#Alex Hirsch is a genius
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disneynerdpumpkin · 1 year ago
How to summon a Gravity Falls fan:
Scream at the top of your lungs, "MY EX-WIFE STILL MISSES ME..." into the void and wait for someone to scream back and finish
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miss-americanbi · 7 months ago
why am i awake at this hour? oh, no reason. just the ongoing parallel of the elder pines twins, with stan constantly struggling to say “please” and ford being almost unable to ever say “thank you”.
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vryfmi · 7 months ago
so, you're telling me, Bill Cipher, a second dimensional being, destroyed his home dimension (2D) and the only thing left of it kept in his hat. kept a few atoms, a single speck, one might even say, a dot, in his hat. you know what's also a dot? zero dimension.
you're telling me, in his attempt of liberating flat minds, saving people, Bill Cipher degraded it and all living to the lowest dimension there is. a dot. an atom.
are you kidding me
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[id from alt text: a page from The Book Of Bill, it has a dialogue between Stanford and Bill. "I guess you can never really go home again, can you?" "I sure can't! My dimension was entirely burned out of existence. Wanna see the only thing left of it?" Cipher removed his hat, and plucked a single speck of dust from within. The last atoms of a demolished reality. I was dumbfounded. "What? your ENTIRE home dimension? destroyed? How? By what?" Bill looked distant, more distant than I'd ever seen him. "By a monster." "That's… that's unimaginable. Did you ever track this beast, for revenge? I could help you… I could hunt it down!" He laughed joylessly. "Sixter, it would eat you alive." page also features a drawing of Bills hands: one holding his hat upside down, another holding a speck between his thumb and index finger./end id]
photo by CloverChatsYT on twitter
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since gravity falls is having a reviving
CAN YALL IMAGINE HOW HARD IT MUST'VE BEEN for gruncle stan to keep his composure when dipper showed him the journal??
LIKE ik he was laughing but omg the WILLPOWER i would've been crying in relief
I think about this a lot idk I rewatched it and I was like oh my god. I wished they would've showed his reaction when he left their room.
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months ago
I'm rewatching gravity falls and obvioiusly i'm having a blast. but because I am an insane person I rewatched season 2 first and now rewatching season 1 and I have to say I love the monster of the week episodes. I love them so much. and honestly I prefer them alot more to the plot building episodes. dont get me wrong the overarching plot and mystery is definitely part of the intrigue of the show especially when it first aired. but I am so enamored with how the show stands completely on its own as just a regular monster of the week type beat. (also how concurrent all the episodes are it is very believable that every episode happens the next week from the last while still being able to pick up the show from mostly anywhere its just spectacular)
But i just think Gravity Falls and it's overarching plot was something very novel in a children's cartoon when it was first released. Most children shows didn't have an obvious mystery hanging over the entire show to be solved where the entire show for the most part was just one big arc (the only other one I can think of around a similar time frame is ATLA but I'm sure there were others they just were the minority) .
and that made it so intriguing and unique and dont get me wrong it's still an amazing mystery show and the plot still holds strong but also we are now in a timeline where almost every show even cartoons are 10 episode long and have an over arching plot hell all the major disney channel cartoons of the last couple years (ducktales, amphibian, owl house, star vs the forces of evil even tho that last one was really only in the second season) are all plot driven shows but hey atleast even those shows have mostly adventure of the week episodes for the most part. but the only true adventure of the week cartoons I know from the last couple of years have been like big city greens and Hamster and gretel.
And like i guess what I'm trying to say (in this insane manner of mine) is bring back the adventure of the week. bring back 22 episodes where every single episode isn't trying to just push the narrative forward. Like honestly to me the best parts of gravity falls that still holds up all these years later are just dipper mabel and gruncle stan getting into some shit together.
plus the comedy is still fucking golden and some of these shots are legitimately horror movie worthy.
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rotting-butterscotch · 7 months ago
a bunch of codes i found while on thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com :P feel free to decode or add in your own ofc!!
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shana-reviews-tmblr · 7 months ago
I will laugh but also cheer and applaud if The Book of Bill was made for the sole purpose of being Alex Hirsch's way telling all the folks online who said Mabel was the most selfish and worst character in the show to shut up and show just how stupid they all are.
This would Literally be Alex to every one of the Mabel haters:
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Jeez some of these details like Wendy's mom being dead and Waddles potentially dying are depressing.
The Dipper one especially. That recontextualizes so much about how him and Mabel acted around the end of the series.
No wonder Dip latched onto authority figures so much and wanted to stay with Ford. He was afraid that when he came home, his parents would be divorced.
