#Adrien bashing
mlwritingprompts · 6 months
Submitted prompt:
Strikeback AU, Adrien/Cat Noir bashing/salt, Felix/Flairmidable, Adrien OOC, Felix doesn't win here and neither does Adrien, warning: poisoning.
Cat Noir watched as Ladybug and Flairmidable were talking together. He was perplexed about the new Dog hero, as she just lent the same Miraculous to a girl just a couple of days ago. He didn't think Miss Hound was a memorable addition to the team but he also couldn't remember her double crossing Ladybug in any way to justify getting her replaced from the team so suddenly. Especially by this random dude, who seemed to try his luck with his lady.
He then noticed how flustered Ladybug was getting around this new hero. "So it's him !" Cat Noir murmured under his breath. "I knew she'd recruit the guy she's in love with in her team eventually, I bet she was just waiting for this moment to finally get rid of him completely by having her crush fight alongside him. Too bad that I came prepared for this day!" He finally took out a croissant, which he Cataclysmed with his finger. However the croissant didn't disintegrate or even change composition at all. "Plagg told me that you can use Cataclysm to destroy the composition of an object but not the object itself so you can trick your opponents into thinking the object it's still intact. This method works on food as well and it makes what looks a completely delicious croissant become literally poison."
"Now it's time to get my payback" - murmured Cat Noir again. He went to Ladybug and Flairmidable and of course Ladybug tried to excitedly introduce him to the new hero, but he was having none of it. "I can't wait to wipe that smirk off your face".
He started eating a croissant in front of both of them and Ladybug scolded him about this not being the right time for it, but Cat Noir argued that he was too hungry to wait any longer. Flairmidable's stomach suddenly started growling much to his annoyance and Cat Noir's satisfaction "And it looks like I'm not the only one who is".
"Of course that loser had to start chewing that damn thing just as I'm quite literally starving over here". The moment Felix saw Adrien was due to leave Paris today he skipped all of his meals so he could come over to Paris to swap places with Adrien before he would leave. He had no other choice, this was his once in a lifetime opportunity to rob his uncle of the jewelery that was holding his life and he already got sidetracked by the fake Miraculous, but at least Ladybug unknowingly gave him the opportunity to outsmart his uncle once and for all. He was willing to deal with all of these annoying people and his body's needs in order to achieve his goal. He wasn't gonna let a hungry stomach get in the way of his mission !
"Hey, dude!", Cat Noir suddenly startled him from his thoughts. "It looks like I'm not the only who needs a bite. Lucky for you I've got a second croissant and I'm willing to give it to you."
Flairmidable: Sorry to tell you, but I don't need anything from you. If you can't see, we've got a villain to deal with, we don't have time to lose to eat sweet croissants ! Flairmidable's stomach started growling again after he said that "Crap!".
Cat Noir: Your stomach is clearly disagreeing with you about that, my cat ears don't lie. And look, we need all the energy possible to defeat this villain and Ladybug's gonna take her sweet time to gather everyone around for her final plan, so you have time enough time to devour this sweet croissant before we get into position.
Flairmidable: Ughh, fine, but I'm only doing this to shut you up.
Cat Noir: And your stomach as well I bet. Cat Noir winked.
Flairmidable started quickly eating the croissant. He didn't want to admit it, but it was delicious.
Cat Noir: I can tell you from what bakery you can find more such delicious croissants if you're a fan.
Flairmidable: Let's stop wasting time and concentrate on the villain at hand. "After all, he was after a much bigger prize later on."
Ladybug gathered and gave everyone from the team her multipled Lucky Charm sunnyglasses so they could go in and defeat Strikeback. As Flairmidable was about to take his pair, his stomach suddenly started growling intensely, making him drop his glasses and clutch his abdomen in pain. Everyone started being worried about Flairmidable instantly except for Cat Noir.
Ladybug: Are you alright Flairmidable ? What happened to you ?
Cat Noir: I think he's still hungry for some more of my delicious croissants. Said Cat Noir smirking.
Flairmidable's face turned green after hearing Cat Noir say that.
Flairmidable: Croissants ... (another intense stomach growling) let me go, LET ME GO !
He suddenly run over to the edge of the rooftop so he could start puking on the streets. And his puking was uncontrollable.
Ladybug: Oh My God Adrien ! Please detransform urgently, I think your Miraculous may have gotten broken and it's affecting your body !
Cat Noir murmured "Adrien ?!? I mean me ? How could that be possible ? Unless ... Oh no !"
Flairmidable detransformed and Cat Noir saw Felix in his earlier disguise of him. He stopped puking, but his face was still green and his stomach was still growling horribly while he was clutching it.
Felix: Help ... me ...
Cat Noir: Felix ?!? How are you here ?!? Why ?!
Ladybug: Wait, Felix ?!? Ladybug suddenly looked at the ill looking "Adrien".
Felix: You ... How could you ... ugh ... you couldn't ... couldn't have known it was me unless you ... you're Adrien !
Everyone suddenly gasped and Ladybug looked at Cat Noir with horror.
Ladybug: Cat Noir, is it true what he's saying ? You're really -
Cat Noir: Look M'Lady, I can explain !
Felix: You did it purposefully, suddenly shouted a green paled Felix. That croissant, you did this to me ! I will destroy you !
Felix got up and tried to charge up towards Cat Noir, but he was stopped in his tracks by more horrible growls coming from his infected stomach.
Felix: Oh no, not that again - suddenly he was back throwing up and this time he was doing it on the rooftop in front of everyone.
Ladybug: Someone needs to take him to receive medical help RIGHT NOW ! Carapace, take him to the nearest hospital that isn't in the radius of the sentimonsters.
Carapace took the almost unconcious Felix and started jumping towards the nearest undestroyed hospital "Please don't throw up on me dude".
Cat Noir: M'Lady look - but Ladybug stopped him in his tracks while she was examining by the Dog Miraculous.
Ladybug: You know Cat Noir, or should I say Adrien, Master Fu warned me that a Miraculous holder can only get sick while trasnformed if their Miraculous is damaged or their body got altered by another Miraculous' power. And the Dog Miraculous looks to be completely intact. So was what Flairmidable said true, did you really do something to him ?
Cat Noir: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -
Ladybug: What did you ?!?
Cat Noir: I cataclysmed the composition of a croissant and then gave it him.
Ladybug: Why the hell you did that ? You could've killed him !
Cat Noir: I didn't want to kill him, just to make him a bit sick and make him unable to complete this mission, I didn't thought he'd get sick that badly !
Ladybug: But why ? Why would you poison your own cousin ?
Cat Noir: I didn't know he was MY cousin, I would've have done it if I knew. And truth be told, I didn't want to lose you !
Ladybug: What ?
Cat Noir: I thought this was the guy you were in love with with the way you were acting around him and I honestly couldn't stand the thought of you two working together, you replacing me with him, I needed to do something, I couldn't lose you, you know I'm still in love with you.
Ladybug looked at him in horror for a couple of moments afterwards, but finally resigned.
Ladybug: I should've done this earlier. She subtly gave a signal to someone behind her back.
Cat Noir: Do wh- Suddenly Cat Noir was paralyzed from behind his back by Vesperia. Ladybug took the Miraculous from him unceremounisly and he detransformed back to Adrien.
Ladybug: I'm sorry Adrien, but you've just proven yourself unworthy of the Miraculous.
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wordsofrowan · 7 months
The Shadow Court
Chapter 17: As the Shadow Darkens
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Adrien paced back and forth in his lavishly decorated room, his fists clenched in frustration as he glared at the screen of his phone. The image on Marinette's Instagram sent a surge of anger through him, his blood simmering with jealousy and betrayal. How dare she declare herself part of a polycule with Jay, Chloe, and Felix? In his mind, Marinette belonged to him and him alone. The audacity of her to date others ignited a fire within him.
"Who does she think she is?" Adrien muttered to himself, his voice laced with venomous anger. The idea that Marinette could be with anyone other than him was unfathomable. He believed he was the only one worthy of her affection, the only one who truly understood her. As he plotted a way to reclaim her, he believed he held the power to set things right. All he needed was to separate Marinette from Jay, and then everything would fall back into place. In his twisted perception, Jay was a threat to his beloved princess, poisoning her mind and leading her astray. Adrien was convinced that once Marinette was away from Jay's influence, she would return to the girl he believed she should be.
As he plotted his next move to confront Marinette, his phone buzzed, interrupting his thoughts. A notification from the Ladyblog flashed on the screen, catching his attention. The thumbnail displayed three mysterious streaks of color soaring through the Parisian sky, accompanied by the headline "New Heroes in the Midst."
Adrien's brows furrowed in confusion and irritation. Silver and yellow were not colors he associated with any known heroes. The realization that Ladybug might be preoccupied with these new heroes instead of him only fueled his mounting frustration. If these newcomers were the reason Ladybug had been avoiding him, he vowed to uncover their identities and put an end to their interference.
His mind racing with thoughts of Marinette and Ladybug, Adrien's determination solidified. He couldn't allow anyone to come between him and the two women who held his heart. With a steely resolve, he made a silent vow to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his, no matter the cost.
"Plagg," Adrien called out, his voice echoing in the dimly lit room as he watched the small kwami emerge from the confines of his cage. The air was thick with tension, the weight of unspoken threats hanging heavily between them.
"You're aware of Ladybug's true identity, aren't you?" Adrien inquired, his eyes fixed on the creature before him.
"Yes, that is correct," Plagg replied his voice a soft whisper that seemed to carry the burden of Adrien’s recent anger.
"Tell me," Adrien demanded, his eyes filled with a fierce intensity that displayed his clear obsession. The need for answers burned within him, a relentless flame that threatened to consume everything in its path.
A pained expression crossed Plagg's face. "You know I cannot reveal that information, Adrien. It goes against the very core of our existence."
Frustration boiling over, Adrien's facade of composure shattered. With a sudden outburst, he struck the wall beside Plagg, the impact reverberating through the room. "Tell me how I can uncover it then!" he yelled, his voice laced with anger and anguish.
"I... I can't do that!" Plagg's voice wavered, a note of fear creeping into his tone.
Adrien's patience wore thin, his emotions raw and unfiltered. "I don't want to hear your excuses!" Adrien's retort was sharp, filled with bitterness that cut through the air like a blade. His frustration boiled over, mingling with a sense of betrayal that threatened to consume him whole.
"God, you're just as useless as everyone else in my life!" Adrien's words were a bitter revelation, a stark reminder of the isolation and loneliness that had plagued him for so long. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, as he clenched his fist against the wall before turning away from the small god-like creature.
Adrien continued to let his annoyance rise as he went through the motions of getting dressed for school, the weight of his anger lingering in the air. With each article of c loathing he donned, a sense of irritation settled within him as his mind kept circling on Marinette and Ladybug. 
Upon arriving at school, the atmosphere cracked with excitement and speculation as the students whispered about the new heroes spotted in the city. Adrien’s sour mood deepened as he absorbed the buzz swirling around him, how dare they be excited about new heroes? Traitors each and every one of them he thought bitterly. 
Adrien walked into class, quickly noting that Nino was sitting with Alya today, he went and sat in the row behind them, huffing as he did so. Nino, ever perceptive, noticed Adrien's subdued demeanor and wasted no time in addressing it. "Hey, man, you alright? You're looking pretty ticked off," he remarked, prompting Alya to pivot in her seat to join the conversation.
