#Alice things
allyriadayne · 2 months
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icestorming · 1 month
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Do gods bleed?
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theirondragonrants · 2 months
I love you all, but you have the wrong parallel. We love Rhaenyra asking Alicent to fly across the narrow sea and eat only cake, but it's Rhaenyra and this Alicent that mirror each other. It's the smiles, and that halting breath.
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prideprejudce · 3 months
alicent realizing that viserys deathbed confession to make aegon king was a giant misunderstanding and now there's nothing she can do about it because her sons are out for blood and she has no power over them anymore. she's now doomed to be haunted by her own pre war decisions for the rest of her life
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wwpia · 11 months
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Faustus’ mum, she’s pretty much based off a friends mum who enjoyed SCRUBBING MY FACE OFF IN THE PLAYGROUND.
She’s a tough woman, but also so, so sweet and down to earth. She’s the kind of Mum to look after her children’s friends like her own children. She’s also well respected in the werewolf community and to some degree to the humans in the village where they live.
She’s a very colourful character, both literally and figuratively. She usually wears Yorkshire-weather appropriate clothing (including a flat cap) that looks relatively drab in comparison to her sari. She actively basically wears a lot of colours in honour of her children, of whom she considers to be all ✨🌈 beautiful and unique ✨🌈
Related to this, the death of her youngest son Leon kind of breaks the poor woman a bit. She’s still as doting as ever, but just… clearly struggling and coming to terms. Sydney first meets her like this (and by extension the rest of the family) so it’s a very… awkward first encounter.
Obviously I imagine they meet later on much happier terms. Faustus invites Sydney home for Christmas - most of his family aren’t Christian but they still absolutely LOVE celebrating Christmas and honestly a lot of other holidays. They always serve a complete gut-busting mix of British/Indian food.
I imagine she somehow meets Sydney’s father (probably at his wedding) and gives his father a good tongue lashing about his not-so-great treatment of Sydney when he was younger. I just find it a funny mental image of this under five foot little woman essentially prompting an extremely tall, known werewolf hunter to kowtow to her motherly rage. 😂
She, like a lot of her family (including Faustus) acquire quite white hair as they age. The exception is Faustus’ younger brother has vitiligo and already has half a head of white hair, ahah.
Also curried potato soup is actually the best cure for a cold. Blend the potato to make it THICC.
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magnificentsapcaddy · 14 days
Look, I'm fuckinnnnnnnnnn...! I'm fuckin' tired as bawls, dawg. [not switching his tone of voice at all] I think I lost some weight there, and I'm sure I need some rest, but sleepin' don't come very easy in a [enunciating precisely] straight. White. Vest. [pause] [reading chat] "Just go to bed earlier"? Okay, listen to me. Said the grasshopper to the morning sun, "No matter how hard I try and how high I jump, I can never embrace you", and thus the sun responded, "My brother, the mere act of being here is an embrace in and of itself." So beggars can't be fuckin' choosers, okay? Okay. [unpauses game (Poo-Poo Piranhas Jungle Gym Adventure) where the puzzle is to put the square block in the square hole and he puts it in the triangle hole] Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!
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knownoshamc · 1 month
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Armand + why would you say that if you have only met this man once
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wilkoakdraws · 9 months
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have at ya an unholy pile of wildly chaotic and VERY serious magnus stuff from last 6 months. happy 2024
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auxoubliettes · 2 months
hey guys
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i think our loneliness is killing us fr
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hearteyedfeelings · 3 months
also also this may just be in my head but there was a moment when Alicent realized it was Rhaenyra in disguise and she was right back to her younger self exasperated by Nyra's sheer dumbassery and bullheadedness. it was the quickest exchange and it was SO GOOD.
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alicent-archive · 3 months
the thing is. the THING is. no one. absolutely NO ONE thought Aegon would be able to rule. he was this piece of clay to be moulded by Otto, Alicent, and the small council. the only thing those people wanted from him was his uselessness. and the FUNNY thing is. he FAILED at being useless.
Aegon, the family failure, failed at failing.
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greenqueenhightower · 3 months
The primary reason I love the Greens is that they are so messed up. They are not perfect, they are not disinfected and favored by the narrative, and they are raw to the bone; they are real.
Aegon is as real as a devastated and soul-crushed father gets whose grief translates to anger and violence. Helaena’s silent inner turmoil and anguish haunt the Red Keep. Alicent has become a wreck as she weighs this tragedy the only way she knows how: against her own failed moral compass, holding herself responsible.
Otto sees his strings of power stretch and snap as he pursues the unattainable dream once more. Criston feels unworthy and consoles himself with the deception that he remains unsullied by still bearing a white cloak to his name, having been absolved of his original oath-breaking years before. And Aemond refuses to acknowledge any weakness or softness in front of his family so he seeks consolation elsewhere.
This green family doesn’t know how to process emotions, doesn’t know how to grieve together, and can’t find solace in each other’s suffering despite yearning for comfort. Otto doesn’t know how to comfort Alicent, Alicent doesn’t know how to comfort Aegon, and Aegon doesn’t know how to comfort Helaena.
Larys exerts his influence and puppeteers Alicent to his own liking by giving her a much-desired grasp of agency over political affairs. Alicent finds escape in undiscovered indulgences that give her the intoxicating illusion of control over a lifetime of servitude. Criston succumbs to the addictive drug of being desired and wanted on equal terms. The Greens live in a vicious circle of unhealed trauma, a bottomless pit of fears and insecurities, and a tangled web of deception and control.
They are wounded, dysfunctional, and forsaken, and that makes them so intriguing.
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vulpineocs · 2 years
The twins, Duchess Roseli Sophia Bacarra and Lady Alice Isobel Bacarra.
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Alice is actually the oldest twin by a minute or so, but she never wanted power like her sister because she was taken from her family at birth. Juliette and Roy, her parents, grieved their child heavily because she was believed to be stillborn but was actually stolen by one of their servants. Alice used the Madness Network and her ability as an Oracle to find her way home to her family later on when she'd been Embraced and thanks to her father's ability was re-Embraced into Clan Lasombra as a Flower of the Abyss.
Roseli was trained for power and nobility from birth, and as a result has always been close to her parents and to her nature as someone who was taught for the Embrace since she was a child. Instead of instilling more Humanity based traits in her, Roy taught her the dark arts of the Lasombra and to be clever and cunning just as her sire was. She was Embraced after having children of her own as an adult, and despite her quick temper is very intelligent and good at what she does, from working in business and combat to making a name for herself as one of the Sheriff's Hounds in the French court.
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feistyfuktoys · 11 days
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floralsapphics · 2 months
The way Alicent’s big brown doe eyes managed to turn Rhaenyra’s contemptuous and snarky dismissal into the softest gentlest “go” in under 5 minutes
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kindaorangey · 1 month
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hey guys when you say the ark boys were born to be together can you include bliss lai in that as well? the ark boys and bliss lai if it's not too much trouble thanks guys
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