#ATV Tire Set
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milena-bond · 2 years
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raffe156 · 2 years
Playing Favourites
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Pairing - Price X MC (Tank) F!reader
Summary - Little fluff drabble that is set the morning after Spoils of war
A/N - Just a quick little thank you and something for you guys to remember its not all doom and gloom for these two! Well it is for the next few chapters but this is set after all that haha also I fully acknowledge Rudy and Alejandro being an item end of :) 
I really appreciate all the recent feedback and asks! Please keep em coming! It only spurs me on haha 
Warnings - Under 18+ DNI,  angst, Smut, (If you squint)  Language,fluff, Age gap Relationship, Price (41) reader (Tank, 26),domestic fluff
Tags:  @irnbru32 @shuttlelauncher81  @mildlyhopeless @mentallynot-here​ @deadbranch @soapyghost​
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Call of duty characters - Only Tank, Luke, Dredd and Mckinley​
Masterlist link here
Price woke to an empty bed, which wouldn’t have normally bothered him at all, but that was before you.
He stretched, his hand finding the warmth you had left, he buried his face on your side of the pillow you shared most nights, the smell of your skin filled his head. He vaguely remembered you kissing him goodbye before you left to get back to your side of the base before everyone was fully awake. He could of happily gone back to sleep, but the sooner he got dressed the sooner he could be in your company again. As he got ready he thought about mentioning you two going on a date when back home, he was thinking about the places he could take you, trying to remember your favourite foods, he knew there wasn't much you didnt like! He remembered you liked the food he had cooked for you that time you came to stay for the weekend with Kyle a year ago, Price didnt like to think about that weekend very often, it had broken up your team, it made you into strangers torn apart, it was the start of a very bad year for all involved, a year he would rather put behind him, so he did or at least he tired.
As he walked out into the main part of the base he couldn’t help scanning the huge bunker for your face, listening for your laugh. Which had to be his favourite sound, well that an when he had you in bed and did that thing you liked were he…
He was caught of guard and pulled from his train of thought by Laswell calling him from across the base. She waved him over, he still took a few glances round looking for you, he would find you, he always did.
“Laswell, what can I do for you?”
“John, was starting to worry about you, it's 8am an I'm only just seeing you now?” Laswell cocked her eyebrow at him.
“Had a little lie in, needed it” he wasn’t lying.
Kate looked him up an down, he didn’t look tired if anything this was the best he had looked in a long time she had a sneaky suspicion a certain sergeant had something to do with it, but she kept that to herself. She just hoped that he knew what he was getting into.
“Fair enough, anyway we have a quick briefing later today with Colonel Shepherd, he just wants an update on things you know the drill” she started walking Price followed.
“No problem, who needs to be there, I’ll make sure to wrangle my lot” Price chucked wrangle was the perfect term.
“Just you will do, but if your guys can go meet Shepard’s team that would be great, little playdate” Kate laughed.
“Sure I’ll tell them to play nice”
Laswell smiled, Price looked distracted his mind was obviously somewhere else.
“Lost something John?” She knew what he was looking for, better yet who he was looking for.
“What? No…just wondering where my lot are actually, not checked in with them yet” he motioned for them to walk out onto the tarmac.
Laswell followed she had to hide the smirk, John Price was smitten.
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As they walked out of the huge hanger doors, the hot sun in their eyes a yell came from over near the ATV’s. They both shot over a look in the direction it had come from.
Soap was soaked head to toe, his Mohawk flat to his head, jeans now a darker blue.
Where was his T-shirt Laswell thought? Before Price could question him, Kyle came running from behind one of the jeeps also missing his top and also soaked through!
“Haha where the hell is she?” Kyle was trying to catch his breath but his laughing made it difficult.
“Not a clue, but she’s messed me hair up!”
“Serves you right, you soaked her first! Hahaha” Kyle had set off laughing again.
Laswell spotted you first an instinctively pulled Price back a few steps as to not get caught in the crossfire.
You were ringing wet hair slicked back, white vest clingy to your chest, bad day not to wear a bra Laswell thought, but that was probably Soaps motive.
You launched the full bucket in the direction of the two topless men completely oblivious to your presence, in the commotion you grabbed two sponges hitting Kyle with one an Soap in the face with the other.
Before you could get away Soap grabbed you in a headlock pulling you to the now soaked ground a large puddle had formed, water splashed everywhere. You quickly gained the upper hand on soap an now had him in an armbar.
“This is what you get for being a perv! Tap out Mactavish”
“Not a chance lass, was worth it!! I’ll dry you off if you want!”
“Fat chance fairy liquid!”
As you two wrestled on the wet tarmac, Ghost grabbed the hose and started spraying you both like he was trying to break up a pair of fighting dogs, it didn’t stop either of you, if anything you got hold of each other even tighter, Kyle noticed Soap going slightly blue.
“RIGHT PACK IT IN!” Price’s voice boomed across the base causing you both to stop moving instantly.
“Let go of him Tank…” it was more a warning than a request. You did as you were told an released Soap from your grip, slapping him away when he tried to use you to push himself off the ground.
Kyle had gone silent looking at the ground, Soap looked to Ghost for help, who only sprayed him again in the face with the hose. You couldn’t meet Prices eyes so opted for the ground along with Kyle.
“What do you lot think this is a charity car wash?”
“We were just getting the truck clean an it’s so hot so we just…then Soap” Kyle started but was stopped by the ‘not now Kyle’ look from Laswell.
Price pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a loud sigh when he looked up he noticed your now see through top it caused the blood to rush down to his crotch, even though he was your Captain and you weren’t in the privacy of your little bubble where he could openly admire you he was still a man, your top clung to your wet skin, nipples hard from the slight chill from being soaked and the way you were biting your lip like you knew you were in trouble caused a fire in him, he almost wanted to bend you over his knee there and then showing your arse the palm of his hand. But that would be more paper work than it was worth, no matter how badly he wanted to.
Price pulled his eyes from you to look at Kyle and Soap who had apparently started this, Price didn’t know wether to scold him or thank him.
“Go dry off, you lot are going to meet Commander Graves and the Shadow company later and I need you all to behave, think that's possible?” Price glared at each of you. But his eyes remained on you and you could feel the embarrassment crawling over your skin.You felt like a child being told off at school, what made is worse was how he had be harsher on you now, since Soap and Ghost had caught you two in the showers the other night. He couldn’t be seen going soft on you.
Soap had been on the sly tormenting you about favouritism and how even if you threw a grenade into a civilian camp Price would give you a slap on the wrist but at the same time kiss you on the forehead. It was usually followed with Soap doing a terrible impression of him saying “it’s ok kiddo, I’ll make this all go away!” He knew it riled you up an you always gave him the reaction he wanted. Ghost told him to knock it off an that if he didn’t he would happily tell Price that he does a fantastic impression of him. You appreciated Ghost for that, but you had a feeling he thought something not too dissimilar, but he would never voice it he respected Price too much. Was it always going to be like this?
Laswell nodded you off, a silent get going before he has to repeat himself.
“You have 25 minutes an if you are not ready believe me I will come find you myself” Price watched as the 3 of you walked away.
“I'll go make sure the lads don't start again Cap” Ghost followed behind Soap and Kyle. You stalked off to your side of camp. Price watched you for a few seconds, he hated this, hated having to act this way but he was still you Captain and there was still a job to be done, but he made a mental note to make it up to you later. He also wasn't blind to the look Laswell was giving him.
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The meeting with Graves and the Shadows had gone ok, Graves seemed nice enough. You and Rudy had exchanged a few side glances at each other, but other than that all seemed good. It was now the early evening the sun setting over the base as you all gathered outside under a canopy, getting acquainted. Kyle spent most of the evening talking football with one of the shadows who was an Aston Villa fan so you didn't have him to talk to, Soap and Ghost were listening to Graves talk about the last ‘Assignment’ he had been on. Rudy had Alejandro and every now and again you caught a glimpse of something between them a slight smile or wink, it gave you butterflies. You liked the idea that they had each other and if your theory was right and they did, you wondered how they made it work the Colonel and his second in command?
