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quransunnahdawah · 1 month ago
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Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers 
Allah is the only true God
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind.
Tawheed basically means  the Oneness of Allah. There is only 1 true God, and that is Allah. Tawhid is the indivisible oneness concept of monotheism in Islam. Tawhid is the religion's central and single most important concept, upon which a Muslim's entire religious adherence rests. It unequivocally holds that God in Islam is One and Sing #Tawheed  is made up of three parts: Tawhid means believing in Allah Alone as God and Lord & attributing to Him Alone all the attributes of Lordship and divinity. Tawhid is made up of 3 parts; Tawhid al-Rububiyyah (Oneness of Divine Lordship), Tawhid al-Uluhiyyah (Oneness of Divinity) &Tawheed al-Asma wa’l-Sifat (Oneness of Names and Attributes.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
#Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
#Allah #Tawheed #Tauhid #LAILAHAILLALLAH #Monorheism #Allah'sUniqueness #Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
This was the first call of every prophet, to spread the message of Tawheed and to censure shirk i.e. associating partners with Allaah. Allaah the Most High said, “And Verily, We have sent among every ummah (nation) a messenger (saying) “Worship Allah (alone) and avoid Taghut (false deities) (Soorah an-Nahl 16:36).
From the first man and the first prophet Adam (peace be upon him) to the last prophet and the greatest messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) the main call of all prophets and messengers was ‘La ilaha illallah’ (there is no god but Allah). Namely: ‘La ilaha illallah Adamu Safiullah’, 'La ilaha illallah 'Nuhun Naziullah’’, 'La ilaha illallahu Ibrahim Khalilullah’, 'La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah’.  Estublishing Allah’s Oneness/ Tawheed was the mission of all  prophets and messengers,'Not only prayers, nothing is of any value except Tawheed.
The Tawhid of the Prophets
Allaah, the Lord of all that exists sent prophets and messengers to every nation and every Prophet and Messenger called to the most fundamental and central belief of all religions which is to worship Allaah alone without associating any partners with Him.  This was the first call of every prophet, to spread the message of Tawheed and to censure shirk i.e. associating partners with Allaah. Allaah the Most High said,
“And Verily, We have sent among every ummah (nation) a messenger (saying) “Worship Allah (alone) and avoid Taghut (false deities) (Soorah an-Nahl 16:36).
And He the Most High said,
“And we did not send any messenger before you (O Muhammad) but we inspired him (saying) La ilaaha illa Ana (none has the right to be worshipped but I (i.e. Allah)), so worship Me (alone and none else)” (Soorah al-Anbiya 21:25)
If we look at the prophets in the Quraan we will find all of them calling to Tawheed (the oneness of Allah) and reprimanding shirk (associating false partners with Allah).
The Message of Nuh (Noah) (Alayhis-Salaam)
“We had certainly sent Noah to his people, and he said, “O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. Indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a tremendous Day.” (Soorah al-A’raaf 7:59)
“And We certainly sent Noah to his people, and he remained among them a thousand years minus fifty years, and the flood seized them while they were wrongdoers.” (Soorah al-Ankaboot 29:14)
The Message of Hud (Alayhis-Salaam)
“And to the ‘Aad [We sent] their brother Hud. He said, “O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. Then will you not fear Him?” (Soorah al-A’raaf 7:65)
The Message of Saaleh (Alayhis-Salaam)
“And to the Thamud [We sent] their brother Salih. He said, “O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. There has come to you clear evidence from your Lord. This is the she-camel of Allah [sent] to you as a sign. So leave her to eat within Allah’s land and do not touch her with harm, lest there seize you a painful punishment.” (Soorah al-A’raaf 7:73)
The Message of Shu’ayb (Alayhis-Salaam)
“And to [the people of] Madyan [We sent] their brother Shu’ayb. He said, “O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. There has come to you clear evidence from your Lord. So fulfil the measure and weight and do not deprive people of their due and cause not corruption upon the earth after its reformation. That is better for you, if you should be believers.” (Soorah al-A’raaf 7:85)
The Message of Ibrahim (Abraham) (Alayhis-Salaam)
And [We sent] Abraham, when he said to his people, “Worship Allah and fear Him. That is best for you, if you should know.” (Soorah al-Ankaboot 29:16)
And whilst censuring shirk (associating false deities with Allah) he said,
“You only worship, besides Allah, idols, and you produce a falsehood. Indeed, those you worship besides Allah do not possess for you [the power of] provision. So seek from Allah provision and worship Him and be grateful to Him. To Him you will be returned.” (Soorah al-Ankaboot 29:17)
The Message of Yusuf (Joseph) (Alayhis-Salaam)
“O [my] two companions of prison, are separate lords better or Allah, the One, the Prevailing? You worship not besides Him except [mere] names you have named them, you and your fathers, for which Allah has sent down no authority.”
