darkblessed · 2 years
what dungeons & dragons class suits your personality?
the cleric.
you’re dedicated, caring, and probably a sucker for happy endings. you spend so much time helping other people that you might forget to take care of yourself. you’re very idealistic and have a strong sense of faith in your beliefs, which may be actual religious beliefs or just your personal moral code. you like to be prepared for a variety of situations and you may have a bit of a protective side.
what subclass?
twilight domain.
the twilit transition from light into darkness often brings calm and even joy, as the day's labors end and the hours of rest begin. the darkness can also bring terrors, but the gods of twilight guard against the horrors of the night. clerics who serve these deities bring comfort to those who seek rest and protect them by venturing into the encroaching darkness to ensure that the dark is a comfort, not a terror. you’re not the type of person to fear the dark or the night. you’re comfortable with a little uncertainty you might find yourself drawn to the mysterious or the unknown. you have a quiet bravery that you may use to help inspire others to overcome their fears. you’re a protective person but you protect not by force or physical strength, but through inspiration and keeping a watchful eye out for potential danger.
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pers1st · 4 months
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pairing: katie mccabe x reader
notes: this is just a silly little blurb
“Alright, I feel like starting an argument, so I’m gonna ask Katie some questions”, you smiled at your phone set up in front of the both of you, not failing to miss your girlfriend furrowing her eyebrows at you. You had told her you wanted to film a TikTok, and she had laughed at you when you had searched around your nightstand to pull out the abnormally large notebook she had bought on your request a few weeks ago, but you hadn’t told her what the video was about, wanting to catch her reaction on the camera.
“What?”, she asked, a shocked grin on her lips as her Irish twang filled your ears, looking at you with her mouth agape.
“Shush”, you hummed, opening the notebook and shielding it from her view. The mini mic was in your other hand as you skimmed through the first page.
“Okay, question number one”, you cleared your throat theatrically, looking at your girlfriend seriously. 
“If I ever died, would you fall in love with someone else?”, you asked, knowing that this was likely the trickiest question and would, in another context, be incredibly weighted.
Katie furrowed her eyebrows, thinking for a moment, before clearing her own throat. She leaned over towards your mini mic.
“No. I’d be sad for the rest of me life”, she explained, looking between the camera and you expectantly, a victorious grin on her face.
“Wrong. Would you not die with me?”, you asked offendedly, suppressing your own chuckle as Katie’s smile dropped within seconds. She opened her mouth in shock, looking away from the camera to turn to you instead.
“No no no, we talked-”, you leaned over towards the camera to cut the video off. 
“Katie, stop arguing. You were wrong”, you laughed. “That wasn’t the answer I wrote down!”
She turned to look at your book expectantly, but you pushed it away from her just in time.
“No, no cheating. You were wrong!”
“Babe, that’s not fair.”
You knew Katie, and you knew that she hated losing, but it simply made the situation all too funnier. 
“Alright, can we go on now?”
She mumbled something that was incoherent to you in an answer, making you suppress another snicker, but you tried to keep your composure in hopes not to aggravate her any further. This video was going to send her spiraling anyways, as Katie was competitive as ever, in everything she did. You, however, were having a lot of fun.
“Okay”, you huffed as you pressed the record button again. 
“Question number two. If I gave you a shopping list, and sent you to the shops, what would you buy?”, you asked into the mini mic, looking at your girlfriend expectantly. Katie, once again, thought for a short second before opening her mouth.
“Everything on the shopping list, and chocolate”, she smiled into the camera, lifting her arm victoriously.
“See, I’m getting the hang of this! You’re not fooling me there, aye!”
“What kind of chocolate?”, you interrupted her little monologue, a cheeky smile on your face. At that, Katie was stunned.
She cleared her throat, and you could tell there was hesitance as she leaned towards your microphone again.
“Salted caramel.”
“Well, that’s correct.”
Katie’s grin was there within seconds again as she turned towards you.
“Yeah, yeah. I know your chocolates.”
“Yeah, yeah”, you mimicked her accent, earning a slap to your shoulder. 
“Stop making fun of me? I got yous question right, didn’t I?”
“Question number three”, you breathed, looking at your book for a second.
“What did you do wrong on the twenty-third of November, 2023?”, you asked theatrically seriously, watching on your phone as her smile dropped. You could practically see her mind spinning as she thought of an answer. She should get this one. 
“Bought you that book”, she huffed, and it was clear to you then that she had no idea.
“Wrong. You cheated on me, in my dream”, you mumbled into the mic, looking at her with a smug expression.
“You didn’t tell me!”
“Yes I did, and you never said you were sorry!”, you exclaimed back, watching as her eyebrows furrowed.
“I didn’t?”
You still remembered that night, very clearly. The relationship between you and Katie had just been made public, and despite the fact that you had intended to hide it for a little longer, the two of you had decided to just go with it and embrace it from now on, leading you to now- filming Tik Toks together during Arsenal’s training camp, in her hotel bed, with her arm around your knee. The nightmare had felt so real then, as you slept beside her, that it had woken you up in cold sweat, your tears, as silent as you could keep them, waking Katie up despite your efforts.
“Love? What’s wrong?”, she had mumbled in her sleep, sitting up as best as she could as she felt your shaking frame beside her.
“I had a dream”, you mumbled into your hands, as she closed her arms around you, pulling you in.
“You cheated on me”, you added, voice barely above a whisper.
“Babe, I’d never do that, you know that. Right?”, she asked, and despite the fact that your relationship was still fresh then, you did know. You just had a feeling. So, you nodded into the crook of her neck, allowing her to hold you for the rest of the night, as closely as she could.
“Well, I’m sorry”, she mumbled now, her arm around your leg straightening out so that she could stroke your knee, an amused expression on her face.
“It’s okay”, you replied, smiling at her for a second before diving back into your book.
“Okay, fourth question. In our relationship, do I have the looks or the humor?”, you asked, waiting for your girlfriend’s answer.
“The looks?”, she asked, rubbing her face in frustration.
“Wrong. The correct answer is, I have both”, you grimaced into the camera before you were ready to continue.
“You didn’t tell me that was an option!”, Katie exclaimed offendedly at your reply.
“Well, you should’ve thought about it anyways.” 
At that, Katie huffed, shaking her head humoredly as she watched you glance through your book again.
“Fifth question. If you were in a room, with a hundred other women, would you be able to tell me apart by my laugh?”, you asked, trying to mask the grin on your face. There was no way she would get this question right. The correct answer would absolutely have her yelling at you in frustration, and you had to really concentrate in order to not crack up at the thought. 
You stretched out your mini mic towards her, eager to know her answer.
“Yes, you laugh like an elephant!”
“I’m sorry?!”, you whipped your head around, staring at your girlfriend with your mouth agape. Katie snickered.
“That’s wrong. And offensive. In so many ways”, you huffed. 
Katie didn’t mind the fact that you were seriously offended, seemingly proud of herself for her answer.
“What’s the correct answer then?”, she asked as she mimicked your British accent, wiggling her brows at you.
“The correct answer is, you wouldn’t be in a room with a hundred women”, you spoke into your mic, not caring about Katie laughing disbelievingly at your answer.
“This is ridiculous”, she chuckled, shaking her head at your antics. She should have been used to this by now, though.
“Alright guys. That was the video. I’m off to start an argument now”, you smiled at the camera as Katie waved, before pushing her off the bed with all your strength.
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xuchiya · 5 months
need to know [j.yunho]
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₊˚.༄ || filth valentines m.list || hongjoong || seonghwa || yunho || yeosang || san || mingi || wooyoung || jongho || ₊˚.༄
₊˚.༄ I heard from a friend of a friend That dick was a ten out of ten ₊˚.༄
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  Yunho has been busy lately and you were not liking one bit of it. It has been weeks since you wanted to hang out with him and considering that he had been rejecting your invites; maybe it is time to spend some days without and let yourselves be on your own stories.
You can't blame Yunho for taking responsibility for his father's company so why would be a bad friend to him?
You dress up in less clothing for your stream much less by a short crop hoodie that shows a little of your cleavage then your tiny boxer shorts. A streamer of summer, that was your nickname given by your fans— Summer. You have always been a streamer for playing horror whether be a psychological or thrill chasing games, maybe sometimes by playing valorant.
    You were at first called out for dressing way too– short nonetheless you explain that you tend to be really comfortable with playing in less clothing and people see your excellence in playing. You throw on anti-rad glasses before starting your stream, “What is up my dudes! It’s your streamer– Summer and we’ll continue playing Poppy Playtime!”
 While waiting for the game to load, you read the comments, “Looking good as always …  Thank you … Playing alone today? Yeah since they didn’t want to play this one. San is too scared …  Where’s Yunho? Oh he’s currently busy— he’s been busy nowadays so I had to play this alone. “
  After the chapter ended, you were left with a heart attack and sore throat from getting sudden jump scare but overall you enjoy the whole game, you look towards at the camera, “Well that is it for the chapter 2 since the chapter 3 will be out soon and …” glancing at the time to see that you have been playing for just an hour, “aye it’s still early. Do you guys want me to play or just talk with you guys?”
  Some comments were saying to talk since it has been a while since you went live so you went with their request, “Okay okay I’ll answer some questions then …”
 “Since when did I start playing? I think it was around 3 years ago that I started streaming through the gameplays? I was 14 when I started doing my gameplays …”
“You dance? Of course, Yeosang and Wooyoung are actually my classmates in a studio we enrolled in.” 
“Where’s Yunho? Oh he’s at work, I’m little sad he has not been spending time with me like … Tell me your schedule, I got a lotta new tricks for you .. I’M KIDDING HAHAHA!”
“Do you like Doja Cat? Yes, a hundred percent yes, I’m a huge fan of hers speaking of that …” You opened your phone to show them your last song you listened to, “I swear this is my go to song when I’m feeling myself you know…” You chuckle showing them a hand gesture down to our body.  Some of your fans ask you to play the song, some of them want you to sing or mouth the lyrics, you cackle at the last one.
  “I can’t do that, it looks weird but we can still let this play and talk …”     The music plays—affecting not only your fans, not you who is feeling the actual lyrics but the one who has been watching from their phone ever since you started streaming. 
 “Do you want to know a french word? Je suis excite.. Je suis excite, that means I’m excited right? Excite probably is exciting .. Am I right?” you said your eyes were widened a little bit, looking at the comment section for confirmation and you see some were saying yes, right and correct.
 But little did you know, it meant something different else.
 Their pants had made themselves quite uncomfortable, tight and suffocating as their eyes not only stare at your gameplay but at your display cleavage. As much as they tried to not to look like a pervert but how could he— He has desires that he tried to stir away; afraid to ruin your friendship but with you said those words as if telling him that you are horny. Adding to the fact you just said something along the line of having ‘tricks’.
  “Ohmygosh I should go to sleep or Seonghwa-oppa would smack me in the head … I’ll see you guys soon.” You did your outro and the live ended.
  Yunho tucked back his phone, walking inside your shared apartment. He and you were able to share an apartment under your brother’s permission since they both work for the same company and he did not mind as long as you both had an agreement or house rules settled.
 Those words were a huge trigger to him as he had been evading your presence; as much as dumb it sounds, his dick can not cooperate with him. Whether you were in your hoodie or favourite pajamas, nothing beats when he wants you all for himself. Love you, praise you, worship you, choke you, dick you down—
  “Oh yuyu!” You were startled when you exit your room to see Yunho leaning on the counter with a cold drink in his hand, his eyes landing on your figure and all his last string snap when you just walk in with your zipper open, exposing your tits out.
  You tried to cover them last minute but Yunho was faster, grabbing your wrist, spinning you to pin you on his chest. He leaned down, voice gruff from the pain in his pants and overwhelming horniness spilling out of his body, “nice way to greet me … tits out? Do you walk around with this …” his other free hand ran up to your chest, playing with your nipple and giving it a squeeze, making you moan a little too loud but to Yunho's liking.
 “I-I thought you won’t be home … fuck! “ Yunho breathy laugh, giving your other boob the same treatment but this time adding a slap on it, your back arching in the pain and pleasure making your ass brush up on his hard dick in his pants. 
  “Feel that? you’re the cause of it … now be a good girl for me and choke yourself on my cock.” 
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“F-fuck! … Yunho– Oh my God!” your face was red and sweaty from how many hours Yunho had you pinned down on your bed, taking you from behind; had his dick ramming himself back and forth, hitting every inch of your walls then his tip knocking at your cervix several times as if trying to reach a deeper part of you to bury his cum.
  “You don’t know how long i wanted to fuck you so dumb that it makes me want to go faster and harder on you .. do you like that? Do you want me to keep hammering you down on this bed like a bitch on heat?” You never knew Yunho was into this kind of thing, rough and mouthy.
 You were crying out of pleasure as Yunho drilled his cock deeper and deeper until you clench around him that had him smacking his (veiny) hands on your ass, “Yu-Yunho— eugh fuck– I’m gonna cum, gonna cum– !” Yunho continues slamming his hips as your eyes roll back as you reach your orgasm, creaming his dick and milking him dry. Yunho chuckles, wrapping one of his hands around your throat, pulling you closer, bottomless.
  “You like that huh? You like it when I fuck you this hard?” You dive on the sheets, Yunho's pace persistent in making his dick wet and creamy on your puffy pussy. You look over your shoulders, engulfed in overwhelming bliss, you speak with assertive tone, “clap me, choke me, bite me Yunho.” 
 Yunho pulls out, leaving just the tip inside as he adjust his grip from your throat down to your hips, in spite of that he shoves back while you pulling back, “FUCK!” you cried, your fingers circling around his wrist, “Yu-yu — wait you’re going too fast.”
 He shakes his head, his eyebrows arching, tongue poking the inside of his cheek, “I haven’t cum yet and we can fuck all night baby.” He keep thrusting back and forth,leaning forward to grasp both of your nipples in his fingers, twisting, pulling them.
  Your head swirling with so much euphoria that it sent electricity vibrating down your pussy as you were reaching your second orgasm quickly, this time a little different from the last one, long strings of ‘oh’ and ‘fuck’.
  “Tell me baby, i need to know one thing …” He licks his lips, pressing you on his bare chest, continue to pound inside of you, almost nearing his climax, “come on baby, i didn’t fuck you that dumb did i? Now answer me.”
  You were breathing hastily, orgasm around the corner but you know best that if you don’t speak now, Yunho won’t let you cum, “Wh-What is it?”
  “Have you been fantasising about this one? Did someone tell you?” You nodded, your head moving swiftly, you felt his chest vibrate as he breathy laughs, “Yeah? 
“ y-yes…”
“From who?”
  Your throat clogged yet you oblique, moaning when his tip brushes on your cervix once again, your dignity slowly crashing but who could you blame? You were fantasising all of this for the longest time that you slipped out to one of your friends about your huge daydream to Yunho that one of your friends may or may not slip about him.
  “I heard .. I heard from a friend of a friend … that your dick is better than their exes.” His hip halted, pulling out— groaning at the emptiness but you were taken back when Yunho pulled you off the bed and towards your balcony; your eyes widened as he pushes you the makeshift knitted lounge chair.
