#After the moon rises
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @niemalsetwas! Thank you! This is a long one, but very interesting well rounded questions for fic writers. I'll tag: @whitherwanderyouspirit, @toodrasticallydumb, @nickelwick, @bluedaddysgirl, @megan0013 and @rosemaidenvixen. Not obligated to do this, just thought it may be fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 16! 13 of which are all Trollhunters lmao.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
542,419 words. Wow. That's a little crazy ngl.
3. What fandom's do you write for?
Mostly Trollhunters/Tales of arcadia. But I've written a oneshot for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power and one for Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (2022). And I've done a multichapter fic for Arcane: League of Legends. Probably going to do more fics for that eventually. And I have two planned for The owl house I'm really excited about!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Challenging Destiny
Heal what has been lost
A change in a moment
Heart of Stone
After the moon rises
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! In my first fic I was hesitant to the first couple of chapters, but now I make a effort as I know how awesome it is to get a reply from the author on fics I've left comments on myself. And also because sometimes I have wonderful conversations!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is a bit hard to pin down, because while a decent amount of my fics go really, really angsty, they tend to end on a slightly hopeful note. But I'd think it's either Through the Veil which while the actual end is rather uplifting, it's overshadowed by the torment all the characters have gone through or chapter 4 of my prompt collection for Stricklake month: corruption. Which is... Sad.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm well my main fics are not finished so I can't put any of them down... Er most of them end happily? I guess for the top one A change in a moment, since I also barely killed any characters in the end...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. Very thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Anything explicit? No. I've tentively suggested it, but not in any detail.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have not yet. One of my aforementioned Owl house fics I have planned will be a crossover, with Trollhunters, but nothing crazy.
Unless we're talking about the Arcane/Disney Tangled crossover, but that's a soft crossover, with a wholly Arcane cast of characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope. At least not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not to my knowledge.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No... It was going to happen at some point, but then it didn't. Which was fair, even if disappointing.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
It's Stricklake. I have loads more I like a lot, but that's the one that made me start writing fanfiction.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
This isn't really applicable, I plan to finish every fic I start, but there's one that's taking longer than I like to complete, which is Heart of Stone. It's close to the finish line, I just need to push myself there.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm pretty good at creating snappy dialogue with plenty of banter. And that my worldbuilding is pretty damn good. Also that I'm able to consistently keep a large cast of characters IN character and balance them all. I'm also fairly good at descriptions and gore.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think sometimes I struggle with pacing, and the flow of my writing can be clunky at times. I also find filler chapters less interesting to write, even if they're important to set later things up.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do end up doing this at one point or another in most of my fics! I use Google translate lol. I'm not ashamed. I also use italics if it's not English, with the translation in my notes at the end.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Trollhunters! The first show to get me into fandom, and fanfic and tumblr! It was the first in a lot of things.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Has to be Challenging Destiny! It's just about halfway, but the reception to it and it's faithfulness to the source, as well as the heaps of research and worldbuilding I've put into it has made it the fic I'm the most proud of. It's got a big cast of different characters to balance, which just adds to the challenge lol. But it's worth it.
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agenericplaceholdername · 3 months ago
There's gotta be something more to the Blood Moon right?
It was associated with the Forbidden Five in ancient times and the curse on Egalt and Rontu, but even if there had been a Blood Moon when the FF ruled the Wyldness, it only would have lasted one night.
Ras describes the sacrifices needed to free the FF as sacrifices "to the Blood Moon" and when he addresses his master, he stares at the Blood Moon.
Lloyd's visions even post-Blood Moon still include it, and the Source Dragon of Motion herself attacks and destroys it (in Lloyd's head).
or maybe it's just a magical lunar eclipse who knows
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rabiosantologia · 1 month ago
The Weeknd
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♒︎ Dhanistha Sun in the 9H
♎︎ Vishakha Moon in the 5H (conjunct Pluto)
♊︎ Punarvasu ASC and Ardra Jupiter (Rx) in the 1H
♋︎ Ashlesha Ketu in the 2H
♑︎ Shravana Mercury (lagnesha) and Rahu in the 8H
♐︎ Uttara Ashadha Venus (atmakaraka) in conjunction with Saturn and Purva Ashadha Mars (in conjunction with Neptune) in the 7H
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blanc-ci · 4 months ago
“Tee-hee can’t wait to see my Spotify wrapped!!”
