islayhawkin · 2 months
Simon "ghost" riley with ED (erectile dysfunction) and PE (premature ejaculation) due to his past.
Is extremely frustrated and embarrassed every time he fails to perfom. Can't stand the feeling of not having something, his own body, under control. Will tell you how you deserve better and won't be able to meet your eye afterwards.
Sometimes you find him in your shared room aggresivly jerking off as if force would fix him. You need to cautiously make him stop with soft words of reassurance so he doesn't hurt himself.
Will act as if it doesn't bother him and hold his stoic face on everytime you see him struggle with it. If you try to speak to him about it he will get defensive and slightly angry that you would even suggest such a thing. But you can see right through him and small parts of those feelings crack throught his wall once you hold him after a nightmare at the break of dawn.
Talked once with johnny about it when they were a bit tipsy and it was never brought up again. Simon kept the most straight face as if they were talking about the weather.
Simon riley, who wants you to touch him with your soft hands all over. Making him feel strong and grounded. But tries to cover up his private area afraid that you'll be dissapointed and will love him less. Even though he wants you to touch him there so badly. It's the most comforting touch to him.
Simon riley, who apologieses nonchalantly when he ejaculates too fast. And tries to please you in any way he can which made you stop him on multiple occasians.
He can't go throught with any treatment because he is to often away and can't continue it consistently.
It wouldn't work much anyways since he doesn't allow himself to heal from his ptsd even though he gets better at letting you help him throught time and trust.
Simon riley with a ace partner, making him feel comfortable when he can't perform. Touching him dispite his inconsistency on his wish and not needing anything else from him in return.
At the beginning he thought you only said that you didn't want sex to make him feel better and was adamant on finding out what you wanted/liked without talking about it. Because let's face it: he's not good at talking about his feelings at all.
When you react badly to his suggestions/advances he has the biggest shock and will literally not dare to put a finger on you again in case he makes you uncomfortable. Will deny it when you want to talk to him about it.
Once you did tell him everything, when you figured out how it burdned him, he would ALWAYS ask before doing literally anything. "Is this okay?" "Can I touch you?" "Are you uncomfortable?" Are constant murmurs throught his deep throat around you.
Was afraid a long time every time he did the first step at touching you that he is doing something wrong. And battled with those thoughts at night when he wanted, no, needed to touch you so he felt grounded and sure that you were safe.
When you two figure it out together after a long time you are literally the perfect sexual match.
Simon riley not being the sex beast he is often described as.
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fbfh · 1 month
hello! I was wondering if you could write a Leo Valdez X Asexual Reader? I know you write him horny (which is fine-) so I just wanted to see how he would act with an ace reader :)
absotootly babes!!! listen Leo and his ace s/o is so we'll never have sex by leith ross coded. Leo is so head over heels stupid for you that he genuinely couldn't care less about sex stuff, he's just so glad you exist. He's so glad he gets to exist in proximity to you, that he gets the blessing of being around you, hearing you laugh and watching how pretty you look in the light as it changes throughout the day. He loves listening to you talk, loves holding your hand and dancing with you and getting you to laugh that sweet giggle he loves hearing. He loves spending time with you and making you little mechanical trinkets, giving them to you like a bird bringing its mate pretty twigs and colorful bits of yarn. he loves cooking for you, making you your favorite pasta and grilled cheese and soups, he loves making you little snacks and cutting up your fruit for you. He knows you can do it yourself, he just likes when you let him do it for you. he loves opening your drinks and helping you reach stuff that's up too high, he loves fixing any problems you have with your car or your phone or your plumbing or any other problmes you might have. he loves watching netflix stand up comedy specials with you and laughing at them (but not in the way the comedian intended. usually you're both laughing cause it's really bad.) he loves holding you in his arms and playing with your hair and jewlery, tracing shapes along your back. he loves tapping you little morse code messages even if you can't decipher them. he loves eating takeout in bed and showing you all his favorite telanovelas, he loves watching you get ready in the morning, he loves squeezing you in tight exhuberant hugs and kissing your cheeks and nose. he just loves you with his whole heart, so fundamentally. when you first told him you're ace, that you probably definitley won't want to have sex ever, you were nervous. he could tell you were nervous. when you finished explaining he was super supportive. but he was still worried about you. he didn't realize that's what you were nervous about. he literally said "okay, hey. no pressure about anything, ever. I don't wanna derail cause I know this is important but what's got you so worked up estrella? are you okay? do I need to light someone one fire?"
it's barely a joke. he's so accepting and loving and willing to commit arson for you. he adores you so deeply and altruisticallyand you trust him implicitly. he is never ever going to do anything to make that trust a little bit shaky, much less break it.
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duckymcdoorknob · 11 months
Just some tasty self indulgence bc I need it tonight
No cw below the cut, just tighnari reassuring his ace partner 😍
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“I can hear you brooding from the study.” Your boyfriend’s teasing voice suddenly fills your ears. Glancing up at the open door, you see Tighnari leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed. “What are you not telling me?”
“S’nothing, Tighnari.” You murmur in reply, burying your head into your pillow.
“Hey…” he says gently, quickly moving over to sit down next to you on your shared bed. “Is it alright for me to touch you right now?”
You shrink in on yourself, indicating a tinge of hesitation. After a while, you blow out an exhale and nod.
Your boyfriend wordlessly lays down next to you, carefully placing a hand on the small of your back. “Rosebud, what’s going on?”
No words escape, leaving the two of you in a deadly-silent room. You stare ahead at the wall for a few minutes before finally speaking. You ask with a quiet hesitation: “Tighnari… are you sure you want to be with me?”
His face screws into a look of concern. “(Y/N)-“ he places another hand on your shoulder, causing you to turn over and look at him. “Oh sweetheart…” he pulls you in close, cradling your head. “Why would you ever doubt?”
“I was once told that I would never get a partner because of who I am…” you murmur, sniffling a bit as tears start to pool in your eyes. “I wouldn’t be able to ‘fulfill my duties as a partner’, and I’d never make a good betrothed.”
“Sweet pea, I don’t know what you mean.” your boyfriend replies honestly.
You lift your head and match his gaze. Your glossy eyes, with tears flowing down your cheeks, meet his aquamarine colored irises. “Tighnari, we will likely never have sex. Are you positive that you’re okay with that?”
Another wordless moment occurs as your boyfriend smiles at you, wiping your tears with the pads of his thumbs. “I’m completely okay with you being asexual, if that’s what you’re asking, (Y/N).”
“No buts.” he holds the sides of your face and plants a feather-light kiss on your forehead. “I don’t need sex in my life if it means I won’t have a partner as incredible as you. It is absolutely unimportant to me as to whether or not we have intercourse, and I certainly don’t feel like you’re neglecting me, or neglecting whatever these ‘partnerly duties’ are. Do you hear me?”
