#Alexa Sleep Meditation
10 Tips to Help Kids Fall Asleep with Anxiety
Separation anxiety at bedtime
Separation anxiety at bedtime is a common problem for children, especially between the ages of 2 and 4. It can be caused by a number of factors, such as a new sibling, a move to a new home, or starting daycare.
If your child is experiencing separation anxiety at bedtime, here are 10 tips to help kids fall asleep with anxiety:
Set a consistent bedtime and wake-up time. This will help to regulate your child's body clock and make it easier for them to fall asleep and wake up at the same time each day.
Create a relaxing bedtime routine. This could include taking a bath, reading a story, or listening to calming music. Avoid watching TV or using electronic devices in the hour before bed, as the blue light emitted from these devices can interfere with sleep.
Make sure your child's bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. Darkness helps to promote the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate sleep. Noise and light can disrupt sleep, so make sure your child's bedroom is as quiet and dark as possible. A cool temperature is also ideal for sleep.
Avoid caffeine and sugar before bed. These substances can make it harder for your child to fall asleep.
Get your child regular exercise/ bedtime meditations. Exercise can help to improve sleep quality, but avoid exercising too close to bedtime.
Help your child to identify and manage their anxiety. If your child is experiencing anxiety, talk to them about it and help them to develop coping mechanisms. There are also a number of relaxation techniques that can be helpful, such as deep breathing, meditation, and visualization.
Make sure your child is getting enough sleep. Most children need around 10-12 hours of sleep per night. If your child is not getting enough sleep, they may be more likely to experience anxiety.
Be patient and understanding. It may take some time for your child to learn to fall asleep with anxiety. Be patient and understanding, and offer your support.
Seek professional help if necessary. If your child's anxiety is severe or is interfering with their daily life, it is important to seek professional help. A therapist can help your child to develop coping mechanisms and manage their anxiety.
Remember that you are not alone. Many children experience anxiety, and there are resources available to help you and your child. Talk to your doctor or a mental health professional if you have any concerns.
I hope these tips to fall asleep with anxiety for kids will help your kid feel calm and motivated.
If your child's separation anxiety is severe or is interfering with their daily life, you may want to seek professional help. A therapist or Cool Koala’s  Kids Bedtime Meditation can help your child to develop coping mechanisms and manage their anxiety in several ways.
Check out related post: Meditation and Childhood Anxiety
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im-sleeping-in · 10 months
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firmsfinder · 4 months
Top 10 Must-Have Apps for 2024: Enhance Your Everyday Life with These Innovative Tools
1. Microlearning Applications (Headspace, Memrise, and Duolingo):
It's hard to find time to learn in today's fast-paced world. Microlearning apps like Duolingo, Memrise, and Headspace offer a new approach. They give you small bits of knowledge you can grasp quickly. This way, you can fit learning into a busy day with ease. Consider taking a coffee break to practice mindfulness or picking up a new language while traveling. These applications provide quick, interesting courses that are ideal for microlearning spurts, accommodating your hectic schedule.
Language learning is made into a game with the help of Duolingo and Memrise. To keep you interested and motivated, they employ leaderboards, gamified point systems, and interactive workouts. These applications simplify the often intimidating process of learning a new language into digestible daily courses. Learning a language may be made fun and approachable by allowing you to practice grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary at your own speed.
Headspace approaches microlearning differently, emphasizing meditation and awareness. Are you experiencing stress or overwhelm? You may discover five to twenty-minute guided meditations on Headspace, which can help you find moments of clarity and calm throughout your day. These quick meditations have the potential to greatly enhance your well-being. You may develop better stress management, attention, and sleep hygiene with consistent practice, which will increase your output and emotional fortitude.
These kinds of microlearning apps enable you to truly embrace lifetime learning. They dismantle conventional learning obstacles by providing easily accessible and captivating material that blends in with your everyday schedule.
2. AI-driven assistants (such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant):
Imagine having a personal helper at your disposal around the clock who anticipates your necessities and simplifies your normal duties. AI-pushed virtual assistants such as Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa have made this dreamy destiny a reality. These clever gadgets use artificial intelligence to comprehend your speech requests and commands, turning them into a vital component of your digital environment.
The days of using menus and programs to do simple matters are long gone. You may additionally deliver your AI assistant voice instructions to make calls, send texts, set alarms, and manipulate your calendar. Do you need the most recent sports scores or a fast weather update? These assistants keep you informed and organized by having fast access to and delivery of information.
Beyond simple activities, functionality ventures into connection with smart homes. Using voice commands, your AI assistant can control your lights, the temperature, and the music in your entire house. This makes using your surroundings hands-free and gives you easy control over them.
However, AI assistants are more than simply useful tools since they are always picking up new skills and adjusting to your usage habits. They develop into individualized helpers over time, assuming your wants and coming up with ideas ahead of time. Your AI assistant can help you stay organized and informed. Just picture getting a traffic update before you leave for your morning commute or a reminder to contact your mom on her birthday.
But what really excites me about AI helpers is what they may be able to do in the future. These assistants will advance in sophistication as artificial intelligence does, gaining the ability to carry on normal conversations, comprehend intricate instructions, and even predict your requirements before you ask. AI assistants have a bright future ahead of them, one that will eventually erase the boundaries between human and machine intelligence and change how we engage with technology in our daily lives.
3. Apps for Video Summarization (InShot, Spark Video):
The age of information overload is upon us. Our attention spans are continuously overloaded with long films, ranging from news stories and educational lectures to product training and job presentations. Apps for video summarizing like InShot and Spark Video provide a strong and efficient answer to this problem. The power of video summaries allows you to quickly and effectively absorb the most important lessons from a 20-minute presentation in a matter of minutes.
With the help of these tools, you can distill the most important information from educational films and concentrate on what matters most. They employ a number of strategies, including transcript analysis, phrase recognition, and scene transition detection, to determine which parts of a film are most crucial. Next, you have the option to generate a synopsis that highlights these significant scenes, frequently with text overlays or subtitles for more clarity.
The advantages of this technique are numerous. It helps busy professionals rapidly understand the main ideas of a training film or stay up-to-date on news developments in the field. It may be used by students to quickly review lectures, pinpoint areas of weakness in their knowledge, and reinforce their comprehension of difficult subjects.
Active learning is further supported by video summarization. These applications improve your critical thinking and information processing abilities by making you determine the main takeaways on your own (by choosing clips or adding subtitles). This promotes active involvement with the information rather than just passive viewing of a video.
4. Apps for managing budgets (Mint, YNAB):
It might seem impossible to achieve financial wellness and take back control of your finances. But fear not—apps for managing your money, such as Mint and YNAB (You Need a Budget), are here to be your go-to financial protectors. These effective solutions do much more than just keep tabs on your earnings and outlays. They provide you with a comprehensive photo of your financial status and give you the ability to manipulate your money accurately.
Consider a platform that does all the above for you—it sorts your transactions routinely, finds areas in which you could reduce expenses, and assists you in putting in a budget that makes sense for your earnings and spending patterns.
That is mint's magic. It gives you detailed spending pattern visualizations, so you can see precisely where your money is going. You may set objectives for other categories, such as entertainment or groceries, and get notifications when you're getting close to your limit. Mint also assists with managing debt repayment and keeping track of impending obligations.
YNAB adopts an opportunity method, emphasizing the concept of "giving each dollar a process." This entails assigning each dollar you're making to a certain area of expenditure so that it will ensure your cash is going closer to your targets. With the help of YNAB's sturdy envelope budgeting capabilities, you may really allocate your money to several classes, which include meals, rent, and financial savings. By being proactive with your finances, you could prevent overspending and preserve a sense of control. YNAB and Mint each provide extra equipment to help you manage your budget effortlessly. For an intensive picture of your cash, you could link your financial institution bills and funding portfolios. They also offer budgeting recommendations and instructional materials to help you navigate the challenges of private finance.
