#About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up.
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My thoughts on @tsumigram Unknown Memories. Spoilers for Tsumigram if you haven't read it yet. I'll be going through these one at time in one post since I have free time currently.
First off from a cursory look the Unknown Memories all have different color separators at the beginning of each. They seem to be a mix of the prisoners colors at some points. Except for maybe Mint Candy which seems to be just Miku's color.
But I could be wrong about the separators being a mix of the prisoners colors they involve. On the post itself it is very reminiscent of Miku's prisoner color though,
My computer is always in dark mode so hard to tell for me. I'll follow this train of thought while looking over each memory.
Unknown Memory 1: Candle
A girl sitting at the table looks around, maybe searching for another source of light; the shades of purple are barely getting through the half-closed curtains.
Given that the color purple is brought up here- My first assumption may have been wrong. Likely not a mix of the colors of the characters being discussed. Since purple brings to mind thoughts of Ayame. Though it could just be a way of describing the setting sun here that accidentally calls her to mind. Due to her prisoner color.
Could it be the colors of the verdicts then? If so the orange on the most recent one could be a mix of Savior and Perpetrator. Meant to representative of Kai.
Hmm, I guess I'll see when I get to Unknown Memory 4: Bandage though that may not be it either it's seems more plausible at this point though.
This seems to be a conversation between Ego and Kouta. Maybe... From what I remember of the two it seems to be them.
Such serene moments are nice at times, though they become lonely easily.
...You know, being left all alone is really unpleasant.
— It's annoying that the sky gets dark so early. She is waving her hand near the flame. Maybe don't play with fire. You’re acting like a toddler. The hell? — Will you be alright on your way home? He gives her a dissatisfied look and lightly slaps her hand, until she removes it, pouting; ah, this girl simply got a chance to procrastinate on studies, even if it means dwelling in boredom. — You should rather be worried about yourself. — Not that I'm worried about you. He seems to frown even more. She stares at the candle with half-closed eyes. — I figured. Again. Ugh, ugh, this conversation is crumbling.
Trial 1 - 003 Voice drama: "Green Waters of Oblivion"
Ego: Aw-w. You seem to be pretty calm about your current situation, though. Do you often get locked up in dark places?
Kouta: Huh.
Ego: This is the kind of impression I got about your appearance.
Kouta: …
Ego: Sorry, I've failed at keeping up a conversation again. Please don't glare at me like this.
Kouta: You remind me of someone…
Ego: Am I?
Kouta: Ah, no… who…
Ego: Eh?
Kouta: I've just got a weird feeling. Ego: What?
Kouta: I don't quite remember who.
— Huh? Did the lights go out? A girl sitting at the table looks around, maybe searching for another source of light; the shades of purple are barely getting through the half-closed curtains. — Let me check…
Trial 1 - 003 Memory report
— What do you want?
Not sure, I guess she was pouting. Of course, what else would she be doing.
— I don't like that girl. Don't talk to her.
— She's the one talking to me. Can't help it.
— Do you not care about me?
As if it's me who doesn't care! You constantly complain about each other to me.
— I'm taking a nap.
— It's dangerous to sleep in the train. I might be in a bad mood and not wake you up in time. I'm in a bad mood today, by the way.
— Don't care.
— Good luck at Kisaragi station.
— Thank you very much.
— That was stupid, I know. It was. — Well, you were little. — I didn't get the answer I wished for, so I never participated in divination again. Oh, so that's the reason. — Huh? Did you have a desired image of a lover? She stares at him for, perhaps, half a minute; he awkwardly tilts his head. Is he supposed to proceed to talk? Did he say something wrong, and she's planning to avoid him forever, until they graduate and their paths never cross once more? How complicated. People really must stop being so complicated. — You're quite dumb, aren't you. — What the hell?
Kouta: Do you feel like there's something you can come back to?
Ego: Hm?
Kouta: Uh, such as… You feel at a loss in university and then remember your childhood dreams. They might be frozen now, but they're still here. Or, you come back to nice memories and find comfort in them again.
Ego: Ah, I understand. Knowing that you used to have something and don't anymore is seriously depressing, but it can give hope in hard times as well.
Kouta: There are also people who didn't have anything from the very start. This kind of unfairness. Not having anything, ever.
Ego: Oh.
Kouta: If you had a decent childhood, you can't get it.
Right, maybe he will remember something warm as well, staring so pensively. Nostalgic, you say, huh… I wonder what it's like, having memories to come back to…
Oh if I just finished it... It would have been pretty clear it was him huh. So, the first Unknown Memory is between Kouta and Ego. How nice.
Well I don't think anything outside of that so let's continue to Unknown Memory two.
— Of course. Do you not know how people make friends? — I don't in fact. — Then your middle school must have been lonely.
Seems pretty rough still. Well hopefully he learns how to make friends in his own time.
Unknown Memory 2: Breeze
This one isn't really hiding the fact it's from Ayame's perspective. She's in the image art she was also voted victim so the border still being blue makes sense. If those things are related that is.
— Is it okay to take photos here? I want to show it to my friends. — You have a lot of friends, don't you, ▆▆▆▆▆-chan. She freezes with a smartphone in her hand. — I suppose… Why all of a sudden? — I just find it amazing that you get along with so many people. Perhaps it's your natural charm as an idol. — Hmph… Her slight blush must not be that noticeable among the azure light that envelopes them. The air here resembles a tender breeze. — Yeah, but I stopped hanging out with most of them after I moved here. — Are you having trouble finding friends in your new school? — Kind of… She's frowning, staring into the screen, then puts it up to take a photo of the marine animals. — Because I repeated a year and all… — Ahh, sorry for making you remember bad things.
Trial 1 - 005 Voice drama: "La-la~♪ A Fresh Voice"
Ayame: Ah… Thanks… But I still feel embarrassed, so… O-okay. Muku Ayame, sixteen years old. I'm a high school student… and… that's it. N-need I tell you about my hobbies?
Ego: Sixteen?
Ayame: Ah…!
Ego: Your profile says you’re nineteen.
Ayame: R-right. Um, right. Time goes by fast, and my appearance doesn't change, so I sometimes forget my age. Eh, e-he-he. A, a-also, you seem so mature in comparison to me, I really can't get used to that I'm older than you…
Ego: …
Ayame: Uh…
Ego: Hm?
Ayame: W-why… are you staring at me?
Ego: I'd like a proper explanation.
Ayame: Proper explanation…? Is it… that much of a difference? When I talk to Chise-chan, or Mi-kun… I don't feel any difference. …So I never really thought much about it.
Ego: Huh?
Ayame: U-uh.
Ego: Did you tell anyone in the prison that you're sixteen?
Ayame: I-I don't remember?
Ego: Did you lie about being a high school student too?
Ayame: I'm not lying! I told you I'm simply forgetting. I'm really in high school. I repeated a year once. I don't know where to go to university either.
