#Albert K. Bender
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wagahai-da · 11 months ago
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A typewritten letter on letterhead from the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, dated November 12, 1952, from Albert Einstein to Mr. Albert K. Bender, President of the International Flying Saucer Bureau, P.O.B. 241, Bridgeport 2, Connecticut, reading: Dear Sir: Having no experience and only superficial knowledge in the field, I regret not to be able to comply with your request. Sincerely Yours, Albert Einstein.
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doomandgloomfromthetomb · 11 months ago
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Joe Henderson & Kenny Drew Trio - Molde Jazz Festival, Norway, August 1968
Before last week's Yo La Tengo show in Boulder, I stumbled into the great Paradise Found record store (none other than Ira the K stumbled in right after me, actually) for a quick browse. Paradise Found has lots of great vinyl, but recently I've been taking advantage of their extremely nicely priced CDs. And I wasn't disappointed this time around — waiting in the bins for me was the eight-disc Joe Henderson: The Milestone Years collection. For $25! Irresistible. Tons of wonderful music, some of it very familiar, some of it very unfamiliar (how had I never heard the amazing Joe Henderson In Japan LP before?!).
So I'm on a bit of Henderson bender now, and I've been enjoying this performance from right around the beginning of Joe's Milestone era, which kicks off with a long, luminous version of Billy Strayhorn's classic "Chelsea Bridge" and leads into an equally expansive "Isotope." Henderson sounds sensitive and inquisitive throughout, always finding interesting places to go, always taking the audience with him. The band is killer, too, with Kenny Drew (piano), Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen (bass) and Albert "Tootie" Heath (drums) providing expert accompaniment.
And hey, it's that same band backing up the mighty Yusef Lateef on this same Norwegian night in 1968. Check out the magnificent melancholy of "The Shadow of Your Smile," Lateef's flute drifting into the aether, coloring your dreams, lighting the dawn.
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suicideandcheese · 2 years ago
St. Albert, I remember liking that town best Walked through by the river, detoxing on long-life Libriums. Those half-snows, half-rains. They validated my in-betweens. Those were some solo hellrides, some benders. Those were my near and dears, my never-enders. You think about time and times you died the nines. Live and learn, folly down, wisen up, some Half-god knowing the stench only Of his own shit. We're all holy Assholes. The likes of us. But times have changed. Lonelies submerge. Romances emerge. Families rearrange. Start to manifest beyond fears. The destinies appear. This shitty, though, downtown Edmonton's a gritty neo-blanc Vortex polar, snowcalls hex'd and meth'd. Noir'd to dare. It's extra but not too fallen. Cold. I'm minimal but living silver. Streets walk better here on K-pins. Hot ramen bowls, strike Through tough rhymes, nocturnal beats on repeats, playlists. You walk much and forevers without an engine. Have less, I possess knives, lives, dives, wives, nil more. Not Cars, trucks, lucks, fucks, bars, hours, just guitars. Still play nothing but a 'puter and an oppy more. Downers will lay you down. Cities will sleep you up. Do em downright, upwrong, together. Slurp some Wintry beers on their deathening. And if you wake Again, bone broth from chickens. Better drugs. Better attitudes. Minor alter egos. Minor prayers. Kiss your girl, hug your cat, call your mom, grace your gods. In the afterlives I visit none other than no ones and nothing Really happens and that's a fair city, damned, still. No one but the overwatch and some lack of numbs.
