#Allison has a girlfriend AND a boyfriend in my mind
mieeaahhh · 3 months
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I made some for fun but my GOD it was time consuming
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
If you're still writing for The Umbrella Academy, I would love to see a Viktor x Reader one shot about Viktor bringing his S/O home to meet his family and just seeing how they react to his S/O. :)
AWE OMG YES ☹️☹️☹️ ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy 🦠!!
VIKTOR HARGREEVES ; meet the family
summary ; vik brings you home to his mama and daddy (his siblings) (I'm making fun of country ppl pls get the joke)
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; post s3 ig but they still have powers (for the plot cause I thought it'd be fun)
word count ; 836
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Being Viktor's partner, especially for this long, had long called for a family reunion for you to meet them and vice versa. To say that was nerve-wracking was an understatement. That fucking man had six siblings. Six siblings you needed to impress. Six siblings you had to prove yourself to. Six siblings you had to give a good first impression so they knew you were good for Viktor.
Yeah, no, you weren't prepared to step inside the Hargreeves' mansion of a home.
The first to greet you was Allison, sporting long, dark curls against platforms, black, bell bottoms, and a white top. Get it girlfriend.
"Oh my gosh, hi Vik!" She smiles, wrapping her shorter brother in a hug.
You stand beside them awkwardly, nervously, thinking quickly in your head on what to say, if you should speak at all. No, of course you speak. Speak when spoken too-
"Hi, I'm Allison" She smiles, holding a hand out for you to shake.
You quickly accept the handshake, a kind smile on your face. "I'm Y/n"
"My partner" Viktor smiles.
Allison's soft smile turns into one of joy, much more gleeful. "Congrats, both of you." She looks between you both, a mutual smile being thrown back and forth. "You're a lucky person to have him, trust me"
"Thanks," you reply, looking to your boyfriend. "I love him a lot"
"Good thing I won't have to rumor either of you into saying it out loud," She jokes, patting Viktor on the shoulder before heading back into the living space.
You raise an eyebrow, looking to Vik. "What'd she mean, 'rumor us'?"
"Her power is to rumor people. She says, 'I heard a rumor' and essentially has power over their mind and actions, " he answers.
"Don't worry, she's just joking. Sorry"
He pulls you into the living room, seeing his other siblings having a grand old time already. At the couch sits Diego and Lila, sipping on some fruity mocktails.
"Well, hello chaos bringer!" Lila smiles, quickly greeting Viktor with a hug. "Who's this lovely looking friend you've got here?"
"My partner" Viktor smiles, looking to you.
"Y/n" You smile, stretching your hand out for her to shake.
Lila accepts. "Lila. Diego's wife" She nods back at Diego.
From the couch, Diego smiles and waves, chewing on a slice of the orange which was in his drink. "Hi! I'm Diego, the only good sibling here"
Lila rolls her eyes, turning to Vik. "Do they know about all our powers?"
"We're just learning as we go" Viktor chuckles.
Lila turns back to you. "Well, I can replicate other people's powers, which is kinda shit sometimes." She shrugs, shoulders slightly knocking around her shoulder length, platinum white hair. "Diego's a master at corn hole. Don't challenge him"
"That's not my power!" He exclaims. "I have better aim than all you dorks, knives are for men!"
Lila and Vik speak to you in unison. "Guns are for pussies"
You chuckle, a hand over your mouth, finding comfort in this chaotic family already.
"Viktor, Lila" A new voice speaks, nodding his head as he speaks. "Who's that?"
"Five, meet Y/n, my significant other." Viktor smiles, turning between the two of you, "Y/n, this is Five. He's the one trapped in a younger version of his body, but he's actually like, seventy"
"Sixty-two," He corrects. "But, welcome to the family, Y/n. You're going to hate it here" He whispers.
"No, they won't!" Klaus groans with an eyeroll, appearing out of nowhere. He places his hands on his shoulders, which quickly fall to his sides after Five teleports away. "Hi, I'm Klaus" He smiles, quickly hugging you.
Lila continues, recapping you on powers. "Five can teleport and time travel, and Klaus is immortal and can speak to ghosts"
"And created a cult" Vik adds.
Klaus smiles, stepping back, looking between you and your boyfriend. "Let me know when the wedding is. I'll have to go shopping"
"Coming, Diego!"
As Klaus leaves, Luther and Ben approach, being the last of the siblings you had to meet. They both shake hands with you, then begin to argue over who was in charge of dusting the paintings on the walls.
By this point, you were wondering how they even put up with each other, then remembered that they barely did. I mean, you understood. You wouldn't want to be around your collection of siblings anymore after saving the world three times.
Lila turns back to you. "Luther is super strong, Ben has tentacles in his stomach"
You slowly nod. "Gotcha"
Five clinks a fork against a champagne glass, silencing the room. "Let's raise a toast to Viktor and his new partner, yeah?"
"Hell yeah!" Klaus smiles, picking up a stray glass of water off the coffee table.
Ben hands you and Viktor a drink while Five speaks, then drinks once again.
Vik turns to you as Lila joins Diego on the couch again. "Thoughts?"
"I'd be worried if not"
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kingofangst · 8 months
Wip Thursday (let’s pretend it’s not Saturday)
Tagged by @ksbbb 😎😎 (but pssst ksbbb...it is Saturday🤣)
This is a draft of Chapter 8 of my Teen Wolf AU series: The Wings Of An Enigmatic
The relentless ticking of the clock echoed like a haunting drumbeat, each tick amplifying the weight of the moment.
The sharp scratch of pencils against paper seemed to carve into the tense atmosphere, along with the scribbling sounds of the eraser being too loud and disturbing, mirroring the turmoil within Scott McCall.
Seraph, with his acute supernatural sense of detail, couldn't pretend to not feel and notice the subtle yet painful nuances that painted the canvas of Scott's emotional upheaval.
The audible rustling of pages turning and the steady thump of heartbeats blended into a dissonant symphony. But amidst the cacophony, Seraph discerned the discordant rhythm of Scott's own heart, a thunderous percussion of despair and heartbreak.
Seraph's heightened sensitivity allowed him a visceral experience of Scott's emotional struggle. It isn't just the rise of the full moon that will descend it's supernatural rays on the werewolf, which is his second full moon to be exact, but the emotional hormones of negativity that transpired on that dreadful Friday night between Scott, Allison, Stilinski, Lydia and Whittemore.
It wasn't just a break-up between Scott and Allison, it was a psychological unraveling, an emotional maelstrom that echoed not only in Scott's human psyche but reverberated in the primal depths of his inner wolf.
He also sensed Allison's heartbreak and confusion. While Seraph was exact that she decided to break up with Scott, he noticed that she wasn't faring well either. It was a poignant blend of conflicting emotions: sadness, confusion, hurt and doubt. This wasn't a normal kind of boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.
He realizes Scott and Allison were in love with each other. It makes logical sense as to the ranging and dreadful emotions that are spreading the room. For some odd reason, guilt began to swirl inside of Seraph's stomach, making him nauseated and holding him caged in a vice grip.
Was the guilt that he was suddenly feeling born from the consequences of the events from Friday that he tried to prevent such outcomes like this? Or was it because ever since his fallout with Isaac, he is starting to loose his touch of being cold and neutral?
His perplexed thoughts were interrupted quickly by the loud screeching of a chair, eliciting a wince from Seraph due to his heightened sensitivity before a familiar presence rushes by him and he glances up just in time to see Scott run out the classroom, his heavy panting and intense heart rate echoing in Seraph's ears.
"Mr. McCall!" Harris calls out in surprise, yet he went unacknowledged as the teen wolf never returned back inside. Not long after, Stilinski runs out to follow his best friend, earning a frustrated shout and name call from Mr. Harris.
The guilt that was cursing Seraph's soul and mind started to deepen within his psyche. Part of him is questioning why should he demonstrate care to this situation when he isn't even apart of it? Scott doesn't even know that Seraph is aware of his werewolf status.
Yet the other part of him...wants to remain on the sidelines. He may not want to help, but Scott's innocence and turmoil is what is making Seraph want to aid him as secretly as possible.
Okay so this was long a long draft. I know I was supposed to post chapter 5 on January 24th but I ended up having to take care of an emergency and then this weekend has been hectic. But I will post chapter 5 tomorrow and chapter 6 on February 2nd. Chapter 7 is a filler chapter so I decided to give you guys the canon au chapter.
No pressure tags: @rhyslahey @mmoosen @unsanedes @phantomraeken @scisac @hemlocksandfoxgloves @thiamsxbitch @arewordsenough @chasing-chimeras
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outcastpack · 1 year
OK SO LAST BUST NOT LEAST (and plz be nice this was 1st time trying something like this.) PART 2 (technically 3) OF @thiamsxbitch birthday present.
Featuring a Tallica one-shot based in the IWDIAOOY universe and based on events I have planned (set during late S4 early S5 era AA) and because I couldn't resist abit of soft Thiam.
Allison walked into the bar, music blaring around her as she enters. Pushing her way through the crowd looking for someone, anyone she could recognise.
Erica had invited her to join her and her friends for the night telling her it was karaoke night  while the blondes girlfriend had promptly straight up ordered Allison to come. Using a very soft yet seductive tone on the raven haired girl that Allison quite literally couldn’t say no even if she wanted to.
She felt conflicted in herself, she shouldn’t want a girl that’s taken. Let alone both girls in said relationship, but she did. Tara and Erica had made her feel so welcome in the months she has known the two of them that she couldn't help but fall for them.
Their fiery nature and way they were just pulling her further in. Intoxicating her in them.
She looks through the crowd once again trying to catch sight of the two girls she had found herself infatuated with.
Ah ha! Finally she spots someone she recognises moving towards the boy. If she remembers right, this was Tara’s brother Theo. “Hey, Theo right.” She calls out as she gets closer pulling both Theo’s and the boy wearing a crop top attention to her..
Theo’s green eyes land on hers. Yep definitely a trait of their family, as she feels like she is staring onto Tara’s eyes now. “Allison right! Tara told me you was coming tonight.” Allison moves closer to lean against to bar next to the two boys. Crop top boy is eyeing her strangely, an unknown look in his eyes.
“Is this your boyfriend?” She asks, turning towards Theo. Said boy instantly chokes on his drink while crop top boy cackles at her screeching. “I like her T!” While Theo is trying to recover, his eyes watering as he regains his breath.
Allison stares at them both, worried she had offended them or potentially just killed Tara’s brother. “God no.” Theo’s face morphs into a cringe as he seems to think about it. Shivering in horror at teh thought. “This is Josh. My asshole of a best friend and—”
Theo’s attentions is pulled towards something in the crowd, rolling his eyes while Josh whistles. “Oh for fucks sake. One night, one fucking night.” He turns back to Allison pointing towards whatever he seen. “They are your problem for the night.” He declares.
Allison turns towards whatever the boy was point at and- oh, oh. Right there in the middle of a small crowd was the two girls she was looking forward to and dreading to see.
Tara and Erica were pressed up against each other dancing away while Erica sung into the microphone she was holding. Oh damn she could sing too. Allison watches the two, hypnotised by their movements against one another. Tara grinding against Erica’s back while the blonde lowers herself, sliding down Tara’s body.
Both girls running their hands over eachother. Taras hands rubbing just under Erica's top. Allison couldn't look away from them even if she wanted to.
She was so fucked.
Almost like the two could sense her watching, they both turn catching Allison’ gaze. Allison instantly flushes red, but doesn’t avert her eyes. Her mind screaming for her to run, flee, to move. Anything but it was already too late. The two girls were already making their way over. .
“Ally!” Tara shouts as they get closer flinging her self at the Allison and wrapping her tight in a hug. Allison could smell her perfume at the close proximity and could definitely see the red lipstick marks painting her neck.
She has to hold back a whine as another set of arms wrap around her back, breath tickling along the edge of her ear. “Mmmm you look hot as hell Ally.” Erica whispers sending a shiver down her spine. She can feel Tara nodding in agreement, lifting her head a little.
Her eyes have darkened as she looks at Allison and bites her bottom lip. Allison feels her breath catch in her throat at the way Tara is looking at her, wait no she just had to be imagining that right. Right?
“You gonna join us for a song Ally?” Tara asks, never loosing the look in her eyes while her voice takes on that tone again. Allison was captivated by her, by them both. She wanted- no she needed them to do something before she burst.
Lips graze her neck. She actually whimpers from just the simple graze of Erica’s lips. Tara just watches her, seemingly fascinated by her reactions as her eyes turn dark again. “She asked you a question Ally.” Erica reminds her, yet not helping Allison’s mind to focus at all as she felt Erica’s lips moving against her skin.
Finally she remembers what she was asked. But she needed to know what was going on first.
“What are you doing here?” She manages to get out holding back another whimper, or maybe a moan this times as Erica fucking licks along her neck.
Both girls instantly freeze. Stopping whatever they were doing. “We... we want you Ally.” Erica is still stood behind her as she speaks. Allison’s just feels confused. This was too good to be true. Right?
Tara must see the look in her eyes, shaking Allison with her hands. “We do Allison. We’ve wanted to be with you for awhile “ Allison’s eyes widen at the confession.
“Why?” She mumbles eyes darting over Tara’s face for any sign this could be a lie or some kind of trick. “No lie Ally. Your really hot and cute and funny and we don’t know why. We just want you, with us.” Erica whispers softly returning to her place behind her.
They just said that. Is this really happening. Was she dreaming?
“I think she needs something to show her how much we want her baby.” Tara remarks, a smirk on her face as she eyes Allison’s flushed face.
Tara pulls Allison up so she is standing properly while Erica seemingly moves away from them, going somewhere. Allison tries to turn to see where Erica had gone but well she can’t. She can’t even thing suddenly.
Tara had cupped her cheeks dragging her in for a kiss. She can immediately taste the cherry lip balm on Tara’s lips. She moans when Tara’s tongue runs along the seam of her lips, parting them to let her in. Allison gets lost in the feeling of the kiss, hypnotised by it. She wants more.
This was definitely one way to prove their point.
Allison immediately realises something, pulling away eyes wide as she takes in Tara’s own appearance.
“Erica---” She starts to screech at the girl before another voice cuts her off. “Erica, fucking loved the show Ally.” Allison turns towards the voice, coming face to face with Erica herself. Her eyes sparking with amusement and a glint of lust and eyebrows raised in challenge at Allison.
“It’s show time Ally. This one’s all for you.” Erica says, taking Allison’s hand to drag her towards the dance floor where a circle had been prepared. A lone chair sat in the middle.
Erica pushes Allison into the seat, before straddling the raven haired girls lap. Only then does Allison notice the microphone in Erica’s hand, and another in Tara’s. Both girls looking at Allison with a mix fondness, want and lust.
The tune slowly starts playing of the song. Erica lifts the microphone up to her lips gaze locked on Allison’s.
“Tell me what you want, what you like, it's okay”
Erica begins to run her fingers up Allison’s arm, trailing them up and down causing goosebumps in their path.
“I'm a little curious too”
Tara comes up behind her, pulling Allison’s head back to get her to look at her leaving Allison’s throat exposed as she takes over the next bit. Tara’s nails running over her scalp eliciting a pleasured moan from Allison’s lips.
“Tell me if it's wrong, if it's right, I don't care. I can keep a secret, can you?”
Erica moves in on her exposed throat, trailing kisses along it which Allison just knows will be left with stains from Erica’s red lipstick. Marking her as taken. As theirs.
And if the smirk Erica gives her before continuing the song is anything to go by. She knows it.