Now the issue comes into play when it comes to figuring out who she is with.
— R-right… W-well, then, I wouldn't become a sailor if you weren't with me. — I'm definitely way too weak. My job is sitting at home and staring at a PC, you know. — Ehh? You put your efforts down too much. They're walking past the large aquariums. The girl keeps on gazing above her, not looking where they're going; what is the other person’s attention focused on, though, is unknown to her, but she can feel that he's holding her shoulders from behind in case she accidentally trips. If she trips, he would grasp her, helping her stay on her feet; then pull her closer and say she should be more careful, while she's sighing and repeating, I thought I'd really fall! It happened before, she knows. The feeling of the other person’s hands on her shoulders is a reminder that she can endlessly allow herself to be awkward, it's going to be fine.
Given this information it seems to be Toa.
Trial 1 - 007 Voice drama: ".exe"
Ego: Ahem.
Toa: Eh?
Ego: I'm the one who's supposed to lead the interrogation, so please don't talk so much without my command anymore, alright? Thank you.
Toa: W-wah! That's the senpai’s power, I see now… I beg, don't punish me…
Ego: Is this a joke?
Toa: No, no, I'm genuinely an idiot and scared of punishment.
Later in the Voice Drama
Ego: Are you ignoring me?
Toa: You didn't give me a command to talk yet. What unclear instructions!
Ego: As expected.
Toa: But it's okay, you're only a teen doing such a hard job.
Ego: Do you want to witness the senpai’s true power again?
Toa: No, no! I don't know if my heart will survive another time!
Ego: Then kindly stop fooling around.
Toa: It's just the way I am…
Later in the Voice Drama
Toa: Ehh, becoming a murderer at my age would be horrible. And, like, I don't remember killing anyone? That even sounds weird… But I'm not the best of friends, yeah. I thought this would be my crime! Maybe it's somehow connected to the reason I'm here.
Later in the Voice Drama
Ego: What do you write?
Toa: Ack, it's not like stories or anything. I'm not creative in the slightest. It's more similar to a personal diary.
Ego: Are you still writing now that you're in prison?
Toa: Physical notebooks are unsafe to keep, and there are no smartphones, so, no, I don't. Eh, did you want to take a look? There's nothing of interest, no worries.
Ego: Is that so.
Toa: I'm not good at writing. I mean, teachers praise my school essays, but that's it. I'm not particularly good at anything else, either. As I said, my only special skill is being an awful friend!
— Ehh? You put your efforts down too much.
Ego: Crime of… being a bad friend?
Toa: Yeah.
Ego: Would it really… be enough to be locked up in a prison?
Toa: I wonder. Wait, does the Warden-senpai herself think that my imprisonment is unfair?!
Ego: Uhh, for the time being, can you introduce yourself?
Toa: Eh?
Ego: It's one of the necessary questions during interrogation. Actually, we should have started from it.
Toa: Ahh, is that so. I'm not good at talking about myself. It's pretty awkward… But, I'll do my best. I'm 15 years old and studying at school. Umm, what else? Oh, right, my name is Suzuki Toa I guess.
Ego: What are you doing in your free time?
Toa: Hobbies… Well, I mostly hang out with other people from school. But… I guess writing can be considered a hobby of mine?
— Is it okay to take photos here? I want to show it to my friends. — You have a lot of friends, don't you, ▆▆▆▆▆-chan. She freezes with a smartphone in her hand. — I suppose… Why all of a sudden? — I just find it amazing that you get along with so many people. Perhaps it's your natural charm as an idol.
Trial 1 - 007 Memory report
I can smile and throw a peace sign on the school photo, but I’m inexpressive and quiet, someone like this is a perfect listener, so others naturally give their secrets to me.
You're all lucky that I easily forget them, because I couldn't care less, but it's fine, it's a fair trade — tell me anything, just don't ever leave me in solitude.
I'm not liked easily.
— Isn't it not nice that you're chatting with your friends while I'm standing next to you? — Ah! - she raises her head and takes a glimpse of the other person’s pitiable smile, before the phone disappears in the pocket of her small bag decorated with pins and ribbons. — I'm sorry… Letting out an apologizing giggle, the girl grips the other person’s hand and pulls him further, pointing at the waters surrounding them.
Trial 1 - 007 Voice drama: ".exe"
Toa: Fine, fine… Hm-m… I can let people copy my homework, but I can't explain the material to them. I'm not hardworking, so my free hours last the whole day and I'm always ready to spend time together or talk, but whenever I'm present, I can't do anything. I don't know what to say to support the other person, I'm too much of a coward to help, I don't voice out my opinions, the way I express my emotions is weird. There are a lot of things to list. —Ah, I must have said too much. Please forget it. No, although it's not so easy…
Trial 1 - 007 Memory report
The truth is that, I don't hear what I'm saying; because my only purpose is to fill the silence, or because I’m so much, so much afraid, the reality grows unreachably distant…
What is the other person’s attention focused on, though, is unknown to her.
His voice drama and Miku's are the only one's to reference computer terminology. This person seems to be around the same age as Ayame and has difficulty making friends or maintaining relationships. It helps that Miku frankly just isn't tall enough to put a hand around Ayame's shoulder and no one else references computers.
Mumbling “it's fine”, she rotates the phone vertically and continues to look into it, fastly tapping with her fingers, then taking a pause, then tapping again. Sensing that the other visitors are slightly pushing her from behind in the narrow corridor, she makes a step forward, closer to the glass, without a word or additional movement; the sound of bubbles coming from the aquarium must be the only thing in her environment that she’s currently paying actual attention to.
Being suffocated and crushed by a crowd, how much of an acceptable death would that be? - When the classroom gets too empty, I feel anxious. I'd rather die in a crowd collapse.
If I were to choose what describes me, it'd be a Bystander. - Isn't it not nice that you're chatting with your friends while I'm standing next to you?
Ahh, I hate being called weird. I don't care if people lie to me or use me; but I hate being ignored and pushed away.
Trial 1 - 005 Memory report
I want to talk to someone, though we're in a fight again.
Mhm, I know, if you're a part of my fate, we'll always come back together, so I don't need to worry. Meadow flowers, fluffy clouds covering my head, taking messy photos that only we will keep.
Look, there's a cat!
We exchange cosmetics and aroma candles; of course, bracelets of our colors as well.
The dry scent of summer wraps the girl; she catches a glimpse of a black cat skipping past her and squints in thought.
Trial 1 - 005 Memory report
I'm tired after school, you're busy with the theater club; we'll go out on the weekend, surely… Huh? Wait, I have another audience. Oh, and you need to host a group game…
Trial 1 - 002 Voice drama: "Vers Libre!"
Ego: Group games of this kind are popular as well, right? I don’t remember very well, but I think I had some experience with them at school.
Remi: Yes, yes! I also had, and a lot of it! I was usually the one organizing games at school.
