#Alex Terrier
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thejoyofviolentmovement ¡ 2 years ago
New Audio: Peruvian-French Artist Bea Mar Teams Up with Alex Terrier and Carla Verde on Breezy and Yearning "Comment as tu fait"
New Audio: Peruvian-French Artist Bea Mar Teams Up with Alex Terrier and Carla Verde on Breezy and Yearning "Comment as tu fait" @soybeamar @terrieralex
Bea Mar is a Peruvian-born, Parisian singer/songwriter, who emerged into the international scene with last year’s full-length debut, Alas Bajo la Piel. The Peruvian-French artist’s latest single, the Micheal Go and Mar-co-produced “Comment as tu fait” is a pop jazz-tinged, bossa nova built around a breezy arrangement of strummed acoustic guitar, shuffling rhythms, a soulful solo from saxophonist…
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mtonino ¡ 4 months ago
Side by Side - Art Influences Films
Spesso mi sono occupato del rapporto tra arte e cinema e di come si ininfluenzino vicendevolmente, oggi voglio porre l'attenzione su un caso particolare: la presenza dei quadri del pittore Alex Colville nel film Shining di Stanley Kubrick. In realtà, le opere di Colville appaiono in piÚ di un film (Heat, Moonrise Kingdom), ma in Shining ciò avviene ben quattro volte:
Woman and Terrier (1963)
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Colville descriveva quest'opera così: "è la mia Madonna col Bambino; ​​naturalmente nel mio mondo il bambino è un cane."
L'artista canadese considerava i cani come esseri senzienti, in grado di vedere, ma incapaci di fare il male. Nella sua arte le persone rappresentano la capacitĂ  distratta e iperconsapevole di fare il male e i cani l'innocenza.
"I volti distolti di Colville coinvolgono gli spettatori nelle sue opere, ci fanno sentire dei voyeur. Quando qualcuno in un'opera di Colville guarda direttamente lo spettatore è come se lo avessimo interrotto, come se avessimo fatto irruzione in una scena privata"
tratto da “Scoprire il vero Alex Colville,” Maclean's, 22 agosto 2014
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A Jack Torrance è appena stato detto di Delbert Grady, l'ex custode dell'Overlook Hotel che ha fatto a pezzi sua moglie e le sue due figlie. A casa Torrance, a Boulder, l'amico immaginario di suo figlio Danny, gli ha detto che il padre ha ottenuto il lavoro e sta per chiamare per dargli la notizia. Come previsto, il telefono squilla e la moglie di Jack, Wendy, risponde.
Mentre Shelley Duvall si siede per parlare con Jack Nicholson, "Woman and Terrier" di Colville è chiaramente visibile sulla parete di fondo, sopra un televisore. Il dipinto raffigura una donna che abbraccia un terrier, il suo volto è per lo piÚ nascosto dalla testa del cane, con l'angolo dell'occhio sinistro appena visibile, che sbircia fuori.
Nella scena di Shining siamo dentro casa di Wendy e la stiamo osservando rispondere a una telefonata privata, mentre un personaggio di Colville ci spia dalla parete in fondo, ricordandoci che stiamo per assistere al grande orrore che si avvicina.
Horse and Train (1954)
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Di questo quadro Colville dice: "Ho sempre pensato che fosse piuttosto bello ma mi rendevo conto che poche persone lo avrebbero comprato per appenderlo in una casa, la maggior parte delle persone sembra considerarlo estremamente morboso"
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Danny ha appena avuto la visione delle due bambine e del sangue che scorre, e si è svegliato nella sua camera da letto dopo essere svenuto davanti allo specchio del bagno. Arriva la pediatra per visitarlo dopodichÊ la dottoressa e Wendy vanno in soggiorno, dove discutono dei problemi di Jack con l'alcol, di come lui una volta abbia slogato il braccio di Danny e di come questo apparentemente abbia causato la prima apparizione del misterioso amico immaginario di Danny.
Mentre attraversano il corridoio, ecco sul muro "Horse and Train", una delle opere piÚ riconoscibili di Colville: un cielo grigio e nuvoloso e un cavallo nero che galoppa lungo i binari verso un treno in arrivo. È un dipinto avvincente, ispirato a un distico di una vecchia poesia sulla futilità di mantenere le convenzioni di fronte a un cambiamento violento e imminente. Le possibilità che il cavallo esca dai binari, o che il treno possa frenare in tempo sono reali, anche se non sembrano probabili. La conversazione tra Wendy e la pediatra chiarisce che Jack ha dei problemi che emergeranno, in grande stile, durante i cinque mesi di isolamento. Cavallo e treno stanno accelerando sulla rotta di collisione.
