#Alex goes to a Caps game
alotofpockets · 3 months
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When your heart stops beating | Part 1 | Leah Williamson x Lioness!Reader
Where you go down on the pitch and go into cardiac arrest
Warnings: cardiac arrest, CPR, AED, possibly incorrect medical terms
A/n: Happy birthday @wosoamazing, this one is for you!
Read Part 2 here
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.1k
“She does know this game day walk is meant to be relaxing, right?” Millie asks Leah, while the two of them watch you run around with Grace. Leah’s face lights up as you rush past and your giggles reach her ears. “I think she knows, but that she doesn’t care.” 
Where Leah was often found in a quiet corner of the room playing her sudoku’s, you were always running around and doing something active. Today on your game day walk, that consisted of playing tag with Grace. 
“I don’t know how you keep up with her.” Millie had known the both of you for a long time, and yet the question always lingered somewhere in the back of her mind. Leah Williamson was usually the quiet and composed one, especially since she became a part of the captain’s team. You, on the other hand, were always present and expressive. 
“I don’t have to keep up, cause at the end of the day, she always comes running back to me.” Leah said with a content smile. As if you heard Leah’s words, you came running towards her, “Hi baby.” You put your arms around her as you walked backwards for a few steps. “Hi love, did you win?” 
The smirk on your face instantly gave away the answer. “I did, ‘cause Gracie gave up when I was too fast for her.” Leah kissed your forehead, “That’s my girl. Hope you have enough energy left for the match.” You make your way around so you’re now walking next to Leah, “Oh yeah, don’t worry cap, you know I’ve got plenty more where this came from.” Leah rolls her eyes, she might be your captain, but she hated when you called her that.
You had been right though, you were running up and down the flank as if you hadn’t been running around all morning already. You went into halftime with a 1-1 score, knowing Leah was going to give her captain’s speech about being better on set pieces. There had been plenty of opportunities to have broken the tie with them, but hadn’t been able to get the ball in the back of the net from them yet. 
After halftime you're able to break free on the left hand side of the pitch, you manage to get the ball in the far corner where you are quickly surrounded by two defenders. You tried to get out with some fancy footwork, but they weren’t falling for your tricks. Instead you opted on getting the corner, so you kicked the ball against one of them to get it out of bounds. 
Alex ran up to take the corner, while you made your way to the box. You give each other a quick high five, “Let’s show Leah what we can do from set pieces.” Alex said before continuing on her way to the corner.
Once everyone was in position, Alex lifted her hands, and sent her cross in. The ball was coming right in front of the goal, you ran forward and jumped up into the air hoping to reach it. What you hadn’t seen was that the goalkeeper had taken a couple of steps forward and took a firm stand to punch the ball out of the way. Less than a second after you head the ball in the direction of the goal a pair of fists collide with your chest. A shot of pain goes through your whole body as you fall to the ground. The moment your head hits the ground, the world around you goes blank.
Alessia was the first one by your side, as she had stood ready at the back post. You weren’t moving, and you weren’t responding. Alessia looks up with a face full of worry, only to meet Leah’s panicked eyes. 
The medical team was quick by your side, and told the surrounding players to give them some space. Alessia stood up and pulled Leah away from the scene, “Come on, they need space to help her.”
“She isn’t breathing.” One medic said to the other. He went to check your pulse next, “Her pulse is weak. Let’s get her on some air and get her on a heart rate monitor.” The medic made quick work of getting the right equipment, while the players watched the scene unfold in horror, their faces pale with fear and concern. 
They put the oxygen mask on your face, and connect the electrodes to your chest. Your heartbeat was shown on the monitor, and like the medic said it was weak. The beeps sounding from the monitor started slowing down. “Heart rate is dropping. Prepare for CPR.”
Beth stood with her arm around a crying Leah. It was hard for the whole team to see you on the ground like this, but Beth knew that someone needed to be strong for Leah. The rest of the team stood grouped to the side, worriedly looking at their unconscious teammate.
Leah fell to her knees when they started doing CPR on you, Beth tried comforting her as best as she could while tears started forming in her eyes as well. An ambulance was driven onto the pitch, and the paramedics ran up to take over CPR. 
One of the paramedics took over compressions, while the other got the defibrillator ready. The paramedic halts the compressions for a moment as they cut off your shirt. “Hold compressions.” The lead paramedics says, and places the defibrillator paddles on your chest. 
The whole stadium was quiet as the paramedics got ready to shock your heart. “Charging.” The paramedic said, followed by a beep signalling that the defibrillator was ready to shock, “Clear!” 
Your body jolted from the shock, and the paramedics eyed the monitor hopefully. Still nothing. They started compressions again, while the machine recharged. 
“Come on, stay with me.” Leah cried out as the pedals were brought to your chest again. “Clear!” Another shock jolts through your body. “We’ve got her!” The paramedic says, his voice full of relief as the monitor shows a steady heartbeat.  
Your heart might be beating again, but you were still unconscious. “Alright, let’s get her to a hospital.” The stretcher was brought from the back of the ambulance, and you were moved onto it. 
Leah was taking off her armband and shoving it in Beth’s hands. “I have to go with her.” Beth understood, “Go, we’ve got this.” Leah runs over to the ambulance and gets into the back with you. Her eyes were focussed on the steady rhythm of your heart beat on the monitor, while she held your hand tightly. “Stay with me baby.” She whispered over and over again. Leah was definitively in shock, having just watched her girlfriend die and be brought back to life, but your fight wasn’t over yet, you still had to wake up.
Leah sat at your bedside, her hand clutched around yours. The doctor's had done many tests and scans, and had told her that all the tests came back negative and your scans were clear. They had to wait until you woke up to fully assess your memory and motor function. While the doctors were sounding hopeful, Leah still feared the worst.
Doctor's checked on you every 30 minutes. Leah never moved away, staying by your side, holding your hand. It was after the fourth check in that Leah suddenly felt you squeezed her hand. She shot up instantly, “Baby, I'm here.” 
You slowly open your eyes and take in your surroundings. A hospital? You’d have to ask someone what happened, but first you had a more urgent question, so you turn towards the voice. “Did it go in?”
Leah’s eyes filled up with tears. “Did what go in?” You frown, Leah wanted better set pieces and now she didn't know what you were referring to? “The corner, did I score?” Your girlfriend chuckles lightly, realising that this meant you remembered what happened before the accident. “Yes, you did.” Leah wipes the tears from her cheeks.
“Did we win?” You ask next, still having more important questions on your mind than the one relating to you being in a hospital bed. “I don’t know actually.” You’re about to take out the nasal cannula cause you didn’t like the feeling. “Baby, don't touch that, you gotta leave that in.” 
Leah pressed the help button on your bedside, like the nurse had urged her to do when you woke up. “What’s going on Lee?” She shakes her head, “Let’s wait for the doctor’s.” You didn’t understand why Leah didn’t just tell you what was going on, so you pushed more. “Why so serious, love? I just want to know why I can’t take these tubes off.” Leah really tried not being the one to break this to you, but she knew you wouldn’t drop it. 
“Because I watched you die.” You watch her in disbelief. “Your heart stopped on the pitch, they had to shock your heart back to life. You aren’t taking that off until a doctor tells you it’s okay.” The realisation of what had happened started dawning on you. “Copy that, cap.” She rolls her eyes, but steps closer to hug you. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” The nurse walked in. “I see someone is awake. How are you feeling?” You look between Leah and the nurse. “Leah, said I couldn’t take this oxygen thing off, because I died. Did I really die?” The nurse nods, “You did for a moment. Your heart stopped beating after your accident, but the medical team and the paramedics got you back. After that you were brought here, all your tests and scans looked good. The doctor just wants to do a couple tests before you can take the nasal cannula out, I will ask her to come down here soon, I promise.”