“Tank? Can I see you for a minute?” Price was stood just outside the canopy you were all gathered under. Most of the chatting had stopped and all eyes were on you now as you nodded making your way over to your Captain who had started walking ahead you followed. As you passed him Alejandro gave you a soft smile.
It felt like you had been walking for ages in silence, the sky now an inky blue, you were well out into the desert, still on the base but far enough that no one could see or hear you. Great you thought no one to hear you getting told off.
Price stopped in front of two large rocks, he motioned you to sit down on one and he took the other, he didn't face you instead faced forward. As you sat down you noticed he was tapping his leg, something you had only seen him do when he was anxious which was never.
“Im sorry” Price blurted out.
“What for?”
“Shouting at you like that, I shouldn’t have…there was no need I just…”
“It’s ok, to be a fair we were acting like kids, Soap started it though Kyle told him not to, but he did it anyway and..”
Price cocked his eyebrow at you? You sighed realising you sounded like a kid now telling tales.
“It's fine really, you have to be harsh on me or else it is favouritism” you kicked the dirt under your feet.
“I don't want to be harsh on you Tank, I hate it I really do, that's why I think we should just come clean about us” Price looked up into the dark blue sky now littered with little lights. You looked at him shocked come clean? Was he serious? You jumped up and started to pace.
“You must be mad! Are you joking? Please say you are joking! They will split us up, I'll get put back with Squad 8 and I’m not going back to that shit show! Dredd was the only good thing about it at least I could trust her! But no John I'm not doing that sorry, I'll take all the bollockings you can dish out, I'm not leaving the 141 , not again no…” You could feel the slight tinge of panic in you chest and Price could hear it in your voice. He stood up stopping you by the shoulders.
“Listen to me, I won't let that happen, never ever...I mean come clean to Laswell, Kyle so those closest to us know about us, so I don’t have to be so harsh, they will just have to accept the fact your my favourite” He gave you that eye-crinkling smile that slowed your heart rate slow down. He was right Kyle deserved to know.
“Yeh your right” you looped your arms around his waist burying your face into his chest, he smelt of warm sand, tobacco and kerosene. Price looked down at the top of your head looping his big arms around you in return.
“You know when I was younger, I wasn't afraid of anything, I didn't have the slightest fear of dying, no reason for it. I thought that if I died that was fine by me, I’ve come close a few times believe me Kid, but then I met you and I started to think that, I wanted to survive to live and for the first time, the idea of death scared me” Price looked up into the now pitch black sky.
“What I'm trying to say is this what we have found, I want to keep it safe, but I also don't want to smother it by keeping it hidden, we can do this, others have made it work. Listen I’ve been an idiot before and it cost me a year without you, don't think I could do that again so I want you right next to me where you belong and if that means a few select people know the score then so be it, they will find out anyway when they realise we have the same postcode and the kids come out with my eyes and your hair!” He was laughing now and it seemed to echo into the night.
You were lost for words, too stunned to speak. Kids? Same postcode? Who was this man? Price suddenly felt your silence and wonder had he said too much?
“Ermmm did I go to far with the whole kids and same postcode?”
You looked up at him a little smirk pulling at the corners of your mouth.
“A little, but your eyes? I wouldn’t mind that actually, but my nose…” you winked at him. Price sighed with relief letting out a little chuckle.
“Yeh your nose” he leant forward giving you a kiss. He glanced back towards the base.
“We had better head back before they send out a search party, bet they think your getting a right telling off!” Price draped his arm over your shoulder and started to walk back.
“More like a right good seeing to!” You elbowed him in the ribs giving him a comical wink. He pretended to hold this side laughing.
“That can be arranged? My room lets say about 2am?”
“Yes Sir!” You saluted him as you looped your arm around him.
“By the way what did you mean when you said ‘others have made it work’?”
“Ohh erm well don’t know if you’ve noticed but Alejandro and Rudy are pretty close who do you think told me to bring you out here tonight to talk?” Price looked out across the horizon.
“Ohhhhhh I had noticed it actually, well if a Colonel and a second in command can make it work then so can a Captain and a Sergeant”
As you both walked back to base linked into eachother Price felt like all his christmases had come at once, you just needed to get through this mission then you could really start making plans, he still needed to ask you out on that date.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
for the comfort ask!! ☺️🫶🏻💕💕
🛎 - Someone at their beck and call + any character you want
Ransom Drysdale x rich!Reader from The Root of All Ransom
ooo, big shock: warnings for cursing and sexual references (nothing explicit)! WC 1.2k
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‘The Wank’ is a fucking terrible friend who Ran is more likely to set fire to than embrace if he ever sees that rat bastard again.
Oh sure, it’s all fun and games, riding ATVs around this British lord-boy’s estate until that drunk idiot cuts too close in front of his invited guest, clips the tire, and launches Ransom over the front and into some ancient stone wall. He looks like a million bucks—Million Dollar Baby, that is—with all his bruises and lacerations. At least his face is unscathed for the most part. Ran couldn’t handle being fucking ugly on top of the embarrassment of being bedridden for a couple of weeks.
It was only supposed to be a quick few days' visit before he went back to the States, but instead, he’s stuck in the Wank’s mansion while the fucking prick leaves to go do other stupid things with their other stupid friends…
Why Ran keeps thinking of these people as friends, he’s not really sure, but once the doctor—who showed up with two nurses to a sprawling estate in the middle of goddamn nowhere—tells Ransom he has to remain like a vegetable in this musty four-poster, he calls you furious.
He calls to complain loudly, but Ran knew you would come.
Even though he is anxious and pissy for the whole thirty-six hours it takes for you to handle what business you can, book transport from Beijing to London, and then get a car to drive all the way to the boonies, he thinks he’s doing reasonably well when you arrive.
In reality, he’s already cursed out every member of the household staff willing to enter his room. Ransom is a terror when sick, and no one has the luxury of him drugged during this lay-up.
You’re graciously given a room to work out of but keep your Bluetooth in your ear all day every day unless you are in bed asleep. He fucking hates it. Ran is given a bell to signal he needs something and has no ability to distinguish needs from wants when bored.
“Would you stop talking like I’m not here?” he hiss-yells as you try to go back to work one day after bringing him a tray of breakfast.
You cover the end of the device and snap back, “These are prime business hours where I am supposed to be right now. I have to stay on the phone.”
When you turn to leave, Ran hits the bell.
You face him, challenging with narrowed eyes, so he hits it again. Twice.
But you don’t take the bait and shut the door behind you.
Ran’s bored—horrifically bored—and lonely. He beats down on the bell in cacophonic irritation for a solid minute before you rage back into the room.
Your hand slaps over his on the cool metal chime.
“Hugh Ransom Drysdale,” you intone between clenched teeth, “you are abusing your bell privileges. If you do not stop, I will go back to Beijing tonight, and no one here will help you. Do you understand?”
His brow is just as angry as yours, but Ran’s lips pout. He huffs anyway, nodding his head, and after you let go of his hand, he admits quietly, “I want to go outside.”
Your face softens.
You sit by his hip, seemingly exhausted by the thought of coming all this way, acquiescing to his every whim, and returning to work. Outside the tall windows shines a lovely English morning after days and days of clouds.
Ransom watches you sigh hopefully.
“I’ll see what I can do,” you whisper, patting his knee to avoid reaching over his tray. “Do me a favor though?”
“What?” Depends on the favor so Ran promises nothing.
“Will you please use those damn wipes for something other than masturbating?”
His whole body stiffens uncomfortably.
“Even a whore’s bath will do and don’t act all innocent, Hugh! I know you,” you giggle, relishing the tease and the pink stain blossoming on his neck.
He glances over at the packet on the night stand. “A…a wh—“
“Pitties, titties, and bitties.” You stand and fail to smother your grin.
He hates this. You know he hates this. He knows you know he hates this, and yet Ran chuckles involuntarily. He knows you’ll try—knows that you are trying—to make him happy. It makes him so mad.
