#wish there were a class discord or a chill teacher so i could share it
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queen-boudicca · 1 year ago
Me when doing my environmental science homework, at every available opportunity:
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migilini · 4 years ago
Chosen Family - Sunset Curve
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summary: The boys didn’t show up for school so you and Bobby meet them in the Studio and spend the afternoon with them.
a/n: The JATP Discord Server I’m in gave me this Idea :) Prob gonna wrote more little blurbs about 1995 Sunset Curve.
words: 1.8k
warnings: pure friendship fluff
Requests are open
“Are they here?” you asked Bobby who sat next to you in biology, your pent tapping the desk impatiently. He shook his head and took out his notebook “I don't know I haven't seen most of them today.”
“Okay, if they’re not here at lunch, I'll skip for the afternoon and see if they’re still alive,” you grumbled. Bobby let out a loud laugh “You know that it isn't your responsibility?”
“I know but it's our job as friends to care. And this is just my way to do so.” you shrugged your shoulders and flipped through the book to find the right page.
"Sure this has nothing to do with the big test this afternoon?" You gave Bobby an offended look.
“Miss Y/L/N and Mister Wilson would you like to share your conversation with the class?” Miss Kluster scolded, crossing her arms over her blue blouse, a thigh frown on her red lips as she looked at the teenagers angrily.
“No Miss.,” the friends said simultaneously.
“Good. Then be quiet now. The class has started.”
You and Bobby looked at each other with a smirk, you rolled your eyes slightly while he scrunched his nose.
You let your tray fall on the table, making the only other person sitting and the food on it jump. “Woah! Why so aggressive? Guessing Alex wasn't in English?”
"Nope." You shook your head and popped the p with slight annoyance. “Did you have more luck?” Bobby shook his head. You sighed and packed your lunch into your bag. You looked at him expectantly "You coming with?" He shoved the rest of his sandwich into his mouth and mumbled something that you took as a yes. He clumsily tried to get up while simultaneously packing the rest of his things and nearly fell backwards off the bench.
Getting out of school wasn't hard, especially when you’ve skipped several times and knew where the teachers normally stood to watch, not that you ever skipped school to hang out with your musician friends. You and Bobby sneaked around the teachers' room and took the long way around the gymnasium, only to climb out of the boys' locker room window and then run over the football field to the parking lot where his car stood.
“Let's be honest here, you also wanted me to go because you don't have a car.” Bobby realised once the two of you sat comfortably in his car. In fake pain, you held a hand to your chest. “I would NEVER use you like a free taxi. I normally ask Reggie but he isn't here so…”
Bobby gave your shoulder a light shove before turning the music louder and driving off.
“I heard you crying loud, all the way across town. Cause you been searching for that someone. And it's me out on the prowl” you started to sing along to the Greenday song blaring from the radio station. Scrolling down the window, you held your hand out, embracing the warm summer air. Your hair flying wildly around your face.
You always did something like that, needing the feeling of being free, “I think it's the closest thing to being able to fly.” you always told the boys when they made a side comment.
Bobby drummed along to the song, his fingers tapping the steering wheel with force. When the chorus came, you smiled over at Bobby and turned the volume even higher. At a red stoplight, he lightly turned to you and you both screamed the lyrics at the top of your lungs.
A couple of minutes later, the car slowed down about a couple of houses down the street from the studio. The two of you got out and walked closer, trying hard to blend in. “I swear to god if Miss Lilith snitches on us again…”
“She’s on vacation I think.” Bobby interrupted your sentence about his nosy neighbour that always seemed to know when you should've been in school. Still, you didn't want to take any chances and ducked behind bushes before you were in the safe space in front of the studio.
“It’s quiet,” Bobby muttered to you, his ear pressed to the wood door. “What if they starved to death?” you whispered to him, now your ear pressed against the door as well.
“Or they’re still asleep?”
“It’s a bit late, even for them.”
“Maybe they went home?” you shot Bobby a troubled glance.
“Or we just went on a walk.” a voice suddenly said, behind you two, making you and Bobby clutch to each other with a scream.
“Jesus Christ! Guys do you want us to die?” you scolded the three grinning boys in front of you.
“I missed you guys too!” Reggie embraced you and Bobby in a bone-crushing hug, whilst the others walked back into the studio.
Luke plopped down on his couch, your school bag already in his hands. “What do we have in here?” he questioned out loud and rummaged through the food you brought with you. He took out a yoghurt and threw it into Alex’s direction who caught it with ease, then he threw Reggie an apple and a chocolate bar and for him, he took out half of the sandwich from your lunch. The other half he held out in your direction.
“Oh no thank you, Luke. I’m good.” you tried to wave it off “I brought it for you guys.” But his eyes only darkened slightly, his half of the sandwich poking out of his mouth and he waved the sandwich again so you took it with an eye roll.
