#Alma Lasers
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Fractional CO2 Laser Treatment - Alma Hybrid by Alma Lasers can do skin treatment with fractional co2 laser. It's YAG 290 nm technology care remove any skin tags.
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lasertechllc · 1 year
Laser Repairing Service: Reviving Precision and Efficiency
Lasers are essential in delivering precise and efficient outcomes in industries ranging from manufacturing to healthcare to research and communication. However, lasers, like any other piece of complicated technology, are subject to wear and tear, malfunctions, and the occasional failure. This is where a reputable laser repairing service like Alma repair comes in, giving skilled assistance to…
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cannibalthoughts · 2 years
From a different untitled WIP:
Also, The Glare of Disappointment. Horrible. He had a vision, once, of a movie where a giant lizard creature blew up buildings by looking at them. It could take lessons from Mamá.
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almamedspa · 7 months
Women's wellness treatments near St. Charles" at Alma Medspa offer a tailored approach to enhancing overall health and well-being. From skincare to intimate wellness, these services cater to individual needs. With options like facial rejuvenation and hormone therapy, experienced professionals provide personalized care for comfort and satisfaction. Alma Medspa prioritizes excellence and patient-centered care, delivering top-quality wellness solutions for women.
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smitholivia1 · 1 year
MedEquipPros offers the finest, economical alma lasers for sale at low-cost price. This cutting-edge laser system is intended for several medical and aesthetic applications. It is the ideal addition to any practise or clinic that require medical aesthetic lasers & radiofrequency devices for surgical, medical and beauty providers because to its great performance and adaptability.
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st-el-la-luna · 9 months
Thinking about being a civilian in Las Almas when shit goes down
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You'd been invited to stay with a friend and, being in desperate need of a vacation, you'd agreed. It was fun, staying with them, meeting their family, learning about their hometown and childhood.
The fun ended pretty quick when these cunts dressed in black started killing everyone.
You and your friend had been out enjoying the night, eating, drinking, dancing. You were on your way back to their house when you heard it.
A gunshot.
Your friend tells you this isn't entirely abnormal. Tells you to ignore it and keep walking.
So you do.
But the gunshots are becoming more frequent. Louder too. They're getting closer.
A woman you vaguely recognize, one of your friends neighbours, rushes out of an alleyway, terrified and bloodied.
You can only understand so much about what's said before her head suddenly... Not there. Bits of skull and brain and blood spattered all over you as you watch her body drop.
You turn to your friend. "This is normal? Dude...."
You're friend tells you to shut the fuck up and that you need to run. As the sound of heavy footsteps and voices (American accents you register) get closer, accompanied by the sound of a gun being reloaded, you agree.
The two of you make a run for your friends house, passing all sorts of horrible sights. You're a block away when a gunshot rips through the night and your friend suddenly just... Stops.
You look back in disbelief. Their eyes wide with shock, lips parted, slack jawed... The new hole in the middle of their forehead. They try to say something to you, but all that escapes them is a choked groan. They throw you their keys, then collapse.
They're not dead yet. You can tell by their sounds and the rise and fall of their chest. A part of you wants to help them, grab them and drag them off to safety.
The other part of you recognizes the man dressed in all black (he looks suspiciously military but that doesn't make sense, killing civilians is a war crime... isn't it?), who's walking closer as he reloads his gun.
So you run.
Run and run until your legs are burning. Taking back roads and side streets, jumping fences, the adrenaline making it easy to ignore the way the barbed wire tears at your skin.
When you make it to your friends street, you find the door to their house is already open. Kicked down.
You find the dead inside.
A part of you wants to stop here, curl up and break down. The other knows that these people, these men in black, could come back at any moment. And so you do what you can to prepare yourself.
You empty your backpack of your belongings, filling it instead with anything you find around the house that might be useful.
A first aid kit buckled to the side. Rubbing alcohol and tequilla and whatever else flammable you can find poured into glass bottles, the lips stuffed with socks. Kitchen knives. Fire crackers and fire works. A couple flares. You manage to break open the safe and get a gun. An eight round revolver that you have no clue how to shoot but figure, hey, its better than nothing. At the very least, you could use it for intimidation.
You're heading to the garage where you're pretty sure you remember seeing a bow and full quiver of arrows (you were obsessed with the hunger games when you were younger, actually got pretty good with the weapon) when you freeze.
The man in black also freezes.
He's bloody and out of breath. Face smeared with dirt and oil. His mohawk disheveled. His blue eyes land on you laser focused. He's got a gun. A big one.
And he's looting the corpses. Your friends roommates, their bodies still warm as blood pools beneath them, some of their eyes still open, casting judgmental stares, lay there limp. And this fucker is acting like this is a D&D campaign.
You've got the revolver trained on him with shaking hands.
He points his gun (some sort of automatic things) at you. His hands are steady, practiced. His eyes sharp.
He opens his mouth to speak and takes a half step towards you.
You pull the trigger.
Nothing happens.
"Aye," the man speaks in a thick Scottish brogue. He sounds like he's laughing. How dare he laugh? If you could figure out how the stupid gun works you'd shoot him. "You've got to cock a gun like that 'fore you shoot it."
You freeze, your arm drawn back ready to throw the revolver at the man. His accent gives you pause. The other men in black, they were Americans. And this guy... His clothes are a bit different too. Though he's clearly also army.
You lower your arm hesitantly. "You're... You're not one of them."
"The Shadows?" he asks. "Tch, no. You'd best thank your lucky stars for that, they'd have killed you in a second flat."
"What the hell is going on here?" You demand, slipping the gun back into the makeshift holster you had made out of a couple belts. You step around the man to the garage and he follows.
"You're not from here, are ya love?" he asks as he watches you scan the shelves.
"I'm here on vacation," you say bitterly as you stand on your toes, struggling to reach the quiver of arrows. He pulls it down and hands it to you. The arrows are dusty and old, though still sharp. He hands the bow to you as well, albeit unstrung, and you let out a quiet hum in thanks. He watches as you string the bow, a brow raised. He looks like he's going to say something, but you cut him off. "You didn't answer my question... What's happening? Who are those people?"
He hesitates a moment, you notice his ear piece. Someone else is speaking to him. "Aye, i know, I know, but I cannae very well leave her here now can I?"
At the mention of being left, you panic. There's a pair of handcuffs on his belt. You grab them and before he has a chance to react, you've cuffed your hands together.
And swallowed the key.
Yeah... Not your brightest moment.
The man looks at you dumbfounded. Then speaks to the man in his ear. "Uh... Lt? Got a bit of a problem..."
Please reblog to support my writing!
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sutxdreamwalker · 9 months
Frontiers of Pandora Incorrect quotes
Aha’ri: all we want is to be free and reconnect with are roots
Mercer: god, your all so selfish, die
Aha’ri: we are literal children
Mecer: If your ever bored, punch an orphan, what are they gonna do? Tell there parents?
Teylan: grill..cheese
Sarentu: what?
Teylan: grill me a cheese
Sarentu: I’m not grilling you a cheese
Teylan: *cries*
Sarentu: oh for Eywa’s sake
*grills a cheese*
Sol’ek: life is nothing but a hell of death and loss
Sarentu comes into the picture: hi!
Sol’ek: ok maybe life is not bad-
Ubisoft: Aw, these na’vi children are so precious
Also Ubisoft: *dumps trauma on them*
Alma: if Sol’ek jumped off a cliff, would you?
Sarentu: ….
Alma: Sarentu!
Sarentu: what?
Alma: don’t jump off a cliff!
Everyone in the resistance planning stuff
Priya: question, can we have like laser swords? I’ve watched a lot of anime and trust me, you gotta have lasted swords
Sol’ek: what’s an anime?
Priya: we have so much to discuss
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ineylesian · 2 years
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PREFACE | this is continuation of another fic, “me, or him?”. it’s advised that you read that before this
SUMMARY | you had made your choice, all you had to do was execute.
however, a small tinge of you knew that you could never be true to one side; and you would face the grim consequences of disloyalty in the vision of never resting nightmares and a smoking bullet.
WARNINGS | angst, smut, canon typical violence, vaginal fingering, a mix of rough and kinda soft sex, hard overstimulation, finger fucking, cum eating, make up sex if you could even consider it that, implied graves x reader (and a little action), biting, scratching, clothed sex, grinding, you make ghost cum in his pants, he does the same to you dw, unprotected p in v, cumming inside, thigh fucking, ghost literally fucks the shit out of you, but it’s angsty as hell, the mask stays on this time boys
AUTHOR’S NOTE | still can’t stand the people that say ghost is completely emotionless bro, like yeah he’s an edge lord BUT he cares about those closest to him and that’s how i portray him… my baby cakes fr fr
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11:07 PM.
“Exterior squad 414, report, over.”
“All good here, sir.”
Radio waves fell shallow as the remaining patrols checked in, leaving only the soft rattle of metal against concrete to your ears. A few seconds passed before the canister popped, engulfing the narrow exterior you stood in with heavy smoke, soon giving way to an array of green lasers on the walls. You ducked under the first two, gloved hands sliding along cold stone to fall into a prone next, just barely shifting past the harsh buzz after a few slow movements.
A quiet hum responded to the force of your hand on fluorescent red, leaving the last section of the underground tunnels in Fuerzas completely unguarded.
You crouched down beside the first corner in the system, pulling a flare from your pocket, setting it alight, and stepping away. A single spark shot from the pyrotechnic before it was crushed by your foot, the bundle of ashes seeping from the short lived explosion allowing you to trace a check mark onto the wall with your foot.
“Exterior squad 182 to Commander Graves, permission to send traffic?”
Your eyes narrowed at the panic steadily climbing each word, prominent even through static.
“This is Graves actual, send traffic.”
“There’s a hostile bird inbound, sir. Approximately 2 clicks away and approaching fast.”
A distant curse carried over the comms, followed by a short bout of silence save a few shuffles.
“Copy that, 182. Lock down and stand by for further instruction.”
Creaking metal followed your return to the surface, sliding a pair of binoculars out of your pocket, and peaking out above the fortress walls. The violent whir of fan blades led your vision to the southeast tower, clicking down on an effective zoom before holding the lens up to your eyes, spotting Price behind a sharp glint of light. A brief wave was shared between you before he raised a hand to his comms, giving you the green light to move.
“Cobra to Graves, what’s your location?”
“Heading to the FE General, be careful on your way over.”
Your fingers fell from the comms button on your shoulder, turning your attention to the array of warehouses ahead. A minute of dodging your own soldiers and you were kneeling beside a sequence of panels on the 4th warehouse down, sliding a screwdriver into each bolt while lightly prying at the edge. Once the metal surface plate popped off, you unclipped a small canister from your vest, tugging the cover off with your teeth before dropping it into the filter and fastening it back to the wall.
You stood back up at the cue of a soft hiss from the depths of the ventilation system, tugging yourself away from the building before it spread outside.
Price had called your part in their covert operation “The Fixxa Uppa”, point and blank. You had held your tongue at the lack of empathy he held for your situation, giving strict orders to kill any Shadows on sight, and apprehend Graves.
Quiet footsteps and sand hidden tracks led you to the Fuerzas Especiales General building, still pristine in coating and flying the Los Voqueros flag. You sighed at the recollection of Graves’ refusal to tarnish what represented your old allies, scolding your soldiers about reputation and the idiocy of raising an American flag in Las Almas.
The lower region of your chest pulsed slowly at the thought of Shepherd, now exposed and helplessly losing thousands of soldiers by the minute. Yet, your mind also flicked to the flip side: Graves, frantically barking out orders over Shadow Company’s comms while providing as much support as he could give. And you? Perhaps the rapid shift of your pulse with each waking step proved that you really did feel bad, but you and everyone that knew you were well aware that you despised Shadow Company.
Yet, you had stayed, fiercely protecting and slaughtering the men under you all the same. Every action for the sake of the man who you were set out to betray.
A heavy series of explosions coaxed your steps swifter, knuckles raising to deliver three swift knocks on the conference room’s door. The familiar rap pattern led the door to swing open almost instantly, your wrist being seized in the process.
Your eyes parted as you were pressed against the door, eyelids clamping down to adjust to the loss of light. Reopening, you were welcomed the slim, familiar outline of Graves, light pants representing the life you couldn’t see.
You clicked the flashlight fastened to your vest on, illuminating his face in a soft white glow. His skin glistened with a light coat of sweat and blood, hair disheveled, belt almost bare, rifle hanging carelessly from his side. Your gaze slowly drifted to his face, taking in the sight of his teeth fastened to his upper lip, eyes drilling into your own in a tight squint.
Any upcoming words of concerns that had planned on parting your mouth were washed away just seconds later, in their place the flaming sensation of Graves’ lips sealing over yours, swiftly, aggressively, filled to the brim with indecipherable motive.
Graves never kissed you on missions.
Yet here you were, inhaling the scent of smoke and pine on his collar while his blood dribbled down your chin, coating your tongue with metal as he brought your faces closer together. One of your hands subconsciously reached for the back of his head, keeping his mouth firmly planted against your own while he feverishly sank his teeth into your bottom lip, drawing a harsh breath from your nose.
The sudden blast of a breach charge broke you apart, followed by the rise of gunfire on the first floor. You frantically reached down, fumbling with your belt before snatching a case of 5.56 mm cartridge from the side, fastening it to Graves’ waist.
“They’re after you.” Your words came out jumbled, too focused on turning him towards the emergency exit just one room over. “You have to get out of here.”
Your efforts fell to no avail, however, as Graves was quick to pull your wrists down, rooting the both of you in place.
“I’m not leaving you here, Fangs.” He retorted, swiftly coaxing you behind a desk before crouching down, softly running a hand over your arm before falling to his gun. “We live together, or we die together. Remember?”
Of course, how could you forget?
The phrase echoed in hand with choruses of flying bullets and screams as a small group of your soldiers barged into the room, narrowly avoiding incoming spurts of fire. You raised your gun to rest against the desk’s surface, peaking over the side to ensure you were firing in dead areas. After spending the entirety of your mag, you pulled your rifle back, silently hoping they had noticed you flick your gun’s muzzle flash on.
An aggressive sequence of beeps fell close to your ears as you slipped a new clip into your weapon, leading your eyes to widen in shock at the sight of a semtex laid to rest on the surface right above you.
You threw your gun to the side before kicking Graves as hard as you could, sending him staggering a safe distance away and heading in the opposite direction. Bullets chased every fraction of your explosion-illuminated movement, forcing you to slide down on the floor next to one of your men.
However, you were only welcomed to the sight of glistening knife harshly jutting into the chest of your cover, spurting a hefty coat of blood onto your cheek. Your eyes widened in shock as the solider grabbed hold of the arm that held the blade inside of him, twisting himself and the attacker back into you, pushing away to leave him falling straight into you.
