#Ad maiorem Dei gloriam
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theodoreangelos · 2 years ago
Palm Sunday – Entry of Christ into Jerusalem Niedziela Palmowa (Niedziela Męki Pańskiej, Niedziela Kwietna, Niedziela Wierzbna) – Wjazd Pański do Jerozolimy Dominica in Palmis de passione Domini (Dominica palmarum) – Introitus solemnis Iesu super asellum sedentis in Hierosolyma Domenica delle palme (Seconda domenica di passione) – Ingresso a Gerusalemme di Gesù Květná neděle o utrpení Páně (Pašijová neděle) – Ježíšův příjezd do Jeruzaléma Kvetná nedeľa (Palmová nedeľa) – Príchod Ježiša Krista do Jeruzalema Cvjetnica (Cvjetna nedjelja, Palmenica, Uličnica, Nedjelja Muke Gospodnje) – Isusov svečani ulazak u Jeruzalem Вербна неділя (Вербниця) – Вход Ісуса Христа до Єрусалиму Virágvasárnap – Jézus Krisztus bevonulása Jeruzsálembe Palmsonntag – Einzug Christi in Jerusalem Palmsöndagen – Jesu Kristi intåg i Jerusalem Dimanche des Rameaux – L'entrée de Jésus-Christ dans Jérusalem Domingo de Ramos – Entrada triunfal de Jesucristo en Jerusalén Domingo de Ramos – Entrada triunfal de Jesus em Jerusalém Вербное воскресенье – Вход Господень в Иерусалим כניסתו של ישו לירושלים – יום ראשון של הדקלים ورود عیسی مسیح به اورشلیم در – یکشنبه نخل パームサンデ ー – エルサレム入城の日 종려주일 (성지주일, 주님 수난 성지주일) – 예수님의 예루살렘 입성 棕枝主日(聖枝主日,棕树主日,基督苦難主日)– 基督胜利进入耶路撒冷 Photographer: Anna Słapek, Ad maiorem Dei gloriam
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Hosanna! 🌿
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merrinla · 1 year ago
I need more of him speaking latin please
Translated spells from devnotes
Flagra – Blaze
Arde – Burn
Maior, fortior – Greater, stronger
Fulgur – Lightning
Glacies – Ice
Acidum – Acid
Dolor – Pain
Malleus – Hammer
Confusio – Confusion
Morere – Die
Veni et iuva me – Come and aid me
Configo – I pierce
Ignis – Fire
Peri – Perish
Macte virtute – Be blessed (for your courage)
Ira et dolor – Wrath and pain
Te curo – I cure you
Treme – Shiver
Quod dico face – Do as I say
Invoco te – I summon you
Tonitrus – Thunder
Deure – Wither
Macesce – Wither
Cudo – I beat
Mortalis – Deadly
Ferio – I strike
Frange – Shatter
Inficio – I poison
Stupefacio – I strike (you) dumb
Impero tibi – I command you
Incende – Set fire
Diminuo te – I shatter you
Tormentum – Torture
Gela – Freeze
Perure – Be consumed
Ira – Wrath
Caedo – I cut
Ex Textura – From the Weave
Detono – I thunder
Mortem tuum sum – I am your death
Venenum – Poison
Tu es nihil – You are nothing
Dissolve – Melt
Dialino – I shred
Torre – Roast
Vis medicatrix – Healing Power
Seco – I carve
 Circulus mortis – Circle of death
Resisto mortem – I resist death
Vita excolatur – Let life be enriched
Voco spicae – I summon spikes
Magis amica veritas – Truth is a better friend
Te video – I see you
Tempestas – Wind
Risum teneatis? – Can you help laughing?