Whenever you skipped school to hang out with them, the topic of school was forbidden. They knew that you and Bobby only wanted the best for them, a healthy home life, an education, a change other than music to move out and you knew that it was very hard to basically live on the streets and have missing signs all over the city or parents that always fight or won't accept you for who you really are. So the topic never came up and every time you told yourself that you would bring it up next time, that you had to discuss this and every time you didn't.
The group sat quietly in a circle, some on chairs and couches but most chose to sit on the ground. Your head rested on Alex’ stomach, his hands playing with your hair. Meanwhile, Bobby was half asleep on the couch, Reggie played random chords on his bass and Luke was rapidly writing down stuff in his notebook.
“Y/N?” Reggie's voice shattered the quiet and you were reminded that you were not chilling alone. Lifting your head you looked over at your friend “Yes Reg?”
“Uhm...could you maybe...uhm give me a haircut? I would need money for that and for money I would have to go home and that is something that I don't want to do especially after…” he rambled on. You quickly got up and crouched in front of him, your hands resting on his knees.
“I can try.” you chuckled “Last time I cut Lukes he didn't complain too much so let's try!” you patted his knee assuringly.
So you stood, a couple of minutes later, behind one of your best friends who was currently describing how he wanted his hair. He sat in a chair, an old plastic bag pulled over his head, his arms gesturing wildly how long what should be.
You, on the other hand, tried really hard to listen to his wishes while clutching a bottle with water and a, what you guessed was in fact not a haircut scissor, scissor in the other hand.
You shot Alex a look, silently asking him to memorize the steps as well. “Luke was definitely a simpler client,” you said under your breath but the others still heard.
“I’m sorry I care about my looks!” Reggie exclaimed and crossed his arms childishly. You leaned down to his ear and whispered “That’s why you're the cutest but don't tell the others okay?” that was all it took for him to sit up straight again, a big toothy smile plastered on his freckled face.
With a little frown on your face and the tip of your tongue slightly sticking out, you began to cut Reggie's hair. He wanted it longer on top, but the hair in the back of his head must be a bit shorter than his fringe, the sides had to be short but not so short that you could see his skull and he wanted a fade but not a big fade. The sounds of metal cutting hair filled the room.
“Guys listen to this bridge,” Luke spoke up, maybe a bit too loudly for the others' taste. Bobby grunted from his sleeping position, shot Luke the finger and went back to sleep.
“Luke! That scared me I could’ve cut Reggie's ear off!”
“But did you?” he remarked. As a joke you pulled on both of Reggie's ears lightly “Nope, they still seem pretty attached to his head.”
Luke showed you guys a song he called ‘Bright’ “It’s clearly not done and we still need the rest of the instruments but whatcha think?”
Alex patted Luke’s shoulder “I love it, man!”
“Sounds dope!”
“It’s good. I like it wery musch” you muttered with a comb in your mouth, focused on the boy with hair in front of you.
“And we’re done!” you announced and held your hands away as if you just participated in a bake-off. Reggie jumped up and ran into the small bathroom at the end of the studio. Nervously, you fiddled with the comb in your right hand.
“And? How bad did I mess up?” you asked him hopefully the moment he walked back out.
“You did such a great job!” he said, a grin taking over his face yet again. “Thank you so much.” he gave you a hug.
You both knew that it wasn't perfect, it was shaggy and crooked in some places and the fade was mostly one length instead of a gradient but it looked good, was cheap, added to his rockstar image and most importantly for Reggie, you did it.
“Y/N can you cut my hair too?”
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snowbellewells · 5 years ago
Savior’s Haven {Part One of Two}
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Hello there!  I realize I am slipping this in right under the wire for my September 14th posting date, but here is my contribution for the @csseptembersunshine event. I hope it will still be enjoyable despite its tardiness; some real life things caused me to both struggle with my focus and switch from the original idea I had planned to write. I needed some adorable puppy fluff in my life, and it all changed from there. This actually grew a fair bit as I wrote it too, so I have divided it into two parts with the second to follow within the week (hopefully). Thanks so much to @captainsjedi for being so gracious and understanding when I messaged to let her know I was working on my fic and truly hadn’t forgotten it, and to all the lovely ladies on the @CSSNS Discord chat who offered a wealth of name suggestions to me this afternoon - particularly @shireness-says @profdanglaisstuff @snidgetsafan @darkcolinodonorgasm and @kmomof4.  I used one here, but more of them very well might follow in the conclusion!
This is what I call “missing moment fluff”, meant to be taking place sometime post season six in Storybrooke, but before Henry leaves and prior to Hope’s birth.
So without further delay, enjoy this opening!
