space-woomy · 2 months
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Attack for @galaxyseclipse of their 8, Ivory, back in the Metro.
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splatoongamefiles · 2 months
excited about the Blender addon!
quick question though: will it be able to play animations properly? or are you only focusing on the models and materials?
it’s totally fine if you are, just curious
i'd hope to get animations in at some point, i found out the NLA exists so maybe i could do something with that but thats honestly like way out of my depth. it could be done but it would take. a while
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ghosthoodie · 11 months
trick or treat?
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TREAT FOR YOU!!!!! you look so cute in your little ghostie costume🥺
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galaxyseclipse · 2 years
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And the Squid Sisters make their debut in this chaos. Marie is the epitome of "silent chaos" and you can't tell me otherwise. I know she was Team Order, but I don't care.
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madeinmobius · 2 months
It's time to cast your vote for August's Feature!
The nominees are....
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Emerald the Ferret by @galaxyseclipse!
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Agent VX by @riftclaw!
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Rosy the Cherry Blossom Dragon by RaccoonThunderMario! (Art byOmorfia-Moria)
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Bellerophon the Horse by LuckyLadyXandra!
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Percy the Horse by LuckyLadyXandra!
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Rosa the Tigress by DianaFoxyDysDark!
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Lantana the Mink by Silvaze126!
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Kassy the Hippo by @mistressdizzy! (Art by @aenglestudio1)
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Juno the Black Bear by @totaleclipse573!
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Suri the Jerboa by @ocmakerofcanada!
Remember to go to the link above to vote - comments on this post do NOT count as votes!
Voting will be open until midnight Eastern US Time on July 28, with the winner announced August 1!
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alternazine · 2 months
«ACCESS has been GRANTED to: INTERN DATABASE «Displaying IDENTIFICATIONS now.» "…Bzzzt… …Bzzzt… BEEP! Good day and welcome, dear agents. […] You'll need an ID to make your way around […] Good luck." 47 OUT OF ■■. C o n t i n u e (⏵) / R e t u r n (⏴) « Art by @yumesstudio @emilymains.author @gentleroy @lillastarr @galaxyseclipse and @ZerrySilver88 . Graphics and video by @rebiisea. All rights reserved. » « Information Hub: https://alternazine.carrd.co »
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serpentariusart · 2 months
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Colourwheel attack featuring dragons! Owners of characters are as follows, clockwise from 1 o'clock: Fastman27, AlulaLeChien, Veamers, GalaxysEclipse, howliteart, FoxShadeZ, luunalun, TheReeseling, TthatGoosey and Arllogator
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agentshipzine · 1 year
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All adversities are better faced with a smile on your face!! Our new agents @shushicat, @galaxyseclipse, @tastyeclairr, @kk0ifish and @critterpdf are the living proof or that!
✨Carrd: https://classifiedlovezine.carrd.co/ 🌟Twitter: https://twitter.com/agentshipzine ✨Curiouscat: https://curiouscat.live/ClassifiedLove_Zine 🌟Email: [email protected]
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starlitskvaderart · 1 year
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Art Fight Attack on GalaxysEclipse/@galaxyseclipse - Katlienn!
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woopersensation · 1 year
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Artfight #2! Characters by LittleParade, Michicookies and GalaxysEclipse
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space-woomy · 5 months
🌸 🛏️ maybe Captain 3 and Agent 8?
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Snap dragons reprwsent determination and I forgot what lily's represent but yeah
Also here's an older doodle I made first
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space-woomy · 2 months
tier 5 #11, tier 4 #17, and tier 2 #30?
(Gonna do the main 3 cuz u didn't specify which OC)
Tier 2 #30: how much do they swear? Any specific circumstances?
Molly (3): Normal amount? They swear kind of casually, usually just when their annoyed or angry.
Alex (4): a lot. She uses it a lot for emphasis.
Eight (8): doesn't swear a lot. Swears when frustrated, annoyed, or angry. Even then not that much.
Tier 4 #17: Do they have any kids? Do they want any?
Molly (3): No kids. Has thought about it a few times.
