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The Homes of Hidden Animals Series by Jeniak
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The Ghosts of Lima Tuberculosis Hospital
The Lima Tuberculosis Hospital in Allen County, Ohio closed its doors for a final time in 1972 and has since been left abandoned. Despite this, the hospital has become a popular destination for urban explorers and ghost hunters who are drawn there by the growing number of paranormal sightings. It is said that if you go into the basement of the old tuberculosis hospital at night, you can see apparitions of dead bodies on the floor and ghosts of former patients wearing nightgowns have also been seen, but the most common sightings are of shadow figures that dart in and out of the rooms and have been known to follow visitors as they explore the hospital grounds.
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Overbrook Asylum
In 1896, Essex County Asylum for the Insane was build on 325 acres of lane in Cedar Grove, New Jersey. The asylum was more commonly referred to as Overbrook. From the onset, the asylum was at full capacity, often housing thousands of patients at once. Additionally, the asylum was severely understaffed. On the grounds of the asylum stood a train station, as well as a power house and a boiler. The patients at the asylum were mostly fed by food that was grown in the fields on the grounds. A bakery and firehouse were also built within the complex of Overbrook.
It was said that it was a town within a town, but with an ever growing patient list combined with minimal staff and developing drugs, it was set up to fail, and fail it certainly did. Due to the sheer amount of patients, many were left without a bed and were forced to sleep on the cold asylum floors. In 1917, disaster struck when the asylum’s only boiler malfunctioned and 24 inmates froze to death in their beds while they slept. Disease was often rampant in Overbrook.
As time progressed and mental health issues became better understood, grim methods such as lobotomies and electroshock therapy became outdated. This was a blow to the already failing asylum, who used both methods in abundance. The asylum eventually closed in 2007, with over 10,000 patients dying within the confines of the walls. It isn’t much surprise that many say Overbrook is haunted - several visitors have claimed to witness a nurse wearing a 19th century nurses uniform, walking around the asylum conducting checks.
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Our Phantom Nanny
This is a first-person account told by one mother.
When our daughter turned six months old, I began to notice a change in her behavior. Something unusual was going on.
I would walk into her room to find her babbling and laughing—as if she were interacting with someone.
When I would hear her cries of distress, I would head to her room to comfort her only to find she had stopped. She would often be cooing happily.
It was as if someone else had gotten to her first and comforted her.
I noted these incidents and didn’t think much of them—that is until one late evening. I was working on a report that was overdue in my home office when a noise from the hall distracted me.
I looked up and caught a glimpse of a woman’s reflection in the hallway mirror.
She appeared to be standing near the front door. She was tall, her dark hair was pulled back into a severe bun, and she was wearing a Victorian dressing gown.
When I walked to my office door to take a closer look, her reflection disappeared.
The home we lived in had been in my husband’s family for generations so we felt she might be a deceased relative looking over our daughter.
As the months passed her interactions with our daughter became more frequent. Near my daughter’s first birthday, my husband and I were awakened by her cries. We both got up to check on her. This was when I heard odd noises coming from the baby monitor.
My husband grabbed my arm and put his fingers to his lips. We stopped and listened. There was the unmistakable sound of a female voice singing a lullaby. My daughter’s cries ceased and we heard her say, “Night, night.”
My husband then ran to her room to check on her. Everything was fine. But this incident freaked us out. We had our home cleansed a short time later. Since there have not been any more appearances by our phantom nanny.
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The Men In Black
Pretty much everybody knows of the film The Men In Black starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. However the real men in black are no joke. Described as men dressed in all black, driving black cars, no facial hair and emotionless faces, these men are all too real for those who have come into contact with them. When asked, they always show impressive and high ranking credentials but never share their names. Always somehow related to UFO’s these men always find out about a witness and proceed to make contact with them to interview and silence them. It is believed by many that these men aren’t actually men at all, but are actually aliens themselves working alongside government agencies to help cover up secrets.
These mysterious men are known for terrorizing and silencing those deeply involved in UFO sightings and research. They frequently show up to UFO researcher and witness’s homes and let themselves in. They will proceed to interview and then threaten and harass their victims until they believe that they will keep quiet about what they’ve seen or learned. What frequently shocks their victims is how much information these men in black know about them and their encounter. The men can easily describe exact locations and times, and know more about a person than people would like them too. Those who have encountered them claim that they’ve felt overwhelmed with fear and it is effective in making them stay quiet, for a little while at least.