You’re the one with a job and a business and the money, and you’re forced to nurse him like a fucking invalid. A year ago, he would have loved this shit. Now he just feels like the fucking wanker.
He has several remaining bandages which cannot get wet, so he can’t shower. Ran can, however, get himself to the ensuite but it takes all of his energy and turns him into a ball of rage until he takes a nap.
Which is so fucking stupid, he thinks, but it’s the truth of it.
He struggles for the whole morning. He actually has to split the tasks of picking out clothes to change into, resting, using the bathroom, resting again, cleaning himself as best he can to put on boxers, resting atop the covers because he now notices the sheets smell, and then gets dressed.
He waits, puttering around social media on his phone, head shooting up to the door at any tiny noise from anywhere beyond his cage of a bed.
You come back at lunchtime, sans earpiece, and look genuinely impressed that he’s decent, which is so fucking sad that he wants to die, but he wants to go outside more.
He has to lean on you to get all the way to the lawn, fiercely focused on the blanket laid out under the closest tree, taking comically huge breaths of fresh air before collapsing when you give him the okay.
The picnic and tea are nice. The formality of the service, even though the staff only brings out the dishes and a basket of food, reminds him of Sunday brunches with Linda, so he doesn’t really fucking care about the food. He’s not really hungry.
Ran lays down flat on the grass-padded blanket and drifts to the soft rustle of leaves and birds chirping.
After who knows how long, he peels his eyes open to see the sun in a completely different spot and you still right next to him, relaxed and peering up, hands tucked behind your head.
“Hey,” he finally says to get your attention.
You shift your head, lips pulled into a squinty smile he can’t resist. “Hey, yourself. Have a good nap?”
Ran nods, getting his bearings from the murky waters of sleep. He notices you stayed. You didn’t go back to work. You didn’t trade off taking care of him. You got something you needed, too: peace and quiet, so he says the most obvious thing that comes to mind.
“You’re welcome.”
He’s rewarded with you bursting into laughter.
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from this game of "Comfort My Characters"
Thank you for asking!
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @starkleila
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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homiesondaweb · 1 year
Shout out to @frogs4frogs for finding these picrews for spidersonas for shawties that can't draw! I didn't want to hop on her post with her Sona and rambles for jt, So! I made my own to ramble on lol.
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This is Etta Hampton (Ezy) aka The Recluse the one and only Spiderwoman of New Tulsa on earth 9539
Etta is 17 and lives with her Uncle Barney who owns the Urban Stables that most people in North use for boarding. Etta's lived with her Uncle Barney since she was seven after the death of her parents in a mysterious OzCorp Refinery explosion. She has an army of aunties and cousins that live on the East Coast in Old York or DC.
Etta is incredibly smart, soft spoken and caring. She loves ATV or horse trail riding, welding, pottery, and botany. To the point she plans on triple majoring civil engineering, mechanical engineering and sculpture after she graduates from the Parker's Gifted Academy. Her uncle is her biggest supporter for her education and hobby pursuits and gave her her own garage/studio to work in.
Etta is best friends with the fire chief's son Bart Brown (9539's Hobie), the Bugle Radio's owner's daughter Merry Jameson ( 9539's MJ) and Harry O. (9539's green goblin who just causes more chaos over harm, absolutely hate his father) who the world fattest crush on her and she is 100% oblivious to it.
When Etta was 14 she stormed off after an argument with various of her visiting aunties about her "manish" pursuits she took her four-wheeler and went off trail to a forbidden zone that was the contamination and closed of remains of the OzCorp Refinery. While exploring the remains, Etta was bitten by a radioactive Brown Recluse when security guards had cornered her and she was forced to hide in one of the old R&D offices.
She has the usual power set for a spider person: Spidey sense, the ability to stick to walls, super strength and super agility. Along with long sharp nails that are extremely durable and sharpened canines that have a paralytic and necrotic venom. Etta has two specialty abilities: one is to produce different kinds of acid from her hands and apply it to her organic webs to create different kinds of traps or help her to escape. The other is an ability to control her temperature to the point she can send heat waves of energy off her body or stun/shock others with a fridged touch.
As the Recluse her biggest foes are Cyclone Sandman, Cotton Mouth, and King Scorpion. She has a half allyship with the for hire thief/ spy Prowler (Miles M. Davis) and Green Goblin (she usually just catches and releases with his antics) the fire chief and sheriff work well with her. In school as her regular persona her academic rival is Miles.
Etta tricked out an ATV to fit her theme and made it hover/wall fly so she can still get to places that don't have the highrises that need her help. She controls it remotely sometimes to help rescue people or lead the emergency services to a location/criminals she's taken care of. This causes her Uncle Barney to think she is a close friend of Recluse and works on her tech. He likes Recluse but is highly worried for 'both' their safeties.
The only "Canon Events" she has gone through is the death of her parents and giving up being Spiderwoman for a while after she failed to save a little boy's parents during a train derailment caused by Sandman.
Miguel sent Jess and Ben to recruit her for the Spider Society after she dealt with a Vulture variant and he worried over the fact that her Gwen Stacy event hadn't occurred yet (death of Harry in her case, his spine snaps as he is GG when she tired to stop him from plummeting after a mid-air battle) they haven't explained this to her yet. Etta tries to stay in her world but really likes collaborating on inventions with other spider-peoples and usually sticks to the R&D or repair department over missions.
Is works besties with Margo but highly distrusts Lyla. She partial mentors under Jess and let's Gwen stay in her dimension sometimes when Hobie's world is overwhelming.
Loves blooming onions and other savory snacks, it's not unusual to see her as Recluse snacking on jerky or street corn. Tamale ladies love her. Often wears overalls or jeans jackets over her spider suit. Has hella Spotify followers because her playlists are absolutely fire (even Miles admits this)
And that's kinda it! I have hella backstory about my girl, please ask about her😁💛
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slasherbish · 1 year
Woods Part 3
The sun had started to set and the rain was now a light drizzle. The temperature was also dropping. “How long until they come looking for you?” You asked wanting to know if you’d end up spending the night with a killer or not. “Tomorrow probably. Preston will be there. Ignore him he’s an idiot.” He responded. You pouted, the thought of staying the night in creepy woods with a killer that video taped everything made you shiver. Gathering your thoughts and emotions you realized you didn’t know his name, It seemed like at this point knowing each other's names would be okay. “Um my name is (y/n) by the way. What's yours?” you asked, now facing the disfigured man. “Jesse” his phone said. “It’s nice to meet you Jesse.” You said with a smile. Night fell quickly.
Your stomach growled loudly in the early morning hours. You had barely slept due to fear of what might happen. Jesse woke up to the sound of your stomach, making a confused look he raised his eyes to meet yours. “Oh I’m sorry my stomach woke you. It’s almost like I haven’t eaten in god knows how long since you kidnapped me.” You said with a hint of anger seeping in. A second later you realized you just basically yelled at a serial killer and covered your mouth with your hands in shock. You were about to apologize when his phone talked “You have bite. I like fire” 
“I’m still sorry. I’m just so hungry and tired.” She said apologetically. His phone spoke up again “You would probably be a better addition than Preston” She tried to figure out what he meant and then it hit her “Are you offering me a job?” You asked. He only shrugged. At this point the sun was rising and out in the middle of nowhere it was a breathtaking view. You even smiled at the sight. Unknown to you your forced companion had noticed the smile, he thought it was a beautiful smile. 
The two of you spent the morning rebuilding the fire and adding in anything that made it smoke more. You had come up with the idea of a smoke signal and Jesse was impressed at your thought process. He hadn’t thought about needing to signal your exact location since the phone by this time was nearly dead and not able to transmit it’s gps signal. The smoke signal rose high into the sky, it would be easy for a plane or helicopter to see from a distance. 
Since neither of you had the survival skills to know which plants were edible you sat trying to make a small spear with the use of one of his knives and a stick. Since you were the faster of the two it would be your job to spear the animal. You were not looking forward to it. Jesse tried to reassure you that it would be okay since it’s for survival. 
