#Aaaaagh!!! MY HEART!!!!
suzylind · 10 months
MP3 player starts playing a certain song
Me: "Oh no! Brain no! We've been over this! No re-watch of Cassh-"
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... Mistakes were made...
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lialox · 8 days
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I am at the end of the world, with nothing left to read.
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bubble7o7 · 2 years
Mature Content
Over 18’s Only
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Leaning over the worktop you smile as you watch your best friend who is surrounded by some of his closest friends, open the gifts they have bought him for his birthday. He smiles awkwardly as he opens them, he’s not one for the fuss of celebrating birthdays unless it’s someone else’s.
His smile though… you lose all train of thought when you see it and those lips… those fucking lips!
You watch on smiling as he continues to squirm, he looks over to you every now and again for reassurance/plead for help.
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You laugh at his awkwardness but your heart is fit to burst at his gaze, you’re convinced this crush you have for him will eventually be the death of you.
You haven’t had chance to give him your gifts yet, he has enough to keep him busy and you’d rather wait until everyone leaves but the more you watch on, the more insecure you get about the gifts you’ve bought. After all his friends all have thousands if not millions in the bank and you have… well let’s not go there.
You slowly put your hand over your gift bag and slide it to the back of the worktop behind his toaster, hoping no one notices. You look up and catch him watching you, you smile while resting over the counter trying to act cool as he looks at you with a wrinkled brow and confused expression covering his face.
It’s getting late and after a few rounds of drinks people start to leave till it’s just you and Yoongi, like a thousand times before, but why does this time feel a little more awkward?
You’re finishing up the last of the dishes when he rests his arm along your shoulder, pulling you to him.
“Thank you for helping but you don’t need to do that YN, come have a drink with me?”
“It’s ok, there’s just a couple left to do” you smile
“I’ll fix us a drink then… eh? what’s this you’ve been hiding? Ooooh Is it for me?” He asks excitedly “Let me see”
“Aaaaagh no! Not yet… erm I ahh… I still have one more I need to wrap” you panic and grab the bag.
“That’s ok let me see”
“No, I need to give you them all together”
“You’re being weird, let me see them” He makes a grab for them.
“Nope!” You say laughing nervously as you quickly switch hands.
“Yah! Give!” He yells, laughing.
You quickly move to the other side of the bench. Looking around you turn to make a run for it, you have no idea where to but you can’t help but laugh at the thought of teasing him more.
“Yah! Where are you running to?!” He laughs as he chases after you.
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You run along the hallway not sure which door to hide behind but he’s right behind you.
“Shhhhhiiit!” You laugh, quickly turning to hide the gift bag behind your back and lean against a bedroom door.
He catches up to you holding his hands out to stop himself from crashing onto you. His hands slap the door either side of your shoulders… there’s barely any space between the two of you. He grabs your waist tickling you in the process. “No, no… no tickling please stop!”
He moves his hands to your shoulders, you can feel his breath on your cheek.
“Can I have my gifts… please?” He whispers
Fuuuuck… did his voice just get deeper?
“No” you say as you look to the floor unable to match his gaze..
“Why though, they are for me aren’t they?”
“Yes but it’s just a little something… it’s nothing much”
“Good, so let me have them then?”
“But I…”
“Seriously?… Why?… What’s wrong?” He asks sounding a little annoyed
“It’s just that… well my gifts aren’t as lavish as everyone else’s” you blush.
“Are you joking me? I look forward to yours the most… please let me see?” he leans in closer, tilting his head trying to look in your eyes.
“Yoongi… please…”
“Well if I can’t have them… can… you be my gift?” He whispers, leaning in closer to you with his eyes locked on your lips.
“What?” You can feel your face flush.
“You heard me…”
He pecks your lips softly, then again gently sucking on your bottom lip while his hands pull you in closer to him. You run your fingers through his hair, moving your hands to the side of his cheeks, you push his head from you so you can try to read his face.
“Don’t tease me Yoongi… don’t kiss me unless you mean it”
He doesn’t hesitate and pulls you in to him, you kiss each other desperately he slowly pushes you up against the door. Your hands now all over each other.
“I’ve wanted to do this to you for so long Y/N” he whispers before kissing you sloppily.
“Happy Birthday” you whisper in his ear, then lightly kiss down his neck.
He moves a hand from your waist, reaching round you he twists the handle of the door pushing it open. Without breaking from the kiss he starts to back you into the bedroom. There’s a thud as the gift bag hits the floor. You both stare at it, then look back at each other smiling.
“I forgot about your presents… you can open them if you’d like?” you smile.
