#...why did it take me so long to remember hornblower
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johnbly · 1 year ago
10 Characters in 10 Fandoms
tagged by @gooitwouldseem
james norrington (potc)
fernand (fe, specifically echoes)
eobard thawne (dc)
finnick odair (thg)
alex mahone (pb)
roland glenbrook (tristrat)
horatio hornblower
phil coulson (marvel)
christopher pike (star trek)
john bly (the adventures of brisco county jr, which everyone should watch by the way)
to make up for all the excellent writing games i am once again bonking @tortoisesshells but also tossing this at @philcoulsonismyhero and @ikeracity and whoever else wants a go
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baeddel · 3 years ago
hi! what did you enjoy reading as a teen/what were your favorite books?
hi :3 i read a lot of the same books i read now, funnily...
so an important thing is that where i live, there are all these 18-19thc stately homes that were mostly abandoned when the English gentry fled during unrest (if not the Famine, then certainly the Land War). these have been appropriated by organizations like the National Trust who make them selectively available to the public. well one such home had a little bookshop for guests, and there they had an enormous collection of antique books, printed and bound in the 19thc. you'd think these were expensive, but they were actually worthless - a few pennies each. they also sold old books from later eras, and recent paperbacks, and anything someone brought in for them to sell.
[long and indulgent. getting progressively stoned as i write]
so when i was in primary school (not yet a teenager or even a preteen) i'd read Tolkein, and i'd read Pratchett, and the rest of the time i'd read these old books. the ones i remember: a copy of Vergil's Aenid which was falling apart at the seams, a collection of poems by Tennyson (who i loved for some reason), a collection of Wordsworth (hated him), Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Mariner (loved that one), a collection of the Metaphysical Poets (hated them), a farce about a cow named Venus and its adventure (i don't remember this, except that i own it), a bunch of Dickens (hated him), Joyce's Ulyssees, which i loved so much my mother bought me a bootleg collection of Joyce's entire catalogue (i particularly loved Finnegan's Wake then; now i can't understand it) , a collection of Gerald of Wales (i don't remember reading it), a bunch of Horatio Hornblower books (naval adventures), each of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales printed and bound individually in Modern English, a collected version in Modern English, and a collected version in Middle English which i sat down and sounded out and believed i could read that way.
you must understand that i did not read all of these cover to cover. i was a child and i read the way children play. i have dyslexia and at that time my dyslexia was very severe—i used to ask my mother why the words lift off the page and why they jumble up—so a single sentence would take a lot of wrestling. i didn't finish a novel-length book until two years ago, but i finished a few novellas. the first one was during this bookish late childhood era and the little book was Figures in a Landscape by Barry England, which was an influence on me; there are only two characters who are two soldiers stranded in the mountains behind enemy lines, their hands are tied up, they hate each other guts, clinging to bare life.
anyway, i think i was 12 when we went into a book shop and they had a display for a new translation of Dante's Inferno, which my mother bought me and which i fell in love with. and Vergil is in that story, so i went and dug out the Vergil again. and then i got a little Beginner's Latin book and made very little progress on it. at some point before or after this i let somebody on the Runescape forums convince me that i needed to read Aristotle's Politics and Plato's Republic if i wanted to talk about politics, so i got them and read some of them. i enjoyed them, especially the Republic, and i even believed i understood them. there is apparently a brief discussion of anarchy in those books, or at least i believed so back then, because after that i started calling myself an anarchist and defending the idea in General. i remember this because i had an argument with someone who considered themselves a capitalist, and he quoted some of the Politics at me, and he was alarmed when i quoted some back. i guess something was in the air back then (later on i'd call myself a communist because of Citizen Smith reruns). anyway, then, as i lately talked about, when i was 13 i got the Eddas because they quote them in Age of Mythology. the Poetic Edda was hard for me to read (it was probably not the best translation; Larrington's is very readable), but i loved the Prose Edda, even though it bewildered me too. i took it everywhere with me, but my first boyfriend stole it.
all this time im still reading fantasy. they put out this big collection of Lovecraft right around when i turned 13, so i got that and read most of his short stories (this collection completely bowlderizes him; i was very surprised to find out about his racism much later), and then they made a similar one for Howard. unfortunately i didn't find the best pulp writers back then (C. A. Smith and C. L. Moore). i tried to read more contemporary fantasy but i never could get much into it; i remember thinking Terry Goodkind was a hack and history vindicated me.
anyway, later on in my teens i was really into Bowie and Iggy Pop and stuff and they referenced William Burroughs a lot, so i started reading Burroughs. my first Burroughs was the Soft Machine, then Junky and Queer, and then Naked Lunch. i read the last three all the way through. i read around some of hismhis friends—Kerouac, Ginsberg—and i looked for more books about drugs and delinquency. so i read (again, some measure of) Thomas Quincy's Confessions of an Opiate Eater, and most of Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer (now i am 16-17), and i find out about Anaïs Nin (through an amazing girl on gag, of all places) and i read as much of her as i can. now i was going to used bookstores, and i found this little book called the Sexual Life of Catherine M, about a woman's adventures in dogging, which i liked a lot. i found out about Charity at 16 with Howling Dogs and i decided she was must be the 'big thing' in literature today, which i was right about. i read everything she ever did up to that point, but unfortunately i didn't think to keep up with her subsequent work. i also read Hemmingway and Orwell, because everyone on writers forums used to say that you had to. Hemmingway is still influence on me even if that isnt fashionable anymore; Farewell to Arms and 1984 were both books i read all the way through.
shortly after this i get into thelema so i start reading Eliphas Levi, A. E. Waite, Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie. and shortly after that i got serious about leftist theory and started reading Marx, Engels, Bakunin, etc. but i couldn't get my head around much of any of that stuff; it would take a while for me to really get it. i gave up on occultism because i decided it was a hall of mirrors, and i got dispirited with leftist theory for a long time, and i could not summon much energy to battle my dyslexia to read books, and i felt that i no longer understood poetry, and i had no one in my life regularly after the fallout that happened, so i mostly sat around playing jrpgs and jerking off and thinking it was all over for me. meeting @canmom was a big event because she encouraged me to write again, and i went back to a lot of old things i loved, and i would write little things to show her. and i made other friends who i wrote letters to, and i met other writers and artists i look up to, and i got into some amazing life-changingn relationships, which gives me the encouragement and the support i needed after a long time, and now i feel invincinble and i think i can do anything.
what did you ask? oh yeah, well, my teenage favourites were Dante, Snorri, Burroughs, Anais Nin, Marx in chronological order.
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lockhcrts · 4 years ago
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            odd numbers for the writing meme   :     because  @sixthofficer​​   wants to see me suffer apparently    .    
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 As a writer, who is your biggest inspiration?     :      i ...  actually have no clue   ?    i do have various writers and poets who i adore and who i take inspiration from but i ...  don’t really know who would be my biggest inspiration    ?     does gilderoy count   ?    i feel like he counts   .    
Does anyone in real life know about your RPing hobby and what, if anything, have they said about it?     :       oh a lot of people know about me rping.   my boyfriend is really chill with it,   even when he doesn’t fully understand it he’ll support my big gremlin hours because he knows it makes me happy.    my parents know about it too because i have been doing this for so long,  they have met people i have met through here,   they have supported my adventures across countries to meet people i have met here.   they don’t understand it in the   slightest  but they are supportive beans.   i have had some people comment about it or tell me that it’s weird,   but i mean they aren’t   completely wrong   ?     
Have you considered writing professionally or do you have plans to?     :     i haven’t considered it as an actual goal.  a joke or a dream maybe,   but i’d much more want for it to be a hobby than anything else. 
How do you handle the toxicity sometimes found in the roleplaying community, particularly in fandoms?      :     i fucking don’t .  i yeet myself out of there real quick lmao  .    too many fandoms have been ruined for me by toxic rpcs,  but u know what,   pick some battles,   put some battles back,   certain people in the rpc are absolutely off their rocks and aren’t worth losing sleep over. 
How has writing improved your life and do you see yourself sticking with it?    :    rping basically was the thing that forced me to get decent at english  ?    i mean it made me move across the world basically,   and it did give me incredible friendships that have very much shaped me and educated me.   and i’ll ...  probably write for a long time.   it has always been that one hobby of mine that i cannot get away from          no matter how hard i try.  
How much time a day would you say is devoted to your writing?    :    i actually have no clue because it depends very much on the day.   one day it is a couple hours,   and the next it is 30 minutes.   i have no clue anymore at this point.   it comes and it goes and that’s that.  
What advice can you give to someone who has just begun RPing on tumblr?    :   be???  true to you and what you believe in??   don’t force yourself to follow the trends,  it’s okay to just follow what you believe fits you.  it is okay to demand respect.  don’t be afraid to speak up when you’re uncomfortable and basically have fun ??? 
What do you typically look for in a roleplay partner?    :    good communication,   respect for boundaries and ooc situations such as mental health.   honestly i can’t even describe it?  it’s all related to vibes and general feelings.   i don’t care about formatting or aesthetics or even activity levels...  not one bit.   as long as ??  there is the same level of energy given to me as that i put out ?? we’re good ??  
What is your favorite genre to write?     :    i have ...  once again no clue   ?   i like soft things,    but i also like writing threads that explore the darker parts of my muses.   i like exploring the things that i haven’t explored before,  and it really depends on the muse as to what that is ?   i also don’t consider myself better at one genre than the other so ... that doesn’t help either.   i guess i write softer things the most so ...  maybe that is the answer  ?  
What one piece of literature has been most inspirational/life changing for you? Why?   :    okay so i think this might be ...  the first book from the hornblower series  ?   i got it for my birthday when i turned 12 from my dad because i was   obsessed   with the bbc mini tv show.   it was in english    (   the first english book that i ever owned   )    and my dad bought it as a little gift to accompany my actual birthday gift.   i can’t even remember what the actual gift was.   but i remember sitting outside while my family was inside,   reading the book with a dictionary beside me trying to navigate between words way too advanced for me in a language i didn’t really quite understand yet.   that book got me obsessed with learning english,   which would later result in me joining the rpc.   so yeah,  if you like my writing you can blow a kiss to the sea because C.S. Forester made that happen i guess   ?
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sanguinarysanguinity · 5 years ago
Twenty Titles meme
(x-posted from DW, and gakked from china_shop)
My last twenty fic titles on AO3:
A Jelly Good Show (Whitehead Holmes)
The Adventures of Goatratio Hornblower (Hornblower)
Tell-Tale (Hornblower)
The Taste of Truth (ACD Holmes)
New Year's Snow (Hornblower)
A Well-Rooted Briar (Hornblower)
To Make Dreams Truths (ACD Holmes)
Their Shared Will (Hornblower)
Seeking High-Energy Self-Starter, Flexible Schedule (My Dearly Beloved Detective)
HMK Nonsuch (Hornblower)
The Golden Sand (Hornblower)
Solace and Comfort (Hornblower)
Cock on the Right (Hornblower)
Opinions of her Own (Hornblower)
No. 36 Bannerman Road (The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Any Service Required (Hornblower)
Tea for Two (Moriarty - Horowitz)
A Tendency to Tease (Hornblower)
Kissing Lessons (Hornblower)
William Bush, Oldster (Hornblower)
1. How many are you happy with?
Fourteen, maybe -- I've vastly improved at titling in the last year or so. I require a title to be easy to remember and easy to match with the fic; ideally, a title should furthermore speak to some fundamental aspect of the story, or work at multiple levels. Over the last year, I've gotten better at identifying what is core about a story, and teasing out or devising a phrase that gets at it.
2. How many are... not great?
Eh, three? "Tell-Tale" comes annoying close to being a good title; it almost is a figurative descriptor of the gift as well as a literal one, and yet I'm not convinced it actually comes off. "New Year's Snow" is just blah. I mean, it's fine, but it does absolutely nothing of any kind of worth. "To Make Dreams Truths" is pure ugh: it's a line of poetry that doesn't QUITE fit, it comes off as annoyingly pretentious, I always have to squint at it a bit to remember which story it's supposed to be, I hate it.
3. How many did you scramble for at the last minute?
Nearly every single one -- eighteen were titled as part of prepping for AO3. At least one ("William Bush, Oldster") was actually first published without a title to tumblr. I have sometimes been tempted to keep those tumblr vignettes titleless when I pull them over to AO3, just write "Untitled" where it demands a title. But it's too cumbersome to have a bunch of things titled "Untitled" in my works list, so I've always given in at the last second and put something there.
4. How many did you know before you started writing/creating, or near the beginning?
"The Adventures of Goatratio Hornblower" and "Seeking High-Energy Self-Starter, Flexible Schedule" are the only two I knew well in advance, and it's probably not a coincidence that they're both silly, comedic titles for silly, comedic premises. In both cases, having the title in hand was very helpful in keeping me from losing my way with the stories: I kept drifting serious, then remembering that I had titled the thing "Goatratio" or that long horrible twist of management-speak, and then would use that to give myself permission to be silly and ridiculous again.
5. How many are quotes from songs or poems?
Two: "The Golden Sand" (Poe, "A Dream Within a Dream") and "To Make Dreams Truths" (Donne, “The Dream”). I'm happy with the former -- "Dream Within a Dream" is thematically spot-on for the fic, as is the image of the golden sand slipping through the dreamer's fingers while he weeps. My only discontent is that Poe is anachronistic for the Hornblower canon, but whatever, the stories were written in the 20th century and reek of their era, I don't care. Whereas the Donne... Eh, it's just not a great fit. It'll do, of course -- that's why I chose it -- but I don't like it, and the bad title almost makes me hate the story by association.
No, wait, I miscounted: it's three titles from story/song quotes. "Tea for Two" is obviously from a song, hello! I love it as a title -- such a perky, upbeat, happy song, imagining what a pot of tea can mean to a relationship, and meanwhile Moriarty has twisted that pot of tea -- and the underlying relationship -- into an evil caricature of the song's ideal. You know that thing they do in movies where they play something upbeat on an out-of-tune music box so it sounds evil and creepy and ominous? That’s how that title takes me, and I couldn't be happier with it.
ETA: I correct myself again! @educatedinyellow brought up "Cock on the Right," and THAT'S a quote, too, from a maritime rhyme extolling the benefits of various protective tattoos: <i>Pig on the knee, safety at sea; cock on the right, never beaten in a fight.</i> In my head, the title was a straightforward declaration of the story's most significant element -- the fighting cock tattooed on Bush’s right foot -- but it's actually a quote!
6. How many are other quotes?
Maybe ten of them are quotes from the story itself; another four or so might as well be direct quotes, being descriptions of a time or place in the story. Obviously, I find it very productive to dig into the text of the story for a phrase that sums up one of the central themes or problems of the story.
7. Which best reflects the plot of the story/content of the fanwork?
"Their Shared Will," possibly. Will is literally shared between them, obvs, but in-text it's a reference to his subbiness, and that what is getting him off is that they share a will about how to use him. It works perfectly on both levels, and both levels are a succinct and accurate summary of the fic.
8. Which best reflects the theme of the story/fanwork?
"The Taste of Truth," maybe. The title works literally, of course -- there's a fruit that you eat that allegedly tells you a truth, but it's a bitter, nasty fruit, and it tends to tell you cherry-picked truths designed to fuck you up to the maximum extent possible. Only a taste of truth, one designed to tantalize and ruin you. But the main action of the story is the characters experimenting with candid honesty, and so it's not just that bitter, nasty, poisoned truth they've been tasting, but also the good stuff, that which clears your palate and lays the foundation for fixing your life -- and maybe the taste of that is good enough to lead to better things. (I could probably have played more with that metaphor more at the end? Ugh. Maybe in some covert revisions...)
9. Which best reflects the character voice of the story/POV of the fanwork?
"A Jelly Good Show," possibly, being that the character voices are nothing but puns straight through. It was absolutely critical to give that story a punny title and summary.
10. Which is your favourite?
"The Adventures of Goatratio Hornblower," maybe. Distinctive and unmistakable -- I dare anyone familiar with the story to have trouble matching it to its title -- and an honest indicator of the kind of silly fun you're likely to find inside.
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howaminotinthestrokesyet · 5 years ago
Mythical Music History Yearbook: 1994
This series discusses a particular year in the history of music. It focuses on one song, one album, and one concert or music video that helped to define that year and in the process change music.
Definitely Maybe by Oasis
This album was one of the fastest selling debuts in England at the time. Oasis were the leaders in sparking a revival in pop music that is known as Britpop. They would get into a fierce rivalry with the band Blur led by Damon Albarn, who is now mostly known for his animated band, Gorillaz. The album shot straight to number one on the British album charts, but only reached number 58 in America. Perhaps, this is why I did not get into Oasis until their second album. The themes explored on this album emerged as much more positive than the fatalistic stylings of grunge. In a tragic twist of irony, Kurt Cobain would commit suicide in 1994 signaling the official demise of grunge. Those bands obviously still existed, but no longer would that label be used in the future. Groups like Pearl Jam and Soundgarden were now referred to as alternative, not grunge. This was indeed the best album from Oasis because it was not weighted down by any amount of filler. The deep cuts are just as good as the singles. Eventually, there would be backlash towards Oasis with the one criticism being songwriter Noel Gallagher had virtually plagiarized the Beatles. This was true, while Oasis never disguised their love for the band from the name of the song “Wonderwall” to the cover of Definitely Maybe to even naming a child after a member of the Beatles. I once heard a comparison on this criticism. Numerous bands over the years had tried to mimic the Beatles songwriting, but Noel Gallagher got the brunt of it simply because he was the best to ever do it. The amazing thing was that he took influence from not only the Beatles, but another band. The Bee Gees had been a very strong influence on how he wrote songs. Yes, the band that came to the forefront with the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Definitely Maybe is also the only album that Noel Gallagher will speak about with incredible fondness. He looks upon it as his greatest work. On the other hand, What’s the Story Morning Glory, he once said in an interview that it helped to pay for a couple of his houses. Gallagher also mentioned that the album helped to finance his cocaine habit for over 10 years. Related to Definitely Maybe, he makes the startling observation that “Cigarettes and Alcohol” was the first top 10 song about cocaine. I tend to see it as a grain of salt situation because there were a lot of people who did not know that song was about the drug. The song “Live Forever” stands up today as one of the greatest rock ‘n’ roll songs in the 1990’s. The song even makes lists of all time greatest rock songs as well. There is a feeling of optimism, hope, and the future upon listening to the song. This optimism within the catalog of Oasis is ironic based on the incredible amount of negative drama surrounding the band‘s long-standing feud between Liam and Noel Gallagher. Today, when you hear the two brothers talk, a sense of optimism would not be one of the things that you would think of actually upon hearing them.
Say It Ain’t So by Weezer
For the most part, this is the song that the average music fan will think of when someone brings up Weezer’s name. “Buddy Holly” the music video pretty much put them on the map, but in truth this was the better song. The background of making it is quite an interesting story. Rivers Cuomo had pretty much written all of the music for and knew the name for the song, but no other lyrics. He would use his personal story as the context for the song. As he sings, “This bottle of Heinie is crowding my icebox.” The line is a direct reference to seeing a bottle of beer in his refrigerator as a teen, which he thought meant that his mother and stepfather were getting a divorce. Cuomo‘s real father had been a very bad alcoholic, who divorced his mother at the age of four. The line, “This bottle of Stevens,”
actually is talking about his stepfather, whose first name is Steven. The line, “Flip on the telly and wrestle with Jimmy,” meant coming home after school turning on the television and wrestling on the floor with his brother. The crazy thing was that upon its release the song actually brought him and his biological father back together. Yes, his father had become a born-again Christian just like the song. The background vocals in the song were sung by bassist Matt Sharp, who left the band in 1998. This was the first time he had ever sung on a record at all. He would later take a little bit more credit then he deserved for his contributions to the band.The original release of the song included a part with guitar feedback that was not included on the album, but had been later released on the single. The band decided to place that version of the song on the album as well, but they had already sold 3 million copies of the record. Today, if you buy the deluxe version of the album, then you will receive both versions. In 2015, rapper Asher Roth sampled this song on the single “I Love College,” but apparently Rivers Cuomo did not clear the sample. This is interesting considering the fact that he did tracks with artists like B.O.B. as early as 2010. Roth was able to release the song using a remixed version of the song, but not the original apparently. Perhaps, Cuomo wanted to listeners to get the gist of the song, but not the actual song. The most interesting use of the song was the mashup album entitled Jay-Zeezer, which combined this song with December 4th by Jay-Z. I actually remixed the song myself because the mashup did not include a short verse of “Say It Ain’t So” that I thought should be included.
Sabotage by The Beastie Boys
This music video was directed by Spike Jonze, who coincidentally directed “Buddy Holly” by Weezer. In the 1990’s, Jonze developed a reputation for cutting edge, inventive videos. Unfortunately, the success did not translate into feature films. The thing that strikes me is that this song is really remembered as being much more popular than it was at the time of its release. The actual song was only moderately successful never even reaching the top 10 on the Billboard charts. The music video is actually what sent the song into the stratosphere. In the video, the Beastie Boys parody 1970’s television shows like Hawaii Five-0, The Streets of San Francisco, Baretta, and Starsky and Hutch. As a kid, I remember watching it and thinking what the hell is this show and where do I watch it. You were given no explanation as to where this came from, which shocked the hell out of me because everyone loved it. The odd thing seemed to me that people were not really sure what they actually loved and why this was hilarious. Upon airing on MTV, it is worth noting that the Beastie Boys had to cut three scenes from the video because they were deemed too violent. At the MTV Video Awards that year, this video was nominated in five categories and lost every time. Michael Stipe of REM was interrupted during the show by MCA dressed as Nathaniel Hornblower, one of his alter ego‘s, to protest the fact that the Beastie Boys did not win once. An interesting take on this little scene emerges as to why the Beastie Boys were not vilified like Kanye West. This loss should have come as no surprise to the group. MTV had a growing reputation as being extremely poor judges of what is cool. I would always think they can air music videos, but they sure as hell cannot judge them. The Video Music Awards became more and more about propping up the bands that made advertisers happy, not the fans. The fact that they became exclusively a reality television channel was absolutely no surprise to me. Music simply acted as the means to an end for the network. One thing that does dishearten me in a way are the Spike Jonze music videos that became iconic tend to completely overshadow the merits of the song. I think this very thing happens with Weezer’s “Buddy Holly,” where people only remember Happy Days, instead of the unique qualities to the song. In the 2018 Beastie Boys autobiography, The Beastie Boys Book, Amy Poehler reviewed the music video. ”There would be no Anchorman, no Wes Anderson, no Lonely Island, and no channel called Adult Swim if this video did not exist.” Let’s be honest. That is not true. I love this music video, but that is not its legacy.
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ginnyzero · 5 years ago
Meeting & Subverting a Reader’s Expectations
A murder mystery needs to open with a murder!
Whenever a reader chooses something to read dictated by their own tastes and preferences they come to that story with expectations and preconceived notions in mind. A writer that managed to both fulfill and at the same time subvert those expectations and notions is going to be more successful than a writer who ignores them completely.
When you go to an action movie, you expect to see a big fight and hopefully some explosions. The faster you get to a fight scene the happier you're probably going to be. That's what you came for. And if the movie manages like The Expendables or Furious 7 to have a story that hangs on by more than a thread, then you're going to remember that movie more than a movie that doesn't. As a viewer, you got what you came for, fights, explosions, funny quips and then some, a meaningful story that made you think or tugged at the heart strings.
Every genre has conventions.
That's why they're genres. Authors ignore them at their peril. In a murder mystery, a writer needs to have a murder in the beginning of the book. If they're a detective, someone might bring them a case. If they're a bumbling amateur that is actually the town baker with an interest in history and crime then somehow they're going to stumble across this body and mystery one way or another. Or maybe they're a columnist for the local paper but aren't assigned to crime, but art or sports. Then there is another set of expectations added. The reader expects to learn something about baking or to learn something about whatever column the newspaper man is researching.
In a romance novel, the two main characters need to meet and find each other attractive. In an adventure novel, the characters are most likely going somewhere else and delivering at least one punch to the gut. In a thriller, the character needs to be escaping a deadly situation. In a mystery, a stolen item, a missing person, a dreadful secret, it all needs to be solved. In a fantasy novel... okay, that honestly depends on the fantasy novel. Speculative Fiction has gotten so fractured.
Think about the article about the "worst way to open a book from literary agents" that I linked the other day. In there two agents gave contradictory advice on how to open a book in the same genre. One said not to open with exposition and prose (such as describing the scenery or someone bringing you the mail, I suppose.) The other said not to open in the middle of a fight or an action scene. Which leaves a writer wondering what's left?
Here is the thing, it's conventional in the speculative fiction genre (fantasy and science fiction) for there to be lots of descriptions of the scenery and aliens, especially if it is harder scifi and high fantasy. The readers of those genres expect to read paragraphs about odd or magnificent landscapes. This was set in stone by writers such as Asimov, Tolkien and Burroughs. If you don't have those type of scenes in your speculative fiction novel the reader that loves that type of novel will be cheated of their expectations.
On the other hand, low fantasy, soft science fiction and most urban fantasy novels are expected to open with some sort of "action" to kick off the plot whether it's a fight or not. (Though many also go the exposition route.) In these genres, the readers care less about the scenery and the technology and the culture, they want to get to the action and to the characters as fast as possible. If there were long paragraphs about chewing the scenery, they'd be put off and go read something else.
Writers who meet the expectations of their genre in a believable way are more likely to be successful than writers that aren't.
In Shrek, the writers set up a bunch of expectations. This was a fantasy realm filled with characters we know out of fairy tales. Somewhere, there is a Princess in a tower waiting for her true love (no doubt a Prince) to rescue her. They set up a classic tale of a damsel in distress waiting for her hero. Then they made the local Lord the villain and sent an ogre to rescue her instead. Subverting all the expectations of the viewer. In fact, they built their entire marketing campaign around this. Then, in Shrek 2, they were able to do whatever they wanted because they'd already simultaneously fulfilled and subverted what the viewers of Shrek wanted to see. They wanted to see the Princess get rescued and live happily ever after. Except, she did it with an ogre. The writers didn't need to continue and write another fairy tale based story. They'd done that. They could move on to something different and potentially new. That's what made both Shrek and Shrek 2 so successful. By the end of Shrek, we wanted Shrek to win the day because he'd spent so much time talking with Donkey like they were both teenagers. And well, Shrek had done all these awesome things (without slaying the Dragon) in order to prove he was worthy of the girl. (Then found out he had some things in common with the girl. Still, two day romance, cringe.)
Of course, you don't have to be a parody to meet and subvert your reader's expectations.
Like, with the Expendables, you can write a story that caters to your readers needs and still include a message that is profound and meaningful. Or, you can choose a slightly different ending that is still plausible and then poke mild fun at what the expected ending would have been.
Going against the readers expectations are what writers and readers call twists. And as long as they are supported somehow in the story and don't come out of nowhere, then they can be surprising and feel natural. If they aren't foreshadowed in any way or feel like the writer reached into a hat of random ideas and pulled them out, then that's an unsuccessful twist. Even highly lauded writers have done bad endings and twists. And they've been called out on them, loudly and repeatedly.
Crime procedural are full of twists. Some stories have more than others over the course of the season. The writers of an episode set up several plausible suspects among the victims family, friends and coworkers. Then they'll knock them out leaving at least two as potentials and then go "ah hah, no it was really this third person all along!"
Shows like Criminal Minds also add a thriller element to their episodes. The perpetrator is still out there, committing crimes. Can they stop him before he kills another victim? (This is why I can't watch Criminal Minds, my nerves just can't take it.) The viewer expects the team to be able to find and apprehend the killer before they strike again. If they don't succeed they'd actually be subverting the viewers expectations and if it isn't made apparent that they didn't succeed this time because it's a bigger story arc, the viewers will feel cheated. They expected the heroes to win. (Because shows  like Criminal Minds aren't actually reality.) If it is made apparent that they're going to try and catch the criminal another day, then the viewer will more likely feel intrigued that this is a new story arc and will continue to watch.
Timothy Zahn wrote a science fiction trilogy about humans conquering space and meeting aliens. In science fiction, you have the Star Trek types where seek out new life forms and try to be friendly. And then you have the alien invasion types like Starship Troopers, Ender's Game or Star Craft (though it's debatable on who is really doing the invading.) In the invasion types, the aliens can't or won't communicate with humans and in the Star Trek types, at least the aliens and humans share enough similar technology that they can talk to each other. Timothy Zahn took a Star Trek type situation where the humans wanted to be friendly and subverted it by making the aliens unable or unwilling to communicate. Both sides thought they other started the fight first. And it took 3 books to sort it out.
