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[pt: AShAB ! end pt.]
AShAB ; a neoagab for assigned shapeshifter at birth.
[id: a rectangular flag with four equal horizontal stripes. from top to bottom, the colors are: black, purple, muted magenta, light red-grey. end id.]
etymology : A(ssigned) + Sh(apeshifter) + A(t) + B(irth)
requested by : anon :3
#AShAB#neoagab#mogai#mogai flag#ithriels terms#mogai coining#ithriels flags#dreams and inner visions ; coining#rays of light ; requests
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"Ashâb-ı kirâmdan biri evine girdiğinde hanımı ona derhâl şu iki suâli tevcih ederdi:
1- Bugün Kur'ândan kaç âyet nâzil oldu?
2- Allah Rasûlü'nün hadislerinden ne kadar ezberledin? Ezberlemiş olduğun kadarını hemen bana da aktarmanı istiyorum!
Sahâbî, evinden çıkacağı zaman da hanımı ona; «-Allah'tan kork; haram kazanma! Zira biz dünyada açlığa sabrederiz, fakat kıyamet gününde cehennem azâbına sabredemeyiz!..» diye nasihatte bulunurdu."
Abdülhamid Keşk, Fî Rihâbi't-Tefsîr
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Muhabir: Amerika ile savaşırsanız yenilecek ve halkınıza daha fazla acı çektirmeyecek misiniz?
Molla Ömer: Bu yolun bir dönüşü olmayacak. Allah’a tevekkül dışında yapabileceğimiz bir şey yok. Kim bunu başarırsa; Allah’ın yardımını, rahmetini ve ondan gelecek zaferi elde eder.
#muslim#islam#ashab#müslüman#kuran#ümmet#free palestine#gaza#gazze#Filistin#Abdullah azzam#usame#11 Eylül
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The Shadow of the TTT and Other Updates
I might as well end up the month with one more post about one of New Eden’s biggest stories this month, the collapse of the Tranquility Trading Consortium and the destruction of the Tranquility Trading Tower Keepstar in Perimeter. For those wishing to catch up on the story so far: June 14 – New Keepstars and Sotiyos Banned from High Sec Space June 15 – The Imperium Withdraws from the Tranquility…
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#Ashab e #Suffa Kon Thay? #ifollowGoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #GoharShahi #YounusAlgohar #sufism #Madinah #Muhammad Click: https://youtu.be/c9b1yKYpMKc #Watch #ALRATV #Live at 4:00 AM IST. #WhatsApp For #Spiritual #Heart activation +447401855568 & for #Questions +447472540642 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoP96qLtHlv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#Ashab e #Suffa Kon Thay? #ifollowGoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #GoharShahi #YounusAlgohar #sufism #Madinah #Muhammad Click: https://youtu.be/c9b1yKYpMKc #Watch #ALRATV #Live at 4:00 AM IST. #WhatsApp For #Spiritual #Heart activation +447401855568 & for #Questions +447472540642 (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPzED_vdKm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"Cahiliye enkazı üzerindeki hayattan göklerin medeniyetine irtifa edişleri tarihe heyecan verdi. Ölüler gibi dolaştıkları çöl topraklarında hayat dağıttılar."
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Hz. Adem ve yedi uyurlar ile ilgili sorduğum sorunun yanıtını üzerimdeki oblomovluk yüzünden geciktirdim afedersiniz😊
Arkadaşlar tek tek yazmak istemiyorum kendiniz araştırsanız daha iyi olur. Yorumdaki arkadaşlar Azerbaycan/Nahçıvan ve Mersin/Tarsusu yazmışlardı ikiside doğru fakat eksik, yedi uyurlar mağarası tam 33 ayrı yerde var hatta diyarbakır da olduğu da iddia edilmişti😊 Ademin mezarı da o kadar çok olmasa da benim bildiğim 6-7 farklı yerde var birinde havva ile yan yana ve bunlara kafileler halinde ziyaretler düzenleniyor milletin paraları söğüşleniyor, yazık! kabe ile ilgili de benzer durum söz konusu belki birgün kabe yayını da gelir.
İşte inanç üzerinden insanlar nasıl kekleniyor, paraları nasıl cebellezi ediliyor bilin de kandırılmayın istiyorum. Körü körüne inanmak yerine inancınızı bilerek yaşarsanız daha sağlıklı olur!
Sevgiler, saygılar, esenlikler dilerim☕🍀💛🕊️🖤
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Ahmed Mater, Crisis, 2015,
From the series: Ashab Al-Lal/ Fault Mirage: A Thousand Lost Years,
Wood slide viewer with glass slide,
Courtesy of the Artist and Athr
#human rights#humanity#freedom#photography#art#dictatorship#democracynow#saudi arabia#mirage#consumerism#ahmed mater#crisis#climate crisis#fault mirage#lost years#athr#ashab al-lal#middle east
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Şimdi benim yorgun ruhuma,
bir Ashab-ı Kehf uykusu lazım…
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''Ömer b. Hattâb (radıyallahu anh), Medine’de insanlara yemek ikram etmişti. Elinde asâ olduğu halde yemek yiyenlerin etrafında dolaşıyordu. Sol eliyle yemek yiyen bir adama uğradı.