Dog, Boy, and St. John River (1958)
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Il dipinto, un altro dei pezzi piĂš iconici di Colville, raffigura un ragazzo che guarda verso un fiume tenendo in mano un fucile da caccia con un cane appena dietro. Di nuovo non possiamo vederne il volto, lo stiamo guardando dietro.
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Quando Danny svolta l'angolo e sbircia attraverso la porta aperta della Stanza 237, la prima cosa che vediamo all'interno è una lampada da tavolo accesa davanti al quadro "Dog, Boy, and St. John River". Non possiamo vedere il volto di Danny mentre guarda attraverso la stanza, riproducendo cosÏ quasi lo stesso punto di vista del ragazzo nel quadro.
Un altro cane di Colville fa la sua comparsa nel film (anche se è oscurato dalla lampada), e di nuovo c'è quel pizzico di percezione extrasensoriale. Cosa stanno guardando il cane e il suo padrone, o cosa cercano? Potrebbe essere una battuta di caccia innocente, ma la luce e la prospettiva fanno sembrare che ci sia qualcosa di sinistro là fuori, sopra la grande distesa d'acqua in lontananza. O siamo solo noi, che ci avviciniamo furtivamente al ragazzo e al cane attraverso le canne?
Se Colville credeva che un cane potesse percepire il male, allora forse si sta nascondendo dietro il ragazzo mentre lo segue, il ragazzo è armato e deciso ad affrontare qualsiasi cosa stia per succedere, il cane lo raggiunge ma si tiene a distanza.
È questa la relazione tra Danny e Tony (l'amico immaginario), o tra lui e la sua capacità di "luccicare", mentre si avvicinano furtivamente alla fonte del terrore nascosto dell'Overlook Hotel?
È una coincidenza che il ragazzo e il cane siano davanti a uno specchio d'acqua e che Danny e Tony (e in seguito Jack) stiano per essere attaccati da una strega nuda immersa in una vasca da bagno?
Forse Kubrick sta di nuovo ricordando agli spettatori che si stanno abbandonando al voyeurismo mentre qualcosa di malvagio sta per arrivare?
Non può essere un caso, è sicuramente una scelta consapevole di Kubrick: la prima cosa che vediamo nella stanza 237 è il dipinto, riflesso nello specchio, di un ragazzo che impugna un'arma; piÚ avanti nel film, Danny impugnerà un coltello e scriverà una parola con un rossetto rosso su una porta, ma solo l'inquadratura attraverso uno specchio ne rivelerà il vero significato.
Moon and Cow (1963)
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Jack ha sfondato la porta del bagno e ora è sulle tracce di Danny dopo aver eliminato Dick Halloran. Wendy, scampata per un pelo all'attacco in bagno, sta correndo al piano di sopra con in mano il coltello che ha usato per tagliare la mano di Jack. Mentre sale, passa davanti a diversi dipinti, nessuno dei quali è piÚ evidente di "Moon and Cow" di Colville, che rimane inquadrato per qualche breve istante; prima è alla sua sinistra, poi passa alla sua destra.
Il quadro rappresenta una mucca, sdraiata in un pascolo, sulla destra della cornice, che guarda la luna, alla sua sinistra. A differenza dei precedenti, sembra non avere niente a che fare con la storia di Shining senonchĂŠ, nella scena culminante, pochi minuti dopo, Jack cade sul terreno innevato nel labirinto.
L'ultima inquadratura, prima di vedere apparire il suo corpo congelato la mattina dopo, è di Jack accasciato a terra, a sinistra dell'inquadratura con una luce brillante in lontananza alla sua destra. Proprio come "Moon and Cow", se lo guardassimo attraverso uno specchio.
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offsidenewsco ¡ 3 months ago
"Lesson learned: I can’t come to Agganis in person anymore this season."
Our very own @dancekatrina13 went back to her alma mater to watch Boston University play University of MIchigan in an action-packed weekend of #NCAAHockey. Read about it here before the Terriers play again tonight here!
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stimsbyme ¡ 7 months ago
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Winner Stimboard
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cavedwellermusic ¡ 2 years ago
Canine Court - Trixi-Lu: A Story of Redemption?
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In the second installment of our dog centric series Canine Court, we continue our quest for knowledge, seeking to learn which musicians' dogs are in fact good boys or girls. This quest leads us to Trixi-Lu, the best friend of Alex “Wolfman” Story of Cancer Slug and Doyle. Some dogs are good, some bad. Some have a storied past, with no hope for love and redemption, others there is still yet hope. Yet it remains to be seen, who is a good girl?
