#Aaron-James writes
sheawritesstuff · 14 days
Redacted Characters' Sleep Attire Headcanons
☆ David - Shirtless with gym shorts
☆ Milo - Tank top and boxers
☆ Asher - Just boxers
☆ Damien - Tank top and shorts
☆ Huxley - Shirtless with pajama pants
☆ Gavin - Nude / Just sweatpants
☆ Lasko - T-shirt and pajama pants
☆ Kody - Hoodie and sweatpants
☆ Sam - Only pajama pants ;]
☆ Vincent - Sweatshirt and pajama pants
☆ Porter - Just briefs
☆ James - Tank top and boxers
☆ Anton - T-shirt, pajama pants, and socks
☆ Marcus - Full matching pajama set, sleep hat included
☆ Hush - Whatever Doc gives him to sleep in
☆ Blake - Pajama shirt and pants that somehow never match
☆ Elliott - Sweatshirt and shorts
☆ Aaron - Tank top and pajama pants
☆ Ollie - Oversized t-shirt and shorts
☆ Ivan - T-shirt and boxers
☆ Guy - Boxers and socks 
☆ Geordi - Graphic tee and briefs
☆ Morgan - Matching pajama set with patterned socks
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ozwriterchick · 4 months
Just once, when they’re in the throes of smut, and the guy asks “Is this all for me?” I wish the reader would be a smart ass and say “No it’s for the guy behind the door/curtains/couch or whatever”
I’d read the shit out of that. No hate or whatever to writers who write that I’m just not sure why a guy would ask that. I mean, do you see anyone else here? Oh it’s for my imaginary lover in my head.
That is all.
Go about your business
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nyxvuxoa-writes · 3 months
[𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜 - 𝟸𝚔 𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝙲𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗! ]
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I've gotten a little unexpected free time. Most of you that follow me (and paid attention) know I was working full time, I didn't have much time for myself let alone to work on my fics. I still have everything in my drafts, I don't plan on abandoning those if I can help it. But, I'd like to get back into the swing of things. I want to find some inspiration for writing fics again. I have a list of SMUT prompts below and am willing to take on a few extra requests to refresh my mind.
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While I mostly currently write for the characters of ATJ, I am not opposed to writing about others. You can always find out who I will write for and who I won't with a simple ask or dm. Underage people are asked to not interact with my blog. You will be blocked. I do write and am willing to write, kink-heavy and darkfic themes. You can find my ATJ masterlist here.
↳ The credit for the prompt list goes to @delusionisaplace 
"I want to hear you beg."
"Arch your back for me."
"You look better with my hands around your neck."
"Swallow it. All of it."
"God, you feel so fucking good."
"Suck on it."
"You're so fucking hot."
"Open your legs for me, baby. I wanna see you."
"Don't hold back."
“Ah, fuck.”
"That noise...keep making it."
"Wrap your legs around my waist."
"Let's make this quick."
"Don't close your eyes, baby. Look at me."
"You're mine."
"Such a good little slut, aren't you?"
“Faster—ah shit—harder…”
"I wanna go again."
“I want you. I need you.”
“Huh…uh…keep going.”
“Wait—uh—do…do that again.”
"Mark me. Mark me so everyone knows who I belong to."
"Don't be gentle with me—I like it when you're rough."
"One more time! Please!"
"Fuck—uh! I love it when you touch me like that."
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aswallowssong · 13 days
Sicktember 2024 #7: Borrowed Hoodie
The idea for this was, literally, "Aaron’s hoodie being passed around like a healing balm." It was @themetaphorgirl's prompt, and I love her for it, because if there's anything I love, it's when the person that's usually the whumpee becomes the caretaker, even in the short form. Honorable mention comment goes to @fragolinaa, who said, and I quote: "Alex calling him Aaron is the equivalent of showing a glock"
“I’m tired,” Spencer mumbled against Aaron’s side. It was Friday night, and they were at another one of Derek’s football games. Aaron knew the rules of football against his will, having been Derek’s roommate the year before, but it seemed that no matter how many times he tried to explain them to Spencer, it wasn’t sticking.
That, or Spencer couldn’t get over why a sport about passing and running had to be so violent. He didn’t like it when they tackled one another, which was every play, and he really didn’t like it when Derek got tackled. 
“I know, Bug,” Aaron said gently, pulling Spencer closer to him as his eyes stayed locked on the field. It was getting colder as the season went on, and Spencer was shivering, so some extra snuggles were in order.
“I wanna go home,” Spencer whined, flopping down so his head could lay in Aaron’s lap. 
Aaron ruffled his hair. “I know, Bug,” he echoed. “The game’s almost over. I told Derek we’d try to stay for the whole thing. There’s four minutes left.”
“That could take a million years,” Spencer mumbled, and when Aaron’s hand paused against Spencer’s scalp, he noticed how warm his ‘little brother’ felt. 
His mouth tugged down into a frown, and he looked over at Alex, but she wasn’t watching them. She was buried in her book, her back against James’ side while he watched with rapt attention. James liked to give Derek specific praise after his games – something he said that Ned always did for him – and while it was sweet, it made him oblivious to the world for the two hours they were on the bleachers.