Sure enough the doctor showed up in your room within the next five minutes. She did some tests and you were able to take the tube away. “Alright, I want to keep you overnight, just to make sure. Some more tests in the morning, and if those are clear you can go home.”
You couldn’t wait to get home and no longer be in the gloomy hospital room. Lotte had come by with some dinner, and your bags from the stadium. Leah used the time Lotte was there to keep you company to quickly get changed out of her kit, and into the clothes she had packed this morning when she left home. 
After some dinner, Lotte took a picture of the both of you to send to the group chat with an update to the rest of the team. The admin team contacted you to ask if you consented to them using the picture in your injury update post, which you agreed to.
Lionesses just posted
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Lionesses: After some scary moments today, we are happy to share that Y/n is concious and doing well.
She will continue to be monitored, but should make a full recovery.
Sending all our love and well wishes towards you, Y/n!
Leah stayed the night, there was no way she was going to leave your side any time soon. She spent the evening cuddled up with you on the hospital bed, watching a movie together. For you the accident was just what people told you had happened, otherwise it was just one big blank space and then waking up in the hospital. Of course it had been scary to hear that your heart stopped beating, but Leah had seen all that happen. She watched you die, and that visual wasn’t going to leave her head any time soon.
The next morning you successfully finished all the doctor’s tests, and were ready to go home. Lotte was there again to pick you up, since you had both gotten here in the back of the ambulance. 
The doctor’s had put you on bedrest, which you weren’t looking forward to, but you knew it was for your own safety. Leah had already let the staff know that she was taking the week off to be with you, which they fully understood. 
After Lotte dropped the two of you off at your house, Leah took you right to the bedroom where she told you to stay put. Five minutes later she came back with blankets, pillows, water bottles, and snacks. “We’re having a movie marathon, doctor’s orders.” You smiled at her fondly, usually you had too much energy to sit through a full movie, and you realised that Leah was going to take advantage of your bedrest situation. Not that you mattered one bit though, you were all for a night of cuddles with her.
Continue reading part 2!
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thornescratch · 1 month
the other day i was on your blog among others and saw a post i'd like to track down again but can't on my own so far, it was a compilation of coaches and teammates describing backstrom and ovechkin as married, do you happen to know. where that is. if not that's totally understandable thanks
Ha. Do I know where that is. Listen, my brain refuses to remember the quadratic equation, if I already bought egg noodles or not, and when to use farther vs. further, BUT I have a nigh on encyclopedic memory for all posts related to the Backstrom-Ovechkin marriage. I think the OG one you want is this one, from @sashayed:
I always think that Nicky and Alex in the end are meant for each other, so to speak
But I have also curated a number of other posts for you where coaches and teammates and media and such refer to the marriage specifically as a marriage. If that is of interest!
Alex Ovechkin, Nicklas Backstrom reunited for Caps, and it feels so good
Capitals’ Ovechkin, Backstrom again thriving together
Alex Ovechkin and Nicklas Backstrom are polar opposites. Together, they thrived.
honestly the shit we say on here about 819 is like…maaaybe 15% more embarrassing than the shit caps commentators say about them, in public, professionally, on television, every single game
Well, they don't have to try to make it happen, to make it work. It just, it works.
It's like when the love goes out of the marriage. Some separation can be good.
If you love something, let it free. If it comes back, it was meant to be.
Sometimes, it's like a marriage, You got a line that's like a marriage.
‘No different than a married couple’: Alex Ovechkin, Nicklas Backstrom endure
Weirdly, Ovechkin and Backstrom are the first to say it's hard to play with them.
The not-so-odd couple was very good in Minny tonight.
Hope that helps.
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pilferingapples · 1 year
   ah that bit in every Romanticist bio where we gotta get the who's who as the author sees it (all this is from the Fourth Musketeer)
At the Café de Paris, on the boulevard, Alexander breathed the air of the great world. There the celebrities of journalism, literature, and dandyism met.
...this gets long
That man with the warlike hat and blinking eyes' is Nestor Roqueplan who has now left his garret, his washbasin-clock and his pistols-candelabra for the comfortable offices of the Figaro.
OK was this before/after/during its time as an anti-Romanticist paper??
Next him is Jules Janin, who looks comfortably rotund but thinks only of snapping at his neighbor, and who will later fight a duel with Dumas about a wretched question of dramatic criticism.
That fellow by way of being a gentleman, dressed with the correctness of an English lord in a blue coat with gold buttons, a yellow waistcoat, and pearl-gray trousers, is the husband of Marie Dorval, Merle, one of the legitimist party, an epicure and an authority on gastronomy.
..wait, isn't that outfit a Werther cosplay? Am I getting the colors wrong?
. . Over at the long table, orating in a high voice, with his face awkwardly swathed in an enormous neckcloth to hide certain unpleasant scars, is Veron, nicknamed the Prince of Wales, actually the manager of the Revue de Paris, who pays Dumas royally, at least for the time being. With his high color, his greedy lips that look as if they were smeared with jam, and his gluttonous eyes, he seems at once an abbot of former times and a comedy valet.
This guy is way more important than you'd guess by how little he shows up in histories! Also he got his start in patent medicine, which is really jumping out at me post-Blue Castle read!
     That tall, thin, dark man, with hair cut brush-shaped and a prominent nose, wearing a velvet caftan and a cap lined with martin fur, is Adolphe de Leuven, librettist of the Postillon de Lonjumeau, who launched Alexander. By his side, flaunting a magnificent kidskin waistcoat and whirling his rhinoceros cane, is handsome Roger de Beauvoir, with a mop of curly black hair, the only one of Alexander's friends who is an aristocrat of wealth-Beauvoir who entertains six hundred people at the Hôtel de Pimodan, and who has just challenged Balzac for accusing him of being named neither Roger nor Beauvoir. Although Balzac took the trouble to send him "forty pages of excuses," the dandy will listen to nothing and proclaims: "I scorn M. de Balzac's prose, I want only his skin!"
holy shit Balzac you messed up??
     Here is Eugène Sue, very smart in his sea-green coat, with a rather vulgar turn of the nose that detracts from his good looks. Last, simpler and jollier than the rest, is that good fellow Méry who passes for a librarian at Marseilles, but who is always off on a lark to Paris; an amazing improviser who can compose correctly an act of a classical tragedy within two hours, and in the drawing-rooms describe the tortures of hell so vividly that the ladies beg for mercy.
Fun new party game: Describe the tortures of hell!
     Near these gentlemen, but on a lower plane, the madmen appear. "He who was Gannot" and has made himself God under the name Mapah, is a fop and a billiard player now fallen on evil days who sends out manifestos signed "By Our Apostolic Ruin."
The Mahpah is one of the wildest ...visionaries? religious ...somethings? movement leaders? of the time, love seeing him get mentioned (Wiki) (Nonbinary wiki)
Jean Journet, called the Apostle, goes about dressed as a begging friar and sells his verses unfailingly entitled "Songs" or "Cries."
...I have no idea who this is . Sounds like he's coping with poverty very artistishly.
Poor Petrus Borel imagines himself to be a wolf; at his house Alexander has eaten cream from a skull. . . .
excuse you he never said he was a wolf he said he was a werewolf and no one actually disagreed also man,you serve ice cream in skulls ONE time...
         ...you might see (Dumas) in the rue Grange-Batelière, in the salon of the dancer Marie Taglioni, "the sylph of sylphs," or at Delphine de Girardin's on the days when she recited her poems. But Alexander always grew sentimental near "the Muse" and asked her to receive him in private. "I love you," he said, "with an affection too selfish to share you with the world." Then, when they were alone together, she would interrupt him with questions about dramatic art. "Do tell me how one writes for the theater?" Dumas laughed at what he called "the naïveté of genius."      He was attractive to women, there was no doubt of that, even to the most distrustful of them. When Sainte-Beuve, who was fond of playing the rôle of intermediary, proposed to introduce Alfred de Musset to George Sand, she answered: "I don't want you to bring Alfred de Musset. He's too much of a dandy, we should never get along together. . . . Instead of him, do bring Alexander Dumas, in whose art I have found a soul, exclusive of his talent." Alexander came and Sand took a great liking to him.
