#Alfred is King of the Manor
raynewolferune · 3 months
Batman's Dropout Tests
The best kept secret of the Batfamily from the JL and their other associates is that Batman has given all of his children blanket permission to drop out of traditional school at any time so as they can pass the graduation test. However, before they can take the federal graduation test, they first have to pass his social competency and common colloquialisms tests.
Dick never bothered to try it. He heard 3 tests (1 of which requires a perfect score to pass - I'm thinking common colloquialisms for that one) and "said no thanks, I'll stick with class."
Jason genuinely loved school while he was Robin and never even asked about graduating early. When he resurrected, he got his GED and gained the absolute love and respect of his men before it came up. Bruce decided that counted as a pass for all 3 tests and so never mentioned it at all.
Tim took the common colloquialisms test 8 times and failed all of them before Bruce got lost in time. The very first thing he did when Dick threatened him with Arkham was steal the answers to both the social competency and common colloquialisms tests. By the time Bruce returned, Tim had both rote memorized and had already been dropped out of school for months. Bruce still made him take both tests which Tim passed with perfect scores. Needless to say, Bruce was extremely suspicious but Tim covered his tracks well enough that he couldn't prove the kid cheated.
Damian took the both tests a record number of 106 times. He failed every single one of them. Jon almost found out about the tests when he asked Damian what was wrong shortly after the 78th failure. Thankfully, Dick was nearby and swooped in in time to convince Jon that Damian had failed an English Lit test due to a cultural miscommunication instead. Bruce seriously considered putting a limit in the number of attempts his children could make at the tests after that.
Duke, like Jason, never even asked about graduating early. He didn't much care for school but he loved getting to see his friends. Duke was the only child Bruce was pretty sure could have passed both the social competency and common colloquialisms tests on the first try.
Cass never asked about early graduation. This was primarily because her situation was such that she couldn't do traditional schooling anyway, but Bruce always suspected that if he had sent her to traditional school she would have graduated early and he would have never found out until she didn't walk on the expected graduation day.
Also, while Bruce would never admit it to his children outright, it should be noted that he did not come up with these requirements. Alfred had made the original tests back when Bruce tried to quit school after his parents died. Bruce took both tests a total of 23 times before giving up and resigning himself to traditional graduation. Alfred is still smug about it.
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piedpiperart · 2 years
I see a lot of posts about Danny seeing Jason and immediately thinking he’s a baby ghost and wanting to adopt him but what if it’s the other way around?
What if Jason sees Danny and is hit with oh my god that’s a baby, who left a baby unattended out on the street?? He needs help, gotta protect him, mine, yeah he’s mine now, I got u lil guy don’t worry
Meanwhile 15 yr old Danny is like um hi?? And promptly gets kidnapped. But he just lets it happen because he’s actually feeling the safest he’s ever felt in his life with this guy, and Danny’s core immediately recognizes Jason as parental figure and just relaxes Danny 100%
Jasons feeling like Danny is a helpless baby while Danny feels safe, protect, calm, safe, relax, and he just lets Jason take him home. Neither are really sure why or what is going on with them but they’re not gonna stop it.
I think it’s because Danny’s own parents kinda suck and any other ghost that he’s interacted with he’s had to fight in some capacity or has been spooked by them. Jason’s the only one who 1) wanted to parent him and 2) has good vibes. Danny’s usually waiting for fights to happen and he’s very stressed. Jason calms him down so much he probably falls asleep before they even get to Jason’s apartment, full trust that Jason will take care of him.
Meanwhile Jason never really connects with his pit side, but really wants to find some way to have a truce. Cue Danny, and both Jason and the Pit turn to protectiveness and so the rage becomes more protection and Jason yk, might be kinda lonely and wanting something to take care of. He was probably thinking about getting a cat and not a kid but he’s not complaining
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redkelpfish · 2 years
Merry Christmas—here’s Halloween (they forgot to coordinate their costumes)
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call-me-strega · 6 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #19: The Slide Show
Bruce invites his kids to to the Manor saying he wants to show them something.
They are filled with dread when he starts pulling up a slide show
They are filled with confusion and anticipation when he pulls up one labeled “Moral, Ethical, and Legal Reasons I Can’t Kill The Joker But My New Co-Worker (and age appropriate love interest for at least 3 of you) Can” with a picture of said new co-worker: a young man, maybe in his mid-20s, who is obviously a meta and/or alien or other, in what seems to be King Regalia beating the shit out Darkseid, underneath.
For once in his life Bruce is trying his life to clearly communicate his thought process, repair his relationship with his family (*cough*Jason*cough*), and to let his kids know he’s chill with it when one of them inevitably tries to hit on this dude. Three birds with one stone really. (Plus he had Alfred approve the slide show before inviting the kids over so he has high hopes for the night!)