“Are you feeling okay?”
Spencer nestled further into Aaron’s lap, the tip of his thumb between his teeth. “Mm. ‘m cold.”
Aaron sighed. Spencer ran mystery fevers all the time, and they usually found out the cause later in the night, or the next day. Some cold, or flu, or worse, a stomach bug that reared its ugly head and made them all stressed out for a week, and usually got Aaron sick, too, in the process.
He thought for a second before stripping off his hoodie, and then laying it over Spencer like a blanket. Spencer sighed in relief, snuggling into it and balling his fists in the soft, blue fabric.
“That help?” Aaron asked, and Spencer nodded sleepily, closing his eyes as he turned his face into Aaron’s stomach. 
“Uh huh. Thanks, Bubba.” __________
They’d been fighting about it for five entire minutes.
“Birdy, come on.”
“I’m fine, Aaron. Leave me alone.”
Aaron, not Bubba. I really must have done it this time.
“I won’t,” Aaron said, moving to try to stop her as she marched down the sidewalk. “You’ve been trying to dodge us all day, I barely caught you now, and I had to ask Penelope for your work schedule.”
“How did Penelope get my work schedule?”
Aaron gestured vaguely, moving again so he was in front of his pseudo-twin. “Penelope could find the president’s schedule if she wanted to.”
Alex rolled her eyes, not moving to push back the hair that was blocking some of her face from his view. She always pulled her hair away from her face, she’d said once that it was a sensory nightmare, but she didn’t have a headband or a clip pulling it back, and it wasn’t in a ponytail or a braid like she usually did.
“Are you mad at me? Is this about Spencer? Because if you’re mad at me, you shouldn’t be avoiding everyone, just tell me what I did.”
Alex huffed, pushing past him again. “I’m not mad at you, you’re reading into it.”
Aaron raised an eyebrow, but then used his lank to his advantage, stepping in front of her again. He put his hands on her shoulders, stopping her in place, and bent a little to look her in the face.
“Birdy, please, come on. Spencer’s worried, he doesn’t know why you’re avoiding him.” When he said it he knew it was a low blow, but he was starting to feel anxiety like bubbles popping in his chest. “I told him I’d make sure you were at dinner.”
Alex looked up at him after a second, some of her face still blocked by her hair,, and if looks could kill, he would have been six feet under.
“Let go of me, Aaron.”
“I have homework to do. I’ve got too many things–”
Her words cut off as she shuddered under his hands, goosebumps erupting on her arms as she shivered in weather that was already too warm for him to be wearing his hoodie in the first place.
“Woah,” he said reflexively, “Are you… cold?”
She shook her head quickly and shivered again, before tucking her face away from him, and he didn’t even think as he reached out and gently grabbed her chin, turning her head so he could actually see her face.
When he did, everything clicked into place.
“Holy shit, Alex, you look awful.”
She frowned, and to his horror, her lower lip started trembling. “Stop, Aaron–”
“No way, Bird,” he said, the popping of anxiety in his chest going from slow moving bubbles to sparks like fireworks. “No wonder you’ve been a ghost today, you should be in bed, not running around trying to dodge us.”
“I’m fine,” she tried to say, but it was painfully obvious she wasn’t, and Aaron took a second to breathe before he was rubbing his hands up and down her arms, trying to help somehow. He was good at taking care of Spencer, but Spencer was ten.
Plus, Alex was usually the one taking care of him, and Spencer, so how was he supposed to do anything to help her?
“We should… find James. I’ll text James. He can meet us back at my room, and he’ll know what to do.”
She started to protest, but as she shivered harshly again, all of the fight seemed to go out of her. Her eyes started to fill with tears, and she nodded slowly. 
He thought for a second before unzipping his hoodie, and he helped her thread her arms through the sleeves before zipping it for her. It hung like a dress down to the middle of her thighs, but she didn’t seem to notice, or felt too awful to care.
After a moment she leaned against him, wrapping her arms around his torso and burying her face in the fabric of his shirt. 
“Thanks, Bubba.”
“Of course,” he said automatically. “Of course, Birdy.”
“Love you.”
“I love you, too.” __________
“You don’t have to do this, Ari. It’s sweet, but you’re gonna–”
“Hay, James said you probably should be with someone to watch your fever. It’s fine, I don’t care about getting sick. I care about you.”
Haley sat next to him on the bench outside of Roosevelt house, her head laying against his arm as he tried to coax her into following him back to Lincoln house. He’d thought she was acting weird at dinner, and by the time she’d finally admitted to him that she wasn’t feeling all that great, Alex and James had taken Spencer back with them and the others, granting them enough privacy for him to convince her to let him help.
She’d fought going to the nurse harder than he thought she would, but he’d been able to convince her to on the thermometer in his backpack, normally reserved for Spencer. After that he’d called James, and she’d already gone inside and grabbed a tote bag with the things she thought she might need.
When she’d gone in she’d been wearing his hoodie, which he’d given her even after she’d protested that she was going to get germs on it, and he’d fully scoffed. Odds were he was going to get sick anyway. When she’d come out with her bag and was still wearing it, he’d told the bees in his stomach to knock it the fuck off.