“Got my mind on your body and your body on my mind. Got a taste for the cherry, I just need to take a bite”
Allison snorts to herself at the phrase of got a taste for the cherry since Tara was wearing her trademark cherry lip balm for their kiss. But then Erica’s lips are on hers, swallowing the moan that was about to escape.
Tara has moved in on her neck too. Both girls working together to take Allison apart with just their hands and lips. It was working. The song continued, the soundtrack taking over as Erica and Tara are took busy with getting their hands on Allison’s body.
“Don't tell your mother. Kiss one another. Die for each other. We're cool for the summer”
Allison’s isn’t even paying attention to the chorus of the song as it plays over them. Having brought up her hands to clutch Erica’s waist where her top had lifted up a little. Her hand feeling burnt from just getting to feel—to touch the blonde.
“Take me down into your paradise. Don't be scared, 'cause I'm your body type. Just something that we wanna try. 'Cause you and I, we're cool for the summer”
Allison felt like she was in paradise alright. Being between these two girls she had fallen for. Who want her back almost as much as she did. Erica’s lips leaves hers moving back down towards her neck, pulling the neck of her top to the side to gain better access while Tara pulls away moving around to her front kneeling next to both of them microphone brought up.
“Tell me if I won, if I did, what's my prize? I just wanna play with you too.”
“Oh I’ve definitely won.” Allison thinks to herself through the hypnotic effect the two blondes were having on her. Moving her hand up to clutch Erica’s head, pressing her in closer and feeling the smirk on the girls lips against her skin.
“Even if they judge, fuck it, I'll do the time. I just wanna have some fun with you”
Tara lays a chaste kiss on her lips before pulling Erica away from her neck. She feels so wanted by the look they are giving her.
She wasn’t prepared for what came next. Tara cups Erica’s face dragging her in for a kiss letting Allison watch as their lips moves together and the noises they were making. Allison had to clutch her legs tight. She whimpers watching them both.
The song forgotten, Allison’s drags their faces apart. All three of their face look ruined and only then does Allison remember where they were. That they had an audience. Her face flushes red as she tries to hide herself.
“Take me home now.” She mutters to them both earning a laugh from these two girls. “Come on babe let’s take our girl home.” Erica remarks eyeing them both with want. Tara nod in agreement biting her lip as she eyes Allison’s appearance.
She was their girl. They were hers too.
Was the only thought in Allison’s head as they run for the exit, high on want and lust and maybe, just maybe a little bit of love
Featuring lil bonus of Thiam.
"Baaaaabe, you came." Theo chirps throwing his arms around Liams waist. Snuggling into the student coach's chest. Liam just snorts in amusement as his boyfriends drunken antics.
"You had a good night babe?" Liam asks moving his hands to keep Theo upright against him. He feels Theo nodding in silent reply against his chest.
Liam brings his hand up stroking it through Theo's hair softly earning a hum from Theo as the green eyed boy leans into his hand.
"Where's Tara, are we taking her home too?" Liam asks eyeing the bars entrance for any sign of Theo's older sister while rearranging him and Theo to lean against his 1970s Mustang.
Theo just grunts against his chest. "Got.... Allison. Show.... Video... orrow." He hears Theo mumbling, showing signs of being on the verge of sleep.
Liam snorts at the mumbled reply. It sounded like Tara and Erica had finally made a move on the raven haired girl.
He moves supporting Theo's weight and manages to get his sleepy boyfriend in the passenger seat of the car leaning down to brush the stray hairs out of Theo's face.
"Hey, babe. Where you wanna go? Your apartment or mine?" Liam asks securing the seat belt over Theo.
"H...ome" He hears Theo mumbling bring a soft smile to his lips at seeing his boyfriend so carefree. "Yeah where you wanna go home?"
Theos mumbled answer brings a blush to Liams cheeks but also warms his heart. "Where....iam.....Home.... pretty....b.....ome."
Liam leans over pressing his lips to Theo's forehead softly rubbing the pad of his thumb down Theo's cheeks, caressing them slowly. "Yeah T. Your my home too." He softly whispers.
God he loved this green eyed boy with everything he had.
He moves round the car climbing into the drivers seat. Hearing Theo sighing in content as he snuggles further into the seat, slowly drifting to sleep.
"Lets go home Theo." He says, more to himself than his sleeping boyfriend next to him.
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Passionate Life
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: So much had happened in his life since the Academy, so much that sometimes he forgot what his life before was life. He can't ignore it forever when he runs into an all too familiar face, however. Warnings: Mentions of transphobia, dysphoria, and mentions of child abuse Word Count: 3,463 Ship(s): Viktor Hargreeves/Helen Cho, Viktor Hargreeves & Allison Hargreeves
Archive link!
A/N: This fic has been sitting, waiting to get published for a very long time and I have been putting it off because I enjoyed a lot of the other fics I had written a lot more. It's a pretty small 'what if' type situation that I originally wrote hot off seeing S1 for the first time. It was originally written with Viktor's deadname and she/her pronouns so if you see any of that please let me know so that I can correct it. With all that being said, please enjoy this fic!
It wasn't his first time on a movie set, but it was his first time being on a set that he was working on. It wasn’t like he was the one that was going to be on camera, but that didn't stop the nerves from fluttering throughout his system. He stood on the very outside of the set as he watched everyone rushing around while trying to get ready for the day's shoot. The camera and lighting people were talking with the director as they talked about a way that they could get the shot that was in the script without the camera or any of the sound equipment showing in the final cut. Several personal assistants were running back and forth as they tried to get the talent that they were responsible for into the proper locations before action was called. The talent themselves were talking amongst each other while they ran through some of their lines and just conversed about their days, taking up time until they were needed.
Viktor had his violin case strapped to his back for something that he would be working on later in the day after talking to the people he was here to visit. He was watching the chaos unfold around him just like he had when he was a child. 
He laughed softly to himself as the thought crossed his mind. He had woken up today feeling oddly nostalgic about his past despite the trauma that he had endured. It may have been because this was the last day of his classes for the year. The last semester of the year was coming to a close, so he was going to be losing a lot of his students to graduation. Regardless of the reason, he had woken up thinking about his past, which didn’t happen very often anymore. So much had happened since he had moved out that there were some days where he forgot where he had come from. But with that came days like today, when all he could think about was his past. That meant that being on the outside of the chaos around all the other people that had tasks without him reminded him of being a kid. The other children in the Hargreeves house hadn't meant to always leave him out, even when they were playing, but they were so separated from each other that it ended up happening anyway.
Slowly, things were beginning to wind down and the chaos was turning into a more controlled tide. Viktor took a couple of steps back so that he was by the refreshment table, standing off to the side so that he was out of the way and could continue people-watching without actually being noticed. He felt his face brighten a little bit as he saw the one person he had truly been looking for.
Helen noticed him as well, giving him a smile. "Fancy seeing you here," she smirked as she finally moved over to her boyfriend. She reached out so that her fingers threaded together with Viktor's and they were standing closer together. The musician's other hand was clutching the strap that was keeping his violin up on his shoulder, which alerted his girlfriend to how out of sorts he was feeling. "How are you doing, my dear?"
"I… can't stop thinking about my childhood for some reason," he sighed. "Something about letting all my students go, I guess."
The woman clicked her tongue. She pressed a kiss to Viktor's cheek to try and soothe his nerves. "Make sure you bring that up during your next session. I know you can sometimes forget now that you're only having monthly."
  "What would I do without you?" Viktor asked. He took the hand that he was holding and then pressed his lips to it in a brief kiss.
"Be a semi-well adjusted human, I would hope," she chuckled.
Viktor giggled, rolling his eyes. It was a joke between the two of them that Viktor would never be completely well adjusted no matter how many medications he was on or therapy he did, not even after fully transitioning. It had come from the reaction that Helen had when she really learned about what her boyfriend's childhood had been like. Her exact words had been 'how could anyone growing up in a home like that be functional?' Viktor had found it hilarious instead of offensive, partly because of his aforementioned childhood.
They had to break apart when the producer called out towards them, "Hargreeves?"
"Yes?" Viktor and someone else on the set called in reply at the same time.
Despite having just dropped his girlfriend's hand he reached out and threaded their fingers together again. He was seeking comfort as his heart thrummed in his chest due to panic. "Love, you're alright," she murmured. Helen was able to tell when her lover was barreling towards a panic attack from just a few things. Viktor got a nervous tic where both of his hands would flutter like they were preparing to play a note on the piano. His breath would hitch every time he tried to take an inhale. The biggest signifier was always the step back he took, no matter where he was.
"Professor, not missus," the director chuckled.
"That would be me," Viktor said, dropping his girlfriend's hand so that he could bring some attention to himself. He was desperately trying to ignore the fact that one of his siblings was most likely on set as well, and he might have to run into them. He hadn't had any contact with them since he had published his book in the down time of his sophomore year of college. The added bonus of his gender crisis and subsequent transition made any future interaction he might have with them utterly terrifying. His therapist hadn’t even begun unpacking that specific trauma, that was how badly the idea of it freaked him out.
"Professor? It's Doctor," Helen piped up.
"It's not a big deal," Viktor soothed. "What did you need from me?"
The director motioned for the both of them to walk onto the set. "We wanted you to know what the set looked like so that you could help the audio department when they record your songs," he explained. "Dr. Cho is going to be telling you what you should perform but we're relying on you to be our expert while helping the actress learn how to play and making the song sound accurate."
"I know with the internet it has to be difficult to make a movie with someone that doesn't know how to play the instrument the same way that the character does," he chuckled. He shifted his violin around a little bit as his girlfriend moved to stand beside him. They both looked over the current set and then the ways that things were going to look when they were actually in the movie. They were shepherded off the set and into the hallway so that they could begin shooting the scene. 
Helen reached over so that she was holding her boyfriend's free hand while they walked. She had something that she had to do in a couple of minutes, but she had enough time to walk Viktor to his practice room. "So what do you think? Now that you're in my world," she chuckled.
"I've worked in your orchestra before, Helen," Viktor giggled.
"But you've never had this much of a part in it before. I'm writing a piece specifically for you and it's going to play throughout the entire movie," Helen commented.
"It's nerve wracking. I know that I've played pieces in front of hundreds of thousands of people and we play in the same orchestra, but it still makes me nervous," he sighed. "Especially since my sister might also be working on this movie."
"It'll be okay," Helen murmured. She reached her spare hand up so that she could cup her boyfriend's cheek. She brought their lips together in a sweet kiss, for just a moment. "Even if she is here, you're okay. You can talk to her and handle anything that she throws at you. Because you're mostly stable."
The shorter of the two rolled his eyes but then gave his girlfriend another swift kiss. "Go do your job. I'm going to try my best to learn that piece you spent all last week making me while I was doing finals," he chuckled. 
"If you insist, my dear," Helen replied. “Please remember to correct your sister if she comes up to you and misgenders you. You’ve been through Hell because of the things your father and siblings did to you, you deserve to be gendered correctly.” Viktor felt his heart melt inside of his chest as he looked over his wonderful and supportive girlfriend. He cupped her cheek with one hand and pressed their lips together in a delicate kiss. When they broke apart, she gave her boyfriend's hand a soft squeeze before she continued her way to where she would be helping her orchestra learn the pieces she had written for the movie. 
Viktor slipped into the dressing room that they had given him so that he could learn his piece while on set if they needed him for the actress playing the main character. He removed his violin from the case and then began to get the sheet music set up on the music stand that they had provided him. He had gotten about halfway through learning the piece in the last hour when there was a knock on his door. He carefully laid his violin down into the case and then the bow on the couch next to it. 
He opened the door, peeking out at who had interrupted him. "Yes?" he asked nervously.
A flare of panic and dysphoria overtook him as he heard the name that he had used in what now felt like an entirely different life. He barely even recognized it anymore. He didn’t bother correcting her as his shocked brain finally realized that his sister was actually standing in front of him. "Allison?" he asked, his eyes widening. He bit his lip as he moved so that he was standing all the way up and the door was opened a little bit more. "W-what are you doing here?"
"Well I saw you on the set, so I had to come and say hi. We finished doing the scene that we needed to get done today. I figured that I could come and say hi. May I?" she asked, motioning into the room.
Viktor's brain was still chugging to try and catch up with what was happening. He hadn't seen his siblings since he left the house a little bit before their eighteenth birthday. He hadn't talked with any of them since he published his book. He had gotten an angry voicemail from Diego that was just a lot of shouting and stuttering. He assumed that Klaus either had no idea or was too out of his mind on drugs to comment on anything Viktor did. He had gotten no response from Luther and their father. Allison, on the other hand, had written a very long letter expressing her disappointment and panic about how this could affect her career. 
In retrospect, maybe it was a good thing that they had all stopped talking to him since he didn’t know how they would all take the whole transition, especially given how dismissive they had been of him throughout their entire childhood. 
Viktor blinked and moved away from the doorway so that the woman could walk past him, "Oh, uh, of course."
Allison entered, her eyes immediately flashing over to the violin. "Is this the same one that you played when we were kids?"
"I mean, I had to replace the strings back when I was in college, but yeah," he nodded. He had a shy smile on his face as he tried to think of how he was supposed to react around the other woman, and if he was supposed to come out to her. Helen had said that he had worked too hard to be misgendered, but coming out again after so long without being misgendered felt like a lot to handle right now.
"Wow, it's been so long since then. I didn't even know that you went to college. I never got an invitation to your graduation," she commented, sounding a little hurt.
"I, uh, had two," he replied nervously. "My masters and then my doctorate. The doctorate was only three years ago," he chuckled.
"Why didn't you invite me?" she asked.
"Well, I thought that you wouldn't want to come. I mean, I wrote my book when I was a sophomore so by the time I was graduating I figured that I would have accidentally cut off any and all connections to you guys," Viktor rubbed the back of his head nervously. "If I had sent you an invitation to my graduation, would you have come?"
Allison considered it for a moment before she answered, "I'm not sure. I know that I definitely would have attended your doctorate graduation. That's a huge life event," she insisted. "I would have wanted to be back in your life at that point."
"But you never reached out," he shrugged. He walked over to the couch, sitting down next to his open violin case. He had picked up his bow and was now tapping it against his hand to try and rid himself of the nervous energy building in chest, just under his heart. Things around the room began to rumble almost like they were having a miniature earthquake, but Viktor had gotten so used to that happening whenever he had an anxiety attack that he just ignored it.
"I got busy. Movies are a lot of work," she shrugged. "And the book was kind of a signal to a lot of us that you didn't want to talk. I think it just ended up being a miscommunication between all of us," Allison moved to carefully sit down next to him. 
Vitkor packed his violin away entirely so that it was tucked up against the couch. "Yeah, I guess so."
“You also never reached out to us,” Allison commented, her voice soft and nervous. Viktor wasn’t sure that he had ever heard his sister be that soft. The other Hargreeves didn’t reply, just fiddled with a couple of the stiffer hairs on his cheek that he had missed when shaving that morning.
They lapsed into silence for a moment before the taller of the two siblings asked, "What's been going on in your life, other than getting a doctorate?" she asked. She had a soft smile on her face and was leaning easily back against the back of the couch.
"Well, I got together with my girlfriend," he answered. He realized that was the perfect opportunity to come out, but it still felt like his gender identity was a raw wound and poking it wouldn’t help anything.
Allison's eyes lit up at hearing that. She reached out so that she was touching her brother's hand, "Tell me about her?"
"We were together on the set. Her name is Helen Cho, she's going to be the composer for this movie," Viktor explained. "She's the one that wrote the song I was practicing when you knocked."
