#Agnes Bernauer
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klinefelterrible · 1 year ago
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rwpohl · 4 months ago
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leichensache zernik, helmut nitzschke defa 1972
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thoughtfulwitchcrown · 4 months ago
Infektionsschutzbelehrung Online - Marc Bielenberg
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Die Online-Infektionsschutzbelehrung in München bietet Ihnen eine komfortable Möglichkeit, das offizielle Gesundheitszeugnis gemäß dem Infektionsschutzgesetz von zu Hause aus zu erwerben. Dieses Angebot richtet sich insbesondere an Personen, die in der Gastronomie, Lebensmittelverarbeitung sowie in Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen wie Kindergärten oder Altenheimen tätig sind. Über unser benutzerfreundliches Online-Portal können Sie die Schulung schnell und unkompliziert absolvieren. In nur drei Schritten – Anmeldung, Durchführung des Kurses und Erhalt des Zertifikats – erlangen Sie Ihre Qualifikation und erfüllen die gesetzlichen Vorgaben.
Address: Agnes-Bernauer-Straße 1, München, 80687, Germany
Phone: +49 89 571162
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.infektionsschutzbelehrungonline.de/
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infektionsschutzbelehrung · 5 months ago
Infektionsschutzbelehrung Online in München bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihr offizielles Gesundheitszeugnis gemäß den Anforderungen des Infektionsschutzgesetzes bequem von zu Hause aus zu erhalten. Speziell konzipiert für Personen in der Gastronomie, Lebensmittelverarbeitung und Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen wie Kindergärten und Altenheime, ermöglicht unser benutzerfreundliches Online-Portal eine schnelle und einfache Schulung. In nur drei Schritten – Anmeldung, Kursdurchführung und Zertifikatserhalt – sichern Sie sich Ihre Qualifikation und erfüllen die gesetzlichen Anforderungen. Infektionsschutzbelehrung Online - Marc Bielenberg, Agnes-Bernauer-Straße 1, 80687 München, +49 89 571162
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blog-aventin-de · 10 months ago
Schloss Blutenburg · München
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Schloss Blutenburg bei München Obermenzing
Das ehemalige Jagdschloss Blutenburg, ein spätgotisches Bauwerk, liegt im Westen von München in Obermenzing. Das Schloss selbst geht auf eine Wasserburg des 13. Jahrhunderts zurück. Kern dieser ehemaligen Burg war ein Wohnturm, dessen Reste 1981 zum Teil freigelegt wurden. Herzog Albrecht III. hielt sich von 1432 bis 1435, belegt durch zahlreiche Dokumente, sehr oft in Obermenzing auf. Er war ja bekannt als großer Frauen-Liebhaber. Bereits 1428 war Albrecht in Augsburg Agnes Bernauer, einer Frau von außergewöhnlicher Schönheit, begegnet und ging mit der Bürgertochter 1432 sogar eine nicht standesgemäße Ehe ein. Diese Ehe wurde damals nicht nur von seiner adeligen Verwandtschaft, sondern auch vom großen Teil der Bevölkerung abgelehnt. Möglicherweise wurde der Ausbau der Blutenburg durch diese Beziehung zur Baderstochter Agnes Bernauer veranlasst. Am 12. Oktober 1435 aber lies Albrechts Vater, Herzog Ernst, Agnes Bernauer in Straubing verhaften, vor Gericht stellen und anschließend in der Donau ertränken. Nach deren Ermordung bewohnte Herzog Albrecht die Blutenburg mit seiner zweiten Gattin Anna von Braunschweig. 