Finally you got the courage to try. It didn’t take long for you to find a lone rabbit grazing in a field. Doing your best you missed by a lot and the bunny left in a hurry. “Dammit” you cursed. Jesse silently chuckled at you. Even though it was a silent laugh due to him not being able to really make noise you could sense it and so you turned around giving him a death glare. The large man playfully put up his hands in mock defense. “Oh my gods you have  a sense of humor” you said with a dramatic gasp. 
He didn’t show it often but he did in fact have a softer side. At work it was necessary for him to be the stone cold stoic killer that he is, but in free time he was more relaxed and kind. He no longer saw you as his prey or a threat so he let the walls slip down for a bit. She was relieved that his mood had seemed to improve. After a few more tries you finally managed to kill a larger rabbit. With the brightest, most proud smile you had you held up the dead animal. Jesse clapped to show that he too was proud. He knew how to skin and cook the animal and so he did that half of the work. 
By this time it was noon and the two of you sat happily eating the cooked rabbit.  Just as the meal was finishing up you hear the sound of helicopters and ATV’s. Your eyes widen slightly in fear. Jesse easily sensed this and typed “It’s my company. Don’t tell anyone about me being nice.” the phone said as he put a small amount of sap onto his mask to act as a temporary adhesive. You frowned at this, his face was something you’d grown to like, it was friendly and kind. It pulled you back to reality that most people saw him as something monstrous. You wondered if his company even knew what he looked like. 
A gun in your face snapped you from thoughts. In front of you was a man not as tall or intimidating as Jesse. He had black hair and a wicked smile. “Preston” the phone in Jesse’s hand said. “Oh you’re the annoying one J-Chromeskull was talking about.” Your face lit up as you realized this. The smile on Prestons face left in the blink of an eye, being replaced with a frown/scowl. “You little bitch!” He yelled in your face. You only giggled through your fear. This only angered him more. A woman walked up behind Preston and pushed him aside. It was clear he was the lowest on the food chain. 
“Shut your mouth Preston. Jesse wants her alive.” The woman said calmly. Subconsciously you walked back and bumped into someone. “I..I’m sorry” you stuttered out turning around to see Jesse. The sudden arrival of thirty or so people was overwhelming. The woman eyed you before saying “My name is Spann, I work for Chromeskull.” She said. You nodded trying to collect yourself. “I’m (Y/n)” You managed to say. “I know” Spann said. Looking over the womans shoulder you could see a still angry Preston barking orders at the workers. Jesse put a large hand on your shoulder as reassurance. 
“You have two options now that you know about this organization. We kill you or you work for us.” Spann gave you the ultimatum. 
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extinct-fish · 3 months
The Mario Kart Assigning is done!
Here are the results!
Ken has been assigned Link.(SS Link, specifically) Minato has been assigned Inkling Boy. Junpei has been assigned Funky Kong Kotone has been assigned Baby Mario
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Kotone's going with the Sneaker kart, Cushion wheels, and Parafoil glider
Junpei's going with the City Tripper bike, Hot Monster Wheels, and the Super Glider
Minato's going with the Splat Buggy ATV, Monster Wheels, and the Super Glider
Ken's going with the whole hyrule set: Master Cycle, Triforce Tires, Hylian Kite glider.
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adnauseum11 · 3 months
My ATV has a flat tire, which means I've got to get it off to get it fixed. It took all three of my socket sets to find the right size and then WD40 to get one of the lugs to finally break free. Now to find the best spot on the frame to jack it up and get the tire off.
It's been 0 days since I was crawling around in the dirt.
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katcoquette · 2 years
Muddy Trails
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x f!Reader
part of my cabin in the woods collection happening throughout the month of october- a collection of stand-alone* stories (cute fall & spooky) set in the same cabin in the woods, read them all if you dare uncover the full mystery...
summary: after a peaceful first morning, you and your boyfriend decide to ATV along the muddy trails that wind through the forest surrounding your cabin in the woods
✧ word count: 2.7k
✧ tw/tags: fluff, pure fluff, mentions of getting drunk/alcohol consumption
✧ author's note: I realized while writing this that I'm such a sucker for mundane, little domestic moments, that's why there's so much interaction with other people while with Jake, I love friend moments with your SO's friends, genuinely. also this is SO HORRIBLY edited like...I just ran out of time.
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Your first morning in the cabin was spent in the cozy breakfast nook that sat just off the large kitchen on the main floor. You and Jake were the only ones up- on account of you both being morning people. Typically, you’d be awake and ready to start your day by now, but today, you were feeling much more tired than you usually did.
That was probably on account of how much you’d had to drink last night. That was also why no one else was awake, and even though you’d gotten out of bed with him willingly, you wished that’s where you and Jake still were.
Jake, however, was flipping through the cabin information packet and sipping his coffee, as awake as he was every morning. That annoyed your fuzzy, hungover mind. You seemed to be the only one feeling the effects of the pool party last night.
You groan softly from your boyfriend’s lap, where you were laying with one arm over your eyes to shield you from the ever-increasing light that was flooding through the windows above you.
The noise causes him to glance down and smile knowingly at you.  
You had opted for laying down on the padded bench that surrounded the circular table because even though you didn’t feel like eating anything right now, you still wanted to participate in the morning ritual the two of you had established early in your relationship.
The seating around the table you were at, or more accurately, under, was framed by large windows that looked out over the patio and into the forest that sat beyond the backyard. It gave you a glorious view of the sunrise- if you’d had the strength to stare at the rising light.
“Do you want some of my coffee?” Jake muses from above you. You peek out from under your arm enough to see the smirk on his face.
“Why aren’t you suffering like I am?” You ask him, sitting up and crossing your legs despite the huff you’d let out at his question. He hands you his mug, and let’s you take a sip before answering.
“I got drunk at dinner. You-“ He says pointedly, “-got drunk like, 3 hours after that.” It takes you a minute to process his words, a blank look on your face as you hold his mug and stare at him.
“Oh yeah.” Your brain finally catches up, and you rub a hand over your eyes, smiling sheepishly. He just chuckles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to pull you closer to him.
You hand him back the mug and tap on the page of the booklet he’s looking at. “Anything good in here?”
“Actually, yeah. Apparently, there’s a couple of ATVs in the garage, I thought that’d be a fun thing to do today.” He remembers the state you’re in and adds, “If you’re up for it.”
“I will be in, like, an hour… maybe two. Definitely by this afternoon though.” You reason, sinking your head back down to rest on his lap again.
He raises an eyebrow, amused. “Will you please let me make you some food?” You try to gauge what your stomach’s reaction will be to a meal right now, but you spend too much time doing it, because Jake’s already putting a hand under your head to cradle it while he stands up, replacing his legs with a nearby pillow.
You decide on a simple “thank you!” as he crosses the room to the cooking area, and starts on something for you.
Fanboy walks in a few minutes later. “Morning, Hangman.” You can see him pat Jake’s back from under the table.
“Hi Mickey!” You call out, sticking your hand up to wave. He looks around confused until spotting your arm, and then he crouches down. “Hey, you. Rough night?”
You sigh. “Something like that…we missed you guys!” He laughs, “I’m starting to think it’s a good thing we went up early- you look miserable.”
“I’m doing just fine.” You wave him off. “Speaking of- where is your other half?” Jake asks, flipping your food in the pan.
“Still sleeping. I was coming to make breakfast, but it looks like you’ve already got that under control.” He teases, gesturing to the pan.
“No offense to you and your sickeningly cute morning antics, Fanboy, but I think someone else needs it more than you do.”
The Bradshaws choose that moment to stumble into the kitchen, looking almost as tired as you. “Hangman, where’s your girlfriend?” Rooster’s wife asks as her husband walks over to the fridge, mumbling good mornings on his way.
“Good morning to you too!” Jake answers, a sarcastic grin on his face. She doesn’t react, so he clicks his tongue and points to the table where you had raised your hand to wave again.
You sit up as she joins you in the nook, wrapping her arm around you in a side hug and huddling closer to you. “You’re hungover.” She states, smirking. You poke her shoulder, “So are you.”