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flamingpudding · 4 months
Triple Identity Crisis
Danny had a problem. If it was a big one, he couldn't tell yet but he was partially sure Clockwork was at fault for this. Or at least he wanted to blame his ghostly godparent who most likely just wanted to cause some chaos for entertainment with the pretext of helping Danny. Which was a very likely reason for why Danny had a problem right now.
As it was the former Fenton now Fenton-Wayne boy was pacing his room in the Manor trying to think what is next step should be, because as it was his 'new' family –Did new still apply if he was living with them for a little more than a year now? – knew him under three different Identities now. And to top it all off they were not aware that the three identities were all pretty much connected as one.
For one. His family, knew him as Danny, the space obsessed kid, who became a meta because of his ectobiology science obsessed parents and his teenager recklessness. A kid that was actually a genius if you gave him enough time for school and could make you anything out of a ancients be damed toaster. That was the Danny they mainly knew. The Kid they took in, let in on the family business and then chose, to the happiness of Alfred and dismay of some of his 'new' siblings, normal life over vigilante life.
Then they knew Phantom. A dead ghost hero that was helping the Justice League and Young Justice to help them deal with the aftermath of the huge fallout caused by the GIW, Guys in White or rather Ghost Investigation Ward. And while Danny didn't know he had apparently worked with nearly his entire family and that time he knew it now. Which was awkward because he had pretty much pestered one of his elder brothers about his condition until Red Hood, aka Jason, let Phantom help him. Ancient, things might get awkward if that secret is lifted. He had done a lot of things Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Orphan and Robin had scowled him for. Thankfully they only thought of him as a dead teen hero and didn't know what a Halfa was. So they didn't make the connection, and he had yet to meet Signal, aka Duke as Phantom.
Now came the third identity, which totally did not happen by his choice. After all officially he hadn't accepted the throne yet and would only get it once he was dead dead not half dead. To bad ancient texts don't care about formalities. So when trouble hit the fan really hard the Justice League Dark had the bright Idea of getting some other worldly help. Which in other words was summoning the Ghost King. Oh boy, was it fun to learn that way that Danny could get summoned against his will. Clockwork did not give him that warning when he told him about the future of his afterlife. But best of all? Oh he doesn't get summoned as Phantom which would have made things maybe a bit easier, oh no. Life wasn't easy. He got someone's in some as a super weird black-green mass of a formless eltrich body with sharp teeth, claws and glowing green eyes with no pupils or irises. Hell Danny even scared himself when he saw his own reflection in a window and he didn't have a single idea how to change his form.
Let it be known that Danny acted then on purpose like he didn't know a single person in that room he had been summoned in right out of his bed and that he wasn't staring at his adoptive father like he needed help who interpreted his stare as the ghost king sizing him up. And Danny knows this because Dick had a good laugh about that at the dinner table with the rest of his siblings.
Now a smart person would probably come clean to his family and explain to them the three identities they knew him under and how they are connected.
To bad Danny wasn't 'smart' when it came to things like that. No in his panic and newfound awkwardness of the situation of what he had done on separate occasions with his identity as Phantom AND Ghost King, he decided to keep acting like he didn't knew them personally like the truely does. Really how hard could that be? Besides he liked the way his family treated him now. He didn't want to get treated differently because he was half dead, or a Ghost King. He liked that his family was treating him as plain old Danny who had an obsession with space and was their quirkily little brother with powers.
So that gave him even more incentive to keep the act up. Even if it was hard at times, especially if he got summoned out of nowhere. It would be easier if he could get a hang of the duplication power. He even had played with the thought of getting one of his ghost rogues to help but his family was perceptive. Maybe not perceptive enough to realise that all three identities were one and the same person but they would notice if Danny acted just slightly different or if Phantom was more of then usually. But somehow he still managed to keep it up.
But it was the hard way that he learned, Danny was bad at doing the 'talking' and realized that maybe Jazz was right and he was going to slip up one day causing huge misunderstandings like right now.
He stared down at Batman and Nightwing in his Ghost King form. Red Hood had his guns pulled on him, Wonder Woman and Superman looked like they where going to try to pull back Batman any second now while Nightwing, maybe at first was going to try to calm down the bat but Danny was pretty sure the eldest bat kid was now fiercely glaring at him too. He was also pretty sure the only reason he didn't see Red Robin or Robin threaten him too was because their super friends were somehow holding them back. For their own or his safety he doesn't know at the moment.
Because apparently the Bats did not fear fighting otherworldly beings to protect one of their own.
"What did you just say about Danny Fentons death?!" Batman grunted out and Danny just knew his adoptive father was glaring at him. Ancients Danny cursed his brain to mouth filter right now. As he had the collective hero scene before him staring at his Ghost King form. Would this be a good or bad moment to come completely clean or maybe he should find some kind of philosophical bullshit of 'All things death belong to him'....
