#Actually - that quote is so Miles @ Alex
uhbasicallyjustmilex · 3 months
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“Miles is, without a doubt, Wolverine. Wolverine is a style icon to him. I see similarities. Miles always follows his instinct. And he’s capable of fixing things that are broken, whether it’s material or emotional damage, in no time.” - Alex Turner
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franklyimissparis · 11 months
saw someone in the comments of a tik tok today talking about milex and saying that miles had confirmed they dated at one point. someone asked for the source and the person linked that fucking april fools’ day article 😭😭😭
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paperlovesadness · 2 years
Miles hasn't posted anything today and I suddenly feel abandoned
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kiwiana-writes · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
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Thanks to @daisymae-12 @anincompletelist @suseagull04 for the tags! I'm having A Bit Of A Week so I decided to jump back into a doc I've been struggling with for a while but really love, aka Anastasia AU my beloved, and smash out a few new words for it. I'd apologise for it being so bloody long buuuuuuut turns out I'm not actually sorry!
“Age progression AI,” Nora says, and Alex nods as though this means anything to him. “Someone’s built one that they’re claiming will, quote, ‘change the game’ when it comes to missing person’s cases, but they don’t give a single fuck about the privacy concerns or the data usage implications, so I’m trying to pull it apart and prove it’s janky. Can’t rely on capitalism to do the moral thing, but I sure can trust corporations to recognise a bad investment.” Alex hums in agreement, leaning over her shoulder. “Is it good, though? Ethical quandaries aside?” “Unfortunately, yeah.” Nora reaches for the Red Bull next to her laptop, taking a long swig. “But everything I’m feeding it is already public domain—celebrities and stuff—so it’s hard to differentiate true AI generation from it scanning and returning older photos of the same person. So now I’m looking at people the internet doesn’t have photos of past a certain age, seeing what it spits out.” “Like… dead children?” He winces. “Dark.” “Dead or missing.” She minimises the window full of code, bringing up a side-by-side of two pictures instead. “Prince Henry. Disappeared the night we dissolved the monarchy, almost definitely dead, but his family still— Alex, are you okay?” It’s only when Nora says his name that Alex realises his head is spinning; he sucks in a breath, and the immediate relief he feels makes it clear that he hadn’t done so for longer than is strictly advisable. He can’t tear his eyes away from the picture on the right: the sharp blue eyes, the soft-looking golden hair, the imperious set to his jaw that drove Alex crazy for an entire semester. “That’s— you’re fucking with me, right?” “Alex, babe. I love that your brain runs a million miles a minute, but in this particular case, I think you’ve left me behind.”  Alex turns to look at her. He’s known Nora for years—biblically and otherwise—and he likes to think he can read her well enough. If he’s right, she’s not fucking with him, and somehow that’s worse. “Nora,” he says slowly, “I know this guy.”
Forever feeling feral for whatever y'all are up to, so tags below the cut and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
@affectionatelyrs @celaestis1 @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @cultofsappho @dumbpeachjuice @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @hypnostheory @iboatedhere @indestructibleheart @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @lilythesilly @myheartalivewrites @nontoxic-writes @orchidscript @rmd-writes @roseapothecary @sherryvalli @ships-to-sail @smc-27 @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland 
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should-know-better · 2 months
What if Four Stars Out Of Five is a call to Miles?
Firstly, I know that every song that Alex Turner writes isn’t about Miles, but, I’d had a couple of glasses of wine the other night and was listening to Four Stars Out Of Five and I started having thoughts. Now I can’t get them out of my head, so I thought I’d share and see if anyone would like to add anything.
Alex said in this interview that 4 Stars out of Five meant two things; a rating system and also stars in a lunar landscape. But what if it has a third meaning?
Alex creates his Space Hotel and has a house band there (ie the Arctic Monkeys) - 4 stars. But he misses Miles - his fifth star! Don’t forget that he’s referred to Miles as a Superstar before.
“As far as I’m concerned there are only two superstars, Beyonce and Miles Kane. You can quote me on that.” Yen Magazine 2011.
Maybe this song was written when Miles was in London with Jamie T (Spring 2017) throwing himself into work to get over his depression from his ‘professional’ split from Alex following the EYCTE tour and his split from Hannah. Therefore we get the lines,
“Take it easy for a little while, come and stay with us, it’s such an easy flight.”
Then there’s the verse that begins,
“Mr Bridge and Tunnel on the Starlight Express,”
I haven’t seen the musical ‘Starlight Express’ however from Wikipedia, I understand that it a) is a musical about belief and b) the starlight express is a mythical train that appears at the main character’s darkest hour, giving him the confidence to pick himself up and fight back. So, is Alex speaking to Miles during his depression and telling him to believe in himself? Oh and obviously, it happens to tie in by being a way to travel to Tranquility Base.
Also, Wikipedia tells me that there are no characters in the musical called ‘Mr Bridge and Tunnel.’ Yet, when you think about it, you can’t have a bridge without a tunnel. Is Alex saying that the two of them are still a partnership?
On top of this I discovered that it’s also a Batman reference!!! In The Dark Knight (2008) the Joker tricks Gotham into escaping via ferry by having his hostage declare on the news that “the bridge and tunnel crowd are sure in for a surprise.” This refers to how people have to travel into or out of the Island of Manhattan. Oh, and don’t forget that Miles went straight from Paris on the last night of the EYCTE tour to New York. Maybe Alex is referring to him and Miles as Mr Bridge and Tunnel, and that they need to have confidence and belief that everything will work out.
“The head of special effects,”
I feel that this refers to Miles and the effects pedals that he uses, or it could refer to a different type of head 😈 that has special effects on Alex!
“… in my minds eye, Hokey Cokey with the opposite sex, the things you try to forget, doesn’t time fly.”
I think we’ve all agreed that Hokey Cokey means sex from this post and this post. The actual line may refer to either Alex wanting to forget that Miles was with Hannah, or, it’s a message to Miles to tell him to forget about Hannah. It’s more likely to mean the latter due to the next lines:
“I’m in no position to give advice, I don’t want to be nice, And you know that.”