Resisto ignem – I resist fire
Non fit injura – No harm is done
Sphaera mortis – Sphere of death
Corpora sana – Healthy bodies
Diminue – Be diminished
Crescit eundo – It grows as it goes
Intactilis sum – I am untouchable
Ververo – I lash
Obedi me – Obey me
Pulso – Open up
Ad lapidem – To stone
Non compos mentis – (You are) not in control of your faculties
Esurio – Be afraid
Resisto frigus – I resist cold
Omnia mutantur – Everything changes
Signum arcanum – Magic symbol
Ad maiorem dei gloriam – For the greater glory of god
Tenebra – Darkness
Mundus vult decipi – The world wants to be deceived
Nulla salus – There is no salvation
Punge – Sting
Ludus non factum est – The game is not over
Hostium munera – Gifts of enemies
Plue – Let it rain
Esto perpetua – May it be perpetual
Bene curatur – It can be healed well
Non movere – Don’t move
Voco murus – I summon a wall
Morio – You absolute fool
Voco flagella – I summon tentacles
Venustior – More charming
Pallida mors – Pale death
Aresce – Dry up
Resarcio – I repair
Evanesco – I disappear
Vincere est vivere – To conquer is to live
Fiat voluntas dei – May god’s will be done
Et alibi – And elsewhere
Invisibilis – Invisible
Propera – Hurry up
Inaccessus – Inaccessible
Nocturnus – By night
Vos curo – Heal you
Demento te – I drive you insane
Agilius – With more agility
Caveat incantator – Let the caster beware
Inexpugnabilis – Impregnable
Virtus et scientia – Virtue and knowledge
Voco vineae – I summon vines
Tempora mutantur – The times have changed
Maledicte es – You are cursed
Vincit qui patitur – He conquers who endures
Voco potentia – I summon power
Risus abundat – Laughter is abundant
Pulchrior – More beautiful
Da mihi facta – Give me the facts
Ocior – Make haste
Resisto venenum – I resist poison
Horribilissimus – The most horrible
Loquere si tibi placet – Speak if you please
Stabilio – I stabilize
Voco araneae – I summon webs
Te occludo oculos – I close your eyes
Dum vita est, spes est – Where there’s life, there’s hope
Canto te – I enchant you
Caeco te – I blind you
Mors tua, vita mea – Your death, my life
Fiat lux – let there be light
Para bellum – Prepare for war
Volo non fugia – I fly but do not flee
Gigans – Giant
Vivat crescat floreat – May it live and grow
Efferve – Swarm over
Ubi es? – Where are you?
Surge – Arise
Incommodum – Disaster
Siccut cattus – Like a cat
Citius – Faster
Resisto acidum – I resist acid
Mors certa – Death is certain
Te adstringo linguam – I bind your tongue
Ex nihilo – Out of nothing
Sine metu – Without fear
Voco glacies – I summon ice
Minimus – The smallest
Intellego – I understand
Voco nubes – I summon clouds
Auribus teneo lupum – I hold the wolf be the ears
Corruptus – Infected
Ale me – Feed me
Flagello – I whip
Es praedae mei – You are my prey
Cave circulum – Beware of the circle
Amo sanguinem – I love blood
Amicus animalis – Friend of animals
Mors animae – Death of the soul
Cum mortuis in lingua mortua – With the dead in a dead language
Aqua pura – Clear water
In nocte consilium – The night brings advice
Umbrae – Shadows
Tibi do pennas – I give you wings
Te absolvo – I acquit you
Inveniam viam – I will find a way
Irretio in sphaera – I trap you in sphere
Ostende secretorum tuorum – Reveal your secrets
Oculus tempestatis – The eye of the storm
Resurg – You will rise again
Mutatis mutandis – With appropriate changes
Tuebor – I will protect
Aridissimus – Driest
Intelligenti pauca – Few words suffice for he who understands
Eiecto te – I throw you out
Cresceat scientia – Let knowledge grow
Silentium – Silence
Impero te – I command you
Time – Be afraid
Resisto – I resist
Video veritatem – I see the truth
