#Aki Myojin
hellcatinnc · 2 months
Blushy Boys & What They Do To Me
Yes I'm a sucker for a dominant man, a daddy so to say. I love a man who wants me and will take it at times. I love hot sex and rough at other times however if you asked me to pick one over my blushy boys and I'm afraid I would lose. My addiction to blushy boys is like my addiction to professors (don't ask its bad). Trust me I know there is way more than this but these are some of my favorite ones. I swear if there is such thing as a blush kink I have it. I read its supposed to be a sadistic humiliation thing but I don't buy it cause its not me wanting to be sadistic I just can't help it they blush and I want to kiss them from head to toe. ;)
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sinful-liesel · 1 year
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Amai Choubatsu SCARLET - Watashi wa Kanshu Senyou Pet Vol.5
Original Title: 甘い懲罰 SCARLET~私は看守専用ペット5 Author: Show Izumi Release Date: October 18, 2023 Type: Manga Genre: Teens Love
My heart says Higa but my body says Aki 😩
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thearchiver-spams · 1 year
Here a advice: Never watch The anime Sweet Punishment. If you don’t like that type of anime or don’t like the graphics this bitch had.
I honestly forgot about that anime and until I see the man guard Aki Myojin and I look him up…….
Mfer is bigger red flag then Reiji fucking Sakamaki from Diabolik lovers and Toji Fushiguro from JJK!
I hate that bitch and I wanna die bc I USED TO SIMP FOR HIM
@omniscxent @dxmoness listen to this advice please. So I can stop bullying Tsukii…for now…
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torawro · 2 years
Girl, do you know who Aki Myojin is? His voice sounds just like Levi Ackerman...and let's just say...he knows how to work a woman's body...
I feel like you'd appreciate him the most...
Here ya go. Be warned though, its a "mostly" noncon, domination, bdsm hentai
HI MY DARLING ! and no i have never heard of this apparently very handsome man you speak of but after googling him and watching this tiktok 4 times..... you are right i fear 😔 MY INTEREST IS PIQUED HOW DID U KNOW THAT IT WOULD ????????? 
& noncon you say? jeez😭😭😭 well, ima just ignore that part bc my curiosity has now gotten the best of me 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️i will be adding this to my list and doin more....’complete research’ sdfjkdhjgdkfjd
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mikaaaaaaaaa · 3 years
Part 2 of the underrated series thingy??
Prince of stride
I mean just look please
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Suddenly I can't find anything mostly cuz the fandom is dead or more like it was never alive
The fic
But there was this one wattpad fic Just gdhwhsh so good I will leave the link if you are starving like me😩
Every character is so hot so lovable there is even a dilf???? Please for the love of God tag me in any fics or oneshots u see for them
Mastelist lol
I love yall remember to drink water and stay safe <3
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yumekosjabami · 4 years
why can't I find amai choubatsu manga anywhere 😔
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the-madame21 · 6 years
Rod of Correction
Commission for @soul--surgeon! Thank you girl it’s been a while since I’ve written smut like this X3 NSFW, obviously. Read at your own risk. Enjoy!
I like you.
Her heart still fluttered at the thought, her cheeks warm with guilty embarrassment. She couldn’t. She had someone waiting for her when she got out. A man she’d already betrayed too many times to be forgiven. Even still, she…
I want to protect you.
Why did Higa-san make her heart beat so fast? She shook her head, setting down the last basket of laundry. If she didn’t focus she’d be scolded again. That was the last thing she wanted. She’d gone through enough punishment as it was.
Hina’s spine straightened, freezing in fear at the sound of his cold voice. Like clockwork, Aki was  there, checking on her progress once again. “I’m almost done,” she promised, “I just have one last load to fold—”
She was pulled by the arm, her wrist nearly snapping beneath his strength. “You are two minutes behind schedule. How do you propose this prison be kept running if its inmates fail to adhere to the given schedule?”
“I’m sorry,” she was quick to say, “in the future, I will—”
“In the future,” Aki repeated, a low chuckle echoing in his throat. “That’s right. Should we just extend the time of your sentence?”
“Then,” he slapped his baton against his palm. “What reason do you have for falling so far behind in your duties?”
