#Alistair Ketchum
Pokemon Next-Gen (Movie Kids): Alistair Ketchum
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Alistair is the older son of Riley and Queen Ilene, despite being older he actually wants to become an Aura Guardian like his father so his younger sister became heir to the throne. Alistair and his younger sister were recruited to be part of PokeStar Studios and the two agreed so long as they could still do their training. Alistair co-stars with Corvin in the show where he plays the villain, Alistair plays the hero while Sapphire plays the role of the heroine, Alistair’s role is that he has to protect Sapphire from Corvin’s villain role all while both of them have to keep their true identities a secret from everyone else. He also has his own show, playing the role of an Aura User that’s traveling to become a full-fledged Aura Guardian. Alistair is noble, polite and very formal to those around him due to his upbringing in the royal family, he’s also courageous and is very chivalrous which causes a lot of females in PokeStar Studios to gain a crush on him. Despite how formal he acts, he can be pretty casual to close friends and his family, he also takes his training seriously and he always does his best when he’s acting. Much like his father and his cousin Ash, he can control Aura but he’s still training to master it. Aside from being able to use Aura, Alistair also knows a variety of different fighting styles that he’ll use on set and when he’s training with his Pokemon, Alistair is also very athletic and it’s because of how athletic he is that he’s able to perform his own stunts instead of having someone do his stunts for him. He has a Key Stone fitted into a ring that’s on his right ring finger.
His main colors are blue and black. From blue, Alistair is loyal, trustworthy and responsible. He’s also very calm in every situation, as well as caring and he expresses concern to his friends and family. He’s also known to be helpful and he’s known as a rescuer, for example, he’ll always go out of his way to help someone if they need help or if he sees someone in danger. It also represents his devotion to his family, friends and his role as an Aura Guardian to be. Blue also represents how he’s knowledgeable and how he radiates authority which gives him a lot of respect from others. Black represents how he’s protective, has self-control and is disciplined. Black also gives him an air of mystery, which is what causes a lot of girls to have a crush on him as black is associated with seduction, he only seduces girls if he has to. The color black represents how he’s formal and sophisticated to everyone around him.
Like the others in his family, Alistair can understand what a Pokemon is saying. Some other abilities he has access to include manipulating his aura to fire a blue sphere, create a barrier, calming down aggressive Pokemon, detecting another person’s aura, reading someone’s mind and actions and prevent mind control.
His Pokemon:
Lucario- Lucario is Alistair’s first Pokemon. Back when Alistair was a child, he was given a Riolu to help him with training to become an Aura Guardian. Riolu soon evolved into Lucario when Alistair was ten years old, that was when Lucario started to help Alistair with his training along with Riley. As a Riolu, Lucario was more playful than serious but he still knew when was a good time to play and when it wasn’t a good time to play, he was also friendly and happy to make friends with others. When he evolved, he became more serious but he was very loyal to Alistair acting as both his mentor and his partner, if Alistair gave him an order, Lucario would follow it with no hesitation. Much like his trainer, Lucario is formal and chivalrous to those around him and he’s able to talk through telepathy which allows him to talk to other humans. He’s always seen out of his Pokeball.
Given in a Pokeball. 
Ability is Inner Focus, changes to Adaptability when Mega evolved.
Held Item is Lucarionite.
Moves are Aura Sphere, Force Palm, Meteor Mash, Bone Rush, Ice Punch, Psychic, Brick Break, Calm Mind, Iron Tail, and Swords Dance.
Pikachu- Alistair has met Pikachu because of a strange encounter, Pikachu just appeared in front of him one day while Alistair was training with Lucario. Pikachu had claimed that he was told to find a trainer with a blue and black hat that was training with a Lucario because that will be his new trainer, seeing as Alistair fit the description he caved in and caught Pikachu. Pikachu is serious and wants to do his best to train with Alistair and Lucario, Pikachu also has a soft side and he’s happy to just curl up on Alistair’s lap, he also enjoys being petted and being called cute by people who pass them by. Pikachu is also very modest if he gets complimented by someone by either his strength or how cute he is, he’ll blush and rub the back of his head in embarrassment. Much like Lucario, he stays out of his Pokeball. He hitches a ride on Alistair’s shoulder.
