#Aes Dana
spacewalker-aa · 9 months
AES DANA - Leylines
(Song of the month 2)
[Full Playlist]
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postambientlux · 2 years
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• lauge + aes dana • terrene • bit.ly/lEaD-tNe
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itaviv · 5 months
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merrybandofmurderers · 4 months
tagged by @midnightbluejay to make some dragon age ships with this picrew
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Yuo Lavellan x Dorian Pavus
Anavi Lavellan x Vivienne / Anavi Lavellan x Cullen Rutherford
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Mahanon Lavellan x Iron Bull
Ephraim Lavellan & Cole
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Danae Lavellan x Sera x Layeirth Istimaethoriel
@mrs-theirin, @calicostorms, @ringneckedpheasant, @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas, @spainkitty, @cactusnymph
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synthetlcsss · 1 year
angelo tag dump
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taevisionceo · 2 years
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Global Data - Nov 12, 2022
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polina-savitskaya · 6 months
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Turian kid concept for 3D modeling / part 1 Music: AES Dana feat. Miktek
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moghedien · 1 year
ok so i was genuinely unsure about how I felt about the way Lanfear was revealed in the moment, but there are three main things that are really selling it for me:
1: It immediately sets up the threat of going up against a Forsaken:
So far we haven't really gotten much of an indication from the show about what the Forsaken really are, who they are, and why they're any different that a regular darkfriend. Obviously there's still a ways to go in explaining it, but Lanfear provided an immediate visual explanation
Because for example, we've already seen one darkfriend innkeeper who had a thing for Rand (or pretended to) take a knife through the throat
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We've even seen Rand stick around and linger by her body and its very clear that absolutely nothing happens.
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We get a lingering shot on her bleeding out and she is very clearly actually dead in this moment. Its not even really a question.
But with Lanfear we kinda get the exact opposite of this moment. We see her take a knife to the throat and clearly go down, then there is no lingering by the characters.
The camera goes back to her and we see the saa very clearly moving in her eye, then she blinks and breaths in.
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And by this being the opposite of Dana, I mean that with Dana there was no question that she was actually dead. With Lanfear, there is absolutely no question that she's still alive.
Dana was also a darkfriend, but this is very clearly showing non readers that Lanfear is something DIFFERENT. We're told she's a darkfriend of some kind, then we're seen that she actually apparently cannot die by normal means. This coming AFTER the reveal that she is definitely a channler of some kind, and if we now know she's a Forsaken, then we know that Moiraine clearly said the Forsaken are the most powerful channlers ever, more powerful than any Aes Sedai.
And now apparently they can't die.
2. Its foreshadowing.
Moiraine was able to take out Lanfear (if only temporarily) with a physical attack because Lanfear was so fixated on Rand.
The above is also a spoiler for the climax of a certain book.
I'm not gonna get into it, but its clearly like showing that there's a course of action and there is a playbook that works here.
3. NOW we have Lanfear
Before we had Selene. I'd argue there were even moments where we had Mierin, but the only time Lanfear has really come out before this was when she went into Rand's dream and threatened him in episode 3.
By this I mean that while Selene was always obviously an act Lanfear was putting on, it stopped us from really seeing how manipulative and obsessive Lanfear could be and was currently being. If we didn't know she was Lanfear (and non readers shouldn't) then there's no reason to realize the lengths to her manipulation. We still don't know that the man she was telling Rand about was Lews Therin. We still don't know that Lanfear even knew Lews Therin much less would want to rekindle any kind of lost romance with his reincarnation. Because even when Lanfear was being honest as Selene, she was keeping herself back. She wasn't latching onto Rand and telling him that he was hers. She was very clearly holding onto the memory of Lews Therin, but there has yet to be any clear indication that she 100% buys that Rand and Lews Therin are the same person rather than Rand just being his reincarnation.