You nod as you let your head fall into his chest, sobbing softly.
“Sweetheart, I don’t expect anything from you. Sex is the furthest thing on my mind right now. And while I do think you’re absolutely, painstakingly gorgeous, you’ve expressed how you don’t have any sexual desires, and I’ve made it my goal to respect that.” Tighnari runs his fingers through your hair as he explains. “So no, I won’t ever dream of leaving you, nor do I ever want you to leave me. You fulfill any worldly desire I could ever have, so why would I make you suffer to fill one more?”
“But i-isn’t it my job as your p-partner? T-To fulfill your needs?” You whimper, unmoving.
“No, rosebud.” He replies, gently tracing his fingertips over your back. “Not if it makes you uncomfortable. So I don’t care who told you that you were weird and not normal, I don’t care who said that nobody would want you because you’re asexual, I just don’t care about them. I’m here to tell you that I care about you. We do not need to have sex to be close with each other.”
He hugs you closer to him once more, squeezing tightly as his tail wraps around your back. “What I’m trying to say is: I love you, and we don’t need to have sex to prove that.”
As you continue to sob, Tighnari holds you wordlessly, running his fingers through your hair. He carefully leans backwards on the bed, still holding you close to his chest. “I love you, (Y/N).” He whispers, kissing the crown of your head.
“I-I love you t-too, Tighnari,” you reply, mirroring his tone.
A commodity of shared silence is emitted between the two of you. As you slowly calm down, Tighnari never lets you go. Eventually, your stress leaves your body and you finally fall asleep.
Your boyfriend looks down at you and smiles.
“Sweet dreams, my love.”
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daydream-cement · 1 year
hii! i'm not sure if you'll be okay with this but may i ask for a larissa x ace! reader who loves physical intimacy with larissa? idk what setting it should be but there's cuddles, kisses, caresses. just reader basking in her girlfriend's presence. only if it's alright with you. thank you!
Puzzle Night
Larissa Weems x Ace!Reader
Authors Note: GAHH this was so cute! Thank you for requesting this anon!! It's just a short lil fic.
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Larissa sat on the floor in front of you as you sat on the couch. She was hunched over the coffee table, eyes scanning puzzle pieces before her. Her body was settled between your legs, humming to herself every few moments when she fit two pieces together.
Sitting up, you admired Larissa in her relaxed state: hair down, make-up off, pajama clad. You smirk to yourself and scoot forward, leaning over her to look over the puzzle to find a match. Within a few seconds you find a piece with words that connected to another, you set the piece in place and lean back on the couch once more, "I've done my part."
"Oh, thank you so very much." Larissa's voice was dripping with sarcasm as she reclined back between your legs, head leaning back to look at you.
"I'm a helper. What can I say?" You return the joking sarcasm with a smirk and a kiss on Larissa's forehead. Larissa's hands move up into your hair, keeping you bent over near her face. She pulled you down a few inches so she could press a kiss to your lips. It was these little moments with her that had made falling in love with her so easy in the first place.
Once you part, Larissa keeps your face nearby as she whispers, "Sit down here with me?"
How could you say no to that?
You move away from Larissa and she pushes the coffee table away, gesturing to you to sit between her legs. You take your place between her legs and pull the coffee table closer, now able to take a closer look at the pieces. Larissa took this opportunity to take a break from the puzzle to pay a little more attention to you.
Her arms loop around your middle and she buries her face into the crook of your neck with a content sigh. Rocking back and forth ever so slightly, Larissa closes her eyes and enjoys the physical content as you place the pieces together.
Larissa remains snuggled up to you for 10 minutes before she presses a kiss to your neck and turns her attention back to the puzzle. One of her arms remains around your waist, holding you close to her as she tries to finish a small section of a red barn.
You grow tired of the puzzle after an hour and recline back into Larissa's arms to rest your eyes for a moment. Larissa maintains her focus on the puzzle, pressing a kiss to your forehead before resting her cheek against your forehead.
From the point in which you started seeing Larissa to the point in which you came out as asexual, Larissa was always ready to provide you with the physical intimacy that you loved without ever crossing your boundaries. She was always your safe space.
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kentocidal · 1 year
im so tired. dazai and ace gn reader just kissing and being sappy asf. i trust u
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users: qpp!osamu dazai x ace!gn!reader
internal warnings: this is written as a qpp relationship, but reader’s discretion. no warnings; fluff, brief alcohol usage, mention of smoking (barely), kissing n cuddling
internal notes: banging my fists on the table. I! LOVE! QPP! SMOOCHING!
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you took in a deep breath as you shoved your way through the front door and pushed your shoes and jacket off.
no, it wasn’t your place. but you made yourself right at home, dropping your jacket on the floor and dragging your feet into some slippers that didn’t belong to you. you wandered into the kitchen and grabbed a beer as you heard chuckling from the living room.
“would’ve been nice of you to call, you know.”
“i live here. shut up.” you rolled your eyes, popping the beer can open and finally turning to look at the actual resident of the place you so rudely barged into.
dazai was smiling lazily at you, sipping his own beer, clearly lounging during a rare night in. you, however, did not have that luxury; kunikida kept you behind to clean up one of dazai’s messes.
“you’re a real jackass.”
“and yet, you’re here in my apartment. how interesting is that!” he laughed again, tilting his head as you moved to sit next to him on the couch and deflate like a punctured beach ball.
“your place was closer than mine. i didn’t want to walk home.”
“you had kunikida drop you off.”
“i had kunikida drop me off.” you took a swig of your beer and made a face. “couldn’t even get better beer? this is shit.”
“didn’t know you were coming, your highness. will you ever forgive me?”
“i’m mad at you,” you stated, but it came out more like you were remembering that you were supposed to be mad rather than actually being mad. you yawned, covering your mouth with the back of your hand, and dazai sat up to reach toward the coffee table and use the remote to shut the television off.
“you look exhausted.”
“wow, thanks.” you shot dazai a look, and he just smiled a bit and shrugged with one shoulder.
“just making an observation.”
he kept his mouth shut for just a moment and let you sip your shitty beer, and then put it down. you sat back again in his couch, turning your head to look at him.
dazai pushed some of his hair back from his face as he shifted us position, resting his upper back against the armrest and bringing one of his legs up onto the couch cushions. he hummed as he opened his arms to you, “c’mon. you look like you need a little something.”
you let out a tiny breath, almost of relief, kicking your slippers off to move and crawl over him.
dazai understood you. you had no drive for romance, not wanting any form of relationship, really, but the need for human connection was always there. dazai had understood from the moment you said it.
you rested your weight on him, feeling his arms wrap around you with practiced ease. his one hand moved to your chin and guided your face towards his. you let your eyes flutter shut as your lips gently met his. he tasted like menthol and peppermint. maybe he did know you were coming over. he was always intuitive.
he kissed you so gently, almost sweetly, but it was more an expression of human connection. it made you feel warm, cared for, comfortable.
you pulled away and he didn’t chase. you settled your cheek against his collarbone and felt his lips graze over your hairline, his long fingers tracing over your back as he held you.