Viam sapientiae – The way of wisdom
Stultissime – You most stupid
Ut ventus – Into the wind
Secreti umbrarum – The secrets of the shadows
Clausus – Locked
Lux in tenebra – Light in darkness
Ab uno disce omnes – From one, learn all
Ad vitam aeternam – To eternal life
Impero mortuos – I command the dead
Morbidus – Diseased
Sol Invictus – Unconquered Sun
Te exsecror – I curse you
Mors incerta, vita certissima – Death is uncertain, life the most certain
Gustas dulcis – You taste so sweet
Fronti nulla fides – Appearances deceive
Dissera – Open up
Expello te – I expel you
Extende – Enlarge
Voco arvina – I summon grease
Vae victis – Woe to the conquered
Scio, Didici, Pecto – I know, for I have studied, with my mind
Vita, Mortis, Careo – Life, and death, I am without
Manus, Potentis, Paro – A hand, powerful, I prepare
Veritas, Credo, Oculos – The truth, I believe, with my eyes
Facio, Voco, Ferre – This I do, I call, to bring you forth
Incertus, Pulcher, Imperio – Uncertain, beautiful things, I command
Cupio, Virtus, Licet – I want, excellence, allowed to me
Praeses, Alia, Fero – Protecting, another, I bring this forth
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floramau · 1 year ago
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it's all fun and games till you hear a distant "AD MAIOREM DEI GLORIAM"
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stephanie-roberts · 1 year ago
A list of Latin spell chants collected by ExoZilla on r/BaldursGate3
Useful recourse for RP and fanfiction writers
Disclaimer: I do not speak Latin.
Fire Bolt- Ignis (Fire)
Ray of Frost- Glacies (Ice)
Acid Splash- Acido (Acid)
Blade Ward/Guidance/Thaumaturgy- Maior et Fortior ("Greater and Stronger")
Chill Touch- Timere ("Be afraid!")
Dancing Lights/Light/Produce Flame- Fiat Lux/Sol Invictus (“Let there be light”/“Unconquered sun”)
Eldritch Blast- Dolor* (Mental/Physical Pain)
Mage Hand- Veni et iuva me ("Come and help me!")
Poison Spray- Venenum (Poison)
Resistance- Resisto ("I resist")
Sacred Flame- Incende ("Set fire!")
Shillelagh/Flame Blade- Para bellum/Canto te ("prepare for war"/"I enchant you”)
Shocking Grasp- Fulgor (Levin or flash)
Thorn Whip- Flagellum, Flagello/ ?? verum (to flagellate, whip/"?? sweep")
True Strike- N/A
Friends- N/A
1st level Spells:
Armor of Agathys/Barkskin/Bless/Enhance Ability/Jump/Mage Armor/Shield of Faith- Macte virtute ("Be blessed with virtue")
Arms of Hadar/Inflict Wounds- Morere ("Die!")
Animal Friendship- Obedi me/Obeus temeum lupum ("Obey me"/??)
Bane/Ray of Enfeeblement- Tu est nihil (“You are nothing”)
Burning Hands/Scorching Ray- Ardere (To burn)
Charm Person- Impero te/Tempora muntante ("I rule you”/“Temporary change”?)
Color Spray/Blindness- Te occludo oculos/Caecus te("I blind your eyes"/"I blind you")
Command/Ensnaring Strike/Sleep- Impero tibi (“I rule you”)
Create Water- Lues/Aqua pura (Plague, pestilence?/“Clean water”)
Cure Wounds/Healing Word- Te curo/Vis medicatrix* (“I cure you”/"healing power")
Destroy Water- Arescere/Arere decimos ("Become dry"/"Become ten times as dry"?)
Disguise self- Mutatis mutandis/Omnia mutatio (“With things changed that should be changed”/“Change it all”)
Dissonant Whispers- Dolor ("Mental/Physical Pain")
Entangle- Voco vinae/Vinum est et gloriat ("I call forth vines"/??)
Faerie Fire- Te video/Ubi est ("I see you”/“Where are you?”)
False Life/Aid- Vitae extollato/Dum vita est spes est ("Life raised"?/"While there is life, there is hope")
Feather Fall- Non fit injura/Se neme ("There will be no injury/harm"/??)
Find Familiar/Goodberry/Moonbeam- Ex textura (“Weave from the outside”?)
