#Alex & Thawne
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vexic929 · 5 months ago
the tragedy of loving a show-exclusive character with no comics to read for them </3333
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avatarskywalker78 · 7 months ago
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It's Work in Progress Wednesday and I've been trying to make a dent in my WIP list!! I completed and uploaded the Wario centric one yesterday and I've been trying to make some headway into the others using the advice from the WIP clearout post. The first extract is from my 'Alex & Daniel' wip - where Daniel Sousa offers to look after an eight-year-old Alex Thompson for the day, and is a little apprehensive about it.
Daniel would like to say that he didn’t know how he’d been talked into this, but that would be a lie – he’d been talked into it because the Thompsons were practically family and had asked for this favour, and because Peggy was too busy at SHIELD to help look after Alex for the day, so it had been left up to him.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t had to look after children before, of course, but still, he couldn’t help but be a little nervous – he’d only looked after Alex a handful of times and those had been when she was very small, not the bouncy eight-year-old who’d be coming to stay for a few hours, and there was always a worry about having to look after someone else’s child. Especially the granddaughter of one of his closest friends. Plus, he wasn’t exactly getting any younger here, so he wouldn’t be able to keep up as much as he might’ve done back in the day – and he already felt exhausted as Sophia parked the car and Alex came running over with a speed he envied. “Uncle Daniel!” She rushed towards him and for a second he feared she was about to leap at him and expect him to catch her because that really would send him crashing to the floor— She didn’t. She did, however, knock the wind out of him and almost bowl him over with the force of the resulting hug. “Oof.” “Sorry!” She jumped back, apologetic. “I didn’t hurt you, did I? Mom says I get too overexcited sometimes.” “I’m fine.” He assured her as he got his breath back, Sophia coming over and looking faintly amused. “Nothing wrong with a hug, kiddo, you just gotta be a little careful - you could’ve knocked me flying.” “Sorry.” She hugged him gentler this time. “I’ve just been looking forward to this for ages.” “I got that.” He said with a laugh, returning the hug. “It’s great to see you too, Alex.”
I have identified a couple of the main blocks; not only have I not watched the source material for a few years, but...I also don't have a clear plan for the fic!! Which isn't helpful, but now I know I can work on it - I've already found both seasons so a rewatch will be a great help (and not just for this one).
Another one I've been working on is...the Sad Westhallen Fic!! Which might not be as sad as it originally was - Barry's still dead but the bulk of the fic is going to be his friends and family sharing all the good memories they have and celebrating his life - but, of course, Eddie and Iris are still dealing with the loss, compounded by the fact their twins have basically no memories of their dad.
It wasn't meant to be like this. Days after Eddie had been freed from captivity, days after Barry, Oliver, and Teams Flash and Arrow brought down Eobard and called in Rip Hunter to see justice served, that had been when he'd finally start to believe - at least a little - that maybe, maybe things would get better. It had been far from easy, of course - Eddie and Iris's relationship was...not on hold, exactly, but any talk of marriage was shelved for the time being until he got the help he needed, which had made sense, of course, but...part of him had worried that she'd choose Barry in the end after all, because the other man was kind and brave and unflinching, someone who would treat Iris right and all Eddie had ever, ever wanted was for Iris to be happy. And if Barry was the one to make her happy... Who was he to stand in the way of that? Course, this had been a symptom of his depression, and once he'd started going to therapy he'd realised how spectacularly untrue it was. Iris and Barry were nothing but supportive the whole time and Iris assured him that she still loved him and always would. She wasn't going anywhere - and neither was Barry. This had made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside - and he'd finally had to admit that yes, he was in love with Barry too, and had been for some time.
This one needs a rewatch too, so it'll either be this or Agent Carter that I rewatch after I finished OUAT S1.
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @starstruckpurpledragon @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @daughter-of-melpomene
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evilhorse · 1 year ago
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And then I take his speed—every last drop.
(Knight Terrors: The Flash #2)
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comicbooksaregood · 1 year ago
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Identity Crisis
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Chapter Three: Serial Killer
Writers: Brad Meltzer
Pencils: Rags Morales
Inks: Michael Bair
Colours: Alex Sinclair
Covers: Michael Turner, Peter Steigerwald
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ao3feed-oliverfelicity · 11 months ago
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i-aint-here-man · 11 months ago
Is there a Doctor Alchemy on this flight?
