#Alaska cruise season
techdriveplay · 3 days
Best Cruise Line for an Alaskan Cruise for Every Type of Traveler
Taking an Alaskan cruise is on most cruise enthusiasts’ bucket lists, and for good reason. Alaska is one of the most ruggedly beautiful, unspoiled locations I have ever visited. However, due to its remote location and large size, exploring Alaska can be a daunting and expensive feat. This is where cruising can help. You don’t want to just book any cruise, of course. They definitely aren’t all the…
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how do i make my writing more ‘mature’? i always feel like no matter how sophisticated i write and no matter every which way i change it up it always has a sense of being childish or juvenile.
Making Writing Sound More Mature
1 - Better Plot and Story Structure - One of the telltale signs of juvenile writing is a story that meanders, has no obvious plot or structure, has no conflict or has a protagonist with no goal. So, make sure you have a well fleshed out plot, with a conflict, protagonist goal, and which hits the beats specific to your story's genre.
2 - Three-Dimensional Characters - If you're writing plot-driven fiction, make sure your main characters have a fleshed out personality, stakes, motivation, goal, and compelling relationships with other characters. If you're writing fully or partially character-driven fiction, do all of the above, but also make sure your main characters have a relevant internal conflict and a thoughtful character arc.
3 - Well-Developed Setting and World - One common hallmark of juvenile writing is a lack of "sense of place" and under-developed world building. So, make sure you put a lot of thought into where your story takes place... not just the immediate setting of each scene, but the overall world of the story, or at least the parts of it that are relevant.
4 - Incorporate Literary Devices - Juvenile writing tends to be lacking in the use of metaphor, simile, symbolism, irony, themes, and motifs. So, make sure to include those, but also take the time to make them relevant to your story.
5 - Include a Broad Range of Vocabulary - One common element of juvenile writing is a reliance on limited, simple vocabulary. Don't be afraid to use a thesaurus to find more interesting word choices--just be absolutely certain to crosscheck your choices with a dictionary to make sure they are the right choice. Online thesauruses in particular are bad about offering up bad suggestions. Also, make sure to learn and use special vocabulary that is relevant to your story, genre, or setting. For example, if your character is a retired police detective trying to solve a murder on his stalled cruise to Alaska, you need to make sure you know the proper investigative terminology, because he will definitely use it. And, by that same token, you'd want to make sure you know cruise ship lingo as well. And, part of this, too, is getting better at description and the inclusion of emotional and sensory detail.
6 - Use Varied Sentence Structure - This is a big one... juvenile writing tends to use repetitive sentence structure, such as simple sentences (she stood up, she went to the window, she waved at the man), lack of subordinate clauses (Tad Smith, who was a seasoned and retired investigator, had looked forward to this cruise his whole life...), repetitive starts (every sentence begins with a pronoun, for example), uniform length (all short sentences, for example.) So, make sure your sentences are varied. If you read them out loud, you don't want it to sound rhythmic, but more like a complex melody.
7 - Show, Don't Tell... Most of the Time - Telling definitely has its place, but most of the time you want to show rather than tell, meaning that instead of stating things simply and directly (the sun was shining) you want to paint a clear but indirect image (dappled sunlight shone through the trees.)
8 - Avoid Cliche Phrases - Human language is littered with everyday phrases like "to each their own" or "better late than never." Generally-speaking, you want to avoid these phrases in your story, especially in exposition. If you include them anywhere, they're best spoken as dialogue by a character who it makes sense would say something like that. Likewise, be careful of cliche genre or character-type phrases. For example, villains who say things like "we're not so different, you and I..." or "I finally have you right where I want you!" These overused phrases tend to make stories sound juvenile and unpolished.
9 - Avoid Cliche Tropes - Another type of cliche to avoid if you want more mature-sounding writing is cliches of various tropes. Tropes on their own are a good thing, but when tropes are used the same way over and over again in a genre or type of story, they become predictable. For example, the super gorgeous protagonist who everyone is in love with, but they view themselves as plain and not special. Or the broken/hopeless/addict mentor character. It's not that you can't use any cliche tropes at all, just make sure your story isn't riddled with them, and do what you can to put your own spin on the ones you do use.
10 - Read, Read, Read - And I can't stress this enough... the absolute best way to improve your writing style and take your writing from juvenile to polished is to make sure you're reading a lot of fiction, in a lot of genres, by a lot of authors. Audio books, short stories, and poetry count, too. The more you read, the more you begin to: understand plot and story structure, recognize well-developed characters, easily envision complex settings and worlds, learn vocabulary and literary devices, become attuned to varied sentence structure, and learn to recognize cliche phrases and tropes.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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richardlawson · 7 months
The End
After a few years away from that particular couch, I started seeing a new therapist at the end of last year. It had been long enough, I sagely determined, after I was felled by a series of really nasty panic attacks—one happened while I was doing a Q&A on stage with some filmmakers. They didn't notice, nor did the audience, nor (most importantly) the publicists. But it was happening. Me contemplating running off stage, into the Soho afternoon. It was a terrible feeling, and eventually feeling terrible starts to be a drag, so I found, after a fair amount of searching, someone new.
