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إِنَّ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافِ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ وَالْفُلْكِ الَّتِي تَجْرِي فِي الْبَحْرِ بِمَا يَنفَعُ النَّاسَ وَمَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مِن مَّاءٍ فَأَحْيَا بِهِ الْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا وَبَثَّ فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ دَابَّةٍ وَتَصْرِيفِ الرِّيَاحِ وَالسَّحَابِ الْمُسَخَّرِ بَيْنَ السَّمَاءِ وَالْأَرْضِ لَآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَعْقِلُونَ (164)
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth; the alternation of the day and the night; the ships that sail the sea for the benefit of humanity; the rain sent down by Allah from the skies, reviving the earth after its death; the scattering of all kinds of creatures throughout; the shifting of the winds; and the clouds drifting between the heavens and the earth—˹in all of this˺ are surely signs for people of understanding.
#mine#my best gifset yet#gifs#clouds#subhanallah#sky#airplanes#quran#surat al baqarah#Alhamdullillah
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“Hidup itu sesederhana memilih pilihan berpahala, dan mensyukuri sisanya”
Sebuah nasehat sederhana yang menamparku malam ini
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It's finally here ✨🎙️
#:')#alhamdullillah#advised to patience#advisedtopatience#episode 0#this is only the beginning#Youtube
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July 1, 2024 - Monday
Started July off with a bang and by that I mean three classes + spending 2 hrs doing Arabic HW with my bestie lol the last time we had the same HW it was 2008 so it’s interesting 🫢 I feel so energized tho alhamdullillah I set up a journal spread for later and took a lot of notes 📝
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Hi sorry to bother you but I'm starting to think that nobody asked writers or Arthur's or artists this question but how are you doing are you doing okay are you feeling okay how's your day going I hope you're doing okay also how is Poseidon, Zeus and Hades doing are they okay anyway sorry to bother you hope you're okay 😇🌠 hope you have a lovely day sorry to bother you
Aw this is so very sweet of you thank you
I'm fine im good I have a chill internship so I got a lot of time to work on my art and animations so I'm really happy and satisfied alhamdullillah
Hope you have a great day 👍🏻✨️
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Malaysia Digital Content Festival 2024 (MYDCF 2024) & First Look Ejen Ali The Movie 2 (EATM2)
Official Banner of Level Up Play event by Malaysia Digital Content Festival (MYDCF) 2024

Before the event, I was honored to be invited by Wau Animation Sdn. Bhd. to attend the Level Up Play event on September 13th, 2024 and witness their First Look of Ejen Ali The Movie 2 (that happened on Friday, the first day of the event).
As someone who is loyal and supportive of Ejen Ali and Wau Animation, it was a great pleasure for me to accept their invitation via private message. I am pleased to have the opportunity to come and support Wauriors' outstanding work there, as well as learn more about their forthcoming project for the Ejen Ali franchise.
Before I move on to the next story, I had already planned to attend this event before the invitation was sent. The reason is because of my admiration for Ejen Ali and AniMY. Unfortunately, I ended up focusing on Ejen Ali and forgot to visit other AniMY booths, my bad.
Okay, let's continue ~
Considering that Ejen Ali will be revealing their First Look on the first day of the event, I made an immediate purchase of a Day 1 ticket before September 11th. Later on, I was contacted by Waurior and was given a 'Special Guest' pass for the Day 1 event. That was so unexpected and surprising, you know?
At the same time, I am deeply thankful for the chance I have been given. Thank you, WAU, for inviting me. Alhamdullillah ~

Description : Got invitation by Wau Animation as "Special Guest"

I put on (Ejen) Aliya's casual outfit entirely during the event and added Comot as my primary accessory. I usually wear this for big and special occasions related to Ejen Ali only.