Every Flash-Fan, whether you watched the CW series or simply are a comic fan-whatever, knows Dr Alchemy
Albert Desmond is undoubtly the most popular one as he's "the 1st Doctor" and has been serving this role non-stop pretty much since 2004, but there were some "proteges" I'd like to delve into, hence this post will be about nearly everything
So, once upon a time in popculture there used to exist this trope of "opposite twins":
-Samantha & Serena in Bewitched (which seems to be the primal source of this trend),
-Gwen & Sunny in Ben10,
-Wayne & Lucien from The Cramp Twins and many many more
Anyway, in
July '80; in The Flash #287
Cary Bates starts the arc with Dr Alchemy's attack at the lab in CCPD. Naturally, the last wearer of the mantle - Al Desmond, comes first to Barry's mind, although he doesn't want to believe that Al would revert to his criminal career
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'cause here's the thing: Mister Element appeared in Showcase #13 whereas Dr Alchemy debuted in Showcase #14, where even Flash pointed out the quick change in Desmond's alter ego
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What's even more interesting, it seemed like Al just "wanted to be" a criminal
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Since then, Al did his time in prison, became a model citizen...
Well, it wasn't perfect, because he happened to have few relapses now and then, whether he:
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was mind-controlled by Professor Zoom [The Flash #147]
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was possesed by this "evil star" that aCtUalLy had been influencing his mental condition from the beginning [The Flash #216]
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orrr was possesed by a demon? [The Flash #230]
In The Flash #153 Albert feels an urge towards doing evil, hence he behaves compulsively, firstly imitating having a gun, attempting to rob a restaurant and then suiting up in Element's costume
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He later returns as Mr Element in order to rescue Flash, simultaneously deceiving Thawne ['cause Zoom believed that was the result of his "evil-making machine"] Fortunately, Barry takes Al to 25th century, where the latter goes through some "electro-re-education programme"
[at least it worked all right here, right Alex DeLarge?]
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Later on, Al relinquishes "the Dr Alchemy-self" in The Flash #230
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[aight, I know, sorry for this long interlude but I found it necessary to include it - now back to #287]
Upon meeting Desmonds, Rita - Al's wife, reveals that her husband's been absent at the time of Alchemy's assault, further increasing Barry's suspicion; police arrives, takes Albert to custody and not long after - Dr Alchemy escapes, ultimately leading Allen to a terryfying conclusion
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But, reaching the final page, the reader finds out that
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*tum tum tuuuum*
The Flash #288
Soooo the new Dr Alchemy is an Al Desmond. Both Desmonds happen to be "astral/platonic twins":
-they both were born into Desmond families [although they aren't really related]
-they both are fond of chemistry
-they have the same voice
And the most interesting aspect about their "connection" - while one is a good citizen, the other tends to behave violently, albeit this doesn't explain Al's becoming a criminal in the first place
and yeah, second-Albert created a hypnotic serum, which he named...desmondium
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As the second-Albert battles and seemingly wins over Flash, he proudly reveals his secret. Barry obviously gets out of the trap, but at least now his mind is at ease about Albert. Talking about Albert, what's up with him?
[*sets "Without me" by Eminem]
The Flash #289
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That's right, Mr Element's back in action, but despite his previous returns, this time Al ain't sinister nor controlled - he's deliberately a good guy, whose only goal is to stop Dr Alchemy. Albert donned his old alter ego as he felt responsible for Dr Alchemy's deeds
Barry learns from Rita about Alchemy's potential hideout.
And so, the final battle between Dr Alchemy, Flash and Mr Element...doesn't happen as Al's quickly rendered unconcious, but heyy, Barry's here to save the day
And so, the two pals walk into the night as Al confesses that it's over finally
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The Flash vol 2 40
Years later, Wally tries to exorcise an irish ghost out of Linda. In order to do that, they pay a visit to Albert Desmond who apparently inhabits now a goth-like mansion
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And then...Albert?