"How did the two of you meet?" Allison asked next, the smile unable to fall away from her face. This seemed like something that was a lot easier for her to talk about than their tumultuous history or his gender. 
"We were in the same orchestra. I was in third chair and she was in first. She barely even talked to me for the first year that we played together. By the time I was in my sophomore year of college I was on new meds, not the weird things that Dad had been giving me my entire life. It was like new life had been breathed into me. I was able to write the entire book and get it published. And I was able to de-chair Helen. She said that she had to figure out what kind of person could move up through the ranks of the orchestra so fast and so she asked me out. She'll never admit this, but I think that she liked me from the very beginning. We found out that we were also going to the same college and both studying music. She was learning to be a composer, obviously, and I ended up becoming a professor at the university I graduated from."
Her eyes softened as she listened to the story. She had met the composer a few times before, and had liked her alright even though she thought that she was a little self-centered. Her brother seemed head-over-heels for her. "V-” she paused, pursing her lips. “You know that’s not what I was talking about, even if I’m happy to hear you’re in a healthy relationship. Do you feel comfortable talking to me about…”
“Me being a guy?” Viktor asked. He was picking at the skin on the side of his thumb like he always did when he was nervous.
Allison’s shoulders lost a lot of the tension that had built up during his story. “Yeah, that. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s okay. Helen said that I should come out to you anyway,” he shook his head. “There’s not a lot to talk about. After I stopped taking those meds that Dad doped me up with I realized how unhappy I was with my life. My therapist was the first to point it out to me actually. I just kind of… transitioned after that. I go by Viktor now. I wanted to keep my heritage alive, and I liked the ‘V’ nickname you guys used to call me. I use he/him pronouns.”
The taller sibling reached over, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “The most important thing is, are you happy?”
"I'm very happy," Viktor nodded. He could feel a blooming appreciation growing in his chest the more he talked with his sister. He had never had the best relationship with them when they were all children, but he had missed them dearly after he published his book. Knowing that he had a chance of having at least Allison back in his life, and accepting him as her brother, was more than he could have ever asked for. "What about you?"'
"I'm married, and my husband and I have a daughter who's about two," Allison beamed. She glanced at the clock and then swore, standing up from the couch. "I have to get going, but we should catch up sometime, maybe spend some time together. Especially now that we know we don't hate each other. What's your number?" She dug her phone out of her bag and then handed it to the man.
Viktor input the requested information his sister needed before he handed it back over. "I'll be available pretty much all Summer. This and some lessons are the only thing that I have scheduled," he smiled at his sister. He could barely even put words to how good it felt to have someone that had known him so personally in his pre-transition life easily accept him now.
"It's good to see you, Viktor. Maybe we can reach out to some of the others too," Allison suggested. She opened her arms in the offer of a hug, which Viktor took after a moment of consideration. They bid each other goodbye before he was left alone in his practicing room.
He got his violin back out and began to think as he ran through the beginning of the song that his girlfriend had made for him. The angry words post-book and transition had built themselves into a complicated mess of nerves inside of him, to the point where the idea of seeing his siblings literally terrified him. Being forced into a situation where he came out to Allison and caught up with her helped chip away at the hard bundle until it felt more achievable. Like getting back in touch with his siblings was something he could reasonably do. There was some small part of him that wanted the first sibling he talked to again after leaving the house to be Five, but he had to give up that hope when fifteen years finally rolled around. He thought that Klaus would probably be the easiest to talk to again, but Allison was definitely above Diego and Luther. While the music surrounded him and pierced through his soul, he smiled to himself. He was reconnecting with his family, and there was nothing better.
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justburningdaylight · 2 years
Operation Love Me
Steve Harrington x Fem Reader
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Summary: Reader has been with Steve for almost two years. Recently he’s been pulling away. She believes he’s fallen out of love, so she devises a plan to gain his love back.
Warnings: angst (again, sorry besties), but also lots of fluff, happy ending, mentions of nightmares, i think there’s a curse word somewhere, a few kisses, my inner stevie nicks stan pops out, dustin overstays his welcome a couple times, let me know when you spot the all too well reference, no spoilers !
Word count: 2.2k
a/n: just a lil something i whipped up for you guys <3 i had a looot of fun with this one ! p.s. requests are open, come chat with me !
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When Steve Harrington asked you to be his girlfriend, it was a transcendent experience. You were almost certain it was a dream, some empyrean reverie concocted within the confines of your mind.
In the near two years since that metamorphic experience, things had shifted poignantly.
More specifically Steve had shifted. And you knew why.
He wasn’t in love with you anymore.
He never verbalized this, but he didn’t have to. The agonizing truth lingers in the air of his presence. The veracity of the situation persists like a never-ending storm, the tenacious, violent rain showing no signs of halting, leaving no room for the possibility of basking in the warm, ethereal glow of the sun.
He may have fallen out of love with you, but you were still in love with him. Desperately, in fact. Which is what led you to the conception of your ingenious 4-step plan to win back his affections.
Step 1 : Make an effort
Steve was the antithesis of a man who judged you on your appearance. He used to vow repeatedly that a person could never look more beautiful than you did in the morning.
Your face would still be riddled with exhaustion, the evidence of your tranquil slumber tucked comfortably away in the corners of your eyes, and Steve would adamantly insist that you were a veracious vision of grace and divinity.
You can’t remember the last time he’d done that.
You didn’t intend to make any fundamental changes to your appearance; You still feel a twinge of dissatisfaction when you think about Allison Reynolds in The Breakfast Club, they extracted every physical characteristic that made her unique and tried to sell that she was better off than before. Wild horses couldn’t drag you to that point. You were, however, open to the idea of enhancing some of your own preexisting characteristics.
You styled your hair the same way you did for your first date with Steve, applying a similar ample amount of lipgloss. The new dress you’ve been saving for a deserving occasion clings faultlessly to your body as you wait anxiously for Steve to arrive. It’s almost farcical, you suppose, being nervous to see your boyfriend of nearly two years. Yet you can’t shake your concern for his impending response.
The mollifying sound of your front door opening resonates through the apartment and, while you were expecting Steve’s appearance, you were confounded by the hindering addition of Dustin.
“Hey (y/n)! You look nice. Got a hot date or somethin’?” Dustin’s playful voice sounds as he brushes past you, adolescent hands juggling a variety of VHS tapes.
“Did you have plans? I thought we were supposed to hang out tonight.” Steve asks, his magnetic caramel eyes searching your own in a delicate display of adept obliviousness.
“No. No, nothing special.” You sibilate dejectedly.
“Good ‘cause it’s move night! And Steve cheaped out on snacks, so you’re gonna want to make some popcorn.” 
“Right.” You enshroud your abasement with a counterfeit smile and venture into your kitchen to make Dustin his popcorn, the familiar notes of Eye of the Tiger resounding through your apartment as Rocky IV begins playing on the tv.
So your first attempt was met with an expeditious defeat, but perseverance can be rewarding. Right?
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Step 2 : Remind him of the good times
You jolt awake from your slumber, the cold sweat clinging to your body serves as a physical reminder of the macabre scenario you just narrowly escaped in your nightmare.
In an effort to suppress the unsolicited atrocities racing incessantly through your mind, you surreptitiously make your way out of the bed you share with Steve, delicately extracting yourself from the steady grip of your unconscious boyfriend’s gangly arms.
You cautiously venture down the hall to the kitchen, momentarily detouring to the living room to clandestinely place Rumours by Fleetwood Mac on the turntable, ensuring the volume is at a near imperceptible sonority so as not to rouse your boyfriend from his tranquil sleep.
You pour yourself a glass of glacial water, condensation generously gathering along the perimeter of the cup, the dull glow of the open refrigerator acting as your light source.
“D’you have another nightmare?” Steve’s sleep-riddled voice questions gingerly as he wraps his arms tenderly around your midsection from behind.
“I just want to stop seeing it in my head.” You turn in his arms to face him, appreciating how magnificently the light of the refrigerator illuminates his divinely celestial features. 
“I know,” He begins delicately, “I’m sorry for dragging you into it. You should have never been anywhere near those things-”
“Steve, it’s not your fault, okay? I need you to know that.” You interrupt before he can incur being the responsibility of your nightmares’ source. He’s not culpable for anything that came from the Upside Down.
He gazes at you solemnly, nebulous eyes emanating with immense emotion as he hesitantly nods his head.
The gentle melody of Songbird begins, floating through the kitchen, causing a lithe smile to form on your gentle lips as you appreciate the mellifluous opulence of Stevie Nicks’ voice.
“May I have this dance?” Steve asks, donning a heavenly smile.
“I’d be honoured.” You answer as he begins swaying you adeptly in his agile arms, your modest grin blooming into a broad smile.
And so the two of you danced around the kitchen, with nothing to accompany you but the gentle glow of the refrigerator light and the seraphic sounds of Fleetwood Mac on the record player.
That night solidified Songbird as your song. Which is the rationale for why you’re standing alone in the living room at one thirty in the morning listening to Fleetwood Mac.
“(y/n)?” Steve’s fatigued and perplexed voice sounds as he advances down the hallway.
“Hey.” You’re apprehensive now, equal parts regret and hesitance swim through your bloodstream like a resolute fish headed upstream in a particularly vigorous current.
“What are you doin’? It’s like one in the morning. Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, no yeah I’m- I’m fine.”
The look he gives you is filled with concern, but there’s a glimmer of something else hiding in the shadows, regret maybe? You can’t accurately discern it, and it disappears before giving you a chance to unravel its connotation.
“Okay, well, if you’re fine, I um- I work in the morning so I’m gonna go back to bed.”
“Yeah. Go ahead, I’ll turn it down. Sorry.” That wan’t mortifying at all, you introspectively reprimand yourself, feeling a sense of dejection you’re beginning to grow painstakingly familiar with.
That could have gone better.
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Step 3 : Spend some quality time together
You’re veritably hoping that there’s some authenticity to the phrase third time’s the charm.
Adorning a particularly whimsical sundress, you sit contentedly on the plush blanket you’ve laid atop the flexible sage grass in the park, ardently awaiting Steve’s arrival.
Your previous attempts to re-obtain his affections have been met with the abrupt emergence of failure, but the outcome of this experience was going to be different. What could go awry at a picnic?
“Hey. You look nice.” Steve’s symphonic voice sounds from above you, as he assuredly makes his presence known.
“Really? Thank you. So do you.”
Steve respires an exiguous chuckle at your response, taking a seat parallel to you on the thin blanket. You can’t contain the smile that accumulates on your face, outwardly displaying your pride at the small victory.
“So, how was your day?” You inquire earnestly, handing him the sandwich you prepared for him.
“Thanks. It was good. Y’know, busy. People really love their movies.” 
“How’s Robin? I know how much she-” “Steve! (y/n)! Hey!” Dustin’s voice reverberates through the air, effectively silencing your queries.
Seriously? There’s no way this is happening. Again.
“Hey! Dustin’s here! Look at that (y/n), what are the odds?” Your boyfriend’s usually endearing rambling holds a discernibly nervous undertone.
“I don’t know Steve, what are the odds?” You question, failing to cultivate eye contact as he’s currently preoccupied with looking anywhere besides your eyes.
“Gotta be one in a million! So weird,” Dustin lightheartedly interjects, “Actually, it’s a good thing that you’re here Steve, ‘cause I really need you to come help me with something.”
“What- Seriously? Now?” 
“Yes, (y/n), now! It’s very important stuff. Could be life or death.” Dustin emphasizes his point with resolute hand gestures.
From the repentant look in his sparkling eyes, you’ve already predetermined Steve’s next words.
“Go.” You preempt, dispiritedly.
Your boyfriend’s saccharine eyes are filled to the brim with a myriad of unidentifiable emotions as he scrambles onto his feet, sandwich still clasped between his lithe fingers, his smooth sorrowful voice mumbling a doubtful vow, “I’ll make it up to you, okay?”
“Yeah. Okay.” You nod pessimistically.
“Do you mind if I just grab one of those sandwiches? ‘Cause they look delicious.”
You hand Dustin a sandwich, temporarily suppressing each melancholy thought running around in your mind as you give him your best attempt at a smile.
“Sweet! Thanks.”
Third time was, decidedly, not the charm.
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Step 4 : If all else fails, profess your interminable love
Step four was only ever thought of as a contingency. Existing solely for emergency use only. The invocation of this step means that there was a significant lack of reception to the previous three steps. You’re feeling particularly grateful that your antecedent self had included a backup plan.
“Oh hey, I didn’t think you’d still be up.” Steve’s delicate voice holds an air of surprise as he shuts the front door behind him, swiftly removing his jacket and shoes.
“Yeah,” You start, fiddling with your fingers in an effort to calm the anxiety coursing ferociously through your veins, “I thought maybe we should talk.”
“Talk? About- About what?” 
“About um- just us, I guess.”
Steve’s stately features are shrouded in a warm cloak of confusion and uncertainty.
“Are you- Please don’t say what I think you’re going to say.” He pleads after a moment, finally shattering the suffocating silence.
“What do you think I’m going to say?” It’s as though you two have traded emotions, now it’s you who stands perplexed as your boyfriend gently paces the floor in an attempt to reduce his anxiety.
“You wanna break up, right? You don’t want to be with me anymore. Everything’s too complicated now, isn’t it? All the monsters and shit, it’s just too much. I know it is.”
It takes you a few moments to wrap your head around his words. You want to reassure him, as tenderly as possible, that his assumption couldn’t be any further from the truth. Instead you say, “Are you crazy? Did you hit your head or something?”
“Did I-? What?”
“Steve, I’m not breaking up with you! I’d never break up with you. I just spent the last week trying to get you to fall back in love with me!”
You both go still at the nuance of your sudden confession. Steve’s chestnut eyes are filled with salty unshed tears as he takes gentle, purposeful steps toward you.
“Fall back in love with you? (y/n) did you hit your head?” He places a delicate hand on your cheek, nimble thumb grazing your satin skin in a circular motion as he continues, “I love you, okay? I love you so much that I don’t even know how to think straight.”
You place your hand over his own as it traces the curvature of your face. Your heart is pulsating so immensely furiously that you’re shocked it hasn’t beaten entirely out of your chest and fallen onto the floor where you stand. 
“Then- then why have you been avoiding me? Like every time we’re supposed to hang out, Dustin magically appears out of nowhere! It feels like you never want to spend time with me anymore, especially alone.”
“Oh my god. I didn’t- That’s not what it was, okay! I just-” He sighs, moving his gaze earnestly down toward his feet before bringing it back up to your eagerly awaiting eyes, “I got worried. After all this monster stuff. I mean, you’ve been having nightmares! And I know you say it’s fine but it’s not! And I was just- I was worried that you’d realize it was my fault and you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore.” He exhaled deeply, once again dropping his gaze from your own.
“Steve,” You start, benevolently tilting up his chin in order to greet his warm chestnut eyes with your own resolute ones, “I would have a million more nightmares if it weren’t for you. You saved my life, okay? In every single way. And I already told you that none of that monster stuff is your fault! So I guess I’m just going to have to keep telling you as many times as it takes for you to believe it. Because I’m not going anywhere. Ever. Sorry to break it to you but, you’re stuck with me Harrington.”
“Good. ‘Cause that’s exactly where I want to be. Always.” Steve fixes you with an angelic, rapturous smile before bringing you into the solace of his steady, comforting embrace. 
“I love you too, by the way. Just in case it wasn’t obvious by now.” You mumble into his shoulder, intent on remaining in this position as long as possible.
“I know.”
“Take it down a notch, Han Solo.”
Steve chuckles euphoniously before pulling back to give you a lingering, ardent kiss. It was filled with emotion, longing, and passion, and oh boy did it take your breath away.