“It’s ok, I want to open this one first”
He looks down as he pulls at the buttons on your jeans, untucking your t shirt from them while he softly kisses your cheek then your lips.
“Here let me help you unwrap it” you say taking him by the hand, pulling him over to his bed. He lets out a moan and bites his knuckles as he watches you unbutton your jeans, letting them slide to the floor.
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“Aghh Y/N… I think I might like my birthdays again” he smirks.
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 6 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
1) This IMBI animatic, for sure! It was my first time making an animatic, so I'm pretty sure it's going to hold a special place in my heart for a long time!
2) Oh, I'm terrible at choosing this kind of stuff! Looking back through some of my Rise August and Risetober stuff, Spider-Mikey, Big Mama, and April are ones I like that have under 100 notes... So, I suppose I'll go with those!
3) Choosing just three is so hard!! I... might have to cheat a bit and choose three of each.
My favorite fics from this past year would have to be I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good by @dandylovesturtles (to no one's surprise), The Aftermath by @starrcrossrose, and Hide and Seek by @phoebepheebsphibs.
For comics, the ones I've been keeping up with the most would have to be Cass Apocalyptic Series by @somerandomdudelmao (I mean, who isn't?), 2 Arms Left by @intotheelliwoods, and Swanatello by @tangledinink.
Art is a REALLY hard one, because there's just so much amazing art out there to choose from! But if I had to choose:
I have so much admiration for the Rise Reanimated project, because it was such an amazing collaboration between so many talented artists! I can only imagine how much time and effort went into getting the whole thing put together, and it's honestly incredible.
I have a real soft spot for these IMBI drawings by @intotheelliwoods, because they were what introduced me to my absolute favorite fic (and that fic was a large player in solidifying this fandom's hold on me long-term, so in a way, those drawings are at least partially responsible for a decent amount of my ongoing Rise obsession).
I absolutely love this drawing of Raph carrying Leo post-movie by @21cha, because it makes me feel things every single time I see it! Leo looks so tiny. So tired. Raph looks so concerned. Aaaaagh, my heart!!
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Me reading the start of the chapter, heart aching: remember it will be alright, they will share cheesy candy in valentines, it will be fine-
Ahhhh, Naff, this story just brings me life!
I knew the start was gonna pull no punches! I was very sure the night terrors would come with a vengeance but wow, the fact that they’re bad enough for y/n to wake up, (and remember them! Because I recall they said they usually didn’t remember what happened in those nightmares!)
And ouch, ouch, ouch, Moon was immediately there, and I wonder if they feel guilty for the terrors because it’s likely the demon encounter that caused them, and they just want to help and comfort them, especially now that it’s gotten so bad, but ahhh, they’re not welcome to do so! Because for y/n it’s exchanging one type of hurt for the other. The fear for their life vs the pain of feeling alone in the presence of someone you care about.
And perhaps they are being a little petty, but as they reflect, the care feels empty without the trust, and letting the boys care for them now feels like a reminder of the wall they can’t seem to get around and for which they don’t have a better explanation than “they don’t think I’m worthy of their trust”. This all just attacks directly the biggest insecurities of the hunter, and the toll it’s taking is clear as day. (Also I noticed there’s not a single ‘sweetie’ in this chapter ;o; ) But aaaaagh, the chosen fabric being set aside killed me! I’d forgotten that little project and now the fact that they don’t even want to look at it? Ahhhh my heart! I rambled so much about the symbolism of it last time and now it hurts all the more!
But oof, even through this fight that seems to have no end in sight, they still care so much for the boys! They take into account how much they care about children and are quick to not let them see the dead little ones. Y/n still wants to protect them as much as they can! And even though asking them to stay behind comes with the brutal honesty of ‘I need space’, they’re still sincere in not wanting to leave them, answering Sun’s question that was probably asking much more than y/n realized. Also, also, I loved the detail of them chastising themselves for thinking Sun’s eyes look red! Even when mad, they’re defensive of the boys and almost seemed like they were insulted on their behalf for daring to let the nightmares insinuate they would be something so vile (oh, honey, if you only knew)
Ha, of course, I didn’t expect the boys to ever stay behind XD They pretended to, as much as they could, and something tells me that that first instance of y/n feeling watched was not the cryptid, but the boys following from afar, since they looked back from where they were walking. Also would make sense, since the boys are familiar with the range of the detector! And they only entered the visible range when the other cryptid got too close. Clever guys! Y/n really should have considered they would be afraid of them not returning and after leaving on such bad terms (Though it seems this demon is pretty familiar with hunters and their tactics too huh?)
