#Academy Ward
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thinkbolt · 8 months ago
Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass Double Feature (Paramount, 1966)
Directed by John & Faith Hubley, won the 1967 Academy Award for best animated short. Features the tunes Spanish Flea and Tijuana Taxi.
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captainsophiestark · 3 months ago
Grant Ward x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2024!
Fandom: Marvel
Day Thirty Prompt: "I won't let you down."
Summary: Grant's SO is tackling the biggest project SciTech has to offer an academy student, and he's about to be dragged into helping with it.
Word Count: 2,879
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Out of every single other member in your class, the board has decided to trust you with this assignment. Do you think you're up to the challenge?"
I kept my face carefully neutral, a skill I'd learned from my Ops boyfriend. Inside, my heart was racing and threatening to make an escape across the room and out the door, but in front of the entire SHIELD SciTech Academy board? I could not let that show.
Instead, I kept my back straight, and forced the slightest of smiles onto my face.
"Yes, ma'am. I am up to the challenge. I promise, I won't let you down."
"Good. We look forward to seeing what you come up with."
I kept the smile on my face and nodded, leaning forward enough to be at the very edge of a bow. Then, I turned on my heel and kept my head high as I walked out of the room. My boyfriend had taught me exactly the body language required to convey confidence, and I was putting all of it to use right now.
The second I cleared the doors, I let everything drop.
I took off at a sprint through the hallways of the main SciTech building, ducking through the hallways I knew better than anywhere else on earth, avoiding anybody that might try to stop or question me. I didn't slow down, even once I made it outside. Instead, I sped up, heading for the edge of the SciTech campus.
I was in my last year at the Academy. I was at the top of my class, so for a final project, the board had tasked me with creating a new tool for Field Agents and Specialists. They wanted something the agents could have on them that worked like an emergency button, transmitting information and location if the need arose. But, they also needed it to be basically undetectable to any sensor, easy for agents in the field to operate and conceal, and durable enough to do its job no matter what punishment it got put through. A nearly impossible task outside of these walls, and despite my preparation, still pretty damn hard for me.
I'd been workshopping a prototype for a similar idea all semester, and the board knew it. They liked what they'd seen, so they'd made it my job to finish a true prototype for them to present and then further develop on Monday. It was currently Friday, and my project still had one gigantic, glaring weakness.
No matter what we could come up with in the lab, our field inventions almost inevitably came back with complaints from the agents who actually used them. We could run simulations and tests and try to recreate conditions pretty well in the lab, but it never stood up to the hardships of actually being in the field like we thought it would. Which meant, if I wanted to keep my promise to the board and my standing within SciTech, I needed to get creative.
Fortunately for me, I happened to be dating the best Operations student in generations. Grant Ward and I had met last year and we'd been happily dating ever since, despite how hard it could be sometimes to spend time with each other from different Academy campuses. We'd found workarounds whenever and wherever we needed to.
Thank goodness we'd both agreed to spend time breaking the rules at the beginning of our relationship. I was on the brink of a crisis, and I didn't have time to try to find a way to break into the Fort Knox that was the SHIELD Operations Academy.
In almost record time, I made it to Grant's dorm, using the routes we'd scouted together forever ago. Luckily for both of us, he was a senior enough student with high enough standing to have his own small apartment. I quickly scaled the wall to his second story window, something else I'd learned how to do from Grant.
I didn't even pause as I climbed through the window, landing in Grant's bedroom. I didn't see him, so I closed the window behind me and then hustled into the small living room/kitchen at a jog. I found Grant in the middle of the room, apparently halfway through walking to the kitchen, but he froze in his tracks and was already looking at me as I burst into the room.
"Grant! Thank god you're home. I need your help."
Before I knew what was happening, Grant had pushed me behind him. He kept one hand on my waist, and when I turned to see what the hell he was doing, he had a gun in his other hand and was alternating pointing it at his bedroom door and the front door.
"What's wrong?" he asked me without turning around, his voice deadly serious. I fought to hold in a laugh and didn't bother fighting back against the smile.