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technicallyr43 · 5 months
How about a fic where the Fenton portal was opened in like the 90s and so Phantom was the literal First Known Hero. Which is why he was hunted and there wasn’t any law to stop the Anti-ecto acts. And when Phantom Planet happened, he just disappeared, or retired. He went to Gotham U for uni and meets Bruce Wayne there and they hit it off as good friends and later wild romance partners who slept around. And when they graduated they separated to do their own thing but Danny returns once in awhile to visit Bruce.
They also meet randomly when Bruce goes on work trips in random countries and cities. They never mention the kids and Danny doesn’t know about Batman. Bruce doesn’t know about Phantom. He just thinks Danny is an engineer that travels for work. Which he is, but he’s also mainly the Ling of the Infinite Realms and appears in other countries and cities bc that’s conveniently where natural portals are spawning.
What Danny doesn’t know is that since he’s taken up the mantle of king, the zone has changed to match him. So it’s much more welcoming and natural portals spawn where Bruce is bc he lowkey is in love with him and just doesn’t realize it. And vice versa, Bruce is lowkey in love with Danny and they fawn over each other when they meet up without realizing that’s what’s happening. But Alfred knows, he’s known for awhile. And so does Jazz.
So when one day, Alfred brings up that Danny is in town in Gotham and Bruce says to set a time for them to meet, one of the kids hear this and they wonder who this Danny is, bc they’ve never heard his name. It becomes a Wayne Mystery when that week, Bruce is out most nights and portions of the day and comes back looking happy and soft. Which freaks everyone out and they stalk Danny and realize they’re meeting each other and this man is someone Bruce cares about a lot. So they bring him up at dinner one day and Bruce is like, oh yea he’s an old friend of mine. And when pressed on why they haven’t heard or met him, Bruce just says that they’ve never brought it up and since Danny isn’t around a lot, and Bruce is a little self aware of himself at this point, doesn’t want this relationship to affect the kids since they aren’t exclusive or together really.
So the kids plot and get Danny to come to the Manor for dinner. They then realize during dinner, watching Bruce and Danny interact, that holy shit, this is their other dad. They’re so in sync that they don’t realize it and he’s so good with the kids too and Bruce is so happy when he’s around…
Cue the batfamily kids Parent Trapping the two, with the help of Alfred who is all for it bc he likes Danny.
In the end, Danny decides to stay at the Manor and the kids can now call him other dad, or pops, or some variation. But they all collectively don’t mention the vigilante side they have, since they all figured it out themselves. Their new dad can do so too. Which then spirals when all of the kids Omar’s out on Patrol, Alfred is on Vacay, and Danny is alone in the house when Talia comes a knocking, bc she knows that Danny has always had Bruce’s heart and wants him gone. She’s always been jealous of their relationship so she tries to kill him. The family realize what’s happened when Damian sees some League members watching them on patrol and they race back home to see Danny decimating the assassins and Talia. He sees the family in their costumes and thinks, oh wow this makes all the sense now.
And they see Danny as a ghost, which Bruce recognizes as Phantom, the first hero!!!! And they all sit down and talk about it.
There’s probs more too but that’s all I have rn.
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just-more-pr0mts · 1 year
Consider an alternate universe (AU) where Danny is dragged along to a gala and introduced as Vlads heir. And instead of the classic meeting bat children, he meets a young Bruce Wayne.
The young Bruce is around 4ish and Danny makes quite the impression on him being the "cool older boy who can make snowflakes". Next thing he knows Danny is coming around the Manor 3 times a week to babysit Brucie.
They grow up together for 4 long years. Danny hanging out with Bruce and Galas and being an older brother figure for him. Until the fateful night of the Wayne family murder. Now there aren't any more galas and Alfred's busy taking care of things around the manor. Soon Bruce and Danny loose all forms of contact.
Skip to years later, when the Justice League summon the ghost king, intending to establish a peace treaty after a harsh scolding from contsintine and dr fate. And when Danny comes through the swirling green portal in full Ghost king regalia and swoops down and Hugs Batman. And when batman doesn't back away and proceeds to hug back.
Chaos, absolute chaos
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laxxarian · 7 months
Dani grew up and became a mother
Danny finally lifted the ecto-laws with the help of Jazz, Sam and Tucker a few years back just so Dani could live and explore freely without hiding. And the law that is being added now is about meta protecting thing and Dani is considered as one.
Now, Dani's life became peaceful, finds a man and ends up marrying and gave birth to a son named Bruce.
Last name? Wayne.
When Danny found out that Dani was killed, he mourned for her death and wanted to care for her child that was left alone in the world but couldn't because he was finally fully dead and also a king so all he could do was ask CW for a favor.