He is in his late 50s and has a kind, open comportment. He's much more giving and lean-in-and-nod than my last therapist, a sort of prim and watchful gay guy who retired to Florida. I like this new gay guy, I think. Or, I am warming to him. At first, I thought his platitudes and constant quoting of various people were corny. But I have resisted such sentiment for so long, and lack of sentiment hasn't cured me, so maybe I should try the earnest stuff. He has me meditating for one minute a day. The panic attacks went away.
For a little while, anyway. They've been creeping back, when I least expect them, and when I most do. I am afraid of what I am afraid of, I hate what I hate, I feel increasingly indifferent to what I love. Winter hardens care. Do I like movies anymore? Do I like a play, seen on some chilly Saturday afternoon? Maybe it's just seasonal. Or it's media malaise in a time of such austerity. They're trying to lay off the best people while the worst people watch, safe as houses. They're trying to take the whole thing apart and replace it with nothing. I have worked in my business for 16 years, well over a third of my life, and for the first time it now feels truly dire and terminal and like I need to start making other plans for what to do with the rest of my time here in the waking, working world.
Something I talk about a lot with my therapist is inertia—I use the word constantly. Why can't I just, why can't I just, why can't I just. I know something's in me, latent under my lazy skin, but it never makes its way to the surface. At least not yet.
Which causes panic, this stasis. I am scared of the drugs that might help, and am resistant to other concrete life changes that might make this better. (I like a glass of wine too much; I'm a fan of my vape.) I have tried avoiding things, I have tried not avoiding things.
I guess it's not circumstance, really. I have panic attacks when I'm home at night, Andrew asleep in the other room, me watching some murder show or YouTube video (same thing) and suddenly a feeling hits me, the conviction that a blood clot or some other lurking thing is making its way up my body and that this is my sorry, lonely little nighttime end. Here it is, the moment when I'm carried off, when I disappear, when I slip away into nothing.
My parents just finished a cruise, a lifelong wish fulfilled, in South America, hooking around Cape Horn and then exploring the fjords and inlets of Chile. All the reports were good. They had the best time. I had worried about my mom itching for her work email, about my dad being newly 90 years old and maybe feeling exhausted by all the activity. But it seems they managed well. They saw Patagonian cities, they saw mountains rising out of the sea, they saw the shy, retreating edges of glaciers, so quiet and demure in their dying. My mom sent us pictures and I thought most about the glaciers, those last cracking murmurs of a time before. When I was in Alaska for a wedding, years ago now, we went to a park of some kind and the visitor's center that was once built over a glacier then stood cantilevered over dry land. The ice had crept much farther up the mountain, winking goodbye.
How awful. And yet, in the depths of my hypocrisy, I relish an unseasonably warm day. Whatever lifts me out of winter, I guess. Whatever can drag me out of the feeling that everything is indeed going to ruin—a career, a life, a liver, a future. My best friend moved out of my neighborhood recently, which is sad. But it also affords us the opportunity to explore new territory, to find backyard bars with good deals where we can huddle in forgiving late-winter winds and make uneasy escape plans, where we consider what parachutes could ever be made of.
It's not always enough, of course. I too often have nights, far too late, when I go pacing around the living room, circling the coffee table in a weird sort of marching step in my underwear, shaking my hands to get the dread to go away. My new therapist has urged me to find what centers me. To think of all that is known and steady.
I try to gather myself and remember the people I have, arrayed across the planet. Andrew, in restless sleep down the hall. My sister in her Los Angeles canyon, surrounded by trees. I walk the room, knees high and somehow defiant, chest straining with worry. And I see my parents, on a boat at the tip of the world, dreaming of lost things.
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lifblogs · 6 months
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @evilwriter37, and @flurbejurbvondurp. Thanks!
Relationship Status: Single and upset about it
Favorite Color: Blue or green
Song stuck in my head: “Frantic Escape” composed by Kevin Kiner for season 2 of The Bad Batch
Favorite food: Cheese. It’s cheese. (Yes I find a healthy and safe way around this despite my lactose intolerance)
Last song I listened to: “Frantic Escape” composed by Kevin Kiner for season 2 of The Bad Batch (yeah, I’m obsessed)
Dream trip: Alaska or New Zealand or the Nerd Cruise!
Last show/movie: The Clone Wars (show), Attack of the Clones (movie)
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Spicy!! (Sorry, IBS)
Last thing googled: How does a pacemaker work (for reasons my readers should be afraid of)
Tagging: @miss-mouse99, @rhythmsmith, @xentari94 (since we’ve been talking a little bit), @cascigarette, @envydean, @feeling-uncomfy.
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frangipanilove · 1 year
"Home" is North o’clock
Through this entire first season on TWDDD we’ve seen Daryl on a mission to find a way to get back home. He’s been desperately searching for a functioning radio in every episode, and has managed to stay laser focused on traveling north, to find a way home. Despite constantly getting sidetracked along the way, he’s now nearing Le Havre, where the people of Union of Hope have promised to help him find a ship to America.