She swallowed, folding her hands in front of her, closing her eyes and then bowing her head. “Forgive me,” he voice shook, “I have no excuse.”
Her chin was lifted by the baton, Aki’s eyebrows raised in suspicion. “You’re lying,” he claimed. “You must have been distracted by something…” he glanced out the small window on the door, before a terrifying smirk creeped to claim his lips, Aki lifting the baton, forcing her head up even higher. “Don’t tell me,” he spat. “That yakuza deadbeat?”
Hina’s eyes widened, her hands extending out in a pleading manner, “No! I was distracted all on my own—”
“I did find it suspicious,” Aki finally let the baton drop, sliding it back into his belt. “He’d managed to get his own sentence extended, when he only had a few weeks left. I’d attributed it to his stupidity at first, but looking at you…”
He stepped closer, and she stepped back, her legs hitting the edge of the washing machine. Gloved fingers reached for her chest, popping off the top button of her jumper. Aki chuckled again. “Did you whore yourself out for protection?”
“How could I—!”
Another button popped off and she yelped, backing further into the washing machine to hope and create some distance, the edge digging into her spine.
“I’ll need to inspect you thoroughly,” Aki pulled at his glove with his teeth. “Any signs of a man other than me and your punishment will be severe, 3077.”
“Wait, please—”
The entire front of her jumper was ripped off, the bruise Higa had left on her chest now visible. A dark expression flattened Aki’s lips, lining them with lonely bitterness.
His eyes had gone cold.
“Come with me,” he barked, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her through the door, so brusquely that she nearly fell, tumbling to stay in step behind him. “Wait—! I just—!”
“You should be honored,” came Aki’s dark chuckle, “I’ll grant you the same marks as your beloved yakuza.”
Marks? No, he couldn’t mean—
She was thrown into a room, the heavy metal doors hammering shut behind her as she fell to the ground. “Get up,” he kicked at her leg, though the act itself didn’t hurt in particular. She swallowed. He was angry. Up until now, his punishments had been awful, but they’d never involved any physical pain. Aki preferred tormenting and playing with her thoughts. So now, why was he…?
“I said get up!” His voice rattled against the chains hanging on the wall, Aki tugging at a pair of handcuffs. She scrambled, standing up on shaking legs, “I’m sorry,” she tried, “I didn’t mean to—” She was cuffed, her wrists trapped beneath the cold metal, her arms forced up above her head. “Wait—Aki—!”
“I’m sorry,” he breathed, just into her ear, his breath fanning over her skin. “I didn’t mean for it to be like this,” he continued. “Please don’t punish me. Is that what you were going to say?”
She swallowed, shivering from the way his gloved hand traced her throat. “I’m sorry,” she repeated.
“For what, in particular?” he questioned, gloved finger dragging down the length of her nape. Her mind raced, her legs still trembling in fear. What was he looking for? Was it Higa-san that had set him off? “For…talking to Higa-san…?” she decided.
Aki scoffed, stepping away from her, his boots echoing in the dungeon-like room. “For talking to Higa-san…” something tapped against his palm, but she couldn’t see behind her, from the way she was cuffed. “Yes,” Aki continued, “I suppose that does warrant some punishment.”
He’d not quite finished his sentence, before she was struck against her back, the bite of the whip tearing at her jumper. She screamed mostly in surprise, the realization of pain not coming until after. He wasn’t bluffing. He was really going to whip her.
“What else,” Aki clicked his tongue. “That’s not the only thing you’ve done wrong. Try again.”
Already, her wrists hurt, her legs threatening to give out from under her. Her mind raced, her eyes closing as she tried to think of something else. “For…” she struggled, “the laundry…?”
Again she was struck, this time much harsher than the last.
“For the laundry!” Aki boomed, striking her again after saying so, not seeming to mind her screams. “Yes, that’s right. Your incompetence tries my patience.” The whip kissed her back, this time taking skin with it. She cried out, tugging at the cuffs, tears falling from her eyes onto the floor. “Stop!” she begged, “I’m sorry—!”