Sweltering winds kissed the hairs plastered to your face as the force sent you flying backward, crashing through the window behind you, fraying your skin with minuscule shards of glass. Your waist was roughly seized by the man on top of you, swapping your bodies seconds before you smacked against the ground.
You cried out in air deprived silence, hearing a series of cracks erupt throughout your upper region as the impact rolled you to the side, melding the world a fleeting series of red and white before fading to black.
“Cobra… you hear me? Try opening your eyes.”
The words reigned similar to static in your head, each inhale pooling a deep ache in the front of your head. A jittered breath pressed it’s way out of you as your eyelids pried apart, leaving you to clear the atmosphere with a few blinks before looking to the side. On the side of your bed stood Price, sending an affirming nod your way while he set a change of clothes on the table beside you.
“Welcome back, soldier.”
You slowly shifted your way up against the pillows, wiping a hand along your eyes while the other detached the ventilator mask from your mouth.
“The mission.” You breathed out, eyes snapping to Price. “What happened?”
“Well, your accident was distracting enough to stop the mission before we could complete it.” He started, offering a bottle of water your way. “We had to drop everything to save you.”
He paused, gaze drifting to your watch, surface glass now split unevenly down the middle.
“I was hoping you could help us. Graves is completely off our radar, and we need to take care of him before moving in on Hassan.”
Your breath hitched, hand clamping down on the bottle of water resting above your lips.
“Our mission is kill on sight.” He continued, lips settling into a thin line. “But I’m willing to give him a choice before that. Join the Task Force, or die.”
You remained silent for some time, taking a swift glance at your watch before looking back over to Price.
“Good.” He nodded, lightly patting your shoulder before standing up. “We’re meeting up at Flint’s in a bit. Join us if you’d like.”
Darkness enveloped your vision once his footsteps completely faded, hands growing clammy at the thought of even putting a hand on that watch. However, you’d agreed to it, and Price had certainly done you a favor by dropping the mission to save you.
Sighing, you leaned forward, legs kicking off the bed to stretch before you slid off of the sheets, wobbling slightly until your body adjusted to carrying your weight once more. Dim infirmary garments were swapped for one of your “civvy” outfit, leaving only the watch on the table as you slipped your right shoe on.
Cool metal snaked around your fingers, lightly securing hold around your wrist as you brought it down, following a soft click of worn silver and carbon fastened against your skin. You tapped on the messages app next, sliding down to Graves’ contact before placing your finger over it. Your teeth lightly rocked against each other at the blank canvas of screen before you, fingers hovering over the small keyboard as you thought. Ever so slowly, they began to move.
“Still alive?”
SENT. 5:48 PM.
Your watch sat idle as you pushed through the front doors of Flint’s, waving your hellos to Price, Gaz, and Soap before sliding into a booth nearby. Soft strums of an electric guitar fell to ring around your ears as a waitress walked up to you, setting a small glass of water in front of you with a smile.
A part of you hoped he didn’t answer. That this could all be over and you could leave Las Almas behind
But you knew it wasn’t that easy. It never was.
Minutes passed before a shadow passed across your table, the sudden halt of footsteps rousing your attention. Your eyes parted in surprise at the sight of the man now sitting directly across from you, setting a shot of whiskey on the table with a soft clink.
His eyes drifted up from the rim of his glass, locking you in his usual, hard gaze.
“Knew it’d take more than a fall to kill you.” His voice drifted out low, devoid of the gritted shout he adorned during missions. “Was worried you’d gone soft.”
Your eyes dragged along the upper region of his sweatshirt, stopping at a small strip of white that sat wrapped around his neck.
“You broke my fall.”
“Smart girl.” He leaned forward, lifting his mask up a fraction to take a sip of whiskey. “Antibacterial gauze works wonders.”
Your attention broke off at the rise of a buzz on your wrist, leading you to lift the device up while flicking it on.
Your heart rate picked up with each tap, fingers drumming noisily against the table as you waited for the screen to load.
Christ, Fangs, thought I’d lost you.
How are you doing? You safe?
Yeah, I’m okay. What about you?
“Cobra, hey, I’m talking to you.”
I’m good.
Still in Las Almas?
“Fucking Hell, [name].” You felt your wrist being snagged from across the table, pulling reality back to you in the form of an annoyed glint of narrowed eyes. “Stay on task. His location, that’s it.”
A lump pushed its way past your throat, following a shallow nod as you looked back down.
Can we meet up?
You flashed the watch in Ghost’s direction, eyes knitted in irritation at the feeling of his eyes hounding every movement of your fingertips.
“Ghost.” You pushed through partially grit teeth. “I can feel you staring at me. Stop.”
A swift glance upward showed pure negligence of your request, his gaze seemingly burning a hotter trail into your skin than before, sinking uneasiness into the veins below.
Shadow Company has one stocked warehouse on the outskirts of Quilán. Tomorrow work for you?
Ghost leaned over to look at your outstretched arm, giving a curt nod at the message before standing up. You followed, fingers typing one last message before showing it to him and shutting the watch off.
6pm. I’ll be there.
Cool winds swirled around the barren expanse of the vast plain ahead, coating your hands in tiny fragments of sand. You stopped at the foot of a tree line, spotting two sizable warehouses peaking out of a fortress of barbed wire. The sight of shifting masses atop the towers flanking each side of the perimeter led you to place your fingers against your shoulder, tapping into 141’s comms.
“Be advised, multiple armed personnel spotted.”
One of your hands raised in a wave, earning the reaction of one guard before moving forward. You imposed a sickeningly faux smile at the entrance gate, earning a series of nods from the guards stationed there as they let you in.
“Good to see you, Lieutenant.” One spoke, motioning off to the larger of the warehouses. “Commander Graves wishes to see you as soon as possible.”
“Thank you, soldier.”
You broke away from prying eyes by rounding a corner, taking a glance around to ensure no one was watching before patching into comms once more.
“Larger warehouse in 2. Cobra out.”
The earpiece was shoved into your pocket, leaving you just one stretch away from the warehouse. Turning to face the front door captivated your spine in a frigid chill, rendering your blood cold in comparison to the blazing sand chipping into your skin. A sigh pooled from the depths of your nose as your gaze dropped down to the handle, hand reaching out to hover above it whilst you waited for visuals on your team.
Your watch flashed 18:00.
Soap poked his head out from the top of the warehouse, sending a thumbs up your way before ducking back down.
A steady groan followed the drag of metal against the floor, illuminating the pitch black interior with marengo streaks of light. Your eyes traveled along the contents of the warehouse, eventually stopping to focus in on a large mass of crates and containers, and a thin shadow looming out of the side of them.
Through shifting shadows of grey and black, you saw Graves step away from an array of ammunition boxes, holding a finger up in wait as he fastened a few clips to his belt. However, his hand only dropped flat as he glanced over, taking in the sight of you with pleasantly widened eyes.
The last of your footsteps clicked against the vast space, rousing a shuffle instead as you stopped to look up.
You couldn’t bring yourself to smile at him. Hell, you couldn’t even speak, and he knew, arms stretching out to envelop your being, holding all of you against him like he’d die if he let go. Warm hands brought themselves up to grasp lightly at the back of your shoulders, allowing your arms to snake around his neck.
The two of you stayed there for some time, long enough to numb the soft movement of your arm running down his vest. Seconds passed before the safety of a gun clicked just feet away, shooting Graves’ head up as he let you go. The attempt of his body to turn around fell to no avail as one of your hands clamped around the pistol strapped against his vest, rooting him where he stood.
Price slowly made his way towards the both of you, gun pointing solely at Graves, allowing you to step away, tossing his gun under one of the nearby crates.
“You’re gettin’ two choices here, son. Only one of ‘em is gonna let you out alive.”
Graves’ mouth fell to rest in a flat line, hands leisurely moving to rest above his head. His gaze then traveled over to you, what was once a soft meld of blues hardened into something more practical. Then, he looked up, breathing out a quiet huff of amusement at the sight.
“Join TSF 141, or die.”
Price stepped closer, watching as Graves’ eyes lowered back down to you.
“Could’ve guessed you were playing me, Fangs.” He lightly shrugged, nodding up to the man crouching on the rails above you. “Big dog Ghost up there left a little something back at the warehouse, didn’t he?”
Your eyes narrowed. The knife.
“Make the right decision, Graves.”
“The right decision?” He scoffed, flicking a finger between you and Ghost. “I’ve been giving everything I have for you, only to figure out you’ve been fucking around with him? Now you want me to join you?”
“This isn’t about him, or any of them.” You snapped back, jabbing a finger against his chest. “You knew what Shepherd did to us, and you still chose to stay with him. How can you live with yourself?”
“You’ve got one last chance, son.” The gruff call of your captain rang out, feebly smothered against airborne tension. “What’s it gonna be?”
“Who was by my side the entire time?” Graves voice pushed out low, taking your finger and turning it to push against your vest. “Only you made that decision.”
A single, deep breath pushed its way from your mouth as you brought the same hand up, ripping Shadow Company’s insignia off of your chest, dropping it to the floor, and smothering it under your boot.
“It’s not too late to change.”
His head shook slowly, taking a step back from you before lowering his hands.
“Not for you, Fangs.”
The world before you sparked into a violent surge of smoke and fire as explosions broke out from above. Gunshots scraped against the ground near you as you ran, diving behind a nearby crate to cover yourself.
Only to realize the inside was fizzing.
You were sent flying backward as the middle of the warehouse erupted into flames, the sheer force of the chain linked explosions slamming your back into the wall. Air starved lungs desperately inhaled smoke, leaving your vision blurred and burning at the thickness of the atmosphere around you.
Your arms weakly pushed against the ground, pulling you far up enough to grab the side of a table, hoisting yourself to stand with a pained groan. A massive crash echoed from across the interior, shaking the ground below you and pulsing blistering waves of smoke against your face. Another followed shortly after, only leading you to assume the roof was collapsing, the shriek of stressing metal confirming your suspicions.
Raising a hand to your shoulder, you pressed on the your radio, using your spare hand to hold your earpiece to your ear as you ran.
“Price, Soap, Gaz-“ You paused, choking on a fresh inhale of fumes. “Does anyone copy?”
You cursed under your breath, bringing a hand up to hover against your lower face whilst running amidst the shadows. Your foot kicked against a railing, leading you to blindly turn for the stairs, narrowly avoiding falling chunks of debris from the ceiling as you neared closer to it. The thin flooring shook under each of your footsteps, the section behind you breaking off with a sharp clang just after you’d cleared it.
Sucking in the ashen material of your arm, you broke into a sprint, heading for the first gleam of light visible. Your arms rose to cross over your face, shattering glass as you dived outside, stealing harsh breaths of fresh air from the sky on your fall.
You landed in the midst of a large bush with a quiet thud, breaking into a coarse fit of coughs and retches in a desperate attempt to clear your system. Once the haze of CO2 had swept out of your lungs, you pulled yourself out of the mass of thick branches and leaves, staggering up to look at the warehouse before you.
“Cobra, do you copy?”
Your hands fumbled for the button on your shoulder, tapping into 141’s comms with a sigh of relief.
“Good here, Soap.” You responded, pacing away from the destroyed warehouse. “What’s going on with the others?”
“Don’t know, you’re the only one I could reach.”
“We need to find the others. I’ll take the second warehouse, you sweep the outside.”
“Got it.”
You let go of the comms with a hum, eyes moving up as you approached the smaller warehouse. The sudden rise of gunfire widened your eyes, clear that it came from the inside. Your boots fell hard against dry grass, kicking up heavy tracks before you jumped on top of one of the ac units hooked to the wall, using the slight leverage to pull yourself up to the hanging ladder halfway up.
A fury of dying lights sparked against the air as you peered down through the skylight, running towards the edge in sight of a vent. Gripping the ledge of the shingled roof, you slid in through the metal nailed to the wall, boots softly thudding against a metal walkway overlooking the inside. Thinly strung lights dimly lit the vast area below, only giving way to the continuous reign of bullets clanging against metal.
You dropped down to the next section, dodging weapon crates and supplies before breaking for the staircase. Frantic hands unhooked the Deagle on your belt as you grew closer to the ground floor, spurred on by the abrupt end of shots from all around. Your hands laid to rest against the nearest railing, watching with wide eyes as a lowly flashing streak of red shot past you face, and to the far side of the warehouse.
One of your arms instinctively raised against the mass detonation of the semtex fused with boxes of mines, lighting one side of the warehouse up in a raging sea of flames. Tugging the safety off of your pistol, you jumped down onto one of the crates below, kneeling against the edge in search of any signs of life against the weak light of fire. Eventually, a shadowed figure crossed not far off from where you perched, leading you to scale the line of containers in swift apprehension, keeping your movements light.
Your teeth grit firmly together at the rising waves of familiar heat brushing themselves against your skin, the waves in pursuit forcing you to climb up a layer to breathe. Eventually, your target led you to a small, void area of the warehouse, charred black, and holding a slumped body against the ash. Your eyes widened at the scarce patch of white on his face illuminated by edging embers, your breathing increasingly erratic by the second as the quiet click of a gun’s safety rang out from the shadows.
Before you could articulate a reasonable plan of action, your feet were sliding off of the containers overlooking the scene, landing just above the shadowed figure with a harsh thud. The reaction to the noise was not sufficient enough, as by the time the gun was pointed your way, you had blindly tackled them against the wall, hand moving to hold their gun up as you slid the Deagle against their chest.
A crude gunshot bounced off the walls, crawling into your ears in horrid sight of the body pinned against your leg. You stepped away from the mass of blood pooling onto the ground beneath, watching as the lifeless body of Graves slumped against the ground, his blood sickly warm on your hands. The warehouse grew silent in your wake, save the faint crackling of burning wood, ever softer the drops of red liquid falling to mix in with the rest.
The words spoke muffled to your ears, fighting against the deafening drum of your heartbeat pounding against every crevice of your being. A hand took hold of your shoulder amongst the scorching ripples of heat, turning you to face Price, who gave you a light squeeze where his hand sat as he took your gun.
“Good work, kiddo. Let’s get you patched up.”
Hey, didn’t get the chance to see you after the mission.
I owe you one, big time. Let me know when you’re free?
Tomorrow okay?
The watch fell limp against your side, following the brush of a bag hitting the ground. A briefcase was placed against your coffee table, beside you an SR-25 waiting to be taken apart.
Not an ounce of pride swelled in your chest at the achievement of killing Hassan. The honorary medal that had been draped around your chest now sat idle on the floor, particles of dust beginning to settle over the bright coat of gloss over the surface. Deft hands worked in steady motions, pooling out breaths of focused air as you pulled the weapon apart.