So while Lanfear was definitely getting some joy out of sleeping with Lews Therin reborn, there is no real indication that that is what she wanted. She said she wants Lews Therin. She tells Rand she's more or less settling for him. Let's assume that was 100% honest for the moment (because I believe it mostly is to a point), I don't think that's the case after this episode. Because Mierin Eronaile suddenly got the one thing she'd always wanted:
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If you watch the moments immediately before this scene and immediately after, there is a shift in how Lanfear is acting here.
Before she was very clearly putting on an act. She was playing up being afraid of Rand and didn't seem at all concerned about keeping him here. The most she does is ask him where he's going to go, and even that is said in a weird tone unless you know that she's probably going to use this information to keep tabs on him and report it/follow him herself.
But Rand does the one thing he absolutely shouldn't have done with Lanfear and told her that he loves her.
So now I think is the moment where Lanfear is willing to accept that Rand is Lews Therin. Because if Rand is Lews Therin, then Lews Therin just said that he loves her.
And her entire tone shifts here. You can see she's visibly shocked in the moment, and then smiles and flips the scene to her being afraid of him, to her reassuring him and telling him that he should have told her and telling him that he didn't do anything wrong and he was just acting in his nature. Before she was bringing up the inn and was clearly trying to make him feel bad. Now she's clearly trying to reassure him and keep him around. Absolutely manipulation but I think she didn't really need him to stay until he indicated that he loved her.
So what this means is that we now have Lanfear, who is established as being unkillable and one of the most powerful and oldest being in existence, NOW becoming obsessed with Rand al'Thor and thinking of him entirely as Lews Therin. And not only that, but now she's PISSED because he just left her and was taken away from her by Moiraine exactly when she finally had him back after thousands of years.
She finally got everything she's wanted and it was immediately taken away, and I think that's frankly terrifying, so yeah, I think I do like this reveal now actually.
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Challenge: Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
I was tagged by two of my faves, so here I am.
I'm gonna make it weird.
(if I get tagged again I'll do a more reasonable one lol)
Tagging (no pressure!): @hotasfahrenheit @alittlebitofrainbyyourside @reversetimelord @rhysiana @sparklyeyedhimbo @heretherebedork @amarantoo and you, if you're seeing this!
(oops I did 6 instead of 5)
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loud-unknown · 4 months
Been thinking a lot about heteronormativity vis-a-vis my beloved For All Mankind and Wheel of Time. FAM has annoyed me in that we’re allegedly running about twenty years ahead of the irl timeline on gay rights, but no one is casually gay. All of the queer characters are there To Be Gay. Like justice for Will who I was expecting to get an actual personality/storyline in season 4, but no all he ever did was Be Gay In Space. Ellen and Larry’s entire storyline is It Is Hard to be Gay. I’m just so over it, like drop a casual reference that Dani’s stepson married a man or one of the female crew has a wife waiting back home or something. No wonder I fixated on Molly and Margot - they’re so easily the most interesting people on the show (closely followed by Aleida, how does this show have the best women and force me to spend so much time with Ed Baldwin). 
Whereas Wheel of Time is just so casually queer - you know the Lews/Lanfear/Ishy sexual tension triangle is on purpose. Dana assumes Mat and Rand are together because it’s something she would reasonably expect to encounter. I wish they would do more with aes sedai relationships, but they clearly exist and are not a big deal.
It’s not perfect, but that is what I want! I don’t want the gay president if her plotline for twenty years is Having a Hard Time Being Gay. I’ve seen that before, I’ve lived that. I want it to just be a casual thing that’s fully integrated into the world and not always serving some purpose. I really thought FAM season 4 would give me that and ugh no it was just Straight People on Mars!! 
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igazikutya · 1 year
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2023. 04.
