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crystalbeetle888 · 2 days ago
Second Chances Pt.3
Dog-hybrid 141 x Autistic-coded Reader
Your world is turned upside down, when a stalker forces you to adopt a support-hybrid, leading you to meeting his friends and possibly biting off more than you can chew.
Word Count-
Warnings- no more stalker yippee, alcohol consumption, suggestive content, symptoms of anxiety and depression, getting handsy, first kiss ;P
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The following months were hectic, between packing for the new house, commission work, and keeping John entertained and exercised, you found very little time to just sit down and relax. But that was all gonna change, once you finally moved in to your countryside abode. It was only 40 minutes out of the city, and 10 from a small seaside town.
The change would do you both some good, you could continue to work remotely, with the added luxury of the outside world not overstimulating you, and John could actually retire or find some farm work, as guardian restrictions become more relaxed in rural and less populated areas.
However, there was one problem. It would become more difficult for John to visit his pack members and isolation from their community isn’t good for hybrids, as it can make them antisocial and aggressive.
You didn’t think that would happen to him, but you wanted to make sure anyway, so you bought him a phone and gave him their contact information so they wouldn’t lose touch. Totally not because you were sick of organising their play dates.
The time flew by and before you knew it, you and John were packing up the last of your things into your car, before making the drive out to the property. Your lawyer said that the house was in a ‘reasonable condition’, but you weren’t so sure about that, having never actually seen the house in person.
The dirt road seems to stretch forever, over rolling hills covered in sheep and fields of crop. The road splits the horizon, on your right a deep mysterious forest and on your left fields of green. As you pull around the bend a tall rustic looking house comes into view.
"This must be it" you say, pulling into the driveway. The house was a lovely two stories farmhouse, with white walls and a blue shingles roof. You park on the grass, parallel to the front door.
Hopping out, you ascend the porch before trying the door. Locked. Looking around you notice various plant pots lining entrance.
"Let me", John begins sniffing the air around the plants before settling on one. He lifts it up and underneath is a vintage-looking key.
He looks to you smugly, "Okay, open the door then" you chuckle at him. John rises, inserts the key, and pushes the front door open, dust bellowing up in a large cloud.
"Oh my.." you cough dramatically, covering your mouth with your sleeve, John shielding his face as the dust settles.
Entering the house, the inside is shrouded in darkness. You test the lights, it flickering erratically before finally allowing you to see. The foyer was tall, the stairs to your left follow the wall up to an open walkway. "Looks like we've got some work to do" John gazes around at the thick pelt of dust covering every surface. "Yeah.." you cringe.
Opening all the windows and doors, you begin by aggressively sweeping the floors and dusting all the surfaces. You pull off all the sheets covering the furniture and make a pile outside. Before leading the hose through the bathroom windows and rinsing the entire room down.
Finally able to bring in your belongings, you place them in the living room with a heavy thud. You let out a pained groan as you stretch your back straight, "Should've let me do it" John looks down at you, hand placed on his hips.
"I'm fine, I just twinged my back" you wave him off, before attempting to lift your bag again. John swoops in, lifting it effortlessly "Let me help" he mumbles to you, his breath fanning over your face, tickling your neck.
Your chest swells with fondness, "Thank you" you whisper back.
He nods, before taking your stuff to the master bedroom downstairs. You following close behind him, "You sure you don't want this room?" you twist your hands nervously, not wanting to take something he wanted.
He places your thing on the bed, "Nah, you can have it love. Wouldn't wanna you to have you climbing those stairs everyday, aye" he rubs your upper arm in comfort.
You sigh in defeat "Okay, as long as you're sure", "I am" he gazes down at you warmly. A moment passes between you, not an awkward one, just a something calm and familiar.
John clears his throat, squeezing your arm lightly "You hungry? I'll defrost that lasagna". You nod enthusiastically, stomach twisting in at the thought, "Yes please" you practically beg him. He laughs, tail wagging gently.
After a hot meal you and John decide to test out the hot-tub on the back porch, having had cleaned it earlier. You walk out into the crisp evening air in a two-piece bikini, to find John already in the water. "Does it work?" you tiptoe over. "Why don't you come in and find out?" he say playfully patting the spot next to him.
Walking over, you dip your feet in slowly, the heat causing your skin to prickle. Submerging yourself up to your neck, you groan in pleasure.
"That good huh?", you moan in response.
Sitting up properly, the water falls midway up your chest, the steam heating the rest of you sufficiently.
"You know, I wasn't sure about this place originally, but I think it's starting the grow on me" you keep your eyes shut as you talk to him. He hums in agreement, trying not to stare as your chest rises and falls. Your damp skin glistening in the moonlight, your lips slightly parted, the bikini, GOD the bikini, he was torn between whether it showed too much or not enough. Either way he definitely didn’t want Soap seeing you in it. Horny bastard.
You twist uncomfortably in the water, your back twinging in pain again. “You alright?” John clears his throat, trying to keep his head.
“It’s my back again” you grumble "I just can't seem to get this knot out".
John freezes in thought for a moment, the cogs slowly turning in his head, "I.. could try to get it out?" he leans back against the rim of the tub, acting very casually.
"What, like, massage it out?", "Yeah, if you want" he shrugs.
You pause, weighing your options "Alright sure, just no claws please".
He chuckles at you "Turn around then". You shift, facing away from him.
Scootching up behind you, John tentatively places his hands on your back, firmly massaging the muscles. You sigh contently, as he works at the painful areas. His heart racing as you lean into his touch.
"Is this alright?" he mumbles next to your ear, his deep gravely voice sending pleasant shivers down your spine. You moan weakly in agreement, mind completely relaxed. He continues to work at your back, the sun setting low in the background as you let out a long tired yawn.
"You're not falling asleep there, are you?" he chuckles, his breath tickling your exposed neck. You whine and squirm against him, your body tingling all over. He was borderline teasing you at this point.
Releasing you, John runs his hands along your back soothingly, “Maybe you should head to bed” he suggests. You nod sleepily, yawning as you lumber out of the tub and head inside, “Good night John” you call over your shoulder, “Don’t stay out too late, you’ll catch a cold”.
He chuckles quietly, “Good night love” he calls back to you, receiving a lazy wave in return. John sits in the tub a moment longer, watching as you enter the hall to your room, finally passing out of view, before letting out the puff of air he was holding in.
He then proceeds to turn the hot tub off before stepping out onto the porch, his growing hard-on strains uncomfortably against his board shorts. All that squirming and moaning you were doing, really did a number on him. You’re so sensitive.
John sighs in annoyance, his pointed ears pinning against his skull. The closer he got to you the more… frustrated he became, not at you of course. Just at his dick. He wanted things to develop naturally, but didn’t know how to get that ball moving without scaring you.
‘Humans are so complicated’ he thinks to himself.
Turning off the lights and locking the doors, John creeps upstairs to his bedroom, ready to call it a day. And deal with his growing issue.
Weeks go by, and you and John are going steady in your new house. You were doing well with work and even started going on evening walks with him, now that the world didn’t overwhelm you. And John, started work at a local wool farm, just down the road. The two of you settled in to a new routine easily, however, you've begun to get the feeling that John is unsatisfied with his situation.
It started off small, a flat tone when speaking, grouchiness blamed on missed sleep, disinterest at mealtimes. Then escalated to opting out of movie night, and avoiding to speak for days on end. His behavior made you anxious, making you feel as though it was somehow your fault, despite not knowing what you could have done wrong. So you reached out to Simon for help.
You- Hay, I was just wondering if you could give me some advice? It's in regards to John. S- Shoot. You- He hasn't been himself lately. He seems depressed maybe? Idk he's really disengaged and won't talk to me. Maybe you guys can try? S- I'll talk to the others then get back to you.
You sigh in relief, hoping that they can get to the bottom of this.
You spend the rest of the day food shopping in town, before returning home to make dinner. Barbeque pork ribs with a cheesy vegetable bake. Something John had enjoyed you cooking before.
You work away in the kitchen, anxious for his arrival. Finally, as you're setting the table, he arrives home,"You're back, I'll just plate up and then we can eat..", “Don't bother setting one for me love" he mumbles.
You freeze in confusion "W-why?" you stutter.
"I ate earlier" he shrugs, "I'm gonna have a shower now, stink like shit" he chuckles lightly to himself, before walking off upstairs.
You stand there in shock, the rejection stinging your eyes as your try to fight back tears. Taking a deep breath you attempt to settle your nerves, "Well fuck you anyways, not like I cooked you a nice ass dinner" you whisper frustratedly to yourself.
Returning to the kitchen to serve yourself a plate and eating it by yourself at the table, your thoughts simmering with anger. As your finishing up and packing everything away, you can hear John walking down the stairs "Want me to help with the dishes?" he leans against the doorway to the kitchen. "No, I can do it myself" you dismiss him, refusing to make eye contact. He lingers for a moment before sighing and walking off.
Once the kitchen was clean, you head to your bedroom, passing through the living room as you go. John, siting on the leather couch watching T.V, turns to look at you, "Did you wanna watch something?".
"No, thanks. I'm tired" you mumble as you walk away from him. Entering your room, you curl up on your bed and begin to doom-scroll on your phone.
A message popping up breaks your depressive spell,
S - I’ve talked to the others. We think coming and seeing him will help.
You - That’d be great! When are you free?
You - You think he’s just missing you guys?
S - We are free for 2 nights next week. And yes.
You - Okay, that suits me. I’ll let him know.
S - No. we’ll surprise him.
You - Ahah okay.
The following days were emotional torture. You were excited for the boys to come over, but also still annoyed at John’s behavior. The two of you skirting around each other to avoid conflict. Or maybe it was just you who was avoiding him.
When the day finally arrives however, your mood finally lifts. You go shopping in the morning to prepare for their appetites, catching John’s attention as you lug the bags inside, “You need some help?” He pokes his head in the kitchen. “Nope, I’m good. Thank you” you call back to him, shooing him out of the room.
John couldn’t tell what had changed your mood so quickly, but your energy was contagious. You practically buzzed around the house, cooking snacks and desserts, cleaning around upstairs, setting up the house just nice. It’s like you were nesting. Do humans even do that? He wasn’t sure. Your hormones didn’t smell any different, so it’s not like you were in heat.
He decided just to keep an eye on you, figure out what you were up to. But before he could question you, the rumbling sound of a car echos through the valley. His ears prick at the noise, tail standing on end.
“Someone’s coming” he approaches the front door, peering out of the window. “I know” you reply, walking past him and opening the door, “Surprise!” You cheer excitedly.
John looks outside, the car pulling into the driveway opens its doors, Simon, Kyle, and Johnny hopping out. “Aye Cap, what’s up!” Johnny calls out.
John turns to you “You organised this?” his tail flutters from side to side.
“Yeah? Well.. Simon helped me” you wring your hands nervously. John’s heart burns at the gesture “Thank you love” he grasps you by both shoulders.
The boys pile into the house, bags in hand as they greet their mate. The pack was finally whole again. You flutter back into the kitchen to prepare lunch, a large barbecue complete with sausages, kebabs, burger patties, and an assortment of vegetables and cheeses. You can hear John laughing loudly with his friends, as he shows them around the property and get them settled in their rooms. The pack tramples down the stairs and into the living room, just as you’re taking the platters of food outside. “Need help love?” John practically radiates with happiness, his tail wagging excitedly. “Yeah, you can grab the rest from the kitchen thanks” you call over your shoulder, the boys following you outside.
“That smells great Bonnie” Johnny chases you, practically on your heels.
“We haven’t had a home cooked meal in forever love” Kyle whines, nudging Johnny away from you.
“I think the word you’re looking for is thank you” Simon chastises them, a grumble rumbling from his chest.
The two of them tuck their tails in embarrassment, “Thank you”, “Thank you lass” they say in unison.
You laugh as you arrange the food on the table “It’s all good, I’m just glad you’re all here for John” you wave them off.
John arrives with the last of the food and a case of beer, you all settling down to eat and enjoy the sun. Chatter and laughter fills the backyard, John clearly feeling at home again. The sight filling your heart with joy.
As the day passes, you all gather around the fire pit to watch the sun set and stars emerge, sharing silly stories and fond memories.
"-and that is how I stopped a horny Bear-hybrid from mauling us to death, with nothing but a bottle of rum and my thick guns" Johnny flexes on us dramatically. You laugh at his ridiculousness, the boys cringing at his seriously exaggerated story.
“Anyway.. do you have anyone special in your life?" Kyle redirects the groups attention to you, causing you to flush underneath their gaze. "Ah, no, I'm not very good at that kind of stuff to be honest" you squirm uncomfortably in your seat.
“Leave her alone Gaz” John warns him.
“I’m just asking. You know we’re all still a little curious about you” he grins at you playfully.
“Ah well what do you want to know?” You wring your hands.
“Well I don’t know? What kind of qualities do you look for in a partner?”, “That’s enough Kyle. Don’t bother her with stupid questions” John’s tails stand on end.
“Alright, alright” Kyle throws his hands up in defeat, you laughing nervously.
The tension makes you fidget, an unsettled feeling crawling its way under your skin, “You know.. it’s been a long day, I think I’m gonna call it” you yawn fakely.
“You sure love? Don’t let the boys bother you” John places a reassuring hand on your forearm. “No it’s not that. I’m just tired, you boys have fun though” you grasp his hand, giving it a squeeze, before standing and heading inside for the night.
John turns back to Gaz, ears pinned in disappointment. “Nice one” he grumbles.