“Savior’s Haven”
Part One
It began one cool September evening on the way home from weekly dinner at her parents’, Killian offering Emma his arm to wind hers through as they began their leisurely walk back through the darkening streets of Storybrooke. They had nearly reached the street their own two story house by the sea was on, gently arguing back and forth with cheeks flushed by the chill night air about who would have to take the early shift at the station the next morning, when they heard the soft, almost overlooked, whimpers just off the sidewalk.
Coming to a concerned stop at the sound, both sheriff and pirate deputy were alertly trying to locate its source within moments. It didn’t take long, even with the gathering shadows. Peeping around the corner of the lattice gate enclosing the front walk along Mrs. Sprat’s Bakery, it was Killian who located the pitiable, shivering culprit responsible for the troubling noises drawing their attention.
“Swan,” he breathed, barely audible in an effort not to startle the small creature he had already knelt and reached out towards. “Over here, Love.”
Having moved a few feet ahead in her search, Emma stood and came back toward her husband carefully, already aware from the tone of his voice - low and soothing - that he was trying not to frighten a terrified critter of some sort. “I’m here,” she answered quietly, crouching beside him to see into the flowering bush Killian had knelt beside. “What is it?”
Her sailor straightened slowly, pulling his hand and hooked arm back from where he’d reached into the bush, carefully cradling them against his chest with the small animal he had retrieved. In his care and gentility, the way he looked down at the terrified and shivering black puppy Emma could then see in his arms, she was reminded once more of one of the most compelling things she loved about this man who survived a life of harsh trial, challenge and pain. Though once lost and angry, seeking nothing more than his revenge followed by long-awaited death, the darkness her husband weathered alone for so long still had not darkened him permanently. The heart beneath was still tender and open to hope the moment he was offered a way to regain it, and it had made him into the very man who could love her with enough understanding, patience, depth and determination to indeed win her heart, just as he had once vowed.
He showed the same calm restraint in that moment as Emma watched his large, calloused hand stroke along the back of a trembling, undersized and scrawny little dog, and her heart swelled, loving him all the more for it.
“And just what has happened to you here, pup?” Killian murmured, rubbing the soft, silky ears soothingly as Emma leaned in closer to examine the young dog’s protruding ribs and dirt-caked legs and paws. The puppy’s large, soulful brown eyes turned on her as if already begging a piece of her own heart. She wasn’t any more anxious than Killian to turn the little guy loose in the night now that he was untangled from his thorny prison. Both of them could all too easily recall what it felt like to be hungry, cold, and abandoned in a world that felt much too large and uncaring to face.
Her husband’s clear blue eyes met hers over the small canine head between them, and Emma could only smile reassuringly at him, already certain the little guy was as good as theirs as soon as they could get him fed and back to health. “Come on, let’s get him home and cleaned up,” she urged, shivering a little the longer they stood out in the night air, a wistful smile on her face at the thought that maybe they had found an orphan of a different sort to give a home like both she and Killian longed for in their youth. “We’ll make sure he isn’t hurt beneath all that dirt and grime and see what a warm bed and good night’s sleep do for him.”
Killian nodded his assent; the two of them clearly of one mind, as they were quite startlingly often. True, they might find out tomorrow that someone was looking for the sweet little guy, but she still sensed they were bringing home a new member of the family.
Such events began to repeat themselves rather quickly after that, though their next addition was of the human variety - a young man in the class below Henry, yet clever enough to be in his senior Calculus class - and took much more careful finesse on both of their parts to win over and make feel at ease.
Rolly (a name chosen much more from Emma and Henry’s teasing affection for his tipsy past self in their Back to the Future adventure than by Killian’s choice, though he had good naturedly accepted being outvoted) had only been an exuberant and adored member of their household for about a month in fact when Henry brought the new kid at his school home for dinner. As it turned out, Oliver was a holdover refuge from the Land of Untold Stories, and though he had found lodging with the fairy nuns in a spare room at the convent and took communal breakfasts and dinners with them before heading off to, and after returning from, school each day, many of his hours were spent either studying or roaming the park and woods of the town alone. 
Henry had run into Oliver one day down by the docks, and noticing the way the slightly younger guy watched the weekend sailors with the eye of a skilled pickpocket, and without too much effort in going through his storybook figured out whom the other teen might have been, Henry realized that he’d had a fair bit of experience at it in his former life. Introducing himself and offering the seat next to him on the bench and a share of his cheese fries from Granny’s with the pretext of asking Oliver what he thought of their teacher and the calculus class in general, had brought forth a genuine burst of conversation from the other boy and - Henry had hoped - forestalled the trouble the other young man might have gotten up to.