Wow, imagine if George Sand had ever hung out with Musset What a disaster that would have been huh in that alternate world ><
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duchessdepolignaca03 · 8 months
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I discovered Peloton Cycling and haven’t written much this week as a result of actually going to bed at a normal time to get in an early workout 🫣. But this idea has been percolating in my head now and I’ve recently gotten some encouragement by the surprisingly positive response to the notion of mpreg fic within my little RWRB social circle.
So thank you for the tag @priincebutt @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @zwiazdziarka and @onthewaytosomewhere for the tag!
And the tag is OPEN! I’m certain everyone I know has been tagged already. Except @sparklepocalypse who I know hasn’t posted yet because you’ve just told me.
I bring you, brand new, untitled WIP! It’s a bit rough, but that’s what a WIP is for, right?
TW: mpreg, miscarriage
Henry let his nervous energy out by singing and dancing badly to “Power of Love” by Celine Dion in the privacy of the loo. He hasn’t told Alex that he’s going to test – Alex thinks it’s too soon and doesn’t want to get ahead of himself. But Henry feels confident in the way he has charted his cycles and the timing of their most dedicated attempts.
The song is longer than the time the test requires but he waits until it’s finished to look. His heart is hammering in his chest – definitely from his cover of Celine and his bad dance moves. He peers down at the pregnancy test on the counter and sees…
A single line. Unmistakably alone. Not even the faintest hint of a second line happily joining it.
He doesn’t bother with a second. Just goes to make a “dirty coffee” (full-fat milk, sugar and sprinkles of cocoa and cinnamon) for himself and Alex, surprising his husband with it in a wordless recognition that Alex was right that it was too soon.
He’s certain the special lubricant will do. He had read that most regular lubricants had a spermicidal effect, and so did spit. So he goes to the CVS looking like an absolute hooligan in a thick hoodie, baseball cap and thick sunglasses to buy a bottle of said special lubricant, and another few more boxes of pregnancy tests for measure.
Alex laughs when Henry presents him with the special lubricant, but he’s game. Henry counts down the days until ovulation and bans Alex from “trying to sex me up” outside of the immediate 48 hours before and after.
It works.
Henry knows it works because his breasts are tender. He takes the tests just to be sure but this time he and Alex belt out the “Tell Him” duet together, Alex singing the Barbara Streisand bits. Alex holds him and peeks over his shoulder and they count down together to open their eyes at the same time.
And there it is. Two clear lines. A happy pair.
Henry cries tears of joy that quickly turn to grief a week later when he bleeds. With Alex sitting next to him, oscillating between concern and impassivity, he asks the doctor whether there’s any chance that the pregnancy might go on.
The doctor shakes her head empathetically, and tries to placate him by saying, “You’re most fertile after a miscarriage. You don’t have to wait to try again.”
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space-woomy · 5 months
*throws pan at your head*
talk about it
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Okaysssssss Mooty
Basically the whole villain 4 stuff happens because Callie dies in Splat 2. Marie's low tide ink doesn't work, and agent 4 ends up using g the rainmaker, which really fucks up octavios robot...a bit too much... it explodes, and Callie ends up dieing in Fours arms.
Everyone's sad, and it hits Four the hardest. She believes that it's her fault entirely, and she quits the NSS. She eventually starts doing Grizzco jobs to distract herself. She realizes that "Ah fuck, this is like, genocide or whatever because this is a sentient species and all that." But continues anyways. She eventually makes her way up to the upperanks and meets Mr. Grizz (either through promotions or a some kinda coincidence or whatever). After a special interview, Grizz is like "wanna help me bring back Mammals? You seem like you hate the world." And Alex (4) is like "yeah. Yeah this world fucking sucks. We're obsessed with fashion, world ending threats happen every day, whole species is trapped underground, YOU'RE literally running a genocide company...fuck it, why not? I hate everyone." And they decide to help grizz with his mission.
O.E happens at the same time as this, and it plays out as it does in the games. Eight moves in with Alex, and she shows her around inkopolis and how to live in the city. Eight can practically taste all the nihilism and edge coming from her, but she sees the kindness and joy in her, and wants to pry it out of the shell of hopelessness.
Molly (3) also becomes friends with Alex, and gets a bit closer to her than 8 does. But the still has a shell up, and they still try to break through...
But before they can do that, the world tour happens! And she goes with Pearl and Marina. Alex also takes part in the memverse, with a piece of her soul getting trapped just like the game.
Now, return of the mammalians is going on, and it's all the same, except there is no Mr. Grizz...instead, there's a masked inkling that's at the top of the tower!!! Neo is able to hold them off until Cap (3) gets there, and they run away. In the end, they're able to stop the rocket from launching in the first place and they destroy it.
S.O starts more towards the end of ROTM, and ends well after it. And when 8 gets out, she can't find anyone belonging to the NSS. They've disappeared. She finds clues to go into the Grizzco headquarters. When she gets there, she finds Alex, having captured everyone in the NSS. Marie, Craig, Molly, and Neo are all tied up. Theyre all very bruised and beaten up too. There's also a big plush doll thing of Callie. Button eyes and everything.
Alex is fucking insane right now. They're all cocky and are acting like a typical Villain type. (Think Will Wood's "Main character" for this...thats...honestly what this entire thing spawned from...) and they fight eachother. There are MANY fuzzy octolings that they're fighting as well, and Alex is very dodgy and swift with fighting. It's revealed that their plan is to cover the world with fuzzy ooze with like, 12 rockets. The one in alterna was a test one.
Alex at this point has completely given up on everything, and thinks of herself as a "hero" in a twisted way. She's saving the world by destroying it, a big reset on everyone. Alex is all cocky and shit too, and is constantly talking and mocking them all. 8 eventually frees them all, but She's out if commission for a bit, and Molly steps up to take on Alex. Alex, frustrated with not being able to beat 8, has an idea. They basically Inject fuzzy ooze directly into herself, and gains claws, sharp teeth, heightend senses, she becomes digitigrade, and is stronger overall.
Now...there are 2 ways that this story goes........
Molly and Alex fight, it's intense, and Molly is struggling. Alex is screaming and yelling shit like "YOU WERE ALWAYS THE BETTER AGENT WERENT YOU?!?! HUH!?!? LOOK AT YOU KNOW!!!! CANT EVEN STAND UP TO AN INFERIOUR AGENT" and "COME ON "LIVING TSUNAMI"! COME SPLAT ME!!!"
and Molly is like "...fuck dude...I really wish I talked to you more...man I Hate seeing you like this.. please...you were never the worst...why did this happen" in their head.
It ends up with Alex getting a chainsaw, and tackling Molly to the ground. She trys to push it into them, and manages to really fuck up their arm a bit, but Molly gets the strength to push it back...and gets Alex right in the neck...
She lives for a single second, with a smile on their face...and a single tear running down their face...
Molly and 8 now have double trauma. Yaaaaay!!!!!!!
Marie has even more trauma to!!!!!!
All of them do!!!!!
They stop grizzco, but they're not in that good of a mood for celebration...
(Also, I say "bad" ending because it's, like, a negative ending more like. A non-ideal ending really. I don't like "good" and "bad" endings or whatever...)
Same shit happens, except Alex ends up breaking down more in the middle of the fight. She says more stuff that's more like her telling the truth about how she feels, instead of just taunting. At one point, Molly tackles her into a hug and says "Alex, it wasn't your fault! Inkopolis wouldve been attacked if you didn't stop them! Please! Callie wouldnt be mad at you!!!"
Alex breaks out, and they fight some more. Three's arm still gets fucked up, but Alex drops the chainsaw, and she dosent die!!! Yay :D!!!!!!
