#Adorable rafe
Tornado Warnings. Part one???
Rafe Cameron x kook!!fem!!reader
A/n:I wasn't really sure the lyrics of this Sabrena Carpenter song in the first place but I did some research and I'm so glad one of recommended this. Thank you!!! And if you want more just tell me
And I do not proofread so I'm sorry in advance about the grammar and yes English is my first language but I'm just lazy.
Warnings: fluff, Rafe being cute and drunk at the same time, nice Rafe 🥵🥵, swearing. not much more💙💙💙
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Staring off into space wondering what you should say sucks sometimes because you want to tell your therapist about the last time you saw him but...you don't instead of telling the truth and saying "We might have kissed." You say "I haven't seen him since the break up." Still wondering if you should say his name knowing if his name is brought up by either of you you would start crying your eyes out.
"Are you sure?" Your therapist says definitely not believing your last statement.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You say getting defensive at the question. Of course you don't want to tell your therapist that you hooked up with your ex who you've said you hated since you broke up.
She raises her eyebrow at the statement not knowing what to say next because she knows for a fact you will deny every accusation directed toward you. "Y/n, you're going to need to put Rafe in the past soon."
Y/n, getting ready to fake cry to make it seem like she cares but knows that she could just stop talking and leave anytime. "I-I don't know if I'm ready for that." You say completely faking but your therapist certainly can't tell and you can see that from her attentive look you are still trying to read because she makes this face so much amd you still don't know what I actually means after 4 years of weekly therapy.
You sit in uncomfortable silence for a while until her alarm goes off telling her that your appointment is over and it's time go get ready and go home. You've never stayed that late but today felt different. You leave the building and climb in your car and the first thing you do is check your phone and as always there is a text from Rafe saying "when do you get home? I want you."
You drive away smiling at the message when your phone dings again. This time it's a text from your best friend JJ Maybank saying "I just saw Rafe at the Club are you okay if I tell you what he said?" Looking at it wondering "what the hell?" But you can't respond because you're driving you decide to call JJ instead. "Hello?" JJ says in his goofy voice he uses when he talks to you. "Hi...?" You say unsure as to why you really HAD to call him.
"So do you want me to tell you what he said?"JJ asked truly curious.
"Uhh...I guess?"You say still confused. "You better hurry up. I'm almost home and I'm having some people over for dinner" you come up with quickly not knowing if he believes it you're still proud of yourself.
Oh okay...anyways he said and I QUOTE drunk off his ass "I miss y/n" Like What the actual hell does that mean? Right?" He says in disbelief.
You just having to go along with it say "yeah that is really weird" dragging your words for a little bit before you get to your front soon and start grabbing your keys from your backpack. "Okay I have to go guest's will be here soon and I still need to clean up a little bit byeeee"
Okay. I love you by-" he says as he gets cut off by the beep telling him you hung up in a rush.
As soon as you hang up you text rafe to hurry up because you're finally home amd he quickly jumps in his truck and speeds across the two block between your houses wondering why he didn't just run he knocks on your door and as he waits impatiently for you to open the door he starts yelling at your camera you have by your front door "Hurry up! I need to touch you!" He says with his words slurred and stumbling just a bit. And as you open the door you see him almost fall on top of you.
"What the hell, Rafe?" You say truly worried.
"Heyyy babyyyy! How wass youur dayyyy? Sluring every other word unknowingly. You sit him down on the bottom step of your stairs in the foyer to your house.
"Hey, hey, hey. What happened handsome?" You say absolutely confused but also happy that JJ knew exactly what happened.
Rafe shocked you called him handsome looks at you in complete adoration and love "HI Beautiful...nothing happened I just had.......a lot of tequila." He says while counting on his fingers and raising all of them to show you he doesn't know how many.
"Babe! You can't do shit like this to me and forget to mention it." you say sternly so he knows you're talking to him.
"I'm sorry baby! I just wanted to say I loved you." He says trying to sober up a little bit so he can smile without the influence of alcohol.
You laugh at his attempt at charming you. "It's okay. Hey, let's get you washed up and in bed. Okay?" You say softly knowing how bad of a headache he'll have in the morning.
"Okay." He says already drifting off to sleep.