“You wanna keep doing this, or did you need to go call Dustin?”
“Shut up.” He mumbles reverently, bringing you in for another godly kiss.
Your contingency plan was a resounding success.
Mission accomplished.
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aristrocrat · 3 years
Chapter 10
S1 Episode 9
SUMMARY: The pack tries to figure out how to steal Allison’s necklace while also dealing with Jackson’s threats.
TW: if divorce/the arguing between parents is at all triggering to you, please stop reading as soon as Stiles drops y/n off at home.
WORD COUNT: close to 5000 i think?
A/N: This is probably my best work yet. I have finally decided to start proofreading and revising my work instead of just posting my rough drafts being as there are now quite a few of you following along in my series. I swear I’ll stop being so lazy from here on out. I’M REALLY PROUD OF THIS PLEASE ENJOY AHHH
He felt his chest erupt in butterflies at the sight of you nuzzling deeper into his chest as you slept. He always dreamt of what it would be like to date you. He knew the kisses would be sweet and the moments playful. He never imagined though how his heart would burst at the sight of you falling asleep on his chest. 
You twitched as you fell into your deep slumber, groaning softly and out of the blue as your dreams presented you with forgettable images and scenes. His mind never envisioned the way your limbs would tangle so naturally with his as you sprawled out on his couch. It was the small moments he loved; making you laugh until you cried, seeing the way your eyes lit up when he kissed your forehead, watching as you subconsciously cuddled into him as you slept peacefully.
“Hey, Y/N,” He whispered, his heart breaking at the idea of him waking you up from such a tranquil state. You groaned and stirred a bit, making him chuckle softly. “Baby, you gotta wake up. You said your dad was expecting you at 8:00.”
“Nooo, you’re too comfy to wake up,” You mumbled, burying your face into his warm chest and tucking your hand into his hoodie pocket.
“You’re making it really hard to follow your orders,” He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your forehead. “If I had it my way, we’d just stay like this forever..”
You smiled at the way he spoke to you. It was new, along with most of his recent mannerisms and actions. Ever since the relationship became official, he exposed a side of himself that he has never felt capable of presenting to anyone other than you. He was still sarcastic and goofy at times, but this was an entirely different Stiles. He was effortlessly vulnerable and affectionate towards you. He spoke of fond memories that he shared with his late mother; how she tucked him in until she no longer recognized him or about how your mannerisms and sense of humor mirrored hers. No matter what the tone of a conversation was, his gaze glimmered with adoration for you. It was an effortless transition, melting into your roles of boyfriend and girlfriend. It felt familiar to be his. He felt like home.
“What time is it?” You yawned, finally perking your head up to look at him. He was already looking down at you.
“7:35. I hesitated to wake you up,” He smiled, making you let out a single breathy chuckle. “We should probably get going, huh? You have to get ready to go to that dinner.”
“I don’t know why they’re making it out to be such a formal event,” You shook your head, looking down at the Beatles logo on his grey hoodie. “The last time they acted like this was when they told me my dad got that international job out of LA. I can only imagine what type of news they’re going to drop on me tonight.”
“Do you want me to come with you?” He frowned at the way you anxiously played with his hoodie strings.
“No, no, Scott did ask you to hang out tonight. I don’t want to blow him off when he’s still this heartbroken over Allison,” You sighed, looking up. He threw his head back and groaned.
“As if he hasn’t blown us off for Allison,” He grumbled. “I’d so much rather go with you anyway. He’s got some stupid plan he wants help with.”
“As much as I would love to bring you with me, I still feel like you should play along with his stupid plan,” You giggled, finally sitting up to stretch your stiff body. “You wanna sneak into my room tonight and spend the night again? We can finish that game of chess.”
“Yeah, I’ll call you after we’re done,” He nodded, leaning down to pull on his shoes. You watched as his hoodie stretched out, showing off the subtle muscular definition of his back. You smiled and mindlessly reached forward to rub your hand up and down his spine as he slipped on his sneakers. “I have to warn you, though. It is a beyond stupid idea. So, we might not be done before midnight. I mean, you know, if we don’t get arrested.”
“Are you fucking joking?” You laughed as he jumped off the couch with his lips turned into a smirk. “Do I wanna know?”
“Oh, definitely not,” He said nonchalantly, making you laugh again before you stood up to slip your own shoes on. “If all goes well, I’ll sneak in.. Wait, is your mom working the late-night shift?”
“Yeah, she’s going in at 10:00. I’ll let you know when the coast is clear,” You smiled. He was deeply afraid of your mother. But then again, who wasn’t?
“You got everything?” He asked, reaching towards his front door.
“Unfortunately,” You mumbled, not quite ready to leave. He let out a single breathy chuckle, holding the door open for you and watching you make your way to his Jeep.
The ride home went by quickly, soft conversations and music occupying the otherwise silent night. He reached down and grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers in yours with an effortless swoop, resting them on your thigh. He dropped you off in front of your house after kissing you softly, bidding you a pouty farewell. You walked up to your front door, watching him pull into Scott’s driveway and awaiting that night’s stupid adventure. You walked in and were greeted by your father.
“Hey, kiddo,” He smiled, lacking his usual energy. He walked up to you, kissing your forehead before heading upstairs without bombarding you with his usual questions. That was odd. No matter how tired he was, he always greeted you with the utmost enthusiasm. You hesitated to call after him as you watched him defeatedly climb the stairs.
“You okay?” You twisted the ring on your finger anxiously. He paused as he reached the final step before looking back at you.
“Long night,” He smiled sadly. “Your mom was called in early. Raincheck on tonight’s dinner?”
“Yeah, okay,” You nodded slowly as he turned around and walked into his room. You furrowed your brows at the unusual conduct, your mind flooding with anxious thoughts that have been haunting you for the past few days. Something was going on with them and you weren’t quite sure if you wanted to know. You decided to brush it off and walk back out to Stiles’ jeep to check if he was still there. You smiled when you saw his silhouette typing away on his phone. You knocked on the passenger’s window, seeing him lean over and crank it down.
“What are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready?” He smiled at you, leaning back to his original position.
“I think my parents got into a fight or something. But dinner’s canceled and I was wondering if I could come with you tonight,” You answered, leaning up against the now open window.
“You sure you wanna come? Derek is going to try and find out who the alpha is. So, we have to drive his car around to distract the hunters and the police so that he can have a better shot at not being caught,” He admitted, making your jaw drop. “Yeah, I told you it was stupid. Still want in?”
“Is that even a question?” You laughed, opening his door and hopping in the back, watching Scott make his way to the Jeep. He looked at you in annoyance for a moment before speaking up.
“We are not taking her.”
“But I’ll be good, Mom!” You shouted sarcastically, making Stiles chuckle.
“Come on, dude! She’s the brains in this operation!” He defended.
“I know that. But it’s too dangerous. Go home, Y/N.”
“More dangerous than the other night at the school?” You asked. Scott stood in silence before sighing.
“Fine, you can come. But if we get caught, I don't want to hear you complain about a lost full ride to Yale or whatever,” He grumbled, hopping in the passenger’s seat.
“I can live with that,” You smiled, leaning back.
“You want me to steal Allison’s necklace?!” You shouted, earning a shush from both boys. “You made me drive the get-away car last night! I don’t wanna do this too!”
“We aren’t trying to get you to steal it. Just like ask to borrow it or something,” Scott said.
“Come on! You’re our only hope!” Stiles pouted. “You were a rockstar last night. I didn’t even know you could drive like that! What's stealing a necklace?”
“Yeah, she won’t even look at me. Please, Y/N, I can’t be the one to do it,” Scott pleaded.
“Why not? This could be your chance to get close to her again,” You turned back around, grabbing your books from your locker. “And even if I wanted to, I don’t even know if I could help you. Jackson keeps stealing her away from me.”
“How about, and hear me out on this one, you both try?” Stiles waved his arms. You and Scott looked at each other and sighed.
“Nice! Let’s meet at lunch and discuss the progress you two make, yeah?”
“Yeah, okay,” You sighed again, closing your locker. “I’ll see you then. I gotta go. I told Lydia I’d meet up with her before class to talk about Jackson. Good luck.”
“You're the best! I owe you big time,” Scott smiled, holding out his fist for you to bump. You looked down at it and walked off. “Not cool!”
“So?” Stiles asked hopefully as you sat down.
“I finally got a moment with her but she was crying so I wasn’t able to sneak it into the conversation,” You muttered, setting your tray down across from him. “How about Scott?”
“Well, he was thrown off his game because apparently, Jackson knows,” He dropped his apple to lean in, trying not to speak too loudly.
“Like he knows we want the necklace?”
“No, he knows that Scott’s a werewolf,” He whispered, making your eyes widen.
“Is that sarcasm? Because I can’t tell with you sometimes."
“What? No, like he actually knows! And he’s threatening Scott by saying if he doesn’t make him a werewolf too, then he’s going to tell Allison- Hold on, why was she crying?”
“Because I know nothing about girls and they’re psychotic,” Scott huffed,  practically throwing his tray down next to Stiles.
“Girls aren’t psychotic. You’re just an idiot,” You rolled your eyes, taking a bite of your lunch.
“I thought those pictures would be a sweet gesture!” He cried, earning odd looks from the table behind you.
“You thought sending her old pictures of you guys kissing would make her want you back?” You deadpanned.
“Yikes, I was going to try to stick up for you, buddy, but that’s bad,” Stiles mumbled. “Luckily, I came up with a Plan B just in case anything like this happened.”
“Let me guess, you want us to steal it?” You looked up in disappointment.
“Don’t look at me like that,” He pointed his fork at you. “Do you have a better plan?”
“Uh, yeah. How about we talk to Harris?”
“My dad put him on a twenty-four-hour protective detail, okay? The necklace is all we got,” He said exasperatedly.
“Okay, I see where you’re coming from now,” You nodded.
“Thank you!”
“Guys.. he’s watching us,” Scott muttered. You looked behind you and saw that Jackson was smirking, not bothering to be discrete.
“That’s not creepy..” You mumbled before Scott began acting odd. “What’s wrong?”
“He’s talking to me,” Scott replied. “He knows I can hear him. Stop looking at him. Just talk to me. Act normal. Pretend that nothing's happening.”
You looked over at your boyfriend with shock, not knowing what to say.
“Say something,” Scott looked up at Stiles impatiently. “Talk to me!”
“Okay, okay. Um... I can only think of bad things to talk about! What is wrong with me?” Your face fell into your hands. Scott looked over at Stiles.
“I can’t think of anything— my mind’s a complete blank!”
“Your mind’s blank? You can’t think of something to say?”
“Not under this kind of pressure!” He widened his eyes and shook his head, looking back at Jackson's table. “FYI, he’s not even sitting with them anymore.”
“Where the hell is he?” Scott looked around. You began to turn before he stopped you. “No, don’t look, it’ll make it obvious.”
You looked at him anxiously, hearing as he muttered angrily.
“Hey, it’s okay,” You placed your hand on his hand, trying to snap him out of the trance. “Want me to talk about something?”
“Anything, please!”
“I think my parents are going to get divorced,” You said quickly. His face dropped.
“What?” Scott’s full attention was now on you, watching with worry.
“Yeah, they’re acting really weird,” You nodded, feeling incredibly vulnerable with your candid statement. “My mom keeps avoiding him by taking every available shift when he’s in town and my dad’s acting like a kicked puppy. It’s been happening for a while now. He’s even been leaving earlier than usual for his business trips.”
“Are you being serious or did you just wanna get my attention?” He asked, scanning your face and hoping it was a joke. “Because he’s not even talking to me anymore.”
“No, no, I’m being serious,” You sighed.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He furrowed his brows with concern.
“I figured you had a lot going on already, I didn’t wanna burden you with this,” You shrugged, taking another bite.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Stiles finally spoke up, sounding a little hurt.
“Well, I wasn’t sure until last night. That’s why I tagged along,” You replied, trying not to show any type of negative emotion. “Can we change the subject since he’s not talking to you anymore?”
“Uh, yeah..” Scott nodded, staying silent for a few seconds. “Okay, I totally get the whole mind’s a blank thing now.”
“See??” Stiles exclaimed, making you both laugh. “Okay, I think we should try and make a plan to steal the stupid necklace before Jackson comes back.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to come back to my place?” Stiles asked as he parked the Jeep in your driveway. You sighed.
“Yeah, I think I should talk to them and see what’s going on,” You nodded, keeping your gaze averted on your parents’ vehicles parked in front of you.
“You wanna talk about it?” Stiles’ voice was soft, trying not to provoke the impending breakdown that loomed above you.
“Not exactly,” You muttered, mindlessly rubbing at your cheek, an anxious tick he knew all too well.
“I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but..”
“Your mind’s a blank?” You smiled, finally looking over at him. He chuckled and nodded. “Mine would be too honestly. When Scott’s parents got divorced, I literally pat his back and said ‘there, there’.”
“I remember that!” He threw his head back in laughter. “We all sat there laughing for like five minutes. He literally had to use his inhaler because of the way you made him wheeze-laugh.”
“Oh my god, I almost forgot about that!” You giggled, remembering the bittersweet memory. You both spoke for a few minutes, the conversation flowed easily and was almost light enough to make you forget about the overhanging question: what the hell was going on with your parents?
They’ve had a healthy relationship for the entirety of your life. If they fought, the only remnants of their argument would linger into the next morning at most. They loved fiercely and taught you everything you knew about relationships; what to expect, how to show affection, how to wear your heart on your sleeve. In the past month and a half, everything in your life changed. Your social status, your love life, your friend group, the sudden exposure and fight with the supernatural; every aspect of your life has changed dramatically with the exception of your family. That is, until about a week ago.
Your father got home from a work trip and was greeted happily by your mother. They were hopelessly in love one night and aloof the next. The next day, suddenly your mother was distant and your father quiet; behaviors that were hardly portrayed by them.
After about half an hour of talking, you finally said your goodbyes before you began walking into your house. The door was unlocked, so you opened it to reveal a scene that had never been exhibited in your home. The muted TV and broken wine glass on the floor hinted at the weight of the argument. They hardly ever drank before 7 o’clock in an effort to set a good example for you. Your legs carried you slowly and hesitantly to explore the kitchen. The dishes were piled up in the sink from the night before and a damp rag was carelessly tossed on the floor, the wall still wet with a faint trail of its water.
“GET OUT!” You heard your mother scream suddenly behind a closed door. “You really expect me to bargain with you when you CHEATED on me with HER?!”
Your father’s soft pleads were but inaudible murmurs. They easily drowned out in your mother’s cries. Your body froze at the bottom of the stairs when you saw your father get pushed out of their shared bedroom. His hair was messy and there were bags under his eyes. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't even think to look down.
“Take this and leave,” Her voice was raw from crying as she tossed out a heavy suitcase that barely missed your father's frame by a hair. “How could you do this to me? To us! Why did you make me believe you were still in love when-”
“I am still in love with you! Please, darling, don’t do this, let me explain!”
“You do not get to call me that. And what is there to explain? I SAW YOU!” She roared before the only sound the echoed down the hallways was her broken sobs. “I saw you.”
“Will you please just talk to me? You’ve been avoiding me since you found out and now you’re lashing out because-“
“BECAUSE I CAUGHT MY HUSBAND HAVING AN AFFAIR?! Excuse me for having a perfectly justified response,” She walked past him, freezing when she saw you standing wide-eyed at the bottom of the staircase. Her angry face, red and puffy from the crying, fell into one of guilt. “Y/N, honey..”