But she's got so much bottled up and fucked up trauma that they become physically ill afterwards. They beet grizz, and Fours recovery starts.
I've gotten all of this from Will Woods "Main character"
I keep imagining an animatic to the song where 8 and 4 fight with "main character"
And another one which is only the lyric portion of "Silly billy" from that hit single fnf mod. Those lyrics are F I R E
If anyone has any questions, please ask!!!
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calandrinon · 6 months
ok there was a poll about national anthems and I have what I think is one of my best ideas yet, thanks to Aotearoa for the inspiration.
For those who don't know, the national anthem of Aotearoa has a verse in te reo Māori and a verse in English, which is an excellent idea for a titchy little country with one unified indigenous language but is not so easy in a vast expanse where there are thousands.
So do we all know I Am Australian by the Seekers?
It's been proposed with varying degrees of seriousness as an alternative national anthem, but my proposal goes one step further (ok, many steps):
I suggest that the Australian national anthem should be the chorus to I Am Australian, in English and in every available indigenous Australian language.
"but cal that would make the anthem 1000 minutes long" yes but obviously we wouldn't sing every verse every time! In practice the version of the anthem sung would include those languages that are appropriate. So everyone would get to learn the anthem in the language of the Aboriginal nation where they live, and at events in that nation you might sing the anthem in English (usually) and in that language. If you move to a different area you learn the anthem in the language of that area. If you are not great with languages that's fine, as long as you have a go, and if all you can do is belt out "I am you are we are Australian" at the right time and on roughly the right notes then at least you have the right spirit.
Here's how it might work:
If you're at a sporting event where the anthem is sung, like the Anzac Day match at the MCG, they'd sing the anthem in English and the Woiwurrung language (covers both teams and the ground itself).
If the world turned even more upside down and Freo played GWS in the grand final, you might hear English (native language of most players and the competition), Woiwurrung (the holy MCG), Nyoongar (Fremantle) and Dharug (GWS).
In practice there should be a cap on the number of verses because otherwise someone would definitely take the piss, but this should not be legislated because sometimes you need someone to take the piss.
If the anthem is sung to highlight the achievements of one person, it might include the verse(s) most appropriate to that person - where they were born or grew up, where they live and work, where their ancestors are from. This is an occasion where I can imagine the English verse could legitimately be omitted.
A sporting team or other group representing many languages could choose to nominate one or more verses to be played. Maybe if it's Alex's 50th match then they sing Alex's verse that game, then at the next game they sing Pat's verse because Pat had to leave the tour for the birth of their child, and of course opinion will be split between "aww that's really sweet" and "stop messing with it".
Most importantly, there should be no single official version. Any definition should not specifically include or exclude any single verse, not even the original English verse. Preferably the definition should be broad enough that we could all sing a verse in te reo Māori for Barnaby Joyce and it would be legit.
Anyway please feel free to expand on this and/or tell me I'm an idiot genius, I have a dog who requires attention
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thatndginger · 10 months
80 for the Wrapped prompts :D
~ @ghost-town-story
Hello and thank you for the ask! You picked:
80 - Chasing Shadows by Alex Warren
The wind coming up off the bay is bitterly cold, pushing the waves into the rocks below with thunderous force. Frothy spray spatters the bottom of Kerr’s boots where they dangle over the edge of the old lighthouse’s foundation. He’s alone but for the six-pack next to his hip, cardboard gone soggy from the seaspray. Stouts aren’t really his thing, but it doesn’t matter today. He grabs a fresh bottle, pops the cap with the rusted metal railing. It goes down bitter and cold, but he downs half of it in one go regardless. It’s the memories he’s after. Calloused hands snatching a bottle from his grasp, bright laughter and a warm voice saying, “tóg bog é, tú linbh!”,and the bitter taste of beer on his tongue. Kerr can’t quite remember a face anymore, but he remembers brown eyes and black hair and a lopsided smile like his own. It’s not nearly enough. It’s just enough. He tips the rest of the beer out, down onto the rocks and waves. “breithlá sona, daid.”
from this ask game <3
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andrebearakovsky · 1 year
Okay the Caps have clearly declared that this is gonna be a wacky anything goes type of game, so I would like to make some requests for what I’d like to see in the last game of the year
Alex Alex first NHL goal
Conor Sheary goal as reward for perfect attendance
NAK goal - he’s played very well this year and never gets rewarded and has been robbed so many times, I want him to finally be rewarded with one
Nick Jensen goal cause I wanna hear his goal song again (It’s “Big Energy” btw if you didn’t know, which simply KILLS me)
Kuzy does something wacky
They BETTER get that goalie in for a few minutes
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legolasghosty · 2 years
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I posted 2,186 times in 2022
That's 2,186 more posts than 2021!
138 posts created (6%)
2,048 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 740 of my posts in 2022
#legolas tag - 125 posts
#legolas ask - 82 posts
#julie and the phantoms - 76 posts
#legolas answers asks - 53 posts
#jatp fanfic - 50 posts
#willex - 49 posts
#jatp - 41 posts
#alex mercer - 28 posts
#willie jatp - 23 posts
#ask game - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and alex has now seen enough little bits of bobby through willie's stories and the house that he knows trevor won't turn his back on carrie
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello, I think that if Julie and the Phantoms got a second season(let me live in dream world for a sec here), they should up the rating just a bit for like one episode, exclusively so 2 things can happen. 1. So Willie and Alex can properly make out. They deserve it. 2. So Willie can fully cuss Caleb out for all the manipulation and trauma and stuff, again, cause Willie deserves to be able to do that, and Caleb deserves to cower in fear at the wrath of this usually friendly, happy skater ghost boi. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
143 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
Let Alex Mercer be the pettiest haunter.
While Luke and Reggie are blasting music and turning on showers to scare people, I think Alex goes a bit subtler. He lives(dies) to cause millions of minor inconveniences. Like taking the ink cartridges out of all of the pens(and I mean all of them). Or unplugging power chords just enough that it looks fine but won't actually charge stuff. Or the water pressure in the shower being really weak for no apparent reason.
When Alex full on haunts someone, he doesn't want them scared, he just wants them annoyed and miserable. So he just makes them have lousy days by messing up all their stuff.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
(bonus, Willie finds out about this and goes, "Hey, do you know how to use a seam ripper?"... And then the chaos just grows and they have little haunting dates of ripping seams and moving around all the CDs on people's shelves.)
146 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Okay so I did a thing... There's a point in Heartstopper (the show version) where Mr. Ajayi tells Charlie, "Don't let anyone make you disappear," and that just... stuck in my brain last night. So... here y'all go! They are all formatted to be a phone background or something, so feel free to save them if you want to use them for that.
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See the full post
151 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Annabeth: hey, Percy, I'm bi.
Percy: *seaweed brain confusion* Annabeth, don't you know like five languages or something? You're like quinlingual or something.
Annabeth: *face palms* Babe, no, I meant bisexual, as in I'm attracted to girls and guys and stuff.
Percy:..... Isn't everyone?
This is fact, fight me.
167 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey JatP gang. I know it's been a rough year, both with the show and in people's personal lives. I just wanted to hop on here and say that even if we all drift away to other fixations or hobbies or pieces of media, there will still be a huge piece of my heart here for all of you. In 2023 when Julie throws her cap in the air at her high school graduation, I love you. In 2024, when the band releases their first full album, I love you. In 2025 when Alex and Willie have a small wedding in the Molina garage, I love you. In 2026, when Edge of Great hits platinum, I love you. In 2027 when they start their first world tour, I love you. In 2028 when they win three Grammys, I love you.
And in 2032, when Alex chases Reggie all over their huge studio for saying that he'd be the one to leave in a blowup, I love you.
In 2035 when they release their sixth album, I love you.
In 2041, when Luke is able to stand and speak and hug his dad at Emily's funeral, I love you.
