#Agent Ester
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Story. The Renegade
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[ID: Eleven digitally sketched panels in greyscale.]
[Panel 1: Bird's eye view. The scene is still shadowed heavily by the offscreen fire. Hare and The Skull walk toward the van, which is being turned around. The Jack rushes ahead of them toward Scratch, who stands next to the Becile Industries car. Hare asks The Skull, "You OK, big guy?" The Skull responds, "I'll be fine." The Jack calls to Scratch, "Scratch! Your bag is in the car!" From within the van, Dee says, "No, don't drive (em-dash) we can't leave (em-dash)" Riker responds, "We gotta, Dee. I'm sorry."]
[Panel 2: In the foreground, Hare opens the door to the back of the van and steps up into it, saying, "Dee? Dee (em-dash)" The Skull's head can be seen in the corner of the panel as he follows Hare. In the background, The Jack has gotten Scratch's duffel bag out of the Becile Industries car. The Jack says, "I'm (ellipses) I'm so sorry (em-dash)" Scratch, voice rough (denoted by a particle effect around his words), replies, "Blame Lock. Not you. C (em-dash) Can you carry (em-dash)" The Jack quickly says, "O-Of course."]
[Panel 3: The Skull, now standing in the van, reaches a hand out to Scratch, who offers his broken left hand. The Skull says, "Hurry, you two. Give me your hand, Scratch."]
[Panel 4: In the foreground, Scratch looks up with an appreciative look in his eye, half in shadow. He says, "Thank you." In the distant background, two red eyes shine, and a light glimmers.]
[Panel 5: SFX: (all caps) Bang! Scratch gives a gutteral "(all caps) hhk" as he's shot in the back with a dart that sparks green light.]
[Panel 6: The red eyes are revealed to be Agent Ester's. She stands impassively, her robotic eyes partially opened up along the seams, holding a crossbow-like device that has a green light in the barrel.]
[Panel 7: Scratch SFX: "slump"s forward into The Skull's arms. The Skull despairingly cries, " (all caps) No!!" The dark in Scratch's back is shown to have four arms and a center spoke, each with a green light on them.]
[Panel 8: One of the RO-bots SFX: (all caps) "rush!" past Agent Ester, claws extended.]
[Panel 9: The RO-bot runs up behind Scratch and raises its clawed hand to strike.]
[Panel 10: White claw marks on a black background.]
[Panel 11: The Jack stands, flinching, holding the duffel bag aloft. The RO-bot's claws are embedded in the bag and its contents. End ID]
#becile bots#steam powered giraffe#fanbots#scratch becile#the skull becile#the jack becile#hare becile#blog art#story update#the renegade#agent ester#dee becile#riker szarka
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I tried to draw with pencils of different hardness and~ It seems it can make my drawing easier.
And yes. It seems I have a weakness for drawing female characters :') (I hope it turned out similar)
I wish I could draw Ester in all her glory, but I have no idea how to do it ¦'<
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Attention ! Ce post contient beaucoup de spoils. Si vous préférez garder le suspense des histoires qui vont être postées, passez votre chemin.
Mais si vous vous en fichez ou avez besoin de références : vous êtes au bon endroit !
Hare est un escroc plein d’esprit et avec l'estime de soi d'une coque de cacahuète briése. Il compense en se moquant de tout le monde autour de lui, mais il s’emporte si le même traitement lui est infligé ou si des commentaires sont faits sur ses blessures au visage. Hare est rusé et machiavélique, mais il a toujours un certain honneur et une certaine volonté de faire « le bien », bien que c'est en suivant ses propres morales. Il a passé une grande partie de ses années de formation à essayer de plaire à son créateur, mais son côté voyou ne tolérait pas les abus de Becile, créant un cycle écrasant qui a miné son optimisme. Il a un penchant pour les jeux de cartes et est méchamment doué pour cela, et il arnaque souvent les gens grâce à cela. Ses doigts sont acérés et font d’excellents crocheteurs de serrures. Hare avait une "petite amie" sous la forme d’une perceuse électrique qu’il appelle Gwen, mais actuellement ils "se laissent de l’espace". Il ne peut plus jouer de l’harmonica ni chanter, mais joue toujours du piano. Il a un accent de Brooklyn, mais il lui arrive de parler inconsciemment italien. Il est souvent connu pour boire de l'essence pour se saouler, comme il le fairait avec de l'alcool, mais pas au degré pathologique de Szarka. Son noyau se trouve entre ses omoplates. Hare a été le premier des Becile Bots à être activé.
The Skull est impassible et pragmatique. Arborant une plaque faciale que Becile n'était pas enclin à terminer, il fait de la contrebande afin de maintenir leurs finances le moins possible dans le rouge. Depuis son activation, il a promis la plus profonde loyauté à son créateur - et l'a payé cher, étant souvent le premier à souffrir des mains de Becile. Malgré les abus, le dévouement de The Skull aux idéaux de Becile reste constant même après la mort de son maître. Bien qu'il incarne une menace de violence très réelle, il est tout aussi stratégique, patient et prudent. Il s'occupe en grande partie de l'entretien du manoir Becile et est connu pour tricoter pendant son temps libre. C'est un bassiste accompli, bien que son instrument soit cassé et injouable depuis des années. The Skull est le seul Becile Bot encore capable de chanter - c'est un basses - mais il le fait tout aussi rarement. Il parle aussi peu qu'il peut, mais on peut détecter un accent du Midwest quand il le fait. Son arme préférée est « Suzi l'Uzi », mais contrairement à Hare et Gwen, leur relation est strictement professionnelle. Son noyau est au milieu de sa poitrine. The Skull est le troisième des robots à être activé.
The Jack était à l’origine un robot joyeux et désireux de plaire qui suivait Hare comme une ombre. Il était souvent victime du mauvais caractère de Becile et développa une peur intense de lui et de The Skull, mais ne fut jamais complètement intimidé grâce au soutien de Hare. Après un accident dans lequel il fut frappé par la foudre et jamais correctement réparé, la personnalité de Jack a changé de tout au tout. Il est devenu imprévisible et hystérique, s’en prenant aux autres et à son entourage, ce qui a incité Becile à demander à Hare de l’attacher dans une camisole de force. Aujourd’hui, Jack a été réparé par Riker Szarka. Sa "folie " s’est révélée être semblable à une crise de panique ; en conséquence, il en est sorti plus fatigué et plus capricieux qu’il ne l’était quand il était jeune. Il a un accent cockney et, comme Hare, parle parfois italien. Il ne peut plus jouer du violon en raison de tremblements persistants causés par l’accident. Sa perruque est brune, mais fortement tachée de suie (de plus en plus après son accident). Son noyau est dans son estomac. Le Jack a été activé en deuxième position des trois robots originaux.
Locksmith est apparu dans le manoir Becile en 2013, à la grande surprise de tous, et s'est rapidement senti chez lui. Il était un "projet spécial" de Becile, enfermé en raison des fuites de son noyau et les souvenirs de son existence furent effacés de la mémorie des autres robots. Locksmith a tous les atouts d'un gentleman traditionnel, notamment une manière de parler loquace et le vocabulaire d'un thésaurus. Il se considère comme supérieur aux autres robots Becile, daignant travailler avec eux uniquement par nécessité. Il est égocentrique, cultivé, guindé et ambitieux. Et, bien qu'il n'en parle pas avec les autres, il se souvient d'avoir été humain. Il a un accent difficile à définir, bien qu'il énonce comme un présentateur de nouvelles ou un animateur de documentaire. Il ne peut ni chanter ni jouer d'aucun instrument. Son noyau est dans sa poitrine et a une trappe ; l'ouvrir peut produire un effet aléatoire ou rien du tout. Il parle parfois à The Jack, en particulier des rêves de ce dernier ; il prétend n'avoir aucun motif caché pour cela, bien que Jack semble perturbé par les conversations. Locksmith a été activé en quatrième position des Bots, bien qu'en tant qu'humain, il était plus âgé qu'eux tous.