But where Dipper looked for replacement parents in other adult figures in an attempt to find stability, Mabel clung to whatever stability/reliable family she already had, Dipper. Mable wasn't looking for replacement parents because Dipper essentially filled that role for her, a dependable, reliable family member who would always be there to get her out of trouble. But Mabel couldn't be that person for Dipper in return, so Dipper looked elsewhere for that stability and found it in Ford.
So when the possibility of Dipper not going home came up, Mabel panicked because she would be losing that stability and would return to fighting parents without anyone to depend on.
Mabel handing over the rift makes a lot more sense now. Endless Summer for her equals Endless Stability.
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vtkuu · 7 months ago
Alex Hirsch on writing Bill's unreliable narrator perspective:
"I sort of leave it to the reader to try to pick through what is a lie what is true, and more interestingly, what is something that Bill says that's a lie literally, but is a truth metaphorically?
I think sociopaths, cult leaders— they're such narcissists that they often tell on themselves, even when they're trying to pull the wool over your eyes, they can't help it. They'll kind of admit to something they've done, because they sort of want the credit, then they'll create plausible deniability and act like it never happened.
You know, Robert Durst, the rich serial killer lunatic […] he got away with three murders, and he would have gone to his grave with those three murders. But they made a documentary and they said, "can we interview you?" And he's like, "of course you can, you need to hear my side of the story!" Because he's so convinced that he's a genius, he can't help himself. They say that murderers often return to the scene of the crime, well, that's a crazy thing to do. But there's this ego involved. So, a character like Bill is going to deny a hundred things while kind of hiding a confession inside those denials. And that seemed interesting to me to explore."
~ Full interview with the Syosset Public Library here.
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caco3simp · 6 months ago
The fact that stanley and stanford are twins but stan looks older was always a bit odd to me. Today at physics i connected some dots and WELL LO AND BEHOLD ALEX HIRSCH IS A GENIUS
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Let me tell you about THE TWIN PARADOX
"In physics, the twin paradox is a thought experiment in special relativity involving identical twins, one of whom makes a journey into space in a high-speed rocket and returns home to find that the twin who remained on Earth has aged more."
We could say that complex multidimensional travel could have the same effect depending on how the time in said dimension flows. And who travelled through dimensions for 30 years?? FORD
Well, it could also be just a simple character design thing as to differentiate better between the two of them as viewers but still.
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piningforstan · 6 months ago
Leave Them
Summary: You’re really impressed with Stan after fighting the zombies. And his brass knuckles.
Pairings: Stanley Pines x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: 18+, this is SMUT, smut without plot, fingering, kind of praise kink, inappropriate use of brass knuckles
A/N: forgive me Father (Alex Hirsch) for I have sinned (wrote smut about Stan Pines)
“You-You saved us.”
The details of Stan’s face sharpened in clarity as he approached, looking wary and handsome as ever. Even in the darkness, you could see his gaze drift over you, examining for any injury. You couldn’t imagined how you looked — you had just been attacked by a horde of townspeople-turned-zombies — but whatever he saw must have sated him. His large hand ghosted your cheek.
“You alright, kid?”
Without permission, you leaned into his touch. You nodded. Ever the genius, you repeated, “You saved us.”
Stan returned a strained smile. “Someone had to. Might as well’ve been me.”
You racked your brain for something more intelligent to say, perhaps a thank you. The remains of fear stilled gripped you, though, along with the image of Stan fighting the undead. You had never seen him in action before. Of course, you’d heard his stories about his past, about boxing, but like everything that Stanford Pines said, you had to take it with a grain of salt.
He wasn’t lying. At least about this.
Watching him had ignited something primal and core-clenching inside you, an ember of desire only fanned more by his close proximity. You decided that words would not be sufficient enough to express your gratitude, instead rocking up on your toes and grabbing Stan by the lapels.
You half expected shock or resistance when you pressed your mouth to his. But, to your relief, there was none of that. Almost as if you had done it a million times before, Stan immediately slipped one hand behind your head and one around your waist. His mouth was equally if not more fervent than your own, consuming you with an abandon that confirmed his feelings for you.
All of the words you wished you could say you poured into that kiss. A silent conversation between both of you, the ebb and flow of a tide, crashing into you with unfettered intensity. It wasn’t long before you needed more. Breath fanning across your face, Stan steered you backwards, cushioning the blow as he cornered you against the wall. A groan escaped you that he seemed determined to capture, replacing his mouth on yours once more — then your neck, your collar, amassing sound after sound from you.
It didn’t take long before you were helping him out of his jacket, tugging at the buttons of his undershirt. Stan kept his hands at your waist, securing you against the wall, against him, moving only to let his jacket slip down his shoulders. They caught on his wrists, the brass knuckles he wore.
Stan swore. “Fuckin’ hell —”
“Leave them,” you said, touching his arm.
Stan paused to peer at you strangely. A blush warmed your face, prompting his to split into a crooked grin. “Leave ’em, eh?”