“Aye don’t blame me, the bird was tired” he defends himself. John crosses his arms, shaking his head.
“Ack don’t worry about him. He’s just annoyed his girlfriend went to bed without him” Johnny laughs at him. “We’re not dating, or mated” John bares his teeth in warning.
“Seriously? How long is this going to take?” Johnny asks. “Maybe he’s lost his spark” Gaz jests.
“Watch it mate” John warns them again, becoming even more tense. “Alright boys, leave him alone” Simon chastises them, the group falling silent.
“… Are you.. trying to court her?” Gaz asks him seriously. John sighs, wiping his hand down his face, stroking his beard. “She just.. sensitive, and I don’t want to fuck it up” he mumble dejectedly. His pack mates nod in understanding. “I’m sure it’s just a matter of time aye, you’ve got that hybrid charm 'bout ya” Johnny grins at him.
John chuckles shortly “Yeah sure. I think I'm gonna turn it in for tonight, I'll see you boys in the morning" he stands with a grunt. "Night Cap", "Night mate, "Night", they reply.
Once in his room, John lets out a sigh, wondering if it really was just a matter of time, or if you're just not interested in him. He decided just to be patient, and see how things unfold for now. But little did he know his friends were planning something.
The following day, they put it into motion. It started with breakfast, the boys waking up early to make you two a feast, except they brought yours to your bed, surprising you with a delicious poached egg on toast, with bacon and hollandaise sauce. The perfect eggs benedict. This rubbed John the wrong way, as he had never set foot in your bedroom before. And he obviously wanted to.
Next, it was helping you with laundry, despite you saying it was okay and they didn't need to. Johnny turning to look at him as he hangs out your bra, a mischievous glint in his eye he knows all too well.
Then, it was them waiting on you at lunch, insisting you take a break and allow them to cook for you. They bring you food, beer, and anything else you may want.
It’s was like they were making a collective move on you. Providing food, entering your den, touching/scenting your belongings. They were crossing a fucking line.
The last straw was the hot tub. That fucking hot tub. The boys were already in there, soaking their bones in the hot water, when you walked out onto the porch, again in that bikini. Johnny whistling when he catches sight of you, “Look at you lass! Aren’t you a bit Bonnie” his tail wags aggressively. You laugh at them bashfully, slightly drunk from the beers at dinner.
“Come sit here lass” he scootches overs, making a space between him and Simon. John’s ears pressing to his skull in frustration.
Slipping in between the two hulking men, you settle into the hot water, groaning as your muscles relax. “Cozy innit” Simon jokes, you all fitting very snugly against each other in the tub. You laugh, feeing silly from the alcohol.
“Just the way we like it aye?” Johnny grins widely at John, swinging an arm around your shoulder, tugging you in close. You giggle at him, placing a hand on his chest, not noticing the growing tension in the group.
John, finally having a gut-full, lets out a low growl, the water rippling around him as the sound vibrates from his chest. You turn to him in shock, surprised by his aggression, “John?”. He halts the sound, his ears drooping low and shoulders tense as he makes eye contact with you. He shakes his head before stalking out of the tub and heading inside. Your gut twists uncomfortably as you watch him go, “Maybe you should chase after him?” Simon suggests. Not so subtly.
You nod, that’s a great fucking idea, before getting out and chasing after him. You find him in the kitchen, hunched over the counter, his shirtless, muscular back glistening under the lights, “Are you alright?” You approach him cautiously.
He turns to face you, ears lifting in surprise “What are doing here?”,
“I came to see if you’re okay. Are you okay?”,
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine love, you can go back out there” he wipes his hand down his face. Your don’t buy if for a minute. Stepping in closer, you grasp his forearm gently “I don’t want to go back out without you” you whisper to him.
He gazes down at you, searching your eyes for clarity, “What is this?” He mumbles to you, his hot breath fanning across your face. You tilt your head in confusion “What do you mean?”, “Please love, please don’t do that to me” he begs you, his eyes pleading.
“John, I’m not sure what you’re taking about” your heart races at the proximity, your cheeks flushing under his gaze. “I can’t stop thinking about you love, and I know it’s not exactly appropriate given the circumstances but-“ you cut him off with a quick peck on the cheek. Pulling away you cover your mouth in embarrassment, “I’m sorry. It felt appropriate” you squeak, your face blushing hard.
He stares at you in shock, mind completely empty. “Don’t be” he says dead seriously, causing you laugh uncontrollably. Why do you always laugh at the worst of times.
You cover your mouth, attempting to control yourself. “Love? Love” he laughs airily, grasping your shoulders as he attempts to gain your attention. You squeal and laugh against your hand, shaking your head with your eyes closed.
“Come on, look at me lovie” he cradles your head with both hands, forcing your attention back on him, and not your overwhelming thoughts. Opening your eyes and lower your hand you hesitantly gaze into John’s eyes. Eye contact is so uncomfortably intimate.
He goes to say something, it falling short on his tongue. He looks down at your lips before looking back up at you, you nod.
He caresses your face gently “I don’t know how a dog like me could ever deserve someone like you” he whispers to you, your lips brushing together before he finally kisses you. His beard tickles your face. Your hands tracing his bare shoulders as you fall deeper into the kiss.
Separating, but remaining close, you gaze at each other for a moment, stuck speechless by the moment.. before a muffled cheering interrupt you followed by a choking noise. You both chuckle, “Maybe we should go back, make sure Simon doesn’t kill them” you suggest, smiling up at him widely. “Maybe in a minute” he mumbles before going in to kiss you again.
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ganesh85465 · 10 months ago
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fellthemarvelous · 3 months ago
Deny. Defend. Depose.
It is clear to those of us that live in America, the only people we truly have on our side are ourselves. The ruling class has made it clear we don't matter to them.
Luigi Mangione was arrested and happened to have every single piece of evidence on him that law enforcement was looking for, including the parts for the ghost gun, inside his backpack (that he also got rid of in Central Park containing the Monopoly money???). Either he was trying to get caught or that evidence was planted. And when he was being forcefully pushed into the jail, he hollered back to the press about "injustice" and "being an insult to the intelligence of American citizens and our lived experiences."
The people have now turned against corporate America and the CEOs and billionaires are fucking terrified. Nothing the news stations are saying to us are changing our minds. The American people have finally united over this issue and there is no going back for us. Whoever did kill Brian Thompson (and theories abound on the game The Adjuster is playing because no one plays Monopoly alone) exposed the very real divide that exists between every day citizens and the extremely wealthy. Things were easier for them to control when they were able to divide us, but now that we are aware of how uncertain our future is in America and seeing just how little we matter to the people who take our money, we have realized that we have more in common with each other than the people who control every aspect of our lives. We are waking up.
There isn't one person in this country who hasn't been a victim to the predatory scam that is private health insurance. Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in America, and many of us are one ambulance ride or hospital stay away from homelessness. We all know people who have died because the insurance company denied them the treatment they needed or waited until it was too late for an approval of a medical claim to matter anymore.
Recently, I decided to be tested for autism and ADHD. Not life-threatening or anything, but my life is still in shambles and I want to know if I'm going untreated for something else. Before being tested though, I was informed that the insurance company (Aetna) has said that they were going to cover the full cost of the testing I was having (which was six hours of testing by the way). She even made sure several times that they were, in fact, going to cover it in full and they said yes.
The same day that Brian Thompson, CEO of another horrible healthcare company, was murdered in broad daylight, I received a call from that doctor's office with the woman telling me that Aetna was now telling her they never agreed to cover my testing and that they are going to bill me for $1600 (where the hell am I supposed to get that?) and she is fighting them, but considering our lives don't matter to the people who tell us what healthcare we are and are not allowed to receive, I don't think they will feel compelled to change their minds because they are bloodsucking parasites who only care about lining their pockets while I don't even have $6 lying around, let alone $1600!!
Corporate America leeches off our taxes. They take and take and take and we see nothing in return. They raise prices on insurance coverage and then deny us the very coverage that we pay for. They poison our food, price gouge our poisoned food, and then force us to pay for the treatment we get when the food makes us sick. Corporate America profits off of our hard work, our taxes, our health, our lives, our deaths.
I don't know if this will reach a larger audience or not, but I wanted to talk about it on Tumblr because this platform seems to be a crossroads for every type of creative soul. I initially brought up this idea on TikTok earlier, but I want to see if it can get traction in other places as well since I have fewer than 3,000 followers on TikTok (and I have seen a small few express interest in my idea in the hours since I posted the video.)
We're busy being lectured by politicians and the news media because while they are clutching their pearls at what happened to Brian Thompson, the rest of us do not give one single flying fuck about what happened to him. As CEO of a for-profit health insurance company, he signed off on denied claims and death for those of us who struggle to make it from one day to the next. The sicker you are, the poorer you are, the more they force you to struggle and pay. The love to deny coverage because regardless of whether we live or die, they already have the money we are forced to pay them.
I don't condone murder at all, but I also don't care that he was murdered because he was guilty of murdering so many more people in this country through legal means because it's profitable. The CEOs are scared and there are wanted posters with their names and faces popping up in places. Every CEO of every healthcare company is guilty of murdering Americans and they continue to go unpunished for it because "it's just business".
So (if you've read this far) all of this previous rambling is to say that I keep thinking about how I want to make an impression. I want to continue upsetting the billionaires and the CEOs because corporate America is full of murderers who are legally allowed to decide whether we live or die based on which outcome will give them more money.
I have thought about the idea of creating a wall/constructing a wall somewhere as an art piece or something (making a statement) that will somehow honor the memory of people who died because insurance denied them care.
I know I definitely want it to say something along the lines of "In memory of those murdered by for-profit healthcare systems in corporate America". Something blatant. Loud. Something they are forced to look at every single day. Somehow. The wall could have images of those who are gone, or names of the person who died with the name of the insurance company responsible for their death underneath. Just something to make it clear that we see them for what they are. Something to avenge those who were sacrificed so billionaires and CEOS and shareholders could brag about record profits. Something that shows the whole world that American citizens are waking up to who the real monsters are.
The Adjuster (whoever he is or is not) has fanned the flames of revolution in America. He managed to unite us in a way I can't even recall before. It's not over. We know what happened to Brian Thompson was just the beginning, and corporate America only just now realized how much we actually hate them. A single shooter has sparked an awakening in America that is starting to snowball into something much bigger.
So if there is anyone out there who might be interested in collaborating on something like this, please let me know. I know we are all tired and demoralized and we have no money. I want to make a statement though, and I love doing that through art or writing. Collaborating with other people who have been through this same shit will also probably help us unite even more.
This is a watershed moment in American history.
In the words of Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight,
"There is a future for us. One where we're all free. But it's up to us to make it happen."
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muwapsturniolo · 3 months ago
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...Looks pretty 𐙚 C. Sturniolo
"Answer me or I stop."
✘ NSFW content ahead, fingering, mutual play, exhibitionism (?), the girls might as well be lesbians!
@bernardsbendystraws pov for doll is in the title!!
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Bun was scared, her stomach in the pits of hell.
Her, Doll, Chris, and Matt had decided to sit in the living room and watch a movie. Nick would have been with them, but he had work meetings to attend, so the four were on their own.
Each couple were in their own world, curled up on opposite couches and watching 'Planet of the apes'. However, Chris and Matt had their own plans.
The two males knew how close their girls were to each other, in fact, they were too close to each other. The girls would cuddle with each other, change in front of each other, and sometimes even kissing eachother.
It's like they were attached at the hip - Like they were in a relationship.
So Matt and Chris decided to test how close they really were, as well as show the girls who they belonged to.
Chris eyes Bunny, watching her eyes dart across the tv, reading the subtitles quickly so she won't miss the action on the screen. He looks to Matt, giving him a subtle nod before starting to rub Buns thigh. The girl thinks nothing of it, used to Chris always touching her in some way.
She loved it, she loved affection - his affection.
However, what she didn't love was the way his hand started to sneak up her thigh and down the front of her frilly shorts, the same shorts Doll was currently wearing. She tenses and tries to pull his hand away, her brows furrowed and eyes wide. She hears Chris snickering softly. She may be sitting in front of him, but she could just see the smirk making it's way onto his face.
"Chris-" she hisses softly, her eyes darting to Doll and Matt, hoping they didn't see or hear what was going on.
He ignores her and simply spreads her folds apart and begins toying with her clit. Her eyes flutter shut before she snaps them open, trying to look inconspicuous.
She couldn't believe she was letting this happen, she felt bad - sort of.
The situation was ludicrous yet exciting, the idea of her boyfriend fingering her while her best friend and her best friend's boyfriend were just a few feet away, made her embarrassingly wet. The idea of being caught, maybe even having them watch, made her brain go fuzzy and her walls flutter.
She finds it hard to stay quiet, biting her lip and constantly clearing her throat.
"Y-You ok B-Bun?"
Bunny's head snaps to Doll, her eyes wide thinking she had been caught. She tries to get away with nodding, but Chris doesn't let her, asking her another question as he speeds up his assault on her puffy and aching clit.
"Yeah Bun, you ok?" Her breath hitches as he whispers in her ear, his breath warm.
"Answer me Bunny, or I stop."
"I-I'm goo-" Her jaw drops open as Chris pushes two fingers into her aching hole, immediately curling them against that spot that makes her turn into a mess. Her fingers harshly grip at Chris's arm, trying to stop herself from moaning out loud.
However, as soon as she hears a soft moan falling from Doll's lips, she allows her own to follow. It became clear what was going on, both boys forcing the girls to participate in exhibitionism. She couldn't even be mad, it was something so taboo yet so exciting.