In 2049, when they raise over a billion dollars to help LGBTQ+ youth through a series of charity concerts, I love you.
In 2054 when they play at Ray's retirement party, I love you.
I could keep going, but I think you get the point. This show, this band, and this fandom will live in my heart forever, even if we aren't all still talking 20 years down the road. I love you guys, happy anniversary.
192 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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spammreviews · 8 months
All the 2023 films I’ve seen so far, ranked:
16. You Are So Not Invited To My Bar Mitzvah
Pretty much every scene in this film goes like this:
*modern pop-song blares ridiculously loud, making all dialogue practically unintelligeble*
Main Girl: OMG, Alex is totes hot AF, no cap, for real, for real.
Other Teen Character; I love Tiktok. And pronouns. 
Adam Sandler Character: Wow, teens today sure are craaaaaazy.
*the music spontaneously cuts out as something funny happens. We get ten different cuts of ten different character reactions*
Random Side Character: Wow, this sure is craaaaazy,
*another pop song comes on, this one is also way too loud*
15. Air
This is a Nike commercial. Characters with dimensions or personalities? Who needs those? Themes? Hah! This film wants to have themes, but those themes are “Michael Jordan is successful, and that’s cool. Buy Nike”. 
This film is devoid of energy, pathos, or creativity. It tells a story in the most bland, watered down, and commercial way possible.
It mentions the fact that Nike shoes are made by enslaved children in other countries once and then never again.
14. Maestro
This is a biopic about a queer jewish communist conductor most active in New York during the mid 1900s.
Unfortunately, this film treats Leonard Bernstein’s Judaism as merely a detail to be ticked off in a checklist. Anti-semitism is also briefly paid lip service, only to never be brought up again. 
It’s unclear how Judaism even affected Leonard Bernstein. 
Leonard’s sexuality is mentioned more, but the film seems similarly uninterested in exploring this feature of Mr. Bernstein. We barely see how it affected him.
Leonard’s communism is basically just removed entirely.
Despite a majority of the film taking place in New York in the mid 1900s, the film is uninterested in capturing the experience of living in that time or place or creating any sense of atmosphere.
Most damningly, the film is completely uninterested in Leonard Bernstein as a composer. Say what you will about Bohemian Rhapsody, but you could tell that the creators of that film cared about Fredey Mercury’s music. I don’t know if the creators of this film cared for Leonard Bernstein’s music. 
We don’t see how Leonard’s experiences affected his music, or how his music affected his life. 
There lies the rub, this film is completely uninterested in Leonard Bernstein as a human being. Instead, it’s interested in giving us a series of meaningless vignettes which do nothing except show off Bradley Cooper’s directing.
The film does look nice, I’ll give it that, but it doesn’t use its directing and cinematography to say anything.
As a result of the film’s disinterest in Leonard Bernstein as a person, our main character is devoid of any depth. Unfortunately, so are the 20 other characters in this movie. The portrayal of Leonard’s relationship with his wife is laughably awful, with the two of them re-uniting and getting over years of disagreements for no real reason. The relationship between Leonard and his daughter, as well as the other characters in this film, fair just as poorly.
Finally, while Bradley Cooper is an amazing actor, his performance here is hindered by two major problems. Number one, the fake nose. It looks really stupid. Number two, his voice. As young Leonard Bernstein, his voice is fine, when he’s old Leonard Bernstein, he’s putting on an old man voice that sounds like Tom Waits impersonating a train engine.
13. Dungeons and Dragons
Ok, there’s a huge jump in quality with this one. Dungeons and Dragons is a fun film with a great cast who all seem to be having fun. It’s filled with humor without losing any of its sincerity, the action scenes are energetic and creative, and there’s a clear love and respect for the game. 
12. Nimona
You know what, here’s a link to my Letterboxd review of this film:
11. Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Similarly to Dungeons and Dragons, this film actually likes its source material, and it doesn’t let its humor get in the way of its sincerity. It’s not afraid to be silly nor is it afraid to be sentimental.
Almost all of the members of the ensemble cast are given an arc: Rocket deals with trauma, Starlord deals with trauma, Gamora  does her arc in the first film again, Drax matures a bit, Nebula learns that she doesn’t need to prove herself and that she can be a good guy, Mantis learns to stand up for herself, and that dude played by James Gunn’s brother learns the power of self-confidence.
Groot is the only character not afforded this, even though he does get some badass moments.
Overall, this film just drips witch charm and genuine enthusiasm.
10. Godzilla Minus One
What this film succeeds at is portraying Godzilla not just as a villain, but as a dark, unknowable eldritch force. 
I won’t say all that much more, because I’ll do a Godzilla ranking some day, and I’ll go more in depth about this film.
9. Blackberry
You know The Social Network? This is very similar, but instead of Mark Zuckerberg, we get a much nicer who is slowly fucked up.
Unlike Air, this film actual criticizes the industry it’s in, and how it’s impossible to actually be ethical in it. We are shown that actually trying to make a good product in the tech industry simply isn’t a good business model. Capitalism incentivizes cruelty and punishes empathy.
This very sad idea is wrapped up in a rather fun package, with a large cast of distinct characters who all bounce off each other well.
8. Barbie
I don’t need to review this. You’ve seen Barbie. We all know it’s a delightful film with a fun theatrical nature, and that it works as a simple but effective investigation of the patriarchy which kids can understand. Also, “I’m Just Ken” slaps, and I’ve been listening to it unironically for months.
7. Talk To Me
Why does no one talk about Talk To Me anymore? It was the biggest thing ever for a month period, and then everyone forgot about it. That’s a pity, as this film slaps. It’s not a deep film. The hand is like drugs, and the main character uses it to deal with her grief, but she ends up hurting those close to her.
There’s also questions raised about trying to help those who don’t want it, how it can hurt both you and the person you’re trying to help. However, sometimes people do need and actually want help but are just unable to ask for it.
This question is very important to the end of the film. 
This film is ceaselessly cruel, especially to that one kid. God, I feel so bad for him. 
There is one scene in particular which is so visceral and unflinching, and it comes right after a very light scene of comedy.
This film also has this deep sense of loneliness, as it’s marked by a sense of being unable to communicate with others. Maybe that’s why it’s called “Talk to Me”. 
6. Asteroid City
I vibe with this film so much. It is delightfully silly, extraordinarily colorful, and ceaselessly creative. Basically, you like Wes Anderson, then you’ll enjoy this film.  
One thing Wes Anderson is great at is portraying bad family dynamics. While this movie is surreal in so many ways, the families in this film feel real.
This film uses the story-within a-story framework in a genius way, poking fun at the artistic process by portraying it in a simulated environment, and then doing the same with the nature of human relationships.
I feel like I need to see this film two or more times if I want to really understand.
5. Beau is Afraid
This is my favorite kind of film: horrifying, psychological, and extraordinary confusing. 
The reason why this film isn’t higher is because it is simply put, to much. 
While their are three hour long films from this year that definitely earn their runtime, Beau is Afraid most certainly does not, with the film often feeling repetitive, as we often get multiple scenes which serve to say the same things within the story. It’s like Ari Aster wrote the same scene two or three different ways and didn’t know which version to cut, so he put all three in them.
I’m being very vague for three reasons:
One, I watched this film, like, seven or so months ago and my memory is fuzzy.
Two, I don’t want to spoil anything.
Three, I’m kind of scared of talking about this film. I want this to be short, but if I start talking about details like the penis monster or that fairy tale section or the purpose of hair within the film, then this will devolve into a nonsensical rant. 
This film kind of invents its language through the use of eighteen or so different motifs. It also uses its locations in just the bizarrest way, where we get to know these locations very well, and then we’re given pieces of information which completely change the way we see those locations. 
This whole film is just a nightmare. However, the film, especially Joaquin Phoenix, goes to great lengths to sell you the bizarreness. 