Hz. Ömer (radıyallahu anh): “Ey Allah’ın kulu, sağ elinle ye!” dedi. Adam: “Ey Allah’ın kulu, sağ elim meşgul” dedi.
Bir müddet geçti, sonra Hz. Ömer (radıyallahu anh) ona tekrar uğradı, adam sol eliyle yemek yemeye devam ediyordu.
Hz. Ömer (radıyallahu anh): “Ey Allah’ın kulu, sağ elinle ye!” dedi. Adam: “Ey Allah’ın kulu, sağ elim meşgul” dedi. Bu, üç defa tekrar etti.
Bunun üzerine Hz. Ömer (radıyallahu anh): “Neyle meşgul?” diye sordu. Adam: “Mûte savaşında sağ elim koptu” dedi.
Bu cevap üzerine Hz. Ömer (radıyallahu anh) onun yanına oturdu: “Sana kim abdest aldırıyor? Senin başını ve elbiselerini kim yıkıyor? Şu işini kim yapıyor?” diyerek ağlamaya başladı. Sonra ona hizmet��i, binek, yemek, nafaka ve onun işine yarayacak şeyler verilmesini emretti.
Bunu gören Hz. Peygamber’in ashabı, insanlara karşı şefkatini ve Müslümanların işlerine göstermiş olduğu ihtimamı gördükleri Hz. Ömer’e (radıyallahu anh) yüksek sesle dua etmeye başladılar.''
Muhammed b. Hasan, el-Âsâr
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Resûlullah’ın ﷺ hakkında “O tek bir ümmet olarak diriltilecektir” buyurduğu Zeyd bin Amr, cahiliye devrinde Kureyş’in putlarından teberri etmiş “Ey İbrahim’in ilahı! Benim dinim İbrahim’in dinidir” diyerek Haniflerden olmuştur. [Nesai, Menakıb 13]
Kendisinin Mekke’ye girişi yasaklandığı için Hira’da kalır, zaman zaman gizlice şehre girerek insanları uyarır ve “Ben sizin aranızda kendimden başka İbrahim’in (a.s) dini üzere olan birini görmüyorum” derdi. [Buhâri]
Allah’a nasıl ibadet edileceğini bilmediği için Kâbe’ye döner, elleri üzere yere kapanır ve “Allah’ım! Sana nasıl ibadet edeceğimi bilmiyorum, bilsem öylece ibadet ederdim” derdi. [İbn Hacer, el-İşabe 1, 569]
Nübüvvetten sonra Zeyd’in oğlu Said (r.a) Resûlullah’ın ﷺ yanına gelerek “Babam size erişebilse iman ederdi, onun için istiğfar eder misiniz?” dedi. Bunun üzerine Allah Resûlü ﷺ şöyle buyurdu: “Onun için istiğfar edeceğim, o tek başına bir ümmet olarak haşredilecektir.” [Müsned 1, 189]
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Taboot e Sakina: Unveiling Divine Tranquility Through Time and History
The concept of divine tranquility, or Sakina, is a force that Allah bestows upon His chosen servants, transcending time and scripture. Across multiple religious traditions, this divine peace has manifested in both physical and spiritual forms. The sacred chest known as the Taboot e Sakina, referenced in ancient texts, including the Quran, holds profound significance for its ability to deliver divine calm. In Islamic history, the role of Sakina reaches its fullest expression through the figures of Ahl al-Bayt, particularly Bibi Sakina bint Hussain (AS), who embodied the essence of divine tranquility amidst profound suffering. This article explores the Taboot e Sakina, connecting the dots from older scriptures, the Quran, and Islamic history to demonstrate the timeless presence of Sakina as a force of divine protection.
The Sacred Taboot: A Vessel of Sakina
The Taboot e Sakina, as mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:248), was a sacred chest carried by the Israelites during moments of hardship. Containing relics of Prophet Musa (AS) and Prophet Harun (AS), this chest served as a physical vessel of Allah’s divine favor. Its presence alone brought not just moral support but an overwhelming sense of peace to believers. According to Jewish tradition, the Ark of the Covenant, synonymous with the Taboot, was believed to hold God's direct presence, and when brought into battle, it assured victory for the Israelites. As mentioned in the Old Testament:
> "And whenever the ark set out, Moses said, 'Rise up, LORD! May your enemies be scattered; may your foes flee before you.'" (Numbers 10:35, NIV)
This verse underscores the central role the Ark played as an instrument of divine power, dispersing enemies without the need for violence. Similar accounts in Jewish history describe how adversaries of the Israelites often surrendered upon seeing the Ark, understanding that fighting a divinely-favored army was futile.