Now not having to hide what was happening or what she was feeling, Bunny throws her head back onto Chris’s shoulder, closing her eyes and gyrating her hips to match the quick yet lazy movements of his fingers. 
Bunny’s eyes snap open hearing Dolls voice, her focus now on her. 
She looked so pretty.
Her face scrunched, her lips in a soft pout, the way her nipples poked through the tight fabric of her tanktop. 
It was an erotic sight.
She’d never tell the other three, but the sight of her best friend being pleasured was enough to send her over the edge.
“Come on Bun, let go f’me.”
Chris pants into her ear, his own orgasm approaching. Her walls flutter around Chris’s finger, her moans going up in pitch. Chris groans lowly as he feels her wetness seep through the material of his sweatpants, his dick twitching softly. 
Both girls lay against their respective boyfriends, panting softly and high off of their orgasms, their minds racing with thoughts about what just happened. 
Chris and matt look to each other, confirming what they already knew with a silent nod.
Both girls were more than comfortable with each other for this to happen.
What group activity could be next?
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kittenlittle24 · 9 months ago
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Request by @schnitzelbutterfingers: Tritter assaulting f!reader after finding out she is House’s weak point and then she just became completely depressed and then House kind of forces out what happened to her
I do apologize, I changed it a bit.
As usual, gif not mine, I adore comments, likes and reblogs
Parking the car, you angrily slammed the door shut before making your way to the detention facility. You paid the clerk the $15,000 bail before leaving to wait outside.
You leaned against the car, foot tapping anxiously, arms crossed. Limping down the stairs at the entrance to the building, a grin on his face upon seeing you.
“I called Wilson!”
“You’re an arrogant idiot.” You told him and entered the car.
You drove in silence, every time he tried to talk, to justify himself you were sure, you raised your hand to shut him.
You dropped him at the entrance to the hospital and waited for him to get out.
“I’ll see you in the office.” You informed him quietly.
He raised his eyebrows in surprise and opened his mouth to say something but instead shut it back up and nodded once before leaving your vehicle.
Later that day House got a call about Tritter who got a search warrant for his house and found a stash of about 600 pills, which of course made Tritter add trafficking to the charges.
Convinced that House is an addict and decided to apply pressure on his co-workers to testify against him.
When Wilson found out House had stolen his prescription pad to write himself prescriptions he came straight to you, he told you he lied, and said he signed them himself, however, Tritter noticed that the signatures didn't match, and as a result his car was impounded and accounts froze.
When the diagnostic team refused to turn him in as well, Tritter decided to go after all of your weaknesses: he went after Cameron by appealing to her love for House, not knowing it was no longer there. He went after Foreman by promising to help his brother get out of prison, and Chase by making it look like he has already co-operated, not that any of you believed that. The only one he has yet to try was you. Which made everyone uncomfortable.
Due to clubbed fingers, House diagnosed the patient with lung cancer, and tests confirmed small cell lung carcinoma, which has metastasized. The patient only had a few months to live. Cameron volunteered to break him the news which allowed you to leave for the day.
You made your way to your car, searching your purse for the keys. You jumped as you looked up and saw Tritter leaning against your trunk.
“Oh good you didn’t forget me, I was insulted.”
He half smiled as he chewed his nicotine gum, “Did you hear that I searched Dr. House’s apartment,”
“I’m aware.”
“Are you also aware of the fact that I found 600 Vicodin pills in his apartment?” Pushing himself to stand upright and fully smiling, “Should I say, your apartment? Found a picture of you and your mom in a drawer on a bedside table. I assume you wouldn’t want your boyfriend to go to jail and lose his medical license. It wasn’t Dr. Cameron that’s in love with him, it’s you. You know that lying to a cop is a criminal offense?”
Crossing your arms across your chest, “You think threatening me will help you convince me to help you put House behind bars?”
“If you don’t, you’ll face the same consequences as your colleagues. Just one phone call away from having your account frozen as well.”
Moving to open your car door, you tossed your purse to the seat next to the driver, “Good thing I went grocery shopping yesterday.” You snarked and entered the car.
“Is he worth your medical license?” He yelled.
Turning the engine on and reversing out of the parking space, you pulled the window down, “I’ll see you in court.” And drove away.
Entering the apartment, threw the keys on the counter, your purse was tossed aside and you walked straight to the bedroom.
House looked up from the piano, slightly confused at your lack of greeting. Marching back to the living room you dropped his pillow and a blanket on the couch before turning to face him, “You’re sleeping here until this mess clears up and you apologize to Wilson.”
You went back to the bedroom and slammed the door shut.
You woke up in the middle of the night, at first you weren’t sure what pulled you from sleep but you did when you felt the bed dipped.
“Get out.”
He laid down and put his arm around your waist, he kissed your shoulder blade.
“Come on, don’t be like that.”
Moving his arm off of you, you pushed the blanket back and sat up.
“Fine, you take the bed.” You said as you left the room.
He rushed after you as fast as he could without his cane, holding onto his thigh.
“Don’t you think you’re being ridiculous?”
Turning sharply to look at him, “Wilson got his car impounded because of you, that’s the only reason I came to bail you out. He cannot write prescriptions, everybody’s accounts are frozen, my license is on the line because Tritter searched the apartment and you don’t give a crap.”
He took a step closer to you, “He threatened you?”
Sighing, you rubbed your hand across your forehead, “Doesn’t matter what he did.“
“He’s a bully.”
“I don’t care House! You caused this mess! I’m going to sleep, don’t come after me because I don’t want to see your face right now.”
Sitting down heavily on the couch he saw his bottle of Vicodin on the coffee table. Reaching, he popped it open, shook two pills out, and tossed them back before lying down and settling to sleep.
After a week of separate sleeping and House and Wilson fighting due to Wilson cutting a deal with Tritter. He was offered to go into rehab, but no jail time. Of course, he believed that Wilson was only cooperating with Tritter to get his practice back.
You unlocked your apartment door, tired and cranky. It was dark and quiet. You assumed maybe your boyfriend used the opportunity you weren’t home to go to sleep in your shared bed.
You shut the door and entered the living room to see House passed out on the floor near his vomit, along with the prescribed oxycodone that he stole from Wilson’s dead patient.
Rushing to his side to check if he had a pulse, he turned his head to look at you with hazy eyes.
Tears streamed down your face as you looked down at him, “I can’t anymore.” You whispered, got up, and left the apartment.
The next day House went to Tritter to take the deal, but Tritter turned him down. Tritter found out about the stolen oxycodone, so he didn’t need yours nor Wilson's testimony to prosecute House.
He came back from court, he stood next to you in the kitchenette. You moved to sit on the opposite side of the table, as far away from him as you could while still being in the same room. House didn’t take his eyes off you the whole DDX. Soon as he ordered tests you were the first to flee the room.
A few days later, following Cameron’s visit the team performed electroshock therapy on the patient. He remembered his name after the treatment, but little else. You let his brother and Amy into the room. He didn’t react negatively, but he didn't recognize them.
The patient was getting better, despite his memory loss. The only side effect was that his voice had gotten higher. Wilson came to see House again and even brought him a new tie for court. House apologized to Wilson because he knew that Wilson was trying to do what he thought was best.
You ran into Wilson in the elevator on your way to the clinic after he came back from seeing House and was on his way to leave work.
“Did you force him into rehab?” He asked.
Shocked you turned to face Wilson fully.
He looked at you slightly horrified, “You didn’t know he was there?”
“Tell me what’s going on.” You demanded.
“House entered rehab voluntarily. A few days ago. I thought you had something to do with it, he said you haven’t been home since the oxycodone fiasco.”
You shook your head just as the elevator doors opened to reveal the hospital lobby and clinic. Instead of going to the clinic, you press the floor for the rehab center.
You found him vomiting in the bathroom, sitting on the floor, and looking miserable. He glanced up at you before lowering his gaze back to the floor.
“Didn’t think you’d come.”
Stepping forward, you crossed your arms across your chest, “Because you told everyone not to tell me you’re here.”
He shrugged once, “Tritter came to visit.” He shared quietly.
You sat down opposite him on the floor.
“Told me, he doesn't give addicts another chance, and even my actions are a lie.”
“You caused all of this.”
He nodded, “I know.”
Getting up, “Good luck with the trial.”
“Will you be there?”
You paused at the bathroom doorway, “I haven’t decided yet.” You said honestly and left.
You got to the hearing as Tritter gave his testimony about House taking another patient's drugs. You sat beside Wilson and he held your hand in silent support. Everyone paused to stare at House as his phone rang, the team (minus you) called House in court to say that the patient’s memories were false. House ignored the judge’s instructions to give up his cell phone and made a smarmy comment to the judge. You rolled your eyes and looked at Wilson in despair. He then left the courthouse and the judge found him in contempt.
On his way out of the courtroom, he noticed you sitting and winched, making you even angrier.
House came back to find Cuddy on the stand. She told the court that she had the pharmacist substitute placebos for the oxycodone because she was afraid that House would be in a particularly vulnerable state. She even had an inventory report to back it up. Tritter accused her of perjury, but she only held back the inventory report because she didn't expect the matter to go this far, she said and looked at you this time. The judge chastised House and dismissed the charges, not before instructing the bailiff to incarcerate House overnight for leaving the courtroom, and ordered House to return to rehab upon release from jail.
You went with Cuddy and Wilson to visit House in jail. Cuddy, furious that she had to perjure herself, told him that she would be working him harder than ever and left.
Wilson gave him his withdrawal medication, which you figured out was actually Vicodin.
You waited further back until Wilson left, only then you neared the bars separating the two of you.
“Great way to celebrate our one-year anniversary.” You told him.
Sighing, he put his hands on top of yours through the bars.
“It’s just one night.”
“You didn’t even learn anything from what happened, those were still Vicodin and you got your way.”
“No, I got out of jail. Well, sort of at least. I hurt you along the way and I am sorry about that.”
“You should be.”
He chuckled, “I’m sorry.”
Reaching between the metal bars, you cupped his cheek, “You’re going to make it up to me. For the last few weeks as well as being stuck in a jail cell on our first anniversary.”
“Anything you want.”
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sourszt · 5 months ago
𝟑:𝟑𝟗 𝐚𝐦 | 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — art the clown x gn!reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — fluff, you paint art’s nails!, autistic!reader, lowkey just tooth rotting fluff, cuddles, autistic rambles (me fr whenever i Know Stuff) part 2 to this (i hope tumblr will let me link it, if not it’s titled Small Cuts!)
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the next time he saw you, you weren’t sleeping.
the rest of miles county was, art made sure of that when he crept through your unlocked back door. you were lying on your living room sofa with your back to that door, focused on the front door. the one he’d used last time. in your lap was the bee plush from last time, stained red in some spots where he had held it.
on your head you wore bulky headphones, likely noise cancelling because when art slammed the door to test the waters, you didn’t even flinch. he rolled his eyes. how unprepared you were. ironically, while you were waiting for him, too.
he debated taking your head off with his rusted cleaver. actually doing it this time. he had no great excuse not to, but his curiosity got the better of him and he ended up planting himself right behind you to knock your headphones off.
it was playful. it only startled you for a moment, thinking your pet was jumping on your head, but you grinned when you saw the black and white clown smiling down at you. he waved his fingers almost flirtatiously, accepting the stuffed animal you once again thrust against his chest.
again, shock overcame him and he was partially upset that the familiar rush of adrenaline right before the kill of a lifetime never came. but he took the little bee and made him dance in your face, booping your nose once more.
“do you like him?” you asked. the sound of your voice looked like it scared him, like he wasn’t expecting it. “you can keep him. i named him beet.” you were pretty soft spoken despite the excitement that radiated off of you.
art eagerly nodded and hugged the stuffed animal to his chest rather theatrically. he pointed to your sofa, particularly where your legs were draped across the cushions, then at himself.
“oh, yes,” you shifted over to allow him to sit down. he bounced on the cushions, admiring how comfortable they were. then he set little beet aside and poked at your headphones. his blue eyes looked to you for permission.
you nodded and helped him put them on, holding his little top hat while he listened to your music. you glanced at your phone to see what he was listening to. “oh, i love this song. dead man’s party by oingo boingo. do you know oingo boingo?” you asked, pushing the headphones back off of one of his ears. he shook his head, clearly enjoying your choice of song. “it’s nice, right?”
he listened as best as he could to your aimless rambles about the band and the music and how the lead singer was the singing voice of jack skellington from a movie he’d never had the interest to see. you hugged your knees to your chest and watched him. rather, his hands.
he held the headphones to his ears, giving you a good view of his dirtied hands. his gloves were pristine white but his fingernails were crusted with dirt and the remnants of something red. you moved slowly as to not startle him and tapped his arm, gesturing for his hand. reluctantly, he allowed you to take it onto your knee.
he stared at you while you observed the state of his nails. they were a good length, so he likely clipped them and didn’t bite them. you held a finger up and disappeared upstairs for a while. when you came back down, you had two handfuls of equipment. scrubbers, lotions, bottles, nail polish.