Speaking of which! Man, this cryptid! Oh, as soon as I read that it was hunting for tongues specifically and being so brutal about it, I immediately knew this was not gonna help the boys’ case later. What a similarity to have! (And also omg, I am going to make the prediction that this cryptid is so gonna lose its tongue, because there has been some poetic irony with a lot of the previous cryptids hehe).
And ahhhh, Naff, I just gotta say, the way you have established y/n as a capable hunter makes me realize how much I now trust them at it too! As soon as they felt something was off, I paused and thought back of the missing kid and why would the cryptid ever just take one when all others and previous cases have not been like that. And it occured to me that it could be using him as bait! And then I continued reading and y/n was on the same page and I felt so accomplished XD
(Also I gotta comment on how well this cryptid is suited to the desert environment! As soon as I knew there was an ambush, it reminded me of animals like the snake that buries itself in the sand to suddenly attack prey, or the antlion that waits for its prey to fall in its trap! So cool how it follows those types of dynamics!)
But ahhh, following along with the encounter, the dark liquid! I can’t tell you how much it took me by surprise to know that this was a demonic cryptid! The possession! (Can’t help but wonder if the demon made the poor kid kill his friends or if the possession was a last minute decision. But they disappeared a couple days ago, so it would seem he was kept alive. Maybe it always used one of the victims to attract more? )
The liquid! God, the evidence being thrown in y/n’s face, and yet, the unshakeable belief that a demon isn’t capable of anything but cruelty keeps them from (or makes them ignore) all signs that something like that could even remotely be the true nature of their friend! But so many cracks are showing, and soon that belief might not be as unshakable. Lambert agreeing with them for now might reassure them but oh boy, things are about to snap.
And speaking about snapping, hmmmm, next chapter is not gonna start too happy, I can tell. Sun and Moon deliberately went against the wishes of the hunter, which sure they didn’t agree to, but it was clearly something they were meant to listen to. Not only that, in the hunters eyes, they are the cause that the demon ran away. Usually when they intervene, y/n is in a tough spot, and though I agree that Lambert was being reckless, y/n and him did seem to have a chance, as the fight hadn’t quite started yet. The distraction, the idea that Sun and Moon had been in danger all this time, putting them in a bad light from Lambert’s position, AND especially, the fact that the boys seem to not respect their authority as an experienced hunter even when declaring that no cryptid can beat them, all that I can see making y/n really mad.
Oh and lastly, I wanted to comment on Lambert! I really like his character as I imagine he’s more along what the average hunter would be like! He seems more like what the hunter has described of Vanessa, so it makes me think that just like Sun and Moon are unique even among demons, y/n is unique even among hunters! Lambert’s way of doing stuff might not be compatible with theirs, his personality as well, but he obviously does his job well, and seems trustworthy when it comes to covering their back! Also, at the part where we find out his reaction to the night terrors, I imagine perhaps there’s a bit of y/n’s insecurities influencing how they perceived his reaction? He has seen The Horrors too. I doubt he was pitying or ashamed of them. He seemed to understand but this is a stranger and we know he is detached on the emotional side. But that’s just what it seemed like to me! In any case, uuuh, he really is in a tough spot now huh? He’s going against a very brutal demon, and he just accused Sun of being a cryptid, the very thing they’ve been terrified of y/n finding out and the cause of the current fight. Also, demons don’t have hearts so even killing the lizard demon won’t give them a meal so uuuuuh, yeah! Poor Lambert’s chances are… yeah XD
Omg this is so long already hgkfhdkd So as you can see, loved the chapter, so looking forward to the next, I am so excited for what’s coming! Amazing work, Naff!
Chaotik, I just have to say that your comments bring me to life! *smooch ya on the head*
Ahahha, good eye! Not one 'sweetie'. Funny how Y/N isn't in such a petname-giving mood ;-;
That little parting of ways was one of my favorite angsty scenes to write! There's so much hurt and honesty (and lack thereof) but then Y/N walks away from them and it actually doesn't help Y/N to focus or feel better like they desperately wanted it to.
Ah, yes! That was the boys that Y/N felt watching them! They never listen when Y/N tells them to stay behind smh
Hehehe, drinking up your little prediction ♥
YES! The tongue-eater is a cunning, terrible creature! I'm so happy that you trust Y/N as a hunter holding their own!!!
EEE! I'm also really happy you pointed out the animal-like behavior of the tongue-eater setting up a trap! I took a lot of inspiration from desert reptiles for this brute hehe
Lambert is tolerating Sun for the moment, but he's not entirely persuaded; we'll see that later.