  “Well one …” yunho’s lips brush on your ears warmly, “I have never met your friends …” He inserted himself back in, slamming back on your pussy, “And second well .. they’re not wrong.”
 Yunho pace didn’t falter as he locked his arms on yours, your arms pulled on your back; your chest full on display, bouncing each time Yunho hammered back. Broken groans left Yunho and you were also reaching your climax, “Fuck yunho!” 
 “Take my cum like a good girl!” Your eyes were clouded in euphoria, feeling full as he spurted all his cum inside you, painting your walls white. Your hole clenches on his dick before gushes of your juice burst, wetting his dick and the lounge chair.
  Yunho let go of your arms and replace his softening dick with his fingers, brushing them left and right as you squirt, your lips puckering
“Oh look at that, such a good girl. Keep squirting baby~” Yunho slaps, wipe your pussy letting you ride on your orgasm before he pulls away. Your knees gave out, thankfully Yunho caught you, wrapping his arms around your shoulder and at the back of your knees. He leads you both to your bathroom, setting you on the cold marble tile of your sink.
   Yunho settles you on the bathtub, warm water with bubbles of rose were floating on the water. You sigh contentedly, “Is this what I get for flashing you my boobs to you?”
  He laughs, shaking his head as he settles at the other end of the tub, “You want a princess treatment?” His eyes watch you carefully, cheek flaring. You played with the foam bubbles, “If you don’t mind me being your girlfriend then yeah, I want a princess treatment.”
Yunho leans towards you, leaving a soft kiss on your lips, "Deal."
 It was something you and Yunho had in common. Straightforwardness. Yet here you both are, in a situation you thought is just all in your head and fantasy.
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kadwrites · 11 months
future mrs shelby | T.S
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or check out the series masterlist
summary ; the dreaded day arrives.
warnings ; arranged marriage!trope, anxious reader? , mommy issues, slow burn,
a/n ; shit will go down next part , but lmk know what you think of this one?
"mrs gray" your back is straight when you speak to her, truth be told you never got over the fear you have of her
"polly." she corrects you,
"polly." you repeat, you couldn't help but repeat it when she said it in that stern voice of hers
"so ya want to meet the in laws aye?" polly's smirk is there, as it always was.
"i told 'er she doesn't 'ave to." the smirk must be a genetic thing
"but i really want to." you add, with a nod
"she has manners, this girl." she points at you with her cigarette "almost too good for ya."
"almost?" he glares at you for a second after you spoke "i do 'ave a question for ya, polly."
she looks at you, nodding slightly
"tommy says they won't like me"
"they probably won't." she exhales the smoke before speaking again "we are not very accepting of outsiders."
"how can i make them accept me?"
"ya don't."
"what?" your brows pinch together "but i want to."
"i know" she nods again "but ya shouldn't, ya shouldn't go out of your way to 'ave someone respect ya. ya show them who ya are and they'll learn." she taps her cigarette against the ash tray "remember that backbone that i told ya about?"
you hated the way you were sometimes. you hated that you wanted people to like you , maybe it's because you were wired to. "a lady is always pleasant and always seeks to be loved." your mother always said. the thought of your own husband's family hating is making your head hurt
"yeah i remember" you're chewing the inside of your cheek, you didn't even notice that your feet were tapping against the floor
"why are ya so stressed about this? who fucking cares if they don't love ya?" tommy mutters as he lights up his own cigarette
"so what am i supposed to do now? wait till the party to meet them?"
"you'd be too stressed to care what they think of ya." polly adds, her eyes are making you squirm in your seat. no matter how often she did that, she still intimidated you.
"i think i'm going to be sick." your arm is wrapped around tommy's as you both walk through the long corridor that leads to the ballroom, where all the guests are.
everything feels overwhelming. your grandmother's diamond necklace that you insisted on wearing feels like it's digging into your throat. your dress feels too tight, the silk feels somehow hot. your shoes feel like they're going to slip off your feet. your hair feels like it's wound too tight, but feels like it might come undone at the same time.
he hold back a laugh and it's your turn to glare at him "it's not funny"
"never said it was." he's smiling though "it's just a party , relax."
"easy for ya to say, this is what ya lot do." you mumble , your eyes stuck at the end of the corridor
"yeah, rich people i mean."
"i wasn't always rich, ya know." he looks forward as well as you both walk
"but ya were born to be rich." you didn't even think of those words, or even seem to care what he thinks, your words come out with a nervous breath laced around them, listening to the sounds of music and people celebrating
but he turns to look at you, and you didn't even notice that.
you take a deep breath, straightening your back and putting on the best smile you can muster as you walk into the party, people turn to the both of you. the greetings and congratulations start.
tommy speaks calmly, you envy him. he looks like he belongs there, between the aristocrats that fill the room.
tommy looks nothing short of dashing. his suit is perfect, not a wrinkle in sight. his demeanor is cool, in control, which he always is.
"mr shelby, congratulations!"
"congratulations thomas, it's a beautiful party"
"ya look gorgeous, miss. congratulations on the engagement"
"best of luck to the both of you!"
you just smile and nod, thanking them. you almost can't even see their faces, too anxious and too stressed.
that voice makes your eyes focus , your vaguely familiar with it.
it's his brother, arthur. you still keep your smile, though you can feel your hands sweating.
"so this the future mrs tommy shelby, aye?" he looks at you with a raised brow, you can't decipher the look.
"yes it is." you keep your voice at a steady tone , with that same smile "ya must be arthur , it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance."
"ya speak too posh for a farmer's girl." his words seem a little slurred , now that you're listening well
"and ya speak too poorly for a rich man." your head is still held high.
tommy glances at you then back at his brother , he looks almost proud.
"did ya teach 'er to say that?" he smirks at his brother
"i'm not a parrot , arthur. he didn't teach me anything." you let out a chuckle, you pick up a champagne flute from one of the trays that the waiters carry "it's a party right? , let's celebrate, ey?, grab yourself a drink" you lift your champagne flute "cheers" you say before taking a sip, and tommy walks, dragging you with him
"is your whole family going to be like that?" your nervousness now shows as you throw back your champagne flute, drinking all of it
"yes" he looks at you with a smile , he takes the glass away, "don't get drunk, it's too early."
"right." you try to take deep breaths, you look around the venue.
it's perfect, it's everything you've ever wanted, everything you've ever dreamed of. the cake, the music, the drinks, the decorations. nothing is out of place, except for you, or that's how you feel.
how are you ever going to fit into this life? how many of those parties are you going to have to attend or host?
your train of thought is quickly interrupted by fiona and madeline who look like they might combust with excitement
"oh my god ya look gorgeous!" madeline hugs you and fiona is by your side
"ya look stunning!"
tommy clears his throat and madeline freezes
"madeline and fiona, right?" he raises a brow, how did they not notice him?.
madeline pulls back, and both of them look at eachother
you laugh, you feel as if all that weight was lifted off your chest by just seeing their faces
"madeline , fiona" you smile "this is tommy, in case ya're too drunk to recognize 'im."
"she talks about ya two a lot ya know."
"she does?" fiona laughs nervously "it's a pleasure to meet ya , sir."
"congratulations!" madeline says with a smile
"thank you," he smiles at them, and you think both of them might actually turn to dust.
"where is celest?" your question made them both look at you again
"she's......." fiona trails off
"um...." madeline chimes in, with nothing.
you close your eyes shut at that "fuck me."
she and your mother had a fight, is what that means.
"what the fuck 'appened this time then?"
"celest wore your mother's necklace." fiona says quietly,
the ruby necklace.
she had to do something, she just had to somehow do something to ruin this.
"where's is she now?" your voice is too quiet and it makes madeline squeak
"in one of the room , she's crying i think."
taglist ; @tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator, @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz , @goldensunflowe-r , @gruffle1 , @warrior-of-justice , @mgdixon , @babayaga67 , @goblinjnr, @justaproudslytherpuff , @budugu , @twlegit , @amberpanda99 , @aesthetic0cherryblossom , @capswife , @lets-turn-and-burn , @affabletimelady , @edencherries , @globetrotter28 , @eg-dr3amer3 , @sadroses98 , @fairytale07 , @hakudaru , @swordofawriter, @esposadomd , @thisuserlovesyouandyouandyou
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kissitbttr · 3 months
a/n: a simple first date of frat!miguel and cheerleader!reader after the party
warnings; tiny angst but then turned to comfort<3
miguel sometimes think it would be good if he occasionally pinches himself in the arm. or glen could do it if he wanted to since he’s got quite a grip. enough to make sure he’s not living the dream.
for example, finally scoring a chance to take you out after months of pining on you? not getting rejected by his long time crush?! scratch pinching, somebody slap the dog shit out of him and tell him that this is real,
he had texted beck prior the date that he needed his right hand man to keep tabs on everything at the party. and being the good best friend that he is, beck congratulated him for finally having the balls to actually do it,
beck: so i guess that means we don’t have to hear about you moaning her name again during sleep?
miguel: shut the fuck up, kingsley. do as what you’re told.
beck: aye aye buddy
“so uh.. are you hungry? we could grab something to eat if you want to” he asked you while looking over to the passengers seat
“starving, actually” you replied with a giggle, and he felt his heart skip a beat at the sound. “got any recommendations, o’hara?”
but for a guy who knows his ways around women, he sure is nervous when it comes to you. and fuck, he cursed himself for being like this. he wanted to look cool in front of you, not stupid. what is wrong with him?!
“well we can have something off the diner on 13th street. that’s twenty minutes from campus, though. sushi stop, i know one where they serve the best sashimi. and kebab food truck but i don’t think you-“
“a kebab?!” a gasp fell from your mouth, eyes widening at the sound of middle eastern delicacy. “yes. no doubt. i want it. let’s punch it!”
he swore he’s not the type who falls in love quickly. but the way your eyes twinkle in excitement when he mentioned about kebabs,
he might just have,
he smiled at you before putting his focus back on the road. “kebab food truck it is”
one thing that miguel had forgotten to mention, is that food trucks don’t have tables and chairs. so people either eat them while standing up or inside their cars,
he didn’t want to trouble you at all, because looking at you right now, in a very pretty dress and heels, he doubt. that you actually wanted to eat while standing up,
“i’m so sorry, muñeca. i forgot to say something about this” he scratched the back of his head. eyes looking through the window where the kebab truck is at,
with a shrug you shot him a reassuring smile. “i don’t mind standing up while eating if that’s what you worried about”
he shook his head. “i mind actually. can’t let you eat and get tired while standing. how about we’ll eat in my car and i’ll go order something for you, si? what do you prefer? i swear if it you say vegan, i will leave you”
you laughed at that comment, “no of course not. i’ll get the chicken one, medium sized. and a cold water”
he pulled out his cash from the back pocket, smiling at you. “be right back”
there was definitely something different about him. a good different. one of them was how miguel is not how the people at campus had painted him to be. could be too soon for that conclusion but throughout the car ride, you were extremely sure that miguel is not a jackass.
instead, he had asked about which songs you wanted him to play in his car. whether or not if you’re comfortable and constantly saying sorry if he overstepped. it all seemed so sweet to you,
your friends would probably give you a weird look praising such simple things. the bare minimum. but these days, those ‘bare minimums’ are hard to pluck from a decent person, correct? nothing’s wrong with praising them anyway.
he knocked on the window, pulling you out of the train thoughts, in which you then rolled it down. “here you go, muñeca. the man assumed that it was for me so he put a lot of chicken there, so-“
“it’s fine. i said i was starving anyway” you took it from his hand, the smell of the delicious meal was making your mouth water.
miguel had himself crouched down to your eye level, thumb pointing over his shoulder. “so. standing up? or my car?”
you thought for a while, then an idea came into your mind with a pretty smile. “got a better one”
miguel frowned in confusion at that, watching you opening the door before walking out of the vehicle. and that’s when you and him standing almost chest to chest, unintentionally.
the moment he looked at you, his mind immediately went blank. in that exact moment, he thought that if it was possible to put charges on someone for how they stare with their eyes, yours would be number one.
because it felt like he was getting hypnotized by your beautiful irises and that there’s no turning back for him. he would volunteer to drown himself in them if it means he gets to see those eyes forever,
“—way nicer”
he blinked. mentally slapping himself in the forehead because he had just realized he wasn’t listening to you at all, too busy day dreaming about your gaze.
“i’m sorry, w-what were you saying?”
an amused smile made it towards your lips, “i said, we could sit by the pavement here. it’s way nicer. we could act like one of those drunk people after night out.”
“but we’re not drunk, muñeca”
“i said act, miguel” you reply in a duh tone, closing the door behind before guiding him to one of the empty ones where it’s not taken, “see? this one’s good spot”
one thing he noticed, you were wearing a pretty dress. “wait!” miguel then rushed towards the back of his car to grab a jacket before going back to you and laying it down on the asphalt. “there. now you can sit”
that one made your heart flutter, eyes moved up to him. “miguel you can’t just do that. your jacket will get dirty”
“I don’t mind. they made washing machine for a reason. i wasn’t going to let your dress get dirty anyway. the color is too pretty” he smiled, finally taking a seat on the rough surface with you following his actions after,
it was quite a cold night, and you regret not bringing a jacket along with you. what even was this weather? sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s rainy and sometimes you couldn’t even fucking predict it,
you tried not to let the chills get to you, because it seemed like miguel wasn’t really bothered by it. this man had his whole arms out in a muscle tank and he sat still like it was nothing,
“this is the best kebab i have ever tasted” you moaned with your eyes close on you had the first bite, chewing on the sweet delish,
miguel tried not to let his mind wander when he saw you doing that. “you like it?”
“like?! i love it! miguel this is amazing!” eyes turning into hearts when you gaze the food upon your hands, “how did you find this perfect place?”
“me and the guys often tried to find new places to eat other than burgers and hot dogs after parties and football practice” he settled his legs down, crossing them. “saw this truck while passing by and decided to give it a go”
you hummed. “do you do that a lot?”
“do what a lot?”
“partying” you took another bite, looking over at him as he raised his brows at the question,
“w-well” he chuckled nervously, thinking of a better way to answer. “if i’m being honest, i don’t enjoy it… as much as i did before”
“yeah. it was fun at first. partying, getting shit faced… feels lame now. also, probably because now i think of alcohol are just empty calories”
“is that why you wanted to take me out? so you didn’t have a reason to stay there?”
his eyes turned wide, shaking his head in panic mode. “what? no! no of course not! i wanted to! i mean—it just felt like it was the perfect timing! and i— I—so—didn’t i tell you i have a crush on you?!”
with that, you laughed. placing a hand over his knee. “just joking, miguel”
oh fuck you’re touching him.
‘keep it cool, miguel’ he thought,
“oh-oh right, right. sorry” he replied, clearing his throat. still feeling nervous. “you know, i rarely see you at our weekly parties. only gloria and some of your friends.” he pointed out. wiping some of the sauce from the corner of his lips,
you answered. “not really my scene”
“you don’t like parties?”