1438 wird das Schloss von Menzing in alten Baurechnungen, die erhalten geblieben sind, mehrmals erwähnt. Herzog Albrecht III. ließ die bestehende Anlage, ein Herrenhaus, das von vier Türmen und einem Wassergraben umgeben war, von Grund auf neu errichten und zu einem edlen Landsitz umbauen. Im Turm befand sich bereits damals eine nicht unbedeutende Kapelle, geweiht dem Hl. Andreas und Hl. Georg, deren Weihekreuze bis heute erhalten geblieben sind. Herzog Albrecht selbst starb im Jahre 1460. Mit der Zeit der Jahrhunderte verfiel die Anlage zusehends und wurde 1827 als Staatsgut an Privatleute verpachtet. Erwähnenswert ist aber noch ein Blick in die Geschichte vom 12. Februar 1848, als Lola Montez vor ihrer Abschiebung in die Schweiz eine Nacht im Schloss Blutenburg verbrachte. Die damals 25-jährige Tänzerin hatte dem 60-jährigen König Ludwig I. völlig den Kopf verdreht und in der Bevölkerung große Unruhen ausgelöst. Maria Dolores Gilbert alias Lola Montez alias Gräfin Landsfeld, geboren 1818 in Limerick, starb völlig verarmt 1861 in New York. Schloss Blutenburg bei München Obermenzing Read the full article
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korrektheiten · 2 years ago
Agnes Bernauer: Tod in der Donau
Compact:»Ein Prinz aus München trifft in einer Augsburger Badestube eine bezaubernde Magd. Es ist Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Doch der Vater des Hochherrschaftlichen hat andere Pläne. Es folgt ein Auszug aus dem brandneuen COMPACT-Geschichtsheft „Verschwörung und Skandale: Mätressen, Morde, Machteliten“. Hier mehr erfahren. Es ist eine unausrottbare Legende, dass im Mittelalter zehntausende Hexen verbrannt [...] Der Beitrag Agnes Bernauer: Tod in der Donau erschien zuerst auf COMPACT. http://dlvr.it/SnzJV1 «
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venicepearl · 2 years ago
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Agnes Bernauer (c. 1410 – 12 October 1435) was the mistress and perhaps also the first wife of Albert, later Albert III, Duke of Bavaria. Because his father, Ernest, ruling Duke of Bavaria at the time, considered this liaison with a commoner unbefitting his son's social standing, he clashed with his son over the matter and finally arranged to have Agnes condemned for witchcraft and drowned in the Danube in 1435. Her life and death have been depicted in numerous literary works, the most well known being Friedrich Hebbel's tragedy of the same name and the folk musical Die Bernauerin by the composer Carl Orff.
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anglerflsh · 3 years ago
name every witch that’s been hunted, I’ll wait /j
Veronika of Desenice d. 1425 Theoris of Lemnos before 323 BC Liu Ju d. 91 BC Petronilla de Meath c. 1300–1324 Stedelen d. c. 1400 Kolgrim c. d. 1407 Matteuccia de Francesco d. 1428 Agnes Bernauer c. 1410–1435 Guirandana de Lay d. 1461 Gentile Budrioli d. 14 July 1498 Narbona Dacal d. 1498 Janet, Lady Glamis d. 1537 Gyde Spandemager d. 1543 Lasses Birgitta d. 1550 Agnes Waterhouse c. 1503–1566 Polissena of San Macario d. 1571 Janet Boyman d. 1572 Gilles Garnier d. 1573 Soulmother of Küssnacht d. 1577 Violet Mar d. 1577 Thomas Doughty d. 1578 Ursula Kemp c. 1525–1582 Elisabeth Plainacher 1513–1583 Walpurga Hausmannin d. 1587 Anna Koldings d. 1590 Rebecca Lemp d. 1590 Anne Pedersdotter d. 1590 Kerstin Gabrielsdotter d. 1590 Agnes Sampson d. 1591 Marigje Arriens c. 1520–1591 Witches of Warboys d. 1593 Allison Balfour d. 1594 Jean Delvaux d. 1595 Andrew Man d. 1598 Pappenheimer Family d. 1600 Mary Pannal d.1603 Merga Bien 1560s–1603 Mechteld ten Ham d. 1605 Nyzette Cheveron d. 1605 Franziska Soder d. 1606 Elin i Horsnäs d. 1611 Alice Nutter 1612 Pendle witches d. 1612 Evaline Gill d. 1616 Elspeth Reoch d. 1616 Margaret Cubbon (or Ine Quaine) d. 1617 Witches of Belvoir d. 1618 Sidonia von Borcke 1548–1620 Christenze Kruckow 1558–1621 Anne de Chantraine 1601–1622 Jón Rögnvaldsson d. 1625 Katharina Henot 1570–1627 Johannes Junius 1573–1628 Urbain