“Harper just…” she turned and muffled a cough into her elbow, but he finished the thought for her. “Is the worst?”
She laughed and shook her head, clearing her throat before speaking again.
“She just gets really freaked out about getting sick and missing class, and missing cheer. It’s like, she would rather die.”
“That’s a little dramatic,” Aaron said simply, rubbing Haley’s back. She’d started shivering again, and it was making him anxious. “People get sick all the time. Spencer and I get sick all the time. You’ve got like, a cold virus or something, and it’ll go away.”
Haley turned and raised a weak eyebrow at him. “A cold virus, or something?”
“I don’t want to be a doctor,” he said simply. “I want to be a lawyer.”
“A man with ambition,” she said, teasing him, but he could tell her heart wasn’t in it. She was more miserable than she was letting on. “I like that.”
“And I like you feeling well,” he said, standing up and offering her his hand. “Come on, Haley. It’s alright, I promise.”
She looked up at him, glassy eyed and fever flushed, and sniffled quietly before taking his hand and letting him help her up. He grabbed her bag, even though she protested, and couldn’t help but feel a swell of fondness at the fact that his hoodie dwarfed her, the sleeve pooling around their connected hands while the other completely covered her hand. He nodded towards it, giving her a shy smile.
“When JJ’s cardigans do that to Spencer’s hands, she calls it ‘Sweater Paws,’ like he’s a kitten.”
“Are you calling me a baby?” She said, but she laughed listlessly, so he knew she wasn’t serious.
“It’s cute,” he said, trying and failing to not blush like a moron.
“Well, maybe I should wear your jackets more often. Not just because I’m so cold.”
“You’re hot.”
“Wow. Forward.”
“I mean–!” He blushed darker, fumbling for the right words. “You know what I meant! You have a fever!”
“I know, I shouldn’t be giving you a hard time,” she said, leaning her head against his arm as they walked. “Thanks for letting me stay. I feel silly about it.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he said, squeezing her hand. “I already said it, I don’t care about getting sick. I care about you.” ___________
James was raising an eyebrow at him, though it looked misplaced on his pale yet darkly flushed face.
“Your hoodie won’t fit me.”
“Try me,” Aaron said, holding it out to him. “Or do I need to help you put it on?”
James grumbled, taking it from him. “This is silly.”
“You’re the one that tried to hide in a study room to finish homework instead of calling your dad and telling him to pick you up in the first place.”
“I didn’t know Penelope had tagged us.”
“Well,” Aaron said, “Yeah, the ethics on that are sketchy. But how else was Alex supposed to find you when you didn’t show up after classes let out? And then no one could find you for two hours until Penny finally ratted on herself!”
He hadn’t meant to get a little loud, and only noticed when James winced and rubbed at his temples, but James was usually their rock. The fact that he’d been the one to go MIA hadn’t sat right, and he’d been fighting off the anxiety ever since.
“I didn’t mean to worry everyone,” James said quietly. He’d pulled Aaron’s hoodie on, which had stopped the fever chills a little bit, and had fit, which Aaron had known it would. It was just baggy enough in the shoulders to fit James’ broader ones. “I wanted the opposite.”
“Well you got the not-opposite,” Aaron said, way too flustered to think of a good retort. Instead he stared at James longer than was appropriate, and was startled when someone honked their car horn.
“Shit,” he said at the same time that James said, “Stars,” like they were in a southern sitcom.
“Jeff, cut it out!”
Ned was walking up to them, concern etched onto his face, while Jeff, his best friend and bakery partner, was sitting in the driver’s seat of the van, sheepishly waving and mouthing “sorry.”
Aaron liked Ned. Ned was a good dad.
“Mini, why in the world would you have stayed here feeling bad when you know I would’a come to get you right quick had you called? Alex sounded worried out of her mind.”
“That’s just Alex,” James said, but Aaron watched him quickly wilt as he laid eyes on his dad. “It’s not that bad.”
“He’s got a fever over a hundred n’ one,” Aaron said, his accent strengthening the second he heard Ned talk. “He’s full’a crap.”
Ned nodded at Aaron, ruffling his hair before he grabbed James’ backpack off the ground. “Thanks, Bubba. Charlie’s anxious to get him back. Mama’s worried.”
He said it in James’ direction, but didn’t take his eyes off Aaron, and it made him feel warm inside.
James got up to walk with him back to the car, mumbling a thanks to Aaron, but was half way there when he turned around.
“Oh, Aaron, this is your hoodie.” He started moving sluggishly to take it off, but Aaron shook his head. 
“It’s fine. I’m not worried about it.”
“Didn’t your brother pick it for you, though? It’s important.”
Aaron nodded, taking a beat before shrugging. “It is. A, um. A different brother needs it right now.”
He watched as James’ face went from confused to thoughtful, a small and sheepish smile crossing his face before he nodded, turned, and followed Ned to the car.