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So not only does he look different, but he behaves oddly, too. He's clearly obsessed with recreating the Philosopher's Stone for some reason
aight, it's Alvin
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But what is "concerning" is his usage of that stone; Alvin seems out of practice, sloppy and uncreative when it comes to choosing the post-transformed product; he makes a few pauses, ponders too long over what the Stone can transform things into
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To put it simply, isolation & obession drove him even more insane, rendering him insensible
But well, Wally manages to defeat him; he and Linda find the real Albert Desmond
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poor guy...well anyway, hopefully this time it's really ov--
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Ehh, for fock's sake...
The Flash vol 2 41
Alvin somehow breaks out [only leaving a salty statue of himself behind in the cell] and creates chaos for kicks, but suprisingly - this time he utilises the Philosopher Stone's powers quite well even going as far as to defeating Wally
Simultaneously Albert returns as Mr Element, but it still isn't enough to beat Alvin
Then a slight retcon happens while Wally realizes that Alvin is pretty much just a manifestation of Al's evilness with fake memories implemented by the Stone itself. In result, Al accepts the reality and destroys Alvin once and for all - FOR REAL this time
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In Who's who in DC Universe #14 we find out that, sadly, after retrieving the Philosopher Stone, Albert started to become more and more seduced by his artefact
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And it looks like he gave in, 'cause he appears few times in Waid's run
When Johns took over, he made Albert into a stereotypical mystic, who spends a lot of time on reading and practising alchemy [even his cell's been decorated in goth-theme] and he stays this way till N52&Rebirth
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But before I get to that "version", lemme talk a bit about the third Alchemy - perhaps the lest known, Curtis Engstrom. He worked as an advisor on a S.T.A.R. Labs project that would use Philosopher's Stone's special properties to cure blood diseases. He of course stole both the device and the Stone. In prison he met a guy, who later tricked him, stealing the device from the first thief. Curtis decided to get his revenge on the guy, got the Philosopher's Stone, calling himself the Alchemist. Engstrom, despite lack of experience, cleverly uses the Stone's power i.e. by creating copper stalagmites while it's raining [electricity conducive] or by lacing an area with thin molybdenum strings [sharp enough to slice Flash] Engstrom only appears in two issues - The Flash #71-72
In Rebirth Albert does appear a few times. In The Flash #764-766 Albert tricks Barry into wielding Philosopher's Stone in order to control Flash himself; oh and he kinda absorbs Stone's powers so he doesn't physically need it anymore
A propos, depending on the issue, Albert either used the Stone to access powers or used it to channel his powers
-in The Flash #216 Al revealed that the elemental-gun only concencrated his elemental energy, although nothing like this had ever happened before
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-albeit in The Flash #230 a similar thing happened, this instance regarding Dr Alchemy, thus he didn't need the Philosopher's Stone anymore
-ever since the Alchemy-excorsion, Al has been constantly using his Elemental Gun
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[The Flash #41 & the coolest Mr Element design, along with his cool af machine gun]
-then in Rebirth Al initially used the Philosopher's Stone embeded in a ring, but later he acquired the Stone's powers thanks to lighzinium - a protective material layered on the Flash-ring by Barry
Additional notes: °although mostly it's been implied that Al's identity disorder wasn't caused by the Philosopher's Stone, The Flash #765 clearly states a connection between those two aspects °the ring from The Flash #764-766 resembles greatly the Dragon-Eye one back from #216
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°intriguing, but whenever Dr Alchemy appeared in Waid's Flash-run he has never been referred to by his name; NOT ONCE
In fact in Waid's run he looks a lot more like Alvin, although considering the Who's who in DC Universe we have to think it's actually Allbert
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°more interesting, The Flash vol 2 Annual 8 takes place right before Messner-Loebs' run and guess who's the villain of the week?
That's right, Dr Alchemy, whose name's never called out and in opposition to later issues we can't assume it's Albert under the mas--the hood
What's even funnier, present Wally's telling Linda that story, mentioning at the end "amazingly enough, Alchemy would eventually turn up again...and again that's another story"
If Wally'd be talking about #40-#41, then it's stupid cos Linda knows about that incident first hand cos she was there
°[*"The Man who sold the world" plays in the back*]
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Thug: So uhh mr Desmond, how much of that gold do we need to transform?