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Egy éve voltak a választások, és beszélnünk kell a politikáról! Mint léteznek konzervatív-keresztények vagy liberális-materialisták (meg ezek minden permutációja), nem tudom, kell-e nyomatékosítanom, hogy a Traxelektor a randomista-krosszfédista irányzatot képviseli, ami a legprogresszívebb liberális traxelekcionista audiofilozófia? Ámde barátaim, olvasóim! Már régóta tudom, hogy köreinkben is felütötte a fejét a konzervatív restauráció, a meghaladott múlt felélesztése iránti, őstől örökölt retrográd vágy. Persze honnan jönne a késszúrás, ha nem pár lépésről, ahonnan nem várná a szelektor – nos léteznek, konkrétan köztünk élnek olyanok, aki a spotify playlist-et alfabetikus sorrendben hallgatják, krosszféd nélkül. De! Mi soha nem vetemednénk arra, hogy elhallgattassuk mások playlistjeit, hogy krosszfédeljük a hitük szerinti, számukra élest, ezért álljon itt ez a gif megbékélésünk jeléül:
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Andrea, akit megkülönböztetésül a „torinói” (sötét ló) jelzővel próbálok jelölni saját gyűjteményemben, a discogson Andrea (99) – az se rossz. Két év szünet után (Sktch EP, 2021) a második albuma jelent meg, szokás szerint, a bajor Ilian Tape-nél. A Due in Color a trip-hop, ambient, abstract-breaks, glitch elektronika területein cselleng meglehetősen nagy bátorsággal, s talán váratlanul nagy magabiztossággal. A sodrás és a konstans rúgóállandó mozgatja Novantanovesimo Andrea mechanikai szerkezeteit, felhőként lebegő dallamszigeteit, köztük nem kevés zenei közhelyt, ami engem itt nem zavar. Az összkép tehát egy ibizoid chillemfaszlemúr kisimult tekintete fürkészte félsivatag. Andi, nézzed!
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Svejcisapkás zenetéri rikkancsként kiabálom: Tessék, sláger! Tessék sláger! Megjelent az új Tagadás Évei!
Barkosina Hanusova és Jerome Tcherneyan, azaz a Years of Denial - Suicide Disco Vol. 2 albumáról van szó. A 2019-es első nyomvonalán halad a kettes, bár mintha itt nagyobb lenne az átlagos kályhától való távolság. Synthwave, ebm, industrial, néha electro, néha synth – na ez mind szépen végigfut az erősen fülbemászó dalok alatt, úgyhogy ez végül is electro-clash 2023 edition.
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James Clements űrhajója az Ultimae Galaxisba tévedt ismét. Az új ASC album - Hiding In Plain Sight – a Solar Fields/Aes Dana hangzásával játszadozik, még ha néhol a FSOL - Lifeforms-szának , korai Autechre-ek dubjai is visszhangoznak a szélesre tárt térben. Clements a szokásos asc-elemeket se engedte el, azaz a tér töredezik is, hajlik is, réteg-réteg hátán, de több a fém és több a kő is.
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Még mindig az egyik személyes kedvencem az amadindányi ütőssel felszerelten varázsló Sam Shackleton. Korábbi zsenijei – a Departing Like Rivers (2021), The Majestic Yes (2022) – felejthetetlenek, újra elővevősek, de újabb mozzanatai se okoznak csalódást. Shigeru Ishiharával párban követték el a legújabb Shackleton „tripet”, azaz a Death By Tickling albumot Scotch Rolex & Shackleton jegyzik. Spotifyon ne keresd, itt lesz
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Jönnek a kinaiak! Már megint. Ez jutott eszembe, meg hogy ez most eleven, húsba vágóan harsány attack. Hard drum, techno, ebm csattogás a Shanghai és Taipei közt ingázó Tzu-sing, azaz Tsusing szemszögéből – mondjuk az album közepén van egy Balkanize című track, szóval messze lát az a szem. Decemberben szerepelt itt Zaliva-D, és akad némi hasonlóság, pl. a dobok, meg az unortodox ütemszerkesztés. Azért az egész  绿帽 Green Hat album – mivel kicsit sok – elég megterhelő.