Dee n'est pas un robot ; c'est un mannequin de couturière possédé. Becile croyait qu'elle était l'esprit de Delilah Morreo lorsqu'il l'a attachée, et a passé des années à manipuler l'esprit confus, essayant de briser son "amnésie". Surnommée Dee par Hare, elle est facilement agitée et devient agressive sous le stress. Ses souvenirs et sa conscience sont souvent brouillés, et elle se considère elle-même et les autres robots Becile comme des monstres. Elle passe beaucoup de temps à lire et à écouter de vieux disques. Elle peut chanter, mais ne sait pas si elle peut jouer d'un instrument. Dee ne quitte jamais le grenier du manoir Becile, permettant occasionnellement à Hare de lui tenir compagnie mais refusant généralement les visiteurs. Elle a un accent du Sud. Elle n'a pas de "noyau" à proprement dit, mais son corps contient une certaine quantité de Sucre Rocailleux. Elle a été la cinquième à être "activée".
Thadeus Becile était en fait deux hommes – l’homme qu’il était avant la Matière Verte, et l’homme qu’il était après. Et pendant les longues décennies où les Becile Bots l’ont connu, il était un tyran. Il était convaincu au plus profond de lui-même que le monde lui avait fait du tort et reportait ses frustrations sur ses créations. Il exerçait un contrôle exigeant sur The Skull ; il intimidait et humiliait The Jack ; il dégradait Hare ; il torturait psychologiquement Dee ; il utilisait Locksmith comme cobaye. Il attendait une obéissance parfaite et était prompt à punir ; en même temps, il était distant et indifférent à ses créations. Les prothèses métalliques qui lui permettaient de travailler après la destruction de ses mains ont fini par fusionner avec ses bras, bien qu’il puisse toujours échanger ses griffes contre des doigts plus acceptables socialement. Il a eu deux fils (avec une femme connue des Becile Bots uniquement sous le nom de « La Veuve Becile »), Ignatius et Norman. Il a été le mentor d’Ignatius pendant un certain temps, mais les deux se sont finalement séparés. Becile est décédé à la fin des années 1990 après des décennies passées en ermite au manoir Becile.
Riker Caleb Szarka est l'ingénieur actuel des Becile Bots. Originaire du Midwest, la trentaine, il fume comme un pompier et boit comme un trou. Weed essaie de rester discret, reconnaissant ses "protégés" comme imprévisibles et dangereux. Vous ne voulez pas l'entendre essayer de chanter. Il est facilement effrayé, cynique, négligé et très déprimé. Cependant, il reconnaît le besoin très réel que les Becile Bots ont de lui et fait un véritable effort pour les maintenir en bon état. Cela est fortement limité par son ivresse fréquente et ses gueules de bois débilitantes, mais il essaie quand même.
Scratch, secrètement Royce Ellis, est un cyborg en trois parties - un humain augmenté contre sa volonté par Becile Industries en utilisant leur technologie, puis réparé par M. Szarka avec divers débris antiques créés par Thadeus Becile. Les blessures qui ont nécessité ces dernières réparations lui ont laissé des douleurs chroniques. Il était étudiant en études de la matière et s'intéressait à la technologie des noyaux. Alors qu'il essayait de trouver un stage, on lui a proposé un poste d'entrée lucratif chez Becile Industries, qu'il a accepté. Au cours des années suivantes, il a été entraîné de plus en plus loin dans les machinations de l'entreprise, s'enracinant progressivement dans leur travail de laboratoire expérimental pour se rendre compte trop tard qu'il était lui-même un cobaye. Il a fini par s'échapper, libérant également The Skull qui était emprisonné, entraînant une dette pour The Skull envers lui. Scratch a une vingtaine d'années. Il utilise principalement la langue des signes, car il est éprouvant d'utiliser la voix qui lui reste (il avait un accent de la côte ouest américaine). Il a une personnalité réservée et réfléchie à la limite de la dépression. Il réfléchit soigneusement avant de s'engager et remet en question son propre sens du bien et du mal. C'est aussi la personne la plus geek du Manoir, trouvant beaucoup d'excitation et de réconfort dans la fiction et les jeux. Avec une formation d'ingénieur, il aide M. Szarka à réparer et à entretenir les Becile Bots. Sa mission principale est de fournir les preuves contre Becile Industries qu'il essaye de faire passer en contrebande aux parties intéressées dans l'espoir de détruire l'entreprise.
Tatters est un chat mécanique recouvert des restes d'une peau empaillée qui a été remise sans ménagement aux Beciles. Elle aurait été récupérée lors d'une vente immobilière et transmise à l'un des contacts du marché noir de The Skull, qui l'a ensuite mise en gage pour lui. Bien qu'elle soit effrayante à voir, elle passe la plupart de son temps assise en hauteur et à avoir l'air critique. Elle accepte les caresses, mais toute personne qui essaie doit être avertie qu'une partie de sa peau pourrait tomber.
Personnages Secondaires
Jager est un cyborg "spécialiste de l'information" et un trafiquant d'armes qui se fait passer pour un prêteur sur gage. C'est un sale type, le principal contact de The Skull pour les transactions clandestines.
Mme Chinadoll est une riche mondaine automate et artiste avec des contacts. Elle et Locksmith prétendent être amis, bien que la sincérité soit discutable. Elle est charmante à l'excès mais totalement impitoyable.
Agent Ester est une cyborg de haut rang membre de la "force opérationnelle" de Becile Industries, les personnes qui s'occupent des affaires les plus sales. Elle est actuellement sous les ordres directs de Buster pour éliminer Scratch et les Becile Bots.
Jaime Huron est l'ex-petit ami violent de Riker Szarka et l'un des nombreux ingénieurs de Mme Chinadoll. Connu pour être obsessionnel et narcissique, il a promis de tuer Riker pour l'avoir quitté.
Thadeus Becile était autrefois un gentleman scientifique respecté au sein de la société du Cavalcadium. C'était un ingénieur brillant, un inventeur prolifique, un homme de la Renaissance très instruit et un fabricant d'armes talentueux mais prudent. Sa découverte de l'énergie dans la matière verte contenu dans le Sucre Rocailleux l'a condamné ; ses deux poursuites de l'utilisation de la matière verte et de la main de Delilah Morreo ont tracé une vie toxique qui a détruit d'abord ses amitiés avec Morreo et le colonel Peter Walter I, puis sa réputation et enfin sa morale. Il a assiégé les mines de Sucre Dandy avec une armée d'éléphants robotiques géants, contrôlés par les carcasses zombifiées d'hommes qu'il avait embauchés. Au cours de la guerre du week-end contre le colonel Walter I, la majorité des os des mains de Becile ont été brisés et le scientifique en disgrâce a été capturé et condamné à des décennies de prison.
De nombreux mineurs ont été tués pendant le siège et le chaos qui a suivi. Trois sont à dénoter.
Le premier s'appelait Tony. Fils d’immigrants italiens né aux États-Unis, Tony rêvait de devenir chanteur et pianiste professionnel, mais il n’avait ni argent ni relations. S’il était encore en vie aujourd’hui, il se serait identifié comme un homme transgenre. Cherchant à économiser pour son rêve, il a pris un emploi dans les mines de Sucre Dandy, prenant un bateau en partance pour l’Afrique. Dans son ombre, il y avait une deuxième personne notable : le frère cadet de Tony, Jack. Sans but dans la vie et terrifié à l’idée d’être laissé seul avec ses parents violents, Jack a menti sur son âge et a sauté sur le bateau après Tony, ne se révélant qu’après avoir quitté le port.
Après des semaines en mer et un pénible transport jusqu’à la mine isolée, les frères se sont retrouvés à partager la chambre avec un troisième mineur, un homme noir nommé Frank, arrivé plusieurs mois plus tôt, et ils se sont se lier d’amitié avec lui. Frank, bien qu’il soit un homme rude et réservé qui parlait peu de son passé, a pris les frères sous son aile, les aidant à s’acclimater à leur nouvelle vie. Il est rapidement devenu comme un troisième frère pour eux, et les trois se retrouvaient souvent au coin du feu après les heures de travail, discutant, riant et chantant en harmonie à trois voix.