“Y/N?” He turned to confirm his heartbreaking suspicions; his daughter was home and listening to the argument.
“You’re having an affair?” You shook your head, eyes burning as they held back the wave of hot tears. His shoulders dropped at the sight, not knowing what to say.
“With who?” Your voice shook with shock but the question came out as an authoritative statement.
“Natalie Martin,” Your mother spat, grabbing his suitcase and lugging it downstairs, your father behind her.
“Mrs. Martin?!” You shouted, stepping back as your father reached out for you. “So the night I found her here. Oh my god... You told me she was here looking for Lydia. Why would you- How could you..”
“Tell me how to make this better,” Your father sobbed, looking at you with desperation. He reached out to hold you. You stepped back, finally meeting his devastating gaze with your emotionless one.
“Leave,” You muttered, shaking your head. “Just leave.”
You ran upstairs despite your parents calling after you and slammed your door shut. You knew it was bad, but not this bad. You figured your mother lost interest or got tired of how often your dad was gone. You never imagined that he was sleeping with your friend’s mom, your fucking teacher.
The man who encouraged your relationship by talking about how much he loved your mother; the man who showed you what it was to trust in a man was the same one who broke up your family in his cloud of lust for a woman he dared to lie about. He cheated. He falsified a happy life, a happy marriage, a happy home effortlessly while he was secretly fucking the woman your mother has been cautious of since they began dating decades ago.
Your eyes grew blurry from the hot tears that threatened to break through your barrier, not wanting to cry over the loss of your favorite parent. Your breath was heavy and increasing in pace. Shaking, you took a seat on your bed, feeling the gravity of the situation yank at your stomach. You tuned out the sound of your front door opening and closing, followed by the revving of an all too familiar engine. Your mother fell silent but you dared not disturb her, not quite ready for the talk that followed the shit show that transpired only moments before.
You angrily wiped the tear that broke past your emotional dam. Everything you’ve known in your life was flipped upside down since the school year began. Your social status, your friend group, your relationship with Scott, Stiles, your knowledge of the supernatural- EVERYTHING was entering a new phase in your life. The one thing that felt lethargic was your home life, and you found comfort in that. Until this day. This was not only a new chapter in life, it was a new damn book, a shitty sequel no one asked for.
You curled into your pillow, the faint smell of your boyfriend’s cologne ever so gently lingered, bringing you a slight peace of mind. Regardless of how badly you wanted to run to his house and spill everything, you did not dare bother him while he was so close to figuring out who the alpha was. Not only that, but he had his hands full with harboring California's most wanted fugitive and figuring out a way to trace the text that was sent to Allison's phone. That was what finally brought you to tears; the need to see the boy who made everything feel better and the inability to do anything about it.
A knock on your window brought you out of your congested mind. You jumped before realizing that it was your best friend. You quickly wiped your tear-stained cheeks and sat up, begrudgingly opening the window.
“Did your mom tell you already?” You scoffed as he slid into your room. “That’s gotta be a world record."
“No, I heard the screaming,” He said softly. You nodded, sitting back down on your bed. “I stepped outside and saw your dad leave. I kinda freaked out when I heard your heart racing so I came over... I'd ask how you were holding up but I can literally smell your emotions. You wanna talk about it?”
“That’s actually the opposite of what I wanna do,” You muttered, eyes averted on the wall in front of you. He nodded, not taking his eyes off of you. He could feel your anguish. He couldn't tell if it was empathy or yet another trait of being a werewolf, being emotionally or physically bound to his pack. Either way, being as you were arguably the person he loved most, it was a gutwrenching sight. He was dying to lift the mood.
“Is it bad that part of me wants to pat your back and say there, there?” He shifted his weight, making you chuckle half-heartedly.
“I feel like that’s a perfectly good response to this situation,” You defended, smiling slightly as you finally made eye contact. He giggled and sat down next to you. “Did you feel this shitty when your parents split?”
“No,” He admitted without hesitation. “I felt relieved. They fought about everything and I was tired of sneaking into your bed every night so that I could get some sleep.”
“Right,” You nodded once, pursing your lips. “I almost forgot about that.”
“I’m sorry you have to go through this, dude,” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders in the same comforting way he has since you were children. You placed your head on his own shoulder. “It’s crazy. Just when it feels like everything in our lives has changed, the universe finds another way to prove us wrong.”
“It’s just one fuck-you after the other,” You agreed, making him chuckle again. “Hey, did you get the necklace?”
“Mhm,” He hummed. “But long story short; yeah, I got it.”
“Wanna go to your house and examine it before we go to the game?” You asked. He furrowed his brow and looked over at you.
“You still want to go to the game?”
“Yeah, it’s Bilinski’s first game on first line!” You laughed. “Plus I need to get the hell out of here.”
“Sounds like a plan. Are we leaving through the front door or out the window?” He grinned.
“I’m pretty sure my mom’s going to be the one to get the house so definitely the window from here on out.”
“Stiles hasn’t answered my text, you think he got the picture?” Scott asked you anxiously as he walked out of the locker room.
“He isn’t answering my texts either,” You huffed, looking up from your phone and walking out towards the field. The stands were bursting with an excited crowd. As you scanned over familiar faces in the crowd and bench alike, your eyes locked with Mr. Stilinski.
“That’s it. I’m gonna call him,” Scott mumbled, walking away from you.
“No, wait! Scott!” You pleaded, not wanting to be the one to invent some excuse as to why Stiles wasn’t at the game.
“Y/N!” Noah called with a smile.
“Damn it,” You muttered before waving back and mirroring his expression. You walked over to him. “Hey, Mr. Stilinski!”
“Do you know where the hell my son is?” He laughed.
“I was actually about to ask you the same question,” You furrowed your brows. “Scott’s trying to call him. I’ll come find you if we figure anything out.”
“Should I be worried?” He asked, not quite sure if you were telling the truth.
“No! No!” You laughed, earning an unamused expression. “Okay, yeah, probably. But honest to God I don’t know where he’s at.”
“Okay, I’m choosing to trust you on this one,” He shook his head, walking off.
“Come on, Stiles,” You mumbled looking at your phone. “Where are you?”
WOW WHO’DA THUNK MY WRITING COULD BE THIS GOOD IF I ACTUALLY PROOFREAD AND REVISED IT!! but anyways, poor y/n :( sorry i had to do you guys like that
As always, please let me know what you think and if you would like to be added to the tag list!! A special shout out to @mitchloveswriting for being the coolest person and to @clearnachocloud for hyping up my writing and comparing it to her own relationship (let us all take a moment of silence to be jealous bahaha)
@okay-j-hannah @mitchloveswriting @itscheybaby @cevans-winchester @moon-child @rrrogertaylor @janalustare @loveangelic69 @angelxfics @blueberry-birdie @kaii-ya @rebelbagel @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99 @ifilwtmfc @dianewowslt @aloha-lu @crockercorpbakers @taysirene
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 years
Chasing Angels Masterlist
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crossed posted on AO3-
Maggie Jo Bradshaw- Rooster's little sister- info
Thomas James Kazansky - Iceman's oldest son- info
Abigal Carole Kazansky- Iceman's oldest daughter/ Rooster's on again- off again girlfriend- info
Allison Marie Kazansky- Iceman's youngest daughter- info
Jefferson Roosevelt Kazansk- Iceman's middle son info
Charles Peter Kazansky- Iceman's youngest son- info
mood boards
At First Sight- summary Maverick Mitchell didn't think anyone would make him want to stop flying until the day that Maggie Jo was placed into his arms. And he realizes that the two Bradshaw kids are the two that could make him stop.- one shot
Snap Shots- series of one shots based throughout the years of Maggie's life that won't fit into the series directly.
Father-Daughter Dance- Summary: Maverick always have a gift for swooping in when the Bradshaw kids need him. And after getting a almost heartbreaking phone call from Maggie, he takes leave and shows up just in time for the father- daughter dance and - one shot
Little sister- Summary Bradley always wanted a little brother, he didn't think he could handle sisters. He had seen too many girl cousins to know they were trouble. Maggie was a surprise and he makes a promise to Goose that he would always take care of her - two shot
The Golden Child and the Mistake- Summary: Carole Bradshaw is going to her death bed thanks to two forms of aggressive cancer and her family comes in and tries to change everything that her kids are use too. Thank goodness for Maverick and Iceman, they step in when they really need it - long story
One , Two, Three , Four,
Chasing Angels- Summary: Maggie is following her older brother Bradley into the Naval Academy where she realizes that she had a lot to live up too. Not only by her last name but her relationship with Admiral Kazansky. And there is Jake Seresin, the man that she seems destined to be with her rest of her life - long story
Dance- Summary: In their 3rd year at the academy, Jake needs a date for his brother's wedding and invites his best friend Maggie along. After one too many tequila sunrises they finally admit the feelings that been bubbling up under the surfaces - story within a story
21 disasters- One shot based on Maggie's 21st birthday
Kept Secrets- Summary: Jake and Maggie try and keep their relationship quiet while Rooster finds trouble in the form of Abigail Kazansky and a pregnancy- two shot
Big Sister and her boyfriend- Before their academy graduation, the midshipmen are able to spend time with their families and Jake is talked into town with Maggie and her youngest brother Charlie
Like Fathers Like Daughter- Summary: Maggie and several others were called to Top Gun and she proves just how much she is like all of her fathers.- long story
Wingman- Summary: I originally wrote this having them not stationed in California but I changed my mind.
Maggie is assigned to a new squadron not far from where her boyfriend is stationed and she is hooked up with one of their friends from the academy and all hell breaks loose.
- one shot
Amongst the Clouds- Summary: Maggie is surprised that she is recalled back to Top Gun along with her now fiancé and several others that they knew, including her older brother who she had a falling out with the year before. And her godfather, someone she never thought she would see again. And it's all for a suicide mission- long story- set during Top Gun Maverick
Gone Ballistic- one shot set during Amongst the Clouds and before Iceman dies- Its suppose to be the happiest day of their lives and it all it takes is on visit from grandparents that they have seen in years to bring everything up side down.
one shots that will be take place after this story
Taken-summary The Maverick Squadron has another mission, its said not to be as dangerous as the others, until Maggie and Coyote get shot down between enemy lines and they have to stage a rescue mission - long story
Blue Eyes- Maggie and Hangman get the surprise of a lifetime after Maggie is told it would be very unlikely that she would be able to get pregnant
One shot
Three Times They Almost Kissed and the One Time They Did. short story- summary coming soon
Other Fandoms masterlist
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pretend-writer · 3 years
Teenagers: Part 2 (Hargreeves x sibling!reader)
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Summary: Y/N tries to convince her siblings to sneak out of the mansion and go out to party with her for the night.
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader
Title Reference: Teenagers x My Chemical Romance
Word Count: 2.3k words
Warning: swearing, mention of drugs and alcohol, partying/clubbing, mention of sex
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'So where are these so-called friends that you have, Y/N?' Five asked impatiently, bothering me for the last five minutes.
'Shut up, they're coming. We just got here like two minutes ago.'
Allison smiled, 'Someone is eager to go in.'
Five glared at her, shaking his head. 'Ha, you're funny. I'm just tired of wai-'
'They're here!' I waved at my friends and ran to them, hugging them and greeting them. Getting the wristbands that they've promised me, I got back to my family and gave them one of each.
'How's Five going to get in?' Luther asked, but by the time we looked over at our not so younger brother, he was gone.
Assuming Five just zapped himself into the club, we lined up and got ourselves into the building.
Smiles formed on everyone's face, making me smile even more. I was happy that everyone was excited, my siblings deserved happiness and more.
Klaus clapped, 'I'm starting to sober up and that's a big fat no. Drinks on me, who wants some?'
Ben and Klaus went to the back towards the bar, buying everyone rounds of drinks to bring back. While the rest of us stayed, still no sign of Five, I looked at them and smiled.
'What's with the goofy smile?' Diego asked, I rolled my eyes and hit him. 'What? You're really happy tonight.'
'Of course I am, dummy. I'm out with you guys, what's not to be smiling about?' I pulled on his arm, 'Come on. Let's go to the dance floor.'
'Ha, I'm not dancing. Take others with you instead.'
'Luther is busy with those girls that's surrounding him, Allison and Vanya has been gone and you're the only one looking like a lost, sad puppy.'
'You don't think Luther needs our help?'
I looked over at him and laughed, 'He seems like he's enjoying the attention he's getting from them. He'll be alright. Now let's go.'
Diego rolled his eyes, 'I'll just watch.'
'Don't be a butt, come on.' I pulled on him again, this time he walked with me as he groaned.
We walked down to the dance floor, shoving ourselves through the sweaty crowd as we found Allison, Vanya and Five squeezed together.
'Exactly why is this fun?' Five said as he was sandwiched between two giant guys that were jumping up and down.
Allison turned around, dancing to the music the DJ was playing. 'Get drunk, dance your stress away. We're out the freaking house, Five.'
'Huh?' Five shouted, not being able to hear what Allison had said to him. She ignored him and continued to dance as she grabbed Vanya's hands.
I started to dance with my sisters, singing along and jumping up and down. Diego and Five just stood awkwardly, watching us drunk girls dancing.
'Excuse me, sorry. Ah, my fault.' Ben screamed from behind as he came with three drinks in his hand, followed by Klaus who was sipping from one of the cups.
Klaus handed us our drinks, 'Damn. It took us forever to look for you guys. I saw Luther's big ass but he's with those girls.'
'Our boy is busy.' I grinned as I pulled the straw into my mouth, sipping on my drink to get myself more drunk.
Five started groaning, I looked to see two girls talking to him and wondering how he ended up here. 'Aw, little kid are you lost? Poor thing.'
'No, I'm with them.' He replied angrily, arms crossed as he scooted himself towards Ben.
'Ah, you brought a boy to a club? What is wrong with you guys!' The girl said, given how bad it looked I never consider how it'll look from other perspective.
'Wait, no. It's- let me explain!' Ben stumbled with words, stuttering as he tried to reason with them. 'He- he's just a really really late bloomer. We're all actually in our 20s okay.'
'I'm just stuck in this body as an adult. Don't lie to them!' Five tried to defend himself, although it wouldn't really help with the confusing situation.
Klaus frowned and leaned towards the girls. 'Yeah, he's in denial. Very sensitive subject that we like to avoid.'
The girls nodded, awed as they were sympathize of our "situation" that we'd explained to them. 'So sorry, you guys have fun.'
'I hate you guys.' Five mumbled, snatching the cup from Allison's hand and drinking from it.
'Hey, I wasn't fini-'
'Y/N, this is the best night ever!' Luther came into the dance floor, cheerful as ever. 'Thank you for bringing me here because this is amazing.'
Diego chuckled, 'Of course. You were practically having a foursome with those girls over there.'
'You're just jealous.' Luther stuck his tongue out like a seven year old boy. Klaus, Ben and I laughed hysterically; it was even funnier because we were drunk, and Luther, our "daddy's boy" brother was enjoying sneaking out of the mansion.
'One of my friends are single, if you want me to set you-'
'Y/N, drop it.' Diego turned away, 'I need to take a leak. You guys better stay here.'
As Diego walked away with Five to the bathroom, we continued to dance and drink. Vanya was giggling, swaying back and forth as Ben and Allison had a dance-off seeing who can bring out the best moves. Klaus and I were downing the rest of our drinks, practically singing our face off as the DJ played such good music.
'Ah, we need more drin-' Klaus paused mid-sentence, looking back and forth between me and the stage. 'So you are whoring around, you whore.'
'Don't know what you're talking about.' I denied, not understand how Klaus came to this conclusion. 'I don't get it.'