Original Source : https://firmsfinder.co/top-10-must-have-apps-for-2024-enhance-your-everyday-life-with-these-innovative-tools/
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alullinchaos · 7 months
has anyone else seen those morning and/or night routines where half of it (at LEAST) is just “use this product” . Get out of bed and go take a shower, then take these 30 supplements and put this specific added flavor packet in your morning water and then use your Roku to watch a meditation video and and when you go to sleep do a 15 step skincare routine and drink this super special tea and turn on a white noise machine and a fan and tell Alexa to set tour alarm and-
I hate it.
my morning routine is “wake up and lay in bed until my body tells me it can be levered into a vertical position at which point I pee and then go do stuff, depending on what I have to do that day” I am not a model for the home shopping channel. throughout the whole process I will be using my phone, probably checking my email(s) and social media for overnight or pre-me-waking-up developments
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rennyji · 8 months
can this be the last of it...who knows...
updated 2/17/2024 6:00 AM with last sections
A few tweets ago, I said doing things like headstands/assisted headstands or relaxation response after a stimulating experience like going thru social media/gaming. Left unchecked, U might not focus on theNews or something. The onus of stopping & next step is on u. Be mindful.-
- in “my situation,”…well…how do you feel after blogging something, after talking 2 some1, during a party, after a play ur in with others? If nothing, it’s not the roll out of bed feeling, when you wake up.-
-a constant eventful life can B aProblem affecting sleep, or u get used 2 it in normal situations as w/celebrities. U can work out 2 shake it off, or meditate-but if ur on tranquilizers, it makes it hard 2 move. Or If the "devil" magically obstructs ur breathing, u can’t meditate.-
-Ive embarked on pessimists route 2 receiving fruits of optimism. In my life, I know Im naked in more ways than 1. Its some1s version of “what a guy,” but being that guy, I wonder, doesn’t any1 care enough 2 stop it-its not acceptance, but assuming worst, leaves no surprises.-
-Id prefer if others were themselves in whatever they convey, in indirect ways done. Otherwise becomes 1 more thing 2 think on. If U could tell me, “HEY Here’s proof (not evidence) u need 2 stop ur situation by taking it 2 police” that’d be incredible. Been asking 4 a decade plus of time.-
- but behind that direct proof, vs evidence and of course signs, I feel no satisfaction saying “ha ha u never fooled me.” I’ve gotten old and I’m frankly tired from Constant exposure 2 nonsense inside & outside. If I specify, something gets verification & pummels me harder.-
-It can’t get worse than link summing situation. On origins &how it’s snowballed, Ive nothing 2 gain from more. Believe what U will. when all the literal cover ups happen. Ur gonna want to throw stones at the source of the youthful voices that I think others can also hear under different subjects. Think: if they can detect a wave, they can send a wave. In/out. Send/Receive. What can a wave do? A booming speaker with just sound waves, can move an object...there's a whole spectrum of waves...You know I can be insightful, how gullible do you think I am, regardless of however depicted? Not 2 get urbane, but from “Hamlet”: “There are more things in heaven&earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in ur philosophy.”
ur thinking smoke & mirrors to my situation...Its hacking! the phones, the laptops, the Alexa's, the streaming devices, the webcams, the mics, cameras here/there, maybe other electronics at home and in car...we're talking mind reading, so satellite infrared of body/eye movements-
- but somewhere in the timeline of this situation, I came across brain mapping, running voices and aliens thoughts to my mind by me, detecting a reaction from emotions detected thru fMRIs, copying the neurons processing sight...who knows...
- and being the age of lawlessness and encouraging lack of accountability, to further encourage involvement to harass by strangers, probably use some form of anonymous social networking, to make every1 feel "involved" in history and "The Project."
Believe what you will, like whatever "they" tell you...that "clearly" (note: sarcasm) always works... From “Hamlet:" “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in ur philosophy.”
other stuff from today and previous days below:
other things that were tweeted that were never uploaded to Tumblr:
people can be overactive after working, or after going through the white light surrounding social media. try hanging upside down (assisted) with the help of the feetup bench. You'd be surprised how often our feelings and activities and health decrease circulation to the head:
Tumblr media
I agree with AppleTV ( #AppleTV ) 's advertising about having great shows with notable stars. But right now, it seems like they've hit a lull after #LessonsInChemistry and #Hijack. Can't wait till they continue with #Foundation and #Silo.
Its sad Henry Cavill ( #HenryCavill) won't return to being #Superman or #TheWitcher ( #Witcher ) ..he really made the characters who they are...
Now time is going 2 be spent impeaching Secretary of Homeland Security from meeting till 1AM in morning. In mySituation, focus isOn diminishing/addressing executive functioning. Executive functioning is about self control/prioritizing. Nows time 2"start" reading thru Border Bill.
America is characterized by big cars, large meals...but is a Friday pizza/five guys double cheese burger really that bad? I eat a fun size/share size Hasbro Gummy Bear/Sour Path kids and I feel satisfied. A ShopRite pack of Gushers, a measly five in package. -
- rather then helping people communicate telepathically to their smartphones, its great tech like #Neuralink also helps paralyzed people have working spinal cords. -
-But rather than people adjusting to new cuisines and their large calorie count (like a burger/cinnamon roll), by not eating it, people should be enhanced to handle large calorie counts. A cinnamon roll should be just that, a small sweet circle, not a worm hole of 2000 calories.
#SupermanLegacy ( Superman Legacy ) releases 2025-I watch myself gettingOlder, highlighted by longAwaited releases&interval b/w movies in DC/Marvel universe. I startedCollege when #IronMan ( Iron Man ) came out. Im approaching 40 when Avengers Infinity War & End Game ended saga.
Dragon Ball ( #DragonBall ) GT was not Cannon upping its game ... but Super Saiyyan 4 Goku meets Super Saiyan Blue #Goku , in a Japanese movie with English subtitles, bringing them together, on #Youtube .
On Taylor Swift and Kelce , #TravisKelce ( Travis Kelce ) is the luckiest guy, to have not just Taylor Swift ( #TaylorSwift ), but any girl with a concert the day b4 his game, essentially time travel to arrive hours b4 game, because of time difference leaving Japan 1 day ahead.
This gap after the Aquaman movie sequel is upsetting ... where if I want to see #Supergirl with Milly Alcock , I have to wait years, or if I want to see Wonder Woman ( #WonderWoman ) , I have to settle on the #SuicideSquadGame ( Suicide Squad Game ) ...
Love how they did throwback respect to #Sokka ( Sokka ) with the reuse of his voice and subtle #AvatarTheLastAirBender references in #DragonPrince on #Netflix.
#LetEmKnow#IDoNotConsent nor did I ever, nor will I ever, to NON-chip-in-brain based machine interpretation of thoughts like #Neuralink ( Neuralink ). What happens when it’s without nanotech implanted in YOUR BRAIN?!
#IDontWantToOverreactBut if grocery store donuts cost $8.99 , why not go to a local bakery and get premium donuts? And if frozen pizzas cost $10, why not go for the real thing? If grocery store ice cream costs $5 plus tax, why not go to Carvel or Coldstone?!
I’ve wondered, did Captain America ( #CaptainAmerica ) in his younger self, see his older self, when he was saying Goodbye to Peggie, in whichever movie sequel it was: Civil War or Winter Soldier…
I want you to want me to be free from my situation & dosomething about it like giving me proof I need 2 stop it-this is so NOT Back To The Future #NotBackToTheFuture . Doc Brown & Marty would think this mindReading/control timeline, acceptedByPeople, is from a parallelUniverse.
I got to hand it to those who embark on the 1000+ piece Lego Projects depicting Deloreans , Corvettes, or Thor's hammer...its the ultimate puzzle adventure...requires patience, focus, determination...
Our emotions and feelings are not things to be suppressed with drugs (legal/illegal) or even alcohol (if suppression is ur purpose), but signs, that whatever contributing to them, needs to be addressed. Let it fuel you, rather than bring you down.
Regardless of questionable staffers on the Palestine front, probably shouldn't use that as an excuse to cut off funding for aid in a decimated area lacking likely food, shelter, electricity ...
On Thursday of this week, a man was executed with nitrogen gas, used to put him thru a 30 min ordeal of gagging/suffocating. As today, Saturday, is Holocaust Remembrance Day, probably shouldn't aim for something similar to gas chambers.
When U see something like shape of earth, its orbit, the sounds from the earth and its frequencies, or even how the moon is at the right distance to eclipse the sun and earth of different sizes, the Big Bang Theory-a chaotic event producing exactness-becomes mind boggling.
#Jawan was great. Hope #Fighter in New York theaters, or at least #AmazonPrimeVideo or #Netflix - can’t remember last time I saw great dancer #Hrithik (#HrithikRoshan - Hrithik Roshan) in a movie-seems like #Bollywood , Brit&EastAsian more on streaming services than #Hollywood…
Law becomes about words and meaning of words and how the meaning of words can be interpreted for situations and set a precedent for future cases. Is insurrection the same as a riot? Regarding border crisis, is it an invasion or just closing the door?-
- on closing the border, there’s a saying: “ Before you remove the splinter in your neighbors eye, remove the log from your own eye” so that u can see clearly.-
- Connecting it w/border crisis, if you can’t satisfy the people already in America, if there isn’t enough resources 4 them, you can’t bring in the responsibilities of other countries. They ARE the responsibilities of their native countries.-
- America and the United Nations needs to send assistance thru army or diplomats to make things better for asylum seekers in their native countries.
#IsItOverNow w/respect to my tweeting days for the immediate future, most likely. This would never end w/all thought provoking trends, things wrong in the world, and "my situation."
