randomfoggytiger · 2 months
Collector's Edition: Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part III)
Requiem, oh Requiem.
Loose chronological order below~
JET's (mulderscreek, tumblr, freeservers) Snippet Fic
She conceded, "So our track record has been iffy at best during the most recent Decembers. But last year wasn't too bad."
"Yeah, I think the highlight of the month was when I was attacked by zombies."
Pre-Requiem: There is no baby, and no abduction-- only Scully picking up Mulder during the holidays.
XPhileChai's Life is like a new case - you never know what you're gonna get.
She opened her eyes and met his. He saw the change in her eyes go from "calm and happy" to "oh, yeah, I'm in a car on a stakeout".
Pre-Requiem: Mulder rushes Scully to the hospital, where they discover she miscarried one of two babies.
@myownsuperintendent (Ao3)
“Marry Me” (Ao3)
He hadn’t expected her to say that soon, but he knows she means it.  Her practicality makes him smile.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder remembers how they found out about Scully’s pregnancy before he left for Oregon; and decides to seal their partnership with a proposal. 
Fic: “No Secrets” (Ao3)
“You could have died if I hadn’t gone back and looked at your medical records from last year.  If I hadn’t figured out what was happening and how to reverse it.  And you…you weren’t going to tell me?”  Her voice is no longer even now, but she’s not yelling either; it sounds like all the air has gone out of her.
“I didn’t think there was anything we could do about it,” he says, but he realizes how stupid that is even as he’s saying it. 
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned; and Scully not only finds him but also heals his brain disease. 
@alsoablankslate/tabulaxrasa's (LJ, tripod) Things Outside
The sun was setting, and the sky was a wide swath of indigo out the kitchen window. Sometimes it was very beautiful here. Summer here was like springtime in DC, maybe. How you were always conscious of it, of the rightness of the season, the perfect fit of area and temperature and color and the smell of the air.
They couldn't find out about the baby.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder is never abducted-- instead, he and Scully are put under house arrest in the middle of nowhere.
xphilernj’s (Ao3, Two Close for Comfort) Find the Future - Chapter 1
Upon their arrival at Dulles International Airport in D.C., Mulder was fit to be tied and Skinner was ready to clamp the handcuffs on him and throw Mulder in the trunk of his car.
Requiem: Mulder rushes back to Scully’s side.
Erin M. Blair’s The Blessing
He stood in the doorway of her hospital room and walked toward the chair by the bed. Pulling it as close to the bed as possible, he sat gingerly on the chair's edge, then gently held her hand in his.
Requiem: Scully floors Mulder with her pregnancy news.
bellefleur’s "Arms Wide Open"
I look over to see my partner's mother standing a few feet away from me, stock still and drained of color, with her hand covering her mouth. It's takes me a minute, but as I register the fact that her first sight was of me sitting in the hallway with my head in my hands, and then with obvious tear tracks on my face, I begin to comprehend her reaction. She must have immediately thought the worst.
Requiem: Mulder hears the news from Scully; and panics, fleeing the room. Maggie helps him get his head in the game. 
Maidenjedi's Would That I Could Travel Both
She held her breath as his arms wrapped around her, and felt his reluctance to leave her as much as his eagerness to go, to discover, to find the all-encompassing Truth.
Requiem: Among a selection of AUs, Mulder didn't get his answers but did have a happy ending.
dmwones's Anagrams
"We can attempt to stabilize Dana for as long as possible. Give her blood transfusions, and corticosteroids. One to treat the low platelets, the other to help the fetus' lungs mature. But it's not a cure. Her body is under duress and HELLP syndrome is life-threatening. We can maybe buy a few extra days. But you're going to have to make a decision."
Requiem: In one of many AUs, Mulder is never abducted; but Scully and their baby suffer complications from preeclampsia.
Pattie’s Erlenmeyer Injustice
Not a day goes by that I don't think of the implications of this job, and especially this partnership. The knowledge that one or both of us might be killed or permanently injured in the line of duty hides in the backdrop, waiting to be cast and played out, by directors unknown.
Requiem: Mulder chooses to leave with the alien ship.