On Day 1, I finally came across some Wauriors there and captured some memorable pictures with them. Talking to them, who have a high level and status, makes me feel shy because I am just a fan and a fanartist of Ejen Ali.
However, they're so cool, humble, sweet and friendly when meeting and talking to them. It's surprising to learn that some of them are aware of me, who has been known as Iqin, Ejen Ali Fanartist for nearly 8 years.
And the more surprising thing is when the director himself, Sir Usamah, knows me and asks, "Are you Iqin?" The fact that Ejen Ali has a huge fanbase and many fans makes it impossible to believe that the CEO knows you. Thank you, Sir, for acknowledging me as a fan.
When I met Mrs. Azi (who is the wife of Sir Usamah), she immediately recognized my Aliya's casual outfit. She said, "I suddenly remembered someone when I saw your outfit." Yeah, it's Aliya! >.<
Then, I met Sir Fuad for the very first time and he was so humble and calm to talk to. In response to the question (he asked me) about the teaser trailer screening, I expressed my amazement and couldn't think of any better way to describe it. Hehehe.
I also met Sis Ida, Sis Syu, Sis Salina, and Sir Shafiq at the Ejen Ali booth. When they saw my 'Aliya' outfit, they were amazed and said, "Aliya, Mama Ali, Ejen Aliya". Hehehe thank you, Wauriors. I really like how friendly and sweet you guys are. Love guys so much ~ sobs
The last one, Eva! My lovely (friend) twin. I'm so happy to meet her and we hugged a lot as we were happy to meet each other during the event. We took advantage of the opportunity to take a photo together.

During First Look, Wau Animation released their first Teaser Trailer EATM2 in Hall 5. I'll tell you something. WAU told EA fans, including me, to not feel overly hyped about this and to lower their expectations.
However, this is the most satisfying thing that I have ever experienced in my life, and the Ejen Ali franchise. It's more than just an expectation. More than that. I received more than what they provided during First Look.
It came as a surprise to me that their upcoming surprise had something unexpected. Ehem ehem, *hint* their upcoming merchandise *hint*.
Due to spoilers, I cannot share the picture here as WAU will be released a lot in the future. You guys have to wait and be ready for their announcement soon. It's really worth to wait. It is truly worth it. I swear.

To be honest, I bought a T-shirt that was limited edition from the Ejen Ali booth. However, due to some issues and spoilers, I cannot share the picture here and keep it as a secret until Ejen Ali releases it himself.
The design of that T-shirt was so beautiful and amazing that it grabbed my attention instantly. Once again, I am unable to share the picture. Sorry, guys ~


See you in the next event, Ejen Ali and Wau Animation ~ Assalamualaikum!
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How to speak according to Qur'an
1) Speak Truthfully [3:17] 2) Speak Kindly [2:83] 3) Speak what is Best [17:53] 4) Speak Gently [20:44] 5) Speak Graciously [17:23]
. . .
#quran ayah#holy quran#quran#quran kareem#islam#prophet muhammad#allah#muslim#hadith#prophet#dua#islamicpost#hadees
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uas: keenam (finale)

alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.
tadi ushul, seru sekali. ushul selalu seru.
sebenarnya ada satu ucapan ibn Qudamah yang semalam bercokol lama di kepalaku hingga detik ini. barusan aku berusaha mencari teksnya, namun belum ketemu juga. yasudahlah, belum rezeki kalian.
namun, secara ringkas kucoba rangkai makna yang kudapatkan, yang membedakan seorang 'alim dan 'aamiy (orang awwam) hanyalah kemampuan mereka dalam membaca dalil. Sehingga, manakala 'alim menghukumi sesuatu tanpa berdasarkan dalil, apa bedanya dia dengan 'aamiy?
sedangkan tanpa petunjuk dalil, bukankah semua orang jadi sema saja? semua orang jadi sama dalam memandang maslahat miliknya. 'kebijaksanaan' mereka jadi sama saja.
tanpa dalil, mereka sama.
aku merenung sangat sangat lama setelahnya. tentang keselarasan hidupku pada ilmu yang sudah Allah bukakan padaku. tentang satu per satu pilihan hidupku yang aku mengetahui ilmu atasnya,
apakah aku benar-benar sudah memilih, litereli semua hal, based on what He really want? based on 'ilm?
cara hidupku. cara menghabiskan waktuku. cara berperilaku. cara berbincang. cara berpakaian. cara mensyukuri keindahan. cara, hidup, dengan ruh, dari-Nya.
barang tentu, aku bukan 'alim. jauh, jauh sekali. sangat sangat sangat jauh. namun tetap saja....... semua opsiku atas hidup dari-Nya,
apakah sudah betul kupilih berdasarkan ilmu yang sudah Ia ajarkan? atau ternyata, aku malah meninggalkan ilmu itu dan memilih berjalan diatas kebijaksanaanku sendiri?
Hem. sudahlah, kita akhiri dulu topik ini. akan sangat panjang dan menjadikan vibes tulisan ini tak menyenangkan nantinya, doakan saja aku ditunjuki Allah selalu.
Maka selepas ujian terakhir, meski sedih, waktunya kita syukuri ia dengan hepi-hepi. haha.
Dari sebelum mulainya ujian, aku dan si mbak sudah merencanakan ingin masak bersama demi menutup semester. Kami sudah bertekad memasak ini dan itu dan ini dan itu.
Namun rencana indah ini diganti Allah dengan yang lebih baik, nyatanya kami belum bisa masak kali ini. Kali ini, hepi-hepinya berupa rawon dulu saja. dan surprisingly, benar-benar hepi sekali!
Nuansa kelabu dan pepohonan jagakarsa juga menjadikan pagi tadi segarnya berlipat. Termasuk bahagiaku yang tak kurang karena mengamati si mbak, ia dengan wajah sumringah itu bahagia memperkenalkan sosis solo, kerupuk udang, juga telur asin yang digabung dengan rawon, juga racikan kuahnya yang manis pwol pwol pwol, membuatku merinding, membuatnya tergelak puas.
Belum cukup disitu, kebahagiaan juga terus berlanjut, manakala melihat kakinya menghentak karena pedasnya rawon. juga perbincangan kami akan evaluasi untuk semester ini, lalu berlanjut bincang esok hari, lalu ditutup analisis ringan pada perbedaan kami; si mbak tak suka asam dan sangat suka manis, kebalikanku.
aku senang, nyatanya semua ini membahagiakan, alhamdullillah. meski di luar rencana, Allah memang paling hebat mencipta bahagia.
Selepas makan, si mba masih ingin menepi di ubi cilembu. aku tergelak dan segera menolak, jajan hari ini sudah cukup. terlalu banyak tak pernah mendatang kebaikan.
ini dulu saja, sudah cukup. kita sudah bahagia.
lalu, setelahnya kami pulang ke arah yang sama, tentu saja. lalu, setelahnya sampai di tujuan mbak, dan saling melempar salam untuk pertemuan selanjutnya, bila diizinkan, di tahun depan.
dan begitulah pekan uas berakhir. sangat cepat. alhamdulillah, khitaamuhu misk.
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Fell behind by a few days but the reason is so amazing I can't even be mad at myself, you all I finished my A levels with 2 A* and 2As, the grades were so much better than I had even expected Alhamdullillah so the celebrations and the realisation of damn I did it took away some time xd
15th August
Living a pretty day #3
But I am low-key back on track again, studied, walked and read yesterday hoping to get more studying in today and make up for the past 2 days wish me luck <33
#studyblr#study notes#study blog#100 days of studying#100 days of productivity#100 days of self discipline#real studyblr
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I love the word, - Alhamdullillah.
So much is kept away and what remains is gratitude
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Long phone calls with my brother when he is alone in his car are the best >>>>
I get to have all his attention, and connect with the soft side of him that he saves especially for me 🥹🤍 And I feel safe enough to tell him all the things on my mind, and the secrets the worry that I couldn't tell anyone else in the world.
May Allah swt bless my brother and grant him abundance in rizq, prosperity and all the khayr yaaaaa rab.
#canım abim#prsnl#a حنون older brother is the best thing that can happen to a girl walahi#Alhamdullillah
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Yang harus kamu banggakan adalah nilai. Nilai ini adalah value yang menjadikan kamu perempuan yang berprinsip.
1. Kamu adalah perempuan yang jomblo sejak lahir. Bukan kamu gak laku tapi memang kamu memiliki prinsip bahwa tidak ada pacaran dalam hidupmu yang ada hanya menikah.