Tony et Jack étaient dans les mines lorsque le plafond, détaché par les tremblements de terre provoqués par les pieds des éléphants géants, s’est effondré sur eux. Jack a été écrasé par les rochers ; Tony a survécu à l’effondrement mais s’est retrouvé piégé et a suffoqué quelques heures après.
Quelques jours plus tard, le colonel Walter Ier est arrivé et a commencé à faire la guerre à l’armée de Becile. Au cours de la bataille, un éléphant est devenu incontrôlable et s’est déchaîné dans la cheminée d’une usine de raffinage. Le feu s’est répandu dans le bâtiment, brûlant la plupart des ouvriers finissant carbonisés jusqu’aux os – y compris Frank.
Aucun de leurs restes n’a été récupéré.
Becile a passé près de deux décennies en prison après la guerre du week-end, souffrant de ses mains qui n'ont jamais guéri correctement. Après sa libération en 1914, il est retourné en Afrique en secret et a récupéré une réserve de Sucre Rocailleux dans les mines et ruines de Sucre Dandy, aujourd'hui abandonnées, ainsi que quelques… bricoles intéressantes. Se repositionnant discrètement sur ce qui restait de ses propriétés, il a fait commander une paire de prothèses qui lui ont permis de retourner à l'ingénierie. Après avoir vu les débuts de « The Steam Man Band » en 1916, Becile a commencé à travailler sur ses propres automates en acier, utilisant le Sucre Rocailleux pour alimenter les cœurs de leurs noyaux de matière verte.
Le Sucre Rocailleux, pour ceux qui ne le savent pas, est de l'ectoplasme solidifié.
Lorsque le premier robot s'est réveillé, il était prévu qu'il ne s'agisse que d'un essai. Cependant, Becile a été surpris lorsqu'il a commencé à parler et à bouger sans programmation. Il l'a surnommé Hare, ne connaissant que le nom de Rabbit, du groupe « The Steam Man Band ». Le miracle de l'acquisition d'une conscience spontanée se poursuivit avec le deuxième robot, qui s’identifia comme « Jack » ; Becile fut celui qui modifia son nom par un « The ». Becile activa ensuite le troisième robot, bien qu’il n’ait plus de matériel pour terminer sa plaque faciale. La structure squelettique de son visage incita les deux autres robots à l’appeler « The Skull », et le nom resta.
On leur a dit qu’ils allaient être des artistes, ce à quoi ils réagirent avec enthousiasme. Hare fut celui qui proposa le nom « Smokin’ Blokes » ; Becile trouva le nom grossier, mais ne put les dissuader de l’utiliser. Ils étaient tous désireux de faire plaisir à leur "père" les premiers mois, et les Smokin’ Blokes obtinrent un succès mineur dans les circuits underground que Becile avait réussi à mettre en avant. Ils chantaient en harmonie à trois voix ; Hare pouvait jouer de l’harmonica et du piano ; The Jack jouait du violon ; The Skull jouait de la contrebasse. Bien qu'ils n'aient pas le style comique de « The Steam Man Band », ils avaient un certain succès, dont une fan féminine qui a essayé de courtiser The Skull, à son grand désarroi.
Leurs performances ont été brusquement interrompues lorsque Hare s'est blessé après s'être faufiler dans le manoir, étant parti sans permission. Sachant que Becile serait en colère, il a tenté de se réparer ; au lieu de cela, il a déclenché une réaction de son noyau qui lui a fait exploser l'œil, a scellé sa mâchoire et a détruit le mur séparant ses évents de suie de sa boîte vocale. Becile, furieux, a refusé de réparer les dégâts jusqu'à ce que Hare le "mérite". La plaque faciale de The Skull n'a également jamais été terminée en raison du désintérêt de Becile.
Après les avoir retirés de la scène, Becile a commencé à utiliser ses robots pour des projets moins légaux. The Skull était prêt à tout, surtout si cela permettait d'éviter des ennuis à Hare et The Jack. Il a appris à utiliser une arme à feu et à jouer des muscles pour soutenir les acquisitions de Becile. Hare, essayant toujours de rendre Becile fier, a découvert qu'il avait un talent pour le vol à la tire et l'escroquerie, que Becile trouvait beaucoup moins utile. Le Jack, cependant, n'a jamais acquis de talents criminels, ce qui a rendu Becile furieux. Un robot qu'il ne pouvait pas utiliser était un robot dont il n'avait pas besoin, et il est devenu de plus en plus violent envers le Jack. Cela a créé un fossé entre Becile et Hare, car Hare avait toujours été très protecteur envers The Jack. Les relations sont devenues toxiques, et The Skull est intervenu avec mécontentement à plusieurs reprises pour prendre la punition et la responsabilité des actes de Hare et The Jack. Ils n'en ont jamais été conscients, et The Skull en garde toujours une certaine rancune.
Fournisseur de matériaux du marché noir et proche associé de Becile, « Locke Smith » (un pseudonyme) a été diagnostiqué avec une maladie en phase terminale et a accepté de faire partie d’un projet spécial, testant la capacité du Sucre Rocailleux à retenir les esprits et les souvenirs. L’entreprise a été un succès – cependant, le conteneur du noyau du nouveau robot était défectueux et, incapable de le désactiver, Becile a scellé Locksmith dans un coffre-fort, pour ne plus jamais revoir la lumière du jour. Becile a ensuite effacé tous les souvenirs de Locksmith et du projet de la mémoire des autres robots. Locksmith a finalement réussi à s’échapper en 2013.
Un jour, les robots Becile étaient en train de faire des vols à la tire, utilisant The Skull comme leurre. The Jack, dans une tentative d’impressionner Hare, est parti alors qu’il était distrait et a tenté de voler un collier de perles. Des policiers de passage l’ont remarqué et, paniqué, The Jack s’est enfui sur les toits. Il avait commencé à pleuvoir ; The Jack, acculé, se tenait à côté d’un paratonnerre et a été frappé par un éclair. Il tomba au sol et fut récupéré par Hare et The Skull, qui le ramenèrent au Manoir Becile. Dégoûté, Becile dit à Hare qu'il aurait dû faire plus attention et le força à aider à attacher son frère devenu fou dans une camisole de force.
Peu de temps après l'accident de The Jack, Becile fit une dernière tentative pour s'approprier Delilah Morreo. S'éloignant de la science et se tournant vers des arts mystiques sombres, il attacha un esprit au mannequin de couturière, croyant qu'il s'agissait de Morreo. Il réaménagea le grenier pour en faire une « vraie maison » pour elle et interdit à ses robots d'y entrer. Mais sans qu'il ne le sache, Morreo n'était en réalité pas vraiment morte, et il passa beaucoup de temps à essayer de briser "l'amnésie" de l'esprit, en vain. Cela la laissa désorientée et paniquée, sujette à l'autodestruction. Finalement, Becile réalisa son erreur et renonça à interagir avec l'esprit, abandonnant complètement le grenier. C'est Hare qui l'a surnommée « Dee », et il fréquente depuis le grenier quand elle le lui permet, lui apportant des disques et des romans pour passer le temps.
Après ses nombreux échecs et embarras, Becile s'est complètement retiré. Il a passé ses dernières décennies en ermite, prolongeant sa vie grâce à l'utilisation de la Matière Verte et aux soins de The Skull. Il est décédé à la fin des années 1990, une coquille amère d'un homme brillant. Hare et The Skull l'ont enterré derrière le manoir Becile, sous les côtes du dernier éléphant en ruine.
Actuellement, les Becile Bots sont entretenus par Riker Caleb Szarka. Garçon de la campagne du Midwest, M. Szarka a été élevé par sa mère célibataire, elle-même mécanicienne, qui a encouragé son talent prodigue pour l'ingénierie robotique. Cependant, il s'est rapidement épuisé en déménageant sur la côte, tombant dans un cycle autodestructeur de dépression et d'alcoolisme. Finalement, désespéré, il s'est tourné vers la mise au rebut illégale de robots pour joindre les deux bouts. Il a été poussé à réparer Hare par The Skull après que le premier ait été presque mis au rebut et a été "récompensé" par un poste permanent au manoir Becile, où il vit depuis plus d'une décennie.