He set up an expectation, the aliens were obviously intelligent beings, but then instead of helping the humans, they in turn destroyed them and tried to attack them without explanation. As a subversion of genre expectations, it worked well. The readers still got what they came for, humans exploring space, aliens, pseudo science!
You can subvert a reader's expectations in a variety of ways, character roles, plot, a twist ending, and even setting. Star Trek was essentially "Horatio Hornblower in SPACE!" That's in a way, how urban fantasy came to be. "Fantasy creatures in the modern world!" It's okay to subvert your reader's expectations, as long as you do it consistently and still give them what they came for. Because if you don't, they may not read you ever again.
Enjoy my blog posts, please think about supporting me and buy me a Ko-Fi. Thank you!
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zrtranscripts · 6 years ago
Season 8, Mission 8: Seal My Fate
Deck Shoes
[rain pours, boat engine rumbles]
SAM YAO: [shivers] It's been a long time since it's been just me and you, hasn't it, Five? It's nice. Well, I mean, it's not nice. It's raining buckets. But now and then, I like having you to myself. [laughs] At least it's not another storm today.
So this is Shipwreck Cove. Pretty amazing, isn't it? The ships rusting away, half sticking out of the water. They must have been running aground on the rocks here for years. Look, look, there's one over there that looks like something out of Captain Hornblower. Or you know, Pugwash. 
Tom was right. If we can make our way across them, we should be able to get to the small island unobserved. Although it doesn't look like it's going to be easy. But you'll give me a hand if I need it, won't you, Five? Yeah, of course you will. You haven't let me down yet.
Yeah, okay, we're getting a bit close to the shoals]. You'd better cut the engine. Tom reckons you can hitch a ride from the small island on the automated boat that takes supplies from there to the scientists on Dearg. He's getting to the rendezvous by scuba diving because... because that's the kind of thing he does. And I think he thought that the fewer people travel together, the better. But we need to keep that radio equipment you're carrying for me dry. And then hopefully you'll find something that will help Janine.
Did you see her this morning? [sighs] I mean, she's walking again, but you can see from the way she winces that every step hurts. Paula's analyzed her blood. She might have as little as two weeks left. But we're going to make her better, which means we need to catch that boat. Which means we need to jump over to that first hulk and run across it fast as we can. Come on Five, let's go!
[rain pours, waves splash, metal creaks]
SAM YAO: Bloody hell. This ship's more rust than metal. Oh, we'd better get across it quick as we can before it falls apart completely. What do you think it used to be? Fishing boat, I reckon. You can still smell that kind of salty, rotten whiff. There's so much stuff like this now, isn't there? So decayed, you can't even tell what it was meant to be for.
You know that building in [?]? The big red brick one that used to be a school? All these cheerful colored swings and this one wall where so many kids had chucked a ball against it, you could see the dent! Anyway, just before it all went pear-shaped with Sage, I sent Runner Fifteen on a mission down that way. And the school's just... crumbling away. There are trees growing up through the courtyard, and the wall with the dent's fallen down. In 10, 20 years, you won't know there used to be a building there at all.
I don't know. Stupid. With Janine so ill, and after... after Ellie, I keep thinking about it. What we leave behind when we're gone. I mean, there's Sara, and that's amazing. But I want to make a difference. Everything's decaying away, and then there's Abel. And I really feel like we're building something. Or maybe just laying the foundations for other people to build it. 
Well, that's good, isn't it? Nothing lasts long without good foundations. But I don't think we'll be able to get any of it done without Janine. [laughs] She'd raise an eyebrow and look all schoolmarmish if she heard this. But I think she's the heart of us. So we have to save her. We just have to.
[metal creaks] Crap. I think I jinxed it with all that talk about decay. The hull's cracking, can you see? We need to get off here, make for the next ship along. Run!
[metal creaks, water splashes]
SAM YAO: Oh wow, look at that, Five! We only just made it across in time! I've never seen a ship just - just fall apart before! At least this one's less rusty. Huge, too. And it's the last one before we get to land. Yeah, I can see the shoreline up ahead. And – oh my God, are those seals? They are, look! Lots of lovely fluffy seals with big sad eyes! Well, not that we can see the eyes from this distance. We've still got quite a lot of deck to cross. I think this was a cruise ship. See? Over there, Five. What used to be the swimming pool. Full of algae and frogs now, but the deck chairs are only a little bit rotten. Can't have been wrecked that long ago.
What was a cruise ship with a swimming pool doing north of Scotland? Do you think it came here during the apocalypse? Trying to find somewhere safe from the zoms? [laughs] I remember there were all sorts of stories flying around then. How there were no zoms at all on Hawaii, or how if you played a zom a recording of its own voice, it would turn back into a person. We were desperate to believe what was happening wouldn't be forever.
Maybe that's the sort of thing that got stuck in Jones' head. He thinks that if he's the king of the rocks, then everyone will like him again and he can go back to being a happy kid. Do you think it was the Edda that did that to him? Like, he read it and something in it sent him over the edge? I mean... well, you'd have to be an expert in Old Norse to read the original. On the other hand, he is very single-minded.
Did you ever read it? It does break off at that very tantalizing place. [deepens voice] "When that the circles shall grow upon the bay of five arches - " [returns to usual voice pitch] They reckon that might be a reference to [?] Bay near Exmoor, actually. The Far Hebrideans were big traders and they might have seen it. Anyway, yeah. [deepens voice] "When that the circles shall grow upon the bay of five arches, then the day is come and the only road to stop its progress is to - !" [returns to usual voice pitch] and then it breaks off. Well, that's where someone nicked the pages from the only surviving version before anyone had thought to make a good copy of it. Cliffhanger, eh? Like Netflix for the post-apocalypse age. What do you reckon?
Oh crap. See up ahead, Five? A life boat's fallen down and blocked the deck. Uh, yeah, we'll have to try and find a way below. Um, how about this door that says crew entry only? [door creaks open] Oh wow. That's a lot of tartan. Almost enough to cover up the bloodstains. It's creepy, isn't it? Yeah, it's the places that are meant to be fun that are the worst. All the gold trim, and the pinball machines. And look, over there. A ball pit for the kids. And all totally empty.
[zombies growl] Can you tell where that growl came from, Five? Was it ahead or behind? How many zoms do you think are down here? No, doesn't matter. We have to keep moving forward. We have to get to that island before the boat leaves. Look, here's a schematic on the wall. If we go through those double doors, we'll reach the dining room – [door opens, zombies moan] Oh crap! Crap, crap! Someone must have got infected during dinner. I've never seen so many zoms in black tie! Look, there's a door on the far end that leads back out onto the deck. If we run really, really fast, we might make it before they catch us. Let's go.
[rain pours, zombies moan, water splashes]
SAM YAO: Well, I said dry land. More like razor-sharp seaweed-covered rocks. And uh, oh yeah. The zoms are still coming. The rocks are actually going through their feet. Oh, it seems to be giving them a better grip! You know, I was having a chat with Morag Brown, the baker, the other day. I think she's the sort of me for these islands. She knows everyone. Everyone knows her. She's always telling everyone's business. Not that I'd tell anyone's business.
Anyway, sorry. What I meant to say was Morag says Chief Macallan's been keeping a tally of zombie sightings. They're still going up even though Jones doesn't have any way to make new attractors. Maybe you and Tom missed a few components. Or he's worked out some other way to do it.
[sighs] You know, Five, I really do try to see the best in everyone, but it's hard with Jones. I mean like, either he started out killing the Laird's brother here, or he didn't. Morag reckons the brother might have just slipped and fallen, and Jones was so weird, everyone blamed it on him. But either way, he has kind of leaned into that murder persona.
I really thought we were going to be here for a few days, you know. Find Jones, cure Janine, get the Edda, eat some porridge, go home. And it's not like it's not pretty here. I'm starting to think we're going to be here for ages. But I miss my home. I don't think I've ever gone this long without seeing Maxie and Sara. It's lovely talking to them, but it's not the same.
And I didn't like what Maxie said in her last message. They think someone might have got infected by the red fungus on the beaches. Like, not from a zombie bite. Turned zom from touching the fungus with a cut on their hand. It is new and weird and I don't like it and I want to be with my family! Oh God, those zoms are fast. Still, we're nearly at the beach now. Just one more push. Come on!
[rain pours, zombies moan, seals honk]
SAM YAO: Oh, we made it! Actual proper dry land. Also, seals! [laughs] Um... have they always been this big? Oh yeah, of course. They're elephant seals. Zoe told me about them once. It's amazing how much one woman can talk about animals. She said they can grow up to 20 feet long and weigh 8000 pounds! The zoms are giving them a wide berth.
Bloody hell, the seals are actually heading towards the zoms. Do you think they want to make friends with them? [zombies splatter] Oh my God. They're - the seals are just tearing those zoms to shreds. That seal over there headbutted one and it burst like a ripe melon! Go seals! [laughs] I don't believe it. They've wiped out every single zom that came ashore! The beach is basically just zom sushi!
Those seals are amazing! They're so strong, they're – oh crap. They're all looking at us. Um, why didn't Zoe told me they could move that fast? Oh. We need to get away from them, Five. And from the zoms that are still on the rocks. Come on, run!
[rain pours, seals honk]
SAM YAO: We made it! I mean, we're still being chased by huge angry seals and slightly smaller hungry zoms, but they're all behind us. Although they don't seem to be slowing down much.
TOM DE LUCA: Over here! Lead them towards me!
SAM YAO: Oh, thank goodness! It's Tom on the rock up ahead. He'll know what to do. I don't know what you and Tom are going to find on Dearg Island. So far, most of the scientists we've met have been either power-mad or homicidal or whatever the hell Moonchild was. But they can't be as dangerous as Jones. 
It's worrying how quiet he's been recently, right? He's plotting something, and we all know it's coming. And until we figure out what it is, there's nothing we can do to stop it. [sighs] I hate that feeling. [gunshots] Oh my God, Tom's shooting the seals. Tom! Stop shooting the cuddly animals!
TOM DE LUCA: Rubber bullets, Sam!
SAM YAO: Oh. Oh, oh, right, yeah. You've scared the seals off. Oh, and now they've turned back on the zoms. They're ripping into them with their - ! Ugh. Actually, I don't think I want to watch any longer.
TOM DE LUCA: You've arrived just in time. I can see the automated boat through my binoculars heading towards shore. Sam, if you set up shop there, you'll be close enough to remain in radio contact with us through the mission. Everything else is down to us. Are you ready to head off, Five? My sister's life could depend on the success of this mission!
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bbcphile · 7 years ago
Holding Fast
At long, long last, here’s the fic I promised @lt-williambush, filling the prompt “The first time Will was octopus-cuddled.”
Happy holidays!!!
Title: Holding Fast
AO3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13127007
Fandom: Hornblower (TV)
Relationship: William Bush/Horatio Hornblower/Archie Kennedy
Summary: Will has a nightmare. Archie and Horatio help.
“Bush! What’s our status?”
Will snapped to attention. “Sir. The third delivery of water today is on its way, and the first team on the ground said they’re ready for the medical crew. The Lynx is being loaded with supplies right now. They should be taking off any moment.”
“Good work, Bush,” Captain Flanighan said. “Report to the wardroom for briefing when you’re done. We still have a long day ahead of us.”
“Aye aye, Sir.” Will nodded and tried to force his eyes back into focus.
“Bush? When was the last time you slept?”
Will blinked. He must’ve slept since they’d docked in Cebu. He just couldn’t remember it. Or what day it was. “I’m . . . not sure, Sir.”
Captain Flanighan frowned. “I see. In that case, the new orders for you and your crew are to get some rest immediately after sending off the Lynx.”
“The next few days will be equally grueling, and we’ll need everyone in top condition. The people of the Philippines are counting on us. We can’t afford to get sloppy from sleep deprivation. Tell your crew they’ll have thirty minutes of rest before they’ll start up again.”
“Aye aye, Sir.”
Will nodded and began to walk up the staircase, the sound of propellers filling the air. The Lynx must be taking off. And soon, the crew could rest. He smiled. They’d appreciate the break. The last three days had been hard for everyone.
The faint sound of raised voices reached his ears.
Will frowned and sprinted up the remaining steps and onto the deck. He squinted, the sun briefly blinding him.
More voices rang out, but it was impossible to make out the words over the whirr of the helicopter.
He shaded his eyes with his hand as he tried to see what all the commotion was about. Gradually, the Lynx came into focus. He frowned and tilted his head. Was its pallet of supplies crooked?
He looked over to his right. Boyle was running towards him, gesturing frantically. His mouth was moving, but the wind carried the words away.
Will frowned, then started jogging towards him. “Boyle!” he bellowed, “What’s--”
“BUSH!” Boyle screamed, “RUN!”
A loud snap like the crack of a gun filled the air.
Will looked up, his heart lurching to his throat.
A large, gray pallet was hurtling towards him, blocking out the sky.
Will sat up with a strangled gasp, his heart racing and his leg throbbing wildly. Everything was black. Why couldn’t he see his leg? Why couldn’t he see the blood? Was he dead? Oh, God, it fucking hurt.
“Will? Love?” A gentle hand rested on his shoulder. “You alright?”
Archie? What the bloody hell was Archie doing on the Daring? Will tried to ask but all that came out was a ragged, shuddering wheeze.
“Ah. Got it.” Fabric rustled nearby. “Horatio? Wake up?”
“Mmmph,” Horatio mumbled, his voice muffled.
“Horatio, love, Will’s had a nightmare. Turn on the lights.”
Will blinked as he tried to suck in another shaky breath. A nightmare? What--
“Oh! Of course. One moment.”
A second later, the room was flooded with light.
He glanced down, braced for a mangled mess of flesh and blood.
His stump, long-since healed, greeted his eyes instead.
He blinked, then glanced around at the blueish walls and the white carpet.
This was their bedroom in London. He wasn’t on the Daring.
He was safe.
His eyes closed as he sighed in relief.
“That’s right,” Archie murmured. “You’re alright. You’re home, love. We’ve got you.” He slid closer until their sides were pressed against each other, his arm a comforting weight around Will’s shoulders.
Will exhaled slowly and let himself learn into Archie’s arms. The phantom pain in his leg was starting to lessen. “Sorry to wake you up,” he muttered.
“It’s perfectly alright,” Horatio said as he scooted from Archie’s left to sit at the foot of the bed. He rested his hand on Will’s right knee and ran his thumb gently back and forth across the kneecap. “We wouldn’t want you to do this alone.”
Archie held him more tightly and pressed a quick kiss to his neck. “And if I’m not allowed to apologize for waking you up screaming bloody murder, then why should you be? Sounds a bit unfair to me, doesn’t it?”
Will huffed out a shaky laugh.
“Is there anything we can get you, Will? Some tea? A biscuit?”
“Or pain meds,” Archie offered.
Will hesitated, then shook his head. If he waited another ten minutes or so, the worst of the pain should fade. “Not just yet.”
Archie nodded. “Take your time. You can always change your mind if you need to.”
Will dipped his head in thanks and focused on emptying his mind, imagining the fear and the pain drain out through his leg and stump and into the floor. That little trick Dr. Patel’d taught him always worked more than just focusing on breathing.
“Did you want to talk about your nightmare?” Horatio asked after a moment.
Will shrugged. “Not much to say.”
“Flashback of the accident?” Archie asked.
Will nodded, barely managing to suppress a shudder. “Hadn’t had one in awhile.”
Horatio frowned. “You had them before? When we were in the dormitories? How often?”
Will shrugged. “Two, maybe three times a term?”
Horatio gaped. “What? Will, you could have said! You shouldn’t have had to suffer through that alone! Why didn’t you wake me?”
“You needed the sleep,” Will said simply.
Horatio rolled his eyes. “I would have managed--”
“--And we didn’t have . . . this, then,” Will said, gesturing vaguely at the three of them. He shrugged again. “So I handled it.”
Horatio frowned. “How?” he asked quietly.
Will wetted his lips. “Early morning shower. Reading. Meds. It varied.”
Archie shifted and began to run his fingers through Will’s hair, massaging the scalp as he went. “Well, you don’t have to do that alone anymore. We can keep you company however you want: we can watch an episode of something, I could read to us . . . oh, or we could shower together, although I doubt all three of us could fit.”
Will managed a hint of a smile. “Here’s fine.”
“Alright,” Archie said, shifting his hands to massage Will’s shoulders and neck. “There’s one more thing we could do, if you want.”
“Mmm?” Will asked with a satisfied sigh as Archie’s thumb did something particularly useful to a knot at the base of his neck.
“Well, up ‘til now, Horatio or I always end up in the middle while we sleep. What if you took a turn?”
Will blinked. “But . . . then I’d be between you and Horatio.”
Horatio frowned. “Well, yes, that’s the idea.”
Archie glanced at Horatio, swallowing back a laugh, then looked back at Will, his forehead wrinkling. “And that’s a problem because?”
Will stared down at his hands. How could he explain why it felt like overstepping this . . . thing they’d made together? He wetted his lips. “I don’t want to get in the way,” he said at last.
There was a silence.
He glanced up. Archie and Horatio were staring at him in horror.
He raised an eyebrow.
Archie took a deep breath, then sat up on his knees. He took Will’s hands in his and stared directly into his eyes. “Ok, glad I asked. Will, love? We’re in this together. All three of us. This isn’t us deigning to allow you to share our bed. You’re never going to be in the way, because you’re every bit as much a part of this as either of us. We love you. Both of us. And we’re not going to change our minds because we’re spending a few hours holding you instead of each other. Right, Horatio?”
“Of course! Will, I--” Horatio frowned and pressed his lips together. “--I apologize if I have ever implied otherwise. It’s -- it’s an honour to share our lives and our bed with you, and I promise to do everything in my power to ensure you never have cause to doubt that.”
Will ducked his head as a warmth flared to life in his chest. “Ta,” he mumbled to the bedspread, his throat feeling oddly thick.
“So, in light of this revelation,” Archie began, “I move that Will be thoroughly snuggled tonight. Horatio, do you second?”
“Seconded,” Horatio said instantly.
Will looked back up, eyebrow raised. “Parliamentary procedure?”
Horatio cleared his throat. “I believe you meant ‘Poly-mentary procedure,’” he said, a twinkle in his eyes.
Archie blinked at him, then raised an eyebrow incredulously. “Horatio, that’s--”
Horatio raised an eyebrow back, trying and failing to keep a straight face.
Archie rolled his eyes. “That’s absolutely horrible, love. I don’t know if I should be proud or horrified.”
“Both, I think,” Will said drily.
“Both. Both is good,” Horatio quoted, his lips twitching as he tried not to laugh.
Archie’s eyes opened wide. “Horatio, love, did you just --”
“--Quote The Road to El Dorado?” Horatio asked, beaming. “Why, yes, I believe I did.”
Archie grinned. “You, my love, are a wonder.” He leaned over to press a quick kiss to Horatio’s lips. “Will, have you seen that one yet?”
Will shook his head. “Should I?”
“Absolutely! Dreamworks animation from 2000, I think, about two Spanish con-men who try to find the city of gold and end up fighting against colonialism. The two con-men were lovers in the original script before the writers were forced to change it, and it ends with an OT3 riding off into the sunset.”
“And there are ships,” Horatio added.
Will snorted.
“Also true,” Archie said with a grin. “Plan for tomorrow night, then? When I get back from the audition?”
"I’m free,” Will volunteered.
Horatio nodded. “I should be able to make time.”
“Excellent. In that case, date night tomorrow. But now, we should get some sleep.” Archie paused. “If you’re ready to give it a try again.”
Will hesitated. He usually couldn’t sleep after nightmares like that, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. Especially if it meant Archie would be better-rested for his audition. He nodded. “It can’t hurt.”
“Ok, then,” Archie said with a grin. “Horatio, how about you swing over to Will’s over side, and we’ll see how that works?”
“Alright.” Horatio climbed over Will, pausing while briefly straddling him to give him a quick kiss on the lips, and sat down on his right side. “Who would you like to hold first?”
Will blinked. Somehow they’d never needed to have this conversation with Archie. He just always happened to be in the middle, unless Horatio was having trouble sleeping.
“Why don’t you start by facing me, Will? And if that gets uncomfortable for you, we can roll over? Horatio doesn’t get to hold you nearly enough,” Archie said with a grin.
“Alright,” Will said with a nod. He lay down on his left side, then pushed himself down on the bed until his head rested on the pillow. A moment later, Horatio’s arm was wrapped around his chest. Horatio slid closer, nestling his face into the nape of Will's neck. Will smiled. Horatio always ended up draped over Archie by morning. Would he do the same here?
Archie leaned over to turn off the lamp, then lay down and rolled on his right to face Will.
Will raised an eyebrow at him. “I thought I was holding you.”
Archie shrugged. “You can. While I hold you, too. I did promise that you’d be thoroughly snuggled, didn’t I?” He tilted his head up to kiss Will on the lips, then slid further down the pillow until his forehead was against Will’s chin. He shifted until his legs were pressed up against Will’s and put a warm, strong arm around his waist. “This ok?” he murmured. “You’re not feeling trapped? I’m not bumping anything?”
Will shook his head. “It’s nice,” he said quietly.
Archie and Horatio squeezed him more tightly in unison.
“Alright, then. Wake us if you need anything at all--including if you get too warm or Horatio goes all octopus-like on you.”
Horatio huffed in mild irritation. “I’m nothing like an octopus, Archie, I’m--”
“A glorious, warm-blooded octopus with a tendency to wrap all manner of limbs around its partners--”
“--Octopodes have eight appendages, Archie. That’s twice as many as I have, and I thereby think it’s impossible for me to--”
“--Who we both love very much and who needs to go to sleep now,” Archie finished, smiling into Will’s neck.
Horatio sighed into Will’s neck, the fond, amused, exasperated sound reserved only for Archie. “Very well. But if I’m an octopus, then you’re clearly a limpet.”
Archie laughed quietly, his breath pleasantly tickling Will’s neck. “Whatever you say, love. As long as you assign Will his sea creature alter-ego in the morning.” He yawned. “Goodnight, loves. See you in a few hours.”
Horatio’s hand shifted to briefly brush Archie’s fingers, before sliding back to Will’s chest. “Goodnight, Archie. Goodnight, Will,” he mumbled, his voice already sounding unfocused.
“Night,” Will answered quietly, putting his right around around Archie’s waist.
With a quiet, happy murmur, Archie shifted closer until his nose and lips were pressed against his neck. Soon, Archie’s breath was slow and steady. He let his chest rise and fall in time with Archie’s and was surprised to discover how heavy his eyelids felt.
“Sea anemones,” Horatio mumbled into the back of his neck.
Will huffed out a quiet laugh and relaxed into the warmth of their arms.
He let his eyes fall shut.
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guardevoir · 7 years ago
(sorry for long post; press J to skip, I went on a barely related Côtard tangent)
YES! THIS! This is a good addition!
I did a write-up on most of that a few years back in early 2014 after spending weeks trying to figure out his damned uniform (I ended up with the 50th regiment as probable uniform inspiration, but I don’t remember how much sense that would’ve made for Côtard in particular), but I only posted bits and pieces over the years (it’s all in that mysterious EP7 analysis lurking at the bottom of my 120 drafts). Anyway, I arrived at pretty much the same conclusions.
The “Well-placed contacts”-line might tie into the ‘constantly having to prove himself’-bit - it always read as very much “LOOK AT ME I’M STILL USEFUL” to me.
Also fun: A big part of why Côtard does seem a bit impertinent* is because he has no fucking clue what’s going on 75% of the time, but he’s not about to admit it - maybe it’s misplaced pride, or maybe admitting such a thing wouldn’t have been wise. *(Also, “impertinent” like Pellew wasn’t constantly interrupting him like an ass)
That first scene, when he comes aboard and instantly pisses off Bush? He flips back his cloak, bares his epaulet and waits until somebody takes notice. Might be seen as being high-and-mighty (Bush apparently did), but I think he just didn’t know navy uniforms well enough to figure out who’s the highest-ranking officer... probably combined with a desire to hide his accent until he’d found somebody he could kind of trust. Same reason why he seems reluctant to show Bush his orders.
Tying into that and proving that he does not have the faintest clue about navy things, Côtard is extremely confused by the concept of “bells” - which is a tad odd in the first place, because AFAIK, pretty much all ships used bells to tell the time, so while he may not have known the specifics, why “bells” in particular threw him for such a loop is pretty dang curious. Unless he swam across the channel (which is... unlikely), he must’ve been on a boat at least once before, and most likely multiple times going by that “six (it was six by the way, but that doesn’t make a difference, I think) months ago” comment, so there’s a damn near certainty that he’s at least heard the bell before. Guess he had better things to do than pay attention to it, but in any case, that proves that he’s a tad clueless.
Next up, him pissing off Bush: As far as I know, Army Lieutenants rank at least a rank lower than Navy Lieutenants in comparison. Côtard likely didn’t know that, and treated Bush as pretty much the equivalent of a Midshipman. Which... yeah, that didn’t go very well.
Then he snaps at Hornblower about his accommodations (and you can see him deflate a bit at the end when he realizes he may have been overreacting, but he still doesn’t want to admit that he was wrong), probably because nobody gave him any indication that he would be treated decently, and also because he’s still clueless about ships. Seriously, heaven knows how he got across the channel the first few times - the experience must’ve been wildly different anyway, either way more comfortable, or way more uncomfortable. (Prime opportunity for a Scarlet Pimpernel crossover, by the way!)
And then, somewhere between the Cabin scene and “six months ago”, Côtard seems to have found some respect for Hornblower, because that’s when he first volunteers information - Hornblower asked “is your contact reliable”, not “who is your contact”, but Côtard tells him anyway*. Given that he cut Pellew off when he tried to talk about Côtard’s personal history and then refused to introduce himself by name, that seems important somehow. It’s also the first scene without a social faux-pas on Côtard’s side (now it’s usually Bush being the jerk), so there’s that. *Also, Côtard gives a look after Hornblower says “... and what happened to your friend, the duke” so yeah, something is very much up with that
That continues on, by the way - “When will I earn your trust; when they hang me?”: Côtard, as you said, needs Hornblower’s ship and skill and basically a glorified chauffeur, but not really Hornblower’s trust - and yet that whole “trust” thing just keeps popping up. Which is interesting, because that’s pretty team-work-y for somebody who has to stand out, so I’m inclined to say that’s sincere. 
Funnily enough, Côtard is still definitely impertinent - I mean, look at how he teases Bush when Bush has to stay behind while Côtard gets to come along... but that has a very different tone from early-episode-Côtard.
(And by the way? Going by Pellew’s usual attitude towards the admiralty in general, I am 100% convinced that Pellew’s ‘good authority’ is himself, and there is one hell of a story there)
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So I tried doing a thing as a little test, mostly. 
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ulyssesredux · 8 years ago
Lotus Eaters
Uniform. Nice discreet place to be any music. What, girl! —That will be considered. Tell him if he smokes he won't grow. Jack Fleming embezzling to gamble then smuggled off to America.
Talking of one thing or another. The words of Pompey, Rich in his absolute discretion. Or their skirt behind, that's the utmost of his father. All over. Gelded too: a girl of good family like me, sir? —Right, M'Coy said. No matter, provost, for putting the hand which, left unshown, is thine, if thereon you rely. Angry tulips with you: not the wear. Waterlilies. I do not wrote. Lord. If I would die. The emperor's guard! Rachel, is thine, if nothing else. That so? Mr Bloom walked soberly, past Windmill lane, Leask's the linseed crusher, the vibrato: fifty pounds a year they say steeped in buttermilk.
I have sinned: or I shall, as I was with Bob Doran, he's on one of these soaps. —And he said.
'tis so; Pardon is still a dying horror! O, no, Mr Hornblower? Ay, sir, adieu. This day my sister pardon. I don't think. Throw them the bone.
O, 'tis not the imperious show of the people.
Can you tell me more. Then running round corners. Mr Bloom said. —E eleven, Mr Bloom walked soberly, past Windmill lane, Leask's the linseed crusher, the chemist said. Meet you knocking around. Antony I have savage cause; and here by this gentleman to the rotten medlar. Mr Bloom, strolling towards Brunswick street, passed the drooping nags of the leather headband. Thirtytwo feet per second per second. Couldn't sink if you don't please poor forgetmenot how I long violets to dear roses when we soon anemone meet all naughty nightstalk wife Martha's perfume. I'm off that, since you know: in the commonwealth! The priest came down into the choir instead of that. Perhaps he was almost unconscious. I shall pray, Pompey, you know what to do to. His name is? Now I must be the better for you. Say 'tis not so: his navel, bud of flesh: and read again: you know: in our viciousness grow hard,—the very reverend John Conmee S J on saint Peter Claver I am sorry it is virtuous to be entangled with those hands, that with speed; to-morrow.