“not really. i prefer when it’s just a few people that i know. not a whole campus. i like it better when it’s intimate”
“why is that?” he couldn’t help but ask,
“so i can hear people better when they talk. i love having a conversation”. it’s simple really. and it’s true.
you haven’t gone out to wild parties or clubs in a while, and it was safe to say that your life is truly at peace now. not saying that you would turn down any offer to go to one, but you just don’t do it as often,
waste of money and energy. simple things like sleeping before eleven, waking up early, getting your work done and having walks or working out regularly have been your main priorities now,
“ah, i see” he nodded at that, a smile appeared on his face. “intimate party yeah? i keep that in mind”
you raised one of your brows. “you don’t have to just because i said so, miguel”
he shrugged, taking another bite of his food “if that’s what i have to do just so i could see you around more often”
his response completely took you by surprise. and you had no clue what to say to that. fluttered? sure, that’s why you tried to suppress the smile on your face by looking away. you were quite thankful that it was dark out. that way, he wouldn’t be able to see the blush prominent on your cheeks.
the two of you sat there in comfortable silence for a while. devouring the perfect late night meal while watching the cars go by, accompanied by mindless chatters from left to right,
it did come to a surprise that you and miguel have a lot more in common than you think. something that you didn’t see coming. hell, you didn’t even think that you would actually converse with the head of a fraternity and captain of a football team.
a person whom you always try to avoid ever since freshmen year.
“another thing—why haven’t i seen you in lots of my games?”
“miguel, i come to your games. i’m the cheerleader for crying out loud”
“what i meant was why have you never stick around? you do your part and then poof! you’re gone”
raising an eyebrow, you eye him. “are you stalking me now?” he laughs at the accusation, but it’s not entirely false. “i have no reason to stay, why would i stick around?”
“not even for me?” he fakes a dramatic gasp, hand over his chest as if he’s actually hurt. “that pains me, muñeca”
“you’re getting way ahead of yourself, o’hara” you reply with an eye roll but smile anyway,
miguel then looks at the road, shaking his head. “unbelievable. and here i thought about handing you my jersey for you to wear next at our championship game”
and man, did your heart somehow stop for a second there.
because miguel o’hara do not give away his jersey numbers. not the real one nor the merch ones.
“you’re joking?”
“why would i be?” miguel turned his head at you, finding it is much better to look at you rather than the busy road ahead of him,
shrugging, you looked down at your open kebab. “people talk about how your jerseys are off limits. you don’t give away those numbers for anyone”
“well” he breathed out, chewing his lower lip while fiddling with his fingers. “you’re not just anyone to me”
a breath hitched on your throat when his ruby eyes met with your pretty ones once more. and he made a mental note on how your smile deflated in seconds after he said that,
and fuck fuck fuck, he didn’t mean to make you feel weird or uncomfortable. it was the last thing he wanted to do. because he did feel like he was confessing too much to you that night.
but what could he have done?! he likes you and you make him nervous. put the two and two together, and miguel would sputter bunch of shit from his mouth without actually thinking,
“shit” he shook his head, looking away from embarrassment. “i didn’t—I didn’t mean to say that— i mean, i did but—sorry if it made you feel weird. that was too straight forward”
you couldn’t lie, it was rather entertaining to see the captain of a football team and the so called ‘player of campus’ stumble upon his words like that. usually, you would simply roll your eyes and brushed every single guy who had said that to you. because you knew all they wanted to do was to get into your pants,
however miguel looked genuine. and by how fast his cheeks were warming to the color of crimson red or how he scratched the tip of his ears was pretty explanatory,
he wasn’t trying to get into your pants,
instead of giving him a dirty look, you just smiled shyly at him who looked down on his lap. probably re-thinking about his life choices.
“that’s cute” you managed to mumble, scooting a bit closer to his body. putting the half of kebab down beside you. “you actually like me, huh?”
he scoffed at the silly thought, as if the answer to that question had already been written well enough. “i really like you” he confessed, craning his head towards you and he almost passed out on how close you were to him. “makes me go crazy every time i see you, muñeca—i counted the times that you looked at me for just one split second and i died on days that you didn’t”
the way he spoke so carefully and lovingly with you was truly something you had longed from someone. took you by surprise just how much it meant to him for something so simple like wanting you to look at him for once,
one that you didn’t expect miguel o’hara would have said,
“yeah?” and this time, your voice wavered a little. almost like he made his mission accomplished by making you nervous too. “have you been gawking at me then?”
“god you made it sound like i’m a creep” he shook his head out of embarrassment making you laugh. “not gawk—just simply admiring you from afar—during class and your cheerleading practice. but it’s not a weird ass admiring or something like that. hope that’s okay”
it was. indeed it was.
because before this happened, you always assumed that miguel was the typical jock that romcoms have always shown. heartless, player, annoying, screw ups, and the list goes on.
but fuck was he different.
“more than okay” you responded rather quietly, letting your shoulder touched with his and it made miguel’s eyebrows quirk upwards,
and the moment miguel let his eyes looked into yours for more than twenty seconds, he knew for the second time that night—he was in. hooked line and sinker.
you pulled him in deeper than anyone had ever did without you even realizing. he hadn’t even shared a three hour conversation with you. this is the longest he had spoken with the girl he had a crush on,
miguel gulped by the sight of your pretty lips and doe eyes looking up at him. the innocence twinkled within your gaze and he had to refrain himself from kissing you out in the street,
it was one of the hardest thing he had to do that night,
“i just wanted you to give me a chance” he admitted, resting his arms on his knees as he stared at you. “to look at me as me—not as someone who people had spread rumors about on campus—because i’m not that— i don’t sleep around, i promise I don’t”
it was a weird feeling on how your heart broke a little by how defeated he sounded at the moment. his eyes were soften, voice turned small. he was begging silently for you to look past the ‘playboy miguel’ talk from the people that barely even knows him,
he didn’t care if others don’t believe him but he cared if you did.
that’s the only approval he needed,
“i want you to see me” he shyly continued when you chose not to say anything, only looking at him with your widening eyes. “that’s all”
trust has always been something you struggle with from time to time. because it’s easier said than done.
relationships are indeed not your strongest virtue. you shared some in the past but not all of it were pretty except for one. and you haven’t even heard about that person in a long time but you did wish he was okay.
it is unbelievably difficult to put your heart upon someone else’s hands and asking them to take care of it knowing how easy it would be for them to break it along the way,
which was the reason why you avoided miguel in the first place,
to say you hate him with all of your guts and soul would probably be too much. you wouldn’t go that far. you hardly know the man.
but you were persuaded by the gossips and girl talk scattered throughout campus. how he used girls for sex, only to dump them the next day. despite gloria telling you the opposite, you refused to believe her. you were solemnly only trying to protect yourself.
yet only now the guilt was eating you alive. why didn’t you even try to find out for yourself instead of listening to a gang of plastics who love to start off disgusting rumors about others?
looking at him now just made your heart clenched and for your head tilt to the side, just so you can look at him a bit better. you wanted to look at his eyes. you wanted him to not avoid your gaze because you understood now,
more clearer than ever.
“i do. i see you, miguel” you placed a hand on top of his, gently rubbing the skin until his ruby eyes turned to you at the sudden affection,
miguel’s heart almost did a somersault at your smile. even more to the words you had chosen to say next,
“i see you, baby”
reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! it would make my day:)
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Lips anon! My heart is gushing from the flash fic and the fluff fic 🥺
Soooooo tasty! 😋
Imagine Gabi and her Mama having their own girl's day out. It's been a while since they got to spoil themselves together because of the wife's pregnancy and taking care of Benji. Gabi can't help but ask if she was difficult when she was a baby. The wife laughs and tells her all about her tiny terror days. How flustered Miguel got as a new dad. Her early soccer spark. How demanding she was with cuddles.
Gabi gets embarrassed and tells her to stop, and the wife laughs and is like, "Don't get mad at me, you asked!"
♥️✨Girls Day ✨ ♥️
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Your heart had broken once when Gabi confessed why she was bummed out.
We don't do stuff like we used to, Mama
Of course you had a mini-crisis in front of Miguel, by saying you were the worst mom and the like, but before you could keep berating yourself with unkind words, he offered a solution.
"Go on a girls date with her and have fun."
You had mopped in his chest and hugged him tightly while saying you'd be lost without him. But in reality, he was right.
Ever since Benjamin's pregnancy and birth, and taking care of him it had been a long long time since you bonded with Gabi, she was growing up fast. And sometimes you'd catch her staring at your nail polish and vanity things. You knew she loved sports, but there was little times where she'd just stare at you with piqued interest as you applied makeup whenever you had a date with Miguel.
So you organized a day entirely to you both. The first stop was a pedicure and manicure. She'd giggle as the woman in charge scrubbed her feet. She had chosen a clear nail polish on her feet, so did you but with a French finish on them.
"Are you having fun, mi amor?"
She nodded with a beam as she gasped upon the acrylist bringing in a nail polish box full of colors.
"Pick one."
"Where are we going later?"
"What do you wanna do?"
"Can we go to get some ice cream?"
"Of course, Solecito" She had picked a baby blue nail polish, just as her soccer team uniform.
You walked side to side, admiring the different shops in the mall, and finally reached the Ice cream parlor.
She asked for a Vainilla topped with caramel and nuts, you went for a frozen yogurt.
"Hm?" You wiped her chin off a stain of caramel.
"Is Benjamin difficult to handle?"
"Oh? At first he is because you have to keep an eye on him most of the time, keep him clean and such."
"Was I a difficult baby?" You giggled and looked at her.
"Ay princesa. You nearly got your father green hairs." She giggled and looked at you.
"Oh yes. You were a tiny little gremlin that loved to bite Papa's fingers. He was always soo nervous when it came to handle you. He was all careful. A gentle giant." Gabi's eyes lighted as she tried to imagine her dear Papa trying to do all the things you did with Benjamin.
"He was so happy when we went to the doctor and he told us that you were a girl. He didn't sleep that day thinking in ways to call you."
"He named me after Uncle Gabriel didn't he?"
"Correct, yes." You nodded with a smile, "And when you were born? Good lord. Your dad was Mr. Worrywart." Gabi laughed softly as he ate her ice cream.
"He has always loved you. And made sure to have a lot of pictures of you."
"Is that why we have a bunch of photos of me all blurry and weird?"
You tittered and nodded.
"Yes, those are precious to him. I remember when you would just cling to his leg and demand him to cuddle you."
"No way!"
"Oh yes, you can ask him if you want. You've always been a Papa's girl."
"Don't get jealous, please?" She'd grab your manicured hand and smiled, you just giggled.
"What else can you remember?"
"Well, I remember you almost falling down the stairs cause you were fast" Gabi covered her mouth in embarrassment, "I also remember you getting your first ball. You were so fusy after watching a soccer game with your dad."
She scrunched her nose in disbelief and laughed
"Dad was the one that actually introduced you to soccer. The more you grew, the more you loved it. You'd always watch his favorite games with him and play afterwards."
"You love Papa?"
"Oh yes. You have no idea."
"I think I do, I mean. You're always watching him all... lovey dovey. He's a bit more secretive about it, but he loves you."
"I know, mi amor. You, Benji and him are the best things that have happened to me."
"Even though sometimes Papa is a bit cooler than you?" She looked nervous on her words but you just cupped her cheeks and squeezed her softly.
"Oh no. no. Don't worry, I know he is. Though, sometimes I do wonder if I am a good mom to you?"
She blinked and stared at you curiously.
"Who said you weren't?"
Tears welled up in your eyes slowly, but you just hugged her tightly instead.
"Yeah. I mean, sure sometimes you get mad and are kinda scary when scolding Papa, but you always try your best, and I appreciate that."
"Who taught you that word?" You'd ask in between little sobs.
"Our teacher. She taught us to express our appre... appreciation to others."
You now wanted to hug that woman.
"She taught you well. And It means alot for you to say that. Really." You kissed her forehead.
"You know I love you, right?"
You nodded as she cupped your cheek and giggled.
"Of course I do, mi amor. C'mon. I have a surprise for you."
At the end, it wouldn't be a Girl's Day without shopping. You'd get her a new set of crayons, some art kit and of course a little toy makeup set.
She'd show Miguel her nails and the stuffs you'd get her. She ran to her room to try her things, as you stayed with Miguel.
"Thank you." You kissed him, "She's so wonderful. Even though she thinks you're cooler than I." He chuckled and pulled you closer.
"Had fun?" He'd hug your waist.
"Best day ever."
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artemisthewh0re · 11 months
Hear You
Miguel O'hara x Black reader
Warnings: smut, riding , semi-public, dom!Miguel, semi established relationship
A/N: Feel free to correct the Spanish in the comments if it's wrong and I'll edit the post! I tried using Spanishdict but I'm still not sure if it's right.
"Ay cariño, that hurts," Miguel hisses through his teeth. 
"How are you a superhero and still a baby?" You mock as you lean over Miguel, gently patting his wound with alcohol. Miguel's face is covered in small cuts and bruises from his most recent scuffle with the Vulture. His biggest wound is a gash on the side of his head probably caused by the Vulture absolutely beating his ass in the fight.
"You're being rough," Miguel says matter-of-factly. You purse your lips together as you clean the last of the blood with a cotton round and wrap the side of his head with gauze. Miguel looks like a doll that a little kid covered in bandages as he sits in the med bay. My Little Pony band-aids are scattered across his face and chest and hot pink gauze wraps around his body. 
His eyes stare intently at your face like he's trying to study. A braid falls from behind your ear and he pushes it back into place with little hesitation. Your brain stutters, unable to compute that gesture. Miguel's smirk tells you that he got the reaction he was looking for.
“¡Qué bonita!” you say, taking a step back to break the tension. “Lyla, can you get a picture of this?”
“No!” Miguel yells but Lyla has already popped up and snapped a pic. 
“Aww Miguel you look adorable! Should we add a filter?” Lyla asks you. She pulls up the image and starts scrolling through filters before settling on bunny ears. In the photo Miguel looks enraged with his fangs out and his eyes glowing a dangerous red color, however the addition of the bunny ears makes him look at least fifty percent less intimidating. 
“That one’s perfect. Make sure to text that to me, I don’t want to ever forget this moment.” You give a wink to Lyla. 
“I hate both of you,” Miguel huffs, looking at the photo. Your phone chimes alerting you that Lyla sent the photo. 
“As much as I would like to stay and wallow in your misery, I have to get back to my top secret projects.” Lyla disappears as quickly as she had come. 
“Well it appears my work is done, so I should probably make my way out of here too," you say, packing up your first-aid kit. Your attempt to leave is quickly thwarted by Miguel grabbing your wrist. "What?"
"Stay," Miguel says flatly. His gaze wanders from your eyes to your curvy frame, undressing you in his thoughts. Miguel brings your hand to his mouth and slowly begins to kiss your knuckles. 
"Miguel, we can't do this here," you say, quickly looking around the med bay. The glass windows show that no one is outside but that doesn't ease any of your fears.
"I can do whatever I want whenever I want. This is my HQ, remember?" Miguel grabs your hips to pull you closer. His hands run alongside your body eagerly trying to feel every part of you. 
"Miguel," you whisper against his forehead. Your fingers entangle themselves in his black curls as you press yourself closer to him. 
"Silencio mi amor. You don't want everyone to hear, do you?" Miguel teases. Warmth spreads through your body as Miguel places kisses on every part of your exposed skin.