He hit me on my side, 'Don't play dumb with me! I see you and that DJ eye humping each other.'
He wasn't making things up when he had said that; I did have my eyes on the DJ. 'We are not eye humping each other. He doesn't even know me.'
'Well, he knows you now because he's staring at you and I swear your clothes will burn off soon because he won't stop.' Ben chuckled, guessing that he noticed it as well.
'You're crazy.' I didn't think he noticed me at all, I mean he was the DJ. He was overlooking everyone on the dance floor, it'd be dumb to assume he had his eyes on me.
Allison joined in on the conversation, 'I noticed that too! I thought you guys fucked before or something.'
'No! What do you guys think I am?'
'A girl with needs.' Klaus smiled.
'Just because I sneak out does not mean I'm going around sleeping with random people.'
Vanya laughed, 'Okay well, you can with him. There he goes, looking at you. Don't look.'
'You guys lost your minds.'
'Says the girl that sneaks behind dad and her siblings.' Luther joked.
'Okay, Luther don't get me started with you and those girls.'
Luther grunted, 'Ugh. I-'
'Hey, big fella over there.' The DJ got on the mic as he pointed at Luther. 'Why don't you come on the stage, get the crowd going!'
'Go, go!' Ben and Klaus shoved Luther towards the stage, even with him being hesitant and shy. 'Go show what the Hargreeves are all about!'
'I-I can't!' Luther hesitated, planted on the floor even when all of us tried to encourage him to go up there.
The DJ smiled at Luther, then looked at me. 'Dude, bring your friends up here too. We're going to turn this dance floor around for a bit.'
'Come on, he's calling for you!' Allison cheered as she pulled me and Klaus' hand, running up the stage.
Luther, Ben and Vanya trailed from behind, standing next to us while we danced to the DJ's new song he was playing.
Pulling Luther towards me, I gave him the last few sips I had in my cup before I threw it away. 'Here, you are probably starting to sober up. You need more.'
'Ah, Y/N. What makes you think I'm not drunk right now?'
'Because I remember when you were the night-'
'Okay, okay. You and Klaus never let that night go.'
The DJ leaned in as he kept playing music, 'Hey. If you and your boyfriend want more drinks, it's on the house.'
'Ha, she's not my girlfriend.' Luther chuckled.
'Ah, I stand corrected.' The DJ then turned to me and smiled sweetly. 'Would you mind if I buy you a drink?'
I couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or him, but I felt my cheeks getting warmer as the cute guy spoke to me. 'No, I wouldn't mind.'
The DJ bit his lip, taking his headphones off and walking downstairs. 'Alright, I'll be right back.'
Allison tapped on my sides repeatedly as he walked away. 'You lucky! He's so cute.'
'Maybe he has a brother. I call dibs though.' Klaus stared at him, eyeing him as he went up to the bar to get some drinks.
While Allison and Vanya continued to dance on the stage, Luther was once again being surrounded by a bunch of girls from the dance floor.
'Y/N is scoring some tonight and Luther is getting all these attention again.' Klaus shrugged his shoulders, looking around. 'What in the hell did Luther do to have these girls crawling around like crazy?'
'Wait, wait. Scoring some? I barely said a word to this dude.'
'Whatever, man. I need to go back down and look for someone now.'
Ben chuckled, patting Klaus on his shoulder. 'I got your back, bro. Come on I'll be your wingman.'
As soon as Klaus heard those words come out of Ben's mouth, they both left the stage so quick I couldn't even speak to them back. Trailing them down the dance floor, I see the DJ coming back on stage with drinks in his hands.
'Here you go, I didn't know which drinks you like so I hope you like this one.' He was sweet, it could've been an act to try to talk to me but I didn't mind for one night. 'I'm Luke by the way.'
'Y/N. And this is perfect, thank you.' I gave him a flirty smile but then was interrupted when I saw something in the corner of my eye.
I looked through the crowd and saw Diego and Five, glaring at me and my siblings that were on the stage. They seemed like how Reginald would react in this situation; catching his children sneaking out at night and hanging out at a club.
Except it wasn't dad, it was my weird brothers that couldn't grasp what fun was. Watching us as if they were disappointed fathers that just saw their crazy teenager kids discovering drinking and partying for the first time.
'Oops.' It came out of my mouth naturally as I stared at Diego and Five, followed by a giggle that I couldn't help. It was funny watching them being weirdly upset with us, especially when it felt like the club was spinning round and round.
'You guys are screwed.' Five mouthed back, shaking his head as he watched us from down the dance floor.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
My eyes shot open, not knowing where I was at for a moment until I realized I was in my room. I then see Diego sitting on my bed side chair, watching me as if he was guarding me.
'Rise and shine, zombie.' Diego chuckled, seeing how crazy I looked with messed up makeup and a bed head.
'Ho-how did I get here last night.' I turned around and looked around, noticed that the cute DJ guy wasn't in my bed. 'I don't remember anything.'
Diego grinned, 'You're curious huh.'
'Where is Luke-Oh no... Did I do something stupid?' I was confused, so confused because I thought everything was going good last night. But now that I didn't remember anything after I said hi to him, I got scared. 'Oh my- Did I do something embarrassing? Fuck.'
'Well, I don't know what you define "embarrassing" but yeah. You definitely made the crowd go wild last night.' Diego started laughing, his loud voice ringing in my ear from my hangover.
Covering my ears, I shook my head. 'Diego... shh. My head hurts okay.'
'This is why I don't drink.'
I shook my head, 'Is everyone back safely?'
'Oh, don't even worry about everyone else, they're perfectly fine. It was you that we had a hard time bringing home, Y/N.'
'So can you tell me what happened?'
'Sure, after you acknowledge that I'm the best brother ever.' Diego raised his eyebrows, adjusting his positioning on the chair.
A light laugh just escaped my mouth, keeping my mouth closed so I wouldn't start burst out laughing. 'You're kidding me right? Really?'
'Yes really. I had to carry you home, tuck you into bed after you kicked and screamed, help you get up so you can throw up. I didn't even know humans were physically able to throw up so much.'
When Diego put it like that, I felt bad that he had to take care of me throughout the night. 'Okay Diego, you're the best brother in the world. Also I'm sorry you had to do all that for me.'
'Aha, no worries. That was probably the most entertaining night ever.' He laughed, 'You were fucking crazy.'
I smiled, I bet Diego really enjoyed me making a fool of myself or whatever I did last night that got him giggling nonstop. 'So are you going to tell me?'
'Hmm, nope. Thanks for the compliment though.'
'Ugh, I hate you.'
'Not according to yesterday you don't.' Diego smirked.
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rhysandswingspan · 2 years
I don’t want to login to my secret account, so you’re getting this ridiculousness on my main :)
Please don’t let anyone I know find this because I’ll never hear the end of it
Ok, hear me out-
Tag your significant other (or friend) and tell them which straight frat couple you would be 
(Yes I googled frat boy names and sorority girl names for this)
1. Ryan and Allison: She just bent over to get a drink and this guy walks up and slaps her ass and she throws her cup at him, and you’re about to head over to help her, but oh, never mind shes sitting on his lap now and laughing about it and it turns out they’ve been dating for six years
2. Lucas and Erica: Definitely are going to hook up in the bathroom with the door open later
3. Emma and Connor: Spent the entire first half of the party staring into each-other's eyes and now they’re drunk baking cookies in a kitchen that doesn’t belong to them
4. Benjamin and Jessica : He’s drunk and professing his love to her from the upstairs balcony and then they go to watch the stars together to get him some fresh air but the party has to be put on hold when she looks away for a second and he falls off the roof 
5. Monica and Ethan: Are 18 and 19 and but they just showed up with matching engagement rings also they have a 50/50 chance of stealing the family cat 
6. Nicole and Jacob: Flirty girlfriend and touch-her-and-I’ll-kill-you boyfriend cliche but then she starts flirting with this one really hot person, and her boyfriend starts flirting with them too and they’re both loving it 
Should I write more of these to add?
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Hi Cíara! I wanted to place a request for a fic with fluff prompt 12, where Kelly's girlfriend (reader) is babysitting and Kelly comes home and is a liitle freaked out/ scared and doesn't interact with the baby but then reader has to do something and when she comes back Kelly is cuddling with the baby. Idk, you can write whatever you want, I'm sure it'll be great! ❤️
This was so much fun! Fluff prompt 12: “It looks good on you.”
Words: 841
Wanna join my taglist?
You finally had Emma calmed down, holding the six month old in your arms. When you agreed to babysit for your sister, you’d thought it’d be a lot easier than this. Instead she’d arrived at your door at seven am, handed over your niece and a diaper bag, and run off. Her appointment was for eight, and she figured she’d be back by eleven. It’d be fine. Be fine.
You heard the key in the door, and Kelly’s voice immediately rang through the small apartment. “Honey, I’m ho…is that a kid?” He looked confused, staring at you with the small child.
“No, Kelly. It’s a puppy.” You rolled your eyes, gently bouncing Emma as you walked over to him. “Allison left her with me for a few hours, she’s got an appointment this morning. Wanna hold her and I’ll make coffee?” You nearly laughed at your boyfriend - the Chicago Fire Department firefighter who ran his own team and regularly went into dangerous situations - nearly ran away from you into the kitchen.
“It’s cool, I’ll do it. Go relax.” You went to the couch, settling down with her on your chest. You knew you and Kelly were nowhere near ready for kids, but having her there made you wonder what it’d be like to have a child with his dark hair and blue eyes. Watching the girl lay there and stare at everything made you grin, pressing a kiss to her fair hair.
You’d expected Kelly to go to bed when he handed you your coffee, but instead he stayed up, watching you with Emma. You read one of the books in her diaper bag to her, before putting her on her stomach like Allison had showed you. She kept trying to roll herself over, but just couldn’t make it. Once she’d done enough you held her on your chest again, curling up in Kelly’s arm for a nap.
The door buzzer went, shocking the three of you awake. You stood first, putting Emma on your hip as you went to answer it. Allison was there, a smile on her face as she lifted her daughter to greet her.
“Thank you so much for this! It went really well, I think I’m in with a chance, and they’ve day care provided. Sorry for interrupting your morning off shift, Kelly,” she called to your boyfriend, who just waved from his spot on the couch. It didn’t take long to pack up, and you waved them off before pulling Kelly off the couch.
“You know your back will be sore if you don’t sleep on a proper bed, come on.” He let himself be pulled to the bedroom, the two of you curling up for a nap. You loved these days, when you weren’t in work so could sleep beside him when he got home. You’d never ask him to give up his job, but every third night was lonely when you didn’t get to sleep by his side. The moments like this, when he wrapped his arm around you and held your legs between his? They made it worth it.
It was a lazy day for both of you, and it wasn’t until you were deciding about what to do for dinner that Kelly wrapped his arms around you waist, kissing along your jawline.
“I never thought I’d say this…but holding a baby? It looks good on you,” he whispered, making you turn around in his arms.
“You think I should babysit more often?” You smiled as you asked, looking at him.
“I’m thinking we’ve been together for four years. I’m not going anywhere. You’re not going anywhere. Maybe we should start talking about having kids? I never thought I wanted them before, but then seeing you with Emma, you’re a natural. And I wouldn’t mind having a little girl who looks like you.”
You laughed, watching as he smiled. “Kelly, if we ever have a daughter the poor girl is going to be traumatised from watching her dad, her uncle Matt, and whatever members of Squad exist at that time coming over to terrorise her boyfriend. Or her girlfriend. Or her prom date. Because we both know Joe Cruz will be over here ‘testing out’ a slamigan prototype.”
He laughed before nodding. “Point taken. I’d need to mellow out. But what do you think? There’s no pressure, I know we haven’t really talked about it.”
“I want to have your kids, Kelly.” His blue eyes brightened at your words. “I can’t think of anything that would be more special than to get to have your kids. We need to have big conversations about everything, but it’s definitely something I want. And, you know, I’d need to get my IUD removed. But we’ve got time.” His hands drifted down to your ass, pulling you closer to him.
“Wanna practice before we order dinner?” Kelly started pressing kisses down your neck, and you nodded before letting out a gasp when he hit that spot he knew so well.
“Practice makes perfect, right?”
Taglist: @amazingbutterflyes @mcgreads @mileika @sunflowerr-mami @wanniiieeee @securityfriendly-jay @zoeykaytesmom @hufflepufftruffle @one-sweet-gubler @brookerz122493 @alkadri-layal @katsav17 @moonlightsconspiracy @nocturnalherb16 @underscorejayden @chazubagi @spookyzipperfishgiant @planecrazylex @resanoona @stellarideofhouse51 @sophiatellerrhodes @eternal-olicity  @winterberryfox
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madwoman14 · 2 years
Ah I love that you loved it! The song if you don't know is Perfect by Selena Gomez and I just think it's so beautiful and such an interesting take on a jealousy/love triangle song. Just cause there's really no hate or anger directed towards the other woman or the guy who's cheating on her, the only "hate" in it is directed towards herself. It's about her own insecurities coming to surface because of this love triangle.
I said in the tags of the gifset that it really isn't supposed to be about ship stuff, it's more of a character study of Malia, and I really meant it. I've been thinking about this a lot since it hit me that Lydia is really great at everything Malia struggles with when turning human again. She's very socially intelligent, which is a key part of her entire popular status. It's something I find really interesting about Lydia, her entire image is very carefully constructed to give her as much status as possible, which is why she pretends to be dumb and why she's threatened when Scott starts to surpass her boyfriend in lacrosse skill, while Malia can't even hold a conversation "normally" yet. It's also about Lydia's good grades, specifically math, since that's what Malia struggles the most with (it's why in the third gif I chose the shot of Lydia helping her in math class).
All of that is why I think the song fits Malia so well. I think her insecurities are inherently intertwined with how she views Stiles and Lydia. She loves and admires both of them while thinking that they're everything that she's not "Ooh, and I bet she has it all Bet she's beautiful like you, like you And I bet she's got that touch Makes you fall in love, like you, like you".
The song is also very clearly queer, with how much she fantasises about and romanticises the other girl in her head "'Cause I hear you talking 'bout her in your sleep And now you've got me talking 'bout her in mine / I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too / I could love her, too, like you, like you" and as an avid malydia lover I think that's a really cool concept to explore. Just mushing together all my different thoughts about these characters together.
i need to start paying you, these words! i didn’t know the song so thank you for that! i agree with the love triangle thing, lydia or malia weren’t painted as the “other woman” there wasn’t jealously or hatred in the triangle, like in the scott allison and issac thing for the most part. i do think malia struggled with coming to terms with herself because for a good chunk on the show she was basically on The Outside of the pack. i don’t think the pack was aware but there was a barrier between the rest of the pack familiar with the human world and malia tate former coyote. the hand reaching out to her was stiles but still she was on the outside of whatever bond stiles and lydia had. lydia and malia really are totally different characters and i never noticed the significance of math for them. there’s lydia “future fields medal winner” which didn’t go with her facade and malia who just can’t get the hang of it (i saw the lydia was from the math scene!! your mind= genius). both of them want hate being on the outside but the outside means different things for both. for lydia she can let her mask down around the pack but that’s where malia wants to fit in- the whole little mermaid thing comes into here. i feel like there was no totally straight person in that show, especially malia and lydia so the song fits. also i need to hear your take on the malia introduction hallway scene i can never tell what expression is on lydias face, seen countless opinions on it and need yours. also the gif set was so wonderfully crafted mal and there was so much thought behind it’s really amazing.