Grandier 1590–1634 Johann Albrecht Adelgrief d. 1636 Maren Spliid c. 1600–1641 Elizabeth Clarke c. 1565–1645 Adrienne d'Heur 1585–1646 Alse Young c. 1600–1647 Margaret Jones 1648 Mary Johnson c. 1648 Alice Lake[13] 1620 – c. 1650 Mrs. Kendall[13] c. 1650 Jeane Gardiner d. 1651 Michée Chauderon d. 1652 Goodwife Knapp[15] d. 1653 Ann Hibbins 1656 Marketta Punasuomalainen 1600s–1658 Daniel Vuil d. 1661 Anna Roleffes c. 1600-1663 Goodwife Greensmith[13] d. 1663 Isabella Rigby d. 1666 Steven Maurer d. 1666 Lisbeth Nypan c. 1610–1670 Thomas Weir 1599–1670 Märet Jonsdotter 1644–1672 Anna Zippel d. 1676 Brita Zippel d. 1676 Malin Matsdotter 1613–1676 Anne Løset d. 1679 Peronne Goguillon d. 1679 Catherine Deshayes c. 1640–1680 Antti Tokoi d.1682 Ann Glover d. 1688 Jacob Distelzweig d. 1690 Alice Parker d. 1692 Ann Pudeator d. 1692 Bridget Bishop c. 1632–1692 Elizabeth Howe 1635–1692 George Burroughs c. 1650–1692 George Jacobs 1620–1692 Giles Corey c. 1611–1692 John Proctor c. 1632–1692 John Willard c. 1672–1692 Margaret Scott d. 1692 Martha Carrier d. 1692 Martha Corey 1620s–1692 Mary Eastey 1634–1692 Mary Parker d. 1692 Mima Renard d. 1692 Rebecca Nurse 1621–1692 Sarah Good 1655–1692 Sarah Wildes 1627–1692 Susannah Martin 1621–1692 Wilmot Redd 1600s–1692 Anne Palles 1619–1693 Viola Cantini 1668–1693 Paisley witches d. 1697 Elspeth McEwen d. 1698 Anna Eriksdotter 1624–1704 Laurien Magee 1689-1710 Mary Hicks 1716 Janet Horne d. 1727 Catherine Repond 1662–1731 Helena Curtens 1722–1738 Bertrand Guilladot d. 1742 Maria Renata Saenger von Mossau 1680–1749 Maria Pauer 1730s–1750 Ruth Osborne 1680–1751 Ursulina de Jesus d. 1754 Anna Göldi d. 1782 Maria da Conceição d. 1798 Leatherlips 1732–1810 Barbara Zdunk 1769–1811 Ama Hemmah d. 2010 Amina bint Abdulhalim Nassar d. 2011 Muree bin Ali Al Asiri d. 2012 Ahmed Kusane Hassan d. 2020
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lacrimis · 6 years ago
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Helmut Fischer was the son of a businessman and a tailor and grew up in the Munich district of Neuhausen in Donnersbergerstraße 50a, where he also went to school. When the secondary school rejected him, he joined Otto Falckenberg's drama school, which he quit after a short time. In the subsequent period Fischer worked as a theater actor. In 1952 was his stage debut at the Würzburg city theatre as Albrecht III in Friedrich Hebbel's Agnes Bernauer. The reviews were devastating.
For almost 20 years Fischer remained largely unknown and had to deal with minor supporting roles. Among other things, he worked at the Munich "Oktoberfest" at the Zuban show as part of a zebra's behind. In 1953 he married the dancer Utta Martin, with whom he lived up to his death (44 years). In 1961 saw the actor's debut in Bavarian Television: as a hairdresser in Ludwig Thoma's comedy Die Lokalbahn. Fischer described himself as "terrible" and said in retrospect: "Richtig g'schämt hab' ich mich, wie überzogen ich damals g'spielt hab (I was terribly ashamed about my totally excessive acting)". As he was under-worked with acting alone, Fischer also worked as a film critic for the Munich Abendzeitung.
In 1972 he played in the Bavarian Television's first episode of the Tatort series, as assistant to then-time Inspector Veigl (played by Gustl Bayrhammer). When Veigl was "retired" in 1981, Fischer was "promoted" to Commissioner Ludwig Lenz and as such he solved a total of seven cases until 1987. In 1974 Helmut Fischer, in his favourite café Münchner Freiheit met director Helmut Dietl. The latter recognised his friend's true talent and in 1980 gave him a major role in the TV series Der ganz normale Wahnsinn in which Fischer for the first time got to play a manquéed playboy.