Caught in a Friend Ball.
Ability is Static.
Moves are Thunderbolt, Electric Terrain, Surf, Volt Tackle, Swift, Electro Ball, Agility, Spark, Discharge, and Iron Tail.
Bisharp- Alistair caught Bisharp after he had defeated him in and his Pawniard minions in a battle, as soon as Bisharp saw that he was alone and his minions were beaten he bowed before Alistair and dubbed him as his trainer so Alistair caught him. Bisharp is an honorable Pokemon who knows when he’s been beaten and he knows when he can’t win a battle. He’s still a Pokemon that will try hard and will train to improve his skills in battle. Bisharp highly respects Alistair and will follow his orders no matter what, even if something may not make sense to him he’ll still follow his orders without question. Bisharp finds himself sharpening his blades with a sharpening stone that Alistair got for him after a while of being caught and while he isn’t as chivalrous as Lucario or Alistair, he is still a noble Pokemon who will act on his trainer’s orders.
Caught in a Pokeball.
Ability is Defiant.
Moves are Iron Head, Swords Dance, Throat Chop, Psycho Cut, Metal Claw, Night Slash, Metal Burst, Giga Impact, Payback, and Sucker Punch. 
Weavile- Alistair was sent to stop a group of Weavile who was terrorizing some people for food, Alistair had tracked them and found their hideout, as well as their leader. He knew could tell that the leader had made it clear that he was in charge and that he would stay in charge no matter what, once he figured that out he battled the leader and caught him once he was weakened enough, once he was caught the other Weavile had no idea what to do as he never trained one of them to take his spot so the group was disbanded. Alistair then had to train Weavile so that he can follow what he says and to get him to behave himself, it didn’t completely work. Weavile does listen to what Alistair says but he’s still a mischievous Pokemon, Weavile is also a troll and will sometimes cause trouble for anyone who happens to be nearby just for the heck of it.
Caught in a Dusk Ball.
Ability is Pressure.
Moves are Ice Punch, Night Slash, Hone Claws, Metal Claw, Ice Shard, Psycho Cut, Avalanche, Agility, Fake Out, and Beat Up.
Mienshao- When Alistair first met Mienshao, she was meditating, when she sensed that Alistair approached she was ready to start battling one of his Pokemon. What she didn’t expect was that Alistair himself was going to fight her, she had no problem with it and started to fight him one on one. She didn’t expect herself to lose to a human but she gained a lot of respect for him and asked to join his team, which he agreed to. Mienshao can be picky about how she battles, she likes to look elegant as she battles against her opponent and she enjoys training alongside her trainer. Mienshao also holds her trainer in high regards because of how he managed to beat her without the help of his Pokemon, she’s always helping him with martial arts training as well as helping him with meditation.
Caught in an Ultra Ball.
Ability is Inner Focus.
Moves are Aura Sphere, Fake Out, Calm Mind, Reversal, Poison Jab, Rock Slide, Meditate, Double Team, Drain Punch, and Power-up Punch.
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watermelonsandal · 2 years
big hero 6 characters as random vines part 8
Big Hero 6: *throw down to WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP*
Tadashi whenever Hiro lies about where he's been:
Why the fuck you lyin'?
Why you always lyin'?
Mmmmmmmmmmmm oh my god
Stop fuckin' lyin'.
Hiro: *falls asleep in the bath*
*wind-up swimmer falls out of his mouth and swims away*
Krei: Hi, I'm attorney Alistair. Have you or a loved one been injured in an accident? Sucks to be you, I guess.
Honey Lemon: Oh no, my glasses.
Fred: Hey kid, wanna buy some clout?
Hiro: BOOP. Oh my god there's a fire.
Tadashi: No, I'm just cooking.
Hiro: Oh, I'm sorry are you a smoke detector?
Hiro: That's what I thought, shut up.
Abigail: You are my da-ad.
Abigail: You're my dad!
Abigail: Boogie woogie woogie.
Honey Lemon: *pulls up a map of the United States*
Honey Lemon: So I am confusion. Why is this one Kan-sas, but this one is not Ar-kan-sas? AMERICA EXPLAIN. EXPLAIN WHAT YOU MEAN IT AR-KAN-SOW!?