"Nope! Come on Big Boy! You need a shower first and then we can cuddle and watch movies all day tomorrow." You say knowing neither of you have work or school tomorrow.
He smiles and nods his head in response because he is wayyy too tired to answer as of right now.
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed. You get up and slowly and quietly walk down the stairs, turn into the kitchen and lean on the doorway to the attached dining room just staring at the bare back facing toward you.
You can't help but just stare for a few minutes blacking out shortly after and you come to your senses with Rafe standing in front of you with his arms wrapped around your waist. "Good morning, Beautiful." He says with a sleepy smile.
"Hello. Why are you up so early?" You say with a quizzical look on your face.
"Sweetheart, it's 2pm." He says wondering how long you were awake last night.
"Oh, well, Good Morning to you too." She says with a small still half asleep smile. "What are you making for breakfast?" You say needing answers as to why your ex boyfriend/little hookup is snooping around your kitchen cooking you breakfast after he came to your house drunk last night.
"I wanted to be nice. Is that so bad Pretty Girl?" He asks truly curious. You stare off not knowing what to say.
"Sorry, I know your trying to get better but why were you so drunk last night?" You ask wanting to know what happened for him to leave his 2 months of sobriety for a whole night of drinking just to be happy the next day and act as if nothing happened.
"I don't know. I think it was about you not answering my text last night, maybe." He says ashamed at his prior actions.
"Babe, I was at therapy and didn't see your text until I was home. Okay?" You say with a tad of empathy in your eyes but then again he is a legal adult and should know better.
"Oh, sorry." He says asking himself why he did it mumbling to himself so fast not even an auctioneer could tell what the hell he just said. You walk over to the cabinet above your dishwasher to grab a few plates from the top shelf and when you seem to struggle you feel a large set of hands on your waist lift you and place you about a foot away from the cabinet. He reaches up and grabs the plates. And slowly inches you toward the dining room so you still don't know what's for breakfast.
He brings in a large stack of Chocolate chip pancakes and a bottle of syrup. When he sets everything down he walks away back to the kitchen doing this all while being completely silent and when he walks back in he's holding a large bowl full of your favorite mix of fruit (you can tell me which fruit you want and I'll eventually make a little run down of EVERYTHING about y/n if you just dm me or send me an ask about it I will do all of it if I see yours first like favorite color fruit etc.) When he sats down the bowl in front of you he places a slight peck to your forehead and you act like you pass out to cover the fact that you're blushing at the action.
"Princess, Are you okay?" He says truly worried about your head being stuck down because you refuse to look up at him.
"Fuck!" You say looking up terribly red. He just smiles at you realizing why you're bright red.
"I'm sorry, Beautiful. I didn't realize that's why you suddenly became so shy." He says attentatively toward you.
"It's okay I just wasn't expecting that kiss. Thank you for breakfast by the way." You say genuinely grateful.
"Brunch, Beautiful. It's brunch." Rafe says Matter-of-factly. You look at him and roll your eyes sarcastically.
"Fine! Brunch!" You say enunciating oddly.
"That's better. How was therapy yesterday?
You look at him with an awkward smile "it was..." You stop wondering what the hell to tell him "It was therapy for sure." You look at him after saying that with the most uncomfortable, disappointed 'why did you ask' kind of stare.
"Babe...what does that face mean?" He asks genuinely curious not knowing what to say next.
"I...I don't know, honestly." You say absolutely positive you DO know.
"Okay...hurry up and eat. I want to watch a movie." He says urgently.
"Which movie?" You say really scared as to what movie he has chosen to make you watch.
"Mmm" He says to think for a little bit longer not expecting such a fast response to his statement.
"Mmm what? What is happening in that odd brain of yours?" You say quietly after a few seconds of comfortable silence.
"I know what movie we're going to watch." He says suddenly. Acting weirder rhan normal.
"Okay...?" You say after wondering what kind of weird-ass stuff he's doing.