Alex is still with Taylor at this point in time.
Then there’s the bridge:
“All the nights that never happened, And the days that don’t exist
“The only time that we stop laughing is to breathe or steal a kiss”
Perhaps referring to those heady days away on tour.
“I can lift you up another semitone,”
We know that Alex taught Miles to sing more sweetly rather than just shout from another interview (that i can’t find right now) but also it could be referring to lifting his mood.
Oh and I learned that “the Information Action Ratio” refers to a concept from a book that Alex was reading (Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman) that we have so much information at our fingertips now that we don’t know what to do with it. Miles knows that happened on the EYCTE tour, so maybe it’s a reminder: what goes on tour, stays on tour”
There’s other lyrics that may or may not be relevant. Were Miles and Alex particularly fond of eating tacos? Is the exodus a religious reference for Miles? The Old Grey Whistle Test was a music program that would have been on TV when they were both growing up, but I’ve no idea if they watched it. Genius has a few ideas about why this is included in the lyrics but I can’t find any other relevance here other than it’s star related.
If anyone has any other suggestions about these lyrics I’d love to hear them. I know there are other ideas about what this song is about and they’re nothing like this! Obviously these are just my thoughts and I’ve no real idea what was going through Alex’s mind when he wrote this.
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 9 months
Year In Review: Favorite Lines/Snippets!
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Hello, my lovelies! Many thanks to @anincompletelist for not only creating this tag game, but for including me in it! I have ALWAYS loved a good quote that can hit someone right in the heart, and this year, I've been incredibly lucky to write a few such segments myself (that hit ME in my own heart!). Words that I stepped back from the keyboard after writing and thought "did I actually write this?"
Additional thanks to @kiwiana-writes and @firenati0n for the tags on their years in review as well!
What If I Do?
“Fuck,” is all that he can say, but even that tastes of Alex, of top shelf whiskey and the cinnamon he always adds to his coffee. Alex had spoken the word into Henry’s mouth on countless occasions, so he was all-too-familiar with the way it slipped off of his tongue so smoothly, as if the letters themselves were forged together just for him by some foul-mouthed god who knew the damage such a word might wreak in the possession of someone as fearless as Alexander Claremont-Diaz.
But though fire may burn through carefully worded commands parading as suggestions on a pretty page, it stands no chance against the might of a golden crown. He only wishes he could fan the flames high enough to reach that blessed melting point. Watch it all soften and liquefy until it’s no longer a gilded cage but a puddle at his feet. He thinks, bitterly, that even then he wouldn’t have the time to escape before it would congeal and stiffen and trap him once more, forever frozen as a statue rather than a prisoner. And perhaps they’d prefer it that way. Statues can’t fight back.
The Rope
This is not supposed to be his life. He was always supposed to love Alex from the other side of a wall, never daring to climb over. So instead, he’d punched a hole in that fragile wall under the winter moonlight in the White House Garden, the taste of Alex on his tongue. And again and again he’d punched new holes in the weakening structure, reaching through and grabbing and clawing at whatever pieces of Alex he could grip, knowing that he’d never be able to grasp his heart. Except when, somewhere along the bloody way, he had. But Alex was never supposed to let him.
His first attempts to contact Henry are a flood. Incessant, desperate, confused. All paragraphs and punctuation. And then a storm. Intense in the moment but eventually losing its power. Streams of single sentences sent in quick succession. Then a trickle. Droplets of isolated words over the course of agonizing days. Until finally, they dry up completely, and Henry’s thread of communication falls lower and lower down his inbox. Alex tries not to actively seek it out.
The Maldives
“I love you. I don’t have your extensive vocabulary to say it, but the truth is that I’m absolutely crazy, head-over-heels, desperately in love with you, and I’ve spent so much time not saying it that I want to spend the rest of my life saying it as much as I can. I want to wake up beside you each morning and say it before we start the day. I want to text it to you from across any distance between us, whether it’s an ocean or the couch. I want to gasp it at the ceiling when you do that thing with your tongue. And I want it to be the last thing you hear before you fall asleep each night. I love you, and I want you to hear it so many times that it heals the pain of thinking you’d never hear it in the way you always dreamt.”
You can’t escape this drying ink
He knows, as they approach the door just down the hall from the main ballroom, what awaits him on the other side. He knows it as certainly as he knows what a terrible mistake he made on these very grounds to start the new year. A blank page already gushing bright red ink before he’d ever had the chance to write a single word other than “Alex.” He’d dripped his bleeding pen across the map as he fled, red ink footsteps trailing behind him in the snow, a smear across the map over the 3,700 miles separating them. He’d trailed it from the plane to the car, from the car through the palace, staining the perfect ancient path walked by kings and queens as he retreated back into the cage of his own making, a cage he never should have left, for now he knows what damage he wreaks when he allows his heart to guide him.
Save a horse Alex is a book that Henry has read countless times. He knows the placement of every punctuation mark, from the freckle above his hip to the smallest of scars on his knee, sustained while thoughts of Henry plagued his every waking moment, Alex admitted to him once. He’s familiar with every piece of dialogue from “motherfucker” to “sweetheart” and his personal favorite, “baby.” He’s bookmarked all of his favorite pages and even added his own annotations, like the way Alex always wants to look Henry in the eyes after they make love, regardless of what positions they may have ended up in, or the soft snores that come only when Alex is completely and utterly spent, nothing left to give but the sound of his breathing that never fails in lulling Henry to a deep sleep after him. But in the constant reading of the book of Alex, Henry is never bored. There is always something new to parse from between the lines. Words that aren’t explicitly stated. Details that can only be found by diving deeper than the surface. And Henry is happy to spend the rest of his life sinking to the depths of it, turning the pages again and again.