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Ha a Good Mornig Tapes Recordings (ez a név! :) kaziját tartod a kezedben, akár beteheted a magnóba és mehet a jóga, tökéletes alá. A georg Andro Gogibedashvili új ötszámosa, az Intrapersonal Experience, tényleg ilyen: teljesen steril, ártó gondolatoktól mentes. Persze a Saphileaum lemezek többsége ilyen pozitív vibe-ok gyűjteménye, ez most talán ezoterikusabbra lett túlfőzve.
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Amikor elolvastam, hogy Magna Pia, elsőre valami magyar kormány eseményre asszociáltam, ahol Hungarikum Bizottság, a Pálinka Nemzeti Tanács, a Magyar Szőlő- és Bortermelők Szövetsége és a Magyar Sörgyártók Szövetsége jelenlétében Chartába foglalják a magyar emberek szabad iváshoz való elidegeníthetetlen jogát. A borítón elsőre rovásírásnak tűnő jelek szerint pedig itt van velünk a Szentkorona Szövetség is. Elnézést kérek – na nem az anyanyelvén, a kipcsak rokon – Hüseyin Evirgen-től, ki e pszeudó erős és büszke tulajdonosa! A Bécsben és Berlinben tevékenykedő – profilképein elszántan rónába révedő - török második albuma (Daiauna, 2018), a Qut különleges keveréke az ambient, drone, ambient-house, dub jegyeinek. Nem egyenletes a szint – és sikerült mindent összeinni mindennel – de a sűrű leftfield-idm-be fordulások, és az olyan track miatt, mint az X – mely sosem jelöli a kincs helyét – itt a helye.
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Pont egy éve, tavaly áprilisban írtam egy nagyon pozitív kritikát Cosmo Vitelli albumáról, a Medhead-ről. Ahogyan a múlt is mozgásban van a jelen hatására, adott zeneszámokhoz való viszonyunk is ilyen, és hogy őszinte legyek a Medhead elég hamar elkopott, devalválódott. Most itt az újabb alkalom, hogy magamból hülyét csinálva túlértékeljek valamit: ugyanis itt a Medhead Remixes, a román Andrei Rusu, ismertebb nevén Khidja, a francia Krikor Kouchian, a szintén francia és múlt hónapban új albummal érkezett Froid Dub vagy a remixerként kiemelkedő Krokakai eltérítgetéseivel. Nagyon erős anyag – tényleg! – nem valami trendi remixeltetés a műfaji jegyeknek és kliséknek megfelelés jegyében, ellenkezőleg! Váratlan megoldások, bátor, belemenős terelések, Krikor például egy olyan dög-dubbal, amit inkább a Froidéktól vártam volna, de Andrei Rusu verziója olyan erős, hogy instrumental verzióban is működik.
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Vádoljatok, hogy Orphxből építek várat, de kijelentem: jelenleg techno és indusztriál vonalon nincs nemesebb ötvözet, mint Christina Sealey és Richard Oddie moduláris részecskegyorsító vegyes párosa.
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The Way Through All Things a címe a berlini Sonic Groove-nál újonnan megjelent, célrajtgyőztes suhanásuknak. Egyszerűen hibátlan, az arányok tökéletesen pontosak, az összetevők kohézióban, állandó mozgásban és ez adja a dinamikus ballanszt és a változatos konzisztenciát. A nyitó Man of Sorrows az utóbbi évtized egyik legfinomabban megmunkált technoindulója, ami annyira techno, hogy Ozorán simán megőrülne rajt a nép.
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A Revenant EP után ez most már teljesen hivatalos visszatérés a páros részéről, és elkezdtek turnézni is, sajnos Budapestre nem jönnek egyelőre.
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Mallorcán született, de Barcelonában él Nacho Pezzati, argentin zenei producer. Nueen pszeudó alatt készülnek a leginkább leftfield címkével jellemezhető 4-5 percesei. Igazi hangulatvarázsló a pali, a bizonytalanság végig ott vibrál zenéjében, megtörténik, hogy egy váratlan téma teljesen ütemtelenül lép be, amit a lassú sodrás elnyel, magával visz. Ugyanebben a sűrű masszában lebegnek, fuldokolnak a különféle szövegek is. Az öt címtelen tételből felépülő Link EP a berlini 3XL Recordingsnél jelent meg, de sajnos spotifyon nem tudod meghallgatni, irány a bandcamp!