Copy and paste below link (do not know why its not clickable)
MySolution 4 Social Media Tech Execs @Meta( #Meta#Zuckerberg )
@Facebook ( #Facebook ), @X ( #X#Twitter ), @tiktok_us ( #TikTok) etc. on (1/31/24) Senate Hearing. KeepStock of flaggable material+set threshold 4 totalAllowedAmount. SeeBlog 4elaboration:
Copy and paste below link (do not know why its not clickable) https://www.tumblr.com/rennyji/741063536210575360/solutions-to-senate-hearing-with-tech-execs?source=share
U gotta wonder if situation lasted long b/c of disdain/hesitancy 2 lawsuit,by supposed representatives ofMe. Can it get more public/uglier than this?Maybe cuz spotlight, now, isOnMe. Probably deluding those inMyLife w/clearing this/that. -night/day, orchestrators still criminals
Home conversation in kitchen/eating area of the house, should be noted b/w times of 2:40ish and 2:51ish on 2/4/24- 2nd or 3rd time mentioning in tumblr/twitter…had my phone on me, my ears & brain on me, 4 the hackers-a call for need of mental competency tests of those in charge.
There is a degradation of culture in western world: I’m not 1 to call himself religious, but I believe & have insight…I have respect for these practices. A Commandment: Don’t Use My Name in Vain- outta respect, should avoid rhetoric like [Jesus] F* [Christ] or [Holy] f* [God]-
-Y blame God 4 ur’s or other’s choices? God didn’t cause my decade long situation. People did,& their enablers. Nature of existence defined in literal/figurative Adam/Eve story. 4 a bad choice, toil on earth was the punishment.We have power to choose & responsibility of choices.-
- Fate is the framework of our existence. It’s what we are born into. The framework says where the floor and ceiling are. Destiny is how high or low we “choose” to go within the framework of fate.- some people work hard to go above the ceiling.
Rick & Morty ( #RickAndMorty or
@RickandMorty ) is 1 of the greatest series I’ve seen. I binged all 7 seasons on #Max . It’s sad when a series U bonded with, ends, & U have 2 wait 365 days for 10 or so episodes. Hope the creators can speed things up. Amazing job on the story.
A non or repetitive news day is probably a good day because nothing necessarily bad transpired. But, seems like they’re showing same things…I guess that’s the difference between news channels and the 10 PM news on the lower channel numbers. 10 PM churns out new stuff daily.
“Some” of the supposed predictive analytics (a nonsense word as part of a cover up for something more serious) stems from having written and spoken things over and over, across a decade. Now it’s like a mapping table in Excel. “he sees/hears this” = “will likely react with this”
- there’s excel type mapping from the youth sounding voices, and legit mind reading/control that probably dates back to the Cold War or WWII
Nonsensical conversation from 6:40 ish till 7 pm ish in bedroom w/mother…says decade old material w/o reason, gets me riled up thru bringing up multiple non connected topics (incoherent) & keeps pressing, while having me go in circles repetitively. Usual style. Motive, who nos?-
- if I could do it again, even w/my situation, would never live w/relatives beckoning “please, the house is ‘just 4 u.’” Results in poor life planning from supposed 1 less concern. After an age, while in a paralyzing situation closing doors, over analysis on ur day is straining.-
- Dealing w/people from another culture: u say same line repeatedly as a response, they focus on same question w/o hearing. “They have eyes & won’t see…ears & won’t hear…” like waiting 2 hear what’s in head or create so much nonsense, u feel victimized.-
Dealing w/people from another culture: dealing w/their standards of what’s appropriate 2 tell family/doctors/law enforcement…have 2 ask what planet U hail from? So it’s not okay 2 tell a doctor u feel sick? It’s not okay 2 bad mouth the family when talking about familial things?
From Danny Phantom ( #DannyPhantom ), anyone remember the ghost wale from the version of him that mixed with Vlads ghost in time travel episode with Clockwork? Or the box ghost? Or Ember you will remember?
I think Helen of Troy was the story w/ Trojan horse…with USAs welcoming of asylum seekers, it’s hard not 2 wonder if rival countries are planting people. How can there be 5000 asylum seekers daily every day for years. Britain seemed 2 share in notion by leaving European Union.
America has always been a place for opportunity seekers/better lives seekers…but maybe the United Nations should and the army should better life in native places trying 2 prune out nay sayers thru education & opportunity.
Providing better schooling and on the flip side: something like video games and cinnamon rolls and a pizza might have anti American places a different perception and different life goals rather than joining some militia
I don’t know what it is with genetics, but younger children seem more innocent looking than their burlier serious looking older siblings…look at Aquaman & his brother or The Brothers Sun- it’s like people innately know this deep in their psyche, when producing creative content:
Associated pic:
The amount of content produced in #anime like Attack on Titan or Demon Slayer is phenomenal. I still feel non English dubbed Japanese versions have better stories-need 2 learn Japanese. I don’t know how they do it vs. American animation-At high speeds, tons of content produced.
So the Chinese have animals associated with birth years too…Chinese buffets used to have menus with their zodiac printed on them. 1957 is the year of the rooster and 1988 is the year of the dragon. Maybe the small arms of the dragon is why I can’t use chopsticks…
Associated pic:
Danny Phantom ( #DannyPhantom) was probably the last of Nickelodeons awesome schedule of shows. Maybe iCarly ( #iCarly ) was last or #AvatarTheLastAirbender . What happened to #Nickelodean? B4 splitting to 3 versions, its was kids shows, teen shows, I love Lucy like shows…
Rather than averaging 5000 asylum seekers/illegals weekly, Y not just close border? Now they get free credit cards in New York. Ever try calling Unemployment in NY as a citizen?4 benefits, there isn’t even a hold if Too many callers-line gets disconnected on daily basis/all day.
Pronouns can get confusing…in high school Spanish, we learned plural form of a group of men & women, is characterized by “EllOs” - the male form of “They” I guess the men & women didn’t care sharing a pronoun. now, in English, “They” (plural) can refer to 1 person- confusing.
Youtube links:
Love the Morty theme, especially the orchestral version, from Rick and Morty. The song is actually “For the Damaged Coda” by, I believe, artist: Blonde Redhead:
Associated tweet:
If I ever become wealthy, I’m going to have different East Asian chefs to prepare meals, & some1 Japanese 2 make desserts. There’s something magical about sticky rice/sautéed meat. The sauces seem simple, but are exquisite. And vegetables seem easier to consume, Chinese style.
With Apple Vision Pro ( a virtual reality headset ) getting released, imagine Ubers and Instacart’s & grubhub/door dashers having cars, driven by people wearing VR goggles in their home & using something like Logitech video game driving package (G923). - twist 2 driverless cars
On Taylor Swift and Kelce , #TravisKelce ( Travis Kelce ) is the luckiest guy, to have not just Taylor Swift ( #TaylorSwift  ), but any girl with a concert the day b4 his game, essentially time travel to arrive hours b4 game, because of time difference leaving Japan 1 day ahead.
Interpret law vs. waiting 4 literalWording #JustAnnounced President (s) ( #Presidents )/regular people, need 2see laws asGuidelines 2extrapolate them in2 eachModernDay. #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #tuesdayvibe #SCOTUSExtended thought onItIn Tumblr post below:
There is a degradation of culture in western world: I’m not 1 to call himself religious, but I believe & have insight…I have respect for these practices. A Commandment: Don’t Use My Name in Vain- outta respect, should avoid rhetoric like [Jesus] F* [Christ] or [Holy] f* [God]-
-Y blame God 4 ur’s or other’s choices? God didn’t cause my decade long situation. People did,& their enablers. Nature of existence defined in literal/figurative Adam/Eve story. 4 a bad choice, toil on earth was the punishment.We have power to choose & responsibility of choices.-
- Fate is the framework of our existence. It’s what we are born into. The framework says where the floor and ceiling are. Destiny is how high or low we “choose” to go within the framework of fate.- some people work hard to go above the ceiling.
Im an MBA in Management Information Systems, w/Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Everyday, I apply for 30 or more jobs, as U can see from the “Thank U” emails in the 3 screenshots below. From 1 pm -10 pm, just kept applying. It’s that hard, or something has it in 4 me.
For screenshots:
- The number 2 right of sender indicates I applied 4 that many different roles within the same company. Gonna attach a screenshot, referenced in previous tweet once more, as Twitter is only showing 2 screenshots in previous tweet, although 3 were attached. Here’s the 3rd one.
For screenshot
- not sure what more I can do 4 these jobs. Biden says there’s jobs. I have two degrees, work experience, & I’m applying for jobs that require no experience. I had my resume proofread by a paid reviewer. After a while, is it paranoid 2 assume something is settings odds against u?