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In TWDDD 1x5 Deux Amours we see Daryl, Laurent and Azlan make their way up the river, heading north, to The Nest. We get to know Azlan, whose story involves a tragic loss which took away his reason to live.
We also heard how a clock represented a turning point for him. It saved his life, he explains, and gave him a purpose to live. I took one look at that clock and realized it was the French equivalent to Beth’s DC spoon from 4x12 Still.
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I’ve written a lot about the intersection between Sirius symbolism and North Star symbolism (here and here), and once again, in TWDDD Deux Amours, we see a representation of how “north” represents “home”.
In TWD season 5 we saw it explained by Carl to Judith; that if you’re lost at night, just find the North Star, it’s at the end of the Little Dipper:
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Of course we all remember Beth picking up the DC spoon/Little Dipper in Still…
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Daryls entire time in France has revolved around traveling north, to the place called The Nest, where he’ll deliver Laurent and get a ticket to a trans-Atlantic cruise in return.
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When Azlan dies he gives the clock to Daryl, tells him to follow the river north, until they arrive at the place depicted on the clock, The Nest (which in reality is Mont Saint Michel). When Genet’s people catch up to Daryl and Laurent, Daryl gives the clock to Laurent and instructs him to follow the river until he sees The Nest.
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So the navigational themes are strong around both the clock and Beth’s DC spoon. The DC spoon for obvious reasons; the North Star is at the end of the Little Dipper, as Carl explained. The North Star will help you find your way, it’s a compass in the sky.
Azlan’s clock on the other hand, is pretty much a regular compass, in that clocks can be used as compasses. I’m not making that up, a clock can be used as a compass. That is an actual thing that people do.
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Basically, what we’re seeing here is that Azlan’s clock is synonymous with Beth’s DC spoon.
And remember how all of Daryl’s efforts of getting to the north involves constantly searching for functioning radios? He’s been talking about radios non stop since he washed ashore in Marseille.
Well, in 1x5 we finally saw him get a hold of a radio. It was in a flashback from right before he was taken aboard the French Research Vessel of Horror, where we also saw a character randomly named Grady!?!???
Totally side-eying that, particularly because we also met another dude named Juno, which @wdway brilliantly recognized as a reference to the Alaska state capital Juneau! Which, again, ties right into the north symbolism because of this license plate from 5x16 Conquer:
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That’s the Big Dipper and Polaris (North Star) there on the Alaska state flag!
And remember how I in this post from last week talked about how tptb sometimes uses silly word plays as symbolism? Words and phrases that phonetically sound similar? Like serious/Sirius, beer/bear, Monet/money and the classic Del Arno Foods/"there are no foods"… (which was interestingly also taken from 5x16 Conquer, where we saw the Wolves luring walkers into trailer trucks, in a perfect parallel to what we saw in Daryl’s flashback from Maine,..)
Yeah, speaking of phonetical similarities...
In TWD 10x17 Home Sweet Home we heard Beth's name for the first time in a very long time...
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Maggie has no reason to believe that Beth isn't dead so I wouldnt worry about that part. What's interesting is what she's calling her sister; Bethie!
If I was ever instructed to find a name that phonetically sounds like Bethie...
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...Bessy sure as hell would be among my top contenders...
Bessy, as in the name the radio operator has assigned to his radio...
I have talked about how radios are Sirius symbolism, right? (that's a rhetorical question, I have talked about it ad nauseum)
And I think I have explained that Sirius means "return/resurrection/coming back" a couple of times as well...
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Bessie the Radio sure seems to be well tuned into the symbolism around "returns" and people "coming back"...
You’re free to do with that as you please...👀
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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Klondike Highway, BC (No. 3)
The original 53 km (33 mi) section known locally as the Carcross Road was actually made into a part of the Alaska Highway in 1942, until the Marsh Lake route was opened the next year. As Yukon Highway 5, it formed a loop road with Highway 6, the Tagish Road (now numbered as 8). It was renumbered as Highway 2 in 1978, being incorporated into the Klondike Highway designation. The road underwent alignment improvements during the 1980s. Residents living as far south as 25 km (16 miles) from the Alaska Highway still give their residential addresses as historic mile measurements that start at zero at the Alaska Highway, even though the distances are no longer accurate, and kilometre posts count distance from Skagway's ferry terminal.
Construction of the "Carcross-Skagway Road" began in the 1950s, was abandoned partway up a mountain from Skagway, and resumed in 1976-1977 when the Captain William Moore Bridge was constructed. The entire road was completed between Skagway and Carcross in August 1978. It was only open for a few weeks before seasonal closure. The first full summer season of use was in 1979.
The highway originally was built for tourist traffic, but in 1986 became important as a commercial transportation route, coincident with what seemed to be inevitable abandonment of the White Pass and Yukon Route railway (WP&YR). The new owners of the Faro mine secured government agreement to open the highway for trucking. The last winter closure ended in the spring of 1986.