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johnbly · 1 year ago
10 Characters in 10 Fandoms
tagged by @gooitwouldseem
james norrington (potc)
fernand (fe, specifically echoes)
eobard thawne (dc)
finnick odair (thg)
alex mahone (pb)
roland glenbrook (tristrat)
horatio hornblower
phil coulson (marvel)
christopher pike (star trek)
john bly (the adventures of brisco county jr, which everyone should watch by the way)
to make up for all the excellent writing games i am once again bonking @tortoisesshells but also tossing this at @philcoulsonismyhero and @ikeracity and whoever else wants a go
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montyblues · 1 year ago
𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Please feel free to let me know/ask any other fandom or character you'd like to add that is not already on the list.
Requests are open , feel free to send in any requests that you have in mind and I'll see what I can whip up for you.
Fandoms I write for:
→ ʜᴀʀʀʏ ᴘᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ ꜰʀᴀɴᴄʜɪꜱᴇ
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley
Fleur Delacour
→ ᴍᴀʀᴠᴇʟ (ᴍᴄᴜ)
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Carol Danvers
Kate Bishop
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
→ ᴅᴄᴇᴜ
Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent
Arthur Curry
Barry Allen
Victor Stone
Billy Batson
Diana Prince
Mary Bromfield
Harley Quinn
→ ꜱᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ ꜰʀᴀɴᴄʜɪꜱᴇ
Samantha Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
ᴛᴠ ꜱʜᴏᴡꜱ
→ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰʟᴀꜱʜ
Barry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Eobard Thawne
Hunter Zoloman
Caitlin Snow
Iris West
Jessie Wells
→ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɢɪʀʟ
Kara Danvers
Alex Danvers
Lena Luthor
Samantha Arias
Maggie Sawyer
Nia Nal
→ ᴀʀʀᴏᴡ
Oliver Queen
Felicity Smoak
Mia Smoak
Thea Queen
Laurel Lance
Dinah Drake
→ ʟᴇɢᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛᴏᴍᴏʀʀᴏᴡ
Sara Lance
Zari Tomaz
Ava Sharpe
Amaya Jiwe
→ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴀᴍᴘɪʀᴇ ᴅɪᴀʀɪᴇꜱ
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Kai Parker
Enzo St. John
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Pierce
→ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʀɪɢɪɴᴀʟꜱ
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Davina Clair
→ ʟᴇɢᴀᴄɪᴇꜱ
Hope Mikaelson
Josie Salzman
Lizzie Saltzman
Penelope Park
→ ᴛᴇᴇɴ ᴡᴏʟꜰ
Allison Argent
Lidiya Martin
Malia Tate
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Isaac Lahey
Derek Hale
→ ʀɪᴠᴇʀᴅᴀʟᴇ
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Cheryl Blossom
→ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜᴇʀ
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
→ ꜱʜᴀᴅᴏᴡʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀꜱ
Clary Fray
Isabelle Lightwood
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years ago
🌈 : Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP
“I remember when my Barry was born, I thought we wouldn’t need that much space.” Nora laughed. “Of course, he was determined to prove me wrong. I swear that boy learned to run before he learned how to walk.”
~first fic of the childhood friends au
Aww, baby Barry mention 🥰 this is about 5-ish months before Morgan is born, making it May-ish, so Barry's 9 as of a couple months ago.
☔: Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Hmm...I might've talked about this before, but I had a concept of Alex Russo (from Wizards of Waverly Place) coming to live with the LaRussos and getting pulled into their karate drama. It would be post-canon for WOWP and around s2 for Cobra Kai. Mostly inspired by me realizing that they have similar enough surnames to be related somehow 😂
🌪️: Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags
Gonna jump over to the 1x8-to-1x14 fic: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Platonic Male-Female Relationships, Conflict Resolution, Eobard Thawne's A+ Parenting, kids could you lighten up a little??, Betrayal, Philia, Agape, (also some storge but like...that's mostly unhealthy)
wip ask game!
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vexic929 · 2 years ago
OCs Masterpost
Taglists (if you would like to be added or removed to any of these please message me!)