“The words of a whore are meaningless. Do you think you’re worth anything? Do you honestly think you have anything left?” The strike of the whip was cutting, each hit more hurtful than before. And though the physical pain was beyond what she’d ever been made to endure, the pain in Aki’s voice as he struck her was perhaps even more so.
For a moment she was glad she couldn’t see his face. She didn’t want to know what it looked like. Wouldn’t know how to face him. Because he was right, wasn’t he?
“I’m—“ she swallowed, trembling, feeling the blood run down her back, “I know…”
“You know what?” Aki panted, striking her again, Hina able to feel the frustration in his abuse.
“That I’m…” the words almost never manifested, squeaky whimpers parting her lips, “…a whore.”
Her head was pulled back, tears sliding down her face as Aki’s lips met hers, his tongue overpowering her mouth, choking her. “You’re nothing,” he spat. But even with the tears blurring her vision, Hina was finally able to see his face, to see those cold eyes that were tinted with sadness.
Was he trying to convince himself, or her?
“A woman who falls at the arms of the first man to give her pleasure,” she felt something rubbing against her, thick and cold, “a woman with no discipline.” What was left of her jumper was pushed aside, Hina screaming as Aki shoved his baton into her, nearly choking from how deeply he penetrated. “Stop—!”
“Were you hoping for something else?” He wriggled the rod around, slowly thrusting it in and out of her. “This is all someone like you deserves. Fake. Cold. Not quite good enough.”
Her knees gave, strained sobs hiccuping in her throat from the way the metal cut into her wrists, her body violated all the while. Her back stung, a burning pain she’d never experienced before, Hina hating the fact that even a lifeless rod still managed to give her a mild amount of pleasure. Aki still hadn’t touched her, and yet, her body was reacting. Maybe he was right. Maybe this was all she deserved.
She’d long since betrayed her lover. But now she was betraying Aki and Higa-san as well. She cried, mewling as the rod shifted inside of her, hanging her head in pathetic desperation. “I’m sorry,” she sobbed, entire body trembling, “Aki, I’m sorry. Please—it hurts.”
The motion of the rod stopped, Aki’s uniform pressing against the cuts on her back. “Is it unbearable?” he breathed. She shivered, eyes crinkling, cringing from the way he touched her raw skin. With a fast nod, silent tears streamed down her cheeks, Hina arching her back so that her cut skin no longer touched the rough fabric of his uniform.
“Weak to pleasure,” Aki pulled away, grabbing her chin to tilt her head up, “and submissive to pain. Heh,” the smirk he gave was not at all cunning, his grip loosening as he spoke, “you’re the most pathetic woman I’ve ever met.”
Slowly, he pulled out the rod, and again her legs gave, Hina released with a sort of gasp, feeling as though she could finally breathe again. Her hands were freed next, her vision blurring from the purple around her wrists, and she was left wondering how long the bruises would last.
Aki’s gloved hand sliding along her entrance shot her back to the present, his dark eyes miserable as they looked down at her. “All this…and yet you’re soaked.”
Terror lit up her eyes, Aki pressing his fingers inside. “What were you thinking about to get like this? Or could it be, you’re actually a masochist? Didn’t you say it hurt—”
“It does—!”
“Then,” he pressed against her walls, her spine stiffening with a gasp, “were you thinking about that yakuza scum? Are you happy to be marked in the same way as him?”
“No,” she shivered, Aki’s fingers momentarily overriding the pain, “A-Aki—”
“That's right,” his movements became more rough, before he pulled out his fingers, and shoved them into her mouth, so that she could taste herself. “The one in front of you is me.”
She was filled with his heat, choking on his fingers when she screamed. Despite everything he was careful, lifting her up by her thighs, making her bounce without having to touch her wounds. “Aki—wait—”
“You’re not in the position to make requests, 3077. All you have to do is cling to me.”
Her legs tightened around his waist in response, her arms wrapping around his neck while she buried her face into his shoulder. This was different, from all of the other times. With each of Aki’s thrusts the pain in her back subsided, washed away by the pleasure that started at the pit of her stomach, and spread slowly through the rest of her limbs, the memory of his cruelty also becoming blurred.