The Carcross-Skagway Road portion of the highway underwent substantial rerouting, widening and (cold mix) paving in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Mining ore trucks and fuel tankers are the primary current (2013) commercial users of the highway, which also remains a popular tourist route (cars, RVs, buses), and provides a means for the WP&YR to offer economically-priced train excursions connecting at Fraser to buses based at Skagway for the cruise ship industry, or to/from Carcross and Whitehorse to the north.
Source: Wikipedia
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purpleplaid17 · 1 year
Jess Watches // Tues 3 Oct Synopses & Favourite Scenes
The Resident (with mum) 2x08 Heart in a Box
Nic fears Conrad becomes overly attached to a patient; Mina and Austin grow closer while working on a difficult heart transplant; Devon embarks on a very difficult day.
AJ admitting to Nic that he has feelings for Mina but will not act on it until they are equals and not mentor/mentee. That he doesn't want a power imbalance in their relationship.
Frasier (with mum) 5x06 Voyage of the Damned
Frasier agrees to give a celebrity lecture on a cruise to Alaska. Along with Roz, he invites Niles and Martin to go with them.
Why wasn't Daphne invited on the cruise? She would've "enjoyed it while you can because they'll be no cruises in hell." As her mother would say.
Only Murders in the Building 3x10 Opening Night (Season Finale)
Charles, Mabel and Oliver race to entrap the killer on opening night. As the musical thrills its Broadway audience, the trio brave further twists and turns from behind, above and all around the stage.
Oliver trying to read the review but hitting a paywall lol. Mabel taking a final bow when she wasn't even in the musical lmao. I was left asking 2 questions: How many rats is one Ben Glenroy? and Which of the Pickwick triplets actually did it?
Upload 2x05 Mind Frisk
Nathan and Nora race to stop a potentially dangerous technological advance. Luke boycotts sleep when he finds Horizen is profiting from his dreams. Ingrid is tempted by a new tech offering: digital babies.
The digital babies all having A.I. guys face was equal parts cute and creepy. Also scary to think that the mind frisk thing is something tech bros could eventually create.
Deadloch 1x04 Episode 4
While Dulcie and Cath's relationship hits a very rough patch, new suspects are named and dismissed, but it's Eddie's slip up at a press conference that really makes an impact.
Dulcie having to duck down to see the locker mirror because she is so tall and horsey. And Eddie saying she didn't want to "muff-dive your wife" followed by " the only reason I'd kick him out of bed is to fuck him on the floor." Her hot orange mind.
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dsandrvk · 14 days
Friday, September 6 - Gaferut Island
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Even with somewhat low tide conditions, we were still able to land the Zodiacs on Gaferut Island. Rather than a beach, the shoreline was covered with lots of loose, dead coral, which made walking somewhat challenging. It was also extremely hot, and we needed to stay out of the mangroves for the most part because it is nesting time for the Terns and Black Noddies that call this place home, so no real shade. We met Joe, the ornithologist, on the beach, and since we were in the last group to arrive, he decided to go on a bird walk, so about four of us went with him.
In addition to White Terns, Sooty Terns, and Noddies, there were also two kinds of Boobies and Great Frigatebirds, all competing for nesting space on this little dot in the ocean. But in addition, there were several groups of Pacific Golden Plovers, which Joe said had probably flown non-stop from Alaska to here as they finished their breeding season in the Arctic. We also saw at least one Bristle-thighed Curlew which had never been recorded on this island (although like the plovers is within its migration corridor). Joe was pretty psyched by this.
Although this island is uninhabited, it is not unknown to the locals and people from Ifalik have long come here to gather bird and turtle eggs. The natural vegetation here is mangroves, which are actually growing above the shore level, but probably are inundated during storms. The locals have been planting coconut palms, mainly in the depressions left by nesting turtles, and over time this may change the makeup of the island, as the palms may outcompete the mangroves, leaving the birds with no good nesting areas. Of course the entire island may be underwater from rising seas before that happens.
We did walk into the mangroves in one area to meet the "queen" of the island - a coconut crab. She had a nice little burrow in the ground, and there were lots more crabs out on palm fronds or trunks. Some of the smaller ones even act like hermit crabs and drag a shell around with them for protection. They're really colorful.
We also found an old tortoise shell from a turtle that had died. From what was left, it looked like a hawksbill, which have the beautiful translucent shells that used to be made into combs or other accessories.
By now it was almost noon, and we were all too hot to stay around any longer so we headed back for lunch and a chance to cool down. We had a great opportunity to drift snorkel in the afternoon, leaving one Zodiac and slowly moving with the current to another. Unlike almost every other place we have been which was either a fairly flat reef, or a flat reef with a drop-off, here the reef was cut with canyons and small caverns, and had many different levels. We saw bigger fish than previously, probably because there is no close by settlement. Ifalik is over 250 kilometers away, so although they come here, it isn't very often.
After a run of grey evening skies, we are finally starting to see some sunsets. There are always rain clouds somewhere, and we have also seen our share of rainbows. Yesterday coming back from snorkeling there was a perfect rainbow framing our view of the ship. We have been extremely lucky with our weather.