You're correct that Y/N is mad and overall still upset with them! The boys, however, have their own bones to pick with Y/N and this particular hunt they went on.
Ah, I'm glad you like Lambert! I'm honestly a little surprised by the reactions to Lambert so far but it's really nice to see everyone discuss what amounts to an OC of mine that's here to help establish worldbuilding and propel the plot along. He is more along the lines of an average hunter! You're also right to point out that the hunter is projecting their insecurities onto Lambert's reaction to being told they have night terrors. Y/N is already so hurt and dishearted (heh) by Sun/Moon not trusting them that they're seeing things that aren't there. Lambert understands. He has nightmares, not night terrors, but nightmares, too, but he's got an iron wall built around his emotional compartment and nothing is getting in or out of that bad boy, so he came off a bit judgemental for not saying much about it. So, a little blame can go around to both of them for that little misunderstanding.
Demonic cryptids don't have hearts, but that doesn't mean there aren't hearts out in the desert. Ya know, waste not, want not.
Ahhh, thank you Chaotik! It's always a treat to read your thoughts and know that you're enjoying my writing! It means the world to me, babe ♥
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neoarchipelago · 5 months
Omg ima cry. That was so aaaaagh. My heart hurts from sadness and pure joy.
-your local dumbass 🐺
Which one my love? I'm on a rampage today? I suppose you mean the last red panda blurp, yeah...
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Engineer x pyro
Pyro showing engineer there face for the first time and scare he'll freak out due to all the fire damage and scared they'll lose him
I love this ship. It's one of my favorites! Pyro is such a chaotic lil fire guy and Engineer is ready to help/prevent any mischief.
This is so sweet, and I was crying as I wrote this! Thank you so much for this lovely request.
Pyro grasped the bottom edges of his mask nervously as he stood facing the mirror in Engineer's workshop restroom. The yellow lighting made the whole room appear pale yellow, the buzzing from the florescent lightbulbs accompanied by his soft breathing were the only noises to break the harsh silence. A thousand...no, a million thoughts ran through his head as he peeled up the bottom edges of his gas mask. Rough, scarred, horrid skin starred back from the mirror. It hurt to be like this. Harsh to look at, so strange and unsettling...even to him. How could Dell even love him?
How could Dell even accept him if he couldn't bear to even look at himself in a mirror? Feeling his breath become shallower, he gripped the edge of the bathroom sink to steady himself. His palms felt sweaty, and his harsh grip hurt. The tips of his fingers started to tingle. Startling him from his intrusive thoughts; two slightly burly arms wrapped around his waist and the feeling of a familiar face pressed down into his shoulder.
"Everything alright in here Py?"
Shaking his head slightly no, Pyro tugged the mask back on even lower. His heart beat rapidly in his chest. The feeling of his eyes burning with tears made him sniffle softly. The sound of Dell sighing gently met his ears.
"Oh Fireball....don't cry. It's okay. I'm here, what's wrong?"
Dell gently turned Pyro around to face him and wrapped his arms around him in a warm embrace. The smell of engine oil, sweat and some deodorant met his nostrils. Inhaling softly and exhaling just as softly Pyro let his shoulder relax into Dell's embrace. The feeling of just being held in his lover's arms made him feel so loved and yet so disappointed. Not disappointed with the situation, just disappointment with himself. How could he ever let Dell see him like this? So broken...so scarred?
"Hey now. You don't have to show me your face if you don't want to. I love you just the way that you are. I feel in love with you for your personality. I love you for you and nothing else."
Pyro felt his shoulders shake with messy inhales and sobs. It felt so good to hear those words. Burying his face into Engineer's neck he peeled off his mask slowly. The sound of rubber and latex rustling echoed across the tile. With his mask off the two stood and stayed there. Just the two of them holding each other close in the yellow florescent lights of the bathroom. It couldn't be more perfect.
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seasideoranges · 24 days
wait i dont think i make it clear, fav atla drawing that YOU did loll
heard ya loud and clear! honestly my favorites are of baby sokka and katara, specifically this one and this one. the watertribe siblings have a very special place in my heart, and drawing sokka as the annoying but loving big brother and little katara, the menace (affectionate) of a sister aaaaagh i love them!! i need to draw them more!
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aliceindaisychains999 · 5 months
AAAAAAAAH THANK YOU RIGHT AWAY!!! Sticking with Ultimis Tank as he’s the only one for me
Chocolate: Do either you or you or your F/O like chocolate or any kind of sweets?