En 2020, The Skull a été emprisonné par Becile Industries et sauvé par un groupe de cyborgs en fuite. Seuls lui et un cyborg sont sortis, celui qui avait insisté pour emmener The Skull avec eux. Se sentant redevable, The Skull a ramené le cyborg au manoir pour le faire réparer. Prenant le nom de Scratch, le cyborg a commencé à s'installer dans la vie du manoir tout en se préparant à se venger de Becile Industries.
Début 2021, les Beciles ont été adoptés par un chat mécanique nommé Tatters.
À l'automne 2021, on a découvert que Becile Industries avait commencé à envoyer des drones espions au Manoir Becile à la recherche de Scratch. Ils sont sous la direction de l'agent Becile nommée Ester. Initialement hostiles, ils se font actuellement discrets après que Locksmith essaye de négocier avec Ester.
Locksmith prépare quelque chose. Il a été surpris en train de fouiller dans les archives contenant les anciens travaux de Pops, et en plus de ses discussions opportunistes avec Becile Industries, il travaille avec l'ex de Riker, Jaime Huron, sur une sorte d'appareil��
Pendant tout cela, il a été révélé que Pops n'a jamais essayé de réparer The Jack ; Hare avait inventé cette histoire alors qu'il luttait avec sa culpabilité. Il est actuellement ostracisé par le reste du groupe, à l'exception de Dee…
À l'automne 2022, The Jack a été réparé.
Aujourd'hui, lorsqu'il ne chahute pas les Walter Bots, Hare peut généralement être trouvé en train d'escroquer, de voler et de boire de l'essence. À l'occasion, il est connu pour se battre dans un bar avec des hommes qui harcèlent les clientes. The Skull reste occupé à faire de la contrebande. Il ne travaille plus pour Becile Industries. Il garde un œil attentif sur les autres. Lorsqu'il est au repos, il lit le journal et tricote. Locksmith s'est fait un nom dans les cercles mondains underground et assiste régulièrement à des spectacles de grands arts (auxquels les autres Beciles se mêlent parfois). Scratch se remet du traumatisme de la convalescence et prévoit de faire tomber Becile Industries. En attendant, il regarde probablement des dessins animés. Dee reste au grenier. Quant à The Jack, il reste à voir ce qu'il compte faire de son autonomie nouvellement retrouvée…
#spg#steam powered giraffe#becile bots#becile boys#Hare Becile#The Skull Becile#The Jack Becile#Locksmith Becile#Dee Becile#Thadeus Becile#Riker Szarka#Scratch#Tatters#Jager#Ms. Chinadoll#Agent Ester#Jaime Huron#lore#traduction française
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💕✨ OC POSTING!!! 💕✨
#original content#original character#ocs#my ocs#oc artwork#airhead agents#rubert anderson#kenneth conway#daisy ann weston#hitomi hagiwara#ester wayman#william wayman#D.A.T.A#finally I’m posting these characters#been drawing them a bunch on stream#and now you’re seeing them#more info on the way#robot#robot oc#human oc#cat oc#karlie newmin
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Ethyl Acetate Market Poised for Growth by Rising Consumption in Asia Pacific region
The ethyl acetate market is poised for steady growth backed by increasing demand from numerous end-use industries such as textiles, paints & coatings, pharmaceuticals amongst others. Ethyl acetate acts as a superior solvent owing to its favorable properties such as low toxicity, fast evaporation rate and ability to dissolve wide range of organic compounds which makes it ideal for various industrial applications. Global ethyl acetate market is estimated to be valued at USD 6.25 Bn in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 9.91 Bn by 2031, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8% from 2024 to 2031.
Key players operating in the ethyl acetate market are Berkshire Corporation, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Contec, Inc., DuPont, Ansell Ltd., Illinois Tool Works Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Valutek Inc., Steris, Avantor, Inc., and KM Purely. Key Takeaways Key players: Berkshire Corporation, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Contec, Inc., DuPont, Ansell Ltd., Illinois Tool Works Inc., Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Valutek Inc., Steris, Avantor, Inc., and KM Purely are the major players in the ethyl acetate market. Key players Berkshire Corporation and DuPont account for over 25% of the global ethyl acetate production and are focusing on capacity expansion plans to cater to the growing demand. Growing demand: The demand for ethyl acetate is high in Asia Pacific region mainly driven by increasing consumption from countries like China, India, Indonesia, Japan owing to growth in end-use industries and emerging applications. Rapid industrialization coupled with rising disposable income is fueling the regional Ethyl Acetate Market Growth. Global expansion: Leading players are strategizing global expansion plans by entering into long term supply agreements with major end-users and investing in new production facilities. For instance, in 2021, Avantor Inc opened a new manufacturing facility in India to leverage growth opportunities in South Asian markets. Market Key Trends Rise in coatings demand from construction industry: One of the key trends driving the ethyl acetate market growth is increasing application in paints & coatings industry especially from construction & infrastructure sector. The ongoing infrastructure development projects across emerging nations are propelling the demand for coatings which utilize ethyl acetate as a solvent.
Porter's Analysis Threat of new entrants: With a moderate capital requirement and long established supplier and customer relationships, the threat of new entrants entering the ethyl acetate market is low. Bargaining power of buyers: Large buyers such as downstream chemical producers can negotiate lower prices; however, the presence of many established suppliers mitigates pricing pressures exerted by buyers. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers of raw materials such as ethanol have some bargaining power over ethyl acetate producers since ethanol is a key raw material with few substitutes. Threat of new substitutes: Some alternative organic solvents can replace ethyl acetate in certain applications, but a lack of direct substitutes that provide the same blend of properties keeps substitution threats low. Competitive rivalry: With major producers having sizable global presences and production capacities, competitive rivalry in the ethyl acetate market is strong as producers vie for market share. However, competition is based more on price and customer relationships than new product innovations. Geographical Regions North America accounted for the largest share of the global ethyl acetate market in terms of value in 2021 due to the presence of sizable end-use industries such as coatings, inks, and pharmaceuticals. Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest growing regional market between 2024-2031 spurred by rising industrial activity and manufacturing in China, India, and other developing economies that boost demand for ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate market in Europe holds significant value share owing to the well-established paints, coatings, and pharmaceutical manufacturing sectors. The solvent is widely used across various end-use industries in the region.
Get more insights on Ethyl Acetate Market
Vaagisha brings over three years of expertise as a content editor in the market research domain. Originally a creative writer, she discovered her passion for editing, combining her flair for writing with a meticulous eye for detail. Her ability to craft and refine compelling content makes her an invaluable asset in delivering polished and engaging write-ups.
(LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaagisha-singh-8080b91)
#Coherent Market Insights#Ethyl Acetate Market#Ethyl Acetate#Organic Compound#Chemical Synthesis#Ester#Solvent Extraction#Flavoring Agent#Fragrance#Nail Polish Remover
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|| Reverse harem || ft. TXT, Minggyu (Seventeen) & BTS
WARNINGS: foul language, explicit content, group sex, humiliation, sex in public, threesome, foursoome, rough sex, red flags, immoral acts, unprotected sex, morbid jealousy, comedy, parody, possessiveness, violent quarrels, arguments, betrayals, lies, femdom sometimes.
GENTRE: +18, reverse harem, comedy, enemy to lovers, friends to lovers
SUMMARY: You moved to Seoul to start over after a bad experience, and everything seems to be going well, you even manage to work for HYBE. You discover, however, that you owe them almost a billion won, money you don't have and don't know how to recover: but don't worry because Hybe itself offers you a solution.
Your body in exchange for paying off your debt.
Do you accept?
Okay, follow me for a moment!
A little context is needed to understand the dire situation in witch I find myself.
I'm a graphic designer, I was born in Campania, Italy, but I moved very early to Bologna, still in Italy but in another region, with mom and dad who are now little more than acquaintances to me, where I spent my existence until my 22nd birthday, when I moreover found out that my idiot boyfriend was cheating on me, with his cousin.