Your mind had been elsewhere for some time, thoughts scrambled by dull static while you sat atop that building, sparking not even an ounce of a reaction out of you as you pulled the trigger. Instead of confirming your kill, you pulled the sniper back, silently disappearing as soon as you’d arrived.
The visions had been relentless. When you closed your eyes, you saw horrified faces and snow white bandages stained red, the scent of gore and death so evident, so real that you choked on your breath. And you saw yourself, watching Soap and Gaz carry him away, earning nothing but stale breathing from blood coated nostrils.
You’d been told he had a 15% chance of survival. That was, before you left to finish Hassan and the cartel. It was said that chance would rise to at least 70 with a blood transfusion. They advised against it, you were taking his job, steady aim was more important that everything else. Just a little missing blood could have thrown off your aim, let one of the world’s most notorious terrorists walking free after dropping a missile on the Pentagon.
You did it anyways, taking the gamble that the doctors wouldn’t tell Price. Guess it paid off well — well enough for the rest of the world, anyway.
A quiet clink shuffled against styrofoam as you placed the last part of the sniper rifle in the briefcase, smoothing over the scope with your hand before shutting it and flipping the locks closed.
It was one thing to be a hero.
And another to be a killer.
The vision of Ghost wasn’t the only nightmare that haunted you since it happened. Graves, the blood, his blood on your hands; the .50 round of your Deagle in his chest.
His funeral wasn’t special, at least from what you’d heard. Your failure to show resulted in a brief visit some few hours after, placing the Desert Eagle beside the small pile of tempered soil that covered him. Ironically enough, it had been more like a late return.. you’d almost forgotten the pistol was originally his.
The door to your temporary apartment clicked shut, leaving you to the garage, and a brand new Porsche, one of the many thanks of service from the military for your success in killing Hassan. If only they knew about Shepherd, the Shadows.. Makarov.
Almost 15 hours and 2 full tanks of gas later led you to the coast of New England, “Her lady Boston” as specifically named by Price. The TSF had a good majority of their American warehouses here, probably as close to the UK as they could get.
Your legs fell limp as you let off the brakes for the last time, shifting into park before leaning your head back against the headrest. A few stretches later and you were off to a small facility on the edge of the city, steadily welcome to the chirp of seagulls and scent of the Atlantic.
An automated door and a cool gust of wind welcomed you to the inside, nodding a greeting to the receptionist before heading for the lounge. Upon seeing Soap, Gaz, and Price, you waved, to which all stopped their conversation and turned your way.
“Aye, if it isn’t the infamous Cobra.” Soap snarked, ruffling your hair with a smile. “Welcome to New England.”
“There’s a whole lot to do here.” Gaz added, giving you a pat on the back. “Hope you’ll hang with us a little.”
Lastly, you glanced over to Price who had just finished putting out his cigar, nodding to you before pulling you into a quick side hug.
“Good to see you, kiddo.”
You breathed out a small sigh of acknowledgment before sliding into the seat beside him, setting your briefcase beside your foot.
“What have you guys been up to?”
Soap and Gaz glanced at each other, then to Price, who shrugged.
“We’ve just been laying low for now.” Soap answered, following a nod from Gaz. “Waiting for Laswell to dig up what she can on Makarov.”
“Shit, Makarov..” Your fingers drifted along the table, the image of Price’s face upon looking at the man’s picture popping into your head. “And Shepherd?”
“As much as I’d like to go after him, the bastard’s untouchable right now.”
You nodded, figuring going after Shepherd would be a waste of time in this state. You’d need a whole lot of evidence to even begin to prove his guilt, and right now, you had none.
“You should get goin’, it’s bad to keep a geezer like him waiting.” Price’s voice rose to your ears, motioning a finger to your briefcase. “Room 24.”
Wood steadily creaked under your shoes as you set off in the direction Price had pointed to, briefcase wrapped tightly around your fingers. The hairs on your neck rose with each step down the hallway, forcing you to look down while fiddling with the keys in your other hand. No one had seen him for days beside the doctors, and not even they had permission to say anything regarding his condition.
The sound of the key turning in the doorknob made you step away, running a hand against the clammy skin on your face before placing it on the door.
A hushed creak followed your first step into the room, streaks of harsh light from the hallway clashing against the dim world inside. Your eyes fell into a squint at the loss of light from shutting the door, kicking your shoes off before taking a few steps forward. Seeing as there was nowhere else to go but the kitchen and bathroom, you peaked around the corner to what you presumed was the bedroom, gaze landing on a partially shadowed figure sitting on the edge of the bed.
The sound of the briefcase hitting the floor roused his attention, bringing his features to the light as you flicked the nightstand lamp on.
Part of you wished you hadn’t. Maybe it would’ve been smarter to leave the briefcase and go.
You bit back a grimace at the sight. Your eyes shut momentarily, blinking a few times, unsure then if you even be sure you were looking at Ghost. Throughout all the injuries, all the years, this was the worst you had seen him, less harsh on the eyes, almost.. small. His gaze mirrored that of a sick child, taking in the pure look of visual disgust reflecting your irises.
You weren’t really disgusted, but it sure looked that way.
“Just came to drop off your rifle.”
The words came out in a simple, quick murmur. You turned to leave, biting back a hitch of your breath at the hand clasping around your wrist.
Damn, he was fast.
Silence was quick to latch onto the atmosphere, dripping an uncomfortable buzz into the hand that held you. Your eyes glanced upward, taking in the sight of defiantly cold irises stricken with something.. unusual, the very sight itself turning discomfort to panic.
You blinked up at him, confusion evidently spreading across your features. That question could’ve meant anything, especially now, you’d done a lot of questionable things in the past few weeks. Whatever it was had his eyes shot open, looking like he was seeing a reflection of himself in the mirror.
And maybe he was. Maybe you being here wasn’t good for him.
“Why aren’t you angry?” He grabbed your shoulders, voice hoarse despite the lack of words spoken. “Why did you save me?”
The pure silence of the world around you gave way to a sliver of a crack in his voice at the dying syllables.
“It’s my fault Graves is dead.”
“No.” Your hands grasped at his forearms, feeling them shake through his jacket. “It was my choice.”
Your choice. You said you’d chosen him, and you did.
You’d never anticipated a happy ending after getting closure, but this — this wasn’t what you’d been anticipating. You never expected him to say thank you for saving his life, but you couldn’t wrap your head around why he was looking at you like you killed him.
“I betrayed Graves, and I killed him.” You continued. “Wanna take a good guess why?
Denial flashed through the whites of his eyes, causing him to let go of you, rubbing his hands across his mask.
Too late. You roughly snatched his arms, tearing them away from his face before sticking one of your fingers to rest against his throat.
“I did it because I fell in i-“
Your sentence molded into a mere mumble as his right hand cupped over your mouth, his posture gradually folding with each waking second.
“Don’t say something you’ll regret.”
You could feel his hand jittering against your skin, giving away what his eyes tried desperately to hide. And you saw right through it, the anticipation stowed away deep beneath seas of lifeless umber, practically begging to break free. So you placed your hand over his, slowly prying your mouth free before folding your fingers against his.
“If that’s not what you want to hear, I won’t say it.”
When you break Ghost down, Simon Riley is an open book. Right now, his pages of vulnerability were on full display, allowing you to run a hand along his arm, stopping to squeeze at the shoulder. Upon hearing a quit hiss of pain push through his lips, you’d knew Simon Riley was fully yours.
“So, what do you want, Simon?”
A shuddered breath heeded your question, eyes screwing shut as you ran your fingers everywhere they’d go, stopping to rest at the hem of his sweatpants. When you shifted to move, his eyes shot open, grasping your arm to keep you there.
“You.” He breathed, drooping down to rest his forehead against yours. “Always wanted you, Cobra.”
Years of built up tension… insufferable hatred, snapped. Just like that.
Before you could continue to move, Simon broke out into a rather violent coughing fit, leading you to usher him to the edge of his bed. Your hand drifted down to his pants once more, lightly prodding at his clothed erection to alleviate the tension in his upper chest. Seeing as it worked, you pushed him further into the sheets before climbing up yourself, gently moving to straddle his thigh.
The groan he let out at the pressure almost roused a smirk from your end, yet you stuck to lightly dragging yourself against his leg. Your hand groped softly at his dick, watching as his gaze rose up to the ceiling.
“You like that, huh?”
A partially coherent “yes” made its way to your ears, the slight whimper in his tone causing you to bite back a moan. Your own arousal became evident in the partially damp feeling of your clit digging into the fabrics of his pants, the warmth of the skin under threatening to make you drool.
Short, quiet breaths filled the air as your hand worked on rubbing along the base of his clothed erection, earning a muffled noise of suppressed pleasure from him every time your fingers grazed over the right spot. You gnawed at your lips as one of his hands lifted up, loosely grasping your hair while you rocked back and forth on his thigh.
“You like this.”
He shrugged, spare hand moving to run along the hem of your pants, the press of his cool hands against your skin drawing a gasp from your lips.
“You do too.”
You watched as his eyes gradually darkened with each ministration, sweet moans melting into rough groans and curses. It was almost like a switch, how fast he could go from Simon Riley to Ghost. The pure sight of his now bored looking gaze instinctively made you dig your nails into his cock before the pleasure built up too much, eliciting a sharp breath from him in the process. At the same time, he twitched under your fingertips, hips subconsciously jutting into your hands, silently begging you to go faster.
And faster you went, scratching and squeezing coarse groans of pleasure from behind the mask. You got off at the same pace, letting out a low whine as your lower abdomen began to cloud with heat.
“That’s it, cum for me, lovie.” Ghost encouraged, lightly tugging on a handful of your hair. “I’ll be right after you.”
A gravely moan pushed its way out from the back of your throat as you came, completely soaking the fabric underneath you. True to his words, he was cumming just seconds later, a warm patch of seed turning the base of his crotch a deeper shade of grey.
You had no time to regain your breath, as Ghost was already pushing a hand into your pants, rudely shoving your underwear to the side before stroking his pointer finger down your folds. A deep inhale passed him at the feeling of your arousal coating his fingers, encouraging him to being an extra finger in to you with your clit.
“Soaking wet.”
Your eyes threatened to roll at the cocky gaze irises carried, clearly proud of the power he held over you. Yet, he clearly wasn’t over his own pleasure, as two of his fingers were quick to stuff themselves into your pussy, swirling around your walls as they began to pump into you.
“How does that feel?” He asked, dragging his fingers in and out of you, horribly, agonizingly slow. “Got something on your mind, don’t you?”
“Too slow.” You mumbled, fingers sinking into the cool fabric of his jacket at the complete stop of movement. “Don’t- tease me.”
A hum answered your commands, returning his fingers into your leaking pussy at a much faster pace. His fingers grew increasingly slick with each pump until he was practically nailing you, eyes glazing over with pleasure as your fingers delved under his hood, raking blazing lines over ice cold skin.
“Fuck-“ He groaned, head tilting to look up at you as his fingers relentlessly fucked your hole. “Cum again for me, dirty girl.”
Your legs clamped around his arms, crying out in pleasure as you gave into your second orgasm, coating his fingers in a generous amount of slick. Your teeth grit together as he swapped hands, pushing into you with his other set of fingers, raising the others up show you just how much you’d soaked him. Then, he beckoned your hand toward his mask, allowing you to expose his mouth as he slipped his fingers between his lips, tongue wrapping around the sickeningly sweet taste of you.
Those same fingers gently pushed into your mouth after he’d had his fill, making you lap up his saliva as his fingers swirled around the front of your throat. You bit down on your cheek as his fingers slipped out of your mouth and back into your pants, not bothering to hold your legs apart as he started to rub at your clit.
“Mmph, Ghost..” you sighed, hands running along the irritated expanse of his back. “You feel so good.”
“Taking my fingers so well.” He muttered, nipping at your neck through the mask. “Think you can take my cock?”
“You already know the answer to that- shit.”
Your eyes shut tight at the rush of another orgasm building up in you, waves of pleasure messily sloshing in their threats to spill again. Just as you’d thought you’d gotten used to it, Ghost roughly curled his fingers upward, snapping the dangerously thin thread sitting in your abdomen.
“FUCK!” You groaned, shuddering as Ghost fully pulled his fingers out of you, allowing yet another wave of your juices to pool against his pants.
The quiet drag of his sweatpants rustled in your ear, following your own pants being peeled off of your legs, and tossed behind on the floor. You watched as he dragged his boxers down, running a hand along his dick before taking hold of your shoulders and settling you against the pillows perched against the headboard.
And then he stopped. The flash of uncertainty in his eyes clear as the sunny skies of New England.
“Is this the last time I’ll see you?”
Your eyes parted at the sudden question, the burning desire of your answer present in his still, solid gaze. You glanced to the side, thinking about the mere handful of suitcases carrying your life’s worth sitting against your apartment door in Chicago, ready to go on your word. The decision was sure before you came here; leave the Task Force, rebuild your life brick by boring brick.
Yet, when you looked into the ever-longing window of vacance in Ghost — Simon Riley’s eyes, that thought went straight out the window.
However, there was no forgetting the terrors that seethed around him, igniting his very being in a fearful light. You knew it better than anyone else, and as long as you lived around him, you’d be plucking hopes off of a no leaf clover, trapped with the living, breathing nightmare that was Simon Riley.
“I don’t know.”
Maybe you liked the horror, the constant reminders of your failure to stay loyal settling in each crevice of your mind as you woke up covered in sweat, vocal chords arid from screaming.
And Ghost? Oh, he’d fallen deep into it with you now.
Some would’ve called it love.
Others called it getting by.
As much as he hated the uncertainty wavering in your answer, Ghost couldn’t bring himself to stop, stop touching you, stop looking at you. Each flutter of your sweat stained eyelashes made him want to scream, to cry and beg for you to stay with him until he was nothing but a forgotten pile of bones six feet under.
He buried those feelings deep inside your weeping pussy, bottoming out against your walls before dragging himself out, hissing at the way you sucked him in. Meanwhile, you were fighting back the tears that pricked at the corner of your eyes as he relentlessly stretched open your overly sensitive walls, crying out at each full piston of his cock.
This was the misery, a feeling worse than any torture you’d ever endured. The absence of light in your fall from grace, leaving you a shell of the strong soldier you once were, a barely living, coldly breathing shadow. That shadow had spread to every part of you, poisoning your mind with acidic waves of remorse as you continued to be reminded of how you failed to save the man you loved. It was horrible, killing him with your own hands to cover up your failure to change.
You were horrible. And so was he.