Alya's voice carried a hint of annoyance as she chimed in, her words laden with disapproval. "I bet he's fuming for the same reason as me. What on earth does Ladybug think she's playing at, replacing Chat Noir and Reyna?"
Adrien's brows furrowed in confusion at the mention of Reyna being replaced, a revelation that caught him off guard. "She replaced Reyna?" he questioned, a mix of surprise and disbelief coloring his tone.
Alya shook her head, her expression a mix of frustration and uncertainty. "It's not official or anything, but I have a feeling that the Silver streak alongside Ladybug is a new fox hero. And honestly, I'm not a fan of it. She had a solid team with Chat Noir, Reyna, and Carapace. Why shake things up now?"
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Discussing the heroes, are we?" Lila's voice dripped with faux sweetness, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she inserted herself into the conversation, sitting next to Adrien.
Adrien's patience had already worn thin and his tone was sharper than he intended as he addressed Lila. "What do you want, Lila?" His words carried a hint of frustration, a reflection of her presence always seemed to bring unease. Adrien glared at Nino, silently annoyed that the boy had chosen to sit with his girlfriend today instead of beside him.
Lila's smile widened a calculated move to mask her true intentions. "I overheard your little chat about Ladybug. It's such a shame to see her ego getting the best of her, isn't it?" Her words were laced with a subtle hint of disdain, a veiled attempt to sow discord among the group.
Alya raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "You mean you didn’t know about this?" she inquired, her tone tinged with skepticism.
Lila's facade cracked, revealing a vulnerability that caught everyone off guard. "No, I had no idea. Ladybug's been pulling away from me, and I can't shake the feeling that those new heroes are somehow involved," she confessed, tears glistening in her eyes.
Adrien's expression softened slightly, the animosity he felt towards Lila momentarily replaced by a flicker of empathy. "Hey, it's gonna be okay, Lila. Maybe there's a misunderstanding. Ladybug's probably just caught up with hero stuff," he offered, attempting to soothe the tension that hung in the air.
Lila's gaze met Adrien's, a mix of relief and uncertainty in her eyes. "You really think so?" she whispered, her voice tinged with hope.
“I plan to fix this,” Adrien said with a threatening tone, that threw Lila, Alya, and Nino off. Adrien stood at the back of the classroom, his gaze fixed on Marinette as she entered the room. His heart clenched at the sight of her hand intertwined with Chloe's, and Felix's possessive gesture over her shoulder sent a surge of jealousy coursing through him. The air in the room seemed to thicken with unspoken tension, each glance and touch laden with hidden meanings and tangled emotions.
Alya's disapproving murmur broke the silence, "Ugh, what a slut," she muttered under her breath, her head shaking in disdain.
Adrien's jaw clenched, a surge of possessiveness bubbling within him at the sight of Marinette with Felix and Chloe. "It's all that damn Jay's fault. He's poisoned her mind and taken her away from me," he seethed, his fists balling in silent anger.
"She should've been mine," Adrien's admission hung heavy in the air, a confession of unrequited love and missed opportunities. The bitterness in his voice was matched only by the intensity of his gaze, fixed unwaveringly on Marinette and the company she now kept.
Nino's eyes widened in surprise as he turned to face Adrien, "Woah, you like Marinette, dude?" he asked, a mix of shock and curiosity in his voice.
Adrien's gaze remained fixed on Marinette, his expression a mix of longing and frustration. "At first, I was in love with someone else," he confessed, his voice tinged with regret, "but then I realized who I thought the real Marinette was. Now she's become tainted, and I just wish I could take her away from him and bring her back to how she was before, before they poisoned her mind.." His eyes burned with a fierce intensity as he glared at Felix and Chloe, who continued to display their possessiveness over Marinette.
"What if you just moved on, Adrien?" Lila's voice, though soft, carried a seductive undertone, her fingers tracing a tantalizing path over his skin. The intimate gesture was calculated, a display of her desire to claim him for herself.
Her words, laced with a subtle hint of possessiveness, echoed in the air, a siren's call tempting Adrien to consider a different path. "Surely you could find someone else to love," she purred, her gaze locking onto his with an intensity that bordered on obsession.
Adrien's expression hardened as he gently but firmly removed Lila's hand from his arm, his voice resolute. "Lila, I appreciate your concern, but Marinette is mine, and there is to be no questions or double about that," he stated firmly, his gaze unwavering. "I will get her back and I will get her to how she was before."
Lila's facade faltered for a moment, a flicker of disappointment crossing her features before she quickly masked it with a forced smile. "I was just trying to help, Adrien. You know I care about you," she replied, her voice tinged with false sweetness.
A sudden realization dawned on Adrien, a calculated plan forming in his mind as he recalled Marinette's unmistakable jealousy towards Lila. Perhaps, he mused, by showing a closeness to Lila, he could ignite a spark of emotion in Marinette, proving that she still held some care for him.
Adrien's arm casually found its way around Lila's shoulder, his touch eliciting a faint blush on the girl's cheeks. "You know, Lila, you're actually a really good friend," he murmured, leaning in close to her ear. The proximity between them crackled with a tension that was not lost on either of them.
As Adrien glanced back, a twisted sense of satisfaction blossomed within him at the sight of a flicker of disgust crossing Marinette's features. The realization that his actions had stirred something within her fueled a dangerous thrill in him, a game of emotions and manipulation unfolding before his eyes.
 Lila, oblivious to Adrien's inner turmoil, leaned slightly into his touch, her eyes alight with a newfound sense of hope. The blush on her cheeks deepened, a physical manifestation of the emotions swirling within her at Adrien's unexpected display of affection.
"You're too kind, Adrien," Lila replied, her voice tinged with a hint of longing that went unnoticed by the boy beside her. The tension between them crackled with unspoken desires and hidden agendas, a dangerous dance of emotions unfolding under the watchful eyes of their peers.
The bell finally rang and Ms. Bustier walked into the room, however, Adrien never dropped his arm from Lila’s shoulder. In fact, he would occasionally whisper in her ear, and each time he did he watched the same disgusted expression cross over Marinette's face. 
This solidified it for Adrien, Marinette still wanted him, and there was no other explanation for why she would be disgusted when he touched Lila. He let a sinister smirk linger on his face. He had an in, now he would just have to play it up until eventually Marinette exploded, and know his princess and how volatile her emotions were it wouldn’t be too long before she did explode and he would gladly take her back once she admitted to everything.
XoXO Rowan
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aliensunflower-fics · 2 years
CHANGING FACES Chapter 4: Breaking The News
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After years of dealing with each other Lila Rossi win’s when she  convinces Hawkmoth that Marinette is Ladybug. In order to throw off  suspicion and keep the Miracle Box safe Marinette and her supportive parents leave Paris and head to Gotham of all places. In this new place  away from her friends and her unhealthy routines Marinette is forced to  confront herself and change for the better. Helping her on her journey  is a surprising new friend and potential ally. When Alya missing her  friend learns about the chance to win a free trip to Gotham she  convinces the class to work hard to qualify. When her new life clashes  with her old one will Marinette be able to hold on strong to her new  confidence or will she crumble under the pressure?
( This fic will be for the most part comedic, fluffy, and sweet, with only a bit of seriousness to tie it together. With only the mildest salt  because I don’t think the class or Adrien are bad people just that they  can be naive and selfish thanks to the canon writing. I hope you enjoy  reading this work and have fun with me on this journey. )
Breaking The News
Marinette had not felt so hopeful in years. Glancing up from her phone and cheap hotel breakfast she watched Tikki rub her tired eyes as she perched on the burnt and blackened metal sewing machine that acted as the hiding place for the miracle box, Tikki noticed her watching and shot her a warm smile that set the teen at ease and she returned to her phone call with her dearest  ‘Gotham Family’ as they planned out her new room together.
 Marinette had not spoken of them often in public but Tikki knew of them from the phone calls Marinette had throughout the years. Alfred was Marinette’s godfather and honorary grandpa; he was a close friend of her grandparents and had a secretive past. He was kind and wise with a knack for reading people. He had practically helped raise Tom and the family had remained close regardless of the long distance. And when Marinette was born he had been there just the same, and through the years he had come for visits and phoned often enough that Marinette called him family.
 Alfred had many honorary grandchildren having never settled down himself but he loved them just the same. Out of his ‘brood’ however Marinette only knew 2 of them from when Alfred was still able to visit regularly. They were her ‘big brothers’ Dick and Jason. Alfred had taken them to Paris several times when Marinette was younger, they had held her when she was a baby, played tea party and dress up when she was a little girl. The visits had stopped when Jason got kidnapped and was presumed dead but Dick and Alfred still stayed in touch through emails and frequent calls. And when Jason was finally found and his memories recovered he also started phoning again too. 
 Marinette loved her Gotham family (even if she was a little annoyed they never told her about her parents' time living there or her being born there) and she often talked about meeting the rest of Alfred’s grandkids and his ‘kid’ Bruce but the 3 of them always had an excuse. 
 Jason would often talk about his old man being horrible and Marinette worried that maybe this ‘Bruce’ wasn't as nice as Alfred said he was. When she asked however Jason denied it stating that it was more a disagreement of principles and that they were working on it in therapy. She knew it was a sore subject and dropped it instead choosing to chat about their other points of interest. They'd binge watch bad tv dramas together through video call and Jason would send book recommendations. On bad days where his past trauma resurfaced he'd send Marinette clown emojis to signify it was a ‘clown day’ and she’d send him pictures of ugly clothing being sold and they’d text back and forth tearing the cheap designs apart. 
 Dick would counter her questions by whining that Marinette wanted to replace them and that he and Jason didn't want to share her. He’d pout and tease and joke and soon Marinette would forget about meeting the rest of the family until their next phone call. Eventually Dick DID cave to Marinette’s puppy eyes and introduced her to his girlfriend who eventually became fiancee then wife (who Marinette happily designed a dress for when asked) and now Marinette got regular calls with Dick his wife and their adorable little daughter Ma’ri. She loved being called “Aunty bug” even if the nickname had originally given her a heart attack (Tikki had said it was her fault for making Ma’ri a giant plush Ladybug) and she grinned when Dick told her how her gifts always won over all the rest of the families' pricey presents. 
 Alfred should have been the reasonable one of the bunch and Marinette often tried to ask when she’d meet the rest of his family only for him to skillfully dodge the subject and distract her before she could properly ask. After the hundredth time of him dodging she finally managed to ask and Alfred had sighed before finally telling her honestly that after Jason’s kidnapping things had only gotten more complicated with the family dynamic and many new additions had made things delicate. If he ever introduced Marinette to the rest of the family he hoped it would be under better terms and in person. That conversation had been when Marinette was 10 and 6 years later she made sure to never ask again trying to respect her Gotham family's privacy and emotional needs.
 But things were changing soon because in a month's time Marinette and her family would be American citizens. The old bakery her parents still owned in Gotham was getting a fresh coat of paint and some updates and repairs to make it Dupain-Cheng worthy. Gina had moved to Gotham temporarily to see to the renovations personally with Alfred. When Jason found out he volunteered to help fix up the ‘home’ portion with new paint and appliances though it was clear he was showing his favoritism when he jokingly texted the group chat a picture of paint options for the living room all various shades of pink. From Jason’s blatantly suspicious behavior, Dick and his family found out about the big move and they ALSO insisted on helping. 