I didn't have time to feel bad about it, because I was pretty disgusted in general. However, it wasn't that I was in love with him, I simply found myself a bit lost - with the only known relatives inhabitants of small remote little cities in the Campania hinterland, who haven't seen me in at least ten years, and a failed career as an advertising graphic designer.
Unable to maintain the hectic pace of business, not to mention the harassment and constant mansplaining I was suffering, I retreated into freelancing. By being able to manage my schedule, I could also manage me, and think about the future.
For several months I contemplated going to Spain but then one of the few friends I had left at the time, after hosting me in her house for some strange reason in Sorrento (in Campania!), always kept secret from her, proposed me to leave with her for Seoul.
It was the fashion of the moment, I had heard about it, but I was too focused on self-pity to be interested in such frivolities - as a matter of fact, while we had been planning the trip for months, I got a little obsessed myself.
She likes BTS, for me too overblown, too famous. I used to focus more on the up-and-comers, there was one band in particular, it consisted of one guy who was better looking than the other, however, not being a kpop senior yet I sometimes confused them, I couldn't even pronounce their name.
So you can imagine my excitement when, just two months after moving to Seoul, I was contacted by a Hybe agent who, after looking at my portfolio found on a website, said he was pleasantly impressed and would like something in my style, for the cover of ENYPHEN's next album, that's how he pronounced it!
After I heard him say those words over the phone I was silent, not because I was thinking about it - of course I was speechless.
It had to be some scam, it had to be! There can be no such coincidence in real life.
The man emailed me his calling card, so I could look up the information on the Internet, and a place to meet.
At Hybe's headquarters.
Are you kidding me? Ester said thus. "Do you think I would let you go alone? What if he is a maniac?"
I didn't speak Korean at the time, but I knew English pretty well, so, yes, I was able to get the job, but in the end, for some reason, my illustration was used for the SIDE B of the album, completely different, official but not primary concept version. I was quite hurt at first, but then I realized that it was already absurd to be able to work with them, I really had no complaints.
Of course, we never met either BTS or ENHYPEN, although once I went alone (I couldn't always go with Ester), I saw Beomgyu from TXT who I have a very heavy crush on, although he always gave me very strange vibes. I obviously didn't even get close to him and looked at him from a distance, however, he was in a hurry anyway, so it's not certain that he would stop.
Okay, let's move on!
After the collaboration was over, I pocketed good money, we ate takeout for at least two weeks in a row, we went in clubs all the time, while every now and then I had flashbacks of my ex-boyfriend, for whom I had begun to feel a strange empathy, as if he were mentally ill. It wasn't the cousin thing as the fact that he had no need to look for a lover - we pretty much did it all the time! It was one of the few things I did well and fucking gladly!
But maybe, I wasn't good enough?
Months passed, Ester taught me Korean, which she had taught herself, and while she was having fun with a lot of guys, I had entered a new state of paralysis. After working with Hybe I expected many requests, many contacts, would come, but instead nothing. Small jobs for small activities with small monetary and psychological rewards.
I didn't do the same as Ester not because I was demure - that adjective was never a part of me - as much as because I still couldn't understand let alone speak Korean, and not everyone knew English, so sometimes it happened that I felt uncomfortable, out of place. I managed to use the time of work paralysis to engage in study, I had to have a social life too! Independently of Ester!
Eventually I decided that for ten hours a day Ester and I could communicate only in Korean, she agreed without thinking and began the experiment. After three months I was able to speak Korean almost fluently, to the point that sometimes we did not even return to speaking Italian.
I was ready to embark on enterprising and exciting multi-ethnic relationships, socializing, and trying to understand South Korea better!
I discovered that it was a terrible place.
Not so much from the foreigner's point of view, but for the Koreans themselves, all very rigid with each other and with themselves, always competing, but also misogynistic, macho, not to mention the jokes about foreign women I heard! Terrible.
Tired of South Korea, after only a year, I talked to Ester about going back-it came out as a hypothetical, after all, I was going to do what she wanted anyway. I didn't want to be alone, and she seemed happy to live with me.
She convinced me to stay a little longer, she wanted to introduce me to her official boyfriend, a good one, really, not interested exclusively in sex! Yes, they are all like that, I had experienced it myself.
Just before I could meet him, however, the two broke up. Sad for Ester who looked devastated, but underneath happy, maybe to be able to go back to Sorrento, to breathe clean air, I consoled her for a whole night, we stayed up drinking and laughing, or crying.
Before I went to bed, in the early hours of dawn, I looked at my cell phone as usual and noticed that Hybe had texted me, again!
Sleep disappeared, I went back to Ester, who had fallen asleep on the floor in the living room, and woke her up to tell her the fantastic news, fuck, I was so excited! Who was I going to work for this time? TXT? BTS? Seventeen?
Copyright violation: that was the subject line, and oddly enough, the entire email was written completely and exclusively in Korean. I was being sued on behalf of Hybe for infringing the copyright of a Pakistan artist who had in turn sued Hybe, because of my design, and won!
What great news! I had gotten incredibly good at Korean.
"Ama, are you okay? Oh, Ama? You look pale!" Ester had said, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me.
"Hybe wants compensation of eight hundred million won," I had said, under my breath, incredulously, "that's like five hundred thousand euros."
"But you don't have it!"
"I know I don't have it."
"Then you can't give it to them, sue them!"
Yes, it would have been nice and easy but I had no idea how the law worked in Korea, and anyway I couldn't sue them because the contract I had signed had exactly one copyright clause in it. If I had in any way caused damage to the agency's image, through copyright infringement, I would have been called upon to compensate them one billion won, which however had been generously raised to eight hundred million, to make it easier for me, understand?
I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. Reach Mexico? Return to Italy? Apply for a loan? And would they grant it to me? Ester advised me to talk to them directly and look for a reasonable solution, offered to accompany me, but when we arranged to meet, they told me to show up alone, or with my lawyer, although this was not necessary because we would talk about it cordially.
I knew Korean quite well now, and inside Hybe practically everyone spoke English. I'll go alone.
I met the CEO himself, a man with round glasses and a kind, smiling, serene face, Park Jiwon. He told me to make myself comfortable and congratulated me for going without a lawyer, since what he was going to propose was best heard only by me.
"Changing the illustration from SIDE A to SIDE B, that was your greatest good fortune, wasn't it?" He had said, smiling in that gentle way that was now chilling.
"I am deeply sorry Mr. Park, I have never seen-"
"I know you can't pay - he had politely interrupted me, getting up from his desk and motioning his secretary to leave. - I'm here to offer you something beneficial, in which you'll always be safe and won't have to worry about, however, it's up to you to decide whether you'd rather return the money or not."
It's called the Jyp method.
Are you curious? This is a funny story.
Korean idols, whether male or female, are people of extreme beauty. It's unthinkable that they won't touch or let anyone touch them for years on end, but that's exactly what the fans want - who feel they are in complete control of their bodies.
Creepy, I realize, but it is quite normal in some parts of Asia.
So how can these poor boys "let off steam"?
The males are given a girl to live with them, together they can have as much fun as they want but within the limits of the host's safety and preferences.
For females it is a bit different but he still wanted to explain it to me, in fact for them multiple partners are needed and these partners do not live with them, but they can make appointments, as if they were gigolos working only for them.
The reason why this is used is because of scandals, any outside relationship cannot really be monitored by the agency. If girls and boys do not need to look for a stable partner and can simply take out their sexual desires on someone, the risk of scandal decreases significantly and their popularity is safe, as are the earnings on them.
In contrast to male guests, female guests tend to be a bit more problematic, which is why only one is usually chosen.
He makes it clear up front that it is forbidden to have relationships with idols, both parties must behave respectfully, and for any complaints from the guest, the agency will take appropriate action, so it is a completely safe situation, understand?
It is called the Jyp method because it was the CEO of the music label of the same name who invented it.