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letsgethaunted · 2 years ago
Episode Nineteen: The Men In Black Photodump
🕴🏻🕴🏻🕴🏻🕴🏻🕴🏻 Image 1: Video of the two MIB who visited Shane Sovar (credit: Buzzfeed) Image 2: Photos of the two MIB who harassed Jack Smith (credit: outtherewithted.com) Image 3: Kenneth Albert Arnold, the man with the first modern UFO sighting in the U.S. in 1947 & a part of Kenneth’s handwritten account (credit: history.com) Image 4: Artist’s rendition of the Maury Island Incident & a photocopy of an FBI internal memorandum regarding the incident (credit: weirdus.com) Image 5: Dr. Albert K. Bender next to an artist’s rendition of the MIB who visited him (credit: thoughtcatalog.com) Image 6: Photo taken of the MIB outside the home of Jack & Mary Robinson in 1968 (credit: Tim Green Beckley) Image 7: Dan Ackroyd, talking about seeing an MIB (credit: Guy Merritt)
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eksopolitiikka · 6 months ago
UFOt, MIB, okkultismi ja Trevor James Constable
UFOt, MIB, okkultismi ja Trevor James Constable
kirjoittanut Nick Redfern
Twilight Language -blogissaan Loren Coleman on kirjoittanut uuden postauksen UFO-tutkija/kirjoittaja Trevor James Constablen kuolemasta 31. maaliskuuta 2016. Artikkelin otsikko on ”’Space Critters’ Ufologist Trevor James Constable Has Died. Siihen sisältyy Lorenin kirjoittama seuraava: “Toinen ufologian varhainen tutkija ja kirjailija on kuollut. Syntyperäinen uusiseelantilainen Trevor James Constable, 90, kuoli 31. maaliskuuta 2016 Kaliforniassa. Tämä uutinen tulee sen jälkeen, kun vasta äskettäin saimme tietää Albert K. Benderin, 94, kuolemasta. Ei kovin yllättävää, koska Bender ja Constable olivat erityiseltä aikakaudelta, heidän elämässään on päällekkäisyyttä.”
Päällekkäisyyttä oli varmasti. Constable oli syvästi kiinnostunut 1950-luvun alun Albert Bender/Men in Black -saagasta. Kuten mainitsin Lorenille: ”Constable kirjoitti kirjeen kirjaan Bender Mystery Confirmed. Tätä kirjaa eivät monet tunne. Se oli jatkoa Benderin kirjalle Flying Saucers and the Three Men. Sen julkaisi Gray Barker. Confirmed-kirja on kokoelma noin 20 kirjettä ihmisiltä, jotka olivat lukeneet Benderin kirjan ja halusivat kommentoida sitä.” Vuoden 1962 kirjeessään (joka lähetettiin Gray Barkerille) Constable tekee hyvin selväksi, että hän uskoi Benderin kohdanneen jotain suoraan okkultistisesta maailmasta.
Trevor James Constable
Constable kirjoitti: “Rakas Gray, Minun on todellakin vaikea okkultistina, jolla on omakohtaista kokemusta tästä UFO-alasta, selvittää Benderin matkoja edestakaisin fyysisen ja astraalin välisen kynnysrajan yli. Al Benderin biometrinen tutkimus osoittaisi luultavasti samankaltaisia asioita kuin mitä se paljasti tietyistä muista tutkijoista — täydellistä kyvyttömyyttä tehdä eroa kahden todellisuuden tason tapahtumien välillä.”
Hän jatkoi kirjoittaen Barkerille: “Benderin rehellisyyttä en epäile hetkeäkään. Hänen syrjintänsä on mielestäni olematonta. Tuntuu melkein uskomattomalta, että mies voisi kertoa koko tarinan kauhukammionsa rakentamisesta ullakolle sillä tavalla kuin Bender on tehnyt. Tämä vakuuttaa minut hänen rehellisyydestään. Mikään ei voisi olla okkultistisessa mielessä loogisempaa kuin se, että näkymättömät entiteetit, jotka hän kutsui paikalle valmistelemalla tätä paikkaa, todellakin ilmenisivät hänelle ja sen jälkeen ryhtyisivät pakkomielteeseen hänen kanssaan pitkän aikaa käyttäen hypnoottisia tekniikoita, jotka saivat miehen täysin hallintaansa.”
Constablella oli vielä sanottavaa: “Mitä tulee asiaan liittyvien entiteettien luonteeseen, näyttää siltä, että kirjoitukseni ’huomaamattomasta fysikaalisuudesta’ monien avaruusalusten tai niin kutsuttujen avaruusalusten lähteenä ovat vain liian lähellä totuutta. Itse asiassa, jos Benderin kokemuksella on jotain arvoa, haluaisin ehdottaa, että se varmasti valaisee They Live in the Sky -kirjan uudelleen lukemista. En usko tietäväni mitään Benderin tapauksen kaltaista tapausta, jossa mies, joka näennäisesti ei ollut tietoinen okkultismin todellisuudesta ja laeista, sai aggressiivisten okkulttisten voimien energeettisen huomion itselleen. Varmasti mies voi kiittää jonkinlaista jumalallista väliintuloa mielenterveytensä säilymisestä — jos kaikki, mitä hän kirjoittaa, on totta.”