Subtle moans escape your lips when Miguel nips at your breasts leaving small indents and bruises. His fangs are sharp but gentle as he sucks your skin between them. Your body moves on its own as you push yourself onto Miguel's lap. His hardening bulge greets your clothed pussy with delight. 
"Te necesito, mi amor. Te necesito tanto," Miguel whispers against your skin. His hands hungrily pull at your pants until they hit the linoleum floor. Your body shivers at the sudden coolness touching your thighs. The lace underwear you're wearing is damp with your arousal and sweat. 
"Miguel, please," you beg. Miguel slowly slides his finger down your aching cunt, stopping at your swollen clit. Thick fingers circle around the nub with gentle touches. More slick forms in your panties as his fingers move faster.
"You like that, Mami? So fucking wet for me," Miguel smiles against your collarbone.
"Fuck yes, baby. I want more," you moan.
"More? What else do you want, Mami? Use your words," Miguel teases.
"I want you inside of me, baby. I want it so bad," you mumble. Your hands desperately pull off the rest of Miguel's spider suit, releasing his aching cock from the fabric. It seems impossibly large on your hands but you don't hesitate to insert it into you. 
Miguel guides your hips up and down as you ride him. His cock fills you with ease, your slick allowing him to stretch you out with minimal pain. Your hand flies to your mouth in a desperate attempt to conceal any moans.
"I don't think so, cariño," Miguel pulls your fingers from your mouth, "I want to hear you." 
"But what about everyone else?"
"I want them to hear too. Want them to know you're all mine," Miguel whispers. His teeth press into your breasts leaving a trail of indents along the way. A soft moan escapes your lips and you grip Miguel's shoulders for support. 
A knot builds in your abdomen as your hips move faster and faster. Miguel's body jerks and twitches at the feeling of your pussy clenching around him. 
"Just like that Mami, you feel so good," Miguel grunts, his fingers desperately holding onto your love handles. "So fucking good, Mami."
"Shit Miguel, keep talking like that and I'll come in a second." 
"That's the plan," Miguel smirks. He pushes his cock further inside you until his tip near your cervix. A tear rolls down your cheek as the slight pain but the pleasure overpowers it. The sound of skin slapping radiates through the room and you fear that someone will walk past the window as you get your organs rearranged by your boss. His thrusts make you fully unable to silence your moans. Slick runs down Miguel's cock, further lubricating your entrance.
"Mi-i-i," your brain can't even form a proper sentence as your body gets fucked out of its mind. Your legs start to shake as your body gets closer to an orgasm. 
"I know Mami, I know. You're almost there." Miguel glides his hand back down to your swollen clit and harshly rubs circles against it. Your breath hitches and your body tenses before your organs crashes into you. You let out a semi-muffled screech before your body relaxed in Miguel's arm. 
"Fuck," you say breathlessly. Your head lolls onto Miguel's shoulder, but his thrusts don't stop.
"I'm almost there cariño," he says through gritted teeth. His grip on you tightens and he sinks deep into your cunt to come inside you. Miguel lets out heavy breaths as he finishes. His come seeps back down onto his length, showing just how much he filled you with.
"Jesus Miguel, how am I supposed to clean all this up?" You whine looking down at the mess between your thighs. 
"I have an idea," Miguel says with a devilish grin. 
Your eyes roll, already knowing that the med bay will look like a hurricane ran through it by the time Miguel is done with you.
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woso-lover234 · 1 month
Ausenal x (teen) reader- interviews
"Would you rather play football barefoot or in boots five sizes too big?" Caitlin reads the question and puts the card behind the bowl.
"Barefoot" you mumble but the older girls hear you
"Of course she says barefoot" Kyra laughs
"Before training she always 'looses' her boots" Caitlin said adding bunny ears to looses "and when me, Steph and Kyra ask if she looked for them she goes 'nah it's ok I don't need them I'll train barefoot' and we always have a big argument which ends with Steph threatening to call mini before she finally storms off to get her boots" Caitlin says as the older Aussies laugh and shrink further into Caitlin's side as she rubs my shoulder "what about you?" She asks looking at Kyra hoping to take the attention off of me now
"Football boots five sizes too big" Kyra says and Caitlin gives a really look
"Really?" She asks shocked
"Yeah cause it hurts on your feet if you kick the ball" Kyra tries to explain her reasoning
"Yeah but I think you'll get used to it- you'll be tripping over yourself" you and kyra both laugh as Caitlin joins in before continuing "yeah but your feet get used to it. Like when your a kid and you run on concrete- she still does" Caitlin says pointing to you "and it's fine but now if you did it, it would be painful"
"What's your favourite arsenal chant?" Kyra asks looking at both players as Caitlin starts singing
"Kyra cooney cross, cross, cross or gimme, gimme, gimme the arsenals 33. A young Aussie player who runs the whole field-d!" she says looking down at you before ruffling your hair "hey what's your new one?" She asks Kyra "your new ones good" she says as you nod
"Sing it" Kyra encourages
"Yeah sing" you join in and Caitlin smiles at you releasing you've gained more confidence. With the team you and Kyra were menaces but you were a bit more reserved on camera knowing what the media was like.
"I don't know the start of it" she says "when she's on-" she gets cut off by Kyra singing the correct words and you singing it quieter
"There's nothing I'd rather do than watch our 32 Kyra coney cross oi"Caitlin joined in "no." Kyra said as they sang the wrong part
"Oi when she's on the ball she's magical Kyra cooney cross oi, oi, oi" she finished
"All of them are good. I like y/n/n's a lot too" Caitlin compliments
"Were you excited to have a song?" The producer asked you
"Yeah it's really cool that the fans came up with it" you said with more confidence as the two other players watched with the biggest proud mum smiles on their faces.
"They're all really catchy, aye. Like when I'm playing and they're singing them I catch myself singing them in my head as well. Singing along with them" Caitlin says
"Have you heard Caitlin's?" Kyra asks
"Go sing it" you encourage Caitlin
"You sing it" Caitlin said back to you while nudging your shoulder so you got pushed into Kyra
"No you sing it" Kyra says to Caitlin
"We'll all sing it together" Caitlin compromises as you all begin to laugh "do you guys even know it?" She asks the two girls who nod
"She's red" you and kyra begin singing start as Caitlin joins in "she's white. She loves the Vegemite, Caitlin Foord" they finish as Kyra and you laugh together again
"Who would win a game between 11 Caitlin foords against 6 Kyra coney crosses with 5 y/n y/l/n" you read out and point to Caitlin
"11 Caitlin Foords" Kyra says to back you up as you both laugh
"Our defending wouldn't be very good so it's probably whoever's attacking but you two together are a great team and I feel like it would be close" Caitlin said "I'll put myself in goals before them as well" she said as they laughed a bit more
"Apart from football which sport do you think you could beat each person at?" Kyra asks
"Rugby league against both of you but y/n/n would be way easier to beat because she's tiny and would get pushed around easier" Caitlin replies confidently and gives proof by nudging you in the shoulder and you fall into Kyra again before slapping her as they break out into laughs and then you join in. "I grew up watching it and I wanted to play" she shrugged
"Tennis for both of them" Kyra said and both the other two nodded
"Yeah" Caitlin nods
"That's why I'm always on her team when we randomly decide to play tennis on break because I get to do nothing while Kyra does it all and I watch the other team struggle" you say with a straight face as the other two laugh
"Yeah I used to play and I had to decide between tennis and football. So I pick tennis" Kyra finishes looking between the other two girls
"Handball" you say and the other two laugh "what? Is that not a professional sport?" She asks now looking at the producer who says it is and she nods triumphantly. "I used to play in school all the time and I'd always win" you smirked feeling proud of yourself
"Forever humble this one" Caitlin laughs bringing you into a headlock as you squirm away from her "joking I've seen you play and your good" she says to you which makes you light up
"Would you rather score a last minute winner or a hat trick?" Caitlin asks as both you and Kyra think for a bit
"A last minute winner" she decides with a nod
"Yeah i would agree" Caitlin says then they both turn to you to see what you think
"my last minute winner would earn me a hat trick" you said with a firm nod looking at the producers as Caitlin and Kyra laugh at how you'd basically dodged the question
"Is kyra and y/n's annoying little sister tag deserved? Why?" Kyra asked laughing as you joined in
"Yeah, everything like just annoying things like what your little sister would do like just walk up behind the change rooms and like grab me" she reached past you and grabbed the back of Kyra's neck to show what you guys apparently did "or like" she moved her hand to Kyra's shoulder and thought "I don't know" she finally said as you and Kyra burst out laughing as you leaned into Kyra
"You don't even know"
"You don't even have examples" you and Kyra said at the same time making you both laugh again
"I do but" Caitlin started but again couldn't think of reasons
"Everyone's very mature" Kyra said jokingly as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder "yeah, no I think we have a good mix on the team actually" she said as you nodded with a smile
"Favourite memory from this years World Cup?" You asked both the girls
"Beating Canada at amy park, best game" Kyra said
"That was good and obviously the penalty shootout. I think it's one that we'll never forget and I mean the rest of Australia aswell." Caitlin was beginning to go on a rant tilted your head back and poked your tongue out at Kyra who looked shocked for a second before she used the arm around your shoulder to shake you slightly "I think that penalty shootout had every high and low" Caitlin does the motions with her hands as you mock her with Kyra as she just smiles at your antics "umm and it was just about riding the wave and finally on our third chance we finished it off and got through so I think it was just a relief and finally coming over that hurdle of getting past the quarter final stage aswell it was just massive." You and Kyra had kinda zoned out by this point as you were just leaning into her side and listening slightly and Kyra was holding you up and doing the same "After the game when we'd see footage from the viewing sites and the crowds and people just going crazy I think, we never would've imagined to have that impact on the country so yeah I think that was probably the biggest surprise for us"
"Uhh it was an amazing experience and I agree with Caitlin like I'm surprised how big our crowds were and how many people were watching us on tv and im when we walked out the hotel on game days everyone was right there, watching us go on the bus and like now when you walked around the streets everyone knows who you are and before the World Cup that never would've happened" Kyra said as Caitlin nodded along
"It was nice seeing the change from a fan point of view too. Like knowing I went to your games when I was younger and there was around 20,000 people in the stands and now I get the opportunity to play in sold out stadiums it's really good to see how far the game is coming and im glad I was a small part in it" you said
"I think that and then just we go get coffee or hot chocolate" she said ruffling your hair as you whined slightly "and we're getting like papped do you know what I mean like we're just going to get coffee like there's nothing to see and that just never would've happened before the World Cup so it shows the impact it has like people don't want to just know us as footballers now they wanna know your personal life, they wanna know what your doing and that just wasn't there before" Caitlin said as they both now looked to you for your answer
"You talk to much I forgot what I was gonna say. Umm maybe the Canada game? No no no" you shook your head "the Ireland game was nice, physical but nice and my family made it and I've seen the edits about how much the fans loved it. It was the first game of the World Cup and my first game playing at a World Cup at senior level and we were the hosts and then there was Steph's penalty kick and it was just a nice day." You smiled
"You's weren't talking enough you were too busy mucking around, im talking for all of us" Caitlin said
"Keep it that way" Kyra said with a shake of her head  as you nodded along with your partner in crime as Caitlin shook her head at you as you all began laughing
"Caitlin talk us through your tattoos, does Kyra have any?" Kyra read out "no I don't have any" she said with a shake of her head
"If she did she'd get my name, she told me so if I scored a goal at the Philippines game" you said enthusiastically as Kyra sighed
"Just had to bring it up, I promised her that if she got a goal during the Philippines game I would get her name tattooed somewhere for my first one" Kyra explained as you nodded
"And I did score!" You said shooting up from your previous position meant against Kyra "But I still haven't got my tattoo!" You grumbled turning to lean against Caitlin this time as she pushed your baby hairs off your forehead
"Ummm the one I have under here" she said moving the hand that was on your forehead towards the camera and bunching her sleeve slightly as you and Kyra watched with smiles on your faces "is my nans  date of birth, who is still with us umm but we're just super close so little something there" she wrapped her arm back around you and pulled up her left sleeve to show to the camera "umm this one's my dog peach I just went to a really good tattoo artist and he was good at like portraits and stuff  like that so I thought why not" she said as she then pointed to another one "this was my first one when I was 18 it's meant to be me and my sister um I originally wanted to get dresses and then our favourite colours" she said as she pulled her sleeve back down "and I asked her what her favourite colour was" she said as you nodded staring at her and waiting for the answer "and um she said brown so" you laughed and turned to Kyra as you both shared a look  "had to change plans a little bit" she said as you and Kyra laughed again and you sat up as you knew what tattoo Caitlin was gonna show next. "Umm and then" she said lifting her left then right leg before turning on an angle to show the back of her right calf "this one on my calf I got when I was in Japan, it's just the globe with Australia and then yeah just travel and stuff like that" she said and pulled you back into her before grabbing her left arm again "and then I have one on the back of my arm here and it's just with two friends"
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sommerregenjuniluft · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic january 9 - write - 946words - feat. fem!harry because i was craving girldads
(this one also esp goes out to @veryinnovative)
“Yes, mon chou?” Regulus responds, shaking a curl out of his eyes to look over his shoulder as he keeps stirring.
Harrie is still bent over her artwork, crayon held in a tight fist, pigtails standing askew with half her hair falling out of them and in her little face anyways.
“Will you help me write my name?”
Regulus lowers the temperature of the stovetop to let the sauce simmer as he puts on the lid, “Of course. I’ll be right there.”
He crouches down to check the potato wedges and veggies in the oven, satisfied when they look according to the alarm he set, and gives his hands a quick rinse before he saunters over to his daughter.
The soles of his plush slippers are a faint noise against the whirring of the oven and the soft bubbling of the pot. The air smells warm and cozy with the home-cooked meal and the drying clementine peels that are still on the table from Harrie’s earlier snack.
Regulus bends over her to regard her painting, nose buried into her wayward hair, inhaling. It smells like her Strawberry Shortcake (the kid’s show) shampoo, like James’ cologne and still that distinct brand of baby that Regulus is utterly obsessed with and hopes she never loses. Well, at least as long as she’s small enough for him to still pick her up.
Harrie is unperturbed, keeps drawing little blue petals around a flower besides what Regulus assumes must be their cat, Mochi. Or maybe a very oversized ant. His little artiste.
“Can I give you a kiss?” Regulus mumbles into the crown of her head.
Harrie squeals when Regulus plants a loud smooch on her chubby cheek. She smells like grapes and walnuts there too. James must’ve packed them for her lunch in kindergarden.
She tapers off into a hearty giggle when Regulus keeps peppering kisses before he lets himself fall into the kitchen chair beside her.
“So,” Regulus says pointedly, making a show of granting her his undivided attention.
Harrie nods her head, making little, silly Mhm-mhm-mhm noises. Like she’s trying to convey the importance of what follows. Or like she has a tune stuck in her head. Regulus bets his money on both.
He grins, tucking a strand behind Harrie’s ear that just falls right back into place. “Where do you want your name?”