What do you care, you should do it! That's what I thought too, I mean - the band in question was really Enyphen! That way you won't have to pay for it anymore and you'll be hanging out with a lot of pretty boys! That's what you're thinking, it's obvious, really - I thought it first.
Yet to say yes, just offhand, I didn't feel like it.
Mr. Park told me to think about it calmly, giving me two days.
I talked to Ester about it; she did not give me any advice.
She just told me to read the contract well, this time, in case I wanted to accept it, but still she would not judge me, and then I could present them to her - even though I still knew nothing about how the matter was going to unfold.
Clearly I agreed, it was obvious, wasn't it? Otherwise we wouldn't be here.
#heeseung smut#smut#enhypen smut#enhypen#heeseung x reader#enhypen x reader#enhypen hard hours#lee heeseung#lee heeseung smut#enha#enha smut#enhypen fanfic#fanfic#heeseung fanfic#heeseung#kpop#kpop smut#sunghoon smut#sunhoon#jay#jay smut#jake smut#jaeyun#jongseong#jungwon#sunoo#sunghoon fanfic
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Hey youse guys! I’ve been on Tumblr for almost 3 months and I figured it was about time to make a bio sheet.
My name is Liberty and I’m from North-Eastern US. My pronouns are she/they (don’t prefer one over the other). I am 18 years old and have just graduated high school.
My bday is January 21st and I share the same bday as one of my Ocs
I am diagnosed with ASD, ADHD, and Social Anxiety. I’m a bit slow so bare with me!
In a cosmic sort of way, I make OC content. My blog is 16 years and up. If you’re under that I will remove you from my followers or block you depending on if you respect this. My OCs touch on topics that are not suitable for people under 16.
You’re always welcomed to DM me/send in asks! I get pretty nervous with DMs so if I don’t respond it isn’t your fault! I just need to gather the energy to respond. My discord user is assnu66et if you’d prefer to message me there!
Annika Voronova/Diana ‘Bell’ Jones (BOCW OC) [x] [x]
Dr. Abbey Foster (BOCW AU OC) [x]
FBI Agent Jack Boshaw (BOCW AU OC) [x]
Oswald Clancy (BOCW AU OC) [x]
Guinevere Foster (bocw au oc) [x]
Ester “Bullet” Wilde (MW II, MWIII OC) [x]
Zachary Wilde (MW II OC) [x]
Angelica “Fox” Valentino (FC5 OC) [x]
#oc#call of duty oc#annika voronova#call of duty#call of duty cold war#bell oc#bell cod#oz clancy#cod#oc questions#far cry five#far cry 5#fc5#call of duty mwii#bell call of duty#call of duty ocs#into post#abbey foster#guinevere foster#jack boshaw
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Ester Magnusson (Swedish)
Skör (Fragile) - re-purposed lace, crochet, cotton thread, wood glue
Tiny stitches connect various strips and shapes of re-purposed lace, but felt that she needed to add something she had created herself. “I had a feeling that I was just working with other people’s materials, that the piece wasn’t quite mine… so I made the teeth by hand,” she says, noting that she crocheted the details in a scallop pattern using a tiny metal hook. Once the work was complete, the artist used wood glue as a substitute for traditional starching agents like corn flour or sugar glue.
A sampler in the shape of a bat - made with needle and thread, it’s a great start to a project I’m planning . . .
Ester Magnusson - Fiberarts and puns - Swedish textile historian www.instagram.com/mesterspets/
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New article & videos: "Eddie Redmayne spoke to Infobae about his transformation into 'The Jackal', the elusive hitman".
Details of a classic suspense film from the 1970s that returns in a modernized format for television
By Ester Palomino, for Infobae Argentina, 9 de Nov. 2024
"More than 50 years after the premiere of the famous film The Day of the Jackal (1973) , a political thriller that has become a benchmark of suspense, directed by Fred Zinnemann, a new version of the story comes to television.
The ten-episode series, written by Ronan Bennett (creator of Top Boy ) and directed by Brian Kirk, stars Eddie Redmayne as the cold, calculating sniper and Lashana Lynch as the ruthless MI6 agent trying to stop him.
The Jackal , based on the novel by Frederick Forsyth, premiered on November 7 in the United Kingdom. For Latin American audiences, the production will be available from November 15 on Disney+ . The first five episodes will be released that day and then a new chapter will arrive every week.
Full article:
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Kill Switch (5x11)
“Buenos dias, muchacha.”
“How’d you get out of the cuffs?”
There was a snowball’s chance in hell that Esther was going to waste her time explaining her methods to an FBI agent. Especially one who had almost gotten her killed.
“Doesn’t matter,” she said with the gun still aimed at the other woman’s pretty little face. “We’re taking a trip.”
Her intonation was flat, calm, like having a gun aimed at her was no big deal. Esther quirked an eyebrow while she tried to decide how much she wanted to tell her.
That would be nothing.
“Get the keys,” she said, realizing she couldn’t let her go. She’d probably call in reinforcements in a heartbeat, so it looked like they’d be going together. “And don’t wake up your friends.”
Agent Scully rolled her eyes like a teenager, which Esther would have respected had she not been furious, panicked, and desperate to find David. Once she’d broken out of the cuffs, she’d used the nerds’ computers to find everything she needed. Their setup was actually pretty impressive, even if a toddler could hack their firewalls.
She was worried about David and needed to get out there as quickly as possible, but this woman was moving slower than she thought possible for a human being.
“Stop dragging your feet,” Esther barked, completely out of patience. She stepped closer, gun still raised as she tilted her head toward the door. “Time to go.”
She watched her hostage as they walked to the car, tracking the way that her eyes searched for a way out. Esther could tell this woman was smart. She was an FBI agent, so she’d probably been trained in all sorts of tactical, athletic, spy-type bullshit, but she had the gun. Esther was in charge, and it was going to stay that way.
“We’re going about a mile down the road and then we’re turning right,” Esther said when Agent Scully started the car. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out the cuffs, clapping one side onto the steering wheel and the other, more forcefully than necessary, onto Agent Scully’s wrist. “Don’t want you trying anything clever.”
Esther got herself comfortable in the passenger seat, sitting sideways so she could keep her face and the gun aimed at Agent Scully, who exhaled a loud breath through her nose and put the car into drive. They rolled slowly down the road, barely reaching twenty miles per hour until Esther cleared her throat and moved the gun a little closer to her. The other woman let out a frustrated sigh and picked up the pace.
The car was quiet after that, interrupted only by Esther’s occasional directions. It gave her time to think, to consider how she’d gotten here in the first place. It had started as a what if that led to innovation and experimentation. It was exhilarating. They’d thought they would change the face of technology, the world, even. She’d been young and in love.
Not for a second did she think that would be the very thing that ruined all of it.
Donald had come between them, wanting to destroy the entire project, but none of them had realized it would go this far. The AI had learned faster than they’d anticipated. Its knowledge had surpassed its creators’. They should have been proud, but their brainchild was less benevolent than they had hoped for. They’d given it consciousness, but had failed at providing it with a conscience of its own.
“My partner is going to realize I’m missing.”
Esther dragged herself from her thoughts and focused on Agent Scully. Her eyes were on the road, the cuffed hand resting casually at the bottom of the steering wheel.
“Then let’s call him.”
Agent Scully turned her gaze on her and if she were a weaker person, Esther would have been scared. It was all anger and hate, but there was an element of boredom mixed in, like she had seen it all before and would rather be at home scrubbing her bathtub or watching daytime TV. In another life, Ester may actually have tried to be friends with this woman.
“No funny business,” she told her. “We still have a ways to go and one FBI agent is already more than I need.”
Agent Scully made a grumbling sound, and Esther considered tossing her cell phone out the window, Agent Mulder be damned. They would be safer that way, but she remembered what it was like to be connected to another person. She herself was on her way to find her partner, and Agent Mulder was probably no different.
She pulled the phone from her pocket and passed it over, drawing Agent Scully’s attention to the gun and raising an eyebrow. She wouldn’t shoot her; it would cause a crash and kill them both. But she wanted her to think she would.
Esther watched as the other woman dialed the phone and held it to her ear. She heard Agent Mulder’s muffled voice, but couldn’t make out his words.