 Which led to Marinette and her poor overworked cell phone handling many calls about furniture paint and more. It was chaotic and messy but somehow it was also fun and relaxing and the pictures she got of a paint war aftermath with both Dick and Jason coated in pink paint with a victorious and spotless Ma’ri and Kori grinning in the background made Marinette all the more certain of her decision to leave Paris. 
 Her parents were glowing as they planned their new larger and better bakery. Sure Marinette’s mom occasionally broke into hate filled violent rants about the exact gruesome ways she planned on ‘punishing’ Hawkmoth (because death was apparently to merciful an end) and her dad still sighed at old pictures of there home but they were both ready to take on this new journey and regalled Marinette with tales of there life in Gotham and the friends they made.
 The kwami were also delighted by news of the move, talking about the safety hiding in a new place would provide and how their guardian was glowing with new energy and positivity. Kalki was preening at the news they would be getting out more often. But out of them all Wayzz had been a bit more cryptic saying that Gotham would welcome her as much as she welcomed it he then insisted they begin teaching her magic. Now THAT had been a surprise. Sure she was already training with Amazonians but actual magic?! 
 Marientte was skeptical at first, sure that training her in magic would only end in destruction and failure, her anxiety ridden mind sabotaging her before she even tried. But The kwami were buzzing about the idea and so Marinette gave it a try, surprised at how natural it felt to her once she started. She had not done anything big yet, just simple things like locating talking to the kwami with her mind instead of her voice and changing the appearance of some of the miraculous to look more modern and easier to hide. Well Marinette thought these things were pretty major but according to the kwami it was simple for a guardian of her caliber.
 But amidst all the phone calls, excitement, hotel living, magic training, Hawkmoth cursing and more Marinette had been pushing aside one rather ugly little task that she wanted to avoid for as long as she could.
 She had yet to tell her friends.
 With how busy she was it should have been easy to forget about it, but she hadn't if anything it was a thorn constantly pressing into her side. Every phone call about paint and furniture, every joke with her Gotham family and excited happy smile they shot her, every conversation or decision Marinettemade, she felt the sting. She was scared. She was terrified. She was guilty.
 There was of course the fear of losing her friends but more than losing them she feared DISAPPOINTING them. She feared their upset faces, their teary eyes, their pleading voices asking her if she really had to leave them, asking her to stay, asking her to be there everyday ladybug forever. 
 Marinette loved her friends, really she did. They were good, kind, honest people. But they always made her feel so GUILTY. So trapped by her own anxieties and their expectations that the word ‘no’ felt like a sin on her lips. They relied on her expected of her, they depended on her and each attempt to turn them down had them drowning her in guilt while Adrien looked at her with disappointment and Lila grinned and whispered words that only made the guilt worse. 
 Marinette loved her friends, but she knew a part of their friendship had become toxic.
 Worse, she knew that it wasn’t entirely Lila’s fault. Certainly the fox-like girl had not helped matters with how she wielded guilt like a weapon of war. She had perfected the art of whipping the class up getting them to ask her questions that tore into her tender heart.
 “But why can't you help Marinette?”
 “You know how much this means to me?”
 “You know how much I need help?”
 “Don't you care about us Marinette?”
 “Real friends would help.” 
 “Lila offered to help so why can't you?”
 Marinette had worn herself to the bone helping her friends. She was use to saying yes without a thought and when she inevitably crashed or needed help herself Lila was there again whispering words that made her friends doubt her. But her classmates and Lila were not the only one responsible, so was Marinette. She had never tried to talk to them, never tried to sit them down and tell them honestly about her own feelings, she let them use her and called it love and friendship because she was so scared that saying ‘no’ would mean losing them all. 
 With only a month left until she got on a plane and started a new chapter of her life, Marinette knew she owed it to her friends to tell them. Sure she would still see them regularly as Ladybug since Hawkmoth loved targeting her school and classmates but it would not be the same. She could not hang out with them as Ladybug. Tikki had even asked if she wanted to tell Alya about her being Ladybug but Marinette was not ready for that just yet. Especially not when Hawkmoth clearly had an interest in Marinette Dupain-Cheng. 
 As Marinette alarm rang she ended the call with Jason telling him in no uncertain terms that he was NOT to buy her the stupidly expensive pink laptop he found and that she would get herself a new one once she moved to Gotham with her own money. He gave a devious smile and Marinette groaned in frustration as she hung up the call and shoveled the last of her cheap hotel breakfast into her mouth and gathered her things to go to school. Her parents were already out that morning to get paperwork sorted and arranged for the big move. 
 Tikki zipped into Marinette’s bag and she left the hotel room locking it safely behind her before jogging down past the receptionist who she waved to eagerly and out of the hotel to catch the train to school. On her way to school Marinette’s mind raced as she thought of how to break the news to her friends. She knew Mme. Bustier would not keep quiet about it forever, it was frankly a miracle that the teacher had not exploded keeping the news to herself for so long. 
 Getting off at her stop and then walking to school Marinette saw several of her classmates arriving to school including Adrien who shot her a smile as he got out of his car. The sight of his dazzling smile made Marinette’s stomach flutter briefly before those butterflies got squashed by Lila exiting the car right after Adrien and latching herself to the blonde's arm with a happy giggle. 
 Marinette didn’t really like Adrien anymore. Sure she still thought he was the cutest guy ever and felt flustered by his bright green eyes. But the past few years had created a massive gap in their relationship and there were some things Marinette could not forgive him for even if the blonde himself was utterly oblivious. Shaking off her thoughts, Marinette focused on her mission and stole her heart for what lay ahead ignoring the feeling of eyes on her.
 As Marinette made her way to class she heard the chattering of her classmates and her heart rate increased. She felt like she was going to be sick and the only thing keeping her grounded was the feeling of Tikki’s warmth pressing into her side from the purse. Stepping into the classroom Marinette stopped at the front and waited for everyone to be there. This was common for her as she was the class president and as her classmates noticed her one by one they stopped talking to look at her expectant smiles plastered on their faces. 
 Was she going to be announcing a fundraiser to rebuild her family's bakery? Or maybe a fun new trip for the class to go on? What if it was news about the back to school fall bash? Or maybe Lila’s petition to save the polar bears had been approved by Damocles? As the whispers and hushes of excitement grew and the last of Marinette’s classmates scurried into the room and quickly took a seat Marinette took a shaky breath and focused on the back wall unable to look any of her friends in the eye.
 “Good morning guys.” Her mouth was dry and she tried desperately to swallow. “As I’m sure you're all aware, a week ago my family's bakery… Burned down. In an accident.” 
 A ripple of whispers went through the class and Marinette put on a fake smile to try and put her friends at ease as she licked her dry lips nervously.
 “My family has been living in a hotel and after a lot of thought we decided to move-” 
 A loud bunch of chattering cut Marinette off mid sentence as her classmates all chittered excitedly about the move. Would they get a bigger bakery? Would they further out into the city? Marinette cleared her throat, regaining her classmates' attention.
 “We decided to move… To America.”
 There was a brief few moments of silence before the whole room exploded into a cacophony of noise. Between the screaming and screeching of chairs and tables and people, Marinette could just barely make out questions of ‘why’ and ‘where’ and ‘she can't be serious?’. In the chaos before her Marinette could not help but notice the look of horror frozen on Adrien’s face. The utter shock and disbelief on Chloe’s as she yelled and argued with those around her arguing it was her fault. The betrayal and near tears of Alya. The confusion and disbelief of Nino. But most of all she could not help but notice the smirk on Lila’s lips and the way her eyes looked down on Marinette in that moment. It sent a shiver of cold up Marinette’s spine and she quickly looked away biting her lip as she filed the information away for later.
 For now Marinette knew she should try to regain control of the class and she tried several times calling for them to listen only for her voice to drown in the sea of confusion she’d helped make. As her desperation mounted so did her frustration until finally she pursed her lips and whistled LOUD. The high pitched sound cut through the confusion and her classmates clapped their mouths shut to cover their ears instead. After the last voice died Marinette took a deep breath and lifted her head ready to face her friends and all the guilt they could throw her way.
 Rose struck first teary eyed and wailing. “T-This isn't a funny joke Marinette!”
 Ouch a tough one right off the bat. Swallowing her guilt and stealing her heart, Marinette faced Rose honestly and openly as her friend. 
 “It's not a joke, Rose. It was a hard choice to make but it's what my family decided was best for us.” 
 “But why?” Marinette’s heart clenched as she turned to face Alya the girl was looking at her like Marinette had just torn her heart out and stepped on it. 
 Marinette bit back her tears and took deep calming breaths reminding herself to be strong as she answered her best friend. 
 “My parents… They wanted to move to America even before Hawkmoth arrived. But they stayed for my sake because I have friends here. But now Hawkmoth is getting more dangerous each day and then the fire… It was just the last straw. They don't think I’m safe here anymore.”
 Silence filled the class as everyone considered her words. None of them wanted Marinette to leave but none of them could argue with such a reason. Many of their own families had thought about leaving Paris at one point in the last few years thanks to Hawkmoths reign. The fact that one family had finally been pushed to do just that was inevitable really. 
 “B-but.” Alya stood from her seat fighting back tears. “But… But… We're going to miss you.”
 Marinette felt herself suck in her breath as her face went hot and her eyes began to burn with fresh hot tears. As she tried to get her feelings under control she saw Alya wipe her eyes and that was all it took for Marinette to let out a sob. 
 As Marinette desperately wiped away her tears and rubbed her eyes she felt her resolve break a little. 
 “I-I promise to phone a-all the time! And we c-can do movie nights o-over Discord! A-and I will s-send you guys gifts all the t-time! W-We can still be friends!” 
 Suddenly strong warm arms wrapped around Marinette breaking her out of her spiral as she removed her hands from her eyes she saw Alya holding on to her tightly.
 “Of course w-were still gonna be your friends! Paris, America or the North Pole, you're not getting rid of us that easily!” 
 Marinette felt her breath hitch and fresh tears fill her eyes as she hugged back within seconds most of the rest of the class joined in on the group hug and they held each other and made promises of how they would all stay in contact and continue to hang out. It was enough to certainly stop any of Hawkmoth butterflies before they had a chance. 
 As the hug broke off Marinette wiped her wet eyes and smiled shakily at the class. No one was happy but they also were not akuma bait anymore so it was a win. As the class chattered more about ways they could hang out with Marinette through a computer the good vibes were suddenly interrupted by Lila subtly clearing her throat. 
 “Oh i'm so sorry for interrupting guys I’m just desperate to know WHERE In America you're moving Marinette? Being a diplomat's daughter I lived there for a bit myself!”
 Marinette felt her body stiffen at Lila’s honey covered words. The Italian had been strangely docile since the fire. Marinette was torn between trying to decide if Lila was taking pity on her or planning something and now with the strange smile and glint in her eyes Marinette was sure of it. As the class urged Marinette to tell them more, the baker girl focused on building her alibi; she didn't want Lila to have any room to turn things around and somehow make things about herself.
 “We're moving to Gotham actually. Apparently my parents met there and I was even born there. They are very excited to be moving back after all these years.” 