Heart enough
“Well, normally with a royal guest staying here, I’d roam the halls in a white sheet moaning about taxation without representation, but the joke would be wasted on someone as dull as Henry, so here I am…”
Alex has never seen Henry like this. So raw and vulnerable. Someone who needs. Frankly, he didn’t think it was even possible for a prince as polished as Henry to ever falter. Never thought a spine as rigid and straight could ever hunch, that a heart as walled off and locked away could ever break. How very wrong he was.
The taste of the whiskey from Alex’s flask and the champagne Henry drank earlier in the evening mixes with the rainwater that continues to pelt them from above, falling in their mouths and baptizing their tongues in the memories of this night that Alex knows he will never, could never, forget.
Wind me up, fill your cup like a river, drunk on watching me drown
He’d almost be impressed that a statue sculpted out of unforgiving, unchanging marble could affect anything but a strong-jawed, tight-lipped expression of utter disdain, were it not for that very first meeting of the prince and the president’s son. But nothing Henry could ever hope to do in his meticulously scheduled life of cutting ceremonial ribbons and haunting the corners of ballrooms is capable of wrenching and scraping the clock hands backwards, turning back the years of disappointment Alex has felt for ever pressing his fingers to a photo in a magazine and allowing himself to dream of someone just like him. Someone who understood.
Alex quickly realizes, though, that he’s never stood this close to the prince before. Never made out the freckles hiding beneath the carefully applied makeup. To the dungeons with a blemish on a royal face! Never noticed the halo of hazel around his pupils, a tiny island in eyes as blue as the ocean. He wonders, briefly, if Henry would choose to embrace these perceived imperfections if given the chance. Would the open, grinning young man from the magazine sign his looping script on an agreement of a royal portrait painter dotting a canvas with physical proof of being kissed by the sun, or mix up a bit of color other than the most stunning cerulean for his eyes? Or does he relish in the mask that he wears, locked as perfectly into place as every strand of his golden hair?
The injury of finally knowing you
He listens to the quiet sound of snow drifting to the ground around him and thickening the blanket of white. He listens to the distant thump of music and the explosion of fireworks across the city, of liquor-soaked laughter and raucous cheers. He listens and listens, his ears straining as if some part of him hopes to hear his father’s voice break through the clouds as brightly and certainly as he knows Orion shines somewhere above the earth upon which he stands on trembling limbs. What he doesn’t expect when he listens is the lilt of another voice from behind him, an all-too-familiar sound that never fails to color his dreams in flashes of vivid molten gold, fiery scarlet, and radiant orange, lighting his very imagination aflame. Every word spoken by that voice now grows a fraction louder with each soft, crunching step through the snow.
Unsure who's done this so far, but wanting to throw out some tags for @indestructibleheart @thinkof-england @whimsymanaged @sparklepocalypse @duchessdepolignaca03 @ships-to-sail @magicandarchery @suseagull04 @rockyroadkylers @inexplicablymine @littlemisskittentoes @ssmtskw @affectionatelyrs @lizzie-bennetdarcy @songliili @priincebutt @daisymae-12 @happiness-of-the-pursuit @leaves-of-laurelin @roseharpermaxwell @adreamareads @indomitable-love @cricketnationrise @clottedcreamfudge @ninzied
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mrschwartz · 2 years
If you had to guess based on nothing but your own feelings lol what do you think alex's love language would be?
i'm not sure if i believe that each person is mainly defined by one love language, i think we all contain multitudes. or that there's even only 5 of them, for that matter
but then agan let's pretend that i do lol. for the sake of discussion bc this seems like a fun thing to answer
physical touch. and it's not close
and like what do you mean based on nothing. i'm a person of facts, we work with evidence in this house
when it comes to his girlfriends, most of the pics and videos we have of them together they have linked arms, or are holding hands, or are kissing
in his lyrics, whenever the subject is a romantic partner he tends to describe his devotion through physical acts. you know that tweet that got famous a while back that said something along the lines of "alex turner has never said 'i love you' in a song and i think that's beautiful"? that's SO true. he's always talking about kisses:
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and other forms of physical touch:
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when it comes to his bandmates, he's SO affectionate with them. when they're doing interviews he sits flush next to them, touching thighs and/or arms:
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during photoshoots he often has his arms around them or they have theirs around him:
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he loves hugging them and touching them in general in his casual life:
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and like of course. the elephant in the room that is miles. it's hard to even describe succinctly what he has going on with miles when it comes to physical contact. they have something special and very natural, it's like they always have to be touching. alex is the one who starts it the most, and it's often absent-mindedly. let me just drop these here (the tip of the iceberg):
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my final point ruling out the other 4 love languages:
words of affirmation: probably the one that represents him the least, he actually doesn't like compliments or praise
receiving gifts: the other one that actually also represents him the least lol, he's not materialistic at all. and his "i don't like opening my birthday presents in front of people" quote comes to mind lol
quality time: probably the second one that represents him after physical touch! loves chatting and laughing for hours and hours with his friends and partners, watching movies with them, going out to bars and restaurants, sitting down and cracking songs together with them etc but still always has a tendency towards isolation, so
acts of service: this one is the middle of the ranking, i think. what comes to mind is miles cooking breakfast for them during the making of the eycte album, but also alex carrying miles' luggage when they were touring. can't think of much else, so this is why it's a mid for me. he's pretty selfless but also needy, so this is why i think sometimes he acts on both ends through this one
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xixovart · 21 days
little facts about my ocs because i don’t shut up
i’m fairly certain all my mutuals have heard about them so… here you go ig
and also i’m gonna add in different characters from different worlds/stories so you’re gonna have to guess whats going on
alexander was constantly surrounded by children growing up, so he’s really good with them. raina, however, was an only child in a small family. she doesn’t know shit about kids. so when pandora was born alex instantly took charge and raina was just like, essentially, “what the fuck is it doing. why is it screaming?? al WHY is my child screaming???? is she dying?? is she going to die? she’s so young though??” “calm down she’s just hungry”
miles is really just atrocious with people (obviously)
veda is a vegetarian (obviously)
pandora once came into the palace after a walk riding on a goat she found on the street. no one knows what the fuck happened. she refuses to elaborate
achilles was born hard of hearing! he used to spend his afternoons teaching pandora sign language :D
miles is surprisingly good at gambling
kai once tried to skateboard and the thing ended up on fire somehow. no one lets him touch anything with wheels anymore
aster is a master of monopoly and no one knows how he does it
veda once uppercutted (whats the past tense of uppercut) a kid in first grade for taking her crayons
vera (there’s a vera and there’s a veda. they are not in the same story but i didnt realize how annoying this would be for me) bites people. idk she just seems like the type
vera once bit aster too hard and he hit her (playfully) with a rolled up newspaper
miles is trans ftm!!
leo adores. the snow but can almost never actually play in it
theo eats snow probably
miles is also really petty. for NO reason?