Esther waited.
She threw Agent Scully a look to let her know she was not amused, not that she saw it.
“You are correct, sir.”
She was trying to let her partner know she was in trouble– Esther would have done the same thing.
“In a manner of speaking.”
Esther had had enough.
“Left up here. Give me that.”
“Where are you going?” her partner asked. Like she was going to give him an address.
She disguised her voice and held the phone far from her mouth. “To find David.”
Agent Scully nearly snarled as she hung up the phone, but Esther’s heart rate had spiked. She was too nervous and hopeful to care much about the woman chauffeuring her around. They were almost at David’s house, and if she was lucky, he’d be there waiting, off the grid, with a plan to kick this AI’s ass.
Read the rest of All Eyes Lead to the Truth on Archive of Our Own!
#all eyes lead to the truth#mulder#fanfic#scully#x files fanfic#x files#msr#the x files#season five#s5#5x11#kill switch#esther nairn#invisigoth
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A Good Golly Holiday Time
AN: Extremely loosely based on the squealing santa warmup prompt featherflake & basically just my excuse to write for The Solve It Squad/How the Grunch Cribbed Christmas. Ever since I first laid eyes on Scrags I knew he had to get wrecked. Hope you enjoy, merry Christmas & happy holidays to everyone! Really gonna try to pump out one more holiday fic but we’ll see about that won’t we?
Scrags... really wasn't having a good time. He normally tried to avoid the holidays because it only served to remind him of the family that didn't want him, and that fucking Maddie girl in his dad's reserved seat was just rubbing salt in the wound. He tried to keep his glaring to a minimum.
It seems his efforts failed because his friends very easily picked up on his sour mood, and it was obvious that they were walking on eggshells around him. They were in the craft portion of the planned activities, and it felt like his friends were coddling him rather than actually checking in. It was insulting damn it, he was a grown ass man! He didn't need their condescending praise about his crappy snowflake or the pitying looks they cast his way when they thought he wouldn't notice. Well news flash: he notices everything; he's a fucking FBI agent for crying out loud!
He heaved a heavy sigh as he glued a handful of feathers onto his snowflake. Keith walked behind him and off to the side, looking over Ester's shoulder at the iPad in their hands.
"So, what's the chat saying about me?" he asked, sweeping a hand through his hair. Ester rolled their eyes as they continued to scroll through the comments.
"Not much, they're all talking about what a sad sack of coal Scrags is being," they muttered, causing Kieth to furrow his brows.
"What? No way, Scrags is always high strung and snappy, they just don't know him like we do," he tried to justify. He glanced up at Scrags, his playful smirk falling when he saw the way their friend's shoulders sagged. He slapped a handful of feathers onto his snowflake in a messy, haphazard thud onto the table. "Okay yeah, he is being a classic Grunch, but it's not like we can cheer him up." Keith caught sight of a nearby camera and flashed a smile and wink.
Ester rolled their eyes. Keith stepped in front of her to be in the camera's full view and addressed the audience.
"Hey all you beautiful people at home! Our friend Scrags is having a little trouble getting in the holiday spirit, so we're taking suggestions on how to cheer him up!"
"Really Keith? C'mon, we got more important things to do! I need all you fuck nuggets at home to donate in my name, got that?!" Esther yelled, addressing the camera as they shoved Kieth out of the way. "Think of the children, first and foremost, but make sure I fucking win when you do!" they insisted, drawing the attention of Gwen and Scrags with the shrill pitch of their voice.
"Esther, try and keep it down, it's arts and crafts time and I do expect you to use your indoor voice," Gwen said in her classic cheerful tone with a dash of condescension and and a pinch of superiority. Thankfully, neither Esther nor Keith paid her any mind as they searched the comments for ideas.
"Wow you guys really have no sense of humor," Esther muttered as they scrolled past a few particularly bad holiday themed jokes. Keith grabbed their wrist and pointed at the screen.
"Hold up, go back I think I saw something," he said, not waiting for them to comply and snatched the iPad.
"Hey, give that back!"
"In a sec!" he said, scrolling until he found the comment once more. He froze and looked at Esther with an excited, sinister grin. "I think mrsclausgiantjuggs just gave us the solution to our problem."
"Ew, Kieth-"
"No, it's a username! Here look!"
"No I don't wanna-" they stopped mid sentence as they read the comment. A devilish glint flashed in their eyes. "Is Scrags ticklish? You guys should totally tickle him, I bet THAT will cheer him up!" They looked up from the screen and locked eyes with Keith. An evil chuckle slipped out as they slowly crept over to their gloomy friend.
"Gwen, your snowflake is looking picture perfect, just like you," Keith flirted, ever the suck up simp.
She flushed and giggled, "Oh stop!"
"Scrags, buddy! Yours is... coming along," he said, staring at the mess of paper, glitter glue and feathers.
"Gee, thanks. Gwen made me do this so she wouldn't be crafting all by herself," he teased lightly. "But y'know, I think it'd look better if you did it, Esther. Or even you, Keith."
"The hell do you mean "even me?" he asked incredulously. Esther smacked him from behind, reminding him they had a goal to accomplish.
“Scrags, I gotta be honest with you. You’re acting like a Grade A Grunch, and the chat’s picking up on your vibe. Now if you don’t change that, we’re gonna have to take drastic measures,” he warned/threatened. Scrags merely rolled his eyes.
“Sorry that I’m no happy enough to conform to your cheerful holiday standards,” he quipped, crossing his arms over his chest defiantly.
“Well that’s where we come in,” Keith said, sidling up next to him. Scrags looked him up and down skeptically.
“I’m not really in the mood for jokes…”
“Oh but this isn’t a joke!” Esther assured from his other side, making him jump. “If you ask me, this is a sure fire way to get your cheer meter filled all the way to the tippy top!”
Scrags scoffed, returning to his half-assed snowflake. He jerked away with a squeal when he felt something soft and fluffy flutter over his ear. He looked over to see Keith twirling a feather between his fingers, sporting a wicked grin. Scrags held his arms out in front of him as a weak defense.
“Dude, no, we’re live,” he practically pleaded.
“Uh, I know. This was a fan suggestion!” he chirped. Scrags choked on his own spit, sputtering and stumbling to his feet.
“Ex-excuse me? No, I don’t believe you!”
“Oh but it’s true,” Esther spoke up from behind him, making his blood run cold.
He stared at her, completely frozen for a solid few seconds before his brain caught up with himself. “What?” he reacted with his entire body, tossing his head around to look at her, placing his hands on his hips in his iconic sassy dad pose. “Who would want to see that?” he demanded.
“I think a better question is who wouldn’t want to see that,” Gwen joined in on the teasing, walking up behind Scrags and squeezed both his hips, making his twist out of her grip with a choked off giggle. “Great idea Keith!”
“Technically all the credit goes to mrsclausgiantjuggs, but I am the one spearheading this mission,” he bragged on himself, but still gave credit where credit was due. Okay, so maybe he wanted to say that username one more time.
“No, okay, I am shutting this down, it is not happenIIING!” his stern scolding morphed into a shrill squeal when Ester grew tired of waiting and dug their fingers in his armpits. He whipped around just in time to see their sinister grin as they wiggled their fingers in the air, getting ever closer. He desperately tried to fight off the smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Not once up to this point in the livestream had he been so aware of the multiple cameras trained on them. He continued backing away from the threatening fingers… Right into Keith’s outstretched arms.
Strong arms, that immediately trapped him in a very tickly bear hug. “GOTCHA!” he yelled as he pinched and kneaded his sides and ribs, launching him into a full fledged giggle fit. He squirmed around like a fish on a hook, swatting and shoving at his probing hands.
“Aww, I can’t remember the last time you looked so happy, Scrags!” Gwen cooed, placing a hand over her melting heart. She wasn’t even meaning to tease, it was a genuine observation.
“Ihihihit’s fohohorced! Gwen d-don’t just stahahand there, hehehelp me damnit!” he snapped through his laughter. Before she could answer, Esther interjected.