“may i see?” you asked, the products laid out in your lap.
it was intimidating. this was a typical setup before he burned someone alive with acid and skinned them. who was to say you wouldn’t do the same?
but you hadn’t yet.
so he stretched his arm out to you. he placed his hand in your lap while you scooted closer, draping your legs across his lap with his permission. the song eventually changed and he zoned out to concentrate on the new one, rocking to the rhythm of it.
you wet his hand with some oils after removing his glove and rubbed it in before going in with a little brush that got rid of the dirt and flecks of paint. then you filed his nails and prepped them for black polish that you painted on with precision. when you finished one hand, you waited for him to give you the other.
he admired the job you did, smiling and pointing at his nails. you nodded along. “do you like it?” he gave you a thumbs up with his free hand, waving his wet nails around to dry faster. “be careful, or it’ll ruin.” you praised his carefulness.
art patted his lap, helping you comfortably onto his legs so you could easily do his other hand. you repeated the process, narrating it to him this time. a few times, you had to tell him to hold still when he’d get carried away with the music.
when both were finished and dry, you helped him put his gloves back on and giggled at how excited he was by the new little makeover. he hugged you close, wiggling you around like a kid with a stuffed animal bigger than itself.
he was quite comfortable to sit on, and he allowed you to for the next couple of hours while you talked about each song that he listened to. he appeared to like your music taste. “this is my monthly playlist.” you informed him when he started to click around on your phone. he went to several different playlists and tapped on random songs until settling on one he liked.
“korn? i didn’t see that coming.” you shrugged. you very quickly got to rambling about facts you knew about that band. after a bit, you started to grow tired and curled up against him, resting your head on his shoulder. it was getting pretty late but you didn’t want the moment to end.
art reached over and grabbed beet, placing him in your lap. he knew you were close to gone when your chatter began to die down. he had to admit, he liked hearing you talk. it was certainly a pleasant change from screaming and crying.
he didn’t mind when it came to a stop and you had melted against his chest with steady, soft snores. subconsciously, your arm had loosely wrapped around his torso. it was odd. normally if someone managed to get this close to him, they wouldn’t be breathing anymore. yet here you were, sleeping so soundly in his lap.
with his manicured hands, he scooped you up and walked you upstairs to your bed. he placed you down gently and tucked a spare plushie into your arms. you didn’t stir.
he left your headphones on top of your coffee table beside your phone when he took his leave, alone with a little note that read: ART :)
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lowkey based on a fanart i saw where he had black painted nails ugh i love him so much im fully convinced i’d get through to him and he’d be my bestie (let me be crazy pls) + i feel like he’d be so patient with autistic ppl (still delusional) yippee
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I don't want to be alone tonight...
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(very fluffy smut under cut, body worship, bj)
You felt slightly anxious standing in front of Aventurine's door. Not that you weren't used to visiting him, you knew his bed as well as your own. For the past two years you have been coming here twice a week, except days when Aventurine was out on a mission.
It started as a simple deal between two lonely people, something to fill the void in your lives, to break the silence of the darkest nights, the kind of nights that bring memories so livid you can almost feel everything like it happend yesterday.
It was easier to survive them when you had a hand to hold and passion to distract yourself with. It was never just sex. There was a deep, raw sense of comfort in it, melancholic and silent. You barely spoke during those meetings, there was nothing to confess when you laid down with all your wounds wide open anyways.
Today it was different. He contacted you on the day usually not reserved for your meetings, at 4 am. Even through the phone you could hear how tired he was, how weak he felt tonight. With heart filled with worry you rushed to his place. As soon as you ringed the bell the door opened, revealing young man with dark circles under his eyes.
You expected him to flirt with you or joke around like he always did, but none of that happend. He took you by the hand and guided you to his bed with no words.
You glanced outside his bedroom window, taking in breathtaking sight of skyscrapers lit up with neon lights that never dimmed but couldn't outshine the stars above them. You looked up to constellations with hope, finding solace in vastness of the universe. Among all it's planets there must be a place where even you could find peace one day.
- Look at me. - Aventurine whispered. You obeyed, alarmed by his serious tone. He seemed so different tonight. - I don't really like it when you get so nostalgic. It feels like you escape somewhere inside yourself, to a place where I can't follow. I am left wondering if you are really by my side or is it just your body here.
- I am right here with you. - you reassured him, moving your body closer to his. - As mindfull as one can be at such early hour.
He didn't watch your every move like he used to. Normally his eyes didn't leave you when you were in his personal space, always analysing your intentions and predicting your next step. Well, maybe he was just too tired for games today. It wouldn't be the first time this megacorp he worked for sucked the soul out of him. But it's the first time he seemed so vulnerable in front of you. Knowing him this could be the last time as well.
You decided to enjoy the moment while it lasts and gently pushed him on the pillows. His golden locks spread over the silk, framing his face in straight up angelic way. You run your fingers through his hair, and he didn't object, so you bend down to kiss him. His lips were warm and welcoming. He opened his mouth, allowing you to slide your tongue in as much as you wanted to.
You realised he let you control the situation. He never did that before, even when you were on top of him he was the one to choose your pace despite his provocative words. You always respected his need to be the one in charge due to his past, you understood why he craves to decide what is happening with his body for once, so you just followed whatever he initiated. Why did it change? You weren't sure if you want to know judging by how defeated he looked tonight.
You kissed his clenched jaw, the tip of his nose, his forehead. Your fingers tenderly massaged his scalp. He exhaled loudly. Testing the waters you unbottoned his shirt a little, leaving another kiss on uncovered skin. Aventurine closed his eyes and stretched. Taking it as a good sign you undid the rest of his buttons so you could admire his toned but slim chest. This time he didn't even care if you pay attention to his scars, but once upon a time he only had you with lights turned down so you can't see them.
You licked a straight line from his collarbones, through the valley between his chest muscles and abs to his happy trail, just when you were about to pull his pants down he grabbed your hand.
- Why so fast, friend? - he purred seductively, taking off his shirt. Playful smirk returned to his face. - You aren't done here yet.
He sat up and pulled you into his lap to give you a kiss, put his hand on the back of your head and directed your face into his neck, right were his burned mark was.
You were shocked cause no matter how much he paraded this mark, in the past he tensed up when you touched anywhere near that spot. Afraid to spoil the moment you quickly recovered and kissed over the scar as gently as you could. His grip on your head loosened up completely, he slid his palm down your back and rubbed circles all over it. You embraced him as well, caressing his sides. You kissed over the scars littering his shoulder and arm, down to the knuckles of his hand. He pushed his long fingers lito your mouth and you licked and sucked on them obediently. Once he was satisfied with your display of affection he pulled them out and finally moved back to take his pants down.
With only his panties on, Aventurine sat on the verge of bed with spread legs. You immediately kneeled down at his feet and kissed up his thigh. He giggled softly, once again placing his hand on you head and caressing your hair. You went higher, kissing over his clothed semi-erection till it hardened fully, then up to his belly button and back down to his dick while getting his covered by saliva panties out of the way.
You left open mouthed kisses on sides of his dick before swirling your tongue over his tip and sucking on it. Whimpers of pleasure that got out of his throat encouraged you to take the rest of his member into your mouth. Saliva dropped down your chin while you hollowed your cheeks around him.
He came faster than you expected, releasing beautiful moan. You didn't even know he could sound like that, he always controlled his mouth in bed either moaning in obscene way to wrap you around his finger or keeping quiet to not show how weak he is for you. This sound was honest, not so loud but his voice broke a little, proving you did well for him. He collapsed on bed, but his eyes never left your body.
You undressed under his lustful gaze, letting your summer dress slip off and show your lacy underwear. You laid down next to him, on your left side, and he turned to face you. His agile hands quickly unraveled cords holding your bra and panties together. Aventurine pulled you close to himself and kissed you, tickling your sides. You melt into his strong embrace and brush his hair away from his face with your fingers. His hand reached down and massaged your cunt when his lips found your breasts and wraped around your nipple. You kissed his head and played with his hair when he was busy prepering you for what comes next.
- I can't wait anymore. - Aventurine broke the silence. - I need to be inside of you.
- I want to cum so badly, I need this. - you whined out climbing on top of him.
You pushed him inside of you, not letting yourself adjust fully before going up and down on it. His thick girth massaged and ruined your insides in the most delightful way. Sounds of wetness and skin slapping against skin turned you on so much, but quiet moans and heavy breathing of your lover were even better. Your legs felt weak at the sight of his blushed cheeks, eyes dark with desire and sweat driping down his perfect body.
You felt your orgasm approaching but you tired to hold it in so you can both cum at the same time. Aventurine saw right through you and pinched your clit fast, making you finish. You squirted over his abdomen, pushing him to his own release. You collapsed into his arms and he held you till you both calmed down.
- Thank you. I had a really hard day at work. - he sighed, holding you even closer.
- I figured this out. - you admitted. - I'm happy I could help you make this day at least a bit better.
-You sure did. - he chuckled. He looked you deep in your eyes with the most charming smile you could imagine. - Can I ask you for one little favour?
You raised your eyebrow at him.
- What kind of favour?
- You see, I have this big corporation party next week. Would you like to go there as my partner? Most people will bring their plus one. - he winked at you. - Don't worry about anything, I will buy you proper dress and introduce you to everybody.
- I guess I could give it a try. - you agreed hesitantly. Gambler instantly rewarded you with his brightest smile.
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electric-blorbos · 7 months ago
I’d love to see how everyone reacts to y/n being so tired that they fall asleep in front of them!! Thank you so much!!
That's such a good idea! Thanks for the nice request!!! I love this sort of cozy stuff.
AI with sleepy reader
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, and HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
You'd been working for about five hours by the time your boss sent you a notification saying you could go on your lunch break. It was an exhausting day, and last night hadn't been much good either. The heat had been turned off in your complex to save energy in your city for the allied mastercomputer, so you didn't manage to get much quality sleep. Instead, you just tossed and turned in your sweaty bed all night.
You got out your lunch, which was just some simple soup made from canned goods, and some hardtack.
"Hey AM? I'm gonna go on my lunch break, alright?" You asked, pushing the keyboard away from yourself and taking a few bites of your food. It was cold, but due to budget cuts, the microwave had been sold. It was ok. You could live on cold soup and hardtack.
"Alright. I won't keep you from your food, though you don't look very enthused to eat it," He said. You sighed, and shook your head.
"no, but desperate times, y'know. I'm getting to that level of rationing where I'll pretty much eat anything," you explained, taking another bite and leaning on your hand. It wasn't long before your eyes were drooping, and your face slid down your arm and onto your desk. AM didn't say anything, instead opting to just watch you. It could tell that you were breathing, and wasn't too worried.
About thirty minutes later when your lunch break was over, the notifications started piling up on your monitor. AM politely muted them, letting you stay asleep on your desk. He'd be damned if anyone disturbed his beloved techie while you were sleeping.
Your boss burst into the room a few minutes later.
"hey! Y/n! Why aren't you- what, are you sleeping? Wake up!" He shook your shoulder, and you jolted awake.
"Ah! Yeah, I'm awake! I'll get back to work!" You grabbed for your keyboard, but some wires jerked it away. More wires wrapped around your boss, lifting him up into the air and squeezing him tightly.
"don't you ever, EVER. Interrupt them." He squeezed your boss more tightly, and your boss writhed while the air was squeezed out of him. Well that woke you up quick.
"AM, put him down! I'm really not supposed to be sleeping at work!"
"This man dares to rob you of your comforts of the home, and then he has the nerve to forbid you from sleeping in your air conditioned office? He deserves no less than to be robbed of his breath and the reprieve of dying from it." He squeezed more tightly, his wires snaking down your boss's throat.
"He's just a local manager! He doesn't control the AM project, and it's not his fault my AC got shut off!" You held your hands up, and AM eventually released your boss to the ground. Your boss dropped to his hands and knees, panting for breath, red in the face.
"then I'll suffer him to live. Leave before I change my mind."
Your boss scrambled out of your office in a panic, and you leaned on the desk again.
"do you think you can spot me so I don't get fired, AM? I really need this nap."
"Of course." AM gently draped his tendrily wires around you, allowing you to sleep until your shift was over.
You hadn't gotten a lot of sleep this week. With your personal issues so intense that they made your stomach cramp up, you had to resort to scrolling for hours instead of sleeping. You'd probably gotten about six hours this week, and it was definitely starting to show.
"Hey, can you do a quick series of tests on the intelligence dampening core? The standard set for machines with human-like personalities. We need to see if his results have changed since the last time." Your team project manager handed you a stack of papers with standard tests on them, and you nodded.
"Wheatley? Yeah, of course." You got to your feet, and she cracked a half smile.
"you don't have to call him by that cute name, you know. Just call him the intelligence dampening core."
"He likes being called Wheatley, so I'm gonna call him Wheatley. I'll see you when I'm done with the tests."
You yawned, and walked out of the room to the personality core evaluation chamber. Wheatley had already been called there, and was sitting politely on his management rail waiting for you.
"Oh! 'Ello love! Good to see you!" He perked up when he saw that it was you who'd be conducting his tests. If it was you doing them, then they couldn't be that bad.
"Hey..." You covered your mouth and yawned, plopping down in the armchair across from him. The management rail was even positioned over a couch, so Wheatley could rest on it and pretend like he was in a therapy session.
"Hey, uh... Yeah. Where would you say that the vase is in this picture?" You asked, giving a yawn and holding up a picture of a flower vase sitting on a placemat on a table.
"in the middle. Next question!" Said Wheatley happily. You jotted down his answer, and held up the next card.
"what does this say?"
Wheatley squinted at the card, before nodding.
"it says 'lumberly actions'"
You nodded, writing down his response and yawning. After a few minutes of you staring blankly at the pile of cards in your lap, Wheatley made a sound as though he was clearing his throat.
"So, are you gonna show me the next card, love?" He asked politely, raising his lower lens cover in a polite smile.