It seemed that once Henry had witnessed his parents’ incredibly soft hearts for outcasts in person (and having gained a pet out of it, was hardly going to complain) the Truest Believer had felt that they were the perfect people to lend a hand in the situation he had discovered as well, hence the dinner invitation. He came by his charitable outreach honestly - not just from Emma and Killian, but his whole family after all. When Oliver sat down to their table with them that first evening, they learned that while the boy was grateful for the Storybrooke convent’s willingness to feed and clothe him, to give him a room and bed to sleep in, it was a far cry from having a family of his own - something he never even remembered possessing - and a place where he could truly belong.
They learned little more from Sister Astrid when Emma approached her booth at the Miner’s Day festivities that weekend.  Not that the friendly young woman didn’t want to help, but none of them knew more than Oliver himself did, not even his last name. The secretary at the school had merely noticed at the end of the previous school year that he seemed to repeatedly be the first student to arrive at the high school building in the morning and one of the last to leave each afternoon - until it finally became clear he didn’t have anywhere else to go. This had lead to the sisters sponsoring his schooling and offering him a place to stay until he finished.
After that supper, which Oliver thanked them for inviting him to profusely, Emma could tell the young man was reluctant to leave. And yet she could also see he had pride enough not to want to seem needy; a mortifying motivator that she remembered all to well. She and Killian mulled their options for a bit, until one sunny Saturday Killian offered the teen a day’s work helping batten down his ship for the winter months. When he convinced Oliver to return to their house for supper that night, Emma could see long-dried tear tracks on the boy’s face and sensed in Killian’s bearing that his own soul had been bared as well. It was clear the two of them understood each other in a deeper way from their day spent together on the Jolly. When they broached the topic of his living with them for the rest of his senior year and until he decided what he wished to do after, it was clear her husband’s way with words and the heart had allowed this young man who had already charmed them both to accept without feeling shamed or beholden. 
Henry had been thrilled, as had Rolly, since the prospect of someone else to throw sticks and take him for walks pleased the lab mix as little else could. Though Oliver only stayed with them for a little over a year, it allowed their son to feel as if he had gotten to experience having a sibling as he had always wanted, and he enjoyed every moment he got with his foster brother. When Oliver wrote them from his dorm room at the college of his choice, he closed with the best words he could possibly have given Emma and Killian. “...You both provided me the haven I had been missing - the first place I ever felt I belonged until now, settled in at the second. I’ve found where I’m meant to be, and I never would have if not for the two of you.”
They missed their temporary second son, even if he did occasionally come back to visit, but as the weeks and months and years went by, Rolly and Oliver proved to be only the beginning.
Tagging a few who may enjoy, besides the above folks who helped:  @jennjenn615 @searchingwardrobes @whimsicallyenchantedrose @hollyethecurious @thisonesatellite @drowned-dreamer @ilovemesomekillianjones @thislassishooked @resident-of-storybrooke @winterbaby89 @therooksshiningknight @spartanguard @laschatzi
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nicoforlifetrue · 5 years ago
Summery:Dee Roman and Remus practicing a dead religion has some hiccups when it comes to history
none of these are in any real timeline yet!
Yes the other sides are here
More then one person wrote this
There is a prologue! Read it here
The History Class Incident-
History was taught by Professor Thomas Sanders, he was a bright, cheery guy who never called Remus out for the 'juice' in his water bottle. He was a great guy by the standards of the three. That is, until the mythology course started. 
You see; Roman, Remus, and Dee hadn't yet told their roommates why they burned their food or why Remus was always inebriated or high. They hadn't said why Roman was so focused on appearance or why Dee's knee jerk reaction was to lie. Because all that was normal to them. It was how the three followed their respective patrons. But after the first day of mythology, the boys dragged their roommates out to meet the people they grew up with and rage over the inaccuracies of the course; expecting said roommates to rage with them. 
Dee had talked Virgil into going the entire way to the little coffee shop a friend of theirs worked at. The college student was seething the whole way there; you see the first unit in the course was Norse mythology and dear Professor Sanders had called Loki, his patron, the main villain of all things! Now Virgil, the good but anxiety ridden person he was, finally asked Dee what was wrong about halfway to the coffee shop. "Dude, what's your deal? Why are you so pissed?"
Dee sighed at that, rubbing his face before he stated, "You sat next to me in history; I know you heard what the professor said. He insulted the gods themselves and insinuated that Loki was a villain! That's why I'm pissed; he's a disrespectful cunt!"
Virgil laughed. "Dude, chill; he's just talking about an old religion. Like, sure, Loki is a cool superhero, but he's still pretty crazy in the myths."
Dee leveled his gaze at Virgil upon hearing that; disbelief written across his features. "Are you fucking with me? Please say you are; ‘cause if you aren't, I might have to kill you."
Virgil raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh really? Why are you taking it so seriously?"
"How are you not?" Dee snapped back before he sighed, trying to calm down. "I'm sorry I just- good gods and goddesses he called Loki a character, flattened his story's into two dimensional cluster fucks, left out all of the good Loki did; and all around disrespected him; thus disrespecting me and all other wards of Loki! I have no idea who your patron is but imagine if that happened to them. It physically sickens me just remembering that 'lesson', ugh."
