#Adult marinette dupain cheng
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redtippedfox · 8 months ago
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I didn’t like her previous design so I redid it so it fit my adult Marinette design!
Also I finally learned how to make leather shiny….heheheheh Chat Noirs next
With that all of Marinette’s kwami swap designs are done! I’ll post her official updated sheet later which means Adrien is next!
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More adult them but it’s damp bc it’s damp 😔
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sillysiluriforme · 10 months ago
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in which plagg gives dog shit 13th century french nobility dating advice to an impressionable homeschooled 14-year-old boy
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 3 days ago
The fact that Marinette, Alya, and Adrien are all good people and are just children who are trying their best with the situation they are in
Is not, and should not, be a controversial statement
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9-long-years · 1 month ago
Miraculous if Marinette and Adrien never met each other is such a funny concept to me.
Like imagine you're chosen by magic jewelry to save the world alongside this other guy. And things were rocky at first and also he had a crush on you that you didn't reciprocate and that was kind of awkward, but now you've been fighting together for a year and you're close as can be. This is the person in your life that you trust the most and you consider your best friend.
And when you've finally defeated the villain you decided to reveal your secret identities to each other.
And he's fucking Harry Styles.
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thetardisisnotourdivision · 2 months ago
Ok we have another one to add to the list!!!!!!
So I've seen a lot of people arguing about the whole "but Marinette made the decision for him!" thing in Werepapas, and honestly I think it's another Lady Macbeth/Baby It's Cold Outside scenario.
So the argument here, if you don't know it, is whether Lady Macbeth pressured Macbeth into killing the King, or whether she saw that it was what he wanted to do, and encouraged him because his conscience was getting in the way of something he clearly wanted to do. I can't be arsed to explain Baby It's Cold Outside but you get the gist.
So, the argument here is - Adrien still doesn't get to make his own decision. But did Marinette make the decision for him, or did she encourage him towards the decision he was always going to make? To me, the part where Adrien said he didn't know what he wanted was VERY in character. It read very much as him not wanting to offend anyone or cause another fight (like the one they literally JUST went through). But, really, was he ever going to make a different decision? He was choosing between Nathalie, who from the flashbacks and *gestures* the Rest Of The Series clearly cares about him, he knows her well, she loves him. Or a couple of strangers he just met that day. Adrien clearly, throughout the episode, expresses that he wants to stay in Paris, with Nathalie, and he is repeatedly ignored. To me, this moment is not Marinette making the decision for him - it's her standing up for him and saying to him that he can speak his mind. Remember, Adrien's spent his whole life under his father's thumb. He never could say what he wanted for fear of retaliation.
There IS a theme of other people making decisions for Adrien, obviously with the grandparents, but also with Nathalie herself. I will defend her until the ends of the Earth, but she did decide on her own that Adrien would be better off with biological family - granted, there's CLEARLY something influencing this feeling, plus the grandparents talking about how she's not family and has no right to look after Adrien, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some kind of backstory there - but once again, even though she thinks it's for the best, and the best thing for Adrien even if it hurts her (which it clearly does), she's still making a decision for Adrien. She's blinded by the fact that she's obviously at some point been told that she's not his family and never will be (the guilt from being Mayura and aiding and abetting his father is probably coming into play too) and so she makes a decision that ultimately, Adrien should have had a say in. And Marinette, like she did in the Special, puts her foot down and says, actually, you are his family, or the closest thing left, so listen to him when he says you are. I also found it very funny when Marinette literally tells Nathalie "you're an adult", and follows it up with basically "so do something about this". But you get my gist - ALL of the characters are making decisions for Adrien, and Marinette SEES this, and encourages Adrien to make the decision HE wants, and not the one that will please his grandparents.
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papyrusgayfont · 6 months ago
ok after watching the London special there was something Marinette said that reminded me of something Gabriel had said In Pretension and…
these scenes are parallels right…like, everything about them controlling what they want the world to think, Marinette being under the spell of the world Gabriel created V.S everyone else being under the spell of the world Marinette created with her lies……I don’t think this is just a coincidence…
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ninadove · 1 year ago
Hello there.
[Slides elegantly into the tags]
Do you ever think about Emotion?
Of course you do. How could you not. But do you ever think about this exchange specifically:
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“You’re not Adrien!”
Because Adrien is sweet, and forgiving, and kind. In fact, kindness is his defining quality — Marinette herself made sure of it:
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“I’ll never tell another boy I love him before I know everything about him! Whether he’s kind or not, thoughtful, what he does outside of school and with who… I’ll know everything.”