Everything: @negative-speedforce
Born To Run (Berrie Thawne): @tempests-of-hope @shrinkthisviolet
Lavender Lightning: @shrinkthisviolet
Beth Allen: @tempests-of-hope @shrinkthisviolet
Malcolm Allen: @tempests-of-hope
Earth-63: @tempests-of-hope @shrinkthisviolet
Child in Time: @starstruckpurpledragon @elutrosop
Only With the Falling of The Dusk: @practically-an-x-man
Mentor Mentiroso: @joanthangroff
Arrowverse/Titans OCs
Soliton (Dr. Lana Rydberg)
Tecromancer (Marco Macías)
FireFlower (Lara An-Veks/L'Harann)
Professor Spectre (Alana Wells)
Experiment 929
Echo (Lea Brava)
The White Rabbit (Dr. Lise Chien)
Firework (Bailey Allen)
Earth 150
Beth Allen
Bishop's Gambit (Percy Priest)
Earth 111
Cobalt Blue (Malcolm Allen)
Earth 100
Cherry Bullet (Berrie Thawne)
Earth 63
Reverse (Eoland Thawne)
The Flash (Barbara Allen)
Dr. H Wells
Dr. Rodriga Sterling
Sterling (Jess Sterling-Wells)
Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway)
Captain Davina Singh
Charmer (Yǔqí Lǚ-Nguyễn)
Detective Eden Thawne
Detective Ira West
Qi (Cisca Ramon)
Killer Frost (Dr. Caelen Snow)
Cobalt Blue (Mallorie Thawne)
Dr. Dawn Helaeton
Superman (Kal-El/Kal Danvers)
Batwoman (Brienna Wayne)
Nightwing (Ricki Grayson)
Red Hood (Jessie Todd)
Batgirl (Tiffany Drake-Wayne)
Robin (Damien al Ghul-Wayne)
Changeling (Gabi Logan)
Bernadette Dowd-Fitzmartin
Klara Bleak
Characters from original works
The D Team
The Ace Arrow (Laska Ace)
Harmonic Sine (Piper Melony)
Agent V-92 (Lara Valdez)
Fire & Ice (Jisoo Lee)
Angel Valdez
Four (Set al Khafaji)
Agent J-57 (Alex Jacobs)
Mihael Ireton
Agent G-37 (Dan Guo)
Broken Chains
Ember Fei
Prince Kamau
Princess Amara
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avatarskywalker78 · 2 years ago
1, 7, 11!
Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time?
So far as I can remember my first ever OC was a character for Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet - which for those not in the know, was a puppet and later an animated series where, after a human destroys a Martian city out of panic after thinking they were going to shoot first (reader, they were not) the Martians (Mysterons) declared war on all of humanity. Spectrum is the main organisation whose agents are all colour coded and the titular character is killed by the Mysterons and brought back as a replicant - their go-to move - but manages to seize back control.
Captain Lilac was the character I created and she was a friend of Scarlet's, but I never really did much with her - I toyed with the idea of making her a replicant as well in a similar vein to Scarlet before eventually shunting her over to the original series but in 17 years I've written all of a few pages because I've just never really had the inspiration. Much as I'd like to do so.
7. What are your favourite relationships between your OCs?
I generally favour platonic relationships and at the moment one of my favourites is between one of my Legends OCs, Brianna Thawne, and my Lucifer Nephilim OC, Ruth Fremont - because yes, as Lucifer is technically part of the Arrowverse now that means crossovers and a couple years ago I had the idea of 'hey, why not have Brianna and Ruth be friends' and now they're practically sisters - they first met after Brianna accidently travelled to her Earth in her early career as a speedster and then helped save the city of LA from a rogue Prince of Hell (and defeated said Prince of Hell, earning her clout and a number of favours) and they mean a great deal to each other and are always willing to help each other even if that means crossing worlds and are fiercely, fiercly protective of each other.
11. Sum up one or more of your wips!
I've a prequel to of legacies and lies set in 1985 where Daniel Sousa looks after Alex, Jack Thompson's eight-year-old granddaughter, for the day, and they end up bonding.
Writer ask game!