You grin, giggling with each other like college roommates. You fall into an easy conversation that shifts with each new person that joins; first Jake with your food, then Rooster, then a slow trickle of the others as they wake up and wander down for breakfast.
Everyone shares their plans for the morning over various meals, and the longer you spend talking to them, the more awake you feel. Jake had been right- food was exactly what you needed. You’d take an Advil too, for any lingering symptoms of the party.
Soon Jake is nudging you with his shoulder. “You ready to get going?” He asks you softly, not wanting to interrupt the main conversation. You nod, “Let me just go change. I’ll be right back.”
You maneuver around him, not without a little help from his hands on your waist guiding you, and then you’re headed to your room upstairs.
You push the door open and flip the switch, yelping when light floods the space.
In the corner of the room there’s an anatomical skeleton that definitely hadn’t been there this morning, and had definitely just scared the shit out of you.
“You okay?” Someone calls from downstairs. You’re trying to slow your heart rate- partially from the initial scare, and partially from how hard you were now laughing at yourself.
“Did you find the skeleton?” That was definitely your boyfriend’s voice- though you’re sure he wasn’t the perpetrator of this little stunt. You walk to the corner and grab the model- conveniently, it’s on wheels.
You back out into the hallway and take a few steps to the railing that opened into the living room. “Where the hell did this come from?”
Rolling it back to the kitchen for everyone to see, you point at Coyote, “This has you written all over it.” You have tears in your eyes now, and small laughs breaking through your sentence.
He breaks easily, clapping his hands together and laughing.
You wipe underneath your eyes, “Oh my god.” You hang your head and bend over, resting your arms on your thighs, and take a deep breath. When you come back up, you turn your attention to Jake, “You knew about this??”
He shrugs, holding back a laugh. “I may or may have seen it being rolled across the living room.”
“You’ve started something you won’t be able to finish.” You try to sound intimidating as you push the roller-skeleton towards where Coyote’s sitting at the counter.
“First prank of The Great Cabin Prank War.” He fist pumps.
You point two fingers towards your eyes, and then to Jake’s as you walk back out of the kitchen, still needing to get ready. “You’re in trouble.”
“Wha- babe, it wasn’t even my idea!” Your walk turns into a jog as you skitter back to your room, Jake hot on your trail. He catches up to you just outside the door, capturing your waist in his arms from behind you.
“Don’t be mad.” You giggle as he buries his head into your shoulder. “I’ll help you get him back, okay?”
“Deal.” You smile, turning in his arms to give him a quick kiss, and then you’re struggling out of his arms, despite his protesting. “I still need to get ready!”
“Fine, fine. Meet me by the front door when you’re done.”
It doesn’t take you much longer to finish getting ready, mostly you’d just wanted to grab extra clothes in case it got chilly, and a bandana to tie around your face for the dust. You’d have to shower when you got back anyway, so it was a quick routine.
You’re surprised when you walk into the foyer and don’t find him, but you don’t think much of it, sitting down at the piano.
Your fingers brush over the keys while you wait for him to come back. Tink. Tuh-tink. Tink.
“Where’d you learn that?” He walks around the corner a few minutes later, a key ring swinging on his finger.
You twist around on the piano bench. “Huh?”
“That tune, it’s nice.”
You stand up to follow him out the front door. “I have no idea. It’s been stuck in my head since yesterday.” You laugh. “I see you found the keys.”
“Yeah, sorry.” He chuckles. “I realized probably a minute before you came to find me. But everything else should be in the garage already.”
He takes your hand as you all but hop down the stairs, excited for the trip. You hadn’t been four-wheeling since you were a little kid, but it was always accompanied by great memories.
It doesn’t take long to find the ATVs, and then you’re pulling helmets down from where they sat on a shelf in a neat row.
“How do you tell what size it is?” Jake inspects the helmet in his hands, trying to find an indicator somewhere.
“I dunno. I think you just try it on and if it fits then that’s the one you wear.” He clicks his tongue at your very obvious explanation, “I just mean- is it supposed to fit a certain way? I don’t want us to die out here or something-“
You laugh, cutting off his rambling, and take the helmet from his hands, placing it on his head. It doesn’t even make it past his hair. “This one’s a definite no.”
Switching it out with another one on the shelf, you hand him another, “Try this one.”
“Damn.” This one makes it further, but again, doesn’t fit over his head. “Maybe if you didn’t have such a big ego we could find something…” You turn back to the shelf, missing his jaw drop open.
He keeps the reaction on his face until you turn back around, “What?” You ask innocently.
“I can’t believe you would say something like that.” He clutches his chest, faking offense. You just put the third helmet on his head, giving him a satisfied smile when you finally find one that fits correctly.
“There! Now we can go.”
The trails are well maintained in the area around the cabin- it’s only when you get further toward where you think there’s a lake that they start to get muddier.
That’s where the trouble starts.
He’d insisted on taking the lead, and you’d agreed, secretly because then if you got lost you wouldn’t be blamed.
And then the puddles started appearing. He’d mostly avoided the first couple of smaller puddles, but then you turn a corner, and there’s a massive one covering almost the entire trail.
You can practically see the thought forming in his mind, despite you being twenty feet away from him and looking at the back of his head. You’d anticipated that he would do it- but you hadn’t expected how large of a splash the puddle would create.
Neither of you did, you can tell by the way he stops to look at you with wide eyes when you emerge from the other side almost completely covered in mud. He’s already sputtering apologies when you pull up next to him and cut your engine.
“It’s okay.” You say with a calm smile.
“Are you sure?”
“Mmhmm. Come give me a kiss.” You say, motioning him closer. “No thanks.”
“Jake.” You’re still smiling, “Come on.” You jump off your ATV and run up to him, pulling him tightly against your mud-covered body. He groans, “Okay. I guess I deserved that.”
“I just love you so much.” You brush your hand gently over his face, effectively spreading a dark streak across his cheek.
“Really?” He looks up at you, trying not to smile. You decide he’s had enough, and lean closer to him again, this time to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him.
He honestly doesn’t even mind the mud now that your lips are on his.
You spend a few more minutes stopped, and then you’re heading back to your own four-wheeler to continue on. When you start the ignition, you notice the gas meter, and immediately turn it off, looking at where Jake was still standing near you with a thin expression on your face.
“It’s almost out of fuel.” You deadpan.
“We probably should’ve checked that before we left.” You stare at each other for a few moments before bursting out into laughter. “Yeah probably!”
“Sometimes it’s a miracle we’re able to get anything done when we’re with each other.” He looks up, trying to figure out what to do. “Well I still have plenty. Let’s just come back for it.”
You cock an eyebrow. “Like, leave it here?”
“Uh, yeah.” He says obviously. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, we haven’t seen a single person out here all day.”
You purse your lips. “Famous last words. What if we forget where it is?” You know what his answer will be before you see the smirk come onto his face.
“I have a great memory. And-“ You finish his sentence- it’s one he says often, “-an even greater sense of direction.”
It’s your turn to smirk at the expression that crosses his face. You pat his cheek as you pass him, walking over to climb on the back of his ATV. “Saddle up, cowboy.” You say, patting the seat.
He pulls a face at your exaggerated accent but humors you with a laugh anyway. “Hmm. That was… interesting.”
“Okay so that one didn’t land, I can think of another. Hmm- ride with me- ride me- something about a horse…” He climbs on in front of you, and as soon as he’s settled you wrap your arms around him, leaning your head on his back as much as your helmet will allow. “It’s okay, babe. Don’t hurt yourself.”
“I’ll get it eventually.” You insist, and he hums in response.
You regret your decision to listen to him when he takes it upon himself to hit every single puddle. He can’t help it- with each splash of mud up from the wheels, you laugh, and god, he can’t get enough of your laugh, so really, it’s your fault he keeps doing it.
You’re encouraging him.
Eventually the fun wears out, and he slows down, a stark contrast to the speed he’d been going earlier to try and get more laughs out of you.
With the slower speed, you’re able to see more of the forest, turning the ride into a leisurely, sight-seeing experience. It’s a gorgeous forest, and the brochure had been right, there weren’t any other cabins in the area.