“seriously though, you look like shit. you should sleep.”
“i could absolutely wring your neck right now.”
“you would? really? oh, thank- ow! hey!” you pinched him in the side, huffing against his neck in annoyance.
“shut up. i’m trying to relax here.” you grumbled against his skin, and you heard his laugh rumble in his chest.
“fine, fine. since you did me a favor, i guess i’ll let you use me like a mattress.”
“you owe me a lot more than this.”
“can i pay you in kisses?”
“no. but you can pay me with lunch tomorrow.”
“hm, fair.” dazai mumbled into your hair as he fully went limp under you, and you know he shut his eyes, too. your annoyance faded into that deep feeling of care and gratefulness as you nuzzled more into the crook of his neck.
dazai was an ass, but he was your ass. you could keep him around.
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airbendertendou · 1 year
synopsis : various asexual!characters w asexual!reader ; non-sexual intimacy characters include : sanzu, belphie, kokonoi, and solomon.
warnings : [name] used in place of y/n or mc ; laying on sanzu in his, if that makes you uncomf you can skip ; solomon puts his hand on your throat w no ill intentions ; sexual jokes ; asexuality does not always mean sex-repulsed
song inspo ; we’ll never have sex by leith ross
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
— SANZU! ♥︎
the air is misty as you leave the shower, steam fogged up the mirrors around you, clinging to each and every surface it could. with a frown, you realize you’d left your favorite lotion in your bedroom. clad in only comfy shorts, you make your way there.
sanzu is dozing on your bed, his bare back greeting you as he lays on his stomach. a pile of bloodied clothes sit near the closet — the same suit he’d been wearing that morning. with a thought, you forgo the lotion and make your way to him.
settling down on top of him gently, you hum in delight as your skin touches his. sanzu lets out a grunt only to relax a second later, welcoming your added weight happily.
sleepy, dream-filled eyes look around until they see you. you’re sitting on the counter as satan cooks, muttering about a book you’d just read. beelzebub is peeking over the blonde’s shoulder, eyes hungry and ravenous as he watches his brother make dinner.
“mornin’, kid! sleep well?” it’s mammon who spots him first. belphie only hums, feet tapping his way to you. he wraps his arms around your hips, nose nuzzling into your sternum as he yawns. mammon lets out a snort, “like we’re not even here…”
“wanted somethin’ sweet,” he’s teetering on the cusp of sleeping again, ignoring the howls and jokes his brothers make. he hears something about you being the sweetest thing in the house — not that he disagrees on that part. with a kiss to your neck, belphie is snoring once more as you run your fingers through his hair.
he was meant to be helping you pick out clothes. it was your date night — a weekly, mandatory thing he tried his best not to miss. but, kokonoi looked so pretty as he juggled between two shirts — two of his favorites that he loved to see on you. so, really, it wasn’t your fault.
“baby, how do you like—“ a yelp leaves his mouth the next second. you’d tugged him down gently by his shirt collar, a devilish grin on your lips that melts against his own. pants echo in your mouth ; his tongue sweeping against yours briefly before he pulls away. koko speaks through giggles, “wait… wait a minute. let me set these down.”
his cheeks are flushed as he puts your clothes back in the closet. you’re still eyeing him heavily, sweeping up every inch of him. kokonoi clears his throat before sitting beside you this time. that’s all you need before you’re diving in greedily once more.
asmodeous had a problem. many problems, really, but a certain one that irritated everyone else as well. he never knocked. true to his form, asmo welcomes himself into your room, a frown on glossed lips as he holds two sheet masks. “doll, do you think— didn’t know you guys were into that.”
solomon can’t help his grin, even as he rolls his eyes. a spell you’d been trying earlier almost backfired — could’ve backfired if he didn’t help in time. as a result, your vocal chords had been hit. his hand was around your throat, checking your lymph nodes and making sure everything was okay — that’s all.
you pull your chin down and away from solomon’s hand, your own cheshire grin forming at the comment. catching sight of the masks in asmo’s hands, you speak up. “we’ll invite you next time. go with the green one — it’s good for hydration.”
made this a personal challenge to only have 3 paragraphs idk how to feel abt them hehe but <3 hope they’re okay
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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gonzo-rella · 2 years
Headcanons: Being The WWDITS Gang’s Asexual Vampire Friend
Relationship(s): The What We Do in the Shadows Gang x asexual!gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: Canon-typical sexual humour. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: If you’re reading this during Asexual Awareness Week, Happy Asexual Awareness Week. If not, I’ll give you a regular hello. I found out it’s Ace Awareness Week mere moments before starting this, so I decided to write something in celebration of the occasion. Of course, I love to represent my fellow aces year-round. If you ever have an ace!reader request- no matter the week- feel free to sent it in! Also, there’s more of a focus on a sex-neutral or sex-averse reader. Apologies to the sex-positive aces!)
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At least one of them (by that, I mean Nadja, Laszlo or Nandor) tried to seduce you before they found out that you’re asexual.
Take your pick.
Despite their wounded pride and mild disappointment of you not being sexually attracted to them, they’d still be happy to be friends with you.
I feel like Guillermo and Colin would be the most understanding of asexuality.
Nadja, Laszlo and Nandor at least somewhat get it too- in their centuries on the Earth, they’ve met all different kinds of people, asexuals included.
But, if you’re an ace who doesn’t have sex, they do express pity you for not experiencing sex, something they all thoroughly enjoy.
Also, Nandor has definitely made some sort of comment about aspiring to your ‘strength and willpower’ for managing to go for so long without sex.
The guy genuinely thinks you possess the strength of a thousand average sized men.
Also, I’m sure at one point or another Laszlo has offered to ‘relieve you, if you’d like’.
It’s supposed to be a generous gesture of friendship.
Of course, Guillermo rolls his eyes whenever any of them make a comment of this nature.
Nandor, Nadja and Laszlo don’t really understand how one can live without experiencing sexual attraction.
They’re all respectful of your sexuality, though; it’s not a matter of them looking down on you.
Basically, they’re not aphobic; just comically sex-obsessed to the point of them having a slightly myopic worldview.
I can imagine that it’s somewhat difficult to fit into the vampire community when you’re not particularly interested in sex.
