#Alice wu gulliver
mioakem · 1 day
the imagery in this part of the ep was actually insane like this is genuinely beautiful
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i-heart-scully · 1 day
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I needed you. My coven.
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itberice · 24 hours
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Agatha All Along + Tarot cards
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Agatha All Along + text posts pt 4/?
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batterycityghoul · 1 day
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I am the traveler. I am the Queen of Cups.
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when lilia realized she was the traveler and starting dealing the cards to herself and we saw how each card represented a character, thats when i knew.
this is hands down the best marvel show yet. argue with the wall.
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lenaskzorel · 1 day
"three of swords"
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this shot is so damn beautiful ohmygosh
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blackhillverse · 1 day
they said this is the cheapest marvel series ever produced. see, this is what happens when you focus on storytelling instead of unnecessary stuff no one cares about. i loved this episode so much. please, give me more low-budget marvel shows that care about the plot, the characters, and their target audience. i don't need another rdj blockbuster marvel movie. you can have that. give me meaningful stories with a low budget, made by people who truly believe in what they're creating.
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gibbledygoo · 1 day
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I’ll see you at the end ✨
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lena-luthor · 16 hours
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I needed you. My coven.
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thegaygenz · 1 day
lilia and alice both got they wanted out of the Road without even realizing that’s the thing they were looking for and so their journeys came to an end. as the song says “i’ll see you at the end” i hope we see them at the end cause i miss my girls
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swagathaharkness · 1 day
obsessed with how this genuinely feels like a gay show FOR gay people
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Give me a series about Lilia
Give me a series about Alice
Give me a series about Jen
Give me a series about Rio
Hell, give me a series about Sharon, I'll watch that too.
Just give me more of these Witches.
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postureofashrimp · 1 day
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so episode 7 huh
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Agatha Harkness collecting eldritch horror beings left and right. I have no doubt she fucked Rio in her true form. Now imagine if Wanda came back looking like how she was supposed to in MoM.
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vidals-harkness · 2 days
ok hear me out…R is Agatha’s daughter…Nick’s (younger) twin sister. Growing up she helped her mother try to find the darkhold so they could bring Nick back but after failing and seeing what it was doing to agatha she placed a protection spell on herself and ran so her mother couldn’t find her.
She ends up dating Alice after meeting at one of Lorna’s concerts and Lorna taking her in and helping her expand her powers, they got closer and eventually started dating. But have an on/off relationship after Lorna dies…
She only sees agatha again when she gets a call from Alice’s boss- cuz as her ex gfs ‘parol officer’ she obviously gets notified by these things- and goes to pick her up, only to see her mother waiting for her and Alice when they leave the store and Alice is rambling and explaining that it wasn’t her fault…
POV: the black heart actually was for R because while helping agatha try and get nick back something happened to her (and this is the part where you make up something cool like she had to trade half her heart with his dead one but the dark magic used consumed hers instead and she uses so many names that lilia couldn’t just see one name but a bunch of different ones all being carved into a black heart)
fly away, little bird (agatha harkness)
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summary: agatha’s little bird flies away after she gets the darkhold. after a rocky relationship with alice wu-gulliver, just when little bird’s life seemed to have been on track, what happens when she reunites with her less-than sane mother?
fic type: angst
pairings: agatha x daughter!reader, alice wu-gulliver x reader
word count: 1.8k
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The Darkhold ruined your life. It took the picket fence around your mothers, your brother, and you, and smashed it to bits before burning it down to the ground.
The Darkhold left your heart in tatters, or rather the half that was left.
“A small price to pay, little bird,” Agatha had said. “Just one small payment, and we get Nicky back,”
How small was half a heart? Small as half a fist? Or small as half your soul?
It was the latter, it seemed. As Agatha descended into the depths of dark magic, you realised just how blind you had been to the Darkhold’s grip on mortal desire. Or rather, in this case, immortal desire.
Nicholas was your everything. Your best friend, partner in crime. The one who slapped a boy for snatching your pencil in kindergarten, the one who took the blame for smearing peanut butter all over Señor Scratchy, the one who made you feel safe all those thunderous nights, the one who annoyed you to bits but loved you the same.
You wanted him back, but not like this.
You wanted the picket fence to be remade, wanted the perfect life you had back when you were five.
You wanted him back, but with your mother sane and safe from the claws of dark magic.
But fate plays a cruel game of chance.
So there you were, your life packed into a small backpack, shuffling oracle cards in your hands as you waited at the bus station. There you were, sixteen, lost, and alone, with only your cards, your bag, and Lorna Wu blasting in your ears.
All because of the Darkhold.
The sound of the singing was, unironically, music to your ears. It was calming despite the decibel level. It was despite the fact you had none.