Sorry it's a little bit everywhere didn't really know what to do bc this was my first story so...yeah! If you enjoyed please let me know and do the same if you want more too. I was kinda throwing this together over the span of like...4 days? Idk. Hope you liked it bye<333
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cute-sucker · 4 months
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being rafe's girl meant giggling along to his jokes, as his hand was possessively wrapped around your waist.
being rafe's girl meant sitting in his lap during important meetings, bright eyes, and whispering in his ear every single time you didn't understand something (50% you were just looking at him confused)
being rafe's girl meant wearing your wedding ring, and whenever someone got too close - flashing it in their eyes so they knew who you belonged to
being rafe's girl was seeing him in his worst, and best, as his bleary eyes called out for you, you cooed at him like he was the prince in your fairy tales
being rafe's girl meant going to the beach, before shrieking going into the water, and then jumping out with a cute pout on your face, demanding that rafe buy you an ice cream
being rafe's girl meant that he would smile at you earnestly, from ear to ear, and someone people would be so shocked seeing you - a cute thing that was hanging on his lap
being rafe's girl meant going to his work and accidentally getting mistaken for his worker, and ending up doing some work at his firm before him coming to find you
being rafe's girl was getting special attention the minute rafe found out you had been mistaken for his worker, and getting that very same person who forced you into the job fired
being rafe's girl meant playing the piano for him, and then shly asking rafe to join, as you watched his trembling hands reminisce of a time that was better than all
being rafe girl was jumping into his arms every single time he came home, kissing his cheeks, and then telling him how much you missed him,
being rafe's girl meant many things <3
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erwinsvow · 6 months
Do you think rafe would wear necklace with his girl’s initial?? Like his girl bought it as a present and i’m curious on how rafe would react 😃
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"so what i'm hearin' is you got me somethin' with my own money?" rafe asks, looking down at the neatly wrapped box, a pretty white ribbon looped around it. your fingers play with the satin bow, anxious for rafe to open it.
"rafe!" you start with a whine but stop yourself. "it's the thought that counts, okay?" he laughs, taking the gift from your hands.
"sure, kid. whatever you say." he undoes the bow, setting it aside since he knows you'll want to keep it. the wrapping paper gets ripped up and off, while you protest that it could have been reused. he opens the box, looking down at a thin silver chain. there's a little pendant hanging down, the shape of your initial.
he looks up from the chain at you, waiting for his response with big eyes and parted lips. you're playing with your R necklace, the way you always do when you're nervous.
"d-do you like it? i thought we could match," you say quietly, biting you lower lip in anticipation.
"yeah?" he questions, taking the jewelry out of the box and into his hand, feeling the weight of it in his palm.
"only if you like it. you don't have to wear it, i just-"
"just what?" he looks you right in the eyes, wanting your real answer, not just you bouncing around his question from nerves.
"i just wanted to make sure everyone knows you're mine." you lip stings from where you're biting down, rafe look into your eyes.
he opens his arms, and you crawl into his lap, taking the chain from his palm and putting it around his neck, clipping it into place. you smile, pressing a kiss to rafe's cheek, his hands tight on your waist.
"got that right, kid."
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redhead1180 · 8 months
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Just a dump of our boys being adorkable 😋😮‍💨🫠
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drewstarkeyobsessed · 20 days
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This man deserves all the hype and love and recognition for every role he ever did and I’m so proud of him. 🤍💙
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keyh0use · 3 months
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Shitpost...20? Help me out y'all
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wikitpowers · 3 months
whenever i get sad i think about the fact that magnus sings songs to max and rafe to help them sleep and his favs are starman by bowie and bicycle by queen and let's just say instantly cured <3
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starkeyshirt · 3 months
Sleepy Baby
little! drew
caregivers! the rest of the crew
in which drew's favorite nickname while small is baby and he's one very sleepy baby.
"Come on, Drew! Smile!" Drew whined in response, burying his head into the couch cushions. He curled his body up into a little ball, leaning into Chase for some contact. Chase chuckled at his antics, rubbing his back gently.
Rudy smiled in amusement, watching Madelyn try desperately to catch the boy's attention to snap a cute photo of him. The crew never posted anything while Drew was little, but they loved keeping a small collection of them just for themselves. They saw it as a way to show their true love and support for their coworker and friend. "Don't go all shy on us now!"
Drew wiggled his body in protest, refusing to remove his head from the cushions. "Noo..."
Giggling, Madison piped up from her position next to Chase. "Come on, baby. Don't you want to say cheese for Madelyn?"