But it felt like she wasn’t the only one. Like maybe, with each thrust Aki was also trying to forget, or apologize, erasing the pain he’d caused, looking for something, those sad eyes searching for something…
With tears forming around the corners of her eyes again, she kissed him, taking initiative for the first time, the image of Higa-san’s face flashing through her head.
Shouldn’t it have been her lover who came to mind instead? How many more people did she plan to betray, exactly?
I’m a bad guy. So I don’t have to worry about those things.
Maybe she was a horrible woman. Maybe that was why she didn’t care that she was kissing Aki right now, that she was indulging in his pleasure, that she couldn’t stop herself from moaning lewdly, loving the way her breasts bounced against him with each thrust, with each rising and falling orgasm he granted her.
Maybe her conscious had disappeared the moment she’d entered this prison.
When Aki came he let her legs drop, biting into her shoulder and sucking over the bruise Higa-san had left on her chest. He pulled her close when he did so, Hina still shaking from her orgasm, whimpering at the way he’d wrapped her arms around her back, shivering from the cum dripping down her thighs.
He pulled off her skin with a pop, so suddenly that she staggered backwards, falling onto the cold stone. It was harsh enough to stop the warm tremors of her momentary pleasure.
“Water shuts off at 11,” Aki barked, his composure returning to that of a normal prison guard. He zipped up his pants, reaching for the whip, “Make sure to clean yourself up before then.”
Hina watched him leave, his heavy footsteps echoing in the small space, and then down the hall. Fighting the urge to cry, she stood up on shaky legs, staring at the dark, purple bruise on her chest. There was nothing but pain, now.
How much more of this would she be made to endure?
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hinahijirikawa · 6 years
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* I fall in love with this man! my husband <3 <3
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icyhotman · 5 years
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What should I do?
I'm really fall in love with him
Madly in love
He's so handsome, I'm crying
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dabisqueen · 2 years
Short break from Rockstar Dabi...
Watched Sweet Punishment and keep thinking about who would be the mean warden Aki Myojin and the sweet Yakuza Yamato Higa.
Kai Chisaki vs Dabi?
(thanks Sandra @smfics for the brainrot)
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topcomicporno · 2 years
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Amai Choubatsu: Watashi wa Kanshu Senyou Pet Manga Hina está encerrada en prisión después de ser acusada de un delito que no cometió. Allí conoce al frío guardia de la prisión, Aki Myojin. Hina se en... https://topcomicporno.com/manga/amai-choubatsu-watashi-wa-kanshu-senyou-pet/?feed_id=1836&_unique_id=62c04374a7ba4 #manga #mangaart #mangas #ecchihentai #animememes #animelife #animememe #animecosplay #animefans #pokemonanime #intags #animelover #animehe #animegirls #anime #animeworld #animes #animedrawing #animelove #animeboy #osmangazi #animestyle #mangalargamarchador #animefan #animeedits #animefanart #animeart #mangadrawing #animegirl #animeedit
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hellcatinnc · 7 months
I wanted to show some love to this sexy disturbed man Aki Myojin!!
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sinful-liesel · 2 years
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📖 Amai Choubatsu SCARLET ~Watashi wa Kanshu Senyou Pet Vol.3
Original Title: 甘い懲罰 SCARLET~私は看守専用ペット 3
Author: Show Izumi
Release Date: October 18, 2022
Type: Manga 
Genre: Teens Love
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airisfujibayashi · 3 years
LoL.. My Guess was right. He wasnt in the Part 1.😂
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Btw, when Prince of Luxure said this... You know ... He know.
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And Guy costume remind me of character 'Aki Myojin' LOL.
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toreii · 3 years
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I think I know now why I’m so attracted to Kichou. I was like “Myojin Aki?!”🤣
Don’t even go there, Kichou. I’ve been re-reading Amai Choubatsu. I have ideas. And an OC that really needs to meet you😆 I was replacing all of MC’s lines as I came up with Natsume’s responses on the spot😂
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isabelbuccellati · 4 years
isabel picking new animu: I will only simp on a man of the diabolik lovers caliber of trash
Just so you know, Aki Myojin has a kind nature... that he hides behind a sadistic and abusive behavior 🤔 but he's definitely infinitely better than ani of those Sakamaki assholes
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