Tomorrow is a sea day, and we will reach Guam around 5 PM, and go through Customs in the evening, which will allow those ending their cruise to be able to leave more easily on Sunday. We will also be losing some crew members, and several of the expedition staff, including one of our favorite lecturers and snorkel guides, Jess. She has made both sea life and geology fun and interesting and will be missed. But there will be new guests and crew to get to know, and we're only halfway through our adventure.
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bobofsuburbia · 15 days
Hegemony and Me: an American tale
god bless America, land of the brave and home of the free established by white men for white men on the backs of Africans and Chinese on the graves of its Indigenous people on the theft of goods from Central and South America polished white marble build up its capital where monuments sit bare like bones in the soil asking you to forget the many little deaths that had to happen to turn that graveyard into a garden the many tiny factory hands that make our clothes and electronics the death squads burning villages from human memory the prisoners generating wealth for the Fortune 500 there's a candy coating on all of it sweet and serene dulling the senses red white and blue sugar dipped conquest a military hegemony of 32 scoopable flavors a cruise missile needs to go into a school somewhere around the world in order for you to feel safe here at home here in America, god bless it, where children are killed at school by their peers wonder where they learned that violence solves problems? maybe it was the million dead Iraqis, or the million dead Cambodians? maybe it was the twin rising suns over Japan? or the two decades in the mountains of Afghanistan? or maybe it was the piles of dead bison? or the poisoned waters of Alaska and Michigan? maybe it was the freeways built through Black neighborhoods? maybe it was the segregated bathrooms or the dudes in white hoods? maybe it was all of it together a cocktail of coercion and culling gnawing you out from the inside so that you can gorge yourself at the table of fruit always in season corn as big as your arm and chickens so plump their legs break underneath them where the drinks only taste a little like copper and the smell of the bodies only wafts over on really windy days
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cruises-trips-news · 19 days
Busy Alaskan Port May Not Have Internet or Cell Service for Weeks
As the 2024 Alaska cruise season nears its conclusion, one of the most popular ports of call in the region is experiencing a technology crisis.  At approximately 11:25 a.m. local time on Thursday, August 29, 2024, internet and cell service went out in Sitka, Alaska – and isn’t expected to return for approximately two weeks.  […] The post Busy Alaskan Port May Not Have Internet or Cell Service for Weeks appeared first on BOAT CRUISES TRIPS NEWS. https://boat-cruises-trips.news-6.com/busy-alaskan-port-may-not-have-internet-or-cell-service-for-weeks/
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mywisdomexchange · 20 days
A Wildlife Lover's Guide to the World
As a seasoned traveler and wildlife enthusiast, I've had the privilege of exploring some of the most breathtaking destinations on Earth. From the vast plains of Africa to the lush rainforests of the Amazon, each place has offered unique and unforgettable encounters with the animal kingdom. In this post, I'll share my top picks for wildlife-rich destinations, along with tips and insights to help you plan your own adventure.
Africa: The Motherland of Wildlife
Africa, a continent renowned for its diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage, is also a wildlife lover's paradise. Here are a few of my favorite destinations:
Kenya: Known for its iconic Great Migration, Kenya offers unparalleled opportunities to witness herds of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles traversing vast plains. The Maasai Mara National Reserve is a must-visit for any safari enthusiast.
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Tanzania: Tanzania's Serengeti National Park is another world-famous safari destination, boasting incredible wildlife diversity and stunning scenery. The Ngorongoro Crater, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is home to a wide range of animals, including lions, elephants, and rhinos.
Botswana: For a more intimate and exclusive safari experience, consider Botswana. The Okavango Delta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a unique wetland ecosystem teeming with wildlife, including elephants, hippos, and crocodiles.
South America: A Biodiversity Hotspot
South America is home to some of the world's most diverse ecosystems and incredible wildlife. Here are a few highlights:
Amazon Rainforest: The Amazon is the largest rainforest on Earth and a biodiversity hotspot. Explore the dense jungle and encounter exotic creatures like jaguars, monkeys, and colorful birds.
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Galapagos Islands: Located off the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands are renowned for their unique and endemic species. Witness sea lions, giant tortoises, and marine iguanas in their natural habitats.
Pantanal: This vast wetland in Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay is a great place to spot jaguars, caimans, and a variety of bird species.
Asia: A Land of Extremes
Asia offers a wide range of wildlife experiences, from dense jungles to snow-capped mountains. Here are a few destinations to consider:
India: India is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including tigers, elephants, and rhinoceroses. Visit national parks like Jim Corbett, Ranthambore, and Kaziranga for the best chances of spotting these magnificent creatures.
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Borneo: This island in Southeast Asia is known for its orangutans, as well as other primates, reptiles, and birds. Explore the dense rainforests and support conservation efforts to protect these endangered species.
Siberia: For a truly unique experience, head to Siberia to witness the incredible wildlife of the Russian Far East. Spot polar bears, reindeer, and other arctic animals in their natural habitat.