2. Kamu adalah perempuan yang sampai detik ini selalu menolak untuk foto berdua dengan lawan jenis, ingat gak waktu dulu ada temenmu kuliah yang pengen foto berdua sama kamu. Mana dia katolik coba, walaupun katolik dia sangat baik. Ibaratnya habluminnannasnya bagus lah. Sosialnya jg bagus. Karena kamu berprinsip bahwa kelak laki laki yang akan foto berdua adalah laki laki yang sudah fik menjadi suami, sehingga tentu saja kamu tolak. Dan alhamdullillah sampai saat ini Allah masih menjaga prinsip itu, di tengah gejolak para perempuan sangat bahagia bisa berfoto dengan pujaannya. Ya ampun I proud with you... bangga sama diri boleh lah.
3. Kamu adalah perempuan yang gak pernah memberikan hadiah barang spesial apapun ke kaum adam, kecuali patungan sama temen. Saking berprinsipnya terkait hadiah spesial ini sampai suatu ketika diri ini kalah "taruhan" walaupun sebenarnya itu iseng namun sudah ada janji yang terlontarkan, sehingga mau gak mau harus menepati janji tersebut. Sebuah gitar kayu akhirnya kamu beli. Walaupun itu sifatnya hanya pinjaman. Karena balik lagi kamu tidak mau memberikan barang spesial kecuali kepada ayahmu dan suamimu
4. Kamu adalah perempuan yang belum pernah makan berdua dengan lawan jenis dalam satu meja. Padahal yakin sih ada beberapa laki laki yang mengajakmu untuk bertemu. Namun kamu pasti menolaknya. Mana laki laki itu ingin bertemu dengan tujuan menyelesaikan kewajiban hutang piutang yang jutaan, ada juga yang ingin lebih mengenal dekat dan sempat ingin serius sampai membeli barang jualan tapi tetap tidak ketemu karena diri ini meminta tolong sahabat untuk memberikan barangnya keorang tersebut, ada juga dari orang yang sudah menyakiti namun tiba tiba datang meminta bertemu... ohh.. maaf tentu saja diri ini tidak mau..
5. Kamu adalah perempuan yang jarang sekali melontarkan kalimat "ganteng nya" ke laki laki manapun kamu lebih sering menggunakan kalimat nah gini khan keren, ihh jadi kece, lebih bagus khan, jadi rapi, cool gitu. Karena kata Ganteng adalah kata spesial yang akan aku berikan kepada suamiku kelak...
Gimana?? Masya allah terimakasih ya allah telah membantu prinsip ini tetap kokoh di dalam diri.
Sebagai pengingat bahwa kamu perempuan berprinsip dan begitu bahagianya laki laki yang mendapatkanmu😇
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Advised to Patience - PRELUDE: This is it! - SoundCloud
Listen to Advised to Patience - PRELUDE: This is it! by Advised to Patience on #SoundCloud
It's uploaded to SoundCloud 😍 Alhamdullillah!!
#my heart is so full#Alhamdullillah#allahuma barik#advisedtopatience#advised to patience#muslimgirlcommunity#muslim girl podcast#eid mubarak
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"[ .. ] I really do not want to relapse. I am at peace now and i never want to return back to the state i was in. I always pray that no sister ever has to go through what i did. Even though im getting better i still do think about the past version of myself and how lost i was. I was so depressed and so out of touch with everything in my life. I was never fully present because i couldn't be.
Please keep me in your duas & also do you have any advice. "
My dear sister, I didn't want to share your ask and answer publicly because you sent it not on anonymous, and even though it can be a fake account, I opted not to -
Anyways, I have answered similar asks a couple of times before on this blog, maybe if you have enough time you can go down a bit and find them. P.s. I usually answer them on separate posts when it is about this topic in particular.
With that being said, let me say first of all that I am proud of you, Allahuma barik, you are a strong girl, you took a huge step and in shaa Allah you will continue walking on this path of healing! You basically did all the right things, as for the movies/ tv shows, I would basically recommend similar steps, if you have any subscription ( Netflix and whatnot) just cancel it already, uninstall the apps if you have them on your devices, delete your browser's history or the list of favorite websites or just reset your software all together to start fresh. If you use YouTube, make a new account or mess up your YT algorithm: unsubscribe to all the channels that would suggest movies or series, dislike any suggestion related to that even on shorts, and instead like and subscribe to informative channels with Islamic content, like quran tafseer and lectures, stories about the Prophets or stories from the Quran, whatever field you are passionate about whether sciences, health, etc.. switch to podcasts! They're really great and you can find a billion interesting ones! Put down your device and pick up a book! And also, my key advice: fill up your time, don't let yourself be alone and empty, that's a toxic combination.
I hope these tips come in handy!
May Allah swt keep you firm on this road of recovery, I honestly feel so proud of you, it is not an easy thing to do! Alhamdullillah that Allah swt single- handedly chose YOU to save and show the right way! Allahuma barik 🥹🤍
May Allah swt forgive all you, me, our parents and all the believers ameen!
Wishing you all the best!
- A. Z. 🤍🍃
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Alhamdullillah, bought cash with my own blood, sweat, and tears money. Here, My First Car *cry happy tears

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