Proceeds to watch in horror as they give a play by play of the worst depressive episode in my life
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northssketchbook · 10 months ago
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-Shimmering Shadow-
(Pose ref: @adorkastock <3)
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tricoufamily · 2 years ago
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THE BITCH IS BACK (jacques, not me fuck you)
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jumpneoshoots · 3 months ago
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Moon Rise over Rivington
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sesamenom · 1 year ago
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so in the reverse gondolin au i'm debating between having oropher & thranduil (idea courtesy of @lycheesodas) or galadriel & celeborn bring elwing to gondolin (bc i need earendil & elwing to meet in gondolin for Plot)
i'm currently leaning a bit more towards galadriel & celeborn, but here's some speculation to if legolas was born in reverse gondolin!
(also sorry for how long it took me to post this my internet was super choppy for some reason)
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frankensteined · 1 month ago
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yes, i have like 50+ books on my TBR pile and yes there are thrillers and mysteries and horror novels i've been meaning to get around to and yes i have loads of books that are problematic dark and will leave me staring a wall for days that are waiting for me to get to them
but. fuck it, loch ness monster romance.
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astrology-by-sita · 2 months ago
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This is the chart of Simone Simons, a singer in a Dutch metal band called Epica, who is also into make up and beauty. Virgo rising, ruled by Mercury in capricorn in the 5th house. She is famous cause of a 5h matter (art) and Mercury also is about the voice.
Her Ascendant is in the Venus bound of virgo, she is pretty and attractive. Vettius Valens says that people born with the Venus bound of virgo are "Lucky in theatrical matters" (anthologies Book I).
She has exalted Venus in the 7th house in Pisces. It's also her benefic of sect since she was born at night. Her Venus rules the 9th house and it's in Pisces, in the bound of Jupiter, and the 12th part of her Venus is in the 12th house. All these rule foreign lands (Pisces, Jupiter, 9th and 12th houses). Her husband is a foreigner, she's Dutch, he's German.
Venus also rules artists so he's a musician too, he plays in the band called Kamelot. He himself is also a Pisces, the 7th house shows the kind of partner you attract. Also her moon-ic line crosses through Stuttgart, Germany, where she resides now with her husband and child.
Moon-ic line says "this place is home". Her husband also has a Capricorn moon and she has a Capricorn sun so this is a sign of attraction. She has Sagittarius Moon, the sign of philosophy. So she has a desire for philosophy and higher knowledge and to get into these topics.
The band Epica where she sings has philosophical lyrics about deep topics especially about religion & corruption in organized religious institutions.
7th house is not just marriage it is also one on one collaborations and business. So the best things in her life are 7h topics.
She was recruited as a singer of Epica by Mark Jansen who is the guitarist and songwriter. He met her on a chat room and then he wanted her to demonstrate to him her singing abilities so she sang to him in a phone call and made a positive impression so he recruited her.
Also they briefly dated. That phone call happened when she was 16 years old and she was in a level 2 peak period in Zodiacal releasing from the Lot of Spirit. So if not for that exalted benefic of sect in her 7th house of business partnership, relationships, contracts & collabs .
Epica wouldn't have been here the way we know it! She has a stellium in Capricorn which includes the asc lord. She can be shy, and that Sagittarius Moon in the 4th house says that she expresses herself in a spontaneous and loud way with people who are close to her .
Mercury (her ruler since she's a Virgo rising) is on the nadir while the star Alkes rises. In her book on fixed stars, Bernadette Brady considers that people who have this star prominent are some kind of a vessel of something higher than them as individuals. She writes that these people carry something "symbolically precious for others". I think that fits Simone Simons because she transmits with her voice (Mercury) as a vessel the meaningful lyrics of Epica that have a good message about the corruption of religion.