-&if U get stuck w/o response from prospective employers, Unemployment is next step in New York. When U call them, part of application process is online & other half is thru phone. U call,&no 1 picks up, or line gets disconnected cuz too many callers. No call back. Happens daily.
- & that’s when America is giving luxury housing, free health care, credit cards, & sex change operations to 5000 or more asylum seekers coming 2 American everyday. How can there be 5000 asylum seekers daily& how is it fair when citizens have hard time getting a job or freebies?
It’s sad that Chadwick Boseman , the original Black Panther ( #BlackPanther ) star, passed away. From a straight perspective, he was a pretty good looking dude to have to face that misfortune, especially in the prime of his career…
The 90s Silver Surfer ( #SilverSurfer ) cartoon series, showed the extent of his dealings with Galactus ( #Galactus ) and other story twists. Regrettably, the series ended prematurely without multiple seasons.
Life in America? Shooting in Times Square last Saturday, shooting at Joel Oesteens Church:Sunday, there was a NYC subway shooting on Monday, a mass shooting at celebration of the victory of the Kansas City Chiefs: Wednesday, & on Thursday: teenager involved in subway shooting.
- up until yesterday, starting last Saturday, w/exception of Tuesday of this week, theres been a shooting every day of week. Sure Constitution says we have right 2 arms, & Americans are touchy about their guns, but at this point, the privilege, from being abused, should B banned.
Looking forward to the #MadameWeb ( Madame Web ) movie. Hope they concentrate a movie on Spiderwoman. From 80s or 90s cartoon series on Disney Plus, the character is attractive on multiple levels. She can zap on her costume and fly! SpiderMan or Peter Parker can’t.
B4 I got LASIK, & wore glasses/contacts, stores like LensCrafters emphasized collection of glass frames w/brands like Dolce & Gabbana & Versace. & LASIK? Great quick process but ur warned about that risk of things totally going south during procedures & u going blind. -
- ud be surprised how many people have poor vision, drive with that poor vision, and can’t afford basic means to correct their vision…and that’s how it is in America…who knows how bad it is elsewhere…
Bollywood has a lot of stars from Punjab , Gujurat , and in the Sindhi people … all great people-rich in culture, style, foods, clothes, dances, songs, and love stories…
Can’t wait till the remake of the Avatar The Last Airbender ( #AvatarTheLastAirbender ) #AvatarNetflix movie gets released on Netflix ( #Netflix ) … one of the last hit shows like iCarly ( #iCarly ) on an aging Nickelodeon ( #Nickelodeon ) …
Any1 else play NBA Jam 99? On Nintendo 64? I don’t get sports video games. w/games like NBA Jam, cheat codes like L button 3x &right directional button, & that sequence 2 more times, followed by the Z button, it gives U the fireball that never misses hoop. No point 2 playing.
I always wonder if the late night shows with all the jimmys ( like some cosmic late night joke ) is indeed live or a live stream. They show scenes from the show in the commercials during the late night news preceding the late night talk shows…
ps5 Football isJustPainful w/all guys tackling U when uGetBall. touchdown takes 4ever.-its same @ SuperBowl. depending on how U C it as goodOrBad, if theres tie inGame, gameDrags in2 overtime, w/more minimal motion moves. 6point touchdowns is 1 of possible radicalChanges inGame.
I miss 90s shows like Hanging with Mr Cooper or Sister Sister … gave feel good feelings
Happy to hear there’s a new Fantastic Four movie coming out. This is the second remake. They never go wrong with the stars playing the Invisible Woman.
Spider-Man or Spider-Woman-Spider-Woman, like Morbius , canFly. LoveHow in #Morbius movie, theyAdded multiverse w/SpiderMan villainFrom Thanos/Avengers-verse, like adding aMarvel 2 X-men verse, or recent friendlier Venom ( #Venom ) splitting in2 bad 1 in Tom Holland’s SpiderMan.
Anyone else remember Captain Planet ( #CaptainPlanet )? Cuz he’s a hero. Gonna take pollution down to zero…gonna help him…earth, fire, wind, water, heart-those were the days on cartoon network & boomerang. Along w/Johnny Quest, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, & even The Smurfs…
Marvel comes out w/more realLifeActor movies while DC does more animation. On DCside, b/c of amountOfTime b/w sequels, hating how last 2movies came in part 1/part II style stories. I.e. Justice League RWBY heroes & huntsmen, & also crisis on infinite earths, on Google Play Store.
Starship Troopers has 1ofMy favoriteFemaleIcons: Denise Richards-&got 2see @JLo ( Jennifer Lopez ) on @jimmyfallon . Along w/her, theres @Shakira , whos also out w/aNewAlbum. newsSide, fan of@kayleighmcenany & @ErinBurnett . from bollywood, love Ameesha Patel. ( @ameesha_patel )
There is a time 2 look up, look straight ahead, & inward. U look inward, when U need 2 think thru a problem. U look straight 2 keep ur eyes open 4 a solution, & u look up when its time 2 leave 2 God 2 handle the results after U do ur best-ur part.
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kids-worldfun · 1 year
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Enhancing Children's Sleep: The Magic of Amazon Alexa Bedtime Stories and Meditation Amazon Alexa, an intelligent personal assistant, is revolutionizing how we tell bedtime stories. With Alexa, your child can listen to a wide range of stories at their convenience.
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jackleach · 1 year
Examples of effective machine learning model implementation
Machine learning (ML) has become a major part of artificial intelligence. It plays a key role in an array of applications including data mining, image recognition, and natural language processing.
But do you know ML is useful in our daily lives too? Yes, machine learning includes a group of algorithms to make the software systems accurate. The seamless advanced techniques in ML show astounding results.
Let us look at the examples of Machine Learning Model Implementation USA and the way it impacts the world.
1.                Healthcare                                             
Machine learning deals with diagnostic issues in healthcare and medicine. Disease recognition, patient management, and data analysis are some major areas where ML is used. Analyzing inappropriate medical data is also a part of machine learning.
A Machine Learning Development Company in USA works on various ML principles and monitors lifestyle attributes like sleep, diet, meditation, and activity rates. The processes are involved with the biological age and any medical diagnosis.
2.                Identifying Speech and Image
Automatic speech recognition is one of the finest examples of ML use. The application converts speech into text. Google Home and Alexa are world-class examples of speech recognition. Image recognition is another example of machine learning technology. It identifies an object in the form of a digital image.
Custom Machine Learning Solutions USA utilizes image recognition in facial identification. Smartphones have facial recognition systems for unlocking devices.
3.                Online Customer Support
A chatbot is a software used widely in the banking, education, and medical industry. The software is a classic example of machine learning. In this, Custom Mobile App Development Services USA feeds some basic questions and their answers. It is based on the queries that customers ask frequently.
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Then, on raising a query, the chatbot recognizes the keywords from the database and provides an apt answer. This example of machine learning makes customer service quick and easy.
4.                Prediction
Making predictions in various industries use machine learning algorithms. In banks, ML determines the loan error probability and predicts the rates in the near future. The Data Analytics and Reporting Tools USA extracts structured data from unstructured data.
Then, the programmers classify the data into different groups. All this is based on machine learning for predicting future possibilities.
Summed Up
The machine learning algorithms are self-modifying that improve over time. Its dynamic nature is useful in almost all walks of life. One can say that it offers to solve real-world problems making life easier!
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itsravenbitch · 2 years
my void success story💞🦋
(1st void story)
it’s 7:30 pm right now and i got into the void last night and i’ve been processing everything ALL DAYY… chilleeee it’s overwhelmingly exciting!
so in this post i’ll tell y’all HOW i got into the void and WHAT i manifested. but yall the way i woke up is my favoritee thing ever🥰
***long post ahead***
nowww how did i get into the void
i got in at night but anytime works as y’all know
1. i did a meditation [for the 1st time] a little bit before going to bed just because .. that shits super relaxing 10/10 recommend
2. anyway i set an alarm for 5 hours cause i read it somewhere that when you do, you get sleep paralysis so mmhm that’s what i did
3. i went to sleep with the intention of the void being easy to get into and yeah. it was a cool lil 5 hours.
4. thennnn my loud ass alexa alarm went off i told her to shut up and i just lied there.. they key is when the alarm goes off you don’t open your eyes and don’t move too much. this will get your body into SP. then your mind is awake and your body is dead asleep.