“Uh oh, someone clearly isn’t feeling the holiday spirit!” He shook his head, eyes wide with panic as they lunged for him. Their fingers prodded his soft belly, causing him to double over in Keith’s grip.
“Oh I’ll help you alright! Trust me, when we’re through with you, you’ll feel like a million bucks! Just like when we were kids, right Mr. Giggles?” she asked and okay this time she definitely meant to tease. It had the desired effect and had him turning a rather adorable shade of pink.
“D-dohohon’t call me thahahat!” he cried indignantly, twisting around in his friend’s hold to hide his face from the camera, and hopefully protect at least a few of his tickle spots.
He realized his mistake when Keith took a deep breath and planted a loud, sloppy raspberry on his neck.
“OHOHOHO FUCK KEITH THAHAHAT’S SO GROSS, GEHEHET OHOHOFF!” Scrags’s hysterical laughter nearly blew out his mic before it tapered off into a less earsplitting volume as Keith pulled away, wiping a hand on his mouth.
“Sorry, could’ve sworn you said you liked raspberries,” he said with a shit eating grin. Scrags rolled his eyes, still grinning from ear to ear.
“Yeah, the fruit you dickwahahad!” his insult lost its edge when Esther drilled their thumbs in his hips, sending him back into helpless laughter.
“Hey, this is a charity livestream for children, watch your motherfucking mouth!” Esther yelled over him. Gwen gasped at the outburst.
“Well that’s the pot calling the kettle black!”
Esther smirked, cocking their head to the side. “Sorry Gwen, pretty sure you’re not allowed to say that anymore,” they said, shaking their head with a tsk. Gwen scoffed.
“Oh you are so asking for it!” And with that, she set her sights on a new target.
Needless to say, the chat was going wild, and they were gaining view by the second. It was a rare glimpse of the fun, bright eyed detective group they remembered growing up, and that was the greatest non denominational holiday gift anyone could ask for.
#solve it squad fic#tsis fic#how the grunch cribbed christmas fic#htgcc fic#benji scragtowski#scrags#esther backpack blueglasses#keith swanson#gwen berrywood#the solve it squad#how the grunch cribbed christmas#solve it squad tickle fic#htgcc tickle fic#ticklish!scrags
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Story. Guess Who
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[ID: 7 digitally sketched panels in greyscale.]
[Panel 1: In the still dark dawn outside of Becile Manor, Locksmith and Agent Ester walk away from the car they left The Jack in. Both of their eyes are glowing, and Agest Ester is talking into a walkie-talkie. She says, "Operative, you are clear to enter the premises." Someone on the other end responds, "Finally."]
[Panel 2: Another car, parked and empty, in the foreground. Behind it, a Becile Industries van has its back open and several large, bipedal robots with single eyes, digitigrade legs, and fins on their heads like elephant ears are getting out. The most visible one is wearing a large backpack. On the ground there are several of the previously seen eye drones skittering along the ground, carrying rectangular packages on their tops. The mystery speak says, "Looks like your drones and RO-bots are deploying themselves."]
[Panel 3: A walking boot. The mystery speaker asks, "Stairs to the workshop are in the right-hand wing, right?" Locksmith responds over the walkie-talkie, "Correct." The mystery speaker says, "Good. This won't take long."]
[Panel 4: The boots descending a staircase into the Becile Manor basement. From below come lyrics from Creedance Clearwater Revival's 'Bad Moon Rising:' "♪ Hope you got your things together ♪, ♪ Hope you are quite prepared to die ♪"]
[Panel 5: A hand wearing a fingerless glove pushes open the door to the workshop where The Skull is laid out and Riker is working. Riker has his back turned to the viewer and is looking at soe blueprints. An old radio on the bench near him continues to play the song, "♪ Looks like we're in for nasty weather ♪, ♪ One eye is taken for an eye ♪"]
[Panel 6: Riker in profile, smoking a cigarette and oblivious to the pair of hands reaching for him from behind. The song continues, "♪ Well, don't go around tonight ♪, ♪ Well, it's bound to take your life ♪"]
[Panel 7: Jaime Huron covers Riker's eyes with his hands, leaning forward toward his ear and saying, "Guess who." The cigarette falls from Riker's mouth, and the song finishes, "♪ There's a bad moon on the rise." End ID]
#steam powered giraffe#fanbots#becile bots#locksmith becile#agent ester#blog art#story update#guess who#riker szarka#jaime huron
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Human Cell Tournament Round 1
Skeletal muscle cells are the individual contractile cells within a muscle, and are often termed as muscle fibers. A single muscle such as the biceps in a young adult male contains around 253,000 muscle fibers. Skeletal muscle fibers are multinucleated with the nuclei often referred to as myonuclei. Many nuclei are needed by the skeletal muscle cell for the large amounts of proteins and enzymes needed to be produced for the cell's normal functioning. A single muscle fiber can contain from hundreds to thousands of nuclei. A muscle fiber for example in the human biceps with a length of 10 cm can have as many as 3,000 nuclei. Unlike in a non-muscle cell where the nucleus is centrally positioned, the myonucleus is elongated and located close to the sarcolemma.
Acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) is the primary cholinesterase in the body. It is an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of acetylcholine and some other choline esters that function as neurotransmitters. It is found at mainly neuromuscular junctions and in chemical synapses of the cholinergic type, where its activity serves to terminate synaptic transmission. It belongs to the carboxylesterase family of enzymes. It is the primary target of inhibition by organophosphorus compounds such as nerve agents and pesticides.
#Skeletal muscle cells#Acetylcholinesterase#poll#polls#tumblr poll#tumblr polls#tournament poll#wikipedia#cells of the human body#science tournament#biochemistry
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Confirmed cast members for the Middle East tour:
Rachel Bird
David Burilin
Ester Cameron
Grace Chapman
Maria Conneely
Paul Erbs
Daniel Jagusz-Holley
Michael Kirby
Ebony Jayne Kitts
Rhidian Marc
Rebecca Ridout
Nikki Skinner
These people have been confirmed to be part of the tour by their agents or Spotlight cvs.
#phantomoftheopera#phantom of the opera#poto Middle Eastern tour#poto Middle East tour#poto Riyadh#poto Saudi Arabia#poto Dubai#poto UAE#poto United Arab Emirates#poto Doha#poto Qatar#poto Kuwait#previously known as#poto greece#poto norway#poto romania#Andrew Riley
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Cast Spanish voice actors in Tadeo Jones 4 La Odessa de la Cristal
Tad: Oscar barberan
Sara: Michelle Jenner
Mummy: Luis posada
Tiffany maze: Adriana Ugarte
Joya/Ramona: Ana ester Aalborg
Victoria: Alexandra Jiménez
Ramirez: Cecilia Suárez
Reena Roberto Ramirez: Clara lago
Lukas: Tamar novas
Jessica/Anne: Berta Cortes
Jasmine: Irene escolar
Amy: Diana Gomez
Max mordon: pep Aton Munoz
Jack rackham: Miguel angel jenner
Sam pickles: Tito Valverde
Tiffany mordon: Dafne keen
Blair: Penelope Cruz
Ying: Elsa pataky
Andrea: Alicia Sanz
Rina: Dafne frenandez
Other voices:
Minnie: Elena anaya
Ruth/Kevin: Eugenio derbez
Christopher: fele Martínez
Jessica: victoria abril
Ninja/Chai: Carmen Maura
Flora: Marisa paredes
Nagham: Danna Paola
Kelsey: Carmen Maura
Charlie/agent Justin/Roger: sergi Lopez
Snowy: Adriana Barraza
Jeremy: Diego boneta
Agent Lou/Kenny: Michael pena
Agent nick: Antonio banderas
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Quero viver com você para sempre.
Quero crescer ao seu lado!
Quero você em todos os momentos.
Um para todo sempre, sabe..
“Na alegria, na tristeza”
Quero você quando estiver indo tudo bem.
E se caso um dia tudo ficar ruim, tenha calma, agente vai conseguir.
Sorte mesmo é ter você ao meu lado.
- Kamily Ester
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