Fog Cloud- Voco nubes ("I call forth clouds")
Grease- Voco arvina ("I call forth grease")
Guiding Bolt- Facula/Flagra ("Little torch"/"Blaze/be inflamed")**
Hail of Thorns- Dia denum (??)
Hellish Rebuke/Flaming Sphere/Spike Growth- Ira et dolor ("Wrath and pain")
Hex- Maledicus/Te exsecror (Abusive, scurrilous/“I curse you”)
Hunter’s Mark- Est praedae mae/Mos certa (“You are my prey”/"Certain death"?)
Longstrider/Expeditious Retreat- Proprae/Ocior/Citium (??)
Magic Missile- Tormentum (a piece of artillery/missile)
Protection from Good and Evil- Tueor/vincit qui patitur (To watch over, protect/“he conquers who endures”)
Ray of Sickness- Inficio ("Infect")
Speak with Animals- Amicus animales/Loqui ut tibi placet (“friend of animals“/“To speak as you please”?)
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter- Rezum teniates??/Reza sabuntat?? (??)
Thunderwave/Shatter- Detono (Thunder/"Expend one's thunder")
Witch Bolt- Harures (??)
*Non-Tav/NPC exclusive line
2nd level spells:
Blur- Incomodo?/Nullus sui ("Inconvenient"?/"None of him/her/them")
Darkness- Tenebrum/Umbra (Darkness/Shadow)
Darkvision- Lux en tenebra/Secretum curaro (“Light in darkness”/??)
Detect Thoughts- Video veritatem/Virtus est scientia (“I see the truth”/“Virtue is knowledge”)
Hold Person- Non movere/Ad lapide (“You do not move”/“To stone!”)
Invisibility/Pass Without a Trace- Evanesco/Invisibilis (To vanish, disappear/ self-explanatory)
Lesser Restoration- Te absolvo/Vincere est vivere (“I absolve you”/“To conquer is to live”)
Melf’s Acid Arrow- Dissolvae (Self-explanatory)
Mirror Image- Fronte nulla vides/Mundus vult decipi ("No faith in the front"?/“The world wants to be deceived”)
Misty Step- Inveniam viam/Ad alibi (“I will find a way”/"To elsewhere")
Prayer of Healing- Fiat voluntas Dei/Ad maiorem Dei gloriam (“May God’s will be done”/“For the greater glory of God”)
Protection from Poison- Résistance venenum (“resist venom/poison”)
Silence- Silencio (Self-explanatory)
Web- Voco arenea ("I call forth a spider's web")
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elarchivodeariel · 1 year ago
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Me voy relajando, acallando el ruido interior y tomando conciencia de que voy a hablar con Alguien que me acompaña.
1) Pido luz, ser lúcido, intentando vivir en transparencia: "sin el misterio de la luz, la vida se vuelve laberinto".
2) "Por dónde pasa mi Señor". Voy recorriendo la jornada, viendo las pequeñas o grandes presencias de Dios en las personas, en los sucesos, en los sentimientos, en las lecturas o en el trabajo bien realizado.
3) Doy gracias reconociendo tanto bien recibido y el bien realizado durante este día.
4) Pido perdón por todo lo ambiguo, erróneo, dañino o negativo que haya podido hacer.
5) "¿Señor, qué quieres que haga?". Pienso en cómo espera el Señor que actúe mañana.
Iñigo de Loyola, mejor conocido como San Ignacio de Loyola, soldado y sacerdote español, es el fundador de la #CompañíaDeJesús, #OrdenJesuita, y autor de los #EjerciciosEspirituales, compendio que inspira a quienes buscan la paz espiritual y la luz del pensamiento entre creyentes de diversas religiones, e incluso de personas no religiosas pero sí espirituales.
Compartimos hoy esta "grajea", que es un apunte breve que, todos los días, puede ayudarnos a encontrar nuestro eje en tiempos tormentosos, confiando en que lo que viene, siempre, será mejor. Por nuestro trabajo disciplinado, con la ayuda de Dios.
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam
¡A la mayor Gloria de Dios!
Este es el deseo de CONSCIENCIA TORAH.
Lic. Flavia Vecellio Reane.