Alex (4): No kids. Has thought about it a lot and talked with Marie about it.
Eight (8): No kids. Has thought about it, and wants to talk about it with Molly some time.
Tier 5 #11: Any medications? How long have they had them?
Molly (3): Yep! Adderall for their adhd. They've had it for a few years now. They got it a little bit before O.E happens. They also take headache medicine and some pain meds for their Scar related injuries.
Alex (4): yep! Adderall also. They've had it for most of their life, for her ADHD.
Eight (8): Yes as well! They take pain meds for their back scar.
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space-woomy · 5 months
*throws pan at your head*
talk about it
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Okaysssssss Mooty
Basically the whole villain 4 stuff happens because Callie dies in Splat 2. Marie's low tide ink doesn't work, and agent 4 ends up using g the rainmaker, which really fucks up octavios robot...a bit too much... it explodes, and Callie ends up dieing in Fours arms.
Everyone's sad, and it hits Four the hardest. She believes that it's her fault entirely, and she quits the NSS. She eventually starts doing Grizzco jobs to distract herself. She realizes that "Ah fuck, this is like, genocide or whatever because this is a sentient species and all that." But continues anyways. She eventually makes her way up to the upperanks and meets Mr. Grizz (either through promotions or a some kinda coincidence or whatever). After a special interview, Grizz is like "wanna help me bring back Mammals? You seem like you hate the world." And Alex (4) is like "yeah. Yeah this world fucking sucks. We're obsessed with fashion, world ending threats happen every day, whole species is trapped underground, YOU'RE literally running a genocide company...fuck it, why not? I hate everyone." And they decide to help grizz with his mission.
O.E happens at the same time as this, and it plays out as it does in the games. Eight moves in with Alex, and she shows her around inkopolis and how to live in the city. Eight can practically taste all the nihilism and edge coming from her, but she sees the kindness and joy in her, and wants to pry it out of the shell of hopelessness.
Molly (3) also becomes friends with Alex, and gets a bit closer to her than 8 does. But the still has a shell up, and they still try to break through...
But before they can do that, the world tour happens! And she goes with Pearl and Marina. Alex also takes part in the memverse, with a piece of her soul getting trapped just like the game.
Now, return of the mammalians is going on, and it's all the same, except there is no Mr. Grizz...instead, there's a masked inkling that's at the top of the tower!!! Neo is able to hold them off until Cap (3) gets there, and they run away. In the end, they're able to stop the rocket from launching in the first place and they destroy it.
S.O starts more towards the end of ROTM, and ends well after it. And when 8 gets out, she can't find anyone belonging to the NSS. They've disappeared. She finds clues to go into the Grizzco headquarters. When she gets there, she finds Alex, having captured everyone in the NSS. Marie, Craig, Molly, and Neo are all tied up. Theyre all very bruised and beaten up too. There's also a big plush doll thing of Callie. Button eyes and everything.
Alex is fucking insane right now. They're all cocky and are acting like a typical Villain type. (Think Will Wood's "Main character" for this...thats...honestly what this entire thing spawned from...) and they fight eachother. There are MANY fuzzy octolings that they're fighting as well, and Alex is very dodgy and swift with fighting. It's revealed that their plan is to cover the world with fuzzy ooze with like, 12 rockets. The one in alterna was a test one.
Alex at this point has completely given up on everything, and thinks of herself as a "hero" in a twisted way. She's saving the world by destroying it, a big reset on everyone. Alex is all cocky and shit too, and is constantly talking and mocking them all. 8 eventually frees them all, but She's out if commission for a bit, and Molly steps up to take on Alex. Alex, frustrated with not being able to beat 8, has an idea. They basically Inject fuzzy ooze directly into herself, and gains claws, sharp teeth, heightend senses, she becomes digitigrade, and is stronger overall.
Now...there are 2 ways that this story goes........