Do you ever think about Adrien’s development in S4 and especially S5?
Overtime, he has grown resentful of a system that exploits him relentlessly.
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Of the people he gave countless chances to, only to be let down over and over again.
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Of the web of lies and half-truths he constantly finds himself tangled into. A web that is only growing bigger, stickier, and trickier to escape.
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And the Senticousins. Do you ever think about them?
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Do you ever think about how they are each other’s reflection, identical and opposites all at once?
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“When you bring a living being into this world, you have a responsibility towards them. Your duty is to protect them, love them, help them discover the true meaning of their existence. To deprive them of that… is monstruous.”
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“To have a child is to help them blossom, to grow, to find themselves and to be free!”
Do you ever think about their opposite character arcs in S5 — one learning mercy and trust, the other developing a rage so strong it could destroy the world?
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Do you ever think that if Felix can now have this exchange with his mum, and mean it:
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“They’re all monsters!”
“Not all of them.”
Then there’s nothing stopping Adrien from saying this:
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“Look closer, Marinette. They’re the monsters.”
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redtippedfox · 7 months ago
Aaaaaaahhhh! Oh my gosh she’s so adorable! I love it so much! Thank you!!!!!
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A chibi fanart for @redtippedfox of their Adult! Ladybug from their fanfic “Timey Wimey.. Uh Oh after seeing the official character sheet from like months ago
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redtippedfox · 7 months ago
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If Bleu Celine had a more modern look.
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adastra-rising · 2 months ago
Which miraculous ladybug character would work a minimum wage daycare job with screaming toddlers (asking for a friend)
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fabseg-creator · 2 months ago
Miraculous fanart: Future Marilix ["Good" and Tragic versions]
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I've made these two Marilix moments, @soundvenom .
So, I've tried the Yandere Bunnyx thing.
They both happen in the Future period.
First: Adult Bunnyx holds Adult Ladybug as her prisoner and she flirts with her in the Burrow.
the Rabbit woman licks her crush at the cheek).
Second (tw: blood): The two superheroines had fought each other in the Burrow. And they are both mortally wounded.
The script: Adult Bunnyx wants to alterate the timeline by make her past self and past Marinette in love each other. So, they can live their romance together. But Adult Ladybug objects against it because this insane plan of modifying the history is dangerous for the two of them and the rest of the universe (and the results cannot be obtained like Bunnyx can imagine).
Alix was in love with the bluenette since their teenage time (before becoming Bunnyx). But her time as Bunnyx, the threats of Miraculous supervillain holders, her time travels and her duty as a Time Guardian let the lovesick Rabbit unable to get any time for confess her feelings to Ladybug. She becomes frustrated, nervous, insecure. So, she invited Ladybug in the Burrow for making her hers.
Bad ending (tw: character death):
Bunnyx didn't have expected the result of their duel. They are both impaled in the umbrella. While they are dying together (causing to them their slow detransformation), Bunnyx says to Ladybug she is sorry for her time change attempt and confesses she loves her for the final time while the latter forgives her. The two women hug together before passing away.
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 3 months ago
Anyone who thinks that a flawed 14-year-old is the true villain of a show, while the conniving adult who manipulated said 14-year-old into making difficult decisions, is complex and well-meaning--
--is wrong
Hope this helps!
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doodling-dog · 6 months ago
Now Miraculous fans, here me out:
Kwamis, but they’re eldritch horrors.
I mean some real terrifying shit — biblically accurate angels, wendigo, some uncanny valley, or that unnerving stuff you get when you search up dream core on pinterest. They’re ancient gods, basically. Make them horrifying, or at the very least regally monstrous.
Or make them divine and revered, maybe they’d have more then one form: a pocket sized Kwami form, as per canon; a godly ‘true’ form, something similar to the Plagg and Tikki true forms in the s5 finale; an animalistic form, based upon whatever creature they guard; and their horror form, born out of true rage or malice or even fear.
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beerose12 · 7 months ago
Léonce Agreste!!
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finally posting my miraculous oc!!
Léonce(23) is Adrien's older cousin on his fathers side. They were pretty close when they were younger, both being only children and finding a sibling in each other, but didn't see each other regularly for years as they got older. They spent some time together when Léo had student internship at Gabriel™️ but that was years ago. Now Léos moving back to Paris after finishing university and is excited to get closer with their family again!! Well... get closer with Adrien and drive dear Uncle Gabe up the walls.