*in case it wasn’t obvious already make sure you’re not falling asleep again after waking up*
6. igh so boom… here we are now in SP . at this point i just repeated a few void affirmations. and i started getting THEE floating feeling, i was elevating the WHOLE time til i stopped.. then i got this falling feeling. i literally fell all the way from where i was and then i slowed down. right after i felt this shift .. AND BOOM BITCH I WAS IN THE VOIDD!!!! it was pitch black and the rest of the other stuff you experience when you’re in the void . moving on .
all i said was “gimme the life i’ve been deserving of” and i was out that ho. 🏎
tbh i wasn’t even scared cause i was ready for any of the symptoms .
so now what you probably wanna know. what did i manifesttt ???
so overall, i basically got my dream life so here’s kinda what that looks like
🦋my physical appearance: i got my desired face and body, as well as going from itty bitty 5’2 to big mf heavy stepper 5’8 mmmhmm. i reduced my titties and shii 😂 i had really ugly finger nails but they look really well kept now: and my toenails. they look like girl toes now. my skinnnn.. i can’t stop touching it.. it’s so soft 😌
🦋a lil boo thang or whatever: ooouu i’m not gon say teww much butttt.. yall i’m allll about black love so y’all already knoww… darkskin, muscular, gives THE best hugs ANDDD he’s from brooklyn, ny. and he got the accent and his voice is deep and a lil 🤏🏽 raspy ughhh ifykyk
🦋 tesla model y and my driver’s license: so i’m 17 and i didn’t get my license at 16 like most do. i actually didn’t even go to drivers ed fr. but that all changed of courseee. and to go with it i got a tesla. i got a black exterior , white interior , model y . i got in the car and knew exactly what to do lmao i was mind blown and overwhelmed with excitement.
🦋 my parents allowing me and my sisters to smoke: ok, i would like to start with the fact that my parents are african ok? and ifykyk! so me and my older sister like to smoke a lil weed and obviously my parent weren’t cool w that but they are now and it’s so weirddd.. like me and her go to the backyard and smoke and they just ignore it.. my dad yell at the fact that we smoke in MY SISTERS car tho and i’m like bro it NOT YOUR CARRR. he need to relax, he need some weed fr.
🦋desired friend group: i live in a predominantly white area and please don’t get me wrong but i just feel like i connect with my sistas better. but again where i live limits that so y’all already know wtf i did. i manifested 3 close friends and they really make my life so much better 💞
🦋moneyyy ofc: nothing much to say but i definitely won’t be worrying about money
🦋a fun life: i go out w friends , my bf takes me on fancy dates , i have a car now, so i take my little sister shopping and i love spoiling her . school is so easy so i don’t worry about it, my days are productive but fun, i have a great social life. and i’m traveling next weeekk.
🦋school goes by fast: even though i have late arrival bc ima senior i be tryna gtfo
🦋i got a cat: vivi is my munchkin kitten she’s so so tiny and i love her but i swear she love my man more than she love me bro.. ion know i might have to get on her ass.
🦋instant manifestation forever and perfect self concept: i would say my sc before the void was decent but now it’s perfect and that was the goal. and my manifestations are instant. seconds…
that about wraps this post right tf up. uhh like i said i’ve been adjusting to my new life , experiencing new things , just enjoying my life with no job , all the money i need and my only priority being school .
if y’all want the story about how i woke up from the void lemme know and i might make a post on it .
have a great morning , afternoon , evening , or night
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macaronistarship · 3 years
I saw this post by @protectspock about a theory that 90s trek technology is actually indicative of the future because people will get tired of the constant stress of smart phones/social media etc. It was really cool and gave some examples of new tech that is similar to the star trek tech.
I was inspired so I decided to make a list of products you can actually buy right now if you're rich and want to live like it's 2399.
1. (Mentioned in the post) this line of typewriters connect to the cloud and your computer if you need. They allow you to avoid distractions while you write. ($500-$800 USD)
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2. Remarkable. A tablet that feels and looks like paper. No social media, no back lighting. ($400 USD)
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3. The Light Phone (also mentioned in the post). Stripped of most things smart phones offer/force upon us. You can call, text, listen to podcasts and music, tell the time, use a calculator, and set alarms. But not much else.( pre-order for $299 USD. Both US and International versions)
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4. The Paper Shoot. It's a digital camera without a screen. You use interchangeable lenses and SD cards to take pictures on this tiny camera. It's supposed to mimic the disposable camera experience so you stay in the moment. You can buy different skins to go on top of the hardware. (Their camera sets, which include everything you need including the SD card, are between $150 and $250 USD)
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5. Hybrid smartwatches that look like normal watches, AND/OR This cool smartwatch called The Moment with no screen that uses vibrations to communicate with you. (ranges from $50 to a couple hundred USD)
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6. Alexa or other things like Echo. I would argue that the concept of Alexa is very “slow tech” and trekkie because there’s no screen and you have to communicate by thinking more deeply about your questions and needs, and teach Alexa how to communicate with you. Definitely reminds me of the ship’s computer on trek. You could even program her to respond to “computer, lights.” 
6. Slow Games. This one is cheating because I don't think these are for sale. Slow Games is a series of research/art projects done by Ishac Bertran and continued by Will Odom (and many others). The idea is that you work with games that are both physical and digital. And you can only make one move per day. It stops you from feeling instant gratification and keeps you thinking. Obviously the researchers explain it better. So go support them!
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I love all of Will Odom's portfolio and would definitely recommend checking out his website (linked on his name above).
7. Philips Somneo Connected Sleep and Wake-Up Light. This thing looks like it belongs in someone’s personal quarters on the Enterprise. ($170-$200 USD)
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8. Kasina deep vision bundle / Muse Brain Sensing Headband-- the concept reminds me of what the captain of the Equinox uses to escape from his awful reality. It’s focused only on meditation and relaxation. ($300- 400 USD)
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If anyone knows of any other slow technology/ trek tech let me know!! I love this whole concept.
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Developing Self-Empowerment and Self-Love in Children: A Parent's Guide
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Self-empowerment is a child's overall sense of worth or personal value. It is influenced by many factors, including their relationships with their parents, their experiences at school, and their interactions with peers.
There are many things that parents can do to help their children develop healthy self-empowerment. Here are a few tips:
Praise your child's efforts, not just their achievements. When your child does something well, focus on the effort they put in, not just the outcome. This will help them learn that they are capable and that their hard work pays off.
Be a positive role model. Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. If you want your child to have high self-empowerment, make sure you model positive self-talk and healthy behaviors.
Help your child identify their strengths. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Help your child identify their strengths and focus on those. This will help them feel good about themselves and their abilities.
Encourage your child to try new things. Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be scary, but it's also a great way to build self-empowerment. Encourage your child to try new things, even if they're afraid. This will help them learn that they can do anything they set their mind to.
Teach your child how to deal with failure. Everyone fails sometimes. It's how we handle failure that matters. Teach your child how to learn from their mistakes and move on. This will help them build resilience and self-confidence.
Accept your child for who they are. It's important to let your child know that you love and accept them for who they are, not for who you want them to be. This will help them feel good about themselves and their worth.
Building healthy self-esteem in children takes time and effort, but it's one of the most important things you can do for them. By following these tips, you can help your child develop a strong sense of self-worth that will last a lifetime.
Cool Koala Meditation Videos encourage children to connect with their own strength, bravery, intelligence, kindness and love.  
Here are some additional tips for creating self-empowerment and self-love in children:
Help your child develop a sense of purpose. When children feel like they have a purpose in life, they are more likely to have high self-empowerment. Help them find activities or causes that they are passionate about and that make them feel good about themselves.
Teach your child about body positivity. Help your child understand that their body is beautiful just the way it is. Talk to them about the importance of healthy eating and exercise, but also teach them to love and accept their bodies, even if they don't look like the models in magazines.
Help your child develop coping skills. When children learn how to cope with difficult emotions, they are better able to manage their self-empowerment. Teach them healthy coping mechanisms, such as deep breathing, relaxation techniques, and positive self-talk.
Be patient and understanding. It takes time and effort to build healthy self-empowerment. Be patient with your child and don't get discouraged if they don't seem to be making progress right away. Just keep providing them with love, support, and positive reinforcement, and they will eventually develop a strong sense of self-worth.
It isn't easy for childrens to manage diverse education and social circumstances. A strong sense of self empowerment will turn any obstacle to an enjoyable and challenging adventure!
Cool Koala App and Amazon Alexa Skill introduces a couple of calming meditations so every parent can easily try them out with their kids to help them fall asleep faster and let go of worries. Check out more related to Bedtime Meditation For Kids.
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krischteinbodt · 4 years
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If you need instrumental dark - light- royalcore academia playlists to study with for finals, these are some spotify playlists I made that might help you out the way they helped me
Updated! More playlists below.
These playlists are updated frequently. I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, I’ll gladly take them! 
ꕥ Minimal atmospheric piano that doesn’t sound like it’s taken straight from an alexa commercial. Really minimal, melancholy. 
ꕥ Violin y cello instrumentals for studying and reading: includes soundtracks and some classical music opus.
