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sysirauta · 2 years ago
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Artfight thing, dragon character named Allumina, belongs to k-eilonwy
I like the shape of this character and I thought that she would work well with my golden paint. I like the results here.
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nrgnews-it · 5 days ago
Alluminio Green-Tech 2025: Ciclo Chiuso New EARS Revolution
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aphelionsabyss · 2 months ago
"Dad, what's wrong?" Allumina asked, starting up at her father, his eyes squinting and brows incredibly furrowed. Did she do the spell incorrectly? Was she not efficient enough? She looked over all her notes, her work, frantically checking for any sign of imperfection. She could fix it, she just had to-
Her father placed his hand firmly on her shoulder and she stopped "Dad?"
Vikram wiped his eyes with a sniffle before pulling his daughter into a hug.
"It's just...you remind me so much of your mother right now. I'm so proud of you."
Vikram gave his daughter a squeeze and let go, clearing his throat readjusting his reading glasses.
"Let's get back to work. You've almost got it."
Allumia nodded in response, thankful for the moment to be over, "Yes, of course. I think I know just what to change."
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scienza-magia · 3 months ago
Monomeri da catalisi dei rifiuti plastici
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Trasformare i rifiuti plastici in materia prima, da Berkeley un processo innovativo. John Hartwig, professore di chimica all’UC Berkeley, ritiene che questo processo avvicini significativamente le poliolefine a una vera circolarità. Insieme allo studente laureato RJ Conk e all’ingegnere chimico Alexis Bell, mirano a scalare la tecnologia per uso industriale. Il processo innovativo trasforma PE, PP, o una miscela dei due, incluse le forme post-consumo, in propilene o in una miscela di propilene e isobutilene. L’Università della California, Berkeley, ha sviluppato un nuovo processo chimico catalitico che ha il potenziale di rivoluzionare il riciclaggio ella plastica, convertendo i rifiuti di polietilene (PE) e polipropilene (PP) in preziosi monomeri. La necessità di un riciclaggio efficiente dei rifiuti plastici
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Il polietilene e il polipropilene sono le plastiche predominanti nel flusso globale dei rifiuti. Nonostante il loro ampio utilizzo, dalle buste monouso ai resistenti contenitori per microonde, i metodi attuali di riciclaggio di questi materiali sono inefficienti. Spesso producono grandi quantità di gas serra o dipendono da catalizzatori costosi e monouso. La conversione selettiva di PE e PP in prodotti ad alta domanda è fondamentale per ridurre i rifiuti plastici e il loro impatto ambientale. Tuttavia, la maggior parte dei metodi attuali soffre di bassa selettività e alti costi energetici. Un processo catalitico rivoluzionario Il processo innovativo utilizza una semplice combinazione catalitica di ossido di tungsteno su silice e sodio su gamma-allumina. Questa combinazione trasforma efficacemente PE, PP, o una loro miscela, incluse le forme post-consumo, in propilene o in una miscela di propilene e isobutilene. Notevolmente, questa reazione raggiunge una resa superiore al 90% a 320°C senza necessità di deidrogenare prima le poliolefine. Questo metodo non è solo energeticamente efficiente, ma elimina anche la necessità di costosi catalizzatori omogenei di metalli nobili. Questo nuovo approccio rappresenta un significativo avanzamento nella creazione di un percorso di riciclaggio sostenibile ed ecologico per le poliolefine. Potenziale di economia circolare per le poliolefine L’aumento di scala di questo processo potrebbe stabilire un’economia circolare per le plastiche monouso, convertendo i rifiuti in monomeri per nuove plastiche. Questa trasformazione ridurrebbe la dipendenza dai combustibili fossili e diminuirebbe significativamente l’impatto ambientale dei rifiuti plastici. Mentre il riciclaggio delle bottiglie in PET è efficace da anni, la maggior parte dei rifiuti plastici è costituita da poliolefine come PE e PP, che sono state molto più difficili da riciclare efficientemente. Affrontando questo problema, il nuovo processo offre una soluzione innovativa per la gestione dei rifiuti di poliolefine. La strada da percorrere
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John Hartwig, professore di chimica all’UC Berkeley, ritiene che questo processo avvicini significativamente le poliolefine a una vera circolarità. Insieme allo studente laureato RJ Conk e all’ingegnere chimico Alexis Bell, mirano a scalare la tecnologia per uso industriale. Aumentando la scala, sperano di creare un ciclo di riciclaggio efficiente per le plastiche quotidiane come polietilene e polipropilene. Credono che questo metodo possa rivoluzionare il riciclaggio delle poliolefine, similmente a come il riciclaggio del PET ha chiuso il ciclo per le plastiche in poliestere. Questa scoperta potrebbe trasformare la gestione dei rifiuti plastici su larga scala. Il processo segna un passo chiave verso la costruzione di un’economia più sostenibile e circolare per le plastiche. Di conseguenza, offre una soluzione promettente per ridurre l’inquinamento plastico e la dipendenza dai combustibili fossili. Read the full article
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c-jm-nojinson · 2 years ago
Going off of GDP-1987/Charles Allumina.