’so you want me to trust him (undeveloped character who deeply wronged miles) and to treat him with mutual respect??’ ‘yes!!’ ‘that’s exactly what he wants me to do veda, wake up!’ ‘that’s what everyone? wants everyone?? to do???’
canon convo between miles and veda (quote from tgp)
achilles is the owner of saying ‘i told you so’
“i’m not always right but i’m never wrong” - raina. canonically. i would know, i wrote it
alex loves dogs. he has like 5.
nicholas is very calm indeed but only becsuse he can manage his temper and has good self control. if he punched a wall every time someone annoyed him the entire university would collapse.
livius taught veda how to use a bow and arrow and she once accidentally shot him in the foot because she got distracted
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calicowithwings · 3 months
Hello, I know nobody is gonna really see this, but today marks two years since I met someone extremely important to me. And if she somehow sees this, I don't think she'll know it's about her actually. I think it's a good idea to at least write down this short story length yap session.
So, it's June 28th, 2022. I'm at my dad's house, on Picnic, which I had just downloaded. If you don't know what that is, it's basically just a tiktok knockoff with a bunch of gacha kids (/pos). I'm just scrolling, when I see a video. It's just someone's oc, and they're saying they're new here.
I decided to DM her, I said, "hey, I'm new here. I'm trying to make some friends." I copy and pasted this to a good 3 other people, she's the only one who responded though.
We had a nice conversation for a while, I found out her name was Ash, she lives 8000 miles away from me (in South Africa), and her favorite colors were neon green and black.
We talked for a while, and my mentally ill ass almost immediately caught feelings. So, after a good month or so of knowing her, I genuinely said, "I lowkey wanna date you-" (yes ik it's stupid, leave me alone I was young and extremely dumb 😭)
She was in a (somewhat abusive, now that I think about it 😰) relationship at the time though, so we didn't date. We did kinda flirt a bit though, playfully.
About a week after I said that monstrosity of a sentence, I went on vacation to a different state. This is kinda irrelevant, all you rly need to know is that I moved immediately after I came back
So, she was my only friend while I was in this new place, too far into summer break to meet people, so we just talk. Constantly.
At some point, I'm not really sure when, we start actually dating. Not exactly clear when, it was more of a, "are we together" "sure man" type thing.
Also, we made this gc with some of our friends, Kay, Alex, Elliot, Liam, and Pip are the main ones, in case I mention them later on
Anyways, school started, and we talked as much as we could, which wasn't too often, considering the 8 hour time zone different.
But we still talked as much as we could, and the group chat was going strong. It was a nice group of friends.
So, Ash always listened to my ramblings about my hyperfixations, as confused as she always was, but she never could remember them fully. She's always had kinda bad memory issues.
At some point, around late December 2022 or Early January 2023, we moved to WhatsApp because Picnic had a stupid update that ruined like, everything.
We continued to talk on WhatsApp for a while, before one day we got into an argument about neopronouns. Dear god, I wish we didn't have that fight. Basically, she didn't rly understand nor support them, and I was kinda upset about it.
We started talking a lot less, like.. from all day every day, to sometimes maybe once a day.
And, as ironic as it was, one day as I was leaving school, genuinely thinking, "I'm so glad I have a girlfriend to talk to as soon as I get off of school every day."
Yeah, she had sent a breakup text while I was at school.
She wanted to focus on herself more, which I totally get. We tried to stay friends, but we just kept talking less and less, until one dreadful day.
She messaged me, about a life update. Apparently she was now more focused on her religion (Christianity) and couldn't support lgbt anymore, which, for the fact, she sent a quote that literally went against what she was saying???
Anyways, this obviously turned me off of her a bit. We talked even less, until one day in July of 2023, when I messaged her, saying I wanted to cut contact for the time being. I needed to get myself together.
Anyways, for the main thing that fucked with me in this entire thing
One day, in September 2023, I reached out to her. Here, you can just read the texts.
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So uh, yeah. She doesn't remember me. How fun, right?
It wasn't even romantic at this point, this person that I cared most about and though about constantly while we didn't talk, doesn't remember me. She forgot. I knew I should've been worried about those fucking memory problems, honestly.
Anyways, that's basically it. I should probably get some sleep now, it's almost 3am as I'm writing this 💔
Goodbye now 👍
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sorry to hear you're feeling icky. i hope you heal up soon, darling. 🖤
for the ask game: 8, 12, 19, 28!
hello 💜 thank you so much, lovely 🥺🫶
8) favourite quote or song lyrics
i feel like i could quote SO many things alex has said about music/the creative process, but this one in particular always stands out:
“Franz Schubert the composer said “there’s no such thing as happy music”. I always got a kick out of that. Not because I think that music has to be sad but because I think when it most effective there’s an element of it operating within a spectrum that has neither ‘happy’ or ‘sad’ at either end of it. Music with lyrics in a language you don’t understand or no lyrics at all has the power to send vehement shivers through your body. It’s almost as if the melody or something else in there has an invisible direct line to the depths of the subconscious. This interests me greatly.”
lyrics wise i could also pick so many, but for now i'll just go for these two which instantly came to mind:
“what good is happiness to me if i’ve had to weld it carefully?” (jackie down the line, fontaines d.c)
"in my heart there's that hotel suite and you lived there so long it's kind of strange now you're gone" (fireside, arctic monkeys)
12) what musician would you like to hang out with for a day?
i’d honestly love to hang out with miles! having met him briefly he’s just the loveliest, warmest human and he seems like someone who’d be so fun and easy to spend time with. without sounding totally insane, i got the vibe we were on a similar wavelength and i feel like we'd have so much to talk about in terms of creativity and self-expression, so yeah, i'd love to do that. or maybe go on a vintage shop hunt with him (although he might have competition - i got nicknamed "the jacket slut" at uni due to my ridiculous vintage jacket collection lol) or just hang out somewhere in a cafe and drink tea for hours. getting to see little maxy would be an added bonus!