Clockwork knew that this would happen and that's why Alfred exists in the Wayne Manor.
Danny was planning a way to get to the living realm since there's no longer a portal that his family made.
So when he did manage to find one, a side effect got him de-aged and turned back to his 13 years old self when he should be around 30-40's already. He theorized that it may be because that's when he became a halfa.
But anyways, Danny tries to visit by knocking on the door. That's what he remembers.
Danny vividly remembers knocking on the door first only to be swiped fast by multiple hands of kids by the oldest to youngest.
Apparently, they all saw him walking up to the gate and saw his features, noting that he may be the next child of the manor.
Dick: Hey, B. You gonna adopt the guy?
Bruce: *stares at the oddly, eerily, familiar boy* do I know you from somewhere?
Danny: Baby B, it's me, your grandma's brother, Danny.
Tim: *Drinking his fifth coffee* Excuse me, what?
Danny: These must be my great-grandnephews/nieces! It's nice to know you're doing well then.
Bruce: You're alive?!?
Danny: No. But I came back to see if you're good. I'm sorry it took me long to get here.
Jason: Hold it. What do you mean by that?
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dcxdpdabbles · 7 months
Master Posts Links
All the dabbles I have posted on my DC x DP account. Under a read more due to how long it is. Broken into three categories:
Multi-parts - Dabbles that have more than one part written.
One-shots- Dabbles with only one part written.
Requests- Dabbles written for the requests of readers. (Note: If a request is for a continuation of the other two categories, they will be filed in Milti-parts)
Master Post 1 Link
Master Post 2 Link
Completed AUs Master Post Link
Please read the indexes to determine which master post each au is filed in.
As of 02/10/2024: The newest stuff is inside of Master Post 2. If there are many parts from Master Post 1, they will remain on that one.
The Royal Consort,
Child Support
Alfred's Boy
The Adoptive Son
Phantom's Number 1 fan
Passion for Fashion
Danny and The Fan Blog
Congratulations! It's Triplets!:
Ghost King Summon dare
The Dauntless Matchmaker
Demon and Angel Brat
Single Dad
Jason's Doll
Alley Boyfriends
The Assistant
The Ghost Trio's Food Trip
Legal Compensation
Love Among Fans
Lex Luther's Youngest
Misplace Baby:
The Infinite Realms Hobby Store:
Obsession Runs in the Family
Farm Hand
Vague Threats
Game of Deadly Love
The Real Blood Son
The Kid of Candles
Magic Older Brother
Keep The God Kid Busy!
Dog walker
Clockwork's Cookbook
Respawn and Relive
The Summoning Conditions of the Ghost King
Finders Keeper
What's the rule again?
The Contact, the Butler and the Sly Time Lord
Big Fish in Gotham Pond:
Immunity system:
Wrong Number:
Timeline Prevention Squad
The Masters are Aliens
Ghost Zone Read
Red Hood's Snow
Jason Sees Dead People
Ghost Dad
Wayne Manor Ghost
The Siren of Iceberg Lounge
The Orginal
The Ghost King's Fibs
Red ParentHood
Woo thy Butler, My Lord
Cass the Halfa
Double Vision
Dealeyed Soulmates
Rescue Mission
Danny's Online Persona
Practice makes perfect
Cass the Halfa
Danny's Grill
Freelance Inventor
The Audit
Why Ten?
Mr. Flavor
Cluster of Cores
Demon Head Slightly to the left
Danny Fenton's Ex
New Management
Red Yummy
It's all Fun and Games Kids!
Professional Protector of Love
The Backroads
In 30 Minutes or less
One hell of a good bellhop
Mr. Flavor
Danny Fenton's Ex
Corporate Rivals
Rude Kryptonian
The Summoned Demon
New Management
Side Hustle
Love at first (club) meeting
Catnip for heroes
Old Friends
Danny the Nanny
Lights and Camera
Hot Wings
Marriage trap the Office Supplier!
Batman with a gun's lover
IRS's boogie man
Super Robin
Dear Elder Brother's mistakes
The Undead Florist
Pit's Merman
Dullahan is my roomate
Nightowl Appartement
The one with Sunset Hair
Phone a friend
Billy's Parents
The Cinnamon Roll's son
The ost In-Laws
Cassandra's Curse in Gotham
The Lady and The Dad
Big Brother does not approve
Gotham's star and Shadow
The Bakery is a Front!....right?
Cave Boy
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daveinediting · 2 years
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I spent last week interrogating my memories of growing up with horror comics books, scary stories through my transistor radio under the bed covers, reading Alfred Hitchcock, Edgar Allen Poe, HP Lovecraft, Stephen King, watching the old black & white film, "The Haunting"... "The Exorcist" on an old black & white television in my parent's basement one night, and experiencing the most excellent novel, one I neglected to mention before: "Ghost Story" by Peter Straub.