4. Oppenheimer
I think Oppenheimer does what the best biopics do, in that they are an attempt to understand the main character. This film doesn’t claim to know exactly who Oppenheimer is, rather, it’s trying to figure that out.
Oppenheimer, the person, is a riddle we have to decipher.
Oppenheimer’s change in morals, were his opinion of the bomb shifted only after he made it, is something that is…interesting, and the film puts a large emphasis on it, connecting it to other times that Oppenheimer’s opinion appeared to change drastically, like with communism. 
This film also doesn’t tell you what to think about Oppenheimer, or about any of this. 
This film also has one of the best explosions in any movie ever, and the explosion scene is one of the many examples of how the film uses sound. There’s a scene featuring the sound of stamping feet which sounds absolutely traumatic. 
Both the sound and visual editing of this film are extremely violent. 
Oppenheimer is a guy who has repeatedly done something bad and not faced any consequences. And, when punishment finally comes, it’s for something extremely minor. 
Unlike the other biopic about a jewish communist with an interesting profession and a complicated sex life, this film is actually interested in all four of these aspects, spending time on all four and how they affected Oppenheimer. 
This film is actually enthusiastic about physics, and that’s nice.
Overall, this film is definitely worth the hype.
3. Spiderman: Across the Spider Verse
I love how much love the two Spiderverse films have for comic books and superheroes. The first film was basically one giant love letter to superheroes, the medium of comics, and to Spiderman in particular. It explained how we need heroes to look up to, and how they can inspire us to be better. All the while, it paid sincere tribute to comic books and their unique form of storytelling.
This film then asks the question of what a superhero even is. However, it is still a love letter to superheroes. It understands something fundamental about Spiderman’s appeal: he is just an ordinary person. This is important because it shows that we all have the capacity to have the heroism of Spiderman. After all, Peter Parker’s actions are just him trying to emulate the ordinary powered adults in his life- but that’s a topic for another time.
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse uses the whole “canon event” thing to discuss how anyone can be a hero, but it also dives into an important idea: the way we romanticize suffering, and how that connects to superheroes. Spiderman is a character who goes through hell regularly, and we admire him for that, but our admiration of perseverance can often turn to a puritanical idea that suffering leads to purity. 
In this film, both Miles and Gwen are kind of putting themselves through hell because they think that it’s the only way, and that’s how to be a good person.
That’s why Miles doesn’t tell anyone that he’s Spiderman, he doesn’t want anyone’s help. It’s been pointed out that there’s a scene where Miles tries to carry two cakes at once but ends up ruining them. This can be seen as symbolic of him trying to balance his social and spider life. However, the idea isn’t that Miles should cut everyone else out of his life, instead the idea is that he needs other’s help. After all, carrying two cakes is easier with two people.
Miles does learn this lesson, as he does attempt to reveal to his parents that he’s Spiderman at the end.
In the story, Miguel represents this romanticization of suffering, believing that is what makes a good Spiderman. Miguel is this stoic hero who cuts himself off from all human connection. 
In that way, Miguel serves to make a meta point. Comic writers often make Spiderman go through hell, and this misery often comes from Peter being cut off from his connections to others, most infamously when Peter Parker’s marriage was erased from existence. The reason for this is that Peter’s suffering makes him more “relatable”.
Miles learns his lesson by seeing how Miguel acts. In the beginning, Miles belief that he has to carry all of his problems himself is similar to Miguel’s belief in canon events. Miles believe this is his fate, and Spiderman have to suffer, as does Miguel.
However, Miguel is miserable, and so is Gwen, another character cutting herself off from those around her.
Oh god, I didn’t intend to write this much. Basically, what I’m saying is, Across the Spiderverse’s themes of the romanticization of suffering work on a meta level and on a psychological level.
Oh, also, the film is fucking gorgeous. Every scene is just a blast of color and energy and beauty and life. This film makes full use of the medium of animation, incorporating a dozen different styles. One of the first scenes of this film has a three dimensional character fight a two dimensional person.
The stylized yet detailed animation allows every fight scene to be filled with this jaw dropping kinetic energy.
And the soundtrack? Oh god, the soundtrack is intense and ferocious and just plane fun at points, mixing jazz and rap and pop and electronic and punk and the usual tropes of film soundtracks. 
I think I need to move on, or I’ll be talking about this film forever. I want to turn this film into a powder and snort it.
2. The Holdovers
This is a perfectly cozy movie. It has a wonderful atmosphere, some delightful acting, and a great sense of humor. Paul Giamatti's character is the perfect example of how to write a character with dimensions, and his performance just oozes charm. I would not be surprised if there are people who will have a tradition of watching this film every December in the years to come.
This is not a unique film, but that’s its charm. It’s as familiar as a warm hug.
I like when films use Christmas as a sort of oppressive force. Christmas feels lonely in this film, as being alone in a time centered around family feels lonely.
Killers of the Flower Moon
This is an extremely precise film. Every movement of the camera and every framing of a scene is purposeful.
I love Scorcese’s sense of humor. This whole situation is weird. It’s awkward. It causes people to act silly, like when Leonardo Dicaprio tries to flirt. 
Scorcese is really good at giving these films the comedy they deserve.
The two main characters of this film, Ernest and Molly, are top tier characters.
What makes Ernest a great character is that he is a truly despicable person who’s also an idiot in a rather charming way. 
Something interesting I noticed about Ernest is that he keeps mentioning how much he loves money and how every other character called him greedy at least once. 
The thing, is Ernest actually doing this because he loves money, or is he doing this out of pride? 
We get one scene , the gambling scene, where Ernest indulges with his money and actually seems happy about gaining it. Other than that, Ernest seems rather uninterested in money beyond it being necessary for his survival. In contrast, we see Robert De Niro’s character actively getting annoyed when he’s refused money. 
Then again, the acclimation of wealth to Ernest may be something he takes pride in.
Moving on to Molly, I feel so bad for her. She’s an ordinary person who never asked for this and did nothing to cause this to happen. She also simply does not have the skills to deal with this. This is a situation she is not able to deal with. She’s not a hero, her goals are the survival of her and her family, and that’s it.
It’s also interesting the way this acts as a microcosm of colonialism in America. Some native Americans have a bunch of stuff, and a bunch of white people want that stuff so they come over, act kind of nice, and then slowly kill everyone. In that sense, it makes sense that our main native American character who has a disease. She’s one of many characters who’s disease is used against them. 
Oh, and also, we see many poor white characters used as pawns by the richer white characters as part of their schemes, often using racist rhetoric when they do that, but not using that rhetoric when talking amongst themselves.
The motivations of Robert De Nero’s character and others like him isn’t racism, it’s money. However, they use racism as a tool and as an excuse, often blaming the violence on the Native Americans themselves, and using the government’s apathy towards Native Americans as a way to get away with their crimes. We are told that “You have a better chance of convicting a man for killing a dog then for killing an Indian.”
Basically, these schemers are taking advantage of the Osage people.
Ernest’s relationship with Molly is a microcosm of this, with him using her trust of him to slip poison into her insulin. 
I also love the way the film uses language. Usually, the characters speak english. However, there are multiple scenes where native americans use their native tongue when talking to white people as a way to sort of gain a slight amount of power. After all, they native americans are being forced to adapt to a different language, so Molly speaking in osage to Earnest forces him to make that same sacrifice.
The real reason for why this film is in number one is for the ending, which sees Martin Scorcese making a cameo that sort of redefines the entirety of the film we’ve seen so far and almost seems like a commentary on his career. There’s the idea that this is probably inaccurate, as there’s no real way of perfectly portraying this actual historical event.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, every performance in this movie is fantastic, whether it be Lily Gladstone, Leonardo Dicaprio, Robert Deniro, Todd from Breaking Bad, or Brendan Frasier- who appears in three scenes and absolutely steals the show with an insane amount of energy.