 The second the words ‘gotham’ left Marinette’s lips Lila’s eyes widened and her body went rigid. But it only lasted a second and when Marinette blinked Lila was smiling again and looked relaxed. 
 “Gotham? Oh I spent a few years there actually! But Marinette, are you sure your family will be okay? It's sooo dangerous there.”
 As the class excitedly asked Lila for more information Marinette felt her brows furrow. The details Lila was able to give as she answered the eager questions was more than she would normally ever give when she lied so Marinette felt inclined to believe it. Her strange reaction was another clue. But it was all very strange and something about Lila’s overall attitude since the fire had her instinct flaring up.
 As Mme. Bustier finally entered the class and the students all scurried to their desks. As Marinette took her seat in the back she let out a deep breath. Things had gone better than she could have hoped. And while her heart still weighed heavy in her chest, the fact that her friends were ready to make an effort to keep her in their lives was good. Lila had also been strangely merciful. Marinette had expected the girl to try and spin Marinette’s move as being a result of the grudge or to try and make the class turn on Marinette with feelings of betrayal. But if anything Lila’s restraint was only more suspicious, her obvious joy at Marinette leaving, and her reaction to Gotham all of it just raised more questions.
 As Bustier called on Marinette to help pass out papers for the class the girl let her thoughts slip away. She’d think more about it later. For now she wanted to enjoy one of her last days in Paris with her friends.
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( I hope your all enjoying this fic so far comments and reblogs are always appreciated! )
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 5 months
Just to clarify, having a favorite side of the lovesquare is not- ‘this side is objectively better and more moral than all other sides’ or ‘this side is the only side worth shipping’
Having a favorite side of the lovesquare is loving and appreciating all sides of the lovesquare because they are all the same two people and just overall enjoying the lovesquare as a whole, but also having one particular side that makes your heart extra giddy whenever you see them and makes you especially excited to watch their scenes
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mochinek0 · 1 year
I'm a Princess
Chloe sipped her champagne as she looked around the Waynes' Gala. She spotted many people that were clients of her mother and some that promoted Gabriel. She noticed a few other designers, but the rest of the people…..well, they at least dressed the part. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a girl who she could have sworn was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The girl had darker skin and green eyes, but her face, her eye shape!
Chloe sauntered over and shoved the champagne flute in front of her face.
"Go on." she demanded, "Get me another drink."
The girl looked her up and down.
"You still wear Gabriel?" she questioned, "Ew."
Chloe gasped, "He is an amazing designer!"
"He's an asshole." the girl retorted.
"You better shut your mouth, you Twerp!" Chloe bristled.
"Or what?" the girl commented, "You're gonna tell my mommy about your horrible fashion choices?"
"How dare you!" the Bourgeois heiress cried.
"No. How dare you show up to the Wayne Gala in something that is four seasons old!" the girl claimed.
"I am a Princess and-" Chloe began.
"No." the girl interrupted, "You are the daughter of a hotel owner, who didn't even wear clothes designed by her mother. You decided to wear trash."
Chloe was fuming. She had never been spoken to this way and the face of the girl wasn't helping.
'Her face is irritating! She looks just like Baker Girl when she started pushing back!'
"I am a princess and-" Chloe spoke again.
"I'm a princess." the girl declared, "Technically, after Great-Grandfather and Grandma passed way, Daddy became King. I'm a princess; you're playing dress up."
Chloe scowled, "You little-"
"Princess Amaya Wayne, lovely to see you again." a voice called out.
"King Ali of Achu." Amaya curtsied, focusing her attention on him.
Chloe closed her mouth and focused on the interaction in front of her.
'The Waynes have royalty in their blood and this….brat is actually a princess?'
"I'm very sorry, Ms. Bourgeois, but I must get going. My family will be summoning me soon." Amaya smiled, "King Ali, why don't you accompany me? I'm sure Father would love to discuss the next fundraiser for the children's hospital."
"Of course." the king answered.
The hotel owner fumed as they walked away. She lost sight of them in the crowd; Ali had never forgiven her for that fish-smell fiasco when they were younger. Chloe had to see for herself if the girl who humilated her was actually a Wayne. She followed them from a distance and tried to blend in with other girls nearby. She was too focused on Amaya to notice the judged looks thrown her way, as she tried to incorporate herself into their circle talks.
Sure enough, King Ali walked Amaya up to Bruce Wayne and someone else. Chloe couldn't make out who the guy was, but she heard the King of Achu refer to him as Damian. Amaya hugged Bruce and call him 'Grandfather', before he was asked to answer some questions for the Daily Planet.
'She's actually a Wayne!'
Bruce excused himself and the hotel owner was able to get a clearer view of the guy. He looked exactly like Bruce, but his complexion was similar to the kings' and he had green eyes.
"Why don't we continue this conversation tomorrow, Your Highness?" Damian spoke, "There are some things I want to go over without prying eyes or ears."
The King nodded and walked off.
"Have you seen your mother, Amaya?" Damian questioned.
"I believe she is with Uncle and people watching, as usual." she smiled, "She does love to look at everyone's outfits."
Out of the corner of her eye, Chloe spotted a familiar head of blonde hair. As Adrien walked out of the crown, Chloe scowled as she noticed his companion: Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chloe dropped her glass as Marinette Dupain-Cheng walked over and kissed Damian Wayne.
"Mother." Amaya smiled, before hugging Marinette.
'Baker Girl; she married into the Wayne family! How did she manage to weasel her was into a family with royal blood?'
Chloe stomped and politely shoved her way through the crowd towards the stage. She couldn't believe that she saw that brat was hugging her Adrikins, after she disgraced the Gabriel name!
"You look lovely as always, Amaya." Adrien complimented, "You definetly get your beauty from your mother."
Amaya smiled, "Thank you, Uncle Adrien."
"Don't act high and mighty!" Chloe demanded, "You were just trash talking his father a few minutes ago!"
"Chloe." Marinette spoke.
"Baker Girl." the hotel owner sneered back.
Adrien and Damian were quick to push the girls behind them.
"So what?" Adrien asked, "Who cares if my niece talks shit about Gabriel?"
Chloe looked at him in shock, "But you-"
"Left his place and company when I was eighteen and I never looked back." Adrien declared, "I hated being a model and everything that came with it. The rules, the photoshoots, the diet, the loneliness, that stupid schedule pack dictating when I woke up, went to bed! I couldn't even hang out with my frineds!"
"But we're suppose to run an empire together!" Chloe shouted back.
"Is this some bullshit my father told you?" the former model questioned, "The last time I saw him was twelve years ago and the last time I spoke to him on the phone, was eight. I don't know what he told you, but I never wanted to own Gabriel. I can't draw to save my life; I never want to model again. I don't know what you would do, but it's certainly not draw."
"I can draw!" the hotel owner shouted.
Adrien smiled, "Really? Anytime there was a competition, you tried to steal Marinette's sketches and frame her. You have never put in any effort to practice drawing. I never even saw you take fashion classes. You just decided since your mommy was a fashion designer, you would be too. Audrey probably des more in a day, then you do in a week!"
Chloe could feel the promises she was fed start to crumble. Gabriel had told her that once Adrien was done with his vacation, they would run the company. Adrien was telling her that was never going to happen. She had been waiting for the da when she didn't need to watch over the hotle anymore. It was annoying having to serve others and make sure their needs were met. What about her needs? She wanted a trip to Cancun! She wanted to sail the Caribbean! She wanted to sleep past six am!
She snarled, "What about Baker Girl, huh? You seriously expect-"
Damian was quick to get in her face, "Call my wife that again and you'll be thrown out on the street."
"She is-" Chloe faltered
"My wife is a fashion designer." Damian stated proudly, "Number one in the country and number three internationally."
"Hah!" Chloe smiled, thinking she had caught them in a lie, "Zahr is-"
"My wife." Damian replied, wrapping his arm around Marinette's waist, "She makes all designs and has total control of her own design company. It's not even associated with Wayne Enterprise."
Amaya laughed "She's just sore that her gown is horrible."
"Amaya!" scolded Marinette.
"It's true." Amaya declared, "She tries to act big, but that spray painted gold just screams 'Look At Me; I Deserve Attention'!"
Adrien began to laugh since Chloe had been wearing the same color scheme since they were toddlers. Her attitude certainly hadn't changed. Damian just smirked at his daughter's decleration.
"And what is with that horrible blue eyeshadow?" the Wayne heiress continued, "No one wears eyeshadow that blue; it's outdated. It doesn't even match your dress or skin tone. If anything it makes you look a bloated fish. Why on Earth would you wear a nude lip shade of color? Even in the 50's, when they did use that shade, at least they had red lips."
Chloe's jaw dropped. Never had she imagined a child would tell her off for how she dressed. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Marinette biting her lip and could see Adrien laughing himself to tears.
"Yep." Adrien cried, "Tha-That's definetly your kid, Damian."
Mari sighed, "Is Yami and Malik gonna be the same way?"
"You do love honesty, Habibiti." Damian pointed out.
His wife groaned, "I'm gonna get so many phone calls when the twins go to school."
Chloe scowled and began to stomp away. She couldn't believe that someone who was related to bakers talked to her like that. The trash that came out of that girl's mouth left her fuming!
"Good." Amaya called out, enough for Chloe to hear, "Grandma is leaving. My eyes were starting to hurt, just from looking at her. Thankfully, the galas are at night. If we had it during the day, we'd have a disco ball on the floor with all that metallic strips sewn in."
Chloe could hear the baker's daughter snort, before laughing along side her Adrien.
"Amaya, you know how much your grandfather cares about appearances at these." Damian stated, causing his daughter to sigh, "Grounded for a week."
"Yes, Baba." Amaya spoke, "I only did it to get back at her for being a bully to Maman, when she was my age."
Mari kissed her daughter's head, "As long as you're not like this at school."
"Never, Maman." their daughter answered.
"Come along, Amiriti (Princess)." Damian spoke, "Let's go find your grandfather."
Chloe looked back to see the baker's daughter on her husband's arm. Adrien and her bratty daughter were right behind them, talking and laughing. Chloe had never felt so humiliated before.
'Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!'
Nothing was like how it was before when they were all in Francois Dupont College. She was no longer the Mayor's Daughter. Her father had moved to NYC with her mother, after high school. She had taken over as the owner of the hotel. Chloe had tried to use the same control she had in school to dictate the hotel's conditions and staff, but it failed miserably. People started to leave bad reviews of the hotel; some of the staff quit. When her father had heard about it, he offered to come back for a few months to show her how to run it properly; she had hung up on him.
Chloe Bourgeois couldn't believe that promises she had overheard as a child were over. She was suppose to marry Adrien Agreste; he was her Adrikins!
'I never should have helped him runaway from home to get into school!'
Chloe knew that was the moment everything changed in their realtionship. Everyone had turned him against her! He started speaking up more, defending others from her, and calling her a bad friend. She had hoped that one he finished 'exploring' that his new habit would be broken and they would get married after university. She had never even looked at another guy so when she found out that he had quit modeling, she thought he was getting ready to take over the company and propose. The proposal never came and Adrien had left Paris, without a word.
'It was all Baker Girl's fault! She ruined my Adrikins! Her Adrikins never behaved like this 'til he met her!'