In 1 Samuel 4:3, the Israelites proclaim:
> "Let us bring the Ark of the LORD’s covenant from Shiloh, so that it may go with us and save us from the hand of our enemies."
This shows the profound reliance on the physical representation of divine favor, much like the Sakina enveloping believers today.
Ashab e Kahf: A Divine Shield
The power of divine tranquility is also evident in the Quranic story of Ashab e Kahf, the Sleepers of the Cave (Surah Al-Kahf 18:9-26). Seeking refuge from persecution, these young believers found sanctuary in a cave where Allah, through His Sakina, shielded them from their enemies. They remained in peaceful slumber for centuries, preserved and protected by the divine force that transcended time itself.
This concept parallels the role of the Taboot e Sakina. While the Taboot served as a physical manifestation of divine peace, the story of Ashab e Kahf reveals how Allah’s Sakina can work directly within the lives of His chosen servants. Whether through a sacred chest or an isolated cave, the power of divine tranquility ensures the protection and preservation of the faithful.
Bibi Sakina bint Hussain (AS): The Living Embodiment of Sakina
In Islamic history, the embodiment of divine tranquility is best seen in Bibi Sakina bint Hussain (AS). Her name, "Sakina," meaning peace and serenity, is symbolic of the divine peace she carried within her. During the tragic events of Karbala and the brutal aftermath, Bibi Sakina (AS) endured profound suffering, yet she remained a source of grace, patience, and unwavering faith.
Her life was a reflection of the very essence of Sakina. Just as the Taboot e Sakina was carried into battle and ensured victory, Bibi Sakina (AS), in the face of unimaginable hardship, carried the divine calm within her. This wasn’t simply a passive form of tranquility; it was a dynamic force, a reminder that true strength and victory come from faith in Allah, not the sword.
The New Testament echoes similar ideas of divine peace guiding the faithful. In the book of Philippians 4:7 (NIV), it states:
> "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
This verse emphasizes the transcendent nature of divine tranquility that remains a shield for believers, much like the Sakina surrounding Bibi Sakina (AS).
Taboot e Sakina: A Universal Symbol of Divine Peace
The power of the Taboot e Sakina as a symbol of divine tranquility extends beyond the Islamic tradition. In the Old Testament, the Ark of the Covenant was carried before the Israelite army, not only as a marker of God's presence but also as a sign of assured victory. When presented in battle, the opposing forces would often surrender without a fight, overwhelmed by the divine presence that the Ark symbolized.
For example, in the battle with the Philistines, when they captured the Ark, they quickly realized its immense power and suffered divine plagues (1 Samuel 5:6). The Ark was returned to Israel, demonstrating its overwhelming influence on both friend and foe. Similarly, the Quran speaks of the Taboot e Sakina as something that reassured the Israelites during their battles, bringing peace and victory without conflict.
Unraveling the Mystery of Sakina
To truly grasp the depth of Sakina, one must look beyond physical symbols like the Taboot e Sakina or the Ark of the Covenant. The stories of Ashab e Kahf and Bibi Sakina (AS) demonstrate that divine tranquility is not limited to a single object or event. Sakina is a living force, a direct manifestation of Allah's protection and favor that can descend upon the believers in times of hardship, offering both physical and spiritual strength.
The enduring message of Sakina—whether carried by the Israelites in the Ark, bestowed upon the Sleepers of the Cave, or embodied in the life of Bibi Sakina (AS)—is clear: when Allah grants His divine peace, it transcends human understanding and assures protection, guidance, and victory.
Conclusion: The Eternal Power of Sakina
Through the lens of multiple religious scriptures, from the Quran to the Old and New Testaments, the power of Sakina remains a constant reminder of Allah’s divine favor. Whether manifested through the Taboot e Sakina in the heat of battle or through the enduring patience of Bibi Sakina (AS) in the face of suffering, divine tranquility has always been a force that guides and protects the faithful.
In an age of uncertainty and chaos, the story of Sakina offers profound wisdom. True peace and strength do not come from worldly power but from a deep, unwavering connection to the divine. The Taboot e Sakina, in its many manifestations throughout history, continues to serve as a symbol of the enduring presence of Allah's peace, a force that remains with the believers, guiding them through the trials of life.
The Sacred Taboot: A Vessel of Sakina
The Taboot e Sakina, as described in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:248), was a chest carried by the Israelites during their times of hardship. It contained sacred relics of Prophet Musa (AS) and Prophet Harun (AS) and was known to be a source of divine peace for the people. Whenever it was presented in battle, a miraculous phenomenon would occur: the opposing armies would often surrender without a fight, overwhelmed by the divine power and tranquility emanating from the Taboot.