At his favorite nickname, Drew perked up. He lifted his head from the cushion, leaning over Chase to get his balance. Chase grinned, using the hand that wasn't holding the TV remote to pat down Drew's messy, short hair. Everyone could agree he looked adorable, adorned in a huge hoodie of Rudy's, baggy sweatpants, with a blanket cape over his shoulders. His hair was messy even with Chase's attempts at fixing it, his cheeks rosy from their outdoor excursions and his eyes red around the rims in tiredness. He was adorable.
"There you are! You're just a sleepy baby, aren't you?" Madelyn smiled fondly at her friend, noting how once again Drew's favorite small petname came in handy once again. As far as they have noticed, that name never fails to catch his attention - and it's a huge trigger of his regression, too. They had to deal with lots of tears when it was used in a joke at a party and Drew was left struggling with his mind all night long. "Smile for me, sleepy baby."
Drew sat up on his knees, giggling groggily as he did so. He was so so sleepy, but he closed his eyes and smiled as hard as he could anyway because he liked making his friends happy. He knew they supported him and it was the best feeling his could ask for.
Madelyn clicked her phone and the picture was taken, and she immediately sent it to their group chat. Everyone's phones dinged at once. Drew shuffled over to Jonathan, flopping out into a laying position. He twisted his body so he was laying on his back, looking up at his younger friend with an upside down and lopsided smile.
Jonathan smiled, redirecting his eyes from the television to Drew. "Well hello there."
Drew giggled. "Hi."
They said nothing more, but Drew was comfortable with that. He was getting very tired anyway. He scrunched his legs up and closed his eyes for a moment, letting a baby-like sigh slip past his pink lips. He was so sleepy!
His rest didn't last very long, though. Chase interrupted him with a hand on his leg. "Don't go falling asleep yet, baby. You still need to change and brush your teeth. You know the rules."
And when he says rules, he means the few things Drew had asked them to make sure he does when he's small. When they have time off, Drew is often small for a few days at a time. He's never good about brushing his teeth or showering or doing some of his basic hygiene stuff while in his headspace, and so he asked his friends if they would help him keep up with that while regressed. They often course agreed, and it honestly wasn't much different than when Drew was big and sleepy; he never wanted to brush his teeth, he always wanted to go straight to bed.
Drew whined, opening his eyes to glare at Chase. He pouted. Chase stood up, towering over the other boy. He stretched his hand out for Drew to take. "Come on, I'll help you."
Drew whined, refusing to take Chase's hand. He sunk back into the couch as far as he could. He was just so comfy, he didn't want to move!
"Drew. Come on, buddy. I know you're tired. What if Rudy came, too? He always makes it fun." Chase offered, sending a wink towards Rudy.
Rudy hopped up from his seat and chimed in helpfully. "I would be honored to be at your service, young sir."
Rudy playfully bowed, eliciting a giggle from Drew. Sleepily, the regressed boy complied, extending his arms for Chase to grab. Chase did so happily, grabbing Drew's hands and helping him to a standing position. Drew fisted his hands into sweaterpaws, rubbing at his eyes sleepily.
The three boys started to make their way out of the living area, stopping at the exit. Chase spoke up softly. "Wave goodnight to Maddie, Madison, and Jonathan, baby."
Drew lazily waved to the others, smiling at their renditions of "goodnight drew" or "goodnight baby." He gently nibbled on the end of one of his sweater paws for comfort, something he often did when he was really sleepy. He then took Chase's hand with his other, shuffling behind as his friends led him to the bathroom.
It was mostly Rudy helping Drew brush his teeth, which turned into him basically brushing the mentally younger's teeth for him while he sat on the counter. Drew was sleepy but very compliant, and the whole teeth brushing ordeal didn't take very long. Chase set out the boy's favorite fluffy pajamas while he was brushing his teeth.
The changing process was very quick too, and once again it was mostly Rudy and Chase doing all of the work. They didn't mind, though. Their friend was absolutely adorable while small and they enjoyed helping him. It was sweet knowing he trusted them with such a precious thing.
"Alright, Drewy, ready for sleep?" Chase asked, bringing the boy's blanket over him.