1. What they plan to do to the lost prototype of GDP-1987 once they recontain it.
2. Very strict. Outside of one person/droid, everyone else is an acquaintance, the one person being GDP-1983/Melody/Kian, an old member of the squad that 1987 was in a relationship with.
3. 1987 and Charles both don't show their genuine emotions to mostly anyone.
4. They don't really have an old hobby that they miss. They grew up during a time of a World War, forcing Charles to rely entirely upon himself and his friend to grt whatever they needed. If anything, that they miss, it is their humanity and the people they lost during their lives.
5. While yes, they could cry on command if need be, they don't have much of any use for it outside of manipulation.
6. The perfect life they'd recommend is to be mostly isolated and to enjoy the peace and quiet. Oh, and music.
7. I have high doubts much of anything would be able to get his attention. Maybe saying that they have 1983/Kian might set them off, but that is only if there is proof and they aren't trying to just be (for lack of words) emptily threaten them out.
8. Very strict, they have 1983/Melody, and outside of that, they don't say it to anyone.
9. Genuinely uncertain. Off the ship thing I wrote between 1987 and Elias, I'd say it depends on the situation. If nothing bad is happening, soft. Otherwise, tough.
10. Nothing much really. They only really live a tough life.
11. If impersonating Charles, all one would have to ask is how old they are. No one is aware of how old '87 is.
12. If '83/Mel/Ki tells a really bad joke. Like dad joke stuff. Outside of that, if they warned someone of something bad happening and it then happening.
13. Not much. They don't smile often either unless in a fight and is playing with their food.
14. They dont have candles.
15. Work/outside of their isolated place they found for home, Charles is all work oriented. Super keen on the senses they have, ready to fight at any moment. At home, more lax.
16. They constantly think of any way they could fight Director Adrian Klauss (the head Director of DPHF).
17. Any damages that could potentially reveal the true identity, and then they immediately fix it. Others usually notice how cold their presence in general is.
18. 1983/Kian/Melody. He's trying to also help bring back their memory together after DPHF found a way to wipe 83's system memories
19. Either kill or kidnap them. Depends if they have info that 87 wants.
20. They respect the effort Director Klauss has to gone to keep the legacy of his father intact. Outside of that, he absolutely despises him.
21. Common etiquette in their world would be not going into any transhumanisms, like replacing parts of themselves for robotic parts or adding nanobot storage units for use. As Charles, he shows that one arm and opposite leg are robotic, which also shows two nanobot storage units. One on the hand, the other on the forearm.
22. Pulling out any sort of droid checking device. The flesh they still have hides the droid parts from the systems, but it still slightly puts tem enough on edge.
23. All the droid checking devices they have put out. They've caught a good amount of missing prototypes using the tech Charles has made.
24. No.
25. They are a really good musician. Music has nothing to do with the plot, and I don't plan on adding any points where he reveals this either.
26. Being the head droid hunter of DPHF and a leading medical researcher, he'd probably find a way to interrogate everything the person that is replacing them, kill them, and continue to work there. Then maybe kill the boss.
27. The gift of immortality is both the worst and best gift they have gotten.
28. They tell people that they want to have a world where they no longer have to worry about a robot uprising. What they truly want is a revolution and imprison those that wants to continue the Klauss' Droid Soldier Program.
29. Usually intimidation, or proves them about it. They dont often get into a spot where that happens.
30. The mistakes that are made usually end up in death, so he does whatever he can to get himself and 1983 out of therey with no second thoughts about the lives they used to save their own. Amazing what happens when ones mentality is manipulated to lose almost all empathy.
31. Usually, it's if 1983 gets injured. They go full protective until they've patched 1983 up and they are back to fully functional.
