysia Virgata to finish a fic or maybe just rewatching 'Darkness Falls' and if any X-Files stars want to come over and hang with us and discuss their place in the cultural text hey that would also be cool.
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( Xem phần hình ảnh để săn các combo siêu tiết kiệm 10% của Mia Garden)
Riêng với hương thảo, chọn cây thuần khí hậu đã quyết định hơn 70% sự sống của cây. Mia Garden sẽ giúp bạn chinh phục hương thảo với dòng HƯƠNG THẢO THÂN GỖ, THUẦN KHÍ HẬU NẮNG NÓNG. Vậy ƯU ĐIỂM LÀ GÌ?
✅PHƯƠNG PHÁP TRỒNG: Hương thảo THÂN GỖ trồng TOÀN THỜI GIAN NGOÀI TRỜI ( KHÔNG NHÀ KÍNH) sẽ giúp cây hứng trọn nắng và mưa từ nhỏ, từ đó tạo nên nội lực thích nghi với KHÍ HẬU NẮNG NÓNG và cả lạnh.
👉Cây THÍCH NẮNG, CẦN NẮNG, YÊU NẮNG, cây không bị sốc nhiệt khi trồng ở xứ nóng. Càng nắng cây càng khoẻ, càng thơm.
✅GIÁ THỂ: Hương thảo thân gỗ nhà Mia được trồng trên giá thể đất đen sạch pha trấu từ nhỏ đến lớn, siêu thoát nước, giúp rễ khoẻ, hạn chế tối đa các vấn đề về rễ. Tưới nước tẹt ga mà không lo bị úng rễ. Giá thể chuẩn, không cần thay giá thể khi mua về.
✅THỜI GIAN: Hương thảo thân gỗ được trồng gấp 3 LẦN thời gian so với phương pháp khác do vườn không dùng chất kích thích. Nhờ đó, cây có đủ thời gian để TRƯỞNG THÀNH và PHÁT TRIỂN THUẦN TỰ NHIÊN. Thân luôn HOÁ GỖ CHẮC NỤI, KHOẺ KHOẮN.
✅ Ngoài ra, các loại cây: Khuynh diệp (Silver dollar), santolina tree, xạ hương (thyme) tree, ngò tây ( Parsley), Lavender tree, tùng thơm, bạch trầm hương (Aloysia Virgata) ....:
Đều được vườn chinh phục bằng cách tự giâm trồng toàn thời gian ngoài trời nắng trên giá thể tơi xốp hoặc đã dưỡng ngoài trời giúp cây CỨNG CÁP, thuần khí hậu nắng nóng. Từ đó tạo nên sức sống và độ thích nghi cao nhất cho cây.
1️⃣ Đất trồng phải tơi xốp ( phải được pha với các vật liệu thoát nước như vỏ trấu tươi/hun, xỉ than, đá perlite, Pumica...)
2️⃣ Nắng: thảo mộc có mùi thơm đều thích nắng, chứ không hề sợ nắng. Lưu ý: nên đặt cây tại ban công/sân thượng/vườn/hiên nhà có nắng chiếu/hắt vào.
3️⃣Nước: khi đất đã tơi xốp thì thảo mộc cần được tưới mỗi ngày
4️⃣Chọn size chậu: chỉ nên lớn hơn bầu cây 2-4 cm cách đều các mặt, nhiều lỗ thoát nước. Đơn giản nhưng cực kỳ quan trọng.
5️⃣Cắt tỉa: phải thường xuyên cắt tỉa, bấm ngọn để kích thích cây phát triển, nếu không cây sẽ dễ tàn hoặc bị lì không chịu phát triển.
35 Lê Văn Chí-Linh Trung- Thủ Đức- HCM
Cây Hương Thảo
Ship Tp.HCM và các tỉnh.

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Deleted my other reblog because I wrote it in a fit of rage and fury.
I admit that this author is very good and I can see why they’re known in the fandom and also infamous in a part of it. I liked Paracelsus (helps that it’s a historical AU and the conflict and drama make sense within the context, especially if you read it as something that may have been written during the time in which it was set), but there’s something about this current fic that rubs me the wrong way, but anyway I will continue and give it a chance. I’m not sure if I understand or empathize with Mulder’s POV here. It’s frustrating and infuriating. I also dislike how he sees and describes Scully, although I do understand her motivations and decisions. He, as a man, will probably never understand that, even if he is the father.