"Not that kind of help," I said. "Sorry for scaring you, though."
Slowly, Grant holstered his gun and turned around to face me. Both his eyebrows were raised in a demanding type of question.
"You run in here like you're being chased by a murderer and it's not that kind of help?"
"No, but it is the kind of help that will determine my entire future and has the potential to ruin me and everything I've ever worked for in my entire life ever."
Grant just stared at me for a moment. He blinked, slowly, then let out a long breath. Finally, he nodded.
"Alright. What do you need help with?"
I blew out a breath of relief, then quickly explained the situation to Grant. He'd heard plenty about the leadership of SciTech and how important it was to me to keep impressing them, so this latest project and its associated stakes weren't news.
"So... what exactly do you want me to do?" he asked once I'd finished telling him about the events of my meeting. I gave him the most charming, persuasive smile I could manage, and he immediately frowned.
"I want you to try out the device I've put together. I have a few prototypes, and it's easy enough for me to make another handful for testing. I need feedback on how well they actually work for the intended purpose, for field and ops agents, in a way that I can't predict or test in the lab."
Grant sighed, then nodded and held out one hand towards me.
"Alright. Give me the thing, let's do this."
I grinned. "I love you so much."
Grant and I spent the rest of the day and then some putting my device through various tests. Exactly as I'd been expecting, when Grant took it through various exercises that he went through at Ops, the device had weaknesses I hadn't predicted. From static electricity via crawling across the carpet turning the thing on before its time to the waterproofing failing after being submerged for too long, Grant and I found one problem after another, and each time, I fixed the issue.
"Okay, what if we had standard placement be on the stomach," I suggested, sticking the little round disk of my latest prototype just above Grant's belly button. "Would that protect it from the kind of weapon strikes we don't want it taking on your forearm?"
Grant hummed. "Maybe, but it's no garuntee. Besides, you want an agent to be able to activate the thing when we don't have another option. If my hands are tied behind my back, I won't be able to get to it."
"Dammit. You're right. Okay... what do you think, then?"
"How about the wrist, on the pulse point? I can probably find a way to activate that no matter what, and if a weapon really hits hard there, it won't matter if the device is destroyed."
I frowned. "I hate it when you talk like that."
"I thought you wanted good, honest feedback to improve this device for the SciTech board."
"Yeah, but I still don't like to hear my boyfriend talking about ways he could potentially die." I huffed and crossed my arms. "Still, you're right, and it's a good idea. But... maybe I can find a way to give the device a little death sequence."
"Meaning, if it gets fatally hit like that, it automatically activates. And maybe I could even get it to deploy something that'll have a chance at stopping the bleeding."
"That would be pretty impressive," Grant agreed. I nodded, my mind already whirling with the possibilities.
"Okay. Okay, let's try to add that in, and then we can run it through the tests again."
Grant's eyebrows shot up. "The same tests we just did? Again?"
"Yeah. If I make major changes like that, we need to make sure it doesn't compromise any of the existing systems. Which means re-checking the systems we've already figured out."
Grant let out a long sigh and shook his head. He walked over to me, put an arm around my shoulders, and placed a kiss on the top of my head, then moved towards the kitchen.
"I don't understand why you like all this stuff. But I'll brew some coffee, since you're gonna need it. And I'll make sure the Ops pool is reserved for us when you finish your updates."
I grinned. "You are seriously the best boyfriend in the world, you know that?"
"What was that?" Grant asked, looking up from the coffee pot and feigning innocence like he hadn't heard me. I just smiled and shook my head.
"I said, you're the best boyfriend in the world."
Grant's feigned surprise immediately morphed into the charming smile I loved so much.
"Good. Just checking."
We spent the rest of the weekend like that, making updates and improvements to my little device and then testing how well they worked. Despite Grant's differing opinion, I genuinely loved doing this, more than just about anything in the world. But, even if I'd hated it most of the time, I would've put in the same amount of work for this project. It could very literally save my boyfriend's life some day in the future, after all. Now was not the time to half-ass something and call it good, even without the pressure of the SciTech board looming over me.