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magneticflower · 3 years
If you look at the guy sitting next to Charles, aka boyfriend of the new first chair bassoonist, he has his hair parted just like Tim Kono, he is wearing similar attire and he has a similar build as Tim. We think that the first chair prior to Alison Tipton retired and thus the first chair spot was empty. Jan thought that meant that that spot was as good as hers but then she overheard the conductor telling Alison she got the spot or they announced that Allison would be getting the first chair and that just set Jan off.
For some reason or another, maybe the boyfriend was there when the girlfriend got the spot, Jan saw him (perhaps only from behind or from far away so she didn't get a good look at his face), and she sees him again in the elevator when she goes back home. That sets her off and she decides that she is gonna go for the boyfriend in hopes of getting the new first chair out of the picture. So the night of the murder, she got herself invited in. I'm not sure how since he wasn't all that friendly with most, but perhaps she overheard him talking on the phone about the jewelery since he seemed to have loud convos regardless of where he was at. She uses that to get an invite inside his apartment, saying she has information on the jewelry--- since that would get his interest for sure.
So she gets herself invited in, he sets out drinks for them while they talk, he steps away for something and she poisons the drinks. As to why her equipment was left there, I think she had intended to deal with arranging the scene to leave nothing behind but was interrupted when the person that shot him made an entrance and she hid in another room with her box until had the chance to escape except she left the box in her panic.
With all that in mind, she is also likely the one that started posting the notes after the podcast dropped, the one that poisoned Oliver's dog, and my cousin believes she also stabbed herself to further get eyes off of her hence why the wound wasn't fatal and she doesn't have any details to offer on who did it. Also explains why she was so focused on driving the investigation elsewhere and why she was upset when they forced her out of it.
We also believe that she is not looking at Charles' in that last scene, but instead at the boyfriend because she is in shock that he is still very much alive and that she definitely killed the wrong man.
Our bets are on Oscar's dad being the one that came on to kill Tim Kono, overcome with built up anger the night his son was finally released from prison, and when he realized someone had already taken care of it for him, he shot him out of anger and then fled the scene.
Only thing we're unsure of it what was going on with the Dimas' being outside before the fire alarm was set off. We think that perhaps they figured out Tim was onto their jewelry scheme and he had agreed to meet them outside to talk about it since he was intent on exposing them. Maybe he thought he could use that as leverage for making them come clean about that night and clear Oscar's name?
Obviously it's all just speculation but that's what we've got so far. Can't wait for next week shsjsj. Sorry if this sounds like incoherent nonsense but hopefully it makes enough sense.
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sorry [five hargreeves x reader]
request: wanted to say I love ur 5 fics and how you portray their relationship as old partners :”) 💖If it’s not trouble to do (Dont feel obligated plz) I had this idea of 5 and reader having a fight and them being too prideful or bitter to apologize. Reader ignores him for some time and Five gets grumpier than usual bc of that. To the point where, one of his siblings tell him to just stop being children, apologize and give them flowers. But he finds it hard bc he is not good with that kinda of stuff ☺️
a/n: thank youuu <3, i try my best to keep the tua characters in... well, character lol- as much as possible! i hope this fic turned the way you wanted it, anyway- enjoy!!~
summary: five gets grumpy when his girlfriend gives him the silent treatment for being a jerk... shocker.
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“Could you stop for one damn second and relax?!” You yelled at your boyfriend, already stressed out by the way he had been almost carving a hole through the floor of the living room with all his pacing.
“Relax?!” Five yelled, turning to glare at you, “Do you even realize how stupid you sound?! How could I relax- I lost my last lead on that fucking eye!”
“Come again?” You raised a brow, crossing your arms as you watched him curiously. Did he just call you stupid indirectly?
Your nerves were tugging at the last threads of patience you had left within you- they had been doing that for a few days. You knew that life wouldn’t be quiet when you decided to give a relationship with your partner a shot, but you never expected things to get so messy.
Not only you followed his grumpy butt all the way to 2019 to stop an apocalypse- which you couldn’t care less about, now you had been stuck in your younger bodies because he miscalculated something before traveling in time. On top of all that, he had been a jerk to his siblings- which you grew quite fond of and viceversa, he also started being an asshole to you, all because he couldn’t find a way to stop the apocalypse.
“Five Hargreeves, did you just call me stupid?” You asked, seeing that he was frozen in place, going back over his words in his mind.
“Not exactly.” He knitted his brows in confusion, before realizing the irritated look on your face, “I don’t have time for this, Y/N.”
“You think I had any time these past two years putting up with your shit?” You retorted, making him raise his brows in surprise by your sudden burst, “Screw you, asshole.”
“Now that was rude!” He yelled after you, once you started walking out of the room, completely ignoring him, “Y/N!”
You had been with the Commission for over four decades, you completely trusted its choices, since you never were given a reason not to. Well, that was until the Handler recruited Five Hargreeves. He was about four-five years older than you, but nonetheless still had the impeccable skills of an assassin- just what the organization wanted and needed.
You, being one of the Handler’s most trusted agents, she assigned him under your wing in the beginning until he’d get adjusted. So, he became your partner, it didn’t take long until he became your partner in the real sense of the word.
Five was in love with you- stupidly in love with you. He loved your wit and your kindness, he loved that he could have intellectual conversations with you for hours on end, he loved the fact that he’d feel whole again with just one look at your face, your smile, your eyes.
But he was a prideful man, he knew that. If he was wrong- which he rarely was, he had no intention of apologizing. You knew how important stopping the apocalypse was to him, but... it pained you to see him almost lose his shit completely when he loses the last remaining lead.
For the next couple of hours, you completely avoided him at all costs until he’d get that stick out of his ass and apologize. 
And he’d better have a grand way of doing it.
You knew that it was not like him- he’d never apologize, and the fact that you were avoiding him was not making it any easier on him, but you were beyond pissed. Even if he may not have meant it, all you tried to do was help him relax for a moment, take a breather before that pretty head of his would explode. And in return? 
In return, Five fucking Hargreeves continues being an asshole- what a surprise.
“Jesus, where did all the caffeine in this house go?!” Five groaned, searching the cupboards in the kitchen, feeling grumpier than usual.
“I told you- dad didn’t like it.” Allison reminded him, as she and Luther sat at the table, watching him in confusion, “What’s got into you?”
“What are you talking about?” He asked, not done yet with his search- he wanted at least something that felt like coffee, “Come on- we don’t even have... coffee flavored fucking chocolate or some shit like that..?” He mumbled, shutting the cupboard with a loud smack.
“She means... you’re... grumpier... than usual...” Luther hesitantly explained, afraid that his little-older psychotic brother might have finally snapped.
“Mind your business, will ya?” Five asked with a fake smile, stomping out of the kitchen.
“I love Y/N, I swear I do... and oddly enough, Five too.” Allison spoke up, “But honestly, what was she thinking becoming his girlfriend?”
“I am just happy for her they’re not married.” Luther shrugged, resting his hand on his palm, as Diego walked into the kitchen;
“Is it just me or is Five a lesser ray of sunshine than usual?”
The following day, you treated Five with the same coldness as the prior day, which really drove him insane. Not only he spent the night in his bed alone, since you decided to bunk for the night in one of the empty rooms, but now you were still giving him the silent treatment.
Luckily, during breakfast, the Hargreeves siblings finally managed to understand what was going on.
“Hey, Diego, do you think we can pay Eudora a visit at the station after breakfast?” You asked the man, “I promised her the other day some files to help with an investigation she has on the side.”
“Sure thing.” Diego smiled, looking forward to seeing the detective again, even if he bickered with her from time to time.
“What files?” Five asked curiously.
“Vanya, can you please pass me the salt?” You ignored him, smiling at his sister.
Vanya raised a brow, unsure what to do, as the other siblings were piecing the puzzle together. Five raised a brow, as you avoided eye contact with him, waiting for the salt shaker which was, ironically, closer to him than Vanya.
“Here.” He said, reaching for it before his sister, handing it to you.
You looked at him with a smile, then at the salt shaker that was waiting on you to pick it from your boyfriend’s hand. Instead, you scoffed, getting up from your seat with your plate in your hands, suddenly losing your appetite.
“I am gonna go change.” You declared, placing your dish in the sink, “Diego, I’ll wait for you in the car.”
“Unbelievable....” Five muttered, throwing the salt shaker somewhere on the table, before abruptly getting up from his seat to pour himself a cup of freshly made coffee- Klaus made sure to stock up since Allison and Luther told him what had happened the other day.
“Why is Y/N giving you the cold shoulder?” Diego asked his brother, raising a brow.
“Leave me alone.” Five muttered, leaving the room even grumpier, with his hot cup of coffee in his hand to at least soothe him down a bit.
“Five!” Allison yelled after him, but he was already out of there, “Urgh, he’s such a child!”
After you and Diego had left the Hargreeves mansion, Five found it hard to focus on trying to get another lead on the prosthetic eye- he could not stop thinking about the fact that it almost had been twenty four hours since the woman he loved had chosen to deliberately ignore him, all because his stupid mouth could not help snapping at her.
What a moron he was, he knew that.
“Y/N told me what happened.” Allison told her brother, entering his room softly, watching as he laid on his bed on his back, “And woah- aren’t you an asshole?”
“What do you want, Allison?” He asked, rolling his eyes, staring up at his ceiling.
“Here’s a crazy idea... why don’t you apologize?” She suggested, crossing her arms.
“Have you... met me?” Five frowned, lifting his head to watch his sister in confusion.
“Look, you and Y/N both need to stop being children!” She said, “I know you may have teen bodies, but aren’t you both like over fifty? Honestly, Five...”
“Knowing I will regret this, what do you suggest, Allison?” Five asked with a sigh, watching as his sister smirked in response.
You and Diego didn’t really take long to finish your business at the police station. In about thirty minutes, you both were back on your way home, unaware of the big surprise that was waiting for you.
You entered the house, stretching your arms, already telling yourself you needed a drink, even if it was only noon. You figured a glass of some expensive bourbon would calm you down, so you made your way in the living room, as Diego went to his room in his own business.
Although, you couldn’t help but widen your eyes in surprise, as you stopped in your tracks once your look fell on Five, who was sitting at the bar with a Margarita in one hand, and a big bouquet of flowers rested in his lap.
“Five?” You frowned, stepping towards him confused.
Never in his life, would Five ever think he’d be so happy to hear his name on your lips. He softly smiled, realizing that Allison’s plan was working, as you finally spoke to him, even if it was one word.
“Y/N.” Five gulped, setting down his glass to jump off the stool, “These are for you...” He hesitantly said, stretching his hands towards you, as he held the big, colorful bouquet of all sorts of flowers towards you.
“I... Uh... what?” You frowned, taken aback by the gesture.
Five wasn’t necessarily the romantic type, so this was the first bouquet of flowers you ever received from him. You knew he loved you with all his heart and he was in love with you, that’s why you didn’t care about the romantic gestures he never did- but, right now, watching his cheeks turn into a slight shade of pink as he was biting on his bottom lip anxiously- your heart melted.
Allison had given him all sorts of advice on how to apologize to you with the help of Vanya, since they were both well aware of the fact that their brother was not capable of saying such words by himself. But right now, as you stood before him, Five had forgotten all that they taught him.
“I... I suck at this kind of stuff, I gotta be honest.” Five sighed, stepping closer to you, still with the bouquet in his hands, as you were still hesitant, “I... I shouldn’t have snapped at you, Y/N, I know. You didn’t deserve to be told that, even if I didn’t mean it at all. I swear, I was only mad and I never meant to take it out on you.”
“Oh my God.” You covered your mouth in shock, “Are you... actually... trying to apologize to me?”
“Sort of... yeah...” Five sighed, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, “Look, what I am trying to say... What I am trying to say is that I appreciate your love, and having your support with me, and I know you care about my well-being.”
“Keep going...” You smirked, stepping closer to him, “Come on... they are three simple words.”
“Right...” Five sighed, running a hand through his hair, “Look, Y/N? I... I am...”
You didn’t even let him finish, as you softly took the bouquet out of his hand not to squish it, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him into a tight hug. You knew how hard it must have been so far for a know-it-all like Five to say that, so you didn’t want to push him further. To you it was enough that he at least felt sorry for bursting like that.
“I love you.” Five sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist, “And I truly mean what I said earlier.”
“I love you too.” You smiled, not yet pulling away from the loving embrace, “And I know... I know...”
Five pulled away to smile down at you, “Thank you for being so understanding... and supportive.”
“I’d say it is my pleasure, but I’d be lying.” You teased him, bopping his nose with the free hand that was not wrapped around his neck still and holding the flowers.
“Hilarious.” Five sarcastically said, slowly leaning in, “I think I liked it better when you weren’t talking.”
“Really?” You scoffed, but before you could continue the playful banter, Five had already captured your lips into a soft kiss, finding a better way to shut you up.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Steve’s hands were fluttering about.
He was straightening Billy’s tie for the sixth time, adjusting the lapels of his jacket.
Billy had pulled his hair up for this. Went and bought a fucking suit, one where the pockets had to be slit open and everything.
“Relax, Pretty Boy. I can do parents.”
Billy can. He can schmooze and play pretend. He can talk golf and act like he didn’t wanna rip Steve’s little made-to-measure suit right off of him.
“It’s not actually my parents you gotta worry about.”
Billy was prepared for extended family. The annual Harrington Holiday party apparently brought them in from far and wide.
They were upstairs in Steve’s bedroom, biding their time, mostly hiding from awkward small talk with Steve’s parents until more guests and more distractions arrived.
“My brother Chris is out for blood lately. That’s what my sister Rachel said when she called yesterday.”
And Billy’s head spun.
Because brother and sister were not words he has heard Steve ever say before.
“Wait, you have a brother and a sister?” Steve’s eyes were wide when he looked up at Billy, chewing his bottom lip to shreds.
“I’m the youngest of seven.”
And that made Billy fucking falter.
“You- seven? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Oh Jesus, the big family portraits. Billy thought that was Steve’s extended family. He had thought aunts and uncles, little baby cousins.
“I’m the youngest youngest. Like, the closest one is Rachel, and she’s nine years older than me. All the others are two years apart, so it’s not like I’m close with them. I mean, Rich was fucking, nineteen when I was born.”
“So, Rich is the oldest.” Billy felt like he was in a pool of water, felt like he was being dragged deeper and deeper.
“Yeah. He took over the company a few years ago from my dad so he could retire. His wife is okay and they’ve got thirteen year old twin daughters. Then there’s Mark, and he did the military thing for a while. He lost a leg and was honorably discharged. He and his wife Ellie are super sweet, in case you need to hover with someone for a while. Then there’s Allison, and she’s a stay at home mom. She’s got four kids all under five years old. Her husband is like, a rocket scientist or something like that. Then there’s Chris, and he’s an asshole. He’s a lawyer and thinks he’s God’s gift to humanity. Don’t engage. Next is Joey, and he’s okay. Kinda quiet. He and his girlfriend, Claire, have been together for like ten years now, and Mom keeps trying to push them getting married but he said he doesn’t think they will. He’s a surgeon. I can never remember of what, though. Then there’s Rachel. She and Mark are the only ones that didn’t call it a phase when I came out, so again, if you need to hover, she’s a good one to do it with. She curates the Hall of Miniatures at the Chicago Museum.”
Billy’s head was fucking spinning.
“That’s, that’s a lot of information to take in there, Stevie.”
It kind of made sense, in a way.
The way Steve would get down on himself. The way his parents seemed to pay him no mind.
Accidental baby nine years after probably calling it quits. 