Your body screamed at the sloppy thrusts of his cock, in, and out. Tears had long since began dragging down your face, painting the world in a static haze as you threw your head back, crying out at the painfully pleasant drags of his dick, carelessly abusing your pussy.
Maybe horrible wasn’t so bad, anymore. As long as it came with the face of bone white splattered on aged black, and the cold, broken soul that stared at you from behind it.
What felt like your twentieth orgasm hit you with crippling force, starving the air from your lungs as you screamed in grim bliss. Ghost continued to hammer into your sweet spot, chasing his own high and coaxing you back into yours just as fast. What was once slightly ragged breathing had bred animalistic pants, following a bruising grip of his hands on your thighs to keep you steady.
“If you leave.” He spit out, groaning at the sudden clench of your walls around him. “Promise me something.”
You feverishly nodded, pitifully clawing at the abuses of your nails on his back as his pace picked up. A strangled moan spilled from his lips as he painted your insides white, soothing the scorching burn with thick ropes of his seed.
The pull out was gentle, leaving you devoid of him yet so full as he lifted a hand, brushing stray strands of hair away from your eyes.
“Promise you won’t forget me, sweetheart.”
The request pooled out soft, a mere rumble finding it’s way pushed out of strained vocal chords. You thought it was the most beautiful thing — his voice, his body, everything about him seemed like a gift from heaven itself in your infernal world. And even though most of his body was covered, your eyes still fell victim to the mesmerizing sight of the glistening smudges of aged paint, glazed over with a heavy coat of sweat.
He’d never looked so bewitching. The sight alone enough to hound each waking memory and follow you until your last breath. And as long as you breathed, you would hold it with you like a fleeting spark of bliss.
“Promise me.”
His voice rang out again, practically begging for you to say something, anything. You looked at his eyes, taking the barren, so lifeless yet lively plain of his gaze, reflecting the sight of a breezy, cloudless day.
“I promise.”
If crossing empty skies was all this pitiful life had left for you, you would do it over, and over again, and never look back.
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: action heavy chapter - mainly from the guys’ POV - laika is held by Graves… next chapter is gonna be JUICY!!!!
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*Ghost's POV*
Johnny had fallen asleep briefly on our drive over. He wakes up when I pull the car up to a halt. It's early morning, the rain has finally stopped..
"Where are we?" Johnny asks - "Alejandro's safe house. Gave me the location just in case" I reply - "Why didn't he tell me?" - "It was need to know" - "What if I needed to know..?"
I roll my eyes - "Shhh, Johnny.." stepping out of the car..
As we approach the building, I sharply come to a halt, stopping Johnny in his tracks too. "Booby trap... Stop Johnny.."
"It's a pressure plate LT.." - "Alejandro rigged it" - "Smart bastard.."
I look up at the building and spot a window that will get us inside. "There, Johnny - look" I nod my head in the direction of the window. Johnny jumps through first and I climb through just behind him. I see a red laser point from the darkness - pointing right at Johnny.. "Don't move".
I remove my knife and throw it towards the shadows, roughly where I think the laser is pointing from. I hear it hit wood - missed.. FUCK. Johnny raises his rifle and takes aim at the dark shadow..
¿Quien esta ahi? a voice calls out. Fucked if I know what that means.. "Rodolfo!!!" Johnny shouts. "Soap, Ghost.. You're alive!!
"Affirmative" I reply
Rudy pulls my knife from the wooden beam and walks towards us. "Good to see you, amigos" - "Igual, amigo" Johnny replies in dodgy Spanish. My knife is handed back to me, I nod in thanks.
"Nice throw. Where were you guys?" Rudy asks in his accented voice. He is brave for an Omega..
"On the run" I reply.
"I was on the run. Ghost waited for me" Johnny cuts in.
"Of course, no?" Rudy asks as if it should be obvious - it was obvious...
"No" Johnny says at the same time I say "Yes-"
Johnny looks at me, surprised.
"We're pack... This happened on my watch and I'll need help to fix it. No one fights alone. We need to find the others.." I say, trying not to worry too much about Laika or Alejandro. I should never have ordered to stay in the room. The Shadows knew exactly where she would have been. I hope she is safe - otherwise it's my fault.. my mistake..
Johnny nods.
"Why did Graves turn?" Rudy asks
"We don't know" - "Las Almas can corrupt anyone" - "Not us"
"For now, General Shepherd, Laswell, and anyone else outside this room is considered a hostile. With one exception"
"Alejandro...?" - "We need him back"
Rudy nods in agreement and turns to a map on a table. "Graves is holding Alejo here - my team are there too"
"And Laika..?" Johnny asks. "Most likely - I couldn't find her when they started detaining us though.. she had already gone"..
My stomach drops and a growl escapes my throat. "What do you mean, 'GONE'?!" I bark. I feel a little guilty when Rudy steps back. It slipped my mind that he is an Omega.. I need to keep my cool..
"That doesn't matter right now, LT - How do we get 'em all back, Rudy?" Johnny steps in, somehow staying calmer than me - he was usually the hotheaded one...
"By breaking in" I grumble, head screwed back on.
"And that's why I love the Ghost" Johnny teases.
Rodolfo walks over to a huge door and slides it open, revealing an armory full of weapons and gear.
"It's well-stocked" Rudy explains, nodding to the vast array of weapons and equipment..
Johnny laughs, amazed by the selection. He always gets excited by this sort of thing.. like a kid at a sweetie shop.."My man- We're gonna need new wheels. Preferably up-armored" he says to Rudy.
At that, Rudy tosses me a set of keys and turns on the lights to the building. We had been standing in the darkness this whole time. As the lights flash on, it reveals an armored vehicle. That'll do!
"Alejandro thought of everything" I say, respecting the Alpha's preparation.
"Yeah, he did. Let's go get them"..
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
"Sweetheart?" I wish he would just leave me alone..
"C'mon sweetcheeks, I'm gettin' bored of this now.. we have almost arrived - tell me..? You wanna share a cell with your buddy Alejandro..? Or do you wanna stay with me.. I'll keep you safe, you can be my little attack dog, huh - so good at following orders..?
I stay silent. "Maybe we should call the Russians, ask them how to re-wire you a little bit.. what buttons to press.."
I gulp. He chuckles at my reaction.
"Alejandro doesn't like me.. thinks I'm a rat.." I whimper, trying to manipulate Graves, by telling him little truths, sprinkled by a little white lie here and there..
"Does he now, Princess..? S'that why he made you leave the meeting on the roof..? Stupid sonovabitch played right into my hands there!" he chuckles "Oz led you back like a lamb to slaughter.. pity you'd already pissed off when we came back for you.. smart, by the way - probably wouldn't have caught you if you didn't have such an obsession with helping civvies.. your file says you've always been disobedient in that way.." he laughs. “Look at the bigger picture, princess - acceptable losses are - necessary.."
Bastard. Fucking Bastard!!!!
"Yes, commander.. it's a vice I'm unable to shake" - "Well, if you're gonna be useful to us, you better start fuckin' shaking it, asset"
Graves turns his attention to the soldier driving the car. "Fuck this, Shadow - take us back to HQ, buddy. I don't want her at the prison with the others. She stays with us.. Understood?"
"Yup yup"- the car makes a sharp turn and speeds in a different direction. "Your buddies will not be able to find you, you're on a one way trip to America, sweetcheeks.. you look good in Shadow gear, I could get used to it"
Creep. Fucking slimy, pervy fucking creep!
*Ghost's POV*
We pull up outside the old prison facility. Rudy grabs a huge rucksake, filled with guns and weapons for his men once we'd freed them.
Rudy speaks up once he has hauled the rucksack onto his back "Graves'll have this place locked down".
"Let's hope they're alive" Johnny says with a hint of anxiety..
"Count on it, amigo"
Johnny starts asking Rudy questions - he does this when he is nervous, I have noticed. A distraction, or coping mechanism..
"Rudy, how long've ya known Alejandro?" he asks
"20 years. Signed up together. Toughest dude in the regiment. Turns out we weren't just friends, he claimed me five years ago now"..
"I wouldn't wanna mess with him..." Johnny says, seriously.
Rudy laughs "We used to say 'el unico que puede matar a Alejandro es Alejandro...'"
I furrow my brow, not understanding "What's it mean?" I grunt.
"The only thing that can kill Alejandro is Alejandro..."
"Glad he's on our side, then, amigo" Johnny replies.
"Two snipers, first tower. Soap- you take one, I'll get the other" I bark orders. The Shadows are shot down quietly.
The sound of a helicopter roars from above. "Looks like a supply drop!" Rudy shouts over the noise..
We move quickly through the facility, using CCTV to guide us. The place is crawling with Shadow soldiers, we deal with them quickly and quietly.
I go off on my own with guidance from Johnny and Rudy. I plant a few bombs and settle behind a barrel for temporary cover. I speak over the comms "We're all set here, Johnny. Have we located Alejandro?"
Rudy's voice cuts through the radio "Perfect timing. I found him on CCTV".
"Where?" Johnny asks, studying the screen in front of him.
"He's in solitary. Two Shadows on the door" Rudy points.
"I see 'em. Ghost, we got him. He's alone, no sign of Laika. Two Shadows on guard"
"Vamos!" Rudy shouts - I know that word. Lets fuckin' Vamos then!!
"Ghost, what's your status?" Johnny asks
I stand from my hiding spot and make a move to start towards them "Comin' your way".
The sound of another helo comes from above. They must be onto us by now..
"It's locked!" Johnny shouts - having reached the cell block door.
"We'll need to breach it" Rudy replies
"No, Rudy- Knock.." I suggest, finally having caught up with them.
"On me..." Rudy says, as he stands and bangs the door in the same way a returning guard would. Stupid fuckin' Shadow opens it immediately That was too easy..
We ambush the guard as soon as the door cracks open. Bullets rain from above, balconies lining the upper floor of the cell block.
"Light 'em up-!" I bark
We make it through all of the Shadow's for now.
"There's Alejandro's cell... Open it up, I'll cover you" Rudy shouts.
I remove the bolt cutters from my belt and cut open the lock.
Johnny enters the cell immediately. Suddenly, Alejandro grabs Soap from behind and shoves him against the wall, ready to punch him. Rodolfo steps in and stops Alejandro.
"Al- It's me, hermano" - Johnny says, shocked by the sudden attack.
"Alpha! Calm, tranquilo - it's us.. we came for you" Rudy speaks softly
Alejandro calms down, happy to see his Omega, they have a fast hug and Alejandro grumbles happily before speaking..
Soap!! Rudy, Ghost...!" he sounds surprised..
"Didn't think we'd leave you, did you...?" Johnny jokes, shaking hands with a grateful Alejandro.
"What the fuck took you so long, pendejos?" he jokes back..
I roll my eyes at his joke before replying "place is crawling with Shadows. There'll be hell ahead. Let's get Laika and then make a move. Rudy, go get your Cowboys.. Alejandro - where is she?"
Alejandro looks confused, then. I feel anger rising to the surface.. "Alejandro..? Where are they keeping her..?" trying to keep a lid on my anger..
"Amigo, I don't think she is here.. And I don't think she is on our side. Be careful who you trust.."
I growl, "What the fuck do you mean by that" I bark at him, grabbing the neckline of his jacket and shoving him backwards.
"She has been here before. I recognised her as soon as she arrived. Almost killed me a few months back - missed her shot. She's a sniper, amigo. A spy.. A rat..?" he explains.
Johnny looks utterly betrayed.
"Alejan.." - "NOT NOW RUDY! I KNOW WHAT I SAW" he shouts at his Omega.
I take a step back, lifting my lips angrily, like a growling dog. FUCK!
"We find her - I don't care. Find her first, ask questions after. That's a fuckin' order. We came for you Alejandro, now you fuckin' help us find her" I bark.
Alejandro shrugs "Fine, if that's your call. I wouldn't be shocked if she isn't in league with the Shadows, amigo. They've proven that they are not to be trusted.. but I will help you find her if that's what you want.."
I nod, mulling his words over in my head "It is what I want.."
"Let's go then - we've wasted enough time" Alejandro shouts.
Rodolfo hands Alejandro a BAS-P submachine gun.
"Let's fight fire with fire" Alejandro laughs as he storms towards the cells his men are being held in.
We make good progress in freeing the soldiers,
Johnny speaks up and asks Alejandro "You seen Graves here?"
"No, but I plan to pay that cabron a special visit" he replies - "Aye, Me too...he might have our girl.." - "Don't get too attached, amigo - she cannot be trusted..."
We move outside into the open yard of the facility. There are several Shadow soldiers ahead. FUCK -
"Riot shields-!" Alejandro shouts in warning.
"Soap, throw whatever you got at them!" I shout, knowing that Johnny loves his flashbangs and grenades.
After a series of bangs and crashes, Johnny laughs "Think we're clear, LT."
The freed Vaqueros rally around Alejandro and Rudy, collecting weapons and readying themselves to help us fight our way out of here.
The front courtyard is saturated with Shadows. We are massively outnumbered, even with the addition of the cowboys..
Alejandro speaks to his men "Weapons hot, hermanos. Stairwell leads down and out... We'll link up with the other and exfil the fuck out of here"
"Exfil vehicles are set. Ghost planted charges to help us get out" Rudy explains.
"With Johnny's help.." I add, I didn't plant all the bombs on my own, after all..
Alejandro laughs "I can't call Soap "Johnny"..."
"Don't" Johnny smiles "Only pack can pull that off".. I nod and give him a quick pat on the head before moving off.
"We'll have to cross the yard to get everyone out" Rudy shouts.
We reach the doors leading out into the prison exterior, but come under fire from the Shadows.
"Sniper on the roof"
"Sniper down" Johnny shouts.
"Good shot, hermano!"
Soap, and Alejandro lead Los Vaqueros down the road, but a pickup truck arrives and offloads more Shadows.
"Johnny- That truck's got one of our charges on it. Detonate it" I bellow
" With pleasure, LT - Here it comes"
"Ka-freakin-boom, baby-!" I roll my eyes at Johnny's happiness. He always has loved explosives..
Shadows start to organise their position. They're surrounding us!
We keep trying to get closer to the exfil point but the Shadows have us held. The sound of an approaching helicopter catches my attention. If that is more Shadows, we are fucked..
"You hear that?" Johnny asks
"Helicopter-- Searching for us! - Take cover, amigos!" Alejandro shouts.
The enemy helo opens fire on the first group of Los Vaqueros. We stand no fuckin' chance now!!
Our comms growl to life simultaneously.
"All stations, this is Bravo-6- Get down!" - I could cry - but I won't - It's Price.
I glance up to the perimeter wall and see Price fire a rocket at the helicopter. It hits and plummets to the ground with a huge explosion.
"Hell fucking yeah!" Johnny shouts, elated.