Léo owns a small but successful clothing shop near Adrien's school and works parttime in a costume shop for a local theater.
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kaileedraws · 9 months ago
Friends and fellow miraculers! I need help!
For the miraculous AU I’m creating, what kind of things did you think the original series were lacking in/could’ve elaborated on? Comment below!! I’ll list some themes/struggles to overcome I was thinking about below. I’d appreciate the feedback!!
Also, when I post stuff I’ll make sure to include trigger warnings :)
Marinette’s struggles/flaws - severe social anxiety, panic attacks, depression, self-sabotaging tendencies, anxious attachment style that leads to stalking from past social trauma, girl bullying
Ladybug’s struggles/flaws - PTSD, trust issues, celebrity struggles (sexualisation, privacy invasion, slander, etc.), headstrong/defensive
Adrien’s struggles/flaws - Chronic people pleaser that puts others before himself and causes people to get hurt inadvertently, easily peer pressured (into situations, drugs, etc), ADHD, wants nothing more than to please his dad, no social intelligence, skewed perspectives of relationships, depression, celebrity struggles (sexualisation, privacy invasion, paparazzi/stalkers), model struggles (sexualisation, assault, coercion, drugs, anorexia, dehydration), neglect, loss
Chat Noir’s struggles/flaws - Rejection, PTSD, spontaneous/impulsive, fueled by emotion
Chloe’s struggles/flaws - Narcissism, parental abuse, drug abuse/addiction, master manipulator/girl bully, party girl, lowkey an abuser to Adrien
Alya’s struggles/flaws - Adrenaline junkie (rushes into danger headfirst), stubborn/difficulty accepting when she’s wrong, headstrong, passionate
Nino’s struggles/flaws - party animal, doesn’t want to grow up
Kagami’s struggles/flaws - no social skills/ doesn’t know how to express herself, walls to protect her emotions, parental abuse, narcissism, celebrity struggles (manipulation, sexualisation, coercion, privacy invasion), perfectionist
Luka’s struggles/flaws - free spirit and hard to ground in reality, abandonment issues, drug use to cope with severe social anxiety,
Felix’s struggles/flaws - revenge-fueled, drug abuse/addiction, manipulator, rebellious/chaotic
Gabriel Agreste’s flaws - Obsessive (in winning), fueled by grief, thinks he has nothing left to lose (he forgets his son), cold, will not accept loss (ie his dead wifey)
— overall themes —
Gore, loss, mass casualties/destruction, the dark side of being famous, the dark side of modeling, intense pressure of being a soldier/hero/protector, mental illness, drugs, complicated relationships, sexual assault/harassment, death, bullying/psychological harassment, and so much more~!
— other ideas —
- Marinette is a Fashion Intern by Gabriel Agreste Brand after she wins a contest
- Marinette meets Adrien via her internship and also has to deal with Chloe - her ex best friend - there (her mother works with Gabriel)
- Alya takes writing as a “track” in high school and also participates in a reporter internship. She runs her own blog and constantly puts herself in danger for it
- Marinette is studying fashion/graphic design and Adrien is taking the general track in high school - though I can kind of see Adrien becoming a nurse or in a profession where he helps others
- Adrien and Chloe go through a situationship triggered after his mother dies, and she takes advantage of his emotions. He just wants her to be happy and doesn’t care that he is at the expense of that at first (people pleaser tendency). Adrien is forced into other relationships at points - like with Kagami and Lila - because it’s what his father wants.
- The kids from the original collége (middle school) class will appear in an Art club they all participate in. It takes place in the final year of Lycée (high school) and classes are set up similar to American University/College, with different “tracks” to take, which leads to taking the “Bac.” (According to my research at least ;-;)
- Lila will appear as both an ally of Hawkmoth (with a kwami OC) and as marinette’s main foe as herself (teamed up with Chloe and Sabrina) - but worse than the series because Lila wins at first
- Adrien experiences the dark side of being a celebrity and male model - being taken advantage of, pressured into substances, sexualized, and exploited. He doesn’t know how to say no at first
- Marinette faces the dark adult world of fashion as she too is criticized, sees the corruption of it, and is forced into situations she has to get out of.
- Adrien doesn’t know what a real relationship is supposed to feel like and sexual acts become tainted for him — Marinette helps him see the innocent, nontoxic side of being in a relationship
- Major redesign of the miraculous and the capabilities of their powers - and consequences.
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