It’s just that I’ve seen this and the author’s other fics in people’s recs a few times, so I was surprised to feel uncomfortable while reading it, and honestly I’m not sure if in a good way.
I’ve read a few long/ish fics with lots of drama and angst where I feel more sympathetic towards both characters. Fics where even Diana chapters are included that make me feel less frustrated than I do here. So maybe this isn’t really for me but I’ll keep reading on just to see. I think I’ll go back to some lepusarcticus and Aloysia Virgata and Cecily Sass to feel better after finishing the first part of this.
The number of times I have seethed and yelled “I am gonna kill this son-of-a-bitch” or “you motherfucker” or “selfish bastard this is all your fault” at Mulder while reading prufrockslove’s fics. Right now I’m at Dr. Scully's School for Exceptional Boys. When a fifty-something still exudes the same angst and self-centred blindness as a fifteen-year-old I just want to slap him until he comes to his senses. I also want to hug Scully and sucker punch anyone who’d hurt her whether physically or emotionally (yes, including Mulder) because that woman has been Through It All and sacrificed everything, including herself. I’m only in the first part, but it pisses me off that he has the chance to live the life she wanted with their son, meanwhile she’s forced to stay away. God, women can never catch a break.
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Sweet almond bush (Aloysia virgata) by Francisco Herrera Via Flickr: Sweet almond bush (Aloysia virgata) Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
#OM-D EM-1#Aloysia#Olympus#Angiosperms#Verbenaceae#Lamiales#Nature#Flower#Camera#Plant#Park#Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden#Asterids#Botanical Garden#Aloysia virgata#Angiospermae#Flowering plant#Incense Bush#Magnoliophyta#Plantae#Sweet Almond Bush#angiospermas#bloom#Coral Gables#Florida#United States#US
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The Very Edges Of Where We Take Shape by @aloysiavirgata
Read by @red2007
Please leave the author a comment if you enjoyed their story 😘
#aloysia virgata#audiofanficpod#audio fanfic#audio fiction#audio fanfiction#battlestar galactica#bsg 2003#bill adama#laura roslin#roslin x adama#podfic#SoundCloud
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The printed fanfic I've amassed over the last year is my most prized possession.
There are instructions in pdf form here and a library of ready made book files 😀
#printed fic#xf fic#voyager#xfiles#the x files#svu fic#benson x stabler#aloysia virgata#rahleeyah#penumbra#slippinmickeys#edierone#lyricara#syntax6#andram2#dashakay#malibusunset#sarie-fairy#onlytheinevitable#anextraordinarymuse#teethnbone#kishamaweezy#sisterspooky1013#bluesamutra#scapegrace74#lepusarticus#2momsmakearight#kayenes#prufrockslove#leigh57
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Extract from White Winter Hymnal by Aloysia Virgata
Read the full story.
February in London is raw and grey as a wet rope, the occasional daffodil saucily poking its head out to remind the city of things to come.
Scully has been fragile in the cold since Antarctica. She is bundled in a down-filled parka, a scarf around her neck and kidskin gloves lined in lambswool. Time feels syrupy here, as though it doubles back on itself by mistake and slices of the past might peep through the folds.
They are walking along the Thames, Mulder pointing out the spots where the dogs have leapt over. He tells her of Overtoun Bridge in Scotland, and the cold slips fingers down her neck. She will sort out an explanation for it later. Perhaps minks in the underbrush, if they were hunting breeds.
“Sixty-some dogs at Overtoun in the past fifty years,” Mulder says. “Five here so far in a month.”
Scully peers into the water, lifeless and deep. Only two of the dogs’ bodies were recovered. “The birds,” she says. “What about them?
He shrugs expansively, delighting in the mystery. “Threaded like beads about three blocks that way,” he says, pointing. “No one can figure it out. No damage to the birds, other than having broken necks and two small holes to accommodate the wire. It hadn’t been cut, either.”
She doesn’t like it. “Mind if we discuss this over dinner?” Scully asks. “It’s getting cold.”
“I already have reservations, birthday girl.”
She smiles thinly, tightening her scarf. She is thirty four now, older than Christ.
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The fic is Madeleine by Aloysia Virgata
This one!
You’re right, but I believe I also read one more recently where they had sex maybe? Oh well.
Anyway I miss @aloysiavirgata and I hope she’s doing well these days.
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for you FTF anon, Aloysia Virgata's The Parting Glass is a good read
alert: ftf anon!
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