#Nick Redfern
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eksopolitiikka · 1 month
UFOt, MIB, okkultismi ja Trevor James Constable
UFOt, MIB, okkultismi ja Trevor James Constable
kirjoittanut Nick Redfern
Twilight Language -blogissaan Loren Coleman on kirjoittanut uuden postauksen UFO-tutkija/kirjoittaja Trevor James Constablen kuolemasta 31. maaliskuuta 2016. Artikkelin otsikko on ”’Space Critters’ Ufologist Trevor James Constable Has Died. Siihen sisältyy Lorenin kirjoittama seuraava: “Toinen ufologian varhainen tutkija ja kirjailija on kuollut. Syntyperäinen uusiseelantilainen Trevor James Constable, 90, kuoli 31. maaliskuuta 2016 Kaliforniassa. Tämä uutinen tulee sen jälkeen, kun vasta äskettäin saimme tietää Albert K. Benderin, 94, kuolemasta. Ei kovin yllättävää, koska Bender ja Constable olivat erityiseltä aikakaudelta, heidän elämässään on päällekkäisyyttä.”
Päällekkäisyyttä oli varmasti. Constable oli syvästi kiinnostunut 1950-luvun alun Albert Bender/Men in Black -saagasta. Kuten mainitsin Lorenille: ”Constable kirjoitti kirjeen kirjaan Bender Mystery Confirmed. Tätä kirjaa eivät monet tunne. Se oli jatkoa Benderin kirjalle Flying Saucers and the Three Men. Sen julkaisi Gray Barker. Confirmed-kirja on kokoelma noin 20 kirjettä ihmisiltä, jotka olivat lukeneet Benderin kirjan ja halusivat kommentoida sitä.” Vuoden 1962 kirjeessään (joka lähetettiin Gray Barkerille) Constable tekee hyvin selväksi, että hän uskoi Benderin kohdanneen jotain suoraan okkultistisesta maailmasta.
Trevor James Constable
Constable kirjoitti: “Rakas Gray, Minun on todellakin vaikea okkultistina, jolla on omakohtaista kokemusta tästä UFO-alasta, selvittää Benderin matkoja edestakaisin fyysisen ja astraalin välisen kynnysrajan yli. Al Benderin biometrinen tutkimus osoittaisi luultavasti samankaltaisia asioita kuin mitä se paljasti tietyistä muista tutkijoista — täydellistä kyvyttömyyttä tehdä eroa kahden todellisuuden tason tapahtumien välillä.”
Hän jatkoi kirjoittaen Barkerille: “Benderin rehellisyyttä en epäile hetkeäkään. Hänen syrjintänsä on mielestäni olematonta. Tuntuu melkein uskomattomalta, että mies voisi kertoa koko tarinan kauhukammionsa rakentamisesta ullakolle sillä tavalla kuin Bender on tehnyt. Tämä vakuuttaa minut hänen rehellisyydestään. Mikään ei voisi olla okkultistisessa mielessä loogisempaa kuin se, että näkymättömät entiteetit, jotka hän kutsui paikalle valmistelemalla tätä paikkaa, todellakin ilmenisivät hänelle ja sen jälkeen ryhtyisivät pakkomielteeseen hänen kanssaan pitkän aikaa käyttäen hypnoottisia tekniikoita, jotka saivat miehen täysin hallintaansa.”
Constablella oli vielä sanottavaa: “Mitä tulee asiaan liittyvien entiteettien luonteeseen, näyttää siltä, että kirjoitukseni ’huomaamattomasta fysikaalisuudesta’ monien avaruusalusten tai niin kutsuttujen avaruusalusten lähteenä ovat vain liian lähellä totuutta. Itse asiassa, jos Benderin kokemuksella on jotain arvoa, haluaisin ehdottaa, että se varmasti valaisee They Live in the Sky -kirjan uudelleen lukemista. En usko tietäväni mitään Benderin tapauksen kaltaista tapausta, jossa mies, joka näennäisesti ei ollut tietoinen okkultismin todellisuudesta ja laeista, sai aggressiivisten okkulttisten voimien energeettisen huomion itselleen. Varmasti mies voi kiittää jonkinlaista jumalallista väliintuloa mielenterveytensä säilymisestä — jos kaikki, mitä hän kirjoittaa, on totta.”
