#Ahsoka tank
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omegafett99 · 4 months ago
I just went to Comic Con, and it was AWESOME, and I wanted to share three of the things I got!
-an amazing sticker of Hera and Omega
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-a really cool bookmark of Ahsoka
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-and nun-chucks!
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The sticker and bookmark are both from the amazing "Erbeardoesart" (im not sure if she's on Tumblr, but here's her business card in case you want to see her stuff:
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bluntblade · 5 months ago
I wish the successor show to Rebels was animated and had a full writers' room, because I'd love to see Luke and gang having proper arcs full of interactions with Hera, Ahsoka etc (yes, plenty of TLJ fans would still love to spend time with Luke in his The Legend era). Firstly if they're animated, then the temptation to deepfake is gone straight away, but also I think it would also alleviate the tendency to simply presenting what Rian Johnson called "the action figure of Luke Skywalker" (and indeed of Han, Leia and arguably Ahsoka too). He's got to have a thousand questions for Ahsoka, on particular, and while I don't want them to have a blazing row, it would be nice to have them conflict just a little rather than Ahsoka assure Luke that he's so like his father (who nearly murdered her. Cue blandly beatific smile from Luke)
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nimbusnight · 2 years ago
Hello Star Wars gremlins!
I am writing for my Codywan fic again and am kind of struggling with getting back into the swing of it. (Also read The Lovely Crash by nimbusnight on AO3 for some of my work.)
Wouldst thou be so kind as to send me some one shot/Drabble requests so I can limber up? I will write for pretty much any SW character x character pairing (not obikin, never obikin.) or character x reader!
Personal faves/pairs I'm most confident in my writing for are :
Din Djarin
Commander Fox/Riyo Chuchi
Quinlan Vos, naturally
Basically all clone troopers/commanders (I'm a wh*re), but my strongest characterisations are Echo, Cody, Rex, Fox, Thorn, and Fives.
Boba Fett
Ahsoka Tano (!!!) (I love her)
I'm also like....very proficient at writing smut but I have very strong residual Catholic shame from my childhood and would love to get some saucy requests to raise a middle finger to purity culture!!
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artist-issues · 1 year ago
so the question they're bringing into Sabine's brain now is what?
"Am I just like that Nightbrother Ahsoka killed? A fake? Wielding a lightsaber for my master, but really I'm nothing inside?"
is that the profound thing we're doing or is it not that deep.
maybe I'm just bitter that it wasn't Starkiller.
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boxdyeblonde · 2 years ago
im kinda getting back into writing fics so if anyone has any requests or prompts to help motivate me pls feel free to send me them :)
characters i like (or would like) to write for:
Din Djarin, Javier Peña, Frankie “Catfish” Morales, Joel Miller
Will “Ironhead” Miller, Ben Miller, Santiago “Pope” Garcia
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Ahsoka Tano, Captian Rex, Fives, Hunter
Ted Lasso, Roy Kent, Jaime Tartt
Ellie Williams
also im not 100% comfy writing full blown smut or anything yet, but i dont mind writing some slightly nsfw stuff, and i love writing angsty stuff, hurt/comfort, and fluff
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takadasaiko · 1 year ago
For the first line ask—
“But what if all of our planning fails?”
“But what if all our planning fails?”
Looking out at the battlefield that stretched out before them, at the troops lost and the odds stacked against them, surely even the Hero with No Fear had to concede that she had a point. Ahsoka had hoped he would, at any rate.
Instead that slow and confinement smile stretched his lips thin. “Then we improvise.”
Maybe they would have a chance, because an unpredictable Anakin Skywalker was a dangerous one to his enemies.
Leave the First Sentence and I’ll Write the Next Five
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av-ixkast · 1 year ago
Ahsoka spoilers!
Holy shit I’m so happy they referenced Thrawn: alliances. It’s refreshing to see Filoni actually acknowledge the books.
Also somehow forgot thrawn is a tactical genius like an idiot.