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lewisvinga ¡ 1 year ago
feline fine | alex albon x fem! reader
summary; alex and his veterinarian girlfriend soft launch using animal puns but no one could figure it out
fc; various girls on pinterest
warnings; ?
notes; requested! oh how i love to do smaus
taglist; @namgification
masterlist !
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liked by landonorris, georgerussell63 and others
alex_albon: what do you call a pile of cats? a meowtain
username: the caption???
username: omg the kittens🥹🥹🥹
username: when he’s a cat person>>
georgerussell63: surprised rusty let her old him
alex_albon: rusty quite fond of her icl, i think it’s all the treat she buys for him
username: the cat in the last slide looks so grumpy 😭
landonorris: ask her if she can look at my pet
alex_albon: she says an picture of a jack russell terrier with george’s face on it is not a pet
username: she????
username: alex in his soft launch era??
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liked by yourbestfriend, and others
yourusername: why don’t cats play poker in the jungle? too many cheetahs
username: the caption😭😭
yourbestfriend: both of you are so corny , i cant w u 😭
yourusername: hey ! i’m a vet! animal puns are mandatory !
yourbestfriend: but he’s not a vet?
yourusername: well …. that i can’t explain
username: HE??
username: swear i’ve seen those cats before…
username: the best vet itw 💗💗 liked by yourusername !
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, and others!
alex_albon: what do you call a dog magician? a labracadabrador!
username: the last picture…. WHO IS SHE??
username: another pet pun??😭
username: wait so alex has a gf??
logansargeant: so that’s why you asked me for a dog pun….
alex_albon: to be fair you also googled it
landonorris: buddy>>>
alex_albon: he behaved well at the vet, maybe it’s bc she was his doctor😌
landonorris: buddy the goat🐐
username: wait, alex’s gf is a vet??? who could she be???
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liked by yourbestfriend, and others
yourusername: is your dog always tired? maybe it’s just a bit ruff around the edges.
username: WHO IS THAT MISS Y/N??
username: bro i need to know who ur dating
yourbestfriend: ew he’s shirtless
yourusername: i like him like this 🙎‍♀️
username: the puppies🥹🥹
username: definitely recommend going to her clinic!! my cat usually hates going to the vet but y/n made her feel so calm and safe!!❤️❤️ liked by yourusername
username: i hope he’s as good of a person as y/n is!!
username: that man looks awfully familiar….
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liked by yourusername, carmenmmundt, and others
alex_albon: are you a cat? because you’re feline fine
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: this is the best caption so far me thinks
alex_albon: thank u i used my brain for this 🤓
yourusername: love u bf❤️‍🔥
alex_albon: love u gf❤️‍🔥
username: wait… HES DATING Y/N?
username: should’ve seen this sooner bc they both kept posting animal puns out of no where😭😭😭
username: my faves are dating??😩
carmenmmundt: double date soon���
georgerussell63: no alex stinks
alex_albon: no george is smellier
yourusername: screw george and alex bby , me n u let’s go on a date🤭
carmenmmundt: better than a double date😫
alex_albon: no stealing my y/n.
username: feeling stupid now that i realize that y/n kept posting his pets on her insta with the same corny puns…..
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numberonecodwomenfan ¡ 11 months ago
alex keller is not a golden retriever that man is a jack russel terrier
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like. look at them. thats the same guy
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knickynoo ¡ 5 months ago
Hear me out. Marty McFly is dog energy, but APK is cat energy.
Absolutely accurate. Specifically, in my opinion, Marty has Jack Russell Terrier vibes. Just super high-energy at all times, ready to take on any challenge no matter how difficult or how big the opponent is, and can't be left unsupervised or else he'll chew up your sofa.
And Alex is such a cat. I'm better than you; don't look at me, don't talk to me. Wait, come back and dote on me. Tell me I'm the greatest ever. Leave me alone. Why aren't you paying attention to me?? The entire world is mine. *hops up on the counters and won't get down*
Thanks for the ask :)
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arcadiabaytornado ¡ 7 months ago
what dog breed/s would you assign some of the LIS characters?
I love you Tumblr asks that unintentionally asks questions about things I have previously hyper fixated on. <3
Max - Bassist Hound
Chloe - Doberman
Kate - Maltipoo
Victoria - Poodle
Rachel - Pomeranian
Sean and Daniel - Wolfdog's
Finn - Irish Terrier (I'm pretty sure he's depicted as one in one of the "previously" segments.)
Cassidy - English Setter (Same as Finn, she's depicted as in a "previously on" segment.)