32. The amount of crimes he has already committed is absurd, treating the Geneva Convention essentially as a checklist. Petty crime is nothing in comparison.
33. "Greetings xyz".
34. "Greetings xyz." or if it's 1983 "Hey/Howdy. "
35. The smallest questionable choice they've made? Charles straight up murked a man just because he didn't like the guys attitude.
36. Adrian Klauss and every member of the Droid Prototype Recovery Team. All for self-preservation reasons.
37. The amount of killings they have done together.
38. They act bad at long range shooting in front of others but are actually great at it.
39. Rather excluded. He prefers people being 100% up front with the truth.
40. They don't really do handshakes. Highly ranked enough where if he is in public he has personal droid guard that he designed to be around him. When he does do handshakes, he doesn't care if they are tight or loose.
41. They have picked up different battle mannerisms from taking apart different model droids that were on the brink of falling apart and putting them into his own programming. He also has gotten a small bit of Director Klauss' arrogance.
42. They likely wouldn't even show up.
43. Any time someone turns around and goes "Well, Charles..." he immediately readies up a weapon. As long as they don't go off on about how they figured out who he actually is, he apologizes about it, and that they assumed they were about to be killed.
44. Any language honestly. They are part droid, after all.
45. They hate wet clothing.
46. Listener. Only thing that will make them talk is if they are wrong about information or have an idea they have that will improve something 1987 wants to actually work.
47. His parents. He does not remember his parents.
48. If it means concealment of his true identity, Charles will say yes to anything.
49. Yes.
50. I personally don't agree with killing people just because you don't like the attitude they have. So many better reasons to want someone's head.
51. Either "Men stronger than you have tried, Men stronger than you have failed. What made you think you were different?", "The only way I will know rest is when I allow it.", "The people who made me centuries back couldn't kill me. The government who tracked me once couldn't destroy me. Able to improve myself through the years, what makes you think you can?" or "You can forget who I am, and I'll spare you. Forget this happened. This isn't a fight you will win."
52. The system runs multiple simulations of what may happen before they act on what to do.
53. Model 001, Model 191, and 1983.
54. To fight.
55. Genuinely no idea. They'd probably hate detaining things for holding and research.
56. Scare/Fear is not an emotion that is genuinely felt by 1987.
57. Eating, they are often forced to eat.
58. They haven't had much hobbies. Designing new machines, farming, and building a house is something they have done once before.
If you didn't know, they are one and the same. Charles is the name he goes by when he is with other actual people. GDP-1987-MAID-B (Medical Assault Infiltration and Interrogation Droid Model B) was the assigned name when Charles was taken as a child for a government project to perfect AI during a war. He works at the Droid Prototype Holding Facility (DPHF), a place where many prototypes that have been recovered from that war are held, questioned, destroyed, researched, and more. He plans on destroying that place from the inside out. Now you know why if any answers seem weird.
What’s the lie your character says most often?
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
When do they fake a smile? How often?
How do they put out a candle?
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?
What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
How do they greet someone they like / love?
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?
What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with?
What’s a phrase they say a lot?
Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Who would / do they believe without question?
What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
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guidobenedetti · 2 years ago
Scattare 𝐋𝐀 fotografia
“Chi non lo sa non potrebbe mai immaginare che quel semplice e umile paletto di legno conficcato nella terra indica uno dei luoghi piú significativi delle Alpi. (…) Indica la Stazione fotografica del Ghiacciaio della Marmolada.(…) Ogni anno lo stesso scatto, dallo stesso punto, fin da quando si usava imprimere lastre di cristallo con allumina e nitrato d’argento, o giú di lí. Si chiama 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨…
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c-jm-nojinson · 2 years ago
System Diagnostic Check
Right Arm: Success
Left Leg: Success
Torso: Success
Nanobot Store Units: Partial Success, Two Units Not Connected.
Location Tracker: Error
Mission Feed: Error
Stealth Capabilities: Success
Movement Capabilities: Success
Motion Detector: Success
Thermal Sights: Critical Error
Retractable Blade: Success
Facial Recognition Scanner: Error
Government Order Directory: Error
Enhanced Hearing: Partial Success
Evaluation: In Critical State, return to base for repair.