Trial 1 - 005 Memory report
How annoying, I don't care then.
I’m going to be good today. Don't feel and don't show too much, no tears and no requests, smile whenever you're talked to; capricious kids get scolded, patient kids receive a reward at the end of the year — I learned this rule right after my first breath.
Kind of suffocating… Looking up at the white ceiling instead of the star-filled sky, the light barely gets through… How do people write stories? I would like to try my hand at it too. …Hm, but keeping it as a secret would be horrible. Because I'm watched and,
I'm a proper friend—
Trial 1 - 007 Voice drama: ".exe"
Ego: What do you write?
Toa: Ack, it's not like stories or anything. I'm not creative in the slightest. It's more similar to a personal diary.
Ego: Are you still writing now that you're in prison?
Toa: Physical notebooks are unsafe to keep, and there are no smartphones, so, no, I don't.
I'm not good at writing. - As I said, my only special skill is being an awful friend!
Unknown Memory 3: Mint candy
Like with Ayame it's pretty clear that this Unknown Memory is from the perspective of Miku. The one with him is more than likely Hiro considering the description,
I remember people mistook her for a young boy from time to time, so she talked in an especially high-pitched voice while we were there, just to avoid conversations that would last for too long and include too many unnecessary questions.
Also Hiiro's voice drama is literally called Fraud and that's what is currently being committed in this Unknown Memory. Several people are pretending to be family when they're not. That's fraud. It also stands to reason that if they're pretending to be a family and Hiiro is taking the roll of older sister. Than there is a mother and father here.
Something that would take two people who look old enough to have a kid around her age. The only two prisoners fit that age range are-
Kai and Hotaru.
So the other two referred two within in this may be them.
Supporting this idea is the name redacted at the beginning seems to be Kai's surname. The redaction is separated in a way that implies seven letters. The only seven letter name given to us within the cast is Yuunagi. Making it more than likely them being referred to here. Plus, they are around the same age as Hiiro and Hotaru.
All of them doing something like this together would not be surprising to me.
The other name is redacted in a way to imply a five letter name. Which there are no five letter surnames in Tsumigram currently. If it is going by surnames it would make sense if it was Hotaru someone we do not have the legal name of.
As i said earlier just like with Ayame it's easy to infer that this Unknown Memory is from the perspective of Miku,
I hate being treated like some sort of an object that can be easily picked up and moved, but people older than me never listen, so I stayed quiet.
Miku: Stop.
Ego: Ehh, what is wrong?
Miku: Talking to me in such a voice. I'm not an elementary schooler.
Ego: Ah, for sure…
Miku: How old are you?
Ego: Eighteen.
Miku: We are only four years apart. Don't think you're that different from me.
Ego: Got it, got it.
Later in the Voice Drama
Miku: Listen to what I'm saying! I didn't decide for them to die!
Ego: Oh.
Miku: If I could choose, I wouldn't be here! Of course! But I never had a right to choose in my life, ever! I can't make my own decisions because children who disobey have to pay. How could I choose? It's easy for you to talk!
Ego: Um…
Miku: …
Ego: Mi-kun…
Miku: I hate you… I hate people like you. Acting almighty just because someone unknown gave you a little bit of rights. I won't tell you anything. Don't talk to me anymore. Ever again.
— Would you like me to buy you something? I look up, startled. — Huh? — What's so surprising? We can sometimes acquire things through the means that normal people use, you know. — That's not… - I didn't finish, instead making a pouting face. She giggled in response. — Our city rarely get markets as big as this one. Do any of the shops seem interesting? I glanced over the stalls around us. — I want sweets. — It's not very informative, - she laughed again and took a glimpse of the stalls as well. — Let's see… How about candies?
Trial 1 - 008 Memory Report
I will do it.
CAM ▆▆ ▆▆▆▆/▆▆/▆▆ 71:49:▆5:▆▆
He was still learning to live. A bunch of voices nagging and biting; to this day, I don't know how to fill all of their words inside my body, and swallow my tongue as they leave torn marks on my insides.
Let's go.
This someone gripped his hand with almost motherly touch, and he could only look up with a lost sight, hastily shuffling his feet.
I will do it. I'm not that weak.
▆AM ▆▆ ▆▆▆▆/▆▆/▆▆ ▆▆:S▆:▆R:E▆
His mind went blank each time he left the shop, everything before it wiped out; each time, he threw something new into a mush of dark blue and black colors, trying not to bend over from the burning pain in his insides.
If anything, I'll protect you.
Don't loosen your grip.
I stared into the bag for a moment. Then, I gripped it tight and pressed it to my chest, so that no one would steal it from me.
Let's talk about why this person seems to be Hotaru.
That person she mentioned was what could be referred to as a “leader”. He brought new people in, set the mood, decided what we're going to do today, and repeated “we should simply all be friends” if any problems arised; in truth, I never could understand it, simply being friends. There were plenty of those I didn't choose to be friends with. I happened there thanks to him and relied on him to help me a good amount of times, but I couldn't stand his naivety, and we were growing more and more distant. As I preferred to spend time with level-headed people like that girl, at that point I didn't know what words to use when talking to him anymore, and I subconsciously snuggled to her, as if wishing she'd protect me from this half-stranger.
Trial 1 - 001 Memory report
Yeah, maybe if I intervened, they'd go away. But I didn't. I didn't even stop to watch, because I find it boring.
Ahh, right, this is what irritates you so much, I'm soft-hearted.
Do you know my name? Nishiyama Hiiro. (Nine letter surname, five letter first name)
It’s uncomfortable to be remembered, right? I know your faculty, too.
Because I'm good at remembering things about others. Whenever you all talk behind my back, I remember it.
Ah, I have to go out on this floor.
See you later, young lady. Or do you hate being called that?
Not in particular.
I see. I'm respectful, so I wouldn't refer to you in any way that you hate. It's nice when others are respectful, isn't it?
Ah, she left already.
People mistook her for a young boy from time to time, so she talked in an especially high-pitched voice while we were there, just to avoid conversations that would last for too long and include too many unnecessary questions.
Since the redacted spaces fit with Yuunagi's name just fine and the ones in Hotaru's Memory report align with Hiiro's name. Then the five letters should fit someone else's name as well. More than likely their surname. Since kai's surname was used. The previous redaction also displays that Hotaru and Hiiro more than likely knew each other outside of here.
Well what else proves this is more than likely Hotaru being referred to- For one this line,
I didn't know what words to use when talking to him anymore, and I subconsciously snuggled to her, as if wishing she'd protect me from this half-stranger.
Do you hate being called that? -I wouldn't refer to you in any way that you hate.
— Ah, it seems we can rest for a bit before ▆▆▆▆▆-kun finds us,
I changed my name in papers, but everyone keeps on calling me by the old one.
Whenever you all talk behind my back, I remember it.
He brought new people in, set the mood, decided what we're going to do today, and repeated “we should simply all be friends” if any problems arised.