"Wait wait wait," Virgil said, putting two and two together. "You take mythology seriously? Like it's actually your religion?"
Dee gave him a look. "Stop calling it a mythology and what; you don't? I always thought you followed Hades or Nyx," he hummed. "I grew up learning about the gods and goddesses, yes."
"Oh that's cool, I didn't know anyone still believed in that religion. I've no clue who my patron would be though," he said, laughing a bit.
"You don't?" Dee questioned before pausing and humming. "That actually explains some things…. But he's still a fucking cunt."
Roman, on the other hand, felt more betrayed; though not quite nearly as much as when he had watched Hercules. He knew what Loki meant to Dee, and to hear such a grossly incorrect retelling of the gods stories? It was devastating. And to hear not just that, but Loki being reduced to his greatest mistake and flattened into an evil villain? He was brokenhearted at the fact that his favorite teacher could be so ignorant and brash, to the point of calling Loki a character! Now Logan, despite his ineptitude with emotions could tell the class had upset Roman. So as at least a good acquaintance of the man he felt obligated to ask what was wrong.
"Roman? Why were you feeling upset in class?"
"How could I not be?!" he responded, throwing his hands up. "The professor grossly distorted one of Loki's stories and refused to tell any others! Instead he just honed in on his greatest mistake and made Loki seem like a Disney villain!” 
“I still don't see why you are getting angry over a retelling of a simple character's story."
Roman’s gaze flattened at that. 
Staring at his roommate angrily, "Logan. You did not just call Loki, the trickster God of Asgard, a character from some fictional work. If you did, may the gods and goddesses help you when Dee finds out."
"Gods and Goddesses are not real, they are simply imaginary characters people created to explain the causes of natural phenomena, they are useless now that we can define the world with science."
Roman stared at him dumbfounded. "Logan, my friend, blessed by Athena, unless you wish to end up being mauled by my brother; I suggest you change that perspective before he runs out of wine. And perhaps pay more respect to those higher than us mere mortals." 
Logan sighs. "You will not understand that one cannot praise something that is just a fictional character, so I will end this pointless conversation."
Roman rolled his eyes at that. "You’re going to be punished for ignoring the gods, you know."
And the last pair was Remus and Patton. Patton wasn't a fan of Remus, the only reason he was coming along was so the drunk didn't hurt himself.
"I just can't believe the guy!" 
"What do you mean, ‘what?’ He shit-talked the gods!" Remus huffed, well more like pouted. That statement basically ended the conversation.
The door to the cafe slammed open, an angry Dee storming in and over to their table. The other four were already there as Virgil trailed behind him. He slammed his palms against the table staring down at the wood, eyes full of fire.
"Fuck Professor Sanders."
Roman and Remus made noises of agreement as Dee sat down. "Who does he think he is! I mean, he's so clearly biased against trickster gods. Holy fucking Underworld!"
Roman nodded in agreement aggressively, and Remus kinda hummed as he took another sip of his drink. 
"I do not understand why you three are getting so riled up about what Professor Sanders said, he was merely telling the story of a mythological character." Logan said, monotone.
All three looked at him askance. "Because he retold it incorrectly, and refused to share any stories that would make my patron seem like he wasn't a complete shithead," Dee snapped; Roman frowning and Remus giggling drunkenly.
"Your 'patron' is a complete shithead, as you say, he wasn't a good person at all."
Dee stared at him at that "I'm sorry, did I hear you correctly? Did you, one, put air quotes around the word patron and then secondly, follow it up by calling my patron a villain?" His voice was cold and dead serious, angry to the point of pulling a Remus and ripping the next person who insulted Loki to shreds.
"Yes, I was speaking clearly, so unless you are deaf; you heard me correctly. Secondly, I did not call him a villian; you called him that."
Dee took a breath, then sighed. "Logan, you dumb fuck. How has Athena blessed you?" he stated, mostly to himself. "Ok, here. Think of it this way. Let's say someone explains something as simple as the water cycle in a grossly incorrect manner. Wouldn’t you be pissed?" 
"I would fix their falsehood and move on. Yes I would be mad, but I would be right and they would be wrong."
"Now think of it like that, but it’s fucking stuck with me because I was also personally insulted with this falsehood. It would be like someone explaining how colors work to you as if you’re five; but they do it so very incorrectly. That's why I'm pissed off, get it?"
"Yes, I'm now partly understanding, but how were you insulted by this 'falsehood'?"
"’Cause it's also a fundamental part of who I am," Dee responded blandly. "Loki being my patron shaped who I am today; and what I present and act like, being Loki's ward, has made me who I am. And to insult him? It's a personal attack on who I am as a person, as well as an attack on someone who I hold higher than myself." 