1987 successfully powers on, unaware of his location. Only thing he sees is bamboo and grass. He can't even check for stealth lifeforms, as his thermal was taken out. He doesn't even know how he got here. All he remembers was he was in a fight with Adrian, when the Droid Prototype Holding Facility (DPHF) suffered a bombing run, knocking power out, and the ceiling collapsing. "Someone's moved me here. No sight of any remains of ruins. No bamboo was around the facility, either. Someone is bound to be nearby." Moving around a bit, he realizes how major some of his systems have been damaged. Without any buildings, ruins, or other droid bodies nearby, he can't repair himself. All he has is to figure a way out and to be on high alert.
"Only half a click away, he is. I'm not certain what functions of his are up or not, all I know is that after the bombing of DPHF he was dropped in a secluded bamboo forest away from all machines." Tracking 1987's location for years now, Elias finally is hot on his heels. All he knows is that he was told to track and eliminate him. Only information given is that he's a dangerous rogue Droid Prototype, and that he needs to be eliminated. Getting closer, he steps on a dry piece of bamboo that pops.
"Stranger in the woods, identify yourself." GDP immediately turns to the direction, both motion sensor and sound sensor telling him exactly where Elias is.
Blade extending out of his arm, GDP points it at Elias. "What is your purpose? Why bring me here to this secluded place? Do you realize who I am?" "I know exactly who you are. That's why I've tracked you down to this place" Elias retorts, readying his own blade.
"Then you realize how much of a mistake you've made. The people who made me centuries back could never destroy me. The government that tracked me down could never destroy me. Able to improve myself through the years, what makes you think you can?"
"The fact that I am the one they send when nothing else works. I am the one they send when all has gone to shit."
"So this is your way of suicide then, isn't it? May as well give me your name as-"
"Elias, the name's Elias. You don't need to give me yours, I already know them. GDP, 1987, Medical Assault Infiltration Droid, Charles, I've done my research about you."
"You know, you can just go now and live your life. Forget this happened. If you've done your work then you'll know I'll only kill if the people I worked with figured out who I was or if forced."
"Oh I am very aware. I've been sent to track and if possible, apprehend you. I don't plan on bringing you in one piece if it comes down to it. Come peacefully. You'll finally know rest."
"The only way I will know rest is the day I allow it myself. They want me for parts and to remake the program. I'll be damned if that happens again."
"Final warning, Allumina. 1983 has been put to rest. Model 001 has been put to rest. How about you join them?" With those final words, 1987 realized he never wanted to take him in peacefully.
First movements happen, with Elias taking his blade up to the eye of 1987, being blocked immediately. 1987 follows that block with a knife spin to readjust grip to stab down on his arm, dodged by Elias, rolling to the left. 1987 charges in again, this time holding his knife in a slashing grip, aiming for Elias' thigh, forearm, and chest. Elias blocks each, either with his knife or his arm sheathes, built around his forearms for this exact scenario.
"For such an esteemed combat system, you have quite the predictable moveset. Tell me you have more than just that for your moves!" Taunts Elias. He found this fun for training. It isn't often he is sent to hunt down such sophisticated projects as GDP.
"There's more to me than you realize, I'm only getting started…" This time swinging the blade to meet with Elias' own slash, he pushes him back and jumps behind him to try to confuse him. The two continue this, with GDP trying a more acrobatic approach to potentially tire out Elias.
"This is more what I'm after GDP. A true match, a god against a god! You are rather impressive, I must say!" Elias retorts, trying to destabilize GDP's emotions, to make their attacks more predictable.
"A fight against gods or a fight between a fool and a machine? You know this won't end well, and I'm not going down easy." GDP keeps their cool. This isn't the first time one tried using mental warfare to try and get the best of him. It certainly won't be the last. "Besides, there's one you aren't aware of that I know is still out there kicking. I guarantee if my Life system goes offline, she'll find you or someone close to you for vengeance."
GDP throws his blade, hoping to catch Elias off-guard, which is reflected back at him when Elias shoots his handgun at the blade.
"You know '87, I can take you in warm! You'll get a less harsh destruction that way."
"You know Eli-Ass, I could end this faster than you want!" He retorts. He spent a century running away from destruction, he isn't gonna come in without being dead first.
"Suit yourself, you'll only make this harder on you!" He quickly throws his blade in the air and goes in for a punch, before being immediately pushed back.
"Hand to hand? Truly, you are a fool. If-"
Elias shoots his blade as it falls down, trying to catch Alumina off, which works.