See: the Bi-Annual Vampire Orgy.
That said, if it’s a well-known fact in the community that you’re asexual, then I feel like most vampires would be understanding and considerate of it, because I said so, and the whole thing about some vampires having existed for so long that they’ve met plenty of different kinds of people.
Of course, you’re always welcome to attend the orgies for the food and social aspect of it.
I imagine that, if anyone does disrespect you, your boundaries, your sexuality etc., Nadja will be the most protective of you.
You can probably stand up for yourself, but she always has your back if you need it.
Overall, your vampire friends are accepting of you.
They won’t try to change you or convince you that you’re not who you are.
But, if you ever do change your mind on that shag, Laszlo’s always there.
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why-what-no · 2 years
Desire Trying To Seduce An Ace Crush Would Include
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Pairing: Desire x GN!Ace!Reader (sex repulsed/neutral)
Warnings: None
Notes: Wow, this got requested like forever ago. I am so sorry lol. I’m gonna try and do better
Requested by: @callmekohaii
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A problem had been found in Desire’s plans of seducing the human that they had feelings for. A problem that they hadn’t anticipated
Your reaction was the problem. All the flirting and teasing glances led to… practically nothing. Of course you were polite, interesting and treated them very well, but you didn’t respond to the attempted seduction from Desire.
No matter how much they tried to use their tried and trusted method of letting you know how they felt about you, it didn’t work. In fact, it seemed like the more Desire flirted, the more you distanced yourself.
Finally, they had enough. Scared to lose you, they (rather inelegantly) blurted out their feelings towards you. Telling you about their love and nervously waiting for your reply.
And to their delight, you reciprocated. You loved them too, and Desire felt joy at hearing that.
When they asked you why you didn’t respond their flirting (and preening), you let them know that you’re ace. That type of courting just wasn’t one that you were interested it.
Desire didn’t mind, they were just happy to have you. And honestly… they were a little flattered. So used to being desired, but not used to being loved, this admittance that you loved Desire for their personality, not their looks and powers, sparked a feeling that the Endless wasn’t used to
A lovely feeling. A feeling of happiness that warmed their heart.
They didn’t have to worry about whether your feelings were just lust, they didn’t have to worry about constantly keeping your interest in their looks. Desire could finally relax with another person
Although sometimes Desire was a little frustrated that they couldn’t get out of trouble with you by trying to distract you with their attractiveness, they will admit that having someone that can call them out on their behaviour is good for them.
They wouldn’t trade away their relationship with you for anything.
Taglist: @dark-academia-slut @silverhart93 @witchthewriter @dangerousdreamkitty @endlessly-entertaining @stygianoir @bumblez-of-beez @jar-of-moondust @kiki13522 @suspiciousmoonlanding
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
'•.¸♡ Sigma x asexual reader♡¸.•'
There just isn't enough shit with this beautiful man do I've decided to write something
Everyone experiences asexuality different so I'm just gonna do the sex repulsed, but not uncomfortable about the topic kinda ace
This is just gonna be some hc so have fun reading! And please request as always :)
(Also just a side note I kinda hc him as ace or on the spectrum so yeah, we ♡ Sigma)
TW: slight mentions of a-phobia
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You were nervous telling him about your sexual orientation especially since so many people don't accept people who are ace and you were afraid Sigma would leave you
But after telling him you were pleasantly surprised when he said he accepted you no matter what and the fact that you were ace would never change that and he loves you no matter what
But you did have to explain to him what it meant to be ace to you (even if he knew what it meant he would still ask)
After explaining to him what it meant, he still wanted to be with you cuz he's amazing
He did educate himself on the topic aswell from the internet and saw other people's experiences
But he never questioned yours because everyone thinks, acts and just is different
He just respects the hell out of you is what I'm trying to say
And if you ever have doubts about not being able to satisfy him sexually then he will tell you that you don't have to and he'll be more happy for you to not have sex with him then you sleeping with him if you don't feel comfortable with it
Hopefully this all makes sense so far
He loves cuddling with you tho, he just loves lying there with you while hugging each other or while the two of you read a book
Even though you don't feel uncomfortable with the topic of sex he still avoids it
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
I hope everyone enjoyed reading that! :)
Idk if you can tell but I love Sigma and he slays so much <3
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cuckoo-on-a-string · 2 years
A Year and a Day
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My second piece for the Winter Solstice event!
Sandman fandom, Hob x fem!reader x Morpheus (implied future)
Warnings: language, brief violence, injury
*While you can enjoy this on its own - there's gonna be more. It's gonna be a drabble series in all likelihood.This is becoming my de-stress fic. Mostly fluff, and lots of shenanigans, so let me know what you think. <3
A Year and a Day (the first part of many)
The frigid evening wind cuts through the alley, and Morpheus feels it. He feels the cold, the broken asphalt scraping his palm, the blood cooling on his chin.
A year and a day of mortality.
He wonders if he’ll survive the first night.
As the curse had taken effect, and he’d hurtled into the waking world, he’d done all he could to aim for London. With his power bleeding away and his body closing tight around his severed awareness of the Dreaming, a single name flashed at the forefront of his thoughts: Hob Gadling. His friend. Although several mortals know enough of his nature as an Endless to be of some assistance, Hob is the only one he trusts to actually offer it.
If he does not escape this alley, however, he’ll never put that assumption to the test.
A kick lifts him away from the pavement for a moment, and he collapses on his side, coughing. The men above him loom like tall shadows, backlit by anemic streetlights. Two pounce, rifling through his pockets as he struggles to catch his breath, and he once again thanks John Dee for crushing the Dream Stone. It can never be stolen again. Never be abused. Though, apparently, he can still be parted from his power.
Once they determined he has nothing to give them, one of the searchers swears and kicks him again, this time in the back, and Morpheus arches, teeth gritted in a fresh wave of pain.
“Nothing. Man’s got nothing. No wallet. No cash. No phone.”
The third man, ostensibly the leader, stands closest to the street, pointing a knife to warn their victim against screaming in case Morpheus should recover the wind they’ve kicked from his lungs. He shakes his head. “Dressed like that? Whatever. Coat’s worth something at least. Looks nice. Check again. Rich assholes have hidden pockets – hollow shoes, you know, like on tv.”
The hands return. Rougher. Grabbing and pushing as they try to work his arms out of his coat without letting him up from the pavement. Still breathless, he bares his teeth, reaching for abilities stripped from his grasp. He can’t even sense them. His mind is mortal, too, at least as much as it can be, and he’s left to his assailants’ mercy as he fights to regain his equilibrium.
But he has a long memory, and he will remember their faces. They may not pay for their insult tonight, but they will in due course. He promises them silently. He promises himself.