Trial 1 - 001 Memory report
Next year I'll do it. This is the worst, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. More than anything I enjoy fitting in. Teamwork was never known to me; this is why I have such a dream. Once I'll do it, I'll become a part of a team. That's for sure. - Ahh, right, this is what irritates you so much, I'm soft-hearted.
From the set up it seems that Miku and at the most three others snuck into this school event for free food. Under this pretense,
They put a tidy school uniform on me so the strangers surrounding us wouldn't suspect anything, and the person who walked around together with me introduced herself as my older sister if asked. She would say we decided to drop by after my classes had ended; because we don't visit events like this very often, and we don't get a chance to spend time together as family very often either. I gripped her hand as hard as I could to not get lost among all the shops. I liked the sound of “older sister”, “family” and “school”.
They enjoy the festival for a bit and then get back to their normal routine. Which seems to be shoplifting generally or bullying others. Though that's all I could really figure out on this front.
That brings us to the fourth one!
Unknown Memory 4: Bandage
Let's introduce the main characters: a boy born in an unlucky place,
Trial 1 - 008 Memory Report
Record no.2
It was a child born in an unlucky place.
and a boy born in an even unluckier one.
Q.1: Do you have a good home life?
Toa: Well, it's not a happy one.
“My friend always brings all the possible things with her, like, aside from napkins…” “…meds, candies, cosmetics, honorable mention: the impossible amount of stationery that you won't ever need on an average day, so on, so on, and all of this is not even for her.” “It's because, if another person needs something, she wants to be able to help at any time in any possible situation.” “I don't get along with others enough. So I don't bring these kinds of things with me.”
Unknown Memory 2: Breeze
— Ah! - she raises her head and takes a glimpse of the other person’s pitiable smile, before the phone disappears in the pocket of her small bag decorated with pins and ribbons.
Trial 1 - 005 Voice drama: "La-la~♪ A Fresh Voice"
Ayame: U-um. I talk to Remi-chan and Chise-chan, but they're so bright and sparkly, I need time to recover alone.
Hm… Toa-kun and Mi-kun are also nice to me, but I can't make myself spend much time with them, for some reason…
Could also be Ego but Ego predominantly writes in notebooks throughout the series,
The boy puts away the pen and leaves the room. She keeps quiet and stares down at her handwriting, crossing out the checkers on the paper; little cute-ish doodles here and there, teachers either don't mind them or have dealt with them already.
Saying teachers don't mind or have dealt with them already implies what she's writing in here is a school book. At some schools teachers have students work out of specific notebooks or designate a notebook for their class that they turn in to be looked over.
Outside of that the imagery for her journal isn't stationary,
It's a bullet journal.
Lastly Ayame is more likely to have tissues as someone trying to become an idol because they sometimes hand them out. Plus as she states,
Trial 1 - 005 Voice drama: "La-la~♪ A Fresh Voice"
Ayame: No— Nothing.
No… I'm going to be an idol, after all. I need to give love and hope no matter what happens. Even only at this last moment… I'll give it to you, Ego-chan.
Delivery from Muku Ayame! Chu~!
“…meds, candies, cosmetics, honorable mention: the impossible amount of stationery that you won't ever need on an average day, so on, so on, and all of this is not even for her.”
Trial 1 - 005 Memory report
We exchange cosmetics and aroma candles; of course, bracelets of our colors as well.
Report on the end of First Trial
Location → a closed room. ← She stated she didn't leave her house often, so must be that. Seems a bit like a hospital room.
“Okay, okay, don't voice it out. Yeah, I do often approach people. Hard to see someone else being in pain. I guess.” “It’s surprising that you don't get along with them, then. I thought everyone loves people who are caring.” … “It's that I never really care enough, I suppose…”
Trial 1 - 007 Voice drama: ".exe"
Toa: Fine, fine… Hm-m… I can let people copy my homework, but I can't explain the material to them. I'm not hardworking, so my free hours last the whole day and I'm always ready to spend time together or talk, but whenever I'm present, I can't do anything. I don't know what to say to support the other person, I'm too much of a coward to help, I don't voice out my opinions, the way I express my emotions is weird. There are a lot of things to list. —Ah, I must have said too much. Please forget it. No, although it's not so easy… Right, you must consider me weird as well, don't you, Warden-senpai.
Later in the Voice Drama
Ego: All of your emotions look a bit exaggerated.
Toa: Well, that's true. No one likes dry people, but when I'm trying to convey my emotions, it looks exaggerated.
Ego: Also, even though you consider yourself "an awful friend", you're being friendly with me.
Toa: Of course, it's nice to be on friendly terms with everyone! It’d be boring otherwise, I think? Being alone is boring.
Okay got stuck went to read the journal.
Report on the end of First Trial
Am still gravely and atrociously stuck. But that's due to the formatting of the words in the last Unknown Memories not the story itself. Sorry Tsumi dyslexia, dyscalculia and my borderline visual processing score is really fucking with this last one. Spacing it out may be helpful.
Right now I'm currently attempting to piece together the order of these events. Along with who's speaking when.
Which I think is intentional given this line,
Though as for their stories, you have to figure them out on your own.
This plays around with time too much to be read in a cohesive way. Hopping between days.
So let's try to figure out who's speaking when. Since it changes up partway through. To get a better idea of that we first need to figure out the perspective character. The perspective character here is Toa.
This is fully written from his pov. This is highlighted through the cadence used throughout. Though this line highlights that the most in my opinion.
No matter how hard he tries to keep the focus on the one he's talking to, he's staring somewhere away, how disgraceful; no need to feel sorry for a person like this. Would you care about excuses if you were ignored?
Trial 1 - 008 Memory Report
For me, you're a face in the crowd For you, I'm the crowd It's time to separate, goodbye, goodbye
“Hey, I don't want to see someone pretty like this crying.”
“I don't want to see you crying”
What? I was told this? I don't remember, nonsense.
“Come on, don't look at me like this.” The older boy lets out a weak, lighthearted laugh, then stops smiling and stares to the side with a detached gaze.
Still, whenever you appear in my sight, I can't help it— Hey… What do you think of this one, hey… Let me just— Detach more and more until it stops hurting— But another kind of pain pierces me, there's really no choice.
I'll wait for eternity, then, I'll come to meet you…
“We aren't friends”
I strangle my own throat, it's not me who is hurting, this pain doesn't belong to me.
“But can't you go with your friends?” “Sure…”
Unknown Memory 2: Breeze
"I just find it amazing that you get along with so many people. Perhaps it's your natural charm as an idol."
“I don't get along with others enough. So I don't bring these kinds of things with me.”
"…Ah. I just noticed. In the end, it's not really my story, is it?"
The world is simple; it's divided into those hurt and those not. I might get pitied, but pity is no compassion; it's a bribe, a payment, an order; even if I’m hurt for a moment as well, there's no story about my pain. I try to create it, but, how trivial — it ends up as a dagger in my body…
I was told, what a weakling. You won't get anywhere in life if you act like this.