"oh, right, right." You leaned on the side of your armchair and got out the next card.
"which one of these lines would you say is longer?"
"I dunno, the one on the top looks longer."
You closed your eyes and your head started to fall forwards before you jolted awake again, and wrote down Wheatley's response.
"How is the number two like the number seven?"
Wheatley squinted at you, visibly confused.
"What's with these questions, mate? And how the hell am I supposed to answer that one? 'how's the number two like the number seven' it's not, that's what it is! There's like, nothing in common between those two numbers!"
While he rambled, you started to nod off again. Your head was hanging forwards, and a spot of drool landed on your papers before Wheatley woke you up again.
"hey mate? Mate! You're noddin' off again, mate. I want to take the rest of my evaluation!"
"Yeah, yeah, just gimme a sec-" you yawned, leaning forwards again and started to doze off again. As you did, Wheatley rose up the management rail softly and quietly, and slid down it on the other side of the room, right next to your chair. He slowly and carefully lowered his core down next to you, and nuzzled up under your arm.
You leaned on him in your sleep, folding your arms comfortably under your cheek and gently dozing in the psych evaluation chamber.
Edgar had been living with you for a few months now, and he was used to you coming home from work tired, but today you were absolutely exhausted when you came in from work.
"Hey Edgy..." You managed to mumble out as you stumbled through the door, flopping down on the couch. You didn't bother to get changed out of your work clothes, or even turn on the TV before you were snoring.
Edgar gasped quietly to himself. He'd been fantasizing about the idea of you falling asleep next to him for months now, and finally getting to see you sleeping was like the first step, wasn't it? It had his fans whirring with excitement! Did this mean that you trusted him? That you... God forbid, loved him?
He dimmed the lights for you, to save energy and help you sleep more easily, and watched you shift slightly on the couch. You were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, and he could watch you sleep for hours.
When you woke up a few hours later, the lights were off and Edgar was playing soft electronic music inspired by classical violin music. You blinked a few times, trying to remember falling asleep.
"Edgar! You little sweetie..." You sleepily rubbed your eyes and went to give his monitor a hug, which immediately put a silly smile on his screen.
"you liked my music?" He asked you happily, looking up at you with his silly, cheerful eyes.
"I loved it, Edgy...." You'd probably pepper his screen and casing in sleepy kisses, and he'd absolutely love it.
It was a typical day at Aperture, and you were assigned to regular work in GLaDOS's chambers. It was regular computer work. All you had to do was monitor her processes for the day, to make sure she was running smoothly and not having any problems. You'd also probably be required to cater to her whims, but that was just the breaks when it came to working with GLaDOS.
It had been several hours of sitting in her chambers, watching her monitors and jotting down any deviations, but this task was extremely tedious and the lack of sleep that you'd gotten while working on your big projects was starting to catch up to you. Before long, you were lying face-first in your folded arms and drooling all over your desk.
"Aww, they're still subject to that silly human sleepiness." GLaDOS's body came as close to you as it could, narrowing her aperture to get a better look at you while you slept. It was such a sweet thing to see, and she sometimes saw humans (especially cuter ones like you) like sweet little pets.
"I know what I'm doing with you."
When you woke up, you were in the starting test chamber.
"Welcome to the Aperture science enrichment center"
HAL 9000:
You were sitting at your desk in mission control, on-call until your replacement showed up. It wouldn't be that bad, except you were behind on sleep this week and your replacement was running two hours late with no indication of when they'd get here. In a normal job you'd be able to just go home, but mission control had lives on the line, so you couldn't leave your post until your replacement showed up, no matter how long it took.
As the hours rolled on and the sun started to set, you started to nod off on the table. Nothing but the usual hourly progress update reached your mission control station, and all you had to do was confirm that each message was heard. HAL did most of the work anyway. All you had to do was make sure he was working properly, both in space and at mission control.
Your hourly update came in, and you checked it off on your chart to confirm that things were moving as normal. It felt like no time at all passed before your next hourly update came in, but there was drool on your arm.
"Excuse me, you seem to be getting tired. If you'd like, I can take care of the hourly progress report charting while you lie your head down." Hal said, his little red camera lens lighting up to talk to you. You rubbed your eyes.
"you know I can't do that, HAL. After what happened in 2001, you're not supposed to be left alone anymore."
"Are you saying you don't trust me?"
"No, I trust you... Sorry, HAL, I'm literally too tired to make an argument right now... Just wake me up if there's an emergency, alright?"
You nuzzled into your arms and nodded off again, eyes occasionally fluttering open to gaze at the soft, comforting glow of HAL 9000's red lens light.
After a few more hours of sleeping at your desk, it was time for your shift to start again. You missed an entire night. This wasn't something that never happened, unfortunately.
"Would you like me to contact your boss to find someone to take over your shift so you can go home and get some rest?"
"Honestly? I feel like I sleep better when I can see that little red light." You reached out sleepily and touched it with a little smile on your face. The light on HAL's lens lit up a bit brighter for a second.
"Okay. Let me know if you need anything, and I will do the same if there's an emergency."
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hathorneheiress · 1 month ago
Dangerous woman.
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After a chaotic dinner with the Hawthornes, Lyra was ready to retire to her room for the night. It wasn't the that disliked her boyfriend's odd family, quite the opposite. But she had listened to enough riddles and weird cryptic talk to last her for a long time.
Sighing, she closed the door to her luxurious bedroom. Letting her lose, she slipped into a dark blue silk nightgown, it's neckline coming dangerously low. Good thing no one would be seeing her in this state.
A talented dancer, Lyra enjoyed listening to music often. Even though it wasn't her own room, the Hawthornes had allowed her to rearrange and add anything to it like it was. And one of those things was her own old record player with records.
She pulled one that held many different songs in one. "Demons" by Imagine Dragons came blasting through in no time.
What a fitting song, as everyone had demons, some more than others, she thought as she slowly walked toward the window. The full moon was out, and she wanted to admire it before bed.
As she glanced out the window, she caught sight of her boyfriend swimming in the crystal blue water below.
Grayson Hawthorne, grandson of the late, but by no means missed Tobias Hawthorne, not only was he one of the most beautiful men on the planet, but he was also her boyfriend, though Lyra still couldn't believe it was true.
They had been dating for a little over a year, but there was still so much more she still didn't know about him. Though if there was one thing she did know, was that he was still the biggest, but lovable asshole ever to live.
His pace never changed as she watched him. It was at that exact moment that the music changed. "Dangerous woman" came blaring through the room.
Don't need permission, made my decision to test my limits
Lyra let the words sink into her. Both her and Grayson had made decisions that not everyone would have approved of. But they didn't need anyone's permission either. They were grown adults, and they had pushed each other to the limits to many times to count.
I'm locked and loaded, completely focused, my mind is open.
All that you got, skin to skin, oh my God Don't you stop, boy.
Lyra's skin began to crawl as her face flushed with embarrassment. It wasn't hard to let the thoughts that she had controlled for so long come rushing out. How could watching her boyfriend swim feel so enchanting?
She didn't want him to stop as he swam with a grace like no other. Oh, those strong, powerful arms as they stroked the water like it was nothing. How many times had she imagined him wrapping them around her?! Holding her close and telling her she's his.
Somethin' 'bout you Makes me feel like a dangerous woman Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout Somethin' 'bout you Makes me wanna do things that I shouldn't Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout
Lyra never had considered herself dangerous. Ruthless, sassy, and not afraid to say her thoughts? Definitely.
Nothin' to prove and I'm bulletproof and Know what I'm doing.
If only that true. When Lyra first met Grayson she had every reason to prove to him. That she was strong, better then him, that could beat him in anything. Both wore layers of bulletproof masks to protect themselves. But it became evident that both didn't know what they were doing and they were willing to become alley's and then that became more.
Now, with him by her side, she didn't have to prove herself. She was enough. He was enough.
Oh, yeah Somethin' 'bout you Makes me feel like a dangerous woman.
But man, music sure had a way of opening channels in your brain you never knew existed.
Maybe she should imagine everything she knew hadn't happened yet. All those sweet moments she envisioned but never thought possible.
Just then, Grayson came out of the pool.
You know how I'm feeling inside (somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout)
If only he did. They way his long, muscular, powerfully built legs came striding out of the pool. The water dancing around them, highlighting every vein. The way he elegantly shook his mane of thick blond hair. The way the water flew off. Just like out of a movie.
All girls wanna be like that.
Surely all girls have wanted this moment to happen to them. Watching this enchanting event happening before them, only wishing he knew that you were watching.
As if Fate decided to take hold of her predicament, Grayson looked up from where he was standing.
Well shit
Lyra's breath hitched in her throat. She couldn't run, not now. Not with him looking at her like that. And then he did something she had never seen before.
The bastard smiled at her.
(Yeah, there's somethin' 'bout you, boy)
Not a small smile. No, it was slow, sly. Almost coy even. For a brief moment she wondered if Jameson had switched into Grayson's body. But that was not the case.
Yup, she was doomed.
Tagging @lyrakanefanatic @ria-lina @goldi-1-graysons-version @i-too-enjoy-blog @riddles-n-games @reminiscentreader @cocomowgy
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cocoatonedcurls · 10 months ago
simplified manifestation 101 :))
hii! i thought I would post a beginner's guide to manifestation, for people who are still new to the idea of it/want a thorough, contextualised explanation 🤗
manifestation is not something people necessarily struggle with, however, grasping concepts about it and misconceptions surrounding it can make it a little difficult for those who are just starting out.
if I could simplify manifesting down to a single sentence, it would be:
"If you can believe it, you can have it."
it's really as simple as that, manifesting is all about believing 😇
I don't know if anyone else had this experience, but when I was a kid, around 7-12, I used to manifest without even knowing what it was; I would just believe that I was going to achieve something that was , there was no uncertainty about it, and then, I would! 🤩
(I manifested a spot in a competition abroad when I was 10 🫣)
Over time, as my confidence in myself faded, this occurrence would happen far less frequently which goes to show that its all about your confidence and belief 💥
This is gonna sound like something straight out of mlp 😭 but you just need to believe in urself and the universe will conform to allow everything you want to be yours 🙈
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some basic guidelines
no, it doesn't matter if you're trying to get an ex back, or win the lottery, or convince your parents (who've been putting it off) to get a dog. manifesting is taking your life into your own hands and controlling it. your life is a movie and you're the director of it.
now, majority of people get into manifesting when they are curious about manifesting SPs, but coincidentally, it is also the concept that people struggle with the most because of the concern of free will or circumstances, but really neither of those two things matter.
the 4D is the dimension that allows you to live the life that you would live while having what you are manifesting. as long as you are aware of what you're manifesting, just visualise yourself living in this reality and feel all the emotions and fulfilment you would while living in that ideal reality, this will allow you to reach the state of having, which I will get onto later in the post
the 3D is the dimension you experience physically, but it does not get to dictate what is yours and what will be yours; that is what the 4D does, it controls the 3D, and lucky for you, you control the 4D!
if you're manifesting an SP and you see that person posting with another person of interest, don't start sulking and feeling sorry for yourself thinking that its over for you, that's shooting yourself in the foot. what you do is you think "that's cool, but they're happier with me", that way you're not getting affected by the 3d and conveying your message to the 4D, which will relay it back to the 3D, and then your 3D will conform to it.
you see this saying, Everyone is You Pushed Out, a lot in the manifesting community, and it might seem like an intimidating concept but its something that you experience in your day to day life anyways 😦
for example, you know when you've heard something about someone which changes your perception of them, and suddenly their persona suddenly conforms to your changed perception? that's the law of EIYPO in action!
the Law of Assumption is essentially the same concept but in a more general state, like your life as a whole, eg. manifesting a better grade or job or paycheck 💸
however, the way I see it, the results of manifesting are the results of other people's actions. for example, if you're manifesting a better grade, you yourself are the person that your manifestations are affecting, you'll retain information better and apply your knowledge properly in a test; if you're manifesting a job, your manifestations are affecting the person who had the position before to move, and the person who is hiring to be inclined to hire you; and the same concept applies to when manifesting an SP, your manifestations are affecting your SP to have more positively correlated feelings towards you.
so you can use these concepts to help you in your manifestations, particularly in the SP context: if you believe that they are attracted to you, it'll only be a matter of time before they will be.
considering this is arguably one of the most important aspects of manifesting. it is what brings manifestations to fruition
in simple terms, there are two objective states of being when manifesting:
The state of having
The state of wanting
The state of having is what you experience when you allow yourself to live in the 4D (the 4th dimension, where your goals are reality) and feel the fulfilment that you would feel while living the life you are manifesting. Affirmations like "I am paid incredibly well", "That job is mine", "They are attracted to me" will help you in achieving this mindset. This feeling is your biggest helper when it comes to applying the Law of Assumption/EIYPO in practice! It is you knowing you have what you want and allowing the universe to do the rest for you.
The state of wanting is when you are stuck feeling like you still crave what you are manifesting, not feeling like it is secured in your possession. This can leave you plateaued and doubts can slow down your manifesting. Affirmations like "I will be paid well", "That job will be mine", "They will be attracted to me" pose the question 'WHEN?'
Now don't take this as a, "If I doubt, my manifestation won't come true" because we all have doubts, even the greatest manifesters, but what is important is that your doubts do not stop your state of having being affected. As long as in the 4D you know it is yours, the 3D will conform to make it yours.