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painofhumanity · 2 years ago
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NAME: Zackary Henry Allen NICKNAME(S): Zack, Blondie, Twiggy ALIAS: Lightspeed D.O.B: February 21 AGE: 18 ORIENTATION: heterosexual SPECIES: meta-kryptonian FAMILY: Barry Allen (dad), Kara Danvers-Allen (mom, deceased), Eddie Thawne & Iris West-Thawne (paternal aunt and uncle), Wally West (paternal uncle), Esther "Echo" Thawne (paternal cousin), AJ Thawne (paternal cousin), Clark Kent & Lois Lane (maternal aunt and uncle), Jon Kent (maternal cousin), Jordan Kent (maternal cousin), Alex Danvers (maternal aunt), Lane Danvers (maternal cousin), Sophie Danvers (maternal cousin), Henry & Nora Allen (paternal grandparents, deceased), Joe West (adopted paternal grandpa, alive), Zor-El & Alura Zor-El (maternal grandparents, deceased), Jeremiah & Eliza Danvers (adopted maternal grandparents, alive)
Zack was never a normal kid. His father was a speedster who could travel through time and space, and his mother was an alien from a planet that was nothing more than rubble long before he was born. As far back as he could remember, he was always different from the other kids, and he had to learn early on how to keep a secret. That was okay, though. 
He was faster and stronger than everyone at school, and his family was full of some of the most amazing people in the world. Auntie Alex was a secret agent, Grandpa Joe was a cop, and his parents were friends with all kinds of superheroes. 
Zack was exactly what one would imagine the son of Barry Allen and Kara Danvers would be like: he had a big, goofy smile, an even bigger heart, he was always willing to help, always trying to do the right thing. His parents did everything they could to teach him how to control his powers and use them safely. Some things came easily to him, like his super speed. Other things, like flying, were a lot harder for him; Zack tried flying once and it didn’t go well, and he’s all but refused to fly ever since unless it was absolutely necessary. As he grew, so did his powers. Much like his voice changing and starting to grow body hair, some powers developed as he got older. 
While he was born in Central City, his father’s hometown, his parents ultimately decided to raise him in National City. Barry went to work for the NCPD as a forensic scientist (officially), while also helping out at the DEO, both as a scientist and as The Flash. He also made frequent trips back home throughout the week, not wanting to leave the people of Central without their personal hero. Weekends were spent with Grandpa Joe and the rest of their extended family back in Central City. 
While Zack loved his world, it wasn’t without its flaws or problems. There were plenty. Not the least of which was a sudden uprising of powerful villains when he was in high school. Even though he could fight, his parents wanted him to have as normal a life as possible at least until he was out of high school. That plan didn’t work so well when an alien hate group kidnapped his mom halfway through his senior year. 
The DEO had everyone searching for her. His dad barely rested, let alone slept, while he ran all over the city, the state, the country, desperately trying to find his wife. As the weeks went by, new weapons appeared on the black market that seemed to give normal humans the powers of a Kryptonian. Eventually, Zack couldn’t take sitting idly by any longer. He suited up (literally, since Uncle Cisco had made him a suit for his sixteenth birthday) and joined the search for Kara.
They eventually caught a lead, someone who'd been involved in taking Kara, and the man spent the entire time making smartass remarks about how she was getting what any alien deserved. Enraged at the idea that his mother was not only being held captive, but hurt, Zack felt himself losing control. Before he even realized what was happening, the man was dead at his feet. Barry told him over and over that it wasn’t his fault, but he didn't really believe that, not when he didn’t actually remember what happened. 
Aunt Caitlin called it repression; his subconscious was protecting his conscious mind from whatever happened, whatever he had done. He got flashes, sometimes, when he was asleep, but he always woke up screaming soon after those dreams began. 
He wanted to go back, fix what he'd done--not that the man deserved saving--and maybe even get the information they needed to find his mother, but Barry told him it was too dangerous. They weren’t supposed to go back in time to change big events, his dad said. The ripple effects were too great and dangerous. Well, screw that. He tried doing things the “right way”, and it hadn't done anything. So one night, Zack snuck out of the house, and started running.
He ran faster than he’d ever gone in his life until he saw that portal open up, then he dove through. In hindsight, he thought maybe he should have paid more attention to his dad’s stories about traveling through time; mainly the part about how long it had taken his dad to actually master it. He assumed the portal would take him back in time, but he ended up in another universe. Now he's stuck hopping from one Earth to another until he gets back home.