Yes! I usually enjoy milk or dark chocolates. When it comes to sweets, I know one of my comfort foods is a bakery-style chocolate chip muffin. I enjoy chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven as well. If you asked me what my favorite cake is, it’s strawberry shortcake
As for Tank? He can handle things a little sweeter than my taste. For example, he drinks soda and enjoys white chocolate (in which I will give him any I find along my travels). If sour candy counts, he loves those juicy drop pops, smarties, fun dip, etc. His favorite dessert is definitely blueberry pie. Mama Dempsey always made it the best and it was the only recipe he kept on his person folded up in his uniform pocket, meaning it was up to me to make it for him!
Lovebirds: What do you consider a ‘perfect date’ between you and your F/O?
AAAAAGH! EVERY DATE IS A PERFECT DATE!!!! But if I really had to choose, I love enjoying the peaceful outdoors with him. In specifics, it’s us having a week out camping somewhere. The day would be filled with vigorous physical activity, bird watching and showing off our grit. But when night falls, everything’s perfect.
The fire would keep us warm from the slight breeze at night, the lack of light pollution could help us see galaxies way better. I do love to talk with him always. But there’s an appreciation in being quietly curled up with him. It’s a sense of grounding my brain really appreciates.
Hearts: Do you and your F/O do any sort of PDA while the two of you are out and about on your Valentine date?
This is a rhetorical question ncsnnfnsnfn
YES AND HE WILL SHOW OFF CONFIDENTLY! It challenges me to come out of my shell more too! Because I’d want him to feel loved too
Considering day of he’d try to reserve a table at some American steakhouse, I’d imagine us holding hands over the table, having a moment where I reach over to hold his face and kiss him, etc. As long as he’s not too full from an order of bone-in ribeye, I’m sure we will have far more mushier experiences waiting at home
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Ambush x Abandoned + child!Entity
Ambush has to give a small entity a bath. (platonic) and Y/N listens to its musings. Based off the writer trying to bathe his kitten.
Y/N uses it/it’s :)
Also Rushbush yay
I just wanted to do something that wasn’t a request.
---- "Cmere little guy..it's okay.."
A frightened chirp came out from under the desk. The new smells and sounds overwhelming the child's senses.
"Aw.. cmere..Please..?" Ambush said, sticking its hand under the desk. But the smaller entity scooted deep and deeper under the desk in fear. Ambush sighed and shook its head. "Alright little guy..Sorry I have to do this to ya, but you leave me no choice.”
Ambush slowly lifted up the desk and with one hand carefully scooped the now shivering baby entity off the floor and tucked it in into its thin fur.
Ambush curiously tilted its head downward, only to shrink a bit noticing the look of pure fear in its eyes.
“Aaaaagh!! Don’t look at me like that!! It’s not like I’m trying to drown ya..!!! it’s just a little water..” It urged, gesturing towards the bathroom door. But Y/N didn’t even seem to comprehend that. Ambush’s words useless sounds drowned away by anxious scurrying thoughts.
Instead digging burrowing itself into the ratty static. It gave Ambush some time to move them both into the bathroom were the soft scent of lavender and sound of warm running water welcomed them.
“See..nothin spooky..” It murmured as it floated over to the edge of the bath. It hesitated for a moment. ‘What if it hurts itself…oh shit..what if I hurt it..?’ It thought nervously before shaking its head.
‘Oh come on damn it! You’ve done this before with your other kids! You can handle one more!’
Carefully, Ambush reached into its fluff. Which was now unusually soggy and pulled out a shivering little ball of tears that made its heart melt.
‘..But they never been this scared.’
Ambush’s eyes softened as that thought radiated through its mind. Getting back to its priorities, it slowly lowered the little entity into the bath.
“It’s okay.. it’s okay.. I’m here…” It soothed. The fizzy static energy in its voice chirping like singing crickets on a summer evening.
Y/N had a death grip on Ambush’s hand that almost reminded it of Rush. Even with how tiny it’s hands were and how young it was..it was still pretty strong it mused.
Other then that, they also were..eerily silent for a baby it’s age.
“You okay there Y/N..?”
The little Entity peeled its eyes open and let go of Ambush’s hand for a few seconds. It’s gaze filling with a defensive glare and it’s body tensed and arched.
And then it sneezed.
“Menacing...” Ambush said with an amused grin.
It grabbed a sponge from a nearby cabinet and carefully swabbed the smaller entity with it. The two stood there in abject silence for a few minutes.
The tiny entity beginning to relax and Ambush scrubbing away the dirt and grime that had made its way into the child’s body. Finally Ambush spoke again after a long and awkward silence.
“Ya know were this sponge comes from?” It said, brushing the suds, bubbles and bits of dried lavender off their body.
The tiny entity tilted its head.