Constable totesi myös: “Olettaen, että Bender on ollut totuudenmukainen ja rehellinen, sanoisin, että hänen kokemustensa opetus on tämä. UFOjen ja kaikkien niihin liittyvien hämmentävien ilmiöiden ymmärtämiseksi on välttämätöntä tuntea okkultistinen tiede. Tämä oppi, joka on ajettu kotiin lukemattomin tavoin siitä lähtien, kun lautaset tulivat ihmiskunnan tietoisuuteen, saa uutta voimaa Benderin kirjan myötä. Mutta vain harvat ovat niitä, jotka ottavat sen huomioon.”
Se, missä määrin Constable on saattanut jatkaa Benderin mysteerin selvittämistä, on asia, jota tutkin parhaillaan.
  Artikkelin julkaissut Mysterious Universe
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rubbish78 · 1 year
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skinnyscottishbloke · 8 months
just rewatched Learners and omg is David’s character in that the EXACT type I went for in high school. Tall, skinny, glasses, kinda awkward but really nice and just too adorable for words. I mean, come on, just look at this precious cinnamon roll.
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the slenderman mysteries (2017) - nick redfern
"collect my pages"
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mostlybarrett · 1 year
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A psychedelic light show surrounds Nick Mason, Roger Waters, Syd Barrett and Rick Wright of Pink Floyd as they perform at the Architectural Association student party, London, 16th December 1966. (Photo by Adam Ritchie/Redferns)
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cryptid-quest · 6 months
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Cryptid of the Day: Aztec Insect
Description: In May 2004, Danielle B. of Aztec, New Mexico was reading a book in Hart Canyon when she saw a helicopter carrying a cow. Upon closer inspection, she realized it wasn’t a helicopter, but a large insect. She stayed silent on the matter until she told cryptozoologist Nick Redfern.
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deadlynightshaade · 1 year
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stevie nicks performing in california, dec 3. 1981.
photos by: clayton call / redferns
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Brian James of The Damned (left) with Nick Mason of Pink Floyd (centre), who produced The Damned's second album 'Music For Pleasure', and radio DJ Nicky Horne (right), interviewing them on Capital Radio, London, 1977. (Photo by Erica Echenberg/Redferns)
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Compiling a list of books everyone knows about. It's long so under the cut...
Novelty Books: Area 51 by Nick Redfern Los Alamos by Joseph Kanon Unleashing Oppenheimer by Jada Yuan Oppenheimer: The Complete Screenplay by Christopher Nolan Copenhagen by Michael Frayn The Oppenheimer Alternative by Robert J. Sawyer The Manhattan Projects by Jonathan Hickman
Books by others: The Advisors: Oppenheimer, Teller, and the Superbomb by Herbert F. York The Real Dr. Strangelove by Peter Goodchild The Tragedy of Edward Teller by István Hargittai Judging Teller by István Hargittai Martians of Science by István Hargittai Wisdom of the Martians of Science by István Hargittai Edward Teller: A Giant of the Golden Age of Physics by Stanley A. Blumberg and Louis G. Panos Energy and Conflict: The Life and Times of Edward Teller by Stanley A. Blumberg and Gwinn Owens Brotherhood of the Bomb by Gregg Herken The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes Atomic Spy by Nancy Thorndike Greenspan The Spy Who Changed The World by Mike Rossiter Physics and Philosophy by Werner Heisenberg The Meaning of Relativity by Albert Einstein Now It Can Be Told by Leslie Groves (With introduction by Edward Teller, who tried to be nice.) Oppenheimer: The Story of a Friendship by Haakon Chevalier The Man Who Would Be God by Haakon Chevalier (This is weird.) American Prometheus by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin Feynman by Ottaviani and Myrick Fallout by Ottaviani Trinity by Jonathan Fetter-Vorm Easton Press: Day of Trinity by Lansing Lamont The Man From The Future by Ananyo Bhattacharya The MANIAC by Benjamín Labatut Big Science by Michael Hiltzik Forks In The Road: A Life In Physics by Stanley Deser A Sense of the Mysterious: Science And The Human Spirit by Alan Lightman Pandora’s Keepers by Brian VanDeMark J Robert Oppenheimer by Abraham Pais An American Genius by Herbert Childs Lawrence and Oppenheimer by Nuel Pharr Davis The General And The Genius by James Kunetka J. Robert Oppenheimer And The American Century by David C. Cassidy Atoms In The Family by Laura Fermi Genius In The Shadows by William Lanouette Beyond Uncertainty by David C. Cassidy An Atomic Love Story by Patricia Klaus and Shriley Streshinsky 109 East Palace by Jennet Conant The Strangest Man by Graham Farmelo The Night of the Physicists by Richard von Schirach Oppenheimer and the American Century by David C. Cassidy Alvarez: Adventures of a Physicist by Luis W. Alvarez Oppenheimer by Isidor Isaac Rabi and more. Bomb by Steve Sheinkin Fallout by Steve Sheinkin Surely You’re Joking Mister Feynman by Richard Feynman The Feynman Lectures by Richard Feynman When We Cease To Understand The World by Benjamín Labatut Enrico Fermi: His Work And Legacy by Enrico Fermi Suspended In Language by Ottaviani
Oppenheimer: The Open Mind Atom and Void In The Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer (By everyone else.) These are the transcripts of the trials. Robert Oppenheimer Letters and Recollections edited by Alice Kimball Smith and Charles Weiner Science and the Common Understanding City of the End of Things by Northrop Frye, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and Edward Togo Salmon Uncommon Sense Lectures On Electrodynamics
More added on reblog.