This idea of the Taboot causing the other side to submit is echoed in various religious traditions. In older Jewish scriptures, the Ark of the Covenant��believed to be synonymous with the Taboot e Sakina—was carried before the Israelite armies. Its presence was enough to strike fear into their enemies, as they believed it carried the divine favor and wrath of God. Armies would lay down their arms, defeated not by human strength, but by the awe-inspiring presence of divine power.
This sacred vessel was far more than a physical object; it was a divine assurance, a beacon of Allah’s presence and favor. The Sakina it carried was an active force, dispelling fear, securing victories, and bringing peace to the hearts of believers. The power of the Taboot was such that it turned the tides of battle without bloodshed, reminding us that divine tranquility can achieve what human effort alone cannot.
Ashab e Kahf: A Tale of Divine Sakina
Another profound example of Allah’s Sakina can be found in the story of Ashab e Kahf, the Sleepers of the Cave. These young believers, seeking refuge from persecution, retreated to a cave where Allah bestowed upon them His divine protection and tranquility. The Quran (18:9-26) recounts how they were miraculously preserved for centuries, their bodies and souls shielded by Allah’s Sakina.
The story of Ashab e Kahf parallels the role of the Taboot e Sakina: both represent Allah’s intervention to protect and preserve the faithful, not just through physical means, but through divine tranquility. Sakina becomes a shield that transcends time and space, enveloping the believers in peace, regardless of external circumstances.
Bibi Sakina bint Hussain (AS): The Living Embodiment of Sakina
In the tragic events of Karbala, the concept of Sakina finds its most poignant embodiment in Bibi Sakina bint Hussain (AS). Her name itself, "Sakina," signifies peace and calm, yet her life was marked by profound suffering. Despite witnessing the brutal martyrdom of her family and enduring the horrors of captivity, Bibi Sakina (AS) remained a symbol of grace, patience, and unwavering faith.
Just as the Taboot e Sakina carried divine tranquility, Bibi Sakina (AS) embodied that same peace within herself. Her resilience and strength amidst the tragedies of Karbala were a living testament to Allah's Sakina, providing a source of comfort and hope for those around her. She stood as a living Taboot, carrying within her the divine light of Sakina, reminding us that true strength comes from faith in Allah, even in the darkest of times.
Unraveling the Mystery of Sakina
The power of Sakina, as demonstrated through the Taboot e Sakina, the story of Ashab e Kahf, and the life of Bibi Sakina (AS), is not limited to any one time or place. It is a timeless, divine force that continues to manifest wherever faith and trust in Allah exist. When Allah bestows Sakina upon His servants, it is more than just a sense of calm—it is a transformative force that brings victory without conflict, peace amidst chaos, and strength in the face of overwhelming adversity.
The lessons of Sakina teach us that divine tranquility is not passive; it is an active force that can change the course of history, as seen in the miraculous events surrounding the Taboot e Sakina and the battles in which it was presented. Similarly, the patience and endurance of Bibi Sakina (AS) remind us that the power of divine peace can sustain the believers even in the face of unimaginable hardship.
Conclusion: The Eternal Presence of Sakina
By connecting the threads of Sakina from older religious scriptures, the Quran, and the history of Ahl al-Bayt, we begin to see the full scope of its divine power. Whether through the ancient Ark that brought victories without conflict, the miraculous preservation of Ashab e Kahf, or the unwavering patience of Bibi Sakina (AS), Allah’s Sakina remains a force that transcends human understanding.
In an age of chaos and uncertainty, the story of Sakina serves as a powerful reminder that true peace comes not from worldly success, but from a deep connection with the divine. The Taboot e Sakina may have been a physical chest carried into battle, but its real power lay in the divine tranquility it represented—a force that continues to guide and protect the faithful, no matter the time or place.
#Taboot e Sakina#Divine Tranquility#Bibi Sakina#Ashab e Kahf#Ark of the Covenant#literature#artists on tumblr#pandora#pandora's vault#pandora's box#shia islam#imam ali#AhlulBayt#Islamic History#spiritual peace#Sakina in Battle#karbala#faith#resilience#Religious Relics#maula ali#shia#ya ali maddad
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#Ashab e #Suffa Kon Thay? #ifollowGoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #GoharShahi #YounusAlgohar #sufism #Madinah #Muhammad Click: https://youtu.be/c9b1yKYpMKc #Watch #ALRATV #Live at 4:00 AM IST. #WhatsApp For #Spiritual #Heart activation +447401855568 & for #Questions +447472540642 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoP92zxN9e1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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been going through my furafinity favourites over these past few weeks.
and i'm starting to believe that every scottish person's fursona is a horse, the evidence bares this out.
alternatively, every horse is sottish
#rambling text posts about dumb shit#anthros#as a broader furry tag#ashab: asigned scottish horse at birth
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