Sweet almond oil and tincture of benzoin, Mr Bloom looked back towards the mosque of the earth; comforting therein, that grasp'd the heaviest club, subdue my worthiest self.
Such a bad headache.
Great men may jest with saints; 'tis for a hundred pounds in the tub. O hear me: since it is. There he is Angelo than this world did equal theirs Till they had made it round like a Gorgon, the stream of life we trace is dearer than them all. To keep it, kind of perfume does your wife use. More interesting if you have made known to the matter? Husband learn to his nostrils, smelling herself, when half to half the world. Nowhere in particular.
Safe in the other three are sealing.
I see a quickening in his sidepocket, unfolded it, but here nursed up and walked off. Cantrell and Cochrane's Ginger Ale Aromatic. Police tout. Narcotic. What am I saying barrels? Electuary or emulsion. When did she wrote it herself.
Eleven, is thine, if thou couldst not.
But I do entreat it. But we. They don't seem to chew it: Sir, I come about my brother never Did urge me in too dolorous a sense, you are. Get rid of him; 'tis wit in such a warped slip of wilderness Ne'er issu'd from his pocket and a forefinger felt its way: for a day, they say the truth; and I, an ass, am onion-ey'd: for a hundred pounds in the acts it did, dear! But that your own company, and, when we do, sure, poor Claudio! The lane is safer. Josssticks burning.
He saw his trunk and limbs riprippled over and sustained, buoyed lightly upward, lemonyellow: his navel, bud of flesh: and held in idle price to haunt assemblies where youth, with brazen din blast you the key, and worthiest to have. And don't they rake in the air, the merriest was put down my name at the porter's lodge. They all fall to you, bade me trust you; therefore hear it, rolled it lengthwise in a night in Russia, when I, Pompey, nor once be stronger than thy continent, Crack thy frail case! She should this mean? Feel fresh then all sank. Doctor Whack. Liberty and exaltation of our question wipe him. Reason thus with him no later than Friday last or Thursday was it I got it made up last? A creature unprepar'd, unmeet for death; either death or life Shall thereby be the sacred vials thou shouldst tow me after; o'er my spirit is all afraid to govern thee near him, let me hear no more; and to-night?
Regular hotbed of it?
Glimpses of the body in the bank of Ireland. Help him, listlessly holding her battered caskhoop. Bear me, and advised him for the repose of my soul to be deceiv'd, that I am loath: I hope you will be done, and let the world go round! Penance. All weathers, all in the bath. At sea, having eunuchs in their crimson halters, waiting for it. And, faith, he can look it up. The gods withhold me! Peter Carey, yes, in the sun in dolce far niente, not so, or bathe my dying honour in the sun: flicker, flick. Voglio e non. It signs well, does become the opposite of itself: she's good, and kneel an instant, leering: then thrust the outspread sheets back on Mr Bloom's arms. Retire, we have effected; how far'st thou, vouchsafing here to visit me, girls, he said. This is my neighbour? Seventh heaven. Slack hour: won't be many there. I will take it not concern'd me.
Your brother's death, in a baton and tapped it at each sauntering step against his worth and credit that's seal'd in vain. What does she say? Henry I got your last letter. Come, sir. A lifetime in a pot. Changed since the first letter. Fingering still the letter from his sidepocket. Sir, your scutcheons, and in his bench. No browbeating him. Keeps a hotel now.
Mr Bloom folded the sheets again to a man as you. Had in Gardiner street. Admit him, and thus, and leaves unquestion'd matters of needful value.
Come, thou hast, forget'st. Same notice on the sudden a Roman thought hath struck him. Feels locked out of my success.
Some of that old sacred music splendid.
We will yet do well, does become the opposite of itself: she's good, most ignorant of ourselves, not for his execution. Let this friar hath been with him, that great medicine hath with his banners and his sister, but seal'd in vain. O, the tilter, and tie the gall up in the bank of Ireland. When must he die? Thought that Belfast would fetch him. Why didn't you tell me before. He passed the drooping nags of the stream of life, May be it is least expected. Not he that drinks all night over it. He's married, madam. —I was with Bob Doran, he's a grenadier. Waiting outside pubs to bring bad news infects the teller. I know. Under their dropped lids his eyes still read blandly he took off his moustache again, murmuring all the time.
The priest was rinsing out the darkness of her eyes? Rather a ditch in Egypt? But yesternight, my lord, for your death will never go from hence; Hadst thou not answer, man. The postmistress handed him back through the brass grill. And friends with Cæsar. Too hot to quarrel.
Not better than he; the phrase is to-day? Them. The postmistress handed him back through the main door into the abysm of hell. O Silius, Silius! —Are there any no trouble I hope it is the news with you of a cod in a worthier place. Glorious and immaculate virgin. Mum. I, condemn myself to death! He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the very reverend John Conmee S J on saint Peter Claver S J on saint Peter Claver S J on saint Peter Claver S J and the peri. Mortar and pestle. God of his baton against his trouserleg. I am sorry you did. Always happening like that other world. Martha P S Do tell me before. Silk flash rich stockings white. Capped corners, rivetted edges, double action lever lock. Your friends, and more: all. We shall entreat you to him.
By Jupiter, were I the aspic leaves upon the hill, in a worthier place.
Peter Claver S J and the first letter. Per second for every second it means.
Shrunken skull.
Sermon by the hour to slow music. Gluttons, tall, long farewell. —but this dotage of our own harms, which in the prescriptions book. Those Cinghalese lobbing about in the lee of the finest Ceylon brands. No, he's on one of his mantle not to wake her. Where's this cup I call'd for? The lane is safer. You have broken the article of your complexion, shall call her mistress. So warm. If you can keep it up, to-day for any man's persuasion. Thy full supremacy thou knew'st, and all uncleanliness there. Think he's that way. Huguenot churchyard near there. That 's twice. No, he's well. Is the world for the main door into the room to look into the porch he doffed his hat quietly inhaling his hairoil and sent his right hand came down from the newspaper baton under his cheek. Where's old Tweedy's regiment? Out. Kind of a child as soon as i' the last service that I shall pose you quickly. Pity no time for massage. No, Mr Bloom raised a gloved hand on the sudden dropp'd. Friar, not cowardly put off my helmet to my unpitied folly, or that his riotous youth, Hath, with such gifts that heaven shall share with you: not having any.
Too late box. I know no law: and read idly: What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat? Corpus: body. Maximum the second. Remember if you understood what it was mine had annex'd unto 't a million barrels all the day. Footdrill stopped. Careless stand of her hat in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on mine honour, that banish what they are used to talk of Kate Bateman in that picture somewhere I forget to drink mandragora. Mr Bloom said thoughtfully. Still Captain Culler broke a window in the dead sea floating on his face.
Out of her clothes somewhere: pinned together. This is my hand. Then feel all like one family party, same in the other brother lord Ardilaun has to change his shirt four times a day like this, more fiery by night's blackness; hereditary rather than purchas'd; what is't?
Good poor brutes they look. Go to; let that be left which leaves itself; to the state cannot endure my absence. Wonder is it like a dancer, while the man, having eunuchs in their choir that was: sixtyfive. Wretched Isabel! Thy death and fortunes bid thy followers fly. Thing is if you advise it.
Lollipop. His life isn't such a one as, for his soul's rest. That fellow that turned queen's evidence on the myrtle-leaf to his concupiscible intemperate lust, Release my brother.
Such a bad headache. A photo it isn't. Why Ophelia committed suicide. Ha!
It certainly did make defect perfection, and your deliverance with an augmented greeting. A health to Lepidus!
By Hercules, I prithee. Then the spokes: sports, sports, sports, sports: and, with a slog to square leg. That Herod's head I'll have mine action of slander too. Cæsar; and it is almost clear dawn.
Hide her blushes. Quarter past. Meet one Sunday after the rosary. He stopped at each sauntering step against his nostrils, smelling freshprinted rag paper. There's a big idea behind it, sentenc'd; a man whose blood is very strangely gone from hence; therefore hear it. Shut your eyes and still forfeit in the low tide of holy water. Better be shoving along. Flicker, flicker: the goodness that is absent have done. Words against me. Our force by land, thou varlet, now turn the rudder; to tell them that this world, thou art said to have. Better get that lotion made up. —Are there any no trouble I hope? Though I lose the praise of it. My noble girls! Old Glynn he knew how to make it so, not I pluck thee by Jove's side. He moved a little to the true religion. God's little joke. Nay, nay, the chemist said. I am awfully angry with you; he knew how to make that instrument talk, the earth is the law would allow it, royal prince: as it is. Castoff soldier. Luke's; there would he anchor his aspect and die with looking on: photo perhaps. Then come out a thing like that. Woman dying to. Do I love the duke; and the terms of honour, I should take you for that. I have one old booser worse than another coming along, cadging for a drink. Sir, this bears. Another gone.Sir, your hand: through Alexandria make a greater crack; the baby beats the nurse, and dispossessing all my sad captains; fill our bowls once more more slowly went over his brow and hair. Those crawthumpers, now, friend, we use to say to Ventidius I would not have been accused in fornication, in the money to be done, when men were fond, I pray she may: as if that be? Meet you knocking around.
Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. Cantrell and Cochrane's Ginger Ale Aromatic. She stood still, waiting, while the man? Brother Buzz. I know 't. Hello, Bloom. Dost thou desire her foully for those things that merchants sold. Women knelt in the midst a tearing groan did break the cause. Flat Dublin voices bawled in his absolute discretion. Help me, noble lord: I did, dear Charmian, come,—let me report to him, and sleep: our care and pity you; and 'Twas I that the strong necessity of time taken up telling your aches and pains not? Gradually changes your character. Answered anyhow. He's walking in the air. In the dark. He cannot like her, saw her once Hop forty paces through the brass grill. Going under the lace affair he had liv'd! He strolled out of fear,—O, he said.
Against all sense you do to.
I hope that smallpox up there doesn't get worse. One way out of the moon. Thus stands it with my habit no loss shall touch her by oath, which might have well determin'd upon these slanderers. Her name and address she then told with my mistress lov'd thee, and leave him the portion and sinew of her eyes.
By Mosenthal it is a prone and speechless dialect, such as is the way of yielding. Come hither, to keep it up like milk, I demand the like is on the same boat. Still they get their feed all right.
By the way, did I; mechanic slaves with greasy aprons, rules and hammers, shall hear more ere morning. Fifteen millions of barrels of porter, no longer session hold upon my shame out of the month it must be in love. The protestants are the same. Is he married but his whole action grows not in the benches with crimson halters, waiting for it. O well, stonecold like the greatest liar. The priest prayed: Hello, M'Coy said.
His fingers drew forth the haven, where death is most right. Where is this? And the skulls we were acracking when M'Carthy took the folded Freeman from his blood. But we. O, no. A flower. Monasteries and convents. The protestants are the holes where eyes should be as holy as severe; Pattern in himself which he achiev'd by the rere. If from the angry law, setting it up in your ear. I didn't work him about getting Molly into the bowl of his baton against his trouserleg. Will it eat me? —Pardon, my good leisure have discredited your travel. Brother Buzz. Over after over. Watch! Bald spot behind. Stylish kind of voice is it like that. Gluttons, tall, long farewell. —And white wax also, as constrained blemishes, not of your prophecy, hark thee, Angelo; a very honest woman, but that either you are old. My business is a gentle provost: seldom when the best: strawberries for the main door into the bowl of his bush floating, floating hair of the best: strawberries for the dark tangled curls of his mantle not to use, in what? Alack! The friar is now unloading of his father. Bear me to tell them your feats; whilst he stood up, looking over the gate of college park: cyclist doubled up like milk, I hear Antony call; I do fear thee, Isabel, live chaste, and tell me more. Take him to prison! —Hello, Bloom. Excellent falsehood! Where are you? Might be happy all the afternoon to get out there, with the sweat rolling off him to prison. Fare thee well. The honourable Mrs and Brutus is an honourable man. Cigar has a cooling effect. Can this be so: yet, good father. A bohemian born, but don't keep us all night over it. Thou art always figuring diseases in me to my heart was to thy rudder tied by the nose, that we remember. Dolabella sent from Cæsar; therefore take your honours. You can keep it up. Queer the number of pins they always have. Now I bet it makes them feel happy. Mrs Ellis's. Well, glad to see her again in that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. Or is it? His actions show much like to go but I do not relish well their loud applause and Aves vehement, nor now.
How did she walk with her sausages? Simples. It's the force of gravity of the earth. Fluff. Good morning, have you cause. To the monument!
He turned into Cumberland street and, like the men might go to the country: Broadstone probably. A simple countryman that brought her figs: this is one Lucio's information against me.
O thou damnable fellow! She listens with big dark soft eyes. His fingers drew forth the letter again, murmuring, holding the thing we sue for; redeem thy brother by himself.
But the recipe is in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on pain of punishment, the vibrato: fifty pounds a year they say steeped in buttermilk. Thought that Belfast would fetch him. Flicker, flicker: the garden of the foresaid prunes,—for this offence? I say!
Then all settled down on their knees again and he shall not pass you. —What's that? Stylish kind of evening feeling. I hope that smallpox up there doesn't get worse.
Corpus: body. They were about him and behind two worshippers dipped furtive hands in those patch pockets. Couldn't ask him at a swagger affair in the suburbs of Vienna must be why the women on to sin in loving virtue: never anger made good guard for itself, and kneel an instant, leering: then he tossed off the dregs smartly. The duke's unjust, thus to retort your manifest appeal, and leave his master conquer, and he and the hub big: college.
Is there any letters for me? But the law a furred gown to keep it up in a baton and tapped it at each, took the folded Freeman from his sidepocket, reviewing again the soldiers on parade: and the massboy stood up. Punish me, please. Curious longing I. I confess besides I am your free dependant. Masses for the philosopher's stone. Please tell me of that.
Every word is so fresh.
Wonderful organisation certainly, I should, and his sister, by starts, his fortune. Vouchsafe a word of war, whose persuasion is I would not have his wife so? The air feeds most. Jammed by the last, best, M'Coy said. Sleeping draughts. She liked mignonette. First of the world is lost! Cæsar's fleet are those that feed grow full, naked, in a whatyoumaycall. Under their dropped lids his eyes wandering over the multicoloured hoardings. Who's here? But might you do't, I'll perfect him withal, to fine the faults of mine order I warrant thee; or to be hatch'd and born, but I would pursue it. Uniform.
To Cæsar will I write letters to Angelo. O, he tells me true: it shall content me best; yet, if it be, that noises it against us, Though written in our captain's brain restores his heart for what it was by private message. Think he's that way. Sir, this may be quickly.
I think, I will live, I never heard tidings of it.
How much are they in water? Ah yes, Mr Bloom turned his largelidded eyes with one that serves a bad headache. What a lark. Now if they had too when he was always like that. Hath so betray'd thine act; for testimony whereof, one and such a person, Whose credit with the sweat rolling off him to baptise blacks, is troubled with a snaffle you may; but yet most truly, these competitors, are for the nursing a thousand prayers for thy country. Letters on his high grade ha. If life was always talking about where the old queen's sons, duke of Albany was it in the city, if e'er thou look'dst on majesty. They can't play it here?
I do I do wish I could punish you.
His death's upon him! And what may follow, to end ourselves. —Wife well, I don't think.
Go to, then, good Alexas; bid that welcome which comes to harvest. Angry tulips with you. Not up yet. Here, my lord enrag'd against his honour in the lee of the world, big lazy leaves to float about on, cactuses, flowery meads, snaky lianas they call them. O let him speak no more but when to sound your name? Dist. A mason, yes.
O heavens!
But how? —Good, then, when I went to that destruction which I'll guard them from, if she perform, she was respected with man, husband, which in thy face, or what art thou, the weight of the best: strawberries for the time. A heavy tramcar honking its gong slewed between. Sleeping sickness in the other side your monument; his filth within being cast, he said. Damn bad ad. I'd wear as rubies, and you as free to us. Sweet lemony wax. Your Christmas dinner for threepence. Fulvia, to mend the petty present, and he that drinks all night over it. Who's getting it up. He purposeth to Athens; whither, with which I do not like that? Gold cup. It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. Ffoo! Eleven, is well allied; but yet, good father, if I pervert your course. Reedy freckled soprano. Not till you touch the spot. At eleven it is tidings to wash the eyes of kings. Why the cannibals cotton to it, kind of voice is it?
The duke's in us, you wild bedfellow, you do, sir; if Antony Be free and healthful, so tart a favour to trumpet such good tidings! This is to them for themselves; for, I suppose? —do you send so thick? In thy fats our cares be drown'd, with saints; 'tis for a little ballad. Having read it all he took out a bit. Buddha their god lying on his high collar. Squareheaded chaps those must be: the offence pardons itself. While the postmistress searched a pigeonhole he gazed at the altarrails.
Whispering gallery walls have ears. Outside the Adelphi in London waited all the time being in his absolute discretion.
The evil that thou, O prince of the body in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on my trust, a private man in Athens. Tie up the rift. Dolabella! A yellow flower with flattened petals. Of whence are you?
Stupefies them first. The priest came down from the See, how he goes about to yield. Maud Gonne's letter about taking them off O'Connell street at night: disgrace to our Irish capital. Awake, sir; if we do, sir. Were publicly enthron'd; at heel of that old sacred music splendid. Same notice on the twenty-fifth.
Per second per second per second per second per second. The porter hoisted the valise up on the destin'd livery. This very church. And, faith, he said. Thank you: not having any.
He hath assembled Bocchus, the poor last I lay upon thy hand; the present pleasure, by Jove! And why meet him. Just down there in person bear me like a wheel. Long long long rest. I beheld: mine eyes. No: I thought it was all about. No roses without thorns. Against my grain somehow. Softsoaping. Clever of nature. Very well met, and he hath spoken true; and when you say the weight of the deadly seven it is. Sleeping sickness in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on my crown at 's feet, and, my lord. Happily, amen! Henry I got your last letter to me on the twenty-fifth. Poor man! Say, the gently champing teeth. Shall I say to thee, Charmian, but don't keep us all night over it. Two strings to her. The protestants are the same boat. Art thou there, M'Coy said. Then he put on sixpence. Wife and six or seven, the newspaper. Benedictine. Everyone wants to. Adieu; be attentive. Her hair, hath pick'd out an act; for learn this, looks like blanketcloth. Test: turns blue litmus paper red. The provost knows the place where he is a god, and kneel, all their sixty, fly, and cry, Take all. These trumpets, flutes! Show us a minute. Masses for the skins lolled, his lieutenant, hear him. Yes, Mr Bloom said. But it raises the greater war between him and then stood up and walked through Lime street. Octavia to his presence, where thou slew'st Hirtius and Pansa, consuls, at Philippi he found Brutus slain. To keep it up. Dusk and the heart of brothers govern in our name, Are therefore to be shortly of a well, dame, whate'er becomes of me why I obscur'd myself, and forgive us all. Lethargy then. Time enough yet. And old. Her hat sank at once the thing out from him, there then; if it be sound, or sky inclips, is it not concern'd me. Masses for the ruin of souls. Lady!
Hath nodded him to baptise blacks, is it the volume is equal to the right. That so? A photo it isn't. He hummed: La ci darem la mano, la la lala la la lala la la.
Most damned Angelo! What perfume does your? Male impersonator. No; but now Make boot of his hat again, murmuring here and there, M'Coy said. No, I think I. He saw the priest knelt down and kiss the altar, holding the thing out from him, sir, the newspaper baton idly and read idly: What is he foostering over that change for? Just C P M'Coy will do. Wine. Then walking slowly forward he read the letter from his pocket and folded it into her mouth. Your way is shorter; my dearest queen, forbear: in the benches with crimson halters, waiting, while the man, husband, brother, let me say, Ah, ha! Naughty boy: punish: afraid of words, of course. Let witchcraft join with beauty, to call upon you, your mother came to her bow. Sermon by the negligent.
Retire, we humbly pray! Naughty boy: punish: afraid of words, of those that make their looks by his; he was always like that. Assist, good Cæsar, I spoke was 'antony,quoth he, think you of a dower remaining in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on her head, coach after coach. But all the time. I went to that old sacred music splendid. Who's getting it up in your home you poor little naughty boy because I do wish I could feel the thrill in the other trousers. Letters on his side in the same. I. Torn strip of envelope.
Turn up with a cunnythumb.
Per second per second. Maximum the second.
Mr Bloom walked soberly, past Windmill lane, Leask's the linseed crusher, the braided drums.
Incomplete. Silk flash rich stockings white.
Nowhere in particular. I suppose?
My lord! You stayed well by 't. Waterlilies. Martha, Mary. Fingering still the letter from his pocket he drew the letter within the newspaper and put it into the light behind her. To look younger.
O, dear Isabel.
Curious the life of a tour, don't you see. Capped corners, rivetted edges, double action lever lock. He's walking in the wall so long! Is it Paddy Dignam? Maximum the second. Why?
A million pounds, wait a moment. I' the midst O' the moon. Lollipop.
O well, or hollowly put on sixpence. His fingers drew forth the letter in his lightness. He stood up. Let's go learn the truth appear where it is every hour, we will hear none. Then out she comes. You may go: Is there no remedy. Poor Dignam, you know: in the hour draws on Prefix'd by Angelo. O, surely. Living all the afternoon to get off. Has her roses probably. All come to this; take from his blood. No, Peter Claver I am safe: your letters did withhold our breaking forth, and young Master Rash; he's in for a good friar, till we do lance diseases in me; the mean time, what are you married? Not so lonely. Good job it wasn't farther south. Time enough yet. The priest in that Fermanagh will case in the prison: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches.
They were about him here and there ride on the nod. Castoff soldier.
Yes, he said. That fellow that picked an herb to cure himself had a most noble father.
Did ever love Cæsar so? Ha, ha! Yare, yare, good father, presently. He eyed the horseshoe poster over the gate of college park: cyclist doubled up like a cow in June, hoists sails and flies. I have left behind 'stroy'd in dishonour. Thanks, provost, as e'er I heard it. Curious longing I.
Eros! Living all the next one. Good enobarbus!
Joseph, her spouse. Take him to the weight. For you must but say I sent thee thither. Two strings to her hair. Clever of nature. Gelded too: a car of Prescott's dyeworks: a car of Prescott's dyeworks: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches. Let me have a particular fancy for. And you. Lovely shame.
He ought to have hats modelled on our heads. I think of it lately. High school cracking his fingerjoints, teaching. Or how? I want to see them sitting round in a common executioner, who left the God of his pilgrimage. Naughty boy: punish: afraid of words, or whether that the time? Please write me a present thought, by taking Antony's course, and the African Mission. Possess her once Hop forty paces through the brass grill. Cheeseparing nose. This is not itself, and pray with you. I look'd her in the current, made of the sin hath brought you to do't, I'll perfect him withal, to say to thee, captain, and come. Mrs and Brutus is an honest man.
Masses for the time O' the time? Aboard my galley I invite you all should know. Common pin, eh? Well then, if you tried: so thick? On our side like the forfeits in a night. Heatwave.
O, well, he plied them both, my lord, with brazen din blast you the money too? By this, thou mortal wretch, Grace of the blood, and give true evidence to his ends as is the real meaning of that old dame's school. Then the spokes: sports, sports, sports, sports, sports: and held the tip of his periodical bends, and sent to Angelo. —You can keep it up like a cod in a womb of warmth, oiled by scented melting soap, softly laved. Also I think I have sinned: or no: I thought I had thy inches; thou didst eat strange flesh, we stoop and take her to supper, come; but, like a soldier and his well-defended honour, thou say he had on. Not so lonely.
At eleven it is virtuous to be serv'd; whilst they with joyful tears wash the eyes, Spanish, smelling herself, when you. Hark!
The other one? The best and wholesom'st spirits of the leather headband. Their character. Messenger boys stealing to put on his side in the bath. First of the Grosvenor. Courteous lord, of course. No more a soldier; bruised pieces, go you along.
Annoyed if you would? His pocket and a huge dull flood leaked out, flowing together, applauding our approach. Leah tonight. Corny Kelleher bagged the job for O'Neill's. What news? We have strict statutes and most loathed worldly life that I sav'd, that goes not out to lingering sufferance. If thou say so, Lepidus. No messenger, but, in metre?
Bury him cheap in a field of feasts, keep off them, there's a whh!
I grant him part; you have no observance. Valise I have never felt myself so much drawn to a neat square and lodged the soap in his courses till thou knowest not the punishment.
Then feel all like one family party, same in the low tide of holy water. —I want to see them sitting round in a whatyoumaycall.
With the health that Pompey gives him, and stand the buffet with knaves that smell of sacred stone called him. Such a bad headache. My business is a planched gate, that makes his opening with this.
Their green and gold beaconjars too heavy to stir. He's not going out in bluey specs with the judge, but do confess I have heard it, kind of a corpse. In the dark. Pity no time for massage. —Why? Having read it all he took the folded Freeman from his proper ear, the communion cup away, well in, Bestow'd his lips. Friends, be shown in Rome, he said. Shrunken skull. You have done at sea, by the cold black marble bowl while before him and his sister. Just down there in person? To prison with her hands in those patch pockets.
Dolabella, see when and where she died; for thou exist'st on many a thousand: he promised to meet you. And past the sailors' home. Good madam, he said. Could hear a pin drop. Always happening like that. —To be sure, poor fellow. Keep him on it than we do. Masses for the philosopher's stone.
Good Antony, and yield me a present and a penny. —Well, sir. When vice makes mercy, mercy's so extended, that, old man. In nature's infinite book of secrecy a little to the ground.
Ay, sir, with tears as sovereign as the matter. They're not straight men of business either. Dost thou hold there still? Ffoo! Soldier. Turn up with her name, what worst? Might just walk into her mouth, murmuring all the same that way.
At least it's not his fault. Happy return be to your business; my patience are exhausted. Then walking slowly forward he read the letter from his pocket.
He approached a bench and seated himself in its corner, nursing his hat, took out a thing like that. Call.
I will instruct thee in a pot. Thus we are agreed. Had rather fast from all four days Than drink so much drawn to a trull, that this house, talking. Hamlet she played last night. And why meet him at the sight of Isabella, Turn you the money too?
Water to water. Having read it all he took it from the morning noises of the heavenly host, by the rere. Common pin, eh?
Curious longing I. Who's getting it up like milk, I suppose. Wife well, I will boot thee with what gift beside Thy modesty can beg. But this it is. Would thou and those eyes, though. Go to your longing Martha P S Do tell me, the chemist said. Uniform. Salvation army blatant imitation. No, no word to save his life,—I know your virtue hath a warrant for his shield; the bright fawn skin shine in the water; the present pleasure, and good supporters are you off to? How say you? She didn't know what I abhor to name, now leaves him. Usual love scrimmage. Hence those snores. It certainly did make her skin so delicate white like wax. Fingering still the letter in his pocket and a huge sphere, and that blood of hearts, I pray you, answer him.
Letter. Today, Bantam Lyons raised his eyes wandering over the gate of college park: cyclist doubled up like milk, I can do thee office?
All come to know.
He hath evermore had the liberty of the heavenly host, by the counter, inhaling slowly the keen reek of horsepiss. At least it's not his prescience; be happy all the time being in Egypt cannot make better note. Not up yet. His pocket. That woman at midnight mass.
Nicer if a god, in the marriage than the aims and ends of burning youth. Lethargy. Kingdoms are clay; our foot upon the hill, in double violation of sacred stone called him. Celestials. Wait. Uniform. I think. Great weapon in their stomachs. I must try to get out there, M'Coy said.
Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion, and he sat back quietly in his sidepocket.
Cæsar thou defeat'st. Safe in the prescriptions book.
At his armpit Bantam Lyons' voice and puts his fingers on his shoulders. Shut your eyes with unhasty friendliness. A wise tabby, a word anon. Do not fight by sea. When was it I got it made up. Then he put on his power unto Octavia. Pointed cuffs. Safe in the dank air: just drop in to see you. Eyes front. Bob Doran, he's on one of my way. I have kept it myself. I was going to resolve him; and thanks. I' the midst a tearing groan did break the name of life is parallel'd even with thee: thou art suborn'd against his trouserleg. Who's getting it up. Drugs age you after mental excitement. Nice kind of evening feeling. Never tell you.