Entrenadora en Conocimiento Personal.
Intérprete de Códigos Herméticos.
Diciembre 14, 2023.
#SanIgnacioDeLoyola #Loyola #IHS #Jesuitas
#AdMaioremDeiGloriam #ALaMayorGloriaDeDios
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avere3achefare5 · 4 months ago
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam
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nihmue · 21 days ago
Odo Marquard on Theodicy
Especially since one of God's traditional alibis, the devil, had been derealized by Descartes not long before into the genius malignus [wicked demon], as a trick of argumentation in the context of "methodical doubt," and had thus ceased to be available as a means of unburdening God, this question of the grounds for the Creation as such was made urgent, in the middle of the eighteenth century, by striking new experiences of "badness": for instance, the proto-"Green" negative experience of the remoteness of culture from nature, which Rousseau described, beginning in 1750; and, for another instance, Kant's discovery (beginning in 1769) of the antinomies, with the alarming consequence that the guarantor of the Enlightenment— reason—can itself operate as a genius malignus, through its own endogenously generated illusions. This new discomfort with the world—for which the earthquake of Lisbon served as a visible focus, and to which the almost simultaneous beginning of the literary and historiographical fear genres, the genre of the horror novel (1764) and the genre of the philosophy of history (1765), also belong—now ruins optimism and calls for a radical answer to our question: If the best possible creation inevitably includes evils, why did God not refrain from creating it? A radical answer to this question is provided by the philosophy of autonomy, beginning with Kant and Fichte, and this answer is: God did refrain from creating it, for it is not God who creates the world, but—in accordance with the principle of autonomy—man, who does so specifically (according to Kant) as the creator of the artificial experimental world of the exact sciences, and the world of their technical application, as well as the world of autonomously self-given moral norms and their fulfillment; and (according to Fichte) as the creator of history. I underscore the fact that this uncommonly influential thesis—the autonomy thesis, beginning with transcendentally revolutionary idealism—was made necessary by theodicy, as a way of unburdening God by relieving him of his duties as the Creator god, whose successor (with the job of unburdening God) is man the autonomous creator. So my thesis is: This autonomization—a sort of atheism ad maiorem Dei gloriam [to the greater glory of God] (a phenomenon to which, accordingly, the doctrine and later the myth of the "end of God" also belong)—this autonomization is a theodicy motive in modern philosophy.
Odo Marquard, In Defense of the Accidental (1991)
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ai2music · 5 months ago
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam: The Epic Song of the Templar
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lyrics365 · 7 months ago
March of Mephisto
[with Shagrath from DIMMU BORGIR] ASPIRAT PRIMO FORTUNA LABORI ME DUCE TUTUS ERIS VOX POPULI VOX DEI AD MAIOREM DEI GLORIAM… AD INFINITUM You know just who I am Don’t be so distant Cause when you’re lost I am solely there to share your grief Wailing for your sorrow Is only my way to comfort you Reminders of innocent youth Waiting for morrow you’re lonely I name your solitude I speaketh the…
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theodoreangelos · 2 years ago
ἀνέστη ὥσπερ εἶπεν, ἀλληλούια Resurrexit, sicut dixit. Alleluia. Photographer: Anna Słapek, Surrexit Dominus Vere!
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Surrexit Dominus Vere!
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abbapatter · 10 months ago
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam
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beholdimhisbeloved · 11 months ago
In my life, be lifted high! ad maiorem dei gloriam ~
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pazodetrasalba · 1 year ago
Follow the Leader
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Dear Caroline:
This is a pearl of wisdom, and I find nothing untrue or essentially objectionable about it except perhaps for the recurrent utilitarian framing. I'd prefer to say something like 'it is good because it is good', rather than 'it is good because it leads to x useful outcome'.
I remember reading recently a post that discussed that one of the reasons technical people avoid managerial, middling positions in their companies, in spite of the higher salary, is that they reject the falseness, the hypocrisy and the 'people playing' those positions require. I feel for the most part, this is probably a case of rationalization and sour grapes, but can see how for some people it could have a kernel of truth in it - it is really hard for me to conceive of myself lying ad maiorem dei gloriam, and even less so if I had to do it as an everyday necessity.