A flash of light illuminates the alley. Two more. Three more bursts of sun. Like lightning without thunder, without rain or clouds.
All three men turn to look at the source just as a clear, feminine voice calls from the opposite end of the alleyway, “I just sent pictures with all your faces to my friend.”
The one with the knife manages three long strides before the voice stops him.
“If anything happens, my friend will show them to the police. Oh, and I just dialed 999, so I suggest you scarper.”
A suggestion. Through his pain, Morpheus smirks.
Highway robbery is an often romanticized but a less than rewarding career. It has always been thus, but desperation and idiocy lead men down familiar paths, from one eon to the next. These robbers freeze like deer when the woman flicks on her phone’s flashlight, giving the scene a more permanent illumination. More prey than predator. Aggressive when they had the upper hand, certainly, when it was three against one. But they hadn’t planned on an interruption, and now a third party they can’t threaten with their knives and knuckles has their faces. Their true colors leak through.
The quiet one who’s been searching him twists away from the light and runs.
“Fuck this.”
That’s the second.
The ringleader stands his ground long enough to make a weak pass at intimidation.
The woman behind the light shrugs, the tell-tale light lifting with her shoulders. “Twat.”
For a moment, Morpheus thinks the man will charge her. He angles his head down and spreads his feet, like he’ll take his chances and sprint over to stick his knife in her throat.
This time, Morpheus hears the phone’s camera app click, and the last attacker bolts after his friends. Too much evidence, not enough loot to justify the risk. An old tale often repeated.
The immediate danger has passed.
He has a destination in mind, but he finds himself struggling to rise. Every ache and burn lingers as he leverages his hands under his chest, pushing himself up to his knees and groaning from the effort.
Light steps approach. Not running. Not hesitant, either. Purposeful.
A hand with short, black nails appears before his eyes. He looks up, blinking away the runny watercolor blur from his eyes to find his savior of the hour, a small woman in a flower-print sundress – thick leggings below and a heavy sweater above to ward off the cool breath of autumn. A strange knight errant, but he is hardly in a position to choose.
Still, he does not take her hand.
Pulling himself upright inch by agonizing inch, he cradles his bruised ribs and offers a brief nod to express his gratitude. Though he is short on options, he is shorter on trust. Mortals are treacherous, often without meaning to be, and he is painfully aware of his vulnerability.
“I dialed but didn’t connect to 999,” she confesses, looking directly into his eyes, ignoring the wounds on his face or his ginger stance. “Do you need me to call an ambulance? Family? What do you need?”
He needs Hob Gadling. And possibly medical attention. In that order. How far can he depend on this little stranger to aid him?
“Thank you.” He scrutinizes her, frowning, and she bears it unflinchingly, waiting for him to choose his course. Her squared shoulders and tilted chin suggested she’ll help him down whichever path he chooses. His pride rages against the idea, but his very mortal body feels like it may collapse if the breeze pushes any harder.
He cannot call to mind everything he would know about this tiny hero if he were fully himself, but a whisper of an impression lingers. An extra sense. The three men jumped him before he could pick up anything from them, and all he’d gathered during the assault was the anxiety and anger fueling their rage. But now – now he has a moment, and she has a core of moonstone. A fixed, determined thing all but glowing with dreams and hope.
Decided, he speaks quietly, wary of the new hurts along his abdomen, careful not to aggravate them further. “I am trying to reach the New Inn. My friend, Robert Gadling still owns it, I believe.”
Her eyes light up, and she presses half a step closer. He nearly flinches away, startled by the spark of enthusiasm.
“Hob?” She lifts her phone.
She has Robert Gadling’s name in her phone as “Hob Goblin” and something sparks in his chest that isn’t jealousy.
As she waits for the call to go through, phone pressed to ear, she says, “I was actually on my way there. We’re just a couple blocks away. I’ll help you, but I should give Hob a head’s – Hey! Hob, I – No, I’m fine. There’s – Yes, I’m sure. I just ran into – Hon, I love you, but shut the fuck up. Sorry. Yeah. Bumped into a friend of yours, and he’s a little roughed up. Asked for you, so I thought I’d bring him to the New Inn. Wanted to give you advance warning… Okay. See you in a minute.”
The endearments course naturally through the dialogue, and he wonders what he has missed in Hob Gadling’s past year. But when she hangs up and stashes the phone away in her messenger bag, she gives Morpheus a brilliant smile, like all is well and they’re simply on their way to visit a mutual friend.
“Alright. Let’s get you to the Inn. Would you mind leaning on me?”
The nature of the question makes it easy to agree. He lets her pull his arm over her shoulders, and one little hand settles on his back, like she has the strength to support them both if he stumbles.
They work their way down the quiet street, and she doesn’t fight the silence. Their steps and breath mingle with the hoots of nightbirds, distant arguments, and the occasional passing car. She does not ask him why he is on his way to the New Inn, though she clearly had plans of her own with the owner. She does not demand he waste his breath assuring her he is well when he clearly is not. They walk together, and she makes sure he does not trip and fall on the way.
It is appreciated.
When they reach the New Inn, Hob meets them at the door, eyes wide but unsurprised when Morpheus manifests out of the gloom with his small, colorful crutch.
“It is you.” He rushes out to assume the savior’s burden and helps Morpheus into the empty bar. It’s well past closing, he assumes. “I thought it might be, but I wasn’t – what happened?”
Morpheus glances sidelong at the young woman lingering near the door, and she catches the look, quickly straightening with a fresh smile for Hob and excuse to disappear on her lips.
“I’ll head up now. You two must have… a lot… to – let me know if you need anything.”
She moves to the back of the establishment and slips through a door marked “Private.”
Morpheus turns his look on Hob as the man pulls a first aid kit from behind the counter. His son died in a pub brawl, he recalls. The kit is extensive, and while Morpheus is glad to know he does not need a defibrillator or some of the other supplies contained within, a newly-familiar warmth blooms as he considers his friend.
His injuries, though painful, are not serious enough for a hospital. Hob assures him no ribs are broken after a careful series of pressing touches over his chest, back, and sides. The former soldier finds no evidence of internal bleeding, either.
“I’d suggest we go anyway,” he says, apologetic as he sorts through his collection of salves and bandages, “but I don’t think you have an ID or, you know, the kinds of things they’d ask about. In a hospital. And I doubt you want the police involved.”
“Right. Okay. Right.” He flounders, clearly unsure of himself as he tries to care for the entity he still knows so little about. “Well, this should be good enough. We can sort something out down the line if…”
The silence pulls taught over the rustle of Hob’s work, and the whole man’s face is bent in concentration. Morpheus can see the thoughts ticking over his open face. Wondering if he can ask. Wondering what to ask.