Constable totesi myös: “Olettaen, että Bender on ollut totuudenmukainen ja rehellinen, sanoisin, että hänen kokemustensa opetus on tämä. UFOjen ja kaikkien niihin liittyvien hämmentävien ilmiöiden ymmärtämiseksi on välttämätöntä tuntea okkultistinen tiede. Tämä oppi, joka on ajettu kotiin lukemattomin tavoin siitä lähtien, kun lautaset tulivat ihmiskunnan tietoisuuteen, saa uutta voimaa Benderin kirjan myötä. Mutta vain harvat ovat niitä, jotka ottavat sen huomioon.”
Se, missä määrin Constable on saattanut jatkaa Benderin mysteerin selvittämistä, on asia, jota tutkin parhaillaan.
  Artikkelin julkaissut Mysterious Universe
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ancientcosmicsecrets · 8 months ago
The Men In Black encounters
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The Men In Black
The Men in Black always appear unannounced, are usually clad in black business suits, and warn people to give up their research into UFOs or face dire consequences. In many cases, the Men in Black have also seen aliens—in some accounts, they are aliens themselves or some form of "demonic supernaturals."
But why would the government want to suppress information about UFOs? As the theory goes, it's because aliens are closer to us than you think—they might be everywhere—and if ordinary citizens realized just how real the threat was, there would be a mass panic and a breakdown of the social order.
The first known report of a mysterious stranger showing up and warning someone not to talk about their UFO encounters was in 1947 with Howard Dahl. Since then, there have been countless reports where people who've claimed to have witnessed aliens say that they were subsequently visited by men in black suits who warned them to keep quiet about their experience.
The Men in black encounters
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1. The real MIB agent who made a coin disappear as a scare tactic.
Dr. Herbert Hopkins was a consultant on a UFO case in Maine. One evening, he received a phone call from someone purporting to be an activist in the UFO community, asking him if he could visit Hopkins to discuss the case. Only minutes later, the man arrived.
The man wore a black suit and tie, and his face was unusual—he had no hair or eyebrows and was extremely pale. Hopkins' dog began barking erratically the minute the man entered the home. The visit became stranger after the bizarre visitor had finished questioning him about the UFO case.
[The Men in Black] informed Hopkins that there were two coins in Hopkins' pocket (which was correct) and asked him to remove one. Hopkins complied and held the coin, a shiny new penny, in the palm of his hand. The MIB told Hopkins to watch the coin closely. After a few moments, the coin took on a "silvery" appearance and appeared to be going out of focus. It then began to fade and, eventually, disappeared altogether. The MIB informed Hopkins that the coin would never be seen 'on this plane' again.
He then inquired as to whether Hopkins was familiar with alleged UFO abductee Barney Hill. Hopkins replied that he had heard of Hill but was under the impression that he had died in the not-too-distant past. The MIB informed Hopkins that was correct. "Barney didn't have a heart," said the MIB, "just like you no longer have a coin." (It should be noted that Barney Hill died of a cerebral hemorrhage.) The MIB then gently suggested that Hopkins destroy any material he had related to the UFO case.
Highly shaken by the encounter, Hopkins followed the man's advice and burned all the files related to the case. While he had repeated phone troubles afterward (the phone company said his line had been tampered with, maybe to tap it?), he never saw the man again.
2. Dr. Albert.
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Dr. Albert K. Bender was a well-written and brilliant researcher who founded the International Flying Saucer Bureau. In 1955, his research was about to yield serious fruit as he prepared to unveil a paper proving the US Government had covered up proof of UFOs to one degree or another.
He planned to publish his findings in the Space Review. That was until the Men visited him In Black. Bender claims that three men, dressed in all black, visited him at his home and warned him against pursuing the topic of UFOs any further. The men left Bender scared for his life, and he immediately shut down all his research and the Flying Saucer Bureau. Many people who knew him claim that Bender changed after this encounter. His later works were rambly — almost unreadable — and he seemed to live his life in constant anxiety and terror. He purported to still receive mysterious phone calls, with nobody on the other end, until the end of his life in 2002.