LuvTheBeez’s (mulderscreek) A Safe Place (MC) and Equanimity (1/2, and 2/2) 
The minutes ticked slowly by. Unable to stand it any longer, Scully reached out a gloved finger to lift Skinner's eyelid. There appeared to be no change - the black clouds of oil were still visible. She looked at the others, concerned that there was still no reaction.
"Maybe we should increase the -"
When Skinner grabbed her wrist, it was with such force that she could feel the bones grinding together, and she waited for the sound they would make as they cracked into pieces. She gasped in pain and surprise - Skinner increasing his death grip on her as his body began to convulse violently.
Frantic, Mulder reached for her, his fingers scratching at her skin as he attempted to pry Skinner's strong hand away from her wrist…. 
Finally, there were other hands there to restrain Skinner, and they were able to loosen his grip long enough for Mulder to pull Scully away from him. The sudden release caused both of them to fall backwards, and they landed in a heap on the floor. 
Post Requiem: Scully rushes to the hospital after Mulder’s return. Unfortunately, he forgets his abduction experiences just as the world plunges into Colonization; and Skinner, Krycek, and Marita-- who had initially joined them on their trek to safety-- are separated from the group in another wave of attack.  
Forte’s (Gossamer) It Came in the Mail 
Scully rushed into the basement office, mind racing.  It was a leap of intuition.  A leap of faith.  A leap of Mulder proportions.  He'd be proud, wouldn't he?
He'd expected it.  He knew she would figure it out.
Post Requiem:  Scully and TLG shift into high gear when she is shipped an envelope of Mulder’s fingerprints. 
prufrockslove/plenilune’s (Ao3, Alt. Gossamer, Geocities,  Colonization HQ)
"No – please let him stay. I asked for him. Stephen," came Mulder's tired, raspy voice from the room. "Let's talk quarks."
"Let's not. Let's rest," Scully said, squeezing past Dr. Hawking to get to the hospital bed. Three other men were hovering, pads and pencils ready to take notes if the tape recorder missed anything. Outside, men in black were swarming the hallway like army ants.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned in Las Vegas, staggeringly intelligent with all the answers of the world locked in his head. Naturally, Morris Fletcher and his troop come crashing in for information.
Pascal's Wager
I have no memories of what They did to me and some of my pre-abduction memories are still a little scrambled - not missing, just out of focus. I'm functional, barely, but at night rumors roam free, untouched by regression hypnosis, drugs, or Scully's gentle attempts to reach out to me. This is PTSD, she says, closing my chart and running her palm over my cheek comfortingly. Rest, Mulder. Do your exercises, Mulder. Don't think about your personal price- check chip in your frontal lobe, Mulder.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned after the birth of his daughter, struggling hardcore on the long road to recovery. Is he becoming insane, or enlightened?
Daniela Riedel's (mulderscreek) Never Ever
She wanted to tell him so much. Before he disappeared they never had the chance to talk about their feelings. Sure they had been close. This night in the hotel in Oregon. She wanted so much to tell him that she loved him dearly but couldn't find the courage to do so. Both of them knew about the other's feelings though.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned, staring at the hospital ceiling and repeating names over and over.
Fight The Past
"I never thought she'd manage it..."
Mulder turned back to him, the spell of his memories broken. "Manage what?"
"Why, to earn your trust, of course. You're not an easy man to get to know, Mr. Mulder. You'd rather get a root canal than admit to an emotion. Or, at least, that is how you were." He nodded to the window. "That's how he is."
Post Requiem: CSM offers Mulder to opportunity to travel back to the Pilot, stop the motel fire, and change history. 
syn‘s (Tumblr) Careless Wishes
Melissa's eyes narrowed.  "You know, you could *ask* before borrowing my stuff.  I mean, I don't rummage through *your* jewelry box do I?  Not that I'd wear any of that WASPy, wispy stuff anyway."
"But Melissa," replied Scully incredulously.  "You were *dead*."
"What difference does that make?" asked Melissa, reaching over and pulling the necklace off over Scully's head with an annoyed yank.  "I mean, someone with a little foresight, with a little respect for my personal property, should have known that I wouldn't want anyone wearing this necklace."