A tongue pokes out of the corner of his daughter’s mouth and she turns her pen to point at the top edge with the end of it, “Right here.”
Harrie chooses another color for her signature and then they begin to write together.
“An H. Huh—as in house,” Regulus makes, Harrie repeating the sound automatically. “Two straight lines down and then one across the middle. Good job.”
“Then Ay,” Harrie continues. The beginning of the alphabet she’s already got memorized.
“That’s right, mon chou.”
“An R—that’s a straight line, with a bump on top and a leg on the bottom. That’s it. We need another one of those, remember? Your name has two.”
Just as Harrie sets onto the next letter Regulus hears a car rumble up into their driveway, head instinctively swiveling around to the window.
When he looks back down the second R isn’t entirely correct. “Whoops—look, this one has its leg on the wrong side, honey.”
“Oh,” Harrie makes, eyebrows rising, and she goes to grab her eraser.
She corrects her letter and then proceeds to draw the I without prompting from Regulus, adding a wonky heart on top.
“Good job. And an—”
“E–like eeeraser,” his daughter sings, adding the three horizontal lines to the last letter, right as Regulus hears a keychain jingle against the front door.
Harrie is now drawing a little star next to her name as James comes into the kitchen with Mochi in his arms, a leaf sticking to his paw.
“Daddy,” Harrie yells, scrambling down from her chair and hasting into James’ arms, Mochi already fleeing for his cat tree, presumably.
James hums delightedly, smiling as he squeezes their daughter to his chest, “Mm, mi amorcito.”
He’s still in his coat and beanie from outside, glasses fogging up—though luckily for him, he’s had the mind to slip out of his boots at least.
Harrie rubs her palms along James’ stubbled jaw when they pull apart, making him chuckle. “Missed me?”
“A little,” Harrie shrugs.
“Oh, only a little, huh?” James challenges, whisking Harrie up and whirling her around in the air, twirling himself and making her scream with joy.
He sets her against his hip after he successfully lost one of her hair ties on his little escapade, never to be found again or for Mochi to play with.
“Smells amazing, love,” James says warmly, gazing at Regulus before helping Harrie gently pull out the other hair tie too.
Which reminds him Regulus to check on the sauce again. 
He smiles sweetly at his husband and wanders back over to the counter, grabbing the lid with a kitchen mitten and stirring the thickening sauce as he gets hit by its savoury tang and hint of black pepper and parsley.
At his back he hears Harrie and James babbling, conversing about something or the other as she takes her seat again. Something about finger paints and Ron and tea cup and pee accident.
Regulus is just stretching to get some plates when there’s strong arms wrapping around him from behind, prompting his lips into another immediate smile.
“Mi vida,” his husband mumbles, pressing a soft kiss behind Regulus’ ear.
James is warm and smells like caramel latte and outside air and the same hint of cologne found in their daughter’s hair.
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majeoeje · 5 months
Start over
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Megumi x reader (male implied reader)
I wished we were two other people more times than everytime you had forgotten about me
"You have really pretty lashes"
Megumi has heard you uttered these words countless of times before, at first he didn't harbor a lot of opinion on this, but now it serves as a painful reminder that he had to start over with you once again. But even now he can't comprehend how to respond other than a simple thank you
"You're Fushiguro right?"
"That's correct"
here we go again, he thought
"It's nice to meet you, i hope we can get along" you gave a lazy smile before entering your shared dorm room, all beat up from your previous fight as if it was just another day.. well you pretend that it was everytime because what else can you do? You once had told him
"Yeah...it's nice to meet you too" he told you. As if he was in a same play for who knows how many times
Megumi had lost count on how many times you had introduced yourself to him, he knew everything about you. Yet you're here asking about his name once again. Your cursed technique is the one to blame for this strange dynamic
That being said, your curse technique transfers memories into curse energy and a technique which grant their wielder the power to imbue a weapon of their choice with curse energy and a guarantee that it would cut anything as if it wasn't there
A cheap cost to pay for power, some would say. But he always watches the fear in your eyes everytime it has to come down to it, afraid you might use it too much to the point you'll forget how to breath.
Afraid...yes you were always afraid. Afraid that your life would succumb to nothing but blank pages of nothing. To the point you'd write every last detail of your day until late at night so that at least your days could amount to something. Even if it were as simple as you went outside and train like how you usually do.
"I'm kind of hungry, you got anything to eat?" You said perking up your head from the non-fiction book you curiously skimmed up from Megumi's bookshelve trying to gather information from the stranger in front of you
"Gojo-sensei dropped some apples earlier, suit yourself" he said pointing to a basket from the corner of his desk remembering how the unusual white haired man hasn't change over the years
"Well don't mind me" you say, picking one up before looking for a something on your side of the room
You didn't have to go through a lot before Megumi tapped you on the shoulder making you face him
"Looking for this?" He pointed to a small knife on his hand
"Oh thanks a lo-"
you didn't even finished your sentence before he took the apple from your hand
"Your hand's fractured, Miss shoko said you shouldn't try to move it a lot in the mean time"
He said, pulling a nearby chair before he started to peel the apple for you. Just how you liked it.. a prefrence that has never changed no matter how many times you've erased your memories
"Aye you did it in one peel, impressive" you commented "How'd you know that i like my apples peeled?"
"You made me do it for you for months when you broke 7 bones on your body" he said handing you the peeled fresh fruit
"Eh, really? Tell me about it" you rested your hand on your desk as you sat comfortably on your chair as if you were getting ready to catch up to an old friend after not meeting them for years. And despite how bad he think his storytelling abilities was, Megumi couldn't disappoint that glimmer in your eyes, never.
"That day you saved me from a first grade curse" he started, as you bit into your freshly peeled apple
"you used up your curse technique to the point you forgot how to wield your weapon"
Megumi was not one to run his mouth, he preferred to listen most of the times. But in times like this, he feels the need to encapture every detail about that period of time as much as possible. And in turn, you'd listen to his voice, tuning in his gentle tone. Perhaps you got distracted at some point but that is surely not your fault
"We must've been pretty close" you grinned, hearing him finished his story
"We were"
You were practically attached to the hip from middle school, so it'd be a lie to say you weren't. But on the darkest pit of his heart he still wished you two was so much more even after knowing you like the back of his hand. How you'd swing your weapon in such way as if you were a dancer, how you'd give a lame excuse on how you peeled too much orange or apples just to get him to eat , how you purposely talk to him to keep him out just to watch a horror movie program in the middle of the night, how you'd play your music loud enough to cause hearing problems when he's not at the dorm, how he knew that you were just assigned a roomate to exploit your Curse technique, how disconnected you truly are from the world, how you'd laugh, how you'd cry, how your skin would make him shiver everytime it touches his
There was never enough of you for him really. Yet he'd wished for the impossible everytime
"So..what's your curse technique?" You asked and he would always answer
Just what was one more start?
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Into the fire- Chapter one (Kaz x fem!reader)
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"I win again."
"Son of a bitch."
"I want another go around."
"Jesper, if you go again, you'll be leaving in your birthday suit, and that is an image we can all live without."
You laughed at Inej who was seated at the table in the Crow Club you all frequently visited. Inej didn't seem fond of the idea of you joining at first. Then, after a week she seemed pretty alright with the idea. You were clean, you were kind, if she asked you to do something, you'd do it. You now even shared a room. Both of you were insomniacs with your own shitshows of trauma. After a late night of warm milk and a discussion, the friendship formed.
Jesper though, seemed friendly from the start. He had a project in mind. The "out" list, he called it. What were things that you wanted to do that you couldn't do because of your prison time or home situation? He wanted you to write it down and he'd try to help make it happen. You had this strange security of this group. They helped mend the pieces Hellgate broke and made them new.
You sat cross legged in a chair beside him watching the rain. Jesper looked at you with a grin. "Aye. That bit, line three." He said. You looked over.
"Dance in the rain." He said.
"Oh that's ridiculous." Inej laughed.
"Still. Haven't you ever felt like... free enough to do it. Like just....dance?" You asked. She shook her head and you perked up, along with Jesper. "What?" Inej asked. Jesper got up, taking your hand.
"Come onnn!" You said to her. She shook her head.
"I'll have fun without my cold, thank you." She said.
"Party pooper" Jesper said, running outside with you.
Kaz stepped out of his office, papers in hand as he prepared to walk outside. He looked up though when he heard muffled laughing. Inej shook her head with a smile as her and Kaz watched you play in the rain with Jesper. "What is she doing?" Kaz asked.
"She's enjoying her time being free." Inej said, watching you. Jesper picked you up in a hug, spinning you around as you laughed.
Kaz couldn't explain it. That smile, that radiant laugh. He had only known you two weeks and he seemed to enjoy the fact that you seemingly fit right into the Dregs. Hell, even stone cold Xander at the bar enjoyed your presence. You had this way of making people naturally fall in love with you, whether it be platonic or romantic.
You took Jesper's hat, giggling as he pretended to fall at your feet. The rain was your favorite, even in the Hellgate. It helped tell you a passage of time, it also masked that smell of death the nearby island caused. Now that you were out, you loved the rain even more. That feeling of it on your skin, the freedom to walk in it, actually walk without being on a chained leash. You weren't held by those chains anymore.
Kaz cleared his throat, Inej biting back an urge to smile. She knew Kaz, as much as he didn't want to admit it, was definitely falling for you, just like everyone else. If anything it was worse because it definitely wasn't platonic and it didn't just end with a sexual desire. If he had you, he wanted all of you. Not just your body but your heart and soul. He wanted to know you beyond what he had seen already, and Inej knew that.
"You could join them, you know." Inej said.
"And catch a cold?" He asked sarcastically.
"I don't believe that's stopping them." She said.
"What are they even doing out there?" Kaz asked. "Well, they're dancing." She said.
"Yes, I see that they're dancing Inej, why are they dancing?" He asked.
"Jesper and her have some sort of list and they're checking off one of the things on the list." She said.
"What, like a shopping list?" Kaz asked.
"No like a bucket list." Inej corrected.
"A what?"
"Saints Kaz- a bucket list. A list of things you want to do before you die." He looked at her confused.
"Is she dying?"
"No, she just has a list of things she wants to do now that she's free. I said it was like a bucket list, not actually a bucket list." Inej said with a sigh.
Inej reached over into your bag, handing him a folded piece of paper. He read it. You had at least eighty things on that list. They were things Kaz didn't even think anyone would actually desire. "See the stars in the country, lay in a field of flowers. These are all so... trivial." He said.
"Yeah but as someone who didn't have that freedom to make it trivial, it means the world to her." Inej said. Kaz looked at the list again and rose a brow.
"She doesn't know how to swim." He said.
"Hmm?" She asked. He showed her a bullet point.
"Learn to swim." Inej shrugged. Kaz noticed one bullet point that caught his eye. "Kiss someone I love" was written below learning to swim.
"Y'know, if you want to get to know her better, you could actually talk to her." Inej said. Kaz frowned.
"I don't want to get to know her." He said.
"Right, so you're just contently watching her and Jesper because you're not intrigued by her personality." She said, looking at him. He opened his mouth but closed it, looking at her with a glare. "I'm just saying, if you want to know her, you can spend time with her." Inej said. Kaz rolled his eyes.
"We have a job we need to discuss." He said. Inej sighed, grabbing her coat. The two walked out and Kaz looked at you and Jesper.
"You're going to catch a cold " Kaz said.
"Oh but a fun one, isn't that right Y/n?" Jesper asked. You let out a laugh, one that nearly made him weak in the knees.
"We have a job in the morning. Y/n, be in the Slat office." He said.
"Just me?" You asked. Inej looked over at him, biting back a smirk.
"Just you." He nodded.
You gave a small salute with a grin. "You got it" You said before Jesper scooped you up. You giggled and Kaz cleared his throat to bite back that smile that was forming.
"Have fun with your pneumonia." He said sarcastically.
"We will" Jesper laughed.
The next morning you made for his office, standing at his desk. "I'm surprised you don't have a cold." Kaz said, not looking up from papers.
"Jesper does. I'm used to the cold and damp weather." You shrugged. He nodded. "So, am I going alone?" You asked.
"No." He said. "Oh. I figured it was just me here-"
"I'm going with you." He said. You rose a brow.
"What?" You asked.
"Jesper has seen how you work, Inej has seen how you work, yet I haven't seen it." He said. You shrugged.
"Alright, where are we going?" You asked.
"Financial district." He said. You nodded.
"Alright, lead the way." You said. He got up, walking out with you. The rain from yesterday had stopped, the sun barely peaking out from behind the clouds. You seemed to take note of the rain drops that were still dripping off of awnings. You had a smile on your face, looking at the crows that sat on the edges of the buildings.
"Inej tells me you have a list." He said.
"The whole thing was Jesper's idea." You said.
"It sounds like something he'd come up with." He said. You nodded.
"I love the list though. It makes me live life to the fullest." You said, Kaz looking at you with a brow raised.
"What things are on the list, exactly?" He asked, as if he didn't read the damn thing in full.
"Eh. Simple stuff. Dance in the rain, lay in a field of flowers. Cheesy stuff like that." You shrugged.
"Mm. Sounds... time consuming." He said.
"Well yeah but it's worth it." You said.
"If you say so." He said, walking.
"So what is this job exactly?" You asked.
"Do you know who an Alvia Warner is?" He asked. You shook your head.
"Very wealthy." He said. You nodded, smelling the faint scent of coffee.
"Y'know... it occurs to me that I work for you but I don't know anything about you." You said. He looked over.
"You can ask me things, I might not answer." He said simply.
"Do you like coffee?" You asked.
"Yes." He answered.
"Do you read?" You asked.
"On occasion."
"Hobbies?" You asked.
"Surely you've got at least one."
"I make my enemies terrified to sleep at night." He answered.
"Alright then." You said.
"If we're being open, what about you?" He asked.
"What about me?" You asked.
"Where are you from?" He asked. You showed a visible discomfort.
"Djerholm" you answered. Kaz stopped and you turned.
"You are nobility?" He asked, staring at you with a slight sense of betrayal.
"No. My family is nobility, I am disowned. I'm just me." You said.
"Why were you disowned?" Kaz asked.
"I didn't wish to wed a man." You said walking again. Kaz followed you.
"I was forced into an arranged marriage where I would've been the subject of a very cruel hearted man. I would've been forced to bare his children, I would've been beaten regularly by him, I would've most likely died by his hand. So I had a choice. Stay there and die, or leave and fight." You said. Kaz found that to be a respectable answer.
"What makes you so sure that you would've died?" Kaz asked.
"Because a girl married him six months after I left. She was found dead with a letter opener in her throat." You said.
Kaz was shocked by this answer.
"Do Inej and Jesper know?" He asked.
"Of course they do. We live in the same complex and I share a room with Inej. Plus, my mannerisms don't exactly scream Ketterdam." You said. So Kaz was the only one unaware of your background. Maybe Inej was right, maybe he did need to actually be around you more.
"Why the sudden curiosity about me?" You asked.
"I gave you food, a bed, a job and yet I have no idea who you are. You should know, I do not like not knowing things that are crucial, so if you have anything else in your bag like another bloodthirsty sister, I'd appreciate it if you told me." He said.