This way she's a carrier of something beautiful.
Go and listen to "Cry for The Moon".
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quietlyblooms · 2 months ago
plots & dynamics
ft. the graveyard shift & bad moon rising
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the following plots and dynamics are set in chiyo’s connected modern fantasy verses; if any catch your interest, please like this post! i’ll message you as soon as i can so we can talk about it ����
since chiyo returns home to her small town after years of being away, gimme old friends who lost touch! we love reconnecting and seeing how people are still the same yet very different :’ )
coming from a family favored by a deity, chiyo does have visions and struggled with them growing up and into adulthood. they’ve always manifested in her art and dreams, but chiyo doesn’t realize she’s seeing the future until after she’s a vampire; i would love to play with this detail! whether before or after her “ death, ” maybe she sees your muse in her vision. maybe they’re in danger, or they are the danger. maybe they notice her paintings ( she sells them in her family’s shop ) depicting familiar scenes from their past, and maybe that makes them suspicious. maybe they notice a pattern in the art she doesn’t display — the stuff that definitely feels dark and ominous.
i also would love to write someone helping chiyo handle her visions after she’s changed into a vampire bc they only get worse. they start to become like night terrors that sometimes just : ) happen in the middle of the day : ) when she’s awake : ) her visions are no longer centered on her own death but the violence she’s capable of as a vampire and any major danger lurking ahead. that can vary upon what we discuss bc i’m flexible with it, but otherwise that’ll be a dead god trying to come back. fun stuff : ) ASDGF
to get back to more lighthearted ideas, chiyo’s family is a pillar of the supernatural community, known for assisting with charms and glamours that make life easier for unordinary folk. they sell their services, but they’ve helped people plenty of times for free — maybe your muse is one of them! or maybe they’re currently in a bad spot and show up during chiyo’s shift. let chiyo help!! whatever troubles them, rest assured miss hisakawa and her family will do what they can 💜
alternatively, we always love the mundane getting caught up in supernatural business! maybe your muse knows chiyo but like the rest of the normal humans of the town, they think the witch stuff is a myth. but then they get caught up either in their own trouble or dragged into helping her cousin bring her back as a vampire. whatever the circumstances, bring the drama B)
all of you who said you’d let chiyo bite you — would you really?? vampires can survive off of animal’s blood in this universe, but it’s admittedly not as filling/tasty or easy to obtain in her small town. do you wanna be chiyo’s personal juice box?? she’ll fight you on it if you offer, but a girl’s gotta eat! a girl will also feel terribly guilty after biting you asdg unless you’re into that
would absolutely love to write chiyo being encouraged to embrace her new “ nature ” as a vampire. she’s a predator now, and predators don’t cry over their prey. it is what it is. how far the other person goes with this — whether they encourage her to still value life but let go of her guilt or to not worry about a few deaths — will definitely be fun to explore bc chiyo’s moral compass is pretty steady. normally.
i would also enjoy another vampire kind of taking chiyo under their wing! i’ve mentioned she does have cyrillo to help her out, but she’s gonna need a whole support system since she has little contact with her own family for a hot minute.
all this chaos happens during chiyo’s hiatus from her manga — her agent and coworkers are getting worried!! why does she keep postponing the next chapter? maybe they’ll just check on her in person : )
aaaand maybe there’s more, but this is all i have for now! pls feel free to like this post even if you have an idea that isn’t listed 💜
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yoonia · 9 months ago
Last Line Tag
Tagged by @lo1k-diamonds | thank you so much, love! And I know that I was tagged by a few others before while I was offline or on break so I guess here it is lol
Rules: Share the last line you wrote and tag the same number of people as the words in the line.
I have a few WIPs opened which I've been working on back and forth today, so I'll share from each one. Maybe I should share a bunch of snippets/longer lines instead while I'm at it to make up for my absence lately:
From Bedroom Hymns [myg]
“There you are, little dove.”  You briefly close your eyes, relishing on the shudder that his deep voice brings. This isn’t an imagination, you muse to yourself as you open your eyes to see Yoongi walking across the bridge. The white mist formed by the flowing water beneath him breaks away with each step that he makes.   “You’re late.” Too many long days, three different trips late. “I almost believed that I wouldn’t be so lucky to see you today before I leave.”