Post Requiem: Scully uses a potion to bring back Melissa, Pendrell, Mr. X, Deep Throat, and even Queequeg back to life… all of whom are incredibly terrible company. 
lesbianreinaa's Simply the Best
“I completely forgot, Mulder I’m sorry.” She exhaled, their silly gag of a tradition had turned into something much more meaningful as the years had passed. October 15th, they had returned from their first case on the road, the only place open being Lenny’s, both agents being famished had set up camp inside, scarfing down their burgers and caffeinated beverages before returning to J. Edgar Hoover for more late nights.
Over the years it had remained a night that they kept, laced with more and more intimacy given the circumstance.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned almost immediately; and Scully joins him in a dance, working up to her news.
Singing_Violin’s Sculleus and Muldeurydice 
Mulder was dying; Mulder might already be dead. She had already grieved for him, but new hope had cruelly been handed to her by a known enemy. However, if he was inside, Mulder needed her.
Post Requiem: CSM picks up Scully, drives her to an imprisoned Mulder, and warns her not to touch him as they escape. 
Cathey Scully‘s Hidden Truths
The last thing she'd expected when she'd heard of Mulder's abduction was to be holding a gun on him.  Mulder.  Her Mulder, standing there in front of her, absolutely soaked to the skin, and she was holding a gun on him.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned to Scully’s apartment. 
Kemystre’s Frisson 
He stepped away from the plane and his knees were shaking.  
Closing his eyes, he pulled in a sharp breath.  The cold February air 
burned within his lungs and he almost smiled.
Fox Mulder was home.  Finally, at last, he was home.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned, and runs home, happy. 
Cici’s Somebody's Child 
"But I don't think you're hearing what I'm saying, Mulder. There are men besides me who will stop at nothing to get their hands on this baby and the genetic code that it contains. They will not hesitate to take Agent Scully's life if it means obtaining their goal. But these men don't want to save the world, Mulder. They only want to turn this baby over to the aliens to save their own skin and that of their families."
Post Requiem: Mulder returns, with Krycek’s help, without realizing he’s playing into Krycek’s ulterior motive. 
Spooky2u2’s Only Death Would Stop Me 
The sound of Scully's crying drifted through Mulder's apartment.  The man in the other room moved. If anyone had been watching they most likely would have missed it. It was miniscule, but it was there.  His head tilted ever so slightly to the left as though listening for a sound he wasn't sure he'd heard.  If anyone had been watching they would have seen a dull flicker of life in this man as some part of him that had held to what was left of his soul  pulled him toward that sound.  
Post Requiem: The Alien Bounty Hunter returns a broken, unresponsive Mulder… who breaks out of his trance long enough to ferociously protect Scully, if needed. 
Agent L’s (mulderscreek) 
Out of the Woods 
No one called him Fox. At least no one that he knew anymore. He ignored the gentle voice and drifted back toward oblivion.
"Fox. You must listen to me."
Post Requiem: Melissa talks to Mulder in his hour of need. 
But at least I was able to protect you from this. 
Maybe now that they have me, you'll be safe.
"Safe, Mr. Mulder? No one is safe."
Post Requiem: The Consortium toy with Mulder’s brain module during repeated experiments before brainwashing and dumping him back home. 
No Place Like Home
He hadn't thought about people being worried, searching for him. Was there someone he should call? A friend or relative? His memory remained stubbornly blank when he tried to recall a familiar face or name.
His wallet was on the nightstand and he leafed through it, but couldn't find any names or phone numbers other than his own. The photo of the young girl struck a chord this time, however -- half-remembered laughter, teasing. Childhood. But there was sadness here as well...a deep longing that tugged at something deep within him, filled him with an unaccountable sense of loss.
Post Requiem: Mulder is dumped, amnesic, six months later; and has to use spotty instincts to somehow trek the long way home. 
A Man Walks Into a Bar (mulderscreek) and Pilgrimage (mulderscreek) 
Mulder's knees buckled and he started to sink to the pavement. Instinctively Doggett grabbed for him, to save him from falling. Mulder sagged against him for a moment, then Doggett felt something press against his ribs.
His own gun.
A rookie mistake.