ꕥ Minecraft-like ambient music: soft, creative instrumental ambient sounds
ꕥ Opera and choral music: if you’d seriously like to feel like you’re studying at a gothic library, then this playlist’s the one for you. Eco chamber-like
ꕥ Instrumental soft jazz: really soft jams, some of the BGM chanel. Slow ballads to read to.
ꕥ Classical music: Background classical piano, violin and orchestal pieces from recognized classical composers for studying the old fashioned way.
  »»————-  Newest additions!
֎ Royalcore orchestal: Waltz / ballroom-oriented. A bit more specifical than the violin & cello playlist: selected pieces or otherwise fantasy-like soundtracks to study like a true cold-blooded royal.
֎ Dark, somber music for studying: Macabre, haunting masquerade-ish music to study to. There’s a bit of everything here; piano & violin works, orchestal, opera, choral... but it all shares that somehow gothic, hellish appeal. Chaotic evil energy overload! If not for reading, this playlist is great for writting & inspiration. 
֎ RPG / Open world exploration suites: videogame music is great to study to because it’s designed to keep you focused. This playlist is a compilation of my favorite chill, ambient exploration music from videogames. Includes osts from games like Skyrim, The Witcher and NieR Automata. 
֎ Epic soundtracks for studying / writting: great fantasy, warrior, mythological music for a hyped reading! I included both cinema and gaming soundtracks for this one. It’s a great source for inspiration if you’re a writer. 
Not necessarily dark academia / light academia, but might still help you to study below.
֎ Space ambient music: synth ambient tracks that are great to enhance focus while reading.  It is also very useful for meditation, and sometimes when you can’t sleep it can be a great sleeping pill playlist, as it is, indeed, very slow-paced.  Alt version: Blade Runner Blues
֎ Lo-Fi hip / hop: useful for literally anything, but a great company for overnight study sessions. Chill Lo-Fi beats for focus or relaxation. Alternative version: Samurai Bebop 
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zet-sway · 3 years
I wrote something angsty and spicy.
Rated: "E" for "Extremely Spicy" [NSFT] AO3 Link: "Vantablack" Pairing: Thane / FemShep (Unrequited?) Pairing: Garrus / Femshep (Mentioned) Summary: Alone, as only a drell mind could, moments melded together like droplets of dew on grass. The ghost of his mouth over her neck. The taste of her painted lips on a rim of crystal. Hair feathering over his fingers, the scent of her body, and the thrum of her pulse tugging at his heart with longing.
THIS IS NOT HAPPY SHRIOS. Most of my recent work has been very soft and warm feeling - this is not that. But I want ya'll to know I have some soft happy shrios in the pipeline to make it up to you <3
Inspired by @shut-up-alexa's fic Weightless, I drew upon the moment where Thane takes a sip from a glass Shepard had just been drinking from - as was her intention. The fic itself says he tastes her lip print and sets the memory aside for when he is "alone with himself in the darkest part of the night." It was then I knew I had been visited by the smut fairy. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME WRITE FANFIC OF YOUR FANFIC :D
Sleep was difficult enough to claim, most nights.
Thane, ever a man of routine, kept to his nightly rituals like an acolyte. He began with prayer. Verses carved into his mind since his youth, silent and still as he bargained with the gods to mull the chaos of his memories, to forgive his misgivings. Meditation lasted as long as it needed to. Sleep was, after all, fruitless without a quiet mind.
Aboard the Normandy, however, nightly meditation felt like a fool’s pursuit. Shepard, returned from the waves of Kalahira’s ocean, demanded much of a man like him. In her hands, the carefully constructed fortress of his mind was like a house of cards. Reborn into the hands of the enemy, she raged, unable to trust the unfamiliar construct that was her body and searching with grief and heartache for a lover she couldn’t locate. She prodded him with questions, seared him with her gaze and her relentless upset.
Raw, heart-stricken, and reckless, her anger was justified - even if she flung it at him underhandedly. He forgave her always. To be her target was to bear her trust. He could see it clearly; she knew no other way to soothe the guilt and isolation that tore openly at both her body and her mind. In time, he was confident she would heal. Until then, Cerberus was no friend to her.
And thus tonight, like most nights, she haunted him.
At 0300, he decided on a compromise. Troubled sleep was better than none at all. After a calming herbal tea and having tended to his hygiene, he settled into his cot, nude as he so preferred to sleep. If he could sleep at all.
The minutes, and the memories, began to tick by.
"The most important aspect is intent," he’d said to her, watching her eyes follow him while he circled behind her. "A breath of hesitation will get you killed, or worse." Hands alighted on her shoulders - a companionable gesture before they both endeavored to threaten her life.
Shepard didn't flinch when he began the demonstration. Thane flattened himself against her back, one arm winding wide around her shoulders. Pressed into the curves of her body, his sweet torture began. She arched her neck - calm, trusting - offering her throat into the curl of his elbow as he tucked his arm under her chin and sealed his hand on her opposite shoulder. He steeled himself against his lust, breathing in unison with her, taking advantage of his proximity to inhale her scent as he demonstrated the headlock. Carmine hair brushed across his fingers where they were clamped on the nape of her neck, his breath washing over vulnerable, prickling skin.
Thane let the silence linger, writing the lush warmth of her body into his memory, caught in the lethal intimacy of his embrace.
"Weaken the spine by twisting," he murmured, his lips nearly brushing her ear, each word sending strands of hair ruffling on his breath. Thane closed his eyes, enflamed by her closeness, praying for mercy as she tilted back into him - a wordless exchange of scorching intent, however convinced she was to not act upon it.
His voice, barely a whisper, poured forth from intangible parts of him that hadn't known a lover's touch in over a decade.
"Apply pressure in the opposite direction."
Careful, controlled, he flexed the arm around her throat and wristed the palm at her neck. Painful to her, as he knew it would be, but not enough to truly hurt her. Nevertheless, she tensed in his arms, a kinetic shiver flowing from her body into his like the sinful call of a siren. Willing herself to trust a killer's restrained tactile intimacy, a hair-trigger away from dropping her where they stood.
"And snap."
Innate human vulnerability gave voice to her wanting. A single breath escaped her lips when she failed to contain it behind clenched teeth, her carotid artery pounding beneath smooth scales. Thane answered with his own hot rush of air against the back of her neck, a contorted gasp he hadn’t realized he was holding, torn from his throat almost against his will.
He allowed himself a blinding second more before releasing her, but not before stealing a brush of delicate skin across his lips as he pulled away. A parting gift to himself - one he paid for just hours later, when she laid her poisoned trap before him.
With the skin of her neck still irritated from their training, Shepard, mildly intoxicated herself and wrapped in a dark silk robe, presented him with a glass of her own venom. Tequila - amber and potent, an indulgence she knew full well he’d deny -- unless it was laced with his drug of choice. Her.
There upon the rim of the glass was the rosy imprint of her pigmented lips. A well of temptation, spiked with her essence. If this was a test, he'd failed spectacularly. Gods forgive him, he raised the glass to his lips under the pretense of drinking and lost himself to the faintest tastes of her mouth, entranced, savoring the traces of her beneath the mask she painted on every morning to reclaim what little of herself she believed was left. Shepard watched him with a carnivore's eyes, drawn over with night-black daggers as if to warn him. Like a rose garden, she was beautiful and wreathed in thorns. He knew better than to stray too close, but he would gladly take what meager offerings she presented - venomous or not.
This was his penance for opportunity’s kiss, stolen behind her back. A petty theft, to be sure. But even petty sins were still sins.
True to her reputation, Shepard was a fast learner. She played his game, abided by his rules, allowed him to touch her under the guise of training. She wasn’t blind to her effect on him - no. She would use him to find her turian lover. And he would let her. Selfishly, begrudgingly - willingly. What she desired would be hers for however long she allowed him to remain in her orbit.
The temptation of her lingered in his mouth and still, it wasn’t enough. It would never be until he could taste it directly from her lips, sealing his arms around her, a serpent beckoning her to taste of her own forbidden desires.
“What does it taste like?” She’d asked, as he sampled her forbidden offering.
The moment played over in his mind as he savored what little he had of her. Wax and pigment woven through with the fire of her essence. The rubicund flavors of her mouth, lit from within by the burn of tequila. The leash of his desire held firm in her little human hands, ever reminding him that she was not his to hold.
Alone, as only a drell mind could, moments melded together like droplets of dew on grass. The ghost of his mouth over her neck. The taste of her painted lips on a rim of crystal. Hair feathering over his fingers, the scent of her body, and the thrum of her pulse tugging at his heart with longing. Filched moments clutched around and within him, lust coiled like a snake in his gut, rearing its head between his legs. A call of arousal demanding to be answered - painfully, without another to share in his release.
He shifted on his cot, loosely draped in the delicate, tight-woven sheets that slipped over his scales as he rolled onto his back, throwing an arm behind his head in frustration. All the meditation and control in the galaxy would not be enough tonight. Like that sinful sip of tequila, his blood was on fire in a way he could not ignore.