Finally, by about two in the morning on Monday, we'd managed to put the device on the wrist through every single test without fault or flaw. It worked as intended, and not a moment before it was supposed to, and if it was destroyed it sent out a final beacon and deployed some emergency blood clotting tech before it went. It was perfect.
"Thank you so much for all your help on this, babe," I muttered, the sleep finally digging its teeth into me now that my task had been accomplished. Grant and I had flopped down on the couch while I'd been going over the data, and now I curled against his side, resting my head on his chest. "I seriously couldn't have done it without you."
"Yeah, you could've," he said, stifling a yawn of his own as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "It would've taken you longer, but we both know you still would've pulled this off eventually."
I hummed, a smile on my face as I curled further into Grant's chest.
"Thanks, babe. I love you."
"I love you too, sweetheart."
He kissed the top of my head, his arms wrapped tight around me, and that's the last thing I remember before the world faded to black.
"Babe. Baby. Come on, you need to wake up."
I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut tighter and rolling away from the voice of my boyfriend trying to wake me up for god knows what reason.
"Sweetheart, you have your presentation today. You need to get up."
And just like that, I was wide awake.
I shot straight up, my heart dropping all the way to my stomach. I was in Grant's bed—I guess he'd moved us before passing out himself—but I had no idea if he'd remembered to set an alarm last night. If I missed this presentation, after all the work we'd done-
"It's okay, you have plenty of time," Grant said, probably reading the panic on my face. "It's six thirty, you have another two and a half hours to get ready and get back to SciTech."
I turned to Grant with a scowl.
"You woke me up at six thirty in the morning?" I demanded.
"...You wanted me to let you sleep later?"
I huffed and threw the covers off my legs, scowling as I stood.
"No. I need time to wake up, get back to SciTech, get ready, put together my presentation materials, practice my presentation... I need the two and a half hours. But I'm still mad you woke me up at six thirty."
Grant snorted, but I caught him staring at me with a fond smile in the reflection of the bathroom mirror.
I moved as quickly as I could, gathering the materials I needed and that I'd brought with me to Grant's apartment, then giving him a quick kiss and heading back to the SciTech campus. I showered, put on my most impressive professional outfit, and then spent almost all my remaining time putting the finishing touches on my presentation. Luckily for me, I knew the device in and out after how I'd spent my weekend, and I was absolutely confident in what it could do. Both things helped immensely when it came to giving a good presentation.
I walked into the main building of SciTech with my head held high, and this time it wasn't an act. I found the board waiting for me, and I didn't hesitate to launch into my presentation with absolute confidence. The surprised, excited reactions came almost immediately, and they only fueled my confidence and excitement.
Of course, everyone had a few questions, but I answered them easily. When I'd finished answering questions and officially completed my presentation, the board literally clapped. I beamed at them; I wasn't sure they'd ever done that before.
"Excellent work," said the SciTech chair, her smile beaming. "This is above and beyond what we could've expected. We'll put it through a few final tests, but honestly, I don't expect it to need much. I know you're in the middle of your final semester here, but be prepared to take a trip to the Hub before graduation to help us present this development to Director Fury himself."
My heart exploded in my chest, and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I shook hands and said thank yous before heading out of the room. I had a slightly dazy smile on my face as I walked through the SciTech halls, and my shoulders were relaxed for the first time in days as I stepped through the front doors and into the bright sunlight.
I jumped so high I might've cleared the first floor windows at the sound of a voice coming from the bushes. I whirled around to find Grant crouched there, lurking in the shadows like a murderer.
"Grant? What the hell are you doing?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice low. He wasn't technically supposed to be on our campus, and I didn't want to get him caught, but he'd also just given me a damn heart attack.
Instead of answering, Grant reached up and grabbed my forearm, pulling me into the bush with him. I landed hard against his chest, but I didn't totally mind it as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. Still, I met his gaze with a slightly raised eyebrow. He just smiled.
"I wanted to know how it went. And maybe get a little payback for the heart attack you gave me on Friday."
I huffed a laugh. "Well, mission accomplished."