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blackthunder137 · 2 years
The things you do to me ✦ 𓂃ᐢ • ˕ • ᐢ (j.p)- imagine
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warnings- smut
You came out of the shower with nothing but your bathrobe, your hair wet, and droplets of water sliding down every inch of your skin. His eyes immediately shoot up and devour the sight in front of him. He keeps his book aside and walks towards you. He lifts your jaw so that you look at him, and he whispers, "fuck baby, the things you do to me." he nears your lips, inches away from kissing, and he says, "all I want to do is remove this stupid bathrobe and mark every inch of your body, making you scream my name, and I will not stop until your legs are left shaking and you are in no position to walk." He doesn't give you time to think and smashes his lips against yours in a fierce and hungry kiss. He removes the only piece of clothing on your body. He then lifts you up while not breaking the kiss and carries you to the bed, where he wastes no time in removing his clothes and immediately gets inside you. A sudden gasp escapes your lips as he increases his pace in no time. You grab onto the headboard for your dear life as he mercilessly fucks you. The only sounds that were heard were your bodies colliding against each other and the moans and screams of his name. He would want you to be verbal all throughout the act and would ask you questions like, "do you like it, huh, baby?" and would say, "moan for me, baby; let em know who you belong to." 
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romxnticdreams · 4 months
i've been SO obsessed with roomate!___ x reader so if any of you have any ideas for any of the characters i write... send them my way (especially bbg regulus cause i need some extra practice with writing for him since he's my second favorite marauder) (and you know... maybe some barty if any of you have ideas........ i'm open to experimenting with new characters *giggles menacingly*)
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themetaphorgirl · 1 year
Patron Saint of Lost Causes: chapter 26
chapter 26: with his hand on the small of her back
They all ended up at boarding school for different reasons, but they ended becoming a makeshift family of their own. And thank goodness for that, because they might not survive the school year without each other.
read on ff.net | read on AO3 | read on Wattpad | the boarding school AU | the playlist
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“God, I’m so nervous and it’s not even my date,” Penelope sighed.
“It’s not going to be that big of a deal,” Alex said.
“Open your eyes and hold still or I’ll stab you in the eyeball with this mascara,” Emily said. “It’s kind of a big deal, Alex. You’re allowed to think it’s a big deal.”
Alex huffed. “It’s just dinner and a movie with a guy from my class,” she said. “It’s not like he’s proposing or anything.”
“Oh, but what if he does someday?” Penelope said dreamily. “Maybe you’ll go on this date and that’s it. Maybe you’ll fall in love and be together forever and get married-”
“It’s just dinner and a movie!” Alex protested. “It’s not a lifetime commitment.” 
“No, but you’ll have a boyfriend at least,” JJ said. “And that’s pretty cool.”
Emily sorted through her lipsticks. “He doesn’t have to be her boyfriend,” she said. “You can go on a date with a guy and have it not be serious. It’s not that deep.”
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xxhispieceofheavenxx · 10 months
Does anyone have a bluesky code that they are not using? I can pay you with a little blurb of your favourite character
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finnofamerica · 7 months
Original Characters
Aaron Jones: Blog (Faceclaim - Rahul Kohli & Raymond Ablack)
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Age: Late 30s Early 40s Birthday: September 22nd Occupation: History Professor Sexuality: N/a Cannon Ships: N/a Aaron is a History Professor at the North Beach University. He enjoys photography in his free time. Avid Coffee drinker. Has a decently-sized apartment in North Beach. Older brother to Ryker Jones. Devon Reed: Blog (Faceclaim - Froylan Gutierrez)
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Age: 22 Birthday: February 28th Occupation: Singer/songwriter for They Might Be Wolves, plays a multitude of instruments as well. Sexuality: Demisexual/Demiromantic Canon Ships: N/a
Devon Reed is quite introverted; he and his brother Everett moved into a duplex-style apartment together as soon as Everett turned 18. Everyone is quite protective of the youngest of TMBW. He is very slow to warm up to people.
Everett Reed: Blog (Faceclaim - Herman Tømmeraas)
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Age: 28 Birthday: October 28th Occupation: Bassist and Lead Singer for They Might Be Wolves. Sexuality: Straight Canon Ships: Finnlyn Alexander
As the oldest of the group, Everett had always been the protector and fighter. He and Devon started TMBW as a creative outlet to cope with the abuse of their childhoods. Now, they are a semi-successful local band. Everett has a hard time letting people take care of him since he's taking care of everyone else.
Finnlyn Alexander: Blog (Faceclaim - Millaine Friesen)
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Age: 24 Birthday: March 17th Occupation: Audio Engineer and Bookstore Cashier Sexuality: Straight Canon Ships: Everett Reed
Finnlyn spent the majority of her childhood in the foster care system until she was fostered by Venera's grandparents before Venera was taken in by them. Despite this, Venera and Finnlyn were never really close.
James "Dix" Dixion: Blog (Faceclaim - Max Barczak)
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Age: 26 Birthday: July 25th Occupation: Lead Guitarist for They Might Be Wolves, Barista at Rise & Grind Coffee Sexuality: Chaotic Bisexual Canon Ships:
James, a.k.a Dix, is best friends with Finnlyn and Everett. He and Everett have been friends since kindergarten and will always follow Ev into a fight. He is often found with bruises (from the aforementioned fights) or hickies (He just likes making out with anyone and everyone). Josh is like a brother to him and will beat the shit out of anyone who has anything to say about Josh's sexuality.