“The bottom of The Hotel pool. Whole bunch of ‘em grow down there apparently along with a bunch of other stuff like seaweed and apparently some reeeaaaal big fishies. But I haven’t seen em yet.”
Y/N looked up and blinked curiously for a few seconds before looking back down and started drinking the bath water.
“Gah, Nono. Don’t be drinking any bath water on my watch.”
Ambush carefully pushed Y/N away from the water. Who squeaked in protest once it did so.
“It’s full’a soap. You’ll get sick.”
It kept attempting to do so a few more times to immediate pushback before giving up and sitting down in the water sourly.
“If ya thirsty I can get you something later. Just don’t drink that yucky stuff.”
Ambush continued to scrub the back of their head and with a small scratching-scrubbing motion that it enjoyed.
“Aww.. ya know, you really remind me of ‘120 when it was all tiny.. it liked that little trick too.” It said thoughtfully, scrubbing the last bits of dust off of Y/N.
“Oh wait, you haven’t met your older siblings yet have ya, little guy? Ohhh yep, their gonna love ya the second they lay their eyes on ya.” It continued, giving it another little scratch on the back of its head with the sponge.
“Ya know, I could look for some old bath toys for ya too. I think the hotel makes some- maybe it’ll make this whole thing a little less scary next time.”
After a little while It turned off the water and carefully pulled it out of the tub and plucked a fluffy towel out from under the sink and wrapped it around Y/N like a little burrito.
“There we go.. nice and clea- Oop-” It carefully reached down and lightly flicked off a piece of lavender that was on the little one’s nose.
“THERE we go!” It said triumphantly as it pulled the swaddled entity close to its chest. Ambush quietly took note of the little entity shivering noticeably less.
Instead, a pleasant rumbling took its place.
“Nice and clean. Now let’s go get ya some water eh?”
I just wanted to write something. Btw this mafia sounding guy isn’t what my Ambush sounded like at all in source. I just wanted to give it a personality so I CAN write about it.
Honestly, I thought that I wasn’t capable of writing coherent stuff anymore dhdhhddh.
Anyways enjoy mafia guy Ambush giving a child a bath. Also yes, it does pronounce fish as “fishies.”
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slasheru · 4 months
Just finished Hex’s prom route and it’s so poetic?!!! I’ve noticed that the post-prom title cards seem to be the role the player character has taken on in their date’s mind? And I just love the thought you put into the characterization. Into the lore. Into the EVERYTHING. Especially knowing how that myth goes - the thought of getting a happier ending for the characters who were trapped (albeit in different ways) just makes my heart sing. Fantastic, all the stars, recommending this to everyone I know who won’t judge me for paying a horror themed dating sim and some people who will XD
Aaaaagh thank you so much!!!! Hex's Prom scene is my favorite one that I've written :'))) And yes, you nailed it with the post-prom title cards! (Tate's has two variants, too!). :DDDDD thank you thank you :')))) and please feel free to spread the unholy dating sim gospel, lmao!
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goosessideblog · 7 months
for prsk
4, 5
10, 9
18 19 20
4. - favourite [insert unit] commissioned song?
VIRTUAL SINGER: hard to say? i don't really pay attention to much vsinger covers. machine gun poem doll is really good though i don't know if i can call it a favourite
MMJ!: newly edgy idols. i am unoriginal
vBS: i'll be honest vbs gets the short end of the stick in terms of commissioned songs. the only song i have strong feelings about is hollow and those feelings are hatred
WxS: AAAAAGH 88☆彡 MY BELOVED. with tondemo as a second and glory steady go as a third. wxs gets so many good songs
n25: you can't make me decide here. but top songs in no particular order are bug, lower, jackpot sad girl, and IDSMILE. nightcord songs are wonderful
5. - favourite [insert unit] cover?
VIRTUAL SINGER: though not exactly a cover seeing this is vsinger, easily fräulein=библиотека. it goes unimaginably hard and i have been listening to it on loop for the past week
L/n: dramaturgy but only because i liked dramaturgy before. lost one's weeping is also very good though
MMJ!: vampire. what is there to say
vBS: hard to choose. BRING IT ON, doctor=funk beat, and drop pop candy all have great vbs covers
WxS: so many are amazing but my favourite cover, specifically, is probably goodbye declaration. i'm still sad i can't find the cover on spotify
n25: same as WxS in that i love many of their songs, but in terms of cover Bocca della Verità is probably my favourite
9. - favourite in-unit relationship?
every single relationship in WxS is so good and i'd say all of them but since this is probably referring to specifics rui and nene or tsukasa and nene. i like em :]
10. - favourite inter-unit relationship?