"Great. So how'd it go?"
I grinned. Grant smiled back, his arms tightening around me, but he waited to celebrate.
"It went amazing. They loved it. I'm gonna help them present it to Fury sometime in the next few weeks."
Grant's eyebrows shot up, and he actually took a shocked half-step back from me.
"You're going with them to present it to Fury?" I nodded. "They never let recruits do that!"
"I know!"
I squealed and jumped up in the air, and a moment later, Grant caught me. He let out a breathy laugh as he spun me around, and neither of us let go for even a second when he set me back down on my feet.
"We need to do something to celebrate," Grant declared, his low voice right beside my ear. "Are you working on any world-changing inventions this weekend?"
I leaned back just enough to grin at him. "No. For once, my schedule's actually pretty clear."
"Good. You wanna come to me, or you want me to come to you?"
"Mm, I'll come to you. As much as I love what I do, I also wouldn't mind a little break from all the work I've been doing lately."
"It's a deal. Come over after your last class on Friday. I'll take care of the rest."
Grant and I shared a smile, then we closed the distance between us for a long, sweet kiss. From making out in the bushes to letting me test my most important projects on him, Grant was always there for me. And no matter what else came out of my career at SciTech, in the Academy and as an agent afterwards, the relationship Grant and I had built together would always be my proudest accomplishment.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen @misshale21
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmelts @gaychaosgremlin
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lifeisstrangearchive · 9 months ago
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Girl's Dorm Slates: Kate Alive
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theonlyvalerie · 11 months ago
Blackwell Academy, a Life is Strange community server!
Hello everyone! I’d like to welcome you all to join the wonderful community of Blackwell Academy! A Life is Strange Discord server made for all Life is Strange fans :)
We’re a new and active community with a focus on fostering a safe and comfortable space for all members of the community. Post artwork, talk about the games, your favorite ships, your headcanons or fan theories — you name it!
We’d love for you to join and help our community grow. We even like to host events such as movie watchalongs, game nights, and more.
We’re also very open to any and all suggestions to help improve your experience with us. We’d love for the server to be as welcoming and enjoyable as possible.
Come join us!
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7pleiades7 · 9 months ago
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Diana at the Bath (1830) by James Ward RA (1769–1859), oil on panel, 76.2 × 64.8 cm, Signed and dated lower left: "JWR 1830", Yale Center for British Art, Yale University, New Haven
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unfortunatelyaaron · 2 months ago
I usually plan some sort of volunteer work for my department's end-of-quarter team bonding exercise (mandatory of course, because the guys upstairs are allergic to giving me free time).
This year, my senior manager thought DAMN's daycare would be a good place to volunteer at.
How do I tell this uninformed unempowered man that said daycare is in fact part of a magical school where we'd no doubt see things that would send a covert officer into a coma, and so sending a group of mostly uninformed office workers anywhere near that campus is a terrible idea?
Suggestions or prayers are welcome.
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vintagecamping · 1 year ago
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Saturday afternoon around a campfire for these Lyman Ward Military Academy cadets.
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wuhuha · 3 months ago
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Christmas themed art of my OCs.
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fancyschmancyopinions · 6 months ago
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SAWEETIE at the 2024 Vanity Fair Academy Awards After Party on March 10th 2024 wearing TONY WARD COUTURE
Saweetie had a blonde bombshell moment at the Vanity Fair after party. I loved the Marilyn inspired hair. The dress and shoes were so glamorous. But what really sold me was Saweetie, she was posing and owning the moment. She really stood out to me.
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sevennbees · 20 days ago
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desperately trying to avoid the oncoming depressive episode
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galedekarios · 7 months ago
I'd just like to thank you so much for the in-depth Gale and Waterdeep meta. Delicious food feeding the worldbuilding in my fics.
you're very welcome! 🖤 thank you for your message and your support. it's very much appreciated.