19) a song you like with a colour in the title?
black star by radiohead
28) put your music app on shuffle... what's the 1st song?
arizona by kings of leon (god i love that song. that whole album, actually. one of my favourites ever 🤍)
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landinrris · 9 months
already dreading the narrative lando is going to be saddled with on the upcoming dts. they will 100% go with the "lando crumbling under pressure from the wonder rookie" narrative using his mistake qatar quali as the main rope to hang him with, ignoring that he was actually faster that weekend just messed up qualifying and that he scored double oscar's points over the season, was the second highest scorer behind max after the mclaren upgrades and would have likely been fighting for 2nd in the wdc if mclaren had had that car from the start of the season, judging his performances once the upgrades came.
that's no disprespect to oscar who did have a fantastic year for a rookie and who i really like but dts love to paint lando as a villian in recent years now max isn't fulfilling the role for them and they'll probably use him berating himself for his mistakes to try and make out there is huge tension building in mclaren and making out oscar is on the verge of becoming the no 1 driver, probably aided by some cut up and handily out of context quotes from zak and stella about how amazing oscar is and how lando is struggling. add to that the fact that the media had two prepared narratives for oscar last season, either "overrated failure" or "wonder rookie who is going to usurp norris", no in between, and they ran with the latter even though lando pretty squarely beat him, and you can see what this year's hatchet job on lando will be from a mile off. i already hate them (dts) for it and the ensuing pile on lando it's gonna cause on social media and it's not even confirmed yet, bc you just know it's gonna happen.
george will also get a kind of evil villain narrative this coming season bc they'll chop his radio and take it out of context plus the whole thing with max in baku.
carlos i'm not sure on. i'm 100% sure we're going to get a il predestinato pity party but it's hard for them to shit on carlos this year when he won singapore. however i can entirely see them doing a pity party for charles until singapore and then he rises again at carlos's expense narrative.
daniel's "downtrodden hero fighting agains the odds in F1" this year will be how he is bouncing back after having left evil mclaren, including horner's digs about how they had to untrain bad habits and how thin he had gotten the year before, and how he's on a path to checo's seat only for him to break his hand. probably followed by his "heroic" comeback in mexico.
there will also be an entire episode shitting on checo and probably one comparing alex and logan's season but ignoring the fact that logan was driving a car without the upgrades from japan onward.
I don't actually agree with you about the severity that they'll make Lando look bad. I personally don't think they've made him out to be a villain over the years. They tried a little bit during the first year with Daniel, but I don't think they ever made anything look that bad. More so of him doubting himself but ultimately feeling good about his performances. Even the tiny rivalry they tried with Carlos was absolved the following season. Considering they have never lingered or used his missteps on track to paint him as a failure, I doubt they'll go all-in on it now. They had the narrative of Daniel crushing Lando in the palms of their hands at the start of 2021, and when it didn't pan out, they didn't keep trying to push it, even after Monza. I can see them doing a brief little thing about Qatar for Oscar's win, but nothing that makes his entire arc something horrible and untrue.
They've also never been overly negative about Carlos. I would argue he's one of dts' mains, so he'll probably be good. They may focus on his tensions within the team, but that's all.
Part of me wouldn't be surprised if they ignored Williams again, but I'm sure there will be comparisons between Logan and Alex if they do get talked about, like I mentioned in the other ask. On one hand, the comparisons are worthwhile, but on the other, it's important to acknowledge that Logan wasn't ready for the step up. They won't mention that though because there's no easy way to explain the entire way Latifi, Jost Capito, and James Vowles played out. So idk, we'll see.
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paperlovesadness · 2 years
Miles Kane & Alex Turner as the actual definition of Twin Flames
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So I read about twin flames and couldn't get these two out of my mind while doing so. Because of how the article seemed to be specifically about them. So here we are. Miles Kane and Alex Turner fitting all 11 signs of finding your "mirror soul" / twin flame (based on this arcticle. Quotes taken directly) I linked most sources within the screenshots/images themselves. This post could go on forever - so I had to stop at some point. Still, welcome to my most unhinged post yet! Enjoy!
Definition: A twin flame is an intense soul connection with someone thought to be a person's other half, sometimes called a "mirror soul." It's based on the idea that sometimes one soul gets split into two bodies.
1. When you met, there was instant recognition
When you first encounter your twin flame, Spinelli says there will be an intense sense of attraction, recognition, and longing. "Meeting a twin flame often feels like home," she notes. "They feel familiar—an undeniably intense bond as though you have known them before."
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[screenshot / translation from the lovely @i-m-a-leaf-on-the-wind's post / linked in the image] ____
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____ 2. You're very similar
You and your twin flame may find that you have a lot in common as far as values, past experiences, and interests, Spinelli adds. "Both of you will find that your past story has a lot of coincidences and similar experiences."
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And of course: similar taste in music, similar interests, similar goals & dreams & approach to life (still no wives / children? [Alex as the only one in AM] -> Oriented around their own lives/dreams/hobbies), similar sense of humor, kind of similar sense of style honestly (or complimentary) & tons more.