"All Bravo and Vaqueros... Top o' the wall. Get here and I'll get you out. How copy?" I hear through my earpiece.
"Loud and clear, Alpha. Comin' to ya...!" I reply
"Who is he?!" Rudy asks, anxiously
"Our Alpha..." Johnny replies - Rudy raises an eyebrow. "You're a pack of all Alphas.. unusual, no?"
"We make it work.." Johnny answers.
"I like him already" Alejandro laughs.
We all hurry to the wall where Price lowers ropes for us to climb.
*Johnny's POV*
As I reach the top of the wall, two arms reach to help me. "Gaz" I laugh, climbing into his arms, hugging him and stuffing my nose into his neck.
He laughs along with me, re-scenting me as well.. "Well, what happened to your arm, Soap..?" he teases "Fuckin' Graves is what happened".
Gaz steps to the edge of the wall and scans all of the soldiers climbing up. He turns sharply, the smile wiped from his face.
"Where is she, Johnny...?." He growls.. I pause - not able to think of how to tell them.. that we didn't exactly know, and that Alejandro has reason to believe she is a traitor. I can't bring myself to believe it though. Not Laika, not our girl..
"Sergeant MacTavish..." Price warns from behind me. "Kyle asked you a question.. where is she..?" he warns..
"I - We don't know exactly.. we thought she'd have been brought here when HQ was taken.. but we haven't found her.."
"We need to find her. Laswell thinks she is in danger... Soon as Shepherd and Graves went dark, she called us" John explains as we load up into the exfil vehicle.
"Laswell, still solid as a rock - we weren't sure who to trust.." Simon grumbles "You trust pack, Simon.." John growls back, angrily.
Alejandro appears at the top of the wall then, he quickly makes his way towards us.
"Colonel Vargas, meet Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick" I introduce - "Thanks for the assist" the Alphas shake hands - "You need to help us find our girl" John growls.
"Let's get the fuck out of here, hermanos" Alejandro orders his men
"Down the wall... WE ARE LEAVING!" Price barks, too.
We start getting in the vehicles - "Captain, follow me" Alejandro speaks, jumping into the drivers seat of the first jeep.
"Copy. Gaz, drive!"
Gaz starts up the vehicle and drives away from the prison.
"Shepherd burned us" Ghost says as we follow Alejandro's vehicle.
"He sent Graves and his Shadows to kill us and round up Los Vaqueros" I explain
Price growls and nods his head.. "We know why"
I raise my eyebrows, surprised.. "Why..?" I ask.
Gaz answers from the drivers seat. "Laswell did a bit of digging..."
"What did she find?" Simon grunts
"The truth...The truth about the missiles. And - the truth about Laika.. we need to find her.." he growls, absolutely livid.
Alejandro leads us back to his safehouse.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Graves has been pacing up and down in front of me for the past hour. I'd been cuffed and my head covered with a sack. He has been on a video call with General Shepherd. The computer starts making a ringing noise and a familiar voice joins the conversation. Before Shepherd answers, he tells Graves to stay silent so he doesn't pick up that he is on the call. Graves walks over to me and roughly puts his hand over my mouth so I can't make a noise.
"You hid this- Why...?" a rough growl comes through, angrily - "We all keep secrets, Captain Price.. some more than others.." he laughs. I whimper from within the darkness of the sack. Graves shakes me roughly to shut me up.
"Why the hell wasn't I informed?" - "Consider yourself well-informed now, John"
John laughs in a terrifying tone "Oh, that's really fuckin' helpful, General. Thank you. But, you're a day late and a missile short. There's three of them- we only found two. And, you've taken something of ours. I want her back.."
"Then, point yourself in that direction and fix it" The General snaps back.
"And who fixes you, eh?" John says, threateningly. "I don't need fixing. I'm a patriot protecting my country".
I hear the scuff of a chair sliding sharply. Price must have stood up in anger.
"You're protecting your own ass" he growls. I'd never heard him so angry. He was radiating pack Alpha energy.
"I do what needs to be done, Captain, and no one holds me down with a roll of red tape. I know what's best for the cause"
"You've lost your fuckin' mind, General"
"And you've forgotten what you're fighting for, John. To do good, you gotta do some bad. When we shit, we bury it, that's how it works"..
"Yeah... But we don't bury each other with it, do we? Where is she..?" he growls again.
"You need to turn off that side o' your head and face down the real enemy" - "she ain't our enemy.." John interrupts.
"You need to call off your Shadow, NOW"
"You mean Graves...?" - "Yes!" - Shepherd laughs "Now, Captain.. He's a dog with a bone, and I highly recommend you don't try and take it"..
"This is your last chance to change your mind" John warns..
"Then what?" Shepherd taunts..
"Then after I kill him... I'm coming for you" the laptop slams shut.
*Captain Price's POV*
I slam the laptop, shutting off the uplink. I nod to the other four soldiers in the room. "Graves has her" I growl, angrily.
"Hey- Vaqueros, pay attention" Alejandro shouts into the large safe house.
All of Los Vaqueros gather around Alejandro us at the table.
"Alright, listen - We are taking back your HQ. We are getting our girl. We are killing Commander Graves" I order.
"When?" Rudy speaks up
"Now" Ghost grunts
"We are not 141 and Los Vaqueros on this. We're a team...understood..?" I growl
Ghost empties a bag full of skull masks onto the table.
"...Ghost Team" I nod, clenching my fists. The Alpha in me was desperate to get loose and rampage the HQ with little regard. But as Captain, I needed to keep my head.. No being a hero. Get in, get our girl, kill Graves, get out.
Ghost removes his mask in front of everyone. I nod and smile at Ghost.
"Good to see you again, Simon" I laugh, he rarely took it off in public. I hadn't seen his face since we had taken Laika, come to think of it..
I remove my boonie hat in solidarity and notice that Kyle takes off his 'lucky cap' too.
"If you're in, take a mask... If you're not... Don't" I order.
Everyone around the table takes a skull mask.
"My troops know the Fuerzas Especiales facility better than the Shadows. So, we'll have the advantage - Be advised, they'll be on high alert because of the prison break. We'll infiltrate the base with two Ghost Teams....Team-1 is Captain Price, Gaz, me, and one pilot.. Team-2 is Ghost, Soap, Rudy, and Los Vaqueros.. Team-1 will use the tunnels to get to the tarmac and commandeer a helo. My pilot will take the Captain up. Team-2 will stand by outside until Price fires on the entry gate and lets them in to fight their way to Graves, and the girl... I suspect he'll be in my HQ defended by his best shooters" Alejandro describes. I nod along in agreement. This has to work...
"we will see how this plan goes and once the place is clear, Gaz and I will locate and secure Valeria... The rest of you will look for the girl and Graves... and Kill him.." he growls.
"Lets fuckin' go" Johnny shouts, marching towards the vehicles.
Lets go get our girl..
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For your fic keep me sharp I fully believe that Price not only was fully aware of exactly how batshit insane that Soap is, but also saw ghoap coming a hundred miles out. Price has seen Ghost through a lot of shit and isn’t above setting a feral Omega on his deranged alpha ass. Price knew that Soap would be good for Ghost, even in the vanishingly unlikely chance that it didn’t turn out romantic.
Price: You deserve nice things!
Ghost: shut up, shut up!
Price setting up the 141, and recruiting Soap: If you won’t accept nice things I just have to find a nice thing that won’t let you reject it.
Price unleashing Soap on Ghost: I love it when a plan comes together.
I fully believe that Price recruited Soap not only for his abilities, his compatibility with Ghost, but also for the sheer entertainment value. He strikes me as the type of man that hates to be bored and putting together a couple that is a hundred degrees of unhinged feralness ensures that boredom will never be a thing he worries about. Exasperation, annoyance, and incredulity yes but boredom? Not with the Freak muppets out there being their freaky ghoap selves. He’s very happy they are together and are good for each other but he’s also constantly entertained.
Price bet on the muppets and won big.
Hi there! Sorry this took me forever to answer but honestly I love this version of events lmfaooooo
I can definitely imagine Price eyeing Soap’s file as a possible 141 recruit and maybe traveling to whatever base Soap was stationed to observe him and make his final judgement. Price really liked what he saw in Soap, but what really sealed the deal was watching Soap beat the absolute fucking shit out of some cocky, asshole alpha who, after being embarrassed that Soap handed his ass to him on the mats, tried to do something humiliating like hmm let’s say biting the back of his neck >>
Soap only stopped beating the guy into a pulp when like four other alpha soldiers jumped in to pry him off and even then they had to avoid Soap’s snapping teeth.
I imagine that Soap’s superior at the time turned to Price and grimaced like, “He has potential, but as you can see he has anger issues and a feral streak you wouldn’t expect in someone of his designation.”
Meanwhile Price has already made up his mind that he absolutely needs Soap in the 141, for his ability first and foremost, but also because he’s thinking of a stoic alpha who hides a feral streak to match Soap’s under a skull mask.
I also imagine that after Las Almas, the reason that Price began sending them out on missions together was because they worked well together yes, but mostly because Price saw Soap look at Ghost like this
and was like, alright time to matchmake. Because as you said, Ghost deserves nice things :D
I also imagine that when Ghost and Soap go to report to Price after the events of keep me sharp, Price is fighting the whole time not to call absolute bullshit when they feed him the story of an accidental heat. He's basically just
trying his best to act credibly surprised when he not only absolutely saw this coming but was also actively trying to make it happen xD
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sergeantnex · 8 months
Werewolf!Ghost x Trans!Soap: Sensitve Senses (Smut)
Ghost was already an intimidating guy, standing at six foot four and built like a brick house. The Lieutenants' senses were sharp, seemingly better than laser sharp at that. It didn't take long into being paired with Ghost for Soap to learn that his teammate was different. It became clearer when Graves betrayed everyone that things became clearer to the Scottish male. Soap's arm bleeding from the gunshot wound, making his head feel hazy. He fumbled upon trying to stand only to fall on the rain-soaked ground with a heavy groan. Soap laied there for a bit before slowly getting up. Ghost's thick Manchester accent finally came through the comms channel, asking him how everything was. Ghost kept Soap company as he struggled to make his way to the church.
"It's pishin' it doon out here.." Soap commented.
"Speak English." Ghost groaned back through comms.
"It's rainin' fuckin' hard!" Soap grinned as he spoke back.
"Then say so." Ghost chimes back quietly, doing his best to gauge how well Soap is actually doing.
"I did!" Soap chirps back a smile being heard in his voice.
"Rains good, it'll cover your tracks. Washes away the scent of your blood and you." Ghost responds without thinking.
"My scent??" Soap questioned as he continued to move forward, looking for materials to craft protection.
Ghost wasn't sure how to respond, so he simply told Soap to focus on getting to the church. Soap chooses to say nothing and instead pay attention to his surroundings. Ghost kept thinking of different ways to explain to Johnny that he wasn't human and that instead, he was a werewolf. The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was impossible to explain. Lightly scratching the back of his head, Ghost moved to focus back outside the church. He kept talking to Soap, hoping that the other male would forget. When he finally met up with Soap, he felt bad for making the male swim through the tunnels. The hole in Soap's arm from the bullet looked bad. They would have to get somewhere safe so Ghost could treat his arm properly. They both slid into a pickup truck, and with Soap covering them, Ghost hit the gas.
Ghost drove over the barb wire swiftly, turning the truck around corners and down streets away from the Shadows. The drive to the one place Ghost knew was safe would be several hours away, Alejandro's safehouse. Glancing at Soap, he wasn't sure if Soap would last that long. Despite finding a stim, his teammate looked ready to drop from blood loss and exhaustion. They were barely five miles from the city of Las Almas when Ghost pulled to the shoulder of the road. Johnny looked at the male confused as Simon stepped out of the truck and walked over to the passenger side. Simon said nothing as he grabbed what little medical supplies he had on him and laid them out on the dashboard. It would be enough to buy them time until they reached the safehouse. The wind from the windows being shot out had helped Johnny dry off quicker, letting Simon smell the Scots natural scent.
The smokey smell of firewood graced with the sweetness of brown sugar, a tingeness of copper from the males blood and musk from the male sweating all mixing perfectly. The sweetness made no sense to Simon. It was like nothing he had smelled on a male before. Ghost pulled Soap's sleeve up as much as he could, allowing him access to the wound. As he looked at the bullet hole, Ghost grew frustrated when he saw no exit hole. That meant the bullet was still in his arm, possibly digging deeper with each roll of muscle. Deciding it would be best to dig the bullet out at the safehouse where he had more access to supplies, Ghost began work. Something about Soap drove Ghost's inner wolf wild, so without hesitation or thinking, Simon moved. Lifting the bottom of his mask just enough to show his mouth, Simon leaned in and began licking at the wound. At first, Soap groaned and flinched at the pressure and burn, but then he tried pulling his arm away from the Brits tongue.
A low growl alerted Johnny to stop fighting the male as he worked on clearing the blood away from the wound itself. When Simon pulled away, Johnny was thrown off by the black sclera surrounding the chocolate brown irises. Ghost licked his lips like a predator before focusing on the task at hand, patching Soap up. Soap said nothing as Ghost gently placed gauze on the wound before using electric tape found in the truck to bind it down. Ghost double-checked the patch job before taking a small step back, taking a minute to think of something to say to Soap. The male at least deserved some form of explanation regarding his actions.
"Does this 'ave somethin' to do with my scent?" Soap questioned slowly, piecing things together about Ghost.
"It does. This may come off unbelievable, but I am a werewolf." Ghost said calmly, studying Soap for reactions of disbelief. If anything, it looked as though Soap was thinking back on things.
"No, it makes sense the more I think 'bout it." Johnny explained now, looking at Ghost in a newly found light. Simon says nothing as he just moves back and closes Soap's door before moving back to the driver's seat. Ghost begins driving toward the safehouse once more, the ride becoming silent. At a glance, anyone could tell Soap was lost in thoughts, staring off at the road as they drove. Before Ghost could question Soap as to what he was thinking about, the crispness of the brown sugar in the males' scent grew stronger. Ghost glanced out of the corner of his eyes to see Soap clench his thighs slightly and shift in his seat. Feeling his system rush with the realization that Johnny was becoming aroused.
"Hey Lt, can I ask a strange question?" Johnny asked lightly, squeezing his thighs more to apply friction to his cock. Ghost nodded as he focused his eyes on the road before them.
"If you fuck in your wolf form, do you have a knot than?" Soap boldly asks quietly watching Ghost from the corner of his eye. Ghost stiffened slightly and quickly looked from the road to Soap before looking back at the road. Soap started to snicker at the other males' reaction to the question, as though he hadn't just asked such an intimate question.