"You bitch, I'll get you back for this one!" Roars GDP, charging up his revolver in the back.
"That's what they all say but when the sun is gone and the moon is high, that's when most things shall die, '87." He charges in, hoping to take him off guard more using his handgun as a melee weapon.
"You know, this truly will be the end of you, fool." GDP grabs Elias by his arm and throws him into a stalk of bamboo, before immediately grabbing his gun and shooting Elias' out his hand.
"Your sight is even more impressive when witnessed, I'll give you that. Here's where the real kicker co-" Elias is cut off by a charge from GDP, and thrown into the ground.
"Yet you didn't see that com-"
Elias shot GDP's leg, cutting him off.
"You have a tendency to let your guard down while talking. If you stop, I might not have gotten so much on you." Pointing his gun at GDP, he signals him to pick it up.
"I'm not gonna finish you off without you holding a weapon, come on, that's foolish. Pick it up GDP. Let your story end he-"
A boiling, then cold sensation hits Elias in his left shoulder, followed by the realization of what happened. He blinked and during that split second, GDP picked it up and shot.
"That's what they all say, Elias. Yet when the sun dies and the moon is high, only one of us well end up out of here"
"FUCK YOU!" Elias charges in with a knife in his weakened hand, and a gun.
"This ends now!" With GDP charging in with a saber and his revolver.
With movements fast enough, a blur was only really seen, trying to get the gun to a vital point or a blade close enough to kill, before 3 shots rang, and GDP stands in front of Elias, sword through his abdomen.
"Men stronger than you have tried, and men stronger than you have failed. What made you different from them?" GDP jumps behind him, twirls his blade, and then takes it through his back, through his chest.
Elias slumps over, then falling to his side, with only a smile to his face, and blood over his front.
A bullet through GDP's robotic eye, And two through his chest. Hit in the vital compartments that gave him long term mobility, injured enough to now shut him down permanently.
"You lucky bastard." is all that is muttered through GDP's mouth before he slowly limps 2 meters from Elias' corpse, before falling to the ground.
Heres a thing I wrote froma friends OC and mine if they were to engage in a fight. I kinda lowered the actual skill of my character bc at the time, I didn't have the best info on their character and I wanted it to end in a draw.
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just-some-troglodyte · 3 years ago
Chaos Gods of Law would be cool to see in Age of Sigmar. Alluminas, the 2nd 1, Somorphia, and Solkan
i can kinda imagine the GoL intro into AoS. idk, maybe... 1 of the gods of Order tries to fight either archaon or belachor, and a portal opens into the realm of chaos... the Order god tries to avoid the eyes of the chaos gods and the horned rat, eventually stumbling into the Gods of Law. the Order god makes a deal with the GoL. and idk we get Law equivalents of the chaos forces; Conscripts of Light, Blades of Solkan, Disciples of Alluminas, something for Sormorphia, and the other 1 gets her(?)own force.
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teaandchess · 8 years ago
Cringing a bit because of that last rude reviewer you posted about, but if it's not a sore spot, I'd love to hear 5+9 for the fic meme for the Alice trilogy!
Fanfic meme game
*gasp* *stumbles to find list* a question about the Alice trilogy! Oh!
5:What part was hardest to write?
Hands down, for all three novels, it was Hatter’s triggered madness. It was okay to write in Of Tea and Chess but in Wild Cards & Gambits and the beginning of Illusions & Destinies his madness took such a devastating twist in the story itself. Suddenly his madness affects many characters, not just himself. Doing justice to my idea of his madness, harming a character I adored, and making him bear the consequences of something he couldn’t control made me feel a little bit ill writing it. But that being said, I do think it is the best I have ever written in terms of emotional scenes and even, dare I hope, imaginative twisting on the idea of his madness.
9:Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
There was quite a few! Of Tea and Chess began as a three parter that ended with sex on a tea table (yeehaw) but of course it evolved. Wild Cards was set to be a simple journey to South Wonderland (near on level with Hatter & Alice just retrieving Jack’s son). I wrote both of these things out in full before scraping them as, in both times, the story became much much bigger than I ever intended. There are alt scenes that I occasionally posted but usually they were like deleted scenes that I scraped because the whole thing is gigantic already
Thank you so much for asking these questions! I miss talking about my Alice novels sometimes :)
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oodlyenough · 8 years ago
thank you so much for watching iron fist (and blogging about it) so none of us have to. Taking one for the team!