3. You complement each other
In those areas that you aren't similar, you'll find your differences complement each other, almost like yin and yang. Their shadow, for example, will be complemented by your light, and vice versa. And because a twin flame mirrors you, you're likely very aware of how your relationship highlights your shadows, and theirs.
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I know they've probably spoken about this / shown it much more. But this post is long enough on it's own. I think we all see they match / complete each other very well with their differences. Very well shown in TLSP - their music and lyrics are normally disctinctly their own style - but they come together and those differences make up something really magical (aka some of my very favorite music). And overall in personalities - where Miles is much more extraverted, outgoing. More talkative in interviews, a charmer with tons of friends. A performer first and foremost. Alex is more of a self-proclaimed introvert, on the calm, quieter side. Didn't even want to be the lead singer - wanted to write and play. Seems to enjoy process/studio more than performing.
4. Your insecurities and doubts are amplified
"The purpose of your twin flame is to support and help you with your divine mission and purpose," notes spiritual author Shannon Kaiser. "So, often this type of relationship will reflect your problems and deepest insecurities so you can work through them to heal and grow."
so obviously we don't know much about their private conversations and such. But honestly the way their differences complement one another (more on that below) - the way they've been friends for years (and close ones - constantly in contact/visiting each othert etc.) and have mentioned they can talk to each other about anything in their lives and also what I take away from some of their lyrics; with all that I just know this is true. Also quite literally they do support one another beautifully in their journeys and purpose in life (which yeah. I believe in big part is music and art). Truly believe there wouldn't be a TBHC or The Car without TLSP influences. Same with Miles' new stuff. (Also TLSP in itself is to me - their most valuable work of all). Also Imma leave some Miles Kane lyrics here. Make of them what you will.
Miscommunication Tailored altercations Sing to yourself at night So come a little closer, dear You know I find it kinda hard to hear When you are whispering like that And you're diving in the deep The world at your feet An oyster but you can't break the shell We're sitting on the carousel, bang, bang My God, I know this all too well
So let me save you from yourself because
Caroline, you're living on the edge this time But it ain't nothing personal, no, no It's something that you need to know It's problematic cosmological
Take my hand And go and lead the life that you've planned 'Cause you're gonna be just fine My Caroline My Caroline
5. They feel magnetic
From the moment you met and still to this day, you feel drawn to them physically when they're near you, as well as magnetically, when you're apart. It's as though their energy is always with you, always wanting to be closer.
UM... Do we even need me to even put any examples here? But ok, ok. Just a few little ones to not leave it empty
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and then, for the being apart part, of course:
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6. The relationship is tumultuous
Twin flame relationships aren't all smooth sailing, and actually, they're usually not. Being with a twin flame is like constantly being confronted by yourself, namely the parts of yourself you may not like. It can be incredibly challenging, but it's facilitating major growth for both of you.
Well there's:
which people say shows some tension between them (kind od agree) there's Miles' lyrics from his last two albums, which I am convinced are about Alex and could be taken as light diss tracks honestly. Either way - there've been theories about some tensions between the two around 2018ish? And maybe later. Seems like they've smoothed it out. But song lyrics can say a lot about potential hurt and love between the two. Also if you believe this twin flame thing is about romance - well then the fact they keep being in other relationships is the biggest thing (but still can't keep their hands off each other? potentially?) If you choose to see it as a deep platonic connection only - then just ignore the girlfriend-reference part above. For a bite-size example I'll leave you with some more Miles Kane lyrics here (I think these are most commonly & widely agreed upon to be about Alex). I'm gearing up to start doing some thorough MK lyric dissections / crazy theories soon!
You're walking around, your head in the clouds You're acting as if you're Mr. Johnny know-it-all Mister come and watch me fall
You're feeling alive, a Jekyll and Hyde You're riding the tides and everybody's just doing fine Leading that double life
I'll be right here, I'll see ya when I see ya I'll wait right here, I'll see ya when I see ya You're dancing with death in a bulletproof vest There's no other way to say it, brother Better watch your step Before all goes west
The king and the queen, the milk in your tea The partner in crime you only ever found once in life Don't let it pass you by
7. The relationship is very intense
There's a definite emotional charge between twin flames, says Spinelli, and they often develop quickly because you already feel so familiar. And as Kaiser adds, "Because you are so connected at a soul level, you feel things deeper together, which often makes for more intensity and passion."
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I mean here's another one where we don't really need much material, do we? It's just there. And also previous quotes are examples for this one too. About how quickly they became the closest of friends: long conversations on the phone, sleeping at each others houses, getting to know each other's parents etc. And then they write music together (stating that if they met earlier they'd have been a band together for sure) and hop onto a plane to record an album in the French countryside, spending all their time together there. As still relatively fresh friends at that point.
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I also needed to include this somewhere because I 100% also perceive Lennon/McCartney as twin flames - and think that this is where many of the comparisons between them lay (and also big part of why Miles & Alex can relate to the two on a deeper level) (we're not gonna talk about the sad ending for those two though. Okay? No).
-- And yeah. Also all that chemistry.
8. You keep coming back together
"The chase" is most definitely a part of the twin flame relationship. At some point, one of you may walk away, out of fear, anger—you name it. But you'll often come back.
"If you're in an 'on and off'-again-type relationship, it could be with your twin flame," Kaiser says. "You'll find that things just keep bringing you together in random ways. Could be months, years, even decades; you just always find your way back to one another."
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+See: many of the other things already stated above - but especially under point 6. Also the fact they're in each others lives since they were pretty much kids and still after years chose/choose to spend so much time together, practically living next to one another at one point (Miles moving to LA partially for Alex) and talking about how they never do more than 2 months without seeing each other (and that's caused by big stuff, like tours). Also... I think if someone belives there's more going on bewteen the two then yeah... This seems like a description of what it seems like from the outside (with one of the bigger "on-agains" being around EYCTE era? And off- around TBHC / CDG album eras?)