He promptly maneuvered the jacket off with impressive dexterity, which only made you that much more eager for his touch. Your whole body seemed to sigh as he flicked open your jeans, fingers warm and calloused and wonderful. He shoved your pants down to your thighs then placed his free hand between your legs.
“Oh, doll, you’re killin’ me,” he growled, finger curving upwards almost by reflex at your slickness. Your hips ground into his hand. “Say it again.”
“What?” You breathed, arcing into his palm. He teased your entrance, keeping you from what you really wanted.
“What you said. Before,” he clarified, voice rasping, deeper than usual.
You reached through the haze of desire clouding your brain, panting out, “You saved us. Saved me.”
“That’s right, couldn’t let nothin’ happen to you,” Stan muttered into your neck. One finger buried itself inside you and you cry out in surprise, in pleasure. “You’re mine. My girl.”
Another finger, then a third, stretching you out. Even just the slightest of ministrations has you gasping. He curled his fingers, coaxed out your orgasm, wrist snapping. White light blurred the edges of your vision. Right when you think that you might release, he removed his fingers. You barely have time to protest when he replaced them with something else.
Something cool and distinctly metal.
“Stan.” You grabbed hold of the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Since you like ’em so much,” he grunted in way of reply. He pressed the ridges of the brass knuckles against you, brushed your clit, along the sensitive skin of your thighs.
Already you can feel yourself unraveling, bucking up into the combined feel of his skin and the metal of the brass knuckles. Stan watched you almost obsessively, as if to commit every second of this to memory — his body on yours, your undoubtedly swollen lips, the way you pant out his name with each touch.
Stan is completely in control, releasing and providing more pressure depending on your reaction. You hissed. “Stop—teasing.”
“I dunno what you’re talking about.”
The metal pressed to your clit. You inhaled. His opposite hand reached up to palm your breast, thumb brushing over your raised nipple. It’s almost too much, Stan like this, confident and solid and breathless. Your body bowed to him, pliant like a plant bending towards the sun, desperate for the faintest touch.
“That’s right,” Stan rasped, “Come for me. Let me hear ya.”
Your head fell back. The combination of his heady smell and the cool metal, his knee pushing your legs apart to better access you, pushes you to the edge. He’s there to catch you as you take the plunge, free falling, ecstasy sweeping over you. There’s nothing to anchor you except him — Stan — holding you upright as you shuddered through your climax.
“Never knew they could be used for more than kicking ass,” Stan said with a laugh.
You swatted at him. Hopefully in the dark he couldn’t see you blush. “Shut up.”
Hands curling in his lapels again, you pulled him to you, more than eager to return the favor, when there’s a loud thump from upstairs. The sound made both of you freeze.
“Grunkle Stan? Are they gone?”
It’s Mabel. Shit. You both forgot that the kids had retreated upstairs to hide.
Stan groaned, pinching his nose. There’s a trace of promise in his eyes when he glanced at you, making sure that you’re both buttoned and tidied and separated before the kids shuffled downstairs, eyes widened with fear.
“They’re, uh, all gone. Nothin’ to worry ‘bout,” Stan said. Dipper and Mabel ran across the room to hug him and he bent to one knee to accept it.
Your heart fluttered with happiness. You’re alive, and more important the kids are alive. And Stan returned your feelings.
Never one to linger too long in sentiment, Stan started ordering the twins to start clean-up. You’re watching the entire thing unfold when he caught your eye and darted his tongue over the brass knuckles before removing them and tucking them into his suit pocket.
Oh, you’re definitely returning the favor.
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heyyesimtrash-whatofit · 7 months ago
And I am not sorry what so ever
so, someone decided to throw me headfirst back into my love for Gravity Falls - I'm looking at you @heyyesimtrash-whatofit - and something that bothers me is how often people ignore the dynamic between Bill and Ford. LIKE, COME ON.
The writing of this show is so beautiful that you really feel like they're old friends, like they have such a deep connection that gets royally screwed up the you know where.
Thats the post. I love their dynamic. Sue me.