I even dug deep for a camp memory when I was a kid actually and legitimately walking alone in the woods at night, the deep, dark night, armed only with my flashlight.
I was terrified.
And then I launched myself from those memories straight into post production on a short film called "What Lingers" for the 48 Hour Horror Film Project.
48 hours, man.
That was a helluva thing.
But yeah. After all that traveling down old, dark, cobwebbed corridors of my mind, well...
Did it help?
Yes. Absolutely. Unless somehow I've been walking around with an innate ability to cut and sound design horror movies all these years and never knew it 'cause it never came up.
That's... possible? But it's more likely that I was instead (or maybe also) mentally in the Zone for it.
There were a lot of creative moves that came to me during the rush of my fourteen and a half hour Saturday to Sunday edit in order to breath life into the first cut of the film. There were a lot of process choices I naturally embraced that don't come up in other realms of my work.
It was a long, sustained edit... but it flowed. It wasn't fits and starts or being stumped. And no wrong turns.
I was definitely in the right frame of mind.
And it made a huge difference. Enough to surprise myself. As well as make certain scenes creepy even for me... the one who put all the pieces together. Even knowing exactly how it's constructed, the film still creeps me out.
And I did not.
Did not.
See that coming.
So yeah. I remain a firm believer in priming the pump. Nudging my brain down certain paths so it indulges whatever's found there. So that it marinates in a particular vibe so that my subsequent work comes off dripping with it.
So to speak.
I even did the thing I said I was gonna do. When the writers sent out the story they were writing, as if telling it around a campfire, I really did read it in the dark with a flashlight.
So yes. I do believe that how I approached this weekend's work directly influenced how I did that work and how "What Lingers" ultimately turned into on screen.
And you better believe I cannot wait to watch this ominous fruit of a wonderfully talented production team in a theater, on a big screen...
In the dark.
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woodland-gremlin · 4 months
Summoning Your Secret Boyfriend Pt. 6
First Previously AU Summary
“‘Even’ nothing. Now we are going to drop this, summon the new King, beg them for forgiveness and for them to deal with Trigon, and fix those disastrous laws!” Constantine declared while pulling out a book with a strange aura out of his coat pocket.
Red Robin internally sighed in relief. They were finally getting somewhere. He had been worried that they would be stuck getting integrated until Trigon was right on top of them. Not that it would stop them from getting questioned after the whole fiasco was over, but, small mercies.
From the way Batman was glaring at Supernova and Red Robin it was even more obvious that the Bat wouldn’t let it go. The only thing stopping him being the pressing matter with Trigon and the occult magician being very willing to yell at him if he kept poking. Though it did make Red Robin wonder how he planned to do so, it wasn’t like he lived at the manor anymore. No one but Alfred noticed that the only time they saw him was at the cave, and even that was rare. Really makes one question about the ‘World’s Greatest Detective’ title that Batman held. Danny certainly doesn’t think so with all his nicknames for him, and after the last few years he was inclined to agree. You really shouldn’t meet your heroes.
The Laughing Magician worked and while watching him make the summoning circle Red Robin and Supernova were suddenly glad that neither offered to make it. If they did they might have never stopped getting questioned. Even Constantine would have probably joined them with how differently their summoning circle would be. While the con man made an intricate circle with the title of Ghost King being the main factor, with candles placed at significant points and fancy offerings, the two boyfriends had a much simpler approach. The biggest differences being name and title. They call Danny by name, which makes it significantly easier than a broad title to summon him. Add on to the fact that most of the titles that Constantine are using are only Danny’s by default the ease in summons is a lot easier. Though them being his boyfriends and offering snacks plays a big factor in it too.
The occult magician then began to chant in Esperanto. Candles began to flicker, changing to Relam’s green. The room’s temperature began to drop, frost creeping across the floor and walls. Wind that shouldn’t be possible in a space station whipped around, flipping Batman and Superman’s capes over their heads. A neon green crack appeared in the air above the summoning circle. Claws clutching the tear in reality before ripping it further.
Out from the tear in reality stepped out an ethereal being. White hair that moved like it was underwater. Lavender skin with freckles spaced out like constellations. Bright green lighting birch scars crawling over their body, cutting all the up to their brow. Eyes glowing the same erie color with the one the scar cut through being that singular color, sclera and all. A crown seemingly made of aurora lights and ice, radiating power. A fur lined coat seemingly made from space only added to the otherworldliness, A ring shaped like a skull, signaling the being as one of death. Armor with small dents here and there showing that it isn’t just for decoration. That this being that they summoned was a fighter, a King forged in battle.