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afaimsarrowverse · 2 years ago
Mein A/B/O-Arrowverse-AU-Verse:
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Diese Serie von mir rekonstruiert das gesammte Arrowverse in einem Alpha/Beta/Omega-Setting. Sie geht gegen Ende der 6. Staffel von "Arrow", der 4. von "The Flash" sowie der jeweils 3. von "Legends of Tomorrow" und "Supergirl" zunehmend AU. "Batwoman" ist inkludiert, allerdings nur die erste Staffel und da auch schon von Anfang sehr anders als im Canon.
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Diese Fics wurden zwischen 2017 und 2019 geschrieben, wobei die eigentliche Hauptstory zwischen 2017 und 2018 entstand. Spätere Einträge spielen zwischen den Ereignissen der vorher geposteten Fics. Prinzipiell geht dieses Verse mit dem Ende der 2017/18er Seasons vollkommen AU, daher werden später eingeführte Ereignisse, Charaktere und Ships nur am Rande benahdelt und eingebaut, und in diesen Fic finden sich nur Dinge die vor „Crisis on Infinite Earths“ passiert sind.
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Prinzipiell bin ich der Meinung, dass es heute trotzdem noch gut stand hält, wobei der auffälligste Unterschied zum Canon die Tatsache ist, dass fast alles geschrieben wurde bevor Nia aktive Kräfte für den Kampfeinsatz besaß, weswegen sie im Kampf die gleichen Kräfte wie Dream Girl in den Comics verwendet und nicht ihre Canon-Traum-Energie Strahlen und Peitschen. Und natürlich sind die End-Game Pairings andere.
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Inzwischen noch witziger ist was alles in meinem Fics passiert ist, bevor es im Canon ebenfalls passiert ist (wie etwa, das Clois-Baby, dass Lena Lex erschießt, Johns Lungenkrebs Storyline, dass Eddie zurückkommt, der Ausflug in die Speed Force während er großen Krise etc) und wie anders manches bei mir ist was der Canon absolut vergessen hat mir aber doch wichtig erschienen ist.
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Chronologisch gesehen beginnen wir mit der Kindheit verschiedenster Charaktere und enden mit einer Szene im Jahr 1992, die alles abschließt. Handlungstechnisch enden wir aber im Jahr 2028.
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Im Gegensatz zum Canon kriegen hier alle Serien - „Arrow“, „The Flash“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“ und irgendwie sogar „Batwoman“ - ein Ende und jeder Charakter bekommt eine mehr oder weniger zu Ende erzählte Geschichte. Obwohl die letzte Fic das Ende von „Legends of Tomorrow“ darstellt, gibt es darin trotzdem Gastauftritte von diversen anderen Charakteren, die auf Erde-1 leben (es gibt keine Erdverchmelzung in meiner Version), und wir lernen etwa das zweite West-Allen-Triaden-Kind kennen, weil ich ja im Gegensatz zu Eric Wallace der Meinung bin, dass eine Franchise auch also solche beendet werden sollte.
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Da dieses Universum zur Zeit der 2. Staffel von „Legends of Tomorrow“ und „Supergirl“ begonnen hat, sind die Endgame-Pairings entsprechend. Manche Fans werden hier also nicht glücklich werden, aber immerhin gibt es hier im Gegensatz zum Canon ein Ende für alle. Und auch wenn es manche Charaktere aus späteren Staffeln nicht gibt, gibt es trotzdem Happy Ends für andere. So findet Ava letztlich mit Caitlin ihr Glück, Nora wird als Single glücklich etc.
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Endgame Pairings in diesem Verse sind (trotz diverser andere Pairings zwischendurch):
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Atomwave (Ray Palmer/ Mick Rory) , Captains3 (Sara Lance/ Rip Hunter/ Leonard Snart), Vixensteel (Amya Jiwe/Nate Heywood),  Westhallen (Iris West/ Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen) , Lauriver (Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen), Karamel (Kara Danvers/Mon-El), Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer/Alex Danvers), Constangreen (John Constantine/Gary Green), Guardiancorp (James Olsen/Lena Luthor), Winniac-5+ Nia (Winn Schott/Brainiac-5/Nia Nal, wobei Nia mehr ein Add-On in der allerletzten Supergirl-Fic ist eine logische Konsequenz, das gebe ich gerne zu), Avafrost (Ava Sharpe/Caitlin Snow), Coldray (Leo Snart/Ray Terrill), Clois (Clark Kent/Lois Lane), Jocile (Joe West/Cecile Horton), Martians (J’onn J’onzz/M’gann M’orzz), SmoakDetective (Donna Smoak/Quentin Lance), Dyla (John Diggle/Lyla Michaels), Throy (Thea Queen/ Roy Harper) sowie Kate Kane/Renée Montoya (wobei ich Montoya lange bevor es den Charakter in „Batwoman“ gab geschrieben habe).