Post Requiem: Doggett finds Mulder. Neither man trusts the other; but, despite a few fundamental differences, Doggett still drives him back to Scully’s apartment.  
Beyond This Experience series (01, 02, 03) 
"Where's Mulder? I expected to see him here."
She was silent for so long that he turned back to her, alarmed. Mulder had been in bad shape, but even Scully, as a doctor, hadn't seemed to think anything was drastically wrong. If Skinner had endangered his life by bringing him back, he'd never forgive himself. 
Scully met his eyes, her own brimming with tears, and bit her lower lip. "I - He's - He left."
Post Requiem: Skinner finds Mulder and brings home home; then goes the extra mile to support him through a PTSD moment and talk him out of his fears. 
Thursday's Child
He didn't expect to find Mulder awake, but he did expect to find Mulder in bed. John came through the door to find both the patient and the IV stand gone. 
He'd been ditched.
Post Requiem: Doggett tries to be a good dude by driving Scully to the hospital when she goes into labor, and intercepting (then aid and abet) Mulder’s unhinged antics to be by her side. 
Scullysfan‘s The Discipline of Blessings 
But she was tired of playing by someone else's rules. Maybe it all came down to that.
Tilting her head back, Scully smiled softly into those sad eyes she knew so well, and then she faced Skinner again. "Mulder and I need to discuss this. Alone."
Post Requiem: Scully’s baby heals her after she is accidentally shot; and, realizing their child will never be safe no matter where they run, she convinces Mulder to stand their ground and not go into hiding after his return. 
Thanks for reading~
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sugarcyanide · 2 years
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It Tuesday! 11/29/22 That Means Yoga and Dance! at Utopia Studios In Gentle Yoga our affirmation will be " Today, I am at peace with myself." We will be studing Patanjali's Yoga Sutra Ch1 Vs 19. Gentle Yoga is agentle Hath based class geared to those that are new to yoga or simple wnat a more gentle mediatative class. 6pm $25 Drop in or $80 for the 4 wk session. In Dance Core Basics we will focusing on warming up loosening our bodies after the holiday break. Dance Core Basics is a gentle Dance Tequenique class for those that are new to dance or would simply like refher for basic dance technique. We work on dance technique from various dance cultures, so there is always something new and fun to work on. This class is a prequiste for my Vamp! Burlesque classes. 7pm $25 Drop In or $80 for the 4wk Session. There are still a few spots for classes! Sign up today. Ask me how! Sunday, December 11th is the Awakening The Flow Workshop $45 This workshop is to promote personal healing by helping to process stuck energy or emotions that may be stuck in the body. We start by warming up the body with gentle yoga and end the workshop with free-flow movement. 2pm to 4 pm at Utopia Studios Vamp! 101 Will be Mondays November 14,28 Dec 5 &12 This class is for my intermediate to advanced students and focuses on refining burlesque techniques. This session will be focused on removals. $25 Drop-In/ $80 for the Session 6pm at Utopia Studios Gentle Yoga and Dance Core Basics will be Tuesdays November 15,29 Dec 6 & 13 6pm and 7pm $25 Drop In/ $80 for the Session each. Gentle Yoga is a Gentle Hatha practice that is focused on the meditative and more gentle aspects of asana practice. Dance Core Basics goes over basic dance techniques from various dance cultures and breaks them down into easy-to-understand movements. So you can build your dance vocabulary. An all-access pass for intermediate and advanced students $200. Photo by me. #yoga #dance #burlesque #danceteachrr https://www.instagram.com/p/Clj5_HXO3fQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oraclekleo · 3 months
Pendulum game:
My ask is "Does my future spouse likes/is open to threesomes?"
The answer is:
But it's like agentle yes so they probably are more like open to the discussion but might not exprerienced it yet?
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 12" Christmas Cross Nativity Scene Wall Hanging Art Decor Dickson's By R. Fogle.
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manguise · 3 years
Edwin continues his new plot for revenge against the MIB. How will his plans play out under the direct command of the Hive Queen? 
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mrterriojenkins · 5 years
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Agent L (Men in Black) After doing this piece I learn a new technique to ink better in Photoshop. This will help with my flats.