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marlshroom · 7 months ago
i will never ever stop thinking about the disability allegories in gravity falls. i cant ever stop thinking about disability allegories in other media and gravity falls is no different. im feeling chatty today, so lets see if i can articulate all my feelings on the matter.
the most interesting thing that stuck out to me with thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com was this snippet on fords medical paper:
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we hear about this kind of attitude towards disabilities often, maybe you have heard about autism being referred to as the "next evolutionary change in humans." we can especially see this when a person has a disability, but is also very capable in other fields. there are so many cases in the medical or educational field of a child having specific needs, yet they are ignored due to them being "gifted".
in a vacuum, ford's extra finger may not be considered a disability, the sixth finger allows him more movement and dexterity, and ontop of that, he's a genius. its just an extra finger right? its not like it hurts him. but it does hurt him. he is a child living with a limb difference, he is constantly ridiculed by his peers. they call him a freak and physically harass him.
this is where we dip into the social model of disability here. i know sometimes that can cause a little bit of discourse, but i think its interesting to note here! please if you have a limb difference feel free to add your perspective or correct me where you see fit. if you don't know what the social model of disability is, its the perspective that disabled people would not be as limited in their abilities if it wasn't for the oppressive society that they lived in(think people in wheelchairs could do more things if infrastructure had disabled people in mind). ford wouldn't be experiencing abliesm in his life if limb differences were something people were educated about. then we get to bill cipher. in theory, his ability to see the 3rd dimension is almost a super power. but in the book of bill its literally stated that it is illegal for anyone to mention the possibility of "up". he is forced into abusive medical practices where he is being drugged to suppress his ability. no one in his dimension has the same perspective of him, he is completely alone, and even worse, the people who should be protecting him like his parents and doctors are abusing him(not that his parents are evil for this obviously. they don't have a choice and i assume they want what is best for him, what were they supposed to do? yet it still had this horrible impact on bill).
this social model can be applied to bill cipher. he has this ability that in a vacuum would be considered amazing, but he lives in a society(rip) that oppresses this. they have to, because bill trying to let his dimension see the stars killed every last person. which makes me think that whoever was in power here probably knew this would happen. its unsure if bill cipher knew the true extent of his damage would be, but i am of the belief that he didn't know how bad it would really be.
i just find all of this very interesting. i really love when a story tackles a topic such as disability. its so obvious this is what alex hirsch is going for and its such a unique take that i don't see often in media, as a disabled person myself. feel free to lmk your thoughts :)
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evil-scientist · 3 months ago
People treat Toby Fox like he’s a genius lore planner dropping clues across the internet like Alex Hirsch, when in reality the times where he’s actually dropped crazy lore in non-game media are actually quite obvious
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is-this-even-relatable · 7 months ago
The difference in love between two fandoms and their shows’ creators is quite funny when you are a part of both fandoms.
Danny Phantom fans:
Butch Hartman? More like Butch Fartman. What a grade A jackass of a guy. Plus if we ignore real life issues, this douche didn’t understand what made his show good. Our fanons are more complex and developed than the canon he attempts to borph out. We will fix it and provide for ourselves, scrounging around the guts of the show and rebuilding its world with our own bare hands.
Gravity Falls fans:
Alex Hirsch is a genius and funny as hell. The show is amazing and perfect, how we wish it hadn’t ended, but it was necessary for the story. Little funny man who continues to shower us with lore and content, we love him and will protect him.
BTW Danny Phantom fans! Let’s appreciate Stephen Silver and shower him with love for designing Danny Phantom. Our love for the show that’s just sitting around can be redirected to him!
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rotting-butterscotch · 7 months ago
a bunch of codes i found while on thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com :P feel free to decode or add in your own ofc!!
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vinylplasterboard · 5 months ago
i’m a fiddstan shipper in the sense that i don’t actually ship them or enjoy the headcanon that stan contacted fidds to help him rebuild the portal BUT the fanart and fics and general content by the community is so good i can’t help but adore it
before i get flamed for my take let me explain-
I can’t see Fiddleford EVER agreeing to rebuild the portal, even if it meant never seeing Ford again. It would completely go against his cowardly nature. As Alex Hirsch stated, Fiddleford’s weakness is weakness itself. Fiddleford was so traumatized after almost getting sucked in the portal to the point where he needed to erase that memory from his head. He had to run away from it, there was no other option for him. I don’t think he would ever step near that machine again, let alone help someone REACTIVATE it.
But more importantly, I feel like throwing Fiddleford in the picture diminishes everything Stan had to learn for the sake of getting back his brother. Stan was a horrible student who was practically failing all his classes. He never paid attention and spent his time copying off Ford, so it’s safe to assume he didn’t learn much outside the basics. Ford, being an absolute genius, still needed the help of Fiddleford and Bill, no less, to get that portal functioning. And Stan REBUILT IT ALONE. He spent literal decades of his life teaching himself advanced math and science and engineering in order to get the portal up and running, and he did it all for Ford.
I’m sure you can probably interpret that feat being impossible without the help of Fiddleford, but I think it just makes Stan a stronger character, seeing the lengths he would go to for his family. I think it makes both of them more intriguing characters, to be honest.
that being said please keep uploading your fiddstan content i love seeing it! this is just my take on why i don’t think it works in the canon (don’t hate me please). i’m ESPECIALLY fond of that rockstar stan meeting fidds AU so WAITER WAITER MORE OF THAT PLEASE
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