Alex - Beagle
Ryan - Bernese Mountain Dog
Steph - Dachshund
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graveltrapping ¡ 29 days ago
F1 Grid as Animals
Was drawing my leonin dnd character and he somehow ended up looking like Max, which obviously had me thinking about the whole Dutch Lion stuff, and then what animal I would associate with the other drivers based on looks, region, and personalities.
Max Vertsappen - Transvaal Lion (obvious reasons and Transvaal sometimes have a naturally have a lighter coat.)
Checo Perez - Chocolate Labrador (look friendly but are still considered a gun dog)
Daniel Ricciardo - Honey Badger (for obvious reasons but also they are know to take on and defend against lions in the wild)/Doberman or Beauceron with floppy ears (ears get snipped at Mclaren)
Yuki Tsunoda - Japanese Sparrowhawk (can be aggressive despite their smaller size. Great agility)
Liam Lawson - Bull Terrier (The look really similar, idk how to explain it)
Isack Hadjar - Striped Hyena
Carlos Sainz - Spanish Fighting Bull/Black Andalusian Horse
Charles Leclerc - Thoroughbred Horse/ European Hare
Lando Noriss - Irish Red Setter (again, a family friendly gun dog. Has the curls)
Oscar Piastri - Whistling Kite (not as aggressive as other birds of prey but still a very agile hunter)
Lewis Hamilton - Black Leopard
George Russel- Sika Deer (very gorgeous but has an aggressive streak)
Kimi Antonelli - Roe Deer
Fernando Alonso - Iberian Red Fox (opportunistic and adaptable, epitome of cunning)
Lance Stroll - Moose
Alex Albon - Clouded Leopard (incredibly elusive and are great ambush predators)/Greater Racket Tailed Drongo (will be aggressive and take on larger predators if threatened. Also flashy courting rituals lol)
Franco Colapinto - Pampas Fox
Logan Sergeant - American Golden Retriever
Nico Hulkenberg - Long Haired German Shepherd
Kevin Magnussen - Eurasian Eagle Owl/Eurasian Brown Bear
Ollie Bearman - Black Bear
Esteban Ocon - Picardy Spaniel (French working breed)
Pierre Gasly - Alpine Chamois
Jack Doohan - Kangaroo/ Carpet Python (big and strong Australian and just pure vibes)
Valteire Bottas - Finish Forrest Reindeer
Zhou Guanyu - Leopard Cat
Gabriel Bortoleto - Maned Wolf
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Drawings done while I was high and a bit tipsy lol
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goosec0id ¡ 10 months ago
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marble hornets scribbles. alex kralie is just a nasty little terrier to me
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deer-motif ¡ 2 years ago
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animals, alex g // 1.15 the benders, supernatural // controlling dog aggression by using a dog muzzle, k9aggression.com // 1.10 asylum, supernatural // dog's death, john updike // 1.20 dead man's blood, supernatural // epitaph of a dog, george gordon byron // 1.22 devil's trap, supernatural // 3.10 dream a little dream of me, supernatural // fighting dogs, pauwels van hillegaert // toddler loses arm after reaching into pen with two wolf-dog hybrids, corey williams // 4.16 on the head of a pin, supernatural // aggression in dogs, kenneth martin; lynn buzhardt // two adult pit bull terriers fighting, rspca // animal, sir chloe // nice pup, chloe moriondo
part 2
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offsidenewsco ¡ 4 months ago
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"It’s about the special glow of college hockey players, who might be undrafted, under-developed, nobodies in outsiders’ eyes, but are heroes to us. This story is about how college hockey was more than hockey to me."
Before the NCAA season starts tomorrow, read Michelle Zheng's op-ed here.
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krissielee ¡ 30 days ago
Red, White, and Royal Advent!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, folks!
So this month, I did a little something for myself. A Red, White & Royal Blue themed advent calendar! My year sucked. Like, a lot. And there's no guarantee it'll stop sucking anytime soon. So this was a way to get a little serotonin every day.
I’ve posted it over on FB, but a few people over here might be interested, too, @mylucayathoughts, for one--love you, fam!
I got gifts enough for 25 days, mostly from Amazon with a few outliers 'cause I'm stupid poor, and randomly tagged them with names of characters, then used a spinner to pick what I got to open each day. So yeah, I bought them all, but the order was all randomized. Me and @machtaholic and @omgbarbiegurl had the big idea to make fandom advents to sell, but this year was just a nightmare for me, and we couldn’t get it going.
And this was … not cheap. Ha. I don’t know if anyone would spend this much on one. Bad Financial Decisions, what? 😅
Whatever. I enjoyed my calendar.
… wanna see what all I got? Of course you do!
Buckle up, fam. This is a long one. Too long for one post!
Anyway, here's part 1.