North America: A Continent of Wildlife
North America offers a variety of wildlife experiences, from the rugged mountains of the west to the coastal forests of the east. Here are a few destinations to consider:
Yellowstone National Park: This iconic park is home to grizzly bears, wolves, bison, and other large mammals. Explore the geysers, hot springs, and stunning landscapes while keeping an eye out for wildlife.
Alaska: Alaska is a wildlife lover's paradise, with opportunities to see bears, moose, whales, and other marine mammals. Take a cruise to the Inside Passage or explore the wilderness by land or air.
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Canada: Canada's national parks offer a variety of wildlife experiences, from polar bears in the Arctic to grizzly bears and moose in the Rockies. Visit Banff, Jasper, and Yoho National Parks for breathtaking scenery and wildlife encounters.
Australia: A Land Down Under
Australia is home to a unique and diverse range of wildlife, including many species found nowhere else on Earth. Here are a few highlights:
Great Barrier Reef: The world's largest coral reef system is home to a dazzling array of marine life, including colorful fish, sea turtles, and sharks. Snorkel or dive to explore this underwater wonderland.
Uluru (Ayers Rock): This iconic sandstone monolith is surrounded by a vast desert landscape and is home to a variety of kangaroos, wallabies, and birds.
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Tasmania: This island state offers a unique wilderness experience, with opportunities to see wombats, Tasmanian devils, and other endemic species.
Tips for Wildlife Travel
Research your destination: Learn about the local wildlife, their habitats, and the best time of year to visit.
Choose reputable tour operators: Support companies that prioritize wildlife conservation and ethical practices.
Respect wildlife: Observe animals from a distance and avoid disturbing their natural behavior.
Pack appropriately: Bring comfortable clothing, sturdy footwear, and essential gear for your chosen activities.
Support conservation efforts: Donate to organizations working to protect wildlife and their habitats.
Wildlife travel offers the opportunity to connect with nature and experience the wonders of the animal kingdom. Whether you're seeking a safari adventure in Africa, a rainforest exploration in South America, or a polar expedition in the Arctic, there's a destination out there to suit your interests and preferences. By following these tips and choosing responsible travel practices, you can help ensure the future of wildlife and protect these precious ecosystems for generations to come.
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travel-learn-repeat · 22 days
Holgate Glacier- Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska- 7.5 hours cruise from Seward, Alaska
Holgate Glacier is a stunning tidewater glacier located in Kenai Fjords National Park, near Seward, Alaska. From Seward, we took a 7.5-hour Major Marine Tour cruise to experience the park. As part of the tour, we saw both Holgate and Aialik Glaciers. While Holgate is the smallest of the two, it is arguably the most stunning. The journey to the glacier was spectacular. Along the way, we spotted a variety of wildlife, including bald eagles, whales, seals, sea otters, puffins, and many species of seabirds. The scenic views of mountains, cliffs, and waterfalls were breathtaking. As we approached Holgate Glacier, we heard the sounds of cracking ice. Although we didn’t witness a calving event at Holgate, it is quite possible to see one. We did experience calving at Aialik Glacier, which was awe-inspiring. Tips for Visiting: This was a lifetime experience, and if you’re visiting Alaska, I highly recommend taking a day cruise to Kenai Fjords National Park to see Holgate Glacier. Here are some tips for your visit: - Ensure you book your cruise ahead of time, especially during the peak season. - Even in early July, it was very cold, windy, and rainy. Pack a raincoat and wear weather-appropriate shoes; we opted for waterproof hiking shoes. - For the best viewing experience and photography, bring a good pair of binoculars and a quality camera. Food and Amenities: The cruise line provides a complimentary deli lunch with sandwich options: turkey, roast beef, or vegetarian. You are also welcome to bring your own lunch and snacks. However, pack light and be mindful not to litter. The cruise line provides free coffee, tea, and hot chocolate drinks. The cruise also has a small snack bar and a restroom. Don’t miss the chance to explore Kenai Fjords National Park and witness the majesty of Holgate Glacier. Please keep viewing our other videos on Alaska and other world destinations. Thanks for watching! www.youtube.com/@TravelLearnRepeat
#Alaska #Top15inAlaskaTodo #AlaskaTrip #glacier #glacierCalving #travelblogger #travelLearnRepeat #glacier #seward #aialikGlacier,   #KenaiFjordsNationalPark  #holgateGlacier
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Become a Pro Tour Guide with Our Intensive Training Program: Elevate Your Career with International Guide Academy
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Do you enjoy travel, culture, and meeting new people? Do you want to transform your passion for exploring into a fulfilling career? If so, becoming a professional tour guide could be the ideal career for you. At International Guide Academy, we provide an intense training program that will translate your passion into expertise, providing you with the skills and information required to flourish in the dynamic world of tour guiding.
Why Choose a Career as a Tour Guide?
Being a tour guide is more than just showing people around; it’s about creating unforgettable experiences and sharing your passion for the world. As a tour guide, you’ll have the opportunity to:
Travel to Exciting Destinations: Work in some of the most beautiful and culturally rich locations around the globe.
Meet Diverse People: Interact with travelers from all walks of life, building lasting connections and friendships.