"In my werewolf form, yes my uh- my autonomy changes to more canine looking autonomy." Ghost replied, clearing his throat, not expecting such a question from the Sergeant. That brown sugar scent was stronger than the firewood, the sweat, and the blood. Ghost wanted to curse his enhanced senses, but when he could see Soap's hand moving to touch himself through his pants, Ghost couldn't help but feel relieved. Simon continued to take side glances at Johnny rubbing between his own legs softly, in hopes of not getting caught. Simon let his right hand let the stirring wheel and gently rest on Johnny's thigh. Giving a soft squeeze before letting his thumb rub the fabric of the males pants. Johnny moved his hands forward, making a bold move to bring Simon's right hand towards his sex. Ghost took a deep inhale and gently pressed his hand further forward.
He was surprise to not feel the swell of a hard cock waiting for him, instead he felt Soap's pants wetting with slick. It made now clicked to Ghost why Soap had scars at his pecks. It explained the now syrupy sweet brown sugar scent. Ghost softly groaned in pride as he let his hand undo Soap's pants. Johnny lifted his hips and tugged his pants and underwear down enough that Simon had full access to his aching cock. Simon gently pressed his middle finger to Soap's hard cock rubbing slow circles. Johnny gasped and let put a soft moan as he opened his legs further. Simon gently slides his middle finger and ring finger down towards Johnny slick entrance, the fabric of his glove dampening with the excitment. Simon couldn't help but groan when he felt Johnny roll his hips up against his fingers. Ghost gently pressed his fingers in letting them sink down to the knuckle.
"Damn Johnny, the thought of me fucking you and breeding you in my werewolf form got you this eager?" Simon questioned now beginning to pump his fingers in and out of Soap's eager entrance. The males' walls clenching and fluttering with pleasure as the fabric of Ghost's glove provided extra stimulation. Johnny said nothing as Simon worked his fingers in and out of his heat, the werewolfs' finger curling just right. The moans that began leaving Johnny's lips were pure sin, Simon curled his fingers again, eager to hear it more. His thick fingers curled, rubbing and tapping against Soap's g-spot perfectly. The action pulls more and more noises from the male, each one sounding more desperate than the last. Johnny could feel his slick soaking the seat under his ass as his Lieutenant worked him open. Soap let his fingers move to his cock, gently rubbing as he tried to desperately fuck himself on Simon's soaked gloved fingers.
Simon couldn't take it anymore as he pulled the truck to the shoulder of the road once more. He used his left hand to put the truck into park and shut it off. Ghost shifted, so he was facing Soap, gently replacing his fingers with those of his left hand. His tongue licking at his right gloved fingers before fucking his fingers a bit harsher into Soap. Johnny's head tips back as he moans louder, his thighs beginning to shake with pleasure. The Sergeant would be lying if he said he had felt such pleasure and bliss before. His brain short circuiting as he now took in the feral sight of Ghost fingering him. Ghost's honey brown eyes slightly shimmering with unnatural amber hues as his sclera began to turn black once more. Soap's legs fell further open as his pants and underwear fell from his knees to his ankles. Ghost groaned at the beautiful sight, his gloves and seat soaked with Soap's excitement. Ghost could feel Soaps' walls beginning to grip tighter around his fingers, doubling his effort Simon began pressing his fingers up and down. The motion bouncing Soaps' body and drawing more desperate noises from the male.
"That's it, Johnny cum for me. Just like this." Simon praised as he took in the sight of Johnny's blue eyes rolling back. The Scots moans, turning to loud whines and mutters of Simon's callsign as he begins to come undone. His walls milking Simon's fingers with his release as he rides himself through the pleasure. Simon is eager to keep Soap looking so beautiful, so he continues to work him through the pleasure until Soap is mewling for him to stop. Determined to at least make his Sergeant cum once more, Ghost kept harshly pumping his finger into Soap's soaked sex. Johnny  couldn't find the words to express the sensation of something building within due to his mind being overwhelmed. The deep pleased rumbling that crept from Simon's throat made the dam break. Ghost felt himself fill with pleasure and pride as a rush of clear liquid squirted against his hand and splattered on the dash. Simon stops letting his finger rest inside of Johnny's dripping sex as the male catches his breath. Simon presses up his mask enough to kiss Johnny's lips softly before moving to kiss on the males' neck. Soap moans softly as Ghost eases his fingers out of him, the males' movements slow and gentle. Ghost gently tugs Johnny to face him, his larger hands opening the males legs more. Before Soap can get words out, Simon lowers himself to lap at the males' sex.
His tongue cleaning away the mess that had been made by the two of them. Soap's thighs twitch and squeeze around Simon's head in overstimulation. Despite the overstimulation, he doesn't push Simon away. He let's the male eat him like a starved man cleaning away his slick and cum with his tongue. Finally lifting himself away, Simon licks his lips as he looks the Soap's blue eyes. Johnny offers a breathless smile that reads greatly of exhaustion and bliss. Chuckling Simon helps the male get dressed before encouraging him to sleep while he gets them safe. With no energy to fight Ghost, he nods, accepting the help in getting dressed again. Once Simon gets Johnny situated, he turns back to the road, turning the truck back on and shifting it into drive. Simon glances every so often towards Soap, seeing the male fall asleep happily. Ghost smirks under he mask before putting his whole focus on the road.
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sleepycatten · 1 year
PSA about hair removal
This post is for anyone who's seeking hair removal, but especially for the many other trans women / trans fems I see being given misinformation by laser or electrolysis technicians, especially in the US and UK 🥺
Laser hair removal
* Permanent hair reduction.
* Always shave the area closely beforehand. Laser is less effective if you do not shave.
* Ideally look for a clinic that uses something like a Candela GentleMax Pro or newer. Such machines are less painful & more effective than ones like any of the Alma Soprano devices.
* 6-8 sessions will typically be the sweet spot before moving on to electrolysis.
* If the technician or clinic tell you not to use numbing cream, that's a massive red flag against their knowledge. A technician does not need pain feedback from you to know they're using safe levels!
* Permanent hair removal.
* You must let the hair grow at least a few mm before a session.
* Ask your electrologist for an estimate of how long it will take to clear an area, as their expertise and speed will vary. For example, NHS Scotland estimates it can take 250-400 hours to fully clear a face of facial hair. My own highly-experienced electrologist estimated 100-150 hours max for me, but has nearly cleared my face in under 25 hours. She's not yet taken more than about 120 hours to clear someone's face / neck fully.
* Again, numbing cream is not only absolutely safe, it's in fact highly recommended if you cannot afford local anaesthetic injections.
* For most folks, it's as much a mental challenge as it is about physical pain management. Even with numbing cream and strong painkillers, it's gonna hurt, especially in 2 hour+ sessions and around sensitive areas (especially the top lip and around the mouth).
* Aloe vera gel helps with post-electrolysis swelling and recovery.
Numbing cream
* The most common brand of numbing cream is EMLA, which is 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine.
* The strongest cream I've found without prescription is Tattoo Numbing Cream, which is 5% lidocaine and 5% prilocaine.
* If you can get a stronger cream on prescription at an affordable cost, this is definitely something to consider.
*To help with absorption, exfoliate and clean the area before applying cream, apply 60-90 mins before a session, and cover in an air-tight, water-tight dressing (cling film / plastic wrap works well).
Sadly, I can't provide much information on local anaesthetic injections. In the UK, they're typically arranged either by a medically-trained specialist at an electrolysis clinic or separately (such as at a dentist's) immediately before attending a session.
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lasertechllc · 1 year
Laser Machine Repairing: Ensuring Precision and Productivity
Laser machines are complex machines that must be operated and maintained by someone with particular knowledge and skills. Faulty or damaged laser equipment can cause costly production delays, poor quality, and even workplace risks. Laser machine maintenance services like alma repair are critical for promptly identifying and correcting faults, improving uptime, and reducing operational disruptions. Trained technicians have the knowledge and experience to analyze, repair, and maintain laser equipment, assuring maximum performance and lifetime.
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Problems with Laser Machines:
Laser machines, like any other complicated piece of equipment, can develop a variety of problems. Among the most prevalent issues are:
Laser Beam Misalignment: Laser beam misalignment can result in imprecise cutting,     engraving, or welding. The laser beam may be realigned using repair     services, assuring accurate and constant performance.
Optics and Lens Damage: The optics and lenses of laser devices can get damaged or     polluted over time, resulting in diminished beam quality. To restore     maximum function, repair technicians might clean or replace these components.
Power Supply difficulties: Electrical difficulties, such as power fluctuations or improper     connections, can cause laser equipment to malfunction. candela laser repair services may identify and repair power-related     issues, ensuring that the equipment has a consistent power supply.
Cooling System Failures: To avoid overheating, laser equipment requires effective     cooling systems. Repair services can solve cooling system faults, such as     pump breakdowns or coolant leaks, to keep the equipment operating at the     proper temperature.
 The Cost of Professional Laser Machine Repairing:
Collaboration with a skilled laser machine repair service provider provides various benefits:
Expertise and Specialized Knowledge: Qualified technicians are well-versed in the models,     components, and functionality of various laser machines. They are capable     of effectively diagnosing problems, providing exact remedies, and     optimizing machine settings for optimal performance.
Prompt Response and Turnaround: When a laser machine fails, every minute counts. Professional     repair services recognize the importance of time and attempt to assist as     soon as possible, avoiding downtime and averting substantial productivity     losses.
Authentic Parts and Components: Trusted manufacturers provide authentic parts and     components to reputable repair businesses. They can precisely source and     replace broken or damaged parts, assuring the compatibility and lifetime     of the restored machine.
Preventive Maintenance and Routine Inspections: To maximize the lifespan of laser devices, regular maintenance and routine inspections are required. Cutera Enlighten repair services may plan regular check-ups, spot any problems ahead of time, and undertake preventative maintenance to keep the machinery running smoothly.
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Follow our Facebook and Twitter for more information about our product.
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gamerbearmira · 5 months
I know, it's been a hot minute since last Sonic crossover was mentioned... but I went through my drafts and found this! (I think it was a script for a comic or something...) I want to send it for somebody to see! This is based on the Sonic Underground theme song XD
Night sky, thousands of stars. Three more stars lit up, blue, green and yellow.
A royal chamber. Young woman, Queen Alma Madrigal, lays with her small children. Triplets. Julieta, the eldest, lays in her mother's arm, Pepa, the middle, sits next to her, Bruno, the youngest, looks up at his mother, his hands on her stomach
Triplets born, the throne awaits
A green fog rises up in front of Alma, now wearing a cloak over her clothes, holds her little children, looks scared
A seer warns of a deadly fate!
Alma runs away, looking at one of her babies with tearful, sorrowful look. Then, she leaves a basket on a doorstep of a small house, running away
Give up your children, separate!
Alma looks up, tearing more, before lowering her head.
Bide your time, lie in wait!
Shot of Alma from the back, her cape waving in the air
The triplets, now teens and reunited, fight the battalion of robots. They rub their medallions and they turn into musical instruments/weapons
Julieta stands with guitar, playing it, before it strikes, destroying robots. She looks confident, smrking
Madrigal Underground
Bruno holds a keyboard in his hands, shooting lasers from it. He's both nervous and anxious, yet determined
Madrigal Underground
Pepa jumps on a drum, starting to drumming, as it charges and ball of energy shoots, destroying her enemies. Her face shows determination, confidence and courage.
They made a vow, their mother will be found!
Two enemies, Mateo and Diego, come to join the battle.
Little Julieta with her foster family. Her foster father is cooking, while she puts some additional ingredients in behind his back, before letting him try. He smiles, petting her head.
Teenage Julieta shoots her guitar to destroy robots, saving people by a food stand, as she rushes in to check up and treat their injuries.
The children grow, learn what's right!
Little Bruno learns how to drive a bike, wearing all protection needed. And, to put it into good use, as he falls two seconds later. Yet another prediction of his came true.
Teenage Bruno drives a motorcycle, to warn people about the coming battalion.
Leaders of the freedom fight!
Alma stands on the cliff, closing her eyes, tear runs down her face
They seek their mother, she knows they do!
Little Pepa drums on walls, her eyes bored, but once the lightning bolt hits, she giggles, throwing the drumsticks up
The drumsticks are caught by a teenage Pepa, who again uses them on her drums, to make earth under her enemies fall, with them
Is it time? If she only knew!
Light comes up and Mateo and Diego are shown next to their boss. Lady Annabelle.
Will the property come true?!
Scene changes to a concert scene, a huge crowd, yelling and cheering. The Madrigal Underground on the scene, playing one of their songs.
Madrigal Underground
Julieta spins around the scene, to her siblings, who smile/smirk at her, pouring their hearts into their performance.
Madrigal Underground
Alma is shown on the cliff, her cape flying in the wind and one her tear flies off her face, as she sings her part.
I long for my children, but I have to wait
Alma is shown over her children's show, her face both filled with sorrow and hope
To act too soon could seal their fate!
The triplets finished their show, but still on the scene, as they high five each other, their medallions lit up bright and the light shoots up into the sky.
They made a vow, their mother will be found!
Same scene as beginning. Space, stars. The three special stars shine brighter than ever before, meaning the union of the Madrigal Triplets
Madrigal Underground!
I forgot about the banger opening, honestly I’m kinda sad the show never finished :’’’( EITHER WAY. INthink this is so cool, the instruments fit well <33
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almamedspa · 1 year
Choose laser over the razor. 
Top 5 Laser Hair Removal Questions Answered
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Eighty percent of men and women worldwide frequently remove facial and body hair using some method, such as razor, wax, sugar, or tweezers. Do you despise these repetitive, pointless chores? One of the most popular forms of aesthetic medicine practiced in the USA today is Laser hair removal treatment. Hair can be permanently removed with laser hair removal by exposing the hair follicle to laser light pulses. Now that quick, simple, and individualized treatments exist, you can toss the razor and reap the benefits.
Why is laser hair removal popular?
Laser hair reduction uses light-based photon-emitting diodes to remove excess hair. The process involves directing a focused beam of light at the hair follicles, which then absorb the light energy and get damaged, preventing further hair growth.
There are a variety of reasons why people opt for laser hair removal:
Long-term hair reduction: 
Laser hair removal is a permanent alternative to short-term hair removals procedures like shaving, waxing, or depilatory lotions. The treated areas may see a drastic decrease in hair growth, making this an easier and more effective option.
Saving time and making life easier: 
Maintaining a regular shaving or waxing routine can be a chore. Laser hair removal is a more practical option because it lessens the frequency with which you have to remove hair. Once the intended effects are realized, the individual can enjoy smoother skin without the need for routine upkeep.