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captainsophiestark · 10 months ago
Star-Crossed Agents
Grant Ward x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Grant's SO is part of SciTech, which means they have to sneak around a little bit to hang out, and with the end of their Academy careers approaching it's harder than ever to find time for each other
Word Count: 1,485
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I took a deep breath in and then let it out, slow and heavy in a massive sigh. I'd been staring at my laptop for what felt like an eternity, and I was about to truly and completely lose it.
I snapped out of my thousand yard stare at the screen two feet in front of me at the sound of my dorm window sliding open. I shot up from my desk and whirled around only to find my boyfriend, Grant Ward, hanging out of my window.
"You gave me a heart attack," I said by way of hello as I rushed to the window to help him the rest of the way through. He had takeout containers in one hand, which I immediately took to make sure he wouldn't drop them. I turned to set them on my desk, and by the time I returned to Grant, he'd made it all the way through my window and stood in the middle of my room with his hands on his hips.
"Really? You went for the food before me?"
I just shrugged and grinned at him. "You're a Specialist in the top of your class. I figured you'd be able to handle it, especially since you've done it a thousand times before."
He sighed, but didn't waste another second before crossing the room to kiss me either. His arms wound their way around my waist as he pulled me to him, and I brushed one hand against his cheek before gently pulling back.
"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but I don't think I'm gonna be a very good date tonight. Between trying to finish out the SciTech-Ops prank war and my final thesis project being due in just a few months, I'm probably going to have to mostly do work tonight."
"I don't mind helping you with SciTech pranks, if that's what you're working on," said Grant as we walked to my desk together, sitting shoulder to shoulder. "Why don't you open up your notes on that, and let me see all the things you have planned."
I scoffed. "I thought Specialists were supposed to be better at getting information out of people than that."
Grant fixed me with a look and put his hands on the arms of my chair, slowly leaning in until his face was inches from mine, effectively pinning me to the spot.
"I bet I could get you to give up some secrets if I tried."
I leaned in, closing the distance between us until our lips were barely a hair's breadth apart. Then I smiled.
"Nice try, but I'm already betraying my entire school by dating you. No way I'm giving the Ops kids an edge in the prank war. And no way I'm letting you distract me, either, I have work to do."
Grant sighed, but when he leaned in for a kiss it was just a quick peck before he sat back in his own chair.
"Fine. We don't really need your help to win, anyway. We've got this in the bag."
"Mhmm. And you just keep telling yourself that, Superspy."
Grant and I shared a grin as he dished up our food and I reluctantly turned back to my laptop. Leaning against Grant and having him here, especially with some of my favorite food, made trying to work less frustrating. But it didn't magically spark any inspiration or ideas like I'd hoped it would.
After we finished dinner, Grant crossed the room to kick back on my bed and cracked open a book while I kept trying to make my brain work. I stared at the computer screen, just trying to get some kind of brainstorm to start. I felt a headache coming on with every passing moment, and my brain started to feel literally heavy, like thick fog was just sitting up there, weighing me down. My eyes squinted against the glare of the screen, and still I didn't move, scanning over my notes like they might magically add some insight that they hadn't before.
I jumped when a hand landed on my shoulder, then turned with bleary eyes to find Grant had returned to sit next to me, a worried expression on his face.
"Are you alright? You were starting to look like a zombie over here."
"Yeah, yeah, just... waiting for inspiration to strike."
"...And how's that going?"
"Uh. Not well."
Grant huffed a laugh, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a smile as he pulled me a little closer to his side.
"Then I think it's time we take a break together."
I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder. Truly all I wanted to do was spend time with him, without anything SHIELD-related hanging over our heads, but final tests were coming soon and I really didn't have a moment to spare.
"I don't think I can, Grant. Everything I've been working for since the day I got here all comes down to this project. I have to make sure it's perfect."
"Right now you're not going to be able to make anything perfect."
I pulled back, mouth dropping open as I glared at him, but he just stared right back with the frank appraisal of a Specialist that I both loved and hated.
"Your brain is clearly fried from working on this for too long. Anything you put down now is just going to be something you have to go back and fix later. I've seen it before, from new Ops recruits and from you. You need a break. If you take one, odds are you're going to have a much easier time brainstorming and working things through after you spend some time not thinking about this project. It'll be faster and better than anything you might manage to force out now."