It's my own life, though?!
—Despite that I was so obedient… Hey, fix your instructions before blaming me.
Q.5: Are you good at following directions?
Toa: I am. But most people aren't good at providing correct guidelines- So, for them it seems that I'm not.
Q.17: Feelings on authorities?
Toa: They give the most unclear directions and get the most angry when you fail to guess their thoughts. It’s a pain.
“I told you about this last week.” “Sorry!”
Trial 1 - 007 Voice drama: ".exe"
Ego: Oh, another writer.
Toa: A-another?
Ego: Remi-chan is a writer too. Did you not know? She seems to be pretty, eh… expressive about her skills in poetry.
Toa: Remi… Remi-chan… I think I remember something— about her poetry… Probably, she must have mentioned it…
Report on the end of First Trial
Memory problems.
Trial 1 - 007 Memory report
I’m sorry for being so weird, and not even capable of being useful. I’m sorry, please forget it for my sake.
Soon, I will forget it too — barely living through this body, only the rushed notes will remind.
Q.14: What are the qualities you look for in a friend?
Toa: It's enough if they let me be useful to them.
Miku: Reliability.
Miku is probably the one speaking first here. Since we know that Toa has a bad memory.
“Hey… I'll stay here with you. No need to go there. Alright? It's going to be okay.” “Even— Even if it means skipping classes! We can rest here until we're found.” “Just don't hurt yourself anymore.” If it's this kind of story, I don't want to be a part of it at all—
This pain doesn't belong to me - This is not my pain.
Trial 1 - 007 Memory report
I'm always late for an hour, I barely bring my homework and don't even bother changing my clothes when coming home; but, if you ask me to do anything, I'll do it — if you ask me to say something, I'll repeat word-by-word.
Just be sure to make clear instructions… Otherwise I can't figure out what you want.
Trial 1 - 008 Memory Report
I will I will do it I do it I will. I will do it. This is not my pain. Give me XXX XXXXX I I I ▆i▆▆ d▆ ▆t Please wake up soonWake up before you can remember With hands full of blood and a cowardly heart FreakYou couldn't do it in the end
Redacted- I will do it.
Freak. You couldn't do it in the end.
Ahh, I hate being called weird. I don't care if people lie to me or use me; but I hate being ignored and pushed away.
Hey… What do you think of this one, hey… Let me just— Detach more and more until it stops hurting—
But another kind of pain pierces me, there's really no choice. - it ends up as a dagger in my body…
Q.19: Was it your fault?
Toa: It must be my fault that I'm a bad friend, but it doesn't mean that everyone else is a good one.
Miku: No.
Tsumi are you trying to kill me specifically? Is this timed you know how to use a queue and schedule better than me. So i have to assume my timing is just fucking rancid. Okay here we go-
Unknown Memory 5: Ribbon
So this is Remi and Kai. Remi is the only one with pigtails in Tsumigram where it would need to be taken down to do braids or know the length.
Outside of that this Unknown Memory states,
— You're so complicated. — It's because I'm not a middle schooler. — Stop! — Huh? I'm not wrong though.
Star brought up how in Remi's birthday art even in the younger photo behind her she still has pigtails as well.
Report on the end of First Trial
Afraid of rejection and isolation, wants to be important.
Wants to be close to others yet keep them at an arm’s length. The feeling of distance, coldness.
— Isn't this ribbon similar to the red thread of fate? No way. — So if we wrap it around our pinkies, it's like we’re bound forever. This is too much. — No, it's stupid. — Hey!
Trial 1 - 004 Memory report
"I met someone I could care about."
Ah, how sickening, how sickening, though it's the only thing that gives me purpose. Isn't it disgusting? The feeling of liking someone. All the wrong times and wrong places are a matter of pure randomness; the human need to be glued to whoever one sees makes me wish to throw up, I avert my eyes and cover my mouth, shut up, no more, no words of ▆▆▆▆!
Redacted- Shut up, no more, no words of love.
Trial 1 - 004 Memory report
Physical distance? Love? Trust? Vulnerability? Those who were once close may no longer be, even though they know all about you?
— I don't believe in fate. Any relationship is just a matter of chance.
Trial 1 - 004 Memory report
I tell ▆▆▆ to stop coming to my school, but again, we have to meet here. Others are giving me weird glances; of course, it's hard for me to talk to them, I stumble and go silent, yet I hang out with someone like this. I don't want to… But you do not really…
It must look weird as hell. Ah, I know— The confused glances that people give me when I'm leaving school. How difficult.
Trial 1 - 002 Memory report
It hurts, you laugh at my poetry, it hurts even more; you say we're not friends, once again, and I make a story about an abandoned sea.
Please don't ever leave. Why is this promise so hard to make? If you don't want to leave, then why?
You always talk as if no opinion but yours exists; no wonder that everyone considers you pushy and doesn't dare to even utter a word against. — That said, I would still like to stay with others forever. The birds are chirping behind our backs. — This is the hardest part. If you want to stay forever with someone while not being bound together, you have to always work for it. I wonder when the sun will start setting.
Report on the end of First Trial
Rude and closed off. Fear of separation, betrayal and change. Hates fake people. Doesn't want to get close to others, but doesn't want to be left alone.
Right, it must look weird as hell, how difficult… I don't understand how to live my life very well, so I’m wasting my time on things I can't get… Not looking at her, I push the red ribbon back in her hands.
Trial 1 - 004 Memory report
Now, I'm one of those who shouldn't take on things if they don't know how to do them.
Closeness? Physical distance? Love? Trust? Vulnerability? - Closeness never matters; they switch their opinions in an instant, and always, always, always, always choose someone else instead.
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[ID: tumblr tags that read
“#The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life #they are seeing romanticism and sexuality as the root of the problem. #They think that not having that ‘special someone' in your life means it's not worth living. #they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on #When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace, I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured #about how people drift off into their bubble #about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day #and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships. #I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. #About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up. #I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line #reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do. #That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about. #Not me missing out on having a romantic partner. #okay”
\End ID]
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
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mushy shit about some recent events
open the cut if you dare bc it's just me crying and rambling and being very sentimental over things but y'all asked so
over the past week and a half i was lucky enough to do two things that meant the world to me: i saw harry styles in concert (harryween n2 supremacy!) and i had the chance to meet/speak to anna kendrick.
i will start with harry bc i feel like that is the one that surprises people more lmao and to save myself the effort of typing this all twice, i will copy and paste my blubbering from instagram:
in 2012 i made it my mission to become as involved with one direction as possible. i was a closeted teenager in a hostile, primarily republican town who didn't know how to deal with the feelings i was feeling, and the obvious solution to me was to blend. so like every straight girl i knew, i bought all the albums, i went to the concerts, i even waited 5 hours on line to meet them and have them sign my cd (in the stone ages when people still did mall tours). not to say i didn't enjoy myself, because i really did find a lot of fun in being a part of that era, but for me it was never exactly the same as it was for everyone else. i often sat with the discomfort of knowing i was using this band to hide a large part of my own self.