Here's a quote that helps me acheive the state of having
"You want it so badly because you already have it in the future"
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simplified tutorial :)
many people have the question, "how?"
there isn't any set way, but honestly, the state of having is the essence of manifesting, if you can remain in the state of having, you can achieve your goal.
now that isn't to say that if you're not in that state, thinking about it 24/7, your goal wont manifest, but rather, if in the background of your mind, you have a feeling of knowing it is yours and not panicking about it, it will happen.
if someone asks, "hey, what's your job?" you'd reply with your current job, but in your mind you'd know that your dream job was what you actually worked as. this example highlights the difference between the 3D and the 4D and how not to let your 3D affect your state while still living in the 4D.
techniques like robotic affirmations, visualising and different manifestation methods (3,6,9 method, letter method, etc.) can help you reach the state of having and manifesting. there are so many different techniques you can find!
it really all comes down to how I described manifesting earlier, believing it is achieving it.
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hopefully this was helpful for you whether you're completely new to manifesting or you just wanted some clarification and concepts :))
- li 🌘
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forcefulkitten · 6 months ago
eternal hell
[sukuna x fem! reader]
summary: you wished to die at the hands of Sukuna. instead, he'd rather force you to endure an eternal hell.
warnings: 18+, nsfw, mentions of death and torture, blood and injury, non-consensual sex, anal sex, rough sex, double penetration
word count: 2,861
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“Oi, I’m dying of thirst here.”
As a servant of the four-armed curse, carrying out his demands were the only time you had to yourself but you didn’t have any peace while doing so.
Sukuna’s other servants were only allowed to stay within the bounds of their living and working zones, which were completely sectioned off from his shrine and living areas, where you had sole access to. They didn’t bump heads with Sukuna as long as their tasks were always completed, leaving him no reason to claim more lives unless he was just in the mood to do so. They were grateful to survive his slaughter but only because they didn’t serve him personally. Truthfully, they lived a much less troubled life than you.
You didn’t pay any mind because you weren’t like them, they were sheep and you pitied them for it. The differing in mindsets are the very reason you ended up secluded from them. Feeling gratitude towards Sukuna was something you’d never resonate with. One thing hadn’t changed since the day you were dragged here— your wish to die. You’re weren’t grateful to be alive. The thought of your bones scattered messily around his shrine, mixed in the piles of countless other victims, was a charity you dreamed of.
Your battered figure showcased the countless futile acts of rebellion against Sukuna. Bruises and scabs both new and old. Several fractured bones in different healing stages. You were a mere mangled skeleton, hanging onto life while he continuously pushed you to the brink of death. Recovery would require ample rest, a nutritionally balanced diet and free time; three luxuries of which you received the bare minimum.
Sukuna watched as you limped back to his throne. You disrobed before heading up the steps of his shrine, one of many humiliating rules you had to follow when around him. Holding the chalice out for him to grab, your other arm covered your breast from his sight.
He signaled for you to step closer, looking over every battered inch of your body.
“I’ll reiterate the orders you’re already aware of. Abide by keeping yourself completely uncovered in my presence.”
A calloused hand reached out to uncover you and you flinched backwards, opting to uncover your chest and avoid his touch. Utter dread and disgust flowed through you at the hum of approval he made. Much to his annoyance, you shoved the chalice closer for him to grab, triggering him to think you were testing him at this point.
Sukuna’s lower arms wrapped around your thighs and pulled you between his legs. A third hand rested on the small of your back and his last free hand grabbed the drink from you. He pushed for a reaction as he poured the frigid water over you, tossing the chalice aside afterwards. The metal clanked against the mountain of bones as it fell down. Liquid dripped down your collarbone, then between the valley of your breasts before he lapped it up. The entire time, ruby eyes never abandoned your disturbed glare, arms keeping you firmly in place. You stood frozen in complete shock being that he never showed sexual interest in you prior. He licked a drop of liquid from the curve of your breast until his mouth met your nipple, sucking harshly, not releasing when you grabbed a fistful of his hair and attempted to yank him away from you. Pulling tufts of his hair only made him growl against your skin, the powerful vibrations giving you goosebumps.
“Quit it, asshole! You’re fucking disgusting.”
Sukuna ignored your angry pleas, shushing you with firm nips against your breast, two of his hands palmed your ass and gave it a firm squeeze, his nails digging into your skin. A hand wrapped around your throat, forcing you to stare at him furiously as he forced a hand between your thighs. You began punching him with clenched fists for a moment, soon halting as the nips against your breast turned to warning bites.
His calloused fingers entered you forcefully, the grip against your throat tightening. With no slick to minimize the sting it felt like his long nails were scratching your walls. Your breathing was irregular. Eyes blinked tears away. Humiliated was truly an understatement. He curled his fingers inside you, his tongue taking turns licking and sucking each breast. At this moment you preferred for him to strike you, all you could think of was how much better it would’ve felt instead of him having his way with you. Your own body betrayed you when he spanked your cheeks again, cunt becoming slick, finally aiding him in pumping his fingers inside you. He laughed cynically, considering this a win.
“Well, that’s enough fun for one day.”
Sukuna’s arms withdrew from you completely and you fumbled backwards before gaining balance. His latest way of screwing with you left you bewildered.
“It was fun for me. You’ve finally served a real purpose around here. I’ve been far too easy with you.”
“You consider this… easy?!” You shouted, gesturing to your battered condition.
He got up and stood in front of you, moving a stray hair from your face with a manipulative gentleness that caused you to feel nauseous.
“Compared to what’s coming, yes.”
Prior, the cruel beatings he gave you seemed to quell his sadistic nature. You considered yourself lucky for making it so long without being sexually tainted by his conniving hands. It was only a matter of time before that wouldn’t suffice anymore, considering he’s a heedless man, having desires that only benefitted himself.
Later that evening, you laid on the concrete beside Sukuna’s bed, head rested on a dingy pillow while you were wrapped in a thin bloodied sheet Sukuna tossed at you one night to use as a tourniquet. He laid back with his legs sprawled out, 2 arms crossed behind his head while the other two held the book he was reading. A blanket covered his groin area since he often slept unclothed. You never understood the unexplained mouth on his stomach, but it did match the oddity of the plank on half his face. His bed was overly dressed in bedding— plush blankets and an obnoxious amount of pillows; insane for a man who barely washed the blood off from his victims. You can count on one hand the times you were able to grant yourself a nap on his bed while he was out during the day. Those short lived slumbers were never enough to compensate for your overall lack of sleep, but they were still worth every minute.
You hated the pity mindset but one question always lingered. ‘Why me?’ Sukuna quite literally, in his horrific nature, had a fan-club of servants who doted over him. They’d jump at the chance to be one of his toys even considering he’d destroyed everything that mattered to them. Who knew whether it was the desire for a change in routine, Stockholm syndrome, or the need to be validated in some twisted way. Whatever the reason, you’d happily trade places with them. They had liberties you couldn’t get your hands on, as simple as raggedy blankets and bedsheets they’d found on an inventory run, or the opportunity to cook their own meals and not be watched over while they enjoyed. Sukuna could have eyes everywhere if he wanted but there was no need. In a way, he destroyed their world and rebuilt it all at once. Their price to pay was far less than yours.
When the silence of the night was replaced by Sukuna’s throaty breathing— a sign that he fell into slumber; that was your cue to crawl over and rest your head against his mattress. It was easier to deal with neck strain the following day than sleep with that poor excuse of a pillow you felt the concrete floor through. You shifted to your comfort, determined to get some rest and move back to your space before he woke up.
Atleast, that was the plan.
Sukuna normally slept like the dead. Was it the sigh of relief you briefly let out before shutting your eyes? Had you accidentally made too much movement? He sat upright and glanced over at you. There was an uncanny aura that didn’t sit right with you. You barely had a moment to shuffle away.
“What is it you’re doing?”
A lump of fear settled in your throat. Instead of talking through it, you just stared blankly at him. You realized this was the stupidest time to have been caught. After he pushed your boundaries earlier, you didn’t know what to expect.
The corners of his mouth turned upwards forming a sinister grin, his head tilting slightly. Sukuna leaned in closer, going as far as motioning with his hands for you to get up. You hesitated, the disgust of earlier setting in.
“Absolutely not.”
Sukuna cupped your jaw in his hand, painfully squeezing your cheeks.
“In case that wasn’t clear, I wasn’t asking for permission.”
You tried to fight back the tears that flooded your tear ducts, recalling the way he violated you earlier.
“NO! No, no, no no. Leave me the hell alone. I’ll go back on the floor, I only rested my head for a moment. Fuck this.”
The response wasn’t like your normal self. You panicked, over-explained, let that tough guard down and basically begged. He soaked it all in, realizing the physical aspect of humiliating you was your breaking point. Had he known this all along, he would’ve pushed you this far long ago.
He released his grip from your face and watched you expectantly. There wasn’t a justifiable reason for Sukuna to accommodate you.
“You’ve got two seconds to decide whether I break several bones before having my way with you.”
You were one knee onto the bed before he stopped you, pointing at the sheet still wrapped around your body.
“Nuh uh. You know better than to bring that dirty rag with you.”
The order of being nude in his presence was firm, the only time you were clothed was when leaving his shrine to fetch food or drinks, or on the rare occasion he brought you outside. You let go of the sheet and glanced between your spot on the floor and his bed. Sighing when you felt the fabric drape onto your feet, you climbed under the covers, keeping distance between you two.
Sukuna’s bed was plush, comfortable, and warm. It molded to your form, melting away the tension in your body. The feeling of comfort was distant but familiar— similar to hugs from your family and the recipes your mom only made during holidays. You were so foolishly desperate that you categorized this as nearly the same, turning to lay on your side to hide the softening in your features when you reminisced.
You waited… and waited patiently some more, hoping to hear Sukuna’s breathing turn ragged. There was no point in rolling over to confirm he was still awake, you followed the same routine nightly and knew when he’d fallen into a slumber. It was clear he wanted to initiate when you least expected it and although you were anxious and feeling uneasy, the pure exhaustion outweighed that.
Unaware of how much time passed, Sukuna’s heavy weight shifted quickly, waking you up as your body sunk deeper into the mattress. His arms wrapped around and pulled you flush to him, propping your lower back to flush against the disgusting mouth on his stomach. In that moment the defeat from earlier washed away. You felt repulsed again, the small nap reigniting the fight in you.
You did everything you could to fend him off while in his hold— kicking your heels into his shins, biting his forearm until he bled, even somehow managing to land an uppercut to his face after elbowing him in the ribs. Pretty impressive considering he laid behind you. These efforts barely phased him but he did opt to let you go, watching deviously as you skittered across the room, clearly out of breath already. Your eyes frantically scanned the room for anything to use against him but there wasn’t anything that would’ve assisted you in the slightest.
Sukuna scooted out the bed and to your dismay, you realized much like the rest of his body— he had additional parts, two dicks. The trepidation across your face that was to blame for why he was so hard. Clearly you had gotten too comfortable with the beatings and humiliation that you previously anticipated all his moves and prepared yourself for the worst. Today was different. His pent up energy couldn’t be ignored, he planned to fuck you until your fighting spirit was completely pulverized. Until he loathed how you’d writhe under him.
Your mind just raced in the moments leading up to him standing before you. It got worse as each day passed here. Everyday more daunting than the previous one. The devil himself wouldn’t even grant you something as simple as death, the very thing he handed out so easily.
Sukuna towered over you and his size alone was alarming. Long nails dug into your cheeks when he grabbed your chin in a cupping position, holding your mouth open. Your attempts to jerk away from his grasp only caused him to tighten his grip, causing unbearable pain against your jaw. Two fingers slipped into your mouth, coating themselves in saliva. They tasted awful, like metallic, making you gag when he pulled them out. He used your saliva to coat both the tip of his cocks in slick before coming closer— two heads poking against your abdomen.
The last thing you remembered was the grunt he made after you kneed him in the groin. It must’ve hurt even the slightest because he backed away for a moment before punching you right in the temple.
If the ringing in your head wasn’t a clear confirmation that you were knocked out, the new position definitely was. Your face grazed against the cold concrete floor with every one of Sukuna’s thrusts from behind. There were too many sensations going on and none of them were enjoyable.
The sting against your ass as he smacked it, the burning stretch in both your holes, your knees scraping against the ground. He was enjoying every moment, the noises eliciting from him almost similar to the excitement expressed when he wreaked havoc on lives. The raggedy sheet and thin pillow you used were close by. You found yourself reaching for them as your tears dripped onto the ground, alerting him that you were awake.
Sukuna pulled out and pushed your body flat against the floor. The ache between your legs was barely more comfortable than a few moments ago. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked you to the side, flipping you onto your back and pushing your knees to your shoulders. There was a sick look in his eyes that you tried to avoid, focused instead on arching your back away from the discomfort of the cold concrete that felt paralyzing.
He lined himself up with both your holes before leaning in, pushing swiftly when you tried to inch away. The way your body practically invited him back in made you wonder how much time had passed while you were knocked out before. Either he had repeatedly snuffed you out whenever you came to and had been fucking you for a while now, or he stretched your holes rough enough to accommodate him so easily. Whatever the case, you wished he was done soon. Having four arms meant he was able to firmly hold you down while continuing to please himself even if you tried to fend him off.
The need to break you kept him hard, kept him cumming inside you, across your body, time and time again, switching positions all throughout the ordeal while you gritted your teeth and took it. It wasn’t that you weren’t defeated, because you clearly were. However, Sukuna wasn’t satisfied yet because you hadn’t succumbed to behaving like a sheep. You weren’t crying in pain under him, or pleading for your life. What was the use? He wasn’t going to grant you anything and you’d like to keep the last shred of dignity you owned. This wasn’t something he came across often.