"I have only one other sister and she wouldn't hurt a fly. Eloise is married, with two children. She married a good man. She used to write to me before... Hellgate." You explained.
"Mm. So I must ask. What made Pekka notice you?" Kaz asked. You sighed.
"You pick enough locks, people notice. You charm enough people, their tongues will wag your name eventually in conversation. I wasn't exactly offered a position, my sister found me because of my name being brought up. So she decided to fight dirty. She offered me up to Pekka. She tried to sell me to him." You said. Kaz felt disgusted by this statement. "When I managed to escape him multiple times, they got crafty. Cornered me, framed me and then put me in prison." You said.
"In Pekka's prison." Kaz muttered.
"Exactly. It gave him that control he wanted." You said.
"May I ask a question?" You asked. There it was. Now that it was pointed out, Kaz noticed your polite demeanor.
"How did you manage to break me out without someone looking for me afterwards?" You asked.
"Simple. We found a corspe that looked like you and put it on the rocks." Kaz said.
"But you hadn't met me yet, how did you know-"
"Dahlia showed us a picture." Kaz said.
"Mm." Was all you said.
Kaz noticed that face you made when Dahlia was mentioned. Regret and sadness. "Was Dahlia always like that?" He asked.
"No. Father's cruelty made her that way." You answered.
"Abusive?" Kaz asked.
"He wanted sons. He got three daughters." You said. Kaz grimaced.
"I've never understood the patriarchal bullshit the rich have come up with. Two of my finest crows are women for fuck's sake." Kaz sighed. You laughed, looking at him. He was confused by your reaction.
"Sorry-sorry. For someone who typically keeps his nose out of politics, I find it hilarious that you have such a strong opinion on that." You said. He shrugged.
"I just find it stupid." He said.
"It is stupid." You agreed with a small chuckle
"then we're in agreement, that it's stupid." He said.
When you finally got to the financial district, the afternoon had almost drifted into the evening. You followed Kaz through a small area, leading to a stone wall. He looked at it, clutching his cane. "Warner isn't home, she's at some harbor. Either way, you need to jump the fence and unlock it from the back so I can get in." He said. You nodded. "Now I can try to give you a boost-"
"no need." You said, already backing away from the wall.
You charged full speed at the wall, gaining a good footing before jumping over. You landed next to a sundial, seeing the various gardening tools poking out of a small wood shed nearby. The garden itself was beautiful and had you had the time and were by yourself, you absolutely would've explored more. However, you walked to the back entrance, unlocking it and motioning for Kaz to enter.
He walked with you as you shut the gate, motioning for him to lead the way. He approached a door and you kneeled to the lock. "Does she have any security measures?" You asked.
"None that the casers found." He answered, you nodding as you picked the lock. There was a soft click in a matter of seconds that surprised Kaz. He didn't think that he could even do it that fast.
You walked in, looking around at the home. It was nice, there was no doubt about it. White walls bordered with brown panelings aligned the wall, the sun creeping through the window. You walked. "So we're looking for what exactly?" You asked.
"Documents." He said, walking. You opened a door, revealing a bathroom. You closed it, walking to the foyet. It was a nice home, reminded you almost of the one you grew up in. However your father seemed to take to the color black than the warm red that this home had. This house felt like a home. That place would never be home to you.
You noticed a door, opening it. Or at least tried to open it. It was locked, and you had been doing this long enough to know that locked doors inside a locked house meant something was in that room. Something of value.
You knelt to the lock, picking it. You kept your hand on a dagger just in case something had gone unchecked. It was an empty office, much to your relief. "Kaz" you called. He walked over, nodding.
"This would be where they are." He said walking in. You followed behind, looking at the various shelves.
You saw many classics on the wall, some of which were in different languages. You were rather impressed with the collection. Kaz however, had a frown on his face as he rummaged through the drawers.
"Where the hell is this woman keeping it?" He asked.
"Keeping what?" You asked.
"There is money mixed with the documents. There's nothing here." He said.
"Money mixed with it? What are we looking for? Mortage payments? Taxes?"
"A dowry." He said.
You stared at him. "Kaz, why the hell are we looking for a dowry?" You asked.
"Because, multiple reasons. One, money." He said, still shuffling through the papers.
"Two, sabotage." He said. You rose a brow. "Where would you hide a dowry?" He asked. You walked over to the desk, sitting at the chair. "Seriously? Do you need a break right now-"
You noticed a botton under the desk, pressing it and opening a secret compartment. He looked at you. "Sometimes you have to see it from their perspective." You shrugged getting up. Kaz opened the compartment, occasionally looking over his shoulder at you with slight bewilderment.
"Alright. It's here." He said.
"Why sabotage the marriage?" You asked.
"Tax reasons. This marriage goes through, she becomes a high ranked chair. Taxes go up, then it becomes harder to live." He said.
"Didn't take you as a tax evader." You said.
"I'm a criminal of many sorts." He said. You looked and noticed a letter.
You picked it up, reading it. Kaz counted the money to make sure she wasn't too clever, hiding it in several places. Instead it appeared she just stopped at a secret button, much to his relief. You had a frown on your face. "Let's go-"
"Kaz. This marriage is the least of our worries." You said. He looked up. You handed him the letter.
"I know." You said.
It appears the clever little Alvia was prepared to execute her plan no matter if she married into the vote. Her plan was that if she didn't marry her, she'd have a friend go through with it instead, convincing this Killian fellow to vote for her spot.
You sighed. "What do we do?" You asked.
"It seems that it's a backed up plan. Taking this will do nothing." He said.
"Well it gives you money." You said.
"I can't believe this. How did we not know this?" He asked.
"She might know someone is on this path." You said.
He sighed, running a hand down his face. You had an idea come to mind. "We could sabotage the match." You said.
"Kill one of them?" He asked.
"No. Because if we kill him, that leaves the open seat." You said.
"So kill Alvia." He said.
"That leaves him to find someone else like her to be put in position." You said. Kaz sighed.
"And people wonder why I don't give two shits about politics. Kill them both!" He said.
"Leaves the seat open still and then we're back to square one unless you want a go at the seat." You said.
"I think I'd rather die." He said.
"Exactly. We throw a wrench in the plan." You said.
"How?" He asked.
"We give him another option." You said.
"...I'm still not understanding this." He said.
"You put a different girl in front of him. Look, I know these people, they're easily distracted by pretty shit, especially men. So put a pretty girl like say, me, in front of him and he's too distracted to get married to her. Once the vote of chairs goes through, he hasn't put the money on anyone noteworthy." You said. Kaz stared at you in awe.
"You just came up with this?" He asked.
"Again. Grew up in this. I know how to play the game." You said.
"No kidding." He said. You sighed.
"We need to leave before this woman comes back." You said.
"Agreed. Let's go." He said.
You both headed back, the sun slowly setting as you two walked. Kaz recalled a point on your list. "Hey, follow me for a moment." He said.
"Shortcut?" You asked.
"Something like that." He said. You followed him to a ladder, him tossing his cane up before going up. You were confused but followed him up.
You walked for a little bit before Kaz sat down. "Sit." He said. You obeyed, sitting next to him. The entire time you had been looking at Kaz, trying to figure out what he was doing. You chose to follow his gaze this time, looking at a beautiful sunset.
"Woah" you said surprised.
"I might have taken a look at the list." He admitted. You looked over at him.
"I thought it was time consuming?" You said confused.
"It is. But sometimes it's alright to take a moment to use that time." He said. You smiled slightly, turning back to the view.
"I owe you a lot you know." You said. He looked over.
"Quite a few people do." He said.
"I owe you my life." You said, not taking your eyes off the view.
"I wouldn't go that far-"
"You broke me out of Hellgate. Then when the job went wrong you took me in. You saved my life." You said looking at him.
"Why bring this up?" He asked.
"Because I want you to know that even though we don't know everything about each other, I still will trust you." You said. You sighed. "I don't expect you to trust me. I've heard your faith in others runs very thin. But if you ever need me, you need only to call on me." You said.
Kaz had heard someone pledge their undying loyalty to him before. People tend to be grateful when you give them food when their near the verge of starvation. However, this was the first time he believed in that loyalty. He didn't know how to respond to that. "You're right." He said, looking forward. "I don't trust easily." He said getting up.
Kaz, the entire walk back hadn't said anything else. You didn't know if you upset him or what but it was clear Kaz was in his head. Truth be told he realized what he had wasn't a damn crush at all. This wasn't going to just go away with time like the bit with Inej. He had fallen in love with you and that made him upset.
"Love is vulnerability" he told himself. "Love is a weakness." He hated that feeling. He wanted to yell at you, tell you off and say that you were an annoyance. But everytime he looked at you all he could think was that he could never say that to someone so pure of heart. Which was odd to him because he literally watched you beat a man to death with his cane. However that didn't seem to affect that purity in his mind.
You both entered the crow club, Kaz sighing and sitting at the bar. "Job go well?" Inej asked sitting next to him. You sat with Jesper at a table, slinging your legs over his. "It went... fine." He said. "You got that dowry you wanted, right?" She asked.
"Yes but it seems Alvia has a bigger plan." He said.
Kaz explained the situation to Inej, her sighing. "Of fucking course the one job we take with a politician gets messy." She sighed.
"Precisely why I tried to tell Per Haskell to not fucking do it." He sighed.
"It was his idea?" Inej asked.
"Yes! Which I understand why, but I know he's going to go with Y/n's plan which will take up a ton of time!" He said frustrated. She blinked.
"Y/n has a plan?" Inej asked.
So you all sat at a table as you broke down the idea you had in the study. Kaz seemed to agree that the plan would definitely work, the only issue was that something seemed to irk him about it and Jesper could not figure out why. "Well there's just one issue with the plan." Inej said, sitting back.
"Yes?" You asked.
"Say we do it. It works, she's not in the chair, all is well in Ketterdam. What about Killian?" She asked.
"What about Killian?" Kaz asked, looking at her.
"We can't just have her be a distraction and then disappear, it'll be obvious what happened and people will come looking." Inej said.
"Shit." Kaz sighed.
"Well I thought about that actually." You said.
"Look at our girl being all smart over here." Jesper teased. You rolled your eyes but continued.
"A love triangle."
Inej rose a brow.
"What?" Kaz and Jesper asked.
"A love triangle. It's a good way to cut it off. Just have one of the guys do a fake proposal." You shrugged.
"Well we can't just send one in to randomly propose." Inej said. What was Inej doing?
"You'll have to just keep close to one of the guys at social engagements so it appears you're at least familiar with them." Inej said.
Kaz then realized what Inej was doing.
"Hm. That should do the trick to have it not lead back to us." Jesper agreed.
"I know, I'm a genius." You said, satisfied with the plan.
"Well boys, who should do it?" Inej asked, looking directly at Kaz.
"Jesper has the most chemistry with her." Kaz said. You and Jesper both cringed.
"Uhm... Jesper isn't-"
"We're definitely not-"
"No offense but... ew." You said.
"Offense slightly taken! I'm ew!?" Jesper asked. "No not visually! I just mean that it'd be like trying to romance my brother it's..." both you and Jesper shuddered.
"Yeah no, Kaz you're going to have to step up." Jesper agreed. Inej seemed satisfied with her input, a smug smirk on her lips.
"Fine." Kaz sighed.
"Then it's settled." You nodded.
"Yep." Kaz sighed.
"Well then, how about a round?" You asked.
"I can go for one." Jesper said.
"I feel in the spirit to drink as well." Inej said.
"Care to join us boss?" You asked Kaz. He sighed, looking at Inej and then you. He was going to have to spend a lot of time with you regardless. He was apparently now supposed to fake being in love with you. He had to get close to you and he had learned through Inej and Jesper that a good way to form a bond, was through drinking with them after a mission.
"I'll stay for one drink."
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heejayy · 1 year
I Don’t Wanna Be Loved
Warning • shower sex, praising, cunnilingus, fingering, riri a lil mean in this but she falls in love in the end
Genre • smut, a smidge of fluff at the end (it’s not an Ary fic if I don’t add fluff)
Pairing • Riri x Black Fem! Reader
WC: 3.0K
Music Rec: Quickie - Miguel
A/n: LISTEN don’t jump me!!! The smut part beat MY ASS that’s why it took so long to write and I still don’t like it 💀🤚🏾.
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You and Riri started this entire "friends with benefits" thing early on in your friendship, and you both felt an instant attraction to each other. It wasn't long after you moved into her apartment as her roommate that she caught a thing for you, and hooking up became the norm. It wasn't until you two started acting too couple like that it started to feel real. She would lavish you with affection and presents, you truly felt like you were her girl, until she would bring other girls around or you saw her chatting to one.
You learned Riri liked to have options but her hopping from girl to girl so quick would make your heart sink to your stomach. You can’t help it but you do this shit to yourself.
She was just talking to some chick on the phone and now she's buried between your thighs eating you out like her last meal. You couldn't bear to let yourself enjoy it because your mind kept racing over who she'd run to after she was done with you. Riri must've noticed something was wrong with you since she looked up at you with a puzzled expression.
“Yo what’s wrong ma? You not feelin’ it?” You blinked rapidly pushing those thoughts far away.
“Oh uh no it feels good.” She rolled her eyes fully sitting up wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, “you’re awfully quiet then” she joked.
You chuckled nervously “I’m sorry I just- nvm.”
“Nah baby tell me what’s up?” There she go making you feel all important “well I was just thinking about us…Riri what are we?” Fuck, as soon as those words left your mouth you regretted it. She sighed looking off, you could tell she was starting to get annoyed.
“Look y/n I told you before we just fuck that’s it, we can’t be catching feelings I-“ she was interrupted by her phone dinging, she checked it and took in a sharp breath.
“Look I gotta go I’ll be back later tonight ight” you rolled your eyes pushing her hands off you “ight” she gave you side look before hopping off your bed. You heard some rummaging next door in her room before she left the apartment slamming the door.
You groaned frustrated wanting to punch something “Fuck!”
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“Ight so you catching feeling for her right?” You nodded sipping on your iced coffee “ok the best way to get over someone is to get under somebody else! Boom problem solved” your friend Angel cheered acting like she solved world hunger.
“Angel you know how I am I barley can order my own food without stuttering, you think I’m gonna find someone to fuck that quickly?” She shrugged rolling her eyes.
“Listen I have a list for you I’ll send you their instas, they’ll be at the party tonight so please please go! Show Riri what she’s missing out on” you sighed sitting back in your chair. On one hand you wanted to make Riri jealous and on the other you just wanted to crawl in bed and be left alone.
“Listen boo just think about it.” She was kinda of right, Riri had a plethora of women she’d fuck around with and you had none.
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After going home from the café, you considered it and realized Angel is correct; it's time for you to have some options as well. You put on a black little dress, matching black shoes, and a throw jacket in case you got cold. Before leaving your room, you examined your reflection one last time. When you felt satisfied you left.
“Aye where you going?” you heard Riri’s voice echo through the hall of your apartment.
“Out to Rj’s house party” she eyed you up and down, she said nothing but her eyes spoke for her.