Accuracy and efficiency: 
Laser hair removal destroys the hair follicles at their source without harming the skin around the treated area. The laser may be used selectively on dark, coarse hairs without harming nearby skin. Due to the accuracy of the laser, it may be used to remove hair from many different parts of the body, including the face, legs, underarms, bikini line, and back.
Enhancement of Confidence: 
Many people feel uncomfortable in their skin because of unwanted hair. The confidence boost from having hairless skin after laser hair treatment is real. Improvements in both may result from a person's increased sense of ease in their skin.
Avoiding painful ingrown hairs: 
Ingrown hairs are commonly caused by shaving or waxing, but laser hair removal can help limit their incidence. Laser treatment inhibits hair regrowth and lessens the possibility of ingrown hairs by focusing on the follicle.
People with black hair and light skin are ideal candidates for laser hair removal treatment because the contrast between them makes it easier for the laser to target the hair follicles. But now, thanks to technological advances, people of all hair and skin colors can benefit from laser hair treatment. We at Alma MedSpa in Missouri provide the best Laser hair treatment in St. Charles.
Top 5 Laser Hair Removal Questions Answered:
Q1) Is it going to hurt my skin? Is it safe to use? 
When performed by a trained medical expert, laser hair reduction is a safe and efficient method for permanently reducing unwanted hair. Never be shy about inquiring about the background and credentials of your service provider. While lasers have many promising therapy alternatives, they pose risks if administered by an unqualified professional.
Patients frequently ask us if the pain from laser hair removal is tolerable. To put it briefly, NO! A tiny pinch, similar to the snap of a rubber band against the skin, is the most frequently reported feeling during treatment. The sensation lasts a split second and fades away when the laser turns off. Our state-of-the-art laser equipment at Alma MedSpa in St.Charles means you won't have to worry too much about discomfort throughout your procedure.
Q2) What should I do to get ready for laser hair removal?
Patients are asked to shave within 24 hours of their scheduled session. During treatment, it is preferable if the hair is not visible on the skin's surface. If your hair grows quickly, you may want to shave the day of your treatment. It's also wise to wait at least three to four weeks before starting the treatment series and to avoid waxing or plucking in the interim. You can shave as often as you like, but waxing or plucking would permanently damage the hair follicle that the laser is meant to destroy. For the two weeks before your hair removal treatments at Aurora, we ask that you refrain from sun exposure, spray tans, or sunless tanners to reduce the risk of the laser picking up any unwelcome pigmentation on your skin.
Q3) Is laser hair removal effective for everyone? How well will it blend with my skin? 
The best results from laser hair removal are achieved on dark, pigmented hair. Since these lasers "love" just certain colors, they will miss any hair that is white, grey, or blonde. A consultation is the best way to determine if laser hair removal is viable for you. Your service provider can evaluate you to see if you qualify.
Your skin tone's compatibility with laser hair removal highly depends on the laser device utilized. Even though many different types of lasers exist, the effectiveness of the treatment varies depending on the laser utilized and the patient's skin tone. Light therapies like BBL and IPL, for instance, CAN be used for hair removal, but they are NOT laser treatments. The main distinction is that the laser only goes to the depth of the hair follicle (when utilized properly), while light creates thermal energy for numerous layers of skin. We employ the aesthetic industry's most advanced laser platform to provide individualized laser hair removal treatments that permanently eliminate unwanted hair at Alma MedSpa in St. Charles, Missouri.
Treatments for laser hair removal can be highly tailored to skin tone and the underlying reason for hair development. Treatments for patients with hormone-induced hair, for instance, will differ slightly from those without such hair. These patients do have treatment choices. However, they may require more follow-up appointments. Finding a doctor who will take the time to learn about your situation and give individualized care is crucial.
Q4) How many sessions will I need, and where can I get treatment?
To get the best outcomes, you should undergo a treatment course. It is highly recommended that patients have a total of eight sessions. It is so because we must attack the hair throughout its growth cycle. After the first few sessions, it's natural to feel like all your hair has vanished. However, after the fourth or fifth session, the treated hair will begin to grow back. Even though the hairs will be thinner and less thick, they still require treatment. Treatment cycles can be anywhere from four to twelve weeks long (but most are closer to six weeks). The face, back, chest, arms, underarms, bikini line and legs are all suitable treatment areas for our laser.
Q5) When will I start to see effects, and will they last?
Intense light from a laser can cut back on hair growth for good. Some hair removal is permanent, while other regions may require touch-ups from time to time. With continued treatment, you'll eventually need fewer and fewer appointments to achieve your goal of reduced hair growth. After the first treatment, we see a reduction of 15-20% of hair, and the following treatments reduce hair by another 10-15%. Thus, patients often see a difference after the first session.
If you're considering laser hair removal, it's in your best interest to schedule a consultation with Alma MedSpa in St.Charles, so you may ask our physician any questions you have in person.
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siren song - chapter 4
previous chapter: chapter 3
next chapter: chapter 5
A/N: This is also pretty mission based, like last chapter. However, next chapter will delve more into Ghost and Siren's dynamic! Also if you like playlists, I made one for this fic! It has a bunch of songs that just describe the general vibe but also for backstories and storylines we haven't gotten to yet. I'm planning for this to be a long series!
Also regarding the taglist, apparently I can't tag more than 100 people in a post so I will comment the ones that don't fit!
30 August 2022
1100, En route to cartel compound, Las Almas
You held onto the handlebar above you as Alejandro floored the newly acquired pickup truck over the rocky terrain on the way to the cartel’s compound. Bumps and unpaved roads made you bounce in your seat, your white knuckled grip being the only thing keeping you somewhat steady.
“We’re about there, be ready,” Alejandro warned. A collection of buildings and fields came into sight, what you could only assume was the compound Hassan was being held in.
“There should be ammo at your feet. Stock up while you have the chance.”
You grabbed a generous amount of ammo, having been dwindled down to 20 rounds of .300 and 39 rounds of 4.6mm in the fight with the Mexican Army.
Just as the truck went off of the road and into the grass, Graves’ voice came through over the comms.
“Ghost, this is Shadow-1, orbiting the compound now. Standing by for visual…”
“Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7,” Ghost replied. “We’ll mark our position with IR laser, over.”
“Roger 0-7.”
The car jolted to a stop and the four of you jumped out, weapons at the ready. 
“How do we find Hassan?” Soap asked.
“He’ll have an armed guard. Cartel protection,” Alejandro answered.
“Lotta places to hide…” you muttered as you walked past a couple haybales stacked on top of one another.
“Graves covers with close air. We clear the buildings,” Ghost ordered as you all got into cover. You and Soap crouched behind a wooden crate wile Alejandro and Ghost were behind another pickup truck.
“Copy that, Lt.,” Soap replied.
“Mark us,” Ghost told Soap before hailing Graves. “Shadow-1, we’re east of the compound. Position is marked.”
Soap took out a laser and waved it around in a circle upwards.
“Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7. We’re marking with IR laser. Do you have a visual, over?”
“0-7, copy your mark.”
“Shadow-1, be advised, Hassan is moving with an armed guard. You cover external, we’ll clear the buildings. How copy?”
“0-7, good copy. Armed guard. We’ll secure the area so you can move in. Stand by.”
“Roger that,” your Lieutenant said, glancing around the truck at the surroundings. You peaked your head up as well, seeing what looked to be a greenhouse, a stable, a couple of sheds, and a large building in the back.
Not even a minute later, all of you zeroed in on a truck coming out of one of the buildings.
“Shadow-1, there’s a truck leaving the stables, moving west.”
“We won’t be able to keep Hassan,” you commented while you awaited direction from Graves.
“Probably not,” Ghost replied. “But we need him more for interrogation about the missiles than we did when we had execute authority.”
“Slippery bastard,” Soap muttered.
You nodded in agreement and continued to look for any movement.
“The greenhouse,” Alejandro said, drawing your gaze to the clear building. You could see armed guards alongside civillians but other than that, you had no way to see who was inside.
“Shadow-1, we’ve got targets at the greenhouse to our northwest. Roping now.” As Ghost finished speaking, Soap pointed the laser at the greenhouse ahead.
“0-7, no visual on target. What’s the call?”
“That army convoy’s gaining ground,” Alejandro cautioned.
“We go in guns blazin’,” Soap began, “hope he squirts, lock him up from there.”
While you may have wanted to utilize stealth on such a big compound, you just didn’t have that kind of time to spend.
“Graves,” Ghost said, “you’re cleared hot to engage exernal. We’ll clear the buildings when secure.”
“0-7, copy that. Keep your heads down.”
The four of you sat behind cover as the sun beat down onto your sweat-slicked skin while you waited for Graves to clear the area around the greenhouse.
One moment all was still and in the next bullets rained down like the anguished tears of a vengeful deity, eviscerating anything that laid in their way.
“Wow,” you whispered. The bodies didn’t even seem real; they flew around like ragdolls, like they weighed nothing at all.
Before you could think on it anymore, bullets started coming your way. You pulled out your rifle and began to take aim at those firing at you. You managed to take out a few and you’re sure the boys did too, but air support did most of the work, leaving behind a trail of destruction.
“0-7, all visible targets are down. Over.” 
At that, Ghost waved to move up, with him and Alejandro taking cover behind yet another truck and you and Soap on the side of a shed.
“Shadow-1, copy that,” Ghost told Graves. “We’ll be clearing the stables building first. Roping now.”
Soap marked the building with the laser for Graves and his crew. It was a stable, having multiple entrances and exits. 
“0-7, copy your mark. You’re clear to proceed.”
“Shadow-1, we’re moving now. If the target squirts, let us know.”
“Shadow-1 copies.”
You followed behind Ghost as he brought you close to the building. 
“Soap, freeze down the right side. Siren, Alejandro, on me.”
“Aye,” Soap confirmed.
Alejandro and Ghost stood on either side of the door while you took a place on Ghost’s other side.
“Breaching,” Ghost said quietly as he pushed open the door.
“¡Bajarse, bajarse!” Alejandro yelled as you entered. You saw multiple people drop the supplies they were using to clean the empty stalls and run out of the building while a handful picked up rifles and began to fire at you three with wild abandon.
You shot a few with your VEL-46, avoiding any potential civilians but a few of the cartel members remained. A woman screamed from behind one of the stalls, clutching her child to her chest. You maneuvered yourself so you could talk to her but still be in cover.
“Vamos,” you told her urgently pointing to the door. She cried out, holding her child tighter and rushed away from the four of you. Hopefully the child was young enough to forget this, to forget the death that followed in your wake.
You held the button to speak into the comms. “Graves, check fire. Woman and child exiting left side.”
“Siren, solid copy.”
You fired round after round, trying to take down as many as possible. 
“You got a visual?” Ghost yelled to no one in particular.
“Negative!” You replied, ducking into cover to reload.
“Graves, negative on Hassan! It’s a dry hole!” Ghost told him.
“Ghost, copy that. I need you out of the building. Move north right now.”
“Copy, Moving!”
You ran from the stables and took cover behind a large rock, not wishing to be caught in the crossfire.
“Graves, we’re clear!” Ghost yelled out. “Drop that fuckin’ building now!”
Within seconds, before your very eyes, the building you were just in was destroyed. Chunks of wood flew in every direction and small, contained fires erupted where haybales once stood.
“Shadow-1, good shots,” Alejandro told Graves. “We’re pushing west to the greenhouse.”
The four of you moved forward, making sure to check for any remaining hostiles in your path. 
“All stations, there’s armed personnel in the greenhouse.”
Before any of you could respond, someone took notice of the four of you creeping towards the building.
“Contact!” you yelled, taking cover behind a small shed. 
The gunship aided in taking down some of your attackers, but Soap yelled into the comms before any bullets could stray into the greenhouse.
“Check fire! Hassan could be inside!”
A few seconds passed. You assumed they did a scan for Hassan and found nothing based on Graves’ next order.
“Ghost, keep your team back, we’re fixin’ to engage the greenhouse.”
“Solid copy!”
Glass erupted from the greenhouse frame as your air support pelted it with bullets
“Shadow-1, good effect on target. We’re moving up,” your Lieutenant told Graves.
“Roger, 0-7.”
You creeped up to the greenhouse, glass crunching underneath your boots. The dying gasps of a cartel member came from the rubble.
“These guys are fucked,” Soap said, looking at the bodies.
“Dust ‘em,” Ghost ordered, nodding his head to the man still struggling to draw a breath. You pulled the trigger, silencing him. A mercy, in your opinion.
“Where is this fucker?” Soap questioned, looking around at how big the cartel’s operation was on this plot of land.
“He has to be in that compound,” Alejandro answered, obviously meaning the giant white building with two main areas connected by a long corridor. It was gated and looked of importance, just by architecture alone.
Ghost led the team to take cover behind a small shack along with sandbags and blue barrels.
Ghost spoke into his radio. “Shadow-1, what’s the ETA on that convoy?”
“0-7, convoy is six klicks out, advise you step it up and secure exfil.”
“I’ll contact Rodolfo,” Alejandro responded.
“Do it,” Ghost told him. “Graves, we’re working on exfil. Be advised, last building we’ll hit is the compound. How copy?”
“0-7, good copy. Hold your position until we clear the area.”
“Roger that.”
Once more, your team became a target, countless guns firing at you, bullets only barely missing at times.
“Shadow-1, troops in contact!” Ghost shouted.
“RPG!” you yelled, spotting a man aiming a rocket launcher towards your cover standing on the water tower. He fired and there was not much you could do to avoid being thrown back as it hit your cover and exploded. Thankfully the adrenaline flowing allowed you to get up quickly and fall back along with the boys to return fire.
“Move left! Now!” Ghost yelled, grabbing your arm and yanking you away from the RPG’s next target. You stumbled but regained balance quickly, moving to cover once more.
“Shadow-1, x-rays at the water tower!”
The water tower was hit brutally, the foundation shaking.
“Positive impacts! Hit ‘em again!”
The next few seconds of gunfire caused it to break open, and fall to the ground, surely crushing whoever dared to stand in front of it.
You were taking down one hostile after another, not faltering until you saw Ghost jerk back out of the corner of your eye.
“Ghost is hit!” you yelled, running towards where he laid on his back a few yards away. You felt a surge of panic flare up inside you, its cold icy grip an unfamiliar feeling.
A cartel member approached from the side, gun raised to shoot Soap who was focused on the enemies in front of him.
You quickly drew a knife from your vest as you ran towards your Lieutenant and threw it with deadly accuracy, the knife lodging itself into your target’s neck. You didn’t even care about retrieving the knife as you sprinted to Ghost.
“Fuck me,” you heard Ghost mumbled as you fell to your knees to look him over. Your hands shook slightly, as you raked your eyes over his vest. No blood, thankfully.