All of these actors give so much fire and humanity to many absolutely stunning conversations about insurance fraud. I’m serious. I don’t think insurance fraud has ever been more poignant and tragic.
0 notes
sportsgr8 · 9 months
Adam Gilchrist Backs Alex Carey To Reclaim White-ball Spot Via Tests Against Pakistan
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Boxing Day Test: Australia’s legendary wicketkeeper-batter Adam Gilchrist has backed Alex Carey to reclaim his spot in the side’s white-ball team via the ongoing Test series against Pakistan. Carey is unbeaten on 16 at stumps on day three of the Boxing Day Test. His form with the bat has dipped since inflicting the stumping of Jonny Bairstow during this year’s Ashes Test at Lord’s, which sparked a huge furore. Though he’s been strong behind the stumps, Carey is yet to hit a fifty in Tests since the first Ashes game at Birmingham. “I actually like the fact that he has spoken so openly about his desire to get back into that white ball team. I see no reason for him to shut down that goal. I don’t think it changes anything in his life by the way he goes about his cricket, the way he trains.” “I don’t think he sits at home and worries about it, so it is not draining him of mental energy and perhaps affecting his Test cricket. I think it is terrific. He is hungry to play for Australia as much as he possibly can and if it never happens again, it won’t be through a lack of trying.” “I think being incentivised to keep improving and keep developing will only enhance his Test cricket as well, even if it is using white ball cricket as a motivation,” said Gilchrist on Fox Cricket’s The Follow On podcast. Carey also had a lean time with ODIs in 2023, and after the opening match of the Men’s ODI World Cup against India at Chennai, he was sidelined with Josh Inglis coming in. Gilchrist, who gave Carey his ‘Baggy Green’ cap ahead of his Test debut against England in 2021, felt the selection panel was right in opting for Inglis over Carey for the majority of World Cup campaign in India. “The decision by the selectors to go with Josh Inglis in the World Cup was justified. He contributed nicely to that World Cup win. But I think Alex Carey would have done a very serviceable job there as well. Credit to the selectors.” “They had something in mind with it and they have a World Cup to show for it, but that should not put Alex Carey off. I think he is a good all-round cricketer and I would say the main thing is that his work ethic is unrelenting and he will do that whether he is playing one day cricket or not. But I would say keep the dream alive, because that inspires him,” he concluded. Read the full article
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innermuse24 · 1 year
Games which Piqued my Interest List (1 of ?)
1. Dark Pictures Anthology Collection
- The Man of Medan:
Man of Medan is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator (Pip Torrens), who requests the player's assistance in completing it.
A prologue, set after World War II, details an American warship in Manchuria being overrun by ghostly apparitions, causing the death of the crew.
In the present day, brothers Alex (Kareem Alleyne) and Brad (Chris Sandiford) are preparing for a diving expedition into the South Pacific Ocean alongside Alex's girlfriend, Julia (Arielle Palik), Julia's brother, Conrad (Shawn Ashmore), and the ship's skipper, Fliss (Ayisha Issa). Alex and Julia seek out to find a World War II wreck plane rumoured to have crashed. Meanwhile, a group of fishermen crash into Fliss' boat, the Duke of Milan. After the expedition group celebrate, the fishermen, led by Olson (Kwasi Songui), ambush the boat and take the protagonists hostage; Brad may optionally remain in hiding. Conrad attempts to steal the fishermen's speedboat, which he can either successfully do so and flee, remain captured, or be killed in the attempt. Olson discovers the coordinates of a seemingly hidden treasure named Manchurian Gold and seeks out to find it with the Duke crew in his captivity.
The Duke crashes into the SS Ourang Medan, the freighter featured in the prologue, which the fishermen board, taking the Duke of Milan's distributor cap to prevent the crew from fleeing. The protagonists immediately plan to regain the distributor cap and escape. The group is split after Fliss is recaptured and Brad is either too captured or leaves the Duke and re-joins her, while the others secretly follow. Both groups begin to witness unknown threats, optionally resulting in deaths: Fliss searches the ship's lower deck, potentially alongside Brad, and locates the Manchurian Gold, a leaking chemical substance; Conrad, if he remained captured, pursues Fliss and is pursued in turn by a female nurse; and Alex and Julia are attacked by Olson and a hallucinogenic version of Alex.
The surviving protagonists regroup and head towards the radio room to request extraction. They contact the military, optionally revealing their co-ordinates and the ship name. The group then again splits, with one team heading further into the generator room and the other remaining with the radio. The team heading to the engine room successfully reactivate the power and surmise that Manchurian Gold was actually a hallucinogenic bioweapon developed during World War II to induce hallucinations on victims.
As Olson pursues, one of the protagonists at the radio decides to investigate after hearing a gunshot. If Alex stayed behind, he goes down with whomever is with him and finds Olson dead before being attacked by rats and optionally destroying the distributor cap and/or dying. If Alex did not stay in the radio room, only one protagonist will investigate. This protagonist is forced into a fight with Olson, with the distributor cap either being recovered or destroyed in the onslaught. If at least one of the generator protagonists survived, they emerge and send a cargo door crashing down on Olson to kill him, with the other protagonist either escaping or being crushed also. Otherwise, Olson kills the radio protagonist before succumbing to a heart attack.
The surviving group members reunite on the outer deck of the ship, with the overall outcome depending on the fate of the group via player choice, whether the Duke of Milan's distributor cap was saved or destroyed, and whether the military was called for assistance alongside whether the ship name was disclosed.
- Little Hope:
Little Hope is presented as an unfinished story in the possession of the omnipresent Curator (Pip Torrens), who requests the player's assistance in completing it.
In the present day, a bus driver is taking four students, Andrew (Will Poulter), Angela (Ellen David), Taylor (Caitlyn Sponheimer), and Daniel (Kyle Bailey), and their professor, John (Alex Ivanovici), on a class trip, before crashing after being forced to take a detour through the ghost town of Little Hope. The story then jumps back to a prologue set in 1972 regarding the Clark family: the parents, Anne (David) and James (Ivanovici), and their four adopted children, Anthony (Poulter), Tanya (Sponheimer), Dennis (Bailey), and Megan (Skye Burkett). Megan places her doll onto a stove lit by Anthony, starting a house fire where each of the family members die except for Anthony, who runs back into the burning house as the prologue ends.
Back in the present, the group set off into Little Hope to search for help as the bus driver goes missing. They enter a bar to use a phone and encounter Vince (Kevin Hanchard), Tanya's boyfriend at the time of the house fire, who reveals that there is no power. On the way up the road, Andrew and Angela find a doll and are dragged backwards in time by a ghostly figure named Mary (Burkett). The group all begin to collide with Mary and see flashbacks where Reverend Carver (David Smith) is blackmailing Mary into helping him frame residents of Little Hope (doppelgängers of the present-day group) for witchcraft. Each member of the group except for Andrew witnesses their doppelgänger be executed before being attacked by a demonic version of them and either successfully fleeing or dying based on player choice. Ultimately, the group ends up at the Clark family household and witness one final flashback where Carver has betrayed Mary and has her framed for witchcraft. Andrew can instruct his doppelgänger to either blame Carver and have him taken away, have Mary's doll burned, or blame Mary and have her executed.
Returning to the present, Andrew is revealed to have actually been the bus driver, Anthony, who hallucinated the present-day group and the residents from the flashbacks as figures from his past, including his family, after being forced to return to Little Hope. Depending on his treatment towards Vince, who he ultimately blamed, and whether he has a gun, Anthony will either be arrested, commit suicide, continue to blame himself for his family's deaths, or accept that the house fire was not his fault.