You drive a few laps around the lake, taking in the fresh air, and the glittering water, and your boyfriend’s cologne mixed with the smell of dirt. You can feel his muscles tense under his hoodie as he controls the handlebars.
The two of you spend a couple more hours in the forest, switching between riding around and sitting on random landmarks, talking, and laughing, just like you were back in college- almost ten years ago.
A lot had changed since then, your careers, going back and forth between long distance, finally being able to move in together, and practically every other aspect of your relationship- but he was your constant, your biggest supporter, your best friend; and you knew that would never change.
He’d been right, this time- you’re able to find the ATV when you come back for it, and you have just enough gas to make it back to the cabin- where you take a long, long shower.
Taglist: @lucianaasf @oliviah-25 @littlebadariell @averyhotchner @dempy @rosie-posie08 @shadeds-library @icemansgirl1999 @rach7318 @call-sign-hurricane @anya7802 @lelapine @atarmychick007 @poppet05 @fanboyluvr @maellem @blahblechblah @persephonesportal @choochoo284 @teti-menchon0604 @hopefulinlove @phoenix1389 @cycbaby @seasidh @nonsensical-nonce @dracosluvbot @army24--7 @unordinare @xoxabs88xox @alexxavicry @Itsyogurl19 @toocoldoutsideforyou @double-j @imwaytootires @mak-32 @the-navistar-carol
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wheretheyrot · 5 months
A thing about missing bad people
Good versions of shitty people still exist in my head.
Somewhere in there, there's still a blonde boy who likes drawing, and we're laying on his trampoline, face towards the setting sun.
It's late summer, and I'm covered in mosquito bites and he in grass stains. Our hair smells of chlorine, and we're scared to grow up.
He tells me he doesn't think his step-father likes him very much, we watch the man in question slam his truck door and scream for us. I agree.
Then we're in a bakery, it's cold and our noses are red like Rudolph's. We're warming our hands in the warm, delicious air, and in my fist is a handful of loonies to but two frosted cinnamon buns. He's my best friend.
I would come out to him a month later, and he'd drop me, but sometimes we're still on that trampoline.
And there's a boy with fried hair, and we're laughing under the covers late at nigh.
3:00 a.m. blinks brightly from my phone, and my eyes sting with exhaustion that I'll feel tomorrow morning. His voice is laggy through the speaker, and every few seconds I pause, listening for my mother.
Next, we're on call, he's in his bathroom putting on various ugly wigs. I'm cackling as he pretends to be a white lady named Susan, complaining about brunch tomorrow.
I loved him, but not enough to let him keep hurting me, but sometimes he's still Susan.
There's still a girl driving an ATV, revving the thing up as fast as it goes, and my arms are spread wide as we speed through a field.
I tell her it feels like flying, and she laughs and agrees. Back then, we were the only fat girls in the whole 8th grade, but we had each other.
She hasn't called me slurs yet, and we both say the other is beautiful. I smack a boy for her, she shows me her pets.
Ignorance and bigotry is a sad, dangerous weapon that took he away, but sometimes we're still on that ATV.
At last, there's still the boys I grew up with. Caked in dirt, laughing, chasing after me, playing hide and seek in the woods behind school.
They still walk with me to classes, poking me mid-test to tell me a joke, scaring me during lockdowns. We are inseparable, and I don't yet have curves and they don't yet have deep voices and face hair.
Sometimes when I'm sad, or lonely, or tired, I go visit those versions, just for a moment.
They aren't real anymore, but I like to think my memories are little pockets of alternate realities or timelines where things stay the same forever, and the sun still makes me warm.
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rickgentle · 5 months
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ivykim · 2 years
ride or die(?)
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masterlist // wattpad
summary: a day filled with fun activities and crazy adventures. join enhypen as they go ATV riding and even paragliding.
ivy’s outfit: morning | paragliding (let's pretend it's like what the boys are wearing)
NOTE: this is episode 5 to so so fun. oh and I’ve included more sunoo and ivy moments here🥺
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— everyone likes ATV
back when enhypen were discussing on their trip, the staff had made them choose what they would like to do in Danyang.
ivy gasps.
"ATV! i've always wanted to try it." as she scans the list, she notices paragliding.
"noona, do you want to try-" jake was cut off short.
it cuts to a short clip of her in the paragliding uniform pacing back and forth trying to calm her nerves down.
[back to the present]
ENHYPEN sets off their journey by entering the bus. each one of them settles down. ivy settles down on a solo seat in front of jay. they enjoyed their time watching the trees and the view as they sang in the bus.
"noona, are you okay?" jungwon asks.
"yeah, just feeling sleepy that's all."
"you and heeseung hyung slept the most. how are you still tired."
"it's a hot day. it makes you drowsy." ivy pouts. jay holds out to reach for her hand and squeezes it lightly.
"jake, there are boats over there!" sunghoon points out.
it causes an uproar in the bus as they discussed that the location was the right place for fishing and not where their accommodation was.
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finally, they had arrived at the ATV area. the lady instructs them to put on their helmets and choose the ATVs that they wanted to settle down on.
sunoo places on his helmet. when he spins around to face ivy, he notices that her helmet was too big for her. it covers her whole face once it falls. he laughs.
“noona, let me help pick a helmet out for you.” sunoo says. sunoo helps to pick out one that suits and matches her outfit. after helping her strap her helmet on, the both of them went to choose their ATVs.
“sunoo, sit next to me.” ivy says while pointing to the ATV beside her. he smiles.
“okay noona.” sunoo runs over to the ATV.
ENHYPEN listens carefully to the instructions and once they got it, they were on their way. the breeze passes through. ivy enjoys it.
“heeseung!” ivy smiles. heeseung chuckles.
“it must be really fun for you, vivi.”
“it’s really fun!! but i feel like you can accidentally eat a fly while driving.” ivy mentions. jake laughs.
[the speed they were feeling ≠ to the actual speed they were going at]
"woahhh a waterfall!!" heeseung points out. everyone looks over at it. it truly was beautiful.
however, they didn't have time to stop. they had to continue forward. which meant, they couldn't retrieve jungwon's camera that fell off.
"LET'S GAURRRR." ivy shouts out.
"YOIIII." jungwon yells. sunoo laughs.
they finally completed their lap and arrived back at the start point of the ATV place. each of them talked about how fun it was.
"noona, how was it?" sunghoon asks.
"it was fun! i almost lost the bracelet jay bought for me though." ivy waves the bracelet around.
"ayyy that the friendship bracelet or a matching couple set? i saw jay having it too." sunghoon teases.
"it was on sale and i knew ivy noona would like it!" jay grumbles.
"okay okay. time for paragliding." ivy pushes them to the bus.
"already regretting this." sunghoon groans.
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the bus drives higher and higher into the mountain. the more it goes up, the more ivy's anxiety reaches through the roof.
"i suddenly changed my mind, i wanna do this." jay says. her eyes widened.
"noona, do you wanna do it?"
"heh, it was nice knowing you guys. i love you guys, i could've never thought i'd actually pass I-LAND and debuting with you guys but thank you for making these 1 and half year amazing for me-"
"noona, we will be with you and we know you can do it. you're extremely brave!" sunoo says.
"sun, thank you." ivy pouts.
they arrived at the top and got off the bus. they went to the place the would be jumping later on.
"oh my god." ivy gawks at the view and fall. "that's insane...we are going to glide all the way down?"
"yes, we are." jungwon says. ENHYPEN were speechless.
[let's listen to the safety instructions first!]
ENHYPEN entered the waiting area to get their gear and learn some safety instructions. the lady comes out with things to sign.
"so i can back out?" ivy says.
"noona, if you don't do it. ENHYPEN won't be completed." ni-ki pouts.
"but i-" she notices the puppy eyes the boys were giving her. "fine, i'll go." she signs the paper. after learning about what they had to do, ENHYPEN were geared up and in their paragliding outfit.
"wait, how long have you been flying for?" ivy asks the lady guide. she smiles while helping her put on her gear.
"5 years now."
"so you've stayed in danyang for?"