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Andrea - Due In Color [2023, Illian Tapes][LP] ASC - Hiding In Plain Sight [2023, Horo][LP] Cosmo Vitelli - Medhead Remixes [2023, Im a Cliche][Rmx-LP] Developer - Hexmode [2023, Modularz][LP] Magna Pia - QUT [2023, Counterchange][EP] nueen - Link [2023, 3XL][EP] Orphx - The Way Through All Things [2023, Sonic Groove][EP] Saphileaum - Intrapersonal Experience [2023, Good Morning Tapes][MC] Scotch Rolex & Shackleton - Death by Tickling [2023, Silver Triplet][LP] Tzusing - 绿帽 Green Hat [2023, PAN][LP] VA - Tones & Echoes [2023, Egregore Collective][EP-Comp] Years Of Denial - Suicide Disco Vol. 2 [2023, VEYL][LP]
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Traxelektor 2023 04 Spotify playlist - link
(71/83, 6:41/7:50, 86%)
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Traxelektor Playlist 2023 04
Andrea - Chessbio [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Andrea - Jaim [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Andrea - Remote Working [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Andrea - Ress [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Andrea - Sephr [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Annie Hall - Memories That Never Happened [Memories That Never Happened, Central Processing Unit] Annie Hall - Subsequent Experiments [Memories That Never Happened, Central Processing Unit] Anoesis - Cat Vision [Memory On Memory, Paper-Cuts] Anoesis - Constant Stars [Memory On Memory, Paper-Cuts] Anoesis - Stan React [Memory On Memory, Paper-Cuts]
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ASC - A Whisper In Your Ghost [Hiding In Plain Sight, Horo] ASC - Dreadnought [Hiding In Plain Sight, Horo] ASC - Landslide [Hiding In Plain Sight, Horo] ASC - Orbiting Neptune [Hiding In Plain Sight, Horo] Brendon Moeller - Blue [Quiet Quitting, Steadfast] Brendon Moeller - Lint
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Broken English Club - Ersatz (Club Edit)[The Artificial Animal Edits, Death & Leisure] Chontane - Memory Flashback [TANE001, TANE] Clouds - Corestyle [Clubmatter, Perc Trax]
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Cosmo Vitelli - 7 Foot Clown in My Bed (Krikor Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - Down the Hatch (Cosmo Vitelli Boogie Dub)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - How Is It to Be You? (Andrei Rusu Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - Just Like His Dad (Froid Dub Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - Trichophilia (Krokakai Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cristian Vogel - Bright Spacer Version [Multicore, Self-Released] Dancefloor Classics - Didn't You Know [Dancefloor Classics Vol.2, Rajaton] Cosmo Vitelli - 7 Foot Clown in My Bed (Krikor Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - Down the Hatch (Cosmo Vitelli Boogie Dub)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - How Is It to Be You? (Andrei Rusu Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - Just Like His Dad (Froid Dub Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - Trichophilia (Krokakai Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cristian Vogel - Bright Spacer Version [Multicore, Self-Released] Dancefloor Classics - Didn't You Know [Dancefloor Classics Vol.2, Rajaton]
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Dom & Roland - X-Eminence [Against A Dark Background, Over/Shadow] Echologist - Activation [Activation, Knotweed] How To Dress Well - My Body (Carmen Villain's „My Body Rework”) [, ] JakoJako - Impetus [Verve EP, Mute]