3. Jim Templeton
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Jim Templeton was shocked to discover this figure in the background of a photo of his daughter. When he took the picture, the figure was not in the camera's view, and nobody knew where it came from. Kodak verified the film as authentic, and Templeton's story went public. Not long after, he was visited by two "government agents" who called themselves #9 and #10. They demanded to see the site of the photo and questioned Templeton about the event.
When Templeton told them he hadn't seen the figure personally, the men became angry and stormed out of the field, never to be seen again.
Two employees later contacted Templeton at a missile launch pad in Australia, who claimed they saw two figures resembling the man in his daughter's photo on launchpad security footage. The missiles at that site in Australia had been produced only 20 miles from the field where Templeton took the picture.
4. UFO researcher
UFO researcher Jack Robinson and his wife Mary began to experience extraordinary events as they pursued more alien and UFO-related research. They would come home to find their house rummaged and looked through and their UFO files disturbed. Mary also noticed a strange man in a black suit and hat staring up at their apartment from the doorway.
Mary mentioned this activity to a friend, who drove over and saw what she was talking about for himself. The friend, Tim Green Beckley, snapped a photo (above) of the man, which is believed to be one of the most ironclad pieces of proof of the Men in Black.
5. Dan Aykroyd
Dan Aykroyd has come forward with his story about how he was taping a show about the paranormal. He stepped out to take a phone call from Britney Spears, who was asking him to appear on Saturday Night Live with her, when he noticed a black Ford parked across the street.
A tall man stepped out of the Ford and stared him down. Aykroyd turned away momentarily and then returned to find that the man and the car had vanished entirely. After he finished his phone call, he returned to the studio to learn that his show had been canceled and that he had been ordered to stop filming immediately. Some doubt his claim, but Aykroyd says, "He knew what he saw," he maintains that there was some connection between these MIBs and the end of his paranormal show.
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ufo-thetimesareripe · 1 year ago
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highstrangeness-blog · 6 years ago
Men In Black
Okay, so here today we're just going to state some FACTS. I really only have time to discuss some of the more popular theories but being a rather experienced occult researcher, I am more interested in the conclusions you draw yourself than the rabbit holes of Creepypasta, anyhow.
So, I guess I should define the term Men In Black or MIB. It's a generic term used for any threatening/strangely behaved individual(s) who can be linked in some fashion with a ufo sighting. I'm sure you already have a preconceived notion of these people due to the popular movie by the same name. If you're thinking about Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith, stop it. Take a second, maybe do a shot of whiskey, maybe hit the vape, whatever you need to do to open that mind hole of yours.
Okay, back to MIB. There have been a ton of MIB reports in connection to all things occult or supernatural, not just UFO sightings. There's a ton of theories on who these people are, and I mean a fuckin- shit ton.
The most common one is that the MIB are quasi-government agents; many people report MIB flashing “credentials of higher authority" before warning them to stop talking about the occult.
A lot of these first hand reports state the MIB as strange looking humanoids with very strange mannerisms pointing at the possibility that they are potentially the very aliens they're trying to keep secret. Many accounts of MIB report they look almost doll-like, completely bald without eyebrows or eyelashes, pale white skin, have thin, bright Ruby red lips, and speak almost robotically. One witness was approached by MIB after a "plane" crashed nearby. When he sat down to question the family, his pants revealed a bright green wire running up his ankle going into a brown dot on his leg. The witnesses asked the man if he wanted something to eat, the man declined but said he would need a glass of water in 10 minutes to take a pill. 10 minutes of questioning the family about the specifics of their bodies, tattoos, birthmarks, etc. The man's face became beat red, he requested the water. He took a large yellow pill and went back to normal. When he left he walked out the door, hailed a large, black Cadillac that pulled up with no driver, and pulled away with no headlights on. This is one of hundreds of strange but similar accounts of MIB encounters. Many others mention MIB having long limbs, skin cold to the touch, non-bending joints, and telepathic-like communication.