watching harry styles, whose solo music did end up reaching me in a place one direction's never could, unabashedly ignore the norms of gender and sexuality has felt personal in a way i can't describe. the other night i got to watch him sing about confidence and kindness on a stage littered with pride flags, back to back with the song that was ever present when i was hiding all those years ago (wmyb) as if he were acknowledging how much things have changed. i watched the entire arena glow with a rainbow of lights. and while the me of 9 years ago was someone very different, that poor kid's heart would have been bursting the same way it is right now. in 2021, this feels right.
and now ANNA.
at the same time in 2012 that i was pulling my "yes haha i totally want to date the 1d guys i'm being so convincing" act, i also watched pitch perfect for the first time. and like any good blossoming gay, i saw beca and chloe together and went oh...oh. i had a tumblr already because of (surprise surprise) one direction, and i had already made my first forays into reading fanfiction (thank you degrassi), but i had never really experienced fandom before. much less lgbt fandom. i remember sitting one night and searching the pitch perfect tag, just out of curiosity. and i found the bechloe fandom, and these wonderful, friendly people of all kinds, most importantly other people like me. bechloe was my very first time participating in a community with other lgbt people in a time when i needed it most. i remember feeling lonely and ostracized at school each day, but being able to come home and find myself among a group of people who understood. i have never shyed away from saying that the bechloe fandom raised me, and i mean it; alex, cole, cam, hanna, so many others (some of you who are still mutuals with me here, some of you who became off-tumblr and irl friends, some of you who are out there somewhere even though we lost touch) were my family in so many of the ways that mattered. this fandom listened to me when i needed an ear, watched me try (and often fail) at my first attempts at writing, eased me through crushes, helped pay for my textbooks when i got older. even if your interests changed, or if you drifted away from social media altogether, i've never forgotten a single name or a single conversation. and it was all because we couldn't shut up about two girls awkwardly in a shower singing acapella who were OBVIOUSLY in love while having embarrassing urls like "tonerforsnow" (guilty as charged).
i've always felt like i owe that community to anna kendrick and brittany snow. despite every show or movie or whatever i jump to focus on next, they will always hold that special place in my heart. they didn't shy away from their lgbt fans, they played along with us and weren't afraid to talk about a wlw ship and in turn strengthened that little circle of family i'd found. over the years their other projects, onscreen or off (i.e. scrappy little nobody and love is louder) and even just their general attitude has brought much needed light into my life and given me many a smile when nothing else could. i am well-known in all my irl circles as the connossieur of all things anna and brittany and i wear that title with pride lol
i've never met brittany, and while i got to ask anna a question at her book tour a little over four years ago (still embarrassed over how nervous i sounded rip), i'd never spoken to her face to face. i was lucky enough to attend the season 2 premiere of love life last sunday (a great example of one of anna's projects that has touched my rotted heart) and by a stroke of luck had the chance to talk to anna and briefly thank her for how much her work has meant to me over the past 9 years. and whew nothing really compares to the feeling of finally telling someone "hey, what you've done and what you've put out there has changed me in a really profound way."
she could not have been kinder to me (suck it tiktok weirdos), which i'm super grateful for because i was admittedly shaking like a wet dog and didn't want to impede on her space at her event. i also had been having a really rough couple of weeks and didn't realize how much i just needed someone to say something nice or give me a casual compliment, and i especially didn't realize the person to give me that compliment would end up being anna kendrick.
anyway this was a lot of words that no one will read and it was mostly all for me to get it out but idk the past week and a half has been super cathartic for my inner child and my spirits are super high. i am the first person to criticize celebrity culture and toxic standom but i also have my fair share of good experiences with it all and i'm happy i had the chance to do some time travel of sorts lately. ok i'm gonna go watch anna on corden now ❤️

#personal#anna kendrick#harry styles#for the anons who wanted to know abt anna i'm sorry this is so long whoops
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YoonKook/SugaKookie (ft NamJin + ChaeHope)
British wizards are still feeling the aftereffects of war, but they continue to move on having learned from their past. At least, most of them do. The Hogwarts halls are once again to fall victim to terrible conflict, and a group of young wizards and witches will find themselves at the centre of it. It won't be easy, but at least they have eachother.
Alohamora - BTS + BLACKPINK Hogwarts AU
Part 4/??
Yoongi was lying back on the grass enjoying the end of the daylight and allowing himself to drift slightly from his friends' conversation when his interest was perked at the mention of a familiar name.
"Jungkookie! Over here!" Jisoo called excitedly, and the voices hushed as everyone turned to watch him approach. Even Yoongi propped himself up on his elbows to get a better view.
"Hi." Jungkook greeted awkwardly, sitting in the empty spot between Jisoo and Hoseok.
"Okay, Kookie! Let me introduce you to everyone." Jisoo started, leaning onto his shoulder and raising her arm to point at her friends. "Seokjin, the big brother; Taehyung, my least favourite cousin; Yoongi, Slyth keeper; Chaeyoung, left-handed; and Lalisa, our youngest. Got that?" She smiled up at her best friend. Jungkook took a moment, a slightly lost look on his face, before nodding.
"We've heard so much about you." Lalisa smiled, lying on her stomach and using her arm as a pillow. "What's it like being friends with the Grey Lady? I heard it's very difficult."
"Well, Helena's lovely if she trusts you." Jungkook answered. "She started talking to me because I would sit alone in common room after hours." The few questioning glances he received from that explanation did not go unnoticed by Jungkook.
"Oh, are you alright? We never got a chance to ask you about what happened in Hogsmeade on Saturday." Jimin asked, friendly concern in his voice as he momentarily took his attention away from the ginger cat in his lap. Jungkook was slightly taken aback by the fact someone other than Jisoo was showing any concern for him, but just nodded in response.
"It was, um, just a really sudden migraine." He answered.
The group fell back into casual conversation, but Jungkook found it difficult to properly participate. For one, he had never been in a group of this many people, but he also felt as if people were judging him; especially since Yoongi kept looking at him. He would answer the questions he was asked, but avoided going into much detail. After a while, it started getting more difficult for him to block out the thoughts of ten people and he started feeling a lot more uncomfortable.
"You all think I'm weird, don't you?" Jungkook asked abruptly at a lull in the conversation.
'Is he in my head!?' He heard Taehyung think, and was hurt by his low standards of him.
"No, I didn't have read your mind to know that. But if you're so afraid that I will then maybe you should try thinking a little quieter." He snapped at Taehyung, before quickly getting up and walking away.
"Kookie!" Jisoo called after him. "Thanks a lot Tae." She groaned.
"What!? He actually was in my head!" Taehyung defended.