Logan places his hands on the table. "So let me get this straight, you hold Loki in the same esteem that, say, a Christian would hold God?"
"Kinda; unlike Christianity though my patron, though unlikely, might change. I don't know how but it can happen. But basically, yeah." 
Logan nods. "And Roman and Remus are the same?" 
"Different patrons, but yeah." Roman chimed in, Dee nodding.
"Big ego, loves his own appearance; Roman is your patron Aphrodite?" Logan asks.
"Got it in one, Teach!" 
"Teach?" Logan says confusedly. 
"You act like a teacher. So, Teach." Roman responded with a smirk; Dee chuckling, Remus watching him with his loopy tipsy-but-not-quite-drunk grin. 
"Thank you for explaining, Princey." Logan says holding back a smile
"Ooo! I like that one," Roman hummed; Remus's face scrunched up before he grinned.
"Can I be Dukey then?" Logan ignores that. 
Virgil, who had previously been quiet, snickered. "Sure, why not?"
Dee sighed, relaxing.
"Now I'm worried about what he'll do to the rest of our patrons, especially Aphrodite." Roman shook his head. "I might just file a complaint, at this rate."
"I mean, Aphrodite was a little bipolar in the stories. And no, Roman, I'm not insulting her." Logan said, trying to stop Roman from getting mad.
"Good," Roman huffed; Remus giggling again.
"Yeah, but with what the professor did to Loki; he'll turn her from bipolar to outright batshit crazy."
"Yeah; that's my job!" Remus cheered. 
"Wait, drunkenness, insanity…is your patron Dionysus?" Logan said.
"Bingo!" Remus responded.
"You could just offer to teach things the right way around, since you have first hand experience with the stories," Virgil offered calmly.
"They could; but wouldn't that be taken as slander to Professor Sanders’ teaching?" Logan said, pulling a Rubix cube out of his pocket.
"Yeah, most likely not worth the risk," Dee hummed with a sigh. "We'll just have to grit our teeth, and hope he doesn't damn us all by insulting the gods and goddesses too badly..."
"Yeah, oh! Why do you have the snake tattoo, Dee?"
Dee raised an eyebrow. "I like snakes, and they’re a sign of my patron; tattoos are also a sign of rebellion against higher ups, especially on the face and areas of high visibility, so..." he gestured at his tattoo. "I got one."
"We should get back to school."
"But we have the rest of the day off! Don't tell me you need to study that badly," Roman whined; Dee nodding.
"Nothing to stress over…"
"You can never be too behind on your work. Also, seeing how we have to do something about Loki, I would suggest you get it over and done with."
Dee groaned at that. "I'm going to put in the truth, not whatever nonsense the professor was spouting." 
That promptly started a 'discussion' on work ethics.
Enjoy that? Well join the discord to help make more or just to support it!
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taetortotss · 8 years ago
stay  → min yoongi (1/?)
helloooo, marianne’s back with her angst and i decided to try something new. this is a series of stories revolving around the members of bangtan sonyeondan (featuring members of other groups too heh), a terror crisis, and you.
every story (note: not chapter!!) is connected, and this is the main story that’ll the whole series will revolve around. hope you enjoy this series! :)
loosely based on a dream that my friend had
stay → min yoongi (1/?) main story ; NON-CANON au angst
word count: 2.3k
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Min Yoongi was infamously known as the school’s asshole. He was rude; he talked back to teachers, spoke rudely to others, usually flipping people off. He also had a potty mouth, slurs of curse words would be spewing out of his dirty mouth even for the smallest of things.
And he always seemed to be notoriously talked about by the entire school. You’d walk past the group of queen bees and they’d be talking about how good he was in bed (more specifically, how good his tongue was, but you’ll never let anyone know that you heard). You’d walk past the group of plain Janes, and they’ll be talking about how “cute” or how “handsome” he was. You’d walk past the group of nerds during lunch, and they’d be adoring his intelligence and dote on how “incredibly smart” he is.
With boys too, it seemed. The jocks usually complimented (or rather bitched about) his skills on the field.
Min Yoongi was always on the centre of attention.
But you, Y/L/N Y/N didn’t give two damns about him. Yes, you’ve heard countless gossips and rumours about the school’s heart-throbing asshole, but you couldn’t care less about the deeds he committed.
Unfortunately, even in your little group of friends, Min Yoongi was often a topic of discussion. Mainly because he broke your friend’s - called Nayeon - heart.
You knew about how his charisma and “dazzling” personality managed to sway your friend. You knew about how they started dating, and all the cute shit they did. And you also knew the downfall of their relationship, and how the relationship shattered into dozens of tiny smithereens.
This led to your perspective of him being negative. You thought of him as a player, a heartbreaker. But still, you couldn’t care less about him.