Joshua Vaughn: Blog (Faceclaim - BooBoo Stewert)
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Age: 27 Birthday: April 15th Occupation: Drummer for They Might Be Wolves, Barista at Rise & Grind Coffee Sexuality: Gay Canon Ships: N/a
Joshua Vaughn has a positive vibe bordering on the hippie of TMBW. As the second oldest, he is very protective and caring of Finnlyn and Devon. He was kicked out of his house as a teenager when his parents found out that he was gay. Dix's parents took him in, and the two have been inseparable ever since.
Leon Keane: Blog (Faceclaim - Kevin Creekman)
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Age: Late 30s, early 40s Birthday: August 5th Occupation: Private Security officer Sexuality: N/a Cannon Ships: Venera Toth
Leon Keane is ex-military turned private security. Typically assigned to high-risk cases as a personal bodyguard until the threat is eliminated. Enjoys cooking. Rides a Motorcycle and drives a truck. He is a widower - his wife was murdered in their home while he was deployed (Before moving to America). Has a Scottish accent. Kit Hargrove: Blog (Faceclaim - Luanna Perez )
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Age: 28 Birthday: June 21st Occupation: Boudoir Photographer Sexuality: Bisexual Canon Ships: N/a
Kit is a Boudoir photographer whose reputation often brings in business from out of town. She also enjoys hanging out in the North Beach University library and studying books on art and photography.
Ryker Jones: Blog (Faceclaim - ricky_aimee on insta)
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Age: 25 Birthday: December 22nd Occupation: On-air personality and Board Operator for NSRB radio station Sexuality: Bisexual Canon Ships: N/a
Rides a motorcycle. Will stab a bitch. Designated drink holder at the bar. Basically, nocturnal runs the late-night show at NSRB. Younger sister to Aaron Jones. Venera Toth: Blog (Faceclaim - Holland Roden)
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Age: 26 Birthday: January 15th Occupation: Book Store Owner Sexuality: Bisexual Canon Ships: Leon Keane
Venera is the Owner and Operator of Word to the Wise bookshop. She lives in a small apartment above the store. As an aspiring author, she spends most of her free time writing. Moved in with her grandparents (Previous owners of Word to the Wise) after her parents died in a car accident.
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unorthodox-oblivion · 9 months
Oops...I did it again!
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sheawritesstuff · 1 month
Redacted Characters as Midwestern / Southern Food I Think They'd Like
✩ Sam - Gooey Butter Cake
✩ Porter - Coleslaw
✩ Vincent - Toasted Ravioli
✩ David - Chili with Cinnamon Rolls
✩ Milo - Buckeyes
✩ Asher - Chicago Mix Popcorn
✩ Huxley - Tater Tot Hotdish
✩ Damien - Chili Mac
✩ Lasko - Scotcheroos
✩ Gavin - Sweet Cream Corn
✩ Camelopardalis - Sugar Cream Pie
✩ Vega - Morel Mushrooms
✩ Hush - Chocolate Potato Chips
✩ Avior - Deep Dish Pizza
✩ Regulus - Frog Legs
✩ Caelum - Puppy Chow
✩ Guy - Fried Cheese Curds
✩ Geordi - Cornbread
✩ Ollie - Biscuits and Gravy
✩ Ivan - Fried Okra
✩ Aaron - Burnt Ends
✩ Elliott - Hashbrown Casserole
✩ Blake - Apple Pie with Cheddar Cheese
✩ Brachium - Frozen Custard
✩ Kody - Meatloaf with Ketchup
✩ Anton - Cheeseburger Pie
✩ James - Watergate Salad
✩ Marcus - Fried Green Tomatoes
✩ Morgan - Beer Brats
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that-fandom-writer · 2 years
Fanfiction prompts
ok here are a couple  fanfiction prompts I may use myself as well but would also LOVE to read some other stories to these lol IF THESE STORIES EXISIT LET ME KNOW PLEASE LOL
“Tim you once said you’re a show me, guy, show me how much you love me”
*Tim gets smacked in the back of the head* “Timothy did you lie to me when you said you didn’t have feelings for Lucy because that is the only reason you’d take a desk job” 
any sort of Wopez smut
a pov of Angela and Wesley each while she is taken 
Angela wakes up from a nightmare from her kidnapping 
the Wopez wedding that was shot that we didn’t get to see 
Angela made fun of Wesley for crying when Jack was born 
Tim and Lucy’s first “I love you”
a Wopez and Chenford double date 
Aaron getting a love interest 
a conversation between Nyla and Tim about how even tho they havent always liked each other they respect each other and have shared love for their shared friends 
a double date with Nyla/James and Wopez
everyone in the station finding out about Chenford - Angela gets mad that Smitty won the bet 
Tim and Lucy discuss what theyve been through and how it just makes sense that they fell in love 
Chris seeing Tim at the court house and putting the pieces together 
Genny finds out and tells TIm she figured as much all along 
Another base ball practice
a family outting day with Wopez and Nyla/James
Lucy finds out shes pregnant 
an outsider flirting with Tim and or Lucy in front of the other 
a woman flirting with Wesley infront of a pregnant hormonal Angela
Elijah finally getting arrested  for good 
Ashley running in to Tim and Lucy while they are out and actually being happy for them 
Visits to Jackson's grave
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hendolish · 10 months
your headcanons are the besssst, always make me smile and get my own fic imagination going :D :D :D
h/c for how they sleep together (literally, not nsfw) and if it's easy or uncomfortable in each case? like who demands a toll of kisses and cuddles before they can sleep? or like to be woken up with kisses and touches? who gets up at 5am to work out and who lies in rotting til noon? who hogs covers? snores or kicks their bf by accident? wakes up five times at random? watches half a series at 3am while their bf is asleep then tells bf about it the next day? dreams out loud (of their partner?) or sleeptalks? has to have a collection of side table vitamins and waters and books right by the bed? gets overheated? or needs a hot water bottle thick socks and extra blankets? and are there ever fights over the sleeping arrangements, like whether or not a window in the bedroom is cracked?