THE CROSS I BEAR. I do get a twisted joy out of recapping terrible things, maybe I’ll do like a cole’s notes version every few episodes. 
I am, admittedly, paying only minimal attention to everyone’s plot machinations, but I feel like I’m getting most of it. The reviews about it being plodding and the characters being paperthin have been imo very accurate.
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ladyofstardust · 8 years ago
Any important meta thoughts on this very important quote from Bowie in the Labyrinth Visual History? "It's so sad, I think, because Sarah really likes Jareth," he said, "but she must get her baby brother Toby back safely. So she has to reject all of Jareth's pleas for companionship in his lonely world."
Yeah!  Definitely!
I’ve always thought that Sarah’s real struggle in the Labyrinth was not to get Toby back (I think given Sarah’s tendency towards narrative self-awareness, she’d just assume that was always going to happen) but instead trying to figure out choices and consequences while still taking ownership of her story.
This is where the “not fair” thing comes into play as well.  Sarah’s thing through the film is that she’s impulsive and strong willed.  She is also 15. This leads her to make a lot of decisions she feels should be excused because “she’s sorry”.  The point of the Labyrinth is to prove that yeah, bad decisions can be unmade, but it won’t be easy.  You don’t get to lash out in anger and expect everyone to let it go because you didn’t mean it.  You have to be conscientious of the world around you and how your choices affect other people. By the end of the film Sarah is still strong willed and impulsive but she’s learned how to turn them into positive traits.  She holds firm in turning down Jareth because she knows that the price of that choice is more than she is willing to pay.   
It’s also why I think Sarah does like Jareth (but definitely not love).  She’s into that shit; Jareth represents the concept of love and sex and that’s why it’s so hard for her to pull away from him in the ballroom.  She does struggle with it and I think it goes beyond ‘because magic’.  It’s so easy to lose yourself in that moment and forget because the idea of love is so intoxicating.  
I also think that’s why the Within You scene is so revealing.  There’s a moment after Jareth tells Sarah that her “eyes can be so cruel” where you kind of see Sarah break out of fight mode.  It’s a tiny moment where she finally realizes that she was right, she *was* always going to get Toby back because it was never about the baby.  It was about her.  She finally got what she wanted, a story all about her and how much the handsome king loves her, and she’s utterly fucked. 
Because now, now she’s got to give up the story and make it about Toby instead.  While she likes Jareth, she likes the story more.  The nameless Goblin King who is handsome and loves her.  But there’s a real, handsome Goblin King standing in front of her telling her he loves her and she doesn’t love him, just the idea of him. Thems the breaks.  
So the price is too high to accept Jareth’s offer which, Sarah doesn’t have the context we do about Jareth.  She does not and cannot trust Jareth at this juncture and rewrites the end of the story to make it about the baby.  Rescue the baby, go home live happily ever after.  Jareth stays villain and Sarah stays a princess, waiting to go rescue a prince and be made queen (spoiler alert: it’ll be Jareth).
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justlilnoob · 4 years ago
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꒸ ࣽ  Capa para “Serenata Existencialista” por Allumina
꒸ ࣽ  pedido pessoal ꐚ 24.07.21
꒸ ࣽ credits: artes oficiais, 1 | PSD by neighbourhood-ps
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kagsiko · 4 years ago
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escrito por allumina
artes oficias 
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lolipop1920art · 8 months ago
So my versions of the gods of order
"If they were to succeed in overthrowing the Chaos Gods and establishing their rule over the known world all change and development would cease, and nothing would ever evolve or grow" this excerpt fully inspire my version of them.
It's reminds me of what the c'tan did to the Necrontyr. Changing them into robots and only giving the silent king control of them.
So here's my versions of the gods of order
Alluminas- he's the outsider. Tsara'noga
Astasis/Arianka- she doesn't have a form exactly. She was once a necrontyr but she got trapped inside the warp once her body was destroyed. She was twisted and warped. So she desperately tried recreating her body she
Solkan- A man who was a sacrifice from people who wanted a god to combat chaos so they decided to make one.
The unnamed creator god- its cogorach
I maybe post more about them if this gets views
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levysoft · 3 years ago
Contrariamente a quanto comunemente creduto, sulla Luna c’è davvero tanto ossigeno anche se non in forma gassosa. L’ossigeno è contenuto all’interno della regolite, ovvero lo strato di roccia e polvere fine che ricopre la superficie lunare.