He probably doesn’t even acknowledge your existence, despite being in the same class as him.
He never disturbed you, thus, you had no reason to disturb him.
“Y/N, he’s staring again.”
Recently, according to Nayeon, Min Yoongi has been staring at you. She’s warned you multiple times not to let him get to you (as if, right?), but you’ve always convinced her that he was simply just looking past me. You’re nobody to him, remember?
Darting your eyes to his direction, your eyes met for a second, but he was quick to turn away and face his friends. He was accompanied by his two best friends, Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok. They might not be as talked about as Min Yoongi, both have had their equal share of rumours and stories.
Heck, Kim Namjoon even dated one of your friends before. It ended very badly.
Before your friends could press on further, the teacher entered the classroom, hands filled with an extremely thick stack of worksheets and everyone had to make their way to their designated seats.
Throughout the entire lesson, you felt a chill on your spine. Y’know, that instinct when you suspect someone is staring or watching you. And you had a pretty good guess who it was.
Min Yoongi sat a few seats vertically behind you. He has been caught (by your friends) looking at you.
You quickly turned your back when the teacher was writing some information on the board, and jackpot! Both of you shared awkward eye contact before Yoongi turned his eyes away.
His eyes were filled with something that didn’t scream ‘asshole’.
It was filled with fear.
Today was the day that completely changed the lives of you, and the thirty classmates that you’ve grown to appreciate (well, maybe except Min Yoongi). Funny, how it seemed like a perfectly average day. Average temperature, average classes, full attendance.
Your class, was the only class in the entire cohort, that had to stay back for extra classes. Being an advanced class, this was quite common, and not a surprise. Though it was quite troublesome and exhaustive, your class persevered, always wanting to excel in the upcoming examinations.
In the midst of doing mathematical questions, the teacher, Mr Park, was called out for some “business”. He picked up his phone, and went outside to answer a seemingly urgent call.
And that was when it began.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Initially, everyone didn’t think much of it at first. Majority of the class thought it was some immature student creating those sounds or being extremely inconsiderate by playing a video at an extreme volume. Even Min Yoongi called out something to the loud noises, thinking it was funny.
Then the intercom cracked up.
There was pin-drop silence.
“I wouldn’t find it funny if I were all of you,” the voice crackled. The voice was deep, and raspy, and had a hint of amusement lying beneath the rough exterior.
“The school’s on lockdown, and you’re the only thirty students left in this school.” You turned to face Nayeon, whose face was contorted into one of pure fear. Her eyes were wide, in disbelief to what her ears were hearing. You reached out your hand to grasp hers in an attempt to provide some comfort. Her hands were shaking.
The once serious, and quite relaxed atmosphere of the class has morphed into one of terror and fright. No one expected any of this. Some have left their seats to go to their friends, gripping each other in a weak attempt to grasp the situation.
Min Yoongi, who you expected to look smug, had his lips pressed in a thin line.
The intercom cracked up again.
“If you all want a higher chance at survival, you have to listen to every single thing that I say. Keep in mind that I can see everything that you are doing, so no acting funny.”
Your eyes darted to the security cameras - of course.
“My first instruction is fairly simple. Run. Leave the classroom.”
The voice on the intercom had this calm and relaxed layer to it, which made it all the more frightening.
And chaos erupted.
Everyone was rushing out of the classroom, not giving a second thought to their belongings and were running in circles. The more athletic ones were first, while the less athletic ones were trying.
There was pushing and pulling, and people tripping. Shouts filled the air, mostly shouts of frustration. If you were paying attention, you would’ve noticed the body of Mr Park lying on the floor, a gunshot wound in his chest and blood leaking from his mouth.
There was a countdown, to which you presumed was the amount of time your class had to leave the classroom.
You were one of the last few to leave the classroom, and you noticed how the slowest person in your class, was rooted to the ground. She was like a deer in headlights, she was petrified.
Some of your classmates were shouting out at her, but she seemed to be frozen.
You turned back to the classroom, with the aim of wanting to help her, but the countdown reached ‘1’.
This was the kind of scene you’d expect to see in a movie cinema, in an action movie, but right now, you were wishing that this was just some dream, some movie.
You never expected to see your classmate die right in front of your eyes.
There was the sound of the gunshot, and right before you knew it, her body crumpled to the ground and a pool of blood started to form around her body.
Most of you (at least half of you) were huddled around the school’s assembly area. Some of your classmates had fled, to God knows where - probably into hiding -.
Looking around, you noticed that the school was on actual lockdown. The metal shutters leading to the school’s exit and entrance was down, meaning that escape was impossible.
The pin-drop silence was still in the air.
Some were crying, some looked completely terrified, others had a straight face as if they were trying or unable to process the situation that was unfolding.