She continued to glare at Marinette. She hated how Marinette was now rich, even richer than her. Marinette always got what she never had; a loving home, parents who cared about her, and now a husband and family. Chloe refused to believe she was jealous.
'I deserve more! I deserve my happily ever after with My Prince!'
Chloe turned her gaze to Adrien and she felt her heart stop. Adrien was on his tip-toes, kissing some guy taller than him. To add insult to injury, he looked just like Marinette. He had dark hair and blue eyes. Adrien Agreste had always been her dream Prince Charming, but she wasn't his Princess. Apparently, Adrien Agreste was the princess.
Chloe walked away as she heard Amaya ask if Uncle Adrien and Uncle Jon were excited for their wedding next month.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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trashyangelic · 4 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐀 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥, +𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘢 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘵
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Takes Place on Heroes Day!
CREDIT BY @trashyangelic! Aurore Beaureal was on her way to TVi News Building as Weather Girl. At the corner of her eye she spotted none other than Lila Rossi. She is extremely suspicious for Aurore after hearing that Lila has been bullying Marinette into keeping quiet.
Aurore was about to go to the news building to broadcast the weather with Mirelle but told her that she will be held back something caught her attention.
At the corner of her eye she spotted none other than Lila Rossi this made her quite suspicious about her and took her phone to select an app for recording. She carefully followed Lila to where she is going.
Aurore wasn't happy with Lila for ruining Marinette's reptuation back in school. She will make sure that girl won't be a bother to Marinette anymore unlike Alya who doesn't fact check on her blog. Time to catch the fox. But I need to be careful not getting caught by that liar. How dare she bully Marinette into keeping quiet. After hearing rants from Marc that Adrien told Marinette to take a high road. That is a horrible advice. Who side is Adrien on? She thought to herself.
She continue following Lila not afar but not too close she doesn't want Lila to get too suspicious. Then she walked to a dark alley where she used that shortcut to go to school. She lean against the trash can when turning on the recording but kept her phone on silent. Then heard another thump on the ground it really startled her but kept calm.
"Ah finally you showed up, Hawkmoth." Lila said annoyanced. "Keep it down, Ms. Rossi. What do you want?" Hawkmoth scowl at the girl they don't realize the phone recording them and their conversations. The conversation became very dark about Marinette it really concern Aurore the most then saw that Hawkmoth detransform into Gabriel Agreste. She jaw dropped but pissed this whole time it was Adrien's father who is the villain of their home. Oh I am is definitately showing this to Nadja about what I have discovered but they are not going to be very happy when they watch it from my phone. Aurore thought to herself. Then continue watching how their conversation lead to where there will be a mass akumatized in her school but Lila had a plan to get Marinette framed for what she didn't do.
Then Mr. Agreste turn back into Hawkmoth and departed away as Lila begin to walk out of the other side of the alley way to a photoshoot. "Can't be late for the photoshoot." Lila muttered to herself not realizing that she had got herself caught by none other than Aurore who looks angry but kept calm she doesn't want to get akumatized for nothing.
After a couple hours later, Aurore send a copy to Sabrina but warned her to send this to her father for a full arrest on two people but tells her to watch the recording video she had discovered when following Lila but much detail of when hearing from her classmate about Lila going for photoshoot. Then also send a copy to Lila's mother who she found online at the Embassy website turns out Lila lied about her mother's job she send this to her email which has the .gov instead of .com from what Chloe complied back in school with Marinette and Sabrina earlier.
Aurore had a feeling that Lila's mother is going to be pissed when watching the recording but also giving her details on what her daughter has done in the school as in Collège Françoise Dupont by linking the ladyblog first post.
Then she went back to the TV News Buildings and informed the manager and Nadja what she had discovered but she had a feeling they will respond from shock to anger later. "Sorry I'm late. I got held back. But you won't believe what I discovered, I had to put a video recording on their conversation. I found out who is Hawkmoth and he has a accomplice who goes to the same school as Mirelle, Marinette and I. Please watch this video on my phone you'd be shock who is Hawkmoth." Aurore said explaining her part which surprised the manager and shock Nadja.
As the Manager and Nadja both looked at each other but nodded so they let Aurore play the clip as both begin to watch.
Don't be a ghost reader! But also comment if you want the next chapter!
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broadwaycutie16 · 9 months
Calling all Adrien stans! Calling all Marinette salters! Calling all salt fic haters!
For those of you who don’t know, I wrote a sequel to the infamous Karma of Lies fanfic, with the help of a friend, and have decided to start a series where I write sequels to fix certain salt fics, especially those who are harshest to Adrien. But I would like some co-authors. Anyone who is interested, please comment on this post.
No one sees me but know I’m right here by kellikat23
Rejection AU by various
The Wolves in the Woods by FoxWitchWrites and Rafe_Minsi
Two Letters by CartoonAddict564
The Karma of Lies by CartoonAddict564 (because that one is just so horrible and needs more sequels)
Karma Overbalance by Shadymissionary
New Life and New Friends by Cornholio4
What Goes Around Comes Around by Cornholio4
Leave comments if there are any other stories you want to see.
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arcanemadman · 11 months
Netflixvania fans will hate Mariacard because one's 16 and the other's an adult after shipping and continuing to ship Trephacard, which has a teenager shipped with two adults
EDIT: Okay I know this isn't obvious but it needs to be said, Netflix Maria uses the design of 12 year old Maria, but she's actually 16. SOTN Maria is 17, which makes her a year older than Netflix Maria. If there was a 5 year time skip in the show, that would make Maria 21.
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wordsofrowan · 9 months
The Shadow Court
Chapter 15 - Consumed by Shadows
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Under the shimmering glow of the moon, Chat Noir stealthily made his way back to his, dimly lit room, his mind consumed not only by frustration but also by a seething anger that threatened to consume him. With a swift and forceful motion, he shed his heroic facade, he began pacing back and forth in his room. "Can you believe her, Plagg?" he exclaimed, his voice dripping with a volatile mixture of disbelief and rage. "I presented her with irrefutable evidence that Marinette is colluding with that wretched Shadow Moth, and yet she dares to treat me as if I am the villain in this twisted tale!"
Perched on Adrien's shoulder, Plagg trembled slightly, sensing the explosive energy radiating from his holder. Plagg couldn’t believe what he was hearing from Adrien. Plagg didn’t know when it happened but this definitely wasn’t his kitten anymore, "Ladybug does have a point, Adrien. What you offered her wasn't concrete proof. And you do tend to disappear frequently during those wretched Akuma attacks."
Adrien's frustration reached its boiling point, causing him to snap at Plagg with an intensity that sent a shiver down the kwami's tiny spine. "Yeah, that's because I am Chat Noir! I have every damn reason to not be present! I’m the one busting my ass to save Paris!" His words reverberated through the room, filling the air with a palpable tension.
Plagg, his eyes wide with fear, attempted to reason with his enraged holder. "Have you ever considered, Adrien, that Marinette, considering the countless times she has been targeted by those accursed Akumas, might be grappling with some deep-seated trauma?"
Adrien's anger surged like a raging inferno, and he lunged toward Plagg, his piercing gaze filled with a violent intensity. "Why are you defending her now?" he hissed through gritted teeth, his voice dripping with malice and venom as he punched the wall beside him, leaving a small dent in the wall. Plagg felt sick to his stomach.
Taken aback, Plagg cowered slightly, his voice trembling as he defended himself. "I'm not defending her, Adrien. I'm simply attempting to help you see reason!" His words were barely a whisper, barely audible amidst the tempest of Adrien's fury.
Adrien's voice turned icy and menacing as he silenced Plagg with a forceful wave of his hand. "Silence, Plagg," he growled, his tone laced with a chilling threat. In an instant, Plagg's mouth sealed shut, his frightened eyes widening in horror. Throughout his existence as a kwami, he had encountered holders who had misused his powers, but the terror he felt at that moment surpassed anything he had ever experienced. "I don't wish to hear your voice any longer. You are my kwami. I alone dictate what is right and wrong," Adrien declared, his words punctuated by a violent outburst that echoed in the room, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake.
"And just so we're clear," Adrien continued, his voice a volatile mix of command and menace, "you are forbidden from leaving my side in public, and you are forbidden from departing my room when we are here. Do you understand?" His words hung in the air, heavy with the threat of consequences.
Plagg, his trembling intensifying, could only nod, a deep sense of powerlessness washing over him. He yearned to warn Marinette or Tikki, but Adrien's explosive and violent nature left him utterly helpless, a captive within his own existence. He could only hope and pray that Marinette would unearth the truth before Adrien's inner darkness consumed him whole, for the storm that raged within Adrien threatened to consume everything in its path.
He paced back and forth, his steps echoing in the silence of his room. The image of Marinette, entangled with Jay and serving the nefarious Shadow Moth, haunted his thoughts. He couldn't bear to see her caught in the web of darkness any longer. He had to find a way to free her from the clutches of evil and bring her back into the light.
But it wasn't just Marinette who had fallen prey to the machinations of the darkness of this world. Ladybug, the hero he had admired and loved from afar, had also become entangled in this twisted game. Adrien couldn't fathom why she had turned her back on their shared duty, why she had forsaken the very essence of what it meant to be a hero.
His heart ached with longing and frustration. He yearned for the Ladybug he had once known, the one who embodied hope and unwavering determination. He needed her to see the truth, to understand the consequences of her actions. If only she would submit to him, to his guidance, then everything could be restored to the way it was supposed to be.
As Adrien stared at the photographs of Ladybug and Marinette on his desk, a flicker of determination ignited within him. He couldn't sit idly by while his loved ones succumbed to darkness. He had to find a way to break through the barriers that held them captive. They were his and he would not allow them to continue to disobey him and insult him in such a way.
His mind raced, searching for a plan, a strategy that would bring about the change he so desperately sought. But time was running out, and the stakes were higher than ever. Adrien knew he had to act swiftly and decisively.
Plagg hovered in the dimly lit room, his emerald eyes filled with regret. How had he failed to notice the darkness that had taken hold of Adrien's heart? As a kwami, it was his duty to guide and protect his chosen Miraculous holder, but he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for not intervening sooner. Was this because he was ill-suited for the Black Cat Miraculous, Plagg wondered was this darkness in Adrien his fault. 
He had always known that Adrien wasn't like Marinette, the true holder of the Ladybug Miraculous. But Plagg had never anticipated the depths to which Adrien would sink. The weight of his father's influence and the shadows that lurked within his own soul had consumed him, twisting him into something unrecognizable.
Plagg had tried his best to impart wisdom to Adrien, to teach him about boundaries and the importance of autonomy. But it had become painfully clear that Adrien had become entangled in a web of darkness that even Plagg couldn't fully comprehend.
The kwami sighed, his tiny form slumping with defeat. He had underestimated the power of the darkness that resided within Adrien. The allure of his father's teachings had clouded his judgment, leading him down a treacherous path.
Plagg's mind raced, searching for a solution, a way to break through the barriers that held Adrien captive. He knew he couldn't give up on his chosen holder, not when the fate of Paris hung in the balance. But the task ahead seemed insurmountable.
With a heavy heart, Plagg reflected on the lessons he had tried to teach Adrien, the moments they had shared. He wondered if he had failed him and if there was something more he could have done to prevent this descent into darkness.
The guilt gnawed at him, consuming his thoughts and filling him with a sense of failure. How had he let things escalate to this point? He couldn't help but feel that he had failed not only Adrien but also Marinette and Tikki.