Cool air met his scales as he pulled the sheets back, uncaring when his calves tangled within them. Alone and aroused, he would do as his body willed.
Memories welding together behind closed eyes, conjuring visions to answer his need. A slick tongue traced over his - a kiss. A common intimacy that he burned so brightly for, and had been denied to him for what felt like a lifetime. She might hesitate at the first touch, a breath of uncertainty when she met the split of his tongue, unknowing how much he ached to spoil her with that small perk of interspecies diversity. He drank of her mouth, absorbing her heat as he glided one palm over his length in teasing strokes.
As she so often was on the battlefield, the woman he imagined was demanding. Soft, unblemished hands pushed him back, fisting in his clothes as she, lost in her burdened reality, both pushed and pulled them together. Would she think of her lover? Of endless nights entangled in the long limbs of the famously obstinate Vakarian? In truth, Thane did not care. In his selfishness, it mattered not whose hands she thought of when he finally drew back the long elegant robe she so loved to taunt him with. Watching the fabric slip past her shoulders to reveal skin so bright it was nearly blinding in the dim light of his quarters. She was untarnished, even by the freckles that once dusted the high points of her features. The way she hated her body was something he understood all too well. A product of another's vision, a construct and tool to be used by others, with little regard for her dispositions. A weapon financed and fabricated by Cerberus. She obsessed over her body not out of vanity, but in rage. Such had begun their training.
He wanted fiercely to call upon any memory of her hands on him, but he had precious few. As yet, she hadn't managed to land a single blow on him in all of their sparrings. But little by little, she was getting stronger. Almost imperceptibly so. His grip tightened around his length at the thought - hovering over the phantom taste of her on his tongue, the beguiling wrap of her fingers around the neck of a glass bottle. She knew her strength, knew exactly what she was doing. The way she toyed with him, oh, it made his breath catch. Tempt me, touch me.
He wanted her to overpower him, to trail those supple human fingers over the hard planes of his body as she took her pleasure from him any wretched way she chose. Her soft hand coiling around his shaft, a thumb smoothing his own weeping seed over the head of his length. He gripped himself harder, scales beginning their familiar bite into his flesh.
It wasn't enough. No. He wanted more.
Alone, yet weighted down with the shame of indulgence, he paused and reached beneath his cot, searching the small compartment that contained his personal effects. From it, he produced a single leather glove, turning it over in consideration. He disliked wearing gloves, the material impeding finer sensations he preferred to feel through his bare hands when striking for another's life. But they were a tool like any other in his arsenal. Useful for eliminating evidence and now, apparently, for self-gratification.
He couldn't have her hands on him, but he could have this. Soft and worn from wear, the material slid over his palm and fingers and he reached back into the darkness for himself.
It was different. Not quite what he imagined of her hands, but different enough from the texture of his own scales. He squeezed, a quiet sigh drifting from his throat as he tested his grip, repositioning his fingers, letting the sparse fluid of his sheath accumulate in his palm. Touch me, he willed her. Take from me what you please.
In the long years after he'd failed as a husband and a father, the pull of guilt and desire was but an old companion to him. He bore his sin on strong shoulders, praying to his gods, to his wife, to Shepard, for patience and the gentle hand of forgiveness. But even he, merely a man, could succumb to the base desires of sentience. She was imperfect and wracked with loneliness just as he was.
In the maelstrom of his thoughts, her beautiful, terrible wrath and desire descended on him like a drug.
He found it to be true that Shepard did, as he had heard, “fight like a krogan in a bar fight." That tactic had carried her this far, but there was much more to learn. With each day spent in rigor and training, he showed her how to control her fury. It wouldn't be long before she would learn to recognize an opening when he gave it to her. Beneath the lust of his own touch, he could think of little else than to tempt her with feigned vulnerability, if only just to see how far she would go. To let her catch his feet with a sweep of her leg and knock him flat on his back, all for the opportunity to peel him out of his training leathers and shatter the last barriers between them.
Such a union would destroy their delicate alliance. But here in his thoughts, any perceived fragility was his alone to endure. His mind raced with the thought of her entrapping him on the sparring mat, giving himself over in sweet surrender just as he’d done with her lipstick-imprinted well of liquor. How eagerly he would be her captive, submitting his pounding heart and body to her exploitations until she arrived at the manifestation of his need, screaming for her touch, twitching beneath her hands.
He cared little for how she took him. In his heart of hearts, he wanted to worship her, to show her how even reborn into a frighteningly reconstructed body she was still everything he ever saw in her and more. He wanted to taste her lips, her flesh, to map the broad expanses of her with his hands and tongue, to see her skin darken with the distinct human blood-flush of wanting…
But she would never let him. That privilege was for her lover alone, the handsome turian with indigo clan markings the same color as Shepard's lacquered fingernails. Thane's place was beneath her, and even that very thought lit his nerves afire with wanting as he drew out his pleasure with his gloved hand, aching for her to make him dance in her palm as she did when he bested her in combat drills.
If he couldn't worship her, he would more than willingly submit to her control. How he wanted to be the one to satiate the desperate woman within her. To see the visceral spread of her thighs around him, luscious hips rolling like waves over him as she shook loose her robe, and with it, the shackles of her desolation. His eidetic memory pulled forth every gasp and cry she had unwittingly fed him as they trained together. Her sonorous human voice played over his nerves, singing into his blood with every pump of his hand, a soundtrack to the Shepard he'd constructed in his fantasy. Her wide-shut eyes, wanton in the throes of pleasure, drawing him into her depths to answer the sanguine howl in her blood. The feral woman he knew, unleashed and longing to fill the void of two missing years with just a single shred of affection as she held out for her chosen lover.
Even if she overlaid him with vivid imaginings of turian plates and talons, Thane trembled to be the vessel of her desperate need. How badly he wanted to give her this. Heart pounding, he painted her in his mind with too-smooth skin the color of sun-soaked Rakhana sands. Speckled with tiny beads of sweat that carved trails down the valley between her unbound breasts with every rise and fall of her body. Her hair stuck to her dampened, vulnerable throat, still wrapped in a delicate lace of scale-borne irritation from their training. Her eyes fell closed, darkened lashes sweeping across flushed cheeks as she reached between her legs to galvanize her pleasure.
He lost himself to the vision of her face as she used his body to reach her peak of ecstasy. She was wild, clawing back her humanity through animalistic impulse that shredded her reality for what few blissful seconds her biology would allow - and it finished him. Buried to the hilt inside her, he surrendered with every nerve in his body. He choked back a shout, neck pitched back, vicious sparks of need pouring through the conduit of his lust and claiming her in a torrent of screaming, feral possession. For a split second of eternity, he was lost, trembling before the avatar of his own carnal lust, wondering if he could ever be forgiven for wanting her so savagely.
And then it was over.
Minutes drifted by as he laid still, assuaged yet afflicted with the sin of indulgence. Gods forgive him, he wanted her. And perhaps even more forbidden than the pleasures of her body was the thought of holding her.
Indeed, the simple intimacies of loving someone seemed by far the most out of his reach. To stroke the sweat-slicked skin of her back, nudging his face into her damp hair as she laid atop him panting, satisfied, permeated with his essence and high on his venom. The rosy, burning flavor of her venomous gift lingered in his mouth. So close and yet nearly further away than she had ever been, pushing and pulling him in heartache.
Slowly, as he tidied himself, his phantom lover evaporated. Away she wisped, searching for the embrace of her wayward lover, wherever he might be.
His heart rate slowed as the seconds slipped by. 0400. Training in two hours.
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Shadows and Pills - 3 (end)
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Summary: Some people come away from the Battle of New York with scars and broken bones. Some come away with nightmares and years of therapy ahead of them. Some don’t come away at all. Alexa comes away with a shadow.
Warnings: RAPE, Torture, Abuse, Self Harm, Negative Images of Psychological Services/Mental Health Professionals, Hallucinations, Stalking, Supernatural Horror, Prescription Drug Use and Eventual Abuse, Mental Illness, PTSD, Flashbacks of Violence, Flashbacks of Tragedy, Starving Oneself, Isolation, Physical and Mental Exhaustion, Denial, Self Neglect, Gaslighting, Mental Spiraling, Mental and Emotional Abuse
Author’s Note: This is not a happy story in any sense, at any point. I could only write this at my lowest places, emotionally and mentally speaking, and I had a hard time coming back from it. This is dark, and it does not at any point get lighter. I relied heavily on my own experiences with mental struggles and took a few pieces here and there from my own experiences with mental health professionals. MY EXPERIENCES ARE MY OWN AND ARE NOT TYPICAL, NOT EVEN FOR ME. If you need mental help of any kind, please DO NOT HESITATE TO REACH OUT TO GET IT. This story was an exercise in mental exorcism, in a sense.