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Charaktere, die im Canon gestorben sind, haben hier überlebt. Charaktere, die tot geblieben sind, sind hier zurück gekommen, Charaktere, die im Canon zurück gekommen sind, blieben hier tot, aber am Ende würde ich sagen, dass dieses Universum für mich selbst die befriedigendere Version des Arrowversums war, als der Canon, alleine eben deswegen weil es hier ein Ende für alle gibt und viele der problemtatischen Dinge Post-Crisis nie passiert sind und daher nie zum Problem wurden.
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Die Original-Version dieses Verses findet ihr:
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Sie bsetehend aus:
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Den „Legends of Tomorrow“-Fics:
 „Nennt uns Legenden I-V“
„Legenden auf Doomworld“
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Den „Arrow“ Fics:
 „Jemand Anderer werden“
„Mein Name ist Oliver Queen“
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Den „Supergirl“-Fics:
 „Kara Danvers ist meine Lieblingsperson“
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Der “The Flash“-Fic:
 „Dinge, denen man nicht trauen kann“
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Sowie den Crossover-Fics:
„Geschichten von Erde-X“
„Crisis on Earth-X“
„Road to Finale Crisis“
“Finale Crisis”
„Beginnings and Endings“
 Sowie verstreuten One-Shots in:
  „Legends of Tomorrow Shorts“
„The Flash Shorts“
“Infinite Earths Oneshots und Shorts”
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Außerdem gibt es die düstere AU-Version zu einem alternativen Ende von “Crisis on Earth-X”:
 “Stranded on Earth-X”
 Sowei zwei dazu gehörtige One-Shots in:
 „The Flash Shorts“
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Eine restruktrierte „Alle-Fics-chronologisch an einem Ort“-Version findet ihr hier:
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melkyt · 2 years ago
The only posts on my timeline i support as i withdraw deeper into my gremlin hole are
1. Sexualized Cannibalism (im a hannibal fan for a reason lol)
2. Hob and Dream have or will fuck
3. Corinthians daddy issues
4. Lucifer, no idc what media *all Lucifers*
5. Ominus thirst
6. James Masters in any media
7. ANY AND ALL clips of the guy who plays Rumplestilkin
8. Eobard Thawne
9. Alex vibes
10. Posts where the villain wants to fck the hero or vice versa
Thats it, nothing else is allowed to enter my radar xd
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ao3feed-oliverfelicity · 11 months ago
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months ago
World War Lex
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/twq0ncr by 2ndPraiseTheLord After Superman destroys his newfound home, Lex Luthor is back with a vengeance. And he's not alone. Takes inspiration from Justice by Alex Ross, The original Secret Society of Supervillains run by Gerry Conway, Luthor Unleashed by Cary Bates, "Snapper Carr-Super Traitor" from Justice League of America 77 by Dennis O'Neil, Justice League Unlimited, and believe it or not, World War Hulk by Greg Pak. Words: 35015, Chapters: 52/55, Language: English Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Superman - All Media Types, Superman (Comics) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Clark Kent, Lex Luthor, Brainiac (DCU), Justice League (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Barry Allen, Arthur Curry (DCU), Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, Billy Batson, Ray Palmer, Carter Hall, Hawkgirl (DCU), Lucas "Snapper" Carr, Secret Society of Super-Villains (DCU), Rogues (The Flash), Gorilla Grodd, Eobard Thawne, Barbara Minerva, Doris Zuel, Doctor Poison II (DCU), Edgar Cizko, Thaal Sinestro, Carol Ferris, William Hand, Hector Hammond, Edward Nygma, Jonathan Crane, Pamela Isley, Jervis Tetch, Killer Croc, Joker (DCU), Darkseid (DCU) Relationships: Carol Ferris/Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Clark Kent & Lois Lane read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/twq0ncr
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