Memorial for "Monaco Franze" (Helmut Fischer) at Münchner Freiheit The final breakthrough came in 1983 with Helmut Fischer's series Monaco Franze – Der ewige Stenz. Again Helmut Dietl was the director, Patrick Süskind cooperated on the scripts to almost all episodes. In the series, which has now reached cult status among fans, Fischer alongside Ruth Maria Kubitschek, Christine Kaufmann, Karl Obermayr [de] and Erni Singerl [de] in inimitable way embodied an easygoing dandy, charmer and ladies' men, who always manages to master awkward situations with a sheepy smile. Famous sayings by the character role like "A bisserl was geht immer (Anything goes)" were adapted into daily language use. Matching this, Fischer also recorded a successful single titled "Spatzl (Schau wia i schau)) (Sweetheart (Look like I'm looking))".
From now on, the actor was busy with roles whose character were always based on Stenz though. Until the end of his life Fischer kept assuring that the figure of Monaco Franze had nothing to do with his real life. In the mid-1980s, Fischer played with Thomas Gottschalk and Michael Winslow in the two Zärtliche Chaoten films, from 1987 to 1992 he could be seen as "Josefbärli" along Veronika Fitz and Ilse Neubauer in the series Die Hausmeisterin (The House Keeper). Fischer enjoyed his last success in the series Ein Schloß am Wörthersee (A castle on the Wörthersee), where he played the absentminded estate manager Leo Laxeneder, and as the fictitious mayor of Hohenwaldau, Peter Elfinger in Peter and Paul alongside Hans Clarin.
In 1993 Helmut Fischer was diagnosed with cancer. He kept this diagnosis largely secret, only his wife Utta knew about it. In 1996, the actor underwent treatment by the well-known and controversial cancer specialist Julius Hackethal. In November he celebrated his 70th anniversary with a great number of friends and colleagues. At the occasion the told the press: "Das Leben macht sich ja mehr und mehr aus dem Staub (Life is more and more buzzing off)". Eight months later Fischer, to the surprise of the common public, died in Chiemgau. More than 1,000 people participated in the funeral service at the mortuary of Munich's northern cemetery and the subsequent funeral at the Bogenhausen cemetery (gravesite no. 2-4-2) on 19 June 1997. In his funeral speech Munich's Lord Mayor Christian Ude, a friend and neighbour of Fischer, said: "... Populär war er in ganz Deutschland - in München wurde er geliebt. (He was popular throughout Germany - in Munich, he was loved.)"
Filmography :
1958 – Cherchez la femme (Curse the Women); with Helen Vita
1959 – Hunting Party; with Angelika Meissner and Wolf Albach-Retty
1960 – Oh! This Bavaria!; with Liesl Karlstadt and Ludwig Schmid-Wildy
1960 – Die vor die Hunde gehen (Those Who go to the Dogs)
1962 – Florence und der Zahnarzt (Florence and the Dentist)
1970 – Der Röhm-Putsch (Night of the Long Knives); with Hans Korte and Gustl Bayrhammer
1978 – Sachrang (Order of the Case); with Gustl Bayrhammer
1978 – The Unicorn
1978 - Derrick - Season 05, Episode 04: "Ein Hinterhalt"
1979 – Blauer Himmel, den ich nur ahne (Blue Heavens which I can but sense); with Jörg Hube and Hans Stadtmüller
1979 – Der Durchdreher; Director: Helmut Dietl
1980 – Die Undankbare (The Ungrateful)
1984 – Mama Mia – Nur keine Panik [de] (Mamma mia - don't panic); with Uschi Glas and Thomas Gottschalk
1987 – Hexenschuß (Lumbago); with Birte Berg and Beppo Brem
1987 – Zärtliche Chaoten (Tender Chaotics); with Thomas Gottschalk and Michael Winslow
1988 – Starke Zeiten (Hard Times); with Karl Dall, Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff and David Hasselhoff
1988 – Zärtliche Chaoten 2; with Thomas Gottschalk und Michael Winslow
1989 – Jede Menge Schmidt (Lots of Schmidt); with Anja Schüte
1992 – Der Unschuldsengel (Innoncent as an Angel); with Hans Clarin and Iris Berben
1993 – Probefahrt ins Paradies (Test Run to Paradise)