9. Your connection feels divine
When you find your twin flame, there's a certain larger-than-life quality that likely feels divine or predestined.
"There is a feeling that you have been brought together by a higher power," Spinelli notes, and that creates a very strong bond between the two of you. (These can also sometimes be karmic relationships.)
See stuff from other points: esp. 1 and 2 I guess. All of them though. And just the way they read each others minds... But that's for the next point.
10. You have an almost psychic connection
You and your twin flame can likely communicate with just a glance, and you always know what the other is thinking. You may even feel each other's emotions or symptoms, Spinelli adds.
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The way they finish each others sentences, connect via eye contact (like just glancing at the other and suddenly laughing knowingly?) all the mirroring and inside jokes. Yup. We all know all that, there's a lot. Too much. So just a symbolic amount of examples here.
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11. They push you to be and do better
Because twin flames act as mirrors, they challenge us to do better, and oftentimes, your purposes are aligned in a way that pushes both of you to new heights. It's a very expansive relationship that promotes a lot of growth.
“Sometimes it can be a pressure being the fella in the band who writes the songs. Getting together with Miles I’ve got someone to bounce ideas off and that is something new for me. Also, it gives me somewhere to hide because he’s up there singing with me. In the Arctic Monkeys, there’s nowhere for me to hide.” - Alex As stated in another point - Miles is the more extraverted / loud / cheerful one, while Alex seems calmer, more reserved and on the serious-or-even-sad side. Well guess what - when they're together they balance each other out - and Alex is much more happy and outgoing. Even in interviews - which he famously doesn't really enjoy/do well in. (Take this from a fellow anxious/shy/quiet person. It's a GIFT to find a peron who opens you up this way). Miles also definitely gains a lot from Alex's presence and contrasting way of being.
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I know that I could put so much more in here and it's driving me a little mad. There's quotes I have in my head but couldn't place and gave up on the search and stuff I probably just forgot too. But Imma let go of my perfectionism and leave this as is - because I believe it gets the message across. Hope you enjoy my insanity with me! XO
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obscurum-passagium · 9 months
32 for the ask game :)
32 - If you had to get rid of one game and instead combine it with another one, which games would you combine and why?
so we all know that i fucking detest SPY and that CAR is such an astronomical fumbling of what could've been a really interesting setting, so let's combine those two.
revenant--it's gone. hate that shit. bridgette/zoe--she's combined with niacin woman (i'm sorry i've only played CAR like once. ingrid? i think it's ingrid.) i think there's a guy in SPY called alec or alex, he can be a guy at the park doing those card shuffles you can't win, and it turns out he's not actually employed and you can rat him out or not. i don't care about the other characters. they can all be in here. to quote karl marx, "who give a shit".
game takes place at night like in this post. we'll say its in scotland, objectively a better place than new jersey. you can drink milk, you can have cookies, you can order a haggis sundae. yes, you can still burn down your hotel room. miles the magnificent memory machine is a bomb. god i forgot about joy trent, okay, she's like, been milf-ified in this version. nancy imprints upon her like a baby bird and thinks it's her missing mom. the game is about a haunted carousel at a park where nancy's mom went mysteriously missing when she was a child. "nancy you have got to come quick! there's a carousel that starts up for no reason in the middle of the night and it might be cursed with your missing mother's evil spirit!!!"
we still end up on a goose chase for a haunted carousel / carousel horse. there's a lot of sexual tension btween nancy and every character, esp the milf-ified joy trent. there are shadow people stalking nancy through the park at night. we need an amulet. when we find the missing carousel horse, two options immediately come to mind: we find out that the horse has been nancy's mom the entire time (this cannot be epxlained) or nancy's mom is INSIDE the horse. or parts of her are, and she was buried in pieces around the park. that could be a fun end-game collecting puzzle! i would play this game
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lovebirdgames · 2 years
Was that a sneaky 'the office' reference in your otometober day 12 post?! If it was, can you assign a fitting quote to each of the band camp boys?
YES IT WAS lol I even made a meme about it when I was first playing the game.
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There are so many great quotes but here's what I came up with plus a few extra...
Cadence: And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do.
Tom: I just want to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That's all I've ever wanted.
Peter: I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.
Clark: I don't hate it. I just don't like it at all and it's terrible.
Samuel: I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.
Poptart: If I don't have some cake soon, I might die.
Doug: Oh my God, my mind is going a mile an hour.
Garth: Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don't know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spent too much time volunteering. Occasionally, I'll hit somebody with my [flag].
Mr. Wiley: Why are you the way that you are? I hate so much...about the things you choose to be.
Alex: I got six numbers. One more and it would have been a complete phone number.
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booksandwords · 11 months
Puzzle Me This by Eli Easton
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Read time: 1 Days Rating: 4/5 Stars
The Quote: “Do you always talk this much when you’re falling asleep? You’re practically snoring between words.” “I talk in my sleep too. So it never ends really.” — Alex and Luke
Warnings: Suicide mention and depression. There is an unethical sexual relationship in Alex's past. He wasn't groomed but something is very, very wrong with it.
I actually appreciate many of the plot points in this. Mostly the important use of a counsellor and the use of the disability as the point of anxiety. It was a very natural stressor on the relationship to my eyes it's exploiting inbuilt ableism to a degree though in Lukes's case combines with a horrendous family story. I need to say that I think most humans have a degree of ableism built-in on some kind of base level. I can't judge it but I like that it takes something to get over it. BTW for those new to me, I'm epileptic, and my family did not take it well. It is invisible but it is still a disability, still impacts my day-to-day life, and it is still there. I honestly mean no offence to anyone with my comments.