“Hi,” a girl with almond eyes, dark curly hair that had the orange of fire within them said, approaching you after the concert.
“Hi,” you smiled, your gaze meeting hers shyly.
Lorna Wu was a force to be reckoned with, but gentle all the same. You spent hours with her, simply because she knew how to teach you. No screaming, no fighting, no breaking down. Just her hands guiding yours as the magic came from inside you, as the soft wisps danced over your fingertips, weaving wonders you had lost after Nick.
Alice and you were an adventure of secrets swapped under the sheets, gentle touches and sinful moments ensued in the two years after that concert. Of shared happiness and sadness, but as all good things did, it came to an end.
Alice was not a rule-follower, you were. She and you were yin and yang but with a gaping distance in between. Where the darkness of your heart overpowered hers, where arguments ended in slammed doors and couches for the night.
Lorna's death only made things worse.
Alice pulled away, like the tide from the shoreline before a tsunami. She pulled away and went so far, you couldn’t hold on. The huge wave that came crashing down tore your heart, your lifeboat that was your relationship with her, to pieces, leaving you stranded and alone again, like driftwood from the aftermath.
Brick by brick you rebuilt yourself, with every step being painful and tiring. As long hours and terrible coffee consumed you, as the days turned to nights, infinite and endless, it reaped rewards in the end. Rewards like a small apartment you could call your own, like a working day that lasted only eight hours that left you tired but satisfied.
But it was one phone call that destroyed it all.
“Good afternoon, is this Y/n Vidal?” The caller asked. You had changed your last name, it was easier on you to carry the burden of your second mother rather than the one who screwed you over in the first place.
“Yes, this is she,” you said, concerned.
“I’m Alice Wu-Gulliver’s boss, you number is listed in her emergency contacts,” he said. “If you could please come on down to the store, that would be great,”
You felt your world tilt, barely keeping your mind from collapsing in on itself. That irresponsible child, that girl, that woman who left you stranded…had you on her emergency contact? Still? Strange.
A normal day turned nightmare, when you arrived at the store she worked at.
Your eyes met the familiar blue of Agatha Harkness’. There she stood in her fucked-up glory, with some sort of emo boy by her side, grinning smugly.
“Hiya, hon,” she giggled, waving at you with a graceful wiggle of her fingers.
“Seriously,” you sighed, ignoring her and looking at Alice. “Come on, you idiot,”
“It wasn’t my fault!” She protested as you led her out the door. “That lady talked about the witch’s road and all of that shit Mom talked about and—“
“So you assaulted her?”
“No, I didn’t!”
You groaned. “Look, Alice, we are way past me saving your ass constantly,”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to drag you back into my shit,” she said, grabbing her bike. “I’m really sorry,”
“All good, just…remove me from your emergency contacts, that gives very… ‘I know I’m your ex but this is part of my elaborate plan to get you to take me back’ vibes,” you sighed.
"Yeah, I see that, now," she nodded, shrugging awkwardly. "Look, you're an amazing woman, and I wish you the best. And thank you, for bailing me out,"
You nodded in return, bidding her a hasty, clipped goodbye before you bumped into her.
“Okay, I don’t have the spiritual energy to fucking deal with this,” you scoffed, crossing your arms.
“Aw, you’re not even gonna say hi, little bird?” She asked in that tone. That sickly sweet tone which pissed you off.
“No,” you said plainly. “No, I’m not,”
“You got soft,” Agatha admitted as Alice’s bike drove away.
“I got smart,” you countered. “Unlike you. Dark magic has really aged you up a century,”
“Don’t be petty,” she laughed. “You wanted him back just as much as I did,”
“Yeah. I wanted him back. But I also wanted my mother,” you seethed. “I wanted my mother but where was she…oh yes, chasing ancient magic that she knew would leave her less than sane,”
“How long had you been holding that one under the rug?” She asked, smile vanishing.
“Long enough to know that it’ll take me time to forgive you,” you scoffed.
“Aw, but I’m your mama, little bird…” she giggled, patting your head. The touch stung, it truly did.
“Still bitter?”
“Still recovering,”
You sighed softly, looking down. “You know, I thought I mattered more than your dark magic. Turns out you wanted power all along,”
“Who doesn’t like power, silly little bird?” She laughed evilly. “Power is always better than any little wish,”
“It’s better than your sixteen year old daughter, I see,” you scoffed. “Don’t talk to me, Agatha. I don’t want you back in my life,”
She chuckled darkly as you turned around to walk off. “Fly away little bird,” she grinned. “I’ll catch you soon enough,”
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ohh, i loved writing this one! i hope you enjoyed it, bao buns! requests are open!
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