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terriojenkins · 5 years
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Agent L (Men in Black) After doing this piece I learn a new technique to ink better in Photoshop. This will help with my flats.
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agentcompany · 3 years
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agent company, global-jobs.com, https://www.global-jobs.com #agent #agents #agentcompany #agentcompanies #companyagent #agencyagent #agentagency #agentagencies #agenthouse #saleagent #salesagent #internationalagent #globalagent #onlineagent #agentonline #agentclub #agentlive #liveagent #agentfind #findagent #propertyagents #realestatesagents #房地产经纪人 #经纪人 #房地产经纪人公司 #公司经纪人 #经纪人公司
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usop-untold · 3 years
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The Conglomerate iFEDS #agentlongo #agentlance #agentlondon #iFEDS #theconglomerate #untold #untoldstories #characterdesign #conceptart #untoldstoriesofoklahomapimp (at Las Olas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS9F1NCLnZ0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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boblizarraga · 8 years
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An ancient sketch of Linda Fiorentino. #mib #meninblack #lindafiorentino #agentl #laurelweaver #caricature #boblizarraga
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criticalgay · 2 years
love not being taken seriously and then being blamed for the thing I was right about all along <3
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tinybed · 7 years
love gettin squeezed!
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Sick Day
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Amanda Rollins x fem!reader Warnings: language
The moment you woke up you knew you were already done for. Your head pounded, your throat ached, stomach queasy and body sticky with sweat despite shivering of cold. You wanted nothing more than to stay in bed, but did your best to power through, wrapping a hoodie around your frame as you made your way out to the kitchen.
“Hey sleeping beauty…” Amanda half joked, dropping a plate of Eggo’s in front of Jessie as she glanced up at you, “Whoa, baby you don’t look so good, you okay?” She nearly rushed over to you, her Mom instincts immediately kicking in, back of her hand feeling your forehead.
“No…” You grumbled, “I feel like garbage.” She was quick to grab the thermometer from the bathroom, scanning your forehead.
“Baby you’re at 110, you need to go back to bed.”
“No. Don’t you try to fight this, you need to get better.” She handed you a large glass of water, “Take some Advil, get some rest, I’ll tell Liv you aren’t coming in today.” She kissed your cheek softly, “I’ll get the sitter to pick up Jessie from pre-school, you want her to stick around after?”
“No…unless you’re worried about me getting her sick.” Amanda gave a soft laugh,
“Kid eats dirt on a regular basis, I think she’ll be fine. She’s probably how you got it.” She kissed your forehead softly, “Now go get some rest, we’ll be fine. Love you.”
“Love you too.” You accepted the tight squeeze from her, giving as much of a happy wave to Jessie as you could before moving down the hallway, collapsing against the bed in an attempt to get as much sleep as you could. Thankfully the cold meds helped a lot, bringing the fever down and lowering your symptoms so you could fall into an easy sleep.
You had an alarm set for mid afternoon when Jessie would be home from school, thanking the sitter for picking her up. You still felt like crap, but knew you didn’t need to nap anymore, much to Jessie’s joy, you tugged her to the couch for a Disney movie marathon. She spent a bit of time colouring in books at the coffee table, or getting distracted by a few of her toys, but she would always curl up against you on the couch, completely engrossed in the movie. You ordered in for dinner, too weak to even think of making anything yourself, getting Jessie some pizza much to her excitement, while you opted for some good old fashioned chicken noodle soup with extra crackers.
You let Jessie pick the next movie, she spent a good amount of time going through the dvd’s before finally deciding on the Lion King, which honestly, was one of your childhood favourites. She snuggled into your side on the couch as the movie started, Frannie jumping up to join the cuddle fest on your other side. Jessie ended up falling asleep shortly after ‘I Just Can’t Wait to Be King’ and you were too transfixed to move her yet, having not seen the movie in a few years.
It was about halfway through that you heard Amanda’s keys quietly clink in the lock as she softly made her way into the apartment. You quickly shot a glance back at her, but your attention was more drawn to the t.v., not that she missed the shimmer of tears pouring down your face. She felt her heart jump into her throat, thinking that your symptoms had worsened, or that you’d gone to the doctor and found out some horrible diagnosis.