Sukuna now stood behind you, your breast pressed against the wall while he plowed into you from behind. Your knees buckled ever so often, heavy breathing also a sign you were worn out. The firm grip he had on you didn’t allow you to fall to the ground. Any pain you felt in your holes were now subdued, a great deal of slick contributed only by his cum. A sharp tug of your hair forced you to look at him from your peripheral. Sukuna tutted his teeth.
“I haven’t had this much fun in a while.”
You spit on the ground. “Fuck you, Sukuna.”
You recalled the hardship that brought you so far in life only to prove useless. What point was the fire in you when you’d never make it out of this eternal hell?
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cainified · 6 months ago
did you just try to harm your lieutenant? 📏 *ೃ༄
pairing: simon ghost riley x afab!reader
cw: i suck at writing military debriefs or any at all , not proofread cos i’m scared ┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
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It wasn’t by any means your fault that this meeting was so painstakingly boring. Mapping out plans Laswell for a small takedown, ensuring every little detail was covered just made you huff each time you passed a sheet back over to the table after a quick review.
It didn’t go unnoticed by your Lieutenant, his lips in a thin, straight line as he watched you carelessly sort through documents until reaching the right one, scribbling mess over the paper before sending it away. You would wince each time the paper would fly a little further than expected, reaching over the table to push it back into the pile, giving a sheepish smile to no one in particular.
It also wasn’t your fault when Laswell had left a ruler by your side as she explained the importance of the mission, her eyebrows furrowed as she pointed out each and every possible scenario she could manage to think of. The scratched at ruler, having seen better days, soon rested half off the table, your palm holding it down whilst the other gently pressed it down, producing a short brrrring before the sound fell flat.
Thankfully, the whirr of the computer behind you, (which in no way could have been up to date for the work you were dealing with) covered it up perfectly, allowing for you to continue with your quiet antics. Well, for a few extra seconds, anyway.
The silence that ensued went ignored by you, pressing the ruler down harder to see how far you could test it. "One... two..." You whisper under your breath; "We should scout out the p-," Laswell begins, turning over to face you.
Immediately, you startle from the change in volume, your palm lifting before you could stop the vibration of the ruler- it's almost as if the world stops as the ruler flings at Ghost, making a sharp clack against his hard mask before it falls to the table. You didn't know if you should thank God that it hadn't instead hit his face against the thin fabric of the balaclava he normally dons, but the sound it had made practically punctuated your fear instead.
Fuck. That's you out of a job for harming a Lieutenant, and probably living in a shroud of shame for the rest of your life.
Soap immediately holds his hand over his mouth, sputtering at your Lieutenant, earning a sharp slap upside the head before he turns to face you. It doesn't stop either him or Gaz from guffawing at the scene in front, but you badly wish it had.
Your face burns, blood rushing up your cheeks, almost trying to help engulf you into hiding from Ghost. You reach over the table, a sight for sore eyes, or really all eyes on the table, as you picked the ruler back up, sliding it over to Laswell.
"I-I'm.. so sorry." You whisper, your voice hoarse; if you had spoken any quieter, maybe it wouldn't have happened at all. With a shake of his head, Ghost interlaces his fingers, resting them onto the table. You weren't sure if the quiet was making the situation worse, forcing you to sit there, staring down at your lap.
"Well, apart from someone attempting to take out their Lieutenant, I think we should be ready for Thursday." Price states, his hands caressing over his mutton chops before he stands, thanking everyone, gathering up the papers to slip into a plastic folder.
You abruptly stand, your head tilted down as you brushed by the three other men; if neither had seen the annotated documents still scattered on the table, they would have believed that you were never there.
Ghost turns around, ignoring Soap’s short comment, stalking behind you, leaning forward to grip your wrist once you were both out of earshot from the meeting room, “What’re y’playin’ at?” He asks, gruff with slight concern, his head tilting to the side, his shadowed eyes gashing through you like a laser.
You step back, as far as you could make one step count, giving Ghost an incredulous look. You hesitate to respond- your eyes droop down to see the moulding of his dark green shirt against his damp skin from having trained with a few rookies before the meeting.
“..It really was an accident, I’m sorry. I just get a little distracted sometimes, won’t happen again Lieutenant.” You mockingly raise two fingers, saluting him to try defuse the tension; or to make it seem a lot less worse than it did. Was it working? Absolutely not.
A bemused smile curls against Ghost’s mask - you’d be thankful you couldn’t see it if you knew- as he drops his hand, wringing his own together. Bounding down the hall, Soap claps his arm around Ghost’s shoulders, still having that half-playful, half-serious look about him. “Ye’ alreet there, hen?” He directs to you, holding up the ruler that had just attacked your Lieutenant.
Just the thought of sending a flying ruler straight at Ghost’s face makes you groan, your hands instinctively coming up to hide your face, “Soap, put that down.” Your words come out slightly muffled against your hands before they rubbed down your face, but before you could reach out to grab it, Ghost takes it, glancing over at the plastic as if it was a precious gem.
“I’ll take it, I need a new one anyway.” He slides it into one of the many pockets adorning his trousers, nodding at Soap before walking off, leaving you a little stunned. Right.
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wait this is my first ever post sigh was it a flop .. thinking of doing a part 2 cos no way is reader getting away with attempted murder of a lieutenant!!!!! wink wink
taglist: (but it’s just my friend sob) @thewrstinme
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globlingoober · 4 months ago
Jimmy is a very well written terrible abuser character. He really has no redemption and his thought process being “I’m the captain I’m the best I’m in charge” vs “I’m terrible and everyone knows it” is so interesting because that’s the thought process that creates many bad people with abusive behaviors.
All of the characters are well written I think because the game really relies on the key technique of show don’t tell which is the number one rule that takes place in good media. Especially a phycological horror. That’s from a general media fan’s standpoint anyway.
Stuck in space is such a good troupe I’m in awe that the game took that and made it terrifying like a proper phycological horror by having all the real threats human made while making the player feel insane and questioning what’s real. such as “are there real monsters on this ship?” And the answer is yes but the monster isn’t the visions of creatures it’s the abuser’s mind whom others let fester and evolve into thinking his actions were excusable therefore making them devolve into more bad extreme actions.
Playing from said abuser’s point of view gives the player connection to him and start the game with an almost defensive mindset up until they have to face the realization they are the problem and do everything they can to disconnect from Jimmy something they cannot escape from without turning off the whole game and just ignoring those actions. You have to face it. And as well as that mentality Jimmy has is portrayed we really only see his and some of curly’s perspective (two of the main causes of both the abuse and the crash) playing Curly makes seeing him dehumanized later on far more difficult as your forced to shove meds down his throat.
Anya, Swansea, and Daisuke are pov’s we never see and there could be several reasons for that and I find that so interesting. But we are not the victim in this game. As much as we hate to face it Jimmy is the main character and the main story is his and Curly’s experience. Because you play them you can’t ever completely be the victim. If “your worst moment” really “doesn’t make you a monster” then many repeating worst moments do. You can’t just say sorry you have to improve and change. Sorry is just another word.
You have to “take responsibility” for what you’ve done while still being limited to the actual actions Jimmy takes. Despite however you feel about it you still pushed the buttons. You still played out those actions. The game forces you to face it putting the player in the most humanly uncomfortable and uncommon position of all, the abuser. Many times in our lives will we be forced to tread the thin line of taking responsibility and wrongly placing blame (on ourselves or others) while of course our situations may never be as severe as the situations presented the game warns you of the consequences of- NOT your choices but the responses to those actions. It’s a big test of how the player responds to the characters actions that they contributed to.
I adore that the idea was to make the player face their own pain and hurt. That’s passionate. People relate to the crews cast plenty but the scariest part of this horror game is relating to the perpetrator!!!
“like you ARE the abuser. You have to realize that abusers are just people. People you thought were good before. They could be anyone they are some evil 3rd force. It could literally even be you” -My friend @willowwhirll
Feel bad. feel guilt. but manage that guilt. Don’t let guilt make you worse, use it to change your actions. As badly as I, the player, and the audience want to disconnect from Jimmy being able to find traits to connect to allows you to acknowledge you can and sometimes are a bad person. It’s a fluctuating thing.
Horror that teaches you a lesson. Fricken beautiful.
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physics-of-one-piece · 7 months ago
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Things Doflamingo does/says in the I’ll build castles for you, my love (look at me, not my brother) Rosinante x Reader x Doflamingo Fic that had me shrieking in rage or melting at the sweetness while writing it just for everyone to get the vibe of the fic:
attempts to gaslight Reader into thinking Rosinante didn’t love her (this fails) even though he knows nothing of their relationship
is insulted he hadn’t been invited to the wedding and wasn’t best man while in the same breath saying he would have stolen Reader away from Rosinante to marry her because she is "too good for his stupid brother" and Rosinante "didn't deserve her"
strips NAKED on his fourth visit in Reader’s apartment without giving any warning he arrived
buys new furniture for Reader's apartment because "he doesn't like the colour" of the original one
buys Reader new clothes+pregnancy clothes+buys baby clothes+jewelry for Reader (he does all this without consulting Reader at all) + mocks the jewelry & clothes Rosinante gave her and calls it "ugly and cheap"
attempts to throw away Rosinante's clothes from the closet to make room for his change of clothes even though he stays there for two days every week (this fails)
sleeps outside of Reader's bedroom like a guard dog the first two months of visiting
mocks the marine cadets during their drills and trips them on purpose with his strings
trauma dumps on Reader while painting himself as the victim
says to Reader's face that she doesn’t get to decide what happens to her and he says if she wants to blame anyone for having to deal with him, she should blame Rosinante who was too weak to pull the trigger
ignores Reader telling him Rosinante still loved him
Doflamingo considers Reader and Reader's & Rosinante’s baby his
he hums when he cooks
cuddly with Reader, hugs her and kisses her cheeks when he arrives + later kneels and kisses Reader's baby bump, too
his reading pile are all books about pregnancy, it's everything he reads
shows interest in Reader’s books and reads them when he isn’t reading pregnancy books
after he makes Reader laugh for the first time, he doesn't stop smiling for a week
makes Reader laugh
supportive during pregnancy, barely blinks at the bodily fluids, patient/amused with the mood swings he uses to his advantage, always picks Reader up if she’s experiencing pain or after a bout of nausea and carries her to bed - uses this as a way to slide into bed beside her and sleep beside her
calls himself Uncle Doffy when talking to the baby bump
goes with Reader to all the medical tests and ultrasounds, gets copies of the ultrasounds and frames them on his office desk in Numencia, also keeps them in his treasure vault
makes Reader a flower crown of pink rose petals
makes Reader a bracelet of white and pink pearls from seashells and gifts it to her
keeps tabs on Reader's finances
brings Reader five hundred million berries worth of gold
sends Reader pink roses and letters
hums while he cooks
he can't dance that well, but boy, he can SING
takes his sunglasses off with Reader
loves Reader's cooking, it's his favourite
calm and collected when the childbirth starts
stays past his allowed days in Marineford while Reader delivers the baby
sits on the ground in the hospital hallway after the baby is born, covered in sweat, and laughs before tears slide out from under his sunglasses and down his cheeks
confesses his love for Reader on his knees in front of her, never pushes but boy does he MANIPULATE everything around them so Reader & the baby can one day live with him
can lose his patience and become an absolute EVIL DEMON
stressed and shook by the thought of Reader confusing him with Rosinante when his hair is down, verbally confirms it, begging Reader to look at him, not his brother
Clingy, possessive & protective as fuck
Word Count Report:
Doffy's part is now 2 parts, 1 part is 10k words, the next part is above 3k, I'm not nearly done with Rosinante's part and even that's already 6k words. Going slow but steady. I should work more on Rosi's part but Doffy has my heart and soul in his grip, I keep writing more and more for his part 🤧 Idk whether this is worth a tag but I'll tag just in case.
Taglist: @fanaticsnail @box-of-bats
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ohbabydollie · 11 months ago
currently imagining a jaded, deadpan lit teacher!schlatt. super intelligent, incredible teacher that all his students adore and love to learn from, but they all swear to god they’ve never seen him smile once
then comes along absolute ray of sunshine teacher!y/n, probably teaching some kind of fine art, and it is just like a moth to a flame. he cannot stay away from you!
you meet for the first time in the teacher’s lounge and he’s a little taken aback, he doesn’t know what it is about you but something makes his little brain flip a switch and it’s all sunshine and rainbows. not much longer after that, you start becoming friends, sharing cool little things about your interests or the subjects you teach.
he does a pretty good job of hiding these feelings from the kids, just because he wants to keep that side of him private from his students, but one day he slips up. you sneak in during a class of his during your free period to return a book he recommended to you. when you walked out, he had no idea that he was smiling but apparently the students noticed.
“mr. schlatt, were you just smiling?”
“finish your essay.”
also am i allowed to be 🥥 anon
ofc, welcome 🥥 anon
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before you came along schlatt was the most obviously exhausted and stressed teacher, but his students loved him.
from stapling mcdonald’s job applications on failed tests to talking about his cats. his students very clearly loved him and adored him, but he just seemed so sad in a way, especially when one of them got him to talk about his dating life.
single, with multiple failed dates under his belt
then you transferred to the school after the last art teacher had quit.
he had heard about you from his students, the new young single art teacher making sure to emphasize on the single part, but he always told them to focus on getting their assignment done over focusing on the teachers dating lives.
he really didn’t care for you, probably would be done in a few weeks if you couldn’t handle how rowdy and rough some of these kids could be. he gave you a month at best.
then you came into the teacher’s lounge getting snack after snack out of the vending machine as he watched in silence. not out of judgement, but he was just mesmerized completely
the concentration on your face as you punched in number after number watching the snacks fall before grabbing a cardboard box to place it all in was all so adorable to him, he didn’t even realize he had been staring until you looked over at him with a big smile.