I narrowed my eyes at him. "That... actually kind of makes sense..."
"I know it does. It's because I'm right." I scoffed, but Grant ignored it, instead leaning forward and resting a hand on my thigh. "Besides, the next month or so is going to be hell for both of us. Between your final projects and all of my practical exams before we graduate... I'm barely going to have time to see you. So we should enjoy the time we have now, while we still can."
I sighed, leaning forward and raising one hand to rest at the nape of Grant's neck, gently touching my forehead to his.
"I don't like to think about that," I admitted. "Or about how much harder it's going to be to stay together when you're out in the field and I'm in the Hub or the Triskelion doing work."
"I know. I hate thinking about that too."
We fell into silence for a few moments, the uncertainty of both of our futures hanging over us. Grant's grip on me tightened slightly, and I sighed. He was right. I needed a break, and I needed to enjoy every moment I could get while it was just the two of us like this.
"You know what? I think we'll be fine," I said, straightening up enough to meet Grant's eyes. "If we can make it work as two people from rival SHIELD schools dating each other? Like a more intense version of Romeo and Juliet? Then I think we're gonna be just fine, no matter what the rest of the world tries to throw at us."
"...You know Romeo and Juliet ended pretty badly for both of them-"
"I know! I was just trying to make a point, we're from aggressively rival groups and we're finding love anyway. Just... ignore the ending."
Grant chuckled. "Alright. So does this mean you're going to take a break with me?"
"Yes, it does. Come on, let's watch some terrible tv and eat the chocolate I keep in the bottom drawer of my desk for emergencies and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist."
Grant smiled, catching my chin before I could move away and pulling me back to him for a long, deep kiss. When we finally broke apart, I was breathing hard and grinning like an idiot at the man before me. I really, really loved him, even though when he finally spoke he said:
"Anything but Love Island."
"What! Grant, come on. We were almost done with the last season! We have to get caught up before the new one starts."
"No way. I'll watch anything but that."
He sighed. "This is gonna be a long night, isn't it?"
I just grinned at him. It was fun to give him a hard time, but at the end of the day, I was happy doing anything as long as I got to do it with him. And I knew he felt exactly the same way. We'd make it work, from picking a tv show tonight to whatever our futures might have in store for us after this.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @songbirdcannabe @infinetlyforgotten @coinsublime @sagesmelts
If your blog is crossed out, it's because Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you for some reason
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drawdownbooks · 1 year ago
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Graduation 2020 Design Academy Eindhoven
Published by the Design Academy Eindhoven on the occasion of its 2020 graduation show, this catalog is an example of what has been referred to as the extreme present. At once intimidating and intoxicating, it is built around a reality that was in a state of accelerated flux. The catalog's relevance depended on the ability to uninterruptedly interpret this evolving reality.
The graduation projects in this volume were largely conceived in a past that seemed very distant at the time of publication, in the midst of a global pandemic. However, in many ways, this body of work is also anticipatory, looking forward to the future that promises a return to embodied practice.
A series of hypothetical news headlines were generated by an open-source tool that was fed with written descriptions of all 185 graduate projects. The works became a dataset, and the generated headlines reveal the collective (sub)consciousness of the graduating class. The assorted headlines unveil surprising trends, methodologies, biases, and desires, allowing for new connections to be made between the projects.
Designed by Ward Goes with Mia Tamme
Published by Design Academy Eindhoven, 2020
Softcover, 506 pages, 6.69 × 9.45 inches
ISBN: 978-9-49-140045-2
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lifeisstrangearchive · 9 months ago
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Graffiti at the Swimming Pool
also, for some reason this game has a white background behind all graffiti when you extract it from the game, idk why
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benjaminsaat · 6 months ago
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argg4n · 1 year ago
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beacherverse compilation
catgirl auntie linda is @mikkouille's tyler sweeft (hrothgar), karmin (blonde girlie) n cass caeda (cass caeda) are @wintersneg's kaede (green au ra) is @tonedeaftechno's
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