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starrybluez · 7 months
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Nile Rodgers, John Taylor and Nick Rhodes at Maison Rouge Studios, London in 1984. (Photo by Virginia Turbett/Redferns)
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emiarainewrites · 1 year
Rest In Peace, Julian Sands
The world has lost a phenomenal actor and gentle soul.
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Julian Sands went missing in early January whilst going on a hike. His body has only just been found now in late June, 2023. He was 65 years old.
Along with many, many others, I am deeply saddened by his passing. The only positive thing is that his body has been recovered. I’ve been hoping for the last few months that this would be the case. At least his family can have some form of closure now.
This is a terrible tragedy that I truly wish had not happened.
But, to honour Mr. Sands, I thought I’d briefly go over a few of his films that I’ve seen and highlight the amazing range that he had.
Boxing Helena (1993)
I first became aware of Julian Sands a few years ago when I saw this film.
Directed by Jennifer Lynch, Boxing Helena tells that story of Nick (Sands) and his obsession with one-night-stand Helena (Sherilyn Fenn). After an accident makes her dependent on him, we explore Nick’s psyche and how far he’s willing to go to keep Helena with him.
This is a film that will not appeal the everyone unfortunately, but I’d still highly recommend you see it. It’s a brilliant picture with many layers and at the centre is Julian Sands and his amazing performance.
Nick’s character is heads over heals obsessed with Helena, despite her outright stating she has no interest in him. She’s quite cold to Nick for most of the film, and you can understand why. However, for Nick, that coldness is incentive to try harder for her affections. He ensures she has to rely on him for everything because he “loves” her and wants to keep her for himself.
This showcases Julian Sands’ range as an actor. He has done many serious performances throughout his career, but for me this one is special. Nick is kind of a sad person and even a tad pathetic at times. But you never lose track of why he’s like that.
He’s emotional and even intimidating when need be. It’s a comparatively softer character than some of his other work, but Nick still stands out as a sympathetic and sometimes abhorrent character - played to absolute excellence by Julian Sands.
Warlock (1989)
Directed by Steve Miner, Warlock follows Julian Sands as the titular villain who travels from the 17th century to the 20th in order to end the world. As you do. Along the way he is pursued by Redferne (Richard E. Grant), who follows him from the past, & Kassandra (Lori Singer), a modern woman caught up in the dangerous medieval magic.
This is a good film, and it’s one of the biggest things Julian Sands is known for (the others undoubtedly being Room With A View (1985), Gothic (1986) and to a lesser extent Argento’s Phantom of the Opera (1998)) Not without reason, either.
Julian Sands is excellent in this, playing a cold hearted and cruel sadist of a character. The definition of evil. He’s very direct and at times his menacing stare does most of the talking. He brings a presence that few could ever hope to match.
From the first moment you see him, you know he’s bad news. A complete one-eighty to Boxing Helena.
I for one was quite surprised to see him in this role, having known him primarily for that film. He disappears into this terrifying, yet not outright scary, role. Rocking the long-hair-ponytail look, Julian Sands will make you fear magic and what it’s (and, by extension, he’s) really capable of.