Share Your Knowledge: Educate and inspire others with your insights into history, culture, and local traditions.
Enjoy a Dynamic Work Environment: No two days are the same, making your job both exciting and fulfilling.
The International Guide Academy Difference
International Guide Academy (IGA) stands out as a premier institution for tour guide training, offering a comprehensive and rigorous program that sets the foundation for a successful career. Here’s what makes our program exceptional:
1. Expert-Led Training
Our training program is led by seasoned professionals with years of experience in the travel and tourism industry. You’ll learn from the best, gaining insights and techniques that only experts can provide.
2. Comprehensive Curriculum
Our intensive training program covers every aspect of tour guiding, including:
Tour Planning and Logistics: Learn how to plan and execute seamless tours, from itinerary creation to managing group dynamics.
Cultural Competence: Gain a deep understanding of cultural sensitivity and how to communicate effectively with diverse groups.
Historical and Cultural Knowledge: Enhance your knowledge of historical sites, cultural landmarks, and local traditions to provide enriching experiences for your clients.
Public Speaking and Presentation Skills: Develop the confidence and skills to engage and captivate your audience.
3. Hands-On Experience
Theory is important, but practical experience is crucial. Our program includes hands-on training, allowing you to apply what you’ve learned in real-world scenarios. You’ll have the opportunity to lead practice tours, receive feedback, and refine your skills.
4. Certification and Career Support
Upon completion of our program, you’ll receive a certification that is recognized and respected in the industry. Additionally, we offer career support services, including job placement assistance, resume building, and interview preparation.
5. Networking Opportunities
Join a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for travel and exploration. Our alumni network is a valuable resource for support, advice, and job opportunities.
Success Stories: Hear from Our Graduates
Here are a few success stories from those who have completed our program:
Jane Broome- “After earning my certification in 2013, I started my career leading tours in Alaska and have continued working with Premier Alaska Tours each season since. I now work with many custom, high end private groups and cruise lines as well as their bred and butter Royal Caribbean, Celebrity and Norwegian cruise guests as well. I have experienced so much in Alaska from bear viewing trips, many flight seeing flights, dog sledding on a glacier, white water rafting, etc all the while meeting fabulous guess and working with a great community of fellow tour directors and drivers. After a couple of years I started doing Southwest National Park tours, Rose Parade and Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta tours. I added International work on large and small cruise ships throughout Europe, Japan, South Korea, Galapagos Islands, Costa Rica and Panama. I love my job! I want to express my gratitude for the opportunities IGA has afforded me. I truly feel I am being paid to travel. I work hard and take pride in providing my guests the best experience and wow, do I have the best office!”
Aaron Johnson- ” I received a job offer from Holiday Vacations today!” (Aaron received his first assignments 10 days after earning his certification. ***Update April 2024: My wife (IGA-Graduate Cindy Johnson) leaves tomorrow for Holland with Holiday Vacations. She has a tour later to Cape Cod. I depart early June for a tour to Maine, then have a tour to Glacier, Yellowstone, and the Tetons. In late August, I take a group to Ireland. None of this would be possible without our IGA certifications. Thank you!!
Take the First Step Towards Your Dream Career
If you’re ready to turn your passion for travel into a rewarding career, our intensive training program at International Guide Academy is the perfect place to start. Join us and become a pro tour guide, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel in this exciting field.
Enroll Today!
Don’t wait to start your journey. Visit our website at www.bepaidtotravel.com to learn more about our program and enroll today. Your dream career as a professional tour guide is just a click away!
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vanderlustvans · 3 months
How to Plan an Affordable Campervan Rental Anchorage AK Trip?
When you embark on a road trip, campervan rental Anchorage AK can be helpful. It can be an interesting and adventurous journey for you. however, if you haven’t planned it properly, you might end up being expensive. The only alternative is to find an affordable way to manage the roadtrip and enjoy the adventure.
Here are all the tips to save money on fuel, rentals and sites to make the whole trip friendly for your pockets.
1. The first right thing to do would be choosing a good campervan. This will help you keep the costs low and ensure a more efficient roadtrip. You should look for a smaller campervan as they are fuel efficient. Moreover, they can be less expensive. If you are a solo traveler, you might want to consider the small campervan. If you have company or other specific needs, you might need to go with another campervan, a slightly larger one.
2.  An advance booking can also save you some money. When you try to book the car rentals during particular seasons, you might face an availability issue. in this case advance booking can help you get competent rates and ensure you can find an available camper van rental Anchorage Alaska for the trip. Additionally, you can try traveling to the places when the rental prices are comparatively lower and the popular destinations are not very crowded.
3. It is crucial to compare the rates offered by the several rental companies. Look out for discounts and deals. It is always a good idea to check the offers available for the campervan rental. You might want to check out few of the popular websites to see the promotions available. It is an equally good idea to check the reviews before you proceed with the promotions. Make sure the company offering rental van doesn’t have any hidden fee.
4. Several campervan rental Anchorage AK companies have a specific charge for a mile. However, there are cases where you might get unlimited mileage, which can be cost efficient. You must read through the entire document to see if they are any hidden charges or additional cost for the rental van.