Encounters with the men in black are rare and have declined in the modern day, but were very frequent during times of heavy government involvement in UFO matters. They were even said to have been constantly involved in the Mothman phenomenon during its reign in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. These mysterious and threatening men are all too real, and it makes you wonder how many UFO encounters haven’t been told to the public after a witness was visited by the men in black. If you ever encounter a UFO and come into contact with mysterious men in black it’s probably best that you still come forward about your encounter, because whatever you saw, it’s important enough that powerful people don’t want the public knowing about it.
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The Hellfire Caves, UK

The Hellfire caves were excavated between 1748 and 1752 by Sir Francis Dashwood. The caves run into the hillside above West Wycombe Village and beneath St. Lawrence’s Church and Mausoleum. The caves extend 0.25 miles (400 m) underground with caves (or chambers) connected by a series of passageways and tunnels leading visitors from the Entrance Hall which was made to look like a gothic church all the way across the “River Styx” to the inner temple which lies directly underneath St. Lawrence’s Church, symbolizing one’s descent from heaven to hell.

The caves are named after the infamous Hellfire Club, which consisted of politicians, noble men, and high-ranking members of society. Though not a member of the club, Benjamin Franklin was a close friend of Dashwood and visited the caves from time to time. The club motto was “fais ce que tu voudras” which translates to “do what thou wilt”, which they did. Meetings occurred twice a month and according to legend, the members were involved in many illicit activities such as sex parties, drinking, and practiced occult rituals. In 1766 the Hellfire Club dissolved and the caves fell into disrepair, until the late 1940s and 50s when the caves were renovated by the Dashwood family. They have been used as a tourist attraction ever since. There have been many reports of paranormal activity in the caves, they were even featured on several paranormal shows such as Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters.

Paul Whitehead was a close friend of Sir Dashwood and served as Secretary and Steward to the Hellfire Club. When he died in 1774, he requested that his heart be placed in an urn and stored in the Mausoleum at West Wycombe. However, the heart was stolen by an Australian soldier in 1829. It is said that his spirit haunts the caves searching for his heart. Many visitors and staff claim to have reported seeing a man in period clothing wandering the passageways.
There is also the legend of the White Lady who haunts the Hellfire caves. She was an attractive young girl who worked at a local bar during the late 18th century and many sought her hand in marriage, but she refused wanting to be married into society. She started dating an aristocrat. One night she received a letter asking her to meet him in the Hellfire caves wearing her best dress, but the note was a hoax. Three village boys were waiting for her and started teasing and tormenting her. She threw stones at them, and one of the boys, laughing, threw a rock back at her hitting her in the head killing her. Many visitors to the caves have reported seeing her spirit wandering the west side passageways, perhaps waiting for her lover.
The Hellfire caves also have reports of poltergeist activity, where people have had stones thrown at them and hearing footsteps. Chanting is also said to have been heared emanating from the Inner Temple.

What do you think? Do you think the Hellfire Caves are haunted or is it all just legends?
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The Cursed Busby’s Chair
Today this chair can be found on display at the Thirsk Museum in North Yorkshire, England. It hangs on the wall five feet up in order to prevent anyone from sitting on it. Legend states this infamous chair is cursed, if anyone dares sit in it they will shortly meet their death.
This curse began in the 18th century. In 1702, Daniel Awety, a coin-forger bought a farm and named it Danotty Hall in the rural area of Kirby Wiske. His son-in-law, Thomas Busby who partnered him in crime was a thief, drunk and bully who owned an inn 3 miles from Danotty Hall.
One day, Busby drunk as usual returned to his inn to find his father-in-law sitting in his favorite chair. He demanded Awety move immediately, but the older man refused. The two men got in a heated argument and Busby kicked his father-in-law out of the inn but not before Awety threatened to take his daughter back with him to his farm.
Later that night, Busby sneaked into Danotty Hall and murdered Awety, he then hid his body in the nearby woods. But when it was noticed Awety had disappeared the local police organized a search. Awety’s body was found and Busby was arrested and sentenced to death by hanging.
On the day of his execution, Busby drunk had to be dragged from his favorite chair. As he was led to the gallows, at the crossroads near his inn, he cursed the chair vowing, “that anyone who dared to sit in it would die a sudden and violent death.”
In the years following Busby’s threat, the inn was renamed Busby Stoop Inn. The new owner at first not believing in this curse kept the chair out on the floor for use. As news of the curse spread curious visitors started to flock to the inn.
There were also reports that Thomas Busby haunted the inn. Reliable witnesses announced they had seen Busby’s ghost wandering around the second floor. This drew even more visitors to the Busby Stoop.