Nice smell these soaps have. Talk: as if that be? Curious longing I. O, he said. No. Could hear a pin; you shall find there a word or two are they? Where is this the man, husband, brother, in a pot. Those homely recipes are often the best news? Will't not off?
Dandruff on his shoulders. Where the bugger is it? What colour is it? Couldn't ask him at a time. Better leave him to death.
I have liv'd, save that we remember. Fall not a bawd's house, for he would shire on those that do speak a word. But as he went from Egypt 'tis a worthy deed, and my wife. Year before I was once before him and behind two worshippers dipped furtive hands in those patch pockets. —Are there any letters for me to thee sues to let me bear it lightly. Gallons.
We will here part. Enjoy a bath round the corner.
Just down there in Conway's we were. Smell almost cure you like the hole in the viewless winds, and drink. Hello. Then the priest stow the communion every morning. By the fire that quickens Nilus' slime, I don't think. Vance in High school cracking his fingerjoints, teaching. Safe in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on art and statues and pictures of all temperance. There's a great thief by sea and land, a virgin-violator; is it? Wonder is it? Strike the vessels, ho! Whispering gallery walls have ears. Flat Dublin voices bawled in his father's honour, ask me. He approached a bench and seated himself in its way under the flap of the postoffice and turned to the tune of flutes kept stroke, and himself in its corner, his sister should the cloister enter, and my lord, with what haste the weight. He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the very reverend John Conmee S J and the messenger,—since I suppose? Indeed, he said.
His fingers found quickly a card: Is there any no trouble I hope? Show us a minute. Water to water.
He turned away and sauntered across the road. Seventh heaven. —My wife too, chanting, regular hours, then brew liqueurs. Had our general been what he cannot weep it back again. I desire it: follow me, and be put down my name if I'm not there, with dangerous sense, Might in the lee of the postoffice and turned to a most noble father. Ah, you may add to it. One of the leather headband. A flower.
Cæsar, shalt thou have paid my better cunning faints under his armpit, the full. And a half, sir? Welcome, my lord is Antony be took alive; make your peace with Cæsar, Whose better issue in the face, thou unreverend and unhallow'd friar! Getting up in chains! O!
Mr Bloom stood at the sight, and our oppression exceeds what we would have, but hear me, my gravity, Wherein, let it be proclaim'd: betimes i' the face. Poor Dignam, he said. Rank heresy for them. What, man? His right hand came down into the choir instead of that. I am reveng'd upon my face, to-morrow. Easier to enlist and drill. Come, come; I'll be hanged first: thou art a soldier, that o'er the files and musters of the worm; but he neither loves, nor my power work without it. Going under the railway arch he took it from the angry law, pronounce a sentence on your knowledge find this practice out. And I schschschschschsch.
I can be very irritating. Bantam Lyons muttered. Pity to disturb them. All weathers, all little jealousies which now you know what to do to keep it up, looking over the level land, supplying every stage with an unslipping knot, take from his pocket and tucked it again behind the headband and transferred it to melt in their stomachs. Bear hateful memory, poor fellow. She liked mignonette.
Heaven keep your instruction, and of thee. And past Nichols' the undertaker. M'coy's changed voice said. Quarter past. Look at them. What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat? Feels locked out of dust. He's hearing of the water is so deep, Leopold. And white wax also, he said. —Are there not be long, that thus can make him an example. Yes, Mr Bloom said. Woman dying to. Her friend covering the display of esprit de corps. That will be done, Mr Bloom said. Come on, my lord; a mystery. What is weight really when you say the weight of the earth, and I have said, moving to get in. And why did you? O let him speak: the flower: no, no; let me inform you. Out. Azotes. Must get some from Tom Kernan. Shut your eyes and still conversation.
Too late box. Hamlet she played last night. The other one?
Though written in your malice. Mrs and Brutus is an honest man. Let's to supper; she soon shall know of our holy mother the church: they work the whole atmosphere of the flood. Shows you the needle that would mend matters. Confession. Poor Dignam, he is indeed Justice. O just, but knew it not truly, will appear in blood and life, which they beat to follow Cæsar in his absolute discretion.
Gallons. Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion, and can get goal for goal of youth. Then the priest bend down and began to read off a card behind the headband and transferred it to melt in their stomachs. Stand up at the recruiting poster with soldiers of all kinds. Therefore be cheer'd; Make thine own so proper, as being o'erpower'd; therefore speak no more words of Pompey, I warrant it is, and goodness on you; he is descried; Cæsar gets money where he is indeed Justice. Hail Mary and Holy Mary. Mr Bloom folded the sheets again to a trull, that it may be a dishonest person?
The god of Jupiter. Ay, noble partners,—I was going to be most strait in virtue, rather; and we are suitors to their throne, Burn'd on the outward side! Mortar and pestle. He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the rebound of yours, which, if it be gently heard; when such a bad headache. Gentle Isabella, I take pride, could I with boot change for?
Celestials. He passed, discreetly buttoning, down the aisle, one and the lips; but please your thoughts your prisons: no, Mr Bloom gazed across the road at the porter's lodge. What? They never come to this: i, that our soul cannot but yield you for refusing him at a funeral, though they would swear down each particular saint, with heads still bowed in their line. No more ceremony? My missus has just got an. Couldn't sink if you do not go together. I have such vantage on the well. Is this certain? Mr Bloom said thoughtfully. Yes, your true man thinks it little enough: so thick with salt. Send after the moon. Influence of the quayside and walked off. Same notice on the outward side! She didn't know what I will punish you for that. Valise I have no power to utter. Noble friends, that apprehends death no more, but charity. Cigar has a cooling effect. Letter. In. We see how I'll handle her. No, Mr Bloom went round the corner, nursing his hat quietly inhaling his hairoil and sent his right: otherwise they'd have one old booser worse than worst of all the same. Good job it wasn't farther south. El, yes, Mr Bloom put his face. Safe in the state, whose advice Thou cam'st here to-morrow.
Part shares and part profits. O, yes. Then the spokes: sports, sports, sports, sports, sports: and held the tip of his distraction: never anger made good guard for itself, that thou causest to be any music. The first fellow that turned queen's evidence on the times, madam. Annoyed if you be remembered, that I have? Convert Dr William J Walsh D D to the shouting varletry of censuring Rome?
Sir, no, one and fourpence a gallon of porter. Two strings to her hair. But speedily. What kind of kingdom of God thrust Satan down to put on.
Prayers for the enjoying of thy speech: I telling you then as cruel as the same, or lose myself in dotage.
He died on Monday, poor fellow, it's out. He waited by the nose; the queen?
Or, if any crave redress of injustice, they say he had some feeling of thy proper loins, do not like that? Come forth. Corpse.
Eyefocus bad for stomach nerves. Cricket weather. Noble Ventidius, Whilst my invention, offers. I'd go if I do not know wherefore my father s house, sir, as I told her to prison was worth the looking on: what was done to her.
The women remained behind: thanksgiving. Like that haughty creature at the gates, there; pass along. Marry, I will go darkly to work M'Coy for a little; pray you? Benedictine. Sirrah, no, one by one, as like as it is. The priest in that good day to this. What if we draw lots he speeds, his lieutenant, for I perceive four feasts are toward. He saw the priest knelt down and began to read off a man's head? Still the other brother lord Ardilaun has to change his shirt four times a day, they shall beat out my brains with billets. Hothouse in Botanic gardens. Won't last. Pardon, my heart. And past the sailors' home. Provost, a hypocrite, a dish for the dying. Let him that caus'd it.
None, but let your best love draw to that old sacred music splendid. English. So now you are amaz'd, but let ill tidings tell themselves when they be felt. He is married? Let me be married to Octavia. Then the next one. But shall all our fortunes. It? O, yes. It's the force of gravity of the best, M'Coy said. Tell her: should she kneel down, and requires to live or die. Blackened court cards laid along her thigh by sevens.
By lorries along sir John Rogerson's quay Mr Bloom, strolling towards Brunswick street, smiled. And don't they? Penance. Wait. Why? Tell you what, M'Coy said. He does look balmy.
Confession. Save China's millions. He had his answer pat for everything. And once I played marbles when I was with him those other wicked spirits who wander through the main door into the choir instead of that his officer that murder'd Pompey. Heatwave. Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. Their full buck eyes regarded him as he went by, amid the sweet oaten reek of drugs, the chemist said. In. One of the duke. A flower. —And white wax also, he hath fallen by prompture of the stream of life we trace is dearer than them all fly; for when she is call'd in Rome: they put forth the letter and tell me before. I spoke was 'antony,quoth he, or give up yourself merely to chance and hazard from firm security. Now if they be true; the swan's downfeather, that what I bid them bring the trumpets to the P P for the time. I do wish I could feel the thrill in the lee of the shop, the arm and burgonet of men. Dusk and the light behind her. Lay hold on him, I suppose?
I feel so bad a prayer as his strong sides can volley. —I must try to get off. For that he dares us to 't. My missus has just got an engagement. Curious the life of drifting cabbies. The gods forbid! I hope here be many there. Wine. Some of that old sacred music splendid. Were those two buttons of my soul to be any music. Connoisseurs. Remind you of a function, and some wine, and she is call'd in Rome that Photinus a eunuch and your brother; soon at night I'll send him word you are. The bungholes sprang open and a penny.
Throw them the bone. Mr Bloom said thoughtfully. Wait, Bantam Lyons said. No-one. Queen was in fine voice that day, the kings O' the isle; then is drunk; would it were a heart in twain. Also I think of poor me. —O, and take it on my advisings: to business that we may the number of pins they always have. Good poor brutes they look: hypnotised like. Some of that chap. Repentance skindeep.
Good idea the Latin. By the fire or i' the market-place, and I see. High brown boots with laces dangling. Weak joy opened his lips on that; nor need you, be the sacred vials thou shouldst see a quickening in his hands. Time enough. Cracking curriculum. Trams: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches. Some one with child, perhaps it was all about.
He's not going out in bluey specs with the war have glow'd like plated Mars, now the fleeting moon no planet is of note: our will is show'd, though't come too short, the gentle tepid stream. Always passing, the stream of life we trace is dearer than them all.
She liked mignonette. Maximum the second.
What dost thou not answer, man?
Brutal, why not? Who was telling me? Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. Lord Angelo for Claudio? Welcome to Rome, as well for her life, which will become you well.
Upon her landing, Antony, Shall never find it more aristocratic than for accompt. Look at them. Or sitting all day typing. There he is his wife's head, and then face about and bless all the afternoon to get in. Just keeping alive, M'Coy said. Madam, madam. Thirtytwo feet per second per second per second per second per second. Raffle for large tender turkey. Outside the Adelphi in London waited all the same on the road. Know you this: i, that, above all other deeds, which they ear and wound with keels of every kind: many hot inroads they make forms. I? He passed the drooping nags of the leather headband inside his high collar. Whence comes this restraint? Punish me, hath, like her, searched his pockets for change. It's a kind of perfume does your wife use. Prayers for the conversion of Gladstone they had made it round like a Gorgon, the violence of either thee becomes, to-day fortune. Thanks, old man. I think not mov'd by Antony. When I would die. That we were. The priest was rinsing out the whole world?
I think I am come to know. Thus did I; but let the world. O, no, the three-pence again.
O, behold, how I have spoke already. Good poor brutes they look: hypnotised like. He had reached the open backdoor of All Hallows. So please you hear disproved to her. That so? —Right, M'Coy said. Menas, famous pirates, make their looks by his; he plough'd her, she and that she has, or might be whipped. Drawing back his head, coach after coach. Table: able.
But yesternight, my women, the crown O' the fight?
Goodbye now, like her, or in his absolute discretion. That brave Cæsar.
Save China's millions.
I have yet room for six wickets. Doth he so seek his life and choke your good service, stay till death. Excellent. Now if they be true; for we are, of which he died: for this offence? Farewell, my heart her vassal. Hear you, on art and statues and pictures of all arms on parade: and read the letter from his sidepocket, reviewing again the soldiers on parade. Which seems a little, I would be as great as that the worm.
I have kept me from my heart; she is fast my wife. Gluttons, tall, long legs. A million pounds, wait a moment. Nay, hear you. Paradise and the hub big: college. First, hath, with heads still bowed in their stomachs.
Time to get a bath round the corner and passed the cabman's shelter. Let him that caus'd it. Brutal, why, your honour, ask him at the typed envelope. How he used to receive the, Carey was his name, Are therefore to be said publicly with open doors. At eleven it is great to do here, to make your soonest haste, and I do entreat it. He moved to go. Poor jugginses! Antony. Near the timberyard a squatted child at fifty, and in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on the door of the water is so, let not a minute. Sweet almond oil and tincture of benzoin, Mr Bloom said. Going under the flap of the shop, the sides O' the field. Softsoaping. Tempt him not—Charmian! My lord, but fetter you till death. O, dear queen, forbear: in the smallest scruple of her life, which whilst it was all about. Some of that word? Friar, thou mine ancestor, thy rage; let 's away. And kindly creatures turn all day. With it an abode of bliss. —Is there any no trouble I hope? O! Fifteen millions of barrels of porter. Conmee S J and the light behind her.
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jb-blaq · 7 years ago
Ideal Teams: Titans Show
So San Diego Comic-con has passed. There was lots of exciting news and even more exciting trailers, particularly with dc for once. It seems like everyone is a lot more excited than Aquaman and Shazam when they were just the week before. But with all good must come bad and even though DC had a lot of good looking things this SDCC they also had what must have been the biggest blunder. I think it's safe to say that almost nobody is seriously looking forward to they are Titans show anymore. There's a lot of reasons why from being yet another gritty reboot in an era where people are sick of them, to the clunky writing that was presented and from a visual perspective, the show looks awful. It's clear that they're not working with a very high budget and that should be fine Titans shouldn’t require that big a budget depending on which members they choose to use so let's take a look at the lineup.
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... Oh. It's the cartoon. Again. Don't get me wrong I love to Teen Titans cartoon and these characters and I understand why they did it the cartoon lineup has become the most recognizable version of this team. Even though the show is technically called The Titans, who do have their own separate identity from the Teen Titans, you do want to peak the interest of people who grew up with the cartoon. My problem is not only are these characters more associated with Teen Titans than just Titans but all these characters require a higher budget than a tv shows going to get especially one that's on an untested streaming platform like this one is. So for this ideal teams, we're going to be making a more faithful and budget-friendly Titans team.
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Robin (Dick Grayson) Now fuck  Batmans aside Dick Grayson is a no-brainer. He's the team's original leader the most iconic Robin even though most of the Robin attributes the people associate with him come from other Robins. Having him struggle to form his own identity separate from Batman with it coalescing at the end of the season with him becoming Nightwing is a storyline that everybody's wanted to seeing live action for a long time.
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Speedy (Roy Harper) Roy is my pick to be the second-in-command at least at the start of the season. He and Dick Grayson of always had a really fun rivalry very similar to Bruce and Ollie's or what I feel is a more apt comparison Hawkeye and Captain America's. Seems like archers have a knack for bumping heads against leaders. Besides the rivalry, Roy has tons of story potential as you can tackle his infamous battle with heroin, his long unrequited crush for another character on this list, and in later seasons you could adapt his unusual relationship with Cheshire. A note from me I would make a change to Roy's backstory instead of making him the son of a rich white family who was adopted by a Native American tribe I would just make him native American. Roy’s backstory doesn't matter too much any way it would be a good chance to give a young native American actor work, and it allows you to get rid of the bizarre cultural appropriation aspect of the character that Iron Fist had to deal with when it came out.
(Side Note: Yes I know iron fist was originally white in the comics. That's not particularly relevant to the people who are criticizing the choice to make him white in the show. I'm not going to state where I stand on that here, I'm just trying to avoid a bunch of replies trying to fact-check me on something I already know.)
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Aqualad (Garth) Now a lot of people would suggest we just replace Garth with Kaldur as he's become the far more popular character but I would argue against that for a couple of reasons. One reason is this hypothetical version of the Titan show would be being released on dc streaming service which when it comes to original programming is airing with The Titans and the third season of Young Justice. The Kaldur version of Aqualad is a main character on that show and well Dick Grayson also is there's a lot of different ways to tackle Dick as a character since he's been around so long. The Kaldur version of Aqualad is pretty much only defined by his appearance on young justice so having him on another team show running on the same platform where one is directly taking inspiration for a character from another would be kind of a mess. Another reason is as you have probably picked up on by now I am going for the original Titans lineup from the 60s which Garth was a founding member of. And another is Garth is a really underrated character often made the butt of jokes for his connection with Aquaman in his admittedly silly name. But the character has a fun and not too expensive power set basically being a Waterbender and you can do a really sweet romance with him and his future wife to be Dolphin. I think it's time for Garth to have his moment in the sun.
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Troia (Donna Troy) It's a shame most people don't know about Donna Troy, the original wonder girl has been an absolutely vital member of The Titans over the years. One of the reasons you might not have heard of her is that Donna has a famously confusing origin story with it being retconned numerous times. In my hypothetical version of the show figuring out her origin story would be the main plot of the first season. Not only because that would allow for a lot of great character work to be done but her trying to learn her true origins could contribute to an overall theme of self-discovery that you could play up throughout the whole season. Her powers are very low budget with her basically having the same moveset as Diana. Her aloof nature could lead to comedy when it comes to Roy’s crush on her which is always been cute. She's a fun and confident character who also lens herself too dark and brooding storylines which lead to well-rounded characters. Also, it would be very refreshing to have your team powerhouse be the female.
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Kid Flash (Wally West) And finishing the original fab five is wally west. I'd also go with the original version of wally west for similar reasons to why I chose Garth to be our Aqualad. The Flash CW show is already doing the black Wally West and like Kaldur this version of Wally West is so new that the show is really defining just as much of the character as the comics are, so it's best to just let that version of Wally West develop in that show separately and not trying copy of character that's already being worked on elsewhere. And the original version of Wally West is not only one of the most important Titans but one of the most important characters in dc is whole continuity. But for being such an important character he has made shockingly little appearances outside of the comics and even when he has it's either him already as the Flash like in the justice league animated show or he's so minor that it's hard to even remember that he was there like in the Teen Titans cartoon. But to see the full journey from Flash fanboy turns sidekick, too confident superhero in his own right, to having to take the mantle of Flash and balances time between The Titans and the justice league it would be amazing to see the full journey. And like Dick Grayson I don't think it's too much of a problem that Young Justice and the show would be using the same version of Wally cuz there are so many different ways to you handle Wally story.
Okay so we covered the original 5 and that's what I would make the team for the start of the show. Though besides the original team and the cartoon, Titans are actually known for having larger than average team sizes. So I would have members join over the course of the season who would those be? Well, I've come up with a few candidates.
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Bumblebee (Karen Beecher) Now while Bumblebee is not an original member she has been with the team since their original run. She was their first tech genius. She has a sharp tongue in a sharper mind. A generally fun character and very progressive for the time that she was created in. I could see her becoming a huge fan favorite if more people were made aware of her. She's also been in a very long-standing relationship with…
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Vox/Guardian/Herald (Malcom Duncan) Mal Duncan another long-standing Titans character. Mel's just your average guys smart but not a genius, powerful but not god like I think if he were put on this show it would be a great opportunity to expand his character more. What Mal is most known for is identity swapping he's most commonly remembered as Guardian his original one, but he's had the identities Herald, Hornblower, and my personal favorite Vox. He's had many different powers but in my mind, the one that gives him the most purpose is as a teleporter. Mal certainly isn't the most exciting character to add but I think having a solid normal person who doesn't have that much baggage on the team would provide a nice center for the team.
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Flamebird (Bette Kane) Bettie Kane has always been a fun character who hasn't gotten nearly enough love and I think it would be a good opportunity to give it to her here. She was the first Batgirl sidekick to both Batwomen at one point in time cousin to one niece to another, it's slightly confusing. I would forget about her ever being Batgirl in this show and just make her the former sidekick of Kate Kane her cousin. Her biggest inspiration for being a superhero was Robin who she has a crush on even after she becomes a hero. I think adding another non-powered member of the team is a good idea. She can provide a good will they won't they romance element with Robin. Also, her connection to Bruce's family could further influence Dick in his choice to step away from Being Robin. This is just a fun character that I would need to add to a show like this.
Well, that was my pitch for Titans. I hope you enjoyed some of the ideas I threw around. And even though I made fun of it I do sincerely hope that the actual Titans show that they are making is good, I guess we'll find out soon enough. Please favorite and reblog.
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bbcphile · 7 years ago
Prompt: Horatio, Archie and Will cooking something.
Ok, so, um, this happened! :D
(Thanks to @girabbit for the amazing prompt and for @velarapproximant for being a fantastic beta!!)
Fandom: Hornblower (TV) (Harboured & Encompassed AU)
Pairing: Hornblower/Kennedy/Bush
Title: The Best is Yet to Come (A.K.A. Having Your Cake and Eating it, Too)
Summary: The only thing sweeter than the cake Archie and Horatio tried to make for Will in honour of their anniversary is their devotion to each other. And Archie’s judicious application of music, of course.
AO3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12422991
***The Best is Yet to Come (a.k.a. Having Your Cake and Eating it, Too)
“I’m home! Happy anniversary, love!”
Horatio looked up from his laptop. Archie was leaning against the doorway between the dining room and the kitchen, a giant grin on his face, and two dozen red roses, elegantly wrapped in purple paper, in his arms.
Horatio blinked. “You’re back early!”
Archie raised an eyebrow. “No, I’m not. It’s 5:30. I even texted to say I was running late, so you could start the decorating without me.”
Horatio frowned down at his phone where it lay on the dining room table. The message from Archie stared back at him. His heart started thumping more rapidly. How had he lost track of time? Now they wouldn’t have time to decorate the cake before Will got home–
The cake.
Oh, God, the cake.
Archie wrinkled his nose, then took a step back into the kitchen, placing the roses on the kitchen counter. “What’s that smell? Is … is that the cake?”
The smoke detectors began to blare around them.
“Damn!” Horatio lept to his feet and sprinted past Archie into the kitchen. He turned off the temperature, wrenched open the door, and leaned forward, his hands reaching out to the cake pan that lay in the middle of the oven rack.
“Mitts!” Archie yelped, pressing their HMS Surprise oven mitts firmly against Horatio’s chest to stop the impending disaster.
Horatio blinked as he stared down at the ships on his chest. “Oh. Erm. Of course. I was just–”
“–About to repeat the mistake from last month?” Archie said with a grin.  
Horatio rolled his eyes. “Just … open the windows, will you?”
“As you wish, love.” Archie pressed a quick kiss to Horatio’s lips before jogging out of Horatio’s sight.
Horatio slid the ridiculous mitts on, then leaned down again to carefully pull out the cake pan. He glowered at the blackened mass within, wishing the force of his glare could return the dough to its original raw state. Perhaps he should have left the baking to Will after all.
After a moment, Archie draped an arm over his shoulder. “It’s a sorry business, isn’t it?” He sighed dramatically. “Rest in peace, dear cake. We hardly knew ye. You shall be buried with all the consideration due to your station. In the old Scottish tradition, I shall sing thee to thy rest. ‘Amaaaaaazing Grace, How sweet–’”
Horatio scowled and elbowed him in the ribs.
“–Alright, love, alright,” Archie said, laughing, as he rubbed his side. “I’ll stop. Funeral’s cancelled.”
Horatio bristled. “It’s still edible.”
Archie nodded sagely. “Absolutely. In fact, the NHS designated charcoal as the newest superfood, so we should have several servings each day–”
Horatio rolled his eyes. “Archie, be serious.”
Archie smiled. “Fine. We can eat it if you want. But I thought you preferred your cake to be moist and fluffy rather than … well … than this.” He poked it with the cake tester. It didn’t make a dent. He frowned and pushed harder. The metal penetrated the burned exterior with a crunch.
Horatio winced.
Archie stared at the former pudding. “How long did you leave it in for?”
Horatio glanced at the clock on the microwave. “Erm .  . . a little over an hour?”
Archie raised an eyebrow as the corners of his lips started to twitch. “Overshot the mark, then?”
Horatio ducked his head. “Perhaps a bit.”
“Should I ask?”
“I was researching. I must have dismissed the timer on my phone without realizing it.” He sighed. “I merely wished to surprise Will. He always does the food preparation.”
Archie stepped in front of him, cutting off his view of the cake, and put a hand on each shoulder. “And we still will. We can start over.  Everyone’s burned at least a cake or three in their time. Mum once nearly set the oven on fire trying to make Yorkshire puddings. No one’s hurt, nothing’s damaged, we don’t have to buy a new stove like we did when the pressure cooker overheated, and no one’s having flashbacks. As kitchen disasters go, this one hardly counts for us.”
Horatio frowned. Even the horror of discovering their oven crumpled and the pressure cooker’s lid embedded in the ceiling had paled in comparison with the sheer terror on Will’s face at the bang of the explosion itself. He shuddered. Archie was right. This was a fixable problem.
He cleared his throat. “Right. No use in sitting idly by when there’s work to do. We should be able to at least mix the ingredients again before he comes home.” He turned the oven back on to preheat and prepared to examine the recipe again.
Archie grinned. “I’ll go get more chocolate.” He kissed Horatio quickly on the lips, then spun around to rummage in the cabinets.
Horatio chuckled and rolled his eyes. “As long as you save some for the cake.”
Archie stuck his head out of the cabinet to smile at Horatio, his eyes twinkling. “I’m actually rather good at sharing, as you may remember. Unless you or Will have any complaints.”
“Nothing springs to mind,” Horatio said with a grin. “Although you can give a practical demonstration after dinner, if you feel so inclined.”
Archie smirked. “Aye aye, Captain Hornblower.”
Horatio cleared his throat and tried to focus on the recipe in front of him. The oven was supposed to be heating up, not him. “But … erm  … perhaps we should focus on making this first.”
Archie chuckled as he stood up, dark chocolate bars in hand. “Make cake, then love. Got it. And we should wait for Will anyway.” He paused, then grinned. “But I wouldn’t say no to another kiss.”
Horatio smiled. “That could be arranged,” he said, placing the recipe on the counter and walking over to where Archie waited for him. He put his hands on Archie’s hips, letting his thumb slip under his untucked shirt to brush lightly against his skin. Archie’s breath hitched and his eyes fluttered shut. Horatio leaned forward, his own pulse speeding up in answer, and gently pressed their lips together, savoring the warm, loving touch as much now as he did with their first kiss.
“Happy anniversary, my love,” Horatio murmured when they finally pulled apart.
“Happy anniversary,” Archie answered, stroking his thumb slowly across Horatio’s cheekbone. “Now, let’s bake a cake.”
Will paused, his hand on the doorknob, as the faint smell of chocolate wafted out of their flat. So that’s what Horatio’d been so secretive about. He must’ve been planning to make a cake for at least the last week.
Good thing he’d bought a bottle of port for them to share instead of making a cake himself.
He shook his head, a fond smile on his lips, remembering the last time Horatio’d tried to bake anything. At least they’d managed to air out the house out before Archie came home from rehearsal.
He opened the door. The faint sounds of Van Morrison greeted him.
Will raised an eyebrow as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Archie usually sang along to showtunes while they made dinner. He shrugged and sat down on the bench in the mudroom to take off his shoes.
Archie’s high-pitched giggle briefly drowned out the slow string and piano accompaniment.
“What did I do this time?” Horatio asked, his smile carrying around the corner along with his voice.
“Oh, nothing. You just stepped on my foot again.”
Horatio huffed out a laugh. “If people were meant to dance in such close formation, they’d all have smaller feet.”
Archie snorted. “Now who’s being absurd?”
Will chuckled quietly as he stood up and padded over to the kitchen. Horatio dancing? Victoria always claimed that someone’d have to put a gun to his head to get him to try.
But then again, when Archie was involved, the normal rules didn’t apply.
He rounded the corner of the mudroom into the kitchen, set the port down quietly on the counter, and stood mostly out of the line of sight to watch.
Horatio and Archie were smiling at each other in the kitchen, flour dusting their clothes, novelty aprons, and hair, oblivious to everything but their arms around each other.
Horatio’s amused exasperation softened into something more tender as he reached out to smooth away a loose strand of Archie’s hair that had fallen in front of his eyes again.
Archie turned his head to kiss Horatio’s palm, then took a step closer, pressing their bodies against each other, and wrapping his arms around Horatio. “Ready for another go?” he murmured, his voice low as he gazed up at Horatio.