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uhhhyaenbyjade · 2 years ago
I can’t wait to match all the Star Wars media in timeline order once Dave Filoni, Jon Favreua, Bryce Dallas Howard, etc. etc. finish their many series to add the necessary background and context for arise or Skywalker
Like I know that not all of the shows and episodes are fantastic, or as good as the earlier seasons, but they are all doing such a good job with what they’ve been given and I’m super excited! With Mandalorian getting at least one more season (likely another two), the Ahsoka show coming later this year, as well as Dave Filoni’s upcoming New Republic based movie, they are definitely going to do an amazing job, regardless of how it turns out
So excited for what’s to come!
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kopykunoichi · 1 month ago
This. Sometimes love comes softly.
A Love both Strong and Warm
a wild rexsoka analysis post appears
Y'know, so often I see the "dramatic realization" or the "dramatic one side has always known" tropes for rexsoka, and those aren't bad (I know I've enjoyed reading them), but my favorite dynamics are always the most canon-compliant ones.
What we see in canon is a slow buildup of friendship, sparking at first from wartime comradery, and growing into something that withstood their separation when Ahsoka went out on her own, and was strengthened by how they had grown as individuals when they met again.
We only see them reunited for one arc (though they may have stayed together longer than that, we just don't see it), but in that one arc they show incredible acceptance, respect, admiration and care for one another. They share experiences and values and hopes for the future. They trust each other enough to open up and confide their deepest questions and insecurities about their own lives and purpose.
I believe this suggests that their relationship, had the world not shattered around them, would have progressed so naturally that they themselves would not realize when it shifted in a romantic direction. They're not stupid, they would wake up to it eventually, but it might be a literal (sort of) waking up, as in "I'm thinking this thought that's romantic and it's about you" or "you fell asleep on/next to me and oh wow this really isn't a 'just friendship' kind of relationship" or even "this future I'm imagining with you in it really doesn't look like a friendship anymore".
Maybe one would still realize before the other, be the first to "wake up", but my point is that while both of them have lived lives of hardship, have hardened themselves and had parts of them hardened by circumstance, are unyielding warriors and confident leaders, they are vulnerable, even intimate with each other, and I can't imagine that softness wouldn't extend to their romance.
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twilightofthe · 2 years ago
aight so satine got impaled by lightsaber through the upper chest and died immediately
sabine got impaled by lightsaber through the upper chest and was just fine lmao
i guess sabine just won the mando name war--
wait a fuck lightsaber thru the chest insta-killed qui gon
actually i think i know the true answer
lightsabers through the chest don't actually kill anyone, it's being in proximity to obi wan kenobi that does it
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peachy-ash · 1 month ago
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the mandalorian
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questforgalas · 2 years ago
The High Republic series confirmed that part of a Jedi youngling’s day in the creche are midday naps on little nap mats, and now the image of all our faves in youngling form curled up on the nap mat is living rent free in my head
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keelifallen · 1 year ago
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penelopwgarcia · 1 year ago
ob wan: anakin get out of the tank
anakin: you're not my dad
obi wan: I'm literally your dad get out of the tank
anakin: I'm in a tank and you're not
obi wan: anakin get out of the fucking tank!
anakin: you're not my dad
obi wan: I am your dad! Literally get out of the tank!
anakin: go tell the republic if you like I don't give a fuck
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graylinesspam · 1 year ago
Come to find out, artillery rounds do considerable damage to your body when you're hit by them directly.
Ahsoka yelps as the swirling spinning surgical pod whirls around her again, the high pitched sound searing through her montrals. But even that pain is secondary to the way her back it opened up, the muscles being carefully tended to. charred flesh sliced away and raw muscles stitched backtogether.
There are no less than three medics hovering outside of the pod. each scurrying around completing an endless series of tasks to support her recovery.
When she walked back onto the Resolute after Steela's funeral she'd just been grateful that she'd started wearing backless dresses, which had prevented fabric from melting into her burns.
But for artillery rounds, it turned out that the healing process was worse than the wounds themselves.
Being sliced apart and stitched back together was a lengthy process. She'd been stuck in the medbay, face down, for well over two weeks. The skin of her back was kept alive by bacta treatments and steroids but ultimately kept detached from her flesh as the medics needed continued access to the muscle beneath.
She was also on a constant flow of painkillers to make her condition tolerable. It did nothing for the pain of the operations but it made her idle hours easier to bear.
she also wasn't allowed to dress in any reasonable clothing. only her leggings and disposable paper gowns that tied around the neck and waist. they were dry and itchy and they crinkled whenever see moved. she'd grown to hate that sound.