Warlock II: The Armageddon (1993)
Directed by Anthony Hickox, the sequel follows the eponymous Warlock (Sands) as he is resurrected into the 90s (oh no!) and once again sets off on a quest to obtain mystical macguffins so he can put an end to the world as we know it. While that’s going on we follow a group of good warlocks that aren’t Julian Sands who must ready for the coming evil.
This film does away with the seriousness of the first and just about loses its damn mind with how crazy it can get. But if you’ve seen Hickox’s other works such as Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992) & the Waxwork films (1988 & 1992, respectively), you’ll probably be used to the amount of darkly wacky he puts into his pictures.
The lore is almost completely revamped in terms of the Warlock and he’s after. Plus, the expansion of other magic practitioners is interesting in theory, but the result for the latter is underwhelming.
Julian Sands, however, is magnificent. This is a bit of a lesser product compared to the first, but you can’t tell that from his performance alone. I feel like you get way more of him in this one (kinda rocking his Boxing Helena look a little bit, no surprise considering it was probably filmed around the same time). You follow the Warlock as he interacts with the modern world and it’s inhabitants, tracking down mystical stones that will bring about the end of the world once assembled.
The character feels more accessible too for modern times, in terms of his presentation and demeanour. So this means there’s less medieval speak and more one-liners. Also seems like they ramped up the sexiness too at times.
The movie is much sillier than it’s predecessor, but it’s goofy fun. And you have Julian Sands dispatching people in increasingly gruesome and creative ways. Very Wishmaster (1997), with the vibe of Wishmaster II: Evil Never Dies (1999). His performance remains intimidating and cruel, but all around less cold.
Tale of a Vampire (1992)
Directed by Shimako Sato, Tale of a Vampire follows Alex (Sands) as he finds reprieve from his lonely existence in the form of Anna (Suzanna Hamilton), a kind librarian. However, all is not well as parts of his past, and his bloodlust, come back to haunt him.
This seems to have been released direct to video and, call me crazy, may have been capitalising on another vampire film that came out the exact same year. Even this film’s poster shares some similarities. Although, Julian Sands was apparently in talks to play Lestat instead of Tom Cruise, so there’s another connection. At the moment, you can find this film on YouTube (VHS rip).
Setting that aside, this is an interesting film that I don’t believe gets talked about much. It won’t change your life and I don’t think it quite gets across its ideas perfectly, but Julian Sands’ performance, as ever, is brilliant. You believe he’s been around for ages and has never been able to keep a love for himself. We get flashbacks concerning a previous companion throughout the film as Alex tries to get close to Anna in the present. There is a type of warmth that Julian Sands brings to the role, whilst also maintaining the lonesome chill of a corpse. You get a sense of confliction from him as the film goes on - whether to pursue Anna or leave her be; damn her or let her go.
Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘Annabel Lee’ also features in the film, so the idea of youth and love lost are meant to be front and centre.
There is still an element of danger to Julian Sands’ character. The film doesn’t shy away from the fact that he’s still undead and thus, must consume fresh blood. ((Special warning to all cat lovers, by the way.)) He even has a brief flash of harming Anna due to his nature and personal feelings towards her.
You feel his pain and it’s a shame that Julian Sands didn’t play more vampires, or had roles like this. Or maybe he did and I just don’t know about them. Either way he was great in this role.
Arachnophobia (1990)
Directed by Frank Marshall, Arachnophobia follows a doctor (Jeff Daniels) and his family who move to a town that is soon besieged by tons of lethal spiders. As the death toll rises, it’s a race against the clock to stop the eight-legged menace from killing everyone there.
Julian Sands has a smaller role here compared to the previous films mentioned, but he is still important and does serve as the catalyst for everything. He plays Dr. James Atherton, who is studying an undiscovered type of spider that, of course, makes it back to a populated area and spawns off a deadly chain of events.
The film itself is fun and Julian Sands is a great, somewhat pompous, doctor who can be very dismissive of those around him. Very British and very passionate about his work.
Though, of course, he does not survive the film. The big hoss spider gets him. Then again, he did declare himself as “supper”. And when you see his body, it’s pretty gnarly. He’s covered in webbing with spiders crawling all over him. Real spiders. No CGI. That alone increased my respect for him one-hundred fold when I saw it.