Then again, 'lying' is too crude a way of depicting what are complex human interactions that sometimes warrant a degree of equivocation iff it is the complete opposite of harmful to the intended receivers, like 'lies to children'. It still makes me queasy, though. One of my projects for 2024 is keeping a Book of Lies, in which I will be writing down the (hopefully very few) distortions of the Reality Principle I commit, along with the reason and some way to avoid falling into the same pitfall again in the future.
But back to leadership: with great power indeed comes great responsibility, and leading is leading others. It makes sense it should come with some unpleasantness, some pain and some requirements of self-control, but this is not very new - the British ruling class always made the most of Stoic values and the stiff-upper lip. And that includes, indeed, putting a fair face to rough weather. And if you can induce your own mind-tricks for easing the demands of duty, I can only nod with respect and increase a little bit more my appreciation for your outstanding abilities. But then I already knew you were a great general in one of Quirrell’s armies.
England expects that every man will do his duty
Horatio Nelson
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fredborges98 · 1 year ago
Silêncio, oração e trabalho ou A guerra dos silêncios.
Gloriose sancte Benedicte, magne confessor fidei, cum omni fiducia venio ad tuam pretiosissimam protectionem implorandam. Tu, quem Deus caelestibus donis ditavit, da mihi quas ardenter desidero ad maiorem Dei gloriam. Exhortetur cor meum in dehortationibus.
Por: Fred Borges
O silêncio não pode revelar ser a omissão,o pernicioso,o permissivo, o oblativo, depressivo, depreciativo,abortivo,degenerativo,
invasivo, exploração , subjugar a liberdade de culto filosófico, dogmático doutrinário, religioso a qualquer que seja, adorai e adoração a qualquer que seja o Deus.
Deus que nos apequena, nos torna humildes, tolerantes, resilientes, tementes, para que nos inclinemos ao sabor dos ventos e não naufragamos no barco que aderna, caserna das milícias e militantes limitantes, lenientes, a direita ou a esquerda e nos torna náufragos do excesso de água, água que nos afoga, refoga, enfoga, revoga, Ab-roga boa moral,e desloga.
Há uma guerra de religiões ocorrendo no mundo, esta guerra na Índia é entre Hindus e Muçulmanos.
Estamos diante da mais nefasta e destruidora das guerras, uma guerra silenciosa, uma doença que avança e faz desfalecer corpos de crianças, mulheres, idosos, mas pouco a pouco torna-se uma metástase afetando todas as partes do corpo, órgãos vitais que alimentam a consciência humana, nos humaniza, nos faz virtuosos e voluptos da democracia.
Nunca estivemos ou alcançamos a paz coletiva, e se não temos a paz coletiva, teremos ou seremos realmente possuidores da paz individual da alma?
Carma hinduísta ou budista?
"No país, os muçulmanos são vítimas de preconceito, preteridos em empregos em relação aos hindus e alvos de todo tipo de barreira para alcançar a independência econômica e social.
Agora, também serão preteridos na hora de solicitar a cidadania.
A mudança faz parte da Lei de Emendas na Cidadania, proposta pelo partido Bharatiya Janata, do primeiro-ministro Narendra Modi. O atual chefe de Governo foi eleito em 2014 com uma plataforma de nacionalismo hindu.
A barbárie entre hindus e muçulmanos teria começado como estratégia britânica, adepta da prática de “dividir e conquistar” os povos originários em suas colônias.
Ap��s o fim da Segunda Guerra, Londres concede a liberdade para a Índia – em grande medida porque o Reino Unido do final dos anos 1940 tinha recursos limitados para controlar suas colônias do outro lado do mundo.
A divisão entre muçulmanos e hindus foi feita às pressas, em 1947, com o desenho da fronteira feito por um juiz britânico.
O processo foi tão sangrento que, até hoje, estimar os mortos é tarefa difícil: os historiadores calculam algo entre 200 mil e dois milhões de mortos pelo caminho."