for hendolish, taa/madders and taa/ramsdale, dec/chilly and dec/bowen, and mings/coady <3
sleeping together (literally) headcanons ♡
jack always demands a nightly toll of kisses and cuddles from jordan before he can even consider drifting off to sleep. and with the two of them being apart so often now, he likes to know that jordan’s still there and so usually settles down with his head pressed against jordan’s chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart that reassures him this isn’t just one of his dreams where he and jordan are curled up together only for him to wake up to an empty bed.
he also equally loves to be woken up in the morning with soft kisses and gentle touches which always means he starts his day with a grin on his face that jordan then finds the need to kiss all over again. jordan’s always the first to wake, working out whilst he waits for jack to rise, ever-stuck to his schedule for optimum performance. in his search for the perfect night’s sleep, jordan occasionally hogs the covers unintentionally, but it’s nothing that a sleepy apology and loving caress can’t fix. jordan is also the one who dreams out loud, occasionally murmuring sweet nothings that make jack smile in his sleep when he catches them.
these two would be absolute saps about sleeping together. trent always slings his arm over madders’ waist to keep him close against him, loving the warmth it brings and knowing that having madders pressed against him makes it easier for him to sleep. madders enjoys being pressed up against trent’s chest but when that gets too hot he’s quick to slip into the position of the little spoon, slotting back against trent’s body like he was made to fit there as trent splays one of his hands across his stomach, often slipping it underneath madders’ shirt (if he’s wearing one) to press against his hot skin.
and trent always delivers a precise kiss to madders’ neck which often turns into two, and then three, and then four, until madders is squirming against him at the pleasurable sensation and trent is pressing a grin against his neck.
aaron loves cuddling, almost so much that it would probably annoy trent if he didn’t secretly love it too, always rolling his eyes when aaron immediately pulls him against him once he climbs into bed yet, deep down, revelling in having the warmth of his boyfriend pressed up against him. aaron’s hugs are the best as well, with that large goalkeeper arm span trent feels wrapped up and protected from the world. never seeming to get cold himself, aaron’s like trent’s very own hot water bottle to keep snuggled under the covers.
despite his love for cuddling, aaron falls asleep very easily and trent, well, just doesn’t. it isn’t a new thing, it’s always been this way and aaron knows it because they used to share rooms all of the time away with england, so often trent will find himself watching half a series at ungodly hours. and, just the same as he used to back then, aaron listens diligently in the morning to trent’s explanation and review of what had happened after he'd inevitably fallen asleep, fondness starring his eyes.
dec despite all of his teasing, is the one who often presses himself right up against ben when they're in bed, getting ready to fall asleep. ben always chuckles at him and dec always insists that it's the only way he can fall asleep properly now.
he enjoys listening to ben's heart thump rhythmically in his chest, pressing soft kisses to the skin there before nuzzling against his sternum. ben complains, usually, but he doesn't really mind. he thinks dec is cute, but he'd never say that to him in a million years because dec would protest to the contrary. (he does, however, always keep his phone in reach on the bedside table in case the urge to take a photo of his boyfriend overcomes him).
jarrod, as much as he hates to admit it, is much smaller than dec. but sleeping together in the same bed is the only time that he'll admit he doesn't mind it so much. he enjoys the way dec can wrap himself around his body and practically engulf jarrod in his warmth. it's also the only time jarrod doesn't have to stretch himself upwards and stand on his fucking tippy toes to give his boyfriend a kiss. dec's grin says he always wants to tease him for it afterwards, but jarrod's deathstare invites him (lovingly) to try it and see what happens...
tyrone/conor coady
tyrone hogs half the bed with his enormous stature and conor's always complaining about it. he'll wake up in the morning and be half hanging off the bed with tyrone starfishing luxuriously in the middle. he always pokes the younger awake when this happens and the first thing tyrone does when he sees him after waking up is always grin up at him like a bloody loon which makes conor want to grin back at him until he remembers he's supposed to be mad.