“Are you okay?” you asked him, raising your voice to compete with the gunfire going off in the background.
“Yeah, hit my plate. Bastards,” he told you. He looked at the face-down cartel member and then back to you. “Nice throw.”
You stood, intending on getting back into the fight, and held out your hand. He took it and you pulled him up, giving his hand a squeeze before letting go.
As you looked around it appeared that Graves and his team managed to take out the rest of the hostiles, leaving a clear path to the headquarters.
“Ghost, no movement detected. What’s your status?”
“He’ll be alright,” you answered. “Round hit the plate.”
“Affirm,” Ghost said. “Good thing your aim isn’t shit like theirs.”
Graves’ tone turned humorous at the remark. “Roger that, 0-7. Be advised, you’re clear up to the compound, but the gate is blocked at this time.”
“Copy,” Ghost replied. “Give us a way in, yeah?”
“We’ll open the door for you. Stand by…”
“You okay, Lt.?” Soap questioned.
“Yeah, mate. I’m good.”
The gate was swiftly destroyed along with any cartel members in the courtyard.
“Ghost, door’s open. You’re clear to proceed.”
“Copy that. Moving now.”
Ghost motioned to follow him into smoke created by the bullets hitting anything and everything in the immediate area. 
“Ghost, no movement detected.”
“Copy. We’re pushing to the entrance now.”
“Roger, we see you.”
You passed flaming cars, destroyed sheds, and mangled corpses on the way to the front door. It was a sight, that was for certain.
Ghost and you took a place on the left side of the door while Alejandro was on the right; Soap put C4 on the door before also standing on the right.
“Be advised, the convoy is three klicks out. You need to haul ass.”
“Solid copy.”
“Alejandro,” Soap asked, “where’s that exfil?”
“Five minutes out.”
“It’s going to be close,” you cautioned.
“Let’s do this, then,” Ghost said, determination hardening his voice.
“Breaching,” Soap said before detonating the explosive. The door blew off and the four of you swept inside to see a room filled with people surrounding a very familiar face: Hassan.
“Shadow-1! Positive ID on Hassan!”
“He’s moving upstairs!” you added, using your VEL-46 to take out any cartel members you could see. It seemed like taking out one caused another three to take their place.
“Graves, he’s exiting the second floor! North-west side!” After the room was cleared, you followed his path up the stairs and outside, just in time to see him running into the other building.
“He ran inside!” Alejandro yelled. You sprinted across the corridor alongside your team and reached the door to connected building.
Alejandro wasted no time bashing it open, allowing the four of you to funnel in. There were only a few cartel members which were disposed of quickly. Meanwhile, you all shouted to Hassan.
“Get down!” you yelled.
“Get down, now!” Alejandro echoed.
“Who the fuck are you?” Hassan spit out.
Ghost hit him in the face with the butt of his gun while Soap secured his arms.
“Mexican Special Forces,” Alejandro answered. “You’re coming with us.”
“Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7,” Ghost said into his radio. “Jackpot. I say again, jackpot. Target is secure.”
“0-7, solid copy. What’s the status of your exfil?”
“This is Victor 1-1,” Alejandro cut in. “Exfil is two minutes out!”
The exchange of gunfire continued, all of you covering Soap while he held onto Hassan. 
“All stations, be advised—convoy is closing on target area now.”
“Copy that, Shadow-1. Good eye,” Soap said.
“Alejandro, what’s the call?” Ghost asked, peeking out of cover to shoot an approaching hostile.
“They’re with the cartel—free to engage.”
“Shadow, how copy?” Ghost asked.
Explosions rocked the compound, and smoke rose from the ashes of the destruction. The sound of cars exploding and missiles hitting the ground were unmistakable. Eventually, return fire fizzled into nothing, leaving you with a feeling of unease at the quiet. Such a big area, once filled with life, laid to waste for this one very, very dangerous man.
“All stations, visible targets are down. You’re clear to proceed.”
“Shadow-1, copy that.” Alejandro replied. “Exfil is inbound now.”
Ghost led all of you to the back of the compound, bashing the doors open with his shoulder. You exited just in time to see Rodolfo slide the car to an abrupt stop in front of you.
“I am a Quds Force Major! You have no right-!” Hassan began but was cut off by Soap slamming him against the car.
“Shut the fuck up,” he snarled.
“You will pay dearly for this!” Hassan said as Soap shoved him into the backseat. You rolled your eyes at the dramatics and hopped into one of the seats in the trunk. Ghost sat on the other side of Hassan while Alejandro conversed with Rodolfo in Spanish.
“We’re good!” Soap said into the radio.
“Go!” Ghost told Rodolfo. “Shadow-1, package secure. We’re RTB.”
30 August 2022
1145, Olmeda, Las Almas
The drive was relatively silent as Rodolfo sped away from the compound and into Olmeda. It was a successful mission; they got the target and no one was killed.
Ghost’s chest still was a little sore from where the bullet hit his armor plate, but he certainly did not regret seeing Siren’s handiwork while he was on the ground. The knife throw was impressive, one that rivaled his. And the quiet fury in her eyes was something he wouldn’t forget anytime soon.
“Wait, what’s that?” Ghost heard Siren say from the trunk.
Rodolfo slowed down the car once the gas station came into view.
“All stations, what’s the hold-up down there?” Graves asked.
“Shadow-1,” Alejandro replied, “there’s movement at the fuel station ahead. Possible cartel. Roping now.” He pointed an IR laser out of the passenger window.
A beat passed. 
“All stations, no visible threats in the area. You are clear to proceed.”
“Shadow-1, copy that. We’re moving.”
It wasn’t too long before they were stopped once more. A man wheeled a cart into the middle of the road, suspiciously slow.
“Shadow-1, we may have a situation here…” Siren said quietly. Rodolfo yelled out the window to no avail. 
“¡Rodéalo! ¡Rodéalo! Go around!” Alejandro told Rodolfo.
Rodolfo went to swerve around the cart, but hit it instead, temporarily blocking the view of the road.
“On the right-!” Soap shouted before the grating sound of metal colliding with metal filled the air. 
Somewhere in his mind, Ghost knew the car was rolling. But in the present, he only could take in the force of the seatbelt on his chest, the yelps of those around him, and the sound of broken glass.
It’s possible he blacked out because for a second he was in a comfortable limbo, absent of all sensations and then all of the sudden he was upside down, blood rushing towards his head. He scrambled for a knife and cut himself out and looked to see Soap doing the same. Soap grabbed Hassan and crawled out of the smoking vehicle, only to rush around to the side to avoid getting shot.
Ghost followed in suit and was relieved to see Alejandro and Rodolfo already out and returning fire. However, Siren was still in the car.
“Cover me while I get Siren!” Ghost shouted, yanking open the trunk doors to see her coming to, blood coating one side of her face. A sliver of fear struck him for a second at the injury, but he pushed it down. He needed to remain focused, for everyone’s sake.
“What the fuck…” She mumbled. Ghost took out his knife and cut her seatbelt, catching her before she could hit the glass-covered ground.
“Sergeant, you need to wake up,” he told her firmly, shaking her. Her head wound thankfully looked superficial, not too serious. She blinked rapidly and brought a hand up to her temple before wincing. It seemed then that she really saw him now, because her eyes widened a fraction at their surroundings. She removed herself from his grasp and looked towards the chaos outside.
“I’m good, Lieutenant,” she assured him, grabbing her guns that had fallen. “Just a scratch.”
He ducked out of the trunk at that and began to fire back at the approaching cartel members. Siren did the same, killing hostiles one after the other.
“All stations, we’re engaging danger close. Give me a sitrep when able.”
“Shadow-1, we’re up!” Ghost told Graves. “No casualties, Hassan is secure!”
“0-7, copy that. Colonel Vargas, what’s the word?”
“Shadow-1, we’ll hardpoint in the building behind us, over!” Alejandro yelled beginning to back up towards the restaurant.
“Copy that.”
Ghost followed the two Mexican Special Forces agents and his two Sergeants into the restaurant. It was a cozy place; not the kind that should be seeing gunfire and ground warfare.
“Clear!” Rodolfo yelled. They made their way up to the roof for a vantage point, with Ghost and Siren aiming East towards the gas station, Alejandro and Rodolfo covering South where the school was located, and Soap faced the Northwest, Hassan sitting tied up beside him.
Alejandro yelled to Rodolfo and Ghost assumed it was to call for extraction which Rodolfo did promptly.
Ghost focused on the targets in front of him, taking them out with ease. Air support eventually took out the majority of the hostiles at the gas station, leaving only a few more for Ghost and Siren to pick off.
Just when he thought they took them all out, he saw something headed straight towards them.
“RPG!” he yelled. Siren hit the deck and Ghost followed suit.
“Get down!” Soap yelled.
The building shook as it was hit by the explosive, only missing them by a small margin.
“Shadow-1,” Soap called out. “We’re taking RPG fire from the east. Roping now!”
“Copy, engaging.”
It seemed to be endless, the amount of cartel members there were. Ghost was going through clip after clip, and he was sure others were in the same position. He was on autopilot, hitting every cartel member he saw, only focused on eliminating all threats. At least they had air support, he thought. Graves’ team was taking out leagues of members, raining down bullets and missiles alike.
Rodolfo yelled something to Alejandro, which the Colonel then translated. “All stations, extract birds are inbound. Five minutes!”
“Rocket!” Rodolfo yelled. “Get down!” 
Once again, Ghost took cover on the roof, and in the split second they were there, he looked at Siren. She wore an expression of determination, the blood on her face only intensifying it. She shot back up and returned to taking down hostiles with her rifle. The corner of her mouth lifted into a small sadistic smirk when she landed a good shot, making something flare up in his lower stomach.
Focus, he told himself.
More of the cartel crowded the gas station, taking all of his attention. It was a bloodbath, truly.
“Ghost, I’m gettin’ overrun!” Ghost heard Soap yell out. Luckily, air support swooped in just in time, taking out any remaining targets.
“Bravo 0-7, Shadow-1, all visible threats are down.”
“Be advised,” Ghost told everyone. “Resupplies are low. Conserve your ammo.”
He then addressed Soap, wishing to make sure Hassan was at least still alive and hadn’t been killed in any of the crossfire.
“Sergeant Soap, sitrep?”
“Hassan is secure. He’s still a prick.”
An amused huff came from beside him.
“And you’re as mindless as your weapons of war!” Hassan yelled.
“Bravo 7-1, you are cleared hot to shut Hassan the hell up.”
“I get to go next,” Siren said, a glimmer of mischief in her eye. He was pretty sure that if he gave the go ahead, she would gladly make Hassan cease his talking permanently.
Before he could contemplate it further, another projectile was headed towards his team.
“Incoming!” Mortars came at them from the football field, luckily the first few fell short of the restaurants.
“The football field!” Alejandro yelled into the radio. From that point on, chaos was the only word to describe what was going on. Graves took out the mortar team but every ten seconds it seemed an RPG appeared, now some of them aimed at their air support. The gunship used flares to avoid being hit but that meant more enemies Ghost and his team had to handle while their air support was occupied. 
He was getting dangerously low on ammo and based on seeing Siren switch from her Sniper rifle to her SMG, he guessed she was too.
“Alejandro, where’s extraction? We’re burning through rounds, here!”
“One minute out!”
“Three mags left!” Soap called out.
“¡Estoy abajo a dos!” Rodolfo added.
“I’m running low!” Alejandro echoed.
“Fuck, I am too,” Siren said from beside him.
This was not an ideal situation. Simon “Ghost” Riley had been in plenty of downright awful situations, and this wasn’t even in the top ten. However, he was used to working alone, not having to worry about other people’s lives in his hands. But now? He needed to make sure they got out together, as a team.
“Get your knives ready!” Ghost told them.
“I always have my knives ready,” Siren told him, flashing him a sultry smile that he chose to ignore for the time being. More cartel members arrived via helicopter at the school, running towards the restaurant. Siren must have officially run out because she slung her gun on her back and pulled out a knife. She left her position and stood by the door, ready for any intruders.
Maybe it was because of how much was going on and not being able to keep them all away, but within thirty seconds someone did make it up the stairs and flung the door open, only to be grabbed by Siren and stabbed through the heart. Blood poured over her hands, and some drops flew onto her face as she yanked it out.
Ghost had seen people stabbed, had been stabbed before, and knew a good bit about techniques. She wasn’t just blindly shoving a knife into the nearest patch of skin; she was strategic, and seemingly practiced with a blade, knowing exactly where to put it. Not to mention her knife-throwing skills.
“I’ve doing this a fucking long time!”
He thought back to when he confronted her about her operation. But before he could think any more about how long “a fucking long time” was, a new voice crackled over comms.
“All stations, this is Hatchet 3-1. We are approaching from the southwest. Thirty seconds out.”
“Extract in thirty seconds!” Alejandro echoed.
“Solid copy!” Ghost yelled back.
It was a good thing too; more and more hostiles were trying to get to the restaurant and their dwindling ammo supply was concerning to say the least.
“Shite, I’m out!” Soap called out.
“Here!” Rodolfo tossed him a magazine. “Last mag!” 
“Fucking hell,” Ghost heard Siren say. “Armor is blocking our exit.”
“Graves,” Ghost said, “our exit’s blocked by enemy armor. Requesting immediate air support.”
“Check north! We got armor crossing the bridge!” 
While Siren was busy stabbing another cartel member unfortunate enough to come upstairs, Graves’ gunship fired at the bridge and took it out completely, destroying any transports and preventing further reinforcements.
“Bravo 0-7, extract is on station. Exit west of the building, they are standing by.”
“Shadow-1, solid copy! We’re moving now!” Alejandro replied. “Ghost, Soap, Siren, Rudy—we’re leaving! Let’s go!”
“Copy! Moving!” Ghost yelled back. They ran to the stairs, careful not to step on the deceased cartel members. 
“Thank fucking God,” Siren said.
“Copy that,” Soap echoed.
They reached the downstairs, luckily no hostiles were inside.
“Bravo 0-7, HLZ secure, You’re clear to proceed.” Graves told Ghost.
“Copy. Moving now.” 
His team rushed out of the door and straight to the helicopter, the sound of the whirring blades music to Ghost’s ears.
“Everyone in!” Alejandro yelled.
Soap had slight trouble getting Hassan to get in but eventually managed. Siren hopped in as well, and Ghost followed behind her.
“This should send a message to the cartel, yeah?” Soap asked Alejandro and Rodolfo.
“It will, hermano,” Alejandro told him. “They lost something more than just soldiers today.”
“What’s that?” Siren asked.
“Their reputation.”
“Word travels fast in Las Almas,” Rodolfo added.
“3-1, we’re set!” Alejandro told the pilot. And with that, they were off.
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