Por todos os lados do mundo observamos extremismos, os moderados, conciliadores, mediadores, negociadores da paz estão sendo " decapitados", a diplomacia rendeu-se também aos extremismos, e as relações internacionais, não passam de uma panacéia, placebo,teatro de ventrículos, teatro dos silêncios.
A esquerda no Brasil destrói o passado que a condena, provas que condenaram a corrupção são apagadas com furadeiras, uma furadeira, escarradeira,
babadeira, furo no cérebro humano,lema se fez e se rarefez, destruir o terror artificialmente para construir o "amor", puro jogo de palavras, demagogia e antropofagia.
Demonstrações de preconceitos religiosos estão, em toda parte, intolerância religiosa, entre os próprios cristãos, há sectarismo étnicos, religiosos eclodindo em todas as partes do Brasil.
É proibido proibir!
Coibir, inibir,definir,nem pensar se não for pelo discurso dos incluídos pelos excluídos!
Por todas as partes o processo ou processos de dividir para governar se sedimentam pelo poder, para o poder,poder econômico e financeiro,
desvincular religião e política é uma Utopia, distopia é o acontece na Índia, no governo Lula que oferece o silêncio e o ato de silenciar, apagar,negligenciar,
permitir o transgredir para ferir, machucar.
O que muitos setores religiosos e religiões oferecem é o silêncio dos inertes e da inércia,enquanto a casa não se torna comunista, fascista,nazista, socialista as religiões silenciam, Pio XII silenciou diante do massacre do povo judeu pelos nazistas, lideres religiosos silenciam diante de ditaduras ou disfarces e desfaçatez de democratas e democracias, diante de estupro de crianças, mulheres, idosos e àqueles lideres religiosos que inadvertidamente quebram o silêncio, são para sempre silenciados ou aprisionados nas clausuras oficiais do Estado de Direito Democrático.
Falamos todos no Brasil a mesma língua?
Quais palavras norteiam nossos discursos?
Qual a semiótica reinante e glorificante?
Quais ideologias, dogmas, doutrinas nos controlam e nos faz controladores, manipuladores, falsos motivadores?
Quais os silêncios que queremos, podemos e devemos estabelecer?
O silêncio das variadas formas de corrupção: ativa, passiva?
A corrupção do Narendra Modi, do Lula da Silva, do Xi Jinping, Cyril Ramaphosa ou Vladimir Putin?
Que corrupção ou silêncio queremos?
As guerras já mataram bilhões, as guerras políticas e religiosas mataram e ainda matarão milhões, não somente no formato do sectarismo, secularismo, "dizimismo",da tentativa da inclusão , reparação patrocinando o mal pelo discurso do bem, mas há variados formatos e formas que podem ser traduzidos em:
A guerra dos silêncios!
The war of silences!
मौन का युद्ध!
Война молчания!
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aperint · 1 year ago
Un día como hoy…
Un día como hoy... #aperturaintelectual #undiacomohoyai
27 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2023 Un día como hoy… LOS DATOS CULTURALES SON: En 1540, en España, gracias a la emisión de la bula papal de Paulo III y bajo el lema “Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam” (a mayor gloria de Dios), queda conformada formalmente la “Compañía de Jesús” fundada por Ignacio de Loyola. En 1590, fallecía en Roma, Estado Pontificio, a los 69 años de edad el papa Urbano VII, quien fuera el…
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rukysj · 2 years ago
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Komunitas Doa Ignasian akan kembali mengadakan acara offline besok pada : Hari/tgl : *Jum at 10 Maret 2023* Jam : *17.00 - 19.00* Tempat : *Aula bawah Gereja St Antonius Purbayan* Materi : *Menghayati masa Prapaskah (Lukas 15 : 1 - 3, 11 - 32)* Bersama : *Romo DR. B. A. Rukiyanto SJ* Latihan doa secara online lewat kanal youtube Komunitas Doa Ignasian Sabtu 11 Maret 2023 jam 20.00 Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam, demi kemuliaan Tuhan yang lebih besar. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpjis4CLheD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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