"all my life, i did paragliding at 20 and the adrenaline made me want to continue flying."
"is it scary, unnie." ivy says. the guide laughs.
"not at all, take it as a slow ride. hmm, like you're floating. the only extreme part is when we are turning. it will feel like you're taking a rollercoaster."
ivy nods but her soul had already left her body.
they noticed how a kid went before them.
"wah, if a child can do it...i should be able to do it too." ivy says.
"that's the spirit." her guide says.
jake goes first.
"i'm off!!" jake says.
"jaeyun, if you do well...i'll reward you with something later back at the place!!" ivy yells. jake's eyes widened.
"THEN I MUST DO IT." he says determined. jake sets off.
"do we get rewards too if we do well?" jay asks.
"yeah." ivy says. jay smirks.
"then i'm going next!!" ni-ki says.
each of the boys go until it was just ivy left.
"you're next." the guide says.
"i can do it right, unnie?"
"of course." ivy breathes in and out.
"okay, let's go."
"don't stop running until i say so." the guide tells her. she starts running and tries to fight the wind.
finally, she was in the air. she looks around, it was truly pretty.
"so how does it feel?" the guide interviews her.
"it's pretty but i feel numb."
"it will pass, that's just how it is. then adrenaline will take over." the guide says. ivy nods, she quietly enjoys the view. after a couple of minutes, the guide plots something.
"ready to do a trick?"
"will it be scary?"
"if it's too scary, you can shut your eyes but you won't be able to enjoy the view while we do the trick."
"then i'll open my eyes."
the guide starts tilting the wing, ivy yells when she feels them tilting. they nearly do a flip.
"woahhh that looks scary." heeseung says. the boys had landed minutes before so they were just watching ivy.
ivy lands safely onto the ground. jungwon runs up to ivy.
"noona, are you okay?"
"yeah, perfectly fine. i feel like puking though."
jungwon pats her back.
"it's almost night, we still need to get some groceries." jay says.
"ah right, for the party."
"i really don't feel good right now. i might need to go back first." ivy says.
"alright, then how about we send noona first and then we go grocery shopping for our dinner." sunoo says.
everyone agrees and so they sent ivy home. heeseung and jake stays. the others went to help with grocery shopping.
"are you better, vivi?" heeseung asks. ivy shook her head.
"still feel like puking." heeseung pecks her forehead. jake rubs her back.
"did you eat something wrong before we did the paragliding, love?" jake questions.
"not too sure. the only thing i ate was the curry but that tasted great."
"how about you go lie down?" heeseung suggests.
"nooo i wanna be with my boyfriends."
"we'll be beside you, babe." heeseung smiles.
the grocery team comes back an hour or so and they went to place the stuff in the kitchen. jake and heeseung laid down on the couch. ivy was still asleep so sunghoon goes to check up on her.
he lightly pecks her forehead and shakes her lightly to get her to wake up. ivy hums.
"we have a reality show to film, jagi." sunghoon whispers. ivy grabs sunghoon's hand. she snuggles against it.
"will you stay in bed with me, if i ask you to?" ivy groggily says. sunghoon smirks.
"do you want to makeout or something? do you miss your little hoonie?" sunghoon teases. ivy jolts out of bed. she smacks sunghoon.
"not when we have a reality show to film."
"well that got you out of bed at least." sunghoon ruffles ivy's hair. "i'm kidding though. i'll only makeout with you, if we are truly alone."
ivy shoves sunghoon while whining.
"can you not, hoon!" he laughs.
"i'll go downstairs now. take your time, we need you looking like a princess." sunghoon pecks her cheek.
"wait." ivy says. sunghoon pauses and turns to her. "i love you."
sunghoon smiles, "i love you too."
and with ivy getting ready, the boys start setting up for their little party. jay gets ready the food, jungwon sets up the plate, jake, sunghoon and sunoo set up the decorations (with the help of ni-ki too)
heeseung goes to make sure ivy is alright before he goes to put on his own outfit. slowly each of them changed into their own outfits. once they were done, they surrounded the table downstairs.
"this feels like a team dinner." jungwon mentions.
"in that case, where is boss ivy?" heeseung asks.
the camera shows ivy slowly walking down the stairs, the shocked faces of the boys.
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bloggingainee · 1 year
𝐴 𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑢𝑡 𝑆𝑢𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑀𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑐
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Does sunset have a power that heals every person who's watching it? I've always been fascinated whenever I am seeing sunsets. It makes me feel peaceful and It wipes away all of my problems for a mean time.
I began to appreciate sunset after the pandemic because I am able to go outside already, and when I saw these, I felt fascinated.
Sunsets do have different colors, Indigo, Magenta, Orange, Purple, Red, Violet and Yellow. Do you guys know what is my favorite? the purple one.
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Purple sunsets always make me feel "kilig". I've always wanted to watch these breathtaking purple sunset with someone that I love while listening to my favorite artist, Taylor swift. I guess listening to "lover" while watching sunset is not that cheesy, right?.
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Taylor Swift has always been my favorite artist since I was young. I remembered that I am shouting really hard while singing "Back to December" as if I am brokenhearted. I love her music so much that I guess she doesn't have a bad song; all of them are masterpieces. 
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Taylor Swift was born on December 13, 1989. We really are soulmates because I was born December 12 jk. At the age 14, she already signed a publishing deal with Sony/ATV. In 2006 she signed with Big machine records and she scored her first Top 40 hit with “Tim McGraw.” 
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sunset at the beach are always 10000/10
I realized while writing this blog that I have a lot of pictures of sunsets on my gallery. I love taking pictures of these, even if I am eating, watching, studying or doing house chores. I can set aside anything I am doing for sunset. It is really my medicine after a long tiring day, all I can feel is happiness. It is the only ending I am accepting, it's a beautiful ending that I can watch again and again without getting tired. I would like to end my day with sunset.
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I would like to recommend my favorite song of Taylor Swift which is "cardigan". Her songs are always relatable and I feel so relate with this song especially with the lyrics "When you are young they assume you know nothing". Some of the people right now think that when you are still young you don't know any single idea that is happening around you.
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"Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully." - Kirsten Butler. Kristen Butler is right, I think I can apply this quote in my life, but it can only end beautifully if I chose the right things to do throughout the day. Life is always about choices, Every decision we make, no matter how small or large, it has an impact on our lives and determines how our future years will unfold. It's simple, the better choices you make today, the better your chances of living a happy life are.
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tuggerahlakes · 3 days
Exploring the Benefits of 4x4 Rubber Tracks
4x4 rubber tracks are an essential component for various vehicles, especially those designed for off-road use. These tracks offer significant advantages over traditional tires, making them a popular choice among enthusiasts and professionals who require superior performance in challenging conditions. This article explores the key benefits of 4x4 rubber tracks, highlighting why they are a valuable investment for your off-road adventures.
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Enhanced Traction and Stability
One of the primary benefits of 4x4 rubber tracks is their exceptional traction. Unlike conventional tires, which can struggle in loose, muddy, or uneven terrain, rubber tracks provide a larger surface area in contact with the ground. This increased surface contact helps distribute the vehicle’s weight more evenly, reducing the risk of getting stuck. The design of rubber tracks allows for better grip on slippery surfaces, improving stability and control, which is crucial when navigating through rugged landscapes.
Reduced Ground Pressure
Another advantage of 4x4 rubber tracks is their ability to reduce ground pressure. Traditional tires exert more pressure on the ground due to their smaller surface area, which can lead to soil compaction and damage to sensitive terrains. Rubber tracks, on the other hand, spread the vehicle’s weight over a larger area, minimizing ground pressure. This is particularly beneficial in soft or delicate environments, such as wetlands or snow-covered ground, where reducing ground pressure helps prevent environmental damage and improves maneuverability.
Improved Durability and Longevity
4x4 rubber tracks are designed to withstand harsh conditions, making them highly durable. Constructed from high-quality rubber and reinforced materials, these tracks are resistant to wear and tear, even in the most demanding environments. Unlike tires, which can suffer from punctures or sidewall damage, rubber tracks are less prone to such issues, ensuring a longer service life. This durability translates into fewer maintenance costs and less downtime, providing a reliable solution for those who rely on their vehicles for heavy-duty tasks.