L’ossigeno si trova in molti dei minerali presenti sul nostro pianeta. La Luna, essendo composta dagli stessi minerali che troviamo sulla Terra, potrebbe quindi diventare la nostra “miniera” di ossigeno nello spazio. Silicio, alluminio, ferro e magnesio sono presenti in grandi quantità sulla superficie lunare. Tutti questi minerali contengono ossigeno, ma non nella forma con cui i nostri polmoni sono abituati ad assimilarlo.
La regolite lunare è composta per il 45% da ossigeno. Per estrarlo sarà necessario usare una gran quantità di energia mediante un processo produttivo che sulla Terra viene normalmente utilizzato per ricavare l’alluminio: l’elettrolisi. Per separare l’alluminio dall’ossigeno viene fatta transitare corrente elettrica, tramite elettrodi, attraverso una forma liquida di ossido di alluminio (chiamata allumina) per dissociare il metallo, prodotto principale, dall’ossigeno, prodotto di scarto. Sulla Luna, l’ossigeno sarebbe il prodotto principale mentre l’alluminio, o qualsiasi altro metallo estratto, sarebbe un sottoprodotto. Si tratterebbe quindi di un processo tutto sommato semplice ma che richiede una gran quantità di energia. Per realizzare tutto questo si dovrà sfruttare l’energia solare o una qualche altra forma di energia che dovremo inviare sulla Luna.
Ragionando sullo sfruttamento dei soli strati più accessibili della regolite lunare, perché facilmente prelevabile dalla superficie del nostro satellite, allora potremmo addentrarci a ipotizzare una possibile resa del processo produttivo. Ogni metro cubo di regolite lunare contiene in media 1,4 tonnellate di minerali, inclusi 630 kg di ossigeno. La scienza afferma che gli esseri umani hanno bisogno di circa 800 grammi di ossigeno al giorno per sopravvivere, quindi 630 kg potrebbero supportare una persona per circa 2 anni. Supponendo che la profondità media della regolite lunare sia una decina di metri, questa quantità sarebbe sufficiente per fornire ossigeno a 8 miliardi di persone sulla Terra per circa 100mila anni. […]
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lightdancer1 · 3 years ago
One element of fandom heresy I apply to my 40K timeline in Storm of Iron:
Is that where the canon has the Emperor seated on the Golden Throne and incapable of actually acting and the Primarchs scattered....I have Perturabo, the Praetorian of the Siege, alive, well, and leading the Imperium for the Long War against Chaos and its various alien threats. The Emperor likewise avoids the Golden Throne due to taking a bit more time relative to his canon self to work with the Throne and thus leaving the Webway Breach ultimately repairable with an Emperor who can and does take the field, even if it leaves him exhausted and requires his full attention for the bulk of the Heresy.
The great Horus-Emperor fight becomes an anticlimax in finest Iron Warriors fashion as Perturabo exploits Horus's very Chaos dependency against him to inflict mortal wounds that break the power of Chaos long enough for he and the Emperor to have a version of the classic conversation and for Horus to die soulless, weeping, and ashamed.
The result, however, is that far from being noticeably better than its canonical counterpart in a lot of ways this Imperium is worse off. The Warmaster (and Perturabo very deliberately and blatantly does use the term out of spite to Horus) flouts the Codex that he expects other forces to (at least outwardly, in practice the First and Second and Third Founding chapters are free to obey or disobey as much as they please) to adhere to. Perturabo is especially beloved by Commissars and creates the same vicious backbiting paranoid culture of the M41 Imperium by virtue of being its main spiritual locus in a Shogun and Emperor pattern.
Some of the canonical history of the Imperium flat out doesn't happen (there's no equivalent to Goge Vandire), some of it is vastly bloodier than the equivalent (the Nova Terra Rebellion in particular as Perturabo initially ignores it, lets it build up to a serious threat, then has to spend a millennium shattering it so utterly that Nova Terra becomes a hellscape even Chaos fears to tread).
The Emperor does make new Primarchs over 10,000 years of painstaking effort to represent his Deathwatch and Grey Knights forces, but after ten thousand years of openly embracing worship instead of shunning it, he's in the first stages of emergence as a God of Law, great and terrible, the shining and amoral Alluminas who in this form and in this name endures in the next stage of the future cycle in the Old World that forms as the shattered detritus of the Rhana Dandra...
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