From unhinged sap to scary villain to lonesome creature to apathetic doctor to even romantic lead, Julian Sands led a varied and fascinating career. He seemed unafraid to attempt any role and did so with impressive commitment and astounding results.
The world has lost a great talent that will never be forgotten.
RIP Julian Sands, we will all miss you dearly.
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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Wanted Characters to write with!
This list is long, but it’s not extensive, there is likely ones I’ve missed!
This list is for all kinds of ships - familiar, platonic and romantic
If you want to know which of my muses I have in mind for each let me know and I will let you know who I’d like to write against the below muses!
***Edited to add - this is just canons, but I’m always down for writing with/shipping with OC’s!
Wanted Canon Male muses 
Daemon Targaryen / HotD
Aemond Targaryen / HotD
Nick Goode / Fear Street
Tommy Slater / Fear Street
Adil of Tarim / Fort Salem
Walter Bishop / Fringe
Morpheus/Dream / The Sandman
Ed Mercer / The Orville
Isaac / The Orville
Kalabar Junior / Halloweentown
From Blood and Ash
Casteel Da’Neer 
Kieran Contou
Folk of Air
Cardan Greenbriar
Fourth Wing
Xaden Riorson
Liam Mairi
Tairn (the Dragon)
Dain Aetos
Teen Wolf
Peter Hale
Derek Hale
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall 
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Garreth Weasley
Amit Thakkar
Aesop Sharp
Eleazar Fig
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Cedric Diggory
Godric Gryffindor
Salazar Slytherin
Scorpius Malfoy
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Jacob Black
Carlisle Cullen
Alexei Shostakov
Pietro Maximoff
Foggy Nelson
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker (any iteration)
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Clint Barton
Doctor Strange
Lost Girl
Hale Santiago
Dyson Thornwood
Jace Wayland
Simon Lewis
Alec Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Luke Garroway
Nick Scratch
Ambrose Spellman
Harvey Kinkle
Fate: The Winx Saga
Saul Silva
Agents of SHIELD
Grant Ward
Leo Fitz
Phil Coulson
Lance Hunter
Alphonso Mackenzie
Elijah Mikaelson
Klaus Mikaelson
Tyler Lockwood
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Kai Parker
Killian Jones
Neal Cassidy
David Nolan
Henry Mills  (platonic/familial only due to character age)
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia 
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Lucifer Morningstar
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Eddie Munson
Dustin Henderson (platonic/familial only due to character age)
Jim Hopper
The Quarry
Max Brinly
Dylan Lenivy
Nick Furcillo
Charmed (1997)
Chris Halliwell
Wyatt Halliwell
Leo Wyatt
Julie and the Phantoms
Reggie Peters
Alex Mercer
Luke Patterson
Mass Effect
Garrus Vakarian
Thane Krios
Commander Shepard (Male)
Oliver Queen
William Clayton
Barry Allan
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Raymond Holt
Terry Jeffords
Charles Boyle
Major Lilywhite
Blaine DeBeers
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Sheriff Galpin
Gomez Addams
Shadow and Bone
Kaz Brekker
Jesper Fahey
Aleksander Morozova
Mal Oretsev
Tolkien World
Thorin Oakenshield
Bilbo Baggins
The Covenant
Caleb Danvers
Reid Garwin
Tyler Simms
Pogue Parry
Chase Collins
Night World
James Rasmussen
Ash Redfern
John Quinn
One Piece
Monkey D Luffy
Roronoa Zoro
Wanted Canon Female muses
Vonetta Contou / From Blood and Ash
Taryn Duarte / The Cruel Prince
Tris Prior / Divergent
Olivia Dunham / Fringe
Kelly Grayson / The Orville
Claire Finn / The Orville
Alara Kitan / The Orville
Vanessa Afron / FNAF Movie
Marnie Piper / Halloweentown
Nesta Archeron
Catrin Berdara
Lady of Autumn
Marlene McKinnon
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Pansy Parkinson
Rowena Ravenclaw
Lily Evans/Potter
Marlene McKinnon
Female MC of Hogwarts Legacy
Poppy Sweeting
Natsai Onai
Imelda Reyes
Mirabel Garlick
Matilda Weasley
Dinah Hecat
Sirona Ryan
Victoire Weasley
Fourth Wing
Violet Sorrengail
Rhiannon Matthias
Mira Sorrengail
Sloane Mairi
Sgyael (the Dragon)
Evie Grimhilde
Mal Bertha
Audrey Rose
Fear Street
Deena Johnson
Ziggy Berman
Bella Swan
Esme Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Alice Cullen
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Melina Vostokoff
Wanda Maximoff
Jane Foster
Darcy Lewis