 Everyone but Red Robin and Supernova froze. They thought that they were prepared. They knew that they would be powerful, enough that they could rule over beings like Trigon. But no words could have prepared them for the aura bearing down on them. All their bravo was drained out of the minute they were subjected to the King’s presence. Aquaman was especially shaken. He was a King as well but he felt like nothing compared to the one in front of him. Like a big fish in a small pond thrust to face the ruler of the ocean.
“Were you the ones that summoned me, freeing from the bane that is paperwork?” the being asked.
To be continued . . .
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call-me-strega · 8 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #10: Inter-Dimensional Bake-Off
Alfred was checking the mail the manor had received that day when he found it. In between bills, fan mail, and company missives was a regal purple envelope addressed to one Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth. Intrigued, Alfred set aside the rest of the mail and sat to open the letter.
Inside was a high quality cardstock invitation of a metallic silver color decorated with luxurious midnight green script. It declared on the front:
“You Are Cordially Invited”
Alfred raised an eyebrow and flipped open card.
Dear, Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth You have been cordially invited to participate in the first annual inter-dimensional bake-off to celebrate the coronation of the young, King Phantom, age 21, Ruler of the Infinite Realms, the Great One, Protector of Souls, Keeper of Peace, The Perfect Balance, The Infinite King, Ancient of Space and Reality. We have discerned that you are among the top 25 bakers in the 11 most stable and prominent dimensions with an open connection to the Infinite Realms. Thus, we would like to offer you the opportunity to show off and test your skills against talented competitors. Should you accept, all transport, accommodation, amenities, materials, and potentially needed medical care shall be provided by the King and his court. If you would like to bring any specific ingredients or tools you are welcome to file a request for them when you arrive and they shall be summoned to you at the start of the competition. You are allowed one plus one either as an assistant or moral support. Should you have any questions please write them down and place them on the sigil on the next page and recite the incantation bellow: “bonvolu respondi mian demandon” The event shall occur in a fortnight upon the weekend before the kings official coronation ceremony. In order to confirm your participation in the competition please burn this letter with one of your most recently made baked goods. In order to decline simply dissolve this message under running water. Please confirm your attendance or absence within a week’s time. Kind Regards, the Council of Ancients Advisors to the Good King Phantom
Well, it seemed like Alfred had earned a place in a rather prestigious event. ‘It seems a finally have a reason to make use of all those vacation days Master Bruce keeps insisting I must utilize.’ He smiled to himself, tucking the letter into his pocket. ‘I wonder if Master Jason would be amicable to accompanying me for a weekend of baking in a magical dimension?’
~ Just in case anyone has trouble reading the letter:
Dear, Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth You have been cordially invited to participate in the first annual inter-dimensional bake-off to celebrate the coronation of the young, King Phantom, age 21, Ruler of the Infinite Realms, the Great One, Protector of Souls, Keeper of Peace, The Perfect Balance, The Infinite King, Ancient of Space and Reality. We have discerned that you are among the top 25 bakers in the 11 most stable and prominent dimensions with an open connection to the Infinite Realms. Thus, we would like to offer you the opportunity to show off and test your skills against talented competitors. Should you accept, all transport, accommodation, amenities, materials, and any potentially needed medical care shall be provided by the King and his court. If you would like to bring any specific ingredients or tools you are welcome to file a request for them when you arrive and they shall be summoned to you at the start of the competition. You are allowed one plus one either as an assistant or moral support. Should you have any questions please write them down and place them on the sigil on the next page and recite the incantation bellow: “bonvolu respondi mian demandon” The event shall occur in a fortnight upon the weekend before the kings official coronation ceremony. In order to confirm your participation in the competition please burn this letter with one of your most recently made baked goods. In order to decline simply dissolve this message under running water. Please confirm your attendance or absence within a week’s time. Kind Regards, the Council of Ancients Advisors to the Good King Phantom
The Esperanto translates to “please answer my question"
Edit: now with possible contestants
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John: Bruce Wayne, I presume? Bruce: Right. Mister? John: John Constantine. I know this is going to sound strange but I have information in my possession that the High King of Infinite Realms is hiding in your manor. Bruce: Oh, I know that. John: What? Bruce: Lil gremlin scratched my favorite leather couch. John*imagines Pariah Dark*: Are you sure it was.. Bruce: Yeah, a burning crown, a ring.. I wanted to tell Damian to take him back to the trash can where he found him. but he’s already gotten along with our cat Alfred so we’ll keep him. John: But Bruce: All the best. The door slams in front of the warlock.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Can I request a batfamily x male reader where reader is the youngest member(just a few months or so younger than Damien) and brings home a tiger he’s somehow managed to tame and is trying to convince his family to let him keep it?
This is something that Damian would do too.