- House of Ashes:
2. Plague Tale Collection
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sanjosenewshq · 2 years
Albert Pujols Hits 700th House Run Joins MLBs Unique Membership
LOS ANGELES (AP) — St. Louis Cardinals slugger Albert Pujols hit his 700th profession residence run on Friday evening, connecting for his second drive of the sport in opposition to the Los Angeles Dodgers and changing into the fourth participant to succeed in the milestone in main league historical past. The 42-year-old Pujols hit No. 699 within the third inning, then launched No. 700 within the fourth at Dodger Stadium. With the drive within the closing days of his final large league season, Pujols joined Barry Bonds (762 homers), Hank Aaron (755) and Babe Ruth (714) in one in all baseball’s most unique golf equipment. Albert Pujols joins the 700 residence run membership! With back-to-back homers in Dodger Stadium he enters the unique firm of Barry Bonds, Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth. pic.twitter.com/YAKbyq5vWy — St. Louis Public Radio (@stlpublicradio) September 24, 2022 It’s been a outstanding run for Pujols. This was his 14th residence run for the reason that begin of August for the NL Central-leading Cardinals, and his twenty first of the season. Pujols’ historic homer was a three-run shot in opposition to Dodgers reliever Phil Bickford. The ball landed within the first few rows of the left-field pavilion, the identical location his two-run shot touched down the earlier inning off left-hander Andrew Heaney. Pujols obtained a chronic standing ovation from the group — he completed out final season whereas enjoying for the Dodgers. He took a curtain name, elevating his cap in acknowledgment. The followers chanted “Pujols! Pujols!” They lastly sat down after being on their toes in anticipation of seeing historical past. Pujols snapped a tie with Alex Rodriguez for fourth on the checklist when he hit profession homer No. 697 in opposition to Pittsburgh on Sept. 11. Reaching 700 homers appeared like a protracted shot for Pujols when he was batting .189 on July 4. However the three-time NL MVP began to seek out his stroke in August, swatting seven homers in a single 10-game stretch that helped St. Louis draw back within the division race. “I do know that early within the 12 months … I clearly wished higher outcomes,” Pujols mentioned after he homered in a 1-0 victory over the Chicago Cubs on Aug. 22. “However I felt like I used to be hitting the ball onerous. Generally this sport goes to take extra away from you than the sport (is) supplying you with again. “So I feel on the finish of the day it’s a must to be constructive and simply keep targeted and belief your work. That’s one thing that I’ve carried out on a regular basis.” Pujols has loved a resurgent season after returning to St. Louis in March for a $2.5 million, one-year contract. It’s his highest whole since he hit 23 homers for the Angels in 2019. He plans to retire when the season ends. The primary HR of Albert Pujols’ profession on April 4th 2001 “And after watching that child in batting observe, that swing proper there, it is not going to almost be the final” All time forecaster. pic.twitter.com/1t7r1ib651 — Beginning 9 (@Starting9) September 24, 2022 Pujols additionally started his profession in St. Louis. He was chosen by the Cardinals within the thirteenth spherical of the 1999 newbie draft and gained the 2001 NL Rookie of the 12 months award. The Dominican Republic native hit at the very least .300 with at the very least 30 homers and 100 RBIs in every of his first 10 seasons. He helped the Cardinals to World Collection titles in 2006 and 2011. He set a profession excessive with 49 homers in 2006 — one in all seven seasons with at the very least 40 homers. He led the majors with 47 homers in 2009 and topped the NL with 42 in 2010. Pujols left St. Louis in free company in December 2011, signing a $240 million, 10-year contract with the Angels. He was waived by the Angels in Might 2021, after which joined the Dodgers and hit 12 homers and drove in 38 runs in 85 video games. Originally published at San Jose News HQ
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holtbaest · 6 years
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I snapped this pic of Kempny at the game tonight and I feel like I need to share it with the world. you’re welcome.
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twilight-town-gays · 6 years
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2-fast-2-curious · 2 years
do you have a master list of all the audios? i need one place to find them all 😩
Motorsport Audio Masterlist Albon - Lawson
Male Listener Audios
Alex Albon
[M4F] [Script Offer] Early Morning With Your BF
[M4F] Be My Good Girl?
Fernando Alonso
noche de lluvia
[M4F] Déjame ayudarte a dormir
Marcus Armstrong
A Soft Morning at the Beach [M4F]
[M4F] [script fill] Study break
Teaching you how to drive stick
Exhibitionist in front of the window
[M4F] Flatmates [painting]
[M4F][Script Fill] All Wrapped up
[M4F] It’s been a while
Peter Bonnington
[M4F] [Script Fill] Laundry Day
[F4M] Thanks for a Great Race, Wanna Fuck?
Valterri Bottas
[M4F] You Love It When I Put On A Suit, Don’t You?
Jenson Button
[M4F] Breakfast In Bed
Perfect The Way You Are.
I talk about going down on you
Sweetening up a Single Father [M4F]
Angela Cullen
[F4F] Taking Time For Yourself
Nyck De Vries
[M4A] [Ramblefap] I have to start with something...
[M4F] I'd say it was a pleasure but...
[M4F] Some Comfort
[M4F] Some heavy petting
My roommate, my vam[M4F]Feral Friday Ramblepire
[M4F]Feral Friday Ramble
Jack Doohan
shall we share my sleeping bag?
[M4F][Script Fill] Impulse Control
Felipe Drugovich
[M4F] Ramblefap #2
Pierre Gasly
[M4F] Boyfriend Waited Too Long For You And Can't Hold Himself Back 
[M4F] Are you horny too?
[M4F] I do like your tits, speaking English can be hard fortunately I can do better things with my mouth
[M4F] Sleepy boyfriend wants you to come to bed to cuddle
[M4F] Helping you falling asleep
[M4F]The perfect gift
A Kiss, Or Two, To Wake Up
[M4F] Un réveil exceptionnel [FR]
[M4F] Unspeakable
[M4F] You and your crush have your first of many kisses
[M4F] Your beautiful breasts
[M4F][Improvisation]Sleepy boyfriend wants you to come to bed to cuddle
[M4F] Oh, you're studying? No, I'll just sit with you.
Lewis Hamilton
[M4F] Testing your strength against your boyfriend goes wrong... but very, very right
[M4F] Catching Daddy Playing
[M4F] A not-so-sneaky night of passion to cap off the week
[M4F] Fucking your brother's best friend.
[M4F][M4F(MMM)] You're my pretty little maid for game day. Won't you make my friends feel comfortable?
[M4F] You just can’t keep away, can you, Princess?
You're Safe With Me, My Darling
[M4F] Aw, is daddy's cock too big for you, princess? I don't care.
[M4F] Naughty Daddy fucks his little girl neighbour who's been teasing him for some time now.
[M4F] Distracting you from chores
[M4A][Improv] A needy "good morning" in the kitchen
[M4F] Needy Whore
[M4F][Script Fill] Honeymoon Swats
[M4A][OC] A sleeping gift for your overworked partner
[M4F][Script Fill] Shopping spree
[M4F][Script Fill] I saw what you did… Was that for me?
[M4F][Script Fill] Dominant friend needs an assistant
[M4F][Script Fill] Your Dom BF wants to make you cum while you game
Dennis Hauger
[M4F] I Will Hurt You, Princess
[M4F] Just Like That
[M4F] Warm Mushroom Soup
[M4F] Happy Ending Birthday
[M4F] Amateur Masseur
[M4F] A Farm by the Fjord
Christian Horner
[M4F] [Script Fill] The Sleepover DILF
Niko Hulkenberg
[M4F] Let’s see if you actually deserve more of my cum today
[M4A] You're Not Alone
[M4A] Unwind, and fall into relaxation with me
Callum Ilott
[M4F] You’re Sick, But It Doesn’t Bother Your Boyfriend
Michael Italiano
[M4F] Closing Time At the Gym
Liam Lawson
[m4f] Taking her virginity after a date
A Quickie with the fuck buddy
[M4F] Let Me Make You Feel Beautiful
Your doting boyfriend treats you to a night of relaxation and pleasure
[M4F] It’s been a while
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