Monica Rambeau
Karen Page
Jennifer Walters
Sylvie Laufeydottir
The Hunger Games
Annie Cresta
Katniss Everdeen
Johanna Mason
Clary Fray
Isabelle Lightwood
Teen Wolf
Malia Tate
Lydia Martin
Kira Yukimura
Allison Argent
Melissa McCall
Laura Hale
Kate Argent
Lost Girl
Bo Dennis
Kenzi Malikov
Lauren Lewis
Sabrina Spellman
Rosalind Walker
Prudence Blackwood
Agatha Night
Dorcas Night
Hilda Spellman
Zelda Spellman
Fate: The Winx Saga
Bloom Peters
Terra Harvey
Agents of SHIELD
Skye / Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Bobbi Morse
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hope Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Petrova
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Emma Swan
Snow White
Alice Jones
Regina Mills
The Witcher
Francesca Findabair
Kate Sharma
Edwina Sharma
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Violet Bridgerton
Queen Charlotte
Chloe Decker
Mazikeen Smith
Linda Martin
Ella Lopez
Stranger Things
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Eleven / Jane Hopper (no ship as kid muse)
Max Mayfield (no ship as kid muse)
Joyce Byers
Elsa of Arendelle
Anna of Arendelle
Fort Salem
Abigail Bellweather
Raelle Collar
The Quarry
Abigail Blyg
Emma Mountebank
Laura Kearney
Kaitlyn Ka
Charmed (1997)
Piper Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell
Paige Halliwell
Mass Effect
Tali’Zorah Nar Rayya
Commander Shepard (female)
Jack / Subject Zero
The Sandman
Johanna Constantine
Rose Walker
Lyta Hall
Felicity Smoak
Kara Danvers
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Gina Linetti
Liv Moore
Peyton Charles
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Morticia Addams
Larissa Weems
Marilyn THornhill
Shadow and Bone
Alina Starkov
Inej Ghafa
NIna Zenik
Zoya Nazyalensky
Genya Safin
Tolkien World
Night World
Poppy North
Mary-Lynnette Carter
Rowan Redfern
Kestrel Redfern
Jade Redfern
One Piece
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lokalokas · 1 year
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Stevie Nicks with her dog in 1974 Photo Fin Costello-Redferns.
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chaotic-polymath · 2 years
"If the UFO intelligence(s) have been trying to establish contact, then clearly it is not a top-down type of contact meant to involve appointed representatives of government institutions. The reports we’ve gathered tell us it is far more egalitarian: a grass-roots type of contact involving individuals from all walks of life, which only seems to make sense if we accept two propositions: 1. The intelligence(s) have little use for traditional social structure; and 2. it or they are possibly not bound by the constraints of space and time the way we are. If time is no issue, then perhaps the best way to establish a dialog with humankind is on an individual basis.
Of course, such a non-protocolary development would never sit well with governing authorities. The CIA-sponsored Robertson panel of 1953 concluded that reports of Unidentified Flying Objects were themselves more threatening to the stability of the country than the actual possibility of an extraterrestrial intervention. It recommended a smear campaign to minimize or ridicule close encounters in the press, and the monitoring of UFO groups for fear that they could easily be manipulated by Soviet agents. The same approach was taken with self-proclaimed “contactees”—individuals from all walks of American society claiming direct contact with the flying saucer occupants, whom they fondly regarded as our “space brothers.” In his 2010 book, Contactees, Nick Redfern writes how the most prominent figures in the contactee movement were closely monitored by FBI operatives who attended their lectures and made reports on what the speakers said to their audience. Imagine the consternation of J. Edgar Hoover when reading that George Adamski’s Venusian friends regarded socialism as the most perfect form of human government. It is my opinion the Cosmic Love propagandized by the Contactees of the 1950s paved the way to the Free Love counterculture of the 1960s, and the governmental authorities viewed both grassroots movements in the same manner: as a threat, graver and more insidious than an open confrontation with the communist bloc."
Anarchy in the UFO! - Red Pill Junkie
Essay from UFOs: Reframing the debate by Robbie Graham
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