augh this is a difficult question. maybe white day trio, or tsukasa and mizuki in general? airi and mizuki are also great
18. - which vocal synth would you add to the game?
give me vflower or give me death
19. - favourite card?
note. this is purely based on whichever card i think is pretty. i do not know anything about card stories having said that, i don't really have a favourite. i've been attempting to get my hands on rooftop friendship mizuki for months, i really like backstage alchemist rui, and solo show strategy meeting airi holds such a special place in my heart as well as being part of my main deck
20. - favourite costume?
i do not pay attention to costumes much :( but i'd say crown knight, particularly the pink colour scheme
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tetralea · 2 years
Clumsy first time lestappen is too much for my heart to take!
I’m imagining very first time they hook up Charles had a itty bitty amount of precious experience, hand jobs maybe (*experimenting* with Pierre probably), but Max is a full blown virgin. He’s too cocky to admit it and Charles thinks he’s gone all the way with girls and guys.
It isn’t until Max starts to have a little freak out that “this is happening. Charles is getting undressed in my hotel room. We’re about to have some sort of sex” that he tells Charles, begrudgingly, thinking he’s going to either laugh or leave but Charles kisses him and they fumble through it all laughing and happy and pure :’)
Aaaaagh! This concept is killing me! This is how it would go 🥺 I can’t get enough of this lol
I think Charles has some experience with girls at that point not sure about Max tho hihi and Pierre told stories to Charles so he is not entirely clueless, and by their first hookup he thinks Max is more experienced, so he is also nervous but trusts Max. Then when it turns out they are both equally clueless he kind of relaxes and just does whatever feels good for the both of them. There is some fumbling with all the lube and it sounds so simple but there is so much going on! Max is nervous all the way he only relaxes when he has Charles moaning and his eyes rolling back from the pleasure. It’s all very sweet. Then Charles wants to go again immediately, until he sits up and yeah maybe he should wait a little. 😅 eager baby.
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beantothemax · 1 year
Here's the cute fic I promised to send 2 days ago (not proof read, I don't feel like it)
For weeks, Trousseau hid at the Vanstein's house. He'd broken an arm and a leg during a fight with Claude, so Harvey thought it best that he hide. As he recovered, he started helping with chores around the house. He was more than happy to cook and clean, though Rita had to remind him to rest and relax as he could hardly stand with only one leg and a pair of crutches.
Harvey, Osvald and Rita were all in the lab to discuss plans, leaving Trousseau alone in the house. Alone with Elena of course. She was a young child, but surprisingly well behaved.
"Do you wanna play?" she asked.
"Sure, but no running," Trousseau replied, "what do you wanna play?"
"Let's build a fort!"
Elena ran to her room and got every pillow and blanket she could find while Trousseau placed chairs in a circle around the couch. They threw the blankets over the chairs to create a makeshift tent. Under it, they covered the floor with pillows.
"Wait here," Elena said as she walked off.
Curious, Trousseau sat in the fort and waited. He heard her run back and forth for a few minutes. She popped her head in the fort holding a tin can and several books.
"While you and papa were out yesterday, mama and I made crackers!" she said as she opened the tin.
Trousseau took one, grimacing at the overly salty taste.
"Mama said I put too much salt. Papa says he does that too," she laughed.
"No, they're okay," Trousseau smiled.
"No need to lie, mama didn't like them either."
Elena handed him one of the books.
"Can you read it for me?" she asked.
"Of course!" Trousseau smiled.
He propped himself up on a chair and opened the book. Elena leaned on him and looked at the illustrations on the pages as he read.
By the end of the (short) book, Elena had fallen silent. When Trousseau looked at her, he noticed she'd fallen asleep on his shoulder. With nothing else to do, he picked up the next book and read it. All the books she brought were children's books, with more drawings than text, but at least the illustrations looked nice.
"We're hooome!" Rita said as she opened the front door.
Surprised by the silence, she looked around before spotting the pillow fort in the corner. She opened a hole in the blanket to look at them. Her heart nearly melted at the sight of Elena and Trousseau asleep with books and crackers littering the floor.
Well, it would be a chore to clean it up later, but at least they were happy.
pie this is absolutely lovely, thank you. trousseau and elena getting along is the best thing in the world actually. these two deserve so so much and you are giving it to them
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dxckgrxsonx · 2 years
Istg exbf!dick is making me go feral!!!! I’ve had my first day at a new job today and still he was in my head all day 😭 literally been living there rent free ever since you first mentioned him … like the horny element of this: YES but the angsty element of them not being together anymore and still wanting each other: FUCK YES!!!!