Completely Giving Up
and introducing:
Wasabi: When there's too much drama at school, all you gotta do is... walk awaaay-aaay-aaay.
Baymax: Sabra gives you all your daily nutrients, like 0g trans fats, and OMG cholestrol.
Hiro: *power-runs down the sidewalk dressed as Ash Ketchum to the Pokemon anime theme*
Cass: Everyone is so obsessed with their phones and the internet, nobody even takes the time to see how many metal chairs I have.
Gogo: Did you wash the dishes?
Fred: I thought... you wanted to do that.
Gogo: *chuckles* you were wroOoOng.
Callaghan: Hey Hiro look over there, you're family's getting murdered.
Hiro: What!?
Callaghan: Just kidding, you're on Pranked!
Hiro: You fucking kill--
Willow: *sniffs a candle* Ooh, this smells delish.
Willow: *sniffs a candle* And this smells like a armpit, here-
Hiro: *waving a wad of bills around* Man I been getting money--
all around me are familiar...
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laurelsofhighever · 6 years
Writer’s Reflections Meme
I was tagged by the lovely @ladymdc and @jchb32273 - you guys are awesome!
This little tag meme is an opportunity for writers to reflect on (and promote!) our own writing, but also to hear about the work of our fellow writers and to find something new to read!
Rules: answer the following questions about your own writing, whether fanfic or original. If you can’t/don’t want to answer a question, just put N/A. If you don’t have that many posted works, tell us about your WIPs or individual chapters/drabbles or even your ideas! Then tag as many writers as you like :)
AO3 name and link, if applicable: Almost everywhere except here, I go by the name Lykegenia
What’s your most popular fic, by whatever metric is most relevant to you (hits, kudos, comments, reblogs, some other trait)? That is by far my Zutara longfic The Things We Hide, an AU set in a world where the Southern Water Tribe wasn’t defeated by the Fire Nation until Sozin’s Comet returned. It’s had more attention than I was ever expecting, and I’m glad so many people enjoy it. 
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? My Dragon Age fic The Falcon and the Rose, hands down. The setting, an AU where the Fifth Blight never happens and instead Ferelden gets plunged into a bloody civil war, is one that I wondered about for a long time before I finally gave up looking for a version that was already written and decided to write it for myself. It’s 110% self-indulgent Alistair x Cousland drama and there have been times where it’s the only thing getting me through the day. 
What’s your best fic, and is it different from your favorite fic? Gonna say Falcon again, just for the level of planning and worldbuilding that’s gone into it. I spent months planning before I actually started writing in any organised way, and it’s taught me a lot about writing techniques.
Do you have a fic whose popularity surprised you? I am always surprised by how much attention my smutty oneshots get ;) especially Warm Beds on Winter Mornings, and A Way To Relieve Tension, which I still can’t believe I wrote, let alone posted.
Do you have a fic you wish more people would read? Well I always wish more people would read Falcon because I’ve crammed so much into it, but I guess some of the more emotionally intimate oneshots, as they’re more personal to me - The Scar and Unlocking The Door especially so.
Is there a ship or fandom you haven’t written, but really want to? Do crossovers count? Because I have plans for a DA/Pacific Rim crossover that fits scarily well and occasionally takes over my brain. I might one day get around to writing something for Mass Effect, but Dragon Age is definitely the pit I’m going to be wallowing in for the foreseeable future. *tragic*
Tell us a random fact about your writing process: I am a great fan of abandoning scenes and conversations when I don’t know what to write next. Most of the time, if another character arrives in a scene, it’s so they can take attention away from whichever character was about run out of things to say.
This was fun! Now to tag people... @accidentalapostate, @ladynorbert, @shannaraisles, @naiatabris, *Ash Ketchum voice* I choose you! (feel free to ignore me)
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5hadow-girl · 6 years
DOA III: Extreme Horror Anthology
DOA III: Extreme Horror Anthology
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After six years and more than fifty authors, the Unholy Trinity is complete. This third installment in the DOA series offers thirty stories from the originators of splatterpunk as well as the newest voices in extreme horror.
You’ll laugh…you’ll cry…you’ll vomit Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Stories from Bentley Little -Jack Ketchum & Edward Lee – Shane Mckenzie – Wrath James White – Richard…
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