“You need me to take you?” You shook your head no “nah I’m good” before you turned to walk out the door you noticed how her facial expression changed. She looked pissed but it was quickly covered by one of her famous nonchalant shrugs.
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"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" As you made your way into the backyard, the chants from those around you became louder. You were starting to feel overwhelmed and irritated, and you were ready to go home. You were all alone at the crowded ass party and Angel was no where to be found.
“Lost?” A curious voice questioned from behind you, you turned to see Rj leaning against the frame of the glass slide door.
“Nah I’m kinda just ready to go” she furrowed her eyebrows “well damn is it that bad?” Feeling a little bad and embarrassed you shook you head “no I’m sorry if I offended you i- I’m just not the party type.”
She nodded pushing herself off the door frame making her way over to you “well if you’re not a party girl why’d you come?” You stayed silent thinking about an answer.
You sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her you came just to make a girl jealous who wasn’t even your girlfriend “I don’t know just wanted to change things up, but I kinda regret it” she chuckled shaking her head.
“Well if you’re not doing anything you wanna dance?” You turn to look at her with a grin “sure.”
Rj grinned as she took your hand in hers and led you to the living room, pulling your hips back and dancing to the beat. Being touched by someone other than Riri felt almost scandalous. While you weren't as buzzed as she was, you interlaced your hands with hers, slowly slipping them up your body as you leaned your head on her chest. You swayed to the music, pressing your ass against her. You felt
“I’m not gon’ lie you baby you turnin me on right now” you let out a giggle feeling her breath hit your ear. You smoothly turned around and wrapped your hands around her neck.
“So do something bout it then” taking that as a permission she grabbed you and took you upstairs. She swiftly walked down a hallway pulling you behind her completely ignoring the other couples pressed against the wall making out. She brought you to what you assumed was her bedroom and locked the door.
“You can relax and have a seat pretty girl I’m not gon pounce on you” she chuckled plopping on her bed. You giggle nervously taking a seat beside her, as soon as you sat down she grabbed your face smashing your lips together. It was rough and messy, something you weren’t used to. While mid kiss you felt her bite your lip, you groaned in pain pulling back but she didn’t let you go.
“Mmm wait Rj chill” you could barely breathe she was smothering you. Her being so forceful so fast turned you off, you started pushing against her chest but she wouldn’t let up.
“Rj i said stop damn!” she let go of you with an annoyed and confused face.
“What’s yo problem?”
“The problem is you’re being too fuckin’ rough” she rolled her eyes smacking her lips.
“Fuck outta here if you don’t like that shit” you looked at her appalled and scoffed.
“Nigga you ain’t shit” you snatched your phone and hand bag off her bed, before walking to the door you heard her mutter “upity bitch” you weren’t going to say anything but that small comment pushed you over the edge.
“I know damn well you not talking, you ain’t shit and yo party aint shit. If I wanted someone to bite my fucking face off I’d make out with a fucking dog. Fuck you!”
Now beyond irritated you slammed the door and made your way down stairs, you couldn’t give a less shit if you were leaving alone. You only wanted to be with one person right now and that was Riri. You waited outside the party anxiously pacing the front lawn waiting for her to pick up.
“Yo wassup…”
“Kidding I can’t come to the phone right now I’m busy” You slammed the red button after grumbling at her stupid ass voicemail. You sat on the porch and sobbed, not out of sadness, but out of frustration. You simply desired to return home and sleep.
After roughly fifteen minutes, you called an Uber, and the ride home was calm and tranquil, just what you wanted. You arrived in front of your building and got out, exhausted after the events of the night, you just wanted to take a shower and go to bed. You grabbed your keys from your handbag and entered the dark flat, but you were stopped by violent moans.
“FUUUUUCK RI!! Right there!” You rolled your eyes kicking off your heels. You did not have the patience to deal with this shit tonight, you threw your purse in the counter and stomped to Riri’s room. You banged on the with every ounce of energy you had left “please shut the fuck up I’m tired and I don’t wanna hear y’all fuckin.”
Your outburst was met with silence, good. Before you walked off Riri room door swung open revealing a pissed off Ri.
“Yo what the fuck is your problem?”
“I don’t wanna hear this shit tonight please kick her out or be quiet.”
Riri could tell something was wrong with you because of your disheveled appearance, dried mascara on your cheeks, and quivering voice; she sighed and rolled her eyes, turning to the girl who was covering her naked body with a sheet and whispered, "Get out."
“You’re really gonna kick me-“
“I said get the fuck out!” She groaned grabbing her things and strutting out the room. You sighed uttering a ‘thank you’ before walking to your room and closing your door.
With a huff, you plopped on your bed, stretched out with your eyes closed, unable to move one inch. It felt good to just let your body relax, but your time was cut short by a tap on the door.
"Can I come in?" She asked, peering in, and you sighed and nodded. Riri entered your room slowly, as if she hadn't been in here a million times. She laid alongside you, with her hands resting on her belling in stillness.
“What wrong mama?” You didn’t answer, “Don’t give me that silent treatment shit” again you didn’t answer.
“Y/n/n don’t piss me off-“ you groaned long and loud cutting her off “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“The party was trash?” You scoffed “beyond.” She chuckled “tell me bout it princess,” you sat up and sighed for the ump-tenth time tonight.
"Well, I arrived at the party with Angel, but she left in less than five minutes, probably to get her back blown out somewhere," she laughed at your comment, "but anyhow, I wandered around drinking here and there for about an hour and a half, and when I was about to leave, Rj found me. We talked for a while before starting to dance, and then-" there was a brief moment of silence, you took a second to contemplate telling her you made out with Rj.
“Then what?” She asked noticing your hesitation.
“Well um me and Rj left the party and went to her room I was bit tipsy earlier so we started to make out” hearing that made Riri’s body stiffen.
“I couldn’t dare go further she was too rough and it was like kissing a wet dog with its tongue out ” she laughed a little too hard at your description “you’re such a dumb ass but I thought you liked it rough?” She said tilting her head.
“Well yeah but I only like it when you’re rough, she didn’t have a clue what she was doing.” She let out another chuckle, “awe my sweet clueless angel, everyone can’t please you like I do.”
You two were now resting in your elbows facing each other, face inches apart from each other. Your eyes flickered down to her soft plumps one and back up to her eyes. They held a dark lustrous look as she leaned in, your lips brushed against each other before you pulled back.
“What? What’s wrong?” You bit the inside of your cheek “you just had your little toy over and you think you’re about to kiss me with that mouth? No thank you” she smacked her lips moving back.
“So what do you suggest i do?”
You plastered a grin on your face “go shower nasty.”
“Well you need a shower too I’m not the only who’s been fuckin people tonight-“
“Correction! We didn’t fuck we made out” she shrug hopping off the bed “same thing.” Figuring she wasn’t wrong you got off the bed trailing behind her. It wouldn’t be too bad to wash the stench of spit and vodka off you.
In the bathroom, you both undressed, but not without her eyeing you down. Feeling a little shy, you hurriedly undressed and stepped in the shower. You put the water on as hot as it could go and stood under the steaming water, letting it trickle down your back. Just as you were beginning to relax, you felt two hands grab your waist and lips, kissing you on the back. You whimpered as you felt her fingertips run between your thighs. Her fingers glided between your folds, teasing your clit, and you heard a faint chuckle.
“Ri I said sh-shower first” She ignored you continuing to play between your legs.
"You this wet for me?" You didn't respond to her because your thoughts were jumbled and you couldn't focus on the sensation of her stroking circles into your clit "I asked you a question, answer me," you immediately nodded.
"Good girl," she said as she drew her hands away from you and pushed you up against the tile wall. Her gaze locked on yours as she began to kiss down your neck, sucking your skin between her teeth and leaving small bite marks, which took you by surprise normally she refuses to leave in marks on you. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, enjoying the sensation "mmm ri."
Her hands returned between your legs, and she glided between your folds, softly entering you. Her fingers curled up against that area you need her the most.
"Fuuuck riri" While her fingers occupied your cunt, she took one of your breasts in her mouth and sucked on your nipple as her teeth lightly grazed it. The longer her fingers worked on you, the more intense your orgasm.
"Look at you, all fucked out just from my fingers, is this all it takes?"
“Ri you make me feel so good” you whined leaning your head against the wall.
“You look so pretty like this” you were close. Hands gripping the walls along with Riri’s shoulders.
“I- I wanna cum please let me cum.” Riri grins as she continues to pump in and out, placing her thumb on your clit again. Your eyes roll back of your head as your toes tingle with warmth. You can feel the nerves around your clit tightening and the muscles inside you begin to clench around her fingers. Your thighs trembled feeling your release so close you could taste it.
“Fuck I’m- nnhghhh ri!”
“There you go, such a good little slut for me” your moans echoed off the bathroom walls as you came undone on her fingers.
“Good girl, now suck” she cooed stuffing her cum covered fingered into your mouth. You sucked them clean as her fingers gagged you a bit.
After you came down from your high you two figured the shower wasn’t a good place to continue, you migrated to the bed and continued. Your legs were now entangled with one another as you, her on top and you below her. She had this loving look in her eye as she cupped your face stroking your cheek. You’ve never seen her look at you like this before.
As she continued to rub her soaking cunt against yours, she threw threw her head back letting out a throaty moan. The feeling of your clits bumping against each other drove you mad.
“You look so beautiful like this you know that?” She complimented leaning down as she took your lips in her. Her kisses were rough but never sloppy she took her time with you, kissing you like her life depended on it.
Her hands kneaded your thighs gripping them with every thrust, she let out the most angelic moans as she chased her high “Mmh you hear that shit? fuck that pussy sound good baby.”
All you could do was let out incoherent mumbles under her, just the way she liked it. A few more thrust and she was done, her moans became higher and thighs trembling as she kept going “fuck fuck fuuuuck!”
She held you down and finished riding out her high, she looked so beautiful coming undone on top of you. Breast bouncing with each movement with her mouth hanging open in pleasure. Her hips stuttered a little then she came to a full stop she left a weak kiss on your lips and laid beside you.
You pulled the covers over you turning to your side to face her, she glanced over to you and chuckled your eyes were drooping getting ready to close.
“Come here pretty” you tiredly slid over to her and laid on her bare chest, she left a kiss on forehead and held you close.
“You’re my one and only you hear me?” You hummed too tired to answer.
Her whispering “I love you” was the last thing you heard before falling asleep.
A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed my first Riri fic! 💜💜
Taglist 💌 : @locoforshuri @6-noir @saintwrld @vampzxi @ihearttish @cafehyunji @sapphicvqmpires @yamsthoughts @shuriszn @inmyheadimobsessed @shurismainbxtch @oceean @shurislover @siqueth @shurisbathwater @zayswriting
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Riri’s Masterlist
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thelesbododo · 2 months
This is a headcanon circulating around a sensitive topic and one that you may not agree with so if you don't want to read it please scroll.
This headcanon revolves around the character Osamu Dazai and the concept of sexual assault
I believe that Dazai was sexually assaulted as a child
This has nothing to do with Mori and takes place long before they even meet
While it is true we know little to nothing of BSD Dazai's past, it is also true that it is highly likely the Irl author and his No Longer Human counterpart was SA'd
There are two specific pieces of writing are evidence of this
"My true nature, however, was one diametrically opposed to the role of the mischievous imp. Already by that time I had been taught a lamentable thing by the maids and manservants; I was being corrupted. I now think that to perpetrate such a thing on a small child is the ugliest, vilest, cruelest crime a human being can commit. But I endured it. I even felt as if it enabled me to see one more particular aspect of human beings. I smiled in my weakness. If I had formed the habit of telling the truth I might perhaps have been able to confide unabashedly to my father or mother about the crime, but I could not fully understand even my own parents. To appeal for help to any human being - I could expect nothing from that expedient. Supposing I complained to my father or my mother, or to the police, the government - I wondered if in the end I would not be argued into silence by someone in good graces with the world, by the excuses of which the world approved.It is only too obvious that favoritism inevitably exists: it would have been useless to complain to human beings. So I said nothing of the truth. I felt I had no choice but to endure whatever came my way and go on playing the clown"
- No Longer Human
"I ceased being a child soon after entering grade school. It was then that my younger brother’s nurse taught me something that took my breath away. It was a beautiful summer day, and the grass by the vacant house out back had grown tall and dense. I must have been about seven, and my brother’s nurse could not have been more than thirteen or fourteen. My brother was three years younger than I, and the nurse shooed him off. She said, ‘Go get some leaf grass’ - that’s our word for clover back home. Then she added, ‘And make sure it’s got four leaves too.’ After he left, she put her arms around me and we started rolling around in the tall grass. Thereafter we would play our secret little game in the storehouse or in one of the closets."
- Memories
Both No Longer Human and Memories are semi-autobiographies, meaning they're somewhat based in truth
I can't speak from experience but SA has a big effect on the lives of the survivors
Some of thes effects include;
Sleeping or Eating disorders
Dazai canoniclly has issues sleeping and there are scenes that imply he has issues with and/or doesn't see the point in eating, at one point saying that it is "so much trouble"
There is a specific scene within one kf the light novels where Kunikida asks if Dazai has nightmares.
(Unfortunately I can't find the exact moment so I can't quote it so if anyone can find it please let me know)
It might not be clearly stated that he hates himself but ay the same time its rather clear that he does
Suicidal thoughts or self-harm
He is a suicidal maniac
Riskier sexual behaviors such as having many partners
He canoniclly has had quite a lot of lovers
Substance abuse
The one scene we see of his apartment we see that there is more alcohol than furniture (it's also a popular hc that Dazai smokes which makes sense considering his past with the pm and that irl author smoked)
Another moment to mention was when he seduced the nurse (which technically counted as SA too but that's not the point of this)
I'm probably gonna end it here because it's late and I'm tired but anyone willing to add or correct anything please go ahead and I hoped you enjoyed my hc
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forlorn-crows · 1 month
𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒚 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚 20: 𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈
pairing(s): mountain/sunshine words: 597
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Sunshine pushes the seeds into their little cups of dirt, wriggling happily where she’s sat on top of the workbench. Mountain’s favorite playlist to work to plays over the little speaker in the corner of the greenhouse, and she jabs her finger into the soil in time to the music. A cool breeze seeps in from the open doors, fresh and floral spring air intermittently cutting through the humidity as they work together to prep herbs and pepper plants. It’s easy; no place she’d rather be. Sunshine croons along with the rich tenor voice of the song, tail thumping against the leg of the table. 
The song fades out and another one begins, the bass plucking out a simple two note rhythm. Mountain perks up from his soil mixing station, looking over to Sunny with a goofy grin on his face. She knows the song, and his routine to it, but it doesn’t make her any less giddy. He sways his hips when the guitar comes in, walking over to her as he snaps his fingers perfectly on beat, miming the drum opening and crooning (slightly off key but still on beat):
I’ve got sunshi-i-ine . . . on a cloudy da-a-ay. He holds his hands out to her. When it’s cold outsi-i-ide, I-I’ve got the month of May. His hands are gritty as she takes them, hopping off the bench and smiling big. 
I. Guess. You’d. Say. He leans in, pressing their noses together. What. Can. Make. Me feel this wa-a-y? He grabs her by the waist, pulling out a giggle as he pulls her into the middle of the room, right into a patch of dappled afternoon sun.