OK, so we’ve covered quasi-government agents and aliens. This third theory is much deeper than i can really get into, or fully comprehend but I’m going to do my best with a little help from Reddit user: farcaller on the What Is A Tulpa (No Bullshit Definition) Thread. First off let’s define what the fuck A Tulpa even is. A tulpa is an entity that was created by conscious effort of another entity; i.e, a manifestation or emanation as it’s known in Tibetan Spurl-pa. Ever feel like you willed a bad situation upon yourself by overthinking it? Tulpas can grow and mature over time just like that bad situation, the more thought power you give to it, the more powerful it grows. It’s believe that these thoughts will eventually reach a level of maturity whereupon they will develop and grow at a rate comparable to that of any other person. It is also theorized that mass meditation(or extreme emotion) can almost catapult this entity into consciousness. Like all living creatures (because tulpas are living things even if they are just thought forms) they need to feed on something, that something is extreme emotion, like fear. We all here, thinking and giving consciousness energy to this entity (MIB); we’re feeding the tulpa. Slenderman is a really great example of this. About 10 years ago Slenderman only existed in the dark corners of creepypasta, the more popular this lore became bearing memes, video games, stories, and “first-hand” accounts themselves it all seems to come to a head with The Slenderman Stabbings. If you’re not familiar; two young girls lead a third into the woods, killing her as a sacrifice to Slenderman. This began a wave of other crimes done in the name of slenderman. Taking lives and gaining power through fear is almost as real as any other living creature, being a perfect example of what a tulpa is and what the human mind can do (especially in mass quantities.)
Albert K. Bender famed UFOlogist living in Bridgeport, Connecticut created the international flying saucer bureau after becoming obsessed with the occult as a young adult. With almost 600 members, they were dedicated to furthering the study of mysterious crafts. Shortly after its founding, the IFSB reached out to members around the world through a quarterly journal, Space Review. The newsletter shared stories of UFO sightings and offered theories about the origins of these seemingly inexplicable objects. Soon after Albert organized the IFSB the researcher became hounded with ill health, strange phone calls, telepathic messages, the smell of burning sulfur and strange apparitions. November 1952, at a local movie theater Bender realized a strange man with glowing eyes observing him. On a separate occasion late one night on Broad Street Bender reported he was telepathically hypnotized and levitated. To further his experiments, Bender prompted readers of Space Review with an audacious request: memorize and silently recite, on a particular day and time, a letter penned by Bender. Albert’s goal was to connect with Alien life via the simultaneous thought-projection of hundreds of IFSB members. World Contact Day, or as Bender and the IFSB officially preferred, “C-Day,” commenced at 6 o’clock in the evening March 15th, 1953. The letter included a cryptic message, and warning: “The mystery of the flying saucers is no longer a mystery. The source is already known but any information about this is being withheld by orders from a higher source. We would like to print the full story in Space Review but because of the nature of the information we have been advised in the negative. We advise those engaged in saucer work to be very cautious.” (Remember Tulpas are created through, conscious energy and are given strength through mass meditation and high emotion) July 1953 Albert Bender was visited at his home by three men. Bender stated “All of them were dressed in black clothes. They made it clear to Bender that he was to immediately halt all UFO work. They communicated telepathically: “Stop publishing.” Before departing, the MIB confiscated copies of Space Review and in their wake a yellow fog materialized and the smell of burning sulfur returned. And finally, The telepathic messages, headaches, his being stalked, and of course the surreal warnings by authoritarians in black suits, compelled Albert to shut down the International Flying Saucer Bureau in October 1953. ‘
John Keel is honestly, our main man in all of this. He is the main investigator of the Mothman and author of The Mothman Prophecies, investigated occult reports of all kinds and popularized the term "Men In Black" through his journalism. John used the term “Ultraterrestrials” to describe UFO occupants he believed to be non-human entities which can take the form of whatever they want. This maybe further evidence MIB are aliens along with Albert Bender’s(and many other)  accounts of them being unsettling weirdos that didn't look human. Keel would chase The Men In Black in attempt to confront them. He had the local police in many towns looking for them. When he was in West Virginia and Ohio, people would call his Hotel and tell them that the MIB were there, he'd race over to the location but they would be gone by the time he arrived. He reported being plagued by a burning sulfur smell, headaches, receiving strange phone calls, and witnessing strange apparitions. He also reported tons of MIB/occult accounts through his journalism like the time Mrs. Ralph Butler of Owatonna, Minnesota said an officer visited her in May of 1967 he went by the name Richard French. He was 5.9ft tall, had an olive complexion, dark long hair and pointed face. His clothing appeared to be brand-new, even the soles of his shoes were clean and un-scuffed. When Mrs. Butler offered him some Jello, he tried to drink the Jello and acted as if he'd never seen it before. Keel (and other high strangeness reports, like Mary Hyre) documented an influx of MIB encounters while investigating the mothman. It seems like almost everyone who had claimed to witness the “giant- human-bird like creature” in Pleasant Point, West Virginia more often than not also encountered MIB closely after. During his investigation Keel heard reports of a mysterious blonde woman in her thirties with a southern accent, who visited people in West Virginia and Ohio whom Keel had interviewed prior. She even visited those he had not mentioned in print. She introduced herself claiming to be "John Keel's secretary" thus winning instant admission. The clipboard she carried held a complicated form filled with personal questions about the witnesses' health, income, the type of cars they owned as well as their general family background and some fairly sophisticated questions about their UFO sightings. John Keel didn't learn about this woman until months later when one of his friends in Ohio wrote to him and happened to mention her. He didn't have a blonde secretary, let alone a secretary at all.