Drew merely hummed in response, burrowing into his pillow. He was asleep before Rudy could even say goodnight.
Rudy and Chase stood there for a moment longer, silently admiring the friendship they all formed while working together. Knowing they trusted each other enough to share big secrets like Drew's, well that felt really great.
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small-spark-of-light · 11 months
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day 26 was to draw 10 expression with 1 character!!
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markantonys · 11 months
i'm laughing about how i was so mad when i first pieced together promo shots and realized min would be going to cairhien where rand is in s2, i was like "UGH the LAST thing we need is them shoehorning in more min/rand time when she already monopolizes his time for half the series, why the hell would they do this!" and then it turns out that min going to cairhien was purely to facilitate a cauthor reunion and she didn't even see rand once the entire time. chef's kiss, 10/10, they really got me good. #PutMatInThePolycule
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cute-sucker · 4 months
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note: hands and rafe?? fluff!! this came to mind. i wanna talk about it so bad so y'all are forced to listen to my rambling idc. (might do a nsfw one if y'all want it...i'm sorry)
extra note; this is dedicated to my first anon; the beloved 🪐 anon <3
when rafe's hands are on your waist, dragging you close it means he's possesivally telling everyone who you belong to, and especially when his hand drags down to that small base of your back that you love so much, feeling yourself flush
when rafe hands reach for your, needing that small way to be close to you, you know to move closer to him, knowing that he needed you and that you needed to be there for him.
when rafe hands hold your hand, a calloused large hand weaved with your tiny one you can almost feel the shyness in the gesture, the vulnerability he's offering you, that softness that you could only get from him
when rafe's hands wrap around your shoulder, he's drunk and laughing at stupid joke as you give him a cheesy smile. you only need a squeeze on the shoulder to know he's completly yours, as his eyes are that dazzling steel blue you know too well
when rafe's hands drums on your thigh, you look up to him looking concentrated on whatever he's doing. he needs to keep his hand there, not caring about the prying looking that the guys give him, or the viciously annoyed looks girls toss your way. he just needs to close to you
when rafe's hands brushes your hair away, a small graze on your forehead, or while braiding your hair, you know he's reminding something. there is something about hair that drag him back to his youth, you think, because he gets teary eyed almost.
when rafe's hand grab at your elbow you know he's pissed with his rough touch. your elbow is some place that he drag you to turn around. usually it means you will be taked to in a demeaning way, snark clear in his tone, yet that soothing touch on your elbow tells you another story
when rafe's hands fiddles with your fingers, you know he needs something to drag him back to reality, that soft distracted of touch of his makes you hide your smile; something that he'll snap, 'what,' when he notices you looking at him in that shy way
when rafe's hand cups your jaw, it could be two things. it means he needs to look at his eyes to ground himself and know that you're still here with your wide doe eyes, and a clear look on his face, or it means he wants to see the look on your face when he teases you, a clear flush spreading across your face as he drags your face up to kiss you
when rafe's hand lingers on your wrist, it means he's checking your heartbeat to make sure nothing has scared you. sometimes you jump up, and his hand quickly travels to that delicate part of your body to check your heartbeat. you always find yourself feeling so grateful that he cares about you so much
when rafe's hands reach to wrap around your stomach, where he tucks his head in that hollow of your shoulder, you know that you need to ease him. you need to take care of him if it's by giving him something like a sweet kiss, or whispering a promise that will make him happier
when rafe's hands feel for you at night, a urgency in his touch hoping that he won't make contact with a cold bedsheet, and instead he'll make contact with your warm body which is twisted along his own as if the two of you were melded into one and another
when rafe's hands stretch the waistband of your sweatpants, you can't help but laugh, at how silly he is, how touchy he is. but he's like how poets say, the other half of your soul, and you let him do his silly acts
when rafe's hand grazes your eyes, you know you'll find him leaning over to kiss both of your fluttering eyes, a calm soft touch that will make you sigh. he knows sometimes you need it to calm down, that gentle touch that'll make you feel safe.
when rafe's hands stay reached to your side, you feel more loved than you ever have.