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Kobermann - Küstenträume [Probandenausweis, A.T.C.] Kobermann - Sonnenschirmbrand [Probandenausweis, A.T.C.] Lord Jalepenos - Access Denied [Handshaking, International Chrome] Lord Jalepenos - Amaryllis [Handshaking, International Chrome] Lord Jalepenos - Ruins [Handshaking, International Chrome] Lord Jalepenos - Transcedental [Handshaking, International Chrome]
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Magna Pia - Gudanna [QUT, Counterchange] Magna Pia - Qut [QUT, Counterchange] Magna Pia - X [QUT, Counterchange] Mantsche feat. Bishop - Unknown Dub Story [VA - Tones & Echoes, Egregore Collective] Nathan Fake - Crystal Vision [Crystal Vision, Cambria Instruments]
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nueen - II [Link, 3XL] nueen - III [Link, 3XL] nueen - IV [Link, 3XL] Orphx - Gateway [The Way Through All Things, Sonic Groove] Orphx - In The Presence [The Way Through All Things, Sonic Groove] Orphx - Man Of Sorrows [The Way Through All Things, Sonic Groove] Paleman - Bite [Veiled, Sublunar] Paleman - Exalted [Exalted, 30D] Paleman - Procession [Veiled, Sublunar]
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Peverelist - Pulse I [Pulse EP, Livity] Peverelist - Pulse III [Pulse EP, Livity]
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Porter Brook - Lipsius [Lipsius, Trule] Saphileaum - Dear [Intrapersonal Experience, Good Morning Tapes] Saphileaum - Spell Singer (Free Spirit) [Intrapersonal Experience, Good Morning Tapes] Saphileaum - Useful Wisdom [Intrapersonal Experience, Good Morning Tapes] Scotch Rolex & Shackleton - Five Butterflies [Death by Tickling, Silver Triplet] Scotch Rolex & Shackleton - Love Songs [Death by Tickling, Silver Triplet] Scotch Rolex & Shackleton - Serotonin [Death by Tickling, Silver Triplet] Scotch Rolex & Shackleton - Shattered [Death by Tickling, Silver Triplet] Scotch Rolex & Shackleton - The Blue Sun [Death by Tickling, Silver Triplet]
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Stacktrace - Heal [VA - Tones & Echoes, Egregore Collective] Stefan Dubs - Saudrune Dub [VA - Tones & Echoes, Egregore Collective] Tapes And Topographies - No Longer There [Microtones, Simulacra]
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Tim Hecker - Anxiety [No Highs, Kranky] Tim Hecker - In Your Mind [No Highs, Kranky] Tzusing -  趁人之危 (Take Advantage)[绿帽 Green Hat, PAN] Tzusing - Gait [绿帽 Green Hat, PAN] Tzusing - 偶像包袱 (Idol Baggage)[绿帽 Green Hat, PAN] Tzusing - 孝忍狠 (Filial Endure Ruthless)[绿帽 Green Hat, PAN] Years Of Denial - City Lights [Suicide Disco Vol. 2, VEYL] Years Of Denial - Dancing with Demons [Suicide Disco Vol. 2, VEYL] Years Of Denial - Lover's Crime [Suicide Disco Vol. 2, VEYL] Years Of Denial - Never Satisfied [Suicide Disco Vol. 2, VEYL] Years Of Denial - Regarding the Pain of Others [Suicide Disco Vol. 2, VEYL] Years Of Denial - The Letter [Suicide Disco Vol. 2, VEYL] Years Of Denial - Wrong [Suicide Disco Vol. 2, VEYL]
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Yushh - Kara Arriba [Siro Silo EP, Well Street] Yushh - OXI Ambigan [Siro Silo EP, Well Street]
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dinisuciyanti · 1 year
Hilal sekolah semakin tidak terlihat. Lagi nunggu pengumuman beasiswa sih tapi kok kesuwen yo. Di saat yang sama IELTS ku expired Desember ini. Walaupun aku dah megang LoA, supervisor ku sabar nungguin aku, tapi rasanya aku ingin menyerah saja ya allah 😭🫠😩 uangel sekali mencari dana hibah untuk studi ku. Hadeh.