Summary: (Y/N) brings a tiger to the manor. Family is shocked to say the least.
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Bruce noticed something about his youngest son. Damian and (Y/N) shared the same love for animals and that was something that made Damian bond over. But there was now something off about his youngest son.
Every time Alfred bought some meat, it went missing. And (Y/N) was always near the barn on the property, just spending time there. Bruce thought nothing over that, maybe he was playing with Titus. But why was meat going missing then?
He asked Damian about it, but Damian had no idea. Titus may have been on a raw diet, but there was meat specifically for him, bagged and dated on a shelf. So that left Bruce scratching his head. Where was the meat going? And what was in the barn?
Well, the truth was a little bit different. (Y/N) was responsible for the disappearance of meat, but for a very important reason. And maybe a bad reason for Bruce, but (Y/N) had no choice.
The tiger from the Zoo escaped and somehow ended up on the Wayne property. So what did (Y/N) do? He somehow tamed the tiger and named it King
Tiger made it's home in the barn, happy to be here. It took a while for (Y/N) to tame him, but it was nice to see that the tiger trusted him. He came here often, always destressing from the patrol or just from pressure in general.
There was a small problem though. A minute one.
The family didn't know that there was a tiger. Bruce would be livid about it, Damian would be excited, Tim and Jason would be that's cool and Dick would just be okay with it.
But still, there was no way to tell the reactions of his family members. He just needs to find a way to tell them without giving Bruce a heart attack. Maybe he should tell Damian first and slowly ease every single member into the news?
He sighed as he sat down on the hay, the tiger walked towards him, plopping down onto (Y/N)'s lap. He nuzzled his nose against (Y/N)'s legs. (Y/N) smiled, petting his head, feeling the soft purr. Well, it wasn't really a purr, but still. King blinked slowly, showing he appreciated it.
" Damian, what's going on with your brother? " Bruce asked Damian, sitting down at the edge of the bed. Damian shrugged his shoulders, honestly not knowing.
" I don't know father, he didn't tell me anything. "
" Do you know why he is going to the barn so often? " Bruce pressed.
" I don't know. Titus doesn't go towards the barn so... Pennyworth either. " Damian said, cleaning his blade.
" He didn't tell you anything? " Bruce still pressed.
" Nothing father. You should talk to him after dinner. " Damian suggested.
" Maybe I should. " Bruce said to himself.
" But I don't think that it's anything serious. " Damian said. (Y/N) was the most normal kid out of this entire manor so the chances of him having any type of problem that he needs to hide are low as hell.
Bruce wanted to talk to his son, but (Y/N) was quick to leave to the barn after dinner. Bruce frowned at the his son's behavior. Something was completely off.
Bruce decided to ask the others to help him talk to (Y/N). Almost like an intervention. They moved quietly to the barn, listening to the words (Y/N) was saying.
" I know, I love you too. "
Bruce has had enough of the secrecy. He opened the door and he felt his eyes widening.
" Brother is that a tiger? " Damian asked, not afraid of the animal. He moved closer, sitting down closer to not anger the tiger. It was obvious that the tiger was protective of (Y/N) and Damian allowed the big cat to sniff his hand. It grumbled and nuzzled against the palm of his hand.
" This is so cool! " Jason said, also moving closer.
" Holy shit... " Tim said, trailing off.
Dick didn't know what to say. He expected that from Damian, not from (Y/N).
" YOU BROUGHT A TIGER?! " Bruce yelled out, making the said tiger raise his head and growl.
Bruce took a deep breath to calm himself down. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
" We can't keep him. " Bruce said, way more calmer.
" Too late for that. " Dick said, still kind of speechless.
Bruce sighed, trying not to lose his mind. He expected this from Damian and not from (Y/N). My God.
" So we are keeping him father? " Damian asked, scratching the tiger's head.
Bruce sighed once more. This is the craziest thing ever.
" Apparently so. " Bruce said, clearly outnumbered by his kids.
" You will love him Bruce. " (Y/N) said, smiling.
Bruce sighed for the nth time, thinking about the fact that he will have to make a facility for the tiger. Barn is not a suitable place for this animal.
" I guess then we are going to keep him. " Bruce said, rubbing his eyes.
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frownyalfred · 8 days
Thinking about Bruce always feeling insecure about living up to his parents legacy, thinking about him feeling unworthy of using the master bedroom when he returned, thinking about him as Brucie uncounsciously taking his hookups to other rooms in the mansion, never to his (parent's), thinking about Bruce welcoming his kids in the master bedroom with open arms whenever they have nightmares, the same way his parents did to him, thinking about Clark feeling insecure about Bruce's true feelings towards him, thinking about Clark being totally oblivious to how big of a deal it is that he's alowed to sleep beside Bruce in the master bedroom.