As a kwami, Plagg had a unique perspective on the lives of his chosen holders. He had witnessed Adrien's reckless behavior and his disregard for the consequences of his actions. Plagg had tried to intervene, to guide him towards a path of responsibility, but his efforts had often fallen on deaf ears.
The memories flooded back, each one a painful reminder of missed opportunities. Adrien's blatant disregard for Akuma's attacks and leaving Ladybug to fight alone. His relentless pursuit of Ladybug, even as she repeatedly made it clear that she did not return his affections. And now, his misguided attempts to force his feelings onto Marinette.
Plagg couldn't shake the feeling that he should have done more, that he should have been more assertive in his guidance. He had seen the warning signs, the cracks in Adrien's façade, but he had allowed them to go unchecked, hoping that Adrien would find his own way.
Regret washed over Plagg, his head drooping with a sense of defeat. He should have protected Marinette from the pain she had endured. He should have shielded Marinette from the turmoil that Adrien's misguided affections had caused. For the first time in a long while Plagg cried. He wanted to run to flee to Tikki, but given Adrien's commands that was no longer an option. Plagg felt alone and lost. He figured this must be what Nooroo and Dusuu were feeling as well.
XoXo Rowan
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13-nothing · 2 months
Heeyyyyy, it's me once again with a rant because dammit Miraculous is going to be the death of me.
So Adrien and Marinette finally got together in Season 5 right? And u would think I would be happy with it buuuuut I kinda already want them to break up.
*le gasp*
Ya, ya I know they FINALLY got together and I want to rip them back apart, but listen I don't like how it's looking for their relationship. I mean it SEEMS like Marinette is hiding even MORE secrets about Adrien from HIM and it just twists my gut. Like at this point I don't know if I want to see the two stay together in the long run if Mari keeps this up.
(Which she might not, but considering things from season 4 haven't entirely been taken care of I doubt it )
I know Marinette's got problems and that she's only 14-15 right now (which is a rabbit hole to cover another day), but she has finally built up a support system of sorts that SHOULD lead her in the right direction of telling Adrien the truth, but based on what I've interpreted on the last part of the Season 5 finale I don't know if that will be the case.
Cause Felix would probably want to keep it a secret anyway to protect Adrien from what he experienced himself, Kagami would probably want to tell Adrien because she is all about people knowing the truth BUT she would also respect Marinette's wishes (to a point at least), Luka probably ONLY knows their identities so he's not going to be much help on the matter tho I'd like to imagine he (like Kagami) would want to tell Adrien but would respect Mari's wishes, Alya would want to tell Adrien IF she knew the whole truth (but she probably doesn't), and while Suhan might agree or disagree with her decision accordingly he's SOOO wishy-washy that his opinion would amount to nothing (I mean his character is just a crappy replacement for Fu that doesn't amount to anything anyway. Like ya, Fu wasn't perfect but at least he wasn't a doormat).
(YES that is a LOT of 'probablys' or 'maybes' but miraculous ALWAYS has a lot of 'probablys' and 'maybes'. Heck every Fandom does!!)
But the point is that Marinette won't be TOLD to get the skeletons out of her closet so she won't touch them at all. She'll push them back to the deepest part of her brain where they will linger, festering with her guilt until Lila (most likely) tears them from her and hangs them up for EVERYONE to see the truth. Which will (ironically) rip away HER OWN carefully spun web of lies.
Not that Adrien's perfect either (despite what most people in the show believe). We as the audience have seen his most flawed moments, the biggest ones being the ENTIRETY of Copycat and Lies (Not that Lies was entirely his fault but still). BUT Marinette's relationship with him is more likely to be affected by her issues than his are (unless he keeps up this *ahem* murderous streak he's got going THEN we can talk more on Adrien's issues). (On an entirely different note is it bad I want him to continue on this ah, darker path?)
Anyway Marinette and Adrien have a lot of problems and until they figure them out I don't think they should be with each other right now. I don't really want either of them to end up alone forever. Like I REALLY want Mari to get it together and to get with someone EVENTUALLY and Adrien to get with someone EVENTUALLY (whether it's them getting together or not Idc) but unless Mari opens up to Adrien about his father she's gonna cause problems for ALL of Paris.
Thanks for reading and I say farewell to thee my fellow existences!!
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aldrendaux · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Lila Rossi, Caline Bustier, Caline Bustier's Class, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Sabrina Raincomprix, Chloé Bourgeois, Ivan Bruel, Mylène Haprèle, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Alix Kubdel, Lê Chiến Kim, Max Kanté Additional Tags: Lila Rossi Bashing, Lila Rossi Faces Consequences, Manipulative Lila Rossi, No Classmates Salt, they're good kids, Just painfully naive and trusting, Aviation Law, Seat swapping Series: Part 1 of Lila And The Consequences Of Her Actions (No Class Bashing) Summary:
The Class is going on a trip. Lila demands that Marinette give up her seat.
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brierburrbrito · 1 year
Okay, so huge fan of Miraculous Ladybug right here, however towards the end of season two, less of a Marinette fan. Well, less of a Marinette/Adrien fan. So! I had an idea after seeing all of the MariBat fics all over AO3 and decided ‘yes, but maybe AdriBat??? 👀’
So that’s exactly what Im doing! Im in the process of outlining an AdriBat crossover!!! Yay!
So far, the plot is that after the Miraculous team defeats Hawkmoth, and its revealed that he is in fact Adrien’s father, Adrien becomes a sort of social pariah. The miraculous’ have deactivated in order to give the Kwamii’s time to regain their energy.
Marinette and the others weren’t able to reveal their identities to Chat Noir before Adrien was sent off. He’s having a real rough time. So by some means or other, he ends up in Gotham City, all alone. He comes into the possession of *giggle* a BAT miraculous and uses it to feel like he has a purpose.
Except he also uses his own skills (and leftover cat miraculous tendencies) to steal miraculous’ from around the city, because Gotham’s rogues are somehow getting them and its making life difficult for the Bats.
So the Bats are looking for two people who ARE THE SAME PERSON. One is a hero who is more like a bat than Batman, the other is a literal Cat burglar who seems to be more stealthy than Catwoman. They learn about the Miraculous through Constantine, and call in the closest known guardian.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
All while this happens, no one knows what happened to Adrien Agreste.
And because I can’t write a heteronormative ship to save my afterlife, assume everything is gayer than a rainbow.
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aliensunflower-fics · 2 years
CHANGING FACES Chapter 1: How We Got Here.
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After years of dealing with each other Lila Rossi win's when she convinces Hawkmoth that Marinette is Ladybug. In order to throw off suspicion and keep the Miracle Box safe Marinette and her supportive parents leave Paris and head to Gotham of all places. In this new place away from her friends and her unhealthy routines Marinette is forced to confront herself and change for the better. Helping her on her journey is a surprising new friend and potential ally. When Alya missing her friend learns about the chance to win a free trip to Gotham she convinces the class to work hard to qualify. When her new life clashes with her old one will Marinette be able to hold on strong to her new confidence or will she crumble under the pressure?
( This fic will be for the most part comedic, fluffy, and sweet, with only a bit of seriousness to tie it together. With only the mildest salt because I don't think the class or Adrien are bad people just that they can be naive and selfish thanks to the canon writing. I hope you enjoy reading this work and have fun with me on this journey. )
Marinette felt hot tears streaming down her cheeks as she clutched onto her parents and sobbed. She felt like her world was collapsing and yet she desperately held herself back from despair. The bakery that had once made the best pastries in all of Paris bringing smiles and warmth to those who needed it on rainy days, the house that had carried Marinette through her youth with her ever changing height etched into one of the doorways, the pink room that held precious memories of friends and fights and tears and laughter, the balcony that had seen many a hero visit it. All of it was gone. The wild flames devoured every bit of the precious structure. Worse still this was not the work of an akuma, not something that could be undone with a magic swarm of ladybugs, but worse than the permanence of this act was the person behind it. As Marinette’s parents pulled her closer comforting her and themselves the young hero wondered how she was supposed to tell them that Hawkmoth was targeting her?
How We Got Here
 Lila Rossi had always been an ambitious girl, she knew she was beautiful and prettier than other girls when her father got her that first modeling gig at 6 years old for a well known children's brand. She knew she could act and get what she wanted at 8 when she starred in several commercials, she wowed those behind the camera with her poise and charm!
 Lila knew she just KNEW that she was born to be a star! When at 10 she won a National beauty pageant and they placed the massive sparkly crown on her head while her father stood beside her beaming with pride. Sure the gems were fake but someday she vowed to get real ones!
 Her father always told her how much better she was, he never disciplined her, never worried about her grades, he only expected her to be her best whenever a camera was pointed her way. He treated her like the Princess she was. And shielded her from her mom's constant criticism about her ‘academic’ performance and her concerns over Lila ‘being too thin for her age’ and her constant whining about being ‘kinder’ to her annoying ugly classmates.
 His most important lessons were not the ones about her stance, walk, or looks. No, the most important lessons he taught her were how to use those around her, common people were just tools designed and made to be useful to those better and smarter than them and if they were not useful? Then they had to be removed.
 Her father had ‘removed’ many useless people from her path. He had blackmailed, scared, and tricked those around him his whole life all while wearing a dashing smile on his perfect handsome face. Beautiful clever people like them were meant for better lives, he told Lila, building her dreams for fame, fortune and a life on an easy street. Grades and hard work would never get her anywhere in a world that valued connections, beauty and money. 
 And for years Lila followed her father without hesitation, she lied and schemed and made connections. And whenever she messed up her daddy was there to fix it with a well placed lie and some cash. Lila had hardly needed to try in school for years with her fathers help and a few well placed lies the gullible idiots were always there to help! Teachers and classmates were always a sucker for her story of how ‘she never had many friends due to her mama's career’.  Her life was easy, and the fact that her mothers job made the family move so frequently only helped Lila get away with everything after all teachers notes about her behavior got lost between borders and languages easily!
 Life was great, and it would have stayed that way if she hadn’t made a mistake. At 13 Lila was living in Gotham, a disgusting place full of horrible people and a penchant for crime. But under all the grit and grime of the city was a gem Lila quickly set her eyes on. She went to the right school, studied her target carefully, and then she played the perfect role until her prey was caught. Her father had burst into laughter with a proud grin on his face as Lila told him of her glorious success. If they played their cards carefully they would be living the easy life soon enough.
 But Lila had slipped up, she had thought her victory was assured and let her mask slide at just the wrong time. The result was a messy breakup with her golden ticket, one Lila did not take well she bit off more than she could chew and next thing she knew there was a lawsuit. It should have worked out like everything always did, her dad should have fixed it with money and a charming smile. But that didn’t happen, instead her father's lies were exposed. His several illegal get rich quick schemes were brought to light along with his bribery and blackmail.
 Lila’s mother was horrified and in order to survive the scrutiny that became aimed her way Lila had no choice but to fake her shock and horror as well, leaning on her mothers trust to sneak through. She had to bite her tongue as her father was dragged to jail and her mother divorced him and applied for a transfer. Lila’s life fell apart and her dreams of fame and fortune were severely set back with her fathers connections severed. But Lila was not so easily defeated. She always wins in the end ALWAYS. So as her mother ushered her onto a plane set for Paris France Lila schemed. 
