#Agricultural Subsidy
popsicle-stick · 2 months
YES!!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sickos) OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
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parttimepunner · 2 months
Today I learned that Project 2025 includes a plan to cut farm subsidies.
“The project proposes ending “safety nets” such as the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs, which pay farmers of selected commodities when the prices of those commodities fall below a predetermined level.
It also pushes to cut government subsidies for crop insurance — for which taxpayers currently pick up about two-thirds of the cost — and to end the sugar program, which manages U.S. sugar production to keep prices high.”
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dr-archeville · 4 months
Corn: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) [source]
"John Oliver discusses the financial and environmental impact of corn in the U.S., and whether or not he really knows what Pearl Harbor is." [24 min 53 sec]
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queen-boudicca · 8 months
Me when doing my environmental science homework, at every available opportunity:
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alternis · 6 months
me: amazon show me what vegan meal replacement drinks are available
amazon: gotcha boss here's fifteen sponsored ads and 3 'relevant for you' results
me: and these are all vegan right? they don't have milk? because milk would make me extremely sick?
amazon: they're good shakes boss!
me: amazon. all of these have the first ingredient 'milk'. and the second ingredient 'milk protein'.
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boylebingo · 2 years
i’m a few weeks (months?) late to this so forgive me if someone has made this point already but i’m obsessed with the fact that in the emily in paris universe coronavirus does not and never has existed and yet EVERYONE knows what zoom is
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thepotentialof2007 · 1 year
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the majority of [united states] government funding and taxpayer-backed programs in agriculture support corporate-controlled livestock and poultry operations and the production of grains (like corn and soybeans) to feed their animals
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farmerstrend · 15 days
Inside KALRO’s Mkulima Shops: The Impact of KALRO’s Certified Seed Distribution
Discover KALRO’s Mkulima Shops across Kenya, offering certified seeds, climate-smart seedlings, and agricultural resources to boost farm productivity and sustainability. Mkulima Shops by KALRO provide farmers with affordable access to clean planting materials, certified seeds, and expert knowledge for improved crop yields and climate resilience. Boost your farm’s output with certified seeds from…
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scolek · 19 days
come to think of it. riding a motorcycle is like a hundred times more hazardous to your health than eating too many snacks.
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agreads · 30 days
ARIA announces £143m in R&D funding to enhance global climate resilience
The Advanced Research + Invention Agency (ARIA) recently announced the launch of two new programmes: Forecasting Tipping Points, led by Programme Directors Gemma Bale and Sarah Bohndiek, and Synthetic Plants, led by Programme Director Angie Burnett. As with all ARIA programmes, Programme Directors have worked with the R&D community to identify areas which are under-explored, under-funded and hold…
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“मुख्यमंत्री शाश्वत कृषी सिंचन योजना — मागेल त्याला शेततळे(Magel Tyala Shettale)” हा महाराष्ट्र राज्य सरकारने कृषी, पशुसंवर्धन, दुग्धविकास आणि मत्स्यव्यवसाय मंत्रालयाच्या अंतर्गत 2022–23 मध्ये सुरू केलेला एक महत्त्वपूर्ण उपक्रम आहे. राज्यातील शेतकरी, विशेषतः पावसावर अवलंबून असलेल्या शेतीवर अवलंबून असलेल्या पाणीटंचाईच्या आव्हानांना तोंड देण्याचे या योजनेचे उद्दिष्ट आहे.
योजनेचा उद्देश || Purpose of the Scheme:
महाराष्ट्रातील 82% शेतजमीन पावसावर अवलंबून असल्याने, शेतकरी अनेकदा विसंगत पावसाचा सामना करतात, ज्यामुळे पीक उत्पादन कमी होते आणि काही प्रकरणांमध्ये, संपूर्ण पीक अपयशी ठरते. “मागेल त्याला शेततळे” योजना, ज्याला वैयक्तिक शेत तलाव उपक्रम म्हणूनही ओळखले जाते, ही आव्हाने कमी करण्यासाठी शेतकऱ्यांना शेततळे बांधण्यासाठी आर्थिक सहाय्य प्रदान करून सुरू करण्यात आली. हे तलाव पावसाचे पाणी पकडण्यात आणि साठवण्यात मदत करतात, कोरड्या हंगामात सिंचनासाठी विश्वसनीय जलस्रोत सुनिश्चित करतात, ज्यामुळे पिकांचे संरक्षण होते आणि नुकसान कमी होते.
आर्थिक सहाय्य || Financial Assistance:
या योजनेअंतर्गत, वैयक्तिक शेतकरी शेततळ्याच्या आकारानुसार, किमान ₹14,433 ते कमाल ₹75,000 पर्यंतच्या अनुदानासाठी पात्र आहेत. या आर्थिक सहाय्याचा उद्देश तलाव बांधण्याशी संबंधित खर्च भागवणे आहे, ज्यामुळे शेतकरी त्यांच्या जमिनीवर शाश्वत पाण्याचे स्रोत निर्माण करू शकतात.
For More Info: Magel Tyala Shettale || मागेल त्याला शेततळे — मुख्यमंत्री शाश्वत कृषी सिंचन योजना (gloriousmaharashtra.com)
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seosanskritiias · 1 month
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teachanarchy · 2 months
How Corn Took Over the World 🌽
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captobiotech · 2 months
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🌱 आज ही अपनाएं ऑर्गेनिक फार्मिंग!
🏡 Polyhouse Structure लगवायें और पाएं 50% सब्सिडी। 🇮🇳 भारत सरकार की स्कीम का लाभ उठाएं।
📞📱 कॉल / व्हाट्सएप: +91 9822459488
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lethimfertilise · 2 months
I am trying to understand the rationale behind the latest decisions of the Indian government, and sometimes I think I do. However, the reality (and market) often react quite differently.
Firstly, the Indian government has refused to increase their subsidies for phosphate fertilisers. What does this mean? Importers are forced to continue losing money. With the current subsidies, the import breakeven value is no more than $505 per metric tonne CFR.
What is the government trying to achieve? Well, if I am correct, it's a move to intimidate phosphate producers with the potential loss of the world’s largest P2O5 consumer.
But is it the right moment? Absolutely not! Suppliers have successfully placed tonnes at least 60 days ahead and at levels well above the latest Indian business. This is evident from our own sales.
Indian offers have moved up from $550 per metric tonne CFR to $600-610 per metric tonne CFR in just a month, but even at $610 per metric tonne, the offered quantities are very limited.
And don’t forget, it’s not only importers who don’t want to lose money. Local farmers also face shortages of DAP.
This is a tough call for the recently formed government.
#fertilizers #fertilisers #imstory #india #dap #government #subsidies
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townpostin · 3 months
District Reviews PM-Kusum Yojana Progress in Jamshedpur
Solar Pump Initiative Aims to Boost Agricultural Productivity DM Ananya Mittal urges swift processing of applications to benefit eligible farmers. JAMSHEDPUR – District Magistrate cum Deputy Commissioner Ananya Mittal conducted a review meeting for the PM-Kusum Yojana at the Collectorate Auditorium, focusing on application progress and scheme implementation. "This initiative has the potential to…
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