Superior Performance in Snow and Mud
For those who frequently encounter snow or muddy conditions, 4x4 rubber tracks offer superior performance. The continuous tread design of rubber tracks provides consistent traction, preventing the vehicle from slipping or bogging down. In snowy or muddy conditions, the ability of rubber tracks to maintain grip and propulsion is invaluable. This performance enhancement is particularly useful for activities such as winter sports, agricultural work, or rescue operations where reliable traction is essential.
Reduced Vibration and Noise
Rubber tracks also contribute to a smoother and quieter ride compared to traditional tires. The design of rubber tracks helps absorb shocks and vibrations, resulting in a more comfortable driving experience. This reduction in vibration is beneficial not only for the driver and passengers but also for the vehicle itself, as it can help reduce wear on other components. Additionally, the quieter operation of rubber tracks makes them ideal for situations where noise reduction is a priority, such as in wildlife areas or residential settings.
Versatility and Adaptability
One of the standout features of 4x4 Suspension Australia is their versatility. They can be used on a wide range of vehicles, including ATVs, UTVs, and specialized off-road machines. This adaptability makes rubber tracks a flexible solution for various applications, from recreational activities to professional use. Whether you’re tackling challenging terrains or working in demanding environments, 4x4 rubber tracks can enhance your vehicle’s performance and reliability.
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alisonwoood · 12 days
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Enhance Your Ride: Top Powersports Wheel Alignment Tools by QuickTrick
For powersports enthusiasts, the thrill of hitting the trails or tracks is unparalleled. Whether you’re conquering rugged terrain on an ATV or cruising along scenic roads on a UTV, a well-aligned vehicle is crucial for optimal performance, safety, and tire longevity. Wheel alignment ensures that your tires are tracking correctly, preventing uneven wear and maximizing your vehicle’s handling capabilities.
QuickTrick: Your Trusted Partner for Powersports Alignment Tools
When it comes to precision wheel alignment tools for powersports vehicles, QuickTrick stands out as a leading innovator. Their commitment to quality, affordability, and ease of use has made them a preferred choice among professionals and enthusiasts alike. QuickTrick offers a range of comprehensive alignment kits designed to cater to various powersports vehicles, including ATVs, UTVs, side-by-sides, and golf carts.
QuickTrick’s Top-Tier Alignment Kits
NEW ATV SXS Powersports 5th Gen QUICKSTRING — 4-Wheel Alignment System
This advanced system allows you to check caster, camber, toe, and thrust angle in one convenient kit.
Designed for compatibility with offset tires and varied track widths.
Offers exceptional accuracy and ease of use.
Includes essential components such as caster/camber verticals, toe bars, a digital gauge, attachment pins, and a carrying case.
For a quick video tutorial, check out this video. Aligning your ATV/UTV with this QuickTrick kit is easy and simple.
ATV, UTV, Side by Side, Golf Cart Alignment Kit
Specifically designed for off-road vehicles with customizable rim sizes. Includes everything you need for a DIY alignment, including vertical frames, toe bars, attachment pins, tape measures, and bungee cords.
Provides a cost-effective solution for maintaining your vehicle’s alignment.
Powersports All in One Service Center Kit
A comprehensive kit that includes multiple frame sets, toe bars, attachment pins, tape measures, bungee cords, a digital camber gauge, and a carrying case.
Ideal for professional shops and enthusiasts who frequently perform alignments on a variety of powersports vehicles.
Benefits of Using QuickTrick Alignment Tools
Precision and Accuracy: QuickTrick tools are designed to deliver highly accurate measurements, ensuring that your vehicle’s wheels are aligned correctly.
Ease of Use: The kits are user-friendly, with clear instructions and intuitive designs, making it easy for anyone to perform alignments.
Versatility: QuickTrick offers a range of kits to accommodate different vehicle types and wheel sizes, providing flexibility for various applications.
Durability: Built to last, QuickTrick tools are constructed from high-quality materials, ensuring long-term durability and performance.
Cost-Effective: By performing alignments yourself, you can save money on expensive shop visits and extend the life of your tires.
Investing in a quality wheel alignment tool is essential for maintaining the performance, safety, and longevity of your powersports vehicle.
QuickTrick is the leading innovator in portable wheel alignment solutions. Made in the USA, we prioritize quality, affordability, and constant development to keep alignment simple and accessible.
QuickTrick’s commitment to accuracy goes beyond convenience. All QuickTrick Alignment Kits are 3rd party tested for precision, ensuring you can rely on measurements.
No wonder these kits are trusted by professionals and amateurs, Powersports service shops, military, business fleets, custom and hot-rod shops and more. From rugged trails to the driveway, QuickTrick tools empower professionals, enthusiasts, and DIYers to achieve perfect vehicle wheel alignment, anywhere.
By using the QuickTrick Wheel Alignment Kits, you can ensure that your powersports vehicle is always handling at its best, providing you with a more enjoyable and satisfying riding experience.
Visit the website to order one today!
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alaska-adventurer · 28 days
Big Lake RV Camping: ATV Trails and Off-Road Adventures
Big Lake is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, blending serene lake views with thrilling off-road adventures. If you’re a fan of RV camping and off-roading, this destination offers the perfect combination of relaxation and excitement. Here’s a guide to making the most of your Big Lake RV camping experience, with a special focus on ATV trails and off-road activities.
Why Choose Big Lake for RV Camping?
Big Lake is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and well-equipped RV camping facilities. Nestled in the heart of Alaska, this location provides a fantastic backdrop of mountains and forests, making it a prime spot for outdoor recreation. The RV parks in the area offer a range of amenities, including full hookups, clean restrooms, and access to local trails. Whether you’re looking to relax by the lake or hit the trails, Big Lake has something for everyone.
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ATV Trails: An Off-Road Enthusiast’s Dream
For those who thrive on adventure, Big Lake’s ATV trails are a major highlight. The area boasts numerous trails that cater to all skill levels, from beginners to experienced riders. Here are some top trails to explore:
Big Lake Trail System This comprehensive trail network offers a variety of routes, including scenic loops and more challenging paths. Riders can enjoy breathtaking views of the lake and surrounding landscapes, making it a great choice for a day of exploration.
Alaska Mountain Trail Known for its rugged terrain and stunning vistas, this trail is perfect for those seeking a more challenging off-road experience. The Alaska Mountain Trail provides an adrenaline-pumping ride with panoramic views of the mountains and valleys.
Forest Loop Trail Ideal for families and less experienced riders, the Forest Loop Trail features gentle slopes and beautiful forest scenery.
Preparing for Your ATV Adventure
Before hitting the trails, make sure you’re well-prepared. Here are a few tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable off-road experience:
Check Your Equipment Ensure your ATV is in good working condition. Check the tires, brakes, and fluids before setting out. 
Know the Trails Develop familiarity with the trail maps and know the difficulty levels of the trails you plan to explore. It’s also a good idea to check for any trail closures or restrictions.
Pack Essentials Bring along essential gear, including a helmet, gloves, and protective clothing. Don’t forget to pack plenty of water, snacks, and a first-aid kit.
Respect Nature Follow the Leave No Trace principles to minimize your impact on the environment. Stick to designated trails and avoid disturbing wildlife.
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Additional Activities and Attractions
While ATV trails are a major draw, Big Lake offers plenty of other activities to enhance your camping experience. Consider exploring:
FishingLake is known for its excellent fishing opportunities. Bring your rod and reel to catch a variety of fish species, including trout and salmon.
Hiking trails around the Big Lake provide opportunities for scenic walks and wildlife spotting. The trails vary in difficulty, so there’s something for every level of hiker.
BoatingClear waters of Big Lake are perfect for boating. Whether you’re interested in a leisurely paddle or a faster-paced motorboat adventure, the lake offers a great way to enjoy the outdoors.
So pack your gear, hit the trails, and enjoy everything Big Lake has to offer!
Discover more:
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