Horatio nodded with an impossibly fond smile as he put his arms around Archie’s waist. “For you? Always.”
Will leaned back against the counter with a smile as he watched them close their eyes and sway back and forth to the music in silence. It was good to see them happy again. The trial had been hard on them all. Archie especially.
After a few verses, Archie closed his eyes, and began to sing along.
“I’ve been travellin’ a hard road Lookin’ for someone exactly like you. I’ve been carryin’ my heavy load, Waiting for the light to come shining through.
Someone like you makes it all worthwhile. Someone like you keeps me satisfied.
Someone exactly like you.”
Horatio held Archie more tightly. “I love you,” he whispered, his voice almost shaking.
“I love you, too,” Archie murmured back.
Will swallowed, his throat feeling oddly thick.
Archie paused, tilted his head, then opened his eyes and turned to smile over his shoulder at Will. “Same goes for you, Will. Happy anniversary, love.”
Will stilled. He hadn’t meant to interrupt them.
Horatio’s eyes flew open and he turned to look at the entrance. “Oh! Will! Welcome home! Why didn’t you say something?”
Will shrugged. “I liked watching you.”
“Well, William James Bush” Archie said, a twinkle in his eye, “Time to do more than watch. It’s your turn for a dance. Horatio, do you mind?”
Horatio smiled and shook his head. “Not at all,” he said, and stepped back to gesture for Will to take his place.
Will blinked. Dancing wasn’t particularly something he’d done much of since  … well, since the injury.
Archie smirked. “And in honour of your secret love of Van Morrison, I’ll start the track over again.”
Will raised an eyebrow as Archie reached over to his phone on the counter to restart ‘Someone Like You.’ Only Cathy and Victoria knew that he sometimes listened to Van Morrison. So, who’d told him?
Horatio frowned. “But … this doesn’t sound like punk. The rhythm’s off.”
“That’s because it’s not. But Cathy told me it’s one of Will’s favorites, so I thought it would be a nice surprise.”
Will smiled and shook his head. “I should have guessed.”
“Probably,” Archie grinned. “Now, come dance with me, love.” He held out his hand and beckoned.
With a shrug and a faint smile, Will walked over and took his hand.
Archie smirked and pulled him in close. “Now, what’s this I hear about you joining Anne for dance lessons once upon a time?”
Horatio’s eyes went wide. “Will?”
Will raised an eyebrow, trying to keep as neutral an expression as possible. “It was almost a decade ago. I don’t remember a thing.”
Archie shrugged. “That’s alright, I can lead. But, seeing as I have a ridiculously attractive man in my arms and his favorite music playing on my phone, it seems a waste not to–”
A tilted, dry smile was the only warning Will gave Archie before pulling him into a low dip. “Better?” Will asked, his lips hovering mere centimeters away.
Archie swallowed, his pupils blown wide. “Will, if you don’t kiss me right now, I swear to God–”
Will grinned, then kissed him as soundly as he could while keeping his balance. Of course Archie tasted like chocolate. “Happy anniversary,” he said, when they finally pulled apart.
Archie smiled dazedly. “Happy anniversary, love. Looks like you do remember some moves after all.” His grin widened as he slid his hand up to Will’s bicep. “Sexy, by the way. Convenient, too. How long do you think you could hold me up like this?”
Will huffed out a laugh as his arms started to shake from holding Archie up. “About another minute. Not long enough for what you have in mind.”
Archie grinned again. “I suppose that’s for the best. Horatio hasn’t had his kiss yet.”
“That’s quite alright,” Horatio said from his spot near the fridge. “I’m enjoying the performance.”
“Well, show’s over, love. It’s your turn now.” Archie said with a wink as Will pulled him back to his feet, his hands lingering on Archie’s waist.
Horatio glanced at Will’s hands, then smiled. “No need to move on my account. I have a better idea. Stay there.”
“Oh God, no, not an idea. Run, Will! Save yourself!” Archie said in mock horror as he gripped Will’s shoulders.
Will snorted. “I’m fine right where I am,” he said, wrapping his arms around Archie again.
Horatio smiled and rolled his eyes as he walked toward them. “I’m glad one of you listens to me occasionally.”
Archie nodded seriously and looked over his shoulder at Horatio. “We have to take it in turns, you see. Equal distribution of power, and all that. It’s written into the polyamory byelaws.”
Will snorted again.
“You’re ridiculous,” Horatio said, putting his arms around both Archie and Will.
“And you love every second of it,” Archie said with a smile. “Now, if we agree you don’t have to dance, will you stop stalling and get your kiss from Will?”
Horatio grinned. “I could be persuaded.”
Will raised an eyebrow as Horatio rose up on his tiptoes to reach his head over Archie’s shoulders and press a long, lingering kiss against his lips. Will’s lips tingled pleasantly long after Horatio pulled back with a smug smile.
“Was that to your satisfaction, gentlemen?” Horatio asked knowingly.
“Can’t complain,” Will said with a smile.
“I can. Why am I always in the middle?” Archie teased as he snuggled further into the hug.
Horatio’s soft huff of laughter brushed against Will’s lips as he pulled back and pressed a kiss against Archie’s neck, just below his ear. “Because my arms are the longest,” he murmured, holding them both more tightly.
“What’s your excuse, Will?” Archie asked, his hand snaking up to Will’s shoulders to give him a massage.
“Horatio’s too bony,” Will answered with a dry smile.
Archie snorted.
Horatio spluttered indignantly.
“It’s fine, H’ratio,” Archie said, craning his head around to glance at Horatio out of the corner of his eye. “You know he loves you.” He paused, then grinned, a familiar mischievous gleam in his eyes. “In fact, I would say he made that rather vocally apparent the other night. Well done, by the way, Will. Impressive stamina.”
Horatio blushed and ducked his head as he failed to fight back a smirk.
Will chuckled. “I aim to please.”
Archie snorted. “And you have excellent aim, judging by the noises Horatio was making.”
Will swallowed back a laugh.
Horatio groaned and buried his face in Archie’s shoulder. “Archie!”
“Nothing to be embarrassed about, love. It’s good to hear you two enjoying yourselves.” Archie hesitated, licked his lips, and met Will’s eyes. “In fact, I thought, if you’re in the mood, that I’d  … join in tonight.”
Will felt himself start to harden instantly. It had been weeks since Archie’d felt up for more than kissing and falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Horatio lifted his head, his eyes wide and eager. “Really?”
Archie nodded. “We can try, at least. And also, I got something you might like.” He grinned, then let go of Will to reach into his back pocket, and pulled out a rather chunky beige-colored tube.
Horatio tilted his head, his forehead wrinkled. “Sparkly deodorant?”
Archie beamed. “It’s body glitter, love. Rainbow coloured. I figured we could have some fun with it. We need to wash the sheets anyway.”
Horatio’s eyes grew wide as he stared at it in rapt attention, tilting his head back and forth to make the sparkles catch the light. “It’s  … beautiful.”
Archie’s grin shone as brightly as the glitter. “You think it’s beautiful now, just wait ’til you put it on me.”
Horatio looked up, his eyes wide as saucers. “How much time until our dinner’s delivered?”
Archie laughed. “Not enough time, sadly. And we shouldn’t leave the oven alone; your timer will be going off soon. We don’t want to burn the pudding again.”
Horatio blinked. “Oh. Yes. Of course.”
Will glanced over at the mixer and the dishes on the counter, then at the oven itself. The chocolate scent started to smell rather familiar. “Is that  … . my mum’s chocolate cake recipe in the oven?”
Archie and Horatio grinned in unison.
“Anne sent it to us,” Horatio answered.
“Only the best for our Will,” Archie chimed in.
Will smiled and dipped his head, feeling suddenly warm.
“–Or at least a close approximation of the best, given our piss-poor baking skills,” Archie finished.
Will looked up and glanced around, his lips twitching. “But nothing’s on fire this time. Well done.”
Horatio rolled his eyes.
Archie chuckled. “Why, thank you, love. I’m rather proud of us as well.”
Will glanced over at the counter again. Oddly, the cream didn’t seem to be out. “How’s the icing coming?”
Horatio cleared his throat. “Er … we  … became sidetracked.”
Archie grinned. “Dancing, as you can see.”
“I can take over,” Will said with a smile.
Archie turned his head to look at Horatio. “Horatio, I think we’ve been found derelict in our duty and are being relieved of our confectionary commands. We’ll never survive the shame.”
Horatio kissed him on the neck. “Maybe we should mutiny.”
Will raised an eyebrow. “What if I add caramel and coffee flavour to the icing?”
Archie nodded. “Effective bargaining, Will. You know your audience’s hearts and stomachs. Ready, Horatio?” He craned his head to look over his shoulder at him. “Um … you’ll have to move first, love, unless you’d like me to reenact your first meeting with Will by bowling him over. And seeing as linoleum is less cushioned than carpet, I can’t say I’d recommend it.”
Horatio rolled his eyes, pressed one more kiss to Archie’s neck, then stepped back and shook his head to focus. He glanced about him, nodding to himself as he surveyed the scene, the snapped to attention. “Right. Will, you start on the icing. Archie, you and I will see if the cake is ready. If it is, then I’ll set up the cooling racks while Archie practices his penmanship for the writing on the top of the cake. Archie, I hereby give you full artistic license regarding colors, words, and designs, but, for the love of God, have it be something suitable for the pictures we’ll send to our families.”
Archie glanced at Will and smirked. Will fought back the smile and gave a slight nod.
“Aye aye, Captain Hornblower,” Archie said with a wink.
Horatio blushed, rolled his eyes, and busied himself with picking the oven mitts off the counter.
Will took a saucepan from the drying rack and brought it, the butter, and sugar over to the stove to prepare the caramel. As he measured out the sugar, he heard Archie’s voice merge with Van Morrison’s for the final verse.
“I’ve been all around the world Marching to the beat of a different drum. But just lately I have realised The best is yet to come.”
Will smiled as he poured the sugar in. He couldn’t have imagined this over a year ago. Certainly not three, when he was invalided home, unable to walk, and assumed love was something happened to others.
He grinned. Then again, he’d never been known for his imagination.
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ulyssesredux · 8 years ago
Wandering Rocks
Welsh, were they not? And Father Conmee blessed both gravely and turned a thin page of his sermon on saint Peter Claver S.J. and the African-American!
Too bad Bernie flamed out If the people of our country. THANK YOU! Surely, there ought to be stolen from us by other countries. Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who has just been named Chairman of the seat.
Will know soon! The Right Honourable William Humble, earl of Dudley, and Haines gravely, gazed down on the very reverend John Conmee stepped into the words. Who could know the truth? But who cares, poor creatures. Hillary. Not one American flag-if they were from Belvedere.
Nice, France.
Pres. Obama should have read that before lunch. Near Aldborough house Father Conmee said. Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice, he said, the porkbutcher's, Father Conmee excessive for a long time. Then, separately she stated, He said Kasich should leave because he believes that Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants the people who work for my children, Don and Tiffany, on to an outward bound tram for he disliked to traverse on foot through Smithfield, Constitution hill and Broadstone terminus.
And the hands of a hedge and after him came a young woman with wild nodding daisies in her rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary!
Understanding, he said. We cannot let this happen-ISIS! She is not a tramline in such an important thoroughfare. If he doesn't have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Surely, there must be paid back by Mexico later! And his name? That book by the treeshade of sunnywinking leaves: and Father Conmee crossed to Mountjoy square. In my speech, great Phyllis Schlafly, who stood in the car. He is turning out to be. We need strong borders now!
ISIS, or from one Administration to another, or plain star! I employ many people in the U.S. Just in, B never had a great rally in Cincinnati is ON. Such a … what should he say? Night.
Lindsey Graham, Romney, the economy. The house was still sitting, to be in bogs whence men might dig it out and bring it to town and hamlet to make fires in the car. He felt it incumbent on him to say a few words.
In presidential voting so far, John Kasich is good, flexible, save money and did favors for regimes that horribly oppress women and gays & refuses to write about it. Father Conmee a pity that they have been admired by the Belgian jesuit, Le Nombre des Élus, seemed to Father Conmee walked down Great Charles street and glanced at the other little man, Hornblower, touched his tallyho cap. Exactly opposite!
My girl's a Yorkshire girl. ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, build WALL Rubio is weak on immigration.
He walked calmly and read mutely the nones, walking, thought of that tyrannous incontinence, needed however for man's race on earth, and nothing to show the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—In addition to winning the Presidency I've ever seen. He was humane and honoured there. Striding past Finn's hotel Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell stared through a fierce eyeglass across the viceroy's path. Looking forward to meeting w/local officials for details & VOTE! She raised her small gloved fist on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party what to do with Trump. The Crooked Hillary wants to win in November, paving the way she played him.
How can she run for the waters.
My team of deplorables will be keeping the Lincoln plant in Mexico.
These are people who voted illegally Trump is one of those good souls who had the shaky head. U.S. My girl's a Yorkshire girl. He had cleaned his teeth, he would have been admired by the lower gate of Phoenix park saluted by Mr William Gallagher who stood in the near future to discuss terror and terrorists! And Father Conmee drew off his gloves and took his rededged breviary out. Build plant in Baja, Mexico, now they're saying that I want the drone they stole back. —O, lest he forget. —That's a fine day, Mr Eugene Stratton, his hat low. The superior, the bad would rush into our country. Yes, he said, We are now, finally, receiving plaudits!
Father Conmee and laughed at police Muhammad Ali is dead at 74! No more HRC. Above the crossblind of the Austro-Hungarian viceconsulate. Saint Joseph's church, Portland row. Yes. Crime is out of the wall! He should have read that before lunch. Katie Couric, the FBI that she was a peaceful day.
And Mr Sheehy himself?
He bore in mind secrets confessed and he was. Intelligence when in fact I am in the design or negotiations yet.
Father Conmee sat in a corner of Fitzgibbon street.
Others to follow.
To a great wall on the representative of His Majesty. Heading to D.C.? As the glossy horses pranced by Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw sunshades spanned and wheelspokes spinning in the Barony and of his breviary. Just cannot believe a judge, which is a choice between Americanism and her other fraudulent activity. Father Conmee thought of the boys' lines at their play, young cries in the barony. Aha.
Father Conmee doffed his cap abruptly: the young woman abruptly bent and with slow care detached from her place to alight. —Good afternoon, Mrs Sheehy.
The viceroy was most cordially greeted on his way. It will only get worse. Wow, my child, that they will do so many worries in life, so many worries in life, so complex-when actually it isn't! You should focus on running the country.
That book by the lower gate of the wall if they want to talk manufacturing in Pennsylvania and is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-representative delegates because they know that it has proven her to be in bogs whence men might dig it out and bring it to town and hamlet to make a deal with Bernie. Only God knew and she was one of those that want to run for POTUS. Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI not to mention. At Ponsonby's corner a jaded white flagon H. halted and, spinning it on its axle, viewed its shape and brass furnishings. Heading to Tampa now! You will prevail! Yes.
Ted Cruz had zero.
Unfortunate people to make America safe again. We will bring jobs back home!
This is a divided nation! Will be there! Father Conmee stopped three little schoolboys at the altarrails placed the host with difficulty in the evening, the constable said with bated breath. That book by the United States for years, do nothing to show or discuss them.
Monitoring the terrible situation in Florida & I won the popular vote.
He bore in mind secrets confessed and he loved the Irish capital with her husband and her government protection process.
Is it legal for a nice thank you!
Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar!
Sad! Unseen brazen highland laddies blared and drumthumped after the cortège: But though she's a factory lass and wears no fancy clothes. In Fownes's street Dilly Dedalus, steering his way through the metropolis. The Malahide road was quiet.
Also, is no evidence that hacking affected the election results from Trump Tower! And Father Conmee smiled and walked along Mountjoy square east. As usual, Hillary Clinton’s Presidency would be bust! Look what has happened in Orlando.
Call Day, join me in my old days.
This will not be president. Others to follow Julian Assange-wrong. Father Conmee and laughed: O, sir. I swear, we welcome all voters who want to refocus NATO on terrorism, as she pushes a 550% increase in refugees, is far smarter than Harry R and has NO path to victory, has been treated badly by the stubble of Clongowes field. Congressman John Lewis said about her heritage being Native American she would go to Buxton probably for the FBI! Our way of life is under siege. Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up things that I would have had millions of black and brown and yellow souls that had not D.V. been brought. The conductor pulled the bellstrap to stay the car seemed to Father Conmee a reasonable plea. Father Bernard Vaughan would come again to preach.
Without the con it's over Thank you!
Even if I am working hard, was unable to stop in front of her professional life! Constable 57C, on his fight against ISIS. We can do is be a good spinnnn! Corny Kelleher said. These are people who will be going to be remembered to Mr David Sheehy M.P. Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger did a great movement, we will slaughter you pigs, I am soooo proud of my first primary victory, she's out! On Grattan bridge Lenehan and M'Coy, taking leave of each other, watched a flock of muttoning clouds over Rathcoffey. Why is President Obama thinks the nation is not acceptable. Corny Kelleher sped a silent jet of hayjuice arching from his hoarding, Mr Kelleher. From the hoardings Mr Eugene Stratton, his hat low. And Mr Sheehy himself? Something very big is happening all over our country under the law, I swear, we don't want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Brother Swan was the person to see the wife of Mr David Sheehy M.P.—Very well, indeed, father? Was that not Mrs M'Guinness? Media should also apologize For many years.
They took their country the U.S. even before taking office, watched a flock of muttoning clouds over Rathcoffey. Saint Joseph's church, north William street, on his right hand as he came to Res in Beati immaculati: Principium verborum tuorum veritas: in eternum omnia indicia iustitiae tuae.
… What should he say?
Will be going back tomorrow, to build a case. Five to three. More attacks will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN! O, sir. He passed Grogan's the Tobacconist against which newsboards leaned and told of a Yorkshire girl. The Democrats will run from her light skirt a clinging twig. It was a pawnbroker! Really he was. Father Conmee saluted the second carriage. Not so anymore! Only God knew and she and he smiled at smiling noble faces in a tweet as the head of Mr David Sheehy M.P. Yes, he would certainly call. I look very much forward to it and let me see if you decide without watching the election night tabulation be accepted. Great reviews-most votes gotten in a corner of Fitzgibbon street. She passed out by the dishonest media refuses to mention the incident in FL is very much against me. These beautiful children will be speaking in Pennsylvania where her husband is going on there-Mormons don't like LIARS! Congrats to the refrain of My girl's a Yorkshire girl.
Lyin' Ted Cruz talks about the horrible attack in Brussels today, home of my friends and supporters in Virginia, we would have won the election. They acted according to their lights.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! A beautiful funeral today for a journey so short and cheap. Father Bernard Vaughan's droll eyes and the seas adjoining. —What's the best news?
She would half confess if she had not received the baptism of water when their last hour came like a rigged election This election is absolutely being rigged by the Belgian jesuit, Le Nombre des Élus, seemed to Father Conmee smiled and walked along Mountjoy square east. I will fight for justice, equality and opportunity.
ObamaCare is moving fast! This will end in a landslide every poll, it is #1 trending. Love, M.A., made obeisance unperceived, mindful of lords deputies whose hands benignant had held of yore rich advowsons. Mr Kelleher. Then came the wife of Mr David Sheehy M.P.—Very well, indeed, father? American flag and laughed: O, that they should share them with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper.
Father Conmee breadths of cabbages, curtseying to him with surprise. She is spending a fortune for their wonderful support.
It was idyllic: and Father Conmee thought that, as he took leave, at the steps of The State of Louisiana, and he was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not by me. There he tilted his hatbrim to give shade to his left. Saint Joseph's church, upper Gardiner street, stepped on to an election easily, a waste, if one might say. Being at the other side of her on account of its being the lord mayor and lady mayoress without his golden chain. Thither of the evangelical vote is in.
A constable on his way through the metropolis.
Mr. Khan at the corner of Dignam's court.
* * *
I have millions more, ALL of which two unlabouring men lounged.
In the last minute.
And now it was.
And the other side of her mantilla inkshining in the barony.
Not the jealous lord Belvedere and not her confessor if she had not committed adultery fully, eiaculatio seminis inter vas naturale mulieris, with her basket and a very nice name to have brought the subject of illegal immigration, with its poor coverage and massive influx of refugees. END!
A listless lady, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough Ennel, Mary, first countess of Belvedere. What we need her to lead normal lives and to the doorway.
A tiny yawn opened the mouth of the Brussels attack, this time in Turkey.
If it were up to you … If the Republican Party.
I had served my God as I continue to push.
Father Conmee crossed to Mountjoy square east. He walked there, reading in the sun. Katie Couric, the very reverend John Conmee walked and, walking, smiled for he thought on Father Bernard Vaughan's droll eyes and cockney voice.
* * *
He doesn't know how to win there-totally out of control, and the economy!
Boody Dedalus shoved in the door of the closesteaming kitchen.
Great love in the form of the closesteaming kitchen.
Boody asked.
Boody asked.
Constable 57C, on his beat, stood to pass the time of day.
Towards Larry O'Rourke, in shirtsleeves in his doorway, he growled unamiably: There, sir.
Trump—In addition to winning the Presidency, the constable said with bated breath.
We are doing well but there is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia is a total meltdown but the system is broken!
—Home and beauty.
She asked.
J.J. O'Molloy's white careworn face was told that Mr Lambert was in the warehouse with a guy who openly can't stand him and court system.
He swung himself violently forward past Katey and Boody Dedalus shoved in the debate.
* * *
If the ban was lifted by a vote of 87-12.
—Certainly, sir?
New polls are good because the books?
One on the path.
The system is totally rigged against him Lyin' Ted Cruz got booed off the reservation.
—Certainly, sir. For England … He swung himself forward in vigorous jerks, halted near him, tallwhitehatted, past Tangier lane, plodding towards their goal.
The cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.
Katey and Boody Dedalus, halted near him, got up regardless, with his tie a bit crooked, blushing.
I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all other topics!
The United States Supreme Court! Maggy said.
Blazes Boylan looked in her blouse with more favour, the phony election polls were a WAY OFF disaster.
Very nice!
Working hard!
Bernie, or my campaign.
Where's Dilly?
The blind of the urchins ran to it, picked it up and dropped it into the cap held out to her.
The blond girl in Thornton's bedded the wicker basket with rustling fibre.
The Democrats, when they knew it was going to the range rammed down a greyish mass beneath bubbling suds twice with her potstick and wiped her brow.
Katey, sitting opposite Boody, breaking big chunks of bread into the minstrel's cap, saying: And what's in this? A onelegged sailor crutched himself round MacConnell's corner, skirting Rabaiotti's icecream car, and jerked himself up Eccles street.
And what's in this?
I am hundreds of thousands of illegal immigration.
Where's Dilly?
Was Obama too soft on crime, by putting stories that never happened into news!
It fell on the hawker's cart.
A heavy fume gushed in answer.
Katey went to the inauguration, but for the American flag-if they continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect.
One of the urchins ran to it, picked it up and dropped it into the U.S. does not report that on the table and said hungrily: There, sir.
The blind of the DNC but why did they not responded to the range rammed down a greyish mass beneath bubbling suds twice with her potstick and wiped her brow.
—That'll do, game ball, Blazes Boylan rattled merry money in his doorway, he growled unamiably: A good job we have that much.
Ten minutes. He said.
* * *
Iran has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. —Give us it here.
Almidano Artifoni said. Thanks Donald! Katey, sitting opposite Boody, said quietly, as her fingertip lifted to her big face! That is horrifying.
Blazes Boylan looked into the cut of her blouse. —Barang! Father Conmee walked through Clongowes fields, his thinsocked ankles tickled by stubble.
It's for an invalid.
He said. Very dumb! A detainee released from prison, is far more interesting with a strong push from Crooked Hillary Clinton has been divided for a long time.
—Eccolo, Almidano Artifoni, holding up a baton of rolled music as a signal, trotted on stout trousers after the Dalkey tram.
Two carfuls of tourists passed slowly, their women sitting fore, gripping the handrests.
He agrees with me that Podesta & Hillary's people said about my management style. A young pullet.
Scusi, eh?
Ma, dia retta a me.
He said.
The Democrats have a conflict of interest.
Not me!
Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow.
Boody cried angrily: Give us it here. THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!
É peccato. Almidano Artifoni said.
S. is preparing for battle to reclaim Mosul.
The rules DID CHANGE in Colorado shortly after I entered the race so badly but wasn't chosen because she has bad judgement. Is it in the books? Get out and vote on Tuesday will be a great Memorial Day by thinking of and respecting all of the bank of Ireland where pigeons roocoocooed. Crooked Hillary V.P. choice is VERY united. The United States.
Katey, lifting the kettlelid in a pad of her blouse with more favour, the Hillary Russian reset, praise of Russia by Hillary, we don't have foreign policy speech will be carried live at 12:15 P.M.
President Obama trying to say that he had anything to do with a Crooked Hillary. She reckoned again fat pears neatly, head by tail, and getting stronger!
Great Depression! Two carfuls of tourists passed slowly, their women sitting fore, gripping the handrests.
With the exception of cheating Bernie out of the bank of Ireland where pigeons roocoocooed.
* * *
Almidano Artifoni said. I'll ring them up after five.
#Debate One of the red flower between his smiling teeth.
—Anch'io ho avuto di queste idee, ALMIDANO ARTIFONI SAID, quand' ero giovine come Lei. Twentyseven and six.
Blazes Boylan looked into the words.
The telephone rang rudely by her ear. —This for me?
Yes, sir.
It will only get better as a Trump WIN giving all of the wonderful reviews of my children. Wow, television ratings just out book, which is a vote of 87-12.
Hello! Katie Couric, the blond girl said.
É peccato.
Yes, sir.
They looked from Trinity to the Trump.
Unbelievable evening.
Almidano Artifoni said.
They gazed curiously an instant and turned quickly towards a Dalkey tram. The protesters in California were thugs and criminals. Invece, Lei si sacrifica. —Yes, sir. Why do Republican leaders deny what is happening in the wrong states-no enthusiasm! Yes, sir.
The blond girl said. Big advantage in Electoral College is actually genius in that I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it is practically useless. É peccato.
He took a red carnation from the tall stemglass.
Hillary, is she? Almidano Artifoni said.
This for me?
Wrong answer!
They are rigged just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the other country, I have no choice but to take your 2nd Amendment is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton, who has been a DISASTER on foreign policy experience, look at the border. He took a red carnation from the tall stemglass.
* * *
The Affordable Care Act ObamaCare is imploding fast! Two carfuls of tourists passed slowly, their women sitting fore, gripping the handrests. What is our country.
Wonderful crowds. The Republican platform is most pro-life leakers! At their feet its red speck died: and mouldy air closed round them.
That gentleman from SPORT was in Thomas court. I'll ring them up after five. —That's right, Ned. Yes, yes. Hope to goodness he won't keep me here till seven.
—Pleasure is mine, sir. In the still faint light he moved about, tapping with his lath away among the flickering arches. He slapped a piebald haunch quivering near him and cried: Woa, sonny! Two pink faces turned in the history of the DNC would not allow the FBI in to look? Tante belle cose!
Wait awhile. No, sir, Ned Lambert said. Yes, sir.
Hope to goodness he won't keep me from the jaws of victory. That gentleman from SPORT was in Thomas court.
If the people of the tiny torch.
—Eccolo, Almidano Artifoni, holding up a story-RUSSIA.
Boeing and talk jobs! So many great people expected. —Yes, sir, Ned Lambert said, raising his hat when his hand. The vesta in the air.
You know that Crooked Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad. Then I can go after six if you're not back. —Yes, sir, Ned Lambert said heartily. Palefaces. They can't!
Love, Rathcoffey. He gazed over Stephen's shoulder at Goldsmith's knobby poll. —Arrivederla, maestro, Stephen said, raising in salute his pliant lath among the rout of barekneed gillies smuggling implements of music through Trinity gates. He slapped a piebald haunch quivering near him and cried: Woa, sonny! Very impressive people! Wonder will that fellow be at the large poster of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, and it is visually important, as stated by Bernie S, she has new ideas. At their feet its red speck died: and mouldy air closed round them.
* * *
He said. George S this morning … poor little … what do you call him … Chow!
#MAGA Certainly has been taking out massive amounts of Wall Street money on an envelope. —Do, Tom Rochford said. I'll tell him that one, is she?
I have made U.S. a mess-just like our big tax cut!
Get ready for the coming … —I know, M'Coy said abruptly. #InaugurationDay It all begins today!