For all the Loki lovers out there, I do not shine him anything like a good or redeeming light here. He is evil incarnate, more or less. I love Loki, I love good Loki and redeemed Loki and misunderstood Loki and just about every incarnation thereof. I needed a villain, and he fit the story.
Above all, please be kind. This was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever written, and it took me years to work up the courage to post it. Thank you to all my friends, especially @thoughtslikeaminefield and @glassjacket .
Word Count: 1 - 3785; 2 - 3513; 3 - 1068
In Case You Missed It: Shadows and Pills: Part 1 | Part 2 ItMightHaveBeenIntentional’s Masterlist
Shadows and Pills -
3 (end)
Morning routine: Can’t wake up if you never went to sleep.
Alarm clock’s broken, anyway. Can’t…
Shower is too far. Not sure she can stand.
Dry swallowing sucks. Maybe...give the doc a call. She could try the emergency number.
Getting locked up has to be better, has to-
She can’t find her phone at first. It takes a while to make it out of her bedroom. Her legs don’t seem to want to support her, and it’s oddly painful on her wrists to pull herself up. Maybe she hurt them when she fell out of bed.
Her vision is wavering, and she has to take frequent breaks on the short trek to the kitchen. She considers trying to eat something. It’s been so long, she can’t remember the last time she-
Oh. No food in the apartment. Yeah, so. No, then. No.
What was…
Phone. Doctor. Emergency number.
She grips the back of a chair, forcing numb feet to shuffle on.
Phone. Doctor. Emergency number.
Another step. One more. But why? She doesn’t even know where the damned phone is, anyway.
Phone. Doctor. Emergency number.
Her new mantra carries her across the small apartment, reminding her sieve of a brain of her purpose, no matter how many times she loses track. When she spots her cell phone no more than ten feet away, she almost weeps with relief, but she can’t spare the energy. She allows a single strangled whimper to escape her cracked lips as she fixates on the black rectangle as the lifeline it is.
One more step. And another. And another.
But the phone remains just beyond her fingertips, just beyond her reach, no matter how close she gets. It takes nearly ten minutes of concentrated effort to realize that she’s no closer to the phone than when she started, that she will never reach it.
He won’t let her.
She drops. There’s...why bother...she’s just so tired. And empty. She can’t remember the last time...the last...she can’t-
She can’t remember.
Afternoon routine: She. She is.
She was.
She knows she was, once. She had. And she did. But now she doesn’t, she isn’t, she.
She can’t remember.
She wants to stand, to move, to sleep, to eat, to call...someone, she knows she was going to call someone, but-
She wants anything, anything beyond this slump on the cold, hard floor. But she doesn't have a damned thing left. Her eyes track the shadows as they slowly parade across the room, chasing the setting sun.
A final tear rolls down her cheek when she realizes she can’t remember her name.
And then her tears are gone, too.
You are ready for Me now.
Gentle, infinitely powerful arms lift her from the floor, and she feels the sensation of moving without effort. It’s so nice, peaceful even, not having to make an effort. It’s been a long time since anything was so easy. She wonders for a moment why the fingers pressing against her skin feel so right.
Shouldn’t they be cold? It seems like she’s always been cold, but now, the hands, the arms, her breathing, everything just feels easier.
Rest now, child. Find your peace. Everything will be easier now.
Then the arms are lowering her, and she knows a moment of panic where she is falling, falling for so long, drowning in the oily, choking cesspool-
Hush now. You will know bliss and joy once more. Accept Me, take Me in, and you need never suffer again. I am your salvation.
She takes in a shuddering breath, and the effort alone nearly steals her consciousness. The pain is creeping back in; she has meds for that, there are pills that could-
I am your opium. Breathe Me in, and I shall flow through you, sing elation in your very blood. No more struggle, no more nightmares, only solace and sanctuary.
So tired. She could do it, she really could, though.
Rest, love. Let me comfort you, take your burdens.
Fingers, perfectly warm and gentle, smooth the furrowed lines on her brow, pressing comfort into the creases, tracing soothing patterns on her delicate, papery skin. For the first time in as long as she can remember, she feels cared for, cherished and comforted.
She’s forgotten everything. And now she’s beginning to forget even that. Why was she fighting? Who was she fighting?
There is no one but Us, My pet. Rest now, I will carry your burdens. Will you let Me heal you now?
The question hangs in the air, heavy and much more than it seems, but Alexa is too tired to battle through the implications anymore. She’s done.
“Glad to see you’ve taken advantage of my vacation to make some progress. How are your sleep patterns the last week or so?”
Alexa surveys the doctor quietly for a moment, considering.
“Definitely longer stretches at a time. There are still nightmares, but I don’t remember most of them.”
The doctor’s pen scratches for a moment, then, “Any flashbacks?”
“Fewer. I’ve been trying some of your other suggestions. The meditation seems to help, especially before bed. It’s easier to fall asleep.”
“Good, good. I’m glad you’re seeing some progress at last. Now, who are we up to this week?”
“Actually, Doctor,” Alexa says, standing and gathering her coat and purse, “I have some work I need to get done and sent in to the office before they close for the day. I apologize for cutting short, but I promise I’ll have more progress to report at our next session.”
She turns away from the doctor, opening his office door and departing before he has time to recover from his shock. There will probably be a worried or stern voicemail on her phone later, but, then again, maybe he’ll be impressed enough by her...progress...to leave well enough alone.
Small blessings.
She presses the button for the elevator, then pauses a moment as she waits. A mirror hangs on the wall next to the elevators, and she studies her reflection carefully. A slow, careful smile spreads over her face, and blue eyes sparkle back at her from the angles and curves of her pleased expression.
“Excellent progress,” she murmurs. The elevator announces its arrival with a diminutive ding, and the doors slide open. Alexa steps inside, still smiling as the doors close.
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caws5749 · 3 years
hi mads! i know that you've talked a bit about your anxiety here on your blog and i was wondering if you had tips about managing it/making it feel more manageable as well as any tips for sleeping or what to do when you have trouble sleeping due to anxiety :') ty mads and i hope that this week goes well for you :))
hi hun!
I definitely can try and provide some tips!
For managing anxiety/making it feel more manageable:
- for being really anxious, you can do a few techniques to try and calm yourself down. Breathe in deep in your belly for four, hold for four, and then let out through your mouth. You can also try and clench your toes for three seconds, release for three, and repeat three times. personally, I use fictional characters too, where I remember a fic I read or imagine a scenario and that tends to calm me down in an immediate sense
- for longer term, yoga and meditation help me a ton. journaling and writing things down has helped me as well.
- self care can help with anxiety as well, which can include baths, working out, taking time to write stories, etc.
Honestly, I feel like a hypocrite writing all of that because those are all things that used to work for me. granted, PA school is on its own playing field, and so a lot of students go on meds just during school in order to calm down but sometimes those things still help.
For sleeping:
- I currently don't have any trouble sleeping most likely due to just pure exhaustion but when I did have trouble, I always used comfort movies and scenarios to get me to go to sleep. I usually go in cycles with sleeping, where sometimes I'll be watching those movies or imaging those scenarios. civil war is mine, and I'm usually asleep within twenty minutes of it starting
- BUT when I am not in that "cycle" I will usually put all electronics away and have my Alexa play thunderstorm sounds. I'll meditate and really settle down and make my bed a sort of haven. also, when I'm in this cycle, I don't do any schoolwork on my bed. a bed should (emphasis on SHOULD) be a safe space where no schoolwork is done. I break that rule all the time now (ssh don't tell the school counselor) but making your bed a space only for sleeping is definitely helpful.
- as cliche as it is too, I've found that counting or kinda doing rhythmic things while trying to fall asleep may help. melatonin is always an option if it works for you (it def does NOT work for me and I hallucinate shit but if it works for you kudos)
I hope some of this might help! I hope you're doing okay!!!! <3
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panatmansam · 3 years
How many hours a day do you meditate, Sam?
It’s hard to say. My life in retreat is not like yours. Although I live with my wife and daughter I barely see or hear them. I meditate in an ergonomic chair equipped with a seatbelt to prevent me from falling out if a go-to sleep. An early problem. In this arrangement my back is perfectly straight. I can do yogic breathing effortlessly.
In this position I have access to my computer and phone which connect me to the outside world, including you guys, my tablet which contains my library of audiobooks, e-books and music and my television which is connected to various video feeds.
The room is darkened and climate controlled. It remains a constant 68° F. All year round.
To meditate all I have to do is “spread mindfulness before me” as the Buddha termed it. In other words I have learned how to “switch it on” more or less at will.
So, I just tell Alexa to dim the lights, put on the headphones, light a candle and go, I can spend hours in meditation in this manner.
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