1995 – Drei in fremden Kissen (Three in Foreign Sheets); with Hans Brenner and Fritz Wepper
1996 – Drei in fremden Betten (Three in foreign Beds); with Fritz Wepper and Heidelinde Weis
1997 – Fröhlich geschieden (Happily divorced); with Rainhard Fendrich
TV series :
Funkstreife Isar 12 (Patrol Car Isar 12); with Wilmut Borell and Karl Tischlinger
Graf Yoster gibt sich die Ehre (Count Yoster); with Lukas Ammann and Wolfgang Völz
1972–1981 – Tatort; as Kommissar Veigl's (Gustl Bayrhammer) assistant Ludwig Lenz, with Willy Harlander
1981–1987 – Tatort; as Hauptkommissar Ludwig Lenz
Tatort series as visiting commissioner in:
1968 – Die seltsamen Methoden des Franz Josef Wanninger (The Strange Methods of F. J. Wanninger) - Die Beschützer(The Protectors); TV police series
1972 – Gestern gelesen (Read Yesterday)
1978 – Derrick - Ein Hinterhalt (An Ambush); TV police series with Horst Tappert and Fritz Wepper
1979 and 1986/1987 – Der Millionenbauer (The Million Mark Farmer); with Walter Sedlmayr and Veronika Fitz
1979 – Fast wia im richtigen Leben (Almost like Real Life); with Gerhard Polt
1979 – Der ganz normale Wahnsinn (The Ordinary Madness)
1982 – Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl - Die abergläubische Putzfrau (The Superstitious Cleaner); Children's series
1983 – Krimistunde (Thriller Time)
1983 – Monaco Franze – Der ewige Stenz; with Ruth Maria Kubitschek
1983 – Unsere schönsten Jahre (Our best Years); with Uschi Glas and Elmar Wepper
1986 – Das Traumschiff (The Dreamliner); guest role
1986 – Rette mich, wer kann (Save Me who Can!); with Gundi Ellert
1987–1992 – Die Hausmeisterin (The House Keeper); with Veronika Fitz
1992 – Lilli Lottofee [de] (roughly: Lilli the Lottery Game Fairy); with Senta Berger
1992–1993 – Ein Schloß am Wörthersee (A Castle on Wörthersee); with Uschi Glas
1993–1994 – Peter und Paul (Peter and Paul); series with Hans Clarin
1996 – Wir Königskinder; with Fritz Wepper
1972 Münchner Kindl
1973 Weißblaue Turnschuhe (White and blue Sneakers)
1973 Tote brauchen keine Wohnung (Dead Persons need no Flat)
1974 3:0 für Veigl (3-0 for Veigl)
1975 Als gestohlen gemeldet (Reported stolen)
1975 Das zweite Geständnis (The second Confession)
1976 Wohnheim Westendstraße (Westendstraße Boarding House)
1977 Das Mädchen am Klavier (The Girl at the Piano)
1977 Schüsse in der Schonzeit (Shots during Closed Season)
1978 Schlußverkauf (Sale-out)
1978 Schwarze Einser (Black Ones)
1979 Ende der Vorstellung (End of the Show)
1979 Maria im Elend (Miserable Maria)
1980 Spiel mit Karten (A Card Game)
1981 Usambaraveilchen (Saintpaulias)
1981 Im Fadenkreuz (In the Crosshairs)
1982 Tod auf dem Rastplatz (Death on the resting place)
1983 Roulette mit sechs Kugeln (Roulette with six Bullets)
1984 Heißer Schnee (Hot Snow)
1985 Schicki Micki (Fancy)
1987 Die Macht des Schicksals (The Power of Fate)
1987 Gegenspieler (Opponent)
1976 Transit ins Jenseits (Transit to the Afterlife)
1977 Wer andern eine Grube gräbt (Harm set, Harm get)
1979 Der King (The King)
1987 Wunschlos tot (Perfectly Dead)
Stage plays :
1952 – Agnes Bernauer - at the Würzburg city theatre
1953 – Diener zweier Herren (Servant of Two Masters) - am Stadttheater Würzburg
1964 – Die großen Sebastians (The Great Sebastians) - at the Kleine Komödie in Munich
1966 – Italienische Nacht (Italian Night) - at Residenz Theatre
1969-1970 – Jagdszenen aus Niederbayern (Hunting Scenes from Lower Bavaria) - Münchner Kammerspiele
1975 – Fast wie ein Poet (Almost like A Poet) - at Residenz Theatre - Director: Rudolf Noelte
1984-1985 – Waldfrieden (Peace in the Woods) - Münchner Volkstheater
1984-1985 – Die Brautschau (Looking for a Wife) - am Münchner Volkstheater mit Hans Brenner
On Fischer's favourite spot in the garden of café Münchner Freiheit in Schwabing, a bronze monument by Nicolai Tregor Jr. was revealed which depicts Fischer in his famous role as Monaco Franze.