Molly and Alex fight, it's intense, and Molly is struggling. Alex is screaming and yelling shit like "YOU WERE ALWAYS THE BETTER AGENT WERENT YOU?!?! HUH!?!? LOOK AT YOU KNOW!!!! CANT EVEN STAND UP TO AN INFERIOUR AGENT" and "COME ON "LIVING TSUNAMI"! COME SPLAT ME!!!"
and Molly is like "...fuck dude...I really wish I talked to you more...man I Hate seeing you like this.. please...you were never the worst...why did this happen" in their head.
It ends up with Alex getting a chainsaw, and tackling Molly to the ground. She trys to push it into them, and manages to really fuck up their arm a bit, but Molly gets the strength to push it back...and gets Alex right in the neck...
She lives for a single second, with a smile on their face...and a single tear running down their face...
Molly and 8 now have double trauma. Yaaaaay!!!!!!!
Marie has even more trauma to!!!!!!
All of them do!!!!!
They stop grizzco, but they're not in that good of a mood for celebration...
(Also, I say "bad" ending because it's, like, a negative ending more like. A non-ideal ending really. I don't like "good" and "bad" endings or whatever...)
Same shit happens, except Alex ends up breaking down more in the middle of the fight. She says more stuff that's more like her telling the truth about how she feels, instead of just taunting. At one point, Molly tackles her into a hug and says "Alex, it wasn't your fault! Inkopolis wouldve been attacked if you didn't stop them! Please! Callie wouldnt be mad at you!!!"
Alex breaks out, and they fight some more. Three's arm still gets fucked up, but Alex drops the chainsaw, and she dosent die!!! Yay :D!!!!!!
But she's got so much bottled up and fucked up trauma that they become physically ill afterwards. They beet grizz, and Fours recovery starts.
I've gotten all of this from Will Woods "Main character"
I keep imagining an animatic to the song where 8 and 4 fight with "main character"
And another one which is only the lyric portion of "Silly billy" from that hit single fnf mod. Those lyrics are F I R E
If anyone has any questions, please ask!!!
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space-woomy · 3 days
#8 and #9 for 3 and 8?
Wee!! :3
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or them?
Molly: definitely frustrates them. Does depend on the puzzle though. If it's something you have to "solve" like a sliding picture puzzle or something were you have to line up something by clicking buttons they get frustrated very easily.
Eight: gets frustrated less quickly than Molly, but still gets frustrated. She likes the kinds of puzzles that Molly hates tho
9. Do the empathize with non-sentiant things (Dolls, plants, books...)?
Molly: Definitely, cause they get attached easily to objects. They often will give an emotional value to an item, especially to things that are designed for people to have emotional attachment to, like dolls. They know that at some point someone had that doll or toy and played with it, so they feel bad that it's not having it's purpose or being cared for.
Eight: Definitely as well. She'll often even struggle to throw junk or scrap if it has any recognizability to it because she very easily forms am emotional attachment to it. (At the same time, she'll also throw away something of hers on a whim)
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space-woomy · 5 months
3, 6, and 14?
3. What ideas come from when you were little
Idk really...it all most likely comes from my interests when I was little. Stuff like dragon ball always has me thinking about characters and stories about just really strong people fighting, and cool powers and such. Anime has really inspired with fighting aspects of stories. I always love the feeling in a show where the characters are doing some crazy shit while fighting, throwing out city leveling attacks nd going at 5 times the speed of sound...I always love crazy fight stiff like that. I wanna draw stuff and make stories like that some time
6. Anything that might Inspire you subconsciously (i.e this horse wasn't supposed to look like the last unicorn but I see it)
I think splatoon actually lol. It's like...the only thing I draw really. I should draw other things...
14. Any favorite motifs
I gotta few!
When a character has desgin elements that reflect their personality, or of another person.
Another one is when the artstyle changes to reflect a mood or feeling. There's a part in chainsaw man where all of a sudden the panels get all dark, and the style changes a but, and it's really fucking cool.
I also love when a characters art style or features changes with their attitude. Like if they've become jaded or more angry, their lines get scraper, or their eyes or clothes get sharper. Idk if I'm explaining it well but I LOVE that shit
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ghosthoodie · 1 year
#11 for everyone? :3c
sicily and mitsuo would sort by color
and kaity, caroline and trikaya would sort by shape:3
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