Main characters Alex and Luke are both likeable enough. Alex feels quite young in his endless optimism playful nature and minimal history. His romantic history is designed to make a reader angry. Luke is what I call a dumb intelligent man, if you have ever been around that kind of man you'll know. They both have scars and compatible interests. Honestly, they are one of the better couples I've read about in a while when it comes to chemistry and compatibility. They have a great meeting and introduction too. One of them is "1 across – Two can play _ _ _ _ 10 down – Made it up _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 across – Axe to grind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20 down – Blue-eyed _____ _ _ _ _ _ 31 across – ___ as a button _ _ _ _ 32 down – Greeting _ _ _ _ _ [game designer woodsman blond cute hello]"
I saw at least one editing error. Though it wasn't just a name it feels like the whole sentence structure and language is wrong for the character it is supposed to be. I do recommend this, it is well written (even with the editing issue) and will ask the reader to think about their own prejudices. It just feels modern in the way it works through its issues and in the ending. It is HEA but that doesn't always feel like a given and I appreciate that.
Some comments and quotes. • What he was sitting in just didn’t seem to matter much to Luke’s body. Or his heart. — This is such a basic quote it feels like it should be obvious but that is part of the point of the book. It isn't always that clear so many of us have inbuilt ableism to contend with. (Luke)
• Alex was so happy he couldn’t sit still. He put on some music and danced his chair in the open spot in his living room, jerking the wheels back and forth like a DJ scrubbing a record, doing tight spins, and banging his head to the music. He was so freaking happy he felt ready to burst out of his skin. — This whole moment made me smile. It's just so freaking adorable. Alex is adorable. (Alex)
• “See, if I put a clue like that in one of my games, I’d be driven from the industry with whips and scourges.” “That’s because video gamers have no patience. Crossword puzzlers love to be stumped. And they like to learn ridiculous things that no one in their right mind would possibly know, just so they have something to say at cocktail parties.” Luke rolled his eyes. “Yeah, the anoa thing would make a hell of a pickup line.” “It would for female buffalos.” Luke laughed. “God, you’re as nerdy as I am.” Alex pretended to be offended. “Oh, hell no, California boy. I’ve got you beat there by a mile.” — (Luke and Alex)
• Seeing those hands at work so competently, Luke had to force himself not to think about what they’d feel like on his body. — Oh, that I get. Competency kink is something more authors need to write. (Luke)
• “It doesn’t suck,” Alex agreed. “Not too humid, thankfully. Though it might rain later.” “Stop! Don’t say rain. Do you have a musical preference for our totally sunny drive today?” — This just reminds me of a quote from The Night Shift about the Q word in the Emergency Room, ditto applies to retail. (Alex and Luke)
• Luke and Alex's sisters are used to effect. One playing the voice of reason and protective older sister. The other is a point of contrast and a safe harbour in a storm.
• “Before you left San Francisco, you told me how important it was to you to find a more meaningful relationship. That was part of why you moved back to Pennsylvania. And it sounds like you found what you were looking for.” Luke leaned forward, head in his hands. “Alex is so great. He’s the best person I’ve ever met. It’s so easy to be with him.” Gordon made a thoughtful noise. “When you talk about Alex, you light up in a way I’ve never seen in you before.” Luke knew that was true. Something deep inside of him just freaking loved Alex. — I need to say that I appreciate the use of a counsellor, Gordon, in sorting out the anxiety involved. It is such a modern and important take on romance. (Gordon and Luke)
• Con people were cool people. And probably horror con people were his people, though Luke was not gonna admit that out loud. — One of the plot points is The Philadelphia Horror Con. All the conversations and moments at the con are reasonable. Certainly enough to indicate Eli has been to them, been surrounded by them and enjoyed them. (Luke)
• I adore Marco. I just didn't expect him. A six-foot-one gay Japanese-American computer programmer.
• This is an August-December romance, with some decent time skips involved.
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Palou and O'Ward tacked on extra F1 miles in Austria
IndyCar chargers Alex Palou and Pato O’Ward loved their second F1 check along with McLaren, the pair racking up the miles with the papaya squad on the Crimson Bull Ring in Austria final week. After rolling out its 2021-spec MCL36M for Palou and O’Ward at Barcelona final month, McLaren convened the 2 drivers for one more outing as a part of F1’s licensed Testing of Earlier Automobiles programme. Whereas everybody was laborious at work making ready for the Japanese Grand Prix over 5,000 miles away, the Woking-based outfit’s check staff had arrange store at Spielberg the place good climate promised a trouble-free couple days of operating. If Palou had come away massively excited by his maiden F1 check in Spain simply weeks earlier, the Chip Ganassi Racing was much more juiced up over his second check. “The second observe that we’ve been in an F1 automobile and it was an superior studying expertise,” Palo stated, quoted by RACER. “This observe is super-fitting for this automobile and I had lots of enjoyable. “I had plenty of enjoyable, plenty of laps, so it’s been a fairly cool low season thus far. Hopefully I get an opportunity to fulfill this automobile once more – general it has been a tremendous undertaking to be a part of.” Learn additionally: Palou denies he was second possibility for McLaren after Piastri Opposite to his IndyCar rival, O’Ward, who first examined with McLaren on the finish of final yr in Abu Dhabi, was already acquainted with the Crimson Bull Ring’s brief however tough structure, having competed on the observe in 2019 in his solely race within the FIA Method 2 Championship. “What an attractive circuit,” stated the Mexican. “It’s an exceptional facility and all the time day to drive a Method 1 automobile. “I’m actually pleased with the progress of the day, simply getting an increasing number of snug with the automobile. “Each time I’m in it, each lap I’m doing in it’s just a bit bit extra on your reminiscence financial institution for if you come again once more.” ©McLaren It is unclear if McLaren will arrange a 3rd TPC check this yr with its two protégés. However the staff has but to fulfil its 2022 necessary free follow assignments for younger drivers on Grand Prix weekends. So each Palou and O’Ward, or maybe Colton Herta could have an opportunity to take to the observe throughout FP1 onboard a new-generation F1 automobile at both Austin, Mexico, Interlagos or Abu Dhabi. Preserve updated with all of the F1 information through Fb and Twitter The submit Palou and O'Ward tacked on extra F1 miles in Austria appeared first on F1i.com. Originally published at Sunshine Coast QLD News
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