Udah pasrah aja kalo semisal gak jadi sekolah. Ya mau gimana lagi yekan. Mungkin belum waktunya. Mungkin aku tidak layak. Drama banget dini elah 😂
Lagi capek gini mikirin calon suami opo maneh. Hadeh. Sama-sama tidak terlihat dari arah mana karna tidak ada dalam radarku sama sekali. Dahlah. Mikirin beasiswa ae aku capek. Gasah nambah-nambah masalah hidup.
Ya allah capek banget. Kerja capek. War beasiswa capek. Jadi lemper aja enak kali ya.
15 Juni 2023
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some ocs with this picrew
Mahanon Lavellan (he/him)
Danae Lavellan (she/her)
Ephraim Lavellan (ey/em)
Wyeth Trevelyan (he/him)
Gwythren (they/he)
Darrios Otranto-Trevelyan (he/him)
Roan Lavellan (he/him)
Yuo Lavellan (he/they)
Jaal Adaar (she/ae)
@mrs-theirin, @calicostorms, @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas, @transfenris-truther, @ringneckedpheasant
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thatcoyperson · 11 months
CRIMSON SMP - Season 6 / S6
Just now realized I forgot to do this yesterday but OH MAN. A lot happened. It was a busy session to say the least. Check out the first post under this tag if you want context, as always!
Life count, pairings, and summaries are below the cut!
TTheTinkerer [He/It] + Vinrhin [He/She] - 1 Life RensRelay [He/Him] + Kenophbia [He/Him] - 2 Lives SteviaStevie [They/He] + Delphiez [She/Her] - 1 Life ThatCoyGamer [He/Ae] + MaxAnthrax [He/Him] - 1 Life Necromanttic [He/Him] + SkyIHigh [He/Him] - 1 Life Tarian_Shield [It/It's] + Echochamberr [He/It] - 1 Life Fizztic [He/Him] + SwiftSneaking [She/Her] - 2 Lives P3bbz [Any] + Zoimbiez [He/Him] - 1 Life
Quick thing to note, I forgot to add in P3bbz [Pebbz] and Zoimbiez [Danae] to past life counts because I really didn't interact with them till this session, so apologies for that hfdghj
Session started off decently slowly. Since this was the last session before Halloween, we had agreed to have a sort-of Halloween costume party this session at me and Max's base, so the entire early part of my session was spent setting up for that. Jonah came with me for most of it, but I mostly wanted to get pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns, candles, and cobwebs. My plan was to just get them from other people since I remembered Tango and Till having bees, and Pebbz had a habit of making Snow Gollum's around the place so he almost certainly had some pumpkins.
However my plan was interrupted a bit when Till told me it lost his and Tango's bees, and Pebbz never got back to me about the pumpkins. So, I resorted to the next best option: Theft.
I wasn't really planning on stealing, but I mean walking into Sky's base and seeing a good amount of pumpkins and red candles in a chest sort of made the plan for me. Plus I literally don't think he noticed... so-
After that bit of material collecting, I just had the cobwebs left to get. However, I did not want to go into the abandoned mineshaft because last time I did, I died. So I procrastinated a bit by setting up the decorations I had around my base, as well as some changerooms and a photo booth, before getting Jonah, Vin, and Max to come with me to pester Stevie into getting them for us.
After getting naked to try and convince him, and a lot of pathetic-ness from Jonah and Vin [who were the only two reds at the time], I got bored and just decided to go down and grab them myself.
I kept myself to the parts of the mineshaft that were easily accessible, and didn't go more than two layers down. Still got out with 16 cobwebs which would make do for what I was doing. Max noticed I was down there right as I was coming up which I thought was funny.
The four of us all went back to the base, bringing Stevie along with us cause the Poppy Alliance [Me, Jonah, Keno, Stevie, and Ren, an alliance from the first season of CSMP that's still kinda a thing] had to have a quick meeting since we were all planning on matching costumes. I finished decorating, Keno showed up, we had our meeting, and then all went separate ways.
Now, we had all agreed to have the party after the break since it gave us a solid time for it, but I was finished setting up about half an hour before break started, so I had half an hour to kill. So naturally me and Jonah went to bother Sky, Till, and Tango. Because why not!