“Sorry. I didn’t really think everyone would be here. I was kinda hoping I could ease you into it with Rich and his family. They’re usually the only ones that come to this party. I think maybe my mom told them I was bringing a boyfriend and they all crawled out of the woodwork.”
“Are they-”
“They won’t be blatantly homophobic to your face. Well, my dad might. And probably Chris. And you know what, I wouldn’t put it past Rich either. The others won’t, but they totally think I’m just dating you as a cry for attention. Which, I’m not. By the way.”
Billy smiled weakly at Steve.
“We don’t have to do this, you know. We can hide sneak out the back door. Nobody’s gotten here yet.”
“I got this, Pretty Boy. Gonna be on my best damn behavior. Well, unless you want me to cause a scene.”
“Depending on how shitty this night goes, I may ask you to.”
“Just tell me when and where, Baby. And I’ll start be real loud and gay.”
“I wonder how aggressively we’d have to make out before my dad calls me disgusting. I can tell it’s on the tip of his tongue.”
“How ‘bout you just blow me in front of everyone and we can both get kicked out forever.”
Steve laughed softly.
Billy knew he would never even dare do something that could get Steve disowned, but joking about it made Steve loosen up just a little bit.
The doorbell rang, and Steve’s shoulders were stiff once more.
Billy rubbed them, digging his fingers into the tense muscle.
“Relax, Sugar. It’ll be okay. I can do this.”
Someone was calling up the stairs for them.
Steve took a deep breath.
It took about half an hour for the party to be in full swing. All of Steve’s siblings where there, their young children running around and being wild.
Billy was introduced to several of Steve’s dad’s old business partners and he put on his best fake smile each time he was referred to as Steven’s friend.
The real kicker came when meeting Steve’s brother Rich.
“So, you must be Steven’s friend?” Rich had an air to him that Billy fucking hated. But he shook his hand all the same. “Richard James Harrington III.”
Billy tired not to roll his eyes.
“I’m Billy Hargrove.”
“He’s my boyfriend.” It was the first time Steve had piped up about it, his gaze sharp as he stared at Richard.
“I’m sure he is.” Rich had one eyebrow raised.
For as much as he looked like Steve, he looked fucking nothing like Steve.
Maybe it’s how cold his eyes are, how his mouth sat in a permanent purse like he smelled something bad. He looked back to Billy.
“You know, I’ve been running our father’s company for a few years now, I bought it from him when I was thirty-two,” Steve rolled his eyes Rich bought it from him for less than an eighth of what the company was worth. He just liked to brag that he bought it, trying to make it seem like it wasn’t nepotism, without mentioning the special discount price. “We each spent our college years working at his company, and I keep telling Steven, even though he’s taking this little gap year of his, he should come join the tradition.”
Billy didn’t know if Rich knew about Steve’s not getting into college and was pretending it was his choice to take a year off, or if that’s what Steve had told everyone.
“Well, I think that’s up to Steve.”
Steve beamed at him.
“You do know he’s working at the mall, right?”
“Of course, go in there almost every shift. Put on about fifteen pounds of just ice cream this summer.” Which is probably true. Steve had been all over Billy’s tummy last summer, touching it and kissing it.
He was actually upset when Billy started working out more vigorously. I’m a lifeguard, Stevie. Gotta be topless all day. Can’t lose my abs anymore than I already have.
“So you two have been friends for a while, then.”
“Once again, boyfriend. For over a year now,” Steve chimed back in.
“Dick, leave the kids alone,” a pretty woman was making her way into the conversation. Her hair was long, died a dark blonde color. She pulled Steve into a tight hug, letting him go with a laugh only to hold out one hand to Billy with a smile. “Rachel. It’s nice to meet you, Billy.”
“Yeah, uh, you as well.”
Richard had gone all huffy.
“Don’t call me Dick.”
“Then don’t act like one. Leave Baby Steve alone.” Steve’s cheeks had gone a little pink. “Let’s get you both some food.”
She steered them away from Steve’s eldest brother, bringing them into the kitchen.
“Thanks, Rach.”
“Yeah, don’t mention it. He was on some shit about you pretending to date a guy.”
Steve rolled his eyes. He was pouring wine into two of the holiday themed mugs set out near a warm pot of apple cider.
“I forgot what an asshole he is.”
“Who, Dickie?”
Another one of Steve’s secret brothers had entered the kitchen. He smiled at Billy.
“I’m Joey.”
“He’s my boyfriend,” Steve spat.
Joey raised both hands.
“Alright. Boyfriend.”
“Sorry, a bunch of people keep calling him my friend. I’m pretty over it.” Steve pushed on of the wine mugs into Billy’s hands, taking a long drink of his own. “And apparently, Rich is trying to out as not a couple? I don’t know anymore.”
“He told me he invited some chick from the office for you,” Rachel said.
Steve groaned and let his forehead fall onto Billy’s shoulder.
“Remember when you offered to cause a scene?” Billy shifted to wrap his arms around Steve. “You wanna punch my brother in the nose?”
“Yes, but like, I’m trying to refrain.”
“You promised,” Steve whined up at him, his face now buried in Billy’s neck.
“I did absolutely nothing of the sort. Quit pouting.”
Steve groaned. Billy rolled his eyes at Steve’s siblings still watching them.
“This is why he’ll always be our Baby Steve.” Rachel was grinning as Steve stood up to glare at her.
“I am close to violence.”
“Yeah, okay, Sweet Thing.”
Steve turned to glare at Billy while Joey snorted behind him.
“You know what? Let’s go back in there. But you owe me. Tonight you gotta-” Steve faltered, seemingly remembering the company of his siblings. “-gotta fold my laundry.”
“Nice save,” Rachel said through a laugh just as Joey moved to refill his own glass of wine, saying “That’s my cue to leave,” as he did so.
“Don’t see how I owe you, seeing as I folded your damn laundry every night this week.”
Steve’s cheeks went even pinker. Billy grinned at him, leaning forward to plant a kiss to that pretty flush.
“You boys best get back out there. Chris is headed this way.” Rachel was looking out the entry way into the kitchen from the living room.
Steve pulled Billy through to the other doorway, leading from the kitchen into one of the formal dining rooms.
“Chris is the shitty lawyer, right?”
“Yeah. He’s a defense lawyer. His last case was getting some big CEO out of a discrimination lawsuit. The guy fires all female employees that turn thirty-five or get married. And my brother defended that guy.”
“Oh, ew.”
Steve was pulling Billy through the house, leading him out towards the back yard.
He pushed open the sliding door in the sitting room, shoving Billy through before following quickly.
It was cold outside, a layer of snow on the ground.
Billy clutched his mug of wine and kinda wished he had some of that cider right about now.
There was a figure already out there, smoking a cigarette and leaning against the side of the house.
“Hey, Baby Steve.”
Billy kinda liked how Steve never corrected any of his siblings when they called him that.
It was cute.
“Hey, Mark.”
Mark looked the least like the rest of the siblings Billy had met.
His eyes were much lighter in color than the rich brown that seemed to be a Harrington trait. He had a thick beard.
He held up his cigarette.
“Don’t tell Ellie. I quit last year. These parties just make me, tense.”
“Yeah, I know the feeling. This is Billy. My boyfriend.”
Mark raised an eyebrow, but still shook Billy’s hand.
“Dad said you invited a friend.”
“Dad’s homophobic.” Mark huffed a laugh.
“Better steer clear of Rich, then. Word on the street is he’s trying to set you up with some gal from the office.”
“That’s what Rachel said.”
Mark took a long drag.
“So, you two been together long?”
“Over a year,” Billy supplied.
“Congrats.” He stubbed out the cigarette on the wall, flicking the butt into the frozen flower box. “I heard about the college thing. I’m sorry.”
“It was shitty. But I’m not mad at the time off. And Billy’s still a senior so I get to be around for him.”
“Yeah? You got college plans?”
“UCLA, early acceptance.”
Mark looked impressed. Steve had been with Billy when he got the letter, the one detailing his full academic scholarship.
“Mark went through West Point and stuff.” Mark just nodded at Steve’s words.
“But college isn’t for everyone.”
Steve seemed to deflate a bit at Billy’s side.
Mark could read him well, then. Because Steve had only expressed a few nights ago to Billy that he was thinking of not going to college, full stop.
“Don’t know what else I’d do.”
“You’re a smart kid. You’ll figure it out.”
Steve beamed.
The sliding door whooshed as it opened once more. Mark brightened as the short woman approached.
“What are you all doing out here?”
“Baby Steve’s all grown up. Got a boyfriend and everything. This is Billy.”
The woman, Ellie, Billy remembers, smiled at them both.
“Good for you, Stevie.” Her voice was really soft. “You boys doing okay?”
“Yeah. It’s just kind of-”
“A lot,” Mark supplied.
“We should give them a moment, then,” Ellie looked up at Mark. He swooped to kiss her head.
They held hands as they went back inside, Mark walking with a slight limp.
“You’re right, they’re nice.”
“You okay?” Steve was back to chewing on his bottom lip.
Billy reached out to press the pad of his thumb against it, pulling gently.
“Yeah, Pretty Boy. I’m good.”
“Sorry this is so overwhelming.”
“I’m okay. Really only Rich has been an ass so far. The rest are okay.”
“I just figured we’d have a little bit more time before it was the whole family. Or at least, we could do small doses.”
“Steve, I’m fine.” Billy pulled him into another hug. Mostly for his own comfort in the cold weather. “Plus, gotta get used to this holiday shindig.”
Sometimes Billy felt stupid, imaging a life with Steve, a whole extensive detailed future.
A Holiday party where Billy gets introduced as Steve’s husband.
They’re still kids, after all. Steve just barely turned nineteen.
And Billy still lives in dread that Steve is going to wake up one morning and realize he can do better than Billy.
But then Steve was planting a sloppy kiss to Billy’s neck, and pulling back to look at him with those big fond eyes.
“Let’s do one last round, and then steal some more wine and sneak upstairs.”
“Lead the way, Baby Steve.”
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rumor has it
pairing: peter maximoff/reader
summary:  Idk if im doing it in the right one but whatever. Can you write a peter maximoff imagine where he has a girlfriend(reader) that has Allison Hargreeves powers from The Umbrella Academy - anon
warnings: none! peter is kind of Insecure but honestly when is he not
notes: this is a shor(er) and sweet one! it is 1 AM where i am so sorry if I missed some mistakes! im on the verge of collpase <3
taglist: @stranger-names @gooseyhouse @parkersdarling @amourtentiaa @toodles-me-doodles​ 
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“I heard a rumor you stopped talking,” You groaned, watching as Peter’s lips went from a blur to a thin line. He slumped over, pouting at you with puppy dog eyes. You just stared back at him, your eyebrows furrowed and shoulders tense. As much as you loved Peter, he could be a real pain in the ass sometimes.
“Peter, look, I know you’re bored, but Hank really needs this motor fixed and I promised him it would be done by tomorrow. I need to work, but I can’t focus with you here, dollface, you know that,” You attempt to cheer him up, but he’s still looking upset. “The minute this essay is complete you’ll have me all to yourself, no distractions. My one-hundred percent, undivided attention,”
“How long will that take?” The rumor had worn off, but you didn’t mind. Peter looked at you, and the slight feeling of regret washed over you. He was just bored, and probably a little lonely. To be completely honest, this project would probably take you the rest of the day to complete, and probably the better part of tomorrow. It was a complicated motor, and even though you’re quite handy, this type of project is always a challenge. 
“The rest of today… probably a few hours tomorrow--” Peter sighed dejectedly and rested his chin on his arm. Disappointment was written across his face, and it seemed as if he was trying to hide it, albeit poorly. He understands that the work that you and Hank do is important, and he realizes that sometimes he can be a little overbearing, but lately you’ve been so busy he almost never gets to see you. 
“Can’t you just rumor Hank into forgetting about the motor for today?” Oh, you’ve definitely considered it. You take Peter’s face in your hands.
“You know I can’t, Peter,” He leans into your touch. It’s adorable. “It’s a violation of the trust and boundaries we established. Plus, he’ll probably get pissed at me and rip me in half,”
“He’d have to go through me, first,” Peter laughed softly. There’s something eating away at him, the gnawing feeling of worry tearing at his stomach. 
Peter Maximoff isn’t an idiot. He hears the whispers in the hallways, he sees the way the students look at him when he’s with you. They all think you can do better. They’ve all placed bets to see how long you last before you kick him to the curb. You’d think being a hero would make him more popular, but no. Peter Maximoff is just as much of a loser now as he was in high school, X-Men be damned. 
So, yeah, Peter Maximoff isn’t an idiot, but he is a loser. He’s a loser in a mansion surrounded by people who aren’t losers-- more specifically, your socially anxious lab partner. Everyone expected you and Hank to eventually end up together; you were both science nerds, you both enjoyed relatively isolated events, and you both moved at the same pace. That’s probably why the entire mansion was shocked to its core when Peter wound up being your boyfriend. Of course, he loves you with everything he’s got, but there’s always that feeling of doubt settled over him. It was too much, it was all too much and he needed to get away. 
“Whatcha’ thinking about, gorgeous?” Peter got so lost in thought, he forgot about the situation at hand. 
“I-- ” He sounded uneasy. This is how everything unravels-- he gets too honest and scares you off. Peter didn’t pay attention in history class, but he’s pretty sure Rome fell because some old guy was insecure and drove his girlfriend away. “I just, uh, don’t really want to be alone right now.” Peter thought he sounded pathetic. You thought he sounded sweet. 
You looked down at the motor on your desk, the tiny screws and mechanical components jumping out at you like your desk was a pop-art installation. With a smile and a shrug, you pushed away the bits and pieces and stood up, pulling Peter up with you.
“Hank is just gonna have to suck it up and wait another day,” Peter grins as you pull him close. You collapse on your bed, and Peter quickly gets comfortable beside you. His head is resting against your shoulder, and his long arms are locked around you. He plays with your fingers, examining every mark and every scar with the focus of a brain surgeon going into work. Sometimes you wondered if Peter was just trying to memorize every single feature and every little detail that you had. He was.
“Y’know, your mutation is so cool,” Peter muses. You press a light kiss of his temple. “You can literally get anything you want. You could get anyone to do anything for you at any given moment. Everyone in the world is like a video game character to you; all you have to do is give a command and we follow it,”
“I guess it’s alright,” You shrug. 
“It’s amazing.” Peter’s fingers are drumming against your arms at an impossible speed, but you don’t mind. “You’re amazing.”
“You’re pretty cool, too,” The drumming comes to a sudden stop. The gentle rhythm of Peter’s breathing falters as well.
“Eh,” He mumbles. “Compared to everyone else, I’m pretty lame. Compared to you? I’m nothing more than a speck of dust in the galaxy that is you.”
“Aw, Peter, you don’t give yourself enough credit,” It makes you sad to hear him say negative things about himself, but that’s part of building confidence. Sometimes you just need to be proven wrong. 
“Remember when you saved the entire mansion when Cerebro exploded? Or that time you kicked ass on that space mission we went on? If I tried to rumor you into being cool, nothing would happen because you’re already pretty amazing.”
“You really think so?” Peter looks up at you, and something about the look in his eyes makes you want to hold him close and never let him go.
“I know so.” For now, that was enough. 
“Y’know, I heard a rumor that you loved me.” Peter jokes, glancing up at you. You look right back at him.
“That’s a beautiful rumor,” A smile grows on your face. Your companion seems content with that. “Funnily enough, I heard the same one about you.”
“Rumors travel on the devil’s radio,” Peter giggles. You wish you could put his laugh on a CD and keep it forever. 
“Who knew the devil was such a romantic?”
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