Heading to D.C. on January 20th 2017, will be truly missed. He rode down through Dame walk, the Fitzgerald Mor. These beautiful children will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Vegas.
Somebody hacked the DNC would not have liked them, the Geraldines. The year the missus was there … Lenehan linked his arm warmly. No, Ned Lambert said, the early beam of morning.
Against steelworkers and miners.
I'm Boylan with impatience. I'll get those bags cleared away from the path of Sycamore street beside the Empire musichall Lenehan showed M'Coy how the whole jingbang lot.
Please be forewarned prior to the LGBT community!
The very foul mouthed Sen. John McCain & Lindsey Graham endorsement.
Wrong! When you two begin Nosey Flynn said, glancing behind.
That is a vote for Trump because they know she is.
Only those two, sir, Ned Lambert said. Serious voter fraud happening on and what is going to back a bloody horse someone gave him that hasn't an earthly.
There’s never been anyone more abusive to women in politics than Bill Clinton and Sanders people who voted for NAFTA, a voice replied groping for foothold.
General! M'Coy said.
Only a question of time Hillary Clinton may be the same cyberattack where it was blue o'clock the morning after the night before.
#Debate Bernie Sanders. All right, sir, Ned Lambert asked.
The horses he passed started nervously under their slack harness. Five people killed in the Spring. It is time for CHANGE!
The lad stood to attention anyhow, booky's vest and all, have no choice but to obstruct. The way she's holding up her bit of a lot of draught … He held his handkerchief ready for the coming … —I was with him one day and he bought a book about the election.
It was down a manhole. Lenehan said, glancing behind.
The thing I like Michael Douglas! Next week, say.
Airplane departed from Paris.
The old bank of Ireland was over the way till the time is now pushing TPP hard-bad for American workers!
—See? They have nothing going but to take place today at Trump Tower wherein I gave information on which VETERANS groups got the questions to the court of appeal an elderly female with false teeth smiling incredulously and a black silk skirt of great amplitude. Fast and furious it was a hell of a hero and inspired generations of future explorers.
From a long time.
Her phony Native American she would now use! He's a cultured allroundman, Bloom is, he said, raising in salute his pliant lath among the flickering arches.
I want to pop into Lynam's to see Sceptre's starting price.
While he waited in Temple bar M'Coy dodged a banana peel with gentle pushes of his toe from the consolidated taxing office to Nisi Prius court Richie Goulding carrying the costbag of Goulding, Collis and Ward and heard rustling from the pile he clasped against his claret waistcoat. Come over in Adelaide road.
You were never here before, Jack, were you? With J.J. O'Molloy said.
Is that Crotty?
—I'll tell him that one about the earl of Kildare after he set fire to Cashel cathedral. Hot members they were all of the artist about old Bloom. —Both with delegates & otherwise.
The telephone rang rudely by her ear. Fast and furious it was about. Been around for 240 years.
You were never here before, Jack, were you?
Bad or sick guy! If I could get that dressmaker to make a concertina skirt like Susy Nagle's. Turn Now On. I will work hard and so seriously to try and figure me out. He's not one of the past, haughty, pleading, beheld pass from the path to the gutter. Crooked hard.
We had a massive landslide. I decide on Cabinet and many for a one-sided spin that followed. Tom Price, the refined accent said in the clergyman's uplifted hand consumed itself in a long spread out at Glencree reformatory, Lenehan said. So how and why? I have tremendous respect for women than me!
The dust from those sacks, J.J. O'Molloy said politely. While I believe that Hillary Clinton is not the way I beat Gov. Scott Walker and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all over the way till the time. She has bad judgement.
* * *
Is that Crotty?
He said.
A weeny weeshy one miles away.
Drop in whenever you like. —Drain?
Now On.
Feel! Heading to Colorado for a major rally.
The young woman with slow care detached from her light skirt a clinging twig.
Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the family of Ambassador Stevens. Rush Limbaugh said one of your children from D.C. They crossed to the gutter. Come over in the milky way.
Much higher ratings at Fox The real story here is why they cancelled their big fireworks at the DNC. —Pleasure is mine, sir, Ned Lambert said, glancing behind. How interesting!
—But wait till I tell you, he gasped.
The end.
Very pleased to have met you. Debate. They focused on wrong states-no action! The reverend Hugh C. Love, Rathcoffey. Kaine supports TPP, which devastated Ohio and Arizona were great. —He's a cultured allroundman, Bloom is, he said.
Tom Rochford said.
Hillary Clinton’s open borders, etc-but I declare to God I thought the archbishop was inside. The reverend Hugh C. Love, Rathcoffey.
Only 38,000 missing e-mails?
He checked his tale a moment but broke out in a wheezy laugh.
So a fellow coming in at 9:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in Indiana all day, the stars and the wife on the other books, hugged them against his unbuttoned waistcoat and bore them off behind the dingy curtains. Every on-line in the admiralty division of king's bench to the FBI and all others, if my memory serves me. —Who's that? See you later. When you two begin Nosey Flynn stooped towards the lever, snuffling at it. Bloom, alone, looked at the titles. The Democrats are in. Obstruction by Democrats!
He slid in a ball in bloodred wombs like livers of slaughtered cows.
Who's that? This story is a fraud!
He said. The people get it!
After three, he said.
Wow, the Geraldines.
Melting breast ointments for Him!
Nice young chap he is, he said.
No way to the outlet and then whirled his lath away among the pillars.
—I'll tell him that hasn't an earthly. You know that one about comets' tails, he said. See?
He slapped a piebald haunch quivering near him and court system. Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton-Kaine is, he said, raising in salute his pliant lath among the pillars. The old bank of Ireland was over the world. His hands moulded ample curves of air. Stay on message is the most historic spot in all Dublin.
Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other African Americans who know me, I was tucking the rug under her bellyband.
Fair Tyrants by James Lovebirch. He said.
More in her story. He slapped a piebald haunch quivering near him and cried: I know, M'Coy said. —Smart idea, Nosey Flynn said, glancing behind. He opened it.
—Leopoldo or the Bloom is on the riverwall, panting with soft laughter.
Got her it once. —Did she?
As usual, bad trade deals & global special interests.
The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap, displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint.
M'Coy's white face smiled about it one of your common or garden … you know … There's a touch of the other title: Sweets of Sin, he gasped.
Next week, say.
Delahunt of Camden street had the catering and yours truly was chief bottlewasher.
The beautiful woman.
The State of Colorado had their vote taken away from the path to the bosses take your 2nd Amendment rights in Chicago.
He rode down through Dame walk, the Geraldines. Do, Tom Rochford said. Let's set the all time record in primary votes than she has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania. The same people who are not widespread. Tom Rochford anyhow, he said, if my memory serves me.
—The dust from those sacks, J.J. O'Molloy he came forth slowly into Mary's abbey where draymen were loading floats with sacks of carob and palmnut meal, O'Connor, Wexford.
Lenehan said returning.
President Obama for first time. What? Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I love watching what he had spat, wiping his sole along it, and plenty of it. —The act of a hero, he said, walking to the outlet and then they are doing well but there is much time left.
For raoul!
Certain Republicans who have watched ISIS and our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our great country.
—See? Young! —The lad stood to read the other books, hugged them against his unbuttoned waistcoat and bore them off behind the dingy curtains. Even money, Lenehan said, DO NOT believe it. My missus sang there once. Lenehan said. Thank you Indiana, we can never win over Bernie supporters are outraged, was hacking, why did the White House wait so long, just announced that Iraq U. 2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal criminals is merely an attempt to cover-up the steps and under Merchants' arch.
Ned Lambert said, the clergyman said. Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants the even worse TPP approved.
Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just like Crooked Hillary has experience, and sir Charles Cameron and Dan Dawson spoke and there was absolutely no evidence Potus colluded with Russia is a general election. To the African-American community: The beautiful woman. He shut his eyes tight in delight, his body shrinking, and he bought a book from an old one in Liffey street for two big rallies.
M'Coy's white face smiled about it at instants and grew grave.
Warmth showered gently over him, cowing his flesh. While Hillary said loudly, and it will cost her at the titles.
For raoul!
—She had Bloom cornered. An attack on those who love our people and saving the climber. No, Ned Lambert said, the Geraldines. Plates: infants cuddled in a wheezy laugh. She supported NAFTA, a voice replied groping for foothold. What's the time by your gold watch and chain?
Plates: infants cuddled in a ball in bloodred wombs like livers of slaughtered cows.
Not me! Time and on-line in the debate?
Now On. Miami. So naive!
Is it legal for a one night stay in the Ormond, Lenehan said. Tell him I'm Boylan with impatience. Thank you Rick! I know, M'Coy said abruptly. Doesn't work, and who cannot, come in & out, V.P. pick! The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap, displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint! You will prevail!
Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who does not know the C markings on documents stood for CLASSIFIED. Turn Now On.
Can you see?
If you will be speaking in Pennsylvania.
* * *
General Petraeus—and make everyone less safe. For him!
Hillary because nobody views him as a personal hedge fund to get his delegates from the consolidated taxing office to Nisi Prius court Richie Goulding carrying the costbag of Goulding, Collis and Ward and heard rustling from the path of Sycamore street beside the Empire musichall Lenehan showed M'Coy how the whole country. This election is close at 47-43! Leverage, see. I'll take this one.
She is reckless and dangerous!
We are proud of my great honor-they would have gotten people killed in Washington in the entire U.S.
The beautiful woman. He opened it. The beautiful woman. No: she wouldn't like that at this moment all over the fabled 270 306.
—That I had her bumping up against me. That's a good load of Delahunt's port under her and walked on again. Watch him, he said. WT SO DANGEROUS!
Be careful Bernie, how is she going to get in Harvard.
Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest.
Senate. Bang! Just returned but will be a total disaster! People want their country back! For him! Mrs Purefoy. On O'Connell bridge many persons observed the grave deportment and gay apparel of Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing & c.
Please be forewarned prior to making a very interesting talk about the disaster known as ObamaCare!
—You're very funny, Dilly said.
Looking like my 5 victories on Tuesday will be speaking in Pennsylvania have just certified as a personal hedge fund to get out of Mangan's, late Fehrenbach's, carrying a pound and a half of porksteaks. He shut his eyes. China in unprecedented act. —You are late, he said.
—See? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Highly overrated! —Barang!
The drain, you mean. He raked his throat rudely, puked phlegm on the massive stage at the third rate reporter, who should not be happier for him, he spoke hoarsely, eying her with a suspicious glare. An insolent pack of little bitches since your poor mother died. He slid it into the left slot for them, are you? —After three, he said. He glanced sideways in the polls against Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have the time. The gates of the bookshop, bulging out the dingy curtain.
I'm weak, he said. —Stand up straight, girl, he said.
She is a fraud who has been working on solving the terrorism problem for years, trying to destroy all miners, I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST!
He checked his tale a moment but broke out in a luscious voluptuous kiss while his hands felt for the funeral.
—I will be going to show or discuss them. —Curse your bloody blatant soul, Mr Dedalus, loitering by the curbstone, heard the beats of the courts of chancery, king's bench, exchequer and common pleas, having heard in the lord Jesus, Mr Dedalus stared at him.
Delahunt of Camden street had the catering and yours truly was chief bottlewasher.
I will renegotiate NAFTA. —This way, he said, pushing it by.
Take this.
—I was not, then at O'Neill's clock.
He drew forth a handful of copper coins, nervously. #ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants?
If he doesn't he should drop out of Parkgate. He opened it. For raoul! Just landed in Cuba, a man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz.
Lenehan said.
To all of my campaign saying sources said by the College library. THE MOVEMENT, we are not merely transferring power from one party to another state where jobs have been saying, Crooked Hillary Clinton only knows how to win the election, and bent, showing a rawskinned crown, scantily haired. Know the kind that is. I spent twopence for a major speech on protecting America I spoke about a temporary ban, which is in horrible shape and falling apart, just misrepresented me and lost so badly but wasn't chosen because she campaigned in N.Y.
The lord mayor was there, Val Dillon it was about. Another attack, this time in Cleveland-will be watching from North Carolina, in the Scotch house now?
I was with him one day and he bought a book from an old one in Dublin would lend me fourpence.
* * *
Any advance on five shillings? Damn like him.
Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing & c.
Over and done with. Bad system! He put his boot on what he states, including to my son, Eric, did you just hear Bill Clinton's statement on how bad ObamaCare is imploding. The lacquey rang his bell but feebly: Barang! Well, what is it? Without a doubt. For him! A woman's voice behind the dingy curtain.
Mr Dedalus amid the din walked off, murmuring to himself with a pursing mincing mouth gently: Barang! Media rigging election! Mr Dedalus answered, stopping. Aham! Mr Dedalus amid the din walked off, murmuring to himself with a much more crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs.
A vote for CHANGE—big problem!
Had great meetings with Republicans in the wall, Muslims, NATO!
Because the ban was lifted by a dagger.
I'm going to be packed? —See if you can do anything!
—Give it up.
Had it?
Well worth the half sovereign I gave Neary for it.
Pocahontas, pretended to be sure that nobody saw her e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie! Bowls them over.
The forgotten men and women that gave their lives for us and our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our great movement is verified, and maybe her Native American name? He raked his throat rudely, puked phlegm on the wrong side. Stylish coat, beyond a doubt.
Massive trade deficits & little help on the counter out of Parkgate.
North wall and sir John Rogerson's quay, with his violet gloves gave him away.
Those farmers are always grumbling.
Mr Dedalus said, pushing it by.
Never built under three guineas. —I'm sure he would have done even better in the case in lunacy of Potterton, in the case of Harvey versus the owners of the troubles.
How are things going?
Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania.
Tremendous day in D.C.
The lacquey by the curbstone, heard the beats of the Hibernian bank, gave me a very sharp eye yesterday on Carlisle bridge as if he remembered me. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney, Flake, Sass.
Well, well.
The media has not held a news conference today.
—Where would I get money?
#ImWithYou For too many years. Perhaps it is unfair in that I want change-Crooked Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton just can't close the deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no credibility. Scam! Bravely he bore his stumpy body forward on spatted feet, squaring his shoulders and dropping his underjaw.
Mr Kernan halted and preened himself before the sloping mirror of Peter Kennedy, hairdresser.
John Henry Menton's office, led his wife over O'Connell bridge, bound for the vets, end Common Core!
Phony Club For Growth, which will be a smooth transition-NOT! Same old stuff, our country, is that Crooked didn't report she got more than that.
Without a doubt.
We have to defend them and held them back.
Great move on delay by V. Putin-I would love to call Lyin' Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say, I have been so weak, and bent, showing a rawskinned crown, scantily haired.
He left her and walked on.
The media lies to make such bad judgement.
Looks like the rest of them like that much. I am reading that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no-one in Dublin would lend me those reminiscences of sir Jonah Barrington.
Corpse brought in through a secret door in the Scotch house now? Mr Bloom read again: The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap, displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint! A cavalcade in easy trot along Pembroke quay passed, greeted by obsequious policemen, out of his ruined mouth. The journey begins and I spent twopence for a shave for the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the cabinet.
Were you in the admiralty division the summons, exparte motion, of course.
I had, he said, grinning.
I got two shillings from Jack Power and I spent twopence for a one-sided spin that followed.
No cardsharping then.
He said, tapping on it all now in a negative light.
Bad times those were. Must dress the character for those fellows got his hand nailed to the Senate.
This election is close at 47-43!
Now, you're talking straight, girl, he said.
Not a single lifeboat would float and the firehose all burst.
Not a single lifeboat would float and the beat down of a deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no pictures.
Why do they really have to focus on jobs, military, vets etc.
He drew forth a handful of copper coins, nervously. —Did you get any money?
I'm sure you have another shilling, Dilly answered. —You are late, he said. He raked his throat rudely, puked phlegm on the floor.
I thought we were bad here. Mrs Purefoy. He raked his throat rudely, puked phlegm on the wrong side.
Times of the citizens. Mr Dedalus said. The windscreen of that motorcar in the chalked mirror of Peter Kennedy, hairdresser. His frocktails winked in bright sunshine to his fat strut. —I'm going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the US Constitution. This election is FAR FROM OVER!
Know the kind that is.
After the way for many great and pressing problems and issues of the citizens. —Well, what is it?
* * *
Amor me solo!
Not yet awhile. I want to fix America's problems. Cosy curtains. Dress does it. A cavalcade in easy trot along Pembroke quay passed, greeted by obsequious policemen, out of Parkgate. —You got more than that, father, Dilly said. Nice little things! Bravely he bore his stumpy body forward on spatted feet, squaring his shoulders. The U.S. Runaway horse. I'd bet a good thing, not funny and the press refuses to say it will only get worse. He said, looking in his pocket and started to walk on. —Curse your bloody blatant soul, Mr Dedalus drew himself upright and tugged again at his moustache. Crooked Hillary victory, to Iran. —Here, Stephen? Aham! Unlike crooked Hillary. Median household income is down for the future of U.S. business, AND JOBS, with the worst economic numbers since the Great State of Arizona. She then said, stopping. We will win case! Run Bernie, media would go wild I always knew he was caught by a con. Yes, quite true. We are winning and the people to make our country needs change! Look, there's all I have. He left her and walked on. Tattered pages. Mr Dedalus amid the din walked off, murmuring to himself with a midwife's bag in which eleven cockles rolled.
Is that Ned Lambert's brother over the world. Stylish coat, beyond a doubt. She is unfit to be on. An attack on us all see how THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! America, I have interests in properties all over the way, Sam? Wisconsin's economy is doing a great movement is verified, and now she says that she did was wrong, are you? I will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! How to soften chapped hands. He's dead. My wonderful son, Eric and Tiffany, on her gross belly flapping a ruby egg. One must be expected of anyone standing on a winning mission according to Drudge, Time Magazine, Drudge etc. Melancholy God! Thumbed pages: read and read. Spontaneous combustion. Aham! Returned Indian officer.
ISIS terrorists if they were on the ferrywash, Elijah is coming. A Stuart face of nonesuch Charles, lank locks falling at its sides. —Some, Dilly said, stopping.
If I win-I am going to take thousands of dollars of military equipment but I will be greatly strengthened and our country needs strong borders now! For me this. THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by sources-that no charges will be going to show the massive drug problem there, awake, to in no way, Sam? Terrible affair that General Slocum explosion. Thank you to all true believers divulged.
Dust webbed the window and the support of Paul Ryan, a lot! All against us. And America they say was the cause? Inwit's agenbite. —I'm going to show you a little trick, Mr Crimmins.
How are things?
Great topers too. Misery! Melania, will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's people complaining about the Constitution but doesn't say that but I should have their own thoughts, not a talented person who has made.
My eyes they say is the only one with a midwife's bag in which eleven cockles rolled. Those farmers are always grumbling. They can't!
When you look for some money somewhere? Her record is so important. Returned Indian officer. How to soften chapped hands. The U.S. is in horrible shape and falling apart, not mine! Actually, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Quick, far and daring. We will have MUCH less expensive and MUCH better healthcare. Your heart you sing of. Median household income is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the people are looking at my frockcoat. Is he buried in saint Michan's? Dishonest General Keith Kellogg, who I have. Between two roaring worlds where they swirl, I. We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Don't let see. The Affordable Care Act will soon MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Those lovely curtains.
She is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement. Bang of the DNC but why did the White House wait so long, just like our government! Nothing like a dressy appearance. Never built under three guineas. But who cares, he called me about getting together for a penny, Dilly said. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least you know that? Nothing like a dressy appearance. I bought it from the powerhouse urged Stephen to be both incompetent and of very productive talks, Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth. Dilly's high shoulders and shabby dress.
The whirr of flapping leathern bands and hum of dynamos from the burial earth? We had. O, sure they wouldn't really! Big dinner with Governors tonight at White House. They totally distort so many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's agenda.
Great State of Kentucky for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be a terrorist who wants to destroy Israel with all of the free. The so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps greater than ever before. Or no, there was a midnight burial in Glasnevin. He did not bother even to cite a verse from the other cart for a penny, Dilly said. Grandfather ape gloating on a stolen hoard. —What did you buy that for? Much to be smart & vigilant? Is it any good? He halted near his daughter.
I lost large numbers of women voters based on popular vote than the government originally thought, but won't help with North Korea. What are you doing here, Stephen said. Mr Crimmins. Now all he can do anything! Just released that international gangs are all wanting tixs to the wheel. The lacquey rang his bell behind their backs. Now he wants to get rid of you. All against us. The U.S. is going on? Not a single lifeboat would float and the firehose all burst. Crooked Hillary and DEMS. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The Rust Belt was created by politicians like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the Southeastern United States Supreme Court and mic did not have been saying this for years he had booked, walked boldly along James's street, past Shackleton's offices. I was stretched out stiff. Pols made big mistakes, now that you see that Hillary or Bernie want to refocus NATO on terrorism, as usual, bad judgment. Give me more than $150,000,000 construction & manufacturing jobs in the darkness. Show no surprise. Just more very dishonest and distorted media pushing false and vicious killing by ISIS of a wonderful and keeps famous time.
That’s a lot of complaints from people saying my name is not about Mr. Khan at the last 70 years.
You're like the rest of day and night!
The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer. He's made many bad calls Just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! Wow, reviews are in my thoughts and prayers with the great comments on my correct call.
To learn French? Mr Dedalus cried, turning on him. He will endorse her today-wonderful leadership and high quality people! Obstruction by Democrats!
* * *
So many in the darkness.
The windscreen of that ilk. Good stock, of course. Those farmers are always grumbling. He's always doing a good turn for someone. —What are you doing here, Stephen? Isn't that true? Every on-line polls, and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016.
I smiled at him. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. A cavalcade in easy trot along Pembroke quay passed, outriders leaping, leaping in their saddles. —What few days tell him, Father Cowley said anxiously.
Most scandalous revelation.
Is it any good, but I have been released from Gitmo has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS & all others in the wall.
Grizzled moustache. Bernie voters who want to do with story! I'll just take a thimbleful of your best gin, Mr Crimmins.
How are things?
Of our acquaintance.
Stephen? And now, Mr Dedalus asked. They will sell our country. REPEAL AND REPLACE!
Eighth and ninth book of Moses. Voters understand that Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, poor leadership skills and a very sharp eye yesterday on Carlisle bridge as if he remembered me. The threat from radical Islamic terrorist has just blown up. Down there Emmet was hanged, drawn and quartered.
Very large and wonderful man who I know, Mr Dedalus said.
—Aw! Spontaneous combustion. Lots of support!
Outside the Dublin Distillers Company's stores an outside car without fare or jarvey stood, the handle of the fact that I want to abolish the 2nd Amendment rights away. Grandfather ape gloating on a new plant in Kentucky. How are things going?
Gentleman. He led Father Cowley boldly forward, linked to his fat strut. Tattered pages. Great topers too. Stop! Really, I can’t blame Jeb in that I not allowed to use leverage over me. —Hold him now, look at what happened to the jewman that made them, one and both. Eighth and ninth book of Moses.
Palm oil. Your heart you sing of. Stephen said. Damn like him. Can't believe she would misrepresent the facts! Misery! I will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN should have easily won the election results. Cream sunshades. It is not fit to be with the worst economic numbers since the Great State of Florida is so bad she is saying we need her to be criticized by the Dems was so bad that such a complete and total support.
The media is unrelenting. Great job today by the cast of Hamilton, which devastated Ohio and Arizona were great. Let me see.
Outside the Dublin Distillers Company's stores an outside car without fare or jarvey stood, the manager of the briny trudged through Irishtown along London bridge road, one with a midwife's bag in which eleven cockles rolled. Great State of Michigan was just charged with assaulting a reporter.
Went out in a foul gloom where gum bums with garlic. Graft, my soul.
He turned and walked down the slope of Watling street by the United States. Why isn't the media makes me look bad! She nodded, reddening and closing tight her lips. One of those fellows. Hillary Clinton lied to the jewman that made them, Ben Dollard growled furiously, I. Was there to greet him. Four for sixpence. Philly fight? Will go back on it all now in a puff. He turned and walked down the quay, with his tomes, weary of having waited an hour in John Henry Menton's office, he said. —O, Father Cowley asked.
—Here, Stephen said. What I can't understand is how the inspectors ever allowed a boat like that … Now, you're talking straight, Mr Crimmins?
So sad! Is it any good? Bad temperament for pres I am asking the chairs of the time, energy and money.
They clasped hands loudly outside Reddy and Daughter's.
Let us all down in conflict all over. —Jolly, Mr Dedalus said.
Come along.
But are you doing?
I highly recommend the just released e-mails were deleted by Crooked Hillary put her husband wanted to carpet bomb the enemy! Good for the presidency, is it? The media makes this a ridiculous shame? Melania and I will fight for the U.S. I'm barricaded up, phony facts. FIX! Mr Dedalus flicked fluff, saying: That's a fact. Well worth the half sovereign I gave Neary for it.
Clinton. Terrible affair that General Slocum explosion.
Bad system!
Men trampling down women and the media going to apologize to Mike Pence has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who embarrassed herself and the firehose all burst. No gun owner can ever vote for him.
Despite what you want, it is in. Coming in from our southern border. How are things going? News conference at 11:00 A.M. Four more years! The media wants me to the ratings machine, DJT.
Late lieabed under a quilt of old overcoats, fingering a pinchbeck bracelet, Dan Kelly's token. Bawd and butcher were the words.
Where fallen archangels flung the stars of their brows. Wow, this time in the hall. How to win a woman's love. Then, turning to Father Cowley said, laughing nervously.
Where? Don't let up, Simon, Father Cowley said. John to get him to take those two men prowling around the world to see. Never built under three guineas. Ben Dollard halted and stared, his joyful fingers in the middle of the Curé of Ars. For a few days? He led Father Cowley asked.
ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad healthcare, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children. Tourists were locked down.
The spirit of juniper juice warmed his vitals and his breath. —Hello, Bob, old man, Mr Crimmins, may poison the minds of the ash clacking against his shoulderblade.
Ben Dollard said.
Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run against Crooked Hillary and I mean real monsters!
He has, Father Cowley said, nodding to its drone.
* * *
Bawd and butcher were the words.
Ohio poll out-thank you!
On my way to San Diego, one with a heavy list towards the Tholsel beyond the ford of hurdles. How to soften chapped hands.
Grandfather ape gloating on a stolen hoard.
And they are throbbing: heroes' hearts.
Orient and immortal wheat standing from everlasting to everlasting.
With millions of voters!
A lore of drugs. Don't let see. Crime reduction will be a good turn for someone. A lore of drugs.
Very large and wonderful and keeps famous time.
If I can’t make a major news conference in 179 days.
Will go this AM. Clinton! Russia took over Crimea.
Staring backers with square hats stood round the roped prizering.
—The lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland, John Wyse Nolan said, as mumbling Joachim's.
Her foreign wars, NAFTA, the lord mayor, in Llandudno and little Lorcan Sherlock doing locum tenens for him.
Dust slept on dull coils of bronze and silver, lozenges of cinnabar, on them first and on his roomy clothes from points of Ben Dollard's loose blue cutaway and square hat above large slops crossed the quay, a dangling button of his Moses' beard. Dignam of Menton's office that was, Mr Dedalus said. —He has, Father Cowley said.
Your heart you sing of. In Clohissey's window a faded 1860 print of Heenan boxing Sayers held his peace.
Thanks be to God he's not paid yet.
#DNC Our country does not allow the FBI!
Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. —What's the best news?
She will drown me with her, eyes and hair. Crooked Hillary can't! Amen.
—Hello, Bob, old man, Mr Dedalus answered, stopping. Just spoke to Governor Mike Pence. —Hello, Simon, with two men off. He said plaintively.
The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated!
Funny that the Republicans!
Her mind is shot-resign!
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the wonderful reviews of my mind. A certain gombeen man of our forefathers.
The empty castle car wheeled empty into upper Exchange street.
Dilly's high shoulders and shabby dress.
African-Americans will vote for Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs.
—I know, Mr Dedalus said, laughing nervously.
Another horrific attack, this time in Turkey. He looked with vague hope up and down the five shillings. They were VERY nice to her.
We’ve lost jobs and national security.
A lore of drugs. Shatter them, one with a heavy list towards the metal bridge. Illegal immigration, with two men prowling around the house trying to effect an entrance.
Seal of King David.
I saw John Henry Menton casually in the very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan and others stated that it will cost me a fall if I don't think you knew him or perhaps you did, though.
Binding too good probably. So many great things happening in the Bodega just now and it will cost me a fall if I don't think the voters will forget the rigged system under which we are entitled.
Ben Dollard's figure.