“Baby…what’s wrong?” She moved quickly to you, shooing Frannie off the couch as her arms wrapped around you.
“Nothing..” You accepted the embrace, leaning against her shoulder, relishing in the feel of her lips on your head.
“I just came home to you crying over a movie, please, tell me what’s wrong….” Her hand curled under your chin, tilting you head up to hers, your teary face couldn’t help but give a small laugh.
“You’re gonna think I’m stupid.”
“Baby I could never…” Despite knowing you were sick she gave you agentle kiss, “Talk to me..please..” You gave a soft laugh, double checking that Jessie was still asleep against your side.
“Fucking Mufasa…I can’t deal with him dying.” You glanced up, not surprised at the laugh starting to break on Amanda’s face, you gave her a playful shove, “Oh come on! You know how heartbreaking Disney gets. You cried your face off in Toy Story 3!”
“Hey!” She shot back, “That was a secret!”
“And have I told anyone? No!” Your small laugh turned into a bit of a coughing fit that Amanda gave you a soft look at, rubbing at your back.
“You at least feeling better?”
“A bit. Think the fever finally broke.” You gave a light sigh, “Hope it’s okay I gave Jessie pizza for dinner?”
“‘Course.” Amanda kissed your cheek softly.
“There’s leftovers in the fridge if you’re hungry.” She gave your hand a tight squeeze.
“How ‘bout, I get some food, get you some tea, and then you can finish crying over animated lions?” You swatted at her arm at the comment. She smiled at your personality shining through again, knowing that you were starting to feel better already.
True to her word, while she heated up some food, you quickly put the asleep Jessie to bed (Frannie was more than happy to take her place on the couch), reuniting on the couch to finish the movie. Amanda wrapped an arm around you, knowing how much you loved finally being able to be wrapped in her embrace after a day of feeling like crap. You snuggled against her while she ate, sipping at the tea that, truthfully was making you feel better while you finished the movie. Before you managed to finish it she could feel that you were basically asleep, convincing you to move to the bedroom, knowing that if you got a good sleep you’d probably feel 100% better tomorrow, and she was completely right.
_________ @bisexualcrowley @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @imlike-so-gaydude @thatesqcrush @altsvu @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @whispered-tear-drops @wannabe-fic-reader @lawandorderimagines @gaylorrds @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @beccabarba @oliviaswifey @cloudymd @screenee @mysticfalls01 @nocreditinthestraightworld @jj-arms @infernumlilith @yourtaletotell @Aprylrxse @australiancarisi @screenee @wandas-wife @emskisworld @Prettypsychoinpink
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orangeburger · 5 years
I would sell my soul to satan for a friendly high-five from Dacre Montgomery💦💦🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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butternutsims · 5 years
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happy friYAY. Pretty much a week to go until Discover Uni, and I honestly can’t wait, University expansions have always been my fave in the past. Sims 2 University came OUT when I was in Uni and I played the crap out of it, especially when I should’ve been studying.
I realised before I had not recoloured any sleepwear, so here is the sexiest sleepwear. Silky nightgowns? Yes please! This comes from the collab of @kotcatmeow & @isjao, it’s an awesome pack that came out earlier the year, so if you’re going there to grab the mesh, well I recommend grabbing the whole thing if you haven’t already!
You need the mesh
18 patterns + Sedona Skies palette (22 colours)
Female Teen/YA/Adult/Elder - tagged as Sleepwear
DOWNLOAD: SFS | Patreon  (both are ad-free, content remains free forever, consider a donation?)
TOU: Do not put behind paywalls, do not re-upload to other sites, free to use on any of your sims or builds, please link back so I can show love ♡ Many thanks to all other creators pieces used to model. Reshade is used so colours may look different to your game
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livinginalandfill · 4 years
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Lydia Hannah.
Hair: Sola Hair by @plumbobteasociety
Dress: Agentle Dress by @isjao
Shoes: Padova by @madlensims
I've been remodeling all the base game houses with new CC and I've been finding it very therapeutic. My finals got postponed to possibly the end of May. It's all up in the air. I haven't left the house in like 17 days. Even though I hate my school, I miss the ambiance of it. I dont talk to others but I miss hearing voices around me. -____-
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