'you're taking all the space again', he tells him instead with a shove, although it doesn't move the larger man an inch. tyrone drags him down by the arm and kisses him softly like he always does in apology. 'you know i've got no control over it', he's said before. 'feels like you're trying to get rid of me', conor had quipped in return leading tyrone to frown up at him and tell him firmly with another precise kiss, 'never'.
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aswallowssong · 13 days
Sicktember 2024 #6: Dizziness/Vertigo
Welcome to my first installment (this season, iykyk) of "Aaron Hotchner, my sweet sweet baby, I'm so sorry to do this to you." I love playing in @themetaphorgirl's PSOLC sandbox (tysm my queen), and if it also means I can write soft things about Aaron, it's a two-for-one!!
“Shut up, or die!”
“You literally cannot threaten me with death over this! Hotch!”
Aaron looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow, tugging at his earlobe. He hadn’t been listening, but there were three other big kids in the room, and he had no idea why he’d been the chosen target of the whining.
“Derek said he was gonna kill me!”
Derek rolled his eyes at JJ, crossing his arms over his chest. “I did not. I didn’t say how you were going to die, I just said that the options were shut up or die.”
Aaron’s eyebrow only raised further on his face. “Sounds like witchcraft to me, Jayje. I’d watch out.”
Derek spluttered for a moment, arms failing before he started babbling about how he couldn’t be doing witchcraft, because witchcraft is for girls and he was a man, but Aaron blocked them back out sometime around when Penelope started assuring Derek that, oh, no, men could definitely do witchcraft.
He had way too much to do to be worried about that. The english paper he’d forgotten to write and been mercifully granted an extension on was due at the end of the weekend, and he was still three chapters away from being able to outline the damn thing, let alone actually write it. Thankfully he was a good writer, and he knew that, but his spelling was awful, and he was going to need Alex to go over it with a fine tooth comb before he could submit it.
And he couldn’t have her look at it until it was written.
And he couldn’t write it until it was outlined.
And he couldn’t outline it until he’d read the chapters, which the little kids were going to make impossible to get through.
He’d considered moving to Alaska when Spencer wriggled under his arms and into his lap.
“Bug,” he said, an apology already in his mouth. “I really need to focus, can you go sit with–” He cut off, looking around.
Alex was at the library, working a long shift so she didn’t have to work on Sunday night, and could go over his paper with him.
Dave was writing something on his laptop with an expression that was giving ‘violent’ and ‘don’t come near me.’
Emily was nowhere to be seen. Probably out with that guy Ian that Aaron hadn’t met but definitely hated on principle.
Which left–
James looked up at the same moment that Spencer deflated.
“I don’t wanna sit with James, I wanna sit with you.”
Aaron ran a hand down his face. His eyes were blurring, even with his contacts in, and the words had started swimming on the page. He hadn’t even been reading that long, but if eyes could ache, his sure were. That, and his ears hurt. But his ears always hurt, so, what else was new.
“I know, Bug, but I need to be able to focus on this.”
“I’ll be quiet!” Spencer pleaded, dropping into a whine immediately. “I won’t be distracting or wiggly, I promise!”
A pout settled on Spencer’s little face, and Aaron closed his eyes and took a breath before shaking his head.
“We can watch a movie or something when I’m done, but my eyes are already tired, so I just need, like, an hour of space.”
Spencer huffed, his shoulders slumping, and slid off Aaron’s lap to go sidle up to James. James, unphased, beamed at Spencer while ruffling his hair. 
“Do you wanna help me with this math problem, Bug? I know how much you love numbers.”
Aaron turned his eyes back to the book, and it felt like the page was swirling. He closed them for a second, a hand reaching up to press on his temple. When did the headache come on? Usually he could feel them starting, but it felt like it had gone from nothing to pounding.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, rubbing slow circles on his left side, and when he cracked his eyes back open, he’d managed to dislodge one of his contacts. “Fuck.”
Thankfully, it didn’t seem like anyone had noticed his slowly crumbling composure, and he stood up, setting his book down on the arm rest. The world moved in a dizzying spin, and he reached out to steady himself on the back of the armchair. It seemed that the only person that noticed was Dave.
“Where are you going, fagiolino?”
Aaron scowled, stomach swirling with how dizzy he suddenly was. “I knocked my contact weird. I’ll be right back.”
James and Spencer both looked up at his voice, and then back down as Spacer said something about matrices that James clearly didn’t understand. Dave, looking unimpressed, shrugged, and went back to glaring daggers at his computer. 
The others didn’t seem to even notice, still arguing about witchcraft.
He stalked out into the hallway, and when he was nearly to his room, everything tilted, and the pain he’d been feeling in his temples and his ears seemed to throb in sync, sending the world sideways. One of his shoulders hit the wall, and his knees buckled as the edge of his vision started to darken.
Aaron wasn’t a stranger to passing out. It happened relatively frequently, but usually when he was sick. He wasn’t sick.