“Legislation is not but for Allah. He has commanded that you worship not except Him. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know.” (Soorah Yusuf 12:39-40)
The Message of Eesa (Jesus) (Alayhis-Salaam)
“They have certainly disbelieved who say, “Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary�� while the Messiah has said, “O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.” Indeed, he who associates others with Allah – Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.” (Soorah al-Ma’idah 5:72)
The Message of the Leader Of The Prophets Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam)  
Similarly, Muhammad (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) also made the call to this great message and it resonated in the Arab peninsula. He called the people to the worship of one eternal Allah alone without any partners and informed the people that associating partners with Allah was the greatest crime and oppression they could ever commit. He used different examples and methods to explain this important belief and the Soorah’s revealed in Makkah show this.
It has been reported in the hadeeth by Rabee’a bin E’baad (RadhiAllaahu Anhu) who said, “I saw the Messenger of Allah with my eyesight in the market of Dhul-Majaaz saying, “Oh people, say: there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah so that you may achieve success.” He would enter market places and the people would gather around him and I never saw a single person say anything to him (i.e. answer him back) and he (i.e. the Messenger of Allah) would not remain silent and would say “Oh people, say there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah so that you are successful.” (Ahmad 3/2-3, New edition 25/404 no 16023, Ahaad wal-Mathaanee 2/208 of Ibn Abee Aasim, Mu’ajam al-Kabeer 5/61 of Tabaraanee, Haakim 1/165, Majma’a az-Zawaa’id 6/125)
The First Message of the Messenger of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) and Teaching His Nation To Start With The Same Message
The first call and message to the people is the call of the Oneness of Allah and this is the same message to the Muslims today. This great message is so important and central to the Muslims belief, it is by default the first call and message people should be informed about.
Ibn Abbaas (RadhiAllaahu Anhuma) narrates, “When the Messenger of Allah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) sent Muadh Ibn Jabal (RadhiAllaahu Anhu) to Yemen he said to him “You are going to the people of the book, so let the first thing you call them to be the testification that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah (and in another narration, that they should single Allah out with all worship)” (Saheeh Bukhaari no. 7372)
In another report it says, “You are going to a nation of the people of the book, when you reach them call them to testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger.” (Saheeh Bukhaari no.1469)
So we find the call and message of all the Prophets was Tawheed and it was the first message and this shows its importance and it being crucial as a fundamental and central belief. This is shown by the Messenger of Allaah (Sallalahu Alayhee Wasallam) telling his companion to tell the people of the book the importance of Tawheed and to censure shirk. After accepting the call of Tawheed many years later these nations started to worship other deities such as the Jews saying Uzair is the son of Allah and the Christians saying Eesa is the son of Allah and so they started worshipping them whilst claiming to believe in the oneness of Allah and rejecting shirk.
Allah the Most High says,
“Say, “O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is just between us and you – that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah.” But if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him].” (Soorah Ale-Imraan 3:64)
So the saying “come to a word that is just between us and you” clearly shows that they claimed and uttered the belief of Tawheed i.e. the Jews and Christians would say we believe in one Allah and we censure shirk and do not associate partners with him but in practise they would associate partners with him.
Allah the most high said,
“They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah, and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him.” (Soorah Taubah 9:31)
So we find even though they believed in Tawheed they were still engrossed in shirk.