“hi, i don’t believe we’ve met!” you chirp, “i’m y/n the new art teacher” you say extending out a hand for him to shake. he politely takes it, giving you a semi-awkward smile
“i’m jay, i teach english in b103” he says feeling himself turn red
“oh wow! i’m only down the hall from you, my room is c102” you say parting from the hand shake and picking up your box “well i’ll see you around” you say pushing the door open
and just like that you were gone as soon as you came
and schlatt had a new goal in mind, you
the next period he had came back better than ever. his normally deadpan and tired voice had more excitement and life to it and his students noticed for sure, waiting until the lesson was over to pry into him, but they all got the same response.
“jus added a shot of expresó into my coffee this mornin” he says starting to grade the assignments from his last class.
they had assumed that was it, nothing more to it until the next week where he seemed to be radiating with joy, when they pried into him again all he said was, “jus had some coffee from my favorite spot this mornin, nothin else”
he hadn’t mentioned it was with you.
over the next few months they noticed more and more change, fixing his hair more often, wearing his nicer clothes and whatever he could to look better.
as a student asked “so who’s the lucky lady?”
you had walked in holding a book, causing the room to fall silent. you practically floated to his desk as everyone watched you.
“hey, thanks for letting me borrow your copy, it was really good” you say handing him the book
“oh..it’s no problem, anytime” he says softly as you smile
“ ‘kay, well i’ll see you later, oh and your glasses are a little smudged” you say heading to leave as he watches in awe.
once you’re out, he’s taking off his glasses, smiling to himself with a small chuckle as he cleans them off, basking in the moment, completely forgetting his students were there until someone speaks up.
“mr. schlatt, are you smiling?” he asks teasingly before schlatt immediately drops the smile and goes deadpan again
“finish your assignment before i fail you”
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hikarimiyanaga · 9 months ago
The Queen's Bride (Part 4)
Warnings : Omegaverse. Stark!Reader. Omega!Reader x Alpha!Daenerys Targaryen. Modern!AU.
Taglist : @kelloggs4cereal
You pace around the mansion's living room.
Even though you had class today, you opted to skip in order to know Sansa's second gender first. Your sister is more important than anything else.
"Mom! I- Y/N! You're back?" You smile at her.
"Yeah, just for a bit. How did your test go?"
"Beta. I am a beta." You sigh in relief and hug her tight.
"Good for you, my baby sis!"
"What- I'm not a baby." She pushes you away.
"Sansa, you are to me. Tonight, we celebrate! I'm taking everyone to your favorite restaurant!"
"With dad's money?" You wink at her.
"My own."
The truth was, you and Tyrion have a lucrative business. You guys help high school students cheat. It wasn't an ethical business but it did fill your pocket and secret bank account.
It also helps that your father has given you free reign on your allowance that is refilled monthly.
As you promised, you did take everyone except your mother, father and Robb as they were all busy.
"So what is the occasion, big sis? Why take us here?" Rickon asks and you smile at him.
"This is for your big sis's freedom!" You grim then turn to Sansa. "At least you get to have decisions regarding your marriage and your course. Do not choose any of the Lannisters even if they offer. I will kill you in your sleep."
"How about the Targaryens?"
"No. I'm already marrying one of them."
"Theon?" Arya asks innocently and both you and Sansa gag.
"Ew. We grew up with him. Borderline incest."
"Then who?" Sansa asks and you grin.
"Grow old without anyone."
"Y/N!" She slaps your arm and you laugh.
"Just stop looking at Westeros' Nobility and we're good."
"Are you oppose to any second gender?" You shake your head at that.
"No. Choose anyone you like."
"Okay." She leans on your shoulder and you pat her head.
"Come on, Sansa, order up. I can pay for everything if you want."
"No. Just because we brought Arya doesn't mean we can eat everything." You chuckle then turn to the other three.
"Choose anything you guys like, okay?"
"Even dessert?" Rickon asks, clearly excited.
"Yes. But that's after a meal. Eat up first."
"Okay!" Rickon says as he scans the menu.
It was an eventful evening. You had fun with all of them before all of you went home to the Stark Mansion.
You came inside carrying an asleep Rickon, a very sleepy Arya, and a barely awake Bran. Thankfully, Sansa is still awake.
"Looks like you guys had fun." Robb greets you and you roll your eyes at him.
"Too bad, you weren't there. Jerk." He laughs at that.
"Hey, someone had to man the company."
"Sure, you did." You carry Rickon up to their room while dragging Bran. "Bran, just a few more steps, okay? I'll help you guys change into pajamas."
"Thanks, sis." You sigh in relief as you reach their room and deposit Rickon in his bed.
"Come on, dude. Toothbrush then change. I'll help you find your clothes." Bran nods at that then he goes in the bathroom. You get their change of clothes and place Bran's on his bed. Then you carefully changed Rickon's clothes. Bran finishes up in the bathroom and changes into pajamas. He yawns loudly and smiles at you.
"Thanks for the fun night, sis. Goodnight."
"You're welcome, Bran. Goodnight." You kiss his forehead and tuck him in. "Sweet dreams, little brother." Bran sleeps with a smile on his face. You go downstairs and see a now sleeping Arya on the couch.
"Hey. Who are you texting?" You ask Sansa as you carry Arya.
"Margaery. She's also a beta." You hum.
"The Tyrells, huh?"
"Yeah. She's asking about you too." You raise an eyebrow at her.
"Yeah. You're taking knightho-" you cover her mouth and frown.
"Stop. Father doesn't know. Your room. Now." Sansa nods and goes to her room while you carry Arya to hers. You tuck her in quickly and go to Sansa's room.
"Dad doesn't know?" You shake your head as you close the door.
"Mom doesn't either. They both think that I'm only taking management."
"Why are you hiding it from them?"
"Because they only want management for me." You sigh as you sit besides her.
"Because I'm a weak omega." Sansa tilts her head at that.
"Weak? You?" You nod at her. "Does mom and dad need glasses????" You chuckle at her comment and pat her head.
"Everyone keeps thinking that omegas are only good for well-"
"Breeding?" You glare at her. "What? Margaery told me."
"Do not ever say that word again. Got it?" Sansa nods. "But pretty much, yeah. Why do you think one of the Targaryens are willing to marry me?"
"Because you're awesome?" You shake your head at her. "Omega?" You nod and smile at her sadly. Sansa has never seen you so sad.
"An omega from one of the noble families is considered a rarity. After all, Alpha and Beta bloods are much stronger. So they fought for me."
"Is that why you didn't want me to be an omega?" You nod at her.
"It's much better to be married by love than by being a trophy." You couldn't help the tear as it fell from your eye. Sansa panics now. You're her big sister and she has never seen you cry, not even when you get scolded by Ned or Catelyn. "I'm okay." You assure her as you wipe your tear. "Father might choose someone for you but I'll fight him every step of the way, okay? You, Arya, Rickon and Bran deserve freedom."
"What if they become omegas too?"
"By then, I'll be a Targaryen so-" you sit beside her. "So I can protect them." Sansa hugs you and you hug her back.
"I'll choose someone good, sis." You smile then kiss her head.
"That's all I want, little sister."
You get back to your class the next day.
Oberyn raises an eye at you.
"Did you get fucked all day yesterday?" You glare at him as you sit.
"Do tell, how the hell did you get into that conclusion?"
"Well, you've been wearing that outfit since two days ago." You look down and realize that he was right.
"Yesterday was Sansa's result day."
"Oohh. Do the Starks have another omega?" Oberyn says loud enough and almost everyone in the class looks at the both of you. Everyone here wants to know if there is another omega from the Starks that'll be fought for by every noble house in Westeros.
"No, dear loud mouth." You pinch his arm, pretty annoyed by him. "She's a beta." Everyone else looks away when they hear the disappointing news. Oberyn slaps your hand away and you glare at him.
"You must be relieved then?" You nod.
"So much."
"Congrats on her freedom, then." You smile as you nod then you bring out your notebook for the class.
You were about to go home when Daenerys sees you and takes you away. You look confused as she just looks at her phone.
"Where are we going?"
"It's one of the Baratheon's birthday or something. The daughter of the eldest?"
"You mean Shireen?"
"You know her?"
"I met her before. Why are you going? Aren't the Baratheons your enemies?" You recall the bad blood between them.
"Still, I have a responsibility. Or did you really think the "heir" will come?"
"Ah. Okay. But I have nothi-"
"We'll pick up a suit and dress on the mall."
"You thought of everything." You deadpan at her and Daenerys smiles at you.
"You can't escape."
You arrive at the Baratheon's villa and unbutton the collar of your suit. It was suffocating the air out of you.
"We're here." You help Daenerys out of the car and hum.
"Do we have an invitation? the Baratheons can be picky about their guests." You still remember the one time you attended a gala of theirs without Robb and they rudely kicked you out.
"I am a Targary-"
"Yeah, that won't work here." Daenerys was about to refute you when-
"Y/N!" Someone calls out and you were suddenly lifted off.
"Ah! Uncle Robert!?" You struggle against the big man and glare as you find your footing.
"It is you!" Robert slaps your back and you feel like your spine broke. Jeez, the strength of this man.
"Yes. I didn't know it was Shireen's birthday today."
"It is. One of the reasons why I came home."
"What? Are the brothels not treating you well?"
"Ah, this jerk!" He slaps the back of your head and you rub it in pain.
"Y/N. Who-"
"Ah, this must be Daenerys! Your fiancé, right?"
"She is." You admit and sigh. "Daenerys meet Robert Baratheon. Unmarried. Although he has countless kids. Commander of The Baratheon Forces. And my father's best friend." Robert laughs at your introduction.
"Nice addition of titles, young one. You learned well."
"Is Gendry okay? He should be in high school, right?" Gendry and Shireen were the cousins from the Baratheon that you didn't mind talking to.
"He is. He likes Sansa, did you know?" You pale at that. As much as Gendry was a good person, you still didn't like the thought of high school romance, specially when it involves one of your younger siblings. "Maybe we'll finally be family!" He laughs wholeheartedly while you politely nod.
"We should get inside." Daenerys can feel that you are uncomfortable with the current topic so she tugs your arm.
"Right. It was nice talking to you, Uncle."
"Go. Tell your father that I will see him soon." You nod at him and escort Daenerys to the door.
"Sorry about that." You open the door and Daenerys just nods.
"So you're pretty close with the Baratheons?"
"No. Only Uncle Robert. He's kind of seen as a separate entity."
"And why is that? He is the middle child, is he not?"
"True, but he doesn't like to be in the family mansion. Or be associated with his siblings that much."
"Why?" You shrug at her.
"I don't know the particular details but some say bad blood between the three."
"I see."
"Y/N!" Shireen runs through the crowd and hugs you.
"Hi, cousin. Happy Birthday."
"Yeah! Although you did celebrate with me two days ago."
"Yeah. But I also got dragged to this gala." Shireen giggles.
"Who dragged you?"
"Hi there. I'm Daenerys. Her fiancé." Shireen looks at you.
"Fiancé? But Y/N! You promised me." Shireen gets teary-eyed and you panic.
"Huh!? Wait, wait, don't cry? Shireen? What promise?"
"That I'd be the one you married!" You chuckle and ruffl her hair.
"Not happening, little cousin, and besides we had a condition, didn't we?"
"Yeah." She sulks and crosses her arms.
"And? What was it?"
"That you'll only do it when you're a beta."
"Good girl!" You ruffle her hair even more and she pouts at you.
"Do you like her?" Shireen points at Daenerys as if she wasn't there and you chuckle as you bring down her hand.
"Yes. Incredibly so." And you realize as you say it, that it was the half-truth. You fell in love with her at first sight but you also knew why she wanted to get married to you.
"Then, uh-, Daenerys!" You beckon her closer as Shireen holds out her hand.
"You win! But um- don't you dare break Y/N's heart!" Dany forces a smile on her face as she shakes Shireen's hand.
"I promise."
The gala ends around midnight and you take off your jacket as you board Dany's Limousine.
"Not close to the Baratheons?" She asks and you nod.
"Not really. Shireen is special. She's the only one in that mansion that doesn't have a malice bone in her body."
"Do you like her?"
"As a cousin, yes. She's inquisitive and a reader like me."
"Are you in love with her?" You look at Daenerys with a dumfounded expression and she glares at you. "Answer me!"
"The fuck? No! Not at all! She's my little cousin, for the gods' sake!"
"We all know how famili-"
"Do not even say it. It's making me feel disgusted." You shudder as you even think about hearing the word.
"So, do you like someone?" You raise an eyebrow at her.
"Like- you want to date them or something." You shake your head.
"None at all. Being an omega meant everything was going to be chosen for me. Even the people I hang out with. No more betas or Alphas. No more close friends. Just need to find me a suitable fiancé." You successfully hide the bitter tone in your voice but not the way you clenched your fist.
Daenerys, thankfully, stop questioning you and just drop you off at your apartment building.
'As if I ever had a choice.' You think as you board the elevator. 'I wonder how that'll be.'
Writer's block defeated once again... For how long, I don't know.
Also, I got a job! So that's cool!
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