5. You must consider the fuel efficiency when you are looking for budget options. The fuel cost can become expensive for campervan rental. You must always plan the route and ensure minimum backtracking with the route. This can specifically help you reduce the costs. You must follow a steady speed, and use the cruise control for the best fuel efficiency. It is also a good idea to avoid rapid acceleration as that can also lead to fuel efficiency. Lastly, make sure you have taken care of the tire pressure and have maintained the campervan for maximum fuel optimization.
6. You can look for free or low-cost camping sites. This can also help you save a lot of money. There are websites that will help you identify the low cost camping sites where you can spend the night in your campervan.
7. Make sure to invest in memberships or passes that can help with discounts on camping fees. You will find a lot of recreation spaces for an annual fee. This will help save a lot of money on the nightly or monthly rates for camper van rental anchorage Alaska.
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oceanbreezebandb · 3 months
A Panoramic View of Vancouver: Discover Your Ideal Bed and Breakfast
Nestled in the heart of North Vancouver, this charming bed and breakfast offers a unique blend of comfort and convenience, making it an ideal retreat for travelers seeking tranquility with easy access to Vancouver's attractions. Situated just a short scenic Seabus ride away from downtown Vancouver, it provides stunning views of Vancouver Harbour and the Alaska Cruise Ship Terminal, offering guests a panoramic view of Vancouver’s iconic skyline. Its central location ensures effortless exploration of Stanley Park, Capilano Suspension Bridge, Grouse Mountain, and more.
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Charming Accommodations
If you want to embrace the view of Vancouver, Ocean Breeze Vancouver Bed and Breakfast’s each room is meticulously designed to provide a cozy escape, featuring private bathrooms, Wi-Fi, and amenities such as fridges and coffee makers. Some rooms boast fireplaces and balconies overlooking the harbour, creating a serene environment to unwind after a day of sightseeing.
Hospitality at Its Best
Operated by a seasoned professional with extensive experience in hospitality, this bed and breakfast promises exceptional service and a welcoming atmosphere. Guests are treated to a complimentary breakfast featuring a variety of options, from savory smoked salmon omelettes to decadent French toast with fresh fruits. The dedication to hospitality ensures that every guest feels valued and well cared for throughout their stay.
Amenities and Services
In addition to inviting accommodations and delicious breakfast offerings, the bed and breakfast provides practical amenities such as free high-speed internet, complimentary parking, and accommodations suitable for pets. For those planning an extended stay or relocating to Vancouver, furnished apartments are available, accommodating diverse needs with comfort and convenience.
Explore Vancouver’s Attractions
Beyond its inviting accommodations and delectable breakfast offerings, the bed and breakfast provides additional services to enhance the guest experience. Its strategic location serves as a perfect starting point for exploring Vancouver’s renowned attractions, including whale watching excursions and visits to local craft breweries and boutiques. Whether guests are captivated by the allure of marine life or seek to immerse themselves in the city's vibrant culture, this bed and breakfast ensures a memorable stay.
Create Lasting Memories
More than just a place to stay, this bed and breakfast offers an opportunity to create lasting memories against the backdrop of Vancouver's stunning vistas and dynamic city life. With its commitment to excellence and personalized service, it stands as a testament to Vancouver's renowned hospitality.
For travelers seeking more than just accommodation, this bed and breakfast provides an enriching experience—an ideal blend of comfort, charm, and accessibility in one of Canada's most beloved cities. Discover the difference and make your Vancouver stay truly unforgettable. Whether you're relaxing in a room with a panoramic view of Vancouver or exploring nearby attractions, every moment at this bed and breakfast promises to be memorable, ensuring you leave with cherished memories of Vancouver's beauty and hospitality.
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rabbitcruiser · 18 days
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Skagway, AK (No. 1)
The Municipality and Borough of Skagway is a first-class borough in Alaska on the Alaska Panhandle. As of the 2020 census, the population was 1,240, up from 968 in 2010. The population doubles in the summer tourist season in order to deal with the large number of summer tourists each year. Incorporated as a borough on June 25, 2007, it was previously a city (urban Skagway located at 59°27′30″N 135°18′50″W) in the Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Census Area (now the Hoonah–Angoon Census Area, Alaska). The most populated community is the census-designated place of Skagway.
Skagway was an important port during the Klondike Gold Rush. The White Pass and Yukon Route narrow gauge railroad, part of the area's mining past, is now in operation purely for the tourist trade and runs throughout the summer months. The port of Skagway is a popular stop for cruise ships, and the tourist trade is a big part of the business of Skagway. Skagway is also part of the setting for Jack London's book The Call of the Wild, Will Hobbs's book Jason's Gold, and for Joe Haldeman's novel, Guardian. The John Wayne film North to Alaska (1960) was filmed nearby.
The name Skagway (historically also spelled Skaguay) is the English divergent of sha-ka-ԍéi, a Tlingit idiom which figuratively refers to rough seas in the Taiya Inlet, which are caused by strong north winds.
Source: Wikipedia
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