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mainsengineer · 2 years ago
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regionalsport24 · 2 years ago
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DJK Pasing III 0:6 Münchner Kickers II
27.08.2022, 18:30 Uhr Samstag
C-Klasse München 3 (12.Liga), 2.Spieltag
Zuschauer: 37
Bezirkssportanlage Agnes-Bernauer-Straße
Agnes-Bernauer-Straße 239 81241 München
Geodaten:  48°08'28.7"N 11°28'45.3"E
Ground Nr. 1083, davon Verband Bayern: 565, davon Kreis München: 7
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munichasia · 3 years ago
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Agnes Bernauer - drowned in the Danube. 😱📸🥨🍻 Sculpture in memory of the love between Duke Albrecht III. of Bavaria-Munich (reigned 1438-1460) and his improper association with Agnes Bernauer. Greetings and have a fantastic day all ~~~~ Agnes Bernauer (* around 1410 probably in Augsburg; † October 12, 1435 near Straubing) was the mistress and perhaps also the first wife of the Bavarian Duke Albrecht III. This connection, which did not befit his status, brought Albrecht into conflict with his father, Duke Ernst of Bavaria-Munich, who had Agnes Bernauer drowned in the Danube in 1435. Albrecht was reconciled with his father a little later and married Anna von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen in 1436. . . #sculpture_art #memorykeeping #blutenburg #antennebayern #instamunich #munichcity #welovemunich #visitbavaria #raw_germany  #exploregermany #germanalphas  #weroamabroad #cityshots #createxplore #destination_wow #mustdotravels #opticalwander #passporttoearth #roamearth #stillatraveler #street_visions #thetraveltag  #structure_bestshots  #urban_addicts  #creative_ace  #ready2_shoot  #tones_addiction  #thematic_photogroup  #thecommuterstock  #impressive_gallery (at Blutenburgpark) https://www.instagram.com/p/CarIOZoMfDy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blog-aventin-de · 4 years ago
Schloss Blutenburg
Schloss Blutenburg – Lola Montez – Agnes Bernauer https://aventin.de/schloss-blutenburg/
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verbandsbuero · 3 years ago
Connecting Europe Express zeigt europäischen Handlungsbedarf auf
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(Noch) kein europäischer Zug PRO BAHN: Connecting Europe Express zeigt europäischen Handlungsbedarf auf Der Connecting Europe Express zeigt aus Sicht des Fahrgastverbands PRO BAHN die Defizite des europäischen Eisenbahnsektors auf. National unterschiedliche Fahrzeuge und alte Wagen offenbaren, dass ein einheitlicher Europäischer Eisenbahnraum noch weit weg ist. Der Verband fordert die EU-Kommission auf, hier in einem Jahrzehnt der Schiene weitere Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Im Jahr 2021 fährt endlich wieder ein Zug durch ganz Europa. Ein Zug? Nein, es sind derer drei, die Spurweiten – der Abstand zwischen den Schienen – weichen ab, daher gibt es je einen Extrazug für die iberische Halbinsel und die baltischen Staaten. Auch auf dem Normalspurnetz kommen unterschiedliche Lokomotiven vor dem Zug zum Einsatz – nicht nur, weil die Staatsbahnen jeweils selbst Flagge zeigen wollen. „Derzeit gibt es keine Lok, die frei im gesamten europäischen Netz einsetzbar ist", bedauert Dr. Lukas Iffländer, stellvertretender PRO-BAHN-Vorsitzender. Auch beim Wagenpark sieht es nicht besser aus. Viele der Wagen haben mehrere Jahrzehnte auf dem Buckel und sind älter als mancher Fahrgast. Auch der von der Deutschen Bahn gestellte Wagen gehört zu einer Generation, die noch in der ersten Hälfte des Jahrzehnts den Weg zum Alteisen finden soll. Früher gab es die Vereinbarung RIC (Regolamento Internazionale delle Carrozze). Neue Wagen wurden nach diesem Verfahren zugelassen und abgenommen und konnten anschließend in ganz Europa eingesetzt werden. Heute funktioniert das nicht mehr, zusätzliche Standards für bestimmte Länder sind notwendig, die oft Millionenbeträge kosten. Gerade langlaufende Angebote wie Nachtzüge werden dadurch unnötig verkompliziert und verteuert. Der Fahrgastverband PRO BAHN fordert daher eine Rückkehr zur Idee des RIC. „Es muss möglich sein, in einem Rutsch bei der europäischen Eisenbahnagentur (ERA) ein Fahrzeug für ganz Europa zuzulassen und bisher national unterschiedliche Vorschriften – jedes Land verlangt unterschiedliche Ausrüstung auf einer Lokomotive – müssen vereinheitlicht werden", fordert Karl-Peter Naumann, Ehrenvorsitzender des