Maybe she was being bitter and unreasonable. but she'd also lost all the strength in her arms when they started taking apart her back muscles. turns out the shoulders are very necessary for arm strength. and Ahsoka was staring down a very long recovery period.
when the whirring came to an end and the cot retracted from the surgical pod Cadaver was already there looking over the open flesh of her back, noting what flesh was growing back. When he had taken his notes Kix stepped in to reapply her creams and bandage over the wound.
Thankfully they still allowed her to walk herself around even if she needed some support on the very bottom of her back in order to get to a standing position.
Rex was waiting with her lunch and she was allowed to have it on the bench just outside the medbay. The hanger loud around them. He frequently came to chat with her. other men from torrent came and went as well but Cadaver never let them into the bay. convinced they'd get her into some kind of trouble.
Maybe it wasn't just her back that was numbed out all the time. Because this was the first long stint in the medbay where Ahsoka wasn't itching to leave. She wasn't happy to be there either. It wasn't accurate to say that she was content either.
Steela's death had done something to her. Obi-wan assured her that some time would ease the strain of that expirience. Maybe it would. it seemed that for the moment at least time and pain where all she could feel.
Meanwhile, news of Ahsoka's injury had made it far outside of Torrent company. Taking an artillery round to the back was no easy feat even for a jedi. To not just survive it but to be up and walking immediately after. That was the kind of unbelievable war story that spread like fire.
The pilots of the 501st had already painted a mural of her across the side of a fighter. with her Sabers held in a defensive hold and the bright blast of an explosion behind her.
Ahsoka was already known for her preference of the sword and saber maneuver. She preferred to fight in tandem with her troops and as their guard rather than Skywalker's Style of sprinting right into the heat and taking the enemy's attention entirely.
But this level of durability? Her ability to take a hit and keep going was quickly becoming gossip amongst the GAR. The mythical glee that had surrounded their idea of the jedi as cadets rarely surfaces now that they work with them but this story was bringing it back.
Some Jedi were just jedi and some of them were built from stronger stock. Skywalker surely was, and by all acounts, Tano was as well.
And she was becoming a legend for it.
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cosmicqueen10 · 1 year ago
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So yeah.
Jujutsu Kaisen S2 is my favorite anime of the year. It gave me SatoSugu; my new fave BL yaoi OTP. Which in turn got my side blog; Queen Endless, going on here and has shown me more of a boom on here than anything before.
The Ahsoka Series gave us our Anakin Ahsoka reunion with ep 4 and 5 and God Ep 5 gave me everything I wanged and more and yeah Ezra, Thrawn, and much more showed up but TCW keeps on coming back to feed me good.
Spider-Man 2 PS5 gave me Bully Lowenthal, live action kid Ben 10 all grown up as Harry, Venom madness, and was an overall rollercoaster.
Dtoons Team Teen Cartoon Heroes Unite gave me Ben, Bloom, and Yugi all in the same episode/screenshot and yeah a congregation of cartoon and anime characters galore. Imma try to draw some inspired fanart for it soon. Hopefully.
Anigomi, making character audio x listerner content on YouTube, covering guys and gals from anime and etc. My favorite VA of theirs is Han who voices Gojo, Hawks, Dazai, Tamaki and probably more. They do commissions, they're EXPENSIVE, but their content is great and they have Patreon for the MATURE stuff so there.
Five Years Later by The Ink Tank, the Ben 10 Danny Phantom crossover webcomic turned motion comic/dub with professional VAs and we're getting the next 3 episodes coming right around the corner and it's ALL SO GOOD!
Scream 6. My favorite horror series. Which makes me sad cause Scream 7 ain't happening cause our two lead girls were fired/quit along with the director of the 6 cause of stupid BS. So reboot? It just won't be the same.
Once Upon A Studio, a homage to the House of Mouse in my opinion. The Disney crossover of all time that was wholesome and funny tied up in a bow.
The Pink Popcast is hilarious. Benji and Rizzo are great commenters/people you can vibe with well. For first time reactions to watching them react to my fave stuff is all around entertaining. Especially when they talk about musicals, Scream and Disney.
That is it. Here's to a new year.
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