“What happened?”
What indeed. There is another story, a long one, one he will not share at this time. He does not feel he has earned this punishment, and he will not give another room to comment.
“A curse.”
“I am mortal, Hob Gadling. For a year and a day.”
“That’s…” Hob has to stop and think before new words will grow on his tongue, and Morpheus takes the initiative to press ahead.
“I had thought I may ask for your assistance during this time,” he explains. His eyes turn towards the ceiling. “But…”
Hob snaps back to himself, shaking his head and overflowing with reassurances. “You’re more than welcome to stay! I have a guest room in my flat. She doesn’t live with me. Not really. She’s in the smaller flat, and – uh – yes, you are more than welcome to stay. Please.”
So Hob has not taken another wife. It would be a strange arrangement for a courting couple as well, and he fixes on the topic as a distraction from the way his heart beats in his bruises. “Who is she?”
Hob murmurs her name with a smile, flicks his eyes to meet Morpheus’s, and clears his throat. “Well, she’s a friend. We met online, playing games during the pandemic, and she was on the other side of the Atlantic, so I started staying up all hours just to make sure I caught her.”
Adjusting his position in his chair, he leans in, full of a story, and despite the terrible evening he’s had, Morpheus finds himself falling back into old habits. Here they sit in a tavern, the Endless listening to the immortal man’s continuing life story.
“It was just so easy with her. Talking. Playing. Just enjoying ourselves. And then, about three months ago, she told me she was coming to England for work. Asked if I’d like to meet. And I had the empty flat, and I thought… why not? So here she is. Here we are. And,” he chuckles to himself, a smile pulling his face into its sweetest shape, “I don’t really know what to do with myself.”
Morpheus doubts that very much as he holds the man in a steady gaze.
It is strange.
He cannot know her as he would usually know a mortal, but she treats him with the ease of a friend, and as soft creaking above reveals her as she goes about her business, he feels the lines of a story twisting into new forms, as they had many hundreds of years ago when a foolish mortal declared in the presence of Death herself that he wouldn’t die.
Well. He has a year and a day to understand.
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aerynwrites · 2 years
Who You Are
Jayce x Ace!Reader
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A/N: as I’ve stated before the ace spectrum is vast, and everyone is different. This piece was written and I never planned for it to see the light of day Bc I used it as a vent piece lol. But @wincestisasincest encouraged me to post and I’ve seen a lot of people asking to see this so here ya go! Hope you all enjoy.
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: major fear of rejection, discussion of sex/sexual situations, jayce being a softie as usual, the best boyfriend 🥺, kissing, fluff.
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You always knew you’d have to tell him. In truth, you shouldn’t have let it come this far without telling him. But every time you were going to, something conveniently prevented you from having to do so.
Every heated make out session is interrupted by either footsteps approaching the lab or the reminder of an early day or some dinner party he has to attend.
And every time you want to bring it up on your own, bright hazel eyes would make the words shrivel on your lips.
You’ve been with Jayce for a few months now and the happiness you feel when you’re with him is incomparable. You’ve never felt so loved by someone else before, and the fear of losing that, of making him not love you anymore stops you in your tracks each time.
This time, however, you don’t have a choice.
There’s no convenient interruption, no excuses to pull you away. Just the quiet of Jayce’s bedroom wrapped around you as his fingers toy with the buttons of your shirt.
His mouth is warm against your own, movements slow and tempered, both of you just enjoying being in each other's arms. You’re perched on his lap, legs straddling his waist where he sits on the edge of his bed, and you can feel the air shift.
One of your hands rests against his shoulder while the other slides up to card through the short dark brown strands at the base of his skull. But his hands keep wandering.
From your hips up your sides over your ribs. Across your back before coming back to the front, his fingers resting againt the button closures of your shirt.
Guilt and fear swell in your chest as he fiddles with them, slowly sliding them from their holes until you break away from him, dropping the hand at his neck to press firmly against his chest.
Your heart is racing as you avoid his questioning gaze, unable to bring yourself to see the disappointment no doubt swimming in pools of hazel.
“What’s wrong?” He breathes, chest heaving from the kiss.
His hands immediately fall to rest on your hips. “Was that too fast? Shit - I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-“
You shake your head then, leaning forward to bury it in the crook of his neck. Both because you want his comfort and to hide the tears welling up behind your eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment.
“It’s not you.” You say, voice weak.
Here he is apologizing when all of this feels like your fault.
Solid arms slide around your waist, fingers tracing soothing patterns against your ribs.
“Then…what is it?” He asks, innocence and genuine concern lacing his words and finally forcing the tears from your eyes as your shoulders shake.
“Hey, hey.” He tugs at you, imploring you to sit back and look at him, but you refuse. Unable to look him in the eyes.
He relents, instead holding you that much closer. “Talk to me, please.”
“I can’t do this.” You cry, words muffled against his shoulder, causing his hands to still against you. Frozen in time.
Then you suddenly realize what you said and sit up abruptly, wiping furiously at your tears. “That’s not-“ tipping your head back, you sigh at the ceiling. “I don’t…I don’t want to have sex.” The words come out hesitant and gracelessly, not how you wanted to do this at all.
The worry on Jayce’s features melt away instantly as calloused hands cradle your cheeks. He urges you to look at him, thumbs wiping away stray tears as you comply.
“We don’t have too. Not right now. We never have to do anything you don’t want. I’ll wait for whenever you’re ready, always.” His voice is so sincere, eyes swimming with understanding, and you just wish he knew what he was promising you.
You shake your head, unable to handle being this close to him anymore. Because you know, when you tell him, he’s going to recoil like everyone else has in the past.
You tug his hands from your face gently and slide from his lap to sit on the bed beside him, a good amount of distance between you.
An action that further worries Jayce.
“It’s not…that simple Jayce.” You begin, arms crossing over yourself self consciously. “I don’t…I’ve never wanted to have sex. With anyone. Ever. And I don’t think that’s going to…change.”
The silence that follows your words is deafening, and you watch out of the corner of your eye as it seems to sink in.
This is it.
“Oh…” the word is simple, short. Breathed out in confusion and what you decipher as disappointment.
“Yeah.” You offer lamely, buttoning up your shirt and moving to stand. “I should probably go.”
Better to leave now than be kicked out later. That’s what you tell yourself.
But a familiar calloused hand wraps around your wrist. Strong enough to implore you to stay, but soft enough to let you pull away if you want.
You don’t.
“Wait.” Soft, whispered into the quiet air and begging. “Why are you leaving?”
Finally, you peer over at him, brows knit together.
“Because…I thought you’d want me to? Most people do when I…when I tell them that.” You swallow past the lump in your throat to force the words out.