One Mothman Witness Keel interviewed, 18-year-old Connie Carpenter was driving home from church, when she came face-to-face with the Mothman, almost causing her to have an automobile crash. Almost four months later, Connie reported being nearly kidnapped by MIB. 8: 15 A.M., February 22, 1967. Connie left her house to go to school. As she started to walk down the street a large black car pulled up alongside her. She later identified it as a 1949 Buick. The occupant of the car opened the door and gestured for her to come closer. Thinking he needed directions Connie approached him. He was a young, clean-cut man of about twenty-five, wearing a colorful Mod shirt, no jacket (it was bitter cold), had neatly combed hair and appeared to be suntanned. This suntan was a very interesting detail, which has turned up in other MIB accounts. As she grew close the “man” grabbed her but she struggled and ran away. Another Mothman Witness Mothman witness, Linda Scarberry, said in an interview with Mary Hyre: "The men wore black suits, black hats, and sunglasses. They drove black cars -Cadillacs, I think. ... They looked like human beings, but their skin was somewhat transparent. You could see the veins in their hands very clearly. Their fingers were longer than a normal person's fingers, as well. Daddy shook hands with them, and he said they were awkward in shaking hands. They seemed to not know what to do or how to shake hands." She said: "One of the cars would follow us around. There were three men in the car. ... The MIB went so far as to follow us through the drive-thru of a restaurant. We were afraid to turn around, and just looked in the mirror at them.” Mary Hyre also encountered these strange men, herself. All reports state that they have asked questions about the Mothman and warned all against speaking about it.
So, as you began to read through accounts and reports of occult sightings in general we began to see a pattern in things just as we can see generalized patterns throughout society in daily life. Mistakes, miscommunication, hersey, anecdotal experience but still there's something consolidating about the mass reports of similar legends throughout decades. Whether these legends are passed down unknowingly through family trees or collective consciousness; there's something that reaches a primal fear inside of us when our children come home with stories about the same boogeyman we encountered at their age. There’s a part of the human mind who realizes it’s power, who sees the coincidences in the things we think and see in reality. No one has ever come out as an abductee or witness to something occult whose life has been left positively impacted by the situation. Regardless of who or what you believe in, you can see similarities or you can see differences. I hope I presented these facts to you as coherent and rational as possible after three months of researching high strangeness on Reddit. I hope you can pull your own verdict from the accounts and reports presented to you tonight, at the very least I hope it sparks something in you to at least question your surroundings. It's not all what it seems.
Brooklen Porter
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Untitled Project: Robert Smithson Library & Book Club [Bender, Albert K., ed., Space Review, 1953] Oil paint on carved wood, 2018
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slur-sayer · 3 years ago
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conradscrime · 4 years ago
The Men in Black
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May 05, 2021
UFO conspiracy theories are not new, in fact they are among some of the most common conspiracy theories on the internet. Not only is there tons of photos and video footage of people claiming to see UFO’s and aliens all over the world, there is another part of this conspiracy. 
The men in black are often associated with UFO and alien sightings as many people over the years have come forward saying that after they have witnessed evidence of alien life they have gotten a strange visit from an even stranger visitor. 