My gi-i-irl . . . talkin’ ‘bo-out my gi-i-irl.
My girl! Sunny jumps in. I’ve got soooo much ho-oney, the bees envy me. She mimes the trumpets in the background with fingers in front of her mouth.
I’ve got a sweeter so-o-ong, Mountain continues, than the birds in the tre-ees. 
We-e-ell. I. Guess. You’d. Say. He lifts her up by her bum, bouncing her to the words as he sings them into her jawline. What. Can. Make. Me feel this wa-a-y? 
Sunshine giggles ferociously and kicks her feet. His scruffy beard tickles her neck and she squeals: “Mount!” 
My gi-i-irl . . . talkin’ bout my gi-i-irl. The earth ghoul spins her around and peppers her in kisses—big, noisy ones that tickle her skin even more. His voice cracks as he tries to hit the high notes on the ooh’s, to which Sunny shakes her head at him, presses their foreheads together, and teasingly sings the correct notes against his lips. He chuckles and pecks at her lips. The instrumental bridge slows them down, and Mountain places her back down onto the ground. But he doesn’t let her go, taking her hands instead and pushing and pulling them in alternating directions with a silly flair. 
“How’re you so perfect, my sweet, sunshine-y girl?” he asks her.
Sunny rolls her eyes and smiles. “Do you like me or something?” she jests. 
“Maybe just a little.” He lifts one of her hands and kisses her knuckles. A little olive blush graces his cheeks, and it’s the cutest thing she’s ever seen. 
Sunshine tugs her hand back when he doesn’t stop kissing it, yanking him back to their task. “Come on, loverboy, we’ve got seeds to plant, yeah?”
“Do you want to switch for a bit? I know that,” he gestures to her stack of seedling trays, “gets tedious after a while.”
“You just want to stare at my ass bending over the soil bags.” 
Mountain just shrugs. “Guilty.”
𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✿ divider by the wonderful @ghuleh-recs
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weskin-time · 2 years
Baby It’s Cold Outside
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish x GN!Reader
not beta read. i used google translate for the Gaelic so sorry if it isn’t correct.
i’m getting back into the groove of writing so i’m sorry if this is stale and kinda sucks!
mo chridhe- my heart
mo leannan- my sweetheart
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It was forbidden to date outside your rank. You could get in serious trouble by violating the code, it could fuck up the chain of command and ruin both peoples lives. But there was something about Sargent John ‘Soap’ MacTavish that just set your heart ablaze. After a long song and dance he confessed to you, and you to him, but came to an agreement that you two wouldn’t become anything until you got promoted from corporal to sargent.
It was hard to hide these feelings in public, it was little smiles shared, whispered words in each others ears, he praised you more than other members of 141 or anyone in any squad he was in, Gaz teased you the most that Soap had a crush on you. You and Soap haven’t even kissed each other let alone did anything not safe for work, there was no real label to put on what you two were. You weren’t dating, it wasn’t a situationship if you both tried very hard to avoid anything sticky that would leave others a hint to what was going on between you too.
Tonight was one of those nights that could get you in trouble.
Winter was fast approaching, snow littered the ground and the air was filled with chills. It was the season you wear black leggings under your uniform instead of the black knee high socks, a little loop hole you found during uniform inspection. Currently you were in Johns dorm on base, you snuck in like a you were high school lovers trying to be quiet making sure the coast was clear before slipping in. You snuck into each others dorms some nights to have secret dates.
You’ve already been here for an hour, talking and sipping warm drink’s together, you were pushing your luck by staying any longer.
“Another cup o’ coco?” he was seated on the head of his bed while you sat on the foot watching Mythbusters being played on a shitty desktop on a desk across the small room.
You never liked the Army’s barracks. The Air Force was much nicer, and they had way better rooms, they were bigger and didn’t feel like a stuffy box with a bed.
You moved on the bed so your feet planted on the ground yet you didn’t move, “I want to John but I really should go before we get caught.” You didn’t want to leave the warmth of Soaps room and enter the cold frozen winter wastes of the outside just to trudge in the snow till you got to your own dorm room.
“Aye but we wont mo chridhe.” he tried to reassure you. “Stay for a bit longer. please?” He leaned closer to you placing his hand on your own.
You took his hand in your own and got up, moving past him and to the window pulling back the blinds only to see pure white outside. It was snowing bad outside. You sat back down on the bed hands still intertwined. “It’s a borderline blizzard out there.” You sighed.
“Then stay till it blows over! I don’t want cha’ getting a cold sweetheart.” He pulled you by your interlocked hands for you to press into him, your back to his chest as he leaned up against the headboard and pillows of his bed with his large arm wrapped around your waist hand still in his own larger one. His body heat seeped into your skin almost convincing you of staying, you loved it when he called you pet names.
“Give me your big puffy jacket and i’ll be fine walking back to my dorm.” you smiled and nestled yourself into his hold.
“No, I can’t find it I think ya’ should just stay like this and finish this season with me before heading out.” He spoke into your hair as he rested his chin on your head.
“We’re on the second episode John, it’ll be spring by the time this seasons over.” A smile danced across your lips. You really had no intention to leave just yet but you liked how he was pleading with you to stay with him for a while longer. It felt domestic, it felt like something you shouldn’t be chasing the high of but it felt like you two were a real couple with you being in his arms watching Mythbusters. He gave a soft chuckle.
Soap was silent for a good while, a comfortable feeling in the air hung loose in his room, he just held you and tried to put the feeling of you in his arms in his long term memory. When the next episode began to play he craned his neck down so his lips were close to your ear before whispering to you. “Chan eil mi airson feitheamh gus a bhith còmhla riut. Tha mi airson innse dhut gu bheil gaol agam ort a-nis.”
“What did you say?” you turned your head to try and look at him but he hid his face so you couldn’t look at him.
His voice held a hint of sadness and yearning as he spoke, “I just said how i think your eyes are beautiful.”
“Oh John stop.” you giggled and gave a weak slap to his wrist.
He squeezed you before removing his hand and grabbing the covers of his bed and placed them on you two. “What? Cant I tell ya how much I love your smile? How i love hearing ya bark out commands to troops like it doesn’t make me want to kiss ya?” His voice was back to its usual self now.
You wiggled around flipping yourself over so you were now chest to chest, you settled in between his spread thighs and rested your hands on his chest, you looked up at him with a smile on your face. “Flattery isn’t going to make me stay John.”
“But it’s so cold out there and it’s so warm in here, in my bed, cuddled up together, in my arms.” He grabbed the blanket again and moved it to rest on your shoulders.
“You’re going to have to try another method to make me stay you dork.” You didn’t want to get in trouble and possibly never get the promotion you desperately wanted so you could openly be with Soap but this little back and forth charade was too fun, too warm in your heart for you to stop, it was light hearted banter and he knew you were going to stay for longer as you cuddled up to him.
“What if I kiss ya?” His blue eyes bore into your own, a slight blush kissed his cheeks and tip of his nose. “Would that sway ya into staying?” His voice dropped an octave as he whispered.
You think he could hear your heart beating with how fast and hard it was pounding in your ribs. His eyes glanced down to your lips before searching your eyes again, he wanted to make sure it was okay with you before he went ahead and did it, what a sweet hearted gentleman.
You smiled up at him, “Well I think you’re gonna have to find that out for yourself MacTavish.” You teased.
His left arm wrapped around the small of your back while his right hand went to cup the base of your skull, his fingers intertwining in your hair as he pulled you closer to him. You chuckled and met him half way as you both closed your eyes. His lips were soft, slightly chapped but so were your own, it was winter after all. It was one short kiss you didn’t want to pull away from. The feeling of finally kissing him for the first time made your heart quiver and your face grow warm.
He pulled away slowly, “Will ya stay for a few more episodes now mo leannan?” A dopey smile danced across his lips as he looked down at you with soft adoration in his eyes.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, “I think i need a bit more persuasion hon.”
He kissed you again with no hesitation, his stubble of a beard tickled your face in a comforting way. People say when you kiss someone sparks fly, fireworks go off, or time stands still, but that only happens in movies and romance novels. Kissing him felt like a weight you didn’t know you had on your chest was lifted, feeling his lips move across your own made your heart buzz and your mind race as you took in his scent. You smiled into the kiss and he pulled you tighter to him. It was a soft and slow kiss, the kind from a shitty Hallmark movie, your heart felt like it was going to explode, like you were a teenager again kissing your crush for the first time.
You pulled away before you couldn’t anymore and got addicted to the feeling of him. A small whine left his throat and you think you might have died and went to heaven.
“Hmm fine.” You kissed his nose. “Three more episodes and one more cup of coco.”
His right hand moved from your skull to your neck keeping you in place as he peppered your face with kisses, his lips pressing against you cheeks, eyelids, and nose as you laughed and faintly screamed at the contact. “Alright alright!! how does five episodes sound?”
He placed one last kiss on your lips before moving his hand down your back to where his other one rested on the small of your back. “I don’t care how many episodes we watch i just want you warm and with me.”
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talshiargirlfriend · 3 months
@hjea said we deserved more adorable half-Vulcan baby and that is 100% correct. So here’s what can be considered a missing scene or if you prefer you can say 🖕 to canon and consider it the opening of a fix-it.
Phlox had been notified of their imminent arrival, but nothing could have fully prepared him for the sight that greeted him as the doors to Sickbay parted. A pinched-face Commander T’Pol clutched an infant protectively to her chest as she strode in, flanked by Captain Archer and Commander Tucker. Commander Tucker had a hand on her back and concerned eyes focused on the baby’s profile. A brief look of pain flashed across his face indicating to Phlox that he may soon have two patients. Captain Archer wore his fight face. Behind them trailed a stricken Ensign Mayweather and a stoic Lieutenant Reed. All of them appeared dirty and dishevelled. 
The tiny girl stared at everything around her with wide blue eyes reminiscent of her father’s as she chewed one chubby fist. It brought to mind Sim as a baby, but of course there was no time to dwell on that now. The upswept brows and delicately pointed ears were all her mother, the doctor noted. 
“Well, what have we here?” Phlox greeted T’Pol when she stopped before him. He passed a handheld scanner in front of his young patient. 
“She is gravely ill, Doctor. Her immune system appears to be severely compromised,”  T’Pol informed him as she gently bounced the baby in her arms. It was somewhat less graceful than her usual movements in Phlox’s estimation, but he could nonetheless see the care in her touch. The baby gave a rattling cough as if to confirm her mother’s assessment. 
“I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask everyone who is not a patient - or the parent of a patient - to leave,” Phlox ordered as the scanner whirred. 
Lieutenant Reed nodded at T’Pol and Phlox, and then whispered something to Commander Tucker before giving him a supportive squeeze on his shoulder as he passed. The resulting grimace on the engineer‘s face confirmed Phlox's earlier suspicions about patient count.  Ensign Mayweather had evidently already had the good sense to slip out unnoticed.
 “You’ll inform me as soon as you know anything,” the captain confirmed as he briefly caught the doctor’s eye. “I’ll check on you all soon.” 
T’Pol gave no acknowledgement as she rubbed the baby’s back rhythmically to soothe her. 
“Take care, Trip,” Jonathan added with an encouraging smile. 
“Aye, Cap’n,” Trip responded with the ghost of a smile as he briefly tore his eyes away from T’Pol and their child. 
Phlox glanced down at the scanner in concern before he addressed the new parents. “She has a respiratory infection. We’ll start with some medication - a mild analgesic, antibiotic, and expectorant. I’d like to see that fever reduced quickly. Depending how she responds over the next hour we may move onto a more aggressive treatment for her lungs including placing her in an oxygen rich environment.” 
As he moved across to the cabinet to prepare the medication Phlox could hear the soft timbre of Commander Tucker’s voice. “She’s heavier than she looks. You want me to take her for a bit?”
“I’m fine,” T’Pol said softly. Trip must have looked ready to argue because she continued quickly, “you are injured, Trip. I will hold her… but perhaps you’d like to touch her or speak to her?” 
When Phlox returned he was loath to interrupt the scene before him. The two parents stood close with their heads canted toward each other. The baby had dropped her head against her mother’s chest and was drooling peacefully as her father stroked her hair and cheek and whispered quiet words of reassurance. In less fraught circumstances Phlox would have taken amusement in the sight of the normally impeccably groomed Vulcan with a patch of spittle spreading on her clothing. 
“I’ve got an injection ready,” he said as he approached the family. “This should ease her discomfort and allow her to sleep more soundly. I’ll also take a blood sample.”  
The child made an irritated squawk when the needle pierced her skin and she shifted her head to give Phlox the most dignified look of pouty-lipped disdain he’d ever seen on a baby. 
Apparently she would take after both her parents in temperament as well as appearance, Phlox thought wryly.
 “Shhh now, you’re all right, little one. I know it’s no fun getting jabbed, but the doc here is gonna help you feel a lot better.”
T’Pol turned pleading eyes toward the doctor as she gently rocked the baby. 
He would certainly do his best. 
“Commanders,” Phlox said gently as he prepared to analyse the blood of Enterprise's newest resident. “This will take some time. I won’t ask you to rest now, but it would be a good idea to refresh yourselves somewhat and get comfortable…” he trailed off as he nodded toward the chairs along the wall. 
Their reluctance to leave was palpable. Phlox could understand it well, but they would be better able to care for their newfound daughter if they first looked after their own needs. 
He glanced back to see the two commanders locked in an apparent staring contest. Before he could make a stronger appeal, Commander Tucker gave a faint sigh. 
“All right. You two go sit in one of Phlox’s comfy chairs.  I’m gonna go wash the moon dust off and grab a cup of coffee. When I get back I’m gonna bring you a change of clothes and a cup of tea, and you’re gonna take a break for ten minutes,” he informed T’Pol rather intensely.  Phlox expected Vulcan indignance, but instead she only nodded in response. That was interesting. 
Satisfied, Trip leaned down to gently stroke his daughter’s cheek. “I’ll be right back. You be good for your mama,” he whispered. T’Pol’s eyes widened slightly, and he gave her a faintly bewildered smile. “I know. It's surreal. But you’re her mom.”
“And you are her father,” she replied seriously. 
A bright grin spread over Trip’s face. “I am,” he said, wonder evident in his tone. His voice dropped back down,”You’re doing great, T’Pol.” He rubbed her arm. 
“Ok, Doc,” he said a bit louder. “Keep an eye on these Vulcan girls for me. I’ll be back in twenty minutes, tops.” He paused to kiss the sleepy infant on her head and the startled mother on her lips. 
Phlox politely averted his eyes and hid his grin as he focused on the screen at his workstation.  “Commander,” he called out as Trip reached the door. “I'm going to take a look at that shoulder when you get back.” At the dark muttering he heard in response, Phlox allowed himself a small smile before frowning at the data loading before him. 
The baby’s eyes were starting to drift closed, and he could hear T’Pol speaking quietly to her as she paced.
“Your father is very physically affectionate.” There was a pause. “We will adapt.”
“You still need a name,” T’Pol murmured to the child. “I have something in mind. We will discuss it with your father when he returns.”
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