 France as it turned out was perfect for Lila, the presence of Hawkmoth meant that most people acted extra gullible and ‘kind’ and with a weakness that big all Lila needed to do was find the right people to exploit and she’d be back on track. A quick look at the biggest fashion brands with headquarters in Paris soon led to one of her favorites Gabriel, one of the best of the best, and a quick look at the Gabriel’s brand on the internet led to his teenage son. A blonde boy that was JUST Lila’s taste and just her age, from Adrien Agreste’s instagram she soon found his school and classmates and it was the perfect jackpot. 
 Adrien attended an extremely exclusive school the cream of the crop attended, the students were either rich or talented enough to earn scholarships. Lurking through Adrien Agrestes pictures Lila learned about his classmates and it only got better. Nino Lahiffe a musician and wannabee film director who had won a few amateur competitions getting his name out there. Alya Cesaire, a teenager running the most successful blog in Paris with one of the few exclusive interviews with the hero Ladybug. Chloe Bourgeois the mayor's beloved daughter. The rest of the class was just as impressive, a few sports fanatics, a couple musicians, some super nerd who made a sentient robot, some loser who was making superhero comics? Apparently they were popular so whatever. Some girl who apparently won a hat competition with a hideous bowler hat with a feather? A wannabe model who had pictures of herself wearing clothes from a photoshoot she did that Lila would DIE for. But most infuriating was the up and coming actress of the class she had starred in several commercials after Nino’s award winning amateur short films had her starring in a leading role, Lila had to take a deep breath and remind herself that if things went the way she planned that would soon be HER and not some chubby little charity loving wimp.
 Getting her mother to agree to enroll her into Collège Françoise Dupont was easy, if anything her mother was delighted and happy to see Lila taking her education so seriously that she’d looked into schools all by herself. Lila only put on a fake smile and told her mother that she needed a good education if she was going to become a woman half as impressive as her mom. That got Lila’s annoyance of a mother to fold like a deck of cards and she called the same day to book a tour of the school and a meeting with the faculty to discuss her daughters placement and safety after all the whole ‘akuma’ situation bothered Delia Rossi greatly when it came to the safety of her daughter.
 Getting her mother to take her to the school tour and meeting was just as easy as getting her to call and the second they arrived Lila began hunting for the teacher who would help get her what she wanted. While she could still access Agreste and his classmates from another class it would be easier if she could be in the same class and for that she needed to find and meet with his teacher a woman mentioned in a few of his and his classmates posts for being the ‘best’ teacher they apparently even through her parties to celebrate how kind and great she was. Gag. But hopefully if she was as sweet as she said she’d also be just as stupid. Kind people were ALWAYS stupid. 
 Luckily sneaking away wasn’t hard. The second they entered their meeting with the Principle Lila knew she’d thrive in the school. The fat man was clearly nothing but a bumbling fool and the way he bent over to try and please Lila’s mother due to her status and wealth made it clear he was someone easy to use. However when he introduced Lila’s teacher a Ms. Mendeleiev Lila could tell she would only give her trouble. The woman was stiff, serious and oozed no nonsense this would not do at all so Lila acted fast, batting her eyes and asking in an excited tone if she could explore the school while her mom and Damocles continued talking. 
 The second the office door closed behind her Lila dropped her fake smile and went on the hunt. No way was she going to Ms.Mendeleleiv’s class. Luckily Adrien Agrerste and his classmates loved posting pictures on there stupid little instagrams and using them she quickly tracked down the classroom. Luckily she had gotten her mother to plan the meeting for the lunch period of a school day which meant that the person Lila wanted to see was in her class eating lunch. Now all Lila needed to do was convince Caline Bustier that Lila Rossi should be in her class. Putting on an innocent smile Lila shyly knocked on Bustier's open door. 
 Getting the redheaded teacher on her side had been easy. Almost TOO easy. It was like the whole of Paris was filled with gullible morons just waiting for Lila to give them a proper use. By the end of the lunch period Caline Bustier had gone back to the office with Lila to talk her mother and Damocles into putting Lila into her class. And all Lila had to do to get Caline to dance to her tune was play the role of the shy sweet perfect girl who had just lost her father and moved to a strange new city, slipping in how she was the daughter of a powerful woman and sprinkling in details about her many accomplishments in the acting scene as well as her hard won pageants only seemed to make Bustiers eyes gleam with greed. Lila soon figured her out, it seemed Caline Bustier liked to collect the cream of the crop for her class and now she wanted to add Lila to her jewel set. It worked out well so Lila let it happen.
 With everything set up Lila waited eagerly for her first day of class ready to take a seat on her new throne and command her new subjects to help build her an untouchable career filled with fame and wealth. Even if she was using them they should thank her after all by helping her with her career they would be helping their own careers after all Lila needed them to succeed so that she could succeed. If anything they should thank her for selecting them. As Lila headed to bed that night she could not help the grin that slid onto her face. Losing her dearest father had been a blow but Lila would still conquer the world. Just like they had always planned.
Sadly. In every kingdom there is a fire starter. Someone who doesn’t know their place. Lila had met many of them on her journey to the top. In the past her father would have taken care of them but now Lila was on her own and she wasn’t dealing with just one but two.
 Ladybug, the local hero who Lila should never have had the displeasure of meeting face to face, had ruined her shot at wrapping Adrien Agreste around her finger. Worse still Lila’s mother had dragged her back to italy after learning of Lila’s akumatization. It had taken Lila awhile to convince her mother that she was not only safe but remembered nothing of the incident. She also needed to lie about the real reason for the incident claiming that she’d been akumatized after she lost her fathers gift necklace. Luckily while she convinced her mother to head back to Paris Caline Buster the gullible woman that she was let Lila video chat with the class and weave them a pretty lie about her mothers work taking her somewhere much more exotic then her grandparents stupid apple tree farm. 
 However during her second ‘first day’ at her new school Lila met her second rival. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Lila was shocked by the influence she held over the others in class. Her social media profiles made her seem like a nervous shy wreck who could trip over her own feet any second. Yet apparently she was some fashion designer wannabee and class president. Lila soon learned that Marinette held power and popularity and Lila knew she needed her GONE asap if she was going to succeed. 
 But things just kept getting in her way, after getting Marinette booted out of the school Adrien had interfered he’d offered Lila a good deal, worse she still had hopes of making the blonde idiot her’s and since he was ALL about friendship and forgiveness she needed to play the part for him. So she let Marinette slink back to school and prepared herself for their battle. Lila would get rid of Marinette and Ladybug one way or another.
 It took years to hatch the perfect scheme. As seasons changed and Lila got older, her brilliant plan had half succeeded. Now at 16 years old if you looked in magazines or out your window at billboards it wasn’t just Adrien Agreste’s face anymore. No Lila was there too now acting as THE face for Gabriel’s young womens fashion line. Her mother had stopped complaining once Lila’s grades went up which was easy to achieve when she could pay, guilt, or manipulate someone into doing her homework for her or worse come she could use Bustier and Damocles to fix her grades. After all having a supermodel with a mother in Politics looked good for the school and helped bring in donations from wealthy parents so her grades should reflect that.
 But despite how well things were going the thorn in her side had remained. Ladybug continued to be an annoyance that dominated Adrien’s focus. While Marinette continued to ruin her schemes. When they were 13 Lila had tried spreading rumors and lies but Marinette kept disproving them with her perfect little good girl act. At 14 Lila upgraded to sabotaging Marinette making sure she missed parties, deadlines, she even destroyed a dress commission Marinette claimed was for some big shot called Penny Rolling? Yeah Lila had never heard of a Penny Rolling in rock music, what a pathetic lie. Annoyingly however Marinette bounced back when she missed parties the class waved it off as Marinette being busy being ‘awesome’ when she missed deadlines she somehow still came through and the big dress commission Lila destroyed? Marinette somehow salvaged it and Lila saw it on a magazine cover a week later.
 At 15 Lila and Marinette entered a cold war period. Lila had one to many close calls where Marinette almost exposed her and with her job at Gabriel Lila wasn’t going to risk it. However that didn’t mean things were peaceful. Lila had learned she could weaponize her classmates. They were kind gullible idiots but if there was something Lila had learned it was that they were all a little selfish. All of them had big ambitions and goals in life and the talent to back them up its why Lila had chosen them in the first place as thanks to their talent she’d appeared in a few of Nino’s award winning short films which got her commercial work, she’d also used Alya’s blog to create a booming social media presence for herself, through Kitty Section Lila got to meet several music people. But in order to be as successful as they were, the class sometimes made selfish requests of each other and Lila was able to manipulate that. Marinette was crushed under the weight of demands she could never bring herself to say ‘no’ to. Lila even heard from Alya that Marinette had closed her websites commissions just to help her class. The stupid designers dreams got stalled thanks to her ‘kindness’ while Lila’s career took off toward the stars.
 But now at 16 Lila was done playing with Marinette she needed her GONE. Marinette was a threat to her career and her kingdom but the real straw that broke the camel's back was when Marinette used one of Lila’s own lies against her forcing her to back down from starring in one Nino’s newest short films, and giving the role to that dumpy little goody brat Mylene. The film had gone on to win international awards and Mylene had been given a job offer for a tv show. Lila had seen red at that and knew that she had been playing nice too long Marinette needed to go.
 Luckily Lila had learned a few new tricks. Getting rid of Marinette directly would endanger her if things went wrong. She’d seen that first hand with her father. No, the best way to get rid of a threat was to have someone else do it for you and luckily Lila had made friends in very high places. Hawkmoth was a pathetic villain with a losing streak so long it was embarrassing to call him an ally but, Lila found it handy to keep the butterfly obsessed villain on her side.And now he was going to help her greatly. Lila had for years noticed the similarities between Ladybug and Marinette mostly in how they kept interfering in her life. Now did Lila actually believe they were the same person? No, Marinette was too much of a cowardly little mouse to be the bold Ladybug not to mention they looked nothing alike… Not that Lila could actually remember what Ladybug looked like when she tried to think about it. But whatever the point was, Hawkmoth was desperate and Marinette was the perfect person to point his way. 
 It only took 30 minutes for Lila to convince Hawkmoth to look into Marinette between the girls track record at never being akumatized her constant absences whenever Ladybug was around. And all the other lies Lila came up with to make Marinette seem more suspicious then she was Hawkmoth was convinced to check in on Marinette. After that Hawkmoth and Lila met a few more times each time Lila pushed him a little farther and whispered in his ear some more fake evidence until finally she got him right where she wanted him. It was a simple suggestion, an idea she acted like she’d only just had and not one she’d been plotting for months. 
 “Why not burn down the house? If she is Ladybug and hiding the other miraculous there she will have to reveal the hiding place in order to retrieve them from the rubble?” When Hawkmoth answered in silence before pulling back his butterfly from Lila breaking there connection and conversation she knew she’d made her mark.   
 Sure enough a few days later Lila turned on the news to be met with a delightful sight. The best bakery in all of Paris was burning down to the ground in an uncontrollably wild blaze. For the next few hours firefighters fought back the fire but by the time it was done burning there was hardly anything left. The family was sadly unharmed as it turns out Marinette and her parents were having a family night which included a trip to the new horror movie hitting theaters. Lila bit her lip annoyed as she’d hoped Hawkmoths unhinged frame of mind would have him remove Marinette permanently as with her home burned there was still a chance she would return to school and continue being a pest.