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erwinsvow · 6 months
babe i have a thought but idk if i can word this right
so rafe x shy!reader when theyre still taking it slow with the dry humping n fingering but she wants to make rafe feel good as well yk but she isnt mentally ready yet for sex !! n so she quietly tries to learn on how to give head from porn n when she executes it on rafe hes all like ?? huh ???? how the hell .
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rafe asked you what you were doing last night. you told him you were studying.
you were studying, you hadn't lied about that. he'd just assumed it was your schoolwork and didn't ask further questions, when you were really about six pages into the pornhub results, searching up deepthroating. an hour ago it'd been just blowjob but all the videos seemed to indicate this was the superior method.
you were nothing if not thorough, studious. you were a quick study too, swiftly realizing nearly all the 'blowjob' videos had some aspect of 'deepthroating' in them, and you wanted to learn everything for rafe, learn the best for him, be the best for him.
so that's how you ended up like this, practicing your new techniques on a second banana from your kitchen. you had accidentally choked and bitten down on the first one, so you had to go back for another, avoiding your parents' questions.
you were getting better though, which is all that mattered. another tab was helping you learn how to not trigger your gag reflex, and another still reminding you to breathe through your nose and use your hands where your mouth couldn't reach. you had accumulated enough knowledge, you just needed to practice, hence the fruit.
rafe was taking you to dinner tomorrow, and you always slept at tannyhill after one of your dates. that would be the perfect chance to show him your new skills.
rafe was experienced in every sense of the word, all you wanted was to impress him, make him realize you can handle more than he thinks you can. he's still concerned he's gonna break you and even though you know he can—the first time you guys tried to have sex lingering in your mind—you know he won't.
after dinner, rafe tries to take you for ice cream, the way he always does, and you surprise him by saying no. you never refuse dessert so he thinks something's wrong, but you surprise him again, getting to your knees in front of him while he takes a seat on his bed.
"what're you doin', kid?" he mumbles, thinking you're not sure what you're causing right now.
"you said i can have dessert. this is what i want," you murmur back, taking out his hardened dick. everything's a blur, you don't even remember unbuckling his belt but it rests beside your knees.
you glance up hesitantly, remembering another website that had said to keep eye contact. you'll have to go back to that, too concerned with how much you can fit in your mouth—rafe is bigger than your banana.
you start slowly, looking up while your hands stroke up and down. you think you're doing well—rafe's reacting how you imagined, heavily breathing, his hand snaking into your hair.
"jesus, shit, kid-" now you know you're doing well, lowering your entire mouth onto rafe's dick, feeling him fill up your throat. you choke around it for a moment, sucking down and running your tongue over the veins there. you take him out, catching your breath for a second while spit runs down his length and the side of your mouth.
you spit again, this time on his head, licking all the way up and then bringing him into your throat again. it's going good—you think! rafe's moaning and you definitely like the sound of it, staring up at him with watery eyes while you choke and moan around it.
he's getting close you think, the way his grip tightens on your hair and his hips start thrusting up into your mouth. you don't stop or slow down, but rafe does, yanking your hair and pulling you off.
you sputter, catching your breath, wiping away the spit.
"what happened?" you question quietly, looking up at him. a tear runs down, not able to stay in place. you're not upset though, just curious. "was it not good? did i do something wrong?"
"you told me you've never done that before."
"i haven't," you reply, shaking your head.
"so, so you just knew? to do all of that? don't fuckin' lie to me, kid, i'm not playin' around-"
"i didn't! swear! i've been studying, i told you-"
"this is what you've been studyin'?"
"...yes. i thought i was doing good." you mumble the last part, hugging your knees. you look away from rafe, feeling embarrassed.
"hey, hey. you were. i just wasn't expectin' that, s'all. scared me. you're too good at that." you perk up.
"i am?"
"yeah. you little freak. c'mon, finish up. gotta put that studyin' to use, hm?"
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redhead1180 · 9 months
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Adorable 😍😍
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Soft dom Sofia who babies Rafe and spoils him a lil too much vs hard dom Barry who makes him actually work for it all
.... *quiet mumble-singing* got the beeesssttt of both worldss...
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drewstarkeyobsessed · 9 months
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He’s the cutest I love him😩🥹
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lovekenney · 10 months
My obx mutuals finding out i literally haven’t finished s2
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