From Ever A Never After [ksj; jjk]
You suck a deep breath, and Seokjin has no idea why the sound you make pierces straight deeply into his chest. Then you make it worse when you speak with an innocent, helpless voice of yours, “Anyway, you are right, Sir. I don’t have anything with me. I left all my gold coins back home, since I thought I wouldn’t be needing it today with the ceremony and all.”  Again, dread fills his chest. “Gold coins,” he groans under his breath with a grimace. He closes his eyes, trying to find that sense of calmness deep inside him once again before it slips away. “All right. Breathe.” 
From Hot Mess [kth]
“Thank you for your concern,” he says, “though I’d much prefer to discuss them with you. Preferably in private, where we can be thorough.”  Somehow, his request unpleasantly tickles your brain, and the sour mood you felt returns. But you hide it with a forced smile and an overly sweet voice when you speak to him again. “I wish I could. Unfortunately, I’m going to need to do some minor adjustments with our setup today and I would like to get things ready before we can start taking photos.”  “I see. That’s a shame,” he mutters with feigned remorse. “Then I guess I’ll have to wait until later to see you.” 
From Chance Encounter [DPR Ian]
“What are you doing to me?”  “Returning the favour,” he says, giving you a quick kiss on the lips before turning away. “You’ve been driving me crazy lately, so it’s time to make you feel how I’ve been feeling.” His words fade into a deep grunt as his lips descend, pressing against your chin before he starts kissing down the column of your throat. 
From Blood Moon Rising [pjm]
“You—”  Pulling himself up from the crashing waves, Hyun positions himself behind a pointy rock to hide as he shifts back to his human form. Only partly, however, as only his long legs appear to replace the fishtail, leaving the twin rows of his sharp fins still visible on his skin, blending into the skin of his thighs.  Lowering one knee on the ground, Hyun remains behind the rock to conceal his nudity. A brief moment passes before he slowly lifts his head. His eyes are glowing in silver as he returns Lani’s soft gaze, the gill slits appearing on the sides of his neck and lower ribcage are pumping with every breath that he takes as he slowly adjusts being on land. His hands, still in the form of a pair of talons, rest over his bent knee as he formally greets the Vampire before him.  “My name is Hyun, the son of Hirae, the former head priest of Siren’s Den,” he introduces himself with a deep voice, soft snarls coming out with each word. His sharp dagger-like teeth peek through the seams of his lips as he speaks. “I was sent here by Lord Jimin to retrieve you, Lady Lani.” 
From Alpha's Inferno [knj]
A mate bond is maddening simply by being present. This bond, awakened after a long period of time, has continued to grow stronger, binding their souls together before they even have any chance to fight against it.  “Why are you fighting it, Alpha?” the pretty vampire asks him, and Namjoon can already feel his resolve dwindling at the sound of her voice. He makes no move as Lani steps closer, her movement graceful and slick. Like a predator, yet enticing and captivating at the same time that he cannot look away. “Is it because I’m one with the enemy?”
(from the two last snippets, I think it becomes obvious why I keep saying I needed to write these two together lol)
Tagging some friends: @beomcoups @shadowkoo @caelesjjk @taegularities @bangtans-momma and whoever wants to do this. tag me so I can see what you're working on :')
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afurtivecake · 7 months ago
haven't finished dark heir yet (about halfway?) but my wild theory is that the one orchestrating all the evil is actually the lady who used sarcean's penchant for sparkling blonds and his conveniently evil reputation and powers to further her goals and to paint him as the villain.
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thereadingmoon · 1 year ago
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if you didn’t think corporation rim could get any worse, 6-7 episode-long seasons still exist and they’re THRIVING
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mashedpotatosinacup · 1 year ago
Sleepy guys <3
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chrismcshell · 7 days ago
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the red dot in the middle of this photo is a total lunar eclipse 👍
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