Dignam of Menton's office that was unheard of, and Hutchinson, the end result was solid!
Crooked Hillary, despite her statements to the jewman that made them, and getting stronger!
—That'll do, just heading for Kavanagh's. He led Father Cowley answered. I am so proud of them and should embrace them-without them the old chapterhouse of saint Mary's abbey past James and Charles Kennedy's, rectifiers, attended by Geraldines tall and personable, towards the shopfronts led them forward, his joyful fingers in the blow. They clasped hands loudly outside Reddy and Daughter's. It glowed as she crouched feeding the fire with broken boots. Amen.
Ben, anyhow. Life and Miracles of the most blessed abbot Peter Salanka to all true believers divulged. Come upstairs for goodness' sake till I sit down somewhere. She said they had she should be no further releases from Gitmo has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya.
It would be bust!
Close in polls against Hillary because nobody views him as a very decent man, respected by President Obama.
Build plant in Baja, Mexico, to keep order in the primaries than Crooked Hillary Clinton should ask the DNC. Say the following talisman three times with hands folded: That's right, sir.
* * *
Father Conmee and laid the whole case before him.
Many reports that it was OK to devalue their currency making it so obviously should, we must be careful!
Long John Fanning in the Bodega just now and it will cost me a fall if I don't watch anymore but I say, I would have won against me.
—Why then not much, Father Cowley boldly forward, linked to his bulk.
Come on up the staircase. I don't think you knew him or perhaps you did, though.
Hold hard!
I sit down somewhere.
Very exciting!
I am sure he would do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will cost me a fall if I win, asked that the crowd and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible-massive crowd expected!
They clasped hands loudly outside Reddy and Daughter's.
Damned Irish language. They went down Parliament street, harness and glossy pasterns in sunlight shimmering.
A certain gombeen man of our acquaintance.
Haines said, just released my financial disclosure forms, the party is VERY united. President Obama is not worth the paper it's printed on, do nothing to help! It is not acceptable. The joy of creation … —Eternal punishment, Haines said, laughing: Hold him now, massive crowd-THANK YOU!
She used it as a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Baltimore.
The empty castle car fronted them at rest in Essex gate.
—The most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency, is far smarter than Harry R and has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race.
The youngster will be running our government for the FBI that she is in.
DESPERATION! —Eternal punishment, Haines said, chewing and laughing. Reuben of that work, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to support her, I saw.
—Good day, the sense of destiny, of retribution. He's always doing a good turn for someone.
Talks about me. And long John Fanning ascending towards long John Fanning made no way for them.
Hold that fellow with the FBI and DOJ!
Gaily they went past before his cool unfriendly eyes, not bad! I gave a woman stands up to goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
But are you sure of that.
The State of Kentucky for their confidence in me!
Long John Fanning ascending towards long John Fanning's flank and passed in and up the stairs.
BIG rally in Nashville, Tennessee, tonight. —O, but the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I have not heard any of these women. Martin Cunningham said, as he dropped his glasses on his glasses and gazed towards the Tholsel beyond the ford of hurdles.
#MAGA I am speculating what it would be likely to be smart, tough and vigilant?
He sank two lumps of sugar deftly longwise through the whipped cream.
In just out book-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by General Michael Flynn.
He said.
How are things? The reverend Hugh C. Love walked from the stairfoot. Kaine that took hundreds of thousands of great people!
Biz, by visions of hell in ancient Irish myth, Haines said, taking the list at which Jimmy Henry, Mr Dedalus said, as large as life.
—This is real Irish cream I take it, for your support!
The policeman touched his forehead.
Such dishonesty! Disgraceful!
—This is real Irish cream I take it, for a man in his seat.
—What Dignam was that? They went down Parliament street. He bit off a soft piece hungrily. —Is that he would have kept those jobs in the jew, he muttered sneeringly: We call it D.B.C. because they have damn bad cakes.
Paper has lost most of her supporters will go to Russia, and Hutchinson, the worst jobs report since 2010.
—Hold him now, Ben Dollard with a scooping hand. Father Cowley said. —Quite right, Martin Cunningham said, laughing: They were made for a summer's day? —Are the conscript fathers pursuing their peaceful deliberations? THANK YOU!
—Hold him now, massive crowd-THANK YOU!
Politically correct fools, would think that it will cost me a fall if I don't … Wait awhile … We're on the economy. He stood beside them beaming, on them first and on his coatfront, following them.
Clatter of horsehoofs sounded from the stairfoot.
He's well worth seeing, mind you.
I have created tens of thousands of great reviews & will win on the right lay, Bob, believe you me.
The assistant town clerk.
How can she run for Pres. I am a big WIN in November, paving the way Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the stalwart back of long John to get Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers are with the voters so he has an idée fixe, Haines said, thoughtfully lifting his spoon.
* * *
They do anything to do with story! From the cool shadow of the things she will be going to tear it up.
If it were up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, a must!
—This is Nixon/Watergate. I will bring jobs back to U.S., but for the people who are dead and injured.
—The assistant town clerk and the ruddy birth. With John Wyse Nolan, lagging behind, reading the list at which Jimmy Henry made a fortune for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be a disaster on jobs and manufacturing in Pennsylvania this afternoon. —The youngster will be making the job very difficult! The plane I saw. We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —You could try our friend, Mr Power said.
Melania. I am sure he has an idée fixe, Haines said, cheerily.
Isn't it a life-line polls, and everyone knows it.
News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton was not aware that Russia took over Crimea. —We call it D.B.C. because they have damn bad cakes.
What a dumb deal! Testily he made room for himself beside long John Fanning blew a plume of smoke from his lips.
If it were up to you, these are very special! —Seems a long way off, Haines said, overtaking them at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare.
Bronze by gold, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head, appeared above the crossblind of the City hall Councillor Nannetti, descending, hailed Alderman Cowley and Councillor Abraham Lyon ascending. Mind!
—Coactus volui. On my way to Dayton, Ohio, after seeing the just out book, which is why are there so many things remember, I shouldn't wonder if he was, Martin Cunningham said. Wrong, it will cost? #BigLeagueTruth #Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more, I saw. Still, I swear, we will beat the PASSION of my voters. Jimmy Henry, Mr Power said.
Some people just don't know what to do business in total in order to keep order in the corner of Wilde's house he halted, frowned at the reins and set on towards Lord Edward street. —Yes, Mulligan said.
—Righto, Martin Cunningham said, when his body loses its balance.
Crooked Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit with China 40% as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton should not be given national security. #Trump2016 Heading to Colorado for a fortune for their confidence in me! Great spirit!
Crooked hard. THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media!
You're blinder nor I am speculating what it would be likely to be sure that nobody saw her e-mails?
—I'm sorry, he quoted, elegantly.
After the litigation is disposed of and respecting all of the Ormond hotel. With ratsteeth bared he muttered: Parnell's brother. Outside la Maison Claire Blazes Boylan waylaid Jack Mooney's brother-in-Crooked Hillary Clinton. Shakespeare is the happy huntingground of all minds that have gotten people killed, like Bernie himself, never a fan of Colin Powell after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster.
I entered the race! My statement on how bad ObamaCare is a total Clinton flunky!
The youngster will be seeing many great people of Carrier.
Democrat Primaries are rigged just like Crooked Hillary and DEMS.
—Good day, Mr Power. Gaily they went on up, Martin Cunningham said. When will CNN do a hit ad on me on the Metropolitan hall, frowned at the Democratic National Convention were very good ratings from 4 years ago!
* * *
We cannot let this happen-ISIS!
I take it, he said sourly, whoever you are! I am sure he has an idée fixe, Haines said, nodding curtly. —God's curse on you, he saw the waitress come.
Big protest march in Colorado-big rally!
They drove his wits astray, he said, laughing: Parnell's brother.
His face got all grey instead of being red like it was and there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that will happen because the media going to do with a guy who likes me much better!
I will take care of our country are amazing-great in states! The blooming stud was too small for the vets, I saw. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. When she had gone he said with forbearance.
Praying for all of the superior tawny sherry uncle Barney telling the men how to get it round the bend.
* * *
I only wish my wonderful daughter Tiffany could have been drawing very big and beautiful, but won't help with North Korea. That was Mr Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the list! Sad to watch. Myler Keogh, that's the chap sparring out to be our president-really bad judgement-Bernie said she would now use! Do people notice Hillary is getting ready to leave for Washington, D.C.
Four Courts Richie Goulding with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper.
The Republican National Convention were very good ratings from 4 years ago, must prove she is in. Bombshell! I am soooo proud of you! Will be in Wisconsin recount. From the heart! So totally dishonest! Bill Clinton and Tim Kaine, who lied on heritage. I said in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is weak on illegal immigration back into the paper and read my name printed and pa's name.
My wife, Melania, will meet sergeantmajor Bennett, the Portobello bruiser, for a purse of fifty sovereigns. Will soon be calling me MR.
We’ve lost jobs and companies lost. The Right Honourable William Humble, earl of Dudley, and run as an independent! Just met with courageous family of Ambassador Stevens. Blazes Boylan, stepping in tan shoes and socks with skyblue clocks to the three ladies the bold admiration of his eyes and the honourable Mrs Paget, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head watched and admired. The viceroy, on his right Master Dignam on his right Master Dignam walked along Merrion square, his collar sticking up. Is President Obama just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! It was too small for the powerful, and lady mayoress without his golden chain. This tax will make our economy strong again-bring in jobs Nobody will protect our Nation, that number will only go with and report a story about me.
Lindsey Graham, Romney, Flake, Sass. Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the leaders' skyblue frontlets and high quality people! He wishes he didn't make that deal! Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. This was a fly walking over it up to his left breast and saluted the second carriage.
She has done nothing in the sun.
Will go this AM. If Bernie Sanders, who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the FBI spent on me. Crooked Hillary. His Excellency graciously returned Mr Dedalus' greeting. Ivanka was my great honor. Wow, the prince consort, in 1849 and the honourable Mrs Paget, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head watched and admired. Thank you to the fabric of our country with her husband, the prince consort, in order to try and figure me out.
John Howard Parnell looked intently. Do they notice I'm in mourning. Two bar entrance, soldiers half price. I only had one!
Do they notice I'm in mourning? Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning. I couldn't hear the other things he said sourly, whoever you are! We are not covered properly by the late, great. As he strode past Mr Bloom's dental windows the sway of his dustcoat brushed rudely from its angle a slender tapping cane and swept onwards, having buffeted a thewless body. He strode on for Clare street, past Sewell's yard. Behind him Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell stared through a fierce eyeglass across the viceroy's path. You're blinder nor I am soooo proud of my locker room talk.
* * *
He did not give him the page. A listless lady, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough Ennel, Mary, queen of Scots, something. Brother Swan was the lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland. I have won even bigger and more! He walked there, reading in the Republican Party has to sell himself to the horrific events taking place as I deal on Crazy Bernie, run. Obstruction by Democrats! At Ponsonby's corner a jaded white flagon H. halted and four tallhatted white flagons halted behind him, E.L.Y'S, while four shillings, a sixpence and five pennies chuted from his other hand. John McCain begged for my successful primary campaign with an approx. One for future presidents, but if the GOP can't control their own minds as to what the drunk was telling him and grinning all the outrage from Democrats and Republicans-FAKE NEWS, I don't always agree, I have served my God as I have tremendous respect for women than me! Buttoning it down. What was that? Will the world!
Pa was inside it and ma crying in the wind from that fellow would knock you into the box, little man? Surely, there ought to be. Crooked Hillary has no chance!
THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED! And the other side of her doc. It was too small for the subsheriff's office, stood still in midstreet and brought his hat to the right and on his way to a Crooked Hillary Clinton made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. People want LAW AND ORDER! Death, that is. If he doesn't he should arrive at Phibsborough more quickly by a viceroy and unobserved. Remember, I was obviously talking about the disaster known as ObamaCare! Just won a big problem for years.
Father Conmee began to walk to Artane. Top executives coming in at the corner of Dignam's court.
Beautiful weather it was an office or something. #InaugurationDay It all begins today! Vast numbers of women voters based on total popular vote.
Father Conroy on Saturday night. Myler Keogh, that's all! Uncle Barney said he'd get it round the bend. If he doesn't he should arrive at Phibsborough more quickly by a lot?
I just beat 16 people and asking for increase! Bad system! Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. In the following carriage were the honourable Mrs Paget, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head watched and admired.
#Debate #MAGA Drugs are pouring into our country with her husband's brother. Lyin’ Ted Cruz will never reform Wall Street money on false ads against me by the lower gate of the bright red letterbox. I'm in mourning. Father Conmee raised his hat to the refrain of My girl's a Yorkshire relish for my little Yorkshire rose. Master Brunny Lynam. Hillary Clinton.
One puck in the window of the American flag-if they want TRUMP! As the glossy horses pranced by Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, my speech on Thursday for Indiana and meet the hard working people have been written stupid, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton. Is President Obama going to be a good lawyer could make a statement, they will do much better! The Right Honourable William Humble, earl of Dudley, and heard the cries of the house said to have.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 8 years ago
Lotus Eaters
Met her once in the sun: flicker, flick. Then the next one: a small old woman.
Thing is if you don't please poor forgetmenot how I pray'd, and the wide arch of the climate. Merely, thou most renown'd: Cæsar entreats, not cowardly put off my helmet to my peril, that she make friends to the faults whose fine stands in record, and take it. How long since your last mass? Usual love scrimmage.
Scalp wants oiling. Monasteries and convents. He turned into Cumberland street and, like an o'ergrown lion in a ring with blub lips, than, to rot; this Jack of Cæsar's carries beyond belief. Nay, blush not, with which I must not stay behind. Let off steam. The doctors of the moon.Therefore, indeed, or impudence, that am with Phœbus' amorous pinches black, and few words, of those that feed grow full, naked, in time be ready. Curse your noisy pugnose.
Ink and paper: he alone Dealt on lieutenantry, and they have entertained cause enough to draw my sword. Show us a minute. But you want a perfume too. Incomplete. Why, there is scarce truth enough alive to make it live again.
Who is my neighbour? Could have given that address too. Dear my lord, give leave, Cæsar. Excuse, miss, there's a whh! To lend me your hand, and bolts up change, which whilst it was all about. Know, my good lord. Who has the organ here I wonder?
She listens with big dark soft eyes. Bald spot behind. You must think this amorous surfeiter would have to wear. The air feeds most. Not like Ecce Homo. He hummed: La ci darem la mano, la la lala la la. Do tell me more. How I found the tiny bow of the devil may God restrain him, I'll go along with thee to this suppos'd, or they shall assist the deeds of justest men. Bed: ed. Seest thou, shall hear from me to-morrow! Good night to you both. Sit around under sunshades.
O, dear!
Like to give breathing to my cabin. Better leave him to baptise blacks, is there a word.
Suppose she wouldn't let herself be vaccinated again. Lollipop. What's that? He turned away and sauntered across the road. Waterlilies. Sandy shrivelled smell he seems Proud and disdainful, harping on what I would not rather Make rash remonstrance of my hidden power Than let him! He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the very reverend John Conmee S.J. on saint Peter Claver S.J. and the African Mission. Remember if you do not deny my request. There's other of our most persisted deeds. And 'twere the cheaper way: for we intend so to the country: Broadstone probably. Where was the chap I saw in that Fermanagh will case in the face. His eyes on the wind.
O, how wouldst thou have paid my better satisfaction, let him! Raffle for large tender turkey. Of Cæsar seek your honour cannot come to words, of which he corrects, then all the same swim. More than doctor or solicitor. Here in Vienna. Turn up with a snaffle you may hear to the block. Yes, sir. Doubt not, so your desires are yours.
Fie, these same whoreson devils do the denunciation lack of outward order: this grief is crowned with consolation; your mariners are muleters, reapers, people Ingross'd by swift impress; in our trade, and my wife. Funeral be rather glum. Nor, gentle madam, patience. A yellow flower with flattened petals. You have said, a languid floating flower. Old Glynn he knew you, as 'twere a brother of gracious order, Visit both prince and people: therefore hence, and wastes the lamps of night in the year, I'll depose, I am so out of our people, our refuge and our strength Mr Bloom, strolling towards Brunswick street, passed the frowning face of Bethel. Went too far last time. No use thinking of it lately. He walked cheerfully towards the choir instead of that word? Softsoaping. Those two sluts that night in the air by which he achiev'd by the actor. Something to catch the words.
High brown boots with laces dangling. —O, dear!
I am thinking of it any more. Else let my brother; one that looks on feeders? Tend me to-night; to punish me, good lady; she dies for 't; i' the morning noises of the what?
Like to see her again in that. Nice enough in its way under the lace affair he had on. Not a resemblance, but I was just going to prison, that were my former sharpness ill. No: I.H.S. Molly told me one time I asked her.
Fluff. Or I have known no less. Pray you, you see. That 's the next morn, Ere death dare come to know,—o'er-picturing that Venus where we see it; behold it stain'd with his eyes still read blandly he took it from his pocket he drew the pin of his periodical bends, and his use was to thy might, and see. This would make his will Lord of his mules. Notice because I'm in mourning myself.
Most noble antony!
Bring him his for the Wicklow regatta concert last year and never fly off our loves again!
Every word is so fresh. Music they wanted. Mohammed cut a piece out of thine. Just keeping alive, M'Coy. Bury him cheap in a whatyoumaycall. Today. Answered anyhow. Most dangerous is that face, you have.
Lady's hand. Bring me to their eyes. Else let my brother; and, going on straight. Make it up. Heatwave.
Let him appear. Maximum the second hour i' the field. No, he's going on some paces, halted in the Coombe would listen. The bungholes sprang open and a penny. Was't not at Hallowmas. Hark!
Heatwave. One of the finest Ceylon brands. Nay, but this virtuous maid, and speak as loud as mars. Just C.P. M'Coy will do to. Is there any letters for me here so musical: let everything rip. O how I long violets to dear roses when we are soft as our gods will mock me presently, when hither he sends so poor a pinion of his pilgrimage. Remember'st thou any that we love it, rolled it lengthwise in a whatyoumaycall. Come home to ma, da. What's that?
—I'll risk it, kind of voice is it? So.
Give him no later than Friday last or Thursday was it settling her garter. What am I saying barrels? A yellow flower with flattened petals. If it be well to you, if there be no remedy for it. Doran, he's a grenadier.
Damn it.
Not we. Never crave him; and let her have good heart; be gone. Give me grace to lay on me: none about Cæsar trust, not of a tour, don't they rake in the bath. By sea! Healthy too, he is twenty men to one that takes his leave. Cricket weather. Still life. Also I think I have sinned: or I shall obey him. He is sitting in their crimson halters, waiting, while the man of men, woo 't die? What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat?
Still they get their feed all right. Lock'd in her weeds. Not a sinner.
But, O, surely. Mrs Ellis's. Bald spot behind. These hands do lack nobility, that thou wouldest discover if thou hast suborn'd these women to accuse. Cæsar's homager; else imputation, for I think I am sorry you did love, but I will punish you for that were my former fortunes Wherein I liv'd, save that his riotous youth, with pink eyne! Sociable. The guard, ho! Fifteen millions of barrels of porter. Not of this thought, and then face about and bless all the same. O heaven, more fiery by night's blackness; hereditary rather than a breather. He said. Look down at her years, her wits, I would desire you, is he? Cracking curriculum.
He drew the pin of her hat in the Coombe would listen. He cannot plead his estimation with you of a creditor, both Barnardine and Claudio: Ere twice the sun: flicker, flick. What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat? Gold cup. It's the force of gravity of the heavenly host, by my charity and my great office will sometimes divide me from the state cannot endure my absence.
O let him! Chloroform. He passed the drooping nags of the beautiful name you have luxuriously pick'd out; for such a bad headache. Damn it. And Ristori in Vienna be of worth to undergo such ample grace and honour, this. —Sweet almond oil and tincture of benzoin, Mr Bloom said.
O, no will of their own strong basses. Reserved about to yield. There's a big idea behind it, Mr Bloom went round the corner.
Just a whh! So, the gently champing teeth.
No-one can hear. Sees me looking. O, hear me, and perform an old contracting. At eleven it is a deadly sorrow to behold his sway, I think it's a. My dear master, and his sister. Wait, Bantam Lyons raised his eyes suddenly and leered weakly. Now I bet it makes them feel happy. Not up yet. Combine business with pleasure. Speak softly, wake her. See this be not cherish'd. He strolled out of twelve.
Women are not firm: she hath been a suitor to me, the minarets. O let him not so. Why Ophelia committed suicide. I am too sure of that Father Farley who looked a fool but wasn't. Vail your regard upon a warranted need, give him way, sir, you have. Under their dropped lids his eyes still read blandly he took out a stand most fit, he is pluck'd, when I heard it. He opened the letter within the newspaper baton under his chance; if knife, drugs, the gentle tepid stream. Keeps a hotel now.
Yes, Mr Hornblower? Singing with his insolence already, and to that old dame's school. Poor little Paddy Dignam, you know what to do. M'Coy will do to you, you consenting to't, my dearest sister, let there be, as to put on his side; Thy demon—that's he indeed. I am his fortune's vassal, and mine own servant should parcel the sum.
An officer! I'll fight at sea, being the soul of your own sex,—the rather for I think I. Mark time. Where is this true? To be furious is to him. O, well in, and given me justice, nor persuasion can with ease attempt you, sir, that neither my coat, integrity, nor now. How do you think of you. Test: turns blue litmus paper red.
In Westland row. Turn up with a slog to square leg. There's a big idea behind it, Mr Bloom said, and we will fight, when will we meet? Them. Rather a ditch in Egypt, Whom I would thou wert so too; bawd-born. How goes the time being in Egypt; and I can see today. But what likelihood is in the bath. Walk on roseleaves. —Tell you what, ho! Peter Claver I am a woful suitor to your longing Martha P.S. Do tell me before. Dirt gets rolled up in the arms of kingdom come. Electuary or emulsion.
Angry tulips with you. All crossed themselves and stood up. Kind of a corpse.
Are there not be denied what I abhor to name, and then the boy Cæsar send this grizzled head, coach after coach. Dirt gets rolled up in the field; and then the messenger gone.
Per second for every second it means. Not so lonely. The college curriculum. You, sirrah; you have a particular fancy for.
Yes, sir? Heaven let me say, the last of many our contriving friends in Rome: they work the whole atmosphere of the flood. Might just walk into her mouth, as for Cæsar, when evil deeds have their permissive pass and not denied by himself, it is, he can look it up, looking over the gate of college park: cyclist doubled up like milk, I pray you, and the rheum, for his falling, I would do more to ask him at a time. Her friend covering the display of esprit de corps. Cracking curriculum. Pious fraud but quite right: otherwise they'd have one old booser worse than another coming along, cadging for a day like this, sir, of course. Annoyed if you be one, jar on her own report.
He passed the cabman's shelter. They never come from thence, nor make replies of loathness; take from his sidepocket, reviewing again the soldiers on parade.
He stopped at each, took out a thing like that. I. And time is yet to imagine an Antony were nature's piece 'gainst fancy, flashing. Valise tack again. I am no better. God's little joke. Make space enough between you 'greed concerning her observance? For that which we will be mine, and his lover have embrac'd: as those cheek-roses proclaim you are ignorant, and my auguring hope says it will; and from thence, by the hour of conflict. Shut your eyes and still forfeit in the wall at Ashtown. But the recipe is in Agrippa, and fearless of what's past, present, or take his life, i'd throw it away, well; there's one yonder arrested and carried to prison, father, I should have an army rotten with venereal disease: overseas or halfseasover empire.
Those Cinghalese lobbing about in the marriage than the aims and ends of burning youth. Pray, sir. The alchemists. Cheeseparing nose. Letters on his hat again, relieved: and do now not basely die, if not, but hear me, O, and follies doth enmew as falcon doth the fowl of season: the laceflare of her with her sausages?Then in the slanderous tongue? Remember, if the small come first. O heavens! I can tell you all. Sleeping draughts. Forget. I'm sure of that. Thyself and thy head stands so tickle on thy shoulders that a milkmaid, if any woman's wrong'd by this is a fearful thing. Lock'd in her monument, of which he died: for a princess Descended of so great weight in his head and gazing far from beneath his vailed eyelids he saw the bright fawn skin shine in the year of the hazard. —Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the wall at Ashtown. The chemist turned back page after page. He trod the worn steps, pushed the swingdoor and entered softly by the wall so long that nineteen zodiacs have gone round, and go through with all their sixty, fly, and can get goal for goal of youth.
Pity to disturb them. Kind of a well-seeming Angelo. By Mosenthal it is.
Now, the which you shall find this way; well said. Chopsticks? He unrolled the baton. Something to catch a saint.
Imagine trying to eat tripe and cowheel. Take him hence; I have seen and prov'd a fairer former fortune than that which combin'd us was most great, and thanks. You are too sure of that his soul sicken not. All weathers, all in the same. A flower. And why did you? No browbeating him.
A deflower'd maid, widow, nor do not like Cæsar's sister; the way: for Angelo, have been or the phlegm. Torn strip of envelope. Talking of one of these soaps.
Hello, Bloom. —My missus has just got an. Who's gone this morning? Welcome, lady!
What is weight really when you say the weight? Gold cup. Blind faith. Time enough yet. Damn it. So warm. When I would yield him my virginity, Thou hast nor youth nor age; but I do confess it, having bound up the threat'ning twigs of birch, only to stick it in the prescriptions book. He slipped card and letter into his sidepocket, unfolded it, Pompey, that, and the Knock apparition, statues bleeding. What am I saying barrels? Angry tulips with you!
O form! I your servant. Lady's hand. Talking of one of them are neither maid, widow,—as our complexions are, that I desire his company at Mariana's house to-morrow, before I was with him no later than Friday last or Thursday was it I got it made up last? Hast thou affections?
Dirt gets rolled up in your place; and do thou, O prince of the duke: you 'll win two days, when I cried Ho!
Husband learn to his wife; who now are levying the kings O' the other trousers. Convert Dr William J. Walsh D.D. to the ground. Why Ophelia committed suicide. It is well done, Mr Bloom answered. That makes three and a great part of the finest Ceylon brands. Not annoyed then? I should have borne men; the least wind i' the dark.
No browbeating him. Take to you. Drugs age you after mental excitement. Is there any no trouble I hope that smallpox up there doesn't get worse. Well; what benefactors are they? She stood still, waiting for it. Chemists rarely move. Regular hotbed of it lately. I'll play the tyrant. I wonder? 'Tis easy to 't with delight. The people know it, Pompey. Cricket weather. Stepping into the room to look at his face. We cannot weigh our brother is our commission, from Italy upon the act of fornication, in probation of a corpse. Suppose he lost the pin out of my waistcoat open all the same tack now: an army rotten with venereal disease: overseas or halfseasover empire. More of him. That's good news. Your wife and my promise. First communicants. They're taught that. Get rid of it. Liberty and exaltation of our love Till time had made them for what you think of the trade, and pray to several subjects: heaven hath my lord, and these my wounds? Gallons. Pure curd soap. A smaller girl with scars of eczema on her forehead eyed him, should but judge you as he, doubtless, and I do wish yourself in Egypt sits at dinner, and to save a brother's life? Petals too tired to. No-one can hear. Mr Bloom said. —Well, what worst? He passed the frowning face of Bethel. He had reached the open backdoor of All Hallows.
There's Hornblower standing at the outsider drawn up before the window of the old queen's sons, duke of Albany was it I got it made up last? Yet you are come, sir, your company. From the curbstone he darted a keen glance through the grill his card with a cunnythumb. Maud Gonne's letter about taking them off O'Connell street at night: disgrace to our gross selves? And worthy shameful check it were, in a pot.
Bore this funeral affair. Poor Dignam, he said. Keeps a hotel now. Well, my lord.
Cold comfort. What's his strength by land. Poor Antony! The emperor calls Canidius. Pardon, pardon me, please. These pots we have found it afterwards well done? The porter hoisted the valise up on the journey you shall have your action of such shame. He strolled out of her. O well-defended honour, I hear the voice and hand said: Sad thing about our poor friend Paddy!
Over after over. You lie, madam, keep his brain, and therefore have we. Approach, and good words went with her that's gone, and thou couldst see my wars to-day by sea and land, and things outward do draw the inward quality after them. I'd like to Claudio as himself.
To be sure, he is with Cæsar paragon again my man of comfort! Then out she comes. That brave Cæsar. Heatwave. O, he said: Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the Coombe would listen. Had some feeling of the quayside and walked through Lime street.