Jayce tugs you closer, shaking his head firmly. “What? No. No!” Hesitantly he slips his hands back onto your hips, thumbs rubbing soothing circles over your pants.
“You think…you think I’d kick you out because you don’t want to have sex with me?”
He looks hurt, looks like you just physically slapped him across the face and told him to take a hike. Hazel eyes, the ones you love so much are filled with nothing but hurt and confusion, and you can’t help but explain this to him further.
He must not understand.
“Look, Jayce.” Your words are firmer now, leaving no room for miscommunication. “I don’t like sex. I’ve done it before because previous partners wanted me too but I don’t…get anything from it. I don’t enjoy it and I just…I don't want to have sex. Ever. With anyone.”
This time Jayce is quicker to respond, but he just seems more confused, thick brows stitched together.
“I heard you the first time.” He says, shaking his head. “That doesn’t change anything for me. I still love you. I don’t want you to leave.”
His words stun you. Like you jumped into a cold river in the middle of winter.
He still loves you.
He still loves you.
“That doesn’t…bother you?” You ask, still unable to accept the idea he wants to be with you after your revelation.
His lips twitch up into a small smile, a reassuring one.
“It’s a surprise,” he says honestly. “But no. I chose to be in a relationship with you because I love who you are. And this is part of that.”
You must look like you don’t believe him because he lets out a breathy chuckle before pulling you closer to him, bringing one hand up to cradle your face gently.
“I love you.” He says again, tilting his face to press soft lips against your own in a chaste kiss.
“I love you.” This time whispered against your cheek.
He whispers the words again and again and again until you’ve settled in his lap again, tucking your face into the crook of his neck, barely holding the tears at bay.
“Do I need to say it again?” He asks, voice playful.
You huff put a laugh. “I could stand to hear it one more time.”
He smiles and says it again.
This time, you believe him.
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mirclealignr · 2 years
pssst i have a secret blog where i solely reblog asexual!reader fics. lemme know if ur interested in following the blog <3
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birdgirl90 · 2 years
Tangled Threads Updates
Alright folks on here, I have been awful at posting links to the updates.  We are three chapters in on updates since I shared last, so here are the links!
Chapter 15 is here, Chapter 16 is here, and I just posted Chapter 17 which is here! This story will have 25 chapters altogether, so stay tuned!
Tangled Threads is a knitlit Loki/Ace!Female Reader fic where the Reader owns a yarn store in the middle of a small town and ends up crossing paths with Loki. I mostly write fluff, so that’s what most of this is, and the Ace!Reader is based on my experiences as someone who is Asexual in a romantic relationship. (I also knit and fantasize about owning a yarn shop, so you can see the inspiration here.) 
The first chapter can be found here!  I used to try to post the actual story here, but got very little interaction for the effort it took, so I only post on AO3 now. 
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tetriminas · 7 months
dating Miles Edgeworth headcanons (Miles Edgeworth x fem reader)
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He leaves you for a man
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when their tsum courts their crush
I write reader as female
i love the fact that tsum tsum deuce is basically delinquent deuce, only smaller and cuddlier
like deuce explains, he’s very aggressive and quick to anger - it has no impulse control and can and will fight (i.e. headbutt/drop itsy bitsy cauldrons on) anyone 
like, unlike its human counterpart, it doesn’t even pretend to behave or be seen in a positive light, let alone act like the model student deuce is aiming for
but, like all things, there is an exception - and that, dear prefect, is you
you see, tsum deuce is an absolute terror to everyone - everyone except you
in fact, the second it sees you entering the rose maze (trey had you on speed dial the second tsum deuce appeared - everyone say ‘thank you, trey’) it comes bounding over to you and just leaps into your arms
and it just…stays there, all happy and content
and you just look down at this tiny, happy little angelic bean in your hands whilst every single person in heartslabyul is just gawking at how this demon just did a complete 180 degrees personality flip the second you showed up
human deuce is absolutely red faced and has suddenly become very interested in the grass whilst everyone is just giving him the biggest side eyes
so you, being the kind-hearted, altruistic person you are, just smile at the bean in your hands and cheerfully inform everyone that you wouldn’t mind babysitting tsum deuce until crowley finds a way home
everyone except deuce (and grim) is happy with this development
now human deuce already finds it hard to talk to girls but he especially finds it difficult whenever you’re around because he’s literally got the biggest crush on you and has been dying to confess but is way too shy to
but tsum deuce? tsum deuce has no such inhibitions
it will cuddle and snuggle and nuzzle up to you, rubbing against your cheek as it sits on your shoulder or hands as it rests in your palms
tsum deuce likes to grow big so that it can 1) be carried around in that child hug carry that parents do and 2) sit on your lap like a bond villain cat so that you can stroke its head and body
human deuce is not happy with either of these
like tsum deuce is just basking in your endless affection and endeared giggles whilst deuce is suffering so much that even ace gives him somewhat-sincere consoling pats on the back whenever you’d call the little tsum ‘sweetheart’ or ‘dear’ or ‘poppet’ or ‘darling or ‘angel’ or ‘cutie’ - and the list goes on…
what’s worse is that whenever you’re not looking it gives the most deadliest glare to its counterpart and when you turn around it looks back at you like ♡✧(^ ᴗ ^)✧♡
like deuce knows that he’s supposed to keep his head down and nose clean like a good little honour student but his delinquent switch is wobbly on even the best of days and seeing you be so happily touchy-feely with that smug little rascal really does not help those buried instincts
don’t get him wrong, he’s flustered beyond belief at the sight of you being so affectionate to his lookalike but his annoyance and jealousy take precedence 
it all comes to a head when the cheeky bugger decides that its had enough of just receiving your kisses and just full on plants his ‘mouth’ on your lips
it takes everything in deuce to not full on punt it into the sun - especially when you look so flustered as a result, a gorgeous blush spreading across your features as you giggle at the little thing
deuce narrows his eyes - game on
@disney when are we getting tsum tsum ace? He’s the only first year to not have a marketable plushie
now ace has no problem with you being affectionate to his tsum
at first
you see ace and his tsum get along very well since they have very similar personalities
the two knaves of hearts just love causing trouble and making mischief together 
but being so similar means that at some point they’ve got to clash 
and clash they do >:)
when you come strolling in, tsum ace happily greets you and you, having been filled in on the situation (“thank you, Trey”), are more than happy to keep it entertained so you pet it and coddle it and dole out your sweet affection
and, honestly, it was a huge ego boost to see his crush being so sweet with a smaller version of himself 
of course, he’s going to be all ace about it and tease you like “why are you so affectionate with mini me? do you have a crush on me or something? don’t worry, i understand - i guess i’m too irresistible even as a tsum” with his signature grin
but then the novelty is very quick to wear off when practically all of your attention is being given to the little bean - especially when he realises that his tsum has just as big as a crush on you as he does, and he’s very quick to act on it
like human ace, tsum ace flirts by peacocking, living off of your praise like it’s the oxygen it breathes
and unlike human ace, tsum ace doesn’t tease you, which kind of gives him a head start 
basically tsum ace is an ace who doesn’t hide his insecurities and feelings for you behind a guarded wall of playful teasing and fake carelessness
it would show off by doing card tricks for you, using its own miniature deck it got from seven knows where to do all sorts of tricks - that do genuinely impress you 
and with every successful trick you’d clap your hands with stars in your eyes and fondly coo at it
and it would eat all of your praise up – with every flirty behaviour you would enable it with more positive reinforcement, spurring it to get bolder and bolder and ace is absolutely dying next to you
ace has a habit of ruffling your hair so tsum ace likes to sit on your head as you go about your day and everyone can swear they see sparkles surrounding the two of you
(ace doesn’t notice because that’s what you look like to him anyway)
you even gave mini ace the glacé cherry on the iced bun you had for dessert that day, hand-feeding the sweet fruit right into the little tsum’s mouth right in front of Ace’s cherry pie (and no, not even the taste of his favourite food can wash away the bitterness corroding his tongue at the sight of you and his tsum getting all buddy-buddy, not when something so much sweeter is just out of his reach)
quit paying attention to it! doesn’t it have its own y/n to flirt with?!