This article was abridged from Muhammad Siddique Radha’s work “The Dangers of Shirk”
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
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tawhidrisalatakhirah · 2 hours ago
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Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
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ilyforallahswt · 2 hours ago
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Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
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myreligionislam · 2 hours ago
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Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
#Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
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mylordisallah · 2 hours ago
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Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
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allahisourrabb · 2 hours ago
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Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
0 notes
khutbahs · 3 years ago
আল্লাহর একত্ব অর্থাৎ তাওহীদ তিনটি অংশ নিয়ে গঠিত।
আল্লাহ একমাত্র 'সত্য ইলাহ'।
আল্লাহ্‌ ছাড়া কোনো সত্য মাবুদ/উপাস্য নেই। #তাওহীদ মানে আল্লাহর একত্ব ও অদ্বিতীয়তা। তাওহীদ হলো আল্লাহর একত্ব ও অদ্বিতীয়তা জানা, বিশ্বাস করা, ঘোষণা করা, মান্য করা। আল্লাহ্‌র অস্তিত্ব ও গুণাবলীতে কোনো অংশীদার বা সমকক্ষ স্থির না করা। আল্লাহর একত্ব অর্থাৎ তাওহীদ তিনটি অংশ নিয়ে গঠিত। (i) তাওহীদ আর-রুবুবিয়াহ (আল্লাহ্‌র প্রভুত্বের ঐক্য বজায় রাখা)। (ii) তাওহীদ আল-আসমা-ওয়াস-সিফাত (আল্লাহর নাম ও গুণাবলীর একত্ব বজায় রাখা)। (iii) তাওহীদ আল-ইবাদাহ (ইবাদতের ঐক্য বজায় রাখা)আল্লাহ একমাত্র 'সত্য মাবুদ'। আল্লাহ্‌র সাথে সংশ্লিষ্ট সকল বিষয়ে আল্লাহ�� এক, অদ্বিতীয়, চুড়ান্ত, পরিপূর্ণ ও অংশীদারমুক্ত। আল্লাহকে জানুন তাঁর সুন্দরতম নাম ও পরিপূর্ণ গুণাবলী দ্বারা 
0 notes
quransunnahdawah · 1 hour ago
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Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
0 notes
quransunnahdawah · 3 hours ago
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
0 notes
tawhidrisalatakhirah · 3 hours ago
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
0 notes
ilyforallahswt · 3 hours ago
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
0 notes
myreligionislam · 3 hours ago
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
0 notes
mylordisallah · 3 hours ago
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
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allahisourrabb · 3 hours ago
Allah's Identity, Names and Attributes
Concept of Allah in Islam 
Allah described in the Quran:
"He is Allah, the one and only God," means that He is "the Eternal and the Absolute," and that, "He begot none nor was He begotten," and that "there is none comparable to Him." But the Qur'an states it all in detail for more emphasis and clarification.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah: The Only Praiseworthy Supreme Being,
Real Name of Almighty True God.
  Everything in the sky and the earth is created Only the Creator is Allah, In all Signs of the Universe Shows Pure Kalima 'La Ilaha IllAllah'.
Allah Almighty Exalted Above The sky' Above His 'Arsh The Greatest Throne, Everything is Under His Power
Knowledge Control and Vision.
All Praise Belongs to Allah Alone All Power and All Dominion, The beautiful Name, the Perfect Quality
Belongs to Allah Alone He is the Pure and indivisible One.
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD. 
Our Lord is Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.. Allah is unique, almighty, the only God. Allah is the only true Lord. There is no 'True Ilah'/ 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is One, Unique in His Actions, Lordship, Authority, and Righteousness. Allah Ta'ala is Exalted above the throne in the sky (above all creation). Allah should be known by His beautiful name 'Asmaul Husna' and perfect attributes. Allah's name is more than 99. The Qur'an is the word of Allah. ultimate guidance for mankind. Knowledge about Allah is the pillar on which Islam is completely bound.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind. 