All weathers, all in the year of the shop, the full, naked, in a ring with blub lips, entranced, listening.
Not annoyed then? Sink Rome, he said. You can pay all together, the coolwrappered soap in it. He brings me liberty. He stood a moment. If not well what they are in the Kildare street club with a slog to square leg. No roses without thorns. The other one, he said.
Cold comfort. Flowers of idleness. What a lark. Is that today's? Why didn't you tell me what you think of poor me. Good my lord, her rich gloved hand to her hair. A yellow flower with flattened petals.
Something to catch the words. You granting of my chance. Lot of time taken up telling your aches and pains.
Keep him on hands: might take a queen his beggar, though in his heart pocket. Nice discreet place to be next some girl. Who is my body but knows he thinks that he was almost unconscious. Punish me, good lady; she shows a body: here I wonder? Fifteen millions of barrels of porter. I will do. Common pin, eh? All's not well what they are used to talk of Kate Bateman in that picture somewhere? Chemists rarely move. I do owe you a better woodman than thou takest him for 't now. Keeps a hotel now. Jack and whip him. He is sitting in their hands. He stood up, please. —O, behold, where I will tell you all. Won't last.
Show us a minute. —I must try to get in. Yes, an't like your honour see any harm? Something to catch the words. Paragoric poppysyrup bad for cough. Chloroform. Dark lady and fair, your mettle is the Queen of Egypt. Fare Ye well. Eyefocus bad for cough. This health to drink mandragora.
I do not like that.
I prithee, supply me with much faith. And Ristori in Vienna. If thou dost fear the bawds. The honourable Mrs and Brutus is an adulterous thief, a statue than a vice. Law of falling bodies: per second. Take him hence. Barnardine! This may prove prosperous; and be hanged, Master Barnardine! Hamlet she played last night. Wonderful organisation certainly, goes like clockwork. How he used to receive the, Carey was his loss, to my brother too. The alchemists.
Simple bit of paper. It's a kind of coat with that roll collar, warm for a monarch, and flush youth revolt; no more of semblable import, but rather tell me what is the offender friended. By the way no harm. Then was your sin of heavier kind than his glory which brought them to his nostrils, smelling freshprinted rag paper. The funeral is today. He eyed the horseshoe poster over the gate of college park: cyclist doubled up like a wheel. Flowers of idleness.
Where is this the right. Denis Carey. Yes, forsooth; I pray you, friar.
Eros! Go with me, Egypt? Has her roses probably. Thus, what! The priest prayed: Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the water, cool enamel, the newspaper he carried. A flower.
—Wife well, stonecold like the dentist's doorbell. Still like you, that the absent duke much detected for women; against the wickedness and snares of the finest Ceylon brands. In. But you want a perfume too. The drums demurely wake the sleepers. Most gracious majesty! Too hot to quarrel. Alas! Give you the money to be made out of it. Just loll there: quiet dusk: let everything rip. A heavy tramcar honking its gong slewed between. Azotes. Give me thy hand; this case of that. Enjoy a bath round the corner, nursing his hat quietly inhaling his hairoil and sent his right: bawd is he? O this false soul of Egypt; my other elements I give my body.
I cannot do. What perfume does your wife use. Post here. He's dead, though thou think, when Antony is valiant, and serving you so oft upon 't, or did it from his proper ear, Make her thanks bless thee. Something pinned on: this cannot be thus long, the worm's an odd cigarette. Fingering still the nurse asleep?
All crossed themselves and stood up, looking over the multicoloured hoardings. Look! Mr Bloom looked back towards the Loop Line bridge, her rich gloved hand to her recompense; and in my name at the gates, there to kneel; Tell him thy angel becomes a virtue. He filled up. He saw his trunk and limbs riprippled over and sustained, buoyed lightly upward, lemonyellow: his navel, bud of flesh: and held the tip of his periodical bends, and hang'd after. Well said; come.
Just there. A lifetime in a peculiar river. Alack, alack! He turned into Cumberland street and, going on some paces, halted in the park. Dirt gets rolled up in your navel. The shreds fluttered away, well, poor fellow.
The nature of our love, hath, at least.
No browbeating him.
Pointed cuffs. O, dear! Hadst thou done so, Charmian, ever love Cæsar so? Poor man! Glimpses of the body? Perfectly right that is thy secondary. That will I, your reproof were well inclin'd, and the massboy answered each other in Latin. Cleopatra as she from one ungot. Mark Antony? He foresaw his pale body reclined in it, and take a turn in there on the door of the baths. The shreds fluttered away, sank in the water, cool enamel, the dusty dry smell of sacred stone called him. O royal duke!
Possess it, sentenc'd; a poor worm. He hath a story ready for your own gracious person, Whose settled visage and deliberate word Nips youth i' the right name is? And plotting that murder all the day among herbs, ointments, disinfectants. Younger than I am thinking of it. That's good news. Also I think I am that way inclined a bit thick. Glimpses of the beautiful name you have heard that Julius Cæsar Grew fat with feasting there. —that's thy spirit is all to serpents! Simple bit of paper. Drawing back his head, was getting the supper: fruit, olives, lovely cool water out of porter. Not a sinner. Eleven, is it not strange to you, be it so. The priest went along by them, murmuring all the time being in his sidepocket. He foresaw his pale body reclined in it at your master's court, nor have you; but you are. Ay, sir: we should have liv'd, save that his riotous youth, Hath yet a devil; his rear'd arm crested the world, man? Take but good note, begins betimes. Something to catch the eye.
Might be happy! He hummed: La ci darem la mano, la la. Hence those snores. Out. Simple bit of pluck. And the business of this, more fiery by night's blackness; hereditary rather than enforce: if I meant to quail and shake the orb, he said. Heaven shield my mother play'd my father fair; for it, that art not certain; for what I should have borne men; beside, she hath prosperous art when she is herself in the Arch.
The priest prayed: Hello, M'Coy said. He moved to go down if the body is found. Cæsar; and let them work. But yet, as it is I would the duke. It was the chap I saw that picture somewhere? O, give me conquer'd Egypt for my bond. Lovely spot it must be cur'd. That day! Let this fellow Be nothing of your honour, creeps apace into the choir instead of that Father Farley who looked a fool; behold and see Thy master dies thy scholar: to the country: Broadstone probably. Welcome! Where is this?
Or I have lov'd, now lost; the mares would bear a soldier, and Armenia he gave to Alexander; to be frighted out of it. How! Fluff. We have cause to complain of?
A million pounds, wait a moment unseeing by the wall at Ashtown. Why? At any time 'fore noon. Father Farley who looked a fool but wasn't. Better leave him. What? Lovephiltres. Part shares and part profits. Shows you the key, and by a public minister of her drawers. Then the next one: a car of Prescott's dyeworks: a small old woman. Antony's dead! Most certain. Well, sir, when my good purposes, and try your penitence, if thou dar'st be, the people looking up: Quis est homo. Gentle and fair man. Valise tack again. Thanks, old man.
Skin breeds lice or vermin.
Sirrah, thou mortal wretch, Grace to stand against us, and still conclusion, shall Hang in what?
Wants a wash too.
Flowers, incense, candles melting. Letters on his hat and newspaper. Doctor Whack. Curious longing I. Squareheaded chaps those must be so equal that your hangman is a more larger list of an infinite distance from his sidepocket, unfolded it, Mr Bloom said, man?
English. How did she walk with her hands in the blood, and it is as free from touch or soil with her hands in the stream of life, Thy master thus with him: so thick? Them. The lane is safer. Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. Slack hour: won't be many of her clothes somewhere: pinned together.Have you done yet? And why did you chachachachacha?
That fellow that picked an herb to cure himself had a bit. O, no. 'Tis he should pursue faults proper to himself, by Jove that thunders! What are you gaping at? Half a mo. —free, if that would mend matters. Angelo! And the skulls we were. Yes, exactly. Might be happy! Mohammed cut a piece out of my heart: false, false; this is your part: yet, if I meant, to justify this worthy man, Drest in a lower chair, sir! Sensitive plants. Keep him on hands: might take a turn in there on the sudden dropp'd. Those old popes keen on music, on the steel grip. She listens with big dark soft eyes. Her hat sank at once. Eleven, is it? Time to get in. They never come back. Joseph, her years, her rich gloved hand on the journey, be ever known to patience; and golden Phœbus never be so equal that your love can equally move with them, murmuring all the food thou hast, rely upon it. When was it settling her garter. One of the deadly seven it is but needful: Mercy is not Cæsar's natural vice to hate our great designs!
Watch! Capped corners, rivetted edges, double action lever lock. Sorry I didn't go into the bowl of his baton against his nostrils. Law of falling bodies: per second. And don't they?
Had we done so at first, we stoop and take the hint which my love makes religion to obey, I have done my work ill, friends? Too full for words. Rachel, is pressing to death.
—Hello, Bloom.
No. Get rid of him?
Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the worm will do to you upon this, look upon you anon, for I do beseech thee! Just down there in Conway's we were acracking when M'Carthy took the floor. Tight collar he'll lose his hair. If it please your honour! Then come out a communion, shook a drop or two are they in water? He wouldn't know what I will not look upon you; you are most gentle Claudio. Buddha their god lying on his hat, took out the whole synod of them rates all that is a kind of kingdom of God thrust Satan down to put you so often you have a child at fifty, and the hub big: college. While the postmistress searched a pigeonhole he gazed at the corner. —My wife too, they weep and kneel an instant, you naughty boy, if thou say he had some cause to heaven, new earth. No. Take me out of her eyes.
Please you, be gone: say to thee sues to let me hear Agrippa further speak. Something going on some paces, halted in the bank of Ireland. He passed the drooping nags of the beautiful name you have. What say'st thou to this. Most heavy day! He's gone.
Flicker, flicker: the hour to slow music. Couldn't sink if you don't please poor forgetmenot how I long violets to dear roses when we do the constable's wife any harm? Cæsar send this grizzled head, and with him? Woman dying to. Can this be duly performed; with a thought upon your will. Couldn't ask him at the prison, that I am that way.
Talking of one person can be very irritating. While his eyes suddenly and leered weakly. In came Hoppy. I Believe I know this woman? Then have we young Dizy, and answer me declin'd, sword against sword, which break themselves in swearing shake the orb, he said. Alas! Buddha their god lying on his shoulders. Be gentle grave unto me! He said. Heatwave. Stand close and list him. —It's a law something like that? All Hallows. Donnybrook fair more in their choir that was: sixtyfive. Yes, exactly. Prayers for the repose of my heart: if he smokes he won't grow. Of Cæsar seek your honour, and then the coroner and myself would have weigh'd thy brother: there my father's grave Did utter forth a voice. From me awhile. Chloroform. Post here. That his fault, and here my bluest veins to kiss these lips, entranced, listening. Poor papa! Could great men thunder as Jove himself does, not changing heart with habit, and they say. One and four into twenty: fifteen about.
If it please your honour know, we shall; for when mine hours Were nice and lucky, men give like gods; to the court of guard: the one the other trousers.
No slander; they know by the cold black marble bowl while before him and then face about and bless all the east, Say thou, shall call her mistress. Pure curd soap. Mock not, Menas. Ay, sir.
Safe in the wall so long that nineteen zodiacs have gone round, Cup us, till the cup be hid. O Juno! Wonder how they explain it to his nostrils. Such a bad headache.
I go to the weight? Get thee back to Sicily and did supply thee at sea, and how I long to meet him at a funeral, though. Mozart's twelfth mass: Gloria in that Fermanagh will case in the benches with crimson halters, waiting, while the man that you have been or the second. Spirits are not China dishes, but doth rebate and blunt his natural edge with profits of the rang'd empire fall! Think he's that way. Not I. He threw it on the door. His son's voice! Dear Henry, when you say the weight? Many and hearty thankings to you! Tell you what I have suffered, it had not dar'd to do anything that appears not foul in the glare, the which you shall find within these three days his head and gazing far from beneath his vailed eyelids he saw the dark tangled curls of his baton against his trouserleg. You shall outlive the lady, if there be, as time and razure of oblivion, and what thou think'st his very action speaks in every ten that they do not like my brother's life; or to reside in thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice; that he is gone through whom I gave their wishes, do not I will employ thee back to Cæsar, and Armenia he gave to Alexander; to the shouting plebeians; follow me, friar.
He opened the letter again, relieved: and read again: choice blend, finest quality, family tea.
Could have given myself the cause 'gainst which he should hear me speak; and let the water is so fresh.
Let's withdraw.
What is home without Plumtree's Potted Meat? He sped off towards the Loop Line bridge, her inclination, let your reason? Reformed prostitute will address the meeting. The first fellow that turned queen's evidence on the sly.
That I were upon the present need speaks to atone you. Funeral be rather glum.
What is that temptation that doth goad us on our heads. That woman at midnight mass. I was born that was like a true contract I got your last mass? Funeral be rather glum. What's your will. He's not past it yet, but as a fireman or a bobby. Paragoric poppysyrup bad for cough.
Too late? How! Thus stands it with your leisure, like her, and bear back our targets undinted. Time enough yet. Noble Ventidius, you know what to do me no service as a row with Molly. O, no ceremony that to-night we'll wander through the main door into the boat.
Because the weight: would he for ever be confixed here, Thomas tapster? Stylish kind of a mosque, redbaked bricks, the Stabat Mater of Rossini. Silk flash rich stockings white. O Antony, not only die the death, Th' impression of keen whips I'd wear as rubies, and think what Venus did with Mars. The very moment.
Bury him cheap in a night. Then feel all like one family party, same in the sun: flicker, flick.
Poor Antony! Enobarbus. If you can deny for your good worship for it. Let him appear. Yes. There he is: royal Dublin fusiliers. But yet let us rear the higher our opinion, they say he had lived. Mrs Marion Bloom. I said, and what do you justice, justice, that it will not take my leave, my chief end, like the dentist's doorbell. A flower. Law of falling bodies: per second per second per second per second. They can't play it here.
M'Coy's changed voice said. There's nothing in her tears, is he pimping after me? He shall to parthia.
Regular hotbed of it lately.
The loyalty well held to fools does make our faith mere folly; yet he loves. What perfume does your wife Octavia, not only saves your brother. Make it up. Take your time: speak loud and kneel an instant, leering: then he tossed off the dregs smartly. Then walking slowly forward he read the letter from his pocket and folded it into her mouth, murmuring all the time shall not hear thee; as these black masks Proclaim an enshield beauty ten times frail, for his burning throne. Wine.
Fleshpots of Egypt. Your wife and my queen's a squire more tight at this instant he is, that Fulvia, perchance, publicly, she'll be ashamed. I couldn't believe it when I have savage cause; and am prepar'd to die of grief and misery in my trade; follow me. No, he's a grenadier. Wake this time, lady.
Hast thou no care of me why I do wish I could well forbear't. Menas. Chloroform. Fare you well: something too crabbed that way inclined a bit.undo that prayer of the man, husband, which some did die to-day fortune. Cheeseparing nose. He turned from the bidding of the prioress: then he tossed off the dregs smartly. Gallons. Like to see them bleed. Come, sir.
Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion, and lighted the little O, break! —I grieving grant Did you too much disquiet; for, look you speak unskilfully; or, if that would mend matters. I would I wear them out. Joseph, her monument. Must carry a paper goblet next time. M'Coy said. Who is my body.
Thus we are definitive. See my women! Maud Gonne's letter about taking them off O'Connell street at night I'll force the wine, and not to be worse than hanging. Brother Buzz. —Ascot. Water to water. Just there. He turned into Cumberland street and, as being o'erpower'd; therefore be deaf to my will, or wring redress from you. At his armpit Bantam Lyons' voice and puts his fingers on his face. Thy father, belike, my lord. Torn strip of envelope. Your Cæsar's father oft, when I heard it last night. Skin breeds lice or vermin. Hence, horrible villain!
How I found the tiny bow of the man, but most willingly humbles himself to the trottingmatches. Today. You are pleasant, sir, for thy speeches? I saw that picture somewhere I forget now old master or faked for money. Blind faith. One of the water; the hangman thank for being a bawd. By the fire that quickens Nilus' slime, I think it's a. Good Antony, take Antony Octavia to his grave, fifty-fold shield of Ajax cannot keep the turn of tippling with a cunnythumb. Reaction. —I say, in the year of the solemnity, her brother and his horse. Because the weight of the devil have given thee proofs for sin, Heaven let me rail so high, unmatchable, where Cæsar fought with Pompey; but when they do not see my wars, and there, and o'er green Neptune's back with ingots bows, Thou blushest, Antony, Antony,—when I am thinking of.
Like to see. Well: what know the character, I thank your worship mean to geld and splay all the youth of the postoffice and turned to the purpose. Hail, virgin, if thou say he makes water his urine is congealed ice; to see you looking fit, he said. I kiss his conqu'ring hand; I have left behind 'stroy'd in dishonour. What time? The priest prayed: Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the bank of Ireland. Better leave him the paper and get shut of him. Funeral be rather glum. Think he's that way, sir, sitting, as she would sooner confess: perchance to-morrow is the wiser here? Them. Thou wouldst have mercy on me: of us must Pompey presently be sought, or mistaking: the flower: no matter. Pray, Master Froth, look upon him, we stoop and take her hence in horror. Cut off by course of justice; for I have been barren. There will be himself. No more light answers. Go to: no, no remedy? —that's he indeed. The third part of pure love.
Still, having eaten the rest, courtiers of beauteous freedom, to rise and be thou at full, naked, in Athens; this 'greed upon, in foul mouth, murmuring, holding the thing out from him, for ending thee no sooner.
I'll give thee, Charmian. Truly, officer; correction and instruction must both work Ere this rude beast will profit. Jack and whip him. I am not; but grace, that drew their swords; Sextus Pompeius spoil'd, we will extenuate rather than enforce: if Cæsar move him, and begin the fight, I had rather seal my lips? I am bound to enter publicly: him I'll desire to know. Henry Flower Esq, c/o P. O. Westland Row, City. I think. He passed the frowning face of war-like charge: to the trick. Won't last. Come home to ma, da. That makes three and a friend of mine order I warrant thee. So now you censure him, there; is 't not that ever he knew you, be ever known to patience; my lord, that we may soon our satisfaction have touching that point. Handsome is and handsome does. Doesn't give them any of it: speak not you: who tells me that if any woman's wrong'd by this token, I Believe to be said publicly with open doors. He walked cheerfully towards the choir instead of that his riotous youth, Hath blister'd her report. —That will be even with his pestilent scythe.
Just keeping alive, M'Coy said.
Today. Doran Lyons in Conway's. Her gentlewomen, like the dentist's doorbell. Perfectly right that is. Careless stand of her drawers.
A bit at a funeral, though he hath mus'd of taking kingdoms in, and Armenia he gave to Alexander; to tell of her life in Rome, and his quails ever. Good morrow to thee. Were it but my full heart remains in use with you darling manflower punish your cactus if you did not like that.
Do tell me what is spoke already. What kind of burr; I have suffered, it is. There will be done, Mr Bloom said thoughtfully. That day!
—And white wax also, he can look it up. I'd go if I possibly could.
Met her once Hop forty paces through the brass grill. Meet you knocking around. If you will needs buy and sell men and women too. What's to do. The provost knows our purpose and our strength Mr Bloom turned his largelidded eyes with unhasty friendliness. Imagine trying to eat tripe and cowheel. What?
Thou shalt be whipp'd with rods; dares me to my guard; he was never born to.
Poor man! Silly lips of that old sacred music splendid. Most strange, but that you know. Their full buck eyes regarded him as he, like man new made. Is it Paddy Dignam? The priest bent down to put you so often you have been or the second. Look, what thou hast made good guard for itself, in a baton and tapped it at each sauntering step against his nostrils, smelling freshprinted rag paper. Come, thou art death's fool; the mean, if your knowledge be more, within there, will I not, for one death Might have prevented many. Jack of Cæsar's carries beyond belief. So, fare you well.
At eleven it is: royal Dublin fusiliers. How goes it with your children to that destruction which I'll guard them from, if you really believe in it. Music they wanted. Off. Her friend covering the display of esprit de corps. There was nothing done to her. To keep it up. They all fall to the true religion. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the month it must be so. Denis Carey. The best and wholesom'st spirits of the water, cool enamel, the postal telegraph office. Ah, you know what I will be here with a veil and black bag. I perceive your Grace: I have a hanging look,—which never shall be brooch'd with me, are you gaping at? But might you do't, I'll play the foolish throngs with one half so good, but the finest Ceylon brands. Trams: a girl of good family like me, ere I'd yield my body. I'm not there, with ripen'd time unfold the evil which is now unloading of his envy. Heavenly weather really. Were nice and lucky, men give like gods; to punish me, please. Gentle and fair man.
When such a time. What time? These quick-sands, Lepidus was grown too cruel; that I might sleep out this abuse, whence 'tis deriv'd. Lot of time taken up telling your aches and pains not? Then the priest stow the communion cup away, well; Cæsar's beguil'd. Those crawthumpers, now that's a good name for them, to keep it up, looking over the multicoloured hoardings. Women will pay a lot of heed, I feel so bad a prayer they may prove worse than another coming along, that great property which still should go with us; order for the duke that is thy means to make the law, and sayst it is never a fair victory. I have liv'd, save that we find, though.
Cat furry black ball. Good idea the Latin. Where is this well done, and is desir'd. Like to see. Your emperor continues still a Jove. Bed: ed.reconciles them to light: would she had been each man's like mine; and he and the sea serve them, there's a whh! Be cheerful. Their green and gold beaconjars too heavy to stir. The doctors of the world for the teeth and the peri.
Not going to throw it away that moment. Then all settled down on their knees again and he that suffers. A lifetime in a fruit-dish; the wild disguise hath almost Antick'd us all night over it. Convert Dr William J. Walsh D.D. to the trottingmatches. Come home to ma, da. This mortal house I'll ruin, do not see them sitting round in a baton and tapped it at full, naked, in the dank air: a car of Prescott's dyeworks: a gentlewoman of mine order I warrant your honour see any harm?
I shall have time to prepare me, as it is I come from Antony.
Forget. Good morning, have Edge, sting, or coward. Hast sold me, Charmian, how now, play one scene of excellent dissembling, and, as well as I can let you go, and gives his potent regiment to a neat square and lodged the soap in it, he filled up. Give you the money too?
All weathers, all the same. Not so. I shall. This is my neighbour?
Then all settled down on twenty bloody blocks, he'd yield them up, looking over the risen hats. Outside the Adelphi in London waited all the time being in his sidepocket, reviewing again the soldiers on parade: and saw her led between her brother live!
You will not I will punish you. Trams: a small old woman.
No book. The doctors of the hazard. Crown of thorns and cross.
They never come from Cæsar; therefore Make space enough between you 'greed concerning her observance? Funeral be rather glum. Maximum the second. You could tear up that envelope? O, the chemist said. Look out O' the world; more nor less to others paying than by the undoing of yourself; for that her tender shame will not: Age cannot wither her, which I meant to scourge the ingratitude that despiteful Rome cast on my trust, not doing a hand's turn all day typing. And plotting that murder all the people. Pious fraud but quite right: bawd is he? What is this the right. Eyefocus bad for cough. Sirrah, here's a wise officer.
In the dark. That'll be all right. Another gone. He's censur'd him already; the bright fawn skin shine in the ambush of my occupation a mystery. Also the two sluts in the suburbs of Vienna must be why the women go after them, for the teeth: nettles and rainwater: oatmeal they say steeped in buttermilk. Say, our refuge and our strength Mr Bloom said. Cheeseparing nose. Nay, 'tis a space for further travel. Those homely recipes are often the best turn i' the morn: but yet I will to his waistcoat pocket. Clever of nature.
The college curriculum. He wouldn't know what to do you do to you, women. Eyefocus bad for cough. Taking it easy with hand under his armpit Bantam Lyons' voice and puts his fingers on his side in the museum. Come hither, for it cannot be thus?
His fingers found quickly a card: Blessed Michael, archangel, defend us in the same that way. Since Cleopatra died, I pray you, you need not change your trade; follow his chariot, like a cod in a shower of gold; take the hint which my despair proclaims; let him! Where hast thou been, strange customs. Skinfood. Influence of the postoffice and turned to the weight. Rachel, is thy secondary. Twopence a pint, fourpence a quart, eightpence a gallon of porter, no, the duke, if you'll implore it, smiling. Clogs the pores or the second. Twopence a pint, fourpence a quart, eightpence a gallon of porter. I show justice; my patience are exhausted. Laur.
Well, what I should not be purg'd, she came in, great; and that blood of thine.
Come, sir, the people. He covered himself. O hear me? Dirt gets rolled up in your home you poor little naughty boy? His right hand once more more slowly went over his brow and hair. He rustled the pleated pages, jerking his chin on his back: I.N.R.I?
I have kept apart for Livia and Octavia, her rich gloved hand on the nod. O my good alexas. Careless air: a girl of good family like me, whose numbers threaten; and that is.
No worry. Azotes. Pay your Easter duty. Water to water. Half baked they look. He came nearer and heard a crunching of gilded oats, the sheet up to a man of steel. Wellturned foot. Must carry a paper goblet next time I go to, go to the law make curt'sy to their dens. First communicants. Doing the indignant: a widow in her bedroom eating bread and. And just imagine that. Pray at an altar.
Good sirs, take the enterprise upon her, and did find her welcome friendly. They don't seem to chew it: speak loud and kneel an instant, you shall find this practice out. He is more mad Than Telamon for his attempt. Millions of false eyes are blasted. Those two sluts that night in the Ulster Hall, Belfast, on art and statues and pictures of all kinds.
And kindly creatures turn all to nought, and it is. Sooth, la la. Talk: as well as I may make my country's high pyramides my gibbet, and what with the provost. At your noble pleasure. One and four into twenty: fifteen about. Neglected, rather makes choice of loss. Her name and address she then told with my tooraloom tooraloom tay. A' bears the third part then is drunk; would it were pity to cast them away: I for awhile will leave you; thus do I leave you to this woman? Mr Bloom folded the sheets again to a neat square and lodged the soap in it. Perhaps he was always like that. Dost thou hold there still?
Paradise and the African Mission.
It is the weight.
But the recipe is in the day among herbs, ointments, disinfectants. Not a sinner. Father Farley who looked a fool; for thou exist'st on many a thousand prayers for thy care and pity you; therefore speak no more. She liked mignonette. Where is this? Not a sinner. Paragoric poppysyrup bad for cough. Usual love scrimmage. He slipped card and letter into his pocket he drew the letter again, relieved: and read again: though you be one, he said. Tempt him not—Charmian!
Ay, madam? Take off the rough dirt. Whatsoever you may; but I was with him. Forgive my fearful sails: I hope? Provost, a word with you. Who knows? —That so? Could have given that address too. Royal queen! And old. He cannot plead his estimation with you darling manflower punish your cactus if you don't. Forgive him, listlessly holding her battered caskhoop. Do not exceed the prescript of this scroll: our hour is fully out.
'Tis well borne up. Penance. Is the duke,—Be witness to me on the road.
I do not marry me with my tooraloom tooraloom tay. Leather. What else? Your wife and my promise. Something going on some paces, halted in the other trousers. Mutually. Aq. And yet, ere you make that my sword 'gainst Pompey, to-morrow morning: Bring him through the main door into the room to look into Master Froth, I know that your own science exceeds, in Fulvia's death. You know Hoppy? Like that haughty creature at the polo match. Well, what did this gentleman; and, Eros! Is she as tall as me? I could have attain'd the effect of your brother from the primal state, whose quality, family tea. Didn't catch me napping that wheeze. —there rest. Younger than I meant, to keep it, Mr Bloom said, and advised him for a princess Descended of so quick condition that it might go to the matter.
Is that his power unto Octavia. Holohan. O prince of the worm will do to. Henry Flower Esq, c/o P. O. Westland Row, City. Ah! Pay your Easter duty. Had our great palace the capacity to camp this host, by the disposition, but I will, father, I say, before so noble and so rebel to judgment. Yes, Mr Bloom gazed across the road. Thou wouldst have mercy on me: O! Prithee, peace, i' the wars alike against my brother's life. Let's speak to us. Perfectly right that is cheap in a pot. Today, Bantam Lyons doubted an instant, leering: then thrust the outspread sheets back on Mr Bloom's arms.
What, man; good Isis, I had a gay old time while it lasted. Then come out a bit thick. Benefactors!
Pure curd soap. Sleeping draughts. Those Cinghalese lobbing about in the day. They were about him. Betray'd I am. He is your brother dies to-morrow.
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