Or, he hadn’t thought he was? He’d been tired, sure. Spencer had been having crazy nightmares as the weather shifted, something about tinfoil being a bad window insulator. He didn't know what that meant, but he hadn’t given it a huge amount of thought past calming him down, and promising that the windows were closed tightly, and that while Lincoln House was sort of shitty, it wasn’t bad enough to be drafty. 
He didn’t get to contemplate it, because he slid into a crumpled heap of limbs against the wall, the darkness almost overtaking him before he glimpsed someone come into view in the hallway. They might have shouted his name – his actual name, Aaron – before he slumped the rest of the way sideways to the ground, his consciousness left behind.
When he came to, not very many seconds later, he only knew two things. Someone was pulling on him, and he was definitely going to throw up. The latter, he was used to. That happened pretty much every time, and then the nausea abated. 
He usually got a warning, though, when he was going to pass out, so he was either in a bathroom already, or in bed, if he could be, with his little desk trash can ready to be used for its secondary purpose, right after throwing away abysmally incorrect math assignments.
There had been no warning this time, so he was mildly surprised that after he gagged, there was a trash can (maybe the one that lived in the hallway?) being shoved under his chin. He was sick immediately, coughing and heaving several times before it let up, and he shuddered, wiping his mouth along the back of his hand and willing himself not to cry. The dizziness usually abated, but it was hanging on, and the throbbing in his head or the pulsing of pain in his ears hadn’t stopped, either.
“You’re okay,” he heard, finally registering that someone was holding him up. “Did you know your ears are leaking?”
Aaron didn’t know that his ears were leaking, but he wasn’t surprised. He wasn’t a stranger to ear infections by any means. He just didn’t know how it could have gotten so bad they were leaking, and he hadn’t realized.
It took another second for him to register the voice that was speaking to him, muffled as always. Everything was always muffled.
“James?” He mumbled, a little surprised, but not unhappy. He’d rather James find him like this than Dave, or one of the younger kids, or god forbid, Spencer.
“That’s me,” James said, pulling him the rest of the way upright. The world spun a little faster, and Aaron swallowed his stomach down. “You know, if you’d told Alex you were sick, she would have traded her shift.”
“I didn’t know,” he said, sounding far away to himself as he fought to shake off the fog. “Just had a headache.”
That’s a lie, he heard a voice, Alex’s probably, say simply in his head.
It wasn’t a lie. At least, it wasn’t until it was. 
“Snuck up on me,” he amended, to at least have a sliver of truth between them.
James sat with that for a second, moving so Aaron could push his back against the wall. He’d always thought that James had the sort of eyes that looked at you, but looked through you more, like he was analyzing you in a polite way. Alex talked all the time about James’ dream to be a doctor, and there were moments where Aaron could see how perfect of a match that would be.
“You probably have an ear infection, probably both of them,” he said, his tone void of emotion, save for sympathy. James didn’t do pity, and Aaron appreciated it. “Do you have a fever?”
“Dunno,” Aaron said, and James pressed a palm against his forehead.
His face pulled, just slightly, before he said, “I think so.”
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?”
Aaron looked up at him with lidded eyes, trying to focus on his face as everything spun.
“Really dizzy.”
James raised an eyebrow. “Well, I– Yeah. Yeah I figured that, you passed out.”
Aaron felt himself flush, more than embarrassed that James had seen that, but the stubborn part of himself won out. “I didn’t mean to pass out, James. It’s not like I wanted to collapse in the hallway.”
“Well, your ears are definitely infected. They’re literally leaking, so your equilibrium was bound to be off. And you definitely have a fever.”
He stopped, pulling his phone out, and Aaron took half a second too long to figure out what he was doing before the phone was up to his ear.
“Al? Yeah, hey sorry, I know you’re at work. Aaron’s sick, do you think you could call someone to come cover your shift?”
“James, stop–”
“Yeah, I think his ears are infected. He said he’s really dizzy, and he’s definitely got a fever.”
Aaron gave up, knowing he wasn’t going to get anywhere, but let himself be incredibly grateful James didn’t mention him passing out in the hallway. Alex would freak.
“Yeah, text me when you’re leaving. I’ll get him in bed. I’ve got it … Spencer? No, Spencer is helping Dave figure out the best synonym for ‘star,’ so I think that’ll take a while … Yeah. Okay. See you soon.”
He hung up, looking down at Aaron with half a grin. “She’s worried, but she’s coming when she can. Think you can get off the ground?”
Relief flooded through Aaron against his will. He didn’t want Alex to worry, but he did want Alex to come back.
“I think so,” he said, trying to get the world to stop spinning by sheer force of will. He didn’t want to ask James for help, but it turned out he didn’t have to. James was about as tall as he was, and broad, which helped when he offered Aaron his hand and was able to help pull him up to standing. 
The dizziness was bad, and it didn’t help the nausea either, but he kept a stable hand on Aaron’s arm as they started down the hallway.
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fandomperv · 7 months
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103 drafts is insane considering 90% of them are different fanfics that i’m too lazy to finish/edit
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hushedlover · 2 years
Requests are open for headcanons, fics, and blurbs!!!
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