Fahrgastverbands. Hierzu muss die EU-Kommission eine Vereinheitlichung auf den Weg bringen. „Wenn wir darauf warten, dass die Nationalstaaten das untereinander lösen, warten wir noch lange – angesichts des Klimawandels gilt es jetzt zu handeln!", macht Naumann klar. Die Vereinheitlichung des europäischen Eisenbahnraums endet dabei nicht bei den Wagen und den Loks, sondern geht bei Infrastrukturzugangskriterien, Abläufen von Arbeitsschritten, Sprachregelungen, Zugbeeinflussungs- und Stromsystemen, Nutzungsgebühren und vielen anderen Punkten weiter. „Das Jahr der Schiene, das zudem bisher weitgehend mehr Public Relations als Umsetzung ist, darf daher nur der Anfang zu einem Jahrzehnt der europäischen Eisenbahn sein, in dem die altbekannten grenzüberschreitenden Herausforderungen endlich angegangen werden", fordert Iffländer. Fahrgastverband PRO BAHN e.V., Agnes-Bernauer-Platz 8, 80687 München Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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foxquote768 · 3 years ago
Solitaire 3D
3d Klondike Solitaire
Solitaire 3d Pro
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Start playing unlimited online games of solitaire for free. No download or email registration required, meaning you can start playing now. Our game is the fastest loading version on the internet, and is mobile-friendly.
Luckily, Solitaire 3D makes it easy by including numerous ways to learn the ropes for each and every single game. All forms of direction have been designed to be as and brief and crystal clear as possible. Includes conveniently available written instructions for all.
Play over 500 versions of solitaire - Play Klondike Turn 1, Klondike Turn 3, Spider, Free Cell, Pyramid, and Golf , among many other versions.
Undo moves - The chances of winning are between 80 and 90%. Matlab r2020b install. However, even if you have a winnable game, if you make one wrong move, it may be the end of your game. If you're stuck, you can undo as many moves as you’d like to get yourself back in the game and win!
Change difficulty levels - You can play with turn 1 and turn 3 options. Turn 1 is when 1 card is drawn from the stockpile at a time and is an easier version. Turn 3 is when three cards are moved from the stockpile at time, and is harder because you can only play every third card.
Track your moves and time - If you're competitive, you’ll want to track how many moves it takes to win a game, how long it takes, and how many times you pass through the deck. You then challenge yourself to beat your record times and number of moves. Practice makes perfect!
Create a free account - If you’d like, you can register an account to save a game and pick up where you left off on any device. We’ll even track all the games you’ve played, including your time to completion and total number of moves. You’ll can see how you get better over time.
Play the game of the day - Everyday, we introduce a new winnable game. See how you perform compared to other players. Scroll below the game to see the current leaders, and try to beat their score. You can play as many times as you like, and leave comments and tips.
Play on your mobile phone or tablet - Our game works perfectly on any size phone or tablet device, both in vertical and horizontal orientations.
Enjoy a clean design, animations, and sounds - We’ve designed our playing cards to be classic and clean, so they are easy to read as you sequence cards, and our animations keep you engaged. You can also customize playing card designs, play with sounds, and play in fullscreen mode.
Solitaire rules and how to play
Solitaire 3D contains all of the following games: Accordion Aces Up Agnes Bernauer Agnes Sorel Algerian Patience Australian Patience Alternations Baker's Dozen Baker's Game Baroness Beleaguered Castle Black Hole Blondes and Brunettes Brigade Bristol Buffalo Bill Calculation Canfield Castles in Spain. Check out all the Solitaire 3D achievements, latest news, previews, interviews, videos, screenshots and review from your number one Xbox One resource site. 3D Mahjong games are played in 3 Dimensions, an extra dimension is added to the Mahjong Solitaire Games. We collected the best free online 3D Mahjong Games including Mahjong Dimensions. 3D Asteroids 3D Reversi Deluxe Balls! Bug Defender Cheveree Cribbage Cubes Hearts Micropul Sudoku Table Tennis Pro Vroom Vroom!!! If you need support, first look at the Frequently Asked Questions list: GrassGames' FAQ. Solitaire 3D Forums.