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
Day 1, Amy gave me a few books that Henry had recommended to her:
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Day 2, Pez thought I deserved to smell nice. Alex Bearmont-Diaz certainly appreciates smelling nice. :D
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Day 3, Spencer got me something even June can eat!
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Day 4, Bea gave me a punny gift. See, I already have a Cornbread plushie, so I don’t need any more turkeys hanging around, but cornbread the food? Yeah, we can work with that. And Dolly, of course. ❤
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Day 5 was Mr, Wobbles’ time to shine—literally—with a quartz crystal:
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Day 6 was Ellen’s chance to make me smile. Almost a year to the day after I lost my first pup, she gave me a little David!
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I really miss my boys—bonus image of my two little nerds because everyone needs to see the sweet little fuzzies I lost. Pepper (the little black one) was last December. Totally blind and he had no teeth. Lucas (the terrier that looks like an old German Shepherd puppy) was completely deaf. They were 15, and I want them back desperately. Everybody tell me my boys were the goodest.
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Day 7, Nora gave me one of Henry’s favorite snacks. Now, I’m American, right? Jaffa Cakes aren’t a “thing” here—which is a travesty; I love chocolate and orange and vanilla. But Target got us the hook up with the Marks and Spencer Jaffa Cakes!
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Side note: I learned this year that they’re called Jaffa Cakes because of the type of orange in them! So that’s kinda cool. I didn’t even know that was a type of orange lol—I just eat what the store has and I don’t know if they ever have names.
Day 8 was when Leo gave me a little insight into young Alex’s interests:
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Aaaaaand ... that's all the pictures I'm allowed to put in one post, lol. Part 2 starts with Day 9!
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iboatedhere ¡ 10 months ago
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Thank you @jmagnabo92 @suseagull04 @lemonlyman-dotcom @liminalmemories21 @fullsunsets @cha-melodius for the tags ♥️
A little bit from my neighbor AU.
“I should’ve known you’ve been here before. Why would I think you haven’t been?”
“It’s all right,” Henry says as he pulls another book off the shelf. “I always enjoy stopping by.” He turns to Alex with a smile that Alex is slow to look away from.
They’ve hung out a few times since they finally introduced themselves.
Alex came home late from work a few weeks afterwards with take out and saw Henry’s light on. They shared a meal together, sitting on Henry’s living room floor in front of the TV, watching The Food Network.
It was nice to focus on something other than CNN or MSNBC and poll numbers or some bullshit manufactured controversy about Rafael Luna smoking pot in college.
A few weeks after that, the power went out during a wind storm and Henry knocked on his door with a box of Cornettos, sent from a friend in London. He said he’d rather die than let them melt so he and Alex split the box before Alex sent him into a defensive frenzy when he said that Drumsticks are basically the same thing.
This is the first time they’re hanging out on purpose, where Alex set aside a block of time in his jam-packed schedule to walk around the National Mall with Henry and David.
They saw the cherry blossoms in bloom around the Tidal Basin and toured the monuments, where Henry stopped to read every inscription and Alex stopped to admire Henry.
“I’m sorry,” Henry apologized in front of the statues of Fala and FDR. “I know I’m slow.”
“I like it,” Alex had said and Henry had raised his brows. “I mean I like that you want to know more about this stuff. Our history definitely isn’t pretty but I think it’s still important.”
“Important enough to be cast in bronze,” Henry said as he nodded toward the statue of Roosevelt’s Scottish Terrier.
“You know Fala is the only presidential pet to be honored like this. He loved Roosevelt and Roosevelt loved him. They’re practically buried right next to each other.”
“That’s nice,” Henry said softly, “and I’m afraid if I think too long about it I’ll start to cry so perhaps we should keep moving.”
Alex was charmed and he thought the best place to end their day was at The Lantern, a rare and used bookshop just down the street from their place.
He thought it was his chance to charm Henry by appealing to his interests as both a writer and a reader. That he’d be taken by the shop's homey atmosphere. He thought he could show Henry something new.
But now David is being held like a baby by one of the clerks up front and Henry is picking through the shelves with a familiarity that makes it seem like he stocked them himself.
I did have a little cry over Fala while I was at work today.
Tagging: Tagging: @cricketnationrise @magicandarchery @porcelainmortal @inexplicablymine @accol-fics @oxfordslutphase @anincompletelist @youcancallmekathyp @sunshinestrand
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bionic-donut ¡ 2 years ago
Charles: I mean, small animals are way more vicious. It’s because their anger has less space to be bottled up in.
Max: That’s ridiculous. Give me one example of this.
Lando: Terriers.
Alex: Wasps.
Pierre: Yuki.
Yuki: *glares* (Flips them off.)
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