A chimney sweep who sat in the chair in the late 1800s was found dead the next morning. He was found hanging from a gatepost near where Busby was executed. This incident sealed people’s belief in this curse.
Friends would often dare friends to sit in the chair, although very few did. The few who were brave enough to take the dare all met untimely ends.
During the Second World War across the road from Busby Stoop an airfield was built that the Royal Canadian Air Force used. These men would often partake of the inn’s ale. Several crew members were dared to sit in the Busby chair. Those who took the dare never returned home from bombing sorties over Germany.
One previous owner tells how two airmen dared each other to sit in the chair. Both sat in the chair and later that day their car hit a tree and both men died.
A group of builders having lunch at the inn dared a young worker to sit in the chair. This young man obliged and after returning to the building site he fell through a roof and died. After this death the landlord locked the chair away in the cellar.
In 1978, a deliveryman sat in the chair in the cellar. He told the landlord it was a very comfortable. He suggested that such a fine chair should not be locked away in a damp cellar. Within hours after this, his truck veered off the road and crashed, killing him.
There are many more stories connected to this cursed chair. An Air Force pilot was killed the day after sitting in the chair. A motorcyclist died on his bike shortly after leaving the inn, a hitchhiker was knocked down and killed two days after visiting the inn. A local man in his early thirties died of a massive heart attack the night after he sat in this chair.
At a recent innkeeper’s request the Busby chair has been moved out of harm’s way. The chair had been in this inn for over 275 years.
It is the most popular piece on display at the Thirsk Museum. Visitors still ask if they can sit in the chair but it is never taken down off the wall.
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UFO Sightings: Remarkable Eyewitness Reports #17
Posted: 27 Jul 2019 05:11 AM PDT
Disc-shaped UFO spotted over Amarillo, California
The photographer took a clear image of a unknown flying object over Amarillo, California on July 21, 2019. This object has no wings or other visible parts characteristic of an aircraft. A glow comes from the top of the object.
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Pentagon officially releases these videos of UFOs or ‘unexplained aerial phenomena’.(VIA: Twitter)
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The Codex Gigas
Codex Gigas, otherwise known as the Devil’s Bible is the largest and probably one of the strangest manuscripts in the world. It is so large that it is said to have taken more than 160 animal skins to make it and takes at least two people to lift it. According to legend, the medieval manuscript was made out of a pact with the devil, which is why it is sometimes referred to as the Devil’s Bible.
It was written in Latin during the 13th century AD, and although the origin of the manuscript is unknown, a note in the manuscript states that it was pawned in the monastery at Sedlec in 1295. Stories and legends say that the Codex Gigas brought disaster or illness on whoever possessed it during its history. (More Information)
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Myrtle's Plantation
The Ghost of Cloe, a slave.
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Triangle V-Shaped UFO with Bright Lights Hovering over Austin (Texas) - FindingUFO
Footage of a triangle UFO over the Austin area has been submitted to TexasUFOs. What do you think this video shows? An alien or top-secret military spacecraft...or perhaps something simpler, like a large drone or led kite? The witness has followed up to say they don't think it could be a drone due to how silent it was... but wonder if it could be a kite, as it showed up the next night as well, but this time with another mystery green light next to it... As always, share your thoughts in the comments below!
Detail of sighting:
UFO filmed at IH-35 and Wells Branch Pkwy in Austin (around Pflugerville) on Friday, August 3rd, 2018 at 8:15 PM. Sighting lasted for over an hour.
Full witness testimony:
"Seems as if it is hovering above the Oaks at Techridge Apartments. Been hovering for an hour and a half and still continuing. My first thoughts were is this either a UFO, drone, or a new type of child's kite? I happened see an identical occurrence here on this website back from 8 months ago in Nov 2017...this could very well be the same thing! I have another pretty good photo I can email. But I will attach the video."
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Belgium Triangle UFO Sightings
Date: October, 1989 Location: Belgium
From October 1989 throughout 1990, hundreds of reports of lighted objects, frequently described as enormous and triangular in shape were recorded in Belgium. Air Force supersonic F-16 jets chased these strange objects, which were simultaneously tracked by both airborne and ground radars. The Belgian Government cooperated fully with civilian UFO investigators, an action without precedent in the history of government involvement in this field.
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Ayia Napa sea monster
Beast of Bodmin
Beast of Dartmoor
Beast of Dean
Beast of Exmoor
Beast of Gévaudan
Black Bird of Chernobyl
Black Shuck
Canvey Island Monster
Fear Liath
Giglioli’s Whale
Gnome of Girona
Lagarfljót Worm
Loch Ness Monster
Shug Monkey
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