We went to their base, hung out for a little, just generally being annoying, until Sky combusted in front of our eyes. While we were there apparently Maven and Millie had gone to the nether to go wither skull hunting. They found one, but Maven died while there. His death was shortly followed by Millies death.
This put Maven and Sky on red and Millie and Log on yellow.
Sky was very not pleased about dying, and went to his base to get the gear he had saved for when he turned red. I went with him, which meant Jonah followed, and then Till and Tango both also followed shortly there after.
After a little bit of getting vaguely threatened by Sky, break started and we all made our way back to my place to be ready for the party. On the way we passed by Millie and Maven who had managed to get their stuff back successfully.
Break passed by and the party started. Not much of note happened at the party for the first bit, but I will say that me, Keno, Jonah, and Stevie dressed up as Boatem cause we thought it'd be funny. And by dressed up I mean we wore their skins.
Only thing of note to really happen at the party was Pebbz and Danae knocked themselves down to yellow by doing a really scuffed snowball duel from high up. They were trying to knock each other off but ended up just jumping off themselves when that took too long. We all took pictures together in our costumes, and then the party disbanded.
Shortly after the party disbanded, Sky and Maven went over to Stevie's house and killed them, knocking them and Meg down to red. The two of them and Jonah were going to do more killing, but Jonah had to leave early so that didn't end up happening.
What happened instead was Maven pulling me and Max off to the side and asking if we wanted to let him kill us since it was late in the season and I was bloodthirsty enough as it was [<- his ass killed someone on yellow]. We both agreed, and Maven killed us both, putting us down to red.
Shortly after going red, I went to go kill Tango and Tillman because I could. Maven tagged along with me, and we easily snuck up to their house and knocked them down a life, putting them also on red.
Shortly after this, I got a message from Max saying to meet him at Pebbz and Danae's, since he was hunting them down for supposedly stealing his fox Berry Muncher 3000. Maven and I made our way over there, and not long after our arrival, Max found them in their mines and killed them, being the final kill of the session and sending them to red as well.
Session ended right away after that.
As I said, a pretty eventful session, and I'm willing to bet that next session's the final one of the season. If not the last, then second last one. The end is in sight!
Full recordings of the sessions are posted on my youtube [ThatCoyGamer], including this one which'll be up soon!
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naturesvice · 2 years
# NATURESVICE, an independent, private and selective multimuse roleplaying blog containing muses from his dark materials, hannibal, ted lasso, the flanaverse, etc. written with love by rubi. twenty one. she / her. gmt. est 2022.
current priority muses: bedelia du maurier, verna, alice morgan, dana scully, asriel belacqua, lyra silvertongue.
❥ carrd. memes. tracker. ©. aes sideblog. | tracking #naturesvice. ( previous urls / archived tags - drstcrture, devouredsilence, loverotted. )
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n0ya34 · 1 year
Ogolnie to chcialam sie z wami podzielic jednym z moich sposobow jak nie zjesc czegosc nawet jesli ma sie na ta rzecz bardzo ochote. Nie musi to na wszystkich dzialac ae na mnie dziala przede wszystkim dlatego ze jak bylam mala to zawsze bardzo zle reagowalam jesli cos zniszczylam zepsulam itd
A wiec jesli chcecie cos zjesc to pomyslcie ze wasi rodzice bardzo ciezko pracowali zeby to kupic a wy teraz to wezmiecie i zniszczycie/pochloniecie w to kilka sekund a moze ktos inny chcialby to zjesc a moze rodzice kupili to zeby zjesc to sobie pozniej bo obiecali sobie ze po wyplacie kupia sobie to do jedzenia i zjedza cale
Wiem ze to jest troche glupie ale na mnie zawsze dziala nawet jesli mam napad na dana rzecz bo automatycznie mnie to porusza i mam poczucid ze jesli to zjem to zniszcze cos co nalezy do osoby ktora kocham
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