Nayeon was sobbing, her face against your shoulders. Your shirt was getting soaked from her tears, and you were busy rubbing circles on your back.
Suddenly, the dreaded intercom came to life.
“Congratulations! Twenty nine of you have followed my instructions and are now still alive. Now, there are guns hidden everyone in the school compound. It’s kill or be killed.”
The moment the announcement ended, the once quiet mood that surrounded the twenty nine of you, has broken out into full discord and disarray.
Some immediately fled. Kim Taehyung and his boyfriend Jeon Jungkook were seen running towards the nearest staircase. The girl clique was seen running to the school cafeteria.
And in the corner of your eye, you saw it.
“Jinyoung has a gun!”
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Nayeon was suddenly separated from you; she ran off, leaving you.
“I am not dying, you fucking hear me? I am not dying!” an animalistic growl escaped Jinyoung’s lips and he proceeded to press the trigger again. Park Jinyoung has cracked under the situation and has broken.
You grabbed Kim Yugyeom, and ran away, not wanting to die in the hands of the crazed Park Jinyoung.
Kim Yugyeom was known as the class’ clown. He was funny, playful, boisterous, and a whole lot of other things. He liked to make people laugh, he liked to annoy his best friends, and did not deserve what he had coming.
Despite the life-or-death situation that the remaining twenty plus of you were facing, Yugyeom was still trying to make light of the situation and was trying to make the mood less heavy.
“It could be just a large scale prank.”
“I went to the zoo one day, and it was empty, except for one dog. It was a Shih Tzu.”
“Y/N,” he would drag your name, “it’s alright.”
You appreciated his efforts in trying to make you feel less terrified, but trying to think that there was no crisis wouldn’t get rid of the crisis at all.
Passing by the block of classrooms, your eagle eye noticed that one of the fire hose reel containers seemed to have been tampered with.
“Yugyeom, wait.”
Flipping open the opening of the container, both you and Yugyeom gasped in horror at what was planted in the container.
In its full monstrosity, the black metal was placed so intelligently in a place where only those with sharp eyes would’ve noticed.
“I’m not touching it, Yugyeom, let’s go,” you started to walk ahead, but Yugyeom stood in his place, staring at the sleek, black metal that could ruin one’s life in a heartbeat.
“Yugyeom,” you started, but he interrupted.
“That guy said that there were guns placed all around the school, and that we have to kill or be killed. What if we have to kill if we come across one? Would we die if we don’t shoot?”
You stood in silence, heart racing.
“Y/N, I don’t want to die,” he looked you in the eye in an extremely serious manner.
Suddenly, you wished he was sprouting out lame jokes.
He pointed the trigger at your head.
“Yugyeom,” you tried again.
“Kim Yugyeom, shoot. If you don’t, we’ll shoot you instead.”
Tears sprang in his eyes; he looked like a lost child, not knowing what he was doing. He was shaking, his hands were unsteady.
“Kim Yugyeom, last chance.”
His lips were trembling, you could hear how heavy his breathing was.
“Y/N? What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef,” he let out a forced laugh, put down the gun and flashed you a small smile.
Simultaneously, the gunshot came and, boom!
You were all alone now.
The numbers slowly continued to dwindle and it was now at “twenty”. Somehow you were still alive, walking aimlessly around the fourth level of the school compound. You wondered how many of your friends were still alive, what their state of mind, where they are.
But also, being alone, you wondered who was still alive, how such an average day turned a complete 360 degree turn and became such a terror event, how some of your bubbly, wonderful classmates, have turned into murderers within the hour.
Min Yoongi came to mind a couple of times, you wondered where he could be.
Or who was the mastermind behind that dreadful intercom.
Your mind was full of unanswered questions, and scenarios that could possibly happen, that you were starting to lose awareness of your surroundings. You thought of going back to your classroom, and getting some of your items that could be of use in this situation.
Your mind was so deep in thought that you couldn’t hear the echoing footsteps behind you, making his or her way closer and closer to your unsuspecting being.
You didn’t notice, until it hit you. In the stomach.
The tumultuous, deafening, echo of the shot brought you back to your senses. And it was in your state of shock that you didn’t feel anything.
Until you looked down.
A blood spot was forming on your once neat, and ironed uniform and did it hurt like a gigantic bitch.
Was this the end? Are you dying? Who was it?
Your vision started to blur, and everything was starting to get hazy and dizzy. The world around you was spinning.
The last thing you heard, before crumpling on the ground was a bunch of curse words, and heavy footsteps running towards you.
“You stupid fucker!”
Another gunshot. Boom!
“Y/N? Y/N!”
Your eyes started to close. You felt pressure on your wound, as if someone was trying to stop the blood flow.
“Y/L/N Y/N, stay with me, stay with me!”
That was the first time Min Yoongi asked you to stay.
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