then, at one point, tsum ace has conjured up a tiny rose and has gifted it to you
“for me,” you smile at the tsum and the tsum nods, happily jumping up and down in front of you, “oh you shouldn’t have.”
you carefully take the rose from the tsum and gently pick the tsum up and place a kiss right on its head
“thank you, tsum ace,” you say, giggling with fondness, “that’s for being such a sweetheart.”
ace’s hand clenches around his magic pen and he swears right then and there that it’s no more mister nice guy – no more hiding behind poorly crafted taunts in fear of what ifs
he’s confessing to you by the end of the day even if it kills him
honestly, leona couldn’t care less about the little things that came from the sky - not his circus, not his monkeys
though he was kind of miffed when his dorm thought he had turned into that stubby little thing 
he’s surrounded by idiots
he just palmed his own tsum off to ruggie and went off to the botanical gardens to nap
it was during one of his relaxation sessions that he heard your voice, only you were talking to someone 
turns out that ‘someone’ was his own tsum that was happily snoozing on your shoulder
apparently the little guy didn’t take kindly to being babysat by ruggie so it literally hunted you down and refused to leave your side
you didn’t see any problem with this
so you just continued on with your day with a tiny version of the big kitty of savanaclaw 
please understand that leona is a very jealous and greedy lion - he gets incredibly possessive if stray cats get close to you, let alone when you shower Grim with your affection - and now there’s an equally as greedy mini leona that’s demanding your attention
like it made it clear that it was trying to monopolize your attention, tail swaying in delight as you would pet its head or play with its ears - all things that you’d do with the bigger leona
it would jump up and press its head against your forehead, cheeks and mouth so you would kiss it back with your own lips (and leona just looks at the little judas all betrayed because you’ve never kissed him ever and he’s just so angry and jealous that he doesn’t even tease you about it)
so instead of spending time with him, where he rests his head on your thighs as you weave your fingers through his hair, you’re playing around with the tsum, giving it the affection that was rightfully his
at one point, it was still dozing off so you placed it nice and snug in the breast pocket of your blouse, making Leona’s right eye twitch uncontrollably when he could tell that the little deviant wasn’t even actually sleeping
honestly, he scoffs, faking sleep is the oldest trick in the book - and he knows that because he uses it on you all the time
you even played chess with it, and to leona’s surprise it was actually pretty good, only his slight amusement at watching you lose was tainted by how you were suddenly praising it for being such a good player - he’s good too! praise him!
he had finally reached his limit when his tiny doppelganger used its growing abilities to be large enough for you to wrap your arms around and bury your face into, your lovely features smiling in content as you happily sleep, unaware of the burning jealousy and intense scowl leona is giving the tsum in your embrace, or of the smug satisfaction said tsum is radiating
now leona is a man of strategy, of patiently waiting until it’s the right time to pounce, so for now he’ll just settle at baring his fangs at the little runt - he’s spent his entire life being second best (both to his brother, his nephew, that damned lizard), there is no way he’s going to be outshone by a furball that has no idea of the hierarchy of the food chain here. you’re the one thing in his life that he refuses to have taken away, even if it is by himself
and when you wake up?
you better be prepared
tsum tsum idia is such a sweetheart
while it does have idia’s social anxiety, he does hang around with you through the halls though by ‘hang around’ he’s usually buried in your pockets
tsum idia doesn’t have og idia’s fire hair but it does run naturally warm, which makes it the perfect warm pillow for you to snuggle with
idia didn’t have any strong feelings for his tsum. ortho loved it and it made you happy and that was it.
but it soon became a problem when it made you too happy
you see, idia had made a tiny little tablet so that you could play with the tsum whilst he was busy doing one of his own games
and like his counterpart, the tsum was good
too good
so good that you kept on praising it and snuggling with it every time it won
and apparently the tsum was in possession of some preloaded charm stats because it would keep on endearing you by texting you blue heart emojis or cute stickers that would make you coo at it
and watching you be so outwardly affectionate to someone that wasn’t ortho or grim definitely stung inside
even if that someone was a cuter, cuddlier, plush bean version of himself
so he just amped up the volume in his headset to drown out the sounds of your laughter and continued playing as he internally lamented how he was such a boring otaku that even a tsum has better moves than him
when it got late and you were about to leave (much to idia’s disappointment), you stood up only for the tsum to jump onto your shoulder and happily jump in place
“oh,” you giggle, “do you want to come to ramshackle with me?”
the tsum jumped up and down, indicating yes
“alright then,” you smile and turn to idia, “i guess we’ll see yo-”
“no-” he blurted out, the ends of his hair bursting into pink at the sudden silence that envelops the room, “i-i mean, you can stay. here. not here my room here - like here in ignihyde here. we have a spare room. unless you’d like to sleep over here in my room. if you want to that is. you don’t have to if you don’t want to infactyoucanforgetievensaidanythingohmysevenwhydidihavetoopenmymouth-”
“it’s okay, idia, i understand,” you say, “looks like we’re having a sleepover!”
maybe he should be a bit braver more often
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stillinracooncity · 10 months
that feminine urge to read something that makes you cry, get angry, scream, laugh like a hormonal teenager, turn up the heat, feel like the most unique and beautiful human being on earth. *sighs*
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