 The following monday however Lila learned her plan had still worked just fine as a heartbroken Alya sobbed into Lila’s shoulder that Marinette’s parents had decided they could no longer handle the stress of living in Paris and were moving back to Tom’s childhood home in America. Lila had to fight to keep the grin of victory off her lips as she rubbed Alya’s back and made fake promises that it would all be okay and that surely her and Marinette would stay bff’s even with the distance. The look of Adrien looking confused and heartbroken only delighted Lila more. With Marinette gone Lila would finally be able to do what she set out to do 3 years ago. She would replace her and become the one everyone loved and listened to. 
Lila had finally won.
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( Life’s been stressful and busy but I’m happy I can finally post the first chapter of this big dumb stupid idea. I hope you guys are eager for more! )
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trashyangelic · 2 years
Can I get a ML Salt Prompt? With a hint of Felinette.
There are things that Sabine Cheng doesn't like when it comes to her daughter well-beings. ︶ ⠀ ⤭ ⠀⠀ ๋࣭ ⭑ Caline Bustier treats her daughter as a servant doing the teachers job when its suppose to be her job to do it not her daughter. She heard complaints from her daughter at the trapdoor but also finding out that she is Ladybug and the Guardian of Miraculouses but she also knows that her daughter is MDC from the very start. ︶ ⠀ ⤭ ⠀⠀ ๋࣭ ⭑ Lila Rossi for targetting her daughter by manipulating the principal and her daughter's classmates she had decided to do something about before Caline Bustier. She had a hunch that this girl is trying to blame her daughter for something she didn't do it happen before when she was young. She depises bullies. ︶ ⠀ ⤭ ⠀⠀ ๋࣭ ⭑ Alya Cesaire treats her daughter as a doormat but also asking for free stuff even she told her mother to pay for it she doesn't do it. Yet she still wants free stuff like the designs that her daughter makes she did not like it one tiny bit. ︶ ⠀ ⤭ ⠀⠀ ๋࣭ ⭑ Adrien Agreste who seem to be a sweet boy but after her daughter told her the advice that he told her, she was not having it. She told this to Nathalie and Gabriel to discipline Adrien about this high road advice towards her daughter that is enabling bullies for no reasons even Gabriel is annoyed by that advice he had given it to Adrien but it was meant for Tabloid Reporters only but decided to do a different method for Adrien to get his high horse about this high road advice a method only for bullies. As soon as Gabriel realize that his son is on thin ice with the Dupain-Chengs he had to do something about it and possibly for Ms. Marinette Dupain-Cheng to be his future intern or Audrey. ︶ ⠀ ⤭ ⠀⠀ ๋࣭ ⭑ While Sabine decided to do something for her daughter happiness about Lila Rossi, Alya Cesaire, Adrien Agreste, and Caline Bustier they have crossed the line on the mama bear by poking it. Sabine only wants her daughter to be happy away from the toxic class and those so called friends who wanted to make her daughter as a doormat or a pushover by claiming that her daughter is a bully. Clearly she was not having it.
Sabine decided the big guns by calling her mother about the Cheng Family Company in two different branch one in Shanghai and the other in Beijing to be lent to her daughter as the heiress. But she needs her daughter to learn about the family business from her side. She called her mother about the DEAL that she made with her mother after marrying Tom Dupain.
She called one of her close friends in China by enrolling her daughter to Central Academy of Arts it was the same academy that she attended when she was young but this would be good for her daughter.
Marinette gets to be transferred to Central Academy of Arts in Beijing for her business as MDC but also for her family business too as she meets Felix Graham de Vanily along with her cousin Bridgette who is arrange marriage with another Chinese Branch Family who is the heir of CEO Long Company.
As for Chloe luckily for her she was taught Mandarin/Cantonese from Sabine Cheng she is now applying to Central Academy of Arts with Marinette away from the toxic school back in Paris that she convinced her father to stop the donating towards the Dupont for a good reason. As her father listen to his daughter's reason he was not happy about what happen when Chloe explain what exactly is happening in the school.
At the end Lila Rossi, Caline Bustier, Adrien Agreste, and Alya Cesaire got into a alot of trouble with the parents and the school board by the Mayor himself who had reported it with Sabine Cheng afterwards. The students of Caline Bustier well their parents got super pissed and decided to withdraw their children from the toxic school into a homeschool or a new school for a fresh start.
As for Nino well he apologize to Marinette before she transfer to China for her new school with Chloe Bourgeois but he still gets in trouble by his parents so he is at his new school to continue his dreams since his parents owns a Music Label Company.
The Police Officers and Roger found something at the CCTV footage in Dupont on the main part with Lila Rossi. Roger wasn't very happy with this girl being friend with his daughter after finding out this girl is working with a terrorist they did what they had to do is to arrest this girl Lila Rossi but also informing this to Nadja Chamack about it as well. Italy is in thick ice with Paris right now cause of Lila's actions. Lila's father is not happy nor her mother isn't. Lila's mother decided to disown her and fix her family honor from the embarrassment that her daughter made.
Caline got fired from the School Board for her silly methods and also enabling bullies too while Damocles gets demoted as a principal for doing his job horribly against School Board demands. But Damocles gets his redemption after realizing his mistakes but wanting to redeem it as a good principal like his brother was in from a different school.
Adrien well to him he didn't have any social skills due to his father abusing him so why not let Nino to be concerned about his well-being by calling the CPS on Gabriel clearly Nino wanted Adrien as his new brother along with Chris it would be alot helpful for him to gain social skills. Gabriel also fired Lila Rossi in person he was pissed when Chloe told him the truth about Lila sexually harrassed, blackmailing, and calling people of his son's classmates as a bad influence even if its Lila who is a bad influence to his son by some classmate of his son who sent it to him but seem to be on struggling with the CPS but decided to let it go.
Lastly Alya got the major hint of lawsuits by celebrities and Ladybug as her parents forced her to delete her Ladyblog down for posting false stories. But she has to pay the amount of money that she asked free things from Dupain-Chengs. Sabine already made a restraining order on Alya Cesaire, Adrien Agreste, and Lila Rossi for good just away from her daughter.
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broadwaycutie16 · 3 months
Hey, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is this whole Karma of Lies thing about? I often have some of your posts showing up on my dashboard about how people are not listening to you clarifying things about your story, but I avoided looking into the whole situation myself because I don't want to expose myself to so much (Adrien) salt which I know is at the initial root of all this (or at least, thats how it came across to me)
Would you explain for me what this situation is about? I'm always intrigued by this whole thing whenever I see another post from you, because of how wild reading about it all out for context is, but now curiosity finally got the best of me x3
So basically, KoL starts as your basic salt plot. Marinette’s being bullied by Lila, her friends are extorting her and accusing her of being unfair to Lila, Adrien’s just like “everything’s fine, Marinette” and telling her to just take all the crap from everyone.
Then Hawkmoth’s identity gets out, and Lila decides to cut her losses and get the hell out of there, but not without getting something out of the deal. She gets Adrien to send her money to her, and because Adrien is so trusting, he puts in the info for his family’s emergency bank account right where she can see it, not even thinking that Lila would try to screw him over. Spoiler alert: She does. She drains Adrien’s whole account of fifty million, leaving him without a cent in this catastrophic time in his life, and skips town by telling her mom a sob story. She also tricks the class into giving up their most expensive possessions, and then sells them to other people after she leaves.
So now Lila’s committed a grand felony, and she’s clear to continue her reign of terror anywhere she wants, with her newfound wealth goving her limitless potential on destroying lives. And you know what Marinette does to stop her?
Marinette refuses to lift a finger to get Lila arrested. The narrative would have you believe that it’s because she’s setting boundaries and taking care of her mental health for a change, but it’s easy to figure out the REAL reason. She gives all these excuses over why she’s unable to do anything about it, using lots of loopholes, completely ignoring the fact that she’s supposed to be a superhero and thus has a moral obligation to stop Lila, if nothing else just to save all the innocent people she’ll destroy in the future.
Meanwhile, Adrien becomes penniless, his father goes on the run, and his aunt refuses to personally take him in because she’s more concerned about the scandal than about her orphaned nephew, basically resigning him to live in Marinette’s old apartment with hardly anything to call his own while Marinette moves into his old room at the mansion after getting a job with Audrey Bourgeois, who has now taken control of Gabriel’s company. And all through this, Marinette and the narrative are basically saying, “you didn’t help me when I needed you to stick for me, so now I’m not gonna help you when you need it”, basically ignoring the fact that what’s happening to Adrien is a hundred times worse than what happened to her.
Even worse, Marinette trashes all her friends’ reputations on live TV, calling them out for mistreating her without stating the reason why they mistreated her, so the public doesn’t know the full story. And Adrien, desperate to get his life back, makes a stupid and arrogant mistake and tries to take down Mayura by himself, but is easily fooled by her to give her opportunity to steak his ring. The villains are defeated, but now everyone in Paris thinks Adrien gave Nathalie the ring on purpose, and accuse him of being a willing accomplice to his father, effectively crushing any little particles of hope he had left for his future.
But what truly makes this fic a dumpster fire of a story, is how the author directs the whole narrative to try and make you believe that everything that happened to Adrien was 100% justfied, that not supporting Marinette and letting some girl bully her and turn her friends against her, a problem that was temporary at worst and that basically was nothing more than some schoolgirl drama, means that he, a fourteen year old boy from an abusive household, deserves to be virtually homeless, bankrupt, disowned by his entire family, and falsely accused if terrorism, and doomed to living the rest of his life out on the streets, without even the slightest conception that maybe it was a little too much.
Oh, and the only punishment Lila gets is some vague warning from Marinette about her future, and apparently, that’s supposed to be enough to stop the girl who knowingly teamed up with a terrorist and was willing to doom the city just to get back at one person for one embarrassing incident in front of one person.
Basically, The Karma of Lies is the worst salt fic of all the salt fics, punishing Adrien for childish stupidity with permanent life damage beyond anything written in salts before, and trying to send the message that it’s okay for Marinette to let it all happen just to get back at him for not being a better friend.
Trust me, do not read it. It is a garbage fire. I regret reading it every day. It’s really messed with my head. Even now, I’d wholly welcome an infinite number of sequel fics punishing Marinette and her “friends” (read: evil minions) for what they did, because if the story says that Adrien deserves his fate for doing nothing, they deserve even worse. This fic is the epitome of everything wrong with the Miraculous Ladybug fandom.
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gods-graveyard · 6 months
They need to lock me back up before its too late. INTRODUCING THE 3RD UPDATE OF THE WEEK :DDDD
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If your stumbling upon this, Im Sunny, write Slytherin Harry Potter AU with a healthy dose of Morally ambigious Harry + friends, Dumbledore bashing, Wix politics/culture, Marauders era content, etc
Check out my pinned post @ Wizard Will Smith for more info, and I do hope you give it a read
(I will admit first chapter isnt the best but I have to physically restain myself from going back and editing the fuck out of it for the sake of continuity )
But you got now NINE more chapters to enjoy, well on the way to finishing the first installment I hope you join along!!
The answer is no btw, I haven't seen the sun all week (because its been cloudy as fuck)
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