"He can't help it you asshole." Jisoo almost shouted. It was clear that the two were angry with eachother.
"Calm down, no fighting." Seokjin stepped in to diffuse the situation.
Meanwhile, Yoongi got up and started walking after Jungkook, not bothering to answer Jennie when she asked where he was going. He followed Jungkook out of the courtyard and back into the castle.
"Hey!" He called out to him, and the younger boy froze and quickly turned around, but his face fell when he saw Yoongi. "Don't worry, I come as a friend." Yoongi chuckled. Jungkook scoffed slightly and turned to continue onwards, but walked slowly so Yoongi could catch up with him, which he did quickly.
"So, a legilimens." He said. Jungkook sighed and nodded, almost embarrassed. "That's pretty cool."
"Really?" Jungkook seemed shocked.
"Yeah. I always wanted to be one when I was a kid." Yoongi answered. "Though I guess it's not as great as I always thought."
"No, not really." Jungkook replied. "I always found it difficult to make friends."
"Well, I'll be your friend." Yoongi said, offering a small smile. The boys made short eye contact before they both looked away, somewhat awkward.
"You know, Jisoo called Taehyung an asshole right after you left." Yoongi chuckled.
"Oh no, did I make them fight?" Jungkook asked, worried.
"Don't worry, they'll be back to happy families before curfew." Yoongi informed him, and Jungkook let out a relieved sigh. "I hope you'll ignore him and hang out with us more often from now on. You seem like you'd fit right in." The younger shrugged in response.
"I doubt Jisoo would let it go that easily anyway." He laughed lightly.
#bts#blackpink#bts au#blackpink au#hogwarts au#social media au#bts smau#blackpink smau#yoonkook#sugakookie#namjin#kim namjoon#kim seokjin#min yoongi#jung hoseok#park jimin#kim taehyung#jeon jungkook#kim jisoo#jennie kim#park chaeyoung#lalisa manoban#alohamora au
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Hey! I really love your work "Love is Magical" on AO3 and I was wondering if I could request a Remus Lupin x James Potter x Sirius Black where Sirius and James are dating and Remus approaches them sometime (I dont really know how, sorry) and he confesses and they kinda confess too and then it all leads up to some smut? (Where Sirius is bottom, James is a switch, and Remus is a top maybe?) I dont mean to bother so it's ok if you can't lmao (also this is like after Hogwarts maybe? No Voldemort)😅
Thank you for the request! You can find this on Archive as well!
The conversation had pittered out a while ago, leaving them in a comfortable silence. The fireplace crackled with life and warmth, spreading it throughout the cozy living space. James and Sirius owned the house, despite the money coming from James’ parents. All three ex-Marauders were crowded around the fire as they finished off their tea and just enjoyed each other’s company.
Remus set his mug down on the coffee table in front of them, clearing his throat slightly. His face was flush with shyness as he spoke up, “James, Sirius… there’s something that I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
“Uh oh, first names? We’re not in trouble, are we?” Sirius asked, ignoring how his stomach flipped in excitement as his best friend said his name. He really shouldn’t have had feelings like that in the first place, since he had known Remus since they had been in their first year at school, but that didn’t stop the feelings.
“No, no, you’re not in trouble,” he laughed, the smile melting both of the other men.
“You can tell us anything, Moony,” James said softly into his cup of tea.
Remus nodded slowly. He looked down at his hands for a moment as he collected himself, and then he spoke up. “I think I’m in love with you. I know that probably isn’t what you wanted to hear from your werewolf friend, but I am. I completely understand if you don’t want to pursue anything with me, or even want to stop being friends with me. I’m surprised that we made it this far, if I’m being honest-”
James’ hand darted out from where it had been resting around his mug and he grasped his friend’s hand to stop his rambling. “Moony! Come on, have a little faith in us, would you?” he chuckled softly.
“What?” the wizard asked, slightly startled.
“You were going on and on about how we wouldn’t even want to hear that you liked us like that and how you were lucky to have us as friends,” James began. “While, I mean, you are lucky to have us as friends, because we’re just that great, we don’t mind hearing that you’re in love with us.”
“Mainly because we’re in love with you too,” Sirius cast a sideways glance at his boyfriend and got a wide grin in return.
No other words were exchanged between the three of them as Remus quickly surged forward and brought his lips to lay over James’. James removed his hand from the other man’s and instead cupped Remus’ cheek. He ended up moving out of his chair so that he was kneeling in front of his newfound lover. Remus carefully slid down onto the ground so that he was sitting with his back pressed against the chair and his legs straddling James’ hips.
The kiss was passionate and full of tongue and teeth, nipping and pushing as they fought for dominance. When they pulled apart, both participants were flush and kiss-swollen.
“I think we’re going to have to claim him as ours tonight, James,” Sirius murmured. His cock was so hard in his pants that he could barely stand the feeling of the fabric constraining it.
Remus let out a strangled moan at the thought, biting his lip.
“I think so too,” James smirked. He wrapped his arms around the waist of the smaller man, both of his hands going to hold the ass of his newfound lover. He picked the other man up and then placed him directly onto the lap of his boyfriend. Sirius responded by wrapping his arms where James’ had been, though in the other direction. Remus turned his head to the side and kissed him just as passionately and dramatically as he had done with the other.
James focused on removing his clothing as quickly as he could as he racked his mind for the charms that they would need. He let his clothing fall into a heap just out of the semicircle that their chairs formed. When he had fully unclothed himself, he set to work on the other men in front of him. His hands wandered underneath the large jumper that Remus was wearing, feeling the smooth material of his undershirt for just a moment before his fingertips brushed against skin.
“H-how are we going to do this?” Remus breathed out, his mind hazy and uncoordinated with his arousal.
“I was thinking that I’d suck you off and give Sirius a handjob,” James replied like it was the most normal thing in the world. The werewolf had to remind himself that casual sex, and polyamory, were a normal thing for wizards.
Remus nodded his consent and then let out another startled moan as he felt his best friend undo the belt that kept his pants up and yank them down. His cock sprang up from the cloth prison that it had been trapped in and stung slightly as it hit the cold air in the room. He bucked his hips upward as his body desperately tried to get some kind of pleasure.
James left the other two for just a moment as he got a chair and moved it closer to them. He picked Remus up, their naked bodies rubbing together pleasurably as James set his newfound lover down in the second chair. As soon as the body had been removed from him, he began to remove his own clothing with remarkable speed.
The deer animagus placed the werewolf down into the second chair and then got onto his knees. He made sure that his hand would reach his boyfriend while his mouth was still focused on Remus. He wrapped his nimble fingers around the thick cock in front of his face. James opened his mouth and placed his lips on the top of the head in what was almost a kiss. He quickly sucked more and more of the member into his mouth until the base sat heavy on his tongue.
“Merlin, James, you look so hot,” Sirius whispered. In his impatience, he wrapped his hand around his cock and began to pump to get pleasure.