Game setup: After a 52-card deck is shuffled you’ll begin to set up the tableau by distributing the cards into seven columns face down, with each new card being placed into the next column.
The tableau increases in size from left to right, with the left-most pile containing one card and the right-most containing seven. As an example, this means the first seven cards will create the seven columns of the Tableau. The eighth card distributed will go into the second column, since the first column already has its one and only card.
After the piles are complete, they should be cascaded downwards such that they form a “reverse staircase” form towards the right. Ultimately, you will have seven piles, with the first pile containing one card, the second pile containing two cards, the third pile containing three cards etc. Only the last card in each of the Tableau columns is flipped over face up so you can see it’s suit, color and value. In our game, this is automatically done for you!
Mpv. Sep 18, 2018 One of the tests run during a CBC is a mean platelet volume (MPV) test. An MPV test measures the average size of your platelets. It’s closely related to a platelet count test, which measures the. Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a measure of the average size of your platelets, a type of blood cell that helps prevent bleeding. MPV is particularly important in determining the cause of thrombocytopenia (a low platelet count) or thrombocytosis (a high platelet count), and it can be a useful diagnostic tool even if your platelet count is normal.
Mancala Play Mancala, the classic board game. Single- and online multiplayer. Mancala game.
All leftover cards after the foundations are created become the “Stock,” where you can turn over the first card.
Knight rider kitt scanner. The original KITT scanner had 8 halogen lamps placed in a V-shaped structure on the front of Knight Industries Two Thousand, which was a 1982 Pontiac Trans Am. The idea of the KITT scanner was to provide a feeling that the car had a external sensor. The original lamps was halogen lamps, and had an after glow (light decay).
Goal: To win, you need to arrange all the cards into the four empty Foundations piles by suit color and in numerical order, starting from Ace all the way to King.
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Tableau: This is the area where you have seven columns, with the first column containing one card and each sequential column containing one more additional card. The last card of every pile is turned over face up.
Stockpile: This is where you can draw the remaining cards, which can then be played in the game. If not used, the cards are put into a waste pile. Once all cards are turned over, the remaining cards that have not been moved to either the tableau or foundation can then be redrawn from the stockpile in the same order.
Playing the game:
Face up cards in the tableau or stockpile can be moved on top of another face up card in the tableau of an opposite color that is one rank higher, forming a sequence of cards.
Groups or stacks of sequenced cards in the tableau can also be moved together on top of a card of the opposite color and higher rank.
If a tableau column has only face-down cards remaining, the last card is flipped over and can be played.
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To start a foundation pile, an Ace must be played. Once a foundation pile is started, only cards of that suit can be placed in that specific pile.
3d Klondike Solitaire
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As cards are surfaced from the stockpile or tableau, and there are no other cards on top of them, they may be moved to a foundation pile if they can be placed in the right order.
If a tableau column is empty, you may move a King, and only a King, to that column.
Win by moving all the cards to the Foundation piles in the right order.
Solitaire 3d Pro
News and updates
12/16/20 - We've rebuilt our Freecell and Spider games so they now have the same great features as our Klondike game. On those games, you can now play the game of the day and change card desgins. Check them out!
12/29/2020 - We added a new tile matching game, Mahjong! If you don't know how to play, there is a guide to instruct you below the game!
1/12/2021 - We introduced Hearts, a trick-taking card game, to our platform. While normally played with other people, you can play against the computer. Keeping track of cards and anticipating moves is critical to winning this game.
1/20/2021 - Now when you play on mobile, the cards will appear bigger. We hope this will further imporve gameplay and usability for mobile users.
2/25/2021 - If you like hearing cards move, you can now play with sounds. Under the more button you'll find the option to turn sounds on.
3/18/2021 - We introduced comments. Now after every game, you can leave comments and and tips for other players.
4/15/2021 - While we love card games, we also love all classic games. We're pleased to announce that we released Sudoku with various difficulty levels. If you're intested in a number puzzle, give Sudoku a try!
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maximilian-weinzierl · 4 years ago
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... heute nach langer Zeit wieder mal in heimatlichen Gefilden unterwegs, ... und Kaffeetrinken beim Krönner und freilich ! Agnes Bernauer Torte ❤️😋 (hier: Café - Konditorei - Krönner Straubing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEj23KmKqre/?igshid=1rwd1b80wtrtj
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