Tawheed - The first call of the Messengers
Tawheed is to knowing, believing, declaring, obeying the oneness and uniqueness of Allah. The Oneness of Allah i.e. Tawheed consists of three parts. (i) Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Lordship). (ii) Tawheed al-Asma-Was-Sifat (Maintaining the Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes). (iii) Tawheed al-Ibadah (maintaining unity of worship). Allah is the only 'true Lord'. In all matters related to Allah, Allah is One, Sole, Final, Perfect and without partners. He has no peer or equivalent. Allah is to be known by His most beautiful Names and Perfect Attributes. From the first man and the first Prophet Adam (a.s.) to the last Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the basic call of all prophets and messengers was 'La ilaha illAllah' (there is no 'true God' but Allah). Namely: 'La Ilaha IllAllah Adamu Shafiullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Nuhun Naziullah'', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Ibrahim Khalilullah', 'La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah'. Rejecting Taghut is the root of Tawheed.
Allah's indivisible unicity is Tawhid
Tawhid: At the centre of all Islamic belief is the belief in one God-Allah. There is no other God but Allah and there is no one comparable to Him. We will never understand Allah as His nature supersedes our limited minds. We are created by Allah but He is not Himself created. Allah is the Unique,Omnipotent and Only Deity and Creator of the universe. Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Deity' except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above His ‘Arsh (Mighty Throne’). Know Allah by His Most Beautiful Names & Lofty Attributes (Asma Was Sifat). Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word. Qur'an is final revelation & guidance for mankind.  
#Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
Allah is the only true GOD
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
There is no other God but Allah
There is no 'true God' except Allah.
Allah is the only true GOD. 
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tawhidrisalatakhirah · 1 day ago
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আল্লাহর পরিচয় সূরা আল-ইখলাসে
আল্লাহর পরিচয়, নাম ও গুণাবলী
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
আল্লাহ্‌:একমাত্র প্রশংসাযোগ্য,
সর্বশক্তিমান উপাস্যের প্রকৃত নাম।
আকাশ ও জমিনের সবই সৃষ্টি
স্রস্টা আল্লাহ্‌ একমাত্র ইলাহ, জগতসমুহের সকল নিদর্শনে
সত্য কালেমা 'লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ'।
আল্লাহ্‌ তায়ালা আছেন আসমানে
মহান আরশের উরধে সমুন্নত, সবকিছু তাঁরই ক্ষমতা, জ্ঞান, দৃষ্টি ও নিয়ন্ত্রণে
কোথাও কিছু নেই আল্লাহ্‌র মতো।
সকল প্রশংসা একমাত্র আল্লাহ্‌র
সকল ক্ষমতা ও সকল রাজত্ব, সুন্দর নাম, পূর্ণ গুণ একমাত্র আল্লাহ্‌র
বিশুদ্ধ ও অবিভাজ্য তাঁরই একত্ব।
আল্লাহ একমাত্র সত্য উপাস্য।