The aforementioned wizard swallowed around the member in his mouth and then batted Sirius’ hand away from his own cock. James replaced his boyfriend’s fingers with his own, giving him quickly motions as he focused most of his attention on Remus. He bobbed his head up and down fervently while swirling his tongue around the base in a zigzag pattern.
“James! James!” Remus began to chant as his fingers wove through the long, dark locks of the other man. He bucked his hips upward as he felt the knot in his stomach begin to tighten more and more. “Merlin, James, I’m going to cum,” he warned.
“Do it, James likes the taste,” Sirius said, his voice low and gravely as he stared over at the other two men.
His words seemed to set Remus off as the werewolf cummed deep into the animagus’ mouth, pearly white material filling his cheeks. James swallowed down as much of it as he could, gulping as each wave of cum filled his mouth. Sirius was quick to orgasm after watching the scene unfold in front of him, spilling onto his boyfriend’s hand. James sucked the cock in his mouth dry before he pulled off and began to lick the cum off of his fingers as well.
Sirius and Remus watched, transfixed by their lover’s actions. When he had finished, they all spelled themselves completely clean and then began to re-clothe themselves.
“So, does this mean that you like me back?” he asked with another small flush to his cheeks.
“What do you think?” James laughed. “I don’t suck just anyone off like that.”
“Do you want to date us?” Sirius asked as his arms wound around the other man’s waist. He was only wearing his pants and underwear, so Remus could feel the heat of his skin soaking through his thin undershirt.
“There’s not enough yes in the world for me to agree to you with,” he said awkwardly, laughing slightly. Both of the ther men kissed him briefly before they settled down to talk about what the relationship would entail.
0 notes
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
Edit: adding my tags directly to keep things accessible:
#The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life #they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem. #They think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living.#they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on
#When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace‚ I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured #about how people drift off into their bubble #about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day #and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships.
#I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. #About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up. #I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line #reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do. #That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about. #Not me missing out on having a romantic partner.
#The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life#they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem.#They think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living.#they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on#When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace‚ I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured#about how people drift off into their bubble#about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day#and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships.#I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships.#About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up.#I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line#reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do.#That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about.#Not me missing out on having a romantic partner.#okay done now sorry I'm feeling gloomy#mai rambles#literally#aromantic#aroace#asexual
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Image ID:
A lot of hashtags.
[The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life. They are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem; they think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living. They're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on
When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace, I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured. About how people drift off into their bubble; about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day, and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships. I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up. I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line Reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do.
That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about. Not me missing out on having a romantic partner. okay]
Note: I put this through an image to text device, though it doesn't have any mistakes. Also I had removed the hashtags and added punctuation in place of them for better reading.
End ID.
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
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[Image Description:] a screenshot of Tumblr tags written in pink font, reading as follows but formatted for easier reading: "The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life, they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem. They think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living. They're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on. When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace, I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured, about how people drift off into their bubble, about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day, and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships. I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up. I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do. That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about. Not me missing out on having a romantic partner. Okay?"
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
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[ID for image above: #The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life #they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem. #They think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living. #they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on #When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace, I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured #about how people drift off into their bubble #about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day #and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships. #I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. #About the conversations | can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up. #I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line #reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do. #That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about. #Not me missing out on having a romantic partner. #okay]
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
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[Image ID: Tumblr tags reading: #The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life #they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem. #They think that no having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living. they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on #When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace, I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured #about how people drift off into their bubble #about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day #and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships. #I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. #About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up. #I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line #reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do. #That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about. #Not me missing out on having a romantic partner. #okay /End ID]
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
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[ID: tags: "#The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life #they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem. #They think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living. #they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on #When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace, I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured #about how people drift off into their bubble #about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day #and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships. #I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. #About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up. #I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line #reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do. #That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about. #Not me missing out on having a romantic partner. #okay"]
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
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ID: (paragraphing and some grammar mine, for readability) tags in pink text that read -
The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life, they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem. They think that not having that ‘special someone’ in your life means it’s not worth living. They’re showing pity for something they think you’re missing out on.
When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace, I’m talking about the way our (western) society is structured - about how people drift of into their bubble, about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day, and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships.
I’m thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. About the conversations I can’t really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I’m not opening up.
I’m thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line, reminding me that people think there’s something wrong with your soul if you don’t love the way they do. That they think a life like yours isn’t worth living. That’s the kind of isolation I’m thinking about.
Not me missing out on having a romantic partner. Okay.
/End ID.
Tags possibly by @arowitharrows but staff fucked the notes up so I can't properly check now that it was 2 years ago or smth
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
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[image ID: a series of tags, written in pink text on a white background. the tags read as follows:
#The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life #they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem. #They think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living. #they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on #When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace, I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured #about how people drift off into their bubble #about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day #and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships. #I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. #About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up. #I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line #reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do. #That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about. #Not me missing out on having a romantic partner. #okay
End Image ID.]
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
70K notes
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[Image ID: tags that read,
#The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life #they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem. #They think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living. #they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on
#When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace, I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured #about how people drift off into their bubble #about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day #and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships. #I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships. #About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up. #I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line #reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do.
#That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about. #Not me missing out on having a romantic partner. #okay
End of ID]
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
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I kept the tags from the original post because they're perfect.
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
#The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life#they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem.#They think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living.#they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on#When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace‚ I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured#about how people drift off into their bubble#about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day#and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships.#I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships.#About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up.#I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line#reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do.#That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about.#Not me missing out on having a romantic partner.#okay done now sorry I'm feeling gloomy#mai rambles#literally#aromantic#aroace#asexual
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#The thing is that when other people imply that being aro and ace must condemn someone to a sad and lonely life#they are seeing aromanticism and asexuality as the root of the problem.#They think that not having that 'special someone' in your life means it's not worth living.#they're showing pity for something they think you're missing out on#When I talk about feelings of isolation caused by being aroace‚ I'm talking about the way our (western) society is structured#about how people drift off into their bubble#about how the older you get the less and less time everyone has in their day#and how your role as a friend automatically becomes lesser compared to other relationships.#I'm thinking about how certain emotional and physical connections are suddenly reserved for romantic relationships.#About the conversations I can't really participate in and I sit there awkwardly knowing they find it weird that I'm not opening up.#I'm thinking about all the times I get hit out of nowhere with a throwaway line#reminding me that people think there's something wrong with your soul if you don't love like they do.#That they think a life like yours isn't worth living. That's the kind of isolation I'm thinking about.#Not me missing out on having a romantic partner.#okay done now sorry I'm feeling gloomy#mai rambles#literally#aromantic#aroace#asexual via @arowitharrows
The duality of "If you even imply that being aro or ace condemns someone to a sad and lonely life I will fucking fight you"
"being aro and ace is the most isolating thing I will ever experience"
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