On June 27, 1947 a man named Harold Dahl and his son, Charles were on a conservation mission on the Puget Sound near Washington’s Maury Island. He was gathering logs when he happened to see 6 donut-shaped objects hovering about half a mile above his boat. One of these objects almost fell nearly 1,500 feet followed by some metallic debris raining out of the sky, some of it hitting Charles’ arm and their family dog. 
Harold took some photos of these suspicious objects with his camera and he later showed these photos to his supervisor, Fred Crisman. Fred was very skeptical of these photos and he even went back to the scene to see if he could find anything, which supposedly he also saw a strange aircraft. 
The next morning Harold Dahl got a strange visit from a man in a black suit. At a local diner this strange man was able to explain to Harold that what he had seen and also telling him to not speak of the incident to anyone. He threatened Harold, telling him if he did speak of this experience bad things would happen.
Apparently Harold and Fred admitted later on that this was all a hoax, however this had not stopped more people from coming forward with their stories of visits from “the men in black.” 
The men in black’s mission is supposedly to discount witnesses claims of seeing strange paranormal phenomena and UFO’s. They threaten those who have seen evidence of alien life. They are described as wearing all black suits, with hats and dark sunglasses. They drive black cars and always arrive in groups of two or three. Some say they have a very strange appearance, looking un-human like with glowing eyes, vey pale skin, no eyebrows and rosy pink lips. Many believe these men work for the government. 
A man named Dr. Albert K. Bender was a researcher who founded the International Flying Saucer Bureau, and in 1955 he apparently was very close to proving that the US government were covering up their knowledge of alien life. He was planning to publish his findings in the Space Review at the time of his strange visit. 
Albert said that three men who were all dressed in black visited at his home and warned him of his alien research. Apparently they scared him so bad that he stopped his research of the topic and shut down the Flying Saucer Bureau. 
Many people who knew Albert personally said he changed into a different person after this encounter, claiming he constantly seemed to be living in fear and anxiety. Albert apparently would receive mysterious phone calls with no one at the other end until he died in 2002. 
Another men in black encounter happened to a man named Paul Miller who saw a “luminous” disc in the sky when he was returning home from a hunting trip. Paul claimed that the disc landed in an empty field with two strange figures emerging out of it. Paul fired his gun at them and thought he had actually injured one of them. 
Paul suddenly realized in that moment that he had lost time, three hours had passed since he first saw this aircraft. When Paul entered work the next day he was confronted by three men in black suits. These men claimed that they had “his file” and despite Paul telling no one of this encounter, these men seemed to know every detail about it. They told Paul to forget about the encounter.
Paul said that these men seemed to know everything about him, they knew where he worked, his name and everything else. They also apparently asked Paul about his experiences but seemed to already know all the answers. These men scared Paul so much that he had never come forward about the encounter until years later. 
These were only a few encounters of people’s real life experiences with the men in black, do you think they’re real?
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hapalopus · 3 years ago
When I was a kid I read a lot of alien encounter stories from the 50s-70s, and they were always accompanied by the most god-awfully terrifying eyewitness sketches my tiny 8 year old brain could imagine
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Pictured here: The Hopkinsville Goblin, the Dover Demon, Betty and Barney Hill's alien, the Pascagoula Humanoid, and Albert K. Bender's man in black
These images are seared onto my retinas and somehow still manage to make me feel uneasy all these years later
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proyectohuemul · 4 years ago
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Representaciones de avistamientos de “hombres de negro”. 
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mythicallore · 6 years ago
Freaky Encounters with The Men In Black Part 2.
 The doctor threatened by the men in black and told to stop his UFO research.
Dr. Albert K. Bender was a well-written and extremely intelligent researcher who founded the International Flying Saucer Bureau.
In 1955, his research was about to yield serious fruit, as he prepared to unveil a paper that would prove the US Government had — to one degree or another — covered up proof of UFOs. He planned to publish his findings in the Space Review. That was, until he was visited by the Men In Black.
Bender claims that three men, dressed in all black, visited him at his home and warned him against pursuing the topic of UFOs any further. The men left Bender scared for his life, and he immediately shut down all his research and the Flying Saucer Bureau.
Many people who knew him claim that Bender was a changed man after this encounter. His later works were rambly — almost unreadable — and he seemed to live his life in constant anxiety and terror. He purported to still receive mysterious phone calls, with nobody on the other end, until the end of his life in 2002.
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