The sanctity of the master bedroom is SO real. I grew up in a house with separate living quarters for staff (old old house) and the bedrooms for children were in a wing, and then the master suite and guest suites were in another section of the house. The implied distance between those sections is huge, even if they're only one closed door or a few feet away.
Bruce slowly accepting his place in the master suite -- now that's a fic I'd love to write. Keeping the hookups and random encounters to another equally lavish but different room or wing of the Manor, even. Somewhere that's easy to shuttle people in and out of, maybe near the laundry chutes or the servants' stairwells. Sleeping there even when he doesn't have guests, because the ghosts in the master suite are too much.
But maybe, once Dick is living with him, he can't justify it -- the master suite is near the children's rooms, and sleeping on another floor, away from a traumatized child, seems like a terrible idea. Alfred's rooms are too far away, nestled somewhere in the servants' quarters even though Bruce keeps trying to get him to take a guest suite.
So he takes over the suite, making it his own slowly but surely. Yet leaving portions of it untouched -- maybe the old floor to ceiling drapes, with their antiquated trim and beads. The double sinks in the en suite, made for a couple. He removes the four poster bed for a california king, modern enough to dispel any mental similarities. Big enough for a kid to come and hide, after a nightmare.
Clark being allowed in that room, even near that portion of the Manor? That's a huge step forward, a huge display of vulnerability and trust. It's not just Bruce's room, it's his parents' room, it's just off the children's wing, it is in many ways the heart of the residential portion of the Manor. All hallways, servant corridors, etc, lead there. And the more people that stay there, the more that suite is viewed truly as the center of the Manor itself, outside of the Cave and maybe Alfred's kitchen + butler's pantry.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
I will say, it is so fun thinking about the Waynes and their relationship with food. But specifically Bruce.
We get such little light shed on the Waynes before the Big Terrible happened. Like. How were Wayne dinners like?
Were they terribly posh and quiet with small moments of fun thrown in? Was Alfred scolding Thomas for telling a star eyed Bruce unnecessarily gory details from a surgery?
Did Martha help Bruce break into the cookie jar? Was there a lovely, playful gossip about Bruce's loud classmates and his adorable crush on Gray Ghost?
Because I like that! But I'd also like it to be a complete juxtaposition.
I want Bruce to talk about his family, to his children, with a smile that could melt the sun. I want him to tell them about the noise.
How the Wayne manor was permanently flooded with a noise and boister that could rival a packed 5 star kitchen.
How Thomas always cooked with a dry cigarette in his mouth, arguing with uncle Jacob about forks of all things.
Why were they smudged, why were they placed randomly and not organised with militaristic precision, while Martha watched with the fondest annoyance.
How Thomas would cuss filthy in Italian only when Bruce was around and only Oz could understand him, long before he was the Penguin, long before Bruce was Batman.
"It's about culture. Not that you'd understand, Jakey."
And uncle Jacob never entertained his father for long. He'd throw a dirty look, his obsidian eyes sharp as a switchblade, and mutter a 'bitch' in Russian, while Alfred sat there judging them both.
The Waynes were chaos with heartbeats. And Bruce's favorite event at these diners? The food fights. It's always uncle Philip who started them.
"Wow, Jay eating steak. Never thought I'd see this day."
" It's venison."
" Vinison?" Thomas would finally take a break from his unlit cigarette, holding Bruce in his lap like a king would a prized cat.
A collective sigh rang among the table. They knew what was coming. " What are you, fuckin' crazy? That's fuckin' cannoli, dipshit."
"With vinison."
" Tom."
" Honey."
" You come into my house, not knowing what a goddam cannoli is? Fuck are you gonna tell me next, you don't put garlic in your Carbonara? I mean."
" Garlic is disgusting."
And Thomas would cover Bruce's ears like that's the most offensive thing uncle Jacob could utter at Thomas Wayne's table. And Uncle Oz agreed. Their favorite pastime was ganging up on Martha's oldest brother.
And it starts off as something minuscule and petty and mutates in something loud and ugly and breathtaking.
Bruce would watch with an open mouth in Alfred's lap, as his father's neck popped with veins, and uncle Jacobs pale complexion would blush something angry as the skin of his throat thinned from yelling.
And it wasn't a true Saturday dinner unless Thomas didn't leap across the table, running over all the food to smash whatever dish into Jacobs face.
But truly, the best part, was watching them go from fight dogs to eating outside in time-out. As different as his father and uncle were, they could always find agreement on one topic:
Defying Martha Wayne was painfully stupid.
They'd share a cigarette and eat in silence, which was as friendly as they'd ever get. But he loved it. Bruce loved Saturday dinner.
And when the batkids start the fighting tradition on Saturdays, Bruce thinks they do, too.
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