Yes!! Yes!! It’s about the angst!! It’s about: I never stopped loving you. I still remember what position you sleep in. I wake up and go to tell you what I dreamed about but you’re not there.
It’s about the pain!! And the frustration that this person is so well tangled in your heart that you can’t let them go. That subconsciously you search for them no matter where you are and it hurts like hell; feels like dying.
But you throw the horny into the mix and urhrhrhrh. No one else can make me feel like this. You know what I need without me having to tell you. I compare you to everyone else and realise that they’re not good enough; they’re not you. You push me right to the limit and no further because you know me.
But it’s also about the self confidence, the arrogance!! The knowing that in the end they’ll come back to you because you can give them something no one else can.
And then it’s about the: this is the only way I can have you but I want more; I want you back. You were the only one who looked at me with all my flaws and loved me anyway. I don’t know how to love anyone but you. I don’t know how to live without you.
Aaaaagh. I’m wailing, crying, lying facedown on the floor 😭😭
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ferrstappen · 11 months
I can’t believe Lando tried to play it off like him talking to that other woman didn’t mean anything, he didn’t have feelings for her and that he wasn’t cheating on reader 😒
Even if it wasn’t physical he was definitely having an emotional affair (which in my opinion is crueler to your partner than just sex) other wise he wouldn’t have brought the sidechick to his parents how after such a short time period
I wanted to throttle him when I noticed the time line. He expects people to believe that he got over the break up with reader, fell for this other woman, got romantically involved with her, started dating her and that their relationship got serious enough that he’s bringing her over to his parents house all in the span of only two months? That’s such bullshit! The only way that this realistically works is if he did start dating her while he was still in a relationship with reader and he only rejected her publicly because Max and Kelly were watching
Why else would he be dating the woman that was the catalyst of his relationship ending? If he wasn’t having an (emotional) affair with her he should’ve been super angry with her for crossing boundaries like that knowing he was in an exclusive committed relationship with reader
Sorry for ranting but this guy makes me so mad! Why can’t he just treat reader with at least a little bit of respect?
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I hope Max and all their other mutual friends cut off Lando instead of welcome his homewrecker girlfriend into their friend group because that would be to awful for reader
I think it would only be possible for Lando and reader to reconcile either platonically or romantically if he isn’t actually dating this other woman and her being on his yacht and at his parents house is just some strange convoluted misunderstanding because at this point his actions are completely unforgivably selfish and cruel.
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Sorry for rambling I’m having emotions about this
Hello my love! First of all I am so deeply incredibly sorry for taking so long to answer because this is the best best best feedback I've ever received and actually had to red it so many times to fully grasp you gave the story so much thought so thank you so much, you make my heart all soft and fluttery <3
and yes, I'm 100% with you with emotional affairs being worse than physical, especially in these cases where something IS going on, you are exchanging messages, you are creating a bond, and after the relationship is over and you're alone with your thoughts (in this case the reader) the feeling of being a burden, an impediment for Lando and the other girl being together is such a heavy and horrible feeling, especially when he brings her home after such a short period of time, it only makes getting over the heartbreak even harder.
When I think about it and the reader's place in this I feel so so bad, because her feelings are constantly contradicting each other; hating Lando for being a shitty boyfriend, for being selfish, putting her through this, breaking he heart and her trust, but at the same time mourning the loss of her lover, her partner, the loving and goofy Lando she loves and coming to terms of this dual feelings, in my opinion, are one of the most difficult thing to overcome because her head and heart are a mess, but at the same time in these situations everyone has an opinion (mostly "he's an asshole he is not worth it"), and that may be true but that doesn't just erase the feelings.
AND ALL OF THIS, you know getting over Lando and what he did, at the same she's going through a massive change of scenery because she turned her life upside down to accommodate Lando and make the relationship work, which also leaves her with something of an identity crisis I think? and we don't have to forget that when a third person is involved you feel the ugliest mix of feelings, just lie she tells Lando, she feels worthless. there's so many things going on inside her head.
And about the relationship between Lando and the friends... it's an interesting thing when the group is friends with both parties, they know both sides of the story and maybe they want things to remain the same but we all know it's not gonna happen so in my mind Max reprimands Lando 100% but doesn't leave his side and reader kind of becomes a forbidden subject, and he ends up having a good relationship with Lando's new girlfriend because he's the best friend.
I already started writing the last part and I hope it'll be up soon, even if im still not a hundred percent sure of the ending, hopefully I'll get inspired <3
thank you so much honey for your message <3 I love you sososososos much <3 x
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