আমাদের প্রতিপালক আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালা। আল্লাহ অদ্বিতীয়, সর্বশক্তিমান, একমাত্র উপাস্য। আল্লাহ একমাত্র সত্য মাবুদ। আল্লাহ ছাড়া কোনো 'সত্য ইলাহ'/ 'সত্য উপাস্য' নেই। আল্লাহ তাঁর কর্মে-পরিচালনায়, প্রভুত্ব-কর্তৃত্বে, উপাস্যের যোগ্যতা-অধিকারে এক, অদ্বিতীয় অংশীদারমুক্ত। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আসমানে আরশের ঊরধে সমুন্নত আছেন। আল্লাহকে জানতে হবে তাঁর সুন্দর নাম 'আসমাউল হুসনা' ও পরিপূর্ণ সিফাত দ্বারা।  কোরআন আল্লাহর বাণী। মানবজাতির জন্য চূড়ান্ত পথ নির্দেশনা।
আল্লাহকে জানা হল সেই স্তম্ভ যেখানে ইসলাম সম্পূর্ণভাবে আবদ্ধ।
আল্লাহ অদ্বিতীয়, সর্বশক্তিমান এবং একমাত্র উপাস্য। আমাদের প্রতিপালক আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালা। আল্লাহ ছাড়া কোনো 'সত্য মাবুদ ' / 'সত্য ইলাহ' নেই। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আসমানে 'আরশের ঊর্ধ্বে সমুন্নত। আল্লাহকে জানুন তাঁর সুন্দরতম নাম ও পরিপূর্ণ গুণাবলী দ্বারা। কোরআন আল্লাহর বাণী। পবিত্র কুরআন মানবজাতির জন্য চূড়ান্ত প্রত্যাদেশ ও নির্দেশনা। আল্লাহকে জানা সেই স্তম্ভ যেখানে ইসলাম সম্পূর্ণভাবে আবদ্ধ।
আল্লাহর পরিচয়, নাম ও গুণাবলী
Allah's Identity, Names and Attributes
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ilyforallahswt · 1 day ago
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আল্লাহর পরিচয় সূরা আল-ইখলাসে
আল্লাহর পরিচয়, নাম ও গুণাবলী
Allah's Identity,Names and Attributes
আল্লাহ্‌:একমাত্র প্রশংসাযোগ্য,
সর্বশক্তিমান উপাস্যের প্রকৃত নাম।
আকাশ ও জমিনের সবই সৃষ্টি
স্রস্টা আল্লাহ্‌ একমাত্র ইলাহ, জগতসমুহের সকল নিদর্শনে
সত্য কালেমা 'লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ'।
আল্লাহ্‌ তায়ালা আছেন আসমানে
মহান আরশের উরধে সমুন্নত, সবকিছু তাঁরই ক্ষমতা, জ্ঞান, দৃষ্টি ও নিয়ন্ত্রণে
কোথাও কিছু নেই আল্লাহ্‌র মতো।
সকল প্রশংসা একমাত্র আল্লাহ্‌র
সকল ক্ষমতা ও সকল রাজত্ব, সুন্দর নাম, পূর্ণ গুণ একমাত্র আল্লাহ্‌র
বিশুদ্ধ ও অবিভাজ্য তাঁরই একত্ব।
আল্লাহ একমাত্র সত্য উপাস্য।
আমাদের প্রতিপালক আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালা। আল্লাহ অদ্বিতীয়, সর্বশক্তিমান, একমাত্র উপাস্য। আল্লাহ একমাত্র সত্য মাবুদ। আল্লাহ ছাড়া কোনো 'সত্য ইলাহ'/ 'সত্য উপাস্য' নেই। আল্লাহ তাঁর কর্মে-পরিচালনায়, প্রভুত্ব-কর্তৃত্বে, উপাস্যের যোগ্যতা-অধিকারে এক, অদ্বিতীয় অংশীদারমুক্ত। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আসমানে আরশের ঊরধে সমুন্নত আছেন। আল্লাহকে জানতে হবে তাঁর সুন্দর নাম 'আসমাউল হুসনা' ও পরিপূর্ণ সিফাত দ্বারা।  কোরআন আল্লাহর বাণী। মানবজাতির জন্য চূড়ান্ত পথ নির্দেশনা।
আল্লাহকে জানা হল সেই স্তম্ভ যেখানে ইসলাম সম্পূর্ণভাবে আবদ্ধ।
আল্লাহ অদ্বিতীয়, সর্বশক্তিমান এবং একমাত্র উপাস্য। আমাদের প্রতিপালক আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালা। আল্লাহ ছাড়া কোনো 'সত্য মাবুদ ' / 'সত্য ইলাহ' নেই। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আসমানে 'আরশের ঊর্ধ্বে সমুন্নত। আল্লাহকে জানুন তাঁর সুন্দরতম নাম ও পরিপূর্ণ গুণাবলী দ্বারা। কোরআন আল্লাহর বাণী। পবিত্র কুরআন মানবজাতির জন্য চূড়ান্ত প্রত্যাদেশ ও নির্দেশনা। আল্লাহকে জানা সেই স্তম্ভ যেখানে ইসলাম সম্পূর্ণভাবে আবদ্ধ।
